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- A class of men must be intelligent; a class of men must be strong to give protection; and a class of men must be to produce food; and a class of men, general worker. It is not caste system. Bhagavad-gita never says caste system
- A cloud is compared to a qualified person because it pours rain and gives sustenance to many people; a man who is qualified similarly gives sustenance to many living creatures, such as family members or many workers in a business
- A cloud is compared to a qualified person because it pours rain and gives sustenance to many people; a man who is qualified similarly gives sustenance to many living creatures, such as family members or many workers in business
- A man working in Krsna consciousness in a factory does not associate himself with the work of the factory, nor with the workers of the factory. He simply works for Krsna. And when he gives up the result for Krsna, he is acting transcendentally. BG 1972 p
- A remuneration or salary is always demanded by the worker. But here Krsna indicates that one can work out of a sense of duty alone, not expecting the results of his activities
- A teacher's position is always influential; so your sincere effort for kirtana may be followed by some of your students and co-workers. This means that your sincere service will be utilized more fruitfully among educated people
- A worker is simply instructed here to offer the results of his work to the Supreme Lord, but there is no information given to enable one to get out of the material entanglement. Therefore Lord Caitanya rejected his proposal
- A worker's identification with material existence cannot be changed without proper guidance. Such fruitive activity will continue one's material existence
- According to quality and work, there are four divisions of men: the brahmana, the intelligent class of men; the ksatriyas, the administrative class of men, the martial class of men; and the vaisyas, the productive class of men; & the worker class of men
- According to the different modes of material nature, men are classified in the mode of goodness (brahmanas), the mode of passion (ksatriyas), the mixed modes of passion and ignorance (vaisyas), and the mode of ignorance (sudras, or workers). BG 1972 pur
- According to Vedic principle, the sudras, they should not be given more money, the worker class
- Actually Sri Caitanya-caritamrta is not a subject matter for research workers or literary scholars. It is simply meant for those devotees who have dedicated their lives to the service of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although in every department the presence of the proprietor is felt by the worker, the physical presence of the proprietor in every department is a formality only
- Although the material causes are the place, the worker, the endeavor and the senses, the final cause is the Supreme, the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- An ordinary worker conducts business in order to earn money for his sense gratification. A devotee may perform the same work in exactly the same way, but his aim is to satisfy the Supreme Lord. Consequently his activities are not ordinary
- Any other action devoid of Krsna consciousness, is binding upon the worker, and that is the real aspect of vikarma, as explained hereinbefore
- Any other action devoid of Krsna consciousness, is binding upon the worker, and that is the real aspect of vikarma, as explained hereinbefore. BG 1972 purports
- As described in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.13), human society must be divided into four orders according to quality and work. In every society there must be an intelligent class, administrative class, productive class and worker class
- As you are an important worker there and you have so many important duties, especially to take care of the cows, it may not be possible for you to stop your work for chanting 16 rounds. This is no great loss, and you should not feel badly about it
- At the present moment, there is no intelligent class of men. All laborer, worker class of men, fourth class. No first class, second class. Therefore society is in chaotic condition. There is no brain
- At the present moment, there is only this mercantile industrialist and worker. There is no brain. How to conduct society? How to become perfect human society, how to fulfill the mission of human society, for these things, there is no brain
- Because sudras do not have ample intelligence, they should simply engage as workers to serve the higher statuses of social life
- Because they are sending sudras, ordinary workers, to Vietnam, these are unnecessarily being killed. Any country which is very proud of scientific advancement, and yet does not know how to organize its society, is a fool's society
- Being impelled by lust, an ordinary worker will work hard day and night; similarly a devotee can work hard day and night to satisfy Krsna. Just as karmis are working hard to satisfy kama-krodha, a devotee should work in the same way to satisfy Krsna
- Bhakti-rasa is a mellow different from the ordinary rasa enjoyed by mundane workers. Mundane workers labor very hard day and night in order to relish a certain kind of rasa which is understood as sense gratification
- Elsewhere in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.32) the Lord (Krsna) says: "O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth - women, vaisyas (merchants), as well as sudras (workers) - can approach the supreme destination"
- Even in communistic country, they call "classless society," but they are also creating a managerial class. They cannot do without that. They could not avoid it, managers. Why manager? Make classless society, all worker. That is not possible
- Even in socialistic country like Russia, first of all they wanted to make classless society. Later on they have made a manager class and worker class, because this is not possible
- Everyone is trying to be happy by his work. A man, ordinary worker, he is also trying to be happy by working, and a great capitalist, he is also trying to be happy by work. But Bhagavad-gita says that they are trying to be happy in what sense?
- Everyone should be expert. The leaders must be expert and the worker must be expert so that they may follow the instruction of the leader
- He (a person in Krsna consciousness) does not worry about the distress undertaken; he is always enthusiastic. He does not care for success or failure; he is equal both in distress or happiness. Such a worker is situated in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 p
- He (mundane worker) is busy all day simply so that in the evening he can look at his account books and say, "Oh, the balance had been one thousand dollars - now it has become two thousand." That is his satisfaction
- He (mundane worker) will have the same two pieces of bread and one cup of tea, even though he has increased his balance from one thousand to two thousand. And still he'll work hard. This is why karmis are called mudhas
- He (the priest) said, - No, you are mistaking. Jesus Christ is Lord. He is not one of you, like worker. No. He's Lord. So if you don't appreciate him, don't worship him, then you will go to hell
- Here (in Calcatta) also the Samkirtan Party lead by Madhudvisa Maharaj is having great success and sometimes as many as four hundred business and working men join them in chanting Hare Krishna on the streets
- I am old man of eighty years; still, I am busy. I am traveling all over the world, writing book at night, talking with visitors, and so many things. You can see. So where we are escaping? We are the most responsible worker
- I am so glad the press workers have become enlivened in their work. This is required if we at all wish to be a truly worldwide organization. Worldwide means worldwide distribution of literatures. That is the business of ISKCON Press
- I know you are a sincere, silent worker, and if it is not too much inconvenient for you, you can send me at least one letter in a fortnight. That will encourage me and I can then give you necessary instructions how to develop
- If one seriously makes a comparative study of the two gifts (of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and so-called philanthropic and humanitarian workers), certainly if he is at all sober he will give the greatest credit to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- If something is done for sense gratification or any other purpose, it will be binding upon the worker. If one wants to be freed from the reaction of his work, he must perform everything for the satisfaction of Visnu, or Yajna
- If there is still some attraction for sense gratifying activities, then the result of such activities should be offered to Krsna. This is also called engagement in the service of the Lord, with the Lord as the master and the worker as the servant
- If you agree then take it for granted that I am one of the worker of the Sri Mayapur Chaitanya Matha. I have no ambition for becoming the proprietor of any Matha but I want working facilities. I am working day and night for my Bhagwatam publication
- If your friends who are "educated and ambitious band of young workers" will agree to follow my direction, I think they can render a great service to the human society
- Ignorant of their real master, the foolish workers waste their valuable time serving mammon. Unfortunately, they never surrender to the supreme master of all masters, nor do they take time to hear of Him from the proper sources. BG 1972 purports
- In BG (9.32) Krsna says: "O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me - though they be lowborn, women, vaisyas (merchants) or sudras (workers) - can approach the supreme destination." The word papa-yoni refers to those who are less than sudras
- In Central Park, it is full of rubbish things always. You go; it is a garbage. Why? There is no worker. And on the other side we see so many young men, they are not working, simply idling time
- In comparison to mundane workers, those who are trying to be elevated to the higher planetary systems by performing yajnas are undoubtedly superior. In pure devotional service, however, both karma and jnana are considered bewildering features
- In modern democracy these scientific divisions are turned topsy-turvy, and by vote sudras, or workers, are chosen for administrative posts
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.32) the Lord says: O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth - women, vaisyas (merchants), and sudras (workers) - can attain the supreme destination
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.32) the Lord says: O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth - women, vaisyas (merchants), as well as sudras (workers) - can attain the supreme destination
- In the demoniac civilization of the present day there is no question of brahmanas or ksatriyas; there are only so-called workers and a flourishing mercantile class who have no goal in life
- In the eyes of a devotee, politicians, social workers, philanthropists, philosophers and humanitarians are simply wasting their time, for human society is not freed from the cycle of birth and death by their activity and propaganda
- In this material world, if you want to see God, God is everywhere. It is His energy. Just like in the Ford factory, the workers see in every corner Mr. Ford, similarly, those who are conversant with this science they can see in every atom the Supreme Lord
- In this verse (BG 18.19), the Lord wishes to speak about the different types of knowledge, workers, and work itself according to the three material modes. BG 1972 purports
- In various institutions install a temple for worshiping any of transcendental forms of Visnu. This will transform all the workers in these institutions into karma-yogis
- In Western countries when ordinary men - storekeepers and workers - see our devotees living and eating sumptuously and yet not working, they become very eager to know where they get the money
- It is everyone's experience that workers or servants are generally accustomed to stealing. A first-class servant is one who does not steal
- It is generally experienced that workers in big mills and factories are addicted to many abominable habits, and thus they gradually glide down to the lowest status to which a human being can descend
- It is the greatest misfortune that in India many so-called missionary workers are spreading irreligion in the name of religion. They claim an ordinary human being to be God and recommend meat-eating for everyone, including so-called sannyasis
- It is the greatest relief work for all human society, and the workers thereof are the greatest well-wishers, for they follow in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya, who is the greatest friend to all living entities
- It must be known that all these forms of happiness (within the material worlds) are temporary. Thus, the worker cannot attain to real happiness, which is permanent and transcendental
- Japan's 75% business is done in America. We are not impractical. Because there are so many workers, but they refuse - to work
- Just as in an office it is the duty of the worker to see that the proprietor or the master is satisfied, so everyone's duty is to see whether the Supreme Personality of Godhead is satisfied by one's activity
- Just as in the Ford factory the workers see Mr. Ford in every corner, those who are conversant with the science of Krsna can see Him in every atom of the creation
- Just like the theosophists, the philosophers, the theologists, the scientists, so many brain worker, they are working to discover better way of life, how to . . . How the human society should be more and more happy. So this is the work of the brahmanas
- Karl Marx. He is thinking how the laborer, the worker, their senses will be gratified. That is his philosophy
- Krsna accepts service from anyone. The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.32): "O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth - women, vaisyas (merchants), as well as sudras (workers) - can approach the supreme destination"
- Krsna is there, just like the master is there and many workers are there also. The master speaks to the important persons, not to the ordinary person. Similarly, the master is there in everyone's heart
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.32): O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me (Krsna), though they be of lower birth - women, vaisyas (merchants) and sudras (workers) - can attain the supreme destination
- Mahabharata especially was written for three classes of men. What are those? Stri, sudra, dvija-bandhu. Stri means woman, sudra means worker class, and dvija-bandhu means persons who have taken their birth in higher caste, but they're degraded
- Most factory workers and other laborers cannot maintain a good character and thus slide down to depravities. And if such derelicts increase in population, the world has no chance for a prosperous and fortunate future
- My dear Lord, by Your own potencies You are the original cause of the material elements, as well as the performing instruments (the senses), the workers of the senses (the controlling demigods), the intelligence and the ego, as well as everything else
- My dear Lord, You are the supreme controller of the worker, sense activities and results of sense activities (karma). Therefore You are the controller of the body, mind and senses. You are also the supreme controller of egotism, known as Rudra
- Nanda said, "And above all, I have a son like Krsna, who is such a powerful, wonderful worker. Therefore, even though I am a householder, I am feeling so satisfied!" This is an instance of mental endurance resulting from the absence of all distress
- Natimanita, not expecting honor, applies to the sudras, the worker class, which are considered, according to Vedic injunctions, to be the lowest of the four classes. BG 1972 purports
- Neither any sinful nor any virtuous act can bring freedom from the bondage of work, as we have explained above. On the contrary, both sinful and virtuous acts will bind the worker up in the wheel of action and reaction
- No one should consider Vasudeva Datta a mundane philanthropist or welfare worker. Nor was he interested in merging into the Brahman effulgence or in gaining material honor or reputation. He was far, far above
- None should consider Vasudeva Datta a mundane philanthropist or welfare worker. Nor was he interested in merging into Brahman or in gaining material honor or reputation. He was far, far above philanthropists, philosophers and fruitive actors
- Now after explaining knowledge, the object of knowledge and the knower, in three different divisions according to modes of material nature, the Lord is explaining the intelligence and determination of the worker in the same way. BG 1972 purports
- O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me (Krsna), though they be of lower birth - women, vaisyas (merchants) and sudras (workers) - can attain the supreme destination - BG 9.32
- One is understood to be in full knowledge whose every act is devoid of desire for sense gratification. He is said by sages to be a worker whose fruitive action is burned up by the fire of perfect knowledge. BG 4.19 - 1972
- One is understood to be in full knowledge whose every endeavor is devoid of desire for sense gratification. He is said by sages to be a worker for whom the reactions of work have been burned up by the fire of perfect knowledge
- One may construct a big skyscraper, but neither the constructor, the merchant nor the worker can claim proprietorship. Proprietorship belongs to the person who has spent for the building
- One may know at present that Sri Krsna is the friend of everyone, whether he be an ordinary worker, an empiric philosopher, or even a mystic - and what to speak of the transcendentalists who are cent-percent servitors of the Personality of Godhead
- One should always consider that behind all these activities (souls take another body) is superior superintendence. The living entity works in the material world just as the office worker works at his job, and a service record is kept of his performance
- One who knows the instrument of work, himself as the worker, and the Supreme Lord as the supreme sanctioner, is perfect in doing everything. Such a person is never in illusion. BG 1972 purports
- Only misers desire to enjoy the fruit of their own work just to be further entangled in material bondage. Except for work in KC, all activities are abominable because they continually bind the worker to the cycle of birth and death. BG 1972 purports
- Only when one has transcended the limits of sensory pleasure can he be classified as a karma-yogi, or a worker for transcendental results. Real goodness lies in the activities of karma-yoga, even if one is only in the preliminary stages
- Ordinary men regard these learned transcendentalists (who perform works for satisfying Visnu) as common workers, but in fact, the transcendentalists are not workers for mundane benefit - they are karma-yogis, or workers for transcendental results
- Outside the garden, when it was time to pull Jagannatha's car, all the workers called gaudas tried to pull it, but it would not move forward
- Pariksit Maharaja is a Vaisnava. Vaisnava is very sympathetic. If actually there is any welfare worker, that is Vaisnava. This Krsna consciousness movement is going on, the Vaisnavas are taking so much trouble
- People are misled. They are thinking that by material comfort they will be happy. And practically we are seeing, this competition of material comfort... The capitalist and the labor class, worker class, they are fighting - strike
- People do not understand that neither any sinful nor any virtuous act can bring freedom from the bondage of work, as we have explained above. On the contrary, both sinful and virtuous acts will bind the worker up in the wheel of action and reaction
- Since there are many different karmis, or workers, there may be different judges or rulers to give them justice, but just as one central emperor controls different departmental rulers, there must be one supreme controller to guide all the judges
- So far I know about you, you're intelligent, qualified & willing worker for KC & I hope if you try to establish a center of our society in Sydney or any one of the important cities, of Australia, it will be a record in the history of Chaitanya's movement
- Some of our students, they think that "Why should I work in this mission? Oh, let me go away." He goes away, but what does he do? He becomes a motor driver, that's all. Instead of getting honor as brahmacari, sannyasi, he has to work as ordinary worker
- Someone may proclaim himself to be a very good national worker, the best friend of the people and of the country, but actually he cannot be the greatest friend of everyone. The only friend is Krsna
- Sometimes a mundane worker is misunderstood to be a tapasvi (renunciant) or a mahatma (great soul) because of the many austerities he performs to attain his mundane goals
- Sudra means those who are neither brahmana nor ksatriya nor vaisyas. They are simply worker, assistant. So there must be division like this. The brahmanas should guide the ksatriyas, and the ksatriyas will administer the state
- Sudra means workers. They haven't got much intelligence, neither they can work as administrator or traders, but they work and get some salary
- Suppose as a geographer you sit down; as a religious preacher, I sit down; as a motorcar driver, he sits down; as a factory worker, he sits down and perform yajna. Yajna means we chant the holy name of the Lord. Where is the difficulty
- That worker who is always engaged in work against the injunction of the scripture, who is materialistic, obstinate, cheating & expert in insulting others, who is lazy, always morose & procrastinating, is a worker in the mode of ignorance. BG 18.28 - 1972
- That worker who is attached to the fruits of his labor and who passionately wants to enjoy them, who is greedy, envious and impure and moved by happiness and distress, is a worker in the mode of passion. BG 18.27 - 1972
- The American people have every thing in ample and the worker gets about Rs 100/- as daily wages and still there are thieves for want of character. The lower class men daily workers are cent percent drunkards
- The Bhagavad-gita advises that in the interest of the mundane workers, they should not be restrained from their ordinary engagements; on the contrary, they may be encouraged to stay engaged in that way, within the process of karma-yoga
- The body is taken to be the field, and the individual soul is taken to be the worker in that field. Yet there is another, who is known as the Supersoul, who, along with the individual soul, simply witnesses
- The dexterity and sacrifice of the devoted worker, the knowledge of the sannyasi (renunciant), the stillness and profound love for Godhead of the mystic - all these qualities are included and coexisting within the qualities of the transcendental worker
- The distinction between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s gift to human society and the gifts of others is that whereas so-called philanthropic and humanitarian workers have given some relief to human society as far as the body is concerned
- The foolish worker will untiringly continue to hear of the sense-enjoyable tidings of the flickering mundane world, but will have very little time to hear about the eternal living force that moves the material world
- The fourth-class man means general worker. He has no brain; he simply helps the other three classes: first class, second class and the third class. And below the fourth-class men, they are called fifth class, sixth class
- The fourth-class man means worker. They have no intelligence, but they depend on others for their livelihood
- The future is not very hopeful if things go on like this (America is obliged to import and they have no workers). So many young boys, they are doing nothing
- The great workers of distinction, the great philosophers & mystics, the great chanters of the Vedic hymns & the great followers of Vedic principles cannot achieve any fruitful result without dedication of such great qualities to the service of the Lord
- The instruments of work, the work itself and the worker are called the constituents of work. Any work done by any human being has these elements. BG 1972 purports
- The laborer, the worker in the factory, all of them are sudras, and the capitalist of the industry they are vaisyas, so the whole population is now composed of vaisyas and sudras, which means the quality of passion and ignorance is now prominent
- The lawful workers are again divided into two sections: namely, the workers with a desire to enjoy the fruits of their work; and the transcendental workers, without any such desire
- The Lord declares in Sri Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.32): O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me, though they be of lower birth - women, vaisyas (merchants), and sudras (workers) - can attain the supreme destination
- The Lord, being full in Himself, has no attraction for so-called heavenly happiness. The heavenly demigods are only His engaged servants. The proprietor never desires the low-grade happiness such as the workers may desire. BG 1972 purports
- The materialistic workers - they see, "These men are not working like us, like dogs & asses. So they are escaping." Yes, escaping your fruitless endeavor.The Vedic civilization of self-realization begins from the varnasrama system of social organization
- The modern economy is, "Engage people in hard working to produce, and by artificial cheating, secure the goods, commodities" This is modern economy. So a worker is getting three thousand dollar per month, but he is getting paper
- The mundane workers are like that (no sense to think). They're busy at the office, very busy. If you want to see the fellow - I am very busy now
- The mundane workers, who are always desirous of enjoying the fruits of their mundane activities, suffer greatly under the pressing disadvantages of such activities, just like poor oxen tightly tethered to the grinding mill
- The process of destruction is going on according to the law of nature. Nothing within this material world can be permanent, although scientists, philosophers, workers and everyone else are trying to make things permanent
- The proprietor of an establishment is not responsible for the right and wrong activities of the workers, but the workers are themselves responsible. BG 1972 purports
- The relish or taste of the mundane rasa does not long endure, and therefore mundane workers are always apt to change their position of enjoyment
- The sacrifices of the ordinary workers and the meditation and austerities of the empiric philosophers are all ordained and maintained by the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna
- The spiritual master is the most beneficent friend, he is giving you direction from the sastra. Lokanam hita-karinau: "He is the real welfare worker for the human society"
- The sudras, they are busy fools. Therefore they are to be guided. They are to be guided. If there are, hundred workers are there, then one leader must be there to give the direction
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.32): "O son of Prtha, those who take shelter in Me (Krsna), though they be of lower birth - women, vaisyas (merchants), as well as sudras (workers) - can approach the supreme destination
- The swine who eat the soil do not care to accept sweetmeats made of sugar and ghee. Similarly, the foolish worker will untiringly continue to hear of the sense-enjoyable tidings of the flickering mundane force that moves the material world. BG 1972 pur
- The transcendental worker, or karma-yogi, has no such fear of falling down (like mystics yogis), for his attention is already fixed in the transcendental service of the Personality of Godhead. Thus, he does not need to enter separately into trance
- The worker is still working. They are going, still walking on the street to go to the factory. So in this way the whole civilization is going on simply by bluffing. And because men are made sudra class, they are believing
- The worker or the agriculturist owns the land, and he works there, and according to his labor he enjoys the fruits. Similarly, we have been given this body as the field of activity. Every one of us, not only human being, but also other living entities
- The worker who is attached to work and the fruits of work, desiring to enjoy those fruits, and who is greedy, always envious, impure, and moved by joy and sorrow, is said to be in the mode of passion
- The worker who is free from all material attachments and false ego, who is enthusiastic and resolute and who is indifferent to success or failure, is a worker in the mode of goodness. BG 18.26 - 1972
- The worker with a desire to enjoy the fruits of his work is hankering after transient material happiness, and such a worker is rewarded with worldly or heavenly happiness within the material worlds
- The workers, laborers, he (the Christian priest) was preaching amongst them that "Lord Jesus Christ will save you. If you don't take shelter of Lord Jesus Christ, then you'll go to hell"
- There are many scientists and great workers in this material world who have wonderful creative force, but they act and create only according to the direction of the Supreme Lord
- There are missionary workers who advocate that one can do whatever he likes & attain perfection. But these foolish guides are not acting according to the direction of the scripture. They are manufacturing ways and misleading people in general. BG 1972 p
- There are others who are faithful in their understanding of spiritual life, and they are called workers who have renounced fruitive results. BG 1972 purports
- There is great need of spreading Krsna consciousness in the human society. Those who are actually welfare workers, they should come forward and join this movement to spread it
- There is two, amongst the workers also, there are two classes, manager class, worker class. You have to divide. Without division... Just like this body is not a lump of matter. There is division. Without division, the body cannot work
- There may be wonderful machine, computer, but there must be one actor, one manipulator. So the, this nature is an instrument only. The actually worker is Krsna
- These people (workers in big mills and factories) cannot rise to that exalted position of "Harijans" simply by being rubber-stamped as such
- They (communist government) are advertising equal facility to everyone, to the worker. The worker is still working. They are going, still walking on the street to go to the factory. So in this way the whole civilization is going on simply by bluffing
- They (the materialistic persons) procrastinate; anything which can be done in an hour they drag on for years. Such workers are situated in the mode of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- They (the materialistic persons) work according to the modes of nature, not according to the injunctions of the scripture. Such workers are not very gentle, and generally they are always cunning and expert in insulting others. BG 1972 purports
- They have no brain to become brahmana or to become ksatriya or vaisya, they are called sudras. And sudra's business is to serve the other upper three classes, laborer, worker classes, and satisfied with some service
- This is modern economy. Is it not? A laborer, a worker, is given high salary, high wages. So what he is getting? It is paper. And he is very enthusiastic to give his labor
- This struggle, either the worker become proprietor or the capitalist become proprietor, it is the same thing. Real proprietor is Krsna. Bhoktaham. Bhoktaram yajna-tapasam. That we do not know
- Those below the brahminical qualification - administrators, merchants and workers - should take instructions from those ideal people who are considered to be intellectuals. In this way, everyone can be elevated
- Those who are legitimate or law-abiding persons may be divided into three transcendental divisions: namely, the lawful workers, the empiric philosophers, and the transcendental devotees. The lawful workers are again divided into two sections
- Those who utilize the energies of the worker are called capitalists, and those who actually perform the work are called laborers. In actuality they are both capitalists, and the workers are in the modes of passion and ignorance
- Thoughts and the effects of such revolutionary literature is required. Not the grammatical. The so-called rascals, they are concerned with the grammatical. But those who are actually worker, they are concerned with the thoughts
- To get a motorcar in this country is ordinary thing, but in our country, in India, if somebody has got a motorcar, he's considered to be very rich man. Here even a worker goes on motorcar, but in India only a person who is very rich
- Trita Muni was an organizing worker of many sacrifices, and as one of the great sages he also came to show respect to Bhismaji at his deathbed
- Unfortunate men of this age are always reluctant to give a reception to the transcendentalists who are representatives of Srila Vyasadeva and selfless workers always busy in planning something which may help everyone in all statuses and orders of life
- Unfortunately the foolish workers never surrender to the supreme master of all masters
- Unfortunately, when the acarya disappears, rogues and nondevotees take advantage and immediately begin to introduce unauthorized principles in the name of so-called svamis, yogis, philanthropists, welfare workers and so on
- Very intelligent class of men, politicians, mercantile people and ordinary workers - in every society all over the world, all over the universe, you can name them differently, but these four classes are there. That is by nature's system
- Visnu, the Supreme Lord, has no independence but is bound to award a certain kind of result to the worker. Such a dependent goal becomes subjected to the worshiper, who accepts the Supreme Lord to be both impersonal and personal, as he may wish
- We are also lords, but not Supreme Lord. You cannot become the Supreme Lord. You are lord to a jurisdiction. You may be lord in your business, controlling so many clerks, officers, workers
- We are escaping their reality. But their reality is a dog's race, and our reality is to advance in self-realization, Krsna consciousness. That is the difference. Therefore the mundane, materialistic workers have been described as mudhas, asses
- We are not social welfare worker or political worker. We are worker for Krsna
- We can become a teacher of a particular subject matter, but that does not mean you should be worker. Still, there are many professors, they are teacher; they are not worker
- We perform philanthropic work, thinking that we are the friends of human society. Someone may proclaim himself to be a very good national worker, the best friend of the people and of the country, but actually he cannot be the greatest friend of everyone
- We see big, big workers, sannyasis. Madhudvisa fell victim. The example is given, fire and butter. You cannot say the butter will not melt even in fire. Woman is like fire, and man is like butter
- What is this temple? The same ingredients, the same cement, same brick, same stone, same worker, same plan as the skyscraper. But what is the difference? Because it is cikitsitam, it is for Krsna
- Whatever we do as an ordinary worker, or as a sannyasi, or as a yogi, or as a philosopher must be done in Krsna consciousness
- When I was at Jhansi, I was provided with a big palatial building to live in associated with 40 workers who are being trained up for intinerary preaching work
- When the inspiration is there and the worker is there, then actual activity takes place by the help of the senses. BG 1972 purports
- When, of course, something established, then a sannyasi can rest, paramahamsa stage. When there are many disciples, workers, it is going on, then he can take rest. Otherwise it is the business of the sannyasi to travel
- Who is Jesus Christ? What is his number? - That means they thought, - "Jesus Christ must be one of the workers, and every worker has a number, so what is his number?" So - No, Jesus Christ, he's son of God. So he has no number. He's not worker
- Whoever hears these narrations attains all good fortune. These narrations are broadcast all over the world and are filled with spiritual power. Those who spread the message of Godhead are certainly the most munificent welfare workers
- Why such a big country, American country, why they should import? But they are obliged to import. They have no workers