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Pages in category "Leaders"
The following 478 pages are in this category, out of 478 total.
- Duty of the leaders
- Even Sripada Sankaracarya, the leader of the impersonalists, maintains that Narayana, or Krsna, is beyond this material creation
- I put this question to Professor Kotovsky, that "What is the difference between your philosophy and our philosophy? You are Leninist; you are following the leader Lenin, and we are following the leader Krsna. So where is the difference in philosophy?"
- Ideal executive head
- My only request is that all the leaders of the society, they should come forward, study this movement and take to it. That will be beneficial
- So-called leadership
- A devotee even wishes to benefit cats and dogs by giving them prasada. Once, when devotees from Bengal were going to see Caitanya Mahaprabhu, a dog began to follow them, and the leader of the party, Sivananda Sena, was giving prasada to the dog
- A Hitler, a Mussolini, or any other leader of that materialistic persuasion may offer his followers the mental concoction of doing good together in violent or nonviolent programs, and by such acts of so-called benevolence the leader may get recognition
- A ksatriya should be so trained up, when there is fight, he must come out, forward. Not that he will sit down in his secluded place and poor man will fight. No. He should come forward as leader, - Come on
- A leader cannot teach the public to stop smoking if he himself smokes. Lord Caitanya said that a teacher should behave properly even before he begins teaching. BG 1972 purports
- A leader of the man, if he is ideal, the followers also become ideal. And if the leader of the society or country is not an ideal man, then the followers or the countrymen or the members of the society, they are also of the same type
- A leader should train the people as brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras and engage them in various occupational duties, thus helping them progress toward Krsna consciousness
- A national leader who is very great in serving his country is sometimes killed by his countrymen because of irregular service
- A spiritual master or leader should not be proud of his position; being always humbler than an ordinary common man, he should go on preaching the cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra
- Accepted as their leader or guru a similar blind man
- According to atheistics leaders, God and philosophical approaches to Him are merely leisure pursuits or parlor games to exercise the brain. By such discussions, however, the world does not gain anything of substance
- According to Bhagavad-gita, because the leaders of society are bereft of all factual knowledge due to their atheistic way of life, they are actually sinful rascals and are the lowest among men
- According to some authoritative opinions, the celebrated logician Raghunatha Siromani was also a student of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya’s. In effect, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya became the leader of all students of logic
- According to such (materialistic) leaders, the material body is the actual self, understanding everything that pertains to the body constitutes self-realization, & we have no more duty than satisfying the senses of the body & maintaining it by all means
- According to these leaders, the material body is the actual self, understanding everything that pertains to the body constitutes self-realization, and we have no more duty than satisfying the senses of the body and maintaining it by all means
- Actually people will be happy when a trained leader, whether a monarch or a dictator, takes control of the government and rules the people according to the standard regulations of the authorized scriptures
- After arriving at the place of combat, Brahma, the leader of thousands of sages and transcendentalists, saw the demon (Hiranyaksa), who had attained such unprecedented power that no one could fight with him
- Alas, the time has already come when the leaders, whom ordinary men regard as beacons, are themselves mostly atheists at the bottom of their hearts and are against the principles laid down by Godhead
- All classes of academic leaders
- All leaders should ponder how they can discharge their duties by satisfying the transcendental senses of Visnu, for what the leaders do will be imitated by their followers
- All living beings, whether human, animal or lower than animal, should be given protection. The modern democratic system cannot be exalted in this way because the leaders elected strive only for power and have no sense of responsibility
- All our leaders they are blind, they have no perfect knowledge, they do not know what is after this body. As we have... everyone of us this experience that we had a body like a child, we had a body like a boy, like a young man
- All these leaders, these scientists, these philosophers, they are applauded by the small animals, but they are also animals, big animal, that's all. The test is whether he understands the spirit soul different from the body
- Almost all the leaders of the people have popularized various modes of religiosity that have to do only with the material body and mind. But very few of them know that the body and mind are nothing but the outward coat and shirt of the soul proper
- Along with all the leaders of the heavenly planets, Indra, the King of heaven, placed Lord Vamanadeva before him and, with the approval of Lord Brahma, brought Him to the heavenly planet in a celestial airplane
- Along with the other sannyasis, GBC members, and other leaders become very serious to actually give the human kind the greatest welfare, namely, this Krishna Consciousness movement
- Although brahmanas are not the rich men of society, Advaita Acarya, being the leader of the brahmanas in Santipura, was considerably well-to-do. Therefore He presented many ornaments to the baby, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although Garuda was not under anyone’s order, being the carrier of Lord Visnu, he did not disobey the order of the great yogi. Instead of staying and eating many fish, he carried off one big fish, who was their leader
- Although I am the leader of all other planets in the universe, and although I have undergone many, many years of penance for self-realization, still I offer my respects unto You
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, not to believe in a next life and not to believe in a distinction between pious and impious life, and although they are teaching them how to drink wine
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, people are nevertheless afraid and whenever there is a religious festival, they gather together by the thousands. We have actual experience of this
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, people are nevertheless afraid of the four activities of sinful life - namely illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, they are teaching them how to eat meat and become supposedly civilized
- Among the dayitas there are many who come from the brahmana caste. Those dayitas coming from the brahmana families are called dayita-patis, or leaders of the dayitas
- And people, leaders, andha yathandhair upaniyamanah (SB 7.5.31). Ask big, big scientists, philosopher, "What is the goal of life?" They do not know. They simply theorize, that's all
- Angira Muni was the leader of the followers of the Atharva Vedas
- Another meaning of bhuta is anyone who has taken birth or anything which is produced, so in that sense Lord Siva may be accepted as the father of this material world. Bhrgu Muni takes Lord Siva as the leader of the lowest creatures
- Any group of organization, it requires a leader
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, he has got a natural inheritance of spiritual life. Unfortunately, at the present moment the leaders are under wrong impression that in India, being too much spiritually inclined, material advancement has been checked
- Aquatic birds such as swans, ducks, water chickens, and cranes become greatly excited by the fragrance of lotus flowers, and the charming sound of bumblebees fills the air. The inhabitants of those lands are important leaders among the demigods
- Arjuna sees that the leaders of the opposite party (Bhisma, Drona, Karna and all the sons of Dhrtarastra) & their soldiers & Arjuna's soldiers are all being annihilated. This is an indication that Arjuna will emerge victorious in battle. BG 1972 purports
- As a blind man, being unable to see, accepts another blind man as his leader, people who do not know the goal of life accept someone as a guru who is a rascal and a fool
- As described in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.3.19), sva-vid-varahostra-kharaih samstutah purusah pasuh: materialistic leaders are praised by dogs, hogs, camels and asses, and they themselves are also big animals
- As Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu showed respect to all the Mayavadi sannyasis, similarly the leader of the Mayavadi sannyasis, Prakasananda, also showed his respects to the Lord
- Asuric leaders of society never retire from such lustful undertakings unless killed by the laws of nature. For them there is no question of retirement or of cultivating the human spirit
- At the present moment, the leaders of thought and the people in general have decided mistakenly that there is no other world except the one in which we live - that all peace and prosperity are available here
- At this time, being desirous of obtaining a son, a leader of dacoits who came from a sudra family wanted to worship the goddess Bhadra Kali by offering her in sacrifice a dull man, who is considered no better than an animal
- Balarama said, "It is clear now that these leaders of the Kuru dynasty have become mad over their worldly possessions and opulence"
- Because all his desires and ambitions were thus engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, Maharaja Ambarisa is considered the leader in discharging devotional service in all kinds of ways
- Beginning from Brahmaji, the leader of this universe, down to the insignificant ant, all are abiding by the order of the Supreme Lord. Thus the constitutional position of the living being is subordination under the control of the Lord
- Better to resolve the whole situation by approaching their leaders at once & reconciling everything with them by bringing them prasadam & other nice gifts & giving them our philosophy, and if they are willing to hear it, also teach them how to chant HK
- Better to resolve the whole situation by approaching their leaders at once and reconciling everything with them by bringing them prasadam and other nice gifts and giving them our philosophy
- Bhagavan says in the Bhagavad-gita, catur-vidha bhajante mam: "Four classes of men who begins bhagavad bhajana," sukrtina, "those who are pious..." But the modern leaders, they say, "This bhajana nuisance." This is our misfortune
- Bhismadeva was a statesman, the head of the Kuru dynasty, a great general and a leader of ksatriyas, his mind was strewn over so many subjects, and his thinking, feeling and willing were engaged in different matters
- By the grace of God, Krsna, you are leaders. Thousands of young men follow you. They like you. So if you give them something actually nice, the face of the world will change
- Certainly half-educated "spiritual leaders" who are disturbed by the tides of material existence cannot know Him fully
- Child is the father of man, so the basic principle of any type of life is to instruct to the children from the very beginning. Krishna Consciousness. Children grow to be the topmost leaders of the human society
- Civic and other popular leaders should center their activities upon Visnu, and by this act of transcendental work, they will themselves be benefited and shall be able to do good for their respective followers
- Curiously enough there are many human leaders who are worshiped by foolish men under the misunderstanding of anthropomorphism or zoomorphism. Iha devatah denotes a powerful man or demigod of this material world
- Devahuti also addresses her son as Bhagavan. Bhagavan is the Supreme Person. If we could just use a little common sense we could understand that an organization requires a leader. Without a leader, we cannot organize anything
- Do you understand that the soul is immortal and it is transmigrating, tatha dehantara-praptir (BG 2.13)? Do you know all this problem? Then why you have become national leader
- During the life of Svayambhuva Manu, Yajna became the leader of the demigods, Indra
- Either you select Buddha or Lenin or somebody else, you have to accept one leader and follow
- Even if a particular type of religious principle does not recognize the supremacy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the followers still have to obey the disciplinary principles laid down by a particular leader
- Even if we do not accept God, if we do not accept the leadership of God, we have to select another leader. We cannot get rid of this principle, that we can live without leader. That is our constitutional position
- Even if we don't accept the leadership of God, we have to accept some other leader. That is our position. We cannot avoid it
- Even Sripada Sankaracarya, the leader of the impersonalists, maintains that Narayana, or Krsna, is beyond this material creation. BG 1972 purports
- Even the great rsis who occupy the topmost planets cannot ascertain the real religious principles, nor can the demigods or the leaders of Siddhaloka, to say nothing of the asuras, ordinary human beings, Vidyadharas and Caranas
- Even the King of heaven, Indra, abides by the order of the Yadu dynasty; and you (the members of the Kuru dynasty) consider King Ugrasena, the head of the Bhojas, Vrsnis, Andhakas and Yadavas, to be the leader of a small phalanx!
- Even though the Lord appears before us as Lord Krsna or Lord Ramacandra and lives in human society as a leader or king, the conditioned soul cannot understand Him
- Everyone is trying to be happy. That happiness is not possible. That peace is not possible unless you have got a leader or king like Bharata Maharaja, after whose name this planet is called Bharatavarsa
- Everyone is trying to bring in the forefront the party politics because the leader cannot be successful unless the whole country accepts his philosophy, his party. But Krsna consciousness is so nice that it does not require that a community
- Everywhere people are simple. That is my opinion. Mass people, they are simple. The leaders spoil them
- Father is the leader of the family. And why father is the leader? Because he earns, he maintains the children, wife, servant, and establishment; therefore naturally, he's accepted the leader of the family
- First a leader has to adopt the principles of karma-yoga in his own life
- Flies cannot follow the path of Garuda, and to date none of the great kings and victorious leaders could follow this path of devotional service, not even mentally
- Foolish leaders may have some respect from the people at the end of life, but that does not mean that such leaders will be immune to the natural laws under which everyone is tightly bound by the hands and feet
- For ourselves when we are in perfect stage of devotional service, we can know our eternal relation with Krishna and as such one of the associates of Lord Krishna becomes our ideal leader
- From historical reference it is so, but it can go still farther, and in that way India's glories will be magnified. But unfortunately, our leaders and government are callous. They do not know what is India's glory and how India's glory can be distributed
- Generally the karmis, who are attached to increasing descendants, have to perform so many sacrifices and worship so many demigods for future generations, as well as to satisfy so many leaders, politicians, philosophers and scientists
- God conscious and atheistic people, what is the difference? The difference is that atheistic person thinks "mine." "Everything mine. I am the lord of all I survey. I am the king. I am the leader. I am everything, and everything belongs to me"
- Godless leaders of dogs and hoglike men are bigger animals with the qualities of animals in greater proportion
- Godless leaders will never be able to do any good for the ignorant souls who follow them like a flock of sheep to the slaughterhouse. By such leadership the leader himself is temporarily benefited, but the followers are put into the worst position
- Gradually the democratic government is becoming unfit for the needs of the people, and therefore some parties are trying to elect a dictator. A dictatorship is the same as a monarchy, but without a trained leader
- Great stalwart leaders of religious principles, without knowing this Hare Krsna maha-mantra, take to so many troublesome, multiritualistic ceremonies
- Having concluded that Krsna was the S.P of Godhead, the sages addressed Him thus, "Dear Lord, we, the leaders of human society, are supposed to possess the proper philosophy of life, yet we are bewildered by the spell of Your external energy"
- He (a leader) may be designated as a powerful, strong animal, or a big animal, but in the estimation of Srimad-Bhagavatam he is never given a place in the category of man, on account of his atheistic temperament
- He (Balarama) asked Uddhava to meet with the leaders of the Kuru dynasty and inquire from them whether they wanted to fight with the Yadu dynasty or to make a settlement
- He (Lord Krsna) is transcendental to all kinds of material leaders and controllers and is worshipable by all. There is no one greater than Him, and He is the supreme cause of all causes. BG 1972 purports
- He (Rupa Gosvami) was minister. Who can become his friend unless he is also a very big man? So Rupa Gosvami gave up their (big, big leaders, zamindars, big, big men) company
- He did this for the pleasure of Kasyapa Muni and his wife Aditi and for the welfare of all the inhabitants of the universe, including their various leaders
- He killed them just as the leader of a pack of boars kills barking dogs, one after another. In this way, Aniruddha was able to escape the palace
- He was a leader among gentlemen and a servant of the devotees. He was a totally qualified plenary expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore who could equal him in the performance of gigantic ritualistic ceremonies?
- Heavenly demigods like Indra and Candra, the leaders of the Bhurloka planets, the leaders of the earthly planets, the leaders of the lower planets, appear to be the specific truth and the form of the Lord, but actually they are not so
- How a king or leader of society can become the representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also indicated in this verse - SB 4.21.49
- How can there be happiness or peace in animal society? The big leaders want to keep the citizenry as animals, and at the same time they are striving to make a United Nations. How is it possible? United Animals? Is it possible? Society for United Animals
- How is it that educated philosophers, scientists, businessmen, administrators and all the leaders of ordinary men do not surrender to the lotus feet of Sri Krsna, the all-powerful Personality of Godhead? BG 1972 purports
- How we can guide the people? How we can become teacher? How we can become leader?
- How you can become svami? Because we are falsely thinking that "I am the proprietor. I am the enjoyer. I am the leader. I am the friend of my family, my society, my nation," so many ways, you have to convert these things
- I am the single man speaking of God. Nobody speaks. All big, big leaders, politicians, philoso..., who is speaking of God? We are stressing only God consciousness
- I am very much anxious to open schools for educating children of responsible leaders in our Krishna Consciousness way of life, especially also in India
- I asked him (one big professor in Moscow) that, - What is the difference between your philosophy and our philosophy? You have accepted a leader, Lenin, and we have accepted a leader, Krsna. So far accepting a leader, there is no change
- I beg to inform you that it is now high time to revive the divine consciousness of mankind, the people in general, modern leaders, philosophers, and religionists - considering the deteriorated world situation in every respect
- I have given already one crude example. Similarly, why Mr. Stalin could tolerate without any trouble? Because he was a leader. He was always absorbed in the thought of how he could advance the Communist cause. This is the real reason
- I have got a particular lust within me, and when I find somebody corroborating with that particular lust, oh, I accept him, that leader
- I like very much your proposal for approaching all the big leaders of the world and presenting them one Bhagavad-Gita As It Is and one copy of BTG, along with letter of description of our Krishna Consciousness Movement
- I must admit my frailties in presenting Srimad-Bhagavatam, but still I am hopeful of its good reception by the thinkers and leaders of society on the strength of the following statement of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- I say all fourth-class men they are, leaders. Therefore the whole world is in chaotic condition. We require first-class men to lead. We are first-class men. Take our advice, and then everything will be all right
- I see that Krsna has given you good intelligence, and you have improved very much. And fortunately, therefore, very good leader Sriman Madhudvisa Maharaja will come, so each of you learn how to worship Deity, chant Hare Krsna mantra in this way - ecstatic
- If a leader is actually kindhearted and deserves to be the object of a living entity's faith, how can he punish or kill a foolish person who has fully surrendered in good faith and friendship?
- If a man secures some money by killing someone and with that money maintains his family, those who enjoy the black money earned by him are also partially responsible and are also sent to hell, but he who is the leader is especially punished
- If a spiritual master cannot direct his disciples to become free of sinful activities, he becomes responsible for their sinful acts. These subtle laws of nature are unknown to the present leaders of society
- If leaders & rich men spend fifty percent of their accumulated wealth mercifully for the misled people & educate them in KC, the knowledge of Bhagavatam, certainly the age of Kali will be defeated in its attempt to entrap the conditioned souls
- If liberation is possible by simply surrendering unto the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then why don't these intelligent and hard-working leaders adopt this simple method? BG 1972 purports
- If one blind man tries to lead another, what is the result? If both the leaders and followers are blind, they will all fall in a ditch, for they are all bound by their nature
- If some of the leaders may come and see me. Just like the governor of Chandigarh. He's nice man. He came to see me in his governmental position, with his aide-de-camp, car and men
- If the authorities or the leaders of society do not give special respect to the brahmanas and Vaisnavas and do not offer them not only sweet words but all facilities, then the path of progress will be lost to human civilization
- If the authorities or the leaders of society do not give special respect to the brahmanas then the path of progress will be lost to human civilization. The Lord personally wanted to teach this, and therefore He offered so much praise to the Kumaras
- If the king or the head of the government follows in the footsteps of the brahmanas & Vaisnavas, who are naturally leaders in missionary work, the vaisyas will also follow in the footsteps of the Vaisnavas & brahmanas, & the sudras will give them service
- If the kings, the leaders, and the brahmanas, the teachers, would set forth the examples we receive from Vedic literature, the entire world would be heaven; indeed, there would no longer be hellish conditions within this material world
- If the leader is a sinful man and doing all impious activities, then how you can expect the citizens to be all good and pious? It is not possible
- If the leaders become nice, Krsna conscious, then everything will be all right. These rogues, by force, by device, they all occupy the government post. Formerly, Vedic, the king was trained up very nicely by the brahmanas
- If the leaders do not do everything for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Godhead, how can they expect to drag themselves or their followers from the mire of sins committed in the course of discharging prescribed duties?
- If the leaders do not recognize the existence of the all-powerful Visnu, who is simultaneously both the supreme transcendental personality and the impersonal spirit existing everywhere, then what will ordinary men understand about Him
- If the leaders of present-day society can be persuaded of our beneficial working for the human welfare, and if they help us somehow to spread what they have learned from us to the people in general, that is the point to be considered
- If the leaders, the priests and the executive heads are all rascal rogues, thieves, and within suspicion, then how there can be, I mean to say, peace in the world?
- If the selected people of the world, combined together, they push this movement in India, then the whole program of the modern leaders will collapse. That's a fact. And that was my idea
- If the society is led by real, learned scholars, then it will be nice. Qualified leaders. That is wanted. Leader means better qualified man to lead others. That is leader. Leader does not mean he is himself a fool and leading other fools
- If there are good leaders, then they will see that the cheating scientists, they're spoiling state money. They'll be stopped in their nefarious activities. They could not become successful in the moon expedition. Now they have made another plan
- If there is a good man, he'll act very nice. Just like if a man is honest, you can trust him. This is our experience. So similarly, if the leaders be good according to this standard, then the whole human society will be happy. This is our propaganda
- If these (popular) leaders, including preachers and heads of state, do not perform act of Vaisnavism - and instead place themselves artificially in the exalted position of Visnu, the supreme enjoyer - then they may indeed enjoy temporary gain
- If these leaders simply become a little convinced about the real purpose of human life, there is tremendous potency for improving the world
- If they (the atheists leaders) do not do everything for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Godhead, how can they expect to drag themselves or their followers from the mire of sins committed in the course of discharging prescribed duties
- If this system is not introduced by the leaders, then human civilization will be lost. When there is no protection and special treatment for persons who are devotees of the Lord, who are highly intelligent in spiritual life, then the whole society is lost
- If we can simply convince a good majority of persons then they will automatically want a KC leader. If there are KC leaders in the government they will act as Krsna's representative and will be able to save the world from the disastrous condition of life
- If you are sinful, how you can lead persons? Andha yathandhair upaniyamanah (SB 7.5.31). Blind man is leading other blind men. Therefore there is no solution. Why the world is in chaos? Because the leaders are all sinful
- If, instead of treating the people's inherent disease - atheism - the leaders simply show a superficial sympathy for the disease's symptoms, certainly there will be no benefit whatsoever for suffering humanity
- Illusioned leaders make plans covering any number of years, but they can hardly make humanity happy in a state conditioned by the threefold miseries inflicted by material nature
- In Europe, Hitler unnecessarily picked up some war, & there was devastation all over the world. There was no gain. The Germany become defeated & bifurcated. So this leader could not do anything good to the nation, but unnecessarily picked up some quarrel
- In society there must be a very intelligent class of leaders who are well versed in the Vedic knowledge so that they can guide the entire populace to follow the Vedic principles & thus gradually become most perfect & eligible to return home, back to God
- In that condition of spiritual consciousness, the contributor, the contribution, the consumption, the performer or leader of the performance, and the result or ultimate gain-everything-becomes one in the Absolute, the Supreme Brahman. BG 1972 purports
- In the absence of competent leaders we may take the post. But we must be very careful in the flow of the political movement we may not forget our ideal life
- In the Bhagavad-gita Lord Sri Krishna says that it is the specific duty of the leaders of society to give an example of Krishna consciousness so that the common people will follow, yad yad arcarati srethas - BG 3.21
- In the history of India there is no woman leader
- In the sruti-mantras also it is stated that Angira Muni, who strictly followed the rigid principles of the Atharva Vedas, was the leader of the followers of the Atharva Vedas
- In the void, simply spiritual light, he (a mayavadi sannyasi) cannot do any mastership; therefore again falls down in this false world, and he wants to be by becoming a leader of hospital, and school, college, a Christian missionary
- In this age of Kali a community has sprung up known as the arya-samaja, which is ignorant of the import of the Vedas in the parampara system. Their leaders decry all bona fide acaryas, and they pose themselves as the real followers of the Vedic principles
- In this material world, we need a leader for a monarchy or good government. Lord Sri Ramacandra, by His practical example, showed how to live for the benefit of all human society
- In this meeting, Upananda, the brother of Nanda Maharaja, was present. He was considered to be learned and experienced, and he was a well-wisher of Krsna and Balarama. He was a leader
- In world history we see that there have been many leaders who have died working hard. They could not adjust things properly, despite all their hard efforts
- India's original culture is all right. But unfortunately, our modern leaders, they are killing the original culture. They want to introduce Western culture. Now it is openly there are beef shop, wine shop. So what can be done? It is Kali-yuga
- India's position is different now. India has practically no milk, and no food. Due to our leaders' mismanagement, there is no milk. India is depending on your milk powder sent by Australia or by Europe. There is no milk
- Intelligent persons or leaders of men should not devote their energies only for worldly betterment in the matter of eating, sleeping, defending, and gratifying the material senses
- It is by propaganda that "Russians are bad," "Chinese are bad." No. Nowhere the people are bad. Simply the leaders are bad. The men, they are all the same everywhere, human nature
- It is most unfortunate that people are more or less attracted by material activity and that the leaders of these activities are accepted as mahajanas, great ideal leaders
- It is necessary at the present moment to understand something about absolute knowledge if we want to bring the human race back to sanity. Thus intelligent persons or leaders of men should not devote their energies only for worldly betterment
- It is necessary for the leaders of the Krsna consciousness movement to start educational institutions in different parts of the world to train children, starting at the age of five years. Thus such children will not become hippies or spoiled children
- It is necessary that leaders like Gandhi establish themselves on the transcendental footing of the personal feature of the Absolute Truth, known as Visnu or the all-pervading Godhead
- It is pleasing to see that the veteran leader Mahatma Gandhi is trying his best to invent a method for bringing in a godly atmosphere all over the world. He is preaching restraint, toleration, moral principles, and so on
- It is very regrettable that the leaders of the world do not know of the effects of these sinful activities. They are instead taking things very easily and are succeeding in making the ocean of nescience wider and wider
- Japan is now one of the world leaders, so I calculate it as one of our most important fields, therefore I feel some relief to know that you are a very intelligent and capable American boy in charge of such important affairs
- Just like bona fide representative, Jesus Christ or other great, I mean to say, leaders of the religious faiths, they do not come with the inferior nature. They come with the superior nature of God. That we have to accept
- Just like father is necessary, similarly, leader is also necessary. Guru is also necessary. So according to Vedic verse, Vedic version, we can understand that the supreme leader is Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, God, a person
- Just see how they are spoiling hard-earned public money. Because there is no good leader, all these rascals are benefitting, taking their money, and enjoying, and giving bluff information to the public. This should be stopped
- King Prthu thus satisfied and offered all respect to all the leaders of the brahmanas and other castes, to his servants, to his ministers and to the priests, citizens, general countrymen, people from other communities, admirers and others
- Krsna consciousness movement is a protest to the modern way of civilization. The leaders of the modern society, they want that people should be engaged in working like dogs and hogs and asses
- Krsna said to Vrkasura: he (Lord Siva) had a quarrel with his father-in-law, Daksa, he was cursed to become a pisaca (ghost). Thus he has become the leader of the ghosts and hobgoblins. Therefore I cannot put any faith in his words
- Lead the citizens of your community Wilmington
- Leader must be there, religious or not religious. Everyone has leader. The Communist has got leader, and the spiritualists, Krsna consciousness, we have also leader. So without leader nothing can be done
- Leaders must be very ideal men. Then automatically the country or the society becomes nicely situated
- Leaders of the sampradayas
- Leaders who have fallen into ignorance and who mislead people by directing them to the path of destruction (as described in the previous verse - SB 6.7.13) are, in effect, boarding a stone boat, and so too are those who blindly follow them
- Leaders who incite such downtrodden laborers uselessly - simply for the sake of temporary gain - can never do the laborers any good. Nor can the leaders themselves benefit by such ill-conceived actions
- Leaders who think a hungry man or woman has no use for God and religion should be told emphatically that no man or woman in the world is not hungry - and that it is precisely the hungry man or woman who has to understand God
- Leaders, the propaganda should be that the, at least the priests, who are conducting religious activities, they, the priests and the leaders and the administrators, they must be sinless
- Leading acaryas
- Leaving aside their leader even in the very beginning of the fight, they decided to flee because all their prowess had been taken away by the enemy
- Let the leaders be open minded and not be biased by any sectarian thoughts of religiosity. This movement is universal. We invite every one to our feast and Kirtana but when one comes into the confidence we initiate him
- Lord Brahma accompanied by all the demigods, the great saintly persons, the inhabitants of Pitrloka, the Manus, the munis, and such leaders as Daksa, Bhrgu & Angira, as well as Karttikeya & Lord Siva, accepted Lord Vamanadeva as the protector of everyone
- Lord Siva is described here as bhuta-rat. The ghosts and those who are situated in the material mode of ignorance are called bhutas, so bhuta-rat refers to the leader of the creatures who are in the lowest standard of the material modes of nature
- Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed everything - his family, his profession. And many other leaders. But what for they were working? They were working for some material benefit, that's all, not for any spiritual benefit. So that is not transcendental activities
- Maya Danava, the great leader of the demons, prepared three invisible residences and gave them to the demons. These dwellings resembled airplanes made of gold, silver and iron, and they contained uncommon paraphernalia
- Mixed consciousness puts a conditioned soul in the position of managing the affairs of this creation. The demigods are entrusted leaders of the conditioned souls
- Mukti, or liberation from the laws of material nature, is sought by the leaders of mankind in different ways and with great plans and perseverance for a great many years and births. BG 1972 purports
- My dear King Pariksit, as Rudra, being very angry at Antaka (Yamaraja) had formerly run toward Antaka to kill him, Indra angrily and with great force attacked Vrtrasura, who was surrounded by the leaders of the demoniac armies
- My only idea was to point out to the public that unless you have purified leaders there is no possibility of advancement even in the material condition
- My only idea was to point out to the public that unless you have purified leaders there is no possibility of advancement even in the material condition. I had no idea to spend money and energy of our society in a way which is not our real spiritual life
- My only request is: the leaders of India should now come forward and join this movement and take this advantage of doing good to the whole world, para-upakara
- My suggestion is that the leaders who actually agree as eternal servant of God may sit together and find out the ways and means of one religious system in this world
- Narayan said, "He (Siva) has become the leader of the ghosts and hobgoblins. Therefore I cannot put any faith in his words"
- News has been published in this morning, many papers, "The leader of the Krsna movement," or "Hare Krsna movement." There is some vibration of the word "Krsna." That makes the atmosphere purified, surcharged
- Nobody believes Krsna is God. Even big, big leaders, what to speak of ordinary men. Especially the so-called educated men. - Bring money anyhow and enjoy life
- Nobody is cooperating. Simply these boys, they have kindly come to me and cooperating. So my movement is progressing, but very slowly. But if the leaders of the American people, they come and they try to understand and they try to introduce this system
- None of them is independent. Even though such men or leaders (Gandhi, Alexander, Nehru) rebel so as not to recognize the supremacy of the Lord, they are put under still more rigorous laws of the material world by different miseries
- Not knowing adequate measures for relieving such difficulties, suffering persons sometimes pose themselves as leaders of the people, and the unfortunate followers are put into further disadvantages under such so-called leadership
- Not that one mistake has been done, you should continue. Rectify it. The difficulty is the modern society, the leaders, they do not know the aim of life. They are blindly doing everything like animals
- Now America has to do the same thing to stop demonism. Then your nation will be leader. You understand; you have trust in God. Now it is your business to trust in real God and work for Him
- Now they calculate if the leader is very cunning, then he is qualified. They think that politics means cheating, cunning, bluffing. That is good qualification
- Now we are so degraded that everyone, including the exalted scientists, philosophers and other leaders, is under the bodily conception of life, which is condemned in the sastras. Sa eva go-kharah: (SB 10.84.13) such persons are nothing but cows and asses
- O best of the saints among the demigods, O best of spiritual leaders, how did Hiranyakasipu give so much trouble to Prahlada Maharaja, the pure and exalted saint, although Prahlada was his own son? I wish to know about this subject from you
- O King Pariksit, the demigods, taking advantage of a favorable opportunity presented by time, attacked the army of the demons from the rear and began driving away the demoniac soldiers, scattering them here and there as if their army had no leader
- O learned brahmana (Maitreya), please describe how the leader of all the demigods, namely Prajapati, Brahma, decided to establish the various Manus, the heads of the ages. Please describe the Manus also, and please describe the descendants of those Manus
- O learned sages, the first syllable of the word bhagavan (bha) has two meanings: the first is 'one who fully maintains,' and the second is 'guardian.' The second syllable (ga) means 'guide,' 'leader' or 'creator.'
- O my Lord, I do not aspire for material opulence or wealth, nor do I want a great number of followers to accept me as their leader, nor do I want a very beautiful wife to please me
- On hearing Suta Gosvami speak thus, Saunaka Muni, who was the elderly, learned leader of all the rsis engaged in that prolonged sacrificial ceremony, congratulated Suta Gosvami by addressing him as follows
- On the material platform animalistic leaders are worshiped by animals
- On the other hand, there is no such imperfection in the laws of God. If leaders are educated in the laws of God, there is no necessity of a makeshift legislative council of aimless men
- Once Mother Yasoda addressed one of her friends in this way, "Nanda Maharaj, the leader of the cowherdsmen, worshiped Lord Visnu along with me, and as a result of this worshiping Krsna has been saved from the clutches of Putana and other demons"
- One day you will be the leaders of the world. It is not difficult. You just have to work sincerely and intelligently. Krishna will do everything
- One leader may have many followers. Similarly, Krsna, the supreme living entity, is the supreme leader, and we are subordinate, dependent living entities
- One must be considered bereft of the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu when he criticizes the Krsna consciousness movement now spreading all over the world or finds fault with this movement or the leader of the movement
- One must offer respects to the great religious preachers and spiritual leaders and also train the senses for controlled action, learning to be unattached to family and home, and enacting devotional service to the Lord, etc
- One of the major differences between the spiritual sky and the material sky is that in the spiritual sky the head or leader of the spiritual planets has no rival
- One of them was a leader of the Buddhist cult and was a very learned scholar. To establish the nine philosophical conclusions of Buddhism, he came before the Lord and began to speak
- One should not be satisfied with the knowledge imparted by a big animal (materialistic leaders). Rather, one must take knowledge from a perfect person like Sukadeva Gosvami
- One who boards a boat made of stone is doomed. To be elevated to the stage of perfection, humanity must first give up false leaders who present boats of stone
- One who does not know whom to eulogize, whom to give honor, they give votes to these classes of men, without any knowledge of Krsna. They are becoming the great philosophers, leaders, scientists. They have no knowledge of Krsna
- Only a Vaisnava leader can fulfill all the desires of the people (vancha-kalpataru), and he is compassionate because he is the contributor of the greatest benefit to human society. He is patita-pavana, the deliverer of all fallen souls
- Only if leaders like Mahatma Gandhi strive to realize the Supreme Absolute Person - not a formless energy - can they truly benefit human society
- Our countrymen also, those who are leaders, those who are thoughtful, philosophers, scientists, they should try to understand this Krsna philosophy. That is my request
- Our Gaudiya Matha people, those who were leaders, they wanted to supersede the order of Guru Maharaja. Therefore it was failure
- Our leaders, rather, they are misinterpreting sastra, our leaders, and trying to mold it to the material way of life. This is the pity of the things
- Our movement is meant for training spiritual leaders, but without hearing and chanting it is impossible to become a leader. Of course, in the material world it is possible, but not in the spiritual world
- Our present civilization is a mistaken civilization because the mistaken leaders have forgotten to raise the anchor of attachment
- Out of Krsna's many sons, Pradyumna, a son of Krsna's chief queen, Rukmini, is considered the leader
- Peace is not possible unless you have got a leader or king like Bharata Maharaja, after whose name this planet is called Bharatavarsa, this Bharata Maharaja. So we have to find out such leader. Then everything will be adjusted
- People are going on in the name of nationality, big leaders, but from our point of view, that neither as nation or community or person you are the proprietor of things. Krsna is the proprietor
- People in general always require a leader who can teach the public by practical behavior. BG 1972 purports
- Persons who are strongly entrapped by the consciousness of enjoying material life, and who have therefore accepted as their leader or guru a similar blind man attached to external sense objects, cannot understand that the goal of life is to return home
- Prabhu means master; and the leader of the masters is called Prabhupad. So if the Prabhus have surrendered to the Prabhupad, why there shall be such mentality of occupying the superior position? This is contradictory
- Practically all the leaders of the family, including Pradyumna, Satyaki, Gada, Samba, Sarana, Nanda, Upananda and Bhadra, combined together and gathered twelve aksauhini military divisions into phalanxes
- Prahlada loudly chanted the holy name of Lord Nrsimhadeva. May Nrsimhadeva, roaring for His devotee Prahlada Maharaja, protect us from all fear of dangers created by stalwart leaders in all directions through poison, weapons, water, fire, air and so on
- Recently we had talks with Christian leaders in Australia, including the Catholic Bishop of Melbourne, and everyone there was pleased with our philosophy of oneness in religious consciousness
- Regretfully, the big politicians and leaders in the material world simply create enmity and are not interested in spiritual advancement
- Rescuing the most fallen members of society among the young people and giving them new life of spiritual or highly desirable qualities. Now you approach the government leaders and convince them in this way, and that will be the greatest achievement
- Rupa Gosvami was the leader of all the Gosvamis, and to guide our activities he gave us this Upadesamrta (The Nectar of Instruction) to follow
- Saubhari Muni was sorry that one of the leaders of the fish was taken away by Garuda
- Self-deceived persons sometimes accept leaders or spiritual masters from a priestly order that has been officially appointed by the codes of material life. In this way, they are deceived by official priests
- Since such an experiment (to see the planets hovering in space) is not possible, naturally we have to accept the statement of SB as it is because it is so accepted by spiritual leaders like Sridhara Svami, Jiva Gosvami, Visvanatha Cakravarti and others
- Since the leaders of society have a poor fund of knowledge and the citizens in general are rogues and thieves, there cannot be an auspicious situation for human society
- Somehow or other you come to the power, and you do whatever you like, and the people in general will have to depend on such leaders for their welfare. How they can be happy? If the whole system is defective, how they can be happy
- Sometimes these big leaders take up the guise of a sannyasi and call themselves mahatmas, but their only business is conquering their political enemies
- Sri Narada said: O pious King, do not lament for anyone, for everyone is under the control of the Supreme Lord. Therefore all living beings and their leaders carry on worship to be well protected. It is He only who brings them together and disperses them
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: King Indra, the leader of the demigods, inquired about the armor known as Narayana-kavaca from Visvarupa, who was engaged by the demigods as their priest. Please hear Visvarupa's reply with great attention
- Srila Jiva Gosvami has explained the word bhagavan in his Bhagavat-sandarbha. The second syllable ga, means - leader - pusher - and - creator
- Srila Rupa and Sanatana Gosvamis were situated in government service, and Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was the topmost scholar of India. Similarly, Prakasananda Sarasvati was a leader of many thousands of Mayavadi sannyasis
- Srila Rupa Gosvami, the leader of the six Gosvamis of Vrndavana, has properly replied to the impersonalists in his Laghu-bhagavatamrta, which is a natural commentary on the aphorisms of the Vedanta-sutra
- Srimad-Bhagavatam gives us this information as the supreme Vedic literature, and it was personally instructed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to Brahmaji so that the leader of the living entities might broadcast the message to all in the universe
- Sripada Sankaracarya, who is supposed to be the leader of the impersonalist school of philosophers, has admitted in the beginning of his comments on Bhagavad-gita that Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is beyond the material creation
- Srutadeva, Uddhava and others, Nanda, Sunanda and other leaders of liberated souls who are constant companions of the Lord are protected by Lord Balarama and Krsna
- Such (materialistic, godless) leaders do not know that their temporary gains will vanish along with the destruction of their temporary body
- Such a leader (who does not recognize supremacy of God) of a religious sect is never the supreme leader because such a circumstantial leader comes to the position of leadership after undergoing some penance
- Such people (the miscreants) never surrender to Krsna, and they oppose the endeavor of those who wish to take Krsna's shelter. When such atheists become leaders of society, the entire atmosphere is surcharged with nescience
- Suffering persons sometimes pose themselves as leaders of the people, and the unfortunate followers are put into further disadvantages under such so-called leadership
- Sukadeva Gosvami said to Maharaja Pariksit: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, after being seen in His transcendental form, instructing Brahmaji, the leader of the living entities, disappeared
- Surrounded by the herd's other elephants, including females, and followed by the young ones, Gajapati, the leader of the elephants, made Trikuta Mountain tremble all around because of the weight of his body
- Suta Gosvami continued: O Saunaka, leader of the great sages, after hearing Maitreya speak about the various activities of King Prthu, the original king, who was fully qualified, glorified and widely praised all over the world
- Svarupa Damodara was chosen as the leader of the first party and was given five assistants to respond to his chanting
- Svayambhuva Manu is the leader of mankind, and he has given a book called Manu-samhita to guide human society. Herein (SB 8.1.16) he directs us to follow the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His different incarnations
- That is the law of nature. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam. Then why don't you accept the supreme authority? This subordinate authority . . . we have to accept somebody as our leader. It is not possible that we can live without leadership
- The (Krsna conscious) movement will go on increasing more and more, provided the leaders of the movement remain firmly Krsna conscious by following the regulative principles and the primary activities of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra regularly
- The activities of this office will be simply to educate the United Nations people, the leaders of all nations, and the representatives of all nations, about our missionary activities, analyzing the present society's position, and how they can be elevated
- The acts of commission and omission made by them (the materialistic leaders) during their lifetime of leadership will remain in the psychic encagement of mind and the subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body
- The acts of commission and omission made by them (the materialistic leaders) during their lifetime of leadership will remain in the psychic encagement of mind, intelligence, and false egoism in a very subtle form
- The anchor (of attachment) is being more and more firmly fixed because they (the mistaken leaders of our present civilization) have structured the social order on the basis of sense gratification
- The bad leader (in the forest of material existence) is diverted intelligence. Intelligence is meant for Krsna consciousness, but due to material existence we divert all our intelligence to achieve material facilities
- The best way to compensate for one's sinful acts is to give up one's body at once, and Brahma, the leader of the living entities, showed this by his personal example
- The Bhagavad-gita has been misinterpreted, misused by the leaders, by the politicians, by the so-called philosophers. Everyone has misused Bhagavad-gita
- The Bhagavatam openly declares that although a person may be a great leader of such dogs and hogs disguised as men, if he has no taste for being enlightened in the science of Krsna, such a leader is also an animal and nothing more
- The breaking of the sanatana-dharma tradition by irresponsible leaders of society brings about chaos in that society, and consequently people forget the aim of life - Visnu. BG 1972 purports
- The causeless mercy You have shown to me, a fallen demon, was never achieved even by the demigods or the leaders of the various planets
- The demigods, being severely oppressed by their enemies and being unable to see Indra on the battlefield, were very anxious. Having no captain or leader, they began lamenting like traders in a wrecked vessel in the midst of the ocean
- The demoniac class of men will always remain, but unless there is a strong body to present God Consciousness proposals to the leaders of the world, there will be no hope
- The descendants of the sons of Prtha, like Maharaja Pariksit, were afraid of losing their reputations, but in the modern days the leaders are not even afraid of killing such offenseless animals - the bull and the cow
- The development of hard and difficult industrial undertakings always hinders the progressive cultivation of the human spirit. Asuric leaders of society never retire from such lustful undertakings unless killed by the laws of nature
- The eleventh attendant, who is the commander of the others, is known as the mind. He is the leader of the senses both in the acquisition of knowledge and in the performance of work
- The examples of Brahma and Lord Siva are specifically cited here because Brahmaji, Lord Siva, Srimati Laksmiji and the four Kumaras (Sanaka, Sanatana, etc.) are leaders of the four desireless Vaisnava sampradayas. They are all freed from all pretensions
- The expert leaders of a godless human civilization cannot bring about a fruitful result in all their different attempts at educational advancement or economic development unless they are God conscious
- The father should give education at home. Leaders should give education in institution. Politicians should give education in their assemblies, congress. Guru should give education how to surrender to Krsna. The father & mother should educate
- The first beginning is satyam, and our leader says: "This is the qualification of an ass." So just see our position
- The great kings, leaders and soldiers fight with one another in order to perpetuate their names in history. They are forgotten in due course of time, and they make a place for another era in history
- The great sage Narada was the leader of all the sages present. Therefore he began to speak
- The head of a family thinks of himself as the master of the family, or the leader of a nation thinks of himself as the master of the nation, whereas actually he is serving, and by serving maya he is gradually going to hell
- The hippy philosophy is nice as they are disgusted with the materialistic way of life. Therefore they want to renounce this stereotyped way of life. Unfortunately, they have no good leader, neither information that there is another beautiful life in KC
- The history of delivering the leader of the elephants, whose leg was attacked in the river by the superior strength of a crocodile, is described in the Eighth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The houses for the leaders of these planets are constructed with the most valuable jewels, and they are always crowded with living entities known as Nagas and Asuras, as well as many pigeons, parrots and similar birds
- The king knew well that the Supreme Personality of Godhead never tolerates any insult to His unalloyed devotees. Such tapasvis were trusted leaders even of the rogues and thieves, who would never disobey the orders of tapasvis
- The king or the executive head of a state, the father and the school teacher are all considered to be natural leaders of the innocent people in general. BG 1972 purports
- The ksatriyas, they are working in the modes of passion. They want to possess land, they want to be king, they want to be leader of the citizens, and they see to the protection of the citizens. This is called in the mode of passion
- The leader of a nation thinks of himself as the master of the nation, whereas actually he is serving, and by serving maya he is gradually going to hell
- The leader of all the demigods who are engaged in the activities of this material world - the sun-god, moon-god, Indra and others - is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The leader of all the Mayavadi sannyasis present was named Prakasananda Sarasvati, and after standing up he addressed Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu as follows with great respect
- The leader of the assembly, Saunaka, could estimate the value of the speaker, Sri Suta Gosvami, simply by his uttering yathadhitam and yatha-mati, and therefore he was very glad to congratulate him in ecstasy
- The leader of the dacoits captured a man-animal for sacrifice, but he escaped, and the leader ordered his followers to find him. They ran in different directions but could not find him
- The leader of the elephants was much distressed when he was attacked by the crocodile. Although the elephant is always stronger than the crocodile, the latter is stronger than the elephant when it is in the water
- The leader of the elephants who lived in the forest of the mountain Trikuta once wandered toward the lake with his female elephants. He broke many plants, creepers, thickets and trees, not caring for their piercing thorns
- The leader of the elephants, whose leg was attacked in a river by a crocodile of superior strength, was much aggrieved
- The leader of the Yaksas and Raksasas is Kuvera, the master treasurer of the demigods, and he is a representation of the Supreme Lord
- The leader's teaching should be based on the principles of the standard rules as they are practiced by the great teachers. BG 1972 purports
- The leaders are blind and they are leading other blind men. So it is a very dangerous civilization. In spite of being born in India, in spite of having the privilege of studying Bhagavad-gita, they are not taking advantage of it
- The leaders are misguiding us by identification with this body. There is fight always. "I am American." "I am Indian." "I am Russian." "I am Pakistani." "I am Hindustani." And there is fight. Advancement of civilization means advancement of fighting
- The leaders incite them toward false, illusory gain and thus engage them in various acts of sin. In temporarily benefiting themselves, such leaders sacrifice the real interest of their followers and destroy the followers
- The leaders of modern civilization select their own residential quarters in a place where there are such naturally beautiful gardens and reservoirs of water, but they leave the common men to reside in congested areas without parks and gardens
- The leaders of society, despite all their materialistic plans, are misleaders, for they have no plan to revive our lost relationship with the Lord
- The leaders of such degraded men known as Yaksas, Raksasas, bhutas and pisacas, are all in the mode of ignorance. They have been placed under the control of Rudra
- The leaders of such ignorant masses of people may feel very proud of being adored by such a number of dogs and hogs, but that is not very flattering
- The leaders of the big money-making countries are not really enjoying peace but are making plans to save themselves from imminent destruction by nuclear weapons
- The leaders of the demons thought it unwise to hold the tail, the inauspicious portion of the snake. Instead, they wanted to hold the front, which had been taken by the Personality of Godhead & the demigods, because that portion was auspicious & glorious
- The leaders of the Gandharva planets, the leaders of the Vidyadhara planets, the leaders of the Caranaloka planets, the leaders of the Yaksas, Raksas and Uragas, appear to be the specific truth and the form of the Lord, but actually they are not so
- The leaders of the Kurus, especially Dhrtarastra & Duryodhana, were joyful because they knew very well that Balarama was a great well-wisher of Kurus. There were no bounds to their joy on hearing the news (Balarama arrived), & so they welcomed Uddhava
- The leaders of the people are very much anxious to live in peace and friendship, but they have no information of the simple method of hearing the glories of the Lord. On the contrary, such leaders are opposed to the propagation of the glories of the Lord
- The leaders of the Western world, the Americans and Europeans, have become the idols of modern civilization because the Western people are very sophisticated in temporary activities for the advancement of material civilization
- The leaders of the world may be famous for a few years only, but Lord Sri Krsna appeared 5,000 years ago and is still being worshiped. So one who possesses all six of these opulences in completeness is considered to be God
- The leaders say that "India, giving more stress on the soul, not on the body, India's position is so degraded." This is the leaders' opinion. Big, big leaders, they think
- The leaders should arrange for this diet and these medicines (hearing and chanting and remembering the glories of Godhead and worshiping the transcendental form of Godhead) - if they really want to dissipate the sufferings of humanity
- The lion asked the jackal: 'So who are you, sir?' 'I am sent by God to rule over you.' 'Oh' So they began to worship him as God, as leader. Then one day other jackals, they were crying, 'Wa, wa', but the jackals cannot stop. If others jackals cry
- The Lord (Caitanya) formed another group (during the Ratha-yatra), appointing Govinda Ghosa as leader. In this group the younger Haridasa, Visnudasa and Raghava were the responding singer
- The Lord continued: My dear rsi, O leader of the living entities, for those who serve Me in devotion by worshiping Me, especially persons like you who have given up everything unto Me, there is never any question of frustration
- The Lord formed another group, appointing Govinda Ghosa as leader. In this group the younger Haridasa, Visnudasa and Raghava were the responding singers
- The Lord inaugurated this system of mass sankirtana, and leaders of all countries can take advantage of this spiritual movement in order to keep the mass of people in a pure state of peace and friendship with one another
- The Lord's arms are the productive fields for the great demigods and other leaders of the living entities who protect the general mass
- The mass of people follow the example of a leader in society and imitate his behavior. They accept as evidence whatever the leader accepts
- The mass of people in general are tools in the hands of the modern politicians and leaders of the people. If there is a change of heart of the leaders only, certainly there will be a radical change in the atmosphere of the world
- The mind is actually the leader of the senses; therefore it is called sattva
- The modern materialistic society is detached from its relation to the Supreme Lord. And all its plans which are being made by atheistic leaders are sure to be baffled at every step. Yet they do not wake up to this
- The name Gokulananda for your new son is approved by me, now raise this Sankirtana man up very carefully in Krsna consciousness. Now you can be an ideal householder and one of our Society's leaders, so kindly follow the regulated principles strictly
- The natural process is to pour water on the root, but such disturbed leaders are more attracted to the leaves than the root. Despite their perpetually watering the leaves, however, everything dries up for want of nourishment
- The old system of gurukula should be revived as the perfect example of a system designed to produce great men, sober and responsible leaders, who know what is the real welfare of the citizens
- The palace was excellent in its puzzling artistic workmanship and was befitting the position of great princes, kings or leaders of the demons
- The people in general, they do not know what is the goal of life, and still they are leaders. That is the defect of the modern civilization. It is the defect of material world, but especially in this Kali-yuga, it is the most abominable, fallen age
- The Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, advises Arjuna as follows: What is done by the leader is followed by the ordinary man. Whatever the leader establishes as truth, the followers take to it unhesitatingly
- The present chaotic conditions of the world are due to the ignorance of leaders who forget that they have been appointed to act by the SPG. Because they have been appointed by the Lord, their duty is to consult the Lord and act accordingly
- The process of illusory service to society, country and community is exactly the same everywhere; the same principle is applicable even to big national leaders
- The real knowledge of BG was being choked by unscrupulous Indian leaders, with the result that India's culture, and knowledge of the Supreme were being lost. Now, however, because Krsna consciousness is spreading, the proper use of BG is being attempted
- The reptile society became so disturbed that their leader, Vasuki, appealed to Lord Brahma for protection. Lord Brahma made an arrangement by which Garuda would not create a disturbance
- The sage Maitreya said: In a former time, the leaders of the universal creation performed a great sacrifice in which all the great sages, philosophers, demigods and fire-gods assembled with their followers
- The scientists invent nuclear weapons and collaborate with the big leaders to protect the interests of their own nation or society
- The so-called leaders of human society do not know the real aim of human life and are therefore busy with economic development. This is misleading
- The so-called leaders or learned scholars, they utilize Bhagavad-gita for material end. This is going on. Just like our big leader, Gandhi. He was supposed to be very strict follower of Bhagavad-gita, and he has never instructed about spiritual life
- The so-called modern leader, he is a pasu, animal. And who exalts them? Sva-vid-varahostra-kharah: other lower animals like dogs, the hogs, sva-vid-varaha, camel and ass. So one big animal is being praised by these kinds of animals
- The so-called national leader or humanist does not serve everyone; he serves his senses only. That is a fact. But the conditioned soul cannot understand this because he is bewildered by the spell of material nature
- The subtle psychic life will develop again in another suitable body by the process of transmigration of the spirit soul & thus put godless leaders in ordeals of different wheels of action & reaction by obliging them to transmigrate from 1 body to another
- The sudras, they are busy fools. Therefore they are to be guided. They are to be guided. If there are, hundred workers are there, then one leader must be there to give the direction
- The Supreme Lord's position is the leadership, and our position is subordinate. Then what is our duty? Our duty is to follow the leader
- The symptoms of such uncultured social animals are already in vogue and it is the duty of the leaders of men to take note of it and try to reform the social order by introducing the principles of twice-born men trained in the science of God consciousness
- The Westerners have good brains, but they do not have any good leader. Now the Krsna consciousness movement will provide them with good leader if they take it seriously
- The world is full of rascals, and the so-called leaders, they are big rascals, that's all. They cannot make any solution. Simply take salary. They are big rascals, and the small rascals accept them as leader. That's all
- Their (people's) leaders are always encouraging them to follow this path, and the general populace, being ignorant of the laws of God, are following their blind leaders down the path of unhappiness
- There (in the Ujjvala-nilamani) is also a description of Srimati Radharani and other female lovers, as well as various group leaders. Messengers and the constant associates, as well as others who are very dear to Krsna, are all described
- There are many authorities and leaders have gone there, and social-religious reformers who practice the yoga, jnana, karma, etcetera, etcetera. But the one person imbued and empowered fully, transcendental form, by Caitanya Himself, and by his guru
- There are many big leaders, yogis, svamis and so-called incarnations who are very much addicted to mental speculation and who advertise themselves as perfect personalities, but they are not ultimately successful
- There are many big scholars and leaders who still cannot understand that the body is different from the person. This is because they do not study Bhagavad-gita in the proper way
- There are many leaders to lead the ignorant public, but because every one of them is bewildered by the bodily conception of life, there is no peace and prosperity in human society
- There are so many scientists, philosophers and big leaders, but they do not know wherefrom they have come, nor do they know why they are busy within this material world to obtain a position of so-called happiness
- There is no advancement (in communistic movement), because they have to accept one leader, surrender to somebody. But the man to whom he has surrendered, if he is perfect, then it is perfect. And if he is a rascal, then whole system is rascal
- There is no ideal character. All politicians, scientists, leaders, they are all drunkards and woman-hunters. So what they can lead?
- There is no use tracing out the history but generally we have lost our own culture & our leaders are not very serious to revive our own culture to the point. Still the mass of people, not being very much advanced in education, stick to the Indian culture
- There must be one leader. The supreme leader is Krsna. Leader of the leader
- There will be no question of exploitation, for everyone will have enough. Black-marketeering and other corrupt dealings will then automatically stop. Simply ruling the land cannot solve man's problems unless the leader has spiritual capabilities
- Therefore only in name is he Siva, or auspicious; actually, he is the most mad and inauspicious creature. Thus he is very dear to crazy beings in the gross mode of ignorance, and he is their leader
- These are young boys, so actually if you approach them humbly and you yourself go to their leaders and speak to them nicely about Krsna Consciousness they will agree to leave us alone, that I think
- These big, big men who are so much eulogized by some rascals, all these big, big leaders, what they are? Because they are not devotee of Krsna, they cannot lead. They simply will mislead. Therefore we take them all rascals
- These rascals are jackals. Now they are talking nonsense. We can detect that, "Here is a jackal." So we have to expose them. They are not leader; they are jackals
- These so-called, the so-called big, big leaders, big, big philosophers, and big, big scholars, they have accepted Krsna as ordinary human being
- They (half-educated "spiritual leaders") try to make some compromise by making the mass of humanity the object of worship, but they do not know that such worship is only a myth because the masses are imperfect
- They (leaders of India) have carefully set aside the treasure house of India's spiritual asset and they are imitating the westernised material way of life constantly engaged in the acts of error of judgement, misgivings, imperfectness and duplicity
- They (the hippies) are our best candidates. So you can advertise that "We are not hippies, but we are converting many hippies to the sane condition of life." That's a fact. They are searching after something better, but they have no leader
- They (the leaders who place themselves artificially in the exalted position of Visnu) may indeed enjoy temporary gain, adoration, and mundane fame, and may delude their unfortunate followers from the right path by a false display of renunciation
- They (the mistaken leaders) mislead us into taking some temporary benefit, but how long can their plans and schemes go on? If they persist until they die of heart failure or are killed by assassins, then another just like them takes their place
- They are becoming leaders. So what kind of leader? Andha yathandhair upaniyamanah. One blind man is leading several other blind men. So what will be the result? The result must be disaster. That is being done
- They are not actual leader. They are animal, but because we are small animal, we are praising. So it is very difficult to understand our philosophy, but still, we have to preach. That is our mission
- They are saying that Swamiji is doing nice things. So it is up to you Europeans and Americans to push it all over the world, and one day you will be the leaders of the world. It is not difficult
- They do not know what is freedom and whose freedom. That they do not know. Therefore they have created so many newspapers for freedom, the so-called freedom. But there is no freedom. Even big, big leaders, they have no freedom
- They may defy leadership, they may defy authority, but one who defies authority, he wants to become authority. So this is natural. Without leader nothing can be done
- They say, big, big professor, big, big leader, "No, there is no life after death. This is once we get, and finished." That is also another foolishness. Just like a child
- They want something spiritual. But because there is no such information, there is no such leader, they are becoming hippies - frustrated, confused
- They will try to make a research and waste time and waste money, public money, and pass on as great scientist, philosopher, leaders, politician, and mislead people, without any factual knowledge
- This (politician) sort of leader cannot be compared with a sadhu, because a sadhu is leader for all living entities. They are thinking of the ant also, how it will be helped. Not only human society or own society, family members
- This age of Kali will certainly be full of all activities of Kali, but this does not mean that the leaders of society, executive heads, learned and intelligent men, or above all devotees of God should sit down tightly & become callous to its reactions
- This is Kali-yuga. The leaders also do not associate with sat, and they create their own imagination. Sat, om tat sat. Bhagavan is the supreme sat. So they do not care for Bhagavan, so there is no sat-sanga. Asat-sanga
- This is the nature of human being, to accept a leader. But this man (Freud), unfortunately, he lost the leadership of God and he took leadership of sex. That is his position
- This is the standard of leadership. So if you elect first-class leader, then your government will be first class. But if you elect some rogues and thieves, drunkards, then how you can expect good government? - This is natural
- This is to inform you that I, the undersigned, am the Founder-Acarya of the ISKCON, and the world leader for all of its branches. I have appointed 18 direct representatives to manage different sectors of the world, and they are known as GBCs
- This movement is approved method for reviving God consciousness. So let the leaders take this movement more seriously and it will actually relieve the suffering humanity and specially the youths who are out to search out something spiritual
- Those really learned leaders of society like Brahma, Siva, Kapila, the Kumaras, Manu, Vyasa, Devala, Asita, Janaka, Prahlada & Bali, who are faithful philosophers, politicians, educators, scientists, etc.-surrender to the lotus feet of the God. BG 1972 p
- Those really learned leaders of society like Madhvacarya, Ramanujacarya, Sri Caitanya & many others-who are faithful philosophers, politicians, educators, scientists, etc.-surrender to the lotus feet of the God, the all-powerful authority. BG 1972 pur
- Those who are actually learned and advanced in spiritual life do not accept any leader, husband or maintainer other than the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Those who are leaders of their respective countries and communities should first be sure to satisfy Visnu, for their own benefit and for the benefit of those whom they profess to lead
- Those who want to be leader of the society, they should be ideal persons, they should be Krsna conscious person. Then the whole world will be happy
- Throughout the world at the present moment, almost all the leaders, scholars, and mahatmas are more or less materialists, without any taste for transcendental knowledge
- Thus begins the history of a great sacrifice performed by the leaders of the universal creation, namely Marici, Daksa and Vasistha
- Time is very bad at the present moment everywhere, especially in India. Of course, India's original culture is all right. But unfortunately, our modern leaders, they are killing the original culture. They want to introduce Western culture
- To have a very beautiful, obedient wife. These (good family, high aristocratic family, or good follower, leader, minister) are the aspirations of material life. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu said: "I do not want all these things." This is bhakti life
- Treatment of mind means controlling the senses. Yoga indriya-samyamah. Mind is the leader of the senses. So if the treatment of the mind is done properly, then the senses work properly
- Two groups of cousin-brothers, they wanted to fight to settle up. Formerly the war was declared - the leader of the war, if he is killed, then the other party is victorious. Not that unnecessarily killing the civil citizens. No
- Uddhava went to see the leaders of the Kuru dynasty, and he met all the important members, including Bhismadeva, Dhrtarastra, Dronacarya, Duryodhana and Bahlika
- Unfortunately the leaders are misguiding them (the Indians), and they are becoming atheists generally. It is very regretful situation
- Unfortunately there are many so-called philosophers in the present age who give instruction without citing authority, and many leaders follow their unauthorized instruction. Consequently people are not happy
- Unfortunately, at the present moment the bodily constitutions of the leaders of society, especially the governmental leaders, are polluted
- Unfortunately, modern politicians & other leaders stress the bodily comforts of life (yasyatma-buddhih kunape tri-dhatuke (SB 10.84.13)) & concentrate on the activities of this ism and that ism, which they describe in different kinds of flowery language
- Unfortunately, mundane fools are accepted as educational leaders and are offered exalted posts for teaching irreligious principles to the general populace. This is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 7.5.31): andha yathandhair upaniyamanah
- Unfortunately, our modern leaders, they are killing the original culture. They want to introduce Western culture. Now it is openly there are beef shop, wine shop. So what can be done? It is Kali-yuga. Everything is possible
- Unfortunately, our system of education is so dull that the authorities do not know that we are not this body; we are spirit soul. Still, they are big, big philosopher, big, big politician and big, big leader and social authorities
- Unfortunately, the present leaders, they are misleading them. Anyway, you are fortunate. You take advantage of this cult of Krsna consciousness which was spoken by Krsna Himself, in this land of Bharatavarsa
- Unfortunately, they (hippies) have no good leader, neither they have information that there is another beautiful life in Krishna Consciousness
- Unless you become a dhirah, you cannot understand what is spiritual life, what is spirit. It is not a bogus thing, that I manufacture something, concoct something, and do something, and I become a leader, I become a spiritual master. This is all nonsense
- Upon hearing the sound, the other leaders of the demons were afraid. None of them could find the origin of that sound in the assembly
- Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says you have to follow the direction of the spiritual master. He's guiding as a leader. And if he's pleased, that means Krsna is pleased. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah
- Visvarupa continued: O Indra, this mystic armor related to Lord Narayana has been described by me to you. By putting on this protective covering, you will certainly be able to conquer the leaders of the demons
- Washington D.C. is the capital of your country, and therefore it is a very strategic location for preaching amongst the nations leaders
- We accept some leader and follow his principles. Just like you have elected your leader as President Johnson, the president of your state. He is supposed to be the leader of your nation, and he is asking you to go to the Vietnam and sacrifice your life
- We are dealing generally with the masses. But if we can convert one leader, then it is equal to turning many people in the mass. That is the idea
- We are sure that with all our faults in this connection the seriousness of the subject matter will be taken into consideration, and the leaders of society will still accept this due to its being an honest attempt to glorify the Almighty God
- We are taught to address others as Prabhu. Prabhu means master; and the leader of the masters is called Prabhupada
- We are teaching them what kind of leaders should be selected. The king, the public leader, the brahmana, and . . . at least these three men, they should be free from the four kinds of sinful activities
- We find periodic upheavals in society in the forms of battles, communal riots and fratricidal quarrels. Under these circumstances, not only are the leaders unable to lead the people toward liberation, but they cannot even give them peace of mind
- We get this chance, & if we are not educated by our teachers, by our fathers, by our leaders, by our government men, by our gurus, by our relatives, how to accept the lotus feet of Krsna, who is canvassing, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja
- We have rejected our own culture. Still we are leading people. There is chaotic condition. So this Krsna consciousness movement is to correct this mistake. So leaders like you should cooperate
- We have taken Bhagavad-gita as the standard of all human activities. If the leaders of the human society take it as standard, then all the problems will be solved. That we can give practical suggestions for
- We have taken Bhagavad-gita as the standard of all human activities. If the leaders of the human society take it as standard, then all the problems will be solved. That we can give practical suggestions. Any plan of the atheists will never be successful
- We have to accept the servitorship or underhand, to become underhand of some person. So the intelligence is that, "Whom we have to accept?" That, there lies intelligence: What kind of leader we shall accept
- We have to consider whether the leadership of Lenin is good, or the leadership of Krsna is good. That is another thing. But you have to accept one leader. You cannot do without leader. That is not possible
- We may approach our government leaders with our simple formula and show to them by the practical result that we are accomplishing the reform work that they are trying to do by spending millions of dollars but not very successfully
- We should expose before the public eye that the lowest class of men are now taking the posts of leaders, and therefore there can be no peace or happiness
- We want to unite everyone culturally. Without this, every society is imperfect, but with it, society is perfect. All intelligent leaders of society should try to understand in depth this fact
- What are those leaders? Andha. They do not know what is the ultimate goal of life. They are themselves blind, and they are leading other blind followers. This is going on
- What can they (the atheists leaders) do for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Visnu? And if they do not do everything for the satisfaction of the transcendental senses of Godhead, how can they expect to drag themselves from commited sins
- What is this politics, the democracy? Some animals voting another big animal, that's all. The leader is an animal, and the voters, they are animals. So what is the use of such politics? They remain animals
- "What is your opinion?" Just see. What is his value? Nobody... He is public leader because he has got some money. Money is the criterion. Therefore people are accumulating money some way or other
- What one fails to comprehend is how the leaders of these (thirteen unauthorized) cults, who have never accept discipleship and tutelage from any bona fide spiritual master, can suddenly rise to the position of spiritual master themselves
- When Daksa, the leader of the Prajapatis, entered that assembly, his personal bodily luster as bright as the effulgence of the sun, the entire assembly was illuminated, and all the assembled personalities became insignificant in his presence
- When dead, the bodies of all the rulers known as kings and great leaders will be transformed into worms, stool or ashes
- When Krsna got permission (from Yudhisthira), He returned to His country accompanied by Satyaki, the leader of the Yadus who were living in Hastinapura with Him. Kalindi also returned with Krsna to Dvaraka
- When Lord Balarama spoke in a commanding tone full of heroic assertion, supremacy and chivalry, the leaders of the Kuru dynasty did not appreciate His statements. Rather, all of them became agitated, and with great anger they said
- When my Guru Maharaja ordered me (I became the spiritual leader of Krsna consciousness). This is the guru-parampara
- When the krpanas have too many children, they suffer the scorching heat of family life, and then similar leaders advise them to undertake family planning
- When the unalloyed devotees and the leaders of the snakes offer their obeisances to Lord Sankarsana with great devotion, they become very joyful upon seeing their own beautiful faces reflected in His toenails
- When these conditions (pierce the eye of the fish seeing only its reflection) were declared, many princes came to compete, for responding to a challenge is a principle for a ksatriya, a heroic leader
- When you cite isavasya and at the same time "politicians" and "leaders," do you think the leaders and the politicians follow isavasya philosophy?
- Where did this chunk come from? The fact is that there must be a brain, a leader, behind anything organized. We have information of this leader from the Vedas: nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam - Katha Upanisad 2.2.13
- Who knows it? Ask big, big leaders, big, big scholars of Bhagavad-gita. They are concerned with this body. Nobody is interested with the active principle within the body. So what do they know about Bhagavad-gita?
- With His followers in the renounced order Lord Caitanya was very strict. He even banished Junior Haridasa, an important kirtana leader, for glancing lustfully at a woman - CC Intro
- With those (Demigods) heads I shall perform a sacrifice to Bhairava and the other leaders of the ghosts, along with their hordes
- Without God Consciousness, no plan will be successful. Of course, the demoniac class of men will always remain, but unless there is a strong body to present God Consciousness proposals to the leaders of the world, there will be no hope
- Without knowing that there is a very nice medicine, mrta-sanjivani, they take so many troublesome medicines. Similarly, the great leaders of religious principles, without knowing this Hare Krsna maha-mantra, they take to so many troublesome ceremonies
- Yajna, being the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, became the leader of the demigods, Indra
- Yet curiously enough there are many human leaders who are worshiped by foolish men under the misunderstanding of anthropomorphism or zoomorphism. Iha devatah denotes a powerful man or demigod of this material world. BG 1972 purports
- You approach the government leaders and convince them in this way (we are rescuing the most fallen members of society), and that will be the greatest achievement. They have got so much money for spending for human welfare activities
- You have mentioned the idea of having a pandal in Madras between the Mayapur and Vrndavana festivals. This will be nice, if it is practical. If you can arrange it co-operatively with the other leaders, then I shall also come there at that time
- You have to see what is this method, Krsna consciousness movement. That we are prepared to serve you, to convince you, the first-class nature of this movement. Now if you are convinced, try to cooperate. And induce other leaders
- You require a leader; we require a leader. That is wanted. Without leader we cannot go. But if you select a bad leader, blind leader, then you remain blind
- You should try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement. It is very scientific, authorized. It is not a mental concoction or sentimental movement. It is most scientific movement. So we are inviting all leaders from all countries: try to understand
- You'll be glad to know that even my in young age or early age - it was Krsna's grace - even amongst my young friends, I was considered the leader
- Your ideas about influencing the leaders of society, yes, that must be done. But political power is not in their hands actually, factually speaking. It is the common people who elect the leaders of your country