Category:That's All Right
"That is all right"|"that is all right"|"this is all right"|"that is alright"|"this is alright"|"that's alright"
Pages in category "That's All Right"
The following 111 pages are in this category, out of 111 total.
- A diseased man, if you give a nice foodstuff, he cannot eat much. After tasting, "All right, that's all." Finished. Because he is diseased. And give to a healthy man, oh, he will take so much. This is a crude example
- Abhirama constructed that house. That's all right. He is within the campus. There is no harm. And now if he goes away after so much training, advancement, if they are lost, then that's a great loss for the Society
- Because He has spoken to Muhammad, and Muhammad has come, he is speaking the same thing. So recently... There is no need of God's coming. If Muhammad is speaking on behalf of God, then that is all right. There is no need of God's coming. This is parampara
- Because of his material opulences, he thinks that "Oh, where is the disease? This is all right. I am happy." That is the defect. We have to reduce. That is called tapasya. Not that "Because my tongue is asking me to eat something, therefore I must eat"
- Before breakfast I used to ask him (my second son), "Show me your teeth." So he'll. "Yes." "All right, you have washed your teeth. That's all right. Then you are allowed to take breakfast." Yes. So this training there are
- By nature's way, when he gives up this body, that's all right. But I cannot force the soul to go out of this body by killing. That is sinful
- By your next letter I shall give my decision concerning your initiations. You are already worshiping Gaura Nitai so that is all right
- Dharmaviruddhah kama, that is all right, but if you use sex life for sense gratification and becomes implicated in so many sinful activities, then how he'll be happy? A sinful man cannot become happy. That is not possible
- Doctor says, "I am doing my duty." The engineer says, "I am doing my duty." The father says, "I am doing my duty." The mother says, "I am doing my duty." That's all right. But Bhagavata says, "Thank you very much, that you are doing your duty"
- Draupadi prayed, "Krsna, if You like, You can save." So this is the position. So long we try to save ourself, then that is not very good. If you simply depend on Krsna, "Krsna, if You save me, that is all right. Otherwise kill me, as You like"
- Fever subsides, that's all right. Fever has subsided. But healthy life is when he will work as a healthy man. Simply saying: "No, no more fever," no more fever, lying down on the bed, is the nirvana stage
- From your letter I can understand that you will no longer be negotiating for purchasing the house, and this is all right because I do not think it is very suitable for a temple
- God is never controlled. God is controller, but He's not controlled. So if we take ourself as so many samples of God, that is all right, but we are controlled God, not controller God
- God, give us our daily bread. That's all right. God is giving daily bread. Why you are asking, bothering God? He is supplying food to millions and trillions of living entities, and why not to you? He'll also supply
- Haridasa Thakura said, "You are going to Jagannatha Puri, and that is all right, but what will be my destination? I am not able to go to Jagannatha Puri"
- He (a child) is born in a pure family. That's all right. But there are other ceremonies, reformatory ceremonies, and this thread ceremony is also one of the ceremonies
- He (Hiranyakasipu) indirectly, he thought that "If I get benediction like this, I'll automatically become immortal." What is that? "Now, no man can kill me." "All right, that's all right." "No demigod can kill me." "That's all right." But he forgot God
- He (Krsna) is ordinary man. A little better than me, that's all. - That Dr. Frog's philosophy. Atlantic was, "That's all right, may be little one feet more than this well, that's all." He cannot imagine that millions of wells will be not compared
- I am living very comfortably with my society, family. "Society, friendship and love, divinely bestowed upon man," there is one poetry. That's all right. But it is so nice, so pleasing, but one day comes, "Please get out." Finished. You cannot protest
- I may be fool, you may be fool. That's all right. If you carry Krsna's message, then you are right
- I was telling you that my Guru Maharaja hinted that "If you get some money, you publish book." So from the very beginning, I am trying that. So this is specific. Other, following rules and regulations, that is all right. But a specific
- If anyone has listened from the authority about Krsna, he wants to speak again. That is preaching. Not that, "I have listened about Krsna, that's all right." No. Sravanam kirtanam. That is the test that he has advanced
- If Krsna has been accepted as the supreme authority by so many big, big men, why should we not keep our faith in Krsna? Or Jesus Christ? That's all right
- If somebody does harm to me, wrong to me, I cannot suffer it. I shall not do any harm to anyone. That's all right. But if you want to give me suffering, I must fight you. Why shall I suffer it? That is ksatriya spirit
- If the building fund is being nicely raised, that is all right and you may stay in Calcutta. If not, then when I go to Gorakhpur I shall call for you from there, but if fund raising business is going on nicely, you can stay
- If they (the scientists) accept God, then we give them all credit. That's all right. Otherwise zero. We don't deprecate their intention of advancement in knowledge. But we simply protest against their defying the authority of God. That is our point
- If they voluntarily give contribution, that's all right. Otherwise we shall provide. We have got guesthouse. It is very nice. Even they do not pay, we shall pay
- If we are engaged in real business, then how the economic question will be solved? We have to work. That's all right, you work. But work simple
- If you are getting enough milk from the cows simply by pasturing them, then that is all right. But if you require more then you may have to feed them special grains. We want to do whatever is easy and save time for Krishna consciousness
- If you are not bhakta, if you are philosopher, that's all right, remain philosopher; why you try to touch Krsna? That is not your subject matter. Don't poke your nose in that subject matter. Don't mislead others
- If you argue that "What is the harm if I kill one animal, because it is said, na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20): 'The living entity, soul, is never killed even after the annihilation of this body'?" that is all right. But you cannot force him
- If you can now go there and start a center, it will be certainly all Glories to Sri Guru and Gouranga! So take information further in this connection, and as you say that you are in correspondence with some friends there, this is all right
- If you do on your account, there will be reaction. Either you do good work or bad work, there will be reaction. If you do good work, you'll get good result, and if you do bad work, you will get bad result. That's all right
- If you purchase Bhagavad-gita, you purchase Bible, you purchase Koran, or . . . so many, there are, literatures, they are also authorized. That's all right. But you cannot learn them by your own study
- If you say that "Simply by combination of matter the secretion of the man and woman emulsify and takes another shape, and that secretion, discharge of matter, is due to lust," that is all right
- If you think that natural life, animal life, to become naked and do all nonsense, then "All right. You, next life you become a tree, naked. Stand up naked for ten thousands of years." You want to be naked? That's all right
- If you think you shall keep the money you collect there for future use for temple, that's alright, but my Guru Maharaja used to say, "Trust no future, however pleasant"
- In London there may be a temple or not, it does not matter; you are doing very nicely, more than having a temple. If Krishna gives us a better temple that is all right, otherwise, your engagement in Kirtana is very very nice
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that bahunam janmanam ante. This is culture of spiritual knowledge. That's all right. But simply by culture of spiritual knowledge, without favor, without mercy of the SG, you cannot approach the, I mean, ultimate goal
- In the previous time, this cow sacrifice was actually being done. That's all right. But that was not for killing. That - to give the cow, the old cow or bull, a new life. By the power of mantra
- In the previous time, this cow sacrifice was actually being done. That's all right. But that was not for killing. That - to give the cow, the old cow or bull, a new life. By the power of mantra, just to give evidence of the Vedic mantras
- It is not very good to try to save oneself. Rather, one should simply depend on Krsna - Krsna, if You save me, that is all right. Otherwise, kill me. You may do as You like
- Kalpana is not faith, it is blind. "Let me imagine some form of Krsna." And therefore gradually, they come down to the position that any form you imagine as God, that is all right. They (mayavadis) have come to this degradation
- Kriya means varnasrama-dharma, everyone is engaged in his own work. Brahmana is engaged in his own work. Ksatriya is engaged in his own work. That is all right. But the ultimate goal should be hari-tosanam
- Krsna says that, - You have solved all the problems of miserable condition of life. That is all right. But you should always keep in front these problems, prominently - janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi
- Many people are saying that "Swamiji, we have to give food to the poor, starving." That's all right. You give, if you think. But according to our philosophy, nobody is starving. You show me one instance that one man is dying here out of starvation
- Marriage is not for sense gratification, not that we get married twice, thrice in a year. No, if you have got a child there is no need for more marriages. But if you cannot stay in Krishna Consciousness unless you have got a husband, that is all right
- Nature gives warning, - You are now past fifty. That's all right. You have fought in this material world. Now stop this business
- No, I am learned, and you are nothing. You have not . . . You have no degrees of university. I have got degrees - Yes, that is all right, but your degrees and knowledge have been taken away by maya
- Oh, he is going to be a Vaisnava. Let him become a Naxalite, that's all right. But why he should become a Vaisnava? - Immediately disturbed. We have got experience, you see
- One cannot bear the so much burden. Still he's loaded with so much burden. That is klisyamananam. If you, if you can bear some load, that's all right. But if you cannot, if it is overloaded, then it is very difficult to go on
- One is intoxicated by thinking, "I am very rich, I am very educated and beautiful, and I have taken birth in an aristocratic family in a great nation." That's all right, but how long will these advantages exist
- One should be engaged for earning money because the body requires material necessities. That's all right. But his real attention should be how to achieve spiritual consciousness, or Krsna consciousness
- One who are loitering in the street naked, they are going to have next life tree, "Stand up naked for ten thousand of years. That's all right." But they are enjoying. They're showing beauty by naked, nakedness
- Pariksit Maharaja is giving very nice example, kusjara-saucavat: just like cleansing the body of an elephant. It cleanses very nicely, that's all right, but as soon as come out of the water it will cover the whole body with dust
- Past life, by our pious activities or impious activities, we have got a different type of body, here or in higher planetary system. That's all right. But that is not solution of my problem. The real problem is janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi
- People are thinking, "I must first of all see to my own interest." That's all right, but what is that interest? That they do not know
- People have to be . . . they want to be cheated, that's all right. But our business is to save them
- So everyone is acting whimsically, whatever he likes, and the so-called svamis are preaching,- No, no, whatever you like, that's all right. You can eat whatever you like. You can do whatever you like. You think yourself that you are God, that's all right
- So far your arranging to bring other men with you to India for opening a center, that is all right, but if they come as tourists and then go away that is not good
- So long we are in this material world we have to work. Karma. Karma means to gain some profit. Karma, akarma, vikarma. Vikarma means against the law. Just like ordinary laws. If you are working honestly, business or karma, that's all right
- So nobody can be perfect. Therefore all these so-called perfect leaders, they should close their business. It is already experimental, all nonsense. Come to Hare Krsna mantra and chant. That's all right
- Some so-called philosophers, they say that "We can adopt any process. It leads to the same goal." That's all right, provided you make progress. Then you'll reach to the same goal
- Still in India you go to the village. They are happy with their destination. This is the Indian culture. Now we are injecting discontentment, injecting. Otherwise everyone was happy in his position: "God has given this position. So this is all right"
- Style (of food) may be different. That's all right. Besides that, to maintain your body and soul together, you require eating, you require sleeping, you require mating, you require defense
- Suhrdam sarva-bhutanam. They are not selfish, "Now I have become Krsna devotee, that's all right. Let others go to hell." No. They want to see that everyone becomes a devotee of Krsna. Therefore they are real friend
- Suppose you are Australian or American. You have got very nice status in your country - good house, good facility, good money, and that's all right. But after your death, when you have to quit this subtle atmosphere
- Suppose you are geographer, and I am a religious preacher, and he is a cultivator, he is a factory man. So that is all right. If we sit down together and perform yajna simply by glorifying the Lord, where is the loss in your part or my part or his part
- That's all right, good standard, but you must collect good standard also. Spend good standard and collect bad standard, what is this
- That's all right. Why it is (there are several theories like that, about the origin of life. And they say starting from matter, all the living matters came from nonliving) not coming now, rascal? I kick on your face with boots. Why it is not coming now?
- The dishwashing occupation is open to anyone who wishes to help. There is no restriction. Also, non-initiates may help in cooking prasadam under the direction of devotees. That is all right
- The distance from Delhi to Vrndavana is not very much. By car it is two and a half hours and by bus it is four hours. So if you come timely in Delhi that is all right, otherwise you have to come via Delhi to Vrndavana. So do the needful
- The maya, or the material nature, is misleading us. We are trying to adjust things according to the dictation of maya, that we shall be able to stop our struggle for existence
- The revealed scripture advises that, "You have to maintain your body. That's all right. But for simply material comforts you should not devote time more than it is absolutely required." That means don't increase your bodily necessities
- The SP of Godhead, He told something which is to be understood by the interpretation of a mundane scholar? Do you think it is reasonable? No. Whatever He spoke, that is all right. And that is clear. There is no question of interpreting in a different way
- The Vedic system does not condemn anyone. "You are a potter. Oh, you are lower." No. You are as good as a priest because you are doing your duty. That's all right. Never condemns
- There are some missionaries, they say that you can manufacture your own way of worship, and whatever you accept, that is all right. These bogus things are not accepted by the acaryas
- There is no harm to become very big businessman, earning money. That is all right - but you give it to Krsna. Then in any position you can remain Krsna consciousness
- There is no necessity of wasting time for economic development. Be satisfied whatever Krsna has given you. That's all right. Be satisfied according to your position, save time, and be Krsna consciousness. That is the verdict of the sastra
- There is no question of belief. Now let us quest... We believe that "If I see, that is all right," but what is the value of your seeing? You cannot see beyond this wall
- These people say the animals have no soul. But that's all right, but he's feeling pain when you are killing the animal. So you also feel pain. So why should you give pain to others? That is Lord Buddha's theory
- They (the residents of Vrndavana) would come to Sanatana Gosvami, and they would ask him to become mediator, arbitrator, to settle up. And whatever verdict or judgment he will give, they will accept, that - Baba has said. That's all right
- Those who are conversant with Vedic language, they know: asrama means something in connection with God. That is called asrama. So grhastha-asrama means one may live with family, children, wife, children, friends - that's all right
- Tulasi dasa commented that a son and urine both come from the same channel. In other words, semen and urine both come from the genitals, but semen produces a child whereas urine produces nothing
- We (senses hands legs) are working day and night, and this rascal (belly) is eating simply. So we shall noncooperate. We shall not work. - That's all right. Resolution was passed. So they stopped working, next meeting they saw that, - We are becoming weak
- We are accumulating so many things, big, big buildings, big, big estate, big, big bank balance, big, big family. That's all right, but what is the guarantee that we will be able to enjoy this?
- We are equal, that's all right, but there is difference. So far I am a living being, He's also a living being, but He's supreme living being. How? Because I breathe, some dust comes and goes out, and when He breathes some universes come out
- We living entities, or, say, human beings, we want enjoyment. That's all right. But we are not able to enjoy fully because we are covered by something. This is the thesis
- We may think that at present we are Americans and are very happy, and that's all right. We may chalk out our plans for continued happiness, but nature will not allow us to stay indefinitely
- We offer our all respect to Jesus Christ. Yes. We call "Lord." We offer our sincere respects to him. That is all right. His teaching is all right. He gives you the message of God. We are doing the same thing. So therefore he is bona fide
- Whatever spiritual advancement you are doing, that's all right. The test will be at the time of your death. Examination. That is the point of examination: what is the mental state at that time
- Whatever you say, that's all right. Now, we are seeing the other party; if somebody there, "It is like this," that's all right. I'm not going to test it. So what is the use of arguing?
- When a person comes at your home, never mind even if he's enemy... Friend is welcome, that's all right. But even an enemy comes, they are not forbidden (Vedic injunction). Not that in the gate there is, oh, "Beware of dog," "No trespasser allowed." No
- When a person comes at your home, never mind even if he's enemy... Friend is welcome, that's all right. But even an enemy comes, they are not forbidden. Not that in the gate there is, oh, "Beware of dog," "No trespasser allowed." No
- When you confess your sinful activities before the higher authorities, before the representative of God, Lord Jesus Christ, or God, or Krsna, your sinful activities are finished. That's all right. But that does not mean that you shall go again
- Why don't you take this (Hare Krsna) advantage? Be situated. Oh, you are medical practitioner? That's all right. You are engineer? That's all right. You are a clerk? That's all right
- Why government is maintaining the police force, the military force? It is required for keeping law and order. So violence is bad, that's all right; but sometimes it is required
- You are committing sinful activities, all right, confessing in the church before Lord Jesus Christ, he's representative, or his representative, or God. Your sinful activities all neutralized, excused. That's all right. But why you are committing again
- You are distributing food, that's all right. Why not allow them to chant Hare Krsna mantra? What is the loss? But they'll not accept it. This is the dog's obstinacy, against Krsna consciousness
- You are trying for the new Temple, but our main business is Sankirtana and distribution of literature. If Krsna gives us a better place, that is all-right. Otherwise, we can remain at any place never mind hell or heaven
- You are very expert in analyzing things in the laboratory and charge fees, chemical analysis. But this is also composition of these chemical. But they say "chemical evolution." That's right, evolution
- You are very good, you are following your religious principle very strictly, adherently. That's all right. But what about your love of God?
- You have created this material civilization, very advancement. That is all right. But whether you have made any security arrangement that you'll be able to enjoy them? Is there any arrangement? This requires little brain
- You have earned so much millions and billions of money. That's all right. But you have to go empty-handed. The money will remain here. You cannot take that money within the tomb. That is not possible. Then it is zero
- You have got very nice good planet, very nice city, Rome and London and America, this and that. That's all right. But as soon as it is dark, you cannot see anything. The mercy of sunshine, Krsna's mercy, is there. Therefore you can see. You can enjoy
- You may be god, but you are controlled god. But the God who is not controlled, He is Godhead. That is Krsna. That's all right
- You're offering some prayers. That's all right. What is the difficulty if you offer the prayer to Krsna? You have to do the same thing in a systematic way