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Pages in category "Status"
The following 232 pages are in this category, out of 232 total.
- A little elevated from speculative status, when one is intelligent enough, one tries to find out the supreme cause of all causes - within and without
- A little elevated from status of sense gratification, one is engaged in mental speculation for the purpose of getting out of the material clutches
- A living entity situated in the status of pure goodness can understand the form, qualities and other features of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A man is considered to be situated at a certain status of civilization according to the modes of material nature, and that is manifested by eating, by behaving. Acara, vicara. Acara means behavior, and vicara means judgment
- A man may be born in a family of dog-eaters, but if he keeps himself as dog-eater, then he is dog-eater family. But if he changes his status - no more dog-eater, he is a devotee - he is not counted as belonging to that family
- A person who gives up all fruitive activities and offers himself entirely unto Me (God), eagerly desiring to render service unto Me, achieves liberation from birth and death and is promoted to the status of sharing My own opulences
- According to his status of work, a living entity is placed in a particular father's semen, and because Vidura was not an ordinary living entity, he was given the chance to be born from the semen of Vyasa
- According to the Vedic system, there are instituted the four orders of life and the four statuses of life, called the caste system and the spiritual order system. BG 1972 purports
- According to Vedic scripture, if someone dies in the family the whole family becomes contaminated for some time, according to its status
- Actually in the service of Krishna there is no botheration. Rather we feel more transcendental pleasure. I hope you will more and more appreciate this status as you work combinedly with your very good husband
- Adrsta means which you can not see, but it has been fixed up by superior intelligence, that this much you will get. Therefore we see so many divisions of status
- All living entities in different statuses of life within the material creation, beginning from the first demigod, Brahma, down to the small ant, are conditioned under the law of material nature, or the external energy of the Supreme Lord
- All these material qualification, highly educated, and sama, dama, titiksa, practice how to control the mind, senses - everything is complete. When one becomes such qualified, he becomes proud. That is the material status of life
- Although Hiranyakasipu had undergone severe austerities, Lord Brahma predicted that he had to die; he could not become immortal or even gain equal status with the demigods
- Although Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna Himself, He assumed the complexion and emotions of Srimati Radharani and remained in that status. He never assumed the complexion or status of Lord Krsna
- Although the monist philosopher is elevated to the status of being one with the effulgence of the Lord, because there is no facility for associating with the Lord and rendering service unto Him, he again falls into this material world
- Although the monist philosopher is elevated to the status of being one with the effulgence of the Lord, his service propensity is satisfied by materialistic welfare activities like humanitarianism, altruism and philanthropy
- Amongst the sannyasa stage also, there are four stages: kuticaka, bahudaka, parivrajakacarya, and paramahamsa. Not that all sannyasis on the equal status. The first status is kuticaka. Sannyasa means one has to give up the relationship with family
- Any father and mother should also be careful while begetting children. The mental condition of a child depends upon the mental status of his parents at the time he is conceived
- Anyone completely aware of the science of Krsna, regardless of his status in life, is a guru. Thus Prahlada Maharaja is a guru in all circumstances
- Anyone who is fixed in the transcendental service of the Lord has surpassed all the material qualities and is situated in the status of Brahman realization, in which one is not afflicted by hankering for material objects
- Anyone who takes to devotional service is exalted, whereas a nondevotee is always condemned and abominable. Therefore in the discharge of devotional service to the Lord, there is no consideration of the status of one's family
- As Karanodakasayi Visnu, You thus remain in Your transcendental status, not touching material objects. Although You appear to sleep, this sleeping is distinct from sleeping in ignorance
- As soon as a man is raised to the status of the civilization of the soul, he is fit to be promoted to the kingdom of God, which is described in the Bhagavad-gita as per the above verses
- As we go on chanting Hare Krishna, in the pure status, we shall be on the loving platform and at that time, we shall feel the greatest separation from the Lord; but that feeling of separation from the Lord is more relishable than meeting the Lord
- Asvatthama was a bona fide son of Dronacarya and Krpi, but because he had degraded himself to a lower status of life, it was proper to treat him as an animal and not as a brahmana
- At the present status of our life we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but also we have forgotten our eternal relationship with the Lord
- At the present status, I have no legal obligation to my family. Before taking to Sannyas, what ever little money I had I have given to them
- Because Nahusa, the father of Yayati, molested Indra's wife, Saci, who then complained to Agastya and other brahmanas, these saintly brahmanas cursed Nahusa to fall from the heavenly planets and be degraded to the status of a python
- Because we are training Europeans and Americans to become qualified and are awarding them brahminical status, we are being charged with destroying the Hindu religion
- Because we practically see, all the college students are hippies. Irresponsible vagabonds. If she wants her son to become like that, that is different thing. Irresponsible vagabonds, that is the present status of this country (America)
- Beyond that is the spiritual sky where the Vaikuntha planets exist beyond the coverings of seven material strata. In none of the triloka planetary systems can one experience the status of immortality, full knowledge and full bliss
- Bhagavan means the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But those who are very, very advanced, recognized by Bhagavan, they are also sometimes called bhagavan. Just like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, Narada Muni, on their status, sometimes they are called bhagavan
- Bhagavatam means the science of God. If the science of God is persevered in, we will be situated in the brahma-bhuta status
- By meditating on Aniruddha one can become free from the agitation of acceptance and rejection. When one's mind is fixed upon Aniruddha, one gradually becomes God-realized; he approaches the pure status of Krsna consciousness
- Devotees who qualify themselves for liberation by DS are offered 4 kinds of liberation: salokya (status equal to that of the Lord), samipya (constant association with the Lord), sarsti (opulence equal to that of the Lord) and sarupya (features like Lord)
- Doubtful persons have no status whatsoever in spiritual emancipation. One should therefore follow in the footsteps of great acaryas who are in the disciplic succession and thereby attain success. BG 1972 purports
- Even if a devotee is in the uttama-bhagavata status he must come down to the second status of life, madhyama-adhikari, to be a preacher, for a preacher should not tolerate blasphemy against another Vaisnava
- Even though the people are in the status of sudra, they should be given opportunity for spiritual advancement, and that is Caitanya's special gift, and very easy, that "Whatever you may be, that doesn't matter. Chant Hare Krsna and gradually realize
- Everyone has got a particular relationship with the Lord and that relationship is evoked by the perfection of devotional service. At the present status of our life we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but also our eternal relationship with Him
- For promotion to the highest status of perfection, namely freedom from birth and death, anxiety and fearfulness, not one of these processes allows the follower to break the vow of celibacy
- For sense enjoyment one can act in any capacity of the social order, but if one follows the rules and regulations of his particular status, he can make gradual progress in purifying his existence. BG 1972 purports
- From that brahma-bhuta status, we have to work, for work is recommended here. So long as we have this material body, we have to work. We cannot stop working; it is not possible
- From the status of pure consciousness, the false ego is born because of misuse of independence. We cannot argue about why false ego arises from pure consciousness
- Gradual process of evolution means gradual process of developing the status, the state of consciousness. In this way the consciousness in human form of body is further developed, very nicely developed
- Guror avajna. Everything is there. If one is disobeying the spiritual master, he cannot remain in the pure status of life. He cannot be siksa-guru or anything else. He is finished, immediately
- He (Bhismadeva) described the occupational duties of different orders and statuses of life, citing instances from history, for he was himself well acquainted with the truth
- He (human being) should take advantage of understanding what is what, not to keep himself in the dog status, simply eating, sleeping, sex life and defending
- He (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) wrote that he was so sinful that no one should even utter his name, lest that person fall down! Of course, when a great devotee speaks this way, we should not believe that he is actually in the lower status of life
- He (Narada) first explained the dealings of a brahmacari, vanaprastha and sannyasi because these three asramas, or statuses of life, are extremely important for fulfillment of the goal of life
- He (the living entity) has to realize and at the same time engage himself in the devotional service of the Lord; then he can exist in the Brahman status. Otherwise he falls down
- His (Maharaja Pariksit's) material assets as the Emperor of the world were setbacks to perfect attainment of his rightful status as one of the associates of the Lord in the spiritual sky
- Human beings even in the lower statuses of life (a merchant, a woman or a laborer) can attain the Supreme. One does not need highly developed intelligence. BG 1972 Introduction
- Human society is similar to any other animal society, but to elevate men from the animal status, the abovementioned divisions (Varnasrama) are created by the Lord for the systematic development of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- I have heard from Jayatirtha you want to make big plan for centralization of management, taxes, monies, corporate status, bookkeeping, credit, like that. I do not at all approve of such plan. Do not centralize anything
- I may inform you that in order to maintain our status of spiritual strength, everyone of us must very rigidly chant daily sixteen rounds without fail and follow the regulative principles strictly
- If even a fallen candidate is given a chance to take birth in a respectable and noble family, one can hardly imagine the status of one who has achieved success
- If he is attracted by servitorship to Krsna, he will no longer have to serve the material body in the degraded status of material existence, with the false hope of becoming master in the future
- If one blasphemes the Vedas and brahmanas, naturally one goes down to the status of atheism. The exact word used in Sanskrit is nastika, which refers to one who does not believe in the Vedas but manufactures some concocted system of religion
- If they are graciously offered the advantage of partaking of the remnants of foodstuffs offered to Visnu, gradually they will develop a transcendental sense of spirituality and rise to the same status as that of spiritually advanced personalities
- If we attain that stage, then atma, the soul, will be fully satisfied. So it does not require much education, much wealth. From any status of life one can practice this, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65), these four things only
- If we take this place then I shall make London my world or European headquarters, and I am applying also for British residential status
- If you eat a certain type of food, then your constitution of the body, mentality, status - everything - becomes according to that food. That is a fact
- If you like you can go to the Pitrloka. If you want to remain here as human being, you can also remain here, but you have to work for it to keep your position, status
- If you live without God consciousness, then immediately you become to the status of animals
- In different places and in different planets there are different standards of life, bodily features and educational statuses, all awarded by the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to pious or impious activities
- In modern civilization also, they say sometimes that a nation is calculated how far he is civilized by the conjunction of amount of soap. The soap-using nation means that cleansed. So cleanliness is still considered as the civilized status of man
- In normal conditions, in the absence of danger, O Yudhisthira, a man should perform his prescribed activities according to his status of life with the things, endeavors, process and living place that are not forbidden for him, and not by any other means
- In order to go to the highest status of life, he has to accept some austerity, tapasya. Especially for God realization. Austerity required
- In prison a man may want to improve his condition to become a first class prisoner, and the government may give him A-status, but no sane man will become satisfied by becoming an A-class prisoner. He should desire to get out of the prison altogether
- In such a devotional state (being concentrated only upon the eternal loving service of the Lord), a perfect yogi can attain the status of immortal knowledge and bliss
- In the absolute status there is no difference between one thing to another. That is the absolute status. So the Lord being absolute, there is no difference between His name and Himself
- In the beginning, those who are aspiring for salvation try to get out of the material entanglement by performing painful austerities and penances, and ultimately they come to the impersonal status of spiritual realization
- In the BS (5.27-28) it is stated: the lotus-born Brahma received the Gayatri mantra, which had sprung from the song of Sri Krsna’s flute. In this way he attained twice-born status, having been initiated by the supreme, primal preceptor, Godhead Himself
- In the lower stage, these two gentlemen, Tapana Misra and Candrasekhara, they are hearing the criticism against Lord Caitanya, but they are, placing themselves in the lower status, and they say that, - We cannot bear this
- In the present status of our life, we have not only forgotten the Supreme Lord, but we have forgotten our eternal relationship with the Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the suddha-sattva status there is no infringement of the other qualities, namely passion and ignorance
- In the upper status of the planetary systems there are facilities thousands and thousands of times greater for material enjoyments than in the lower planetary systems
- In the Vaikuntha world there is comparative DS. Just like Radharani & the gopis, they are on the same status, but the gopis know that, "Radharani is the better worshiper than us." Therefore their only business is how to take Radharani and join with Krsna
- In this age, when everything is polluted by Kali, it is instructed in scriptures & preached by Caitanya that by chanting the holy name of God, we can at once be free from contamination & gradually rise to the status of transcendence & go back to Godhead
- In this way, the fully Krsna conscious Dhruva Maharaja, the exalted son of Maharaja Uttanapada, attained the summit of the three statuses of planetary systems
- Indradyumna, in his birth as an elephant (Gajendra), attained salvation and became a personal associate of the Lord in Vaikuntha, and the crocodile regained his status as a Gandharva
- It is explained here (SB 4.21.33) that one must be very frank and open-minded (amayinah). To be situated in a lower status of life is not a disqualification for success in devotional service
- It is recommended that one honor the spiritual master as being on an equal status with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Saksad dharitvena samasta-sastraih. This is enjoined in every scripture
- It is stated in Srinivasacarya’s prayer to the six Gosvamis that they left the material opulences of government service and the princely status of life and went to Vrndavana, where they lived just like ordinary mendicants, begging from door to door
- It is this devotional attitude of the mystic that makes possible the successful termination of such mystic attempts. One is not, however, elevated to such a successful status without the tinge of mixture in devotional service
- Krsna and Krsna's name are nondifferent. In the absolute status there is no difference between reference and referent. BG 1972 Introduction
- Krsna has said that at the last point of your death, if you are in full Krsna consciousness, then your next promotion is to the equal status of Krsna
- Krsna, the Lord, when He comes within this material world - yuge yuge sambhavamy atma-mayaya (BG 4.6) - He comes in His own original turya status. He does not become affected. He's not affected. This is the position of Krsna. He's always transcendental
- Liberation means when you are out of this false ego. What is that status? Aham brahmasmi. I am Brahman, I am spirit. That is the beginning of liberation
- Living entity cannot be annihilated at any point. But the lower species of life exist in a miserable condition, whereas one who is engaged in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord is situated in the pleasurable, or ananda-maya, status of life
- Lord Brahma's abode is practically indescribable from our present status. It has been described as avan-manasa-gocara, or beyond the description of our words and the imagination of our minds
- Ma means mrtyu, or death. When one attempts to nullify these five different statuses of life - pa, pha, ba, bha and ma - one achieves apavarga, or liberation from the punishment of material existence
- Maharaja Santanu, while engaged in chase in the jungle, picked up the children and brought them up to the brahminical status by the proper purificatory process
- Material engagement means accepting a particular status for some time and then changing it. This position of changing back and forth is technically known as bhoga-tyaga, which means a position of alternating sense enjoyment and renunciation
- Narada Muni said, "My dear Sukadeva Gosvami, you never took the trouble to reside under the care of a spiritual master, and yet you have attained such a great status of transcendental knowledge"
- Neither by that saintly person's activities, by his bodily features, by his words nor by the symptoms of his varnasrama status could people understand whether he was the same person they had known
- No new society. A new status of consciousness. We don't want to change anything. We want to change the consciousness because they are in ignorance
- One has to act in the status of spirit soul, otherwise there is no escape from material bondage. Action in Krsna consciousness is not, however, action on the fruitive platform. BG 1972 purports
- One has to follow the rules and regulations of a particular status of life in order to purify his existence. For a sannyasi, intimate relations with women and possessions of wealth for sense gratification are strictly forbidden. BG 1972 purports
- One is happy, another is very active, and another is helpless. All these types of psychological manifestations are causes of the entities' conditioned status in nature
- One is happy, another is very active, and another is helpless. All these types of psychological manifestations are causes of the entities' conditioned status in nature. How they are differently conditioned is explained in this section of BG. BG 1972 pur
- One sort of friendship is with awe and veneration. Just like if you have a very rich friend, you cannot talk with him so frankly although he is so..., he is your intimate friend. But a friend in the same status, you can talk with him very freely
- One who is fortunate, after reading Bhagavad-gita thoroughly, he'll have a strong faith in Krsna. If you have failed to achieve this status of faith, then there is no question of progress
- One who lays down his life on the sacrificial altar, or in the proper battlefield, is at once cleansed of bodily reactions and promoted to a higher status of life. So there was no cause for Arjuna's lamentation. BG 1972 purports
- One who violates controlling regulations has to be punished by degradation to a lower status of life. Consider, for example, the tongue and its controlling deity, Varuna
- One's status does not depend upon birth. As confirmed in SB 7.11.35 by Narada: If one shows the symptoms of being a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra, even if he has appeared in a different class, he should be accepted according to those symptoms
- Only the dhiras can accept the orders of sannyasa, and they can gradually rise to the status of the paramahamsa, which is adored by all members of society
- Our business is to raise ourselves to the highest status of life as preachers of Krsna's message, and one should behave himself rigidly, then he should instruct others. Two things: Be himself exemplary, then teach others to be exemplary
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to raise fallen human society to the status of spiritual understanding
- People in general, under the leadership of materialistic men, are gradually descending to the status of lower animals, devoid of all transcendental realization, knowing nothing beyond their material bodies and the material world
- Persons who indulge in unnecessary animal killing have excessively developed in the modes of passion and ignorance and have no hope of advancing to the mode of goodness; they are destined to be degraded to lower statuses of life
- Present position and status which I have gained and I am holding in the organization
- Samsara, material existence, is a result of sinful actions. Everyone in this material world is condemned, yet as there are different grades of prisoners, there are different grades of men. All of them, in all statuses of life, are suffering
- Several other religious organizations such as ours have received tax-exemption status. I trust that you will kindly provide our institution, being a purely religious and non-profit charitable organization, with the same facility of tax-exemption
- She (Putana) approached the house of Nanda Maharaja with the purpose of killing Krsna by smearing poison on her breast, yet when she was killed she attained the highest position, achieving the status of Krsna's mother
- Simply by changing my status of occupation or my status of life, that will not help anything. Because the real fact is that if there is any difficulty with others, that is my lack of Krsna consciousness, not theirs. Is this clear?
- Simply to take birth in a big family or a high family is not all. One has to qualify himself and keep up the status, the tradition, of the family. Then he is all right
- So you cannot see at your present status the God. But you can see His form, and the business will be done. If you offer everything, Krsna will eat. Business will go on
- Society is now in chaos, and there is neither peace nor prosperity. It is stated (in SB 3.21.55) that unless there is the vigilance of a strong king, impious, unqualified men will claim a certain status in society, and that will make social order perish
- Some of the gopis who joined Krsna's pastimes within this material world were coming from the status of ordinary human beings. If they had been bound by fruitive action, they were fully freed from the reaction of karma by constant meditation on Krsna
- Spiritual life leads us to our original constitutional position free from all designations. This is explained in the Bhagavad Gita as brahmabhutah status
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested the blessings of a grhastha. This incident shows the special significance of Sri Caitanya’s preaching. He gave equal status to everyone, regardless of material considerations. His movement is thoroughly spiritual
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura said that the grhastha asrama, or the status of family life, is a sort of concession for sense gratification. Therefore a grhastha should not falsely adopt the title gosvami
- Suppose you are Australian or American. You have got very nice status in your country - good house, good facility, good money, and that's all right. But after your death, when you have to quit this subtle atmosphere
- That force of literary influence will change everything and save the people from their miserable condition and corrupt status of life
- The brahmacaris can go with the sannyasis to preach, and the vanaprasthas should prepare themselves for the next status of renounced life, sannyasa
- The concoction of the impersonalists, that one can become God by meditation or by some artificial material activities, is herewith declared false. God is always God in any condition or status
- The cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is explained here (in CC Madhya 7.130) very nicely. One who surrenders to Him and is ready to follow Him with heart and soul does not need to change his location. Nor is it necessary for one to change his status
- The devotee, thus surpassing the gross and the subtle forms of coverings, enters the plane of egoism. And in that status he merges the material modes of nature (ignorance and passion) in this point of neutralization and thus reaches egoism in goodness
- The divine vision in this connection should be clearly understood. Who can have divine vision? Divine means godly. Unless one attains the status of divinity as a demigod, he cannot have divine vision. BG 1972 purports
- The duties of humankind in terms of the statuses and social orders were established to be observed by the civilized man. Those who traditionally follow these principles are called Aryans, or progressive human beings
- The exact words he (Narottama Das Thakura) uses are: "I have given up the pure status of consciousness because I wanted to enjoy in the temporary, material manifestation; therefore I have been entangled in the network of actions and reactions
- The first status, the first stage of realization, is ceto-darpana-marjanam, cleansing the heart. At the present moment my heart is not cleansed
- The formal processes are necessary for those who are expected to reach the stage of complete liberation, but Sri Sukadeva Gosvami was already in that status by the grace of his father
- The four statuses and orders of human society - brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras, as well as brahmacaris, grhasthas, vanaprasthas and sannyasis - are all divisions of quality, education, culture and spiritual advancement
- The good reports are coming and it is a fact that we are being highly appreciated for our efforts to introduce this pure spiritual life to the society at large, but we must not lose our own status of advancement in Krsna consciousness
- The human race has descended to the qualitative status of the dogs, who are habituated to barking as soon as they come upon another set of dogs who happen to hail from another quarter
- The jivas, or the individual living beings in different statuses of life, possess up to the limit of seventy-eight percent of the attributes (of Krsna)
- The karmis think the other statuses of life are worse than animal life, for animals also have sex, whereas the brahmacari, vanaprastha and sannyasi completely give up sex. The karmis, therefore, abhor these orders of spiritual life
- The Krishna Consciousness movement is the means for promoting the human being to that status. This is a great science, and it is elaborately explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- The Lord (Krsna) degraded Arjuna at that time to the status of an uncivilized man for his avowed acceptance of the cult of nonviolence
- The Lord does not belong to the material mode of goodness, for He is above the position of material goodness. He belongs to the transcendental, eternal status of bliss and knowledge
- The material existence of our present status is full of fear
- The mental speculator has to pass through a jugglery of words, which are partially facts and partially a make-show for the maintenance of an artificial impersonal status
- The mind, although ceasing to think of sensual activities at present, remembers past sensual activities from the subconscious status and thus disturbs one from cent percent engagement in self-realization
- The miseries of material existence cannot affect the status of Krsna consciousness
- The mode of goodness, which is the clear, sober status of understanding the Personality of Godhead and which is generally called vasudeva, or consciousness, becomes manifest in the mahat-tattva
- The moon is situated in the third status of the upper planetary system, and in the Fifth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam we shall be able to know the distant situation of the various planets scattered over the vast material sky
- The moon, the sun and higher planets are called svargaloka. There are three different statuses of planets: higher, middle and lower planetary systems. The earth belongs to the middle planetary system. BG 1972 Introduction
- The necessity of a spiritual master is for him who is conscious of his material suffering. If one is not conscious of his material suffering, then he is not even on the human being status. He's still in the animal status
- The pure status of consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, exists in the beginning; just after creation, consciousness is not polluted. The more one becomes materially contaminated, however, the more consciousness becomes obscured
- The purpose of all sacrifices is to arrive at the status of complete knowledge, then to gain release from material miseries, and, ultimately, to engage in loving transcendental service to the Supreme Lord (Krsna consciousness). BG 1972 purports
- The society of human being is naturally divided into eight by orders and statuses of life - the four divisions of occupation and four divisions of cultural advancement
- The spiritual perfection which a qualified brahmana attains by the transcendental service of Sri Krsna can also be attained by anyone, even in a lower status than that of sudra, by the same process of transcendental service to Sri Krsna
- The status of powerful controllers is not harmed by any apparently audacious transgression of morality we may see in them
- The status of pure goodness is the platform of understanding, for the Supreme Lord is always in spiritual existence
- The status of real knowledge is explained in this verse (SB 3.28.29). There are many children, but we accept some children as our sons and daughters because of our affection for them, although we know very well that these children are different from us
- The student life, the householder's life, retired life and renounced life are the four statuses of cultural advancement towards the path of spiritual realization
- The transcendental Supreme Person, the Supersoul of all living entities, who are in different statuses of life, high and low, existed at the end of the millennium, when neither this manifested cosmos nor anything else but Him existed
- The vasudeva manifestation, or the status of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is called pure goodness, or suddha-sattva
- The vasudeva stage is free from infringement by material desires and is the status in which one can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or the objective which is described in the Bhagavad-gita as adbhuta
- The vasudeva status is also explained in Bhagavad-gita as ksetra-jna, which refers to the knower of the field of activities as well as the Superknower
- The whole scheme of Vedic culture is to reclaim all fallen conditioned souls to the platform of transcendental realization. That is the scheme. There are different status of human understanding according to the association of the qualities
- The whole varnasrama system is so designed that each and every status of life is called an asrama
- The whole varnasrama system is so designed that each and every status of life is called an asrama. This means that spiritual culture is the common factor for all
- The word amrtyum indicates that Diti wanted a son who would be equal in status to the demigods
- Then, after the weekend is spent in forgetfulness, he again changes his position and resumes his actual business activities. Material engagement means accepting a particular status for some time and then changing it
- There are also others who are not the topmost transcendentalists but are in a lower status, and who do not take pleasure in describing the transcendental activities of the Lord
- There are different platforms and status of consciousness. Bodily consciousness means sensual consciousness. Above that, there is mental consciousness, speculative, philosophical, poetic
- There are fourteen status of planetary system, caudda bhuvana: Bhurloka, Bhuvarloka, Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka and Brahmaloka, and down, Tala, Atala, Vitala, Patala, Talatala, and similarly, there are fourteen planetary systems all over this universe
- There are three qualities in this material world: the goodness, the passion and the ignorance. So in the BG it is stated that those who are cultivating the quality of goodness, they can be promoted to the higher status of life in higher planetary system
- There is special significance in the words tat-samyatam agat. The King (Barhisman) attained the position of possessing the same status or the same form as that of the Lord. This definitely proves that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is always a person
- There is way to get out of this anxious status of life, but I have no attraction. Caitanya Mahaprabhu also says like that. Enechi ausadhi maya nasibaro lagi: I have brought a nice medicine to kill the spell of maya. So you take it
- There was Hiranyakasipu and there was Prahlada. Prahlada was being supplied spiritual advancement of life, necessities, and Hiranyakasipu was being supplied for demonic status of life. So it is Krsna's pleasure that whatever you want, you can get it
- These (not attracted to hear the glories of devotional service and manufacturing own way of elevation) are some of the defects of human society, which lead to the demoniac status of life. BG 1972 purports
- They (demigods and many devotees) do so at a risk of falling down to the lower status of existence, and this makes the Lord dissatisfied with them
- They (mudha-dhi) can be raised to the status of light. Punya-sravana-kirtanah. Simply by joining the kirtana - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna... - and by hearing about Krsna from Bhagavad-gita, one must be purified, especially if he also takes prasada
- They (others who are not the topmost transcendentalists but are in a lower status) discuss such (transcendental) activities of the Lord formally with the aim of merging into His existence
- They (pure devotees) always think of the Lord as their only dependable friend and well-wisher. They do not care for any mundane creature, up to the status of Brahma, the lord of the universe
- They (the sudras) should not be puffed up with unnecessary prestige or honor and should remain in their own status. It is the duty of the sudras to offer respect to the higher class for the upkeep of the social order. BG 1972 purports
- This (becoming situated in Krsna consciousness) is the aim of human life. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the human being will again attain to the human status. BG 1972 purports
- This brahma-bhutah status means free from all anxieties, without any hankering or lamentation. At that stage only, one can think of universal brotherhood. And the next stage is to be engaged in pure Krishna Consciousness
- This status of life (of a devotee) is possible only when a person is interested in associating with a pure devotee, who always enjoys the fragrance of the lotus feet of the Lord
- Those who are acting, those who are situated on the platform of goodness, they are promoting their existential status in higher planets. Urdhvam gacchanti sattva-stha
- Those who are fully absorbed in devotional service do not care what is going on with the external body. That status is called samadhi. One who is actually situated in samadhi is understood to be a first-class yogi
- Those who are in the lower status, they have not developed such consciousness that, "I have to preach the philosophy of God consciousness or Krsna consciousness to others." They are simply satisfied themself
- Those who are in the mode of goodness are promoted to higher planets, in a higher status of life - BG 14.14
- To remain under the jurisdiction or administration of such a king or leader (like Maharaja Prthu) is the perfect status for human society. The primary responsibility of such a king or leader is to protect the brahminical culture and the cows in his state
- Unfortunate men of this age are always reluctant to give a reception to the transcendentalists who are representatives of Srila Vyasadeva and selfless workers always busy in planning something which may help everyone in all statuses and orders of life
- Unless there is the vigilance of a strong king, impious, unqualified men will claim a certain status in society, and that will make the social order perish
- Upon delivering the King of the elephants from the clutches of the crocodile, and from material existence, which resembles a crocodile, the Lord awarded him the status of sarupya-mukti
- We are a Society, so the grhasthas are there, brahmacaris, sannyasis, vanaprastha. All status of life. Missionaries, they have got only sannyasis. We have got all
- We are bringing them from which status? You cannot expect that they will be perfect all of a sudden, overnight. But their mind being fixed up on Krsna consciousness, that is the first qualification. They do not know anything beyond Krsna
- We are evolving through different statuses of material bodily existence - sometimes in a human body, sometimes in an animal body - and therefore the engagements of our material senses are also changing
- We are migrating or transmigrating from one to another. This business, if we want to stop... Because we are eternal, our aims and object should be to attain that eternal status. That we can attain by Krsna consciousness
- We are trying to raise the animal-like humans to real human status
- We have got three different status of reading capacity
- We recommend, who is joining Krsna consciousness movement that, "You should give up this habit: illicit sex, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating." These four things will keep me in the lower status of life
- We should not try to come to the ecstatic status by any artificial practice. You should give more stress on the importance of chanting
- We should not utilize this Hare Krsna movement for any material purpose. Then it will fall down. Either the man will fall down or the status will fall down. As it has become in India
- Whatever status of life we may accept, this principle of working for Krsna as a matter of our duty, without being attracted by the result - should be followed by us
- When a devotee is always intensely affected by love for Krsna in a direct relationship with Him - or even a little apart from Him - his status is called existential ecstatic love
- When Krsna exhibits His transcendental pastimes within the material world in some of the universes, not only the eternal associates of Krsna come but also those who are being promoted to that status from this material world
- When one is elevated to the status of hamsa or paramahamsa, after touring and preaching the bhakti cult, he must give up the sannyasa staff
- When one is promoted to this (original and spiritual) status, one is always happy in transcendental bliss. Otherwise, as long as one is in the bodily concept of life, one must suffer material conditions
- When one transcends the status of ecstatic love and thus becomes situated on the highest platform of pure goodness, one is understood to have cleansed the heart of all material contamination
- When the conditioned soul becomes liberated by executing devotional service, he is given a greater & greater chance to relish a relationship with the SPG in different transcendental statuses, such as dasya-rasa, sakhya-rasa, vatsalya-rasa & madhurya-rasa
- When the part of the Supreme Personality of Godhead unfortunately wants to enjoy independently, without Krsna, he is put into the material world, where he begins his life as Brahma and is gradually degraded to the status of an ant or a worm in stool
- When the residents of this earth become atheistic and godless, they descend to the status of animals like dogs and hogs, and thus their only business is to bark among themselves. This is dharmasya glani, deviation from the goal of life
- When these seven kinds of ecstatic loving exchanges are manifested, they attain the status of steadiness by which the taste of conjugal love expands
- When we die our consciousness becomes almost stopped, and we then lie down within the womb of the mother according to species of body, a status - take it for granted our human form of body - seven months. At that time body is grown up
- When we transcend material nature through the rendering of service unto Krsna, what is our status? Do we become zero
- When you will be perfect in love, in loving Krsna, then in what status of life you will love, that will be revealed. That is called svarupa-siddhi
- Who are thriving on misdeeds only, regardless of status, cannot approach the Supreme (Krsna) due to being misled by the illusory energy
- Yes, this is not a new thing in the history of the world that preachers are sometimes persecuted. But at the present status of civilization I do not think anybody will be crucified like Lord Jesus Christ
- You have expressed a fear of becoming attached to your musical activities, but attachment for Krishna's service is not bad. If you can engage your talent for Krishna's service, then this attachment will increase your Krishna Consciousness status
- You should keep yourself to the standard of brahminical culture. Then there is guarantee that you don't degrade yourself; you get higher status of life in the higher planetary system: Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka, Satyaloka. Then you will get
- Your tears at kirtana are a good sign, and it shows that Krishna is pleased upon you. So remain in this status and chant nicely