Category:Our Understanding (Disciples of SP)
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- A devotee is always very understanding if there is some discrepancy behavior on the part of nondevotees, and even some devotees misbehave, he is always very tolerant and understanding
- After some time of appreciating our program and trying to understand our philosophy, when someone is very interested and recommended by the Temple Commander, for becoming initiated, I accept him
- All my disciples, they are following me. Why? Because they understand that "Our spiritual master explains about God better than us.'' Therefore they are surrendering
- All of my students should read our books very diligently at least one or two hours daily and try to understand the subject matter from varieties of angles
- All of the sentiments expressed in all of your letters are just according to the Vaisnava parampara. This means that you are understanding the Krishna Consciousness philosophy rightly and I am very pleased
- All our men should write. Otherwise how we shall know that he has understood the philosophy?
- All the temple members, without exception must rise by 4 AM and attend mangala arati. Everyone living in the temple must agree to the standard by proper understanding of the philosophy of tapasya
- All these GBC members, they must be well expert in explaining; otherwise what is the use of this writing, taking so much labor, books? They should go, preach, understand. And when there is difficulty, I am present
- Although your spiritual master may be self-realized and experienced in the Absolute Truth, still, you have to question. You have to understand from him all critical points by your intelligent questions. That is allowed
- Anyone who has developed unflinching faith in the Lord and the Spiritual Master can understand the revealed scripture unfold before him
- Anyway, we can read. Not once reading we can understand. Repeatedly, punah punah, we shall have to. Then the stock which we have already got, you can study and take lessons from the Vedic literature and make your life perfect
- Ar na koriho mane asa. You rascal, you do not desire anything else. Are you not singing daily? But do you understand the meaning? Or you are singing only? What is the meaning? Who will explain? Nobody knows? Yes, what is the meaning?
- As far as we know from sadhu-guru-sastra. That's all. That is our understanding
- As soon as personal motivation comes in it is not possible for one to understand our Krishna Consciousness philosophy
- As we come to this Krsna consciousness understanding through this long parampara, similarly, in the Vyasa-puja ceremony, whatever respect, honor, and presentation you give, that goes to Krsna through that parampara system, from down
- As we have understood by the parampara system from my Guru Maharaja, so any of my students who will understand, he will keep it running on. This is the process
- As you begin to study the Sanskrit words, in each word you will find a treasure house of different understanding
- As you begin to understand the philosophy then you will be able to present our movement so that many people may become attracted to this authorized process for developing our dormant love of God
- As you have written in a friendly spirit, I do not wish to discuss this point further. If you will kindly take a little trouble to read this chapter "Lord Caitanya meets Vallabha Bhatta" you will understand the whole situation
- Association is so... Therefore we have named this Krsna Consciousness Society. Not Krsna consciousness only. Krsna Consciousness Society. A society's so beneficial we should understand
- Because I want to deliver the real thing, therefore in my feeble health I am prepared to go. If one man can understand, that I want to see. I am traveling all over the world to see that at least one man may understand
- Because we are hearing from the Source of all knowledge, Krishna, through His representatives, the saints and acharyas in disciplic succession, we have got solid basis for understanding
- Because we understand that Krishna is our Protector under all circumstances, we have no more any anxiety, so we become very liberal and tolerant of all kinds of seeing others' sinful activities, and we see them innocent victims of maya
- Become yourself very convinced of this Krishna philosophy, be always preaching and trying to understand some basic points from different angle of vision, keep the devotees in your temple always satisfied and jolly, and that will be your success
- Beginning is the guru, the spiritual master, because he is the representative of the parampara system, disciplic succession. Therefore, whatever we do, we must first of all try to understand from guru
- Better to develop the small number of devotees we have, make them truly Krishna conscious boys and girls than to go on getting many followers who do not understand and practice the real principles
- Better you understand this, that you cannot understand. This is real understanding, that "Krsna cannot be understood. Simply let me love as far as possible, as I can, whatever is my, in my capacity"
- But because of our material anxieties, which are inevitable in this material world, we cannot understand the Supreme Lord, although He is situated so near to us
- By Krsna consciousness movement you can get out of all this miserable condition of life. You can go back to home, back to Godhead, and evolve your eternal life. And eternally, you can enjoy life with Krsna. Try to understand
- By seeing the expression of the bodily features, one can understand whether the soul is happy or not
- By the first hearing you may not understand about Krsna, but if you simply hear with little attention, although you do not understand, still, you will be pious
- By the grace of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, we understand that everything is possible by the grace of Krsna
- Do not be diminished in your enthusiasm. You should always think of yourself that you are sold to Krsna as slave and that is the only way to get relief of the slavery of Maya. I hope you will understand me rightly and do the needful
- Don't be satisfied that you have understood. No. This should be distributed. In my old age I have come to your country carrying the order of my spiritual master to distribute it. You are all young boys and girls; take this message and distribute it
- Don't become stagnant - "Now I have understood Krsna consciousness, I shall sit down and chant Hare Krsna." We don't want that. Go, spread, preach, and make your nation glorified
- Don't think that these description in the Vedas, they are stories. They are not stories. They are facts. But we cannot accommodate in our poor teeny brain. That's all. So what we shall understand about God? It is not possible
- Each and every sloka should be very, very scrutinizingly understood. That should be the first business in the temples. We have got so many books. Simply if we make arrangement for selling, not for understanding, then it will be simply materialistic
- Educated and understanding devotee
- Encourage the visitors, boys & girls as well as married couples, to understand the value of life & how they can peacefully & happily live if they follow the routine worship method in the temple and establish this in their home to be happy in all respects
- Envy means the cow has got right to live; he does not allow the cow to live. That is envy. You cannot understand this? Suppose you are walking. You have got right to walk, I have got, and if I kill you, you cannot walk. That is envious
- Even though you might not have understood, you can correct it now and don't be disappointed. Your humble repentance is just like a Vaisnava student, so I thank you very much for this humbleness
- Every one of you should study the philosophy, try to understand it and spread it. That is good for you and good for others
- Factually, there are numerous instances when our sannyasis and brahmanas have fallen down often due to insufficient understanding of the philosophy
- First know what you are, your business, your destination & aim of life. Then begin work, religiosity, economic development. But if you do not understand yourself, what is the meaning of accumulation of wealth or so-called religion or economic devel... No
- First of all we must understand what is spirit and what is Krsna and what is Radharani, and then we try to understand what is Krsna and Radharani's loving affairs
- First you have to agree to understand the process and follow it scrupulously. That is wanting
- For the further understanding of this religious process I would recommend you to read our three books namely Sri Isopanisad, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and Easy Journey to Other Planets
- From next year, unless one passes bhakti-sastri, he cannot be second initiated. First initiation is open for everyone. "Come on. Chant Hare Krsna." That will purify him. Then let him understand what is bhakti
- From Rayarama's letter it is clear that Kirtanananda has not rightly understood Krishna Consciousness philosophy & it appears that he does not know the difference between impersonal & personal features of Krishna
- From the Srimad-Bhagavatam we understand that Krishna is the Original Consciousness and the center of all psychological movement, namely thinking, feeling and willing
- God is unlimited. He can produce by perspiration millions of oceans. This is our understanding
- Gopis are not ordinary women, they are all expansions of Krishna's pleasure potency. So when we understand Krishna, then we shall understand Gopis. We can simply follow foot prints of Gopi how they loved Krsna
- Gradually you will understand what it means to please Krishna and what it means to displease Krishna. That you will learn by studying our books and by yourself engaging in practical devotional service
- Gravity should be maintained. And laughing means taking things trifling. That is not allowed. This is the etiquette. That is what we are teaching. You are simple, but this is the etiquette. Understand me right or not?
- Guru must come through the parampara system, and in order to understand tad-vijnanam, transcendental science, you have to approach guru. You cannot say that "I can understand at home"
- Here in Los Angeles, we have found that there is a group of about 40 devotees who privately meet to discuss the intimate pastimes artificially thinking that they can enter into the understanding of the gopis prematurely
- How to please Krishna? - by following all the regulative principle that I have given you, chanting 16 rounds and reading my books scrutinizingly. Everyone must do these things, otherwise they cannot understand Krishna Consciousness
- I (Prabhupada) request you that each and every one of you just become mahatma, not crippled-minded, but broad-minded. So that is possible when we understand Krsna is the source of all energy
- I am glad that you have understood the importance of my books, therefore I am stressing it so much. Let everyone take these books. If he simply reads one page then he is getting something substantial, a real eternal benefit
- I am glad to know that you are working hard to expand the Krishna Consciousness propaganda in Boston. I may say that this practical devotion is the secret to understanding the Sastras
- I am laboring so hard that before I leave this body, I may give you some books who you can enjoy after my death. So utilize it. Read every sloka nicely, try to understand the meaning, discuss amongst yourselves
- I am old man, and there has already been warning, but before I leave this body, I wish to see some of you very strong in Krishna Consciousness understanding
- I am old man. If some of you at least understand this science and take up this science, you become future hope of this country or the world. That is my request to you, that you should take this chance and become a spiritual master for all the people
- I am pleased to learn that you are regularly attending all of our classes and you are serving nicely in the New York temple. Continue on in this way and try to understand our philosophy as far as possible
- I am pleased to note that you are asking very intelligent questions. That is natural position for the neophyte devotee who is sincerely seeking to understand what is the Absolute Truth
- I am so glad to learn that you are an educated boy and coming to our Temple and trying to understand our Krishna Consciousness philosophy very seriously. It is very good sign. Try to continue this attitude
- I am so glad to see that you are understanding the distinction between Krsna Consciousness and materialistic frustrated consciousness by association with this Movement. Thank you for your nice appreciation of the Spiritual Master
- I am so proud of having beautiful disciples like you who understand the inner meaning of my mission. Actually, I want the people of the whole world to come to God consciousness and be happy
- I am trying to speak to you. That is also understanding, studying Krsna science. Rather, hearing is better reception
- I am very glad that you are seriously trying to understand our Krishna consciousness philosophy
- I am very glad to see you in this temple. Please try to understand our philosophy of Krsna consciousness. We have got books, and at the same time we have got the simple method, chanting of Hare Krsna, in which even a small child can take part
- I am very much stressing nowadays that my students shall increase their reading of my books and try to understand them from different angles of vision. Each sloka can be seen from many, many angles of vision, so become practiced in seeing things like this
- I am very pleased also to note your appreciation for our Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and I want that all of my students will understand this book very nicely. This will be a great asset to our preaching activities
- I can also pass away at any moment. That is nature's law. Nobody can check it. So that is not very astonishing, but my appeal to you on this auspicious day of the departure of my Guru Maharaja, that at least to some extent you have understood the essence
- I did not mean by the memo that you shall stop correspondence. If you understood like that, then I say that you can send me every day one letter, and it will be welcome
- I feel very much obliged to you for your nice understanding about my mission. Your offer of service to the cause of our Lord is also welcomed. I hope in future you shall be of great help in my mission and I can count upon
- I have just now received your letter, and I thank you very much for understanding our philosophy correctly
- I have looked over your essay and I think you are understanding our philosophy rightly. Why don't you write something for Back to Godhead
- I have read it, and am glad that you have understood the matter so thoroughly, and have now substantiated your conclusions with so much scriptural proof. Actually, that is our method of preaching, simply to repeat the message as it is
- I have seen this special Rathayatra issue of "Back to Godhead" written by you, and I am so much pleased that so intelligently you have assorted the matter to completely understand our philosophy in a nutshell
- I hope you will read our books attentively and you should ask guidance in understanding Krsna Consciousness from your elder God-brothers
- I know the BBT, Negotiations with Dai Nippon and financial matters are being taken care of even though Karandhara has left his post. Your desire to give me relief from having to worry about these matters shows that you have understood my desires
- I know there has been some controversy within the Society about the actual position of our Siddha Svarupa. But I think he is a very nice boy and he has understood our philosophy just to the point
- I request you to seriously become convinced of this Krishna consciousness movement as you are understanding it and by strictly following the rules I have given you, you will get strength to convince others nicely
- I simply want to see that you, your wife and your whole family become perfect Vaisnavas, Krsna's devotees. Remain in your position and try to understand the philosophy - that will make you perfect
- I think that under your expert guidance many of the students in your class will eventually understand something of the great importance of what you are teaching
- I was very glad that he speaks very nicely. So he can speak, also, in the class, and if there is none else there, he can speak to you. So don't feel lonely. Try to understand Krishna Consciousness mutually, and this will give you transcendental pleasure
- If death takes place, let it take here. So there is nothing to be said new. Whatever I have to speak, I have spoken in my books. Now you try to understand it and continue your endeavor
- If He sees His devotee sincerely and seriously trying to serve Him, He is prepared to give His devotee anything and everything to mitigate any suffering conditions. That is mature understanding and realization of Krsna Consciousness
- If I am following the prescribed regulative principles of my Spiritual Master, then without doubt I am pleasing him. So in this way, if you think it over, you will understand the answers to all your questions
- If I am still in illusion, then I should understand that my business in Krsna consciousness is not progressing; this is the test
- If I have understood the order of my Spiritual Master rightly, then I must perform my duty under any circumstances and never once think of going away under disgust
- If Kirtanananda does not understand this philosophy then better he should stop speaking nonsense
- If one is actually serious about understanding the goal of life, spiritual knowledge, then Krsna is situated in everyone's heart. He understands how this person is sincerely seeking. Then He'll give direction that "You do this"
- If simply we understand that "Krsna is the Supreme Person. He is great, and we are all subordinate. So our duty is to serve Krsna," these two lines, if we understand, then our life is perfect
- If there is any misunderstanding with the GBC men, that can be readjusted by mutual understanding. I wanted to see you all to mitigate this misunderstanding
- If there is one moon, that is sufficient. What is the use of millions of stars twinkling. So that is our propaganda. If one man can understand what is Krsna philosophy, then my preaching is successful, that's all
- If we are not serious about understanding the science of Krsna, if you take some opportunity to become this, to become that, and make some money, and this and that, then the whole thing is finished. For opportunists there is no Krsna consciousness
- If we can manage successfully, we will be attractive for the whole of India. Our task is very heavy, do not neglect by paltry disagreement. I hope Krishna will bless you to understand my heart and oblige
- If we do not take time to understand how the financial matters are going on, then at any moment we may experience some calamity due to our inattention to these matters
- If we don't adopt the process and simply waste our time by intoxication and speculation and all nonsensical activities, oh, that is not possible ever. You'll never understand what is God
- If we listen to someone who is presenting a broken, concocted version of Bhagavad Gita, that will be useless. So try to understand our philosophy very sincerely and carefully
- If we make progress like this, hearing and chanting and thinking (about God), and applying our knowledge, and try to understand, then the result will be asu - very soon
- If we see the Deities in very pleasing mood, that will certify our service unto the Lord. So everywhere we shall see the Deities in such pleasing mood. As soon as we see the Deities in a different mood we must immediately understand our discrepancies
- If we sleep in the morning, snoring, then how we can understand?
- If you continue this (chanting, dancing and eating prasadam), then some day will come, even in this life, that you will understand what is Krsna. As soon as you understand Krsna, then after leaving this body you go back home, back to Godhead, directly
- If you continue to read our books very carefully and try to understand our philosophy very deeply, this is nice
- If you do not understand Krsna, if you do not increase your natural love for Krsna, then na mucyate deha-yogena tavat. There is no chance. They have no chance
- If you follow Arjuna as he understood, then your understanding of Bhagavad-gita is perfect. If you do not understand, then you have not understood what is Krsna's speaking and what is Bhagavad-gita
- If you follow this simple process (chanting sixteen rounds & avoiding ten offenses) faithfully under the direction of your Spiritual Master & try to understand our philosophy by regular study, you will continue to progress your lives in KC
- If you have only attachment for Krsna, then you are in samadhi. You don't require certificate from others. You know yourself. Just like while eating you can understand whether you are satisfied or not
- If you kindly try to understand this philosophy of the Supreme Person as described in Bhagavad-gita, 8th chapter, you will understand our activities more clearly
- If you put a question to a superior, to your master, so it is not that he is bound to answer it. Because sometimes a particular question is put forward, the answer is not understandable by the questioner, so the superior, the master, may refuse
- If you simply hear sincerely and submissively, then you will understand Krsna. Krsna will reveal to you
- If you still cannot understand what is my instruction, then how can I help you? New students may say like that. You are intelligent, educated, old student. If you say...
- If you understand the importance of this Krishna Consciousness Movement, that is my success
- In my books the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness is explained fully so if there is anything which you do not understand, then you simply have to read again and again
- In order to remain steadily fixed in Krishna consciousness there must be a sound philosophical understanding. Otherwise it will become only sentiment
- It doesn't matter you Europeans, Americans, not born in brahmana family. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's approval. If you try to understand the science of Krsna and if you behave properly, you can teach about Krsna all over your country, all over the world
- It is a very great science of understanding God. So we have decided to discuss this great science for a few days here (in New Vrndavana). You take advantage of it. Try to understand this great science, how we can be related with God and be happy
- It is apparent that you have understood our philosophy nicely so you continue to read our books regularly and preach vigorously, and help to distribute this great transcendental knowledge to all the distressed souls of this Kali yuga
- It is best to get all such points cleared up so that our understanding may be firmly fixed up in our philosophy. The best process is to rigidly execute one's prescribed devotional duties regularly, and to study the books and literatures very carefully
- It is most essential that all the initiated devotees study our books and learn this philosophy very well. And to get the strength for understanding these, everyone must chant sixteen rounds of beads daily without fail
- It is my duty to help you always in the matter of understanding Krishna Consciousness and whatever I am trying to bestow upon you all is the gift of Lord Krishna directly; I am just doing the work of a bearer
- It is only the question of understanding the process how to execute Krishna Consciousness. If you can therefore spare some time to live with me, it will be better. You appear to be a very intelligent boy and I hope you will learn the art quickly
- It is so pleasing to me that you are giving service to Krishna by your intelligence, by your body, by your mind. Everything is very nice and this will make you more and more progressive in understanding Krishna Consciousness
- It is the common understanding of Krsna Consciousness or the science of devotional service rendered to Krsna that we shall serve Him spontaneously and without any desire for compensation for our service
- It is very encouraging that you have tried to understand our philosophy so quickly
- Kindly try to understand our philosophy thoroughly, and then others will follow, "He's a big lawyer. He's a Krsna conscious man." If you have any doubt, you can ask. We will try to explain
- Kirtanananda does not believe in parampara or in the necessity of scriptural authority. He seems to feel that this is a sort of tyranny. That means, after taking sannyasa and understanding the philosophy for more than a year, he has changed the whole view
- Kirtananda is a crazy man. That is proved. He says that he has become equal to the spiritual master but he is such a fool that he does not understand the principle of disciple even in ordinary worldly affairs
- Krishna Cons. is not a miracle, it is science, & because we are Krishna conscious, therefore we know everything, so practically we can understand how Krishna wanted to please His devotees & He appeared there so wonderfully. We do not see anything miracle
- Krsna Consciousness means to be on the platform of deathlessness. Every sloka in Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam is informing us of this. If you read these books carefully you will understand this platform of deathlessness
- Krsna consciousness movement is completely different from ordinary movement. This is spiritual movement. This movement begins when one understands that he is not this body
- Krsna has sent you to our association, and I am sure you are intelligent enough to understand our philosophy. Please try to understand us without any doubt
- Krsna is giving you an opportunity to become more advanced. Take to that. You are intelligent. You have understood. Now try to transfer knowledge to the innocent persons. There must be father. That you are convinced?
- Krsna is more important than the parents. So do not miss the opportunity of your present human form of body. Try to understand Krsna, and make your life successful
- Krsna is so kind. Guru-krsna-krpa. Krsna is helping from within, but sometimes we are so dull, naturally, that we cannot understand. Therefore He sends His representative to instruct externally. So He is helping internally and externally
- Krsna-prema is so valuable, but Krsna is after Radharani. Just see how Radharani is great. Just try to understand the greatness of Radharani. Therefore She is so great, and we have to offer our respect
- Leader means spiritually not materially. This you should understand very clearly. If spiritual potency and strength is there, then material intelligence will automatically follow
- Lord Krishna's death being caused by the arrow of a hunter, Thakura Haridasa's being caned in 22 market or Lord Jesus Christ being crucified are all acts of the Lord personally. We cannot always understand the intricacies of such incidences
- Mature understanding of Krsna consciousness means that whatever condition of life I am in at present, that is Krsna's special mercy upon me, therefore let me take advantage in the best way possible to spread this Krsna consciousness movement
- My dear sons and daughters, I am so much obliged to you that you have become so enthusiastic for offering Vyasa-puja. Now try to understand
- Not that by your endeavor you can understand Krsna, but your endeavor in the loving service, that will make you qualified. Krsna will reveal
- Now I have taken your husband (Pradyumna dasa) with me, and he shall always remain with me from now on to learn perfectly sanskrit language exactly as it is understood by our line of acaryas from Krishna Himself
- Now try and understand our philosophy very carefully by reading all of our books, such as Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Nectar of Devotion, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, and there are so many others
- Of course we may take money for Krsna using any method of beg, borrow and steal, but more advanced understanding of Krsna consciousness process is that by telling the truth in a very palatable way, that is the most successful system
- One after another, everything is very clearly explained in this Nectar of Devotion. So each chapter you should read very carefully. And if you cannot understand, read it repeatedly
- One can understand the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he can become guru. Or one who understands his guru's order, the same parampara, he can become guru. And therefore I shall select some of you
- One thing, I must warn you in this connection that these records are distributed amongst teenagers, therefore the language and presentation should be suitable for their understanding. I think you will understand me right in this connection
- One who understands and appreciates the disciplic succession is certainly advanced, and we should always be very careful to give full respect to those who have so carefully handled this Divine Fruit of transcendental knowledge before us
- One who understands the importance of Krishna Consciousness must be a very fortunate soul. So I marked it in your person when I was in Boston, and I prayed to Krishna that this good soul may be aware of the importance of Krishna Consciousness
- Others may practice different patterns of yoga, and we can understand that everyone is trying to pass on the path of yoga, but bhakti yoga is the ultimate goal
- Our Krsna family means Krsna is the master, and He is the supreme enjoyer. And if we understand this point, that Krsna is the center, He is the enjoyer, and we are meant for serving Him for His enjoyment, that is Krsna family
- Our Movement is a declaration of war against Maya, that you can understand very well, so we have to recruit many fighting soldiers - so do it vigorously
- Our movement is not only for some theoretical teaching, but it is for developing practical character and definite understanding
- Our potency lies in presenting our understanding of Krsna as he is, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. We cannot compromise in any one with any other understanding. Hoping this meets you in good health
- Perhaps while you were in India you have heard that we glorify in the following way: Guru Gauranga Chandarbika Giridhari. Four "G''s. So Guru-Gauranga you understand, and Chandarbika-Giridhari means Radha and Krishna
- Please continue to read the literature very attentively. Try to understand very soberly and you will feel ecstasy undoubtedly. The more we understand the spiritual literatures the more we become engladdened
- Please take nice care of him because there are so many good souls who we must inform of this most important philosophy, and when another man is sent by Krishna to help us it is our duty to help him understand Krishna Consciousness as far as possible
- Please train the new devotees nicely and have them carefully read our literatures so they get a fine understanding of our Krsna Consciousness
- Please try to read our literatures very carefully and try to understand the philosophy with the help of your good husband
- Presently arrangements are being made for me to go to Moscow, Russia. We have one invitation to speak in the university there. If I see that you are understanding our philosophy, then I shall be glad to take you with me to Russia for preaching work
- Sac, cid, ananda - three, three spiritual divisions. Not division actually; they are one. But for our understanding we analyze in that way, sac, cid, ananda
- Scriptures you cannot understand directly. Then you have to see how the scriptural injunctions are being followed by saintly persons. Even if you cannot understand, then the spiritual master will explain to you
- Separated energy you'll understand: just like I am speaking, and my speech is being recorded in the tape recorder. So even I am not here, if you apply the machine, it will exactly speak like me. That is my energy, but now it is separated
- Serious students of this Krsna consciousness movement must understand their great responsibility to preach the cult of Vrndavana (devotional service to the Lord) all over the world
- Siddhanta, what is Krsna, if you study from the sastras, then siddhanta boliya citte, don't be lazy in understanding Krsna
- So don't make a cheater and cheated society. Just follow the parampara system as it is prescribed in the Vedic literature, as it is recommended by Krsna. Try to understand it from the authoritative source and try to apply it in your life
- So especially you must encourage the students to read our books throughout the day as much as possible, and give them all good advice how to understand the books, and inspire them to study the things from every point of view
- So far other swamis and panditas are concerned, actually nobody would be equal to us because they do not come in the parampara system. As such their line of thought is null and void according to our understanding
- So human life is not meant for hog civilization. So modern civilization is hog civilization, although it is polished with shirt and coat. So, we shall try to understand. This Krsna consciousness movement is for understanding Krsna
- So many boys, young boys, you have understood. So do it and give me relief. I remain in the background. Let me finish my Bhagavata Purana and those who are assisting in the writing, I'll be there
- So try to understand this philosophy of Krishna Consciousness by reading our books and literatures, discussing amongst the devotees and chanting Hare Krishna Mantra as much as possible
- Study one line, that is sufficient. It does not mean to go like a storm and do not understand
- Study our literatures attentively and try to understand the philosophy nicely with the help of your God-brothers. Always work cooperatively to spread Krsna consciousness movement and chant Hare Krsna and your life will be sublime
- Surrendering unto him means surrendering unto God because he is God's representative. But you are allowed to make questions, not to waste time, but for understanding. That is called pariprasna. These are the process. So everything is there
- Take care of the new devotees so that they may read our literatures carefully and come to the real standard of understanding
- Take care of the new devotees so that they may read our literatures carefully and come to the real standard of understanding. Our strength is not material strength, but spiritual strength
- Thank you for understanding this Krsna Consciousness philosophy more and more. Now that you have a little taste, kindly keep it as the most valuable asset of life
- Thanks to you for your good wishes, and your realization that you are the eternal servant of Krishna. It is the primary understanding of our constitutional position. Actually, we are servant, but in the conditioned state, every one of us posing as master
- That is Krsna consciousness movement. One has to understand thoroughly that he's not master. He's servant. He's completely dependent on the supreme will
- That is the sublime philosophy of Krishna Consciousness understanding; implicit faith in Krishna and Spiritual Master. This will make your steady progress towards the Ultimate Goal of back to Home, back to Godhead
- The accredited teacher may lead a "Gurukula" but first of all let him understand our philosophy perfectly and become himself strong
- The business of Krishna Conscious persons is to enjoy by mutual association on the basis of understanding Krishna from Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The essay is very good and I thank you for it. You have very nicely understood and described the meaning of "Back to Godhead"
- The factual propounder of Vedanta philosophy is a Krsna conscious person who always engages in reading and understanding the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam and teaching the purport of these books to the entire world
- The formula for ISKCON organization is very simple and can be understood by everyone
- The GBC member means they will see that in every temple these books are very thoroughly being read and discussed and understood and applied in practical life
- The highest stage of spiritual consciousness is Krsna consciousness. KC means, "I am Krsna's," that's all. Krsna says, "All these living entities, they are My part and parcel." So you have to understand this relationship with Krsna, that you are Krsna's
- The legs should be utilized for coming to this temple to see Krsna. Not to going to the cinema rascal. Then your life will be successful. You'll understand Krsna. Krsna is very kind
- The more you feel separation from Krsna, you should understand that you are advancing. Don't try to see Krsna artificially. Be advanced in separation feeling, and then it will be perfect. That is the teachings of Lord Caitanya
- The philosophy should be illustrated, but everything must be done with clear intelligence according to the Parampara revealation of the Absolute Truth and Krsna will give you good understanding for the purpose
- The real identity of the living entity is that he is eternally servant of God. We should not understand this word servant in the meaning of materialistic servant. To become servant of God is a great position
- The spirit soul is person as much as God is also person. Imperson means the covering. Try to understand. The covering is impersonal, not the living being. He is covered. He is not imperson. He is person
- There are many things like that. So you should try to understand it fully. Why should you understand it haphazardly? You must try to understand fully
- There are so many things to understand from Srimad-Bhagavatam, full knowledge, all knowledge, as it is required by the human society. So we have to study from all angles of vision, not simply by sentiment. This is Srimad-Bhagavatam
- These boys and girls have understood what is austerity and the difference between spirit and matter, that is the highest knowledge of existence. Because they are engaged in serving Krsna in this way, you have nothing further to worry
- These new boys, they are understanding our philosophy? Hmm? You are reading books
- They are being really trained to understand Western Monotheism under authoritative Vedic system
- They are engaged in carrying out my order. There is no payment, no monetary benefit, because they have understood me, that he is representative of Krsna
- They are understanding association with the Spiritual Master is the same as association with His vani or teachings. This is a transcendental fact
- This (chanting sixteen rounds daily and following the regulative principles) is essential for understanding our philosophy clearly and for being able to impress Krsna Consciousness in the hearts of others
- This (observing the regulative principles strictly & chant at least sixteen rounds of beads daily) is essential for understanding our philosophy practically to advance in Krishna Consciousness. And we should always avoid mental speculations
- This book, Nectar of Devotion, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, if you read regularly, try to understand, this means you are associating with Srila Rupa Gosvami directly. And if you act accordingly, then you are serving their lotus feet
- This clear understanding of God is not available anywhere else but from our books, so if you are convinced on this point, then produce books voluminously
- This feeling of separation will make you enriched in Krsna consciousness. Feeling of separation. Not that "Krsna, I have seen you. Finished. All right. I have understood You."
- This Hare Krsna maha-mantra is so powerful, you understand or do not understand, if you go on chanting regularly, one day you will come to the platform - you will clearly understand what is the meaning of God. This is Hare Krsna movement
- This is Krsna consciousness. You must voluntarily agree - not hackneyed, mechanical: "Spiritual master says like this. All right, let me do it." No. You have to understand very nicely. Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam. Priti, with love
- This Krsna consciousness movement is the topmost education, culture. Those who have come to Krsna consciousness movement, they should seriously take it and try to understand Krsna. Their life will be successful
- This premature desire to understand the lila of Krishna is due to mundane sex-life desire as we have seen amongst many of the babajis and sahajiyas in Vrindaban
- This Sanskrit verse is meant for understanding ourself; it is not for simply selling our books
- This whole science is understood through service only. Everything becomes revealed. Everything is revelation. Unless one is very sincere servant, there is no revelation
- This will make you intelligent to understand our philosophy, and you will automatically acquire all auspicious qualifications by always being engaged in devotional service of the Lord. So now chant Hare Krsna mantra and be happy. That is my desire
- Those who are going to be initiated, they should understand that chanting of the holy name means
- Those who are preaching this Krsna consciousness movement must try to understand Krsna from the statements given in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
- Those who have taken this movement very seriously, they should be very sober and understand at least you must expose all these rascals. That will be very much appreciated by Krsna
- To practice austerity requires that you understand my books or else it is like army rules and regulations
- To remain in Krishna Consciousness is actual understanding of Vedanta. Anything which is not Krishna Consciousness is polluted profane consciousness
- To understand Krsna is not so easy, but if you follow the mahajana, if you try to understand the philosophy through the parampara system, then you'll realize Krsna and your life will be successful
- Today I have sent you the first installment of "Narada Bhakti Sutras". Please let me know how do you like it or if there is any difficulty to understand it. On hearing from you I shall take up the next installment
- Try to understand God scientifically and become a devotee, a lover of God, your life will be successful. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- Try to understand Krishna Consciousness mutually, and this will give you transcendental pleasure
- Try to understand our own philosophy described in so many books, but I cannot allow you to hear form the mental speculators without any solid knowledge
- Try to understand that subject matter from every angle of vision
- Try to understand the philosophy (read 'Nectar of Devotion' repeatedly) nicely & spread it to your best capacity so that these suiciding men can be saved as far as possible. It is not, however, possible to check the suiciding policy of the modern society
- Try to understand the science of Krsna. Then you will be able to preach nicely, and people will be benefited
- Try to understand this fact. Krsna does not require your nice dress or nice flower or nice food. Krsna does not require. But if you give Him, then you become benefited. It is Krsna's favor that He's accepting
- Try to understand with your intelligence but do not try to avoid
- Unless Jadurani develops a better health and strength, I do not advise her to become pregnant. I think you will understand the instruction as I have given and try to follow it as far as possible
- Unless my Guru Maharaja had produced me, how this Krsna consciousness movement is going all over the world? And what he has done? Simply criticizing is no use. We want to see practical. Do you understand or not?
- Unless we become very serious to understand Krsna, it is very, very difficult to understand Krsna
- Unless we take care of the books and preach and read ourself, understand the philosophy, this Hare Krsna will be finished within few years
- Unless you know consciousness, how do you describe unconsciousness? Unconsciousness is the negative side of consciousness. So you should explain what is consciousness. Then we can understand unconsciousness
- We all combined together have taken a great task of this Krsna Consciousness movement so I am very glad to learn that you are all gradually understanding the importance of this movement
- We are inviting you at this place of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, His birthsite, to take the inspiration given by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. That will help us understanding Krsna
- We are not after many millions of disciples. I want to see that one disciple has understood Krsna's philosophy. That is success. That's all
- We are not concerned with the dress; we are concerned with the advancement of spiritual understanding. That's all
- We are restricting, that "Don't work hard like hog and dog or animals. Just satisfy your minimal necessities of life, save time and advance in spiritual understanding." This is our mission
- We can understand how we have to be very cautious in executing our spiritual duties by observing the rules and regulations and regularly chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. If we neglect doing this, we will eventually fall down
- We can understand that we may change our dress in any way to facilitate our service. When our members change their dress to meet the public or to introduce our books, they are not breaking the devotional principles
- We discriminate eating. We don't eat so many things. We simply eat things which may keep my body just fit for understanding and executing this mission of life. That's all
- We discuss (in the daily classes on Srimad-Bhagavatam) the subject matter very minutely and inspect it from all angles of approach and savor the new understandings
- We discuss this Bhagavad-gita only for understanding that we are not blindly following a principle. It is a science. It is based on philosophy and science. But we have made the process easy, that's all, by following great stalwart personalities
- We do not bluff our students that he has liberty to do all sorts of nonsense, and at the same time advance in spiritual understanding
- We have got so many books. Whoever comes here must read the books, devotee, the inmates of the temple, outsider, then you will understand what is Krsna consciousness
- We have seen many persons abruptly taking, or without understanding the self-realization process
- We have taken the vow to see Krsna or to understand Krsna. We should be very, very serious and do the needful. Then our life will be successful
- We have to become swans, raja-hamsa , paramahamsa , paramahamsa . Paramo nirmatsaranam. Then you can understand Krsna consciousness. If you remain crows, then you cannot, that is not possible
- We have to finish this material business before we can understand spiritual thing. If one has got still inclination for material things, it is useless waste of time for him to understand
- We have to receive knowledge from disciplic succession, tattva. Then we will understand the truth. Tattvamnayam. This subject matter we have discussed already, amnayam, evam parampara, that we should not manufacture knowledge
- We have to simply repeat like parrot. Not exactly parrot. Parrot does not understand the meaning; he simply vibrates. But you should understand the meaning also; otherwise how you can explain?
- We have to understand that fighting spirit is there in everyone. You cannot check it, you cannot stop it. We do not say stop. The Mayavadi philosopher says that "You stop this thing," but that is not possible. You cannot stop
- We may not be very well versed in the Vedanta-sutra aphorisms and may not understand their meaning, but we follow in the footsteps of the acaryas
- We request you to understand, to hear about God. Then some day will come, you will understand what is God, what is your relationship with Him, and you will act accordingly. Then your life will be successful
- We require hundreds and thousands of spiritual masters who have understood this Krsna science and preach all over the world
- We shall have to teach character and spiritual understanding to the young children. To study other things as a high grade scholar is secondary for us
- We should learn to depend on Krishna more and more. Actually, Krishna is always guiding us as Supersoul, but due to our forgetfulness, we do not understand that Krishna is friend everlasting
- We should not become religious fanatics, nor dry mental speculators. Both these classes of men are dangerous. They cannot make any advance. The combination. You should be religious, but try to understand each and every line philosophically
- We should not disturb the newcomers immediately with opposite proposals, but tactfully we shall try to teach him in our ways, and gradually he will come to understand this policy is very nice, and approved by me
- We should not understanding the meaning of sankirtana very narrowly, that only chanting and dancing and playing instruments, no, sankirtana means to glorify the Lord in a congregational manner
- We shouldn't make any addition or subtraction of mental speculation, but should endeavor, even if we do not fully understand from our present platform, to present simply the philosophy as we have received it directly & realized it by practical experience
- We understand, we people who are conducting this KC movement, that without being Krsna conscious, nobody will be happy. Therefore our struggle is different. We are trying to make the people actually happy. Sarve sukhino bhavantu: Everyone become happy
- We want to understand God through philosophy. "Through philosophy" means logic. Blind faith is not our business
- When Krsna has made so many varieties there is some purpose. That one should understand. That is intelligence. You can organize these farms very nicely. Then this devil's workshop will stop
- When these young boys are fully ready, vast preaching will take place in these Western countries through them. I remind them that I am old. "At any time I may have to say namaskara to Yamaraja, so you all try to understand this KC philosophy properly"
- When They are pleased by your seva, then They will reveal. Don't try to jump over to understand Radha-Krsna
- When we see we are becoming aware of our infinitesimal nature, then we begin to also understand something of how infinitely great Krishna is
- When we take to the service spirit... Here we are training people how to render service. Then, gradually, he will be able to understand what is this name of Krsna, what is the form of Krsna, what is the activities of Krsna
- When you can understand that you are a fool that means that you are a little intelligent because you can detect your own foolishness. Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to remain a fool just to teach us how to make progress in spiritual life
- Whenever you feel any difficulty to understand our philosophy you may inquire from Sudama, and if there is still difficulty you are welcome to send your inquiries to me and I shall be very much pleased to satisfy you
- With our present senses, materially covered, it is very difficult to understand Krsna, His transcendental Name, Fame, Form, Pastimes, etc. But if we begin rendering service unto Krsna, then being pleased with our service He will reveal Himself from within
- With the exhaling, universes are coming out, and inhaling, universes are going within the nostril of God. We understand that is God, not a magician you call Him
- Without cleaning the mind, nobody can advance in spiritual understanding. And the chanting of Hare Krishna is the cleansing process of the mind. That is our motto
- Without preaching, without understanding philosophy, you cannot keep your strength. Everyone should be thoroughly well-conversed with the philosophy which we are putting... That means you must read thoroughly every day
- Without such voluntary understanding of the principles and agreement to obey them, no one is qualified to live in our temples
- Writing articles means to express oneself how he is understanding the whole philosophy. So this writing is necessary for everyone
- Yes, Krsna will give you strength, as you engage yourself in His service, "To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me"
- You are a sincere devotee of the Lord and certainly He will bless you with auspicious advancement in the matter of spiritual understanding
- You are all intelligent boys and girls. You try to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy with all your reason or argument. But try to understand it seriously. Don't make it a farce. That is the object of life
- You are an educated and understanding devotee of Lord Krishna. Now Krishna will see your sincere cooperative efforts and He will provide all necessary facilities for continued growth of our educational center
- You are certainly welcome to come and live with us and try to understand our philosophy. If a personality like you will join this institution, it will be a great asset
- You are intelligent boys and girls. You have taken this Krsna consciousness movement. Try to understand more philosophically and distribute all over the world. That is my request
- You are very intelligent and nice boy and girl, and trying to understand Krishna Consciousness, and I can simply pray that you shall try to understand more and more about this transcendental science
- You can understand that I am very much depending on you to become very much convinced yourself of our Krishna philosophy and to take full responsibility for teaching others purely
- You cannot expect many disciples, but still, there are two thousand. Because I have got so many conditions and the fact is so difficult to understand, Krsna consciousness
- You cannot expect that wherever you are going you'll find favorable situation to talk. That you must understand. But you'll have to preach; you have to create favorable situation. That is your duty
- You cannot imagine what my spiritual master said. Or even if you read some books, you cannot understand unless you understand it from me. This is called parampara system. You cannot jump over to the superior guru, neglecting the next acarya
- You have got by the grace of Lord some foreign degrees. If you present this Krsna consciousness movement in India, many persons will follow. So you think in that way and try to understand our philosophy
- You have to understand our philosophy perfectly, follow the regulative principles, and then in fact you can edit our books and papers
- You have to understand these things, and if you understand properly what is Krsna, this much qualification will make you fit for being liberated even in this life
- You have understood our philosophy rightly, that we boldly challenge anyone--philosopher, scientist, educationist--to understand our philosophy
- You should be always alert in understanding the sastric conclusions that will help you, otherwise we can be misled by bogus philosophies
- You should be very careful to understand the philosophy. Otherwise, you are not making progress. Progress means you shall defend yourself from the opposing elements. That is required
- You should understand it that anything which will remind one of Krishna is spiritual, and anything which will make one forget Krishna is material. Actually, everything is of spiritual nature because everything is coming from the Ultimate Source, Krishna
- You should understand that a devotee is never under any karmic reaction. Whatever is happening is the mercy of Krishna. That should be the view point of the devotee
- You should understand that as I have taken up this mission with full faith in my guru maharaja, as you also preach earnestly in the countries of South America, you will do the highest good for others and for yourself as well
- You should understand that at every center there should be such doll exhibitions. So wherever it is suitable, you should take up in that place first
- You should understand that Krishna Consciousness is a purificatory process. One may not be purified immediately, but since he is on the right path for purification, one should not criticize him for some faults that he may still have
- You take instruction from my books, and if you are unable to understand any portion of the books, then you can get it explained by any senior devotee
- You try to understand this philosophy more seriously, and as you are able try to write articles on this subject matter without being inclined to compromise with any other religious faith
- You understand overintelligent rascal? Don't be overintelligent. That is very risky. Be intelligent. Overintelligent means rascal. Spoiling
- You will find that the more you involve yourself, the more you will understand our philosophy and then automatically you will be able to preach it nicely
- Your confidence to do whatever you are instructed by the Spiritual Master is very encouraging. Yes, this is the method of the Vedic injunction, staunch faith in Spiritual Master and Krsna makes one perfect in spiritual understanding
- Your quotations from our Vaisnava sastras are very nice and I request you thoroughly to study all of our literatures very thoughtfully and try to understand the sublime import of this Krishna consciousness philosophy
- Your special affection for my Indian project is very pleasing to me and shows you understand my intentions very well