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- A devotee naturally does not like to transgress the laws of reverence for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but by the influence of yogamaya he is prepared to do anything to love the Supreme Lord better
- A husband naturally has some affection for his wife. Therefore Satyavati's mother thought that the oblation prepared for Satyavati by the sage Rcika must have been better than her own oblation
- A living entity can go wherever he likes - to heaven or to hell - simply by preparing himself for either place. There are many heavenly planets, many hellish planets, and many species of life
- A man has got a particular type of body by which he can prepare a vehicle or cycle, and he can run on. He is thinking that "I am running in greater speed than the dog; therefore I am civilized." This is the modern mentality
- A pure soul who is prepared to be freed from this material entanglement must first of all be free from the association of the three modes of nature
- A sane human being must consider whether he will elevate himself to the higher planets, prepare to free himself from the evolutionary process, or travel again through the evolutionary process in higher and lower grades of life
- A selfish man is not prepared to take to Krsna consciousness and is condemned by great devotees like Sukadeva Gosvami. In other words, possession of too many worldly riches is a disqualification for advancement in Krsna consciousness
- A Vaisnava is so liberal that he is prepared to risk everything to rescue the conditioned souls from material existence
- A vanaprastha should prepare a thatched cottage or take shelter of a cave in a mountain only to keep the sacred fire, but he should personally practice enduring snowfall, wind, fire, rain and the shining of the sun
- A vanaprastha should prepare cakes to be offered in sacrifice from fruits and grains grown naturally in the forest. When he obtains some new grains, he should give up his old stock of grains
- According to the instructions given by Rsabhadeva to His sons, we should not create a so-called comfortable situation, but must prepare to undergo austerity. This is how a human being should actually live to fulfill life's ultimate goal
- Advaita was prepared to talk with any learned brahmana on this point and prove definitely that by offering food to a pure devotee like Haridasa Thakura, He was equally as blessed as He would have been by offering food to thousands of learned brahmanas
- After eating all the offerings, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu started for Panihati. There, He was greatly satisfied to see the different varieties of vegetables prepared in the house of Raghava
- After fifty years of age the householder retires from family life and prepares for the life of sannyasa
- After hearing him (the brahmana), Arjuna immediately prepared himself by touching sanctified water and uttering holy mantras to protect his bows and arrows from danger
- After the eclipse, all the members of the Yadu dynasty again took their baths in the lakes created by Lord Parasurama. Then they sumptuously fed the brahmanas with first-class cooked food, all prepared in butter
- After the Lord was laid down to rest on the bed, Madhavendra Puri gathered all the brahmanas who had prepared the prasadam and said to them, "Now feed everyone sumptuously, from the children on up to the aged"
- After the winding up of material nature, these living entities are again given a chance to act in the material world and prepare themselves to enter into the spiritual world. That is the mystery of this material creation. BG 1972 purports
- Alas, how strange it is that we (Arjuna and the Pandavas) are preparing to commit greatly sinful acts. Driven by the desire to enjoy royal happiness, we are intent on killing our own kinsmen
- All of these bodies (tiger, hog and human being) are made according to the work done in past lives by the living entity. Our next bodies are being prepared according to the work which we are now doing
- All the houses of Yadupuri (Dvaraka) were decorated with flags, festoons and flowers. Each and every house had an extra gate specifically prepared for this occasion, and on both sides of the gate were big water jugs filled with water
- Although sacrifice may be offered to please Krsna, He is more pleased when grains and ghee, instead of being offered in the fire, are prepared as prasada & distributed, first to the brahmanas and then to others. This system pleases Him more than anything
- An example of a pure devotee is Lord Jesus Christ, who agreed to be mercilessly crucified rather than give up preaching on behalf of God. He was never prepared to compromise on the issue of believing in God
- An intelligent man should be careful to know what sort of body is going to be awarded him, and thus he must prepare for a better life in other planets, even if he is reluctant to go back to Godhead
- An intelligent person must be prepared for this and must try to have the best type of body in the next life. The best type of body is a spiritual body, which is obtained by those who go back to the kingdom of God or enter the realm of Brahman
- And if there is no rain, what factory will do, you rascal? You can manufacture scissors and knives and buckets of plastic, but you cannot prepare rice and wheat. That is not possible, sir. That will depend on rain
- Any food prepared by the injunctions of the scripture and offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be taken even if prepared long, long ago, because such food is transcendental
- Anyone who is preparing rasagulla for himself or expanded himself, so they simply become implicated with sinful activities
- Anyone, whether a grhastha or a sannyasi, can keep small Deities of God and thus worship Them by offering food prepared in ghee & then offering the sanctified prasada to the forefathers, demigods & other living entities as a matter of routine daily work
- Arjuna trees are still found in many forests, and their skin is used by cardiologists to prepare medicine for heart trouble. This means that even though they are trees, they are disturbed when skinned for medical science
- As explained in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.25), yanti deva-vrata devan. Those interested in being elevated to the higher planetary systems (Devaloka or Svargaloka) must prepare to do so
- As soon as Kamsa got this information from Narada Muni, he took out his sharp sword and prepared to kill Vasudeva for his duplicity. But Narada pacified him. "You are not to be killed by Vasudeva," he said. "Why are you so anxious to kill him?"
- As soon as possible, one should give up his so-called comfortable life at home and prepare to undergo austerity, or tapasya. Tapo divyam putraka - SB 5.5.1
- As stated in the sastras, a devotee should be both tolerant and merciful. Devotees engaged in preaching should be prepared to be accused by ignorant persons, and yet they must be very merciful to the fallen conditioned souls
- As yogurt is prepared when milk is mixed with a culture, the form of Lord Siva expands when the Supreme Personality of Godhead is in touch with material nature
- Asura thinks that he will live forever, and let him prepare big, big plans for material comforts. This is asuric civilization. He'll not be allowed to stay here. Duhkhalayam asasvatam - BG 8.15
- At any moment. You must be prepared. Krsna said, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. So if you have got intelligence, you can do it immediately. Where is the difficulty? But you'll not do it
- At last, when the creation is preparing to wind up, there is first the principle of irreligion, then Lord Siva along with the atheists, full of anger. But all of them are but different manifestations of the Supreme Lord
- At that time Arjuna, the son of Pandu, who was seated in his chariot, his flag marked with Hanuman, took up his bow and prepared to shoot his arrows, looking at the sons of Dhrtarastra. Arjuna then spoke to Hrsikesa (Krsna) these words. BG 1.20 - 1972
- At the last stage of his life he (Pariksit) was cursed by a brahmana boy to die within seven days. So within seven days he had to prepare himself for the next birth. So he was little perplexed
- At the present moment, we are not in a position to make charities but for the devotees we can sacrifice anything. So you can stop preparing prasadam for persons who are not willing to work neither to pay
- At the same time one may remain very much attached to fruitive activities and material sense enjoyment and not be prepared to undergo the different types of renunciation
- Austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, the basic principles of religion, prepare the ground for the reception of advancement in spiritual knowledge
- Austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, the basic principles of religion, prepare the ground for the reception of advancement in spiritual knowledge, and Maharaja Pariksit made this favorable condition possible
- Balabhadra Bhattacarya used to keep a stock of food grain that would last from two to four days. Where there were no people, he would cook the grain and prepare vegetables, spinach, roots and fruits collected from the forest
- Balarama said, "They (the Yadus) were preparing to attack the whole kingdom of the Kuru dynasty, but I pacified them and took the trouble to come here to settle the affair without any fighting. Yet these rascals behave like this"
- Because He is the omniscient Personality of Godhead, Krsna knew that the cowherd men were preparing for the Indra sacrifice, but as a matter of etiquette He began to inquire with great honor and submission from elder personalities like Maharaja Nanda
- Because in the material world every activity is sinful, because the main principle is how to become master. Therefore to become master everyone is prepared to do anything, never mind whether sinful or pious
- Because the quality of ignorance is prominent in Lord Siva, when he heard Bhrgu’s insult his eyes immediately became red with anger. With uncontrollable rage, he took up his trident and prepared to kill Bhrgu Muni
- Because the remark (Vidura's mother being a sudrani) was an actual fact, it was unpalatable talk to Vidura, and it was accepted as a direct insult. He therefore decided to quit his paternal house and prepare for the renounced order of life
- Becoming intoxicated with this blood, they all began to sing very loudly and dance as though prepared to annihilate the entire universe. At the same time, they began to play with the heads of the rogues & thieves, tossing them about as if they were balls
- Before death comes again, we must prepare in such a nice way - no more death, no more birth. That is education
- Before death, we must prepare ourselves, what is next body. If we are not doing that, then we are killing ourselves, committing suicide
- Beginning from Ravana (everyone is trying to become independent of law of material nature), who wanted to prepare a direct staircase to the planets of heaven, down to the present age, they are trying to overcome the laws of nature
- Better stop in fewer places and have first class programs there, but I am simply at your mercy and I have only the protection of Krsna in all circumstances; therefore, whatever you make me to do, that I am prepared
- Bhagavad-gita sloka, Bhagavata sloka, and doll exhibition. So you prepare. I will give you the suggestion
- Bhagavan Acarya submitted to Svarupa Damodara Gosvami, "A good brahmana has prepared a drama about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that appears exceptionally well composed"
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura said: When one surrenders to Lord Visnu, one must be prepared to abide by His orders in all circumstances, whether He kills one or gives one protection. Lord Visnu must be worshiped in all circumstances
- Bound by such hallucinations, materialistic men prepare various plans for a still more comfortable life, but suddenly cruel death comes without mercy and takes away the great planmaker against his desire
- By eating food prepared by worldly people, one s mind becomes wicked
- By getting enough milk and combining it with food grains and vegetables, we can prepare hundreds of nectarean foods. We can happily eat this food and thus avoid industrial enterprises and joblessness
- By practice of such yoga (moving air within the body by breathing movement) one is able to gain control over the senses, refrain from outward sense objects, and thus prepare oneself for liberation in the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied (to Prakasananda Sarasvati) that, "Sir, if I reply your question candidly, please do not be sorry." "No, I am not sorry. We are prepared." - Because My Guru Maharaja saw Me, I am the greatest fool
- Canakya Pandita has said: ayusah ksana eko 'pi na labhyah svarna-kotibhih. We may live for a hundred years, but not one moment of these hundred years can be returned, not even if we are prepared to pay millions of dollars
- Chant Hare Krsna and you become perfect. But we are so unfortunate, we are not even prepared to chant. This is our position. So you have to make little determination that "I shall chant henceforward Hare Krsna mantra"
- Cobbler is taken as the low..., those who prepare, expert in skin. So they are generally very poor man. Now they have advanced, because now the Kali-yuga is the age of the sudras
- Cow protection insures sufficient food prepared with milk, which is needed for an advanced civilization. One should not pollute civilization by eating the flesh of cows. A civilization must do something progressive, and then it is an Aryan civilization
- Cow protection is very, very essential in human society because it gives the milk, the miracle food. You can prepare hundreds and thousands of preparation, all not only delicious, but brain-maintaining. You can get good brain
- Cows are the most important animal because they produce the miracle food, milk, from which we can prepare ghee and yogurt
- Cultivation of the human spirit is not, mere adjustment of materialistic anomalies. It is the process for preparing oneself to be promoted to the spiritual kingdom
- Deliver the oil to the temple of Jagannatha so that it may be burned in the lamps. Thus your labor in preparing the oil will be fruitful
- Demons think that they will manufacture their own process of yajna and prepare some machine, by which they will be able to reach any higher planet. The best example of such a demoniac man was Ravana. BG 1972 purports
- Devahuti asked her husband (Kardama Muni) how to prepare herself for sex life according to the Vedic instructions
- Devotion and love are the chief things which the Supreme Personality of Godhead accepts. But it is also mentioned that the prasadam should be prepared in a particular way. BG 1972 purports
- During our lifetime we have to practice approaching that point of perfection, and at the time of death, when we give up this material body, that perfection has to be realized. At the time of death, one must be prepared
- Eight symptoms of a jivan mukta - 03 Another symptom (of a liberated person) is vimrtyu. A liberated person prepares himself in such a way that he does not take on any more material bodies, which are destined to die
- Elephant is a big animal, and at least fifty times more than cow, there is flesh. But it is not recommended. But the cow protection is recommended because it has got the miracle food, milk, and from milk you can prepare hundreds of preparation
- Even father will be enemy, what to speak of others. If you become Krsna conscious, the whole world will be your enemy. You must be prepared for that. So therefore you require tapasya. Tapasya means voluntarily agree to suffer
- Even if they (modern scientists) were to prepare an egg and put it in an incubator, this man-made chemical egg would not produce a chicken. The soul must be added because there is no question of a chemical combination for life
- Even one's father may turn into an enemy like Hiranyakasipu, the father of Prahlada Maharaja. Prahlada was only five years old and was chanting Hare Krsna, but his father was prepared to kill him because he was a devotee
- Even the highest planetary system, Brahmaloka, may be reached, but scientists say that it will take forty thousand years at sputnik speed. Who is prepared to travel in space for forty thousand years?
- Every day the Lord would take His meal at a different place, and if someone was prepared to pay for a meal, the price was fixed at only four panas
- Everyone is afraid of being killed. That is the most fearful position. But if you are convinced that "I am not killed; I exist . . ." That does not mean I shall be voluntarily prepared to be killed. No, that is not the idea
- Everyone should be prepared to propagate this movement (of Krsna consciousness). As instructed by Lord Caitanya, one should be humbler than the grass on the ground and more tolerant than the tree
- Everyone should be very alert in their behavior. Rising early in the morning, taking bath, be prepared for mangala aratik immediately. Then class
- Everything should be always kept neat and clean, and the foodstuffs should be prepared in a neat and clean manner. All these regulative principles are described in The Nectar of Devotion
- Externally They (Krsna and Balarama) were absent from Vrndavana. Therefore, when Nanda Maharaja was preparing to return to Vrndavana, there was some discussion between him and the boys concerning how they could live in separation
- Factually, the devotional service of the Lord is described in the Vedanta-sutra, but the Mayavadi philosophers, the Sankarites, prepared a commentary known as Sariraka-bhasya, in which the transcendental form of the Lord is denied
- Fearful with awe and veneration, all present touched their hands to their heads and prepared to offer their prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Adhoksaja
- Five to seven men prepared a huge quantity of capatis, which were sufficiently covered with ghee (clarified butter), as were all the vegetables, rice and dhal
- Follow my example as I did in the beginning at 26 2nd Ave. That is preaching, cooking, writing, talking, chanting everything one man's show. I never thought about the audience. I was prepared to chant if there were no man to hear me
- From all the literatures you are distributing you spend this money for spreading Krsna consciousness in Poland, Checkoslovakia, Hungary, and East Germany, and prepare men. Put all of our books into the local languages
- From aquatics to the birds, beasts, insect, animals, then we come to the human form of life, especially in a civilized human form of life. So if you prepare yourself in this life, then next life you can improve more
- From milk you can prepare hundreds and thousands of preparations. We actually make. At least ten, twenty kinds of sweet preparation we make from the cheese. Therefore as recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam
- From the material point of view, everyone must be prepared to pay, to take protection. But does it mean that if one becomes devotee he becomes irresponsible? No. These things automatically come
- Gaurasundara will be helping me prepare this Brahma Samhita. After you finish transliteration of Brahma Samhita then we shall see for Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Get prepared to meet anyone, scientists, philosopher, poet, talk with them, and he can give answer to all their questions. But our method is very simple
- Grains, food grains, and milk and vegetables & fruits. So we prepare hundreds of items with these things. You can do that. And they are all delicious & full of vitamins. So why one should kill unnecessarily the poor animals and become vicious and sinful
- He (a devotee) thinks that by accepting such things (as garlands, bedsteads, nice ornaments, nice food and even nicely prepared pan, betel nuts) he will offend the lotus feet of the Lord
- He (a materially attached person) is generally very greedy, and he thinks that anything attained by him is permanent and never to be lost. Such a person is envious of others and prepared to do anything wrong for sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- He (Bhismadeva) prepared himself to quit his body before the exalted Lord Sri Krsna, the pious Pandavas and the great sages headed by Bhagavan Vyasa, etc., all great souls
- He (Kardama Muni) also created a great spaceship as large as a small city. Modern airlines have prepared a 747, & although these are very big, Kardama Muni, by his yogic powers, was able to create a spaceship wherein there were lakes, palaces and gardens
- He (Maharaja Khatvanga) was not as anxious to accumulate some material benediction from the demigods as he was to prepare himself for the next life. He was informed by the demigods, however, that his life would last only a moment longer
- He (Maharaja Pariksit) was not at all angry with the muni's son who had cursed him. Rather, he accepted the curse and prepared for his death in the association of Sukadeva Gosvami
- He (Ravana) offered a program to the people by which he would prepare a staircase so that anyone could reach the heavenly planets without performing sacrifices, such as are prescribed in the Vedas. BG 1972 purports
- He (Sukadeva Gosvami) also prepared himself to reply to all that King Pariksit had inquired from him. Maharaja Pariksit was the best in the dynasty of the Pandus, and thus he was able to ask the right questions from the right person
- He (the brahmana) was not very satisfied with the offering because the sweet rice had been prepared recently and it was still very hot
- He (the self-realized devotee) performs his devotional activities steadily, without doubting, and after quitting his material body he at once reaches the destination for which he has prepared himself
- He (Yudhisthira) wisely prepared himself to leave home, and he dressed accordingly
- He prepared a large jug of it in Bengal, and with great care he has brought it here
- He prepares cakes, sweet rice, condensed milk and everything else with great attention, and the cooking conditions are purified so that the food is first class and delicious
- Henceforward I am not sanctioning any more marriages, and those who want to marry must know in advance and be prepared to make outside income to support wife and home separately from the temple, and in the temple husband and wife shall live separately
- Here is the real understanding, that: Whether you are prepared to act according to the direction of Krsna, then your life is successful. Otherwise you are in darkness
- High government officers and ministers stick to their prize posts until death, and they neither dream nor desire to get out of homely comforts. Bound by such hallucinations, materialistic men prepare various plans for a still more comfortable life
- Hiranyakasipu being a nondevotee, was so polluted that he was even prepared to kill his own son (Prahlada Maharaj). He justified this by putting forward the logic of amputation
- His eyes became red, and he prepared to curse Daksa and all the brahmanas present there who had tolerated Daksa's cursing Siva in harsh words
- How could the boy understand that special prasadam was being prepared for Visnu? They (Jagadisa & Hiranya) immediately concluded that Nimai must have supernatural mystic power. Otherwise how could He understand that they were preparing special prasadam?
- How from milk in different stages you get this foodstuff, kacuris, srngara, sandesa, rabri. And this chana, if fried, if you prepare nicely with little hing and ginger, then it will exactly taste like meat. They'll forget
- Hundreds and thousands of living entities meet death at every moment, but a foolish living being nonetheless thinks himself deathless and does not prepare for death. This is the most wonderful thing in this world
- Hundreds of delicacies can be prepared simply by the combination of grains, vegetables and milk. All such preparations are in the mode of goodness and therefore may be offered to the Personality of Godhead
- I am always prepared to meet you both in this connection, and I hope that such a meeting will be a great epoch in the human society for changing the chaotic condition
- I am encouraged to hear that you are prepared to take sannyas and travel widely for GBC's real business
- I am glad to hear also that you have made my rooms very nicely painted and cleansed. Now I shall be coming there by early October and I want to stay in those rooms, so you may prepare them for me very nicely and decorate with flowers, etc
- I am glad to hear that you will be going to Gujarat state for about one month and that you are preparing one Gujarati BTG for distributing there
- I am prepared to come to South Africa by the middle of July
- I am prepared to convince you that there is our Eternal Father & He wants you & all of us to go back to our permanent home. If you argue that there is no such Father God at all, then I am still more prepared to argue with you in all seriousness
- I am prepared to cooperate with the Gaudiya Mission in all respects, but I do not know under what condition you wish to cooperate with me
- I am prepared to cooperate with the Gaudiya Mission wholeheartedly. I am prepared also to be amalgamated, and they have invited me to go to India to talk frankly, face to face
- I am prepared to talk with any God conscious man. Let us chalk out a program so that people may be benefited, but they want to go in their own stereotyped way
- I am so glad to learn that you are prepared to work even harder, as a forward soldier, to fight the Maya. May Krishna give you more and more strength
- I am so pleased to note that you are always ready to serve my cause and you are proper prepared to follow my instructions in the service of Lord Krishna
- I am very glad that you are preparing the ground work for starting our centers in London, Amsterdam and Berlin. It may be that we can add another in Tokyo. We must have hundreds of such branches for preaching Krishna Consciousness all over the world
- I am very glad to know that one rich Indian, Mr. Raj Anand, is prepared to contribute some money for our temple activities
- I am very interested in the Sri Beni Madhava Temple. I have also written the Mahant Sri Omkar Giri inviting him to Mayapur for further discussion on this. For yourself, I again invite you, and we will be prepared to pay for your expenditures
- I am very much pleased that a learned scholar like you is prepared to cooperate with our preaching activities. If you kindly come in Calcutta along with your papers, I shall be very glad to meet you and talk with you on the subject matter
- I am very much pleased to get your inquiries about my activities, and within a week I shall prepare everything nicely and send to you
- I cannot say that I will have such-and-such body my next life. But in one sense, if I am intelligent, I can prepare my next body. I can prepare my body to live in certain planets, in certain societies. Even you can go to the higher planets
- I do not know why you are so much worried about your son's accepting brahmanahood. Anyway, rest assured that your son will not be initiated in brahmanahood at least for one year henceforward, unless he is so prepared with your sanction
- I fully approve of your idea to prepare every available manuscript up to the stage of printing, even if they remain in the layout stage for a while
- I have already tested how the people here like the Vegetable Prasadam prepared by me. They will forget meat eating and they will pay for the expenses
- I have been asked by Srila Prabhupad to enquire who has had this document prepared without Srila Prabhupad's authority being given? It is understood from Bali Maradan that it has taken over one year to prepare this document
- I have been informed by Adi Kesava Maharaja that the people in Washington are prepared to approve our purchase of the Delhi house at 12 Ring Road
- I have prepared a nice book, Krishna, and I want to print it in a deluxe edition. If some of your friends finance this publication, it will be a unique presentation to the world
- I have received some photographs of the Doll Exhibit which they have prepared in Los Angeles. From the photographs it appears that they have done everything very nicely
- I may inform you that I am prepared to take possession of the above mentioned baggage. Sriman Balavanta das is my disciple
- I never thought about the audience. I was prepared to chant if there were no man to hear me
- I think they are not prepared to hear these things. If you talk that "You are God, I am God," then they will like it. As soon as the real process of self-realization, God-realization, is put before them, they are not agreeing
- I think you can prepare one silver flute and I am inserting measurement. It should be with golden relief work - raised embroidery-like designs - on the body of the flute. The length of the flute may be 5 inches
- I was prepared to chant even if there were no men present to hear me. The principle of chanting is to glorify the Lord and not to attract a crowd. If Krishna hears nicely then he will ask some sincere devotee to gather in such place
- I will have to go from here to Vancouver or Montreal to take my immigration visa, and from Vancouver I may go directly to Santa Fe, and from Santa Fe, I may go to Los Angeles. Then I shall prepare my next program. Let us see what Krishna desires
- If a human being follows the activities of the animals and does not avail himself of his ability to elevate his consciousness, he falls down the human scale and prepares for an animal body in his next life
- If anyone can prepare that soma-rasa, and anyone can drink that soma-rasa, he becomes immortal. That means his duration of life increases
- If anyone visits a holy place, he must search out the pure devotees residing in such holy places, take lessons from them, try to apply such instructions in practical life and gradually prepare oneself for the ultimate salvation, going back to Godhead
- If George is actually prepared to spend 50% of his income, and thus become a typical example to other European householders, then I shall be able to give him a plan for organizing this ashram so much so that it will be very, very attractive to everyone
- If he cannot acquire things from his father, son or other relatives, he is prepared to give them all kinds of trouble
- If he is prepared to discuss seriously how religion is becoming degraded all over the world, then it is worthwhile. Religion is now being taken as a formality
- If I get opportunity to prepare some nice slides from Srimad-Bhagavatam and make tape records on the prayers offered to the Deity in the slide, as well as explain the whole slide in English, all tape recorded, this will be very nice idea
- If in a moment's misunderstanding we prepare ourself to be separated, that is not . . . there is no love
- If one gets the opportunity to take birth in a very rich or royal family, even then he is always anxious to maintain the status quo and prepare for the next life by performing various sacrifices and distributing charity
- If one is advanced in knowledge, he must always be prepared to sacrifice anything for a better cause. At the present moment the entire world is in a dangerous position under the spell of a godless civilization
- If one is unable to give up the activities of his selfish nature, then jnana and yoga are of no avail. The real aim is for a living entity to give up all selfish satisfaction and to be prepared to satisfy the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- If one keeps himself in Krsna consciousness, he gradually prepares his next body, a spiritual body, which will carry him immediately to Krsnaloka, Krsna's abode, and he will become happy living there perpetually and blissfully
- If one prepares oneself one may go to the higher planetary systems, or similarly one may go to the Pitrlokas. There one may meet one's forefathers, if they have been eligible to go there
- If one wants liberation and wants to return home, back to Godhead, he should prepare himself for that purpose
- If the American people, who trust in God, constitutionally, take this movement seriously, it will be a great service to the human society. We are prepared to cooperate in this connection if the American Government takes it very seriously
- If they are serious, they must hear the philosophy for some time, and I am prepared to spare my time for this purpose
- If we are prepared to follow the various rules and regulations - that is to say, if we become qualified - it is possible to see God anywhere and everywhere
- If we do not believe in the scriptures, that is a different question, but if we have faith in the authority of such descriptions, then we must prepare for our freedom in the next life; that is possible in this human form of life
- If we prepare an earring from gold, the earring is also gold. We cannot say that the earring is false
- If you accept this simple process, that "Chant Hare Krsna and realize God," that is also fact. And if you think, "What is this nonsense, chanting Hare Krsna?" then you read books. Both ways we are prepared. Come and take advantage of this movement
- If you act in this body very nicely, yanti deva-vrata devan pitṟn yanti pitr-vratah (BG 9.25). So you can prepare your next life. So our this Krsna consciousness movement is next life to go back to Krsna directly. That is our program
- If you are actually reasonable, you'll understand that this Krsna consciousness movement is the sublime movement for the welfare of the whole human society. That's a fact. Anyone may come. We are prepared to discuss this subject matter
- If you are determined in this way to be His devotee, Krishna will provide some happy solution. But even if He puts us into extreme difficulty, we must always be prepared to consider everything as His special Mercy
- If you are not prepared to submit, then you will never understand. You will remain in this tamas, tamas. Tamasi ma. But don't remain in tamas. Come to the light
- If you are preparing some book (SWAMIJI) like that, make it so nicely that it may be accepted by general public. And for this purpose, it is better to add with the pictures my speeches, which are of public interest
- If you can prepare sandesh and send it to me, it will be very nice
- If you deny His protection, that is a different thing. But if you are prepared to take His protection, aham tvam sarva-papebhyah, then you should immediately attain abhayam, no more fear
- If you do not know (what happens to spirit after death), this means you have not prepared your life, so accidentally, at the time of death, your mentality will create another body, and nature will supply it
- If you do not prepare yourself in this life, if you simply become engaged in sinful activities, then you'll be degraded
- If you get better thing, you give up inferior quality thing. That is our nature. Just like our students, American students, they were all accustomed to meat-eating. But now another student, she is preparing the sweet balls
- If you get milk products, milk, then you can prepare so many preparation full of vitamins, which will nourish your brain. Dull brain cannot understand what is spiritual knowledge
- If you immediately accept the words of, accept the words of Krsna-sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam, that is very good. But if you are very learned philosopher, scientist, then read books. Both ways we have prepared to convince you
- If you prepare in this life, then you can go to Vaikuntha. There is no impediment. Simply you have to be purified. This bhakti-marga is the process of purification
- If you prepare some rasagulla for you, and if you prepare rasagulla for mass of people, then who is better?
- If you want to dance with the dog, then remain here. Go on perpetually dancing with the dog. But if you want to dance with God, you can prepare yourself and go there and dance with Him. That is up to you
- If you want to go to the sun planet or moon planet - there are many heavenly planets - you can go there. Yanti deva-vrata devan. Then you have to prepare in this life how to go there. You cannot go there by force, with your sputnik or some jet
- Immediately you take it without any consideration that anyone who is not devotee of Krsna, who is not prepared to surrender to Krsna, he's a rascal. That's all. This is our conclusion
- In America, you have got so much land. Produce vegetable, grains, milk, eat sumptuously, no economic question. Prepare very nice product. And make some money by sending ghee in the city
- In India there is already a party who are prepared to criticize my activities in the matter of offering sacred thread to the so-called mlecchas according to their calculation
- In New York, Advaita and Uddhava are preparing to start press to print our books and magazines, so in this endeavor they will require more manpower
- In one sense if your wife has actually left you it is a blessing. Better to prepare yourself for sannyasa rather than vanaprastha
- In Orissa, food offered to Lord Jagannatha is called prasadi, and that which is not offered to Lord Jagannatha is known as amani or ghara-bhata, rice prepared at home
- In our Indian family, if they want for puris and a little vegetable, it will be prepared in five minutes. Five minutes, immediately. My brother's wife, very nice wife, I saw, whenever I wanted some tiffin like that - within five minutes, immediately
- In some houses He (Caitanya) would steal milk & drink it, and in others He would steal & eat prepared rice. Sometimes He would break cooking pots. If there were nothing to eat but there were small babies, the Lord would tease the babies and make them cry
- In such a form, Your Lordship is always prepared to punish the demons, who are envious of Your devotees
- In the beginning of creation You created all these moving and nonmoving living entities by Your inconceivable energy. Through this very same energy You are now prepared to protect the living entities
- In the Christian Bible there is, "Father, give us our daily bread." That is good - they are accepting the Supreme Father. But grown-up children should not ask from the father; rather, they should be prepared to serve the father. That is bhakti - devotion
- In the human life, if we prepare ourselves by beginning the activity of our spiritual life, we return to our real life and attain perfection. Otherwise, according to karma, svabhava, prakrti and so on, our varieties of life and activity continue
- In the matter of my activities of spreading the objective of Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj, I am prepared to cooperate with the Gaudiya Mission in all respects
- In the meantime I have also prepared a commentary on the Bhagavad-gita purely on Bhakti principle and when published it will be an unique publication of Bhagavad-gita as it is
- In the morning, the gopis prepared for morning arati by lighting their lamps and sprinkling butter mixed with yogurt. After finishing their mangala-arati, they engaged themselves in churning butter from yogurt
- In the platform of dharma, to become very religious, moral, who can be more religious than the devotee? Who can be more moralist than the devotee? A devotee is not prepared to kill even an ant. So who can be more moralist? These things are already there
- In the second chapter of this canto (second canto), this matter (the best type of body is a spiritual body) will be broadly discussed, but as far as the change of body is concerned, one must prepare now for the next life
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the science of God, the first nine cantos prepare the ground for hearing the Tenth Canto. This will be further explained in the last chapter of this canto. In the Third Canto it will be more explicit
- In the subject of life, if we prepare for the examination at the time of death and pass it, then we are transferred to the spiritual world. Everything is examined at the time of death
- In the temple, the rule is that you must get up before four and prepare yourself, and we have to ring the bells three hundred times, and still you are sleeping. Just see
- In the Vedas it is also stated, apomayah pranah: "Life depends on water." With water, anything can be moistened or dampened. Flour dough can be prepared with a mixture of water. Mud is made by mixing earth with water
- In the Vedas there is direction how to prepare by chemical process gold. That is also there. Gold, there is a suggestion that you mix three metals, namely nickel, copper and mercury, you'll get gold
- In their country also they have got many cows. They get sufficient milk. And from that milk, they prepare so many things - milk, ghee, and then they get chana. So they know how to prepare so many things from chana, lugdoo
- In this age, people are prepared to argue that they can understand that which is beyond their limited knowledge and perception through so-called scientific observations and experiments, not knowing that actual truth comes down to man from authorities
- In this connection, there is a story in the Skanda Purana about a hunter who was converted into a great devotee under the instruction of Narada Muni. When the hunter became a perfect devotee, he was not prepared even to kill an ant
- In this life we have to prepare ourselves for promotion to the next life. Those who are in the mode of rajo-guna are generally interested in being promoted to the heavenly planets. Some, unknowingly, are degraded to lower animal forms
- In Western countries especially, we first observe whether a potential disciple is prepared to follow the regulative principles. Then he is given the name of a Vaisnava servant & initiated to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, at least sixteen rounds daily
- In Yamuna's letter I understood that many people are interested in our temple work, and they are prepared to contribute items such as deities. All such things being favorable, why you are not taking a temple at your own risk
- In your country, the Deity should not go without shirt. Gaura-Nitai may wear turbans. Nothing should be offered to Krishna unless it is prepared by the devotees themselves
- Instead of wasting her (Queen Arci) time in lamentation, she immediately prepared a fiery pyre on top of a hill and then placed the body of her husband (King Prthu) on it to be burned
- It is a huge project and we require intelligent men to supervise construction and son on. Men who come here, they should be prepared to stay here for at least two years. And they must be very strict in following the rules and regulations
- It is better to prepare oneself in the brahmacarya-asrama for austerities and remain a pure brahmacari throughout one's life so that one will not feel the piercing thorns of material life in the grhastha-asrama
- It is good to be prepared with a well-thought lecture in advance. However, we must be able to preach effectively at a moment's notice or under any conditions or circumstances also
- It is necessary that every human being be responsible in preparing himself for the next life, even if he has a duration of life like that of Brahmā, the greatest of all living creatures within the universe
- It is not so important that you have no temple building just now. The main thing is that somehow or other preaching work goes on and literature is distributed. We are prepared to sleep under a tree, so what is there need for a fancy house
- It is not that the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's sampradaya is simply chanting and dancing. If required, they are prepared to answer all Vedic discussion. They are prepared
- It is only for our guidance that Srila Rupa Gosvami prepared his book Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, which is now presented in the form of The Nectar of Devotion
- It is our duty to prepare a body which will help us go back to Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- It is said that the alchemists of the medieval age tried to prepare gold from base metal, and Srila Sanatana Gosvami also states that when bell metal is treated with mercury, it can produce gold
- It is the mercy of Krishna that you are getting fair warning of your nearing death. Now, you must become very serious to prepare to meet death without fear of being fully absorbed in the lotus feet of Krishna
- It is understood from their letters that they are eager to be initiated. If they are prepared to follow the rules and regulations I think that they can be initiated by mail
- It is very essential that we should be prepared for the next body. Because after we will give up this body, and our pains and pleasure is according to the body
- It is warned, Don't talk this, the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita, to the rascals who has no austerities, who has no devotion, who is not prepared to hear
- Jagadananda Pandita stayed at the house of Sivananda Sena for some time, and they prepared about sixteen seers of scented sandalwood oil
- Jarasandha prepared thirteen such military phalanxes to retaliate the death of Kamsa. Taking with him all his military strength, he attacked the capital of the Yadu kings, Mathura, surrounding it from all directions
- Jariwala's letter is not very encouraging. He is prepared to some silver Murtis; Murtis we have already got. Therefore we should not take him for the present very seriously. Later on we shall thank over the matter
- Just as serpents agitated by Garuda rush towards Garuda with upraised hoods, all the Yaksa soldiers prepared to overcome Dhruva Maharaja with their upraised weapons
- Just as you have a gold mine and are preparing so many golden utensils and ornaments and many other things. But they are all gold because the original is gold
- Just like in Christian Bible there is, "Father, give us our daily bread." That is good, they are accepting the Supreme Father. But grown-up children, they should not ask from the father, but they should be prepared to serve the father. That is bhakti
- Just like in our country the camaras, they take away and take the skin for preparing shoes and eat the flesh and use the bone. So we request those who are flesh eaters, that "Wait up to the natural death. Why you are killing?"
- Just try to understand me clearly. In order to enter the moon planet you have got to prepare yourself for a suitable body. If you make that suitable body, you can enter. But the present body which you have manufactured - the spacesuit - is not suitable
- Kalakanya as jara, the invalidity of old age, can be used to arouse a sense of fear in people so that they will prepare for the next life by engaging in Krsna consciousness
- Kali-yuga, nobody is prepared to sacrifice. Especially when there is question of sacrificing for God, nobody's interested. So this, because they'll not sacrifice, they will enjoy themself, forgetting the supreme enjoyer
- Kamsa had previously excused Devaki because he thought that a woman should not be killed, especially when pregnant. But now, by the influence of maya, he was prepared to kill a woman - not only a woman, but a small, helpless newborn child
- Karandhara and Sudama goswami are prepared to help you in every way. Your husband has gone away so what can be done. But you should return to our Temple and again take up devotional service as I have designed and directed at our Centers
- Kardama Muni could understand that such a great king as Svayambhuva, although traveling to inspect the condition of his kingdom, must have had some special purpose to come to his hermitage. Thus he prepared himself to fulfill the King's desire
- Kardama Muni prepared a great airplane, which was as large as a small town and had various gardens, palatial buildings, servants and maidservants
- Karmis are generally engaged in sense gratification, and for this end they are prepared to commit so many sinful activities. Animal sacrifice is but one such sinful activity
- King Pariksit was cursed by a brahmin to die within 7 days. He was very wrongly cursed, still, Pariksit Maharaja tolerated. He could counteract such curse, but he did not do it. He took this opportunity of retiring from active life and prepare for death
- Krishna was all along preparing something I could not see, and He brought you to me one by one, sincere American boys and girls, to be trained-up for doing the work of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Krsna continued, "After all, you have to prepare yourself for your next life. I therefore advise that you select someone who can help you in both this life and the next, for I am completely unable to help"
- Krsna said, "A person who is tolerant is always prepared to tolerate everything, even though distressful. Just as a criminal can perform the most abominable acts, a greatly charitable person like you can give anything & everything for which he is asked"
- Krsna said, "Even though they are trees and animals, these residents of Vrndavana are glorifying You. They are prepared to welcome You to the best of their ability, as is the practice of great souls in receiving another great soul at home"
- Krsna said, "Prepare rice, dhal, then halava, pakora, puri & all kinds of milk preparations, such as sweet rice, rabri, sweetballs, sandesa, rasagulla & laddu, and invite the learned brahmanas who can chant the Vedic hymns & offer oblations to the fire"
- Krsna says, svakarmana: "Whatever talent you have got, you can serve Me & be perfect." That is the program. They're preparing cloth for the devotees, not for business. Therefore he's serving Krsna. To serve devotee & to serve Krsna, there's no difference
- Let the palatable dishes be prepared, but unless they are offered to Krsna one should not accept them for eating
- Liberation is not so important as the transcendental loving service of the Lord. The Lord could have awarded Prsni and Sutapa immediate liberation, but He preferred to keep them within this material world for His different appearances
- Lord Balarama prepared Himself to meet the demon Balvala. At the time when the demon usually attacked the sacred place, there appeared a great hailstorm, the whole sky became covered with dust, and the atmosphere became surcharged with a filthy smell
- Lord Balarama then implored all the sages and brahmanas that aside from the benediction offered to the son of Romaharsana, they should ask from Him any other benediction, and He would be prepared to fulfill it immediately
- Lord Brahma was very angry at his son’s impudence, & he showed signs which definitely proved this to be so. He was even prepared to condemn Bhrgu by cursing him, but because Bhrgu was his son, Lord Brahma controlled his anger with his great intelligence
- Lord Jesus Christ, who agreed to be mercilessly crucified rather than give up preaching on behalf of God. He was never prepared to compromise on the issue of believing in God. Such a son of God cannot be other than dear to the Lord
- Mahabharata, which was especially prepared for the less intelligent class, namely the women, the laborers and those who are worthless descendants of the brahmanas, ksatriyas and higher sections of the vaisyas
- Maharaja Pariksit and the Pandavas were fully conscious of the importance of the cow and bull, and they were prepared to punish the cow-killer with all chastisement, including death
- Maharaja Pariksit was cursed by a brahmana that he would die within seven days, and he was preparing. He was preparing himself because, "I have to meet death." But we are so forward that we do not think of our death
- Maharaja Prthu, who was celebrated as very powerful, immediately took up his bow and arrows and prepared to kill Indra himself, because Indra had introduced such irregular sannyasa orders
- Maharaja Yudhisthira's good sacrifices and qualifications were so lofty and virtuous that even the residents of the higher celestial planets were already prepared to receive him as one of them
- Maitreya continued: My dear Vidura, that black person was the personified anger of the SPG, & he was prepared to execute the orders of Lord Siva. Thus, considering himself capable of coping with any power offered against him, he circumambulated Lord Siva
- Makara-dhvaja is a Ayurvedic medicine. So this kaviraja was preparing makara-dhvaja
- Mandah, means "slow"; he does not understand that, - I have got a responsibility. I must quickly finish that responsibility before the death comes. I must prepare myself in such a way that I will not have to come back again to this material world
- Many devotees of Lord Caitanya have prepared voluminous books and literatures on the life and precepts of the Lord
- Marriage is not recommended. Are you prepared to get a job, live outside the temple in apartment, provide the wife with bangles, saris and sex? Better you concentrate on this chanting and hearing process, teach others and give them prasadam
- Maya Danava, the great leader of the demons, prepared three invisible residences and gave them to the demons. These dwellings resembled airplanes made of gold, silver and iron, and they contained uncommon paraphernalia
- Maya-sukhaya. Actually this is a fact. We have succeeded in creating a humbug civilization. Every year so many cars are being manufactured, and for that purpose so many roads have to be excavated, prepared and repaired
- Meanwhile, because Satyavati's mother thought that the oblation prepared for her daughter, Rcika's wife, must be better, she asked her daughter for that oblation. Satyavati therefore gave her own oblation to her mother, ate her mother's oblation herself
- Meanwhile, King Saudasa took water and chanted the sapa-mantra, preparing to curse Vasistha, but his wife, Madayanti, forbade him to do so
- Milk is the most valuable form of gorasa, and from milk we can prepare many important and valuable foodstuffs for the upkeep of the human body
- Modern education means simply a craftsmanship. If you can prepare a nice motorcar, oh, that is advancement of the . . . And what is this? This is craftsmanship. It is the blacksmith's work. It is not knowledge
- Modern university education practically prepares one to acquire a doggish mentality with which to accept the service of a greater master
- Mr. Malkani is a cook and can teach how to prepare nice foodstuffs. He also knows of our idea for the Hare Krishna Restaurants
- Mrgari was in the lowest status of tamo-guna. He was killing animals half-dead, and he was enjoying. But when he became Krsna conscious, elevated, he was not prepared to kill even one ant
- My mother used to make puffed rice at home. So there is special rice available for making puffed rice. Either you can prepare at home or you can purchase in the market, special rice
- My Spiritual Master used to send preachers who were all in the renounced order of life (sannyasis), but I am doing a completely different process - namely, preparing some young couples of husband and wife to take up this job
- News of the curse was conveyed to the King (Pariksit), who prepared for his imminent death
- Next life you can prepare in this life, where you want to go. If you go, want to go to the higher planetary systems, you can go. Yanti deva-vrata devan pitrn yanti
- No more breweries. State cannot maintain the manufacturing of liquor. If anyone individual wants, he can prepare for himself, but he cannot sell, he cannot induce others to take
- No one is prepared to serve the Lord. This is the basic cause for our conditioning in material existence and for our resultant unhappiness
- Nonetheless, the raksasas are prepared to sacrifice everything to satisfy their whimsical desires. It is very difficult for them to understand the real situation because they are overly enamored with material civilization. Who then can understand
- Not that let me take a spiritual master as a pet and I can do whatever I want. No, one must be prepared to follow the order of the spiritual master with life and soul
- Now everyone is having atomic weapon, just like India has now got. That means by nature's course, they are preparing for war, and "I put my atomic bomb on your head, and you put on my head. You die; I die." That's all
- Now whenever she prepares some good cooked food and wants to feed it to Me, she cries in great anxiety
- Now you all together make this Vedic planetarium very nice, so that people will come and see. From the description of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, you prepare this Vedic planetarium. How do you like this idea, Vedic planetarium?
- Now you are preparing the publications of Vol.1 and Vol.3 of Caitanya Caritamrta
- Now you have to lecture. I will have to retire. (chuckles) I want that all my students now should be prepared
- Nowadays it appears that every state is busy manufacturing atomic weapons to prepare for a third world war. Such preparations are certainly unnecessary; they reflect the false pride of the heads of state
- O King Indra! You plaything of Saci! Why are you laughing? I (Lord Balarama) am now prepared to smash the whole universe, and I know that Krsna will not be angry with Me
- On reaching Dvaraka, Lord Krsna saw that the whole city was greatly endangered. He placed Balaramaji in a strategic position for the protection of the city, and He Himself asked His charioteer, Daruka, to prepare to start
- One day Bhagavan Acarya invited Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to dine at his home. Thus he was preparing rice and various types of vegetables
- One has to prepare himself to be transferred to a different planet after being relieved of the present body
- One lady is prepared to donate a nice piece of land and $50,000 for erecting a Radha-Krsna Temple. That is very encouraging. If it is a fact, then I can go there for laying down the foundation stone and from there it may be easier to go to Sydney
- One moment of your life, if it is wasted without any profit, just imagine how much loss you have suffered. Because you cannot get back one moment of your life again even if you are prepared to pay millions of dollars
- One moon is sufficient to eradicate all darkness. There is no need of millions of stars. Krsna consciousness is so beautiful. You call any intelligent person, we are prepared to convince him. He must be little intelligent. That's all
- One must be prepared to follow the rules for Krishna; otherwise where is the proof that he loves Krishna?
- One must be prepared to offer the necessary respect and honor to the spiritual master. He should not be unnecessarily envious of his Godbrothers
- One must decorate the Deity, cleanse the temple, bring water from the Ganges and Yamuna, continue the routine work, perform arati many times, prepare first-class food for the Deity, prepare dresses and so on
- One person who came to the village informed the inhabitants, "The Turkish soldiers are now preparing to attack your village"
- One should approach a sadhu or great sage not to see but to hear him. If one is not prepared to hear the words of a sadhu, there is no profit
- One should be prepared to understand the spirit soul and the supreme spirit, God, who are eternally related. Thus one may return home, back to Godhead, having solved all the problems of life
- One should not be satisfied with this comfortable or so-called educated human body. We should be prepared what we are going to get next. That is real knowledge
- One should not become angry upon hearing criticism of himself, but if other Vaisnavas are criticized one must be prepared to act
- One should not fear death. Rather, one should prepare oneself for the next birth. One should utilize one's time in this human form to end the process of birth and death
- One should scientifically understand Krsna. Krsna has no past, present, & future. He is eternal time, with no beginning & no end, & He is equal to everyone. We simply have to prepare ourselves to see Krsna and understand Krsna. That is the purpose of KC
- One who cooks foodstuffs for maintenance of his body takes in all kinds of sins, which lead only to suffering. foodstuffs prepared by the Yadus at the Prabhasa pilgrimage site to offer to the bona fide brahmanas there were all offered to the PG, Visnu
- One who does not do so (eat only food offered to Krsna) continues to increase the volume of sinful action, and this prepares the next body to resemble hogs and dogs, to suffer the resultant reactions of all sins. BG 1972 purports
- One who is not prepared to practice injunctions prescribed in the sastras cannot be a good man simply by book knowledge
- Only one who is prepared to present Bhagavatam in the light of Sukadeva Gosvami and only those who are prepared to hear Sukadeva Gosvami and his representative are bona fide participants in the transcendental discussion of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Other preparations included a very delicious churned curd and a variety of sandesa sweetmeats. Indeed, all the various eatables available in Bengal and Orissa were prepared
- Others are associating with different qualities of the material nature, and nature is prepared, "Come on, sir, you take this body." You are not scientist
- Our immediate task is to prepare the transliteration and correction of the 1st Canto for next publication. But if you have to do the same after learning Sanskrit grammar, it will take a long time to finish it
- Our initiated members must be in the majority, and if any deed has to be prepared then I shall send you the wordings. If not, verbally is all right. If they want to make any documents, that must be approved by me
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is to become intelligent, not to remain mudhas, and to expose these rascal mudhas. That's this, our Krsna consciousness movement. So you must be prepared
- Our, these Krsna society young boys and girls, they have prepared so many nice things from milk. It is nutritious, very palatable, every..., everything. And we take food grains, fruits, milk preparation, that's all. That is very easily available
- Pariksit Maharaja was cursed by a Brahmin boy that "Maharaja, you shall die within seven days, bitten by a snake." So immediately, because he was emperor, so he understood that, "I shall have to die." So he prepared himself
- Pariksit understood that within a week he would have to die, and he prepared himself. He gave up his kingdom, entrusting it to his son, Maharaja Janamejaya
- Parvata Muni was surprised, that, This man was hunting and killing animal half. Now, because he has become a Vaisnava, he is not prepared to kill even an ant
- Please come immediately and please bring one nice English to Bengali dictionary, prepared either by Subala Mitra or Ashutosh Deva. The price may be taken from the Temple to purchase it
- Premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti. Just like thousands and thousands of miles away you can transfer the television picture or your radio sound, similarly, if you can prepare yourself, then you can see always Govinda
- Premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena. Simply you have to prepare your eyes, your mind in that way. Here is a television box within your heart. This is the perfection of yoga. It is not you have to purchase one machine, or television set. It is there
- Prepare very nice foods of all descriptions from the grains and ghee collected for the yajna. Prepare rice, dhal, then halavah, pakora, puri and all kinds of milk preparations like sweet rice, sweetballs, sandesa, rasagulla and laddu - SB 10.24.26
- Preparing nice, simple vegetable dishes
- Preparing nice, simple vegetable dishes, offering them before the picture or Deity of Lord Krsna and bowing down and praying for Him to accept such a humble offering, enable one to advance steadily in life. BG 1972 purports
- Previously, a father was eager to give all kinds of help to elevate his children, but at present, because of being misguided, people are prepared even to kill to avoid the responsibility of raising children
- Pure devotees have prepared many books of knowledge on the basis of authorized scriptures
- Raghunatha Bhatta was an expert cook. Whatever he prepared tasted just like nectar
- Rcika Muni's wife & mother-in-law, each desiring a son, requested the Muni to prepare an oblation. Thus Rcika prepared one oblation for his wife with a brahmana mantra & another for his mother-in-law with a ksatriya mantra. Then he went out to bathe
- Read Bhagavad-gita thoroughly, and be sincere and make your life successful. Don't be cheater. Read and follow, and Krsna will help you, this life. Don't expect another life to prepare
- Real leaders have to be free of meat-eating and animal slaughter, illicit sex, intoxication and gambling. This poster is being prepared in L.A. and I want it distributed all over the world
- Real purpose of jada-yoga, as mentioned here in this verse, is prasanta-karanah, or subduing the senses. The whole process of yoga, under whatever heading it may be, is to control the unbridled material senses & thus prepare oneself for self-realization
- Regarding my head for the statue, that will appear in the museum, all of them, they are perfectly done. Locana has done very, very well. Yes, it is good if you prepare a mold so that these life-sized murtis can be available
- Regarding printing work, I am prepared to guarantee for payment to the press if the printing is first class just suitable to the American taste. If Joshiji appears to be not interested why not yourself do the work and I am prepared to pay you
- Regarding the dance troupe, I request you to prepare 7 different dances (a new one each day) from the Caitanya Caritamrta for displaying and performing during the Mayapur festival
- Rupa Gosvami received information that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was preparing to proceed to Vrndavana from Jagannatha Puri
- Sadhu, or devotee of the Lord, has to be very tolerant. Someone may ill-treat him because the conditioned souls are not prepared to receive the transcendental knowledge of devotional service
- Sanatana Gosvami fell at the feet of Lord Caitanya & prayed: My dear Lord, You have asked me to prepare the regulative principles of DS, but I belong to the lowest caste. I have no knowledge. I do not know how such an important task can be finished by me
- Sanatana Gosvami informed him (the poor brahmana), Actually, this is not the best benediction. But are you prepared to take the best benediction from me? The brahmana said, Yes, sir. Lord Siva has sent me to you for the best benediction
- Sanjivani means giving life. Even a dead man can get life by drinking that medicine. It is a strong tonic. It is still used in Ayurvedic medicine, and some of the biggest manufacturer of Ayurvedic medicine, they prepare, and it has a good sale
- Saubalini, or Gandhari, daughter of King Subala and wife of King Dhrtarastra, was ideal as a wife devoted to her husband. The Vedic civilization especially prepares chaste and devoted wives, of whom Gandhari is one amongst many mentioned in history
- Scented waters prepared by distilling flowers like rose and keora were requisitioned to wet the roads, streets and lanes of Dvaraka-dhama. Such places, along with the marketplace and public meeting places, were thoroughly cleansed
- Second initiation is real initiation. First initiation is the preliminary, just to make him prepared, just like primary and secondary education
- Seeing God is not difficult, but we have to prepare our eyes. And how that eyes . . . how that eye is prepared, that is stated in the Vedic literature, that if you kindly smear your eyeballs with the ointment of love
- Seeing the food uncovered before the Deity, Madhavendra Puri desired to taste a little of it so that he could prepare a similar sweet rice for his Gopala. Madhavendra Puri was so strict, however, that he considered this to be an offense
- She assumed a frightening body, as if she were prepared to destroy the entire creation. Leaping violently from the altar, she immediately decapitated all the rogues and thieves with the very sword with which they had intended to kill Jada Bharata
- She then prepared a blazing fire with firewood and placed the dead body of her husband upon it. When this was finished, she lamented severely and prepared herself to perish in the fire with her husband
- Simply prepare yourself how to repeat Krsna's instructions very nicely, without any malinterpretation
- Simply prepare yourself how to repeat Krsna's instructions very nicely. Suppose you have got now ten thousand. We shall expand to hundred thousand. That is required. Then hundred thousand to million, and million to ten million
- Simply we have to change the consciousness. Everything we are now doing in the matter of sense gratification, we have to prepare ourself, we have to train ourself for the sense gratification of Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- Since he (Maharaja Pariksit) still had seven days at his disposal, he could easily take advantage of the time to prepare himself for the next life
- Since I have come here, many manuscripts are prepared for printing, and I have published Bhagavad-gita As It Is, published by MacMillan and Teachings of Lord Caitanya, published by International Society for Krishna Consciousness
- Since Lord Siva is the atma (siva also means atma), it is indicated here (in SB 4.4.2) that Sati was prepared to commit suicide
- Sleep means your gross senses are stopped, but your mind works. Therefore you dream. So if you practice your mind to be engaged in Krsna consciousness, in dream also you'll see that you are preparing prasadam
- So far attending pujas at the houses of the Hindus there we can go and hold our kirtana but we should not take prasadam there. We can accept raw materials and take them to our temple but we should not accept any prasadam prepared by them
- So-called scientists have tried in many ways to produce a living body in their chemical laboratories, but no one has been able to do it because unless the spirit soul is present, a body cannot be prepared from material elements
- Some new boys come, and as soon as they are given some work, not very good for sense gratification, they go away. That means they are not prepared. It is better they may go away
- Some of the people at the arena were prepared to kill Sisupala (because he was calling Krsna ill names), but Krsna restricted them. He was so forgiving
- Someone may ill-treat him (the sadhu, or devotee of the Lord) because the conditioned souls are not prepared to receive the transcendental knowledge of devotional service. They do not like it; that is their disease
- Sometimes people indulge in hearing portions of Srimad-Bhagavatam which they are not prepared to hear
- Speaking from his actual experience, Srila Bilvamangala Thakura says that if one develops love of Godhead, mukti (liberation) becomes subservient and unimportant to him. Mukti stands before the devotee and is prepared to render all kinds of services
- Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura (our spiritual master) and many other great and renowned scholars and devotees of the Lord have prepared voluminous books and literatures on the life and precepts of the Lord
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would accept with great satisfaction all the food he prepared. After the Lord was satisfied, Raghunatha Bhatta would eat His remnants
- Srila Vyasadeva prepared Srimad-Bhagavatam at the request of Narada Muni in order to give relief to the suffering people of this age - kali-kalmasa-ghnam
- Srimad-Bhagavatam does not approve this viewpoint. Even the great transcendental scholar Vyasadeva had need of a spiritual master, and under the instruction of his spiritual master, Narada, he prepared this sublime literature, Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Students prepare for two to five years in college, and the final test of their education is the examination. If they pass the examination, they get a degree. Similarly, in the subject of life, we prepare for the examination at the time of death
- Students, for instance, prepare for two to five years in college, and the final test of their education is the examination. If they pass the examination, they get a degree
- Subsequently Raghunatha Bhatta ordered his disciples to construct a temple for Govinda. He prepared various ornaments for Govinda, including a flute and shark-shaped earrings
- Such uncivilized activities (prepared to stop the Hare Krsna movement) were actually demonstrated in opposition to the Hare Krsna movement's Bombay center, Hare Krsna Land
- Suffering condition of the living entity, and he can be rescued by the mercy of sadhu, saintly persons, the scriptures and the spiritual master. They are prepared to bestow their mercy upon everyone, provided people like to take their instruction & mercy
- Sukadeva Gosvami, after citing the example of Maharaja Khatvanga, who prepared himself for the next life within a very short time, encouraged Maharaja Pariksit
- Suppose you want to become educated. After this decision that you are going to be an engineer or you are going to be a medical practitioner, with that objective you prepare and educate yourself. Similarly, you can decide what you are going to do next life
- Svargaloka, Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka. There are many different planetary system up, and down also. So if you want to go to that, if you prepare yourself, contacting the modes of goodness, then you are promoted to higher planetary system
- Svayambhuva Manu continued: O wise man, I heard that you were prepared to marry. Please accept her hand, which is being offered to you by me, since you have not taken a vow of perpetual celibacy
- Taking advantage of the opportunity afforded by the presence of Gargamuni, Nanda Maharaja suggested that Gargamuni prepare a horoscope for Nanda's two sons, Krsna and Balarama
- The atheists are always prepared to harass a devotee; Caitanya Mahaprabhu suggested that one be very tolerant of these people
- The best plan is to prepare oneself to return to the spiritual sky after leaving the body. However, if one is intent on enjoying material facilities, one can transfer himself to other planets in the material sky by utilizing yogic powers
- The body is certainly created by the Lord. Karmana daiva-netrena: (SB 3.31.1) according to the karma of the living entity, a body is prepared under the Supreme Lord's supervision
- The boy (Prahlada Maharaja) would not give up. So the father was even prepared to kill a five-year-old boy. The fault was that he was chanting Hare Krsna. He was given poison. He was thrown into the fire. He was pulled from the hill
- The brahmacaris can go with the sannyasis to preach, and the vanaprasthas should prepare themselves for the next status of renounced life, sannyasa
- The business is tad viddhi pranipatena (BG 4.34): one must be prepared to surrender. So unless that character is there, surrendering, how he can become his disciple? It is not possible
- The Candra, the Moon planet, you are trying to go there. In this way you cannot go. But if you prepare in this life how to be promoted in the Moon planet or sun planet or heavenly planet, then you prepare yourself
- The characteristics of the functions of earth can be perceived by modeling forms of the Supreme Brahman, by constructing places of residence, by preparing pots to contain water, etc
- The characteristics of the functions of earth can be perceived by modeling forms of the Supreme Brahman, by constructing places of residence, by preparing pots to contain water, etc. In other words, the earth is the place of sustenance for all elements
- The conditioned souls are not prepared to receive the transcendental knowledge of devotional service. They do not like it; that is their disease. The sadhu has the thankless task of impressing upon them the importance of devotional service
- The cow protection is recommended because it has got the miracle food, milk, and from milk you can prepare hundreds of preparation, all nutritious, full of vitamin A and D
- The cowherd men, who had come to execute the ritualistic function of worshiping Lord Siva and Ambika, finished their business and prepared to return to Vrndavana. While returning, they recalled the wonderful activities of Krsna
- The demigods are servants of the Lord, and they are always prepared to help a devotee in all circumstances
- The descendants of Vrsni and Bhoja formally took permission from the brahmanas and ate the prepared foodstuff
- The devotees of Krsna should be trained up both ways: not only to give protection to the devotees, to give them encouragement, but if need be, they should be prepared to kill the demons
- The followers of the Lord must be prepared to offer brahmanas all due respect. But preachers of Lord Caitanya's cult object if someone presents himself as a brahmana without having the necessary qualifications
- The following details outline a general practice by which one can prepare himself for an easy journey to the Vaikuntha (anti-material) planets, where life is free from birth, old age, disease and death
- The form of the Lord is described herein (SB 4.8.45). The Lord's face is perpetually very beautiful and pleasing in attitude. To the devotees who see Him, He appears never to be displeased, and He is always prepared to award benedictions to them
- The Gopi said, "How he (Subala) is delivering the betel nuts prepared by Palika into Krsna's mouth, and how he is decorating Krsna with the garland prepared by Taraka"
- The great politician-pandita named Canakya said that even one moment of time cannot be returned even if one is prepared to pay millions of dollars. One cannot calculate the amount of loss there is in wasting valuable time
- The greater demons, like Hiranyakasipu, are always prepared to chastise the Vaisnavas, and they try to make arrangements so that Vaisnavas will not come to sell their books and preach Krsna consciousness
- The growth of the temple should be based on book distribution. I am prepared to print books. You can then sell them
- The human life must be divided into four component parts: the student life, the householder life, the preparative life, and the life of dedication to the service of the Lord
- The inhabitants of the heavenly planets do not eat such abominable things as meat and eggs; everything they eat is prepared in clarified butter. Nor do they like to see either men or women naked, except at the time of sexual intercourse
- The intelligent person will say that "What is the use of going to the higher planet or remaining here if I have to prepare my own body for the next life? Why not prepare my next life to associate with Krsna?" This is intelligence
- The Krsna conscious person avoids such sacrifices (by which someone attain the heavenly planets). He takes directly to Krsna consciousness and thereby prepares himself to return to Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The less intelligent classes of men, namely women, sudras and unqualified sons of the higher castes, are devoid of necessary qualifications to understand the purpose of the transcendental Vedas. For them the Mahabharata was prepared
- The material world means we are conditioned. So in order to be eligible to go to the higher planetary system like moon planet and others, we must be efficient to prepare ourself
- The measuring pot for one nadika, or danda, can be prepared with a six-pala-weight (fourteen ounce) pot of copper, in which a hole is bored with a gold probe weighing four masa and measuring four fingers long
- The modern civilization is that "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy. Do not care for what is future life." That is condemned civilization. We should know that there is future life, there is birth after death, and we must be prepared
- The moon planet is Candraloka. That is also considered as one of the heavenly planets. So you have to prepare yourself by karma-kandiya activities. Then you can go there
- The next morning, when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu arose and prepared to leave for Varanasi (Benares), Srila Rupa Gosvami submitted the following statement at the Lord's lotus feet
- The people should be careful; one who claims to be Krsna should be prepared to show his universal form to confirm his claim to the people. BG 1972 purports
- The personified Vedas continued, "For this purpose the pure devotees are prepared to sacrifice all comforts of life, even giving up the material comforts of family life and so-called society, friendship and love"
- The plan of your husband and yourself, Yamuna, of going to India is approved by me, I am simply waiting for the place where you shall stay. I have already informed this matter to Guru das and he is preparing for this
- The police and Government men will gradually understand us and naturally their harassment will diminish. The same thing is happening everywhere. So prepare excellent literatures, that will enhance our prestige
- The program as outlined by you is accepted. I am preparing now for the meeting with Vinobhaji as you have suggested
- The protection of children gives the human form of life its best chance to prepare the way of liberty from material bondage
- The protection of the old men gives them a chance to prepare themselves for better life after death
- The psychologically whatever mental condition we prepare throughout this life, that means you are preparing next life, and in the Bhagavad-gita it is said, the situation of the mind at the time of death will carry you to the similar body
- The pure devotee is always prepared to execute the order of the Lord without personal consideration
- The sages of Naimisaranya began this process in a place meant specifically for the devotees of the Lord. They prepared themselves to hear the pastimes of the Lord over a period of one thousand years
- The spiritual master is always prepared to impart knowledge to the disciple and specifically when the disciple is very inquisitive. Inquisitiveness on the part of a disciple is greatly necessary for the progressive disciple
- The state must employ revenue to advance these three items and thus educate the populace to prepare for death. The state which does so is the real welfare state
- The story of the deliverance of brahmana is as follows: Jagannatha Misra gave him (brahmana) all ingredients for cooking, and the brahmana prepared his food
- The swine accepts any kind of foodstuff, including stools, and a human being who has developed such indiscriminate taste must be prepared for a degraded life in the next life
- The thirty-sixth branch, Buddhimanta Khan, was extremely dear to Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He was always prepared to carry out the Lord's orders, and therefore he was considered to be a chief servant of the Lord
- The three books which I have already prepared, namely, the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and Srimad-Bhagavatam, all these books are the ultimate source of knowledge
- The training was compulsory not only to create good citizens of the state, but also to prepare the boy's future life for spiritual realization
- The unauthorized dry speculators are offenders at the lotus feet of the Lord Sri Krsna because they distort the purports of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam to mislead the public and prepare a direct path to the hell known as Andha-tamisra
- The uncivilized man in the jungle, he does not know how to produce grain, how to prepare many nice preparation. He does not know. But you are civilized man. Why you should eat like dogs and tigers? This is misuse of intelligence
- The unmarried gopis used to prepare the deity of goddess Durga and worship it with candana pulp, garlands, incense, lamps and all kinds of presentations - fruits, grain and twigs of plants
- The Vaisnava who knows how to serve Krsna, he does not take anything as mithya. Because Krsna is the Absolute Truth, why anything emanation from Krsna should be mithya? How it is possible? If something is prepared from gold, why it should be valueless?
- The Vedic principles of the varnasrama institution are meant to organize society to prepare everyone to worship Lord Visnu
- The whole mission of human society should be how to prepare brahmana. Then peace and prosperity will be there
- The wife can remain as assistant, not for any other purpose. Then, when he is fully prepared, the wife goes to the care of elderly children and the man takes sannyasa
- The wife is expected to be of the same category as the husband. She must be prepared to follow the principles of the husband, and then there will be happy life. If the husband is a devotee & the wife is materialistic there cannot be any peace in the home
- The wife must see the tendencies of the husband and must be prepared to follow him. From Mahabharata we learn that when Gandhari understood that her would-be husband, Dhrtarastra, was blind, she immediately began to practice blindness herself
- The word sva-samsthanam is also very significant. As a living entity prepares himself, so he attains his abode. The impersonal Brahman effulgence is offered to the impersonalists
- Their (the demoniac people's) plans for life are never finished, and they go on preparing plan after plan, all of which are never finished. BG 1972 purports
- Their plans for life are never finished, and they go on preparing plan after plan
- Then one day the brahmana imagined in his meditations that he had prepared some sweet rice with milk and sugar and offered the preparation to the Deity
- There are many other heroes who are prepared to lay down their lives for my sake. All of them are well equipped with different kinds of weapons, and all are experienced in military science. BG 1.9 - 1972
- There are many pots made of earthly clay, and they are prepared and also broken. But in spite of this, the earth remains as it is perpetually. Similarly, the bodies of the soul under different conditions are made and destroyed, but the spirit soul remains
- There are many varieties of prasada, prepared very nicely with grains and ghee, offered to the Deity and distributed to the brahmanas and Vaisnavas and then to the general public. This is the way of human society
- There are two types of devotees - the sadhaka, who is preparing for perfection, and the siddha, who is already perfect
- There is a ceremony in India, annakuta, Govardhana-puja. So in that ceremony, in each and every temple they prepare as many varieties as possible. Some of them prepare three thousand
- There is a chemical process that kamsya, bell metal, can be turned into gold by mixing with proportionately mercury. Now here is a hint of chemistry. If anyone can prepare gold . . . but it is very difficult to mix mercury
- There is direct process. But if somebody wants to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy through Vedanta philosophy, through Upanisads, so they are prepared. They are prepared. Therefore we are publishing so many books
- There is no certainty of our life this age. Therefore we should take up the quick method for self-realization. The long term method will not help us. We are not prepared for it neither. Therefore the short term, immediate effective. Chant Hare Krsna
- There is one instance where a hunter was taking pleasure in killing animals, but after becoming a devotee he was not prepared to kill even an ant. Such is the quality of a devotee
- There is scarcity of anna - grains. That will increase more and more. It will so increase that now you are getting anna by paying high price, but time will come when even if you are prepared to pay price, there will be no more anna. That time is coming
- They (Durvasa Muni's disciples) thought that since Yudhisthira must have prepared many valuable dishes for them and since they were not hungry and could not eat, the King would feel very sorry, so it was better not to go there. They decided to go away
- They (members of the yadu dynasty) selected resting places underneath big shady trees, and when they had taken sufficient rest, they prepared to receive visitors, among whom were relatives and friends, as well as many subordinate kings and rulers
- They (owlish personalities) are prepared to criticize the person engaged in distributing the holy name all over the world and following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who wanted Krsna consciousness preached in every town and city
- They (Real Devotees of Bhakti-yoga) are prepared to undergo all kinds of tribulation, provided they can make progress in the realization of the Personality of Godhead
- They (salvationists or monists) prepare for their continuation of miserable life
- They should not foolishly dream of world peace unless they are prepared to surrender fully to Krishna as Supreme Lord
- They were overpowered by the desire to become very rich; therefore they had the audacity to disobey the injunctions of the Vedas, so much so that they were prepared to kill Jada Bharata, a self-realized soul born in a brahmana family
- They were so liberal. He (Duryodhana) said, "Yes, come in. If you want the kingdom without fighting, I am prepared." But a Ksatriya will never beg, "Give me, sir, without . . ." No. If they can own by fighting then they will claim. This is Ksatriya spirit
- They'll pay to make a literature with bombastic scientific word, and they'll prepare literature. This literature will be distributed and give their medicine, and they may pay them for false propaganda. This is going on to introduce new patent medicine
- This (human) life is meant to prepare one to return to the absolute world, the kingdom of God
- This body has appeared in that (preparing a doll) way, by combination. If the doll is broken, then, in due course of time, it mixes again: "Dust thou art, dust thou beist." Again mixes with the water, earth, air
- This consideration (Daksa had purposely received all other sisters but Sati) convinced the wife of Daksa of the danger which was now ahead, and thus she knew that Daksa must be prepared to die for his heinous act
- This is gopi. It doesn't matter the whole world is going to hell, but if Krsna is satisfied, a devotee's prepared to do that. That is, that is called uttama bhakti
- This is one side, that if you want to please Krsna, then you have to be prepared for killing your so-called relatives. If you want Krsna. If you want to please Krsna
- This is the correct attitude for a disciple. The disciple should be prepared to offer everything he has including his body, mind, and words, in the service of the guru
- This is the topmost devotee: prepared to do anything, without any consideration. That is pure devotee. Anyabhilasita-sunyam anukulyena krsnanusilanam (Brs. 1.1.11). There should be no personal desire. That should be zero
- This life is a preparation for the next life. If we can prepare, therefore, in this life to get promotion to the kingdom of God, then surely, after quitting this material body, we will attain a spiritual body just like the Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- This life is preparation for the next life. You can prepare. It is in your hand. It is in your hand. God has given you the superior intelligence better than the animals
- This material world is certified by the Lord in the Bhagavad-gita as a dangerous place full of calamities. Less intelligent persons prepare plans to adjust to those calamities without knowing that the nature of this place is itself full of calamities
- This realization (of the transcendental messages) for a moment in the association of pure devotees like Sukadeva Gosvami prepares one's complete life for eternity
- Those who advocate acceptance of this material world as false are generally known by the maxim brahma satyam jagan mithya. They put forward the argument that everything in the material world is prepared from matter
- Thus the Bhattacarya prepared a great variety of food and spread a fine cloth over a white wooden platform
- Thus with great care and attention Raghava Pandita prepares spinach, other vegetables, radishes, fruits, chipped rice, powdered rice and sweetmeats
- To come to your country one has to prepare to take the visa, the passport, the permission - so many things. Not that all of a sudden he comes and enters. So if it is not possible within this planet, how you're expecting that you go to the moon planet
- To execute the will of the spiritual master, the disciple should be prepared to lay down his life and abandon all personal considerations
- To get the human form of life born in India, that is a special prerogative. Bharata-bhumite manusya-janma haila yara (CC Adi 9.41). He is fifty percent prepared by birth
- To give charity is one of the householder's main functions, and he should be prepared to give in charity at least fifty percent of his hard-earned money
- To learn how to prepare mrdunga shell is very essential. Regarding land I had already given Jayapataka Maharaj direction to purchase as much land as possible if it is offered at cheap price
- To prepare to meet death in seven days, Maharaja Pariksit gave up all food and drink
- To supervise this essential Krishna Conscious activity requires a very fastidious person, one who can remember everything and be very conscientious to prepare everything nicely, be timely
- Unfortunately, society is in such an uncivilized state that there are so-called mahatmas who are prepared to kill cows and children and stop the Hare Krsna movement
- Unless one is medical man, what is the use of asking another man, "Are you medical man?" unless you are prepared to take the answer whatever I give
- Unless one is prepared to take instructions, it is said that a saintly person should not address him, although sometimes, because of great kindness, a saintly person speaks to ordinary men
- Unless we are prepared to perform the prescribed sacrifices, our supply of the necessities of life will be checked. Bhagavad-gita confirms that Lord Brahma created human society along with yajna, the performance of sacrifice
- Upananda said, "I suggest that we start immediately for that beautiful place, as there is no need to waste any more time. Let us prepare all our carts immediately, and, if you like, let us go, keeping all the cows in front"
- Vanaprastha means prior to accepting the renounced order of life. The husband and wife goes out of home and travels in many holy places to associate with holy man and take his instruction just to prepare for sannyasa
- Vasudeva thought "In my home, although I am imprisoned, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has taken birth. How many millions and millions of times should I be prepared to observe this auspicious ceremony!"
- Vicious civilization. Simply increasing, increasing, increasing. And the government taking tax; therefore, he has to prepare roads. So in your country, the more the motorcar increasing, the more flying over, more bridges. More problems
- Viraraghava Acarya has indicated that this word mahatma means "steady in heart." That is to say that Daksa was so stronghearted that even when his beloved daughter was prepared to lay down her life, he was steady and unshaken
- Vrtrasura requested Indra to release the thunderbolt immediately, and he prepared himself by fixing his mind at the lotus feet of Krsna. A devotee is always ready to give up his material body, which is described as the rope of material attachment
- Vrtrasura, however, being a Vaisnava, assured Indra that the thunderbolt would not fail, for Vrtrasura knew that it had been prepared in accordance with the instructions of Lord Visnu
- Vyasadeva was not satisfied with himself, although he had prepared literatures of Vedic value for the all-around welfare of the general mass of people. It was expected that he would be satisfied by all such activities, but ultimately he was not satisfied
- We are not prepared to hear any rascal, so-called scientists and so-called philosopher, so-called God. No. We are not prepared. Because everyone is rascal
- We are part and parcel of Krsna, and Krsna is all-powerful. He says, "I will give you protection." Just like I am giving protection to my hands and legs, so what about Krsna? Krsna also prepared
- We are prepared to pay cash 4 lacs less what we have already paid. Otherwise they must return our money and pay all damages, interest, etc, and we shall leave the temple as it is and shall go away: what can be done
- We are prepared to purchase the land at a rate of not more than Rs 1500/- per bigha. They (Indian locals) are under the impression that Americans will purchase at any price so don't be taken in. We can purchase any neighboring land at the above price
- We are prepared to take any risk only for sense gratification. But we do not know that we are taking great risk, great risk. Because there is another life. After death, there is life
- We are preparing this consciousness, Krsna consciousness, divine consciousness. And the consciousness we go. Just like the flavor, the aroma of a rose flower is carried by the air and if the air passes through us we also experience the rose flavor
- We are recommending, "Please rise early in the morning at half past three. Be prepared for mangala-arati" - it is very difficult job
- We are so foolish rascal that we are prepared to become servant of the most abominable activities of our senses, but we are not prepared to surrender to Krsna and become His servant
- We can accept raw materials and take them to our temple but we should not accept any prasadam prepared by them. However, if they insist then we can take fruits and milk and offer them to Krishna
- We can prepare some preachers so that even if I retire, the missionary work will go on under the able guidance of some of my selected disciples, like you, Brahmananda, Rupanuga, etc
- We can see that the Lord is immediately prepared to award all benedictions to the sons of King Pracinabarhisat
- We cannot say completely. But gradually it will be completely forgetful of God, day by day. Just like we can see. Formerly, our forefathers, they used to construct churches, temples, mosque, synagogues, but nowadays nobody is preparing
- We have heard about you from Mr. Rajendra Sahai. We extend an invitation to you to please come to Mayapur during GourPurnima, and if you come we will be prepared to pay you for your expenditures
- We have to prepare for eternal life, blissful life, and life full of knowledge. If we do not do that, then our this human form of life is missing, is misused
- We have to prepare literatures both in English and French and have to draw the attention of the university students as our members
- We have to prepare our mind in such a way that we should always think of Krsna. Then that is meditation, real meditation. And practical. There is no use thinking of something void. That you cannot concentrate. That is not practical
- We have to prepare ourself for the next moment of our death. People forget it. Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi
- We have to prepare the eyes to see. That is religion. I cannot see at the present moment that does not mean I shall stop. I must prepare myself how to see. That is real intelligence
- We have to prepare where we want to go. That is real education. Either by the yogic principle or by cultivation of knowledge or by this devotional service, the whole idea is how to transfer oneself to the better condition of life
- We have to train our consciousness, divine. That is the duty of human form of life. If we make our consciousness divine, then we are preparing for next divine life
- We may not have any objection for enacting a statute for controlling the unauthorized activities of unscrupulous Sadhus-but we must be prepared to protect the transcendental ideas enunciated by the great Acaryas
- We must declare boldly to the whole world, that they should not foolishly dream of world peace unless they are prepared to surrender fully to Krishna as Supreme Lord
- We must know that we have to leave this body, and we must prepare for that. Unless we don't prepare for that, all of a sudden, if death comes, then our whole life is spoiled. That is the whole system
- We need the place for our own accommodation. Therefore vacant possession is essential. The best thing will be that let them give us possession of the ground floor and we are prepared to pay them proportionately immediately
- We should be prepared to sacrifice anything for perfection of this human form of life. Then perfection is guaranteed. Simply we should be very serious, that's all
- We should not waste our this valuable life whimsically. Even an ordinary moral instruction by Canakya Pandita, he says, your one moment of your life cannot be returned back even if you are prepared to pay millions of dollars
- We should properly utilize this human form of life and take advantage of this knowledge to prepare ourselves in Krsna consciousness, so that twenty-four hours of the day we will be absorbed in Krsna and at death at once transfer to that spiritual sky
- We should try very fast before the next death comes. And death will come. So we shall prepare in such a way that before the next death comes over, we finish our Krsna consciousness business and go back to home, back to Godhead
- We take prasadam. The nice prasadam, the foodstuff that is prepared, is not taken directly - we take it through Krsna
- What happens to such a person (who knows the transcendental nature of Krsna's appearance and activities)? Mam eti - He returns to Krsna. If we are to go to Krsna, we must prepare a spiritual body. That preparation is the process of Krsna consciousness
- What kind of dehanta, change of body, that depends on you. You are preparing your own body; I am preparing my body. So that is explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- Whatever Visnu desired was his duty, and nothing else. He was not prepared to beget a number of children. He would beget only one child, who would help the mission of Visnu
- When a living entity forgets his constitutional position, he prepares himself to be an enjoyer of the material resources. Sometimes he is also misguided by the thought that service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not absolute engagement
- When a person is serious about accepting diksa, he must be prepared to practice austerity, celibacy & control of the mind and body. If one is so prepared & is desirous of receiving spiritual enlightenment (divyam jnanam), he is fit for being initiated
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw that Ramananda Raya was hesitant to give instructions, the Lord said, "Why are you hesitating? Although you are a grhastha and are born in a sudra family, I am prepared to take lessons from you." - CC Madhya 8.128
- When Dadhyanca awards you his body, Visvakarma will prepare a thunderbolt from his bones. This thunderbolt will certainly kill Vrtrasura because it will be invested with My power
- When one becomes liberated even from the subtle body; at that time the living entity is competent and fully prepared to be transferred to the transcendental or spiritual world
- When one goes to a guru-kula, he immediately becomes the menial servant of the guru. If the guru orders him to perform some lowly service, he is prepared to do it. This is the business of a brahmacari
- When one is killing an animal, he should be prepared for being killed
- When the animal dies, they call for this cobbler class, and he takes away the dead cows. So he gets out the skin, hooves, bones and flesh, they eat, and this skin is tanned by them, and they prepare shoes. So they get their raw material without any price
- When the atheists annihilate inhabitants of different planets, flying unseen in the sky on well-built rockets prepared by the great scientist Maya, the Lord will bewilder their minds by dressing Himself attractively as Buddha
- When the devotee (Tondaradippadi) saw Ranganatha’s mercy upon prostitute, his mistake (of falling victim of this prostitute) was rectified. He then prepared the third boundary wall of the Ranganatha temple and cultivated a tulasi garden there
- When the personification of Kali attempted to kill a cow, Maharaja Pariksit at once prepared himself to kill the miscreant, and the personification of Kali was banished from his kingdom. That is the sign of purusa, or the representative of Lord Visnu
- When the priests and all the others saw Maharaja Prthu very angry and prepared to kill Indra, they requested him: O great soul, do not kill him, for only sacrificial animals can be killed in a sacrifice. Such are the directions given by sastra
- When we speak of a king, we understand that he is accompanied by many followers. Jamadagni was able to receive all the King's followers properly and feed them sumptuously with food prepared in ghee
- Whenever the Indian community invites you to go and take Prasadam, be always kind with them, and go there and chant Hare Krishna. They are vegetarian, so whatever Prasadam they prepare you offer to the Deity and enjoy it
- Whenever there is need of my lecture, I am always prepared to serve; it doesn't matter whether big or small
- Wherever I go Devananda and Purusottama go also as my personal assistants. I do not know if you are prepared to send fare for three, but if my presence will be nice there, send the money for at least two
- While Devahuti was thinking of what to do in that great palace in her dirty clothes, there were at once, by the yogic powers of Kardama Muni, one thousand maidservants prepared to serve her
- While preparing this commentation on this particular stanza of Srimad-Bhagavatam we have a crisis before us. Our neighboring friend China has attacked the border of India with a militaristic spirit
- While Rukmini was praying, she presented a variety of items before the deity (Durga), chief of which were water, different kinds of flames, incense, garments, garlands and various foods prepared with ghee, such as puris and kachoris
- Why you cannot see Krsna? Because you have no eyes to see Him. That is the difficulty. Premanjana-cchurita (BS 5.38). That eyes can be prepared by the smearing the ointment of love
- With great care and attention Raghava Pandita prepares spinach, other vegetables, radishes, fruits, chipped rice, powdered rice and sweetmeats
- With the coming forth of material nature these living entities are again given a chance to act in the material world and prepare themselves to enter into the spiritual world
- With the permission of the head of the Yadu dynasty, King Ugrasena, they (the members of the Yadu dynasty) prepared to attack the capital city of the Kuru dynasty
- With the rise of the sun, the activities of human beings are set up. They set fire to prepare their foodstuff; they set fire to start the factories, etc. So many things are done with the help of fire. BG 1972 purports
- Within a second (by surrendering to Krsna) his life is successful. But we are not prepared to surrender. That is our material disease
- Yatha yonih indicates the mother, and yatha bijam indicates the father. If the mental state of the parents is prepared before they have sex, the child which they will beget will certainly reflect their mental condition
- Yes, I shall be glad to meet with you in London during Rathayatra in a few weeks, and at that time I shall be very glad to give you the Sannyas order of life, so you may prepare for that
- Yes, you may wear any clothing that you find comfortable; no, it is not very good to use yeast in preparing prasadam. It is better to prepare bread in the process as you have seen done in the temple
- Yogurt can be prepared in the temple, it is not very difficult. Boil the milk at night, put a little yogurt in it, and next morning you will find it full of yogurt
- You are always welcome to question me. It is my duty to guide you also, and I am always prepared. How else you will do your work?
- You are an elder disciple and you have heard what I am speaking, so you should just speak what you have heard and it will have potent effect. This is the power of the parampara, disciplic succession. So you must be prepared to meet all opposition
- You are an experienced lady, and you can teach especially the girls there to cook nicely for the Deity, to prepare flower garlands nicely for the Deity, to clean and dress the Deity nicely
- You can arrange one or two Bengali experts in making and fitting the heads of the kholes. They must be prepared to stay with us for at least one year. We will pay their transportation to Hawaii and return and also a small salary
- You can go there (planetary system of demigods) if you prepare yourself to go, next life. But you cannot go by these sputniks. That is not possible
- You can know this world is now managed by the raksasas. Raksasa. They don't mind what is happening. They are prepared to sacrifice everything for fulfilling their whimsical nonsense. They are called raksasa
- You can prepare hundreds and thousands of preparation, all not only delicious, but brain-maintaining. You can get good brain. Therefore go-raksya, cow protection is especially recommended
- You can prepare your next body in higher planets as demigods or you can prepare your next body within this planet. You can go to the Pitrloka, and if you like you can go to Krsna's abode. That depends on you. You make your choice
- You can prepare yourself to go to hell or heaven. That doesn't matter, because that is also temporary
- You cannot prepare the seed in your so-called rascals' laboratory. Is it possible? Hmm? So why they are so much proud with their scientific knowledge? Our Svarupa Damodara is convinced this so-called scientific knowledge is bogus
- You cannot save yourself. Either you are on the land or on the plane, death will be there. You must be prepared for the death. But if by practicing remembering God, even at the time of death you continue to remember God, then your life is successful
- You have got your eyes, but if you want to see, "Where is God? Show me," that is not immediately possible. You have to prepare your eyes to see God. So therefore God's another name is Adhoksaja
- You have to prepare strong devotees, not import them. You yourself become strong devotees and teach others by your example. Importation is not a good plan; everyone should be strong by behavior and action
- You have to prepare yourself to go there (moon planet). First of all you cannot go in this body because the temperature is so low, you cannot live there
- You have to prepare yourself. So leaving aside the black side, you take the bright side that you are trying to go to the higher planetary system, Svargaloka, Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka. So you have to prepare yourself
- You have to see what is this method, Krsna consciousness movement. That we are prepared to serve you, to convince you, the first-class nature of this movement. Now if you are convinced, try to cooperate. And induce other leaders
- You keep your intimate relationship with Krsna, it doesn't matter whether you are in family or without family. Just like I have given already example. Arjuna, he is a family man, he is not a sannyasi. But he was prepared to sacrifice everything for Krsna
- You prepare yourself for higher standard of life or to make a permanent solution of your miserable condition of life, namely birth, death, old age and disease. This is required. This is human business, or dharma
- You'll find in our temple, we are cooking so many nice preparations. Perhaps you have tasted some of them. But we are not preparing tea or coffee or meat - nothing. These are anarthas. What is the necessity?
- Your (Vyasadeva) inquiries were full and your studies were also well fulfilled, and there is no doubt that you have prepared a great and wonderful work, the Mahabharata, which is full of all kinds of Vedic sequences elaborately explained