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- A completely dependent Vaisnava thus chants the holy name of the Lord all day and sees Lord Jagannatha with full freedom
- A conditioned living being is under the full control of material nature, represented by eternal time and activities under the dictation of different modes of nature
- A devotee is confident that whatever he offers to the Deity in full devotional service is accepted by the Lord (Krsna), but a demon wants to see his worshipable deity face to face so that he can directly take the benediction
- A devotee never accepts mukti, even if Krsna offers it. Mukti, freedom from all sinful reactions, is obtained even by namabhasa, or a glimpse of the light of the holy name before its full light is perfectly visible
- A full description of Maharaja Bharata (son of Dusyanta) is given in the Mahabharata, Adi-parva
- A householder should lead such a life that he gets full opportunity to hear and chant. He should worship the Deity at home, observe festivals, invite friends in and give them prasada. A householder should earn money for this purpose
- A karmi must be envious because he wishes to enjoy material pleasures to their fullest extent. That is the material disease
- A Krsna conscious man is not in need of anything because the Lord fulfills all his material necessities. Therefore he is like the ocean - always full in himself. BG 1972 purports
- A madhukari is a saintly person or a mendicant who does not accept a full meal at one house but begs from door to door, taking a little food from each householder’s place. In this way he does not overeat or give householders unnecessary trouble
- A man-made satellite may orbit the earth in an hour and twenty-five minutes and thus complete one full day, although a day ordinarily takes twenty-four hours for those living on earth
- A material desire is explained as a desire to enjoy the material world to its fullest extent. In modern language, this is called economic development
- A naturalist can see the general course of material nature simply by studying a piece of fruit. A small fruit develops from a flower, grows, stays for some time on a branch, becomes full-grown, ripens, then begins to dwindle
- A needy person has desire. But a man who is full, why he shall be desire
- A peacock feather decorates His head, and on His neck hangs a lovely necklace of brilliant pearls. As He holds His charming flute to His lips, His face looks as beautiful as the full autumn moon
- A person does not have illicit sex. That does not mean he has no sexual capacity. He has full sexual capacity, but he does not want to do it unless it is required for certain purpose
- A person is called dhira-lalita if he is naturally very funny, always in full youthfulness, expert in joking, and free from all anxieties. Such a dhira-lalita personality is generally found to be domesticated and very submissive to his lover
- A person who is cent-percent engaged in the service of the Lord is the emblem of all knowledge. Such a devotee of the Lord in full perfection of devotional service is also perfect by the qualification of the Personality of Godhead
- A person who is fully absorbed in Krsna Con. is sure to attain the spiritual kingdom because of his full contribution to spiritual activities, in which the consummation is absolute and that which is offered is of the same spiritual nature. BG 4.24 - 1972
- A person who is fully absorbed in Krsna consciousness is sure to attain the spiritual kingdom because of his full contribution to spiritual activities, in which the consummation is absolute and that which is offered is of the same spiritual nature
- A pure devotee knows that when he chants the transcendental name "Krsna," Sri Krsna is present as transcendental sound. He therefore chants with full respect and veneration
- A pure devotee of the Lord is exactly in a family tie with the Lord, and therefore he is undeterred in discharging his duty in a full affectionate tie with the Lord
- A sane man should come to the point of Krsna consciousness and engage in the service of the Supreme Lord, applying his whole life, all of his wealth, his entire intelligence and his full power of speaking
- A street dog has no position and sometimes they're killed. Similarly, when we live under the full protection of the Supreme Lord, that is our healthy condition, that is our real life
- Accept Krishna as your husband & He will never cheat you. He is competent to maintain any number of wife with full comforts because He is Omnipotent. So remain busy in the service of your Husband and you will be happy in this life as well as in the next
- According to such knowledge (in mode of passion), consciousness is temporary. Or else there are no individual souls, but there is an all-pervading soul, which is full of knowledge, and this body is a manifestation of temporary ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- According to the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (169), Sri Madhavacarya was formerly the gopi named Madhavi. Kamalakanta belonged to the branch of Sri Advaita Prabhu. His full name was Kamalakanta Visvasa
- According to your abilities and the occupations in which you are situated, you should engage your service at the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead with full confidence and without reservation
- Actually, the Supreme Absolute Truth is a person, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, full with all opulences. You are trying to explain Him as impersonal and formless
- After dark, the moon comes out just like a line, then it increases, & one night it becomes full. Similarly, as your heart becomes cleansed of the material dirty things, your real form, eternity blissful life of knowledge, becomes visible, just like moon
- After devotional life begins we can achieve the full result of love of Godhead
- After I pass from this world, how will my sons and daughters, who are now fully dependent on me, live and continue their lives? Their position will be similar to that of passengers aboard a ship wrecked in the midst of the ocean
- After surpassing the impersonal brahmajyoti and seeing the personal aspect of the Lord and His most auspicious eternal form, the devotee realizes the Absolute Truth in full
- After the complete rainy season, the forest of Vrndavana was full of fruits like dates and blackberries ripening on the trees and bushes
- After the meeting, the young brahmana started for Vrndavana. Upon arriving there, he first offered his respectful obeisances to the Deity and then narrated everything in full detail
- After this episode, Krsna expected that because Satyabhama had been rewarded with a full tree of parijata, Rukmini would also demand something
- Age of Kali, the executive head of a state somehow or other gets votes and is elected to an exalted post, but the condition of the citizens continues to be full of anxiety, distress, unhappiness and dissatisfaction
- Ahimsa means that people should be trained in such a way that the full utilization of the human body can be achieved. BG 1972 purports
- Akrura continued, "Unfortunately, persons bewildered by the illusory energy cannot understand the strength of Krsna, although the whole cosmic manifestation is fully under His control"
- All of our children should go to Dallas when they are four and begin their training program there. In Dallas, they have full facility approved by me, I have personally seen that they are doing very nicely there
- All of this (the truth of Krsna, the principles of devotional service & the transcendental relationships with Krsna) was described in full detail so that in the future Rupa Gosvami could distribute this science of Krsna in his book Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
- All six of these items (full energy, endurance, confidence, scheduled duties, pure in heart, and serving in association with devotees) will lead the devotee to the path of success
- All that was spoken by the great sages was very sweet to hear, full of meaning and appropriately presented as perfectly true. So after hearing them, Maharaja Pariksit, desiring to hear of the activities of Lord Krsna, the P of G, congratulated the sages
- All the cows were well decorated with garments and had full milk bags. They were mild-natured, young and beautiful and were accompanied by their calves
- All the learned scholars have given their opinion. The mind is by nature very restless, and one should not make friends with it. If we place full confidence in the mind, it may cheat us at any moment
- All the previous acaryas, being induced to engage themselves fully in the service of the Lord, gave up attachment for material life and thus accepted the staff, which signifies full engagement of the mind, speech and body in the service of the Lord
- Although I was born in a demoniac family, I may without a doubt offer prayers to the Lord with full endeavor, as far as my intelligence allows
- Although Lord Parasurama is fully powerful and uncontaminated, in order to exhibit ideal character He performed great sacrifices at Samanta-pancaka to atone for His so-called sinful killing of the ksatriyas
- Although Maharaja Prthu's life was full of pious activities, he was wondering how his audience with the Kumaras happened. He could not imagine what kind of pious activities he had performed
- Although the Lord is full with all energies and is thus self-sufficient, He enjoys transcendental pleasure by subordinating Himself to His unalloyed devotees
- Although this is figurative language, it conveys the meaning behind the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The full significance of His appearance will be explained in later chapters
- Although this is figurative language, it conveys the meaning behind the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The full significance of His appearance will be explained in later chapters (of CC) - CC Intro
- Although this life-span (of one million celestial years) was so long, the Pracetas were given full bodily strength by the grace of the Lord
- Although this material world may be false, just like the paper, it has its proper beneficial utilization. Because the currency notes, although paper, are issued by the government, they have full value
- Although Vrndavana dasa Thakura has within his jurisdiction the full store of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes, he has left aside most of them and described but a small portion
- An administrative head or king like Maharaja Pariksit, with full majestic authority, well equipped with weapons to chastise miscreants, can challenge the agents of the age of Kali. Then only will it be possible to counteract the degraded age
- An exalted and pure devotee like Maharaja Ambarisa is in full awareness of Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- Another aspect of the Lord's instructions is that one who accepts a wife must be a faithful husband and give her full protection
- Any householder devotee who is working full-time (with his wife) as a sankirtana book distributer, of temple managerial duties, artist, cook, etc. shall be provided food, shelter, and other bare minimum necessities by the temple itself
- Arjuna was born in a saintly royal family. To him also the Lord says, "Take to My devotional service and come quickly back to Godhead, back home." No one should remain in this temporary world, full as it is with miseries. BG 1972 purports
- As a flower in the bud gradually fructifies and yields its desired aroma and beauty, so when a living entity comes to the platform of Krsna consciousness, the beauty of his real form comes into full blossom
- As far as Mother Yasoda's anxieties are concerned, when Krsna was out of the house in the pasturing ground, a devotee once told her, "Yasoda, I think your movements have been slackened, and I see that you are full of anxieties
- As soon as he heard my petition, he immediately granted me a pension without reductions. Thus the King granted me a full salary as a pension and requested me to engage without anxiety in the service of Your lotus feet
- As soon as he was sprinkled with the water from Lord Brahma's waterpot, Hiranyakasipu arose, endowed with a full body with limbs so strong that they could bear the striking of a thunderbolt
- As soon as the potencies are understood to be instrumental manifestations of the transcendence, one automatically advances to the next step, and gradually the stage of full realization becomes possible for him
- As soon as this knot is loosened, therefore, all the clouds of doubt are at once cleared off. One sees his master and fully engages himself in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, making a full termination of the chain of fruitive action
- As soon as you become servant of Krsna you get full satisfaction. Sa-natha-jivitah means you will understand that "I have a master who is so full, who is so complete, who is so competent, who is so faithful, and who is so nice, there is no injustice"
- As such, in any condition of life, he remains satisfied simply by remembering the Lord's name in full affection and ecstatic love
- As the moon, in its waxing fortnight, develops day after day, so the royal prince (Pariksit) very soon developed luxuriantly under the care and full facilities of his guardian grandfathers
- As the trunk and branches were watered, the branches and subbranches spread lavishly, and the tree grew full with fruits and flowers
- Asru-purna: his (Arjuna's) eyes was full with tears. "Krsna, I have to fight with my relatives." So he was crying, that "This is not very good business." So why he was crying? Krpayavistam: being merciful upon them
- At Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya's house, there was always a full stock of food. Whatever spinach, vegetables, fruit and so on were required, he collected and brought back home
- At the end of the Dvapara-yuga of the twenty-eighth divya-yuga, Lord Krsna appears on earth with the full paraphernalia of His eternal Vraja-dhama
- At the full youthful age He gave up His family life, beautiful wife, most obedient, perfect wife, beautiful wife, mother, affectionate mother, very good prestige, social prestige
- At the present time, as we travel all over the world, we see that in some countries human beings have many material facilities but no facilities for spiritual advancement. We find everywhere the defects of one-sided facilities & a lack of full facilities
- At the time of death, all yogis give up the material body with full detachment simply by placing their minds at Your lotus feet. That is the perfection of yoga
- Attainment of this perfection of life is easily available to a pure devotee of the Lord without his undergoing any difficult method of perfection. Such a devotional life is full of kirtanam, smaranam, iksanam, etc., as mentioned in the previous verse
- Balarama said, "Simultaneously I can also give this Romaharsana Suta life again, with a span of long duration, sufficient strength and full power of the senses. Not only this, but if you desire I shall be glad to award him anything else you may ask"
- Be an ideal couple of husband and wife in your country. Be Krishna Conciousness by full cooperation of husband and wife and you be happy both in this and the next life also
- Because a pure devotee has no thought other than Krsna, he is naturally always joyful. He does not lament for any material loss or gain because he is full in service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Because He is intoxicated, the Lord (Anantadeva) looks bewildered, and His eyes, appearing like flowers in full bloom, move to and fro
- Because I am not full, because I am deficient in so many ways, I am always needy, and therefore I want to create some friend, and similarly I hate an enemy. But since Krsna is the Supreme, no one can harm Krsna, nor can anyone give Krsna anything
- Because of full affection, to stop Krsna from leaving the house, she (mother Yasoda) wanted to bind Him with rope
- Because of natural beauty, the wives (of the cowherd men) had full hips and full breasts, which moved as they hurried along - SB 10.5.10
- Because of their poor fund of knowledge, the Mayavadi philosophers forget the fact that Krsna is always full with six opulences, eight transcendental qualities and eight kinds of perfection
- Because the devotee's service is accepted by the Lord in full reciprocation, the Lord is also a person in His complete spiritual embodiment
- Because the Lord possesses in full the six opulences of wealth, strength, fame, beauty, knowledge and renunciation, He alone is beyond the spell of material nature
- Because the Supreme Lord is avyaya, He is the Absolute Truth, the fully spiritual Supreme Brahman
- Because we are part and parcel of Krsna, who has full freedom, we too have full freedom, although the quantity of that freedom is quite minute
- Behind each and every energetic exhibition (of Krsna) there is the background of eternity, pleasure, potency and full cognizance
- Being full in the transcendental service of the Lord, they (Krsna's Devotees) desire neither material objects or material sense pleasures
- Being reluctant to accept material enjoyment, Manu's youngest son, whose name was Kavi, gave up the kingdom before attaining full youth
- Being the life air of every living entity, the Lord is the maintainer of the three worlds. Consequently He can induce every living entity to engage in his real life's duty with full bodily and mental strength
- BG 7.1: "Now, hear, O son of Prtha (Arjuna), how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt." Lord Krsna Himself teaches how one can understand Him perfectly well, without a doubt
- Bhagavad-gita gives you full information so that you can accept God with your reason, with your argument, with your knowledge. It is not blind following
- Bhagavad-gita is also part of the Mahabharata, and it is full of the Lord's instruction for the less intelligent class of men
- Bhakti-yoga begins if a person has the firm conviction that simply discharging devotional service to the Lord in full transcendental love can elevate him to the highest perfectional stage of life
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings, marabi rakhabi-yo iccha tohara: "O Lord (Krsna), I fully surrender unto Your lotus feet. Now, as You desire, You may protect me or annihilate me. You have the full right to do either"
- Both of you please accept my full blessings and sanction for your marriage. Work together for your mutual advancement in Krsna's service and be increasingly joyful in your Krsna Consciousness life. This is my desire
- Both the King & the subjects were happy in discharge of worldly duties, thus protection of the citizens & enjoyment of natural life, with full cooperation of material nature, followed in Yudhisthira's reign & his worthy descendants like Maharaja Pariksit
- Both the sun and the sunshine are very brilliant. The Lord is like the full shining sun, and the living entities are like the small particles of that sun which constitute the all-pervasive sunshine
- Brahma saw all around him the superexcellent view of Vrndavana - full with trees - which is the source of life for all living entities
- Brahman indicates that the greatest is full with six opulences; the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the reservoir of all wealth, all fame, all strength, all beauty, all knowledge and all renunciation
- Brahmana is satyah samo damah, he is practicing how to become truthful, how to become clean, how to control the mind and senses, how to become simple, how to become full cognizant of the Vedic literature, how to become firmly fixed up in conviction
- By chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra - all one's sins are eradicated and one becomes fully reformed. In other words, one comes to the spiritual platform, and that is success in life
- By executing the regulative principles of devotional service, one can fully appreciate the transcendental beauty of the Lord. In any case, such exalted positions are only possible by the extraordinary mercy of the Lord upon the devotee
- By full cognizance it is meant that one should know about his own constitutional position as well as the position of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By His (God's) superior intelligence, the Lord gives everyone the chance to fulfill his desires to the fullest extent, and the resultant reaction is also awarded by the Lord
- By His (Krsna's) inconceivable internal potency, atma-maya, He can expand Himself by multifarious forms and incarnations simultaneously, without being diminished in His full potency
- By His (Krsna's) unlimited potencies He performs unlimited pastimes, and no one can describe them in full, nor can anyone know them all
- By nature's law the river is full with water. If the nature does not supply, what you can do, your so-called science? Can you fill up with water? Then what is your science? Bogus
- By practice of Krsna consciousness yoga, one can know everything in full-namely the Absolute Truth, the living entities, the material nature, and their manifestations with paraphernalia. BG 1972 purports
- By study of Srimad-Bhagavatam under the bona fide spiritual master, one becomes aware of the full value of life, and then he revives his original Krishna consciousness. That is the perfection of life
- By studying such incidents (like Ravana's kingdom destroyed by Lord Ramacandra), we can understand the full meaning of isa-vidhvamsitasisam
- By submissively hearing this transcendental literature, one can attain the full pleasure of his heart's desire. But one must be very careful to hear the message from the right source
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, there are many thousands of names of God. Although we say the only perfect name is "Krsna," but if you think, "No, we have got another name," that's all right. But it must be name of God, full with the conception of God
- Combined together, the lotus flowers filled the lake so full that the lake appeared to be a great mine of such flowers. Consequently, on the shores there were swans and cranes, cakravaka, karandava and other beautiful water birds standing about
- Cyavana Muni said: Although you are ineligible to drink soma-rasa in sacrifices, I promise to give you a full pot of it. Kindly arrange beauty and youth for me, because they are attractive to young women
- Described in the Bhagavad-gita: while others, such as yogis, try to control their senses by force, devotees, even though possessing full sensory powers, do not use them because they engage in higher, transcendental activities
- Devahuti wanted to get out of conditional life and place herself in full surrender
- Devahuti was fully instructed by her son, Kapiladeva, on how to concentrate her mind on the Visnu form in full detail
- Devotees are always full with praising the Lord, who directs the physical laws
- Devotees sacrifice all personal interests to satisfy the SPG, and similarly the Supreme Lord, although having no personal interests, can do anything for the interests of His devotees. One who is full in himself has no personal interests
- Devotional service is not a mental concoction of depraved persons but is an actual process of God realization characterized by full cognizance and detachment and based on the Vedic literature
- Dharma, or occupational duty, can be established in its full four parts as explained in Bhagavad-gita
- Dhruva Maharaja was always absorbed in thinking of the lotus feet of Lord Krsna. His heart was full with Krsna
- Don't you think that this movement is glorious both for India and the world? Kindly, therefore cooperate with me in full heart
- Draupadi, the mother of the five children of the Pandavas, after hearing of the massacre of her sons, began to cry in distress with eyes full of tears. Trying to pacify her in her great loss, Arjuna spoke to her thus
- Dressed in a saffron-yellow sari, with a belt tied about her full hips, mother Yasoda pulled on the churning rope, laboring considerably, her bangles and earrings moving and vibrating and her whole body shaking - SB 10.9.3
- Due to his incorrect pronunciation, people sometimes criticized him and laughed at him, but he did not care. He was full of ecstasy due to reading the Bhagavad-gita and was personally very happy
- During student life the brahmacaris were given full instructions about the importance of the human form of life. Thus the basic education was designed to encourage the student in becoming free from family encumbrances
- During the personal presence of the Lord on the earth, all paraphernalia for our peace and prosperity, especially religion and knowledge, were in full display because of His presence, as there is a full flood of light in the presence of the glowing sun
- Duryodhana clearly felt that the victory of the Kurus depended on the presence of Bhismadeva. He was confident of the full support of Bhismadeva and Dronacarya in the battle. BG 1972 purports
- Duties executed by the Lord for His devotee are always very pleasing to the Lord because the Lord wants to render service to His unalloyed devotee, whose life has no other engagement than to serve the Lord with full love and devotion
- Each of the family members pours out a potful of the Ganges water for the departed soul and walks in a procession, with the ladies in the front
- Each Vaikuntha planet is full of spiritual bliss, complete opulence and space, and each is inhabited by incarnations. If Lord Brahma and Lord Siva cannot estimate the length and breadth of the spiritual sky and the Vaikuntha planets
- Eating, sleeping, sex life and fear are the four bodily necessities but to utilize the full duration of life a person desiring to advance in spiritual consciousness must reduce these activities. That will give him an opportunity to fully use his lifetime
- Even at the old age of 70, I started for America. There, for a full one year I had to experience great difficulties in my single handed mission on this account
- Even if They (Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) are full expansions, the flaw of generation remains
- Even if we fall down sometimes, not intentionally, but accidentally - because we are practiced to so many bad things, it may be possible that even I take full care, still, the influence is so strong, I may fall down - Krsna excuses such kind of falldown
- Even in full material opulence we can become a perfect devotee, provided you follow the principles. It doesn't matter
- Even on these planets (heavenly planets to Maharloka) no one is immune to death. There may be a comparative extension of life, expansion of knowledge and sense of full bliss
- Even Sri Krishna cannot compel one for co-operation because every living being is given full chance of utilising independant views. The human form of life although temporary it has a great value for utilising for the service of the Supreme
- Even such literature is written in broken language, not in the proper way from grammatical point of view, from poetic point of view, from rhetorical, because such literature is full with glorification of the Supreme Lord, saintly persons, they accept it
- Every candle has the full potential candlepower, but there is still the distinction that one candle is the 1st, the 2nd, the 3rd and another the 4th. Similarly, there is no difference between the immediate expansion of the Lord & His secondary expansion
- Every living being has its constitutional position, which is endowed with a particular type of rasa to be exchanged with the Personality of Godhead. In the liberated condition only, this primary rasa is experienced in full
- Every living being is anxious for full freedom because that is his transcendental nature, and this freedom is obtained only through the transcendental service of the Lord
- Every living entity is supposed to be the king of his body because the living entity is given full freedom to use his body as he likes
- Every volume of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya Caritamrta and any other big volumes, must have a full index. It is not a very prestigious presentation without the index. All volumes in the future must have the index
- Everyone is hankering after that pure, joyful life, but he does not know where to get it. That is the defect. That information we are giving. Here is the life. You just try to approach Radha and Krsna and you'll have full life of enjoyment
- Everyone is under the full control of the Lord. He is quite correct in His action when He desires something to be done by someone, irrespective of the consideration of the particular case
- Everyone should be continuously engaged in either chanting, studying or working and preaching. This full schedule will save you from engagement elsewhere. Maya and Krsna are always side by side. Either one is serving Krsna or he is serving Maya
- Everyone wants to be free from all kinds of fear, and everyone wants the fullest extent of happiness in life
- Everything being unlimited, it is concisely described here as sama-kamam, or full with all desirable equipment
- Everything is available in full abundance. Then why is there still a section of people who are frustrated and confused, like the hippies? They are not satisfied. Why? Because there is no balance
- Everything is full of sense and logic, and the exchange of views between the master and disciple is possible only when the reception is submissive and real
- Expecting Krsna to take her away at any moment, she (Rukmini) proceeded slowly toward her home. Her legs moved just like a full-grown swan, and her ankle bells tinkled mildly
- For a devotee these (to be religious, to be economically well situated, to satisfy their senses to the fullest extent and to attain liberation) are all very easily available
- For all practical purposes, the whole world is full of nondevotees, and so one kind of very advanced devotee is called bhajananandi. Those who are gosthy-anandi, however, preach to increase the number of devotees
- For eighty-five thousand years, Kartaviryarjuna continuously enjoyed material opulences with full bodily strength and unimpaired memory
- For ladies, taking a bath up to the neck is ordinarily prescribed, and they take a full bath only on certain occasions. On this occasion Devahuti took a full bath and washed her hair very nicely
- For persons who are not very advanced in absolute knowledge of the Supreme, Lord Krsna exhibits His transcendental pastimes. Such persons can simply think of the pastimes of the Lord and get full benefit
- For persons who are not very advanced in absolute knowledge of the Supreme, Lord Krsna exhibits His transcendental pastimes. They can simply think of the pastimes of the Lord and get the full benefit
- Freshly prepared food is very tasteful but if kept for three or four hours becomes stale and tasteless
- From the scripture we understand that there are innumerable universes, and each and every universe is full with innumerable planets, and each planet is full with innumerable living entities
- From Vedic literatures we understand that the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, eternally exists with His diverse energies. Caitanya appeared with full diverse energies, & they are five in number; therefore Caitanya is said to be Krsna
- Full absorption in thought of Krsna is the highest platform of bhakti-yoga
- Full and scientific knowledge is Krsna, and everything is revealed to the person in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Full details of the anti-material universe can be known only from the infallible source of liberated authorities who have thoroughly realized the constitution of the anti-material principle
- Full in six opulences (Books)
- Full in six opulences (Lectures, Conv and Letters)
- Full knowledge of transcendental loving service
- Full majestic authority
- Full nonsense, this rascal. How much havoc he has done to the human society. A grand rascal, this Darwin
- Full self-surrender, therefore, means not only surrendering one's self as spirit soul, but also surrendering one's mind and body to the service of the Lord. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur has sung a nice song in this connection
- Full-fledged
- Gandhi started non-cooperation movement that, "Don't cooperate with these Britishers." And when they saw there is now full non-cooperation, they left voluntarily
- Generally the persons are materialists who desire to enjoy the fullest extent of material gratification. Next to them are the transcendentalists, who have attained perfect knowledge about the nature of material enjoyment
- Go on preaching with full vigor and determination, keep our standard of Krsna Consciousness always at the highest level
- God is a Person exactly like you are a person, I am a person, but His personality is very great, full with six opulences
- God is a person like us, but He is all-powerful with all opulences in full. The living entities are His eternal servants. There are varieties of living entities that have inherited the opulences of God in different degrees
- God is great, and He cannot be simply an order supplier of the individual selves; therefore the Superself cannot be a full representation of the Supreme Self, Purusottama, the Absolute Personality of Godhead
- God is not senseless. If He is senseless, then there was no use of speaking this Bhagavad-gita and taking it so very important book so that world is reading very carefully. He's not senseless. He is full sense
- Gopinatha Pattanayaka achieved the result of kingly opulence due to but a glimpse of the Lord's mercy. Therefore no one can calculate the full value of His mercy
- Gradually, as a plant grows fruits and flowers, that plant of devotional service also produces fruits, and the watering process in the form of chanting and hearing goes on. This plant of devotional service is fully described in the CC. BG 1972 purports
- Gradually, step by step, one should become situated in trance by means of intelligence sustained by full conviction, and thus the mind should be fixed on the self alone and should think of nothing else
- Gradually, step by step, one should become situated in trance by means of intelligence sustained by full conviction, and thus the mind should be fixed on the Self alone and should think of nothing else
- Gradually, step by step, with full conviction, one should become situated in trance by means of intelligence, and thus the mind should be fixed on the Self alone and should think of nothing else. BG 6.25 - 1972
- Having first given hints about the verse describing the principal reason why the Lord appeared, now I shall manifest its full meaning
- Having tasted the words of Krsna's representative, we will feel satisfied, just as we feel satisfied upon eating a full meal
- Having undergone austerities & penances at Kapilasrama Pracinabarhi attained full liberation from all material designations. He constantly engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord & attained a spiritual position qualitatively equal to SPG
- He (a devotee who takes foodstuff in a hotel while touring) has full individuality for pleasing Krsna. Krsna says, "You surrender unto Me." So he voluntarily surrenders. It is not that he has lost his individuality. He keeps his individuality
- He (Arjuna) fought the battle with full vigor once he had understood the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita
- He (Garbhodakasayi Visnu) is lying within the half of the universe which is full with the water of His body
- He (God) is always sad-aisvarya-purna, full in six opulences, in all circumstances
- He (God) is bhagavan svayam, or the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, full with all opulences, all power, all knowledge, all beauty, all fame and all renunciation. No one is equal to or greater than Him
- He (God) is full of inconceivable potencies, God can accept our service through any sort of medium, and He can convert His different potencies according to His own will
- He (God) is the chief of all eternals, the chief of all living entities, and He is complete and full
- He (Krsna Caitanya) is full in six opulences: wealth, fame, strength, beauty, knowledge and renunciation. In short, we should know that He is Krsna, God, & that nothing is equal to or greater than Him. There is nothing superior to be conceived - CC Intro
- He (Krsna) creates, maintains and annihilates by His unlimited energies, and still He is always full with prowess and does not deteriorate in potency
- He (Krsna) displayed full responsibility in every action of His different transcendental pastimes
- He (Krsna) lets us enjoy ourselves to the fullest extent because we have come to this material world to enjoy sense gratification. However, this is called maya, illusion. It is not really enjoyment, but simply struggle
- He (Krsna) therefore told Narada, "My dear sage, when Your Holiness comes here, you are full in yourself. Although We are householders and are always in need, you don't require anyone's help, for you are self-satisfied"
- He (Maharaja Pariksit) protected his subjects from falling prey to the sinful acts of the age of Kali, and at the same time he gave full facility to the age of Kali by allotting him some particular places
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) also compiled the Hari-bhakti-vilasa, from which we can understand the standard behavior of a devotee and the full extent of a Vaisnava's duty
- He (the Absolute Truth) is always complete with full spiritual qualities
- He (the material scientist) can take up one of the energies and try to understand it with limited knowledge, but still it is not possible to understand the Absolute Truth in full by dint of material science
- He (Vidura) wanted to hear about Him (Krnsa) in His purusa incarnations, which He manifests with full potencies for the creation and maintenance of the cosmic world. The activities of the purusa incarnations are but an extension of the activities of God
- He is the master of varieties of energies, like the full material energy, and no one can understand His plans or actions; therefore it should be concluded that although He is the original cause of all causes, no one can know Him by mental speculation
- He is thinking, "This is a combination of this matter - earth, water, air, fire. So when it will be broken, then everything will be finished. So, so long I have got this opportunity, let me enjoy to the fullest extent." This is called material mentality
- He sought the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's lotus feet with full surrender. Sometimes he would invite the Lord to dine at his home
- He was completely cultured as a qualified brahmana, having very good character & being determined to understand the AT. He had full control of his senses and mind. Like the Supersoul, he was kind to every living entity and was the best friend of everyone
- He was full in Brahman realization, and consequently he was always jubilant. He did not experience material lamentation. Although he was perfect in all respects, he was not proud, nor was he anxious to rule the kingdom
- He was fully absorbed in thoughts of fraternal relationships with God. He was an incarnation of a cowherd boy, and thus his dealings with Svarupa Damodara Gosvami were very friendly
- He would like to stay with us very much so see that full prasadam as well as a room is given during his stay in Vrndavana
- Hearing this, Svarupa Damodara could understand the full truth of the matter. He spoke sweetly to the fisherman
- Heart is full with varieties of sense enjoyment. Therefore by daily, regular worshiping Bhagavatam, we become free from the dirty things
- Her (Putana's) hips were full, her breasts were large and firm, seeming to overburden her slim waist, and she was dressed very nicely. Her hair, adorned with a garland of mallika flowers, was scattered about her beautiful face - SB 10.6.5-6
- Here (SB 3.15.40) is a full description of the Personality of Godhead as personally experienced by the sages. The Lord's personal body was covered with yellow robes, and His waist was thin
- Here in Vrindaban I have secured full cooperation of my god-brother Swami Bon, and he has very kindly offered me full tuition, room, boarding, etc., for at least ten students among my disciples, who may come for further study in the matter of K.C.
- His (Yuyudhana's) life was successful to the fullest extent from both the material and spiritual angles of vision. That is the way of devotional service to the Lord
- How they (the Mayavadis) should hear and from whom is also explained by Sukadeva Gosvami. The difficulty is that the whole world is full of Mayavadis
- Human life by nature is full of suffering, and lower life forms are even more miserable
- Human society without God consciousness, without any knowledge of the science of God, it is animal society. Actually it is happening. The world is now full with so many problems, so many difficulties, because the chance of human life is being misused
- Husband-wife means he must accept responsibility for her his life-long, it is not such light matter we can reject and do as we like. I think you stick there for some time more, live peacefully husband and wife, & develop the temple to your full capacity
- I (Arjuna) see all people rushing full speed into Your (the Universal Form) mouths, as moths dash to destruction in a blazing fire
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) shall also describe in full detail how Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya perfectly rendered service to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by offering Him alms
- I am glad that everyone at your temple is working hard and in full cooperation for keeping the temple nicely and spreading our movement as far as possible. This should be our motto
- I am so much grieved to learn the news of our revered god-brother, Swami Bhakti Sadhak Niskincana Maharaja, and I am so glad to learn that he passed away in full sense chanting "Krishna, Krishna". This is a glorious death
- I am sure our London program will be very successful because you are all sincere workers. In our Krishna Consciousness Movement, anyone who has got full blessings and confidence of the Spiritual Master, and therefore Krishna, his success is sure
- I am very glad to hear of your translating work there. This is very encouraging. Please continue it with full enthusiasm. I was told by Brahmananda Svami that you have finished 3 chapters of Gita already
- I am very glad to hear that the building work is going on with full speed, including both day & night shifts of workers. Do not worry, I am sending you two first-class men from England, both of them have got good experience in engineering & building work
- I am very glad to hear that your mission is resumed in Indonesia and that you are taking up this work again with full enthusiasm. And the response has been very good there. Now go on teaching in this school and distributing our literatures more and more
- I am very glad to know that Ananda Prabhu is staying with you. Please offer my dandabats. He is my old god brother. Sincere Vaisnava. Please treat him like your father. Do remain in full cooperation
- I am very much hopeful of success of the attempt and I am seeking your good consultation if it is possible to have full sympathetic cooperation of my Godbrothers in India in this adventure
- I am very much obliged to you for giving such a full report. May Krsna bless you and give you more and more intelligence how to manage everything very nicely in Australia and New Zealand
- I am very much worried the whole thing will collapse if Tusta Krishna must go away. You go there and send me full report. There is such good potential
- I am very very pleased with your preaching in Poland and you should continue this program with full enthusiasm
- I did not know your full glories. For this reason, I (Daksa) threw arrows of sharp words at you (Siva) in the open assembly, although you did not take them into account
- I do not find any mention of how the work is going on there at Mayapur. I have entrusted you as the leader of this project to see that it is always going on at full capacity, that the men are working, that the money shall be collected and spent wisely
- I found you a good soul and therefore I did propose it to you but if you refuse co-operation then what I can do. Even Sri Krishna cannot compel one for co-operation because every living being is given full chance of utilizing independant views
- I have already met with Jayapataka Swami and have given him full instructions regarding our Hare Krishna Centre at Haridaspur. So you may contact him and the other local managers at Shree Mayapur regarding your effort
- I have described the pastimes very briefly, for it is impossible for me to describe them in full. In the future, however, Vedavyasa will describe them elaborately
- I have full sanction for the marriage of Naranarayana, and you can perform the ceremony on my behalf
- I have gone through variety stages of life. So I have got full experience of this material world. I don't want it. That determination is there
- I have heard from Upendra and he seems enthusiastic about opening the Fiji center. Our Krsna Consciousness Movement is flourishing all over the world by the grace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and I am receiving favorable reports and full invitations
- I have invested the GBC for maintaining the standard of our Krsna Consciousness Society, so keep the GBC very vigilant. I have already given you full directions in my books. Please counteract this contamination which has been spread throughout our Society
- I have recently received a full report from Rupanuga Maharaja on the activities of the Washington D.C. and especially how you are most enthusiastic about book distribution and that you are fixing to purchase the house. I am very glad
- I have spent a full one thousand years enjoying sense gratification, yet my desire to enjoy such pleasure increases daily
- I offer my full obeisances unto the feet of Nityananda Rama, whose partial representation called Karanodakasayi Visnu, lying on the Karana Ocean, is the original purusa, the master of the illusory energy, & the shelter of all the universes - CC Adi 1.9
- I offer my full obeisances unto the feet of Nityananda Rama, whose partial representation called Karanodakasayi Visnu, lying on the Karana Ocean, is the original purusa, the master of the illusory energy, & the shelter of all the universes - CC Adi 5.50
- I offer my full obeisances unto the feet of Sri Nityananda Rama, a partial part of whom is Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- I offer my full obeisances unto the feet of Sri Nityananda Rama, a partial part of whom is Garbhodakasayi Visnu. From the navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu sprouts the lotus that is the birthplace of Brahma, the engineer of the universe
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is full of unlimited qualities and whose different potencies bring about agreement and disagreement between disputants
- I pray to Krishna that you both live for at least 100 years so that you may spread Krishna consciousness to the full extent
- I request you to come here for a week with the full manuscript so that I can see it personally, along with you, and finish the editorial work, within a week
- I see all people rushing with full speed into Your mouths as moths dash into a blazing fire. BG 11.29 - 1972
- I shall try to do some work in India regarding the Krsna Consciousness Movement although my physical strength is diminishing. But still now if all you cooperate with me with your full young energy I am still competent to work with you with greater energy
- I understand from Kirtanananda Maharaja that there is a nice scheme for travelling sankirtana party. So I think that your joining them will be super-excellent scheme and I have my full hearted sanction for your joining the party if you like
- I want that every respectable person has a full set of Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrta in his home
- I want to construct a Jagannatha temple exactly like that in Puri. If you like you can do the full charge to do this job. I shall spend as much money as it is required to do it nicely
- I wanted to enjoy something. Krsna gives us full opportunity: "Now here is the opportunity. You can do it." Anumanta. He's so kind. But that is not our actual business
- If anyone desires the Lord to become one's husband, the Lord fulfills such desires in full
- If anyone wants to engage himself fully in devotional service, the Lord gives him full facilities, and the devotee enjoys the results. The Lord is therefore known as karma-phala-prada
- If anyone wants to enjoy or lord it over material nature, the Lord gives him full facilities, but he becomes entangled in the resultant reactions
- If by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy I live for so many days that I can fulfill my desires, I will give full consideration to these pastimes
- If country does not get the facility of sunshine, it is considered that that country is condemned. It is shastric injunction. Any country which does not get the full facility of sunshine, it is to be considered condemned
- If God has created the material world and material variety, so means He is in full awareness how to do things nicely. That is perfectness of God
- If he agrees to give me a plot of land as requested in my letter than it will be a practical gesture of our full cooperation. If you can kindly help in this matter it will be a great service to Srila Prabhupada
- If he makes progress under the direction of the Spiritual Master, then he revives his original Krsna Consciousness in full and thus he regains his position in the eternal Kingdom of God
- If I can live by eating fruits and grains and milk, why shall I kill animal? This is human consciousness. Milk, if you get milk, you can prepare hundreds of nice preparations, all full of vitamins and nourishing
- If one associates with the qualities of the hogs, one will actually become a hog in one's next birth. Prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah. Nature will give one a full opportunity: "All right, sir, become a hog." Such are nature's arrangements
- If one can hear from the proper source, and if he understands the real fact of rasa-lila, then the result will be that his heart, which is full with lusty desire, that will vanish. There will be no more lusty desires
- If one has full faith in Krsna and confidence in Him, one becomes eligible to discharge devotional service confidentially. According to one's faith, one is a topmost, intermediate or inferior devotee
- If one is actually serious to understand the problems of life, he will surely find the right answers in this movement. Please read carefully our book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and you will find yourself getting enlightenment to the fullest extent
- If one is always fully engaged in the devotional service of the Lord with full sincerity of attitude, beginning with the tongue, that Krishna will Himself appear to the devotee and all questions will be answered personally by Him
- If one says that Sri Caitanya-caritamrta is full of Sanskrit verses and therefore not understandable by a common man, I reply that what I have described are the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and that for me to satisfy everyone is not possible
- If one simply continues to think that he is an eternal servant of Krsna, even without performing any other process of devotional service, he can attain full success, for simply by this feeling one can perform all nine processes of devotional service
- If one wants to see the Absolute Truth in full, one has to penetrate beyond the twenty-four material elements and the glaring effulgence as well
- If people actually want happiness in this life and want to prepare for the best in the next life, they must adopt a Vedic civilization. In a Vedic civilization, there is a full supply of all the necessities mentioned above - milk, honey, molasses, etc
- If someone sows a tulasi tree somewhere, certainly he becomes devoted to Lord Krsna. And when the tulasi leaves are offered in devotion at the lotus feet of Krsna, there is the full development of love of Godhead
- If the different castes or social sections, although apparently differently occupied in different activities, nevertheless act in full cooperation, then the Lord is pleased. This is the idea of the institution of four varnas and four asramas
- If the GBC which I have appointed for this task will kindly now assist me in this way, by handling very expertly and with all good consideration all matters of managing, I shall devote my full time to giving you further nice books
- If the living entity is accepted as a minute part & parcel of the Supreme Lord he automatically becomes controlled by a supreme energy or power. The latter is his actual constitutional position, & if he remains in this position he can attain full freedom
- If there is full cooperation between man and God and man and nature, then this conscious cooperation between man and God and man and nature, as exemplified by King Yudhisthira, can bring about happiness, peace and prosperity in the world
- If we have got a press in our control with full equipment it will be a great boon. If such manipulation is not possible, then I wish to start a nice press in our Indian branch and get all our books and printing work done there
- If we wish to become fully Krsna conscious, we have to give up the shackles of maya, or, if we remain with maya, we should live in such a way that we will not be subject to illusion
- If you and your wife want to have children for raising them in Krishna Consciousness, and if you are prepared to take the full responsibility for delivering them from the clutches of birth and death, then I have no objection
- If you are in full transcendental bliss, he said, "you should now remember only Brahman. Why are you crying"
- If you can achieve Krsna, then you will feel that "I don’t require anything more." Yam labdhva: by gaining which a person thinks, Complete, full
- If you cover your body with blanket, the hands and legs are invisible. But you are not the blanket. So the trees and plants, they are more covered. They are not in full manifestation. The human form is the full manifestation of the soul
- If you go little over this planet, earth planet, by aeroplane, and if there is full sunshine, you don't see anything except sunshine. But that does not mean there is nothing beyond sunshine. But my eyes are dazzled by the sunshine
- If you have got a tinge of attachment for material enjoyment, Krsna will give you chance: "All right, you enjoy. You enjoy, to the fullest extent." Because we have come to this material world for enjoying sense gratification
- If you offer something, Krsna, simply by seeing, He is eating. That is Krsna. And again if you say, "If He is eating, why the plate is full?" that is Krsna
- If you say, "Why Krsna is eating by the eyes?" yes, that is Krsna. That is Krsna. If you offer something, Krsna, simply by seeing, He is eating. That is Krsna. And again if you say, "If He is eating, why the plate is full?" that is Krsna
- If you speak about Krsna . . . the whole world is full with questions and answers, so these questions and answers are approved by atmavit, those who are self-realized, not bodily realized
- If you want to take advantage, full association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that is Krsna. Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate (SB 1.2.11). Vadanti tattva-vidas tattvam yaj jnanam advayam. This is very important verse
- Ignorance is like the animal existence. The animal's life is full of suffering, but the animal does not know that he is suffering
- Immediately come to Krsna. Of course, it does not mean that anyone who comes to Krsna or Krsna's representative, he has finished all the reaction of his past sinful activities. That is not possible. Everyone is full with the result of his past sins
- In an advanced civilization, people are eager to be religious, to be economically well situated, to satisfy their senses to the fullest extent, and at last to attain liberation. However, these are not to be magnified as desirable
- In Bhagavad-gita it is clearly stated that persons who are trying to elevate the condition of the fallen souls by preaching the conclusion of Bhagavad-gita - namely, full surrender unto the Personality of Godhead - are very dear to Him
- In Brahman realization, the six opulences are not realized in full, nor is there recognition of eternity, bliss and knowledge
- In Brahman realization, the six opulences are not realized in full; therefore Brahman realization is not complete understanding of the Supreme Lord
- In brahminical culture a brahmana's transcendental position is eternally maintained because the injunctions of the Vedas are accepted with faith, austerity, scriptural conclusions, full sense and mind control, and meditation
- In case of benefit, no one will deny that it is God-sent, but in case of loss or reverses one becomes doubtful about how the Lord could be so unkind to His devotee as to put him in great difficulty
- In each and every door of the residential houses, auspicious things like curd, unbroken fruits, sugarcane and full waterpots with articles for worship, incense and candles were all displayed
- In each and every one of them (Vaikuntha planet) there are residents who are full in all six opulences - wealth, strength, knowledge, beauty, fame and renunciation
- In full samadhi he worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Nara-Narayana, who is Krsna in His plenary expansion. By doing so, in course of time Maharaja Nabhi was elevated to the spiritual world known as Vaikuntha
- In full spiritual realization there is a perception of spiritual happiness, and that happiness is described in Bhagavad-gita as the supreme happiness, which is beyond the material senses
- In his (the living being's) liberated state he renders service to the Lord in transcendental love and thus enjoys a life of full freedom, even sometimes on an equal level with the Lord or sometimes more than the Lord
- In his Bhagavat-sandarbha (Text 23), Srila Jiva Gosvami Prabhu states, The Padma Purana refers to the eternally auspicious abode of Godhead, which is full in all opulences, including the energies sri, bhu and nila
- In his Bhagavat-sandarbha, Srila Jiva Gosvami states: "The complete conception of the Absolute Truth is realized in the Personality of Godhead because He is almighty and possesses full transcendental potencies"
- In his pure unalloyed state, the living being attains the stage of full bliss, labdhopasanti, and ceases all material hankerings
- In his wanderings in the different species of life, the living entity may taste some type of enjoyment in one body or another, but full enjoyment of the senses cannot be obtained in any material body
- In order to start the proposed project in your letter you must have full sanction of the GBC. Then I will approve of it, if they approve it. Do not try to start any project independent of the GBC. I want that everyone will co-operate nicely with the GBC
- In our Krishna Consciousness Movement, anyone who has got full blessings and confidence of the Spiritual Master, and therefore Krishna, his success is sure
- In our Krishna Consciousness Society we have full engagement twenty-four hours a day. Every moment of our time is always busily engaged in the service of the Lord. This is called the incessant flow of devotional service
- In Satya-yuga, the religious principles are observed in full, without deviation. In Treta-yuga, however, these principles are somewhat neglected, and only three fourths of the religious duties continue
- In such association (of mahatmas) there is a full chance for hearing, describing and chanting about the name, form, qualities and paraphernalia of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all of which are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In that supreme planet (Vaikuntha) the Lord enjoys His transcendental bliss in multiple forms, and all the opulences of the Vaikunthas are fully displayed in that one planet. The associates of Krsna are also full with six opulences
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that He awards benedictions to the worshiper according to his desire. The Supreme Personality of Godhead gives all living entities conditioned within this material world full freedom to act in their own way
- In the big cities a big temple is required but if that is not possible then continue with your preaching program with full enthusiasm and determination
- In the Caitanya-bhagavata (Antya-khanda, Chapter Three), it is stated - The Lord (Caitanya) suddenly came to Vidyanagara with a full party and stayed there in the house of Vidya-vacaspati. Thus throughout Navadvipa, the Lord’s arrival was made known
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that one should receive the teaching of Lord Caitanya with intellect and full senses so that one can logically understand the great mission
- In the completely satisfied stage of life, exhibited by full detachment from the world of sense enjoyment as a result of performing devotional service, one can understand the science of God in the liberated stage
- In the Eleventh Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam there is a full description of the devotional service of the nine Yogendras, who rendered devotional service because they were attracted by the Lord's transcendental qualities
- In the Fifteenth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita, the Lord says that the living entities are His parts and parcels. There are innumerable living entities throughout the material and spiritual universes, but still Lord Krsna is full in Himself
- In the hellish condition within the womb, the living entity is very much afraid of being born again, but when he is out of the womb, when he is in full life and good health, he forgets everything and commits again and again the same sins
- In the liberated state, everything is blissful in relation with the Lord, and one has no desires to fulfill and nothing to lament over. Thus, following the benediction, full spiritual bliss comes upon us
- In the library other books may be kept for comparative study by the scholars. I have no objection, but our main purpose will be to accelerate the grandeur of Chaitanya philosophy. On this basis I have full cooperation
- In the morning there is no full sunshine, but there is some glimpse of light. That is not real light. Real light is full sunshine
- In the mundane world they (the inhabitants of Satyaloka) have nothing to achieve, and in the transcendental world they are full in themselves. Then why do they come to the mundane world?
- In The Nectar of Devotion full instructions are given about the vidhi-marga worship of Radha-Krsna, or Laksmi-Narayana
- In the Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda, there is a full description of the yoga-pitha, or the particular place where the Lord is in audience to His eternal devotees
- In the same order as Kardama Muni, about one hundred years ago, Thakura Bhaktivinoda also wanted to beget a child who could preach the philosophy and teachings of Lord Caitanya to the fullest extent
- In the sastra, yoga is described as dhyanavasthita, a state of full meditation, but this is meditation upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the sastras it is found that a very great yogi, Durvasa Muni, committed a vaisnava-aparadha and thus for one full year had to travel all over the universe, even to Vaikunthaloka, to defend himself from the offense
- In the Satya-yuga people were very religious, full, four parts full. In the Dvapara-yuga, one part was missing, only three parts. Then Treta-yuga. Satya, Treta, then Dvapara. But in the Kali-yuga, the one part of religiosity, that is also diminishing
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, because it is science of God, there is definition, what do you mean by God. The definition is that one person who has got six opulences in full, He is God
- In the Vedic literatures, including the Puranas, there are full descriptions of the spiritual potency of Krsna
- In the whole Nadia, this part is very sacred, Mayapur Candradoya Temple. So by Krsna's grace, you have got this opportunity to live here. Take advantage, full advantage of this opportunity, spiritually fortunate
- In this age people are degrading so much that at the end of the day, if he can have a full belly meal, he says: "Oh, I am now satisfied." Just like animal
- In this dissolution, the gross bodies became unmanifest, but the subtle bodies existed, just like the water of the material creation. Thus the material energy was not completely wound up, as is the case in the full dissolution of the material world
- In this way a devotee becomes fully Krsna-ized and, being always situated in Krsna consciousness, ultimately goes back to Krsna
- In this way, after full deliberation, the goddess of fortune accepted Mukunda as her husband because although He is independent and not in want of her, He possesses all transcendental qualities and mystic powers and is therefore the most desirable
- In this way, the full-moon night of the sarat season came to an end
- In verses 296 through 301 (of CC Adi 17) the emotional devoted service of Sri Nityananda, Sri Advaita Prabhu and others has been fully described
- In whichever species of life I have taken birth, compelled by the force of my own activities, I have very painfully experienced two things, namely separation from my beloved and meeting with what is not wanted
- Instead of associating with nondevotees, if you associate with these devotees, then you get that sunshine, or the light and heat from Krsna. That is the process. Same way: if you somehow or other you go up the cloud, then you get this full sunshine
- Intelligence comes from the Supersoul, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He gives full facility to the living entity who has come down to this material world
- Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati: (BG 18.61) the Lord is situated in full in the core of everyone's heart
- It (Krsna consciousness) is the stage beyond self-realization at which the devotee becomes one with Krsna in the sense that Krsna becomes everything for the devotee, and the devotee becomes full in loving Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- It does not take even a moment for the Lord to kill any powerful demon, including Hiranyaksa. The Lord could have killed him long before, but He allowed the demon to display the full extent of his magical feats
- It is a principle that a preacher must strictly follow the rules and regulations laid down in the sastras yet at the same time devise a means by which the preaching work to reclaim the fallen may go on with full force
- It is better undoubtedly to have a full magazine as our English BTG, but if you have no time, or you are doing this or that, then do not neglect it completely - it is better to publish and distribute a one page BTG issue than no issue at all each month
- It is essential for one to renounce family responsibilities and fully concentrate on the lotus feet of Vasudeva. Therefore Maharaja Ambarisa divided the kingdom among his sons and retired from family life
- It is exactly like the waters of the Ganges, which sometimes during the rainy season are full of bubbles, foam and mud
- It is like the bathing of an elephant, for an elephant cleanses itself by taking a full bath, but then throws dust over its head and body as soon as it returns to the land
- It is not like that, a pet dog, that "Everyone makes guru, and let me guru, let me have a guru." But that is not the... Guru means first of all the condition is pranipata, fully surrendered
- It is not possible to go to Krsna unless one attains a body like Krsna's, a sac-cid-ananda-vigraha body, a body full of eternity, knowledge and bliss
- It is not that because in human life we have got full opportunity for sense pleasures... Well, sense pleasure is offered to the monkeys and pigs and dogs more leniently. So that is means that is life? No. That is not life
- It is Pradyumna who gives Brahma direction for cosmic management. A full description of Brahma’s birth is given in Srimad-Bhagavatam - 3.8.15 - 16
- It is psychologically very natural that a prostitute does not care for her paramour as soon as he loses his money. Similarly, when the citizens find that a government is incapable of giving them full protection, they leave the country
- It is the duty of every conditioned soul to engage his polluted consciousness, which is now attached to material enjoyment, in very serious devotional service with detachment. Thus his mind and consciousness will be under full control
- It is the duty of the demigods, as well as kings and aides of governments, to give full protection to the Vedic authority; otherwise human society will be in a chaotic condition in which there cannot be peace or prosperity
- It is the symptom of this age, Kali-yuga, is that we are not living the full term of our life, hundred years
- It propounds the highest principle of eternal religion, which can factually mitigate the threefold miseries of a living being and award the highest benediction of full prosperity and knowledge
- Jamadagni, being worshiped by Lord Parasurama, was brought back to life with full remembrance, and he became one of the seven sages in the group of seven stars
- Jitendriya means one who has full control over the senses. The senses are active parts of the body, and their activities cannot be stopped
- Just as the human citizens should be given all kinds of protection, so the cows also should be given full protection
- Just as the waves of the ocean become agitated on a full-moon day, Lord Balarama became greatly disturbed
- Just like we are going to open this brahmacari school, or asrama, but I am doubtful whether we'll get many children. Because in this age people are interested to become sudras. Nobody is interested to become brahmana
- Just to please His dear wife, the Lord brought back the parijata tree from heaven, just as an ordinary husband would do. But Indra, the King of heaven, induced by his wives (henpecked as he was), ran after the Lord with full force to fight Him
- Just to teach us, Marshal Arjuna tried to understand the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita at a time when a moment was virtually impossible to spare. All this he did for the sake of people like us, and he fought the battle with full vigor
- Kartaviryarjuna sent seventeen full aksauhinis of soldiers to check Parasurama. But Lord Parasurama alone killed all of them
- Kindly make this farm project successful so that the majority of my time I can spend there. I like this place. You should work with full energy and endeavor to make this program successful
- King Gaya gave full protection and security to the citizens so that their personal property would not be disturbed by undesirable elements. He also saw that there was sufficient food to feed all the citizens. (This is called posana)
- King Kulasekhara, in his very famous book Mukunda-mala-stotra, prays: My Lord, I wish only that I may always be in full ecstasy with the pleasure of serving Your Lordship - MM 4
- King Nrga said, "Nothing can be hidden from Your (Krsna's) eternal cognizance. Still, You have ordered me to explain my history, and I shall therefore narrate the full story"
- King Pracinabarhi attained full liberation from all material designations. He constantly engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord and attained a spiritual position qualitatively equal to that of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- King Prthu addresses the Lord (Krsna), saying, "I may even have some misunderstanding with her (goddess of fortune), but I will not mind this because I have full confidence in You"
- King Prthu's body was tall and sturdy, and his complexion was fair. His arms were full and broad and his eyes as bright as the rising sun. His nose was straight, his face very beautiful and his personality grave
- King Satyavrata shows us the way to accept the SP of Godhead as the real spiritual master. The Supreme Lord has given full directions in Bhagavad-gita about how to deal with everything in this material world and how to return home, back to Godhead
- Knowledge that one is one in quality yet different in quantity is correct transcendental knowledge leading one to become full in himself, having nothing to aspire to nor lament over. BG 1972 purports
- Krishna has been very kind upon us, now let us all work cooperatively and with full enthusiasm to do the needful
- Krishna was very kind to me when He sent you to me for cooperating. My hearty thanks for you when you write to say that Krishna Consciousness is the full perfection of life
- Krishna will bless you for this work, rest assured. He will give you all facilities; that is His promise, and actually it is so. You are all respectable gentlemen, and I have full confidence in you
- Krsna comes with full Vrndavana picture, and He demonstrates His Vrndavana life, cintamani-prakara-sadmasu (BS 5.29), just to attract us, that, You are trying to enjoy in this material world, but here you cannot enjoy because you are eternal
- Krsna Consciousness means blissful life, and also that blissful life is eternal and full of knowledge
- Krsna continued, "Persons too much addicted to material happiness cannot render such service. Women whose hearts are polluted & full of material desires devise various means of sense gratification while outwardly showing themselves to be great devotees"
- Krsna gives everyone full independence-whatever one likes - but His ultimate instruction we find in the Bhagavad-gita: man should give up all other engagements and fully surrender unto Him. That will make man happy. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is so kind. We wanted to enjoy this material world; therefore He has given us full chance - Yes, you enjoy
- Krsna says that "You fully become dependent upon Me, and I shall give you full protection." This is superiority. As soon as I fully surrender to the supreme superior, Krsna, then my position is immediately superior
- Krsna spoke to His elder brother Balarama as follows, "My dear brother, You are superior to all of us, and Your lotus feet are worshiped by the demigods. Just see how these trees, full with fruits and flowers, have bent down to worship Your lotus feet"
- Krsna wants us to have full experience through which to understand that by material gain we shall never be happy. This is Krsna's desire
- Krsna, the Parabrahman, or the Supreme Brahman, being always situated in full knowledge, is never overcome by such activities. Therefore Krsna is called Acyuta, meaning "He who never falls down"
- Lacking senses, He (Krsna) could hardly be considered full in all opulences. BG 1972 purports
- Liberty, happiness and all good fortune can be attained only by surrendering unto the Lord because He is full liberty, full happiness and full auspiciousness
- London is the most important city in the world and as you originally opened this branch, it is my desire to see it come to full blossom under your expert management
- Lord Balarama said, "Ugrasrava, will therefore have all the facilities you (sages) offered - a long duration of life in a good and healthy body, with no disturbances and full strength of all the senses"
- Lord Brahma, seeing the Personality of Godhead in His fullness, was overwhelmed with joy within his heart, and thus in full transcendental love and ecstasy, his eyes filled with tears of love
- Lord Brahma, who has full control over the goddess of learning and who is considered to be the best authority in Vedic knowledge, was thus perplexed, being unable to understand the extraordinary power manifested by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Lord Caitanya desired that all who are born in India seriously understand such krsna-kathas and then after full realization preach the transcendental message to everyone in all parts of the world
- Lord Krsna had 16,108 wives, and for each and every one of them there was a fully equipped palace complete with necessary compounds and gardens. Full description of these palaces is given in the Tenth Canto
- Lord Krsna therefore first allowed His family of superiors to descend to the earth. I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) shall try to describe them in brief because it is not possible to describe them fully
- Lord Narayana, who dominates the transcendental world, is full in six opulences. He is the Personality of Godhead, the Lord of the goddess of fortune
- Lord Ramacandra is a full incarnation with six opulences in full, and He is therefore mentioned in this verse as kalesah, or master of all opulence
- Lord Siva says to Sati, "By performance of the ritualistic sacrifices recommended in the Vedas one can be elevated to the platform of pious activities and thereby enjoy the material comforts of life to the fullest extent"
- Maharaja Ambarisa, being a devotee of the Personality of Godhead, was in full awareness of Paramatma, Brahman, maya, the material world, the spiritual world, and how things are going on everywhere. Everything was known to him
- Maharaja Pariksit, to fulfill his desire to hear about Krsna, requested Sukadeva Gosvami to describe these activities (of Krsna) in full detail
- Maharaja Yudhisthira admits this truth (ultimate sanction for all success rests in the hands of the Supreme Lord) in his personal success, and it behooves one to follow in the footsteps of a great king and devotee of the Lord to make life a full success
- Maharaja Yudhisthira's younger brothers were acting as his ministers and commanders of state, and there was full cooperation between the perfectly religious brothers of the King
- Make all our temples full with many devotees and after being trained up they should be sent to every town and village in your country so that they will be benefited as well as all others
- Mamaivamso jiva-bhutah jiva loke sanatana (BG 15.7). Sanatana-jiva-loke jiva amsa. Amsa cannot be the full. Yes. Amsa, part, cannot be equal to the whole
- Manifesting a full effulgence and a fearsome countenance, Lord Nrsimha, being very angry and finding no contestant to face His power and opulence, then sat down in the assembly hall on the excellent throne of the king
- Marriage means to take full responsibility of a woman. That is real marriage, Vedic marriage
- Material pleasures can be attained even by hogs and dogs, whose condition of life is hellish. The hog also eats, sleeps and enjoys sex life to the full extent, and it is also very satisfied with such hellish enjoyment of material existence
- Modern yogis advise that because one has senses, one must enjoy to the fullest extent like cats and dogs, yet one can go on and practice yoga
- Mucukunda continued, "I can see that Your feet are just like soft lotus flowers. How could You walk in the forest, full of thorns & pebbles? I am simply surprised to see this! Are You not the S P of God, the most powerful amongst the powerful"
- Mucukunda continued, "My dear Lord, we come under the full control of this inevitable time not only after death but also, in a different way, while living"
- My dear devotees of Lord Caitanya, let me (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) now write a synopsis of the adi-lila; I write of these pastimes in brief because it is not possible to describe them in full
- My dear friend the flute, you are actually full of many holes or faults. You are light, hard, juiceless and full of knots. But what kind of pious activities have engaged you in the service of being kissed by the Lord and embraced by His hands
- My dear friend, see how this forest of Vrndavana is full of transcendental creepers and trees
- My dear Lord, O supreme great, You have created this material world of sixteen constituents, but You are transcendental to their material qualities. In other words, these material qualities are under Your full control, and You are never conquered by them
- My dear princes, by My mercy, you can enjoy all the facilities of this world as well as the heavenly world. Indeed, you can enjoy all of them without hindrance and with full strength for one million celestial years
- My dear son, Svayambhuva Manu handed over his very dear daughter Devahuti to Kardama Muni. I have already spoken to you about them, and you have heard about them almost in full
- My father was not very rich man, but still, whatever I wanted, he would give me. He never chastised me, but full love
- My Lord, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are dressed in yellow garments, whose bodily hue resembles the marakata gem, and who have full control over the goddess of fortune. O my Lord Kesava, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You
- My sweetness is wonderful, infinite and full. No one in the three worlds can find its limit
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, cause the birth and death as well as the liberation of the living entities, and You are full with all Your plenary expansions. You can bestow on everyone all kinds of benedictions
- Nanda Maharaja and the cowherd men got up on bullock carts after loading them with big earthen pots filled with yogurt, milk, ghee and other milk products, and then they began to follow the chariot of Krsna and Balarama
- Nanda Maharaja submitted with gentle and submissive words: Dear sir (Garga Muni), because you are a devotee, you are full in everything. Yet my duty is to serve you. Kindly order me. What can I do for you - SB 10.8.3
- Narada spoke as follows: "He (Yudhisthira) is fully satisfied, and he does not need anything more. He is full in everything, but now he wants to worship You (Krsna) to achieve Your causeless mercy, and I beg to request You to fulfill his desires"
- Narayana is all-powerful, and therefore He can beget a child from His navel. Every part of His body has full potency, as explained in the Brahma-samhita (5.32), angani yasya sakalendriya-vrttimanti
- Naturally my health does not allow me to work very hard but still I am working as hard as possible to advance this mission and I request all my disciples to give their full cooperation in this great task
- Nevermind what has past, whatever is done, is done. Now push on with full enthusiasm to save the fallen humanity from the most degraded and wretched conditions of material life. This Krsna Consciousness Movement is the only thing that will save them
- Nityananda Prabhu continued, "The King also expressed his desire to see the moonlike face of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to his eyes' full satisfaction. He would like to raise the lotus feet of the Lord to his heart"
- No mundane man is full in every respect; even a man possessing the greatest riches is himself needy if he is devoid of a relationship with the Lord
- No one can know the Personality of Godhead in full, but at least to a certain extent one can know the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, by self-surrender and a devotional attitude, and by nothing else
- Now all of you must give full support to Grandfather Bhisma, standing at your respective strategic points in the phalanx of the army. BG 1.11 - 1972
- Now I can meditate with full concentration upon that one Lord, Sri Krsna, now present before me because now I have transcended the misconceptions of duality in regard to His presence in everyone's heart, even in the hearts of the mental speculators
- Now that You (Krsna) have appeared, My Lord, death is fleeing in fear of You, and the living entities, having obtained shelter at Your lotus feet by Your mercy, are sleeping in full mental peace - SB 10.3.27
- O best of the great personalities, I am not at all afraid of material existence, for wherever I stay I am fully absorbed in thoughts of Your glories and activities
- O supreme one, the transcendental form I am now seeing is full of transcendental bliss. It is not contaminated by the external energy. It is full of effulgence. My Lord, there is no better understanding of You than this
- Of the four kinds of reciprocation of loving service - dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya - madhurya is considered the fullest. But the conjugal relationship is further divided into two varieties, namely svakiya and parakiya
- Omnipotence is also described in SB. There are many Krsna kathas. The Vedic literature is full of them. Vedas mean that they are Krsna kathas. Scripture, including the Vedas, may appear to be different, but they are all meant for Krsna katha
- On a dark-moon night, the full shining moon is still present, but it appears not to be present due to conditions
- On an altar made of gems in the principal temple of Vrndavana, amidst a forest of desire trees, Lord Govinda, the son of the King of Vraja, sits upon a throne of gems and manifests His full glory and sweetness, thus enchanting the entire world
- On the disappearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, who is the object of transcendental enjoyment for the senses of devotees, Brahma, with folded hands, began to re-create the universe, full with living entities, as it was previously
- On the earth there is a full display of variegatedness of life, which is originally started with the basic principle of air
- Once Brahma lay down with his body stretched at full length. He was very concerned that the work of creation had not proceeded apace, and in a sullen mood he gave up that body too
- One becomes undisturbed and non-envious in full transcendental loving service to the Lord; and one makes friendship with the devotees of the Lord who are situated in faithful service to Him
- One cannot serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead unless one has achieved full perfectional knowledge in the ways and means of performing devotional service
- One has to think of Krsna with full absorption at the time of death. Then he will certainly return home, back to Godhead, without a doubt
- One must have full confidence in the previous acarya, and at the same time he must realize the subject matter so nicely that he can present the matter for the particular circumstances in a suitable manner
- One should chant the names of the full Panca-tattva and then the sixteen words Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. But these unscrupulous, less intelligent men confuse the entire process
- One should take advantage of the full description provided here (in SB 10.9.3) by thinking of mother Yasoda in maternal affection for Krsna
- One thinks of a superior way of life in this country or that, or on this planet or another, but nowhere in the material world can he fulfill his real desire of life, namely eternal life, full intelligence and complete bliss
- One who engages in full devotional service, unfailing in all circumstances, at once transcends the modes of material nature and thus comes to the level of Brahman
- One who has taken birth in the land of Bharata-varsa has a full opportunity to study the direct instructions given by Krsna in Bhagavad-gita and thus finally decide what to do in his human form of life
- One who has taken shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is completely protected from all other influences. Of course he is not disobedient to anyone, but his full power of thought is absorbed in the service of the Lord
- One who is beyond the limit of envy and who is sane accepts the order of his father with great delight and executes it to his full capacity
- One who is interested only in his present body and who tries to enjoy his senses to the fullest extent is understood to be engrossed in the mode of ignorance. His future is very, very dark
- One who is only ordinarily fortunate cannot obtain such mercy. Only persons who have the full mercy of Krsna can receive such remnants
- One who takes birth in the land of Bharata-varsa by virtue of his past pious activities gets full facility to develop the human form of life
- One who takes directly to Krsna consciousness automatically knows about brahmajyoti and Paramatma in full. BG 1972 purports
- One who understands and appreciates the disciplic succession is certainly advanced, and we should always be very careful to give full respect to those who have so carefully handled this Divine Fruit of transcendental knowledge before us
- One who wants to enjoy this material world to its fullest extent is called sarva-kama, and one who has fulfilled all his desires and has no further material desires is called akama
- One who, at the time of death, fixes his life air between the eyebrows and, by the strength of yoga, with an undeviating mind, engages himself in remembering the Supreme Lord in full devotion, will certainly attain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Only one who can learn the process of nescience and that of transcendental knowledge side by side can transcend the influence of repeated birth and death and enjoy the full blessings of immortality
- Only persons who engage in the practical activities of devotional service in full Krsna consciousness can become absorbed in full samadhi
- Only scarcity is Krsna consciousness. Only scarcity. Otherwise there is no scarcity. Everything is full. And if you take the instruction of Krsna you will be happy immediately. You can make the whole world happy
- Oppressed by the weight of your full-grown breasts, your waist becomes fatigued, and your clear vision grows dull, as it were. Pray braid your comely hair
- Ordinary living beings cannot be so qualified, but a devotee can be qualified like the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not in full but partially
- Our philosophy has the full potency to deliver anyone from the darkest realms of ignorance to the enlightened realm of complete cognizance. The potential is there, simply you have to master the words & deliver them purely, & this will please me very much
- Our task is very easy. Everything is there. Our Vedic literature is so full, so treasure of knowledge, great treasure of knowledge, we haven't got to make research, search out where is the truth
- Paramatma realization is but partial realization of Vasudeva, and if one is successful in that attempt, one realizes Vasudeva in full. But by ill luck most yogis are stranded by the powers of mysticism achieved through the bodily process
- Paramatma realization, realization of the Supersoul, full realization of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for the all-pervading nature of the Supreme Lord is but a partial representation of His opulence
- Parikshit Maharaj was baby but Krishna appeared full grown but reduced to scale, yes, the paintings may be signed "ISKCON PRESS"; no drawings should be made. Simply you paint the important verses, and less important verses may be avoided
- Pariksit Maharaja was the emperor and was full in power both spiritually and materially, but out of compassion and out of respect for the brahmana community, he did not counteract the action of the brahmana boy but agreed to die within seven days
- Parvati, who is the powerful material nature personified, is under his (Lord Siva) full control as his wife, yet he does not use her even to build a residential house
- Patasaha (of CC Adi 17.195) refers to the king. Nawab Hussain Shah, whose full name was Ala Uddin Saiyad Husen Sa, was at that time (A.D. 1498-1521) the independent King of Bengal
- Payi-nukuta-nyaya: if this is partial success, then full success you cannot imagine
- Persons who are not pure devotees, must have an impure heart full with dirty things of mundane affairs, will not only try to defend Rasaleela by interpretations or decry the dealings but also shall be ruined as by drinking poison a man goes to hell
- Persons who do not care for the path of realization get full facilities from the Lord for executing their proclivities to the fullest extent, and Brahma helps in that procedure without fail
- Please narrate to us the narrations of the Unlimited, for they are purifying and supreme. They were spoken to Maharaja Pariksit, and they are very dear to the pure devotees, being full of bhakti-yoga
- Please read carefully our book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and you will find yourself getting enlightenment to the fullest extent. There is no doubt of this
- Pramatta means crazy, half-mad. And full mad is unmatta, full mad. He becomes naked. That is one of the symptoms of unmatta - he'll remain naked
- Prema is full service rendered unto the Lord
- Prema-bhakti is the stage of relishing, whereas sadhana-bhakti is the stage of improving in devotional service. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught this cult of devotional service in full detail by practical application in His own life
- Ravana was very advanced materially, so much so that he turned his kingdom, Lanka, into pure gold, or full material wealth
- Real auspiciousness depends on activities in Krsna consciousness in full devotion and service. BG 1972 purports
- Religion can be performed by a person who has full conception of God. Without God, religion is a farce. That is not religion. Religion means you must have obligation to God, you must have clear conception of God
- Religious sentiment is good for persons who follow blindly. But at the present moment, people are advanced in so-called education. So Bhagavad-gita gives you full information so that you can accept God with your reason
- Renunciation in Krsna consciousness is so strong that it cannot be deviated by any attractive illusion. One has to perform devotional service in full tapasya, austerity
- Ruci was considered a first-class brahmana; therefore he is mentioned here (in SB 4.1.3) as brahma-varcasvi, one who had full prowess in brahminical strength
- Rukmini had ten sons, like Pradyumna. There were other queens also taken away by Lord Krsna in a similar way. Full description of this beautiful booty of Lord Krsna will be given in the Tenth Canto
- Rupa Gosvami is the direct disciple of Lord Caitanya. When he retired from his service - he was government minister - oh, he brought home golden coins, full, a boat full, full of gold. Now, just imagine how much the amount was
- Rupa Gosvami, the example, when he wanted to retire from family life, he gave fifty percent to Krsna. He was very rich man. After retirement he brought one full load of boat, golden coins. Just imagine the value
- Sanatana replied, "I shall practice the process of madhukari. Why should I accept full meals in the house of a brahmana"
- Sastra gives full explanation, full knowledge. Sastra caksusa. We have to accept through the sastra. Not that, "Because I have not seen, therefore it is false." No. Vyasadeva has no business to tell you something false
- Sastra says. . . visayah khalu sarvatah syat (SB 11.9.29): "In any form of life you'll get full facilities for the bodily necessities of life." Just see the birds & bees. They have no anxiety for maintaining the body or fulfilling the necessities of life
- SB describes the reception given to Balarama and Krsna by the peacocks of Vrndavana: O worshipable one, just see how the peacocks that are returning to their nests are receiving You with full pleasure. These peacocks are just like the damsels of Vraja
- She makes Krsna happy with Her bodily aroma. (7) She is very expert in singing. (8) Her speech is charming. (9) She is very expert in joking and speaking pleasantly. (10) She is very humble and meek. (11) She is always full of mercy
- Show yourself as an ideal Vaisnava, then you are my representative in fullness. We are not after titles and designations
- Sikhi Mahiti always engaged in serving the Lord (Caitanya) in his mind. One night, while he was rendering such service, he fell asleep, and while he was asleep his brother and sister came to awaken him. At that time he was in full ecstasy
- Since He (God) is full in all transcendental attributes, nothing abominable from the material world can exist in Him. He is transcendental and spiritual, and therefore conceptions of material happiness and distress do not apply to Him
- Since I have come here I did not hear from you. Hope you are doing well with full cooperation of your elderly God brothers
- Sitting in a right-angle posture and the eyes half-closed. Not fully closed. If you fully close then you will sleep. I have seen so many yogis snoring, sleeping. Yes. Naturally, if you close your eyes and you have no subject matter to think
- Sivananda Sena thereupon developed full confidence in his mind that Nakula Brahmacari was filled with the presence of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Sivananda Sena then offered him respect and devotional service
- So the Krsna consciousness movement means to cure the heart disease full with lusty desires. This is Krsna consciousness
- So with full faith in Krishna and Spiritual Master, push on this work with full force. We have got a great mission to fulfill, and these books and magazines are the torchbearers of Truth which can save the world
- Some one who is fully absorbed in Krsna consciousness is sure to attain the spiritual kingdom because of his full contribution to spiritual activities, in which the consummation is absolute and that which is offered is of the same spiritual nature
- Someone might argue that the Absolute would be affected by duality if He were both all-cognizance (Brahman) and the Personality of Godhead with six opulences in full (Bhagavan)
- Sometimes he (a pure devotee) washes the temple or the dishes-whatever he does, he does not let a single moment pass without devoting his activities to Krsna Such action is in full samadhi. BG 1972 purports
- Sometimes the demons very much appreciate the full dependence of the demigods upon the mercy of the Lord. This is indirect glorification of the demigods by the demons
- Sometimes the Rahu planet is visible in the presence of full moonlight. It then appears that this Rahu planet exists somewhere near the orbit of the moon
- Sometimes we find a small full-stop-like creature moving on the page of the, on a leaf of the book. You cannot see it, but it is moving. That small creature also has got heart
- Sometimes, due to business, Ramacandra was absent from His capital for a full week & could not be seen by the citizens during that time. Because of his vow (fast until he saw Ramacandra), the brahmana could not take even a drop of water during that week
- Sometimes, in their presence, He would begin eating the curd and butter. There was no need for Krsna to eat butter, since His belly was always full, but He would try to eat it, or else He would break the pots and distribute the contents to the monkeys
- Sometimes, upon seeing the SPG, Prahlada would loudly call in full anxiety. He sometimes lost his shyness in jubilation & began dancing in ecstasy & sometimes, being fully absorbed in thoughts of Krsna, he felt oneness & imitated the pastimes of the Lord
- SPG (Krsna) whose transcendental form is experienced by the great devotees who are completely cleansed of material consciousness by dint of rigid devotional service and full control of life and the senses. And that is the only way to purify existence
- Sri Advaita, who is a reservoir of virtues, is the main limb of Maha-Visnu. His full name is Advaita, for He is identical in all respects with that Lord
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu regularly led congregational chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra in the house of Srivasa Thakura every night for one full year
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested all His personal associates to bless Rupa Gosvami so that he might continuously describe the pastimes of Vrndavana, which are full of emotional love of Godhead
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then said, "You have certainly given first-class conclusions." After saying this, He began to recite the full verse in a faltering voice
- Sri Radha is the full power, and Lord Krsna is the possessor of full power. The two are not different, as evidenced by the revealed scriptures
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: O King Pariksit, when Bali Maharaja was thus advised by his spiritual master, Sukracarya, his family priest, he remained silent for some time, and then, after full deliberation, he replied to his spiritual master as follows
- Sri Yamaraja said: Alas, how amazing it is! These persons, who are older than me, have full experience that hundreds and thousands of living entities have taken birth and died
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that one who has full love for the SPG and who maintains a good friendship with the Lord’s devotees is always callous to those who envy Krsna and Krsna's devotees. Such a person is to be considered an intermediate devotee
- Srila Rupa Gosvami also compiled the book named Ujjvala-nilamani, from which one can understand, to the fullest limits, the loving affairs of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna
- Srila Rupa Gosvami remarks in this connection that one who is actually attracted by the beauty of the lotus feet of Sri Krsna or His service, and whose heart, by such attraction, is always full with transcendental bliss
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami admitted that to give full details of this expansive material universe would be impossible, but nevertheless he wanted to give the King (Pariksit) as much knowledge as he had received through the parampara system
- Srimad-Bhagavatam begins with the surrender of the living entity unto the Absolute Person. This surrender is made with clear consciousness & awareness of the devotee's oneness with the Absolute & at the same time, of his eternal position of servitorship
- Srimad-Bhagavatam gives the full narration of Krsna’s transcendental activities. The first nine cantos explain who Krsna is, and the Lord’s birth and activities are narrated in the Tenth Canto
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the full text of all descriptions of knowledge, including the theory of atomism. The atom is the minute subtle form of eternal time
- Srimati Radharani is the Ganges in which the elephant of My mind enjoys pastimes. She is the shining of the full autumn moon for the cakora birds of My eyes
- Strictly observing the principles of religion, he (Agnidhra) gave full protection to the inhabitants of Jambudvipa as if they were his own begotten sons
- Such a universal vision of Vasudeva precipitates one's full surrender to the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna as the highest goal. Such surrendered great souls are very rare. BG 1972 purports
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: In this way, the most powerful Sukracarya accepted the order of the SPG with full respect. Along with the best brahmanas, he began to compensate for the discrepancies in the sacrifices performed by Bali Maharaja
- Sukadeva Gosvami, the son of Vyasadeva, was also full in transcendental knowledge and was a great devotee of Krsna, son of Vasudeva. So there must have been discussion of Krsna, who is glorified by great philosophers & in the company of great devotees
- Sukracarya accepted the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead with full respect. Along with the best brahmanas, he began to compensate for the discrepancies in the sacrifices performed by Bali Maharaja
- Sunshine is not the perfect realization of the sun. It is partial realization. Brahmeti paramatmeti. The full realization is sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah
- Suppose government is creating one city, but he's creating at the same time the jail house, although there is no criminal at that time. But government knows there are some criminals who will fulfill this jail house
- Surrender means full renunciation, no reservation. And renunciation means you renounce something and keep something. That is difference
- Surrendered devotee sees that everything is part of Krishna's plan, that whatever is meant to be, I am doing that, so let me do it with my full attention to every detail, let me become absorbed in such service, never mind what it is
- Sweet-smelling breezes blew always, refreshing the mind and body. Krsna, with His friends and Balarama, entered the forest and, seeing the favorable situation, desired to enjoy the atmosphere to the fullest extent
- Thakura Bhaktivinoda also wanted to beget a child who could preach the philosophy and teachings of Lord Caitanya to the fullest extent
- The absolute Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, is the omnipotent form of transcendental existence, knowledge and bliss in full
- The Absolute Truth is realized in full by the process of devotional service to the Lord, Vasudeva, or the Personality of Godhead, who is the full-fledged Absolute Truth
- The activities of Lord Rama were full of suffering, but Laksmana, of His own accord, tolerated that suffering
- The activities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are undoubtedly uncommon, especially His talking like a madman. Therefore, one who hears of these pastimes should not put forward mundane arguments. He should simply hear the pastimes with full faith
- The Bhagavad-gita is full of information, but we don't take advantage. We are so unfortunate. And it is our country. This is Indian culture. We have given up this thing
- The body looks very beautiful working with full energy and exhibiting great traits of talent and wonderful brain work. But as soon as the soul is away from the body, all this glimmering situation of the body becomes useless
- The bona fide spiritual master, who has full control over his senses, engages twenty-four hours a day in the Lord's service. He can therefore be addressed as gosani or gosvami
- The brahmajyoti - spiritual effulgence - is just like the sunshine; as the sunshine is full of molecular shining particles, so the brahmajyoti is full of minute portions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Brahman conception of the Absolute Truth is certainly the negation of all mundane activities, but the Parabrahman conception is full with transcendental activities
- The chanting of the holy name of Krsna expands the blissful ocean of transcendental life. It gives a cooling effect to everyone and enables one to taste full nectar at every step
- The conclusion is that these are all but displays of the Lord's inconceivable personal energies, of which no one can have any full information
- The conclusion is that we should always keep company with devotees, observe the regulative devotional principles, follow in the footsteps of the acaryas and in full obedience carry out the orders of the spiritual master
- The conditioned soul, due to madness only, engages his full energy and intelligence in sense gratification, and to achieve this end of life he willfully commits all sorts of misdeeds
- The conditioned souls, purified by chanting the holy name, are liberated from the blazing fire of material existence. In this way, spiritual benefit grows increasingly full, like the waxing moon in the sky
- The court or the church is not meant for that purpose, that they will excuse the sinners every week without questioning and without giving him full, nice instruction that "You cannot do this." But if they say like that, then no more, nobody will come
- The cowherd men and women in the villages lived a very natural life, and the women developed a natural feminine beauty, with full hips and breasts
- The cows, being fed by new grasses, became very healthy, and their milk bags were all very full. When Lord Krsna called them by name, they immediately came to Him out of affection, and in their joyful condition the milk flowed from their bags
- The cows, followed by their calves, appeared tired of grazing, because of full milk bags. Calmly and quietly the cows and calves rested and ruminated, chewing their cud
- The deer runs after water in the desert with full speed, and the illusion of water moves ahead at the same speed as the foolish deer. Water is not false, but we must not seek it in the desert
- The demons observed beautiful gestures in the woman's every step. Here (in SB 3.20.36) they praise her full-grown breasts, her scattered hair and her movements in stepping forward and backward while playing with the ball
- The despondency of Vyasadeva was certainly not due to his lack of sufficient knowledge because as a student he had fully inquired about the Vedic literatures, as a result of which the Mahabharata is compiled with full explanation of the Vedas
- The devotee becomes full in loving Krsna. An intimate relationship between the Lord and the devotee then exists. In that stage, the living entity attains his immortality. Nor is the PG ever out of the sight of the devotee. BG 1972 purports
- The devotee in Krsna consciousness has nothing to lament or desire. Since God is full, a living entity who is engaged in God's service, in Krsna consciousness, becomes also full in himself. He is just like a river cleansed of all dirty water. BG 1972 pur
- The devotee, in full ecstasy, sometimes imitates the pastimes of the Lord, just as the cowherd boys used to imitate the behavior of the jungle animals. However, he does not actually become the Lord
- The devotees all replied, "One night at the end of a full year, Junior Haridasa got up and went away. No one knows where he has gone"
- The devotees mentioned herein (CC Antya 6.63) are described by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta in his Anubhasya. For further information one may consult the following references in the Adi-lila: His (Murari's) full name is Murari Caitanya dasa
- The doorkeeper said, "Just see! Here is the best of the Personalities of Godhead. From here You may see the Lord to the full satisfaction of Your eyes"
- The drug shop is full with various types of up-to-date medicine, but none of the medicine is sufficient to make a man not to die. So this advancement of civilization, material civilization, without God, is like that
- The eighth incarnation was King Rsabha, son of King Nabhi and his wife Merudevi. In this incarnation the Lord showed the path of perfection, which is followed by those who have fully controlled their senses and who are honored by all orders of life
- The eternal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead with full potencies was transferred from the mind of Vasudeva to the mind of Devaki, exactly as the setting sun's rays are transferred to the full moon rising in the east
- The faint illumination of knowledge that appears at first is certain to lead to full enlightenment, but we have to be patient. We must carefully avoid letting pride enter our hearts because of some initial perceptions of the inconceivable Absolute
- The first realization of that knowledge is Brahman. Then Paramatma is realized by the yogis who try to see Him without grievance. This is the second stage of realization. Finally, full realization of the same supreme knowledge is realized in the SP
- The fortunate King Pariksit, inquiring further, said, "O brahmana, please describe in full detail how and where the mind has to be applied and how the conception can be fixed so that the dirty things in a person's mind can be removed"
- The four Kumaras represent the Supreme Lord's opulence of knowledge. Narada represents the devotional service of the Supreme Lord. Devotional service is also represented by Caitanya, who is considered to be the full representation of devotional service
- The full name of the Nawab of Bengal (Hussain Shah) was Alauddina Saiyada Husena Saha Seripha Makka, and he ruled Bengal for twenty-three years, from 1420 to 1443 Sakabda Era - A.D. 1498 to 1521
- The full opulence of the internal potency of Godhead is always resplendent in Vaikunthaloka, where goddesses of fortune are ever-increasingly attached to serving the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead
- The full potency of the Absolute Truth is not realized in the brahmajyoti; therefore Brahman realization is only partial realization of the Personality of Godhead
- The fullest revelation of knowledge in Satya-yuga there was automatically. People were so advanced
- The goal of life is to follow the principles of bhakti, or devotional service, and ultimately attain to the planet of the Supreme Lord in full devotion and love as an eternal servitor of the Lord
- The goats, cows & buffalo traveled from one forest to another & entered the forest known as Isikatavi. This forest was full of green grass, & therefore they were allured; but when they entered, they saw that there was a forest fire, & they began to cry
- The gopis and the queens, simply by being attached to Krsna in conjugal love and enjoying His company in a so-called sensuous life full of luxury and opulence, achieved the highest salvation
- The gopis, headed by mother Yasoda and Rohini, chanted the names of Visnu to give Krsna's body full protection from all evil influences. They washed their hands and feet and sipped water three times, as is the custom before chanting mantra
- The highest developed form is this human form when it is possessed of a full sense of spiritual knowledge
- The illusion of maya is at once dissipated as soon as one's full energy is converted in the service of the Lord instead of in sense enjoyment
- The individual soul in the body of a baby cannot show the full power of a grown man, but the S P of Godhead, Krsna, even when lying on the lap of His mother as a baby, could exhibit His full power by killing Putana and other demons who attacked Him
- The karmis, the rascals, he knows also that he will die - at least, theoretically accept - but he wants to enjoy, since the death does not come, to the fullest extent. That is the present condition of the society
- The king or government may levy taxes upon the citizens in various ways provided the king is able to give full protection to his subjects to assure the security of their life and property
- The living beings, who are part-and-parcel entities of the Supreme Being, have all these attributes partially, up to the full strength of seventy-eight percent
- The living entities are separated parts and parcels of the Lord, and the conditioned living entities, who are unfit for the spiritual kingdom, are strewn within the material world to enjoy matter to the fullest extent
- The living entities, according to different results of fruitive activities, may become rich or poor, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead is unchangeable; He is always full in six opulences
- The living entity creates his own body by his personal desires, and the external energy of the Lord supplies him the exact form by which he can enjoy his desires to the fullest extent
- The living entity tries to achieve happiness and rid himself of the causes of distress, but because the various bodies of the living entities are under the full control of material nature, all his plans in different bodies, one after another
- The Lord (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) entered the bodies of His parents thirteen full months before His birth
- The Lord (Krsna) entered His palaces, which were perfect to the fullest extent. His wives lived in them, and they numbered over sixteen thousand
- The Lord (Krsna) says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.1): Now hear, O son of Prtha (Arjuna), how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt
- The Lord awards everyone different kinds of karma as the individual living entities desire; He is the Supersoul present within the heart of everyone, and He is so kind and liberal that He gives everyone full facilities to perform whatever acts one wants
- The Lord can be worshiped in all stages of life. For instance, even in full youth, Maharaja Ambarisa worshiped the Lord; and even at the last stage of his frustration and old age Maharaja Dhrtarastra worshiped the Lord
- The Lord did not display many of the miracles which are generally expected from such personalities, but He did once perform a wonderful miracle in the house of Srinivasa Thakura while sankirtana was in full swing
- The Lord has confirmed herein (BG 6.46) the superiority of yoga, but He has not mentioned that it is better than bhakti-yoga. Bhakti-yoga is full spiritual knowledge, and as such, nothing can excel it. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord imparted instructions with full senses, and Arjuna received them with full senses, and thus there was a perfect exchange of sensible and logical understanding between the master and the disciple
- The Lord is the object of maintenance, like a son, and therefore this mellow is full of the qualities of four rasas - santa-rasa, dasya-rasa, fraternity and parental love. This is more transcendental nectar
- The Lord never interferes with the little independence that has been offered to us. We have got little independence because we are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. Oh, so under certain percentage we have got independence. Not full
- The Lord then got into a new boat and crossed the river. Walking in the full moonlight, He finally reached the town known as Caturdvara
- The manifestation of the Visnu forms of the boys and calves was not like the heat but was rather the fire - they were all actually Visnu. Factually, the qualification of Visnu is full truth, full knowledge and full bliss
- The manifestation of the Visnu forms of the boys, cows and calves was not like the heat, but rather like the fire - they were all actually Visnu. Factually, the qualification of Visnu is full truth, full knowledge & full bliss
- The manifested world is full of varieties of created beings in 8,400,000 species of life, and some of them are superior and inferior to others
- The master claims full right to the bodies of slaves because the master feeds them. It may also be questioned whether the body belongs to the father, who is the seed-giving master of the body, or to the mother, who develops the child’s body in her womb
- The material scientist can simply study the partial understanding of the varieties of energies; he can take up one of the energies and try to understand it with limited knowledge, but still it is not possible to understand the Absolute Truth in full
- The material universes are full in themselves. There is no scarcity for maintenance in the material world
- The material world, full of conditioned souls trying to lord it over matter, is a manifestation of the external energy of the Supreme Lord, and the spiritual world, full of perfect servitors of the Lord, is a manifestation of His internal energy
- The meaning of the Vedanta-sutra is present in Srimad-Bhagavatam. The full purport of the Mahabharata is also there. The commentary of the Brahma-gayatri is also there and fully expanded with all Vedic knowledge
- The mind is by nature very restless, and one should not make friends with it. If we place full confidence in the mind, it may cheat us at any moment. Even Lord Siva became agitated upon seeing the Mohini form of Lord Krsna
- The most perfect of living beings is Brahma, the supreme administrator of one universe. He possesses seventy-eight percent of the attributes in full
- The muni offered a full pot of soma-rasa to the Asvini-kumaras, although they were unfit to drink it
- The night was full of moonlight, which made the waves of the Ganges look dazzling. All directions were clear and bright
- The oneness of understanding that the Supreme Lord is spiritual and that in full spiritual realization one can understand what He is - Supreme Personality of Godhead - is called kaivalya, or, in the language of Patanjali, realization of spiritual power
- The origin of everything, the cause of all causes, that is full of spiritual varieties
- The original position is that we are all part and parcel of Krsna, God. Mamaivamso jiva-bhutah (BG 15.7). Amsa. Amsa, not the full, not the whole. Part cannot be equal to the whole, but if the part is always attached to the whole, it has got value
- The parts and parcels are never equal to the whole; therefore they cannot appreciate the Lord's full potency
- The perfect process for achieving this (freedom from all kinds of fear and the fullest extent of happiness in life), here and now, is recommended in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is uttered by such a great authority as Srila Sukadeva Gosvami
- The Personality of Godhead is the reservoir of all strength, and His strength rests on the thighs of His transcendental body. His whole body is full of opulences: all riches, all strength, all fame, all beauty, all knowledge and all renunciation
- The Personality of Godhead means one who is full with all power, all energy, all opulences, all beauties, all knowledge and all renunciation
- The personified Vedas continued, "Dear Lord, although great mystic yogis may have full control over the elephant of the mind and the hurricane of the senses"
- The plan decided upon by the sages was for Bhrgu to test which one of the predominating deities possesses the quality of goodness in full
- The planet earth herein (SB 4.17.30) exhibits the symptoms of full surrender before the Lord. As stated, no one can protect the person whom Krsna is prepared to kill, and no one can kill the person whom Krsna protects
- The pleasure which we are hunting here within this material world, everything is there, full, full ananda. You can enter into the anandamaya-lila. That He (Krsna) practically demonstrates in Vrndavana
- The Pracetas were given full bodily strength to enjoy material facilities. This special facility was given to the Pracetas so that they could continue rendering full devotional service. This will be explained in the following verse - SB 4.30.17
- The present attempt is to offer the original manuscript of this great book of knowledge (Bhagavad-gita As It Is) with full parampara explanation in order to establish the Krsna consciousness movement more soundly and progressively. BG 1972 Preface
- The priests began to offer prayers to the Lord, saying: O most worshipable one, we are simply Your servants. Although You are full in Yourself, please, out of Your causeless mercy, accept a little service from us, Your eternal servants
- The process of bhakti-yoga can be executed successfully with full-hearted enthusiasm, perseverance, and determination by following the prescribed duties in the association of devotees and by engaging completely in activities of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- The purpose of yogic performances is explained here (SB 3.15.7). It is said that an experienced mystic attains full control of the mind and senses by controlling the breathing process. Therefore, controlling the breathing is not the ultimate aim of yoga
- The quadruple forms, who are full in the six opulences of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are the enjoyers of the internal potency
- The result is that instead of attaining an unconditional life of full freedom, the mad conditioned soul is entangled again and again in different types of bondage in material bodies
- The rivers were flowing full of waters, and lakes were beautifully decorated with lotus flowers. The forests were full with beautiful birds and peacocks (during the birth of Krsna)
- The safe course is to say no. Although it is a falsehood, it protects one completely, it draws the compassion of others toward oneself, and it gives one full facility to collect money from others for oneself
- The sastra recommends: the vaisya section of humanity should arrange for the food of the entire society through agricultural activities & should give full protection to the cows, which are the most useful animals because they supply milk to human society
- The senses cannot be controlled unless one is engaged in the service of the Lord; therefore the bona fide spiritual master, who has full control over his senses, engages twenty-four hours a day in the Lord’s service
- The Siddhas, the inhabitants of Siddha-loka (where all are born with fully developed mystic powers), and the Caranas, the inhabitants of a similar planet, pray to Krsna as follows
- The six qualifications: proprietor of all opulence, all-famous, all strength, all beauty, all knowledge, and all renunciation. Anywhere you find all these six qualifications in full, He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The spiritual master, the Vedic injunctions and the Lord Himself from within-all guide the devotee in full strength. In this way there is no chance for a devotee to fall again into the mire of material illusion
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam is the transcendental sound representation of the Personality of Godhead, and thus it is the full representation of transcendental knowledge and religious principles
- The standard of perfection for a human being is to develop the attributes (of Krsna) up to seventy-eight percent in full. The living being can never possess attributes like Siva, Visnu or Lord Krsna
- The statement of the bull, the personality of religion, was full of philosophy and knowledge, and the King was satisfied, since he could understand that the suffering bull was not an ordinary one
- The Supersoul is always present in His full spiritual position, whereas the individual soul is prone to forget himself. Nor is the individual soul present everywhere
- The Supreme Lord is so full that for the deliverance of the conditioned soul He is the supplier & digester of foodstuff, the witness of his activity, the giver of knowledge in the form of Vedas & as the SPG, Krsna, the teacher of the BG. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is always full with six kinds of opulences, and this is an instance of the opulence of renunciation
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead replied: My dear demigods, do not be perturbed by this. It is due to the severe austerity and full determination of the son of King Uttanapada, who is now fully absorbed in thought of Me
- The Temple atmosphere is very nice, when meeting takes place, the temple is full to its capacity, and people are taking very much interest in our philosophy
- The temple plan enclosed is approved by me, but we must have full control over the temple, otherwise we are not going to take charge. We cannot make any compromise on this point
- The tip of the hair, just a small full stop, you divide this point into one hundred parts, and that one part again divide into one hundred parts. That is, mean, one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair
- The transcendental vibration of Krsna’s flute blocked the movements of the rain clouds, struck the Gandharvas full of wonder, and agitated the meditation of great saintly persons like Sanaka and Sanandana
- The trees on the bank of the Yamuna, along with all the cows, bulls & calves, were full of pleasure because of Krsna's appearance there. The brahmana inhabitants of Vrndavana immediately came with their wives to congratulate Krsna and His family members
- The ultimate result will be that in our next life, after leaving this body, we shall have our full, eternal spiritual life. Spirit, as we have already discussed, is described as eternal
- The unconditioned living beings enjoy life in full freedom with the Lord, whereas the impersonalist jnanis and yogis enter into the impersonal glowing effulgence of the Vaikuntha planets
- The upper planetary system in the creation of the Lord is certainly not vacant or devoid of living entities. From Srimad-Bhagavatam we understand that every planet is full of living entities, just as earth is
- The Vaisnava philosopher acknowledges the full value of this material world and knows how to utilize it properly, whereas the Mayavadi philosopher fails to do so
- The vaisya section of humanity should arrange for the food of the entire society through agricultural activities and should give full protection to the cows, which are the most useful animals because they supply milk to human society
- The Vedanta-sutra, or Brahma-sutra, compiled by Sri Vyasadeva is the full deliberation of the impersonal absolute feature, and it is accepted as the most exalted philosophical exposition in the world
- The virtuous lady Diti had been very apprehensive of trouble to the gods from the children in her womb, and her husband (Kasyapa) predicted the same. She brought forth twin sons (Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu) after a full one hundred years of pregnancy
- The virtuous lady Diti had been very apprehensive of trouble to the gods from the children in her womb, and her husband predicted the same. She brought forth twin sons after a full one hundred years of pregnancy
- The water in Vrndavana is nectar, and the brahmajyoti effulgence, which is full of transcendental bliss, is directly perceived there in its form
- The whole of the spiritual sky, of which the total number of the material skies is only an insignificant part, is full of unlimited numbers of Vaikuntha planets
- The word 'Brahman' ('the greatest') indicates the Supreme Personality of Godhead, full in all six opulences. But if we take the onesided impersonalist view, His fullness is diminished
- The word 'ittham-bhuta' is transcendentally exalted because it means 'full of transcendental bliss.' Before this transcendental bliss, the bliss derived from merging into the existence of the Absolute becomes like a piece of straw in comparison
- The word aja means maya, or mystic power. Everything mysterious is in full existence in Visnu
- The word asan (in SB 10.8.13) indicates that He is always present. Whenever the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears in His full feature, He is understood to be krsna-varnam, although He appears in different colors
- The word paramam is explained thus by Parasara Muni: one who is full in six opulences, who has full strength, full fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty and renunciation, is paramam, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The world is full of two kinds of living beings, and the Lord's mission is always to protect the devatas and destroy the asuras, whenever there is such a need in the world, and to do good to both of them
- The world is under the full control of the Supreme Lord; therefore everyone is like a wooden doll in the hands of a puppet master
- The Yaksa soldiers were 130,000 strong, all greatly angry and all desiring to defeat the wonderful activities of Dhruva Maharaja. With full strength they showered upon Maharaja Dhruva, along with his chariot and charioteer
- Their (the cows') milk bags full and flowing with milk, their heads and tails raised, and their humps moving with their necks, they ran forcefully until they reached their calves (Krsna's calf expansions) to feed them - SB 10.13.30
- Their (the gopis) attraction to the vibration of the flute increased a thousand times due to the rising full moon, the red horizon, the calm and cool atmosphere and the blossoming flowers
- There are full literatures describing the activities of the Lord, especially Bhagavad-gita, Brahma-samhita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There are so many stories of imperfect kings or executive heads. Therefore, the executive head must be a trained person like Maharaja Yudhisthira, and he must have the full autocratic power to rule over the world
- There are two kinds of devotional service: the way of regulated principles, and the way of full attachment in love to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- There are two kinds of ksetrajna - the living entity, as explained above, and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is explained as follows. He is the all-pervading cause of creation. He is full in Himself and is not dependent on others
- There is a necessity for generating progeny even in the material world, but generation of children must be carried out with full responsibility for spiritual values
- There is full cooperation and spiritual advancement amongst all the different orders of society. And when there is no such cooperation, the members of society will fall down. That is the present position in the kali-yuga, this age of quarrel
- There should be no difficulty in hearing these songs of God. They are coming down from many, many millions of years ago, and people are still taking advantage of them. So why, at this time, should one not take full advantage and thus become liberated
- There was no need for Krsna to eat butter, since His belly was always full, but He would try to eat it, or else He would break the pots and distribute the contents to the monkeys. In this way, Krsna was always engaged in mischief-making
- Thereafter (after the gigantic body of Putana fell to the ground), mother Yasoda and Rohini, along with the other elderly gopis, waved about the switch of a cow to give full protection to the child Sri Krsna - SB 10.6.19
- These informations are there in authorized Vedic literature. We can understand what is Krsna, what is God, what He is doing, what is His name, what is His father's name - everything we can give - in full detail. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- These sruti-mantras indicate that every living being has its constitutional position, which is endowed with a particular type of rasa to be exchanged with the SPG. In the liberated condition only, this primary rasa is experienced in full
- These two physicians took Cyavana Muni to a particular lake, in which they bathed and regained full youth
- These, or any of the other six different types of devotional service (remembering, serving, praying, engaging in some particular service, being in a friendly relationship or offering everything in one's possession) should be executed in full earnestness
- They (brahmanas, sannyasis and ksatriyas) are meant for full cooperation for common welfare. Maharaja Pariksit was experienced enough to drive away Kali from his field of activities and thereby make the state receptive to spiritual enlightenment
- They (foolish men) cannot understand that the Lord Sri Krsna, although in the form of a human being by His own potency, is still the Supreme Lord with full potency as the supreme controller
- They (Ramakrishna Mission) may think themselves that they are very full of life, but I think they are dead. What is the use of fighting with the dead body? Dead horse, and what is the use of you whipping? A dead horse will rise up by whipping
- They (the followers of the Vedas) have full and reasonable knowledge of God and demigods and of their different residential planets situated within the compass of the material world and beyond the limit of the material sky
- They are happy in those planets and are without any kind of misery and they live perpetually in full youthfulness, enjoying life in full bliss and knowledge without fear of birth, death, old age or disease, and without the influence of kala, eternal time
- They can keep You under their control because You are causelessly merciful to devotees who desire no material profit from You. Indeed, You give Yourself to them, and because of this You also have full control over Your devotees
- They cannot understand Your real position & therefore they conclude that the cosmic manifestation is independent of Your opulence. My Lord, You are the supreme pure, & You are full in all six opulences. Therefore I offer my respectful obeisances unto You
- They need about 8 devotees to work full-time who are dedicated and would like to assist in the opening of the restaurant
- This awakening of knowledge is under the full control of the Lord, and we find in the practical world different grades of knowledge in different persons. This awakening of knowledge is neither an automatic nor a material interaction
- This is the peculiarity of Krsna conscious persons, that whatever they will say, they will give full support
- This is the purpose of creation. Krsna gives us full facility. I want to work in this way, - All right, you work
- This manifests His (the Lord) full independence to act in any way, and it does not mean that He is an ordinary living entity forced to take birth in a certain type of womb
- This material world may be false or temporary, but because it is an emanation from the Supreme Lord, it has its full value
- This misuse of intelligence by the conditioned soul is called madness. One's full intelligence should be applied to get free from the material clutches
- This movement should therefore be conducted under strict disciplinary methods as prescribed by the 'Mahajans' or the 'Harijan' of accredited merit. In such a movement we shall have full co-operation of the 'Sadhu' community in India
- This panoramic procession (Krsna going to Hastinapur) was accompanied by the shouts of the people and was full with the display of different colored flags, umbrellas and whisks and different varieties of weapons, dress, ornaments, helmets and armaments
- This past weekend in San Francisco there was a gigantic Rathayatra Ceremony just on the order of the one held at Jagannath Puri, and at least 10,000 people were chanting and dancing along with us in full transcendental ecstasy
- This perfect knowledge can be achieved by a person who is already engaged in devotional service with faith, steadiness and full detachment, and who is always absorbed in thought of the Supreme. He is aloof from material association
- This sense gratification process is going on life after life. In the many varieties of life there are different standards of sense gratification. Krsna is so kind that He has given us full liberty to gratify our senses
- Those (yogis) who do not persevere to such an extent (perfection of Krsna consciousness) and fail due to material allurements are allowed, by the grace of the Lord, to make full utilization of their material propensities. BG 1972 purports
- Those Visnu forms blessed the devotees with Their clear glances and smiles, which resembled the increasingly full light of the moon - sreyah-kairava-candrika-vitaranam
- Those who are cent percent engaged in the service of the Lord (Krsna) are full recipients of the mercy of the Lord
- Those who are learned have rejected his (the rascal's) conclusion (considering the body independent of the soul) because one can understand through full discussion that with no basis in soul, the visible body & senses would be insubstantial - SB 10.3.18
- Those whose love of God is awakened to the fullest extent go back to the Goloka Vrndavana planet in the spiritual sky, whereas persons who have just awakened to love of Godhead by accident or association are transferred to the Vaikuntha planets
- Through the deductive way of understanding, one accepts the Supreme Absolute Person, the Personality of Godhead, as the cause of all causes, who is full with diverse energies and who is neither impersonal nor void
- Thus the Lord accepted the sannyasa order of life after full consideration
- To accept the Supreme in full is to accept spiritual variegatedness, which is transcendental to the material modes of nature
- To approach God, either you become sinless by your own efforts or you simply surrender unto God, and He will help you to become sinless. Whichever you like. He is giving full freedom
- To attain full success when taking initiation from the spiritual master, one should first perform purascarya processes
- To become a spiritual master is not easy job. One must be very learned scholar and must have full realization of the self and everything
- To become impotent is not good, but you have got full potency, but you can have sex life when it is required. To become impotent is not required. You should be fully potent, but not misuse it. That is required
- To derive the full benefit of the chanting of the maha-mantra, we must first take shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, learn the Panca-tattva maha-mantra, and then chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. That will be very effective
- To go to the forest means to accept exclusively the shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and engage oneself in full service
- To identify oneself with Krsna's devotees, to always feel inability without the help of Krsna, and to always think oneself inferior to Krsna, even though one may have full capacity to perform something on his own
- To say that one is in samadhi is to say that one has fully realized Krsna consciousness; that is, one in full samadhi has realized Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan. BG 1972 purports
- Together these are called the cit potency, and they are present in full in the Supreme Lord. For the living entities, who are part and parcel of the Lord, the pleasure potency in the material world is sometimes displeasing and sometimes mixed
- Tomorrow I will surely finish, and my vow will be fulfilled. Then it will be possible for me to enjoy with you in full freedom
- Two paksas comprise one month, and twelve months comprise one calendar year, or one full orbit of the sun. A human being is expected to live up to one hundred years
- Vaikarika is the neutral stage of creation, and tejas is the initiative of creation, while tamas is the full display of material creation under the spell of the darkness of ignorance
- Vaisnava is the ocean of mercy. There is no end. As you cannot, I mean to say, draw all the waters from the ocean, it is not possible. Similarly, a Vaisnava, a devotee, ocean of mercy. You can draw from it as much mercy as you like; still, it is full
- Vasudeva came onto the bank of the Yamuna and saw that the water of the Yamuna was roaring with waves and that the whole span was full of foam
- Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha, being distinct individual persons, cannot be one. Therefore if They are accepted as absolute, full and equal, there would have to be many Personalities of Godhead
- Visnu tells Siva in the age of Kali, men full of anxieties of various kinds can vainly labor in fruitive activity & philosophical speculations, but when they are engaged in devotional service, the result is sure & certain, & there is no loss of energy
- We appeal to you: try to understand this movement. Enjoy with full heart, and do some welfare activity to the human society
- We are given full freedom through our activities. By pious activities, we go to the heavenly planets, and by Krsna conscious activities, we go to Vaikunthaloka
- We are manufacturing so many religious system on these two platforms. One platform is how to enjoy to the fullest extent, and another platform is how to become zero, voidism. But actually, neither you are enjoyer, nor you are zero
- We are not brainwashing; we are clearing the brain. The rascal brain is full with cow dung. We are clearing. You see? That is our movement. But these rascals are understanding that we are enforcing some idea
- We are running so fast for going to hell. This is our position, because we do not know what is the destination. If I do not know what is the destination and try to drive my car in full speed, then what will be the result? The result will be disaster
- We cannot even calculate its dimension (akara). Although we cannot calculate it, it is there nonetheless. The living entity has full form
- We chant at least 16 times around the string of 108 beads daily (one full mantra on each bead). This keeps us strong in spiritual consciousness
- We have full information from the Vedic literature that in each and every planet, both material and spiritual, there are living entities of varied intelligence
- We have no knowledge of these planets, but each and every planet, millions and trillions, they are all congested, full with living entities. This is Vedic information. It is not imagination, imperfect imagination
- We have to create a respectable position for our Back To Godhead. Actually, it is the only single paper of its nature, describing the science of God in full detail, published in the western world
- We shall get full opportunity to discuss all these subjects more elaborately, but for the present we may be satisfied simply by knowing that the ksetrajna (purusa, or enjoyer) is the central objective of all knowledge
- We should always remember, Krishna is always full in Himself; He does not want a pinch of our help for his satisfaction, but if we try to satisfy Him in so many ways as directed by acaryas and scriptures, indirectly we become benefited by such activities
- We should not believe one thing that Krsna says or does and reject another; if belief is there, it must be full belief
- We stand on our Krishna philosophy, and because it has the full potency of Krishna Himself, there is no limit to the effect it will have upon the world if we remain sincere and convinced for spreading this philosophy purely
- We will not need anyone to ask us whether we are making progress. We will know it automatically, just as a hungry man knows that he has been satisfied by a full meal
- Whatever they (Vaisnavas) do, after full consideration, is meant just to lead everyone back home, back to Godhead
- When a lady takes an ordinary bath it is called mala-snana, and when she takes a full bath, including the head it is called sirah-snana. At this time she needs sufficient oil to smear on her head. That is the direction of the commentators of smrti-sastra
- When a living entity comes to the platform of Krsna consciousness, the beauty of his real form comes into full blossom. That is the ultimate beauty and the ultimate fulfillment of desire
- When a woman's waist is thin and her breasts are full, she looks very attractive. Agnidhra, his eyes attracted, contemplated the heavy breasts on the girl's thin body and imagined how her back must sustain them
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the Maharashtrian brahmana to Sanatana, the brahmana immediately invited Sanatana Gosvami for full meals
- When he (the living entity) is out of the womb, when he is in full life and good health, he forgets everything and commits again and again the same sins for which he was put into that horrible condition of existence
- When he bent down to pick it (yogurt) up, he saw that the container was again full. He dropped it again, and it was again full. He could then understand that it was spiritual
- When he has fully surrendered unto the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, he does not care whether his condition of life is favorable or unfavorable
- When it (the plant of devotional service) is full grown, it surpasses the length and breadth of this universe and enters into the transcendental atmosphere, where everything is bathed in the effulgence of the brahmajyoti
- When Krsna kicked the cart with His small and very delicate legs, the ghost (Sakatasura) was immediately pushed down to the earth and his shelter dismantled. This was possible for Krsna because He has full potency
- When one becomes a devotee, he no longer has any duty to the Vedic regulative principles. One has many duties to perform, but if one becomes fully devoted to the Lord, he no longer has any such obligations
- When one has an understanding of things as they are, he becomes full in knowledge; then it is possible for him to surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- When one is enriched with wealth and knowledge which are under his full control and by means of which he can perform yajna or please the SPG, one must perform sacrifices, offering oblations to the fire according to the directions of the sastras
- When people become interested in their own sense gratification (bhukti-mukti-siddhi-kami), some of them desire to enjoy the material world to the fullest extent
- When Prahlada Maharaja offered prayers to Krsna as Nrsimha-deva, he said, - My dear Lord, one should not think that because a child has a father and mother he has full protection
- When someone simply accepts the impersonal exhibition of spiritual energy to the exclusion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he does not accept the Absolute Truth in full
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was personally present, anyone in the world who met Him even once was fully satisfied and became spiritually advanced
- When the body is fully supplied, naturally the next stage is to satisfy the senses. BG 1972 purports
- When the living entity becomes enlightened with full spiritual knowledge 2) he becomes free from the five kinds of material attachments, namely ignorance, false egoism, attachment to the material world, envy and absorption in material consciousness
- When the living entity within the heart becomes enlightened with full spiritual knowledge and detached from the material world, he 1) burns up his material covering of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and sky
- When the Lord says aham it is to be understood that He exists with full potency, including all opulences
- When the monkeys assemble, He (Krsna) divides it (the stolen palatable curd, butter and milk) with them, and when the monkeys have their bellies so full that they won't take more, He breaks the pots - SB 10.8.29
- When the rasa dance was going on in full swing, Krsna left all the gopis and took only Srimati Radharani with Him
- When the whole universe dissolves, I remain full in Myself, and everything that was manifested is again preserved in Me
- When there is full knowledge of Krsna's superiority and yet in dealings with Him on friendly terms respectfulness is completely absent, that stage is called affection
- When they (ladies) actually saw Them with their eyes, they took Krsna and Balarama within their hearts and began to embrace Them to their fullest desire. Their bodily hairs stood up in ecstasy
- When they all requested very fervently that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu take a full meal, He still would not do so. Instead, He responded to their request by accepting half as much as usual
- When they saw that now full non-cooperation, they left voluntarily. It is not possible to bring so many administrators, military strength, men. Actually this British Empire was expanding through the help of Indians
- When we raise our unmixed faith to the lotus feet of Krsna, everything is revealed. Krsna says in BG 7.1: "Now hear, O son of Prtha, how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt"
- When we see the twenty-six qualification in full present, that means he is perfect in Krsna consciousness. If those qualities are not present, that means there is still, I mean to say, a touch of contamination of material nature
- When we speak of the greatest we immediately refer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the source of all emanations. Unless the greatest possesses six opulences in full, he cannot be called the greatest
- When you are full in your satisfaction of hunger, you feel happiness, you feel strength. Similarly, we have to follow the spiritual process, and gradually, as we develop, we become free from all these demands of the body
- Whenever I had the chance to see Lord Krsna's face & His flute, even in a dream, two enemies would appear before Me. They were pleasure & Cupid, & since they took away My mind, I was not able to see the face of Krsna to the full satisfaction of My eyes
- Whenever the Lord incarnates, He does so in His full internal potency (atma-maya), and less intelligent persons mistake Him to be one of the material creations
- Whether your husband likes to take responsibility as your spiritual guide or not, that does not matter. He must do it. It is his duty because he has taken you as his wife. Therefore he must take full responsibility for you the rest of his life
- While enjoying his material opulences with full strength and influence, Priyavrata once began to consider that although he had fully surrendered to Narada and was actually on the path of KC, he had somehow become again entangled in material activities
- While in material existence (bhavam asritah), a person fully competent to distinguish wrong from right must endeavor to achieve the highest goal of life as long as the body is stout and strong and is not embarrassed by dwindling
- While Lord Krsna and Balarama were living peacefully in Their great city of Dvaraka, there was the rare occasion of a full solar eclipse, such as takes place at the end of every kalpa, or day of Brahma
- While preaching KC with full vigor, Caitanya faced many Mayavadi philosophers. Similarly, we are facing opposing svamis, yogis, impersonalists, scientists, philosophers & other mental speculators & by the grace of Krsna we successfully defeat all of them
- While Radharani was talking with the bee and the bee was flying hither and thither, it all of a sudden disappeared from Her sight. She was in full mourning due to separation from Krsna and felt ecstasy by talking with the bee
- With full, undiverted attention, Aditi thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and in this way brought under full control her mind and senses, which resembled forceful horses
- With Krsna in the center, there can be full cooperation between the trees, animals, human beings, and all living entities. This is Vedic civilization, a civilization of Krsna consciousness
- With love and full faith one should worship the lotus feet of the Deity
- With tears in their eyes the citizens offered respectful obeisances and informed the sages in full detail that they were unable to find the King anywhere
- Without hesitation, one should take exclusive shelter of Krsna with full confidence, giving up bad association and even neglecting the regulative principles of the four varnas and four asramas. That is to say, one should abandon all material attachment
- Women are inferior to men, and Vedic civilization is so perfect that men are given full charge of the women. It is therefore said: matuh priya-cikirsaya. The son is always ready to see that the mother is not unhappy
- Yes, occasionally devotees may be pictured with full head of hair instead of sikha. You should use your own discretion; the garb can be Vedic or "American.'' There is no harm
- Yogi's business is dhyanavasthita, in meditation, in full samadhi, he is seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, four-handed Narayana. Visnu-devananda. Ananda. They are taking pleasure by seeing Visnu within the heart
- Yogic exercise means to control the mind, dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa (SB 12.13.1). In order to make the mind controlled and fully fixed up on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that is required in yoga meditation
- You (Krsna) are the same Supreme Personality of Godhead, who have now appeared, with full potency, for the benefit of all living entities within this material world - SB 10.10.34-35
- You are discovering very nice medicine. The drug shop is full with various types of up-to-date medicine, but none of the medicine is sufficient to make a man not to die. That is not possible
- You are the original Personality of Godhead, full with six opulences, and You are eternally the master of the three modes of material nature. Thus, You are always different from the ordinary living entities
- You can show them the full set of books that we are going to print in the German language, and use all of the professors quotes to show how authoritative our books are amongst the scholarly circle throughout the world
- You can take action according to the necessity of business, because we must use our full intelligence in any matter
- You can test yourself whether you have got full attachment for Krsna. If not, you are not in samadhi. The test is in your hand
- You have all got good intelligence, now use it to full capacity for Krishna's service and cooperate together. That will please me very much
- You have invested Your full potencies in each individual holy name, but I am so unfortunate that I have no attachment for chanting Your holy names
- You have no love, because you are accustomed to kill. Philosophy begins when you know that everyone is part and parcel of God, and everyone should be given the full facilities to live without injuring anyone for one's personal benefit
- You have suggested that some men are best engaged in doing business. I agree. All grhasthas who are interested in doing business should do so in full swing
- You have to be trained up how to become first-class brain. That is brahmana. You have to become truthful, you have to become controller of the senses, you have to become fully aware of things, of God, everything, full knowledge, then you become brain
- You have to change your consciousness, make it full with Krsna or God. Then everything will be all right
- You haven't got to speculate just like so many theosophists and philosophers and theologists who are trying to speculate to understand what is God. Why you are speculating, wasting your time? Why not take full knowledge here?
- You may gradually bring that New Vrindaban property to its full potential by stages, and that will please me very much. I always had great hopes for New Vrindaban, and gradually we are developing
- You see just a like a full stop. So within that there is the soul. And within the elephant or big animal there is also the soul. The soul is there
- You should be very serious for trying for it, as I think that you are one of my senior disciples and I am very much relying on you now to carry on this mission with full responsibility
- Your (Vyasadeva) inquiries were full and your studies were also well fulfilled, and there is no doubt that you have prepared a great and wonderful work, the Mahabharata, which is full of all kinds of Vedic sequences elaborately explained
- Your appreciation of my Spiritual Master is very commendable. We should always be very careful to give full respect to those who have so carefully handled this Divine Fruit of transcendental knowledge before us. Even a slight change will spoil it
- Your full energy should be engaged in the Lord's service. That is the secret of success