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I have got some pain in this finger, I scratch some nail that I should not have done, but immediately there is reaction, I'm suffering. You cannot do anything whimsically. As soon as you do it, immediately there is reaction

Expressions researched:
"I have got some pain in this finger, I scratch some nail that I should not have done, but immediately there is reaction, I'm suffering. Every . . . you cannot do anything whimsically. As soon as you do it, immediately there is reaction"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

I have got some pain in this finger, I scratch some nail that I should not have done, but immediately there is reaction, I'm suffering. Every . . . you cannot do anything whimsically. As soon as you do it, immediately there is reaction. Take for example just like salt. Salt is necessary. Unless you put little salt in the foodstuff, you cannot eat it.

In the Fifth Canto of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam there is a chronological description of people suffering due to different kinds of sinful activities. Unfortunately, at the present moment people are unaware. They are kept in darkness. Therefore each and every sinful activity, there is punishment. They do not believe in the next life, but they can see practically in this life that if you violate a little laws of nature, you'll be punished immediately. Immediately punished.

Just like I have got some pain in this finger, I scratch some nail that I should not have done, but immediately there is reaction, I'm suffering. Every . . . you cannot do anything whimsically. As soon as you do it, immediately there is reaction. Take for example just like salt. Salt is necessary. Unless you put little salt in the foodstuff, you cannot eat it. So salt is necessary, but if you put little more, immediately you cannot eat. It will not . . . not eatable.

Because God has given you salt, the seas and oceans of salt, you cannot make it use more than is necessary. If you think that, "There is so much salt, let me eat it," no, you cannot do. Any, any action. Just like in this material world, sex enjoyment is very pleasing, but if you enjoy it more, then you become impotent, the reaction will be there. If you can eat, say, four ounce, and if you eat five ounce, immediately there is indigestion; two days you will have to starve.

Page Title:I have got some pain in this finger, I scratch some nail that I should not have done, but immediately there is reaction, I'm suffering. You cannot do anything whimsically. As soon as you do it, immediately there is reaction
Created:2024-09-08, 04:51:37.000
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1