Category:Thinking of God
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- A devotee is always satisfied because he feels the presence of the Supersoul within his heart and thinks of Him twenty-four hours a day. That is real satisfaction
- A frog lives within the well, he's calculating the length & breadth of Atlantic Ocean. How it is possible? We are the frogs in the well. We have got limited capacity to understand. Our senses are limited. We are thinking Krsna, or God, He is also limited
- Aditi had performed the yajna of payo-vrata under the direction of her husband, Kasyapa, & therefore she thought of the Lord as Yajna-pati. She was completely satisfied to see the master & Lord of the entire universe come before her to fulfill her desire
- Advaita Acarya is a separate expansion of Him. He always engages in devotional service with His thoughts, words and actions
- After being situated in this yoga practice and vibrating the sacred syllable om, the supreme combination of letters, if one thinks of the Supreme Personality of Godhead & quits his body, he will certainly reach the spiritual planets
- After being situated in this yoga practice and vibrating the sacred syllable om, the supreme combination of letters, if one thinks of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and quits his body, he will certainly reach the spiritual planets - BG 8.13
- All classes of men can approach the Lord by thinking of Him, for hearing and thinking of Him is possible for everyone. BG 1972 Introduction
- All the demigods felt relieved when Hiranyakasipu was dead, for they could easily think of the Lord. They could then receive the results of sacrifices and become happy even though in the material world
- Although they (the demons) are not devotees, their thinking of Visnu is effective, and thus they generally attain sayujya-mukti
- Always you should remember that we cannot imagine about God: "I think God is like this." This is nonsense. You have no thinking power. You are under the grip of material nature
- Arjuna began to think of the Lord's instructions to him on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. Only those instructions began to eliminate the tinges of material contamination in the mind of Arjuna
- As long as one adheres to the philosophy of duality, thinking one person a friend and another an enemy, he should be understood to be in Maya. The Mayavadi philosopher who thinks that all living entities are God and are therefore one is also mistaken
- At the same time, she (Devahuti) was thinking of Kapiladeva, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and she completely perfected her austerities, penances and transcendental realization
- At the time of death they (real yogis who always meditate on Visnu within their hearts) give up their bodies while thinking of the form of Visnu and thus attain Visnuloka, Vaikunthaloka, where they receive bodily features the same as those of the Lord
- Atheists do not want God because they're always sinful, and if they think of God, that there is God, then there is a great risk of punishment. They shudder. Therefore they deny God
- Atri Muni unspecifically thought of the Personality of Godhead, the Lord of the universe, although he had no clear idea of the Lord of the universe nor of His specific form
- Because of affection for the transcendental child, she (Devaki) believed that Kamsa could kill Him. Instead of thinking of the unlimited power of the Lord, she thought of God with affection, & therefore she requested the transcendental child to disappear
- Because we are limited and God is unlimited, the Mayavadis, or impersonalists, with their poor fund of knowledge, think that God must be impersonal
- Because your mind is absorbed in the thought of dog, therefore you must take the dog's body. This is nature's law. Therefore we have to train up our mind. Instead of dog, you must train up your mind to think of God. Then you will be saved
- Being intensely attached to thinking of the Lord's lotus feet is called pada-sevanam. When one is particularly adherent to the process of pada-sevanam, this process gradually includes other processes
- By attainment of absolute knowledge, one can be in association with the Lord constantly, even in this present life, simply by hearing, chanting, thinking of and worshiping the Supreme Lord
- By constantly engaging in the service of the Lord and thinking of His lotus feet, one is automatically freed from all material contamination
- By devotional service, pure devotees who incessantly think of the SPG receive bodies similar to His. This is known as sarupya-mukti. Although Sisupala, Dantavakra and other kings thought of Krsna as an enemy, they also achieved the same result
- By nature, we are lover of God, but here, being illusioned, we think God as our enemy and we don't like God. We like this maya
- By one's intelligence only one can think of Him (God) in any manifestation of the material world - the forest, the hill, the ocean, the man, the animal, the demigod, the bird, the beast or anything else
- By practicing this remembering, without being deviated, thinking ever of the Supreme Godhead, one is sure to achieve the planet of the Divine, the Supreme Personality. BG 1972 Introduction
- By seeing the Lord during arati, by offering bhoga and by constantly thinking of the form of the Deity, one becomes a first-class yogi. This is the best process of yoga
- By thinking of his all-pervading enemy, Kamsa became unfavorably Krsna conscious - SB 10.2.24
- Demons always think that Visnu can be killed. Therefore, being absorbed in thoughts of Visnu's form to kill Him, at least they have the opportunity to think of Visnu unfavorably
- Devahuti said to Kapiladeva. Anyone who hears about Your pastimes, who chants about Your glories, who offers You obeisances, who thinks of You and, in this way, executes any of the nine kinds of devotional service
- Devaki was thinking of hiding the Supreme Personality of Godhead and not handing Him over to Kamsa as she had all her previous children
- Devotees in a transcendental parental relationship with the Lord think of Him as their dependent child. They forget His exalted position and think that unless they properly feed Him He will fall victim to undernourishment and His health will deteriorate
- Devotional service performed by thinking of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is so powerful that although Prsadhra was cursed he avoided the terrible consequence of becoming a sudra and instead returned home, back to Godhead
- Dhruva Maharaja is advised not only to meditate on the form of the Lord, but to think of His transcendental pastimes in His different incarnations
- Do you think God is so cheap thing, anyone will understand? Because they do not understand, they present something nonsense: "God is like this. God is like that. God is like that."
- Feeling the child (Krsna) to be as heavy as the entire universe and therefore being anxious, the astonished Yasoda put the child down on the ground and began to think of Narayana - SB 10.7.19
- Foolish people think, "Why God has made me poor? Why God has made so many poor men?" God has not made. They have made themselves poor. God has not made. He does not make any distinguish. He says the plain truth
- From that great lotus flower, Brahma was generated, but Brahma certainly could see nothing but the lotus. Therefore, thinking You to be outside, Lord Brahma dove into the water and attempted to find the source of the lotus for one hundred years
- God has become so cheap. There are so many incarnations of God, especially in India. It is a breeding ground of Gods, so many. So that is, means they do not know what is God. Mudha. They think God is so cheap thing
- God says that, "You always think of Me. You just become My devotee, worship Me and offer your respect to Me." This is God's will. "And if you do this, then you are coming back to Me." It is clearly said. God's will is declared. There is no secret
- He (a devotee who is engaged in the nine kinds of devotional activities) puts the SP of Godhead within his heart, and all sinful contaminations are naturally washed away. Continuous thinking of the Supreme Lord makes him pure by nature. BG 1972 purports
- He (a living entity) has been given a special advantage to think of God, but instead of thinking God, he is thinking all these rubbish things, which he will never be able to fulfill. Misusing. The thinking power he is misusing
- He (God) is so kind that He awards salvation even to His enemies because they come into contact with Him and are indirectly absorbed in Him by their inimical thoughts
- He (Kapiladeva) addressed His mother (Devahuti) as bhamini to indicate that she was already thinking of the Lord as her son
- He (Pururava) had so much lust in his heart that even while performing yajna he thought of Urvasi, instead of thinking of the master of yajna, Yajnesvara, Lord Visnu
- He (Uddhava) laments for the nondevotees who, not knowing the supreme glories of the Lord, think of Him as imaginary simply because there are so many apparently contradictory statements in the scriptures
- Hearing and fixing the mind on the pastimes of the Lord is easier than visualizing the form of the Lord within one's heart because as soon as one begins to think of the Lord, especially in this age, the mind becomes disturbed, and due to so much agitation
- How can one think of the Lord as being without form? How can one become formless and at the same time have all intelligence and consciousness, direct and indirect? So there are many things for a pure devotee to learn
- I (Bharata) became self-controlled and self-realized, and I engaged constantly in devotional service, hearing, thinking, chanting, worshiping and remembering the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva
- I should now give up my attachment for things created by the external energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I should engage in thought of the Lord and should thus surrender unto Him
- If one's idea of God is not clear, he thinks it is mystical, but one who has got clear idea of God, clear order from God, then it is not mystical but it is practical
- If you are thinking of your pet dog, then you get the dog's body. And if you are thinking of Krsna, God, then you'll get the body like Krsna. That will be decided at the time of your death
- If, in our healthy condition, we think of the lotus feet of the Lord and die, it is most fortunate
- In every temple there is a transcendental form of the Lord, and one may easily think of this form
- In yoga it is necessary to control all of the senses, and when all the senses are controlled, the mind must be engaged in thinking of Visnu. One becomes peaceful after thus conquering material life
- It appears that Kardama Muni was fully absorbed in Krsna consciousness because as soon as he became silent, he at once began to think of Lord Visnu. That is the way of Krsna consciousness
- It is a great falldown on the part of the impersonalists to think that the Supreme Lord appears within a material body and that one should therefore not meditate upon the form of the Supreme but should meditate instead on the formless
- It is clearly stated that one can overcome even that grave sin simply by thinking of Visnu, not even favorably but in anger
- It is clearly stated, vaikuntha-lila. Lila means "pastimes." Unless the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, has transcendental activities, where is the scope for thinking of these pastimes
- It is incorrect to think of the Supreme Lord and the living entities as being on the same level or equal in all respects. There is always the question of superiority and inferiority in their personalities. BG 1972 purports
- It is simply foolish to think of the Lord as being originally impersonal but accepting a material body when He appears as a personal incarnation. Whenever the Lord appears, He appears in His original transcendental form, which is spiritual and blissful
- Kardama accepted silence as a vow in order to think of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and take shelter of Him exclusively. Without association, he traveled over the surface of the globe as a sannyasi, devoid of any relationship with fire or shelter
- King Yayati, although externally seeming very fond of material enjoyment, was internally thinking of becoming an eternal servant of the Lord
- Krsna's knowledge, His power of remembrance, His power of knowing everything perfectly is different from our knowing. But unfortunately we think, "God may be little greater than me." That is that Dr. Frog philosophy
- Maharaja Pariksit had already been advised by his spiritual master, Sukadeva Gosvami, to think of the universal form of the Lord, and therefore, following the advice of his spiritual master, he continuously thought of that form
- Materialistic persons are never interested in hearing about the marvelous pastimes of the Lord. They think that they are fictions and stories and that the Supreme Godhead is also a man of material nature
- Mauna means "silence." Unless one becomes silent, he cannot think completely about the pastimes and activities of the Lord
- Mayavadi philosophers wrongly think that because the Supreme Person has entered the body of a poor man, the Supreme Lord has become daridra-narayana, or poor Narayana. These are all blasphemous statements of atheists and nondevotees
- Meat-eating, or intoxication, drinking, gambling, and illicit sex. These are the four pillars of sinful life. So unless you stop, you break these four pillars, how you can think of God? God is not so cheap
- Meditation means thinking of the Lord within. Whether one comes to that stage by the astanga-yoga system or by the method recommended in the sastras especially for this present age
- Meditation means to engage the mind in thinking of the form of the Lord, of the qualities of the Lord, of the activities of the Lord and of the service of the Lord
- Narayana is the master of Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, and only fools think that He somehow becomes poverty-stricken
- Nonbelievers say - How can the supreme controller descend as an ordinary being? - This sort of thinking is materialistic
- Nondevotees think that the activities of the Lord are fictional, manufactured stories because spiritual life is not explained to them in the proper mood
- Not only must they (transcendental students) hear about the activities of the Lord, but they must also hear about the transcendental qualities of the devotees who are constantly thinking of the lotus feet of the Lord within their hearts
- Now my (Maharaja Kulasekhara's) mind is undisturbed, and I am quite healthy. If I die immediately, thinking of Your lotus feet, then I am sure that my performance of Your devotional service will become perfect
- O Vyasadeva, your vision is completely perfect. Your good fame is spotless. You are firm in vow and situated in truthfulness & thus you can think of the pastimes of the Lord in trance for the liberation of the people in general from all material bondage
- One has to fix his mind and the circulation of the vital air and thus think of the transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Lord. It is never mentioned that one should concentrate on the impersonal or void
- One has to fix his mind on the Supreme Personality of Godhead constantly. When one is accustomed to thinking of one of the innumerable forms of the Lord - Krsna, Visnu, Rama, Narayana, etc. - he has reached the perfection of yoga
- One is advised to think of the Lord by thinking of any part of His gigantic body
- One may question how one can always think of the Lord in regard to His name, fame, quality, etc., if one is embarrassed by thoughts of family affairs. Everyone in the material world is full of thoughts about how to maintain his family
- One must pray to the Deity for His mercy. 26) One should remember the Deity. 27) One should meditate upon the Deity. 28) One should render some voluntary service. 29) One should think of the Lord as his friend
- One should always stay in a secluded place, completely fixing his mind at the lotus feet of the unlimited Personality of Godhead, and if one wants any association at all, he should associate with persons similarly engaged
- One should begin (thinking of God) from the lotus feet and gradually rise to the upper limbs of the transcendental body of the Lord
- One should never think of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as an ordinary human being, as nondevotees do
- One should think of the Lord always; the mind should not forget Him. One should become a devotee of the Lord and offer obeisances unto Him
- One who does not know the spiritual potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead thinks of the Lord as an ordinary human being. But the Lord's mind, intelligence and senses can never be affected by material conditions
- One who is meditating, dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa, mind is so trained up that mind cannot think of anything else except God, that is perfection of yoga
- One who thinks that the Supreme Lord assumes a material body is not intelligent. He has to learn more about the Lord's position
- Only by thinking of the lotus feet of the Lord and always taking the spiritual master's advice can one advance in spiritual life and understand Vedic knowledge
- Only those who are akincana-gocaram, who are not materially puffed up, can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead; others are bewildered and cannot even think of the Absolute Truth
- Our first restriction is no meat-eating. It is a most sinful act. Meat-eating or intoxication, drinking, gambling and illicit sex. These are the four pillars of sinful life. So unless you stop, you break these four pillars, how you can think of God
- Paundraka was promoted to the Vaikuntha planets, where the devotees have the same bodily features as Visnu, with four hands holding the four symbols (because he always thought of Lord Vasudeva by falsely dressing himself in imitation of the Lord)
- People are such fallen rascals that they do not even go see the Deity. "Oh," they think, - what is this Deity worship? It is idol worship
- People are thinking that God is dead, or that we have no obligation to God, or that there is no God. This sort of thinking will never make for happiness
- People may sometimes think of You as impersonal or personal, but You (the Lord) are one
- Persons who are less intelligent think that when the Supreme Personality of Godhead comes within this material world, He accepts material qualities. Such conclusions are not mature, but are, made by the less intelligent
- Pracetasa, Daksa offers prayers unto the Transcendence, not to anyone within the material creation. Only fools and rascals think God a material creation. This is confirmed by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita - BG 9.11
- Prahlada Maharaja was constantly and fully engaged in thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. As it is said, govinda-parirambhitah. Prahlada Maharaja engaged himself always in meditation, and thus he was protected by Govinda
- Prakrteh kriyamana-ni gunaih karmani sarvasah (BG 3.27). Everyone is acting under the influence of material nature, and only fools think they can improve upon what God has created
- She (Devahuti) was always in trance in transcendental bliss, the thought of the Personality of Godhead was always carefully fixed in her mind. She did not become thin, for she was taken care of by the celestial maidservants created by her husband
- She (Devaki) was anxious, thinking that if her neighbors heard that Visnu had appeared as her son, none of them would believe it. Therefore she wanted Lord Visnu to transform Himself into a human child
- So the Absolute Truth is not without varieties. That is spiritual variety. That is not material variety. But the Mayavadis they are seeing the Absolute Truth from distant place, far away, they think that in the Absolute Truth there is no variety
- Some yogis meditate within their heart on the localized Visnu, who is four-handed and who holds 4 symbols: conch, disc, mace & lotus. The yogi who thinks of the four-handed Visnu becomes absorbed in devotional ecstasy & evinces the symptoms of that state
- Some yogis think of the Lord within their hearts as measuring about six inches. The Lord has four hands, in which He holds a conchshell, club, disc and lotus flower. Those who worship this form of Visnu within the heart are called sagarbha-yogis
- Sometimes he (the yogi who thinks of the four-handed Visnu) cries, and sometimes he feels separation. In this way he merges in transcendental bliss. The result of all this is that he becomes entrapped like a fish
- Sridhara Svami has composed a nice verse in this regard - My dear Lord, to be engaged always in thinking of Your lotus feet is very difficult
- That is the yogic principle, to think of the Supreme within the heart. He is there within the heart. Both the individual living entity, and God is sitting within this heart. That's a fact. We have to search it out, catch Him by yogic process
- That is their foolishness. They are thinking God a person like me, like himself. That is foolishness
- The active manifestation of the virat-purusa is described. Persons who are in the lower grade of understanding regarding the Supreme Personality of Godhead may think of the universal form of the Lord, for that is advised in the Bhagavatam
- The basic principle of bhakti-yoga is to think of the Supreme Lord always
- The body should be engaged in physical activity under the order of the master, the mind should think of Krsna incessantly, and one's words should be engaged in preaching the glories of the Lord
- The conception of the universal form of the Lord gives a chance to the materialist to think of the Supreme Lord, but the materialist must know for certain that his visualization of the world in a spirit of lording over it is not God realization
- The devotee's hope of becoming fearless is to chant the holy name of Lord Nrsimhadeva. Yato yato yami tato nrsimhah: wherever we go, we must always think of Lord Nrsimhadeva. Thus there will be no fear for the devotee of the Lord
- The devotees, who could not tolerate even thinking of the Lord's lotus feet being pricked by a thorn, were again put into tribulation by thinking of the Lord's disappearance, for the Lord had to return to His abode after finishing His pastimes
- The difference between the pious and the impious, however, is that the pious man thinks of God when he is in his miserable condition
- The hearts of the demigods are always filled with fear of the demons, and therefore they cannot think of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The engagement of the demigods is to think of the Lord always within the cores of their hearts
- The impersonalists think of the Absolute Personality of Godhead in two different ways, as above mentioned
- The information on how to think of the Supreme Being at the time of death is also given in the Gita. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Lord has been described in terms of such material manifestations so that while thinking of these different manifestations one can think of the Lord. That is also Krsna consciousness
- The Lord has got senses. He is also a living being like us. But less intelligent class, they cannot understand. They think that something must be opposite. No. The Vedic information is nityo nityanam: "The Absolute Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- The Lord is always eager to return the service of His servant. Whoever thinks that the service of the Lord is actually his duty is perfect in knowledge and has attained the perfection of yoga
- The Lord says that at the time of death, whoever thinks of Him, either as Brahman or Paramatma or the Personality of Godhead, certainly he enters into the spiritual sky and there is no doubt about it. One should not disbelieve it
- The Lord was thus engaged in vanquishing the radiation of the brahmastra, just as the sun evaporates a drop of dew. He was observed by the child, who thought about who He was
- The lotus feet of the Lord are always a subject matter for meditation for devotees. Sometimes when Lord Ramacandra wandered in the forest of Dandakaranya, thorns pricked His lotus feet. The devotees, upon thinking of this, would faint
- The main business of human society is to think of the Supreme Personality of Godhead at all times, to become His devotees, to worship the Supreme Lord and to bow down before Him
- The mental speculators, however, think that the activities of the Lord are imaginary; therefore they refrain from hearing of them and invent some word jugglery without any substance to divert the attention of the innocent masses of people
- The mind should be engaged in Visnu. The yogi, the real yogi, who goes to the forest, to the secluded place, he thinks of the catur-bhuja Visnu
- The nondevotee has no idea of the form of the Lord, and thus he cannot think of any one of the above-mentioned forms (Krsna, Baladeva, Sankarsana, Aniruddha, Pradyumna, Vasudeva, Narayana, Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha and Vamana)
- The Padma Purana specifically mentions that anyone who thinks the form of the Lord in the temple to be made of wood, stone or metal is certainly in a hellish condition
- The personified Vedas continued, "When the mind is engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, it becomes the intimate friend of the living entity because the mind can then think of the Supreme Lord always"
- The principles of religion: thinking of God, worshiping God, offering obeisances to Him, and to become devotee of God, that cannot be changed. That is real religion
- The process of thinking of the Supreme is mentioned in this verse (BG 8.9). The foremost point is that He is not impersonal or void. One cannot meditate on something impersonal or void. That is very difficult. BG 1972 purports
- The pure devotee of the Lord is always in company with the Lord by thinking of Him. Yet, in the particular context of time and place, the transcendental emotions take a different turn, and this breaks the mental equilibrium of the devotee
- The sage Kardama accepted silence as a vow in order to think of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and take shelter of Him exclusively
- The sastra warns, arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matih. One who thinks that the worshipable Deity in the temple is made of wood or stone, one who sees a Vaisnava guru as an ordinary human being is naraki, a resident of hell
- The Supreme Lord appears as the son of one of His devotees just as Lord Krsna appeared as the son of Yasoda & Nanda Maharaja. These devotees could never think of their son as the SPG, for such appreciation would hamper their relationship of paternal love
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead recommends in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.34), man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru: (BG 18.65) - Simply think of Me, become My devotee, worship Me and offer some slight homage to Me
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said - Bhagavan, the Absolute Truth, He's a person. Sometimes we think . . . there are many, they think the Absolute Truth is impersonal. But the Absolute Truth is person
- The third-class devotee - who is not advanced in knowledge of the Absolute Truth but simply offers obeisances with great devotion, thinks of the Lord, sees the Lord in the temple & brings forth flowers and fruits to offer to the Deity - becomes liberated
- The Vaisnava never accepts another Vaisnava on the basis of birthright, just as he never thinks of the Deity of God in a temple as an idol. And to remove all doubts in this connection, Sukadeva has invoked the blessings of the Lord, who is all-powerful
- The world is not false. Factually we have to take so many things from the world for our maintenance, so how we can say that the world is false? Similarly, how can one think of the Lord as being without form?
- There are actually no divisions of external and internal for the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1)), but when He appears in His own form the unintelligent think Him an ordinary person
- There are many rascals who thinks that God is female. "Kali, Goddess Kali, is God." Goddess Kali, how can be God? She is sakti. Sakti. Every Vedic scripture it is said that parasya brahmanah saktih. Everything is energy
- There are so many incarnations of God, especially in India. It is a breeding ground of Gods, so many. So that is, means they do not know what is God. Mudha. They think God is so cheap thing
- There are those who can simply think of God as being great but do not know how great He is. When they think of greatness, they think of very high mountains, the sky, and other planets
- There is a position where, instead of asking, "O God, please give us our daily bread," you can instead think that God will die if you do not supply bread to Him. This is the ecstasy of extreme love
- These atheistic vultures want to see God dead so they can take pleasure in thinking - Now God is dead, and I can do anything I like
- These godless persons, when they're actually in danger, they think of God. I have seen it. Automatically they think of God. So this godlessness is not our natural life. To love God, that is our natural life
- These rascal speculation of God is like the speculation of the frog about Atlantic Ocean. Mundane philosopher, scientist, they are thinking of God in that way, the Dr. Frog's philosophy. Dr. Frog's philosophy will not help you to understand what is God
- They (impersonalists) worship the Lord in His visva-rupa, or all-pervading universal form, and on the other they think of the Lord's unmanifested, indescribable, subtle form
- They (Mayavadis) further say that God is imaginary, that people think of God only because of ignorance, and that when the Supreme Absolute Truth is befooled by the external energy, maya, He becomes a jiva, or living entity
- They (the asuras) can think of the Lord as virat and thus gradually cleanse the dirty things from their hearts in order to become qualified to actually see the transcendental form of the Lord in the near future
- Thinking of Visnu or meditating upon the transcendental form of Visnu, specifically upon Lord Krsna, is the last word on the subject of meditation. This meditation may be begun from the lotus feet of the Lord
- Thinking that perhaps the child (Krsna) was being attacked by some other ghost or demon, the astonished mother Yasoda put the child down on the ground and began to think of Narayana - SB 10.7.19
- This (thinking of God as virat-rupa they can become qualified to actually see the transcendental form of the Lord in the future) is a favor of the all-merciful Lord to the atheists and the gross materialists
- This causal form of the Lord is not at all pleasing to the asuras, and therefore they think of the Lord as formless in order to feel secure that they will not be vanquished by the Lord
- This is the real business of the yogis: to think of the lotus feet of the Lord. Lord Siva therefore advises that one who is actually serious about purification must engage himself in this type of meditation or in the mystic yoga system
- Those under the clutches of Maya, thinking the Lord an ordinary person, can understand that certain exalted personalities, after accumulating volumes of pious activities, are now playing with the Lord in friendship as cowherd boys
- Those who are miscreants, they think that Krsna, or God, He is like an ordinary man but a superhuman being. That's all
- Those who think that the Supreme Lord appears in different forms by accepting a body made of material elements are wrong; their vision is imperfect because they do not understand how the Lord's internal potency works
- To destroy the demons, the Lord becomes angry, and therefore He assumes the form of Lord Siva. In summary, the SP of Godhead is always beyond the material qualities, and we should not be misled into thinking otherwise simply because of sense perception
- To think of the Lord as a whole may sometimes be impersonal; therefore, it is recommended here (in SB 3.28.20) that one first think of His lotus feet, then His ankles, then the thighs, then the waist, then the chest, then the neck, then the face and so on
- We have got limited energy, creative energy, so-called scientific knowledge, so-called other knowledge. Limited. Because our senses are limited. And we are thinking that God may be a little bigger than me, Krsna
- We may conclude that if one practices thinking of Visnu and is fully absorbed in thinking of Him at the time of death, one returns home, back to Godhead
- What is the direction of God? Just become His devotee, just think of Himself, always about Him, just offer Him obeisances. This is the process. It is not very difficult
- When he realizes his actual position in relationship with the Lord, he can, along with the discharging of regulative service, think within himself of the Lord, under the guidance of a particular associate of the Lord
- When one is above the directions of the Vedic ritualistic injunctions for attaining different allurements & is fully absorbed in transcendental thought (thinking of God in devotional service) one is in the position called buddhi-yoga, or samadhi, ecstasy
- When one thinks of Brahman conception of the Absolute Truth, that is also transcendental. When one thinks of the localized aspect of the Supreme Truth, that is also transcendental
- When we contemplate the form of God, we think that because God created millions and millions of years ago, He must be a very old man. Therefore God personally comes before us so that we can see what He is. This is His kindness
- Whoever thinks Lord Visnu and the demigods are on the same level is to be immediately considered a rogue as far as spiritual understanding is concerned
- Within he was always thinking of the lotus feet of the Lord and chanting the Lord's glories, which save one from the bondage of fruitive action. In this way he saved himself from the onslaught of nondevotee associates
- Within one's body and mind, one can think as either a dog or a god, and the next life is offered to him accordingly