kingdom | kingdoms | kingdom's
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Pages in category "Kingdom"
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- A bad king spoils the kingdom and a bad housewife spoils the family
- A devotee eats only prasada, or foodstuffs offered to the Supreme Lord, and Krsna says that when a devotee offers Him foodstuffs from the vegetable kingdom, with devotion, He eats that
- A king is always protected by seven elements - his instructor (svami or guru), his ministers, his kingdom, his fort, his treasury, his royal order and his friends
- A king is not alone. He first has his spiritual master, the supreme guide. Then come his ministers, his kingdom, his fortifications, his treasury, his system of law and order, and his friends or allies
- A kingdom, state or empire must be governed under the instructions of saintly persons and brahmanas like the Kumaras
- A ksatriya who dies in the battlefield for the right cause, he goes to the heaven. If he conquers over the enemy, he enjoys the kingdom. And if he dies... But the cause must be right
- A responsible king like Maharaja Pariksit could not allow the friend of irreligiosity to flourish in his kingdom at the cost of the good fame of the Pandavas
- According to the Vedic injunctions, one must accept a wife just to beget a son who can deliver one from the clutches of Yamaraja. Unless one has a son to offer oblations to the pitas, or forefathers, one must suffer in Yamaraja's kingdom
- According to this description of the kingdom of Maharaja Ambarisa, the country or the world should be ruled by a chief executive whose advisors are all devotee brahmanas
- According to Vedic civilization, in a monarchy the king is advised by saintly persons and sages. By taking their advice, he can become the greatest executive power, and everyone in his kingdom will be happy, peaceful and prosperous
- According to Vedic system, big, big king, they give up their kingdom and becomes a sannyasi, mendicant, voluntary acceptance of adversity. This is good. To live very comfortably and forget God is not good business
- Actually if the monarch becomes Krsna conscious, actually becomes representative of Krsna, then the whole face of the kingdom will change. That is required. Our Krsna consciousness movement is for that purpose
- Actually the members of the Kuru dynasty were very much puffed up due to their opulence, kingdom, aristocracy, family tradition, great warriors, family members and vast, expansive empire
- Actually, that is the fact. We work so hard, accumulate money for showing to our relatives, to our friends: "Now, just see how I have become rich." But if they are all gone, then "Whom shall I show this kingdom?" thinking like ordinary worldly man
- Actually, the kingdom belonged to Bhisma, but he remained a brahmacari, he did not marry. There was no issue of Bhismadeva. Therefore his nephews, Dhrtarastra and Pandu, they were inheritor
- After delivering charge of his (Sagara Maharaja's) kingdom to Amsuman and thus being freed from all material anxiety and bondage, Sagara Maharaja, following the means instructed by Aurva Muni, achieved the supreme destination
- After his death, since there was no king, all the rogues and thieves flourished, the kingdom became unregulated, and all the citizens suffered greatly
- After instructing Indra, Lord Krsna asked him to return to his kingdom in the heavenly planets and to remember always that he is never the supreme but is always subordinate to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- After performing the ritualistic ceremonies, take charge of your father's kingdom. Sit upon the throne and do not be disturbed by materialistic activities. Please keep your mind fixed upon Me. Without transgressing the injunctions of the Vedas
- After seeing that each was taken care of, Lord Krsna, in a sweet voice, asked them (Kings) to return to their respective kingdoms
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra ended and the Pandavas were established in their kingdom, Krsna, before going back home to Dvaraka, was taking leave of His aunt and bidding her farewell. It was at that time that Kunti offered this prayer
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra, Maharaja Yudhisthira was again able to rule his legitimate kingdom, and he reinstated the principles of honor and respect for religion. That is the beauty of a kingdom ruled by a pious king like Maharaja Yudhisthira
- After the construction of the bridge, a fire was set all over the kingdom of Ravana. During the fighting with Ravana, every part of his limbs was slashed to pieces by Your (Ramacandra) sharp arrows, and his heads fell to the face of the earth
- After their (his sons) return, he (King Barhisman) would entrust his kingdom to them and then leave home. This is the position of most people
- After this, the great saintly King Malayadhvaja divided his entire kingdom among his sons. Then, in order to worship Lord Krsna with full attention, he went to a solitary place known as Kulacala
- After your (Dhruva) father goes to the forest and awards you the rule of his kingdom, you will rule continuously the entire world for thirty-six thousand years, and all your senses will continue to be as strong as they are now. You will never become old
- Akrura continued, "If you (Dhrtarastra) do so (to rule the kingdom on moral and ethical principles) and try to please your subjects in that way, your name and fame will be perpetual"
- Akrura could understand very well that ill-motivated Dhrtarastra was much inclined in favor of his own sons. In fact, Dhrtarastra had already usurped the kingdom and was now intriguing to dispose of the five Pandava brothers
- Akrura said, "My dear son of Vicitravirya, you have unlawfully usurped the throne of the Pandavas. Anyway, somehow or other you are now on the throne. Therefore I (Akrura) beg to advise you to please rule the kingdom on moral and ethical principles"
- All persons who had joined the side of Duryodhana must have been birds of the same feather (he wanted to usurp the kingdom of the Pandavas by evil plans). BG 1972 purports
- All the citizens of these places (the kingdoms of Anarta, Dhanva, Kuru-jangala, Kanka, Matsya, Pancala, Kunti, Madhu, Kekaya, Kosala and Arna), both men and women, could see Lord Krsna face to face
- Also let me (Vidura) inquire whether Maharaja Yudhisthira is now maintaining the kingdom according to religious principles and with respect for the path of religion
- Although Dhrtarastra was equally careful for the minor children of Maharaja Pandu, he was one of the intriguing parties who wanted to wash away the descendants of Pandu and replace them by raising his own sons to become the rulers of the kingdom
- Although he (Pariksit) was bereft of his entire kingdom, which spread over all the world, and although he was accepting not even a drop of water in the seven days remaining to him, because he was engaged in hearing the transcendental pastimes of the Lord
- Although I cheated him in My incarnation as Vamana, taking away his dominions throughout the universe, and although I still criticized him for not fulfilling his promise, I have just now seen him in his kingdom, and he feelingly expressed his love for Me
- Although Maharaja Ambarisa was fully engaged in devotional service, his kingdom was free of all fear of adversity
- Although the incident of the kidnapping was not a very happy occurrence in the kingdom of Vidarbha, kidnapping was not an unusual affair among ksatriyas. Kidnapping was, in fact, current in almost all their marriages
- Although the materialist exerts so much energy to create a kingdom of hallucinations, he is unable to enjoy it for more than a few years
- Although they (great kings and emperors) were extremely opulent and were the masters of kingdoms, they could give up all their possessions because they were trained early as brahmacaris. Prahlada Maharaja's advice is therefore very appropriate
- Amongst the human beings, the king is the representative of Krsna because Krsna is the maintainer of the universe, and the kings, who are appointed on account of their godly qualifications, are maintainers of their kingdoms. BG 1972 purports
- An example of the neophyte class is Maharaja Dhruva. He was in need of his father's kingdom and therefore engaged himself in devotional service to the Lord
- And as a retaliation, the common people have bereft them (the princes and zamindars) of their kingdom: "No more kingdom, because you always supported Britishers." It is a great politics
- Another duty of the ksatriya is that people are being educated spiritually. That is ksatriya's duty. Or the king of a kingdom is looking over the citizens, that they are properly being trained up
- Another gopi said, "Krsna has killed His enemy, & He has victoriously achieved the kingdom of Kamsa. Maybe He is married with a king's daughter by this time & living happily among His kinsmen & friends. Why should He come to this village of Vrndavana"
- Another incident demonstrating Yasoda's extreme love for Krsna occurred when Krsna went to Mathura, the kingdom of Kamsa
- Any new brahmacaris who come with good faith should be helped. We are living in the Kingdom of Maya, so Maya's influence is very great in the material world. It is just like an epidemic. So one has to become immune very carefully by Krishna Consciousness
- Anyone who believes in direct perception, his knowledge is imperfect always, because the senses are imperfect. Therefore we have to receive knowledge from perfect: Krsna, the supreme perfect. He is above this darkness. He comes from the kingdom of light
- Anyone who remembers Krsna always, twenty-four hours, he is living in Vaikuntha. He is not in the kingdom of maya
- Apparently Arjuna was very nice gentleman that he is forgetting his claim over the kingdom, he's nonviolent, he's not willing to fight with his brothers, and he was crying so compassionate
- Arjuna proposed that, "Krsna, why shall I fight with my brothers? After all, they are my brothers. They are enjoying the kingdom. Let them enjoy. I shall better live by begging. Why shall I fight with them?" It is a very good proposal
- Arjuna told the Lord that it was not possible for him to enjoy the kingdom after killing his own kinsmen. This decision was based on the body because he was thinking that the body was himself. BG 1972 Introduction
- Arjuna's sole opportunity for gaining a kingdom lay in fighting with his cousins and brothers and reclaiming the kingdom inherited from his father, which he does not like to do. BG 1972 purports
- As a ksatriya, he requires a kingdom for his subsistence, because the ksatriyas cannot engage themselves in any other occupation. But Arjuna has had no kingdom. BG 1972 purports
- As a result (of kidnapping Sita), Ravana's entire family, opulence and kingdom were smashed, and Sita, the goddess of fortune, was recovered from his clutches and reunited with Lord Rama. Thus all property, riches and wealth belong to Krsna
- As a result of this severe punishment (the king would immediately chop off the hands of a thief) there were practically no theft cases within the kingdom. Even if someone left something on the street, no one would touch it
- As a result of this severe punishment (the king would immediately chop off the hands of the thief) there were practically no theft cases within the kingdom
- As the King and Queen lamented, all their male and female followers joined them in crying. Because of the sudden accident, all the citizens of the kingdom were almost unconscious
- As the officers of a kingdom are respected due to their relation to the king, the demigods are worshiped due to their relation to the Lord
- As the ruler of the entire universe, Emperor Bharata had the opulences of a great kingdom and unconquerable soldiers. His sons and family had seemed to him to be his entire life
- At heart Dhruva Maharaja wanted a kingdom that would be far better than Brahmaloka. This was a natural desire for a ksatriya
- At the same time there was an assembly of many elephants, who carried the respective kings of different friendly kingdom
- At the time of death the mental condition will give you another body. There is proof also, just like Maharaja Bharata. He was advancing in spiritual life - he left his kingdom - but at the time of death he was thinking of a deer, so he became a deer
- Balarama said, "They (the Yadus) were preparing to attack the whole kingdom of the Kuru dynasty, but I pacified them and took the trouble to come here to settle the affair without any fighting. Yet these rascals behave like this"
- Bali Maharaja became an authority, because he showed the example of surrendering everything, sarvatma-snapane, even his body. First of all he gave his kingdom
- Bali Maharaja could guess that the brahmana was Lord Visnu Himself and had come to him just to take away his opulent kingdom on behalf of Indra
- Bali Maharaja offered everything to the Lord - his wealth, his kingdom and even his own body - sarvatma-nivedane balih
- Bali Maharaja was then given the whole of Sutala for his residence and kingdom
- Because by chance I was born blind, - he (Dhrtarastra) thought, "I could not inherit the throne of the kingdom, and instead it went to my younger brother. Now he is dead, so at least my sons should get the throne." This is the materialistic propensity
- Because his (King Saudasa's) duty is to rule the kingdom to maintain brahminical culture, he never desires to kill a brahmana
- Because of drinking the breast milk of their mother, the nine sons of Agnidhra naturally had strong, well-built bodies. Their father gave them each a kingdom in a different part of Jambudvipa. The kingdoms were named according to the names of the sons
- Because the brahmanas and Vaisnavas are always directed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are not greedy for material wealth. What is absolutely necessary they possess, but they do not want an expanded kingdom
- Being a mahajana, it is the duty of Yamaraja to preach the cult of devotion to the people of the world, as Narada, Brahma, and other mahajanas do. But Yamaraja is always busy in his plutonic kingdom punishing the doers of sinful acts
- Being favored by the spiritual master, according to the words of Lord Siva, Sudyumna regained his desired maleness every alternate month and in this way ruled the kingdom, although the citizens were not satisfied with this
- Being reluctant to accept material enjoyment, Manu's youngest son, whose name was Kavi, gave up the kingdom before attaining full youth
- Being very pleased with Bali Maharaja for giving all his possessions, the Lord returned his kingdom and made him richer than the opulent King Indra. Even now, Bali Maharaja engages in devotional service by worshiping the SPG in the planet of Sutala
- Between those kingdoms (Hastinapur, Anarta, Sauvira and Kuruksetra) were many mountains, rivers, towns, villages, pasturing grounds and mining fields. The procession passed through all these places in its advance
- Beyond this unmanifested matter is the spiritual kingdom, which is described in Bhagavad-gita as supreme and eternal. That kingdom is never annihilated
- Bharata left his home, wife, children, kingdom and everything else to advance his spiritual life in the forest, but again he fell victim to material affection due to his attachment to pet deer. What, then, was the use of his renouncing his family
- Bharata Maharaja left his kingdom and Lord Buddha left his kingdom - these are all different attempts to get out of Maya's influence. But our philosophy is that things employed in Krsna's service have no more influence of Maya
- Bhismadeva, Dhrtarastra, Dronacarya, Duryodhana and Bahlika said, "They (the Yadus) had practically no position before we gave them a portion of our kingdom to rule, and now they are trying to command us"
- Bleeding from the mouth and passing stool and urine, his (Aristasura's) eyes starting from their sockets, he passed to the kingdom of death
- By his (Marutta's) constant pious work he was able to drive out all kinds of diseases from the jurisdiction of his kingdom
- By maya (Krsna controls a nondevotee). Just as the government controls everything. A kingdom is controlled by the king's departments. Just as you control your beloved. For example, if you have a beloved child, you control him for his benefit
- By past pious deeds, one may become the king of a country, but because the results of the pious acts of Duryodhana and company were dwindling, it became evident from their actions that they were sure to lose the kingdom to the Pandavas
- By practicing mystic yoga, a rajarsi could become smaller than the smallest, greater than the greatest, and could get whatever he desired. A rajarsi could also create a kingdom, bring everyone under his control and rule everyone
- By studying such incidents (like Ravana's kingdom destroyed by Lord Ramacandra), we can understand the full meaning of isa-vidhvamsitasisam
- By the mercy of all the devotees, one can attain the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord. Without His mercy, my kingdom does not appeal to me
- Cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa-laksavrtesu (Bs. 5.29). The spiritual world, cintamani-dhama, is surrounded by these kalpa-vrksa trees, but the parijata tree is also found in the kingdom of Indra, that is, on Indra's heavenly planet
- Compassionately, he (Arjuna) said to Krsna, "My dear Krsna, I don't wish to fight. Let my cousin brothers enjoy the kingdom. I cannot kill them in this fight." This is the subject matter of Bhagavad-gita
- Dear Lord, O killer of the demon Madhu, we can now clearly see that Jarasandha was not at fault in the least; it is actually by Your causeless mercy that we were bereft of our kingdoms, for we were very proud of calling ourselves rulers and kings
- Democracy is also mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that in the Kali-yuga there will be no more monarchy or the kingdom ruled by the ksatriyas
- Devapi left the kingdom of his father and went to the forest, and therefore Santanu became the king
- Dhrtarastra was rotting there. He lost everything. He lost his kingdom, lost his sons, grandsons and everything. Still he could not give up the so-called material happiness
- Dhruva Maharaja at first wanted to achieve the greatest material kingdom and greater material possessions than his father, but when he was actually favored by the Lord, who appeared before him to give him the benediction he desired, he refused it
- Dhruva Maharaja regretted that he had rejected the advice of Narada Muni and was adamant in asking him for something perishable, namely revenge against his stepmother for her insult, and possession of the kingdom of his father (King Uttanapada)
- Dhruva Maharaja wanted the material benediction of a kingdom greater than that of his father, and although he received a spiritual body, he also got the kingdom, for the SP of Godhead does not disappoint anyone who takes shelter of His lotus feet
- Dhruva Maharaja wanted to have the kingdom of his father, but his father refused even to allow him to get on his lap. In order to fulfill his desire, the Lord had already created a planet known as the polestar, Dhruvaloka
- Dhruva Maharaja was thinking of becoming happy by getting a great kingdom, and ultimately when he met the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he found the object of love. He said, - No. I don't want anything. I have got now everything. I have seen You
- Dhruva Maharaja, although a young child, expressed his hope that he might be offered the benediction of a kingdom which would exceed in opulence those of his father and grandfather
- Dhruva Maharaja, for example, became a bhakta with the motive of getting a better kingdom than that of his father, but finally he became an akama-bhakta
- Dhruva wanted the kingdom better than his father, grandfather. So he had to undergo severe austerities. He got Krsna. But when he got Krsna, he said: "I don't want any benediction." This position you can attain any moment. This is the result of tapasya
- Dhruva was very much ashamed to think that although he had gone to Madhuvana, giving up the kingdom of his father (Uttanapada), and he had gotten a spiritual master like Narada Muni, he was still thinking of revenge against his stepmother
- Don't be disheartened at any circumstance. Depend on Krishna. After all this is the kingdom of maya. She is always peeping to take the opportunity of attacking us, but if we fix up our attention on the Lotus Feet of Krishna, maya cannot even touch us
- Don't remain in this darkness. Just transfer yourself to the kingdom of light
- Due to your long absence from your kingdom while fighting the demons on behalf of the demigods, your queen, your children, your relatives and your ministers have all passed away in due course of time
- During their stay in the forest, there was some quarrel between Ramacandra and Ravana, and the latter kidnapped the Lord's wife, Sita. The quarrel ended in the vanquishing of the greatly powerful Ravana, along with all his kingdom and family
- Duryodhana received him (Arjuna) as his brother - My dear brother, you have come? What do you want? You want the kingdom without fighting? Therefore you have come? I can give you. I can stop this fighting if you want without fighting
- Duryodhana was as strong as the King of heaven, still the sons of Prtha, the Pandavas, were able to snatch away their kingdom from him. Both Garuda & the Parthas are pet devotees of the Lord, and thus it was possible for them to face such strong enemies
- Emperor Bharata was so attracted by the beauty of the lotus feet of Krsna that even in his youthful life he gave up all kinds of attachments to family, children, friends, kingdom, etc., as though they were untouchable stools
- Emperor Pariksit received the information of his death in time, and he at once left his kingdom and family and sat down on the bank of the Ganges to fast till death
- Establishing the ideal kingdom of Lord Rama
- Even if I get the kingdom of trailokya - svarga, martya, patala, like that - still, I am not prepared to fight with my kinsmen, what to speak of this earthly planet. - He (Arjuna) decided like that. This is called family attachment
- Even the pig will not agree, that "Come on to the heavenly kingdom. You were the king." "No, no, I don’t like to go. This is very nice place, with stool and dirty water and these pigs. It is very nice life." This is maya. This is maya
- Even though it was possible that his (Uttanapada's) lost son (Dhruva Maharaja) was coming back from the kingdom of death, he thought that since he was most sinful it was not possible for him to be so fortunate as to get back his lost son
- Exploitation of the weaker living being by the stronger is the natural law of existence; there is always an attempt to devour the weak in different kingdoms of living beings
- Family life within the kingdom of illusory energy, maya, is just like a prison for the eternal living entity. In prison a prisoner is shackled by iron chains and iron bars
- Finally he (Emperor Bharata) thought of all this (his great kingdom and unconquerable soldiers. His sons and family) as an impediment to spiritual advancement, and therefore he ceased from enjoying it
- Following the advice of the brahmanas, Santanu was ready to return the kingdom to Devapi, but by the intrigue of Santanu's minister, Devapi became unfit to be king. Therefore Santanu resumed charge of the kingdom, and rain fell properly during his regime
- For a transcendentalist, therefore, who at all wants to be promoted to the kingdom beyond material miseries, it is worse than suicide to deliberately indulge in sex life, especially in the renounced order of life
- For that one Sita, war was declared against Ravana, and the whole family dynasty with kingdom, everything was finished. So this is the duty of the husband
- For the benefit of the three worlds, Lord Siva, who is known as Tripurari, once set fire to the three kingdoms of Maya, but later, being pleased with him, he returned his kingdom
- For the elevation of your kingdom and home, you should return the kingdom to him
- Forgetting his prime duty, he (Arjuna) wanted to cease fighting, because he thought that by not killing his relatives and kinsmen he would be happier than by enjoying the kingdom after conquering his cousins & brothers, the sons of Dhrtarastra. BG 1972 p
- From a spiritual point of view, a great kingdom, beautiful wife and wonderful material activities are all impediments to spiritual advancement
- From outward appearances the seas and oceans are devoid of life, but a person acquainted with the sea knows that within the water exist many varieties of life. The king of that underwater kingdom is Varuna
- Fully control your mind and senses. In this transcendental position, try to execute your duty as king in whatever condition of life you may be posted by My arrangement, for your only duty here is to give protection to the citizens of your kingdom
- Gambling is also an art. Ksatriyas are allowed to exhibit talent in this art of gambling. By Krsna's grace, the Pandavas lost everything by gambling and were deprived of their kingdom, wife, family & home because they were not expert in the gambling art
- Gambling is so dangerous. The bet was the wife. The Pandavas and the Kurus were playing on chess, and they lost their kingdom, they lost their wife, then they were ordered to be banished for twelve years and one year incognito
- Generally, kings fight to extend their kingdoms, which they rule for sense gratification. But as far as Arjuna is concerned, he declined to fight for his own sense gratification
- Generally, ordinary persons are engaged simply in working hard in the material world, and they have no information that there is another kingdom or another sky, which is known as the spiritual sky, where life is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge
- Hanuman was a great devotee of Lord Ramacandra, and he utilized his anger to set fire to the kingdom of Ravana, a nondevotee demon
- Hanuman, he became very angry, and he set fire to the golden kingdom of Ravana. Without being angry you cannot set fire to other's house. So he did it, but he did it for Ramacandra, not for his personal sense gratification
- Hastinapura, the capital of the Pandavas, was situated somewhere near present New Delhi, and the kingdom of Ugrasena was situated in Mathura
- Having failed to set fire to Dvaraka, the fiery demon went back to Varanasi, the kingdom of Kasiraja. As a result of his return, all the priests who had helped instruct the black art of mantras, along with their employer, Sudaksina, were burned to ashes
- Having won his kingdom and observed the birth of one grandson competent to continue the noble tradition of his family, Maharaja Yudhisthira reigned peacefully and enjoyed uncommon opulence in cooperation with his younger brothers
- He (a bona fide spiritual master) does not deviate at all from the instructions of the Supreme Lord as they were imparted millions of years ago to the sun-god, from whom the instructions of BG have come down to the earthly kingdom. BG 1972 purports
- He (A KIing) first has his spiritual master, the supreme guide. Then come his ministers, his kingdom, his fortifications, his treasury, his system of law and order, and his friends or allies. If these seven are properly maintained, the king is happy
- He (Akrura) at once took leave of his friends in Hastinapura and returned to his home in the kingdom of the Yadus
- He (Arjuna) did not consider such killing (of his kinsmen) profitable simply for the matter of temporary bodily happiness. After all, kingdoms and pleasures derived therefrom are not permanent. BG 1972 purports
- He (Arjuna) is speaking, - Even in exchange of kingdom of the three worlds, I am not prepared to fight
- He (Arjuna) said that although he could get a kingdom by fighting with his relatives, he did not want to fight with them. But when he was ordered by Krsna and convinced by the teachings of Bhagavad-gita that his duty was to satisfy Krsna, then he fought
- He (Arjuna) said that, "Even they usurp my kingdom, I do not wish to kill them." So this affection, this bodily affection, was not very much approved by Krsna. He said that - You are talking like a non-Aryan
- He (Bahulasva) was very well established in his reputation as a good king, and he was not at all ambitious to extend his kingdom for the sake of sense gratification
- He (Dhruva Maharaja) frankly stated that he wanted a kingdom which had no competitor within the three worlds, namely the higher, middle and lower planetary systems
- He (Dhruva Maharaja) was also only five years old, and in his childish way he desired to have a kingdom far greater than his father's, grandfather's or great-grandfather's
- He (Jarasandha) began to make extensive arrangements to attack the kingdom of Mathura with his innumerable military phalanxes, consisting of many thousands of chariots, horses, elephants and infantry soldiers
- He (King Vena) was an atheist, who did not believe in the existence of God, and who consequently stopped all Vedic ritualistic ceremonies in his kingdom
- He (Krsna) began to think within Himself about His mission as an incarnation how to tackle the present situation before Him. He thought that since He was not going to conquer the kingdom of Magadha, to kill the King of Magadha, Jarasandha, was useless
- He (Maharaja Yudhisthira) ruled over the kingdom as a matter of duty, assisted by his younger brothers
- He (Priyavrata) gave up everything, including his wife, with whom he had enjoyed so much sense gratification, and his great and opulent kingdom, and he completely renounced all attachment
- He (Sarvajna) had two sons, named Aniruddhera Rupesvara and Harihara, who were both bereft of their kingdoms and thus obliged to reside in the highlands
- He (Ugrasena) ordered complete prohibition within the city of Dvaraka and the kingdom. He got salvation after his death
- He (Visvamitra Muni) was a great king, and he wanted to be yogi. And he went to forest, gave up his kingdom, went to forest. And he was meditating very seriously, and Indra, king of heaven, he sent some society girls of heavenly planet, Menaka
- He (Yayati) wanted to hand over the kingdom to Puru, but his noblemen and the subjects did not agree
- He (Yudhisthira) became disinterested in his kingdom and family and thus became free from all material contamination, or material designation
- He (Yudhisthira) fought for the right cause because the kingdom of Hastinapura was his rightful inheritance and his cousins wanted to usurp it for themselves
- He delivered his kingdom, his everything, at last his body, and Krsna became purchased by him. And since then, Bali Maharaja is one of the twelve authorities
- He further wished to give Krsna in charity his kingdom, his family and his personal self also. After so desiring, when there was nothing to actually give in charity, Maharaj Yudhisthira became very perturbed and anxious
- He was aware that only seven days remaining. So Maharaja Pariksit left his kingdom and sat down on the bank of the Ganges, and fortunately his spiritual master also came. So there was discussion on the Srimad-Bhagavatam for seven days
- He was full in Brahman realization, and consequently he was always jubilant. He did not experience material lamentation. Although he was perfect in all respects, he was not proud, nor was he anxious to rule the kingdom
- Here (SB 3.22.28) also the citizens of Barhismati, the capital of Brahmavarta, the kingdom of Svayambhuva, came nicely dressed to receive the Emperor with decorations and musical instruments
- Hiranyakasipu wanted Prahlada Maharaja to be trained as a diplomatic king in ruling the kingdom, the country or the world, but not to be advised about renunciation or the renounced order of life
- His (Dhruva's) father was Uttanapada, his grandfather was Manu, and his great-grandfather was Lord Brahma. So Dhruva wanted a kingdom even greater than Lord Brahma could achieve, and he requested Narada Muni to give him facility for achieving it
- His (King Vena's) father became so disgusted, tried to reform him in so many ways, but he could not be reformed. The father, Maharaja Anga, he left the kingdom all of a sudden, being disgusted
- His father, Uttanapada, was the emperor of the entire world, and his grandfather, Lord Brahma, was the creator of the universe. Dhruva Maharaja expressed his desire to possess a kingdom better than those of his father and grandfather
- His younger brother left behind him some minor children, and Dhrtarastra became the natural guardian of them, but at heart he wanted to become the factual king and hand the kingdom over to his own sons, headed by Duryodhana
- How we can transfer into that kingdom of light? The whole human civilization is based on these principle
- Hunting business was allowed only for the kings, ksatriyas, not for ordinary man. Killing in sports. Because the king had to administer so strongly that sometimes he had to kill an evil person immediately with sword. The kingdom was very strong
- I am always too anxious about my family, home, wife, wealth, land and kingdom. And because I have been so maddened by this material atmosphere, I am thinking now that my life has been simply spoiled
- I am merely a gardener. I have neither a kingdom nor very great riches. I simply have some fruits and flowers that I wish to utilize to achieve piety in My life
- I can find no means to drive away this grief which is drying up my senses. I will not be able to destroy it even if I win an unrivalled kingdom on the earth with sovereignty like that of the demigods in heaven. BG 2.8 - 1972
- I do not care about this small sum of 200,000 kahanas. What to speak of this, I would indeed sacrifice everything at the lotus feet of the Lord, including my life and kingdom
- I do not see how any good can come from killing my own kinsmen in this battle, nor can I, my dear Krsna, desire any subsequent victory, kingdom, or happiness. BG 1.31 - 1972
- I have great respect for Manipur, which was a Kshatriya kingdom long before Arjuna. You can do it, you are educated and a devotee, and we shall all help you. That is wanted
- I wish that my kingdom, strength and riches burn up immediately by the fire of the brahmana's wrath so that in the future I may not be guided by such inauspicious attitudes
- If Gaurahari, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, will not show mercy to me, I shall give up my kingdom, become a mendicant and beg from door to door
- If he (Arjuna) should conquer his enemies, he would enjoy the kingdom; and if he should die in the battle, he would be elevated to the heavenly planets whose doors were wide open to him. Fighting would be for his benefit in either case. BG 1972 purports
- If I do not receive Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy, my body and my kingdom are certainly useless
- If material comforts could drive away one's lamentations for family, social, national or international inebrieties, then Arjuna would not have said that an unrivalled kingdom on earth would not be able to drive away his lamentations. BG 1972 purports
- If the king is educated nicely in spiritual affair, if he knows what is the purpose of kingdom, what is the purpose of ruling, then all the citizens automatically become religious, purposeful
- If the king of the state is an impious man, sinful man, that kingdom will never be happy. Bhrasta. Everything is spoiled. As much as in a family, if the housewife is not good - contaminated - then there is no good life in the family
- If the king or dictator individually, or the members of the government collectively, cannot maintain the state or kingdom according to the rules of Manu-samhita, certainly their government will not endure
- If they (citizens) are happy in all respects, it is to be understood that the king is honest and is executing his duties rightly. Krsna said that the king in whose kingdom the citizens are happy is very dear to Him
- If this kingdom (Manipura) is organized as a Vaisnava state, this revitalization will be a great success because for five thousand years this state has maintained its identity. If the Vaisnava spirit is revived there, it will be a wonderful place
- If you perform yajnas rightly, you'll have got, you will have sufficient rains to produce everything. Maharaja Yudhisthira's reign, his kingdom, his government was conducted in that way. Profusely, the nature was producing profusely
- If You think, my dear Krsna, now we are well established, we have got our kingdom back, so everything is nicely done, so You want to leave us, that is not a very good proposal. Because we are not free as yet
- In a civilization where God is conspicuously banished, and there is no devotee warrior like Arjuna, the associates of the age of Kali take advantage of this lawless kingdom and arrange to kill innocent animals like the cow in secluded slaughterhouses
- In both ways (by not killing his (Arjuna's) relatives and kinsmen he would be happier than by enjoying the kingdom after conquering his cousins and brothers, the sons of Dhrtarastra), the basic principles were for sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- In Brazil, in this present age, huge quantities of gold have been found, and from historical references in the Puranas, we can guess safely that this was Ravana's kingdom. This kingdom was, however, destroyed by Lord Ramacandra
- In each and every planet there are oceans, hills, states and kingdoms, and each planet is giving shelter to so many living entities. They are all standing on the earth of feet and legs, torso and shoulders
- In his youth, King Bharata gave up his attractive wife and children, as well as his beloved friends and opulent kingdom, just as one gives up stool after passing it
- In our Krsna consciousness movement, the tactic of dressing oneself like an ordinary karmi is necessary because everyone in the demoniac kingdom is against the Vaisnava teachings
- In perfect self-control, Maharaja Pariksit sat down on a seat of straw, with straw-roots facing the east, placed on the southern bank of the Ganges, and he himself faced the north. Just previously he had given charge of his kingdom over to his son
- In that kingdom, there is a river flowing in both directions, a wonderful home made of twenty-five materials, a swan that vibrates various sounds, and an automatically revolving object made of sharp razors and thunderbolts
- In the beginning, Dhruva Maharaja was interested in the kingdom of his father, but later he became a great devotee, maha-bhagavata, and had no interest in material enjoyment. The perfection of life can be achieved only by devotees
- In the eighth manvantara, the greatly powerful Personality of Godhead Sarvabhauma will take birth. His father will be Devaguhya, and His mother will be Sarasvati. He will take the kingdom away from Purandara(Lord Indra) and give it to Bali Maharaja
- In the kingdom of Maya you cannot stop the onslaught of her activities. The only protective measure is Krishna Consciousness. Otherwise there is no alternative
- In the presence of Kali, Dharma (in the shape of a bull), and the earth (in the shape of a cow), he (Pariksit) could actually estimate the general condition of his kingdom, and therefore he at once took proper steps to reestablish the legs of the bull
- In the Skanda Purana there is a story of an old man residing in Hastinapur, capital of the kingdom of the Pandus, who desired Krsna as his beloved son
- In the very beginning, of course, he (Dhruva Maharaja) was after the kingdom of his father, and in order to get it he went to search for the Supreme Lord. But he later realized that everything is the creation of the illusory energy
- In this verse (SB 4.18.15) the word soma means "nectar." Soma is a kind of beverage made in the heavenly planets from the moon to the kingdoms of the demigods in the various higher planetary systems
- In this way, Jarasandha, the King of Magadha Province, having lost all his strength and having been insulted by his arrest and subsequent release, could do nothing but return to his kingdom. Thus Lord Krsna conquered the soldiers of Jarasandha
- Information of that kingdom of light can be attained through the mercy of a self-realized soul. One also has to get rid of all material desires
- It appears from many Vedic literatures, especially histories like Srimad-Bhagavatam and the puranas, that the pious kings of old used to tour their kingdoms in order to give protection to the pious citizens and to chastise or kill the impious
- It appears that formerly Dvaraka was also part of the kingdom of Mathura. In Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that Krsna constructed the fort in the midst of the sea. Remnants of the fort Krsna constructed still exist in the Bay of Dvaraka
- It appears that in those days in the western part of India there were many small kingdoms, ruled by the Yadu dynasty, Andhaka dynasty, Vrsni dynasty and Bhoja dynasty
- It had happened that when King Jarasandha conquered all other kingdoms, many kings did not bow their heads before Jarasandha, and consequently all of them, numbering twenty thousand, were arrested and made his prisoners
- It is also said in the Padma Purana that the kingdom of tripad-vibhuti is transcendental, whereas the pada-vibhuti is mundane; tripad-vibhuti is eternal, whereas the pada-vibhuti is transient
- It is essential for one to renounce family responsibilities and fully concentrate on the lotus feet of Vasudeva. Therefore Maharaja Ambarisa divided the kingdom among his sons and retired from family life
- It is mentioned in the Padma Purana, Maharaja Nanda & the cowherd boys of Vrndavana joined the marriage ceremony. Kings from the kingdoms of Kuru, Srnjaya, Kekaya, Vidarbha, Kunti all came to Dvaraka on this occasion & met with one another very joyfully
- It is the custom of the citizens of a kingdom's capital to receive the king when he returns from a tour
- It is very difficult to rule citizens in a kingdom without organizing this varnasrama-dharma
- It was an open secret that Duryodhana wanted to usurp the kingdom of the Pandavas by evil plans, in collaboration with his father, Dhrtarastra. BG 1972 purports
- It was not a very easy task for the King (Anga) to give up his opulent kingdom and young, faithful wife
- It was not a very easy task for the King (Anga) to give up his opulent kingdom and young, faithful wife, but it was certainly a great blessing of the Supreme that he could give up the attachment and go out to the forest without being seen by anyone
- Jarasandha returned to his kingdom, and Mathura City was saved from the danger of imminent attack. The citizens of Mathura organized the combined services of professional singers like sutas and magadhas, along with poets who could compose nice songs
- Jarasandha was the king of Magadha Province (known at present as Bihar State). Thus by his diplomatic policy, Kamsa consolidated the most powerful kingdom of his time, under the protection of Jarasandha
- Jarasandha was very powerful, and having been defeated seventeen times, he might vengefully kill the members of the Yadu family or arrest them and take them to his kingdom
- Just as the eye is always protected by the eyelid, they are protected by the sons of Prtha, who snatched back their rightful kingdom from the hands of their enemy Duryodhana, just as Garuda snatched nectar from the mouth of Indra, the thunderbolt carrier
- Just before the great sage Narada arrived in the Sudharma assembly house of Dvaraka, Lord Krsna and His ministers and secretaries had been considering how to attack the kingdom of Jarasandha
- Kali-yuga entered after disappearance of Krsna. Pariksit Maharaja was also very vigilant. The Pandavas, they left their kingdom because they could understand that Kali-yuga has already entered
- Kamsa had been forcibly ruling the kingdom of Yadu, in spite of the presence of his father, whom he had arrested. But after the death of Kamsa, his father was released and announced to be the monarch of the Yadu kingdom
- Kardama Muni could understand that such a great king as Svayambhuva, although traveling to inspect the condition of his kingdom, must have had some special purpose to come to his hermitage. Thus he prepared himself to fulfill the King's desire
- Karna was defeated many times, not only by Arjuna but also by Bhimasena. He was the king of the kingdom of Bengal, Orissa and Madras combined. Later on he took an active part in the Rajasuya sacrifice of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Karttikeya addressed King Mucukunda, "But you left that kingdom, neglected your opulence and possessions, and never cared for fulfillment of your personal ambitions"
- Karttikeya addressed King Mucukunda, "My dear King, you have sacrificed everything for the sake of the demigods. You had a very nice kingdom, undisturbed by any kind of enemy"
- Keeping elephants is very expensive; to keep many elephants, therefore, the kingdom must be very rich, and Hastinapura, as Akrura saw when he reached it, was full of elephants, horses, chariots and other opulences
- King Anga gave up all attraction for his greatly opulent kingdom, and, unseen by anyone, he very silently gave up his home and opulence and proceeded towards the forest
- King Anga was very gentle. He had high character and was a saintly personality and lover of brahminical culture. How is it that such a great soul got a bad son like Vena, because of whom he became indifferent to his kingdom and left it?
- King Barhisat was being instructed by the great sage Narada about the material world and the living entity who wants to enjoy it. It is therefore very clear how the kings and princes were trained to take charge of a kingdom
- King Bharata - after whom India is called Bharata-varsa - was also a pure devotee, and at an early age he left his household life, his devoted beautiful wife, his son, friends and kingdom just as if they were stool
- King Kamsa not only occupied the kingdoms of the Yadu, Bhoja and Andhaka dynasties and the kingdom of Surasena, but he also made alliances with all the other demoniac kings, as follows: demon Aghasura, demon Mustika, demon Arista, demon Dvivida
- King Kamsa not only occupied the kingdoms of the Yadu, Bhoja and Andhaka dynasties and the kingdom of Surasena, but he also made alliances with all the other demoniac kings, as follows: demon Putana, demon Kesi and demon Dhenuka
- King Kamsa not only occupied the kingdoms of the Yadu, Bhoja and Andhaka dynasties and the kingdom of Surasena, but he also made alliances with all the other demoniac kings, as follows: the demon Pralamba, demon Baka, demon Canura, demon Trnavarta
- King Kulasekhara has written in his book Mukunda-mala-stotra (5) :I have no attraction for performing religious rituals or holding any earthly kingdom. I do not care for sense enjoyments; let them appear and disappear in accordance with my previous deeds
- King Pracinabarhisat left his kingdom before his sons arrived after their execution of penance and austerity
- King Prataparudra certainly had ample opportunity for material enjoyment, but he was thinking that his kingdom and everything else was useless if he could not see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is certainly sufficient cause for astonishment
- King Priyavrata enjoyed royal opulence and majesty and then returned to full knowledge. King Priyavrata was detached from worldly opulence, and then he became attached to his kingdom, but finally he again became detached from material enjoyment
- King Purusottama-deva was a great devotee and was advanced in the civilization of the Aryans. He begged at the lotus feet of Gopala, "Please come to my kingdom"
- King Sisupala was the monarch of the Cedi Kingdom, and although he happened to be a cousin of Krsna's, he was always envious of Him. Whenever they would meet, Sisupala would try to insult Krsna and call Him ill names as much as possible
- King Yayati gave the southeast to his son Druhyu, the south to his son Yadu, the west to his son Turvasu, and the north to his son Anu. In this way he divided the kingdom
- Krsna continued, "Now you (Maharaj Ugrasena) can pacify them all and give them assurance of security. The whole kingdom will be peaceful"
- Krsna replied, "Because of Haihaya, Nahusa, Vena & Ravana's false perception of their positions, they fell from their exalted posts & they no longer remained kings of their respective kingdoms & were lost in the violence of abominable conditioned life"
- Krsna says that "I spoke this philosophy of Bhagavad-gita to Vivasvan." Vivasvan is the name of the person who is predominating in the sun globe. We have to know from Krsna that sun globe is not vacant. When the king is there, the kingdom is also there
- Krsna stated that He was very sorry that His maternal uncle Kamsa was the head of the kingdom; He said that Kamsa was the greatest anomaly in the whole system of government and that they could not expect any welfare for the citizens while he ruled
- Krsna was present as their (Pandavas') friend, and still they were bereft of their kingdom. They lost their property, their wife was insulted, and they were driven away to the forest
- Krsna, upon being informed of the specific date of Rukmini's marriage, was anxious to leave immediately. He asked His driver, Daruka, to harness the horses for His chariot and prepare to go to the kingdom of Vidarbha
- Kunti remembers all the dangers through which she passed before the Pandavas regained their kingdom. In BG Lord Krsna says, kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati - My dear Arjuna, you may declare to the world that My devotee is never vanquished
- Kuntidevi says, - My dear Krsna, if You think that we are well established now that we have our kingdom back, and if You therefore want to leave us, that is not a very good proposal. We are not free yet
- Kuntidevi thinks, - As long as Krsna is with us, everything in our kingdom and our capital, Hastinapura, is beautiful. But when Krsna is absent our kingdom will not be beautiful
- Lord Buddha is very nice. He gave up his kingdom in youthful life. He was prince. He thought, "It is all nonsense. Let me meditate." Do like that. That is the disease
- Lord had offered him (Dhruva Maharaja) the rule of the world for thirty-six thousand years because in the beginning he was under the spell of the material energy and wanted to take revenge against his stepmother and rule over his father's kingdom
- Lord Krsna and the sages (Narada, Vamadeva, Atri, Vyasadeva, Parasurama, Asita, Aruni, Sukadeva and others) passed through the kingdoms of Anarta, Dhanva, Kuru-jangala, Kanka, Matsya, Pancala, Kunti, Madhu, Kekaya, Kosala and Arna
- Lord Krsna immediately called for the son of Jarasandha, whose name was Sahadeva, and with due ritualistic ceremonies the Lord asked him to occupy the seat of his father and reign over the kingdom peacefully
- Lord Krsna then desired to know about the rulers (ksatriyas) in the brahmana's kingdom, so He inquired whether the citizens of the kingdom were all happy. A king's qualification is judged by the temperament of the people in the kingdom
- Lord Ramacandra gave the entire east to the hota priest, the entire south to the brahma priest, the west to the adhvaryu priest, and the north to the udgata priest, the reciter of the Sama Veda. In this way, He donated His kingdom
- Lord Ramacandra's kingdom is still existing, and recently there was a political party in India named the Ramarajya party, which wanted to establish a kingdom resembling the kingdom of Rama
- Lord Siva, who is also known as Visvanatha, is the lord of the kingdom of Kasi. The temple of Lord Visvanatha is still existing in Varanasi, and many thousands of pilgrims still gather daily in that temple
- Lord Sri Krsna certainly wanted to establish the kingdom of the Pandavas for the good of all in the world. When there is a pious king ruling over the world, the people are happy. When the ruler is impious, the people are unhappy
- Lord Visnu in the dress of a brahmana appeared as a beggar before Bali and snatched away all of his opulence and his kingdom. He did this for the benefit of Indra, who, having been defeated by Bali Maharaja, was bereft of his kingdom
- Maharaja Ambarisa was a great emperor administering to his kingdom, yet at the same time he spoke only of Krsna
- Maharaja Khatvanga thought: Not even my life is dearer to me than the brahminical culture and the brahmanas, who are worshiped by my family. What then is to be said of my kingdom, land, wife, children and opulence?
- Maharaja Pariksit lamented the accidental incident, and he desired that all his kingdom, strength and accumulation of wealth would be burned up for not being engaged in brahminical culture, etc
- Maharaja Pariksit was a pious king. He conquered his enemies, and therefore the kingdom was full of prosperity
- Maharaja Pariksit was actually an ideal saintly king because while touring his kingdom he happened to see that a poor cow was about to be killed by the personified Kali, whom he at once took to task as a murderer
- Maharaja Pariksit was awarded all material amenities and an undisputed kingdom in which to enjoy the undisturbed position of king, but by the grace of the Lord he was able to give up all connections with material attachment
- Maharaja Pariksit was lamenting for the tears in the eyes of the bull, and he was astonished to see such an unprecedented thing in his good kingdom. Men and animals were equally protected as far as life was concerned. That is the way in God's kingdom
- Maharaja Pariksit was not getting any opportunity to fight because there was no enemy with whom to fight. But as soon as he got the news that Kali has entered in the jurisdiction of his kingdom, he got the chance of fighting
- Maharaja Pariksit was so pious that, that when he was touring in his kingdom all over the world, he found one man, one black man was trying to kill one cow. Immediately, Maharaja Pariksit took his sword and wanted to kill the man. He was Kali
- Maharaja Pariksit was the Emperor of the world and all the seas and oceans, and he did not have to take the trouble to acquire such a kingdom by his own effort. He inherited it from his grandfathers Maharaja Yudhisthira and brothers
- Maharaja Pariksit, grandson of Maharaja Yudhisthira, while touring his vast kingdom, saw a black man attempting to kill a cow. The King at once arrested the butcher and chastised him sufficiently
- Maharaja Pariksit, who was entrusted with the kingdom of Hastinapura by Maharaja Yudhisthira when he desired to retire to the forest, is now ruling the world with great success due to his being glorified by the deeds of the kings of the Kuru dynasty
- Maharaja Priyavrata acted very wonderfully in the material field of activities, but because he was dealing in sense gratification - ruling his kingdom and dancing to the indications of his beautiful wife - he personally condemned himself
- Maharaja Priyavrata was able to give up his opulent kingdom, and he also gave up the association of his beautiful wife as if she were a dead body
- Maharaja Sibi sacrificed his own son for the satisfaction of human beings in his kingdom. And thus child Pariksit was to become a second Sibi in charity and protection
- Maharaja Ugrasena belonged to the Bhoja dynasty; therefore Krsna indirectly declared that the King of the Bhoja dynasty would be the emperor of the other small kingdoms
- Maharaja Yudhisthira observed some discrepancies in his kingdom, and therefore he became very anxious about Arjuna, who was long absent, and there was also no news about Dvaraka's well-being
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was astonished to experience even a slight change in the godly atmosphere of his kingdom, and at once he suspected the disappearance of the Lord
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was on the same level of devotion as Vidura, although engaged in the state affairs of the kingdom of the world
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was one of the liberated souls, and therefore for him there was no pleasure in a vast kingdom, good wife, obedient brothers, happy subjects and prosperous world
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was the emblem of religion. When he was ruling his kingdom with the help of Lord Krsna and Arjuna, the opulence of his kingdom surpassed all imaginations of the opulence of the kingdom of heaven
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was the greatest of all men of religion. Thus he was not at all inclined to fight with his cousins for the sake of enjoying the kingdom
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was the ideal king or representative of Lord Sri Krsna to rule over the kingdom of earth and was comparable to King Indra, the representative ruler of the heavenly planets
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was the rightful heir to his father's kingdom. But just to favor his own sons, headed by Duryodhana, Dhrtarastra, Maharaja Yudhisthira's uncle, adopted various unfair means to cheat his nephews of their rightful share of the kingdom
- Maharaja Yudhisthira, after distributing his kingdom to Pariksit and Vajra, did not think himself Emperor of the world or head of the Kuru dynasty
- Maitreya continued: The King, Uttanapada, after being advised by Narada Muni, practically gave up all duties in relation with his kingdom, which was very vast and wide, opulent like the goddess of fortune, and he simply began to think of his son Dhruva
- Maitreya said: I have heard that after giving up the body she had received from Daksa, Daksayani (his daughter) took her birth in the kingdom of the Himalayas. She was born as the daughter of Mena. I heard this from authoritative sources
- Many princes visited this kingdom and tried to subdue the bulls, but instead of controlling them, they themselves were defeated
- Material kingdom
- Materially it may seem very pious that he (Arjuna) is giving up his claim for a kingdom and refusing to kill his relatives, but Krsna did not approve of this because the principle for Arjuna's decision was to satisfy his own senses
- Materially, it appears very nice that Arjuna is giving up his claim of kingdom for satisfying his relatives. Oh, he's very good man. But Krsna did not approve it. Why? Because the basic principle was Arjuna decided to satisfy his own senses
- Monarchy is better than democracy because if the monarchy is very strong the regulative principles within the kingdom are upheld very nicely
- Mucukunda continued, "By Your causeless mercy (Krsna's) only have I lost all my material opulences, my kingdom and my family. I do not think I could have gotten rid of all these entanglements without Your causeless mercy"
- My dear Dhruva, what do you want? You can take from Me (God) whatever you want. - "My dear Lord," the boy replied - I was undergoing such severe penances simply for my father's kingdom and land, but now I have seen You
- My Lord, O Supreme Lord, You are the supreme personified form of all benediction. Therefore, for one who abides in Your devotional service with no other desire, worshiping Your lotus feet is better than becoming king and lording it over a kingdom
- Nakula began lamenting: "O, all auspiciousness to Krsna! I am so surprised to see that the condemned descendants of the Kurus, who so unlawfully occupied the throne of the Kuru kingdom, are at the same time criticizing Krsna with diplomatic devices"
- Narada Muni had mentioned a kingdom where there is only one king with no competitor. The complete spiritual world, and specifically the cosmic manifestation, has only one proprietor or enjoyer - the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Narada Muni had said that there is a kingdom where there is only one male. The Haryasvas realized the purport of this statement. The only enjoyer is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who observes everything, everywhere
- Narada Muni said, "I shall also see how You (Krsna) save the son of a brahmana from death after he has already been transferred to another planet. After this, I will be able to see You kill the Paundraka demon and burn to ashes the kingdom of Kasi"
- Narada Muni spoke to the Haryasvas, the sons of Prajapati Daksa, about ten allegorical subjects - the king, the kingdom, the river, the house, the physical elements and so forth
- Narada said, "My dear Mukunda, although You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the all-powerful person, by making friendship with You the Pandavas have become bereft of their legitimate right to the kingdom of the world"
- Narada's proposal that Lord Krsna go to Hastinapura for Maharaja Yudhisthira's great Rajasuya sacrifice did not much appeal to them because they (Krsna & His associates) were seriously considering this (how to attack the kingdom of Jarasandha) subject
- Narakasura, the son of Dharitri, tried to grasp the whole sky & for this he was killed by the Lord. His mother then prayed to the Lord. This led to the return of the kingdom to the son of Narakasura & thus the Lord entered the house of the demon
- Nawab Hussain Shah entrusted the whole kingdom in Sanatana Gosvami's hand, "You manage, whatever you like." Because he knew that, Here is a trustworthy man. He'll do very nicely
- Nityananda Prabhu continued, "The King has decided to become a mendicant and accept the sign of a mendicant by wearing an ivory earring. He does not want to enjoy his kingdom without seeing the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu"
- Now for the first time in a kingdom well protected by the arms of the kings of the Kuru dynasty, I see you grieving with tears in your eyes. Up till now no one on earth has ever shed tears because of royal negligence
- Now, with the help of my arrows, I shall cut you to pieces and with your flesh satisfy the hunger-stricken citizens, who are now crying for want of grains. Thus I shall satisfy the crying citizens of my kingdom
- O chaste one, the king's good name, duration of life and good rebirth vanish when all kinds of living beings are terrified by miscreants in his kingdom
- O Gadadhara (Krsna), our kingdom is now being marked by the impressions of Your feet, and therefore it appears beautiful. But when You leave, it will no longer be so
- O Govinda, of what avail to us are kingdoms, happiness or even life itself when all those for whom we may desire them are now arrayed in this battlefield? BG 1.32-35 - 1972
- O King, owner of the state of Surasena, one's wife, his house, the opulence of his kingdom, and his various other opulences and objects of sense perception are all the same in that they are temporary
- O Maharaja Pariksit, subduer of enemies, this Revata constructed a kingdom known as Kusasthali in the depths of the ocean. There he lived and ruled such tracts of land as Anarta, etc. He had one hundred very nice sons, of whom the eldest was Kakudmi
- O my friend, (tell me) whether Ugrasena, the King of the Satvatas, Vrsnis, Bhojas and Dasarhas, is now doing well. He went far away from his kingdom, leaving aside all hopes of his royal throne, but Lord Krsna again installed him
- O son of Kunti, either you will be killed on the battlefield and attain the heavenly planets, or you will conquer and enjoy the earthly kingdom. Therefore get up and fight with determination. BG 2.37 - 1972
- O son of Kunti, either you will be killed on the battlefield and attain the heavenly planets, or you will conquer and enjoy the earthly kingdom. Therefore, get up with determination and fight
- Once, when there was no rainfall in the kingdom for twelve years and the King consulted his learned brahminical advisors, they said, "You are faulty for enjoying the property of your elder brother"
- One should note that the Supreme Lord accepts only foods from the vegetable kingdom, as well as milk products. "Water" includes milk and its products
- One who desires a worldly kingdom should worship Visvadeva
- One who desires domination over a kingdom or an empire should worship the Manus
- One who knows how to surrender unto the Supreme Person, attains to that eternal kingdom. BG 15.5 - 1972
- One's kingdom, military power, treasury, servants, ministers, friends and relatives are all causes of fear, illusion, lamentation and distress. They are like a gandharva-nagara, a nonexistent palace that one imagines to exist in the forest
- Ordinary kings and executive heads should all be inclined to hear repeatedly about Prthu Maharaja's activities in order to also be able to rule over their kingdoms or states very faithfully for the peace and prosperity of the people in general
- Our hearts (Lalita Devi's and Radharani's) are so polluted by miserable conditions that we are certainly going to Pluto's kingdom. Nevertheless, Krsna does not give up His beautiful loving smiling, which is full of cheating tricks
- Our hearts are so polluted by miserable conditions that we are certainly going to Pluto’s kingdom
- Pariksit had already given up all his connections with his kingdom and family, the most attractive features of materialism, but still he was conscious of his material body. He wanted to be free of such bondage also by the constant association of the Lord
- Pariksit Maharaja told Kali-yuga to leave his kingdom immediately and reside in four places: brothels, liquor shops, slaughterhouses and gambling casinos
- Pariksit Maharaja was very pious. That was the system. A king, monarch, is supposed to give protection everyone within the kingdom. It doesn't matter whether he is man or animal
- Pariksit Maharaja, when he was going, and some person was sudra in the dress of a king, he was trying to kill a cow. Immediately Pariksit Maharaja took his sword: "Who are you, rascal, you are trying to kill a cow in my kingdom?" That is ksatriya
- Pariksit understood that within a week he would have to die, and he prepared himself. He gave up his kingdom, entrusting it to his son, Maharaja Janamejaya
- Pariksit was a great emperor & possessed all the opulences of his acquired kingdom. He was so exalted that he was increasing the prestige of the Pandu dynasty. Why did he give up everything to sit down on the bank of the Ganges and fast until death?
- Pariksit was to die within 7 days, and he immediately left his kingdom and family & went to the bank of the Ganges, sat down there tightly without taking even a drop of water; simply with great seriousness he heard Srimad-Bhagavatam. And he got salvation
- Pariksit, due to his natural affection for Krsna as a devotee of God, was always executing his royal duties on behalf of the Lord, and as a responsible king of the world he was always careful to see that the influence of Kali would not enter his kingdom
- Persecuted by the demoniac kings, the Yadavas left their own kingdom and entered various others, like those of the Kurus, Pancalas, Kekayas, Salvas, Vidarbhas, Nisadhas, Videhas and Kosalas - SB 10.2.3
- Posana: As a king maintains his kingdom and subjects but nevertheless gives special attention to the members of his family, so the Personality of Godhead gives special care to His devotees who are souls completely surrendered to Him
- Prahlada Maharaja had taken birth in the family of Hiranyakasipu, who was the topmost materialist, and since Prahlada was the bona fide heir of his father, the Supreme Lord allowed him to enjoy the kingdom created by his father
- Previously, all the great kings and emperors expanded their kingdoms with a regard for the welfare of the people in general. Indeed, while engaged in such activities for the benefit of the general public, eminent men sometimes even sacrificed their lives
- Priyavrata might argue that Lord Brahma was requesting him to accept family life and the responsibility for ruling a kingdom, although Narada Muni had advised him not to enter household life and be entangled in material affairs
- Pure devotional service is called ahaituki, unmotivated. Dhruva Maharaja knew that he had come to worship the Lord in devotional service with a motive - to get the kingdom of his father. Such an adulterated devotee can never see the SPG face to face
- Ramacandra approached his kingdom on a stone bridge. And the stones were floating on the water. Where is the law of gravitation
- Ravana took all material benediction from Lord Siva, but the result was that he was ultimately destroyed with his family, kingdom and everything else because he misused Lord Siva's benediction
- Ravana took away Laksmi, Sitaji, to his kingdom, and instead of being happy by the grace of Laksmi, his family and his kingdom were vanquished. Thus Laksmi in the house of Ravana is Cancala, or unsteady
- Ravana was a great personality, a great devotee of Lord Siva also, and materially his kingdom was very much advanced. It is said that Lanka was made of gold. Actually there were many palaces. And he was a very big Vedic scholar also
- Ravana was very advanced materially, so much so that he turned his kingdom, Lanka, into pure gold, or full material wealth
- Ravana, for example, was a great worshiper and devotee of Lord Siva, and in return he got all the blessings of goddess Durga, so much so that his whole kingdom was constructed of golden buildings
- Rohini said, "My dear Queen Draupadi, please take it from us that we are not after any opulence such as a kingdom, an empire or a position of heavenly enjoyment"
- Samah sarvesu bhutesu mad-bhaktim labhate param (BG 18.54). To understand this is the preliminary condition for entering into the kingdom of devotional service
- Sanatana Gosvami was indicating that since the governor (the Nawab) was engaged in hunting animals and in killing men to expand his kingdom, let both of them suffer according to the acts they were performing
- Sanjaya informed King Dhrtarastra very tactfully that his unwise policy of deceiving the sons of Pandu and endeavoring to enthrone his own sons on the seat of the kingdom was not very laudable. BG 1972 purports
- Saunaka Muni said: Surely he (Maharaja Yudhisthira) could not freely enjoy his kingdom with unrestricted consciousness
- Saunaka Rsi wanted to know about the behavior of Maharaja Yudhisthira when he was at ease to enjoy the kingdom
- She (Kuntidevi) says, - Krsna, You are now walking in our kingdom, & the impressions of Your footprints are making everything beautiful. There is sufficient water and fruit, & everything looks beautiful, but when You leave us it will not look beautiful
- Similarly, all the brahmanas in his kingdom were very satisfied with King Gaya's munificent charities. Consequently the brahmanas contributed a sixth of their pious activities for King Gaya's benefit in the next life
- Simply by krsna-kirtana, kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah, he becomes liberated. And param vrajet, and he goes to the supreme kingdom. Simply. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu also says, param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam
- Since the body itself is ultimately meant to become stool or earth, what is the meaning of the paraphernalia related to the body, such as wives, residences, wealth, children, relatives, servants, friends, kingdoms, treasuries, animals and ministers?
- Somehow or other, Ravana was raised to an exalted position as the king of a great kingdom with all material opulences, but because of his sinful act of kidnapping mother Sita, all the results of his pious activities were destroyed
- Sri Ksetra, Jagannatha Puri, was taken as the kingdom of Dvaraka, the place where Krsna enjoys supreme opulence. But He was being led by Caitanya to Vrndavana, the simple village where all the inhabitants are filled with ecstatic love for Krsna
- Sri Narada Muni continued: Thus, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead ordered, Prahlada Maharaja performed the ritualistic ceremonies for his father. O King Yudhisthira, he was then enthroned in the kingdom of Hiranyakasipu, as directed by the brahmanas
- Srila Rupa Gosvami said, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who gave you this kingdom and whom you accept as a prophet, has taken birth in your country due to your good fortune"
- Srimad-Bhagavatam gives the right knowledge of one's own self, and by hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam one can get free from material attachment and enter into the kingdom of fearlessness
- Srimati Radharani continued, "Krsna as Vamanadeva ungratefully arrested him just like a crow and pushed him down to the Patala kingdom. We know all about Krsna and how ungrateful He is"
- Subsequently, the Lord entered the kingdom of Ravana to kill him, like a fire devouring a forest. May that Supreme Lord, Ramacandra, give us all protection
- Sudyumna followed the prescribed regulations of varnasrama by leaving the kingdom and going to the forest to complete his spiritual life
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: My dear King, the activities of Bharata Maharaja are wonderful. He gave up everything difficult for others to give up. He gave up his kingdom, his wife and his family
- Sukadeva Gosvami epitomizes the proper reciter for Srimad-Bhagavatam, and Pariksit Maharaja, who purposefully left his kingdom and family prior to meeting death, epitomizes the person fit to hear it
- Suta Gosvami said: Lord Sri Krsna, the SP of G, who is the maintainer of the world, became pleased after reestablishing Maharaja Yudhisthira in his own kingdom and after restoring the Kuru dynasty, which had been exhausted by the bamboo fire of anger
- Svayambhuva Manu was considered as good as a saintly sage because the atmosphere created in his kingdom and home was completely Krsna conscious. The case is similar with the conditioned souls in general
- Svayambhuva Manu, the husband of Satarupa, was by nature not at all attached to enjoyment of the senses. Thus he gave up his kingdom of sense enjoyment and entered the forest with his wife to practice austerities
- That kingdom (The province of Kasi) is considered happy where there is no famine, pestilence or excessive heat and cold and where people are happy mentally, spiritually and physically
- That kingdom is described in the Bhagavad-gita as supreme and eternal, never to be annihilated. This material nature is subjected to repeated creation and annihilation. But that part, the spiritual nature, remains as it is, eternally
- That padam avyayam or eternal kingdom can be reached by one who is nirmana-moha. What does this mean? BG 1972 Introduction
- The Almighty God can bestow upon anyone the kingdom of the universe from a very small beginning, and similarly, He can take away the kingdom of the universe on the plea of begging a small piece of land
- The Battle of Kuruksetra was fought according to the plan of the Lord (Krsna) so that undesirable persons could get out of the world and a peaceful kingdom under His devotee could be established
- The brahmanas, they give guidance according to the sastra, and the king is trained up in such a way that he takes instruction from the saintly persons and brahmanas and rules over the kingdom
- The bridegroom's (Rukmini's) party was always protected by Lord Krsna, the killer of the Madhu demon. Thus they left Rukmi's kingdom, Bhojakata, and happily started for Dvaraka
- The citizens of their kingdoms were greatly pleased to see them return, and when they heard of the kind dealings of Lord Krsna, they were all very happy
- The clever Duryodhana and his party cunningly usurped the kingdom of Yudhisthira, who had no enemy. By the grace of the Lord, the recovery was executed, and the unscrupulous kings who joined with Duryodhana were killed by Him
- The demigods like Indra, Candra, Surya, Varuna and Vayu are representative kings of different planets of the universe, and similarly Maharaja Yudhisthira was also one of them, ruling over the kingdom of the earth
- The devotees enter into the kingdom of all pleasures even from the beginning of their attempt. The devotee has only to hear about devotional activities, which are as simple as anything in ordinary life, and he also acts very simply
- The existence of the Personality of Godhead implies the existence of the Vaikunthalokas, as the existence of a king implies the existence of a kingdom
- The father (Hiranyakasipu) was insisting the son (Prahlada) that, "You give up this line of Krsna consciousness. You become politician. You have to control over the kingdom and so on, so on . . ." But he could not give up
- The great religious King, Maharaja Yudhisthira, executed the royal power in the kingdom strictly according to the codes and royal principles approved by his uncle and confirmed by Lord Sri Krsna
- The great sage Narada said: My dear Haryasvas, you have not seen the extremities of the earth. There is a kingdom where only one man lives and where there is a hole from which, having entered, no one emerges
- The great soul Bali Maharaja, thinking himself very satisfied, became very opulent and prosperous and began to enjoy the kingdom because of the favor of the brahmanas
- The guests from many kingdoms, like Srnjaya, Kamboja, Kuru, Kekaya & Kosala, were present with their different flags & gorgeously decorated elephants, chariots, horses & soldiers. All of them passed in a procession, with Yudhisthira in the forefront
- The highest standard of bodily comfort is achieved by a fruitive worker who by pious activities reaches the plane of heaven, or the kingdom of the creative gods with their delegated powers
- The inquiry was important for Saunaka Rsi, who wanted to know about the behavior of Maharaja Yudhisthira when he was at ease to enjoy the kingdom
- The King Bharata, Bharata Maharaja, under whose name this planet is called Bharata-varsa, he left his kingdom, young wife, children, everything, at the age of twenty-four years, and he went for tapasya. So the Pandavas also. Everyone
- The King continued: Therefore, my dear brahmanas, my life, wife, children, home, furniture and household paraphernalia, my kingdom, strength, land and especially my treasury are all offered unto you
- The king is duty-bound to protect the living entities in his kingdom. Thus although the parents are directly responsible for the protection and maintenance of their children, the duty of the king is to see that all parents do their duty properly
- The king is the original proprietor of the kingdom, and the citizen is the secondary proprietor. Similarly, the Supreme Lord is the supreme proprietor of all bodies. BG 1972 purports
- The King then went outside and had orders written down and sent to the government servants within his kingdom
- The King thus said: We have inherited the fame of Arjuna; therefore since you have surrendered yourself with folded hands you need not fear for your life. But you cannot remain in my kingdom, for you are the friend of irreligion
- The kingdom of Dvaraka is situated in the western part of India, and Vidarbha is situated in the northern part
- The kings and executive heads of government in the Vedic age never accepted their positions for sense enjoyment. Such exalted kings, who were known as rajarsis, ruled only to maintain and protect the kingdom for the welfare of the citizens
- The kings began to manage the affairs of their kingdoms in accordance with the instructions of Lord Krsna, and all those kings and their subjects passed their days very happily. This is a vivid example of a Krsna conscious society
- The kings of Hastinapura were taken to be the ruling kings of the whole world. Their fame was widely spread throughout the entire kingdom, and their administration was conducted under the good counsel of learned brahmanas
- The kings thought that their kingdoms were their personal property. "I have so much property, such a big kingdom," they thought. "I am God. I am the lord of all I survey." But that is not actually the fact
- The land of Hastinapura was thus marked while Lord Sri Krsna was there with the Pandavas, and the kingdom of the Pandavas thus flourished by such auspicious signs
- The Lord (Ramacandra) built a floating bridge of stones on the Indian Ocean and reached Lanka, the kingdom of Ravana, who had kidnapped Sita. Later on Ravana was killed by Him, and Ravana's brother Vibhisana was installed on the throne of Lanka
- The Lord (Vamanadeva) visited the arena of sacrifice arranged by Maharaja Bali. Although at heart He was willing to regain the kingdom of the three planetary systems, He simply asked for a donation of three steps of land
- The Lord desires, as He has directly said in the Bhagavad-gita, that all conditioned souls, rotting in the kingdom of material energy, come back to Him by giving up all engagements in the material world. This is the most confidential part of knowledge
- The Lord is so kind that because Dhruva Maharaja, in the beginning, had desired a kingdom greater than his father's, he was promoted to Dhruvaloka, the best planet in the universe
- The Lord said, "My dear Arjuna, do not desist from fighting. If you gain victory in the fight, you will enjoy a kingdom, and even if you die you will be elevated to the heavenly planets"
- The Muslim king was so pleased with him that he wanted to give him a kingdom and some money, but Madhvacarya refused
- The Orissa kingdom was very powerful, and Kotadesa was the capital of Orissa. It was then known as Vidyanagara. Formerly this city was situated on the southern side of the river Godavari
- The Pancala kingdom is that atmosphere in which the five sense objects are enjoyed. Within that Pancala kingdom is the city of the body, which has nine gates
- The Pandavas, who were direct friends of Krsna, lost their kingdom, their wife was insulted, and they had to undergo many severe tribulations
- The pious householders or the fallen yogis or the fallen transcendentalists can be promoted to the higher planets within the material world (one fourth of the energy of the Lord), but they will fail to enter into the kingdom of deathlessness
- The procession of Lord Krsna's party advanced toward Hastinapura (New Delhi) and gradually passed through the kingdoms of Anarta (Gujarat Province), Sauvira (Surat), the great desert of Rajasthan, and then Kuruksetra
- The purport is that one can accumulate wealth and all kinds of material opulences, but during old age one cannot enjoy them. Although Puru attained his father's kingdom, he could not enjoy all the opulence, for he had sacrificed his youth
- The rajarsis would manage their kingdoms so nicely and piously that their subjects would respect them as if they were the Lord. That is the instruction of the Vedas
- The reputation of the reign of Maharaja Ramacandra and that of the kings who followed in His footsteps like the Pandavas and their descendants, are never to be forgotten because in their kingdom offenseless and honest living beings were never in trouble
- The sages of Naimisaranya became struck with wonder after hearing about the wonderful administration of Maharaja Pariksit, especially in reference to his punishing the personality of Kali and making him completely unable to do any harm within the kingdom
- The sons (King Pracinabarhisat), the Pracetas, were ordered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to come out of the water and go to the kingdom of their father in order to take care of that kingdom
- The sons of Agnidhra ruled the kingdoms they received from their father
- The sons of Pratipa were Devapi, Santanu and Bahlika. Devapi left the kingdom of his father and went to the forest, and therefore Santanu became the king
- The Supreme Lord descends from His kingdom upon the kingdom of illusory energy and personally gives relief in the form of the Bhagavad-gita
- The Supreme Lord, Rsabhadeva, understood that His kingdom was His field of activities. He therefore showed Himself as an example and taught the duties of a householder by first accepting brahmacarya under the direction of spiritual masters
- The Vedas maintain that a kingdom should be governed for the purpose of satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead and should be ruled by a representative of the Lord
- The whole history of the battle of Kurukshetra is based on this principle of finding out a rajarsi on the throne of the kingdom
- The wife of Anga, Sunitha, gave birth to a son named Vena, who was very crooked. The saintly King Anga was very disappointed with Vena's bad character, and he left home and kingdom and went out to the forest
- The younger brothers of Yudhisthira observed that the age of Kali had already arrived throughout the world & that the citizens of the kingdom were already affected by irreligious practice. Therefore they decided to follow their elder brother
- Their (Pandavas') materialistic uncle Dhrtarastra was always planning to kill them and usurp the kingdom for his own sons. That was his policy from the very beginning
- Then great eagerness conquered all the other soldiers of ecstasy, and an uncontrollable desire arose in the kingdom of Srimati Radharani's mind. Greatly unhappy, She then chastised Her own mind
- There are hundreds and thousands of instances like this in which kings, in their mature age, would give up their kingdoms and go to the forest to practice austerity
- There are many stories. One of them I am citing. It is very interesting. Visvamitra Muni. Visvamitra Muni, he was a great king, ksatriya, but his priest, Vasistha Muni, he had great spiritual power. So he renounced his kingdom. He wanted to advance
- There is a proverb in Bengali that a bad king spoils the kingdom and a bad housewife spoils the family
- There is a verse in Srimad-Bhagavatam which states that sometimes to show special favor to His devotees Krsna takes away all one's material opulence. For example, the Pandavas were bereft of their kingdom, although Krsna was present there
- There is no need to live a degraded life and subsist on the charity of those whom you tried to kill by arson and poisoning. You (Dhrtarastra) also insulted one of their wives and usurped their kingdom and wealth
- There is the story of Visvamitra Muni, a great king, a ksatriya, who renounced his kingdom and took to the yoga process in order to become more spiritually advanced
- There was a householder brahmana in the city of Mithila, the capital of the kingdom of Videha. This brahmana, whose name was Srutadeva, was a great devotee of Lord Krsna
- There was enough milk, grains & metals & all the rivers and mountains were full of potency. So materially everything was satisfactory. Therefore, there was no question of untimely giving up his kingdom and life. The sages were eager to hear about all this
- There was no possibility of an invasion by thieves and plunderers. Indirectly it is stated here (in SB 4.5.8) that thieves, plunderers, rogues and unwanted population can exist only in a state or kingdom where there is no strong ruler
- There were many great saintly kings who were very expert in performing sacrificial rituals and very competent in conquering other kingdoms, yet despite their power they could not attain the loving service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Therefore get up and prepare to fight. After conquering your enemies you will enjoy a flourishing kingdom. They are already put to death by My arrangement, and you, O Savyasacin, can be but an instrument in the fight. BG 11.33 - 1972
- These blessings (vast kingdom, good wife, obedient brothers, happy subjects and prosperous world) automatically follow for a pure devotee, even though the devotee does not aspire for them
- These new boys should be taken care of very nicely. We should always remember that we are in the kingdom of Maya and her influence is very strong
- They (Kunti and her sons) were put into trouble by Duryodhana and his party due to the kingdom, and each and every time the sons of Kunti were saved by the Lord
- They (Pandavas) lost their kingdom, they lost their wife, they lost their prestige, and they were exiled to the forest. But throughout all those dangers, Krsna was there
- They lost their kingdom, they lost their wife - insulted. The wife was endeavored to become naked. Never, the Pandavas never said that "Krsna, You are our friend. Why we are suffering so many troubles?" Never. Never. This is pure devotee
- They were so liberal. He (Duryodhana) said, "Yes, come in. If you want the kingdom without fighting, I am prepared." But a Ksatriya will never beg, "Give me, sir, without . . ." No. If they can own by fighting then they will claim. This is Ksatriya spirit
- Thinking himself successful in his efforts, he (Jarasandha) left the city of Mathura and returned to his home in the kingdom of Magadha. Gradually Krsna and Balarama reached the city of Dvaraka, which was surrounded by the sea
- This actually happened in the life of Priyavrata: he is a most glorious example of this truth. In due course of time, he no longer wanted to enjoy his material opulences and his wife, kingdom and sons; instead, he wanted to renounce them all
- This chapter (SB 4.25.1) contains a great lesson concerning the monarchical kingdom in the days of yore
- This kingdom (Manipura) is a very old, aristocratic Vaisnava kingdom. If this kingdom is organized as a Vaisnava state, this revitalization will be a great success because for five thousand years this state has maintained its identity
- This kingdom is my property, and let me enjoy for my sense enjoyment
- This material world is called tamah, dark, and the spiritual world is called light. The Vedas enjoin that everyone should try to get out of the darkness and go to the kingdom of light
- This news spread all over the country, and when Krsna heard that one could achieve the girl Satya only by defeating the seven bulls, He prepared Himself to go to the kingdom of Kosala
- This superexcellent power of the Ganges water was due to its having emanated from the toe of Lord Visnu. But when Lord Krsna, the Supreme Visnu, appeared in the family of the Yadu dynasty, He traveled personally throughout the kingdom of the Yadus
- Those who are in a better position in the world, having sufficient wealth, should especially take lessons from Manu, who acknowledged his kingdom and opulence to be gifts from Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus always engaged in devotional service
- Though he (Maharaja Pariksit) was a young king, as soon as he heard that he was going to die within seven days, he immediately left his kingdom. He did not follow the dictates of enemies within his body, such as lust, greed and anger
- Through it (the process of Krsna consciousness), he can become truly happy, and after leaving the material body, enter into the kingdom where there is eternal life, bliss and full knowledge
- Thus Dhruva Maharaja, at the end, left his kingdom, which extended all over the earth and was bounded by the great oceans
- Thus Sisupala, instead of marrying Rukmini, had to be satisfied with the flattering words of his friends, and he returned home in disappointment. The kings who had come to assist him, also disappointed, then returned to their respective kingdoms
- Ultimately a colossal clique was fabricated to deprive the five fatherless brothers of the rightful claim of the kingdom of Hastinapura
- Under strict guidance of the great souls and spiritual injunctions, such great saintly kings were trained up, and as a result the kingdom was full of saintly persons and was a happy land of spiritual life
- Under the administration of a representative king, the kingdom is full of opulence. At that time, human beings need not eat animals
- Unless rogues, thieves and other demoniac people in a state are afraid of the executive head, who rules the kingdom with a strong hand, there cannot be peace or prosperity in the state
- Upon accepting Yayati's old age, Puru was given the kingdom. It is said that two of Yayati's other sons, being disobedient to their father, were given kingdoms outside of India, most probably Turkey and Greece
- Upon the death of Prahlada's father, Hiranyakasipu, Lord Nrsimhadeva wanted to offer Prahlada his father's kingdom and even wanted to grant him liberation from material bondage, but Prahlada accepted neither
- Varuna is supposed to be the predominating deity of the waters, and his capital, which is known as Vibhavari, is within the watery kingdom
- Vedic injunction is, "Don't try to remain in this temporary world." Sad gama: "Just try to go to the eternal world." Tamaso ma jyotir gama: Don't try to remain in this darkness. You go to the kingdom of light
- Vidura was anxious to know whether, after winning back their own kingdom from the hands of Duryodhana, the younger brothers were still living happily under the care of the elder brothers
- We are given the opportunity for leaving this material world and get our eternal life in the eternal kingdom
- We are in maya's kingdom, so maya is strong very here, but if we catch Krsna very strongly, maya cannot do anything. Yes. That we should be fixed up in catching Krsna very tightly. Then there is no falldown
- We shall keep always in mind that Arjuna was engaged into fight not for his personal self. For his personal self he denied - Oh, what shall I do with this kingdom by fighting with my brothers and grandfather? No. Krsna, excuse me. I cannot fight
- We should always be personally prepared to become Krsna conscious. Otherwise, there is only the kingdom of maya, illusion. Maya will try to defeat us as soon as she sees, - Oh, here is a living soul going out of my grip
- When a great saintly person like Vidura sees his relatives, he desires only to deliver them from the clutches of maya. Vidura thus offered his respectful obeisances to his spiritual master & departed for the city of Hastinapura, kingdom of the Kauravas
- When all the brahmanas engage in performing sacrifices in your kingdom, all the demigods, who are plenary expansions of the Lord, will be very much satisfied by their activities and will give you your desired result
- When he (Pariksit Maharaja) saw that one black man was trying to kill one cow, immediately he took his sword: "Immediately I shall kill you. Who are you, killing cows in my kingdom?" This is ksatriya's business
- When he became overly blind due to his opulences, King Vena mounted a chariot and, like an uncontrolled elephant, began to travel through the kingdom, causing the sky and earth to tremble wherever he went
- When he came back in due course and begged the return of his rightful share of the kingdom, he was refused by Dhrtarastra, who was overwhelmed by illusion
- When it was known to the King of Kosala that Krsna had come to ask the hand of his daughter, he was very much pleased. With great respect and pomp, he welcomed Krsna to the kingdom
- When King Uttanapada saw that Dhruva Maharaja was suitably mature to take charge of the kingdom and that his ministers were agreeable and the citizens were also very fond of him, he enthroned Dhruva as emperor of this planet
- When Krsna was leaving Kuntidevi for His own country, Kuntidevi regretfully said that she was better off in distress because Krsna was always present, whereas now that the Pandavas were situated in their kingdom, Krsna was going away
- When Krsna was leaving, Queen Kunti said, - My dear Krsna, when we were in a dangerous situation, You were always present as our friend and adviser. Now we are well situated with our kingdom, and now You are leaving for Dvaraka. This is not good
- When Lord Sri Krsna heard these rumors spread by the people, He decided to summon Akrura from the kingdom of Kasi
- When Pracinabarhi was performing Vedic rituals in which the killing of animals was recommended, Narada Muni, out of compassion, advised him to stop. Pracinabarhi understood Narada properly and then left the kingdom to perform austerities in the forest
- When Sakuntala accepted Maharaja Dusmanta as her husband, he married her according to the gandharva-vidhi. Sakuntala later became pregnant by her husband, who left her in the asrama of Kanva Muni and returned to his kingdom
- When Sitadevi was finally delivered from the clutches of Ravana, Ravana's whole family and kingdom, and Ravana himself, were vanquished. When Sitadevi came home she was tried by fire, and after some days she was again banished to the forest
- When Sri Krsna left Vrndavana and accepted the kingdom of Mathura, Srimati Radharani, out of ecstatic feelings of separation, expressed how Krsna can be loved in separation. Thus devotional service in separation is central to this verse - CC Madhya 4.197
- When Sudarsanacarya was an old man, the Muslims attacked the temple of Ranganatha and killed about twelve hundred Sri Vaisnavas. At that time the Deity of Ranganatha was transferred to the temple of Tirupati, in the kingdom of Vijaya-nagara
- When the brahmanas said this, Maharaja Santanu went to the forest and requested his elder brother Devapi to take charge of the kingdom, for it is the duty of a king to maintain his subjects
- When the citizens abide by the rules of the king, the kingdom runs smoothly and everyone is prosperous and content. But when the demoniac population of thieves, rogues, and criminals steadily increases, the kingdom is filled with chaos and terror
- When the demoniac population of thieves, rogues, and criminals steadily increases, the kingdom is filled with chaos and terror
- When the King begged Him to come to his kingdom, Gopala, who was already obliged for his devotional service, accepted his prayer. Thus the King took the Gopala Deity and went back to Kataka
- When the king dies, it does not mean the kingdom stops
- When the Pandavas were banished from the kingdom by the intrigues of Duryodhana, Kunti followed her sons, and she equally faced all sorts of difficulties during those days
- When the Pandavas were challenged by the opposite party, Duryodhana, to gamble and risk their kingdom, they could not refrain, and by that gambling they lost their kingdom, and their wife was insulted
- When the personification of Kali attempted to kill a cow, Maharaja Pariksit at once prepared himself to kill the miscreant, and the personification of Kali was banished from his kingdom. That is the sign of purusa, or the representative of Lord Visnu
- When the time was ripe, when Sudyumna, the king of the world, was sufficiently old, he delivered the entire kingdom to his son Pururava and entered the forest
- When there is a fight between two belligerent ksatriyas for kingdom, land, wealth, women, prestige or power, they try to put one another into the most abominable condition
- When, in the name of justice, thieves are allowed liberty, the state and kingdom are disturbed by such plunderers and unwanted population
- Whenever there are anomalies in this routine work by the administrators, there is an incarnation of the Lord to reestablish the principles of a godly kingdom
- Why should I engage myself in this killing business? Better retire from it. If I don't get my kingdom, I shall rather beg. - This begging business is for us
- With great affection, the Personality of Godhead bound Bali and then installed him in the kingdom of Sutala, which is more opulent than the heavenly planets. Maharaja Bali now resides on that planet and is more comfortably situated than Indra
- With the direction and help of Vibhisana, Ravana's brother, the Lord, along with the monkey soldiers, headed by Sugriva, Nila and Hanuman, entered Ravana's kingdom, Lanka, which had previously been burnt by Hanuman
- Without Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, this kingdom is not pleasing to me. Therefore please try to devise some plan to enable the Lord to stay here
- Yogis and jnanis artificially try to get rid of Maya, but they are still in the Kingdom of Maya. The conclusion that God is impersonal or that everyone is God is the statement of a person who is in Maya
- You cannot give up your wife, children, kingdom, artificially. Artificially, if you give up, then you will again fall down. Artificially, I give up my wife, and then I seek another's wife. This is nonsense
- Yudhisthira Maharaja inquired from Krsna, - We are completely dependent on You, but still we are suffering materially so much. Our kingdom has been taken away, our wife has been insulted, & our enemies attempted to burn us in our house. How can this be so
- Yudhisthira Maharaja, he was unwilling to accept the kingdom because he thought that "For me so many men have been killed in the battlefield of Kuruksetra. So I am so sinful, I am not fit for the throne"
- Yudhisthira thought that although he was not actually involved in the administration of the kingdom, which was being carried on well by Duryodhana without harm to the citizens, he caused the killing of so many living beings only for his personal gain
- Yudhisthira understood that "When such great personalities (like Bhismadeva, Lord Krsna and Vyasadeva) are giving their opinion, that it was no wrong on my part," then he agreed (to reign the kingdom)