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Pages in category "Effort"
The following 149 pages are in this category, out of 149 total.
- A gross materialist, whether he be an empiric philosopher, a scientist, a psychologist or whatever, cannot attain such success (in mystic perfection and merging of oneself in the activities of the soul & Supersoul) through blunt efforts and word jugglery
- A person who is puffed up by education has no humility and therefore does not seek the protection of a bona fide spiritual master. He thinks that he does not require a spiritual master and that he can achieve the perfection by his own efforts
- According to sruti, the Supreme Lord has unlimited energies (without effort by Him), and these are described under three principal headings, as above mentioned
- Action performed with great effort by one seeking to gratify his desires, and which is enacted from a sense of false ego, is called action in the mode of passion. BG 18.24 - 1972
- Actual happiness is how you learn to love God. Then you get happy. That can be achieved without any material advancement. Anywhere you can have, without any expenditure, without any effort, without any education
- Actually the human effort cannot trace out the history of Krsna consciousness, but taking consideration of the present history, it is at least as old as five thousand years
- After attainment of such knowledge & such detachment from material sense gratification, one’s advancement in the eight opulences attained through mystic yoga practice, such as the anima, laghima & prapti siddhis, is also achieved without separate effort
- All minds are attracted by hearing His sweet voice and flute, or by seeing His beauty. Even Lord Krsna Himself makes efforts to taste that sweetness
- All the efforts of the demons against the demigods, who were favorably situated under the protection of Krsna, were futile
- Although people have no knowledge, they are very proud. But it is not advancement of knowledge to go to the moon after ten years of effort and take a rock and come back
- Anyone who does not believe in God, he's asura. This is the verdict of the sastra. And this asuric civilization is going on all over the world. So we are making little effort to make the asuras devotees. That's all
- Artificially, such sense desires cannot be stopped. But if one is engaged in Krsna consciousness, then, automatically, sense desires subside without extraneous efforts
- As by pouring water on the root of the tree one serves and enlivens all the branches and leaves, so by rendering service unto the Supreme Lord one automatically serves every god and goddess without extraneous effort
- As far as material happiness is concerned, that comes without effort, just as tribulations come without effort
- As soon as one engages himself in the one single obligatory duty -- the duty of spiritual perfection -- then he automatically liquidates all other obligations without having to make separate efforts
- Asru is explained in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu as a combination of joy, anger and moroseness that causes water to flow from the eyes without effort
- Ayacita-vrtti means being accustomed to refrain from begging, and ajagara-vrtti indicates one who is compared to a python, the big snake that makes no effort to acquire food but rather allows food to come automatically within its mouth
- Because the atheist's brain is improperly utilized in opposing the plan of the Supreme Lord, the atheistic planmaker is called duskrtina, which indicates that his intelligence and efforts are misdirected. BG 1972 purports
- Because they (people) are not giving any importance to the instructions of Krsna, the advancement of their so-called civilization resembles the crazy efforts of men in a lunatic asylum
- Because we do not know that there is a complete arrangement in nature for our maintenance, we make efforts to utilize the resources of nature to create a so-called complete life of sense enjoyment
- Because you are doing the field work of book distribution, Krishna has immediately recognized them as true servants. Just like during war, a farm boy or ordinary clerk who goes to fight for his country, immediately becomes a national hero for his effort
- Before the Battle of Kuruksetra, every effort was made to avoid the war, even by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but the other party was determined to fight. So for such a right cause, there is a necessity for fighting. BG 1972 purports
- Being very much aggrieved, sometimes one goes to a sinful person for help, but he has no means to help because he has no intelligence. Thus the living entity is disappointed. This is like running after a mirage in the desert in an effort to find water
- Bhakti, devotional service, dissolves the subtle body of the living entity without separate effort, just as fire in the stomach digests all that we eat
- Brahma's stealing of calves & boys from Krsna may be a wonderful display of mystic power, but when Krsna exhibited His expansive power in so many calves & boys and maintained them without effort, Brahma could understand that his power was insignificant
- By addition of some chemical, a small reservoir of water like that of a metropolitan waterworks tank can be cleared, but by such a tiny effort it is not possible to clear up all the reservoirs of water like the river
- By advancement of such culture (brahminical) , the morale of society is properly maintained, and so peace and prosperity are also attained without extraneous effort
- By ascending knowledge, one tries to elevate himself by his own effort, but by descending knowledge one receives the knowledge from a superior source. In the Vedic tradition, knowledge is imparted to the student from the spiritual master, as in BG
- By scholarship we may be able to manufacture some theory of Bhagavad-gita, just as Mahatma Gandhi did when he interpreted Bhagavad-gita in an effort to support his theory of nonviolence
- By your tiny effort you cannot see God. This is not possible. Just like in the midnight, darkness, it is not possible to see the sun. You can see sun when sun itself reveals to you
- Demons are full of hate, greed, anger, lust, etc., & they are tireless in their efforts to illicitly amass great wealth merely to gratify their sensual urges. On the other hand, their competitors are no less expert in cheating them of their black wealth
- Do those who do not follow the rules and regulations of the scriptures but who have faith in something and worship gods and demigods and men attain success in their effort? Arjuna is putting these questions to Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Either you try to become sinless by your efforts, but if you think that you are unable, then you simply surrender to God, and He will help you
- Even though Lord Krsna, the abode of all mellows, had previously in this way chewed the essence of the mellows of love, still He was unable to fulfill three desires, although He made efforts to taste them
- Everyone is trying to become supreme controllers, but it is not possible by individual, communal or national effort. Because everyone is trying to be supreme, there is great competition in the world
- Everything depends on one's practical performance of duties in an effort to control the senses and conquer the influence of desire and anger. BG 1972 purports
- GBC men should please help him (Harikesa Swami) in his efforts to win the case there as this case will decide the future of our movement there in Europe
- God is not understandable even by the demigods and by the great sages. What is our teeny efforts?
- Gradually the sincere devotee pleases the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the Supreme Lord reveals Himself. One cannot see the Supreme Lord by making personal efforts
- Great personalities understand that a living entity entangled in this material world cannot be freed by his own efforts
- He (a person who is puffed up by so-called education) thinks that he does not require a spiritual master and that he can achieve the highest perfection by his own efforts. Such persons are not eligible for the study of Vedanta-sutra
- He (Pariksit Maharaja) said that even greatly learned scholars fail to know about that, even after great effort. The Lord is unlimited, and His activities are also unfathomed
- I am happy to note that you are all trying to serve the Deities more and more nicely. Please go on in this attitude and such efforts in devotional service will become the greatest pleasure or Krishna Consciousness
- I came here alone, without any expectation, & this movement has become so nice. Actually, by one man's effort it was not possible. This is acintya-sakti, Krsna's, inconceivable. Even a modern businessman, he cannot organize such a worldwide organization
- I have especially designed my books in such a way that they will be appreciated by scholarly persons like yourself and therefore it gives me great satisfaction to know that you have appreciated our humble effort.Thank you very much for your kind words
- If a dog is swimming in the water and one wants to cross the ocean by catching hold of the dog's tail, certainly he is foolish. Similarly, if in distress one seeks shelter of a demigod, he is foolish, for his efforts will be fruitless
- If one is engaged in Krsna consciousness, then, automatically, sense desires subside without extraneous efforts. BG 1972 purports
- If one mistakenly considers his position to be equal to that of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he becomes contaminated by the doctrine of nonduality, and his efforts in transcendental life are rendered ineffective
- If they (rubber-stamped Harijans) are influenced by a desire other than the transcendental service of Visnu, every effort to raise them up from their degraded position will result in disaster & disturbance of the peace & tranquillity of the social order
- If your misery comes by nature, your happiness will also come by nature. Don't bother about it. That is the instruction of Prahlada Maharaja. If you receive the miseries of life without effort, you will similarly achieve happiness without effort
- In real meditation, we ask, "Where am I? What am I?" We cannot find the answers to these questions by any material effort, and because of this all the universities are setting these questions aside
- In spite of his strenuous efforts to attain perfect knowledge, the impersonalist attains merging into the impersonal oneness of the brahmajyoti of the Lord, which is also attained by the enemies of the Lord simply because of their being killed by Him
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is also confirmed by Prahlada Maharaj that merely by personal efforts or by the instructions of higher authorities one cannot attain to the stage of devotional service
- In this verse (SB 3.2.11) the word avitrpta-drsam is most significant. Conditioned souls in the material world are all trying to satisfy their senses in various ways, but they have failed to do so because it is impossible to be satisfied by such efforts
- In world history we see that there have been many leaders who have died working hard. They could not adjust things properly, despite all their hard efforts
- Indeed, I have come here just to meet you. It is very good that even without making an effort I have gotten your interview here
- It is not good to be falsely puffed up, saying that by one's own effort one has become opulent, learned, beautiful and so on. All such good fortune is achieved through the mercy of the Lord
- It is said in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.5.18), tal labhyate duhkhavad anyatah sukham: As far as material happiness is concerned, that comes without effort, just as tribulations come without effort
- It is said in the Bhagavad-gita that even a little effort expended on the path of Krsna consciousness can save one from the greatest danger
- It is the general opinion that among modern-day spiritualists who have tried to know the Supreme through their own puny efforts, Sri Aurobindo has attained some degree of realization
- Maharaja Ambarisa was a pure devotee of the Lord, and thus without any effort on his part the Lord saved him from the wrath of Yogesvara Durvasa Muni, and the latter was obliged to beg pardon from the King
- Maharaja Pariksit had no more than seven days to live, but for others Maharaja Pariksit personally recommends that one hear Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly, nityam, always by one's own effort and with serious devotion also
- Maharaja Pariksit inquired from the learned brahmana Sukadeva Gosvami about the ultimate destination of such great mystics or how they attain such extraordinary powers by their own efforts or by the grace of the Lord
- Maharaja Pariksit made an organized effort to propagate the chanting of the Lord's holy name, and thus he saved the citizens from the clutches of Kali. It is for this advantage only that great sages sometimes wish all good for the age of Kali
- Maharaja Pariksit was the Emperor of the world and all the seas and oceans, and he did not have to take the trouble to acquire such a kingdom by his own effort. He inherited it from his grandfathers Maharaja Yudhisthira and brothers
- Materialists who are overly attracted to the material body, who cannot control their material senses, are carried to the darkest regions of material existence. Such people cannot become Krsna conscious, either by themselves or by congregational effort
- My mind races to taste the pleasure experienced by the abode, but I cannot taste it, even by My best efforts. How may I taste it?
- My Spiritual Master Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Goswami Maharaja made a great effort to execute the order of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and we were fortunate enough to meet Him for service
- No extraneous effort is required for the maintenance of the universe. It's at its own time, fixed up by the energy of the complete whole, and when the time is complete, these temporary manifestations will be annihilated by the complete arrangement
- No one goes into the forest to set fires, but fires automatically take place in the forest, creating inconceivable calamities for the living beings of the forest. Such a fire cannot be extinguished by any human efforts
- No other unit in the universe need make an extraneous effort to try to maintain the universe. The universe functions on its own time scale, which is fixed by the energy of the Complete Whole, and when that schedule is completed
- O Daityas, by human efforts no one can supersede the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who can bring happiness and distress to all living entities
- Once again all the devotees brought Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu back to consciousness by a concerted effort. Then the Lord got up and began wandering here and there, looking all around
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "In spite of various efforts, I have not been able to taste it. But My desire to relish that pleasure increases as I smell its sweetness"
- Once the great King Anga arranged to perform the great sacrifice known as asvamedha. All the expert brahmanas present knew how to invite the demigods, but in spite of their efforts, no demigods participated or appeared in that sacrifice
- One can acquire the respective qualifications by one's own efforts, and thus the son of a Vaisnava can become a mleccha or the son of a candala can become more than a brahmana, all in terms of their association and intimate relation with the Supreme Lord
- One cannot give up this abominable association (with women and sex literature) through one's own effort, but if one takes shelter of a bona fide spiritual master who is a paramahamsa, he will gradually be elevated to the platform of spiritual life
- One gopi said, "It is only we who are very unhappy, because we are searching for You (Krsna) but cannot see You with our greatest effort. Our life is completely dependent upon You; therefore we request that You again come to us"
- One should first, with all conviction, believe in Sri Krsna, and without making efforts to realize Him by speculative philosophy, one should prefer to hear about Him from the Srimad Bhagavad-gita and later from the text of the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- One should first, with all conviction, believe in the Krsna, and without making efforts to realize Him by speculative philosophy, one should prefer to hear about Him from the Srimad Bhagavad-gita and later from the text of the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- One should try to follow in the footsteps of Narada Muni and not make a futile effort to reach other planets by mechanical means
- One simply has to concentrate on one's worship in good faith, as instructed by the bona fide spiritual master, and one's efforts will come out successfully
- One who gets liberation by his own effort is called an impersonalist, and he merges into the glaring effulgence of the Lord, the brahma-jyotir
- Our best efforts should be exerted in trying to follow them (maha-bhagavatas and Lord Caitanya) according to our ability
- Our process is descending process. We are not trying to understand by the ascending process. Inductive or deductive. We accept the statements of the Vedas. Therefore we haven't got to make much effort to understand the thing
- People, they try to understand (the science of Krsna) which is impossible to understand by their own effort. That is a great mistake. Therefore this very word is used, durbodham. What is religion & what is God, that is very, very difficult to understand
- Perhaps with a great deal of time, effort, and money a few men may be able to reach other planets by material means - spaceships, space suits, etc. - but this is a very cumbersome and impractical method
- SB 2.3.10: "Whether one is without desire (the condition of the devotees), or is desirous of all fruitive results, or is after liberation, one should with all efforts try to worship the SPG for complete perfection, culminating in Krsna consciousness"
- Since a devotee of Lord Krsna is by nature nonviolent, and since his mind and senses are controlled, he does not have to make a special effort to acquire the good qualities which result from cultivating knowledge and performing fruitive activities
- Sometimes I think when I see on the street strewn cigarette butts, that if people in general give up cigarette smoking, how much money they can save daily without any effort
- Studying Vedanta-sutra by one's own efforts (the ascending process of knowledge) is another sign of foolishness
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: O King, the demons and Daityas all engaged with full attention and effort in churning the ocean, but because they were not devotees of Vasudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, they were not able to drink the nectar
- Thank you for appreciating my humble efforts on behalf of my spiritual master, Bhaktisiddhanta & Lord Caitanya. Whatever I have done it is due to their potency in Krishna Consciousness. My only achievement is that I have not changed what they have taught
- That (very anxious to see the Lord without making any serious effort to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly) is not the way recommended by an authority like Maharaja Pariksit, who heard and benefited by hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam
- That is the real point, that you can try to understand what you are. The birds and beasts, they cannot understand. That is the difference. So our human effort should be utilized for that realization, not to act like birds and beasts
- The conditioned soul cannot revive his Krsna consciousness by his own effort. But out of causeless mercy, Lord Krsna compiled the Vedic literature and its supplements, the Puranas
- The first impediment is atyahara, overeating or accumulating more wealth than we need. When we give free rein to the senses in an effort to enjoy to the highest degree, we become degraded
- The good reports are coming and it is a fact that we are being highly appreciated for our efforts to introduce this pure spiritual life to the society at large, but we must not lose our own status of advancement in Krsna consciousness
- The highest stage of transcendental activity is always free from all material desires, fruitive efforts and speculative attempts at knowledge
- The insignificant opulences numbering eight (the asta-siddhis, attained by yogis for temporary overlordship) are also under His control, but He is naturally full with all such powers without any effort, and therefore He is the Supreme Lord
- The living entity cannot be liberated from material entanglement by his own effort. He must therefore take to the devotional service of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, or the Supersoul within himself
- The mahatmas have shown the perfect path of charity: devotional service to the Lord. If anyone ignores this path and instead builds hospitals, his effort to help humanity is a mere pretense
- The mystic yogis, after a strenuous effort to control the senses, may be situated in a trance of yoga just to have a vision of the Supersoul within everyone
- The Nagapatnis said, "You (Krsna) are the ultimate goal of all philosophical efforts, and it is actually only You who are described by all philosophies and by different kinds of doctrines"
- The only reformation that is necessary in society is to make an organized effort to turn the citizens into devotees of the Lord, and thus all good qualities of the denizens of heaven will overtake them in their own way
- The priests engaged in the sacrifice then informed King Anga: O King, we are properly offering the clarified butter in the sacrifice, but despite all our efforts the demigods do not accept it
- The prosperity of the world depends not on our own efforts but on the background arrangement of the Supreme Lord, directly carried out by the demigods. BG 1972 purports
- The pseudo-devotee is very anxious to see the Lord according to his whims, not making any serious effort to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly and without detachment from material benefit
- The supreme "1" always wants to make our zero efforts valuable by His (God's) association, just as a loving father always wants an unhappy son to be in a prosperous position
- The Supreme Truth is so great that it is not possible to understand Him or to achieve Him simply by making a mental effort. BG 1972 purports
- The transcendentalist who acts only for the satisfaction of the Supreme Person, without being impelled by a motive of self-satisfaction, is actually free from all worldly duties - without the separate effort made by the sannyasis and the mystics
- The Vedic recommendation is that one make the lotus feet of Visnu the target of all one's efforts. Tad visnoh paramam padam: the Visnu planets, or Visnuloka, are situated above all the material planets
- The whole effort was how to conquer over birth and death. So modern people, they do not understand that birth and death can be conquered
- The whole human effort, civilization, should be conducted with the aim how to stop this repetition of birth and death. This is science
- The whole Vedic civilization is based on the understanding that destiny allows only a certain amount of material happiness in this world, and that our efforts should therefore be directed toward self-realization
- The word "ca" ("and") is used to connect a word or sentence with a previous word or sentence, to give the sense of aggregation, to assist the meaning, to give a collective understanding, to suggest another effort or exertion
- Their (persons too addicted to materialistic life) inclinations toward Krsna are never aroused, either by the instructions of others, by their own efforts, or by a combination of both - SB 7.5.30
- There are many millions and billions of planets far beyond the scientist's calculation. But these are only the manifestations of the Lord's material energy. What can the scientist hope to know of the spiritual potency of the Lord by such material efforts
- There are many millions of planets far, far beyond the scientist's calculation. But these are only the manifestations of the Lord's material energy. What can the scientist hope to know of the spiritual potency of the Lord by such material efforts
- There are two kinds of liberated souls - those who are liberated by the favor of the Lord and those who are liberated by their own effort
- There is no need of strenuous effort to free oneself from sinful reactions. One should unhesitatingly accept Krsna as the supreme savior of all living entities. With faith and love, one should surrender unto Him. BG 1972 purports
- There was a person named Kadanjari who was famed for possessing the strength of 30 men. Madhvacarya placed the big toe of his foot upon the ground & asked the man to separate it from the ground, but the great strong man could not do so after great effort
- They (Samba, Pradyumna, Caru, Bhanu and Gada) could understand that the animal was trapped and could not escape by its own effort, so out of compassion they tried to take the large lizard out of the well
- Thinking himself successful in his efforts, he (Jarasandha) left the city of Mathura and returned to his home in the kingdom of Magadha. Gradually Krsna and Balarama reached the city of Dvaraka, which was surrounded by the sea
- This Krsna Consciousness Movement is based on the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. We have attempted to present this great philosophy to the world in a pure way, without material motive, and by the grace of Lord Krsna our effort has come out successful
- This material world is the tatastha characteristics, and the spiritual world is the personal characteristics. So our effort is to get out of this tatastha, or, tatastha means marginal, marginal characteristics to the permanent characteristics
- To approach God, either you become sinless by your own efforts or you simply surrender unto God, and He will help you to become sinless. Whichever you like. He is giving full freedom
- Unfortunately, their (so-called philanthropists) meager efforts, either singly or together, do not solve anyone's problems
- Unfortunately, their (the so-called philanthropists') meager efforts, either singly or together, do not solve anyone's problems
- Unless there is God consciousness, unless the body is being properly maintained to realize one's relation with God, all good efforts to maintain body and soul together are similar to the attempts of the animals to maintain body and soul together
- We can enjoy only what comes from Visnu as a token of His kindness. We must not enjoy anything that is not offered by Him. We should not make any extra effort to obtain anything which belongs to Him or others. That is the spirit of Vaisnavism
- We have nothing to do other than listen, and by listening carefully, enlightenment is sure to come. Krsna will surely help, for He is seated within. We only have to make the effort and spare a little time
- We should give up all our tiny efforts to defy the arrangement of Krsna. Instead, whatever arrangements He proposes, we should accept. This is always better, for this will make us happy
- What to speak of the ordinary mortals, even great sages and powerful demigods become totally bewildered in their efforts to know the Supreme Lord
- When the conditioned soul tries to get out of her clutches by spiritual advancement of knowledge, material nature becomes more stringent and vigorous in her efforts to test how much the aspiring spiritualist is sincere
- Whether one is without desire (the condition of the devotees), or is desirous of all fruitive results, or is after liberation, one should with all efforts try to worship the SPG for complete perfection, culminating in KC. SB 2.3.10. BG 1972 purports
- Whether one practices yoga or speculates and does research to find God, one's efforts must be mixed with the process of devotion. Without devotion, nothing can be perfect
- You all 3 couples are expert in the matter of preaching Krishna Consciousness, and your last effort in the matter of performing Ratha Yatra festival was so successful. So I am sure by your combined effort in London, there will be a great successful center
- You cannot by your teeny effort with limited power, limited sense, I mean to say, perception, you cannot speculate. You have to understand from authoritative statements. That is called Veda
- You should give much effort for book distribution, it is such a valuable service