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Pages in category "Whimsically"
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- A brahmana is not butcher. Neither a ksatriya. Ksatriya fights, kills, but in regular religious fight. Not that by whimsically he'll fight and kill men. No. So here it is said, nijagrahaujasa virah
- A devotee does not imagine something whimsical about the form of the Lord, nor does he ever think that the Lord is impersonal and can assume a form desired by the nondevotee
- A married man also can be brahmacari. If a married man stick to one wife, and before sex, if he takes permission from his spiritual master, then he is brahmacari. Not whimsically
- A materialistic person interested in sense gratification can be called a puranjana. Because such a materialistic person utilizes his senses according to his whims, he may also be called a king
- A person who acts whimsically falls down due to false prestige. Thus he becomes involved in the laws of nature, which are composed of the three qualities (goodness, passion and ignorance)
- A person who knowingly violates the rules acts in lust. He knows that this is forbidden, but still he acts. This is called acting whimsically
- Aham has a specific meaning; it is not a vague term that can be whimsically interpreted. Aham, when spoken by Krsna, refers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and nothing else
- Another difficulty is that in modern civilization everyone is independent spirited. The girls are no longer very much humble and submissive to their husbands. So you must be prepared to tolerate such whims of your future wife
- Any great man of the material world is, after all, a conditioned soul. He is bound by his hands and feet by the ropes of material nature, and still the foolish conditioned soul thinks of himself as free to act by his whimsical sentiments
- Any question, any problem, it is solved not by the whims of the student, but it is solved by the expert master by explaining it very elaborately
- Anything you want to do you must take sanction from the Lord. You cannot do anything whimsically and you think that "I am rendering service to the Lord."
- Arjuna considers that the son of his great teacher should be spared, for he happens to be the son of Dronacarya, even though he is an unworthy son, having done all sorts of heinous acts whimsically for no one's benefit
- As a householder, Prthu Maharaja had five sons by his wife, Arci, and all these sons were begotten as he desired them. They were not born whimsically or by accident
- As soon as there is some personal interpretation (in the carried message of authority), the message is lost and the instructions become offensive. A person who interprets the scriptures according to his own whims should be immediately rejected
- Asuras, instead of accepting these instructions (of Bhagavad-gita) directly, make commentaries according to their own whimsical ways and mislead everyone, without profit even for themselves
- Asuras, instead of accepting these instructions directly, make commentaries according to their own whimsical ways and mislead everyone, without profit even for themselves. One should therefore be very careful of demoniac, godless persons
- At the present moment Bhagavad-gita is being interpreted by anyone and everyone according to his whims. That is not permissible. That is not Bhagavad-gita
- At the utmost we can only gratify our personal whims by some pseudo-adaptation of this (Meditation) system
- Bhagavad-gita clearly states that one who does not accept the sastra-vidhi, or rules and regulations mentioned in the Vedic scriptures, and acts whimsically or puffed up with false pride never attains perfection in this life
- Brahma had not come to Priyavrata by his own whims: rather, it is understood that he had been ordered to persuade Priyavrata by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose activities cannot be understood by material senses and who is described as aprameya
- Brahmaji is conscious of his actual position, and he knows how less intelligent persons, bewildered by the illusory energy of the Lord, whimsically accept anyone and everyone as God
- By factual evidence a person can be accepted as an incarnation of God, not whimsically or by the votes of rascals and fools
- Charity is to be given to the renouncer of life, to the brahmanas, and similar good causes, not to any whimsical cause. BG 1972 purports
- Created a havoc by misinterpreting Bhagavad-gita, all people. According to their whims, "Five rupees note means four rupees," by imagination, they have created havoc all over the world. Otherwise everything is there
- Desires to expand the mind by perfecting mystic yoga, merging in the existence of Brahman, or attaining whimsical material prosperity are all included within the category of greed
- Devotee means he is able to tolerate all kinds of discomfort and whims of the material nature, and because he is so much absorbed in serving Krishna, he takes no time to become angry or take offense with others or find out some fault, no
- Every human being should therefore take advantage of the Vedic instructions; otherwise one will be bound by his whimsical activities and will be without any guide
- Everyone wants to enjoy this material world according to his whims and purpose. Krsna gives facility to everyone. So that facility is given according to his desire, a particular type of body
- Everything in Krsna consciousness is scientific. It is not bogus, whimsical, sentimental, fanatical or imaginary. It is truth, fact, reality. One must understand Krsna in truth
- Everything is there in the Vedic culture, but this culture of Krsna consciousness, which is summarized in Bhagavad-gita As It Is, had not been preached properly. Everyone had interpreted Bhagavad-gita in his own way, to satisfy his own whims
- Fight on the principle of religion. That is real fight. Otherwise fight whimsically, that is animals' fight, cats' and dogs' fight
- Fighting whimsically by the politicians, that is not sanctioned. There must be dharma-yuddha. dharma-yuddha means religious fight, fight on religious principles
- Foolish men, or men with a poor fund of knowledge, do not understand the Supreme Lord, and they interpret Krsna according to their respective whims
- Fools do not know what is within and what is without. They comment on the Bhagavad-gita according to their own whims. Such persons cannot be elevated to the highest stage of love of Godhead
- For a neophyte devotee there are two kinds of persons whose association is undesirable: (2) unbelievers who do not serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead but serve their senses and their mental whims in terms of their speculative habits
- For Krishna we can execute any activity, but this is not free license to act whimsically. Arjuna was able to fight on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra because this was Krishna's desire, not because it was simply his whims
- Formerly war was never declared by the whims of selfish political leaders; it was carried out on religious principles free from all vices. Violence carried out on religious principles is far superior to so-called nonviolence
- From a scientific point of view, the answers of the Old Testament, New Testament and Koran to many questions have changed. But a sastra cannot change at a person's whim
- Ghostly life means one who has misused this life, this body, and by his whims he has killed this body. He becomes ghost. That means he will have to suffer for so many day, then he'll get another material body
- Giving up the regulative principles and living according to one's whims is compared to a mad elephant, which by force uproots the bhakti-lata and breaks it to pieces
- Has this civilization enhanced the cause of equality and fraternity by sending thousands of men into a hellish factory and the war fields at the whims of a particular man?
- Having no knowledge of the ultimate goal of life, such persons (sudras) whimsically enact laws without knowledge of life's purpose. The result is that no one is happy
- He (a person who knowingly violates the rules acts in lust) knows that this should be done, but still he does not do it; therefore he is called whimsical. Such persons are destined to be condemned by the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- He goes to the forest and he'll think of woman and money, what is the use? By his action, it will be proved. The same way, taking rest, sleeping, and doing everything whimsically. So Krsna knows everything
- He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection nor happiness nor the supreme destination
- He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination
- He who discards scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination. BG 16.23 - 1972
- He who discards scriptural injunctions& acts according to his own whims attains neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the supreme destination. One who does not strictly follow the terms of the Vedic injunctions never attains success in life or happiness
- His (Krsna's) representative does not say anything which Krsna Himself does not say. It is very easy to be a representative, but one cannot be a representative of Krsna if one tries to interpret Krsna's words in a whimsical way
- How the Deity will be kept from being mishandled or kept in a dirty place or even thrown away at the whim of the child? You cannot always check her. Therefore to such a small child the Deity of Lord Jagannatha should not be given
- I am especially interested in the land which I asked from you within the vicinity of Caitanya Math. This is in pursuance of the desire of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura and Srila Prabhupada. It is not for my personal use or satisfaction of personal whims
- I am not presenting a God whimsically. I am presenting a God who is recognized. So why don't you accept? What is the difficulty?
- I am old man. I will die. If they take it seriously, it will go on, and there will be revolution. Because we are not working whimsically, capriciously. We are taking authoritative version from the sastra
- I don't say whimsically. Because they are misleading, therefore they are rascals. So many human being they are misleading by false knowledge
- I have got some pain in this finger, I scratch some nail that I should not have done, but immediately there is reaction, I'm suffering. You cannot do anything whimsically. As soon as you do it, immediately there is reaction
- If he (who wants to control the mind) acts whimsically, what is the possibility of the mind being controlled? When the mind is finally trained to the point where it will think of nothing but Krsna, it will attain peace and will become very tranquil
- If Krsna orders we shall do, but not purposely at your whims. There is nothing wrong for a Krsna conscious person. But what we think materially wrong, if it is ordered by Krsna, we shall do it. For Krsna there is no wrong
- If one desires to advance in spiritual life but he acts whimsically, not following the orders of the spiritual master, he has no shelter. Yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto 'pi
- If one does not follow them (direction of the sastra) and acts whimsically according to his lust, greed and desire, then he never will be perfect in his life. BG 1972 purports
- If one follows bona fide guru's instruction, and he is engaged in devotional service, then it is possible. Then it is possible. Otherwise, if he does whimsically, then it will be a failure
- If one is performing one's material duties very perfectly, then what is gain there? He's simply wasting time. And a devotee, even by sentiment or whimsically comes in this center and gives some service, that is a permanent record
- If one kills poor animals to satisfy the temporary whims of this body, one does not know that he will suffer in his next birth, for such a sinful miscreant must go to hell and suffer the results of his actions - SB 10.10.10
- If one studies the Vedanta-sutra as it is, without whimsical and capricious adulteration, one can understand the Vedanta-sutra very easily
- If the creative laws are changed according to the whims of providence, then providence certainly should not be considered merciful, but must be considered inimical to the created being
- If the government is careless in this matter, the citizens will act whimsically, without any sense of God realization or spiritual life, and thus become entangled in sinful activities
- If we accept Krsna's instruction, then you are perfect, and if you go on doing something whimsically, then you are suffering. But we prefer to act whimsically according to our dictation of the senses. We do not take the dictation of Krsna
- If we do not care for the sastra, whimsically manufacture our own ways of life, na siddhim sa avapnoti, it will never be successful. Na sukham. And there will be no happiness
- If we do not take direction from the Vedas but act whimsically according to our own choice, we are sure to be punished by the laws of the Lord, who offers different types of bodies in the 8,400,000 species of forms
- If we move according to the instructions of the Vedas, the perfect paths for our lives will be set. Otherwise, if we do not move in that way but act according to our whimsical ideas, our lives will be spoiled by confusion and will end in despair
- If we study Bhagavad-gita as it is, our life will be perfect, undoubtedly. But unfortunately, we also misinterpret Bhagavad-gita according to our own whims, and therefore we are misguiding
- If we want to take a particular medicine, then we have to follow the directions written on the label. We cannot take the medicine according to our own whim or the direction of a friend. BG 1972 Introduction
- If you are at all interested, you can return. Your service was there. Why did you leave, and now you are whimsically asking for service. You never asked me before leaving. How can I guide you? If you act whimsically, nobody can make you happy
- If you remain blind, don't try to lead other blind men. That is misleading. First of all open your eyes. Everything is there. Nobody can do anything whimsically. If you do whimsically, concoctedly, that will be failure. It will not be effective
- If you understand Krsna tattvatah, in truth, not superficially, not whimsically, not according to your idea - parampara - then your life is perfect
- In all other business, there is no question of pleasing Krsna. When one nation declares war upon another, there is no question of pleasing Krsna or serving Krsna. They're pleasing their own senses, serving their own whims
- In democratic government at the present moment all kinds of fools and rascals are making decisions. But what can they do? What is the result of their legislation? They enact something today just to whimsically repeal it tomorrow
- In one case we are acting according to our own whims, & in the other we are acting under the direction of the government. Similarly, when we act under direction of Krsna, our actions performed are called akarma, for that kind of activity has no reaction
- In Sanskrit, there are definite rules that regulate poetry; rhyme and meter are not written whimsically, as in much modern poetry. BG 1972 purports
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 16.23), Lord Krsna Himself says - If one acts whimsically and does not follow the sastric principles, he will never attain perfection, happiness or the spiritual world
- In the Bible it is said, "All things were made by Him, created by Him." Therefore He is the father of everything. "Without Him was not anything made that was made." So you cannot deny the authoritative statement of Vedas or Bible by your whimsical way
- In the spiritual world or in spiritual vision there is nothing but omkara, or the one alternate, om. Unfortunately, Sankara has abandoned this chief word, omkara, and has whimsically accepted tat tvam asi as the supreme vibration of the Vedas
- In this (CC Madhya 8.83) regard, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura explains that this verse does not advocate the whimsical invention of some methods of love of Godhead. Such inventions cannot be accepted as topmost
- In this material condition, we are serving our whims, kama. Sometimes I become angry and I serve my anger - I beat others. That means I am serving anger. I am serving my lust. I am serving my greediness
- In truth, not whimsically, not sentimentally; with sound philosophy, knowledge, argument, you try to understand Bhagavad-gita as it is, then after giving up this body, undoubtedly you go back to Krsna
- Independently means if we want to enjoy life according to my whims. That is called so-called independence. But by such independence, we are never happy, so we transmigrate for this so-called illusory happiness from one body to another
- Interpreting the verses of Vedanta-sutra according to one's own whim is the greatest disservice to the self-evident Vedas
- It is not by my whims I accept Krsna as the perfect person. No. There are many authorities, Vedic authorities
- It is not that because there is no stock we can do whimsically as we like and lose the idea; that is rasa-bhasa
- It is not that Krsna comes whimsically. He has a great plan, otherwise why should He come here? He is very much eager to take us back home, back to Godhead. That is Krsna's business
- It is not that one accepts a portion of Bhagavad-gita according to his own whimsical interpretations and then rejects another portion. This is not sraddha. Sraddha means accepting the instructions of Bhagavad-gita in their totality
- It is not that we are to search out a spiritual master whimsically. We should be very serious to find a person who is actually in knowledge of the subject
- It may be argued that although we have accepted Him (Krsna) as a perfect person, there are many others who do not. Rut one should not think that this acceptance is whimsical; He is accepted as the perfect person on the evidence of many authorities
- Just like a good lawyer in the court. When he says something, immediately he quotes the law, "Section number such, laws number such," and that is authorized; not that whimsically if he says. That is not the process
- Just like nowadays, party. India is suffering in party politics. And they did not like to give importance to monarchy. They wanted to rule according to their whims, and therefore the whole scheme failed
- Killing the body of anyone without authority is abominable and is punishable by the law of the state as well as by the law of the Lord. Arjuna, however, is being engaged in killing for the principle of religion, and not whimsically. BG 1972 purports
- Kings greedy for sense gratification on this earth almost always kill their enemies indiscriminately. To satisfy their own whims, they may kill anyone, even their mothers, fathers, brothers or friends - SB 10.1.67
- Krsna advises us to always become Krsna conscious, and we should always think that we are acting for Krsna. Of course, we should work by the order of Krsna or His representative, not whimsically
- Krsna is ready to give you instruction. The spiritual master is ready. Why should you do at your whims, and do something wrong and go to hell?
- Lord Caitanya is the Absolute Truth, Krsna Himself. This is substantiated by evidence from the authentic spiritual scriptures. Sometimes people accept a man as God on the basis of their whimsical sentiments & without reference to the revealed scriptures
- Lord Caitanya, five hundred years ago, He appeared in Bengal and He introduced this movement, sankirtana movement - not whimsically, but according to the tenets of Vedic literature, where it is stated that krte yad dhyayato visnum - SB 12.3.52
- Materialistic persons, who are too much engaged in material enjoyment and who do not know anything beyond their material experiences, are carried by the whims of material nature
- Mental tapasya. Bodily tapasya. Verbal tapasya - controlling vaco-vegam, the urge to talk loosely or whimsically. You cannot talk nonsense. If you talk, you must talk about Krsna. That is tapasya
- Modern scientists and philosophers foolishly explain that there was no civilization prior to three thousand years ago, but the statement of this verse (SB 7.8.33) nullifies such whimsical judgments
- Nature's law is that if the human being does not follow the injunction of the sastra and he acts whimsically, independently, then he becomes punishable
- No one can create a living being despite all advancement of material science, and therefore no one has the right to kill a living being by one's independent whims
- Nobody is competent to interpret on the Shastras by one's whim. It is science it has to be learnt from the proper sources
- Nonetheless, the raksasas are prepared to sacrifice everything to satisfy their whimsical desires. It is very difficult for them to understand the real situation because they are overly enamored with material civilization. Who then can understand
- Nor is the arca form fashioned according to the whims of the worshiper. This form is eternally existent with all paraphernalia. This can be actually felt by a sincere devotee, but not by an atheist
- One cannot accept scientific knowledge in his own whimsical way. In the science of mathematics, for example, two plus two equals four, and one cannot make it equal three or five
- One cannot offer to the Deity according to one's whims; since these fruits and vegetables are available anywhere in the universe, we should observe this small point very attentively
- One does not become spiritual master by his own whims. That is not spiritual master. He must be ordered by superior authority. Then he's spiritual master
- One in the mode of ignorance does not work by a regulative principle; he wants to act whimsically for no purpose. Even though he has the capacity to work, he makes no endeavor. This is called illusion. BG 1972 purports
- One may possess unusual opulence in this material world, but if one becomes puffed up and acts whimsically he will be punished by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the lesson to learn from this history
- One should not accept the sannyasa order whimsically; he must be fully confident that he can restrain his desires for sense gratification
- One should not whimsically accept a person as an incarnation but should try to understand the characteristics of an incarnation by referring to scriptures
- One should note that, after doing something whimsically, he should not offer the result to the Supreme Lord. That sort of duty is not in the devotional service of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- One should take prasada at scheduled times and should not eat in restaurants or sweetmeat shops simply to satisfy the whims of the tongue or belly. If we stick to the principle of taking only prasada, the urges of the belly and tongue can be controlled
- One who disregards the injunctions of the sastras and acts whimsically, as he likes, never achieves the perfection of life, not to speak of happiness. Nor does he return home to the spiritual world
- One who does not follow the regulative principles as they are laid down in the scriptures and who acts according to his whims is called demoniac or asuric. There is no other criterion but obedience to the regulative principles of scriptures. BG 1972 pur
- Otherwise, a person who acts whimsically falls down due to false prestige. Thus he becomes involved in the laws of nature, which are composed of the three qualities (goodness, passion and ignorance)
- Philosophers and scientists conduct scholarly research to find the original cause, but they should do so scientifically, not whimsically or through fantastic theories
- Practicing the scriptural rules and regulations only for the sake of following them and not for the sake of spiritual advancement, or rejecting the rules and regulations of the scriptures and working independently or whimsically
- Pravrtti-marga means if you want to enjoy the senses whimsically, as much as you like, that is called pravrtti-marga. And the other marga, way is the crossing, the nivrtti-marga: no more sense gratification. That is called nivrtti-marga
- Present fighting, the politicians, out of their whims they declare war, that is not religious fighting - that is abominable. That is to serve their political ends
- Racial strife, civil wars, violent revolutions, and world wars so common in the modern age are all caused by the whimsical and selfish nature of impious men
- Regarding the new names of your sister and mother-in-law - -why are you giving them spiritual names? You are not authorized to do this. Spiritual names are given by the spiritual master at the time of initiation. It is not to be done as a whimsical act
- Scholars may give their own interpretation of Bhagavad-gita, analyzing it according to their own whims, but that is not Bhagavad-gita. This is the point that Sri Krsna is stressing, and a student of Bhagavad-gita should note it
- Sixty-four crores of men were killed in the battlefield of Kuruksetra. So he was not happy, although the battle, the fight, was religious fight. It is not whimsical
- So don't spoil the movement by manufacturing ideas. Don't do that. Go on in the standard way, keep yourself pure; then movement is sure to be successful. But if you want to spoil it by whimsical, then what can be done?
- So everyone is acting whimsically, whatever he likes, and the so-called svamis are preaching,- No, no, whatever you like, that's all right. You can eat whatever you like. You can do whatever you like. You think yourself that you are God, that's all right
- So far I am concerned I am conducted by the order of a superior authority and liberated person. My spiritual master Om Visnupada Sri Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja wanted it and just trying to serve Him without any personal whim
- Sometimes the sahajiyas imitate advanced devotees and live in their own whimsical way, avoiding the principles set down in the revealed scriptures
- Srila Locana dasa Thakura has sung, apana karama, bhunjaye samana, kahaye locana dasa. Instead of taking good instructions from the sages and the sastras, godless nondevotees act whimsically, according to their own plans
- Srila Rupa Gosvami says in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu - You cannot become purified or actually God conscious without reference to both sruti and smrti. So as we push on this Krsna consciousness movement, it is not whimsical
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami describes the Bhagavatam from its very beginning and not whimsically to satisfy the mundaner who has very little knowledge in transcendental science
- Sruti-sastra-nindanam, and to decry the Vedic literature. And third, to interpret the holy name in different way according to our own whims. This is also offense
- Strictly speaking, if a devotee ignores the regulative principles and acts according to his whims - if, for example, he does not eat krsna-prasadam but eats anywhere and everywhere, such as in restaurants - there is every possibility of his falling down
- Sudras also, they abide by the Vedic orders. They do not do whimsically whatever he likes
- Tattvatah means reality, scientifically. Not by whims or sentiments or fanaticism. No. Everything. Krsna consciousness is everything scientific, solid scientific. It is not bogus
- The body is just like a chariot or car in which one may go anywhere. One may drive well, or else one may drive whimsically, in which case it is quite possible that he may have an accident and fall into a ditch
- The conclusion is that people in the time of Maharaja Pariksit were happy, and the animals were given proper protection because the executive head was not whimsical or ignorant of God's law
- The creation does not arise whimsically, as atheistic men think. They say that this world is unreal, that there is no foundation and that there is no God in control. It is produced of sex desire and has no cause other than lust - BG 16.8
- The demoniac person may not agree to accept the supremacy of the Lord, and it is a fact that he may act according to his own whims, but his next birth will depend upon the decision of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and not on himself. BG 1972 purports
- The devotees of Lord Caitanya must preach Krsna consciousness in every village and town in the world. That will satisfy the Lord. It is not that one should act whimsically for his own personal satisfaction
- The different grades of living entities are not created by Brahmaji by his capricious whims, but he is entrusted with the task of giving the living entities different grades of body so that they can work accordingly
- The difficulty is, as soon as we misinterpret to our whims, to show our scholarship, it is spoiled. Don't do that. Read it as it is and you will get the benefit
- The laws of nature are not subservient to the whimsical desires of the conditioned soul. Our endeavor, therefore, should be to associate always with sattva-guna and not indulge in rajo-guna or tamo-guna - rajas-tamo-bhavah - SB 1.2.19
- The learned mental speculators, however, think of Him according to their whims. May the Lord be pleased with me
- The Lord certainly fulfills all desires in regard to transcendental loving service, but He cannot fulfill the whims of nondevotees, even when such casual devotees offer Him the best of prayers
- The paper industry cuts many hundreds and thousands of trees for its mills, and with the paper so much rubbish literature is published for the whimsical satisfaction of human society
- The particular medicine is recommended by the doctor, not by your whims. Sruti and smrti cannot be changed, but they may recommend a particular process at a particular time
- The pseudo-devotee is very anxious to see the Lord according to his whims, not making any serious effort to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam regularly and without detachment from material benefit
- The serious student of the rasa should receive the message of Bhagavatam in the chain of disciplic succession from Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, who describes the Bhagavatam from its very beginning and not whimsically to satisfy the mundaner
- The so called democratic government means some of the sudras, rascals without any knowledge of the highest aim of life. By hook and crook they get some votes and get the responsible chair in government. Naturally they can whimsically enact any law
- The word kama-caratah is very significant. A person who knowingly violates the rules acts in lust. He knows that this is forbidden, still he acts. This is called acting whimsically. BG 1972 purports
- The word kama-karatah is very significant. A person who knowingly violates the rules acts in lust. He knows that this is forbidden, but still he acts. This is called acting whimsically
- The word ucchrnkhala, meaning - whimsical, is significant in this verse - CC Madhya 17.121
- The world can be destroyed only by the will of the Lord and not by the whims of tiny politicians
- There are prescribed duties for all the inhabitants of this material world, especially for the brahmanas but also for the people in general, who are subject to the whims of death
- There are so many editions of Bhagavad-gita. So our Krsna consciousness movement is to request you to read this BG as it is. Do not try to comment upon it whimsically. Therefore we are publishing Bhagavad-gita as it is, without any imperfect comment
- There is life, and we are preparing for the next life. That is real knowledge. So we should not waste our this valuable life whimsically. That is the instruction of all Vedic literature. Don't spoil it
- There is no room for personal whims; we must always be guided by the pleasure of the Lord. Such action is called yogah karmasu kausalam (BG 2.50), or actions performed which are linked with the Supreme Lord. That is the art of doing a thing perfectly
- These talks (between Ramananda Raya and Sri Caitanya in the chapter 8 of CC Madhya) cannot be understood by whimsical people. Transcendental topics remain far, far away from those engaged in mundane arguments
- They (the demoniac) do everything whimsically, according to their own desire, and they do not recognize any authority. BG 1972 purports
- They (the inhabitants of the topmost planetary systems) do not have to 3) to possess such power as will never be frustrated in any desire -prakamya-siddhi-, or to assume any shape or form one may even whimsically desire - kamavasayita-siddhi
- They (veda-vasis) have recently made a rule in their group to formally observe daily sacrifice; they simply ignite a small fire and offer something whimsically, but they do not strictly follow the sacrificial rules and regulations mentioned in the Vedas
- Things may not be arbitrary, whimsical, therefore we have to take reference from Bhagavad-gita. Lawbook. When a judge gives his judgement, he does not give it arbitrarily. There is lawbooks
- This (moon) is the nearest planet, and there are so many other planets also. So you cannot go by your whims or by your will. This is called bondage
- This is called surrender that, "I have tried to satisfy my . . . the whims of my senses so many lives. I have become frustrated, confused. Let me try this life to satisfy the senses of Krsna." That's all
- This is the influence of Kali-yuga. One becomes disciple of a spiritual master, then he whimsically disagrees. So why, if you disagree, why should you accept somebody as spiritual master
- This is the way, not whimsically accept any rascal as avatara. No. That is not the process. Or any rascal as God. This rascaldom has killed the whole human society to become atheist. You should be very, very careful of these rascals
- This knowledge and method (of Krsna consciousness) is distributed by the sannyasis; hence charity is to be given to the renouncer of life, to the brahmanas, and similar good causes, not to any whimsical cause
- Those who do not accept Krsna as He is and Bhagavad-gita as it is should not try to explain Bhagavad-gita whimsically and become offenders. BG 1972 purports
- Thus He whimsically began to explain the path of philosophical speculation, and the Lord, in His anger, seemingly disrespected Him
- Try to hear about Krsna from Bhagavad-gita as it is. Don't malinterpret by your whimsical way. Then you will lose the opportunity. Don't follow these rascals who interpret Bhagavad-gita. There is no question of interpretation. Take Bhagavad-gita as it is
- We accept a certain portion of Bhagavad-gita and reject another portion. That is also not accepted. We must accept the Bhagavad-gita without interpretation, without any cutting, and without our own whimsical participation in the matter
- We are already fallen. Now if we want to save ourselves from this fallen condition, take instruction from Krsna and do not try to deviate, do not try to interpret in your own whimsical way, in a rascal way
- We are being directed by the whims. So it is very lamentable condition of India, although this Krsna consciousness is India's original culture, Krsna culture. Krsna appeared on this land
- We are feeding ordinary child, which is done by cats and dogs also, but Mother Yasoda is feeding Krsna. The same process. The process there is no difference, but one is the Krsna center and the other is whimsical center. That is the difference
- We are following in the footsteps of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It is not whimsical. You have to follow the authority in all circumstances
- We are human beings, we should know what Krsna says. Krsna says, evam parampara praptam imam rajarsayo viduh. The parampara, whether he's speaking parampara or he's speaking whimsically. That much sense we must have
- We do not accept Krsna as perfect simply on the basis of our whims or sentiments. No - Krsna is accepted as God by many Vedic authorities like Vyasadeva, the author of all Vedic literatures
- We have got practical experience how a great institution was lost by whimsical ways. Without carrying out the order of the spiritual master, they manufactured something and the whole thing was lost
- We have to follow the footprints of great saints and sages, those who have achieved success by this indication of Bhagavad-gita. Don't follow your whims. Take the standard advice. Just try to become Krsna conscious
- We have to give up all this (wealth and possessions) and take shelter of Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and worship Him. Nor can we worship Him whimsically, but as He desires. If Krsna says, "I want a glass of water," we must bring Him water
- We must accept Bhagavad-gita without interpretation, without deletion and without our own whimsical participation in the matter. The Gita should he taken as the most perfect presentation of Vedic knowledge. BG 1972 Introduction
- We must impress upon the parties involved that Krishna Conscious marriage is not some cheap thing that may be embraced whimsically and at any time thrown off. The boy and girl must be willing to accept each other for life
- We should not introduce anything whimsically, without the sanction of the bona fide spiritual master
- We should not waste our this human form of life whimsically. It is a great loss. But people are not educated how much important this human form of life
- We should not waste our this valuable life whimsically. Even an ordinary moral instruction by Canakya Pandita, he says, your one moment of your life cannot be returned back even if you are prepared to pay millions of dollars
- We want to see God, but we do not acknowledge that we are not qualified. How we can see? If I cannot see even an ordinary president. By my whims I want to see the president or such and such big officer. You cannot see unless you are qualified
- When he's convinced that, "Here is actually a guru who can teach me," then you accept him, guru. Don't accept him whimsically
- When I was in America in 1966, one American lady asked me to recommend an English edition of Bhagavad-gita. But honestly I could not recommend any one of them, on account of their whimsical explanation. That gave me impetus to write Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- When it is Krsna-centered, then it is spiritual, and when it is whimsical-centered, then it is material
- When Lord Brahma went to induce Priyavrata to accept the responsibility for ruling the universe, he did not go whimsically; he was following the dictations of the Supreme Lord. Brahma and other genuine authorities never do anything without His permission
- When the wise man actually becomes wise after many births and whimsical attempts at self-realization, he surrenders unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. Such a mahatma, or learned person, knows that Krsna, Vasudeva, is everything
- When there is not a tinge of karma and jnana, that is pure bhakti. That is Krsna's mission. So everything is there, direction is there. We can guide you, not according to our whims, but according to sastra
- When we say others are animals, demons, we don't say whimsically, capriciously, no. On the basis of sound knowledge. Therefore our declaration is completely right
- When you come to the bhakti platform, that is simply to satisfy Krsna. In the material platform, everyone is to satisfy his own whims. That is a different thing
- Who but a rascal claims this property (the body) as his own and while maintaining it commits such sinful activities as killing animals just to satisfy his whims? Unless one is a rascal, one cannot commit such sinful activities - SB 10.10.12
- Worship of Radha and Krishna is no cheap thing. It cannot be done whimsically, but it must be very carefully executed under strict regulation. Not that there can be LSD taking and all sinful activities, and then Deity worship
- Writing book is not a whimsical, whatever I like. No. You must be empowered by superior authority; then you can deliver the right things. So Vyasadeva was empowered by his guru, Narada
- You can know this world is now managed by the raksasas. Raksasa. They don't mind what is happening. They are prepared to sacrifice everything for fulfilling their whimsical nonsense. They are called raksasa
- You can offer everything to Krsna under His permission, or His representative's permission, not whimsically. Is that clear? Yes. Because you are Krsna's servant, you have dedicated your life to serve Him
- You must go to a person where you can surrender yourself. That means you've to check, "Who is the real person who can give me instruction on BG or any Vedic literature, or any scripture, right?" And not that, to search out a person as a, whimsically. No
- You must secure document in proper legal form which will insure that the five lakhs will be subtracted from the fourteen lakhs purchase price, not that again we shall have to pay according to Mr. Nair's whims