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Pages in category "Attempt"
The following 633 pages are in this category, out of 633 total.
- Attempt (BG)
- Attempt (CC)
- Attempt (Conversations 1968 - 1975)
- Attempt (Conversations 1976)
- Attempt (Conversations 1977)
- Attempt (Lectures, BG)
- Attempt (Lectures, Other)
- Attempt (Lectures, SB)
- Attempt (Letters 1947 - 1968)
- Attempt (Letters 1969 - 1971)
- Attempt (Letters 1972 - 1977)
- Attempt (Other Book)
- Attempt (SB cantos 1 - 3)
- Attempt (SB cantos 4 - 6)
- Attempt (SB cantos 7 - 12)
- A blind man must first eradicate his blindness before he can attempt to lead others to light
- A child is generally welcome in his attempts to go places, but if it so happens that a child is checked from entering a door, he naturally becomes very sorry and angry. That is the nature of a child
- A diseased person who has become diseased because of a certain bad habit must be ready to follow the advice of the physician, and as a natural sequence he must attempt to give up the cause of the disease
- A foolish person who manufactures his own ways and means through mental speculation and does not recognize the authority of the sages who lay down unimpeachable directions is simply unsuccessful again and again in his attempts
- A highly advanced Vaisnava lives in such a way that no one can understand what he is or what he was. Nor should attempts be made to understand the past of a Vaisnava
- A lot of migratory fish and crabs, for example, are no longer migrating to their traditional breeding grounds. So our work, our approach, is to attempt first to understand what has happened
- A material assessment may be gradually extended, and the attempt may reach to the highest limit of Brahmaji, who is the topmost living being within the universe and has a duration of life unimaginable to the material scientist
- A person desiring to cross over these ritualistic ceremonies certainly feels pains like the piercing of thorns and pebbles endured by one attempting to climb a hill. Thus the conditioned soul suffers unlimitedly
- A person in Krsna consciousness knows that Krsna is the supreme master and everyone else is His servant. One has to dance to please Krsna, not to imitate or attempt to become equal to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A politician was so ignorant of the codes of God that he writes: I do not believe in any such ceremonies, and to submit to them, even as a matter of form, would be hypocrisy and an attempt to delude ourselves and others... I have no religious sentiment
- A sannyasi must not present allurements of material benefits to gather many disciples, nor should he unnecessarily read many books or give discourses as a means of livelihood. He must never attempt to increase material opulences unnecessarily
- A self-realized soul ceases to exhibit his useless activities of attempting to lord it over material nature. Being scientifically well informed, he fully engages himself in faithful devotion to the Lord
- A similar example of becoming stunned was visible in Arjuna when he saw that Asvatthama was attempting to release his brahmastra at Krsna
- Acapalam, determination, means that one should not be agitated or frustrated in some attempt. There may be failure in some attempt, but one should not be sorry for that; he should make progress with patience and determination. BG 1972 purports
- According to acaryas expert in the study of psychological activities, these attempts at hiding one's real affections are another part of ecstatic feeling for Krsna
- Activities intended to satisfy the senses of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, are called krsnarthe 'khila-cestah. This indicates that one can attempt all kinds of work, but one should do so to satisfy Krsna. This is described in Bhagavad-gita as yajnarthat karma
- Actually the position of Yamaraja was very awkward in the case of Ajamila because the Yamadutas were right in attempting to arrest Ajamila, but the Visnudutas had baffled them
- After curing him from that poisonous effect, he is under criminal code of the state: "Why you have attempted suicide?" Similarly, in the laws of nature if you commit suicide, that is another criminal act
- After his fourth proposal was rejected, Ramananda Raya said that devotional service rendered without any attempt at cultivation of knowledge or mental speculation is the highest stage of perfection
- After many attempts to acquire knowledge, one understands that the origin of everything is Krsna
- After repeated attempts and failures, he fully surrenders to the lotus feet of the Lord. The Lord then gives him directions, and, attaining happiness, he forgets all material engagement
- After the father died, the nine stepbrothers of Jada Bharata, who considered Jada Bharata dull and brainless, abandoned the father's attempt to give Jada Bharata a complete education
- Akrura, who belonged to the dynasty of Yadu, explained the recent events in Mathura, including Kamsa’s attempt to kill Vasudeva, the father of Krsna
- All attempts to acquire such material benefits or so-called spiritual advancement are impediments on the path of Krsna consciousness
- All our attempts to become happy in this material world are simply a delusion offered by maya
- All these actions of the Lord appear to be contradictory, although there is no contradiction in the routine activities of the Lord. Therefore it is better to see them as they are and not attempt to explain them
- All these different ways of determining the ultimate goal of life are compared to rivers, and Krsna is compared to the ocean. As the rivers flow down toward the ocean, all attempts for knowledge flow toward Krsna
- Almost 99.9 percent of the population is unhappy in family life, despite all the attempts being made to satisfy the family members
- Although previously there were attempts to distribute the knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, these attempts involved distortion and compromise with mundane knowledge
- Although Rahu attempts to attack both the sun and the moon, they are protected by Lord Visnu. Being very afraid of Lord Visnu's cakra, Rahu cannot stay in front of the sun or moon for more than a muhurta - forty-eight minutes
- Although Sankara attempted to cover the Supreme Lord by his Mayavada philosophy, he was simply following the order of the Supreme Lord. It should be understood that his teachings were a timely necessity but not a permanent fact
- Although Sankara was attempting to cover the Supreme Lord by his Mayavadi philosophy, he was simply following the order of the Supreme Lord. It should be understood that his teachings were a timely necessity but not a permanent fact
- Although the great sages could subdue the disturbance by their powers - just as they could kill the King - they considered it improper on their part to do so. Thus they did not attempt to stop the disturbance
- Although they (mundane persons) attempted to write transcendental literature, they could not fully engage even a single devotee in Krsna’s service. Such literature is mundane, and therefore, as warned by Sri Sanatana Gosvami, one should not touch it
- Although Vasudeva saw the imminent danger that his wife Devaki would be killed, he was convinced of his welfare because at his birth the demigods had played drums and kettledrums. He therefore attempted another way to save Devakī
- Any attempt to arrive at this (inconceivable) information through experimental knowledge will fail. The knowledge simply has to be accepted - CC Intro
- Any attempt to arrive at this information (about the Vaikuntha planetary systems) through experimental knowledge is not possible. The knowledge simply has to be accepted
- Any work begun on the material plane has to be completed, otherwise the whole attempt becomes a failure. But any work begun in Krsna consciousness has a permanent effect, even though not finished. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone who attempts to serve Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sincerely by following in His footsteps and following the instructions of the acaryas will successfully be able to preach the holy names of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra all over the universe
- Anyone who attempts to write about Krsna must first take permission from the spiritual master and Krsna
- Anyone who does not follow the scriptural injunction, his attempt will be failure. He'll never be happy. And what to speak of being promoted to the spiritual world
- Anyone who is born in India should attempt to broadcast the message of Bhagavad-gita and Krsna. That is the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Arjuna attempted to save some youths who had died untimely at Dvaraka, and when he failed to save them, Krsna took him to the Bhuma-purusa
- Arjuna said: O infallible one, please draw my chariot between the two armies so that I may see who is present here, who is desirous of fighting, and with whom I must contend in this great battle attempt. BG 1.21-22 - 1972
- As a perfect brahmana he (Vasistha) tolerated all the taunts of Visvamitra. Once he tried to commit suicide on account of Visvamitra's torture, but all his attempts were unsuccessful
- As an example of pratisthasa, one may attempt to imitate Srila Haridasa Thakura by living in a solitary place. One's real desire may be for name and fame - in other words, one thinks that fools will accept one to be as good as Haridasa Thakura
- As far as the rasa-lila pastimes of the Lord are concerned, it is futile for one who is within the material world to attempt to imitate the Lord’s dances. One has to attain a spiritual body like that of a gopi to enter into the pastimes of the rasa-lila
- As long as one is engaged in fruitive activity, one is sure to be baffled in the attempt to attain the ultimate goal of life - CC Preface
- As the Bhagavatam says, one should not attempt to become a father, or mother, or teacher unless he is able to save his children from death, from the grip of material nature
- As we had past life as child, as boy, as young man, similarly, we have past life also. This simple truth, they cannot understand. Or there is no attempt in the educational field
- As Yamaraja punishes sinful men, I (Ramacandra) shall also punish you. You are most abominable, sinful and shameless. Today, therefore, I, whose attempt never fails, shall punish you
- Aside from the sun and moon, there is an invisible planet called Rahu. The movements of Rahu cause both solar and lunar eclipses. We suggest that the modern expeditions attempting to reach the moon are mistakenly going to Rahu
- At present we are trying to enjoy our pleasure potency by means of the body in the material condition. By bodily contact we are attempting to derive pleasure from material sense objects
- At that time, no longer attempting spiritual cultivation, he becomes overly attached to his wife or girl friend and tries to provide her with a suitable apartment
- At the end of life, he (a Krsna conscious person) is naturally transferred to the transcendental plane of Lord Krsna; consequently he makes no attempt to increase his longevity. He is at once raised to the platform of liberation. BG 1972 purports
- At the present moment groups of people are engaged in welfare activities in terms of society, community or nation. There is even an attempt in the form of the United Nations for world-help activity
- At the time of death, atheists' attempts to use their so-called scientific knowledge and philosophical speculation to deny the supremacy of the Lord cannot work
- Attempt should be made how a fourth-class man can be raised to the first-class position by culture and education
- Attempt to become one with Krsna will be baffled because of delusion. BG 1972 purports
- Bali Maharaja said: What a wonderful effect there is in even attempting to offer respectful obeisances to You! I merely endeavored to offer You obeisances, but nonetheless the attempt was as successful as those of pure devotees
- Beautiful Diti, seeing her husband absorbed in trance, began to speak loudly, not attempting to attract him by bodily expressions
- Because demons like Ravana have no spiritual vision, they consider Lord Ramacandra an ordinary ksatriya king. Ravana therefore attempted to kidnap Lord Ramacandra's eternal consort, Sitadevi
- Because grantha is also used for the purpose of collecting riches, the word nirgrantha also indicates a poor man, bereft of all riches, who is attempting to collect riches
- Because such attempts (bring about peace and prosperity in the godless world) are illusory only, the people elect incompetent, blind leaders, one after another, who are incapable of offering solutions
- Because the living entity is not actually the enjoyer of the material resources, his attempt to lord it over material nature is, at the ultimate issue, frustrated
- Because they (prakrta-sahajiyas) do not follow the regulative principles but instead violate even ordinary morals, their contemplation of rasa-lila is a futile attempt, which sometimes results in their imitating the dealings of the gopis and Lord Krsna
- Being baffled in his attempt to win Draupadi, Karna advised Duryodhana to attack King Drupada, for after defeating him both Arjuna and Draupadi could be arrested. But Dronacarya rebuked them for this conspiracy, and they refrained from the action
- Being repeatedly baffled in his attempts, Rukmi took his sword and ran swiftly toward Krsna, just as a fly proceeds toward a fire. But as soon as Rukmi reached Krsna, Krsna cut his weapon to pieces
- Being so strongly attracted, the bridegroom attempts to set up a nice homestead and eventually a good field for producing grains. Then children come, then friends and then wealth. In this way the male becomes more and more entangled
- Bewildered by the spell of the material energy, persons who could not understand that Advaita Prabhu is nondifferent from Visnu wanted to follow Him with their impersonal conceptions. The attempt of Advaita Prabhu to punish them is also auspicious
- Bhagavad-gita it is said that man's attempt to reach higher planets is not new. Newspaper headlines read, "Man's First Steps on the Moon," but the reporters do not know that millions and millions of men went there and came back
- Bharata Maharaja left his kingdom and Lord Buddha left his kingdom - these are all different attempts to get out of Maya's influence. But our philosophy is that things employed in Krsna's service have no more influence of Maya
- Bhaumasura thus came to see that none of his tricks would act upon Krsna, and he became aware that all his attempts to kill Krsna would be frustrated. Yet he tried for the last time, taking a trident in his hand to strike Him
- Bhrgu Muni cursed that persons who worshiped Lord Siva would become followers of this Mayavada asat-sastra, which attempts to establish that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is impersonal
- Brahma attempts to create the different planetary systems and their inhabitants, expanding the population through his progeny, like Manu and other progenitors of living entities, who work perpetually under the order of the Supreme Lord
- Brahma said, "The attempt of persons who are interested only in speculative knowledge is simply wasted labor, like the labor of a person who attempts to gain something by beating an empty husk of rice paddy"
- Brahma was defeated by his own attempt. In a similar position are the scientists and philosophers who want to overcome the mystic power of Krsna
- By chanting the Vedic mantras properly in a sacrifice, one can perform many wonderful things. In Kali-yuga, however, there are no qualified brahmanas who can chant the mantras properly. Consequently no attempt should be made to perform such big sacrifices
- By glorifying the Lord with exalted verses, one becomes purified. Although we are unable to offer prayers to the Lord in an adequate fashion, our duty is to make the attempt in order to purify ourselves
- By karma-yoga we attempt to get out of the gross body, and by jnana-yoga we attempt to get out of the subtle body
- By mundane scholarship Sankaracarya has tried to obscure the actual meaning of the Vedanta-sutra. Not only has Sankaracarya done this, but all authors who attempt to give their own views of necessity misinterpret Vedanta-sutra
- By one's personal attempts, therefore, one cannot get free from the clutches of material nature. One has to accept a bona fide spiritual master and work according to his direction
- By pouring water on the root of the tree, all the parts of the tree are automatically nourished. Only those branches and leaves which are detached cannot be so satisfied. Detached branches and leaves dry up gradually despite all watering attempts
- "By present some imaginary interpretations of Vedic literatures in order to divert people from the actual purpose of the Vedas you will attempt to make them atheists," the Lord said. "After that, they can produce more population"
- By simply attempting to realize God, one is guaranteed birth in a wealthy or aristocratic family
- By such an attempt (by hearing about God in all submission and love from a bona fide authority) only can one conquer the illusory energy of the Lord, although for others she is unsurpassable, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- By the example of these sages one should learn that regular hearing and recitation of the Bhagavatam is the only way for self-realization. Other attempts are simply a waste of time, for they do not give any tangible results
- By the grace of the Lord, simply by surrendering unto Him one can get out of this cycle of birth and death. Otherwise, one may go on in many, many lives and may many times attempt other processes for liberation
- By the insurmountable intricacies of the material nature of the Lord, all these plans for progress are being constantly frustrated. They have no eyes to see that their attempts at peace & friendship are failing. But here is the hint to get over the hurdle
- By the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the same feelings are being spread all over the world by the servants of the Gosvamis, and devotees who are pure and simple will appreciate this attempt
- By the process of bhakti-yoga, directly accepted, by sufficient hearing of the transcendental message of the Lord, the material contamination is directly eliminated without one's attempting to contemplate the impersonal virat conception of the Lord
- By the time you find out petrol in moon planet, your petrol will be finished. Then what you will do? Just see? Foolish attempt
- By their mercy, all these devotees ordered me to write of the last pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Because of their order only, although I am shameless, I have attempted to write this Caitanya-caritamrta
- Complete confidence in the path of devotional service will enable one to attain his desired goal, but attempting to follow other paths will only succeed in making one restless
- Concerning the eightfold yoga system, attempts in the beginning to enter into meditation through regulative principles of life and practice of different sitting postures are considered fruitive material activities. BG 1972 purports
- Dear King (Prthu), Indra's powers are already reduced due to his attempt to impede the execution of your sacrifice. We (the priests) shall call him by Vedic mantras which were never before used, and certainly he will come
- Devotees like Brahma and Arjuna do not do anything on their own account, but as fully surrendered souls they always await indications from the Lord; therefore they attempt to do something which appears very wonderful to ordinary vision
- Devotional service mixed with modes of material nature is a means for material existence, whereas devotional service without desires for fruitive result and without attempts for empirical philosophical research is pure, transcendental devotional service
- Don't try to do that, to separate Laksmi from Narayana. She cannot be separated. But if anyone attempts like that, he'll be ruined
- Either you follow Christianity or Vedic principle of Mohammedan religion or even Buddha religion, there is conception of God. There is an attempt to understand God. That is human society
- Eternal, transcendental service of the Lord is misdirected under material conditions and takes the shape of the attempt to negate all material variegatedness out of frustration
- Even attempting to reach the highest planet will take millions of years at a speed of millions of miles per hour. This is a different science, and Bhismadeva knew well how to utilize it
- Even if one is in the material mode of passion, to create something in the world he has to take shelter of the Supreme for the necessary energy. That is the path of the successful termination of any attempt
- Even if our attempt to be Krsna conscious is not complete, our Krsna consciousness will continue in the next life
- Even now, the saints & sages continue to do so (culturing the transcendental soul), in spite of all difficulties. But it would be sheer stupidity if Indian people attempted to do good to others without first themselves attaining transcendental knowledge
- Even though one may celebrate himself as a learned follower of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and even though one may attempt to preach the holy name of the Lord all over the world, if he is not favored by Caitanya he will find fault with the pure devotee
- Even where there are hundreds of good qualities, a critic does not consider them. Rather, he attempts by some trick to point out a fault in those attributes
- Everyone has to suffer or enjoy the fruits of his activity; no one can check the laws of material nature which govern such things. As long as one is engaged in fruitive activity, he is sure to be baffled in an attempt to attain the ultimate goal of life
- Everyone in the world is suffering. Despite so many attempts on the parts of the governments and planning commissions of the world, still the suffering continues
- Everyone in this material world is attempting to acquire riches to satisfy the senses. Actually no one cares for anything other than acquiring material possessions and maintaining them
- Everyone serious about understanding the transcendental science and seeing the transcendental form of the Lord must first of all attempt to see the lotus feet of the Lord by studying the First and Second Cantos of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Everyone should attempt to go to Krsna
- Everything is being attempted to suppress our miserable condition of life. That is going on
- Except for the Krishna Consciousness Movement, any other attempt for spiritual realization, they are all something like unconsciousness under some super-intoxicant. Srila Rupa Goswami has given a very nice example in this connection
- Exploitation of the weaker living being by the stronger is the natural law of existence; there is always an attempt to devour the weak in different kingdoms of living beings
- Extend your activities to the University campus because the younger generation is our future hope. Bamboo while it is green can be bent and carved, but while it is yellow and ripe if there is any attempt to bend it, it cracks
- First a complaint was lodged with mother Yasoda about Krsna's stealing, but mother Yasoda did not chastise Him. Now, in an attempt to awaken mother Yasoda's anger so that she would chastise Krsna, another complaint was invented-that Krsna had eaten earth
- First one should try to please the spiritual master, and then one should attempt to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura also says, yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasado
- First they (envious persons) try to occupy high positions in this material world, & when they are frustrated in this attempt, they think, "Now I shall occupy the position of God." Of course this desire is also frustrated because no 1 can become God
- First-class medical treatment or the attempts of a first-class physician are not in themselves the cause for curing a patient; there must be the hand of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Five great warriors - Karna, Sala, Bhuri, Yajnaketu and Duryodhana, the father of the girl - who were all maha-rathis and who were guided by the great fighter Bhismadeva, attempted to arrest the boy Samba
- Foiled twice in his attempts to increase population, Prajapati Daksa became most angry at Narada Muni and cursed him, saying that in the future he would not be able to stay anywhere
- Foolish materialists, in the garb of leaders of the people in general, stick to family affairs without attempting to cut off relations with them, and thus they become victims of nature's law and get gross bodies again, according to their work
- Foolish people do not know that by attempting to escape anxiety by drink and sex, they simply increase their duration of material life
- Foolish people do not know that by attempting to escape anxiety by drink and sex, they simply increase their duration of material life. It is not possible to escape material anxiety in this way
- For a detailed refutation of Sankaracarya’s arguments attempting to prove Sankarsana an ordinary living being, one may refer to Srimat Sudarsanacarya’s commentary on the Sri-bhasya, which is known as the Sruta-prakasika
- For example, as soon as Maharaj Pariksit saw that a black man was attempting to kill a cow, he immediately took his sword, wanting to kill the black man, whose name was Kali
- For God everyone is equal, because all of them are sons of God. Therefore an attempt is always going on to turn the asuras to become devotees
- Formerly, when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to South India, a brahmana named Kala Krsnadasa went with Him
- From that great lotus flower, Brahma was generated, but Brahma certainly could see nothing but the lotus. Therefore, thinking You to be outside, Lord Brahma dove into the water and attempted to find the source of the lotus for one hundred years
- From this statement of Indra it appears that anyone attempting to go to the higher planetary systems by mechanical means, which are here called maya, is condemned to go the hellish planets in the lower portion of the universe
- From time immemorial the nitya-mukta living entity has always been a devotee of Krsna, and his only attempt has been to serve Krsna. Thus he never forgets his eternal servitorship to Krsna
- Generally no one complains against us to have us removed from a city. Although such an attempt was indeed made in Melbourne, Australia, the attempt failed
- Glorification of the holy name is glorification of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. One should never attempt to distinguish between the Lord and His name or interpret the glories of the holy name as mere exaggerations
- God wants the message of the Bhagavad-gita to be preached amongst His devotees. It may not be so done amongst those who have no credit of austerities, charity and education. Therefore, the attempt must go on to convert unwilling men to become His devotees
- Godless means mudha, rascal, duskrtina. They will attempt so many things, simply waste their time and energy. Because they are rascals. And a human being should have intelligence, but they are lower, lowest status of the human being
- Happiness derived from society, friendship and love is like a drop of water in the scorching heat of the desert. One may want to become very great and powerful in society, but this is like attempting to climb a hill full of thorns
- He (a person) attempts to act fruitively for personal gain or sense gratification, after attempting fruitive activities for a considerable time, when he is frustrated he becomes a philosophical speculator and thinks himself to be on the same level as God
- He (Arjuna) is asking what becomes of the unsuccessful yogi, or the person who attempts to perform yoga but somehow desists and does not succeed. It is something like a student who does not get his degree because he drops out of school
- He (Maharaja Khatvanga) was successful in his great attempt and achieved liberation. This attempt, even for a moment, by the saintly king, was successful because he was always alert to his prime duty
- He (Prahlada Maharaj) didn't care about his father's attempts to make him suffer. That state of existence is called apratihata: if you want to execute KC, your material condition of life cannot check it. That is the real platform of progress
- He (Sukadeva Gosvami) was recognized when he spoke on the subject of Bhagavatam, and he never attempted jugglery like a magician. Outwardly he appeared to be a retarded, dumb madman, but in fact he was the most elevated transcendental personality
- He (the foolish man who had no experience with sugar cane, & asked his friend & got imperfectly informed that sugar cane resembles the shape of a bamboo stick) began trying to extract juice from bamboo sticks, but naturally he was baffled in his attempts
- He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) has frustrated Indra's attempt at vengeance by refusing him the sacrifice of Indra-yajna. He is the cause of all pleasure to all young girls. May He be ever compassionate upon you all
- He (the transcendentally situated person) does not attempt anything for his own sake. He can attempt anything for Krsna, but for his personal self he does not attain anything. By such behavior one becomes actually transcendentally situated. BG 1972 pur
- He (Vasistha) jumped into the river, but the river also washed him ashore. Thus all his suicide attempts were unsuccessful. He is also one of the seven rsis and husband of Arundhati, the famous star
- He behaved in that way so that his father would know that he was unfit for instruction and would abandon the attempt to instruct him further. He would behave in a completely opposite way
- He further did not attempt to talk with Him. He went away, and the Mother Sarasvati advised him that, "You surrender unto Him. That will be your nice role." Yes. So later on, he became a great devotee of Lord Caitanya, Kesava Kasmiri
- He tried his best to teach his son in this way, but all his endeavors failed. In his heart he hoped that his son would be a learned scholar, but all his attempts were unsuccessful
- Here is a chance for me to carry out His transcendental Order and because you are Srila Prabhupada's foremost and favourite disciple and actually engaged in His service, I am just seeking your favour and mercy in making this attempt successful
- Hiranyakasipu murmured to himself, "Lord Visnu, who possesses great mystic power, has made this plan to kill me, but what is the use of such an attempt? Who can fight with me?" Thinking like this and taking up his club, Hiranyakasipu attacked the Lord
- Hiranyakasipu murmured to himself, - Lord Visnu, who possesses great mystic power, has made this plan to kill me, but what is the use of such an attempt? Who can fight with me
- Hiranyaksa did not know that God is the greatest of the great and the smallest of the small. No one can capture the Supreme Lord or bring Him under his control. But the demoniac person always attempts to measure the length and breadth of the Supreme Lord
- His (God's) one signal is sufficient to destroy all our attempts. His inconceivable power, as displayed here (SB 3.19.26), is so strong that the demon, despite all his demoniac maneuvers, was killed by the Lord when the Lord desired, simply by one slap
- His (Krsna's) fiancee or lover sometimes supersedes the position of the Lord. But such attempts are exhibitions of the highest love
- His (Pariksit's) activities are also wonderful because he chastised Kali, who was attempting to kill a cow. To kill cows means to end human civilization. He wanted to protect the cow from being killed by the great representative of sin
- How do they know (The Lord's name, quality, pastimes, entourage, personality, etc.)? Certainly it is not by mental speculation, nor by any attempt by dint of limited instruments of knowledge
- How strange it is that one of us (Saryati and his associates) has attempted to do something wrong to Cyavana Muni, the son of Bhrgu. It certainly appears that someone among us has polluted this asrama
- However expert one may be, he can never describe the glories of God adequately. Nonetheless, those engaged in glorifying the activities of the Lord should try to do so as far as possible. Such an attempt will please the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- However, this will not harm my attempt. These pastimes of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu will certainly please all saintly people who have clear hearts. They will certainly enjoy it. We wish that this will enhance their enjoyment more and more
- Human civilization means to take care of the spiritual side. If there is no such attempt to take care of the spiritual side, simply for the material side, then we are no better than the animals
- Human society competes nationally or individually, and in the attempt to be successful the entire human society becomes full of diplomacy
- Human society, when it is detached from the Personality of Godhead like detached branches and leaves, is not capable of being watered, and one attempting to do so is simply wasting his energy and resources
- I (Bharata) was successful in my attempt, so much so that my mind was always absorbed in devotional service. However, due to my personal foolishness, my mind again became attached - this time to a deer
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have briefly described the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu known as the madhya-lila. Now I shall attempt to describe something about His last pastimes, which are known as the antya-lila
- I (Narada) desired to see again that transcendental form of the Lord, but despite my attempts to concentrate upon the heart with eagerness to view the form again, I could not see Him any more, and thus dissatisfied, I was very much aggrieved
- I see in your Mauritius, you have got enough land to produce food grains. I understand that instead of growing food grains, you are growing sugarcane for exporting. Why? And you are dependent on food grains, on rice, wheat, dal. Why this attempt?
- I took permission from Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura by praying at his lotus feet, and upon receiving his order I have attempted to write this auspicious literature
- If a land animal is placed in water, he will simply struggle for existence, despite being an expert swimmer. We have come into this material world to gratify our senses, but our attempts will never be successful
- If despite practicing bhakti-yoga and studying all the Vedic literature, one is afraid of giving up his bad body, which is the cause of all his suffering, what is the use of his attempts to advance in spiritual life
- If fighting is proclaimed a necessity in Bhagavad-gita, how is it possible to prove nonviolence from it? Such interpretations are attempts to distort Bhagavad-gita
- If he (devotee) is not superficially successful in such (preaching) an attempt, he should not be deterred from the discharge of his duty
- If his (the most intelligent man's) attempt is properly executed with penances and perseverance, it is sure to be crowned with success
- If I simply remain engaged in religious principles and nobody is engaged where to get food... Because food also is required. So therefore not only religious principle, there must be economic development attempt also. But not one-man show
- If in this human life the soul makes no attempt to alleviate his situation, even after learning how horribly he has suffered in millions of previous lifetimes, then such a person is certainly a miserable miser and naradhama
- If leaders & rich men spend fifty percent of their accumulated wealth mercifully for the misled people & educate them in KC, the knowledge of Bhagavatam, certainly the age of Kali will be defeated in its attempt to entrap the conditioned souls
- If one attempts suicide but does not succeed, or is somehow revived, he is subject to being punished under state law. Similarly, the laws of nature treat suicides as criminal acts
- If one attempts to go to higher planets by means of the yoga system, he will acquire a suitable body for entrance
- If one is actually sincere in writing, all his ambitions will be fulfilled. Whether one is known as a great author is incidental. One should not attempt to write transcendental literature for material name and fame
- If one wants to artificially stop the activities of the senses, his attempt will be a failure. Even the great yogi Visvamitra, who was trying to control his senses by the yoga process, fell victim to the beauty of Menaka
- If out of frustration we (living entities) try to become inactive, we shall fail in our attempt. We must engage in activities
- If routine work becomes slack or neglected, then all other attempts will fail
- If the candidates for conversion are too disturbing, a preacher may not attempt to spread Krsna consciousness amongst them. It is better to go where the situation is more favorable
- If the so-called scientific physician is able to prolong one's life for a few minutes through the use of oxygen or other medicines, he thinks that he is very successful in his attempts, although ultimately the patient will die
- If they were actually capable scientists, they could personally go by airplane to other planets, but this they are unable to do. Having now given up their moon excursions, they are attempting to go to other planets, but without success
- If we accept the offerings of such people (materialists), place them before the Lord and invite Vaisnavas to partake of the prasadam, that attempt will gain us only a material reputation, not the actual benefit of service to a pure Vaisnava
- If we attempt to reach conclusions by dint of our own speculative powers, however, we are subject to fall into error
- If we follow the pasandis who are mayayapahrta jnana, then any attempt to ameliorate the condition of the general people will be a failure
- If we have Prasadam distribution program it is to be done in the temple premises, not separately. Separate attempt will require separate energy diverted from the temple management
- If we study the history of the world, we see that it is simply a history of struggle. Mankind attempts to relieve its miserable condition, but it simply brings about another miserable condition. As we try to overcome one problem, another problem arises
- If you dig on the northern side, there is a big black snake that will devour you if you attempt to dig up the treasure
- If you have to attempt anything for real progress, then this is real progress. What is that? To know the Supreme Absolute Truth, which is manipulating all activities
- If you try to make the dogs stop fighting, it is not possible. Is it possible? Then it is useless attempt. You keep the human being as dogs, and you want stop fighting. That is not possible. Impractical
- If you want to find out the Absolute Truth through this rituals and priesthood, then the result will be that you will be bitten by some poisonous insects and your attempt will be unsuccessful
- Impersonal monists are always attacked by these Tattvavadis (Srila Madhvacarya's party), who attempt to defeat their philosophy of impersonalism. Generally, they establish the supremacy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In a desert an animal simply searches in vain for water. Of course there is no water in the desert, and the animal simply sacrifices his life in an attempt to find it
- In a Vedic society, the more a child grows, the more his parents become jubilant, and the child's attempts to turn over are also a source of jubilation
- In an attempt to dominate material nature, the living entity is forced to offer his service to relative material energy. When this service is transferred to the Lord in pure consciousness of spiritual identity, the living entity at once becomes free
- In an attempt to harass Maharaja Ambarisa, Durvasa Muni met with a great catastrophe and was defeated by the sudarsana-cakra of the Lord
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.3) it is stated, manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye: out of many millions of people, one may attempt to achieve success in life. This success is explained here - in SB 8.13.13
- In childhood I used to take my ratha with my little friends, about 60 years ago. Again I am reviving the same attempt with my young disciples. I have become old, and you are also old. We may pass away, but my disciples will carry on this festival yearly
- In his commentary on Vedanta-sutra 2.2.42-45, His Holiness Sripada Sankaracarya has made a futile attempt to nullify the existence of these quadruple forms (of the Lord) in the spiritual world
- In human society there are attempts to educate the human being, but for animal society there is no such system, nor are animals able to be educated
- In Kali-yuga the citizens will abandon their attempts to lead a peaceful life and will leave their homes and hearths and go to the forest in sheer disappointment
- In my Easy Journey to Other Planet, I have written that "This moon-going attempt is childish and waste of time." And still we are challenging that "Mars-going, so-called, it will also fail." Write it: It will fail. Not that process
- In the Absolute field both success and failures are glorious. Even Lord Nityananda pretended to be a failure to convert Jagai and Madhai in the first attempt, rather he was personally injured in such attempt but that was certainly not ludicrous
- In the evening the report of the preaching work was submitted to the Lord, and He was glad to learn that Nityananda and Haridasa had attempted to deliver such a stupid pair of fellows
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (16) the killing of Pralambasura and the eating of the forest fire; (17) the gopis’ attempt to approach Krsna; (18) the lifting of Govardhana Hill
- In the human form of life he gets an opportunity to enjoy all his senses pervertedly, but the result is that he becomes so harassed in his attempted sense gratification that he ultimately becomes morose
- In the initial stages, the attempt to fix the mind on Krsna may be unsuccessful, but with regulated practice (abhyasa-yoga) it becomes possible
- In the land were one cow was being attempted to be killed, immediately Maharaja Pariksit took his sword, "Who are you?" In that land, now ten thousand cows are being killed every day. So you expect peace?
- In the lower stage of human civilization there is always competition between men in their attempt to dominate material nature
- In the material world everyone is trying to become happy, and although their material attempts are baffled in every way, due to their nescience they cannot understand their mistakes
- In the material world there is keen competition between animals, men, communities and even nations in an attempt to gratify the senses, but the devotees of the Lord are above all this
- In the modern age, such malicious scholars (who attempt to misrepresent the Pancaratra-sastras) have even commented misleadingly upon the Bhagavad-gita, which was spoken by Krsna, to prove that there is no Krsna
- In the parampara system, when the questions are bona fide the answers are bona fide. No one should attempt to create or manufacture answers. One must refer to the sastras and give answers according to Vedic understanding
- In the spiritual world satisfaction of the senses is equally shared by the transcendental reciprocators. Since the activities are unlimited and constantly increasing, there is no scope for material attempts or artificial arrangements
- In the transcendental service of the Lord, everything is tangible without any separate attempt at fruitive work or empiric philosophical speculation
- In this book, the attempt will be made to show how Krsna appeared in the family of the Yadu dynasty and how He displayed His transcendental characteristics
- In this century, for instance, we have attempted to put out the fire of war, but it has not been possible. There was a First World War, and then a League of Nations was formed to try to prevent a second, but despite their attempts a second took place
- In this material world, we are hankering after Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, but we are frustrated in our attempts. We think, "Now let me become the husband of Laksmi." Actually, no one can enjoy Laksmi but Narayana
- In this present age, Kali-yuga, people who are not in full knowledge are still attempting this meditative process which was recommended for a previous age
- In this way Lord Caitanya condemned attempts at indirect interpretation of the Vedanta-sutra, and all the sannyasis present were struck with wonder by His explanation
- Individually one can attempt to go to any planet he desires, but this is only possible by psychological changes in the mind
- Instead of becoming nirvaira (nonenvious of other living entities), one who tries to become Narayana becomes envious of the Supreme Lord. Therefore the attempt to become Narayana constitutes the greatest offense
- It is better not to take up sannyasa in this age of Kali because provocations are very strong in this age. Only a very exalted person advanced in spiritual understanding should attempt to take up sannyasa
- It is impossible for earthmen to go to the moon and live there for very long. Otherwise the whole Vedic literature would be false. We can attempt to go there, but it is not possible to live there. This knowledge is in the Vedas
- It is not so easy to approach such big people by letter. An attempt to see them personally is better. Otherwise it is a waste of time. Thousands of advertisements are going in the mail. Who cares for them?
- It is offensive to attempt to qualify the infinite as being subject to the spell of ignorance
- It is stated in the Puranas, "Persons who attempt to visit the holy places of pilgrimage, like Vrndavana, Mathura or Dvaraka, are actually glorified. By such traveling activities, they can pass over the desert of material existence"
- It is this devotional attitude of the mystic that makes possible the successful termination of such mystic attempts. One is not, however, elevated to such a successful status without the tinge of mixture in devotional service
- It is very common for us, like Arjuna, to try to dissipate our disillusionments by our own devices, culled from our own mundane experience. This attempt to remove our daily bodily and mental difficulties is always misdirected
- It would be sheer stupidity if Indian people attempted to do good to others without first themselves attaining transcendental knowledge
- Jada Bharata was completely liberated. He did not even care when the dacoits attempted to kill his body; he knew that he certainly was not the body
- Just after the advent of Shri Krishna, even while He was a mere child, even then Kamsa, Putana, Aghasura, Bakasura, Gardhabasu, Pralambasura and other such demons tried their best to kill Shri Krishna. But their attempts failed
- Just like some of my Godbrothers wanted to take men from India to London but the attempt was a failure, but when I trained up local men then it was successful
- Kaliya attempted to bite him, and Garuda, the son of Tarksya, in great anger and with the great force befitting the carrier of Lord Visnu, struck the body of Kaliya with his effulgent golden wings
- Kamsa attempted to kill all the babies born of Devaki and Vasudeva, although he knew that if Visnu were born, He would not be killed
- Kamsa had already sent many demons to attempt to kill this child (Krsna), but none of them had survived
- Kamsa was so cruel that he did not listen to the pitiful prayers of his sister Devaki. He forcibly grabbed the newborn child to rebuke his sister and attempted to dash her on the stone mercilessly
- King Nagnajit continued, "Until now they (seven bulls) have never been subdued by any prince; anyone who has attempted to bring them under control has simply had his limbs broken"
- King Puranjana's abandoning the company of his religiously married wife is representative of the conditioned soul's attempt to hunt for many women for sense gratification
- Krsna indicates (in BG 6.40) that the very striving for yoga perfection is a most auspicious attempt. When one attempts something so auspicious, he is never degraded
- Krsna is a friend to all saintly persons, and the attempt to become Krsna conscious is a saintly endeavor. Sravanam. kirtanam (SB 7.5.23) - by chanting and hearing one can come to understand the science of Krsna and thereby come to understand Krsna
- Krsna is also a name of Draupadi, and so the word krsna-sakha also indicates Lord Krsna's relationship with Draupadi, whom He saved from being insulted when Duryodhana and Karna attempted to strip her naked
- Krsna is violent to demons, and to attempt to prove that Krsna is not violent is ultimately to deny Krsna. As such explanations of the Bhagavad-gita are absurd
- Krsna means "love," so everyone is struggling hard how to be in the platform of love. So many institution - philanthropy, international, and the United Nation - the only attempt: how to love each other
- Krsna said, "If someone attempts to worship Me directly without worshiping My devotees, I do not accept such worship, even though it may be presented with great opulence"
- Krsna says, "Don't waste your time attempting to go to this planet or to that planet. What will you gain? Your material miseries will follow you wherever you go."
- Krsna was attempted to be killed by Kamsa class of men and his company, the demons. So it will be there; it is already there. Don't be disappointed, because that is the meaning that it is successful
- Laksmana said, "All the princes who tried to pierce the target were disappointed, being baffled in their attempts, and some candidates even left the place without making an attempt"
- Laksmana said, "Many (princes) could not even join the bowstring to the two ends of the bow, and without attempting to pierce the fish, they simply left the bow as it was and went away"
- Later he (a great thief who attempted to plunder Lord Nityananda's jewels when He was staying at the home of Jagadisa Pandita but was unsuccessful) came to Nityananda Prabhu and surrendered unto Him
- Learned experts have attempted to make a measurement of this living spirit. They say that the living spirit, the soul proper, can be measured approximately as one ten-thousandth part of the tip of a hair
- Lord Krsna said, "If someone even wishes to possess such property (of Brahmana), let alone attempts to take it away by force, the duration of his life will be reduced"
- Lord Krsna's name is Madana-mohana, for He can subdue the god Cupid, or lust. Only by engaging in the service of Madana-mohana can one curb the dictates of Madana, Cupid. Otherwise, attempts to control the senses will fail
- Lord Visnu has a club and cakra to punish nondevotees. Do not risk punishment by attempting to disturb the devotees
- Ma means mrtyu, or death. When one attempts to nullify these five different statuses of life - pa, pha, ba, bha and ma - one achieves apavarga, or liberation from the punishment of material existence
- Maharaj Yudhisthira knew that Krsna was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and he was attempting to get down from his chariot to receive Krsna
- Maharaja Pariksit and Sukadeva Gosvami were serious performers of the first two important items, namely the process of chanting and the process of hearing, and therefore both of them were successful in their laudable attempt
- Maharaja Pariksit said, "My dear lord, the SP of Godhead, Krsna, is the bestower of both liberation and love of God simultaneously. Anyone who becomes a devotee of the Lord automatically attains liberation without having to make a separate attempt"
- Maharaja Pariksit wanted to kill the personified Kali, who was attempting to kill a cow, the emblem of peace and religion
- Maharaja Pariksit, as soon as he saw that a cow was being attempted to be killed, immediately he took his sword . . . "Who are you, nonsense? You are killing my citizen." This is good government
- Maharaja Pariksit, grandson of Maharaja Yudhisthira, while touring his vast kingdom, saw a black man attempting to kill a cow. The King at once arrested the butcher and chastised him sufficiently
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was advised by Narada not to disturb his uncle (Dhrtarastra) by attempting to bring him back home. He was now beyond the attraction of anything material
- Malicious editors and scholars who attempt to misrepresent the Pancaratra-sastras to refute their regulations are most abominable
- Man's attempts to reach the moon, the sun, or Mars will be completely futile because of the different atmospheres prevailing on those planets
- Manusyanam sahasresu: out of many thousands of persons, one may endeavor for liberation, and of many thousands of persons attempting to become liberated, one may achieve liberation from the anxieties of material existence and become self-satisfied
- Many other distinguished scholars even after the time of Lord Caitanya made elaborate commentaries on the Bhagavatam. And the serious student would do well to attempt to go through them to better relish the transcendental messages
- Many so-called brahmanas attempt to fight us, saying, “How can you create a brahmana out of a European or American? A brahmana can be born only in a brahmana family.” They do not consider that this is never stated in any revealed scripture
- Material bondage is caused by deviation from the service of the Lord and attempts to imitate Him. The Lord is imitated by Mayavadi philosophers who try to become one with the Lord in an artificial way
- Material nature is so strong that although a man suffers at every step, he will not cease his attempts to enjoy
- Material scientists are attempting to go to the moon and other planets, but they cannot imagine going to the topmost planet, Brahmaloka, for it is beyond their imagination
- Material scientists are now attempting to penetrate this mystery, and a day may come when the people of this earth will be able to travel in outer space and see the variegatedness of these millions of planets with their own eyes
- Materialistic men are not interested in taking directions from a liberated person, but they are very much interested in their own concocted ideas, which make them repeatedly fail in their attempts
- Mayavadi philosophy has the audacity to reject the purpose of Vyasadeva, as explained in the Vedanta-sutra, and to attempt to establish a doctrine of transformation which is totally imaginary
- Maybe you go by the yoga process, maybe you go by the philosophical process, maybe you go by the ritualistic process, maybe you go by penances & by study. But unless you reach to this point of KC, your attempt not failure, but there are different degrees
- Meditation means to attempt to understand oneself, "What I am." That is real meditation
- Modern scientists are now venturing to the moon with the help of rockets, but this is not really a new attempt
- Modern scientists are now venturing to the moon with the help of rockets, but this is not really a new attempt. With their advanced consciousness, human beings are naturally inclined to travel in outer space and to reach other planets
- Modern scientists attempt excursions to other planets, but they have no information of how many different types of oceans and seas there are within the universe
- Modern scientists have invented airships which are material, and the yogis make a still finer material attempt to travel by mindships. The yogis can reach any distant place very quickly with the help of mindships
- Mother Yasoda was smiling, but she was astonished. How was it happening? In attempting to bind her son (Krsna), she became tired. She was perspiring, and the garland on her head fell down
- Mundane attempts at academic knowledge are simply another type of foolishness
- My dear child, you are unaware that you were born not of my womb but of another woman. Therefore you should know that your attempt is doomed to failure. You are trying to fulfill a desire which is impossible to fulfill
- My dear King Yudhisthira, when all the attempts of the demons to kill Prahlada Maharaja were futile, the King of the demons, Hiranyakasipu, being most fearful, began contriving other means to kill him
- My only request is that all of you try to chant this Hare Krsna maha-mantra and, if possible, read Krsna book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Don't read Bhagavad-gita where the attempt is to kill Krsna
- Narada Muni thought that the Lord could be seen again by the same mechanical process which was successful in the first attempt, but in spite of his utmost endeavor he could not make the second attempt successful
- Naturally, when they (the gopis) heard such unkind words, they tried to reply, but in the attempt torrents of tears fell from their eyes. Finally they managed to speak
- No amount of chosen words are sufficient to enumerate the Lord's glory, yet He is satisfied by such prayers, just as a father is satisfied even by broken linguistic attempts of a growing child. Thus the Lord smiled & accepted the prayers of Queen Kunti
- No amount of chosen words is sufficient to enumerate the Lord's glory, and yet He is satisfied by such prayers as the father is satisfied even by the broken linguistic attempts of the growing child
- Not satisfying Lord Visnu but instead attempting to become happy through material adjustments (bahir-artha-maninau) is the wrong way for happiness
- Nothing is absolute truth in this dual world. You did not know this, neither you ever cared to know this from the right sources and therefore all your attempts to create unity were followed by disunity and Ahimsa. Ahimsa was followed by Himsa
- Now Lord Brahma admitted that his attempt was most presumptuous, for he was attempting to test his energy before the person of original energy
- Now people are very busy trying to find petroleum in the midst of the ocean. They are very anxious to make provisions for the future petroleum supply, but they do not make any attempts to ameliorate the conditions of birth, old age, disease and death
- Nunam pramattah kurute vikarma (SB 5.5.4). Such crazy men (the so-called scientists) unnecessarily waste time, energy and money in attempting to defy the glorious activities of Urukrama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- O father, this performance (being attracted to your daugher) in which you are endeavoring to complicate yourself was never attempted by any other Brahma, nor by anyone else, nor by you in previous kalpas, nor will anyone dare to attempt it in the future
- O foolish, sinful person, because you have eaten my husband when I was sexually inclined and desiring to have the seed of a child, I shall also see you die when you attempt to discharge semen in your wife
- O King, when the associates of Lord Visnu saw the soldiers of the demons coming forward in violence, they smiled. Taking up their weapons, they forbade the demons to continue their attempt
- O master of the demigods, please attempt to lift the earth, which is merged in the great water, because it is the dwelling place for all the living entities. It can be done by your endeavor and by the mercy of the Lord
- O sinless Maharaja Pariksit, the order carriers of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Visnudutas, saw that Ajamila was attempting to say something, and thus they suddenly disappeared from his presence
- Of course, as soon as she is married she can attempt to get a child, but she must surrender to her husband, confident that her child will develop and be born in due time
- On this earth we have not invented any machine that can go directly from one planet to another, although an unsuccessful attempt has been made to go directly to the moon
- On this planet we find many businessmen, politicians and others who are simply interested in material happiness. They attempt to earn money by all means, not considering whether such means are pious or impious
- Once Bhima was administered poison in a cake, once they were put into the house made of shellac and set afire, and once Draupadi was dragged out, and attempts were made to insult her by stripping her naked in the vicious assembly of the Kurus
- One can discover how a person worshiping the goddess Durga begs her for different varieties of material profit. Such activities are very popular among people in general, but they are the attempts of foolish, blind people
- One cannot realize the Supreme simply by the attempt of one's speculative mind, but if one desires he can subdue all the material activities of his senses, and the Lord, by manifesting His spiritual energy, can reveal Himself to the pure devotee
- One does not need to make a separate attempt to become liberated. If one simply engages in the service of the Lord, he will be liberated automatically
- One has to be intelligent enough to find the actual person to be consulted; then one's attempt to progress by traveling to different holy places will be successful
- One has to dance to please Krsna, not to imitate or attempt to become equal to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The gopis wanted to please Krsna, and therefore as Krsna sang, they responded and encouraged Him by saying “Well done! Well done!"
- One may attempt to practice meditational yoga in a large city or in a society, but one must understand that this is one's own concoction and is not the method recommended in Bhagavad-gita
- One may try to get out of diseased condition. This attempt does not mean that one should be killed so that one may get out of miserable condition of diseased life. The real method is to remove diseased condition and be placed in healthy life
- One might say that becoming advanced in spiritual life also involves tapasya, voluntary acceptance of some inconvenience. However, such inconvenience is not as dangerous as material attempts to mitigate all miseries
- One must attempt to engage one's bodily, mental and verbal activities in the transcendental glorification of the Lord, otherwise such activities will remain unchaste and impure
- One must understand this subject (of Ramananda Raya's serving two young girls by massaging their bodies with oil) very seriously and never attempt to imitate such activities
- One should attempt to know the distinction between body and soul without any attachment for male and female. As long as such distinction is there, one should not try to become a sannyasi like Sukadeva Gosvami
- One should attempt to write for self-purification. It may be published or it may not be published, but that does not matter
- One should never attempt to become a so-called transcendentalist, renouncing work and living at the cost of others. BG 1972 purports
- One should not attempt material upliftment, understanding the Supreme by speculative knowledge, fruitive activity, severe austerity and penance, and so on
- One should not attempt to imitate such exalted devotees (as Haridasa Thakura). Rather, everyone should endeavor to preach the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in all parts of the world and thus become successful in spiritual life
- One should not attempt to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead by concoction. One must first be prepared to serve the spiritual master, and when one is qualified he is automatically offered the platform of direct service to the Lord
- One should not make distinctions between the pastimes of the Lord and the activities of Prthu Maharaja, and whenever it is possible a devotee should attempt to induce others to hear about Prthu Maharaja
- One should not try to compare the expansions of material nature to the catur-vyuha, the quadruple expansions of the Personality of Godhead, but unfortunately the Mayavadi school unreasonably attempts to do this
- One should not try to understand the Lord simply from the statements of the Vedas, nor should one uselessly attempt to decry these statements through reasoning and logic
- One should simply understand that the distress and happiness of this body are predestined; there is no need to try to avoid the distress of this bodily existence or to attempt to achieve happiness by different types of exercises
- One's duty is to revive one's relationship with Narayana. A slight endeavor in this direction will make the attempt successful
- Only by Krsna's mercy can one who is interested in His transcendental loving affairs understand them. If one tries to understand these transcendental topics simply by using one's material brain substance, the attempt will be futile
- Only the foolish try to adjust to this world; the real problem is how to get out of it. Those who do attempt to adjust and who never turn to Krsna are continually subject to transmigration in the ocean of birth and death
- Our book sales are increasing. If we attempt to do something the Indian community also will contribute. George will also contribute. So try to find out the best one. Krishna will help you
- Our present attempts to remove the difficulties of the material world - through the pretensions of erudite scientists, great statesmen, and mahatmas - do not reach the spiritual, transcendental plane, but simply garb the body and mind
- Our presenting this matter in adequate language, especially a foreign language, will certainly fail, and there will be so many literary discrepancies despite our honest attempt to present it in the proper way
- Paramatma realization is but partial realization of Vasudeva, and if one is successful in that attempt, one realizes Vasudeva in full. But by ill luck most yogis are stranded by the powers of mysticism achieved through the bodily process
- People are after becoming religious person or economically very well situated person or desiring all facilities for sense gratification. And when one is frustrated in all these attempts, he wants to become God. You see?
- People bewildered by material conditions try to be united, but although they strive for unity among men and nations, all their attempts are futile. Everyone must struggle alone for existence with the many elements of nature
- People do not consider how they are risking their lives in an attempt to have illicit sex life, kill animals to satisfy their tongue, enjoy intoxication and gamble
- People want material opulence in order to gratify their senses (kama), and when they are frustrated in their attempt to gratify their senses, they want liberation (moksa). In this way, dharma, artha, kama and moksa are going on
- Personal realization does not mean that one should, out of vanity, attempt to show one's own learning by trying to surpass the previous acarya
- Persons who are less intelligent, without being conversant with the science, mistake this great attempt to be idol worship and poke their nose into that to which they have no access
- Persons who have taken shelter of Krsna are always peaceful; they are never cursed by anyone, nor do they attempt to curse anyone. That is a transcendental position
- Please go ahead with obtaining PHD and become a learned scholar in the science of loving Krishna. This will be a wonderful credit for you and you will surely get recognition from Krishna for such an attempt
- Prahlada Maharaja said: When our father, Hiranyakasipu, went to Mandaracala Mountain to execute severe austerities, in his absence the demigods, headed by King Indra, made a severe attempt to subdue all the demons in warfare
- Prakasananda Sarasvati only business was to sever the limbs of the Lord by proving the Lord impersonal. Although the Lord has form, Prakasananda Sarasvati attempted to cut off the hands and legs of the Lord. This is the business of demons
- Puranjana, the living entity, wanders in different types of bodies, but everywhere meets frustration in his attempt to enjoy. In other words, the spiritual spark covered by matter cannot fully enjoy the senses in any circumstance in material life
- Purusartha means material religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and, at the end, the attempt to become one with the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- Ramacandra Khan, who was envious of Haridasa Thakura, sent a professional prostitute to attempt to defame him, but by the mercy of Haridasa Thakura, even the prostitute was delivered
- Ramananda Raya remarked that this was the first time that he had been asked to go further than the gopis in an attempt to understand Krsna
- Ramananda Raya replied, "Those who attempt to merge into the existence of the Supreme Lord will have to accept bodies like those of trees. And those who are overly inclined toward sense gratification will attain the bodies of demigods"
- Rati continued, "Before he (Demon Sambara) again attempts to kill you (Pradyumna), please kill him as soon as possible with your divine power"
- Regarding Hiranya Pandita, it is said that once when Lord Nityananda, decorated with valuable jewels, was staying at his (Jagadisa Pandita's) home, all night long a great thief attempted to plunder these jewels but was unsuccessful
- Regarding World Samkirtan Party, we can attempt for this great task if somebody comes forward to sponsor the trip. We cannot do it ourself. We must remain free from the side of financial responsibility
- Samarambhah means
- Sankara says that he does not attempt to argue that portion of the devotees’ understanding, but he must protest the idea that Sankarsana is produced from Vasudeva, Pradyumna is produced from Sankarsana, and Aniruddha is produced from Pradyumna
- Sankaracarya has misrepresented all the mantras of the Vedanta-sutra to prove that there is no separate existence of the living entities & the Supreme Absolute Truth. This is similar to the politician’s attempt to prove nonviolence from the BG
- Scientists who are attempting to explore outer space and are trying to reach other planets by mechanical arrangements must know for certain that organisms adapted to the atmosphere of earth cannot exist in the atmospheres of other planets
- Seeing my (Narada's) attempts in that lonely place, the Personality of Godhead, who is transcendental to all mundane description, spoke to me with gravity and pleasing words, just to mitigate my grief
- Siddhi means to understand the spiritual identification and work for it. That is called siddhi. So the attempt for such thing is called mukti: to get rid of the material entanglement. So bhukti-mukti-siddhi. There are three stages
- Simply by understanding Krsna, one becomes automatically liberated from this material entanglement. A Krsna conscious person hasn't got to make separate endeavor and attempt to become liberated
- Since I suffer when pinched or killed by others, I should not attempt to pinch or kill any other living entity
- Since there is a great need of an edition of the Gita in English, as it is received by the parampara (disciplic succession) system, an attempt is made herewith to fulfill this great want. BG 1972 purports
- Small attempts of fire brigade is useless to extinguish the blazing fire of this material existence. The water must come from the cloud. That is by Krsna's grace. You have no control over the cloud
- So far Sankirtana is concerned, that should be continued in all circumstances. Chanting of Hare Krishna, Sankirtana is our life and soul. Side by side, if possible, then you can attempt for the ISKCON restaurant and Krishna Prasadam distribution
- So there is no credit for me, but it is only a teeny attempt, and humble attempt. So if one man could do, if you say, some success, why not all of us? Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given power of attorney to all Indians
- Some years ago my spiritual master attempted to preach this message throughout the world but unfortunately after His departure it was not carried by the entrusted successors. I am feeling for it and I have come to Bombay for organizing this movement
- Sometimes a professor tries to study these transcendental literatures and attempts to put forth a critical analysis from the mundane view, with an end to receiving degrees like a Ph.D. Such realization is certainly different from that of Ramananda Raya
- Sometimes a university student or professor tries to study these transcendental literatures and attempts to put forth a critical analysis from the mundane view, with an end to receiving degrees like a Ph.D
- Sometimes he (an impersonalist) imagines a form of the Lord (saguna-upasana), but such an attempt is never successful in helping one attain complete realization
- Sometimes prakrti (a living entity) attempts to imitate the activities of the purusa
- Sometimes, in order to have a little insignificant sex enjoyment, one searches after debauched women. In this attempt, one is insulted and chastised by the women's kinsmen. This is like going to take honey from a beehive and being attacked by the bees
- Sometimes, when we are unsuccessful in our business attempt or earning attempt, we become sorry that, "Oh, Krsna is so cruel upon me that I could not trust in this." But that is His special favor. You should understand like that
- Space vehicles may go very high in the sky, but as soon as their fuel is finished, they have to return to this earthly planet. All these activities are performed in illusion. The real attempt should now be to return home, back to Godhead
- Sri Brahmaji is attempting to narrate the principal incarnations of the Lord so that they may be drunk by Narada as transcendental nectar
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself indicates herein (CC Madhya 1.271) that all such attempts (of inventing own ways of understanding Lord Caitanya’s philosophy, without following in the footsteps of the acaryas) would simply spoil the spirit of His cult
- Sri Isopanisad instructs us not to make one-sided attempts to win the struggle for existence. Everyone is struggling hard for existence, but the laws of material nature are so hard and fast that they do not allow anyone to surpass them
- Srila Rupa Gosvami and others were begging daily from door to door for their sustenance, and they never attempted to stock their asrama with food for the next day
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has attempted to give evidences from various scriptures about all sixty-four qualities present in the person of the Supreme Lord
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti also advises that if we want to be successful in our attempt to go back to Godhead, we must very seriously act according to the instruction of the spiritual master. That is the way of perfection
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura explains the word arambhan as meaning mathadi-vyaparan, which means "attempts to construct temples and monasteries
- Srimate Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati used to say, "This place is not fit for a gentleman." Once one has approached Krsna and has attempted to make spiritual progress, Krsna, who is situated within the heart, begins to give directions
- Srimati Radharani continued, "You foolish bumblebee, you are trying to satisfy Me and get a reward by singing the glories of Krsna, but it is a useless attempt. We gopis are bereft of all our possessions. We are away from our homes and families"
- Such an attempt (of inventing imitation wings for the airplane) would necessarily be frustrated, for we know that there is no machine that can work without a spirit soul behind it. Even the most complicated computers need trained men to handle them
- Such people (who aspire after liberation attempt to merge into the impersonal Brahman) can never dream of returning home, back to Godhead. There is a gulf of difference between the goal of dharma, artha, kama and moksa and the goal of devotional service
- Suppose one has begun yoga. Yoga means attempt to link with the Supreme. That is called yoga
- Tate chaya darsana haite ‘tattva’ nahi jani: we cannot ascertain the real truth simply by following speculators. We have to follow the footsteps of the mahajanas in the disciplic succession. Then our attempt will be successful
- Ten additional regulations are as follows: (1) one should try to avoid offenses in the service of the Lord and in chanting the holy names; (2) one should avoid the association of unholy nondevotees; (3) one should not attempt to have many disciples
- Texts 245 to 257 (of CC Madhya 8) are all questions and answers between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda Raya. In these exchanges there is an attempt to show the difference between material and spiritual existence
- Thakura Bhaktivinode first attempted to introduce these missionary activities in McGill University
- Thakura Bhaktivinode, in the year of my birth, first attempted to introduce these missionary activities in McGill University and the same attempt is being renovated by your combined efforts
- That is real attempt of United Nation, not this United Nation - all rogues and thieves and cheaters, barking dogs. I am trying for the United Nation. Help me. This is real United Nation. Samah sarvesu bhutesu mad-bhaktim labhate param
- That is the inconceivable potency of the Lord. No one can measure the length and breadth of God by speculation or by false identification with God. These attempts are symptoms of lunacy
- That is the nature of this material world, "How to kill God," "God is dead." This is their attempt
- The advanced scientists have made no attempt to understand the living spark, the spirit, which is always the most important subject. This is our gross ignorance. This is our helplessness
- The ambition for happiness is natural and good, but the attempt to derive it from inert matter by so-called scientific arrangements is an illusory attempt doomed to frustration. Those who are befooled cannot understand this
- The attempt by these so-called spiritual leaders is something like pouring water on the leaves of a tree instead of the root
- The attempt in this material world to maximize happiness and minimize distress is called the struggle for existence
- The attempt of the atheistic Sankhya philosophers to consider material nature the source of these elements (earth, water, fire, etc.), forgetting Krsna, is useless, like trying to get milk from the nipplelike bumps of skin hanging on the neck of a goat
- The attempt of the empiric philosophers to understand the Absolute Truth by speculation is always futile because their process of understanding, their objective and the instruments by which they try to understand the Absolute Truth are all material
- The attempt of the tillers in the paddy field to understand the cosmic manifestation and the cause behind such wonderful work can be compared to the endeavor of the frog in the well to calculate the measurement of the Pacific Ocean
- The attempt to defeat one another is called vitanda, and the final conclusion is called vada. The conclusive truth, the end of all reasoning processes, is Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The attempt to directly become the father of Krsna is not recommended. Such a development can become polluted with Mayavada (impersonal) philosophy
- The attempt to fly to other planets by material means is a challenge to the established order
- The attempt to reach the moon is another example of spoiling energy because even if the moon is reached, the problems of life will not be solved
- The attempts to go from the earth to the moon have failed, but the people of earth can understand what exists on other planets. There is no need of imagination; one may take actual knowledge from Srimad-Bhagavatam and be satisfied
- The belly, although filled, still wants to eat more & the ear, not attempting to hear about You, is generally attracted to cinema songs. The sense of smell is attracted to yet another side, the restless eyes are attracted to scenes of sense gratification
- The best course is to surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead with body, mind and words and always be engaged in His service. This transcendental labor is fruitful, but other attempts to understand the Absolute Truth are never successful
- The conditioned soul is entrapped in material existence, and he attempts to lord over material nature. And so, according to his capacity to dominate material nature, he gets a field of activity. That field of activity is the body. BG 1972 purports
- The demigods, being envious of the austere life of the rigid brahmacaris, would try to cause them to break their vows by dispatching soldiers of Cupid. But in the case of the Lord, it became an unsuccessful attempt
- The devotee, being frustrated in his repeated attempts at economic development, ultimately takes solid shelter under the lotus feet of the Lord
- The entire cosmic manifestation is a gigantic body, but if we accept that it always exists, there can be no question of annihilation. Therefore the attempt to annihilate everything in order to attain zero is an absurdity
- The entire world is under the illusion that people will be happy by advancing in materialistic measures to counteract the miseries of conditional life, but this attempt will never be successful
- The expert leaders of a godless human civilization cannot bring about a fruitful result in all their different attempts at educational advancement or economic development unless they are God conscious
- The fact is that if one engages in the devotional service of the Lord in full Krsna consciousness, he does not have to attempt separately to practice detachment or to wait for an awakening of transcendental knowledge
- The false prestige one acquires by attempting to dominate material nature is illusory
- The false prestige one acquires by attempting to dominate material nature is illusory - CC Preface
- The first illusion is that he wants to become Lord of the material world by accumulating wealth and power, but when he is frustrated in that attempt he wants to be one with the Lord
- The first preaching work is that yourself should become an ideal devotee. Lord Caitanya said that one should first make himself perfect and then attempt to instruct others
- The fruitive workers' attempt to attain to the heavenly planets is nothing more than a phantasmagoria for the devotee. After all, the heavenly planets are material, and in due course of time they will all be dissolved
- The gopis said, "You (Krsna) are the Supreme Person, and if You complete our dressing attempt as the purusa-bhusana, or the male ornament, then all our desires and bodily decorations are complete"
- The great sage Maitreya has given a considerable description of the time of different dimensions, beginning from the atom up to the duration of the life of Brahma. Now he attempts to give some idea of the time of the unlimited Personality of Godhead
- The great sage Maitreya Muni said to Vidura: You are also born in that family, and it is wonderful that because of your attempt the transcendental pastimes of the Lord are becoming newer and newer at every moment
- The guru, or the bona fide spiritual master, is competent to teach the disciple in the right path with reference to the context of all authentic Vedic literature. He does not attempt to juggle words to bewilder the student
- The Hare Krishna movement is so potential that it can do more than what is attempted by the United Nations organization
- The highest stage of transcendental activity is always free from all material desires, fruitive efforts and speculative attempts at knowledge
- The history of the world has factually proved that attempts to increase economic development for bodily comfort through the advancement of material civilization have done nothing to remedy the inevitability of birth, death, old age and disease
- The holy name of Krsna is nondifferent from Krsna, and one who attempts to spread the holy names throughout the world is beloved of Him. Krsna Himself does not tolerate offenses against His pure devotees
- The impersonalist's position in the spiritual world is nonpermanent, for out of loneliness he will attempt to acquire some association. Because he does not associate personally with the Supreme Lord, he has to return again to the world
- The impersonalists are frustrated in their attempts to make the mind void by artificial meditation. It is very difficult to void the mind of all material conceptions
- The incident in which the great witch attempted to kill the child but was killed herself is certainly wonderful. Therefore this verse (SB 10.6.44) uses the word adbhutam, meaning - specifically wonderful
- The inhabitants of Naimisaranya offered their heartfelt blessings to the Lord, and all agreed that none of Lord Balarama's attempts to do something would ever be a failure
- The jnanis and yogis, although trying to be free from the desires of material activities, actually become more and more entangled in false philosophical speculation or strenuous attempts to stop the activities of the senses
- The jnanis, they are simply trying to get out of the material world, but their attempt will be failure because they do not catch up the real spiritual work. Real spiritual work is Krsna
- The king should go out from his home to see with his own eyes how things are going on - Maharaja Pariksit, while on tour, saw a man, Kali, attempting to kill a cow, so the king at once punished him
- The King, his attempt for progeny frustrated in this way, performed a sacrifice named marut-stoma to get a son. The demigods known as the Maruts, being fully satisfied with him, then presented him a son named Bharadvaja
- The limbs of the serpent's body were slackened by the Gandharvas and Yavana soldiers, who had thoroughly defeated his bodily strength. When he attempted to leave the body, he was checked by his enemies
- The living entities are trying to counteract different miserable conditions pertaining to providence, other living entities or the body and mind. Still, they must remain conditioned by the laws of nature, despite all attempts to counter these laws
- The living entity has the tendency to reject the sanction of the Supreme Lord and act independantly in an attempt to dominate the supreme nature, and because he has this tendency, he is called the marginal energy of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity wastes his time in a futile attempt to gain material possessions for the comfort of one body after another
- The Lord never says that one can understand Him by performing mystic yoga or by philosophically speculating. Bhakti is above all such material attempts
- The material attempt changes from one position to another, and no one actually gains relief from the struggle for existence. The only resort is the lotus feet of a bona fide spiritual master, and, through him, the lotus feet of the Lord
- The materialistic scientist's endeavor to reach other planets by mechanical vehicles is only a futile attempt. One can, however, reach heavenly planets by virtuous activities, but one can never expect to go beyond Svarga or Janaloka
- The mayavadi sannyasins are frustrated beings in their attempt to enjoy the world, therefore they say the world is fake or the grapes are sour
- The Mayavadiphilosophers have the audacity to reject the purport of what Vyasadeva explained in the Vedanta-sutra and to say he attempted to establish a doctrine of transformation of the Supreme, which is totally imaginary
- The meditator, the philosopher and the devotee are all to be considered yogis. Arjuna is questioning for all those who are attempting to become successful transcendentalists. And how does Sri Krsna answer him
- The mind must have some engagement. One cannot make the mind vacant. Of course there are some foolish attempts to try to make the mind vacant or void, but that is not possible
- The mind, intelligence and false ego are always engaged in an attempt to dominate material nature. According to that subtle astral body, one attains a gross body to enjoy the objects of one's desires
- The modern astronauts can travel only a few thousand miles away from the earth, and therefore their attempt to travel in the sky is something like child's play on the shore of an expansive ocean
- The modern attempt to go to the moon is also an attempt by inferior men to go to Svargaloka by artificial, mechanical means. This attempt cannot be successful
- The moon is too cold for the inhabitants of this earth, and therefore ordinary persons who want to go there with earthly bodies are attempting to do so in vain
- The more we attempt to exploit material nature according to our whims of enjoyment, the more we shall become entrapped by the reaction of such exploitative attempts
- The mundane Ph.D.'s are completely unable to speculate on the Supreme with their limited senses. Such attempts by the puffed up Ph.D's are compared to the philosophy of the frog in the well
- The mundane wranglers are surprised that one can detach himself from the world of sense gratification, and thus any attempt to be fixed in God realization appears to them to be mysticism
- The Nectar of Devotion is not presented to condemn any way of materialistic life, but the attempt is to give information to religionists, philosophers and people in general how to love Krsna
- The normal temperature should be maintained at 98.6 degrees, and the great sages and saints of India have attempted to do this by a balanced program of spiritual and material knowledge
- The pastimes of Lord Caitanya are unlimited. No one can properly describe His activities, yet I make the attempt out of greed. This but reveals my shamelessness
- The path of light is to satisfy the senses of God. Misguided men, or less intelligent men, follow the path of self-realization without any attempt to satisfy the transcendental senses of God by following the path shown by Arjuna and other devotees of God
- The Personality of Godhead Sri Ramacandra attempted to bridge the Indian Ocean to reach the island of Lanka, but Sri Hanumanji, the unalloyed devotee of the Personality of Godhead, could cross the ocean simply by jumping over it
- The personality of Kali also, after attempting to get rid of the punishment in various ways, decided that he must surrender unto him, and thus he began to tremble in fear of his life
- The personified Vedas continued, "By attempting to worship a demigod or by taking to any other process of self-realization, the living entity becomes a victim of the cycle of birth and death"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Mystic yogis who still have contaminated desires for sense gratification are never successful in their attempt, nor can they realize the Supersoul within the individual self"
- The personified vedas continued, "The perfection of human life is based on knowledge and renunciation, but it is very difficult to attempt to reach the stage of knowledge and renunciation while in family life"
- The personified vedas continued, "Unless they (great mystic yogis) take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master they fall victim to the material influence and are never successful in their attempts at self-realization"
- The phenomenon that occurs when Rahu blocks the light of the sun or moon is called an eclipse. The attempt of the scientists of this earth to go to the moon is as demoniac as Rahu's attack
- The position of servitor is wasted in the material conception of life. In an attempt to dominate material nature, the living entity is forced to offer his service to relative material energy
- The preaching work is not easy-going. There are so many difficulties. All the big, big preachers... Sri Ramanujacarya. His life was attempted to be killed. Why Ramanujacarya? My Guru Maharaja was attempted to be killed
- The present attempts to enter into the heavenly planets by the modern scientists will certainly prove futile because such scientists are not on the level of Arjuna. They are ordinary human beings, without any assets of sacrifice, charity or austerities
- The present endeavor is to transfer one to the moon planet. But as we get information from the Vedic literature, we cannot transfer ourself by mechanical arrangement to the moon planet. That is not possible. This is futile attempt
- The present Krsna consciousness movement is an attempt to keep Krsna in the center, for if this is done all activities will automatically become beautiful and blissful
- The pure devotee never attempts to reach the Supreme Lord directly. The most important way to worship the Lord is to go through the disciplic succession of devotees
- The real knowledge of BG was being choked by unscrupulous Indian leaders, with the result that India's culture, and knowledge of the Supreme were being lost. Now, however, because Krsna consciousness is spreading, the proper use of BG is being attempted
- The regulative principles & the rules of yoga, the various sitting postures & breathing exercises performed in an attempt to withdraw one's senses from the sense objects are methods meant for those who are too much engrossed in bodily conception of life
- The relationship with the Lord is never broken; thus there is no grief and no fear. Such happiness is inexplicable by words, and there can be no attempt to generate such happiness by fruitive activities by arrangements and sacrifices
- The sage Maitreya was very pleased with Vidura's words, and, being influenced by his spirit, he attempted to speak
- The serious student will do well to attempt to go through them (commentaries upon Srimad-Bhagavatam) in order to more happily relish the transcendental messages of the Bhagavatam
- The sons and grandsons generated by Rudra were unlimited in number, and when they assembled together they attempted to devour the entire universe. When Brahma, the father of the living entities, saw this, he became afraid of the situation
- The sons of Daksa followed their elder brothers. Not attempting to produce children, they engaged themselves in Krsna consciousness
- The statement of the Markandeya Purana about the child's situation within the womb is exactly corroborated by modern medical science, and thus the authority of the puranas cannot be disproved, as is sometimes attempted by the Mayavadi philosophers
- The Sudarsana cakra began to freeze the fiery demon created by Lord Siva. In this way, the fiery demon was checked by the Sudarsana cakra of Lord Krsna, and, being defeated in his attempt to devastate the city of Dvaraka, he turned back
- The Supreme Lord Himself does the real creation by agitating His material energy, and then, by His order, Brahma, the first living creature in the universe, attempts to create the different planetary systems and their inhabitants
- The teachers Sanda and Amarka tried to induce Prahlada Maharaja to accept the materialistic way of life, but actually their attempt was a failure
- The United Nations is attempting to establish peace in the world, but they cannot stop war. War breaks out again and again
- The unity of the individual souls attempting to satisfy the Supreme Lord or rendering service to the Lord is real unity. In the material world such unity is not possible
- The Visnudutas accused the Yamadutas of violating the religious principles by attempting to drag Ajamila to Yamaraja for punishment
- The whole cosmic situation is a complete unit and unless and attempt genuine is made for harmonizing the whole disturbed system and partial attempt on our part however large in magnitude will fail to approach the ultimate goal
- The whole struggle is going on to minimize our miseries and to increase our happiness. That is our attempt. Everyone is working for that
- The whole system is to understand Krsna. But one does not know Krsna, so he remains mudha, and therefore all his attempt is baffled
- The whole Vedic philosophy is that if you want to go to some planet - just like people are trying to go to moon planet - so you have to create a body like that. You cannot go in this body. They're attempting to go with this body. That will be failure
- The word divam refers to the higher planetary system known as Svargaloka. Indra, King of the higher planetary system, has the power to push down any conditioned soul attempting to go from the lower to the higher planets without proper qualifications
- The word jugglery they (the Mayavadis) use in an attempt to amalgamate knowledge, the knowable and the knower simply reveals them to be unintelligent
- The word pratyuditah is very significant (in SB 6.2.21). The servants of Yamaraja are so powerful that they can never be hindered anywhere, but this time they were baffled and disappointed in their attempt to take away a man they considered sinful
- The word yoga means "link." Any system of yoga is an attempt to reconnect our broken relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The yogi tries to suppress his senses, but even great mystics like Visvamitra fail in the attempt
- The yogis and jnanis are confused in their attempts to understand Krsna, although the greatest of the impersonalists, Sripada Sankaracarya, has admitted in his Gita commentary that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The yogis and jnanis are confused in their attempts to understand Krsna. Although the greatest of the impersonalists, Sripada Sankaracarya, has admitted in his Gita commentary that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Their (of the scientists) attempts will be failures because no one can enter the moon or sun so easily. Like the attack of Rahu, such attempts will certainly be failures
- There are four sampradayas: Brahma-sampradaya, Rudra-sampradaya, Kumara-sampradaya and Laksmi-sampradaya. And if we do not take either of these sampradayas in disciplic succession, then our attempt to advance in spiritual life will be failure
- There are many politicians, social workers, and philanthropists all over the world, but their attempt has not been successful on account of theor knowledge being plundered by maya
- There are three kinds of transcendentalists trying to overcome the influence of the modes of material nature - the jnanis, yogis and bhaktas. All of them attempt to overcome the influence of the senses, which is compared to the incessant waves of a river
- There can be no loss for either the mystic or the karma-yogi in his attempt to perfect such transcendental activities. And the gain is always assured, even if the process is only partially completed
- There have been many attempts by the demons to hurt or kill the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but He cannot be injured by any material means because He is always in transcendence. Therefore the words pare brahmani are used here - in SB 7.5.41
- There have been many instances in which demons or nondevotees have attempted to kill a devotee, but they have never been able to destroy a great devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There is a steady competition among karmis attempting to advance in a wealthy society
- There is always a hard struggle going on involving man's attempt to dominate material nature. However, for every convenience he manages to produce, there is an inconvenience accompanying it
- There is continuous rivalry in an attempt to satisfy the senses. Thus driven by sense gratificatory consciousness, men enact religious rituals
- There is just the futile attempt to get rid of the miseries, and temporary cessation of misery is falsely called happiness. Therefore, the path of progressive material enjoyment, which is temporary, miserable and illusory, is inferior
- There is much advancement of material science all over the world, but regrettably, these advanced scientists have made no attempt to understand the living spark, the spirit, which is always the most important subject
- There is no possibility that anyone will be successful in understanding the original cause of creation by putting forward theories produced by the material energy. Such an attempt is a manifestation of ignorance
- There is no question of separate attempt - philanthropy, philosophy and nationalism, this "ism," that "ism." We have discovered so many things and diversion of the real duty. That we shall have to concentrate. That is siddhanta
- There may be angles of vision to approach God, but God is one. Therefore our attempt is that you become God conscious. Don't be limited by Christianism or Hinduism or Muhammadanism
- There was even an attempt to prove that the disciplic succession of Madhvacarya was not in line with Vedic principles. A person named Pundarika Puri, a follower of the Mayavada philosophy of Sankaracarya, came before Madhvacarya to discuss the sastras
- These are material dharma: "I am Hindu," "You are Muslim," "You are Christian," "You are this," "You are that." These means an attempt to raise oneself to the platform of real dharma
- These attempts (to remove the difficulties of the material world) will be always frustrated. That is the intrinsic instruction of Bhagavad-gita
- These attempts to stop our Movement will completely fail. It is Krishna's plan for us to become more prominent
- They (the servants of Yamaraja) were baffled and disappointed in their attempt to take away a man they considered sinful. Therefore they immediately returned to Yamaraja and described to him everything that had happened
- They (those who are not actually philosophers, scientists, educators, administrators, etc.,) simply manufacture their own worldly plans and consequently complicate the problems of material existence in their vain attempts to solve them. BG 1972 purports
- They are attempting so much to go to the moon planet. But we are doubtful whether they are actually going. But no benefit has been derived by this excur. . . Simply you have spoiled your energy, time and money
- They say, "It is too difficult a subject." Or they brush it aside: "It is irrelevant." Thus engineers direct their attention to creating and attempting to perfect the horseless carriage and wingless bird
- This (counteracting freezing cold, scorching heat, etc.) is an example of the struggle for existence, the attempt to counteract the onslaught of material nature. This creates enmity in society, and consequently society is filled with envious people
- This (in SB 4.9.33) is a good description of an attempt to transfer a burden from one place to another
- This attempt would create a situation wherein the Lord could embrace them as they willingly approached Him. Upon being embraced, the wives of the Lord would feel on their mouths a clear indication of conjugal love
- This is not my business to make intimate relation with woman and get money. I could do. There was chance. When attempt was failed, the man who introduced that woman to me, he one day said, "I have seen many swamis, but none like you"
- This knowledge that the energy of the Lord is simultaneously one with and different from the Lord is an answer to the mental speculators' attempt to establish the energy as the Absolute
- This Krsna consciousness movement is an attempt, however small it may be, to bring back the human society to real civilization. It is not ordinary movement. They are not civilized
- This Krsna Consciousness Movement is based on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. We have attempted to present this great philosophy to the world in a pure way, without material motive, and by the grace of Lord Krsna our effort has come out successful
- This material world is forest fire. But they are so ignorant, they cannot understand that, "We are burning in the blazing fire of this material existence. Our attempt should be how to get out of it." But there is no such knowledge
- This material world is miserable, regardless of one's standard of life. Of this there is no doubt. Attempts to mitigate the miseries of material existence by material methods will never be successful
- This point should be clearly discussed, that without God conciousness, Krishna Consciousness, any attempt of human civilization so-called philosophical or political or economical or labor, they are all zeros
- This Society is attempting to create a society of devotees all over the world, without any discrimination of caste, creed, color. One must be a devotee of Krsna
- This statement (SB 10.4.46) was made by Sukadeva Gosvami to Maharaja Pariksit. This quotation (of CC Madhya 15.270) concerns the attempted killing of Krsna’s sister (Yogamaya), who appeared before Krsna’s birth as the daughter of mother Yasoda
- Those not interested in understanding Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are simply material in their attempts at professional chanting and dancing for money, despite their supposed artistry
- Those on the level of hogs and dogs will never appreciate such a great attempt (as the Sankirtana movement). Yet this does not matter to the preachers of Sri Caitanya's cult, for all over the world they will continue to perform this responsible work
- Those who adopt the means of devotional service, as prescribed by the expert transcendentalist, are never disappointed in their attempts to enter the anti-material world
- Those who are interested in material promotion engage in ritualistic religious ceremonies and economic development to develop sense gratification. They ultimately attempt to merge into the impersonal existence of the Lord
- Those who aspire after liberation attempt to merge into the impersonal Brahman. To this end they execute ritualistic religious ceremonies, but Srimad-Bhagavatam considers this a cheating process
- Those who cannot understand the position of the Lord are unfortunate. They may think that they can kill the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotee, but all their attempts will be futile. The Lord knows how to deal with them
- Those who do not acknowledge Him (Krsna) and attempt to rival Him are placed into the material universe, which is just like a prison house
- Those who do not directly worship the Supreme Godhead, Krsna, but who attempt to achieve the same goal by an indirect process, also ultimately achieve the supreme goal, Sri Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Those who do not even make an attempt, who want to be covered by illusion, who are too materialistic and too attached to material enjoyment, must enter into the darkest regions of hell, as confirmed throughout the Vedic literature
- Time was growing short. Kalayavana was already besieging Mathura from all sides, and it was expected that the day after next, Jarasandha would also come, equipped with the same number of divisions of soldiers as in his previous seventeen attempts
- To become successful in any attempt, one not only has to undergo severe penances and austerities, but also must be dependent on the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- To describe the Vedic literatures in one's own way, using imperfect senses and imperfect knowledge, is a disastrous blunder. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fully deprecated the attempt to describe the Vedas in this way
- To explain an unclear word, men generally join it with other words. Such an attempt is called udghatyaka
- To learn this science one should take shelter of the representative of Sri Sukadeva and follow in the footsteps of Maharaja Pariksit without foolishly attempting to interpret, thereby committing a great offense at the feet of the Lord
- To say that everyone is a temple of Narayana is correct, but to accept another human being as Narayana is a great offense. The conception of daridra-narayana (poor Narayana), an attempt to identify the poor with Narayana, is also a great offense
- To seek knowledge on the strength of one's personal attempt is a sheer waste of time
- Today is very auspicious day. With great difficulty we have got now sanction. Now please cooperate with this attempt as far as possible
- Tree you cut, there is no personality, it does not protest, "Why you are cutting?" It does not scream. But a man or animal, when you attempt to injure, it screams, it protests. That means consciousness is developed
- Trnavarta intended to take Krsna up in the sky and kill Him, but Krsna enjoyed the pastime of riding on Trnavarta's body and traveling in the sky. Thus his attempt to kill Krsna failed, while Krsna, ananda-cinmaya-rasa-vigraha, enjoyed this pastime
- Ugrasrava (Suta Gosvami), the son of Romaharsana, being fully satisfied by the perfect questions of the brahmanas, thanked them (the sages of Naimisaranya) and attempted to reply
- Under the order of Banasura, the soldiers from all sides attempted to capture and arrest him. When they dared to come before him, Aniruddha struck them with the rod, breaking their heads, legs, arms and thighs, & one after another they fell to the ground
- Unfortunately, there are so-called scientists who are subject to death at every moment but are trying to understand by speculation the wonderful creation of the cosmos. This is a foolish attempt
- Unless one is a servant of Krsna and the Vaisnavas, as Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami presents himself to be in offering respects to Lord Caitanya, His associates and His disciples, one should not attempt to write transcendental literature
- Unless the gross materialists or the worshipers of the temporary demigods come in contact with a transcendentalist like the pure devotee of the Lord, their attempts are simply a waste of energy
- Unless there is God consciousness, unless the body is being properly maintained to realize one's relation with God, all good efforts to maintain body and soul together are similar to the attempts of the animals to maintain body and soul together
- Unless, one comes to the highest perfection of Krsna consciousness, all attempts remain imperfect. BG 1972 purports
- Upananda said, "My dear friends! Now we should leave here for another place because we are continually finding that great demons are coming here to disturb the peaceful situation, and they are especially attempting to kill the small children"
- Upon seeing that his own attempt had failed and that the Sudarsana cakra was moving toward him, Durvasa Muni became very frightened and began to run in all directions to save his life
- Vedanta-sutra says athato brahma jijnasa: those who have given up the attempt to be happy in this material world can inquire about the Absolute Truth
- Visala said, "Why are you attempting to show your chivalrous spirit before me? Before this, you even attempted to fight with Sridama, but you must know that Sridama does not even care to fight with hundreds of Balaramas"
- We are all trying to achieve peace and freedom from these (three categories) miseries, at least unconsciously, and in the higher intellectual circles there are attempts to get rid of these miseries by ingenious plans and designs
- We are always trying to make a solution to these miseries, and this attempt constitutes our struggle for existence. That solution cannot be made by our tiny brain. It can be made only when we lake to the shelter of the Supreme Lord
- We are simply attempting to bring people to the real understanding. Krsna says, mamaivamso jiva-bhutah: (15.7) all living entities are part and parcel of Me
- We are sometimes in difficulty. Not sometimes. Always, we are in difficulty, but we call it sometimes, because to get over the difficulty, we make some attempt, and that attempt - making is taken as happiness
- We are sure that with all our faults in this connection the seriousness of the subject matter will be taken into consideration, and the leaders of society will still accept this due to its being an honest attempt to glorify the Almighty God
- We can go on reading Bhagavad-gita life after life, and we may write a thousand and one commentaries on it, but all such attempts will prove futile - if we are not at all able to grasp this genuine message of Sri Krsna, the teacher of Bhagavad-gita
- We cannot assign Narayana a material designation, as the foolish attempt to do when they speak of daridra-narayana (poor Narayana). Narayana is always transcendental, beyond this material creation
- We have failed to bring in peace and harmony in the human society even by such big attempts like the organization of United Nations because we do not know the method
- We have failed to create peace and harmony in human society, even by such great attempts as the United Nations, because we do not know the right method. The method is very simple, but one has to understand it with a cool head
- We have to follow the principles laid down in the Bhagavad-gita. That will make our life successful. Practically we have to apply this, have to apply the principles. Otherwise the whole attempt will be failure
- We may construct a gorgeous temple and spend thousands of dollars, but such a temple is not required by the Lord. The Lord has many millions of temples for His residence and He does not need our attempt
- We may invent so many ways to be happy or to counteract the dangers of this material world, but unless our attempts are sanctioned by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they will never make us happy
- We may struggle for existence as far as our intelligence allows and may try to take care of ourselves, but unless the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, ultimately saves us from danger, our attempts will be useless
- We may thus struggle to counteract impediments offered by material nature, but our attempts cannot be successful unless we are favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We should know for certain that the Lord is the ultimate sanctioning officer, and we must therefore dedicate our attempts to the mercy of the Lord for ultimate success or to get rid of the obstacles on the path of success
- Whatever you have earned, that is zero. But if you have attempted to serve Krsna with all these zeros, then you have taken some value
- When Dhruva Maharaja was attempting to get on the transcendental plane, he saw death personified approach him. Not caring for death, however, he took advantage of the opportunity to put his feet on the head of death, and thus he got up on the airplane
- When Durvasa touched his lotus feet, Maharaja Ambarisa was very much ashamed, and when he saw Durvasa attempting to offer prayers, because of mercy he was aggrieved even more
- When Gandhari saw, she saw that he was not fully naked, so she regretted, "O my dear son, I asked you to come before me naked. Why you have got this...?" "No, Krsna advised." Then she began to smile, that "My attempt is failure." So Krsna knew it
- When he (Arjuna) was unable to find the baby even after searching all possible planets, he then attempted to throw himself into a fire, since he had promised the brahmana he would do so if unable to bring back his baby
- When he attempted to exhibit his talent in that meeting, Draupadi's brother declared that Karna could not take part in the competition because of his being the son of a sudra carpenter
- When he suffers reverses in his occupation, he tries again and again to improve himself, but when he is baffled in all attempts and is ruined, he accepts money from others because of excessive greed
- When Krsna was just a small baby the gigantic demoness Putana attempted to kill Him, but when He sucked her breast He pulled out her life. That is the difference between the real Godhead and a God manufactured in the mystic factory
- When Krsna was swimming about just like a great strong elephant, He made a tumultuous sound, which the great black serpent Kaliya could hear. The tumult was intolerable for him, and he could understand that this was an attempt to attack his home
- When Madhai again attempted to hurt Nityananda Prabhu, Jagai stopped him and implored him to fall down at His feet
- When Namuci, another demon, saw the killing of both Bala and Paka, he was full of grief and lamentation. Thus he angrily made a great attempt to kill Indra
- When one actually reaches the platform of frustration in an attempt to discharge karma-bandha-phansa, he inquires about the real value of life, which is called brahma jijnasa
- When one attempts to gain liberation from the material clutches, he must first learn to control the sex urge
- When one is baffled in his attempt to attain sense gratification, he takes to the cause of salvation in order to become one with the supreme whole. All these activities arise with the same aim in view - sense gratification
- When Ravana attempted to insult Kartaviryarjuna in the presence of the women and thus offended him, Kartaviryarjuna easily arrested Ravana and put him in custody in the city of Mahismati, just as one captures a monkey, and then released him neglectfully
- When she (Draupadi) was lost in a gambling game, she was forcibly dragged into the assembly hall, and an attempt was made by Duhsasana to see her naked beauty, even though there were elderly persons like Bhisma and Drona present
- When spiritual knowledge is not complete, one will be hindered in his attempt to cleanse the mind of all material variegatedness
- When the chief lord of the universe, Lord Brahma, having been inspired by My energy, was attempting to create, he thought himself incapable. Therefore I gave him advice, and in accordance with My instructions he underwent extremely difficult austerities
- When the creation awaited Brahma's activity, Brahma saw the Lord, and therefore the Lord existed in His personal form before the creation. His eternal form is not created by the attempt of Brahma, as imagined by less intelligent men
- When the gaudas saw that they could not budge the car, they abandoned the attempt. Then the King arrived in great anxiety, and he was accompanied by his officers and friends
- When the great mystic yogi Durvasa deliberately attempted to take the life of Ambarisa, the Lord suitably punished Durvasa, even though he was a powerful yogi who could approach all the demigods and even the Lord Himself
- When the materialist becomes frustrated in his attempts to enjoy himself in the limited material world, he may seek impersonal liberation by merging either with the Causal Ocean or with the impersonal brahma-jyotir effulgence
- When the personification of Kali attempted to kill a cow, Maharaja Pariksit at once prepared himself to kill the miscreant, and the personification of Kali was banished from his kingdom. That is the sign of purusa, or the representative of Lord Visnu
- When the wise man actually becomes wise after many births and whimsical attempts at self-realization, he surrenders unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. Such a mahatma, or learned person, knows that Krsna, Vasudeva, is everything
- When you have no other engagement, at that time you can attempt to paint pictures if you have got taste for such artistic work
- Where is that institution to train people to acquire these transcendental qualities? There is no such institution. We are attempting to qualify the man in transcendental qualities. This is the only institution
- Where you are going? You cannot go beyond this earth. You attempted so much to go to the moon planet, you failed. And where you can go, put-put-put-put? You'll have to stay here
- Whether one is a prakrta-sahajiya or a mundane opportunist or scholar, one’s labor to understand these topics by mundane means will ultimately be frustrated. One therefore has to give up all mundane attempts and try to become a pure devotee of Visnu
- While attempting to do so they (Bhimasena and Duryodhana) appeared to be dancing, but nonetheless it was clear that both of them were very angry
- While Jarasandha was attempting his eighteenth attack, a Yavana king somewhere to the south of Mathura became attracted by the opulence of the Yadu dynasty and also attacked the city
- While the scientist and philosopher go to the moon but are disappointed in their attempts to stay there and live, the devotee makes an easy journey to other planets and ultimately goes back to Godhead
- Why attempt a process that will ultimately meet with frustration? It is therefore said: adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram punah punas carvita-carvananam - SB 7.5.30
- Why did He (Krsna) not chastise the Kurus immediately?" When Draupadi was insulted in the assembly by the Kurus by their attempt to see her naked in the presence of all, the Lord protected Draupadi by supplying an unlimited length of clothing
- Why this system of religion is going on, maintaining slaughterhouse? That means there was no attempt to preach sad-dharma, real dharma. Therefore, in the name of religion they are maintaining thousands of slaughterhouse. You see? It is asad-dharma
- Without knowing the subtle laws of nature, if we tried to justify all our deeds as influenced by the will of the PG, we would be attempting to bring partiality, inebriety, and gracelessness into the acts of the all-good Personality of Godhead
- Without taking to God consciousness and accepting the authority of the Lord, the living entities become ultimately confused and frustrated in their planmaking attempts
- Without Their (Gaura-Nitai's) strength, simply attempting to get out of the clutches of matter by speculative knowledge will be insufficient
- Yoga means God conscious, or Krsna conscious. Everything, anything, any attempt, which we perform, which we do for spiritual realization is called yoga
- Yogamaya and Krsna were born simultaneously, and Vasudeva replaced Yogamaya with Krsna and took Yogamaya away. When she was brought to Mathura and Kamsa attempted to kill her, Yogamaya slipped out of his hands. She could not be killed
- You have asked me what are the formalities that you have to observe for recruiting Krishna devotees in India, and the first principle is that you have to become a pure devotee of the Lord. Then you can attempt to convert others to become devotees
- Your position is always transcendental to the material creation, whereas the empiric attempt to understand You is material, as are its objectives and instruments
- Yudhisthira Maharaja inquired from Krsna, - We are completely dependent on You, but still we are suffering materially so much. Our kingdom has been taken away, our wife has been insulted, & our enemies attempted to burn us in our house. How can this be so