Category:Krsna and the Gopis
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- A certain gopi said, "My dear friend, when I heard the sound of the leg bell of Sri Krsna, I immediately started to go out of the house to see Him. But most regrettably, my superiors were present just before me at that time, and I could not go out"
- A dance in the midst of many girls is called a rasa dance. So Krsna began to dance among the most beautiful and fortunate girls within the three worlds. The gopis of Vrndavana, who were so attracted to Him, danced with Krsna, hand in hand
- A devotee like Mother Yasoda, a devotee like Radharani, devotees like gopis, devotees like the cowherds boy, they can control Krsna. That is Vrndavana life. So this Krsna consciousness movement is trying to take you there
- A devotee will at once develop pure love of Krsna in the wake of the gopis if he once takes a bath in Radha-kunda
- A gopi described Him to a friend, "When Krsna returns, He is garlanded with tulasi leaves, He puts His hand on the shoulder of a cowherd boyfriend and begins to blow His transcendental flute"
- A gopi described, "Like us, who are enchanted by the ocean of the transcendental qualities of Krsna, the she-deer become enchanted by the vibration of His flute"
- A gopi described, "The wives of the black deer become enchanted upon hearing the vibration of His flute, which resembles the vibration of the vina. The deer come to Krsna and become so charmed that they stand still, forgetting their homes and husbands"
- A gopi once said to Krsna: "My dear son of Nanda Maharaj, by the sound of Your flute Srimati Radharani has become full of lamentation and fear, and thus, with faltering voice, She is crying like a kurobi bird"
- A gopi told mother Yasoda, "Krsna is very kind to the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, Vrndavana, and when He returns with His cows and friends, He is remembered as the lifter of Govardhana Hill"
- A gopi told mother Yasoda, "Minor demigods like the Gandharvas and Siddhas take advantage of this atmosphere and offer prayers to your son (Krsna) by sounding their bugles and drums"
- A gopi told mother Yasoda, "Taking advantage of this opportunity, the most exalted demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva come down to offer their evening prayers, and they accompany the cowherd boys in glorifying the qualities of Krsna"
- A learned scholar, therefore, cannot understand the gopis' ecstatic feelings, which are firmly fixed upon the original form of Lord Krsna as the son of Nanda Maharaja
- A man, after enjoying his girlfriend, gives up his connection with her. In this way, all the gopis indirectly accused Krsna by citing many examples
- A similar statement can be found in Gita-govinda, wherein it is said that when the enemy of Kamsa, Sri Krsna, embraces Srimati Radharani, He immediately becomes entangled in a loving condition and gives up the company of all other gopis
- A transcendentally sober person who, with faith and love, continually hears from a realized soul about the activities of Lord Krsna in His rasa dance with the gopis
- A woman cannot be naked before any male except her husband. The unmarried gopis desired Krsna as their husband, and He fulfilled their desire in this way
- A woman may develop an attitude for becoming a friend of Krsna, and, similarly, a man may develop the feature of becoming a gopi in Vrndavana
- Above even the humor of love between Krsna and His parents is the relationship of conjugal love. This is exhibited between the Lord and the young gopis in different ways - glancing, moving the eyebrows, speaking very sweet words, and exchanging smiles
- Above Narayana, Krsna has four specific transcendental qualities - His wonderful pastimes, an abundance of wonderful associates who are very dear to Him (like the gopis), His wonderful beauty and the wonderful vibration of His flute
- Above that wonderful dance flew many airplanes carrying the denizens of the heavenly planets, who were very eager to see the wonderful dance of Krsna with the gopis
- Absorbed in the ecstasy of the gopis, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu wished to see Lord Jagannatha in His original form as Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja, standing in Vrndavana and appearing very beautiful, His body curved in three places
- Absorbed in thoughts of Krsna, the gopi who was carrying her friend began to boast that she was Krsna herself: "All of you just see my movement!"
- According to the sastras, it is immoral for young girls to go see a young boy in a forest in the dead of night. But this was not an impious activity because the gopis did this for Krsna
- According to Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, the rasa dance was performed during the long period of Brahma's night, but the gopis could not understand that. In order to fulfill their desire, Krsna extended the night to cover such a great period of time
- Actually there is no difference between Krsna and Rama, but everyone has his preference. For instance, Hanuman was particularly devoted to Lord Ramacandra. The gopis are exclusively devoted to Lord Krsna. This does not make any real difference
- Actually, a yogi concentrates his mind on the form of Lord Visnu. That is real yoga. Krsna is the original form of all visnu-tattvas. The gopis could not go to Krsna personally, so they began to meditate on Him as perfect yogis
- Actually, Krsna is all-pervasive: He is in the sky, and He is in the forest; He is within the heart, and He is always everywhere. The gopis therefore began to question the trees and plants about Krsna
- Actually, Krsna is the husband of everyone because He is the supreme enjoyer. The gopis wanted Krsna to be their husband, but factually there was no possibility of His marrying all the gopis
- Actually, the gopis did not care for Varuna or any other demigod; they only wanted to satisfy Krsna
- After accepting the sannyasa order of life, He (Lord Caitanya) was very, very strict about avoiding association with women, but still He taught that there is no better method of worshiping Krsna than that conceived by the gopis
- After enjoying love affairs with Krsna by dancing, embracing and kissing, the gopis would sometimes become very tired, and Krsna, out of His causeless mercy and compassion, would smear their faces with His lotus hands
- After giving up the company of the gopis in Vrndavana, Sri Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda, engaged in His pastimes at Dvaraka. When Krsna went to Kuruksetra with His brother and sister and others from Dvaraka, He again met the inhabitants of Vrndavana
- After hearing the vibration of the flute of Krsna, the gopis in Vrndavana remembered Him and began to talk amongst themselves about how nicely Krsna was playing His flute
- After hearing this advice, the gopis did not seem very happy; therefore Krsna began to stress the point in a different way
- After Krsna disappeared with Radharani during the rasa dance, the gopis wandered in the forest looking for Him. In the same way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wandered in that garden by the sea
- After leaving the material body, the perfect devotee takes birth from the womb of a gopi on a planet where Krsna's pastimes are going on
- After offering obeisances, all the gopis dispersed. Then Srimati Radharani came and appeared before Lord Krsna
- After saying this, "He is not Krsna! He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana." they offered obeisances and the following respectful prayers
- After searching for Krsna here and there, the gopis became fatigued, and then they began to talk like madwomen. They could satisfy themselves only by imitating the different pastimes of Krsna
- After seeing Krsna, various people criticize the blinking of their eyes. In Vrndavana especially, all the gopis criticize Lord Brahma because of this defect in the eyes
- After seeing the young gopis bathe in the Yamuna, Krsna passed the rest of the morning with the boys
- After seeing those footprints, they (the gopis) exclaimed, "Oh, here is the impression of the marks on the soles of Krsna's feet! All the marks, such as the flag, the lotus flower, the trident and the thunderbolt, are distinctly visible here"
- After stealing their (gopis) garments, Krsna informed them: I immediately understood your desire and approved of it. Because I have now stolen your garments, you have presented yourselves before Me completely naked, I have accepted all of you as My wives
- After talking with the gopis and bestowing upon them the greatest benediction, Lord Krsna welcomed King Yudhisthira and other relatives who had come to see Him
- After thinking of Radha & Krsna and Their pastimes for a long time & after getting completely free from material contamination, one is transferred to the spiritual world. There the devotee attains an opportunity to serve Radha & Krsna as one of the gopis
- After this incident, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, surrounded by His dear friends & the animals, returned to His home. As usual, the gopis began to chant the glorious pastimes of Lord Krsna with great feeling, for they were chanting from the heart
- After this, Lord Krsna and the gopis came out of the water and began to stroll along the bank of the Yamuna, where a nice breeze was blowing, carrying the aroma of different kinds of flowers over the water and land
- Akrura should not have been so merciless but should have taken compassion on them. The gopis went on to say, "The most astonishing feature is that Krsna, the son of Nanda, without consideration, has already seated Himself on the chariot"
- Akrura thought, "When Krsna's hand touched the presentations of King Indra & King Bali, these two became qualified to be lords of the universe, & when that hand touched the gopis as they danced with Krsna in the rasa-lila, it relieved all their fatigue”
- Akrura was thrilled with expectations of seeing the very lotus feet which are worshiped by great demigods like Brahma, Narada and Lord Siva, which traverse the ground of Vrndavana, and which touch the breasts of the gopis, covered with tinges of kunkuma
- All fictions - dramas and novels - and material songs describe love between men and women. Since people are so attracted to this kind of literature, Krsna appeared in this material world and displayed His transcendental loving affairs with the gopis
- All of the gopis were observing Krsna's wonderful achievement, and Krsna was also smiling at seeing the gopis
- All of the gopis were standing behind Krsna, and upon seeing the chariot leaving, they stood there stunned and did not move. They remained like that until the flag of the chariot and the dust thrown up by its wheels became invisible
- All the gopi friends of Yasoda & Rohini enjoyed the naughty childish activities of Krsna & Balarama in Vrndavana. In order to enjoy further transcendental bliss, they all assembled and went to mother Yasoda to lodge complaints against the restless boys
- All the gopis assembled to chant the transcendental qualities of Krsna very loudly, and they began to wander from one forest to another like madwomen
- All the gopis conjectured that Akrura might have come again to fulfill another cruel plan. But they thought, "We are now dead bodies without our supreme master, Krsna. What further act can Akrura perpetrate against these dead bodies?"
- All the gopis entrusted their silken garments and ornaments to the care of their friends and then put on fine white cloth. Lord Krsna, taking His beloved gopis with Him, bathed and performed very nice pastimes in the water of the Yamuna
- All the gopis in Vrndavana remained very morose on account of Krsna's absence. All day they were thinking of Krsna in the forest or of Him herding cows in the pasture
- All the gopis in Vrndavana saw beautiful Krsna entering the village. The boys composed nice songs describing how they were saved from being swallowed by the great serpent (Aghasura) and how the serpent was killed
- All the gopis then went further and further into the forest, searching out Krsna, but when they learned that actually Radharani was left alone by Krsna, they became very sorry. This is the test of Krsna consciousness
- All the gopis were by nature very much attracted to Krsna's beauty, and when they heard the vibration of His flute, they became apparently lustful to satisfy the senses of Krsna
- All the gopis, girls, before their marriage, they prayed to Katyayani that "You give me Krsna as my husband." So Krsna..., it is not possible socially, but Krsna makes such a plan that He accepted every one of them as His wife. That is vastrana-lila
- All the gopis, headed by mother Yasoda, were bound by maternal affection. After they thus chanted mantras to protect the child (Krsna), mother Yasoda gave the child the nipple of her breast to suck and then got Him to lie down on His bed - SB 10.6.30
- All the gopis, the personal friends of Srimati Radharani, are equal to Her. Krsna is pleasing to the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, just as the moon is pleasing to the lotus flower
- All the other gopis help increase the joy of Krsna's pastimes with Radharani. The gopis act as the instruments of Their mutual enjoyment
- All their (the gopis) guardians forbade them to go to Krsna, but they disregarded them. Being young girls, they were protected either by husbands, elder brothers or fathers
- All these (the sakhis, nitya-sakhis, prana-sakhis, priya-sakhis and parama-prestha-sakhis) fair-complexioned associates of Srimati Radharani, the Queen of Vrndavana-dhama, are expert artists in evoking erotic sentiments in Krsna
- All these gopis were going to offer Krsna their presentations because the gopis are eternal associates of the Lord. Now the gopis were more jubilant because of the news of Krsna's appearance in Vrndavana
- Already transcendentally enlightened, they (the gopis) simply engage their purified senses in the service of the Lord (Krsna) in the remote village of Vrndavana
- Also in the Fourteenth Chapter is an account of how the emotional ecstasy of the gopis was described by Svarupa Damodara and tasted by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Also, when the gopis first came to Him, He gave instructions to them to return to their homes. To call the wives of other persons or young girls & enjoy dancing with them is certainly abominable according to the Vedas. Why should Krsna have done this?
- Although He (Krsna) appeared to be away from them, He could understand how they were transcendentally aggrieved, and so He immediately wanted to send Uddhava to give them a message of solace
- Although He has innumerable pastimes, the most important is that of Krsna in human form frolicking in Vrndavana, dancing with the gopis, playing with the Pandavas on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra and playing in Mathura and Dvaraka
- Although I was worshiped by those on the path of monism and initiated into self-realization through the yoga system, I have nonetheless been forcibly turned into a maidservant by some cunning boy who is always joking with the gopis
- Although in the material sense the glancing of a boy at a girl is a kind of pollution, when Krsna threw His transcendental glance at the gopis, they became purified
- Although it actually appeared immoral for the gopis to dance with Krsna, Caitanya Mahaprabhu states that their relation with Krsna is the highest form of worship. This is actually transcendental knowledge
- Although Krsna assumed the four-armed form of Narayana, He could not attract the serious attention of the gopis in ecstatic love
- Although Krsna cheated the young unmarried gopis and made them stand naked before Him and enjoyed joking words with them, and although He treated them just like dolls and stole their garments, they were still pleased with Him and never lodged complaints
- Although Krsna is attractive to everyone, He is nonetheless attracted by the gopis and Srimati Radharani
- Although Krsna is situated in His own abode, where He enjoys His transcendental pastimes with the cowherd boys and gopis, He is nevertheless present everywhere, even within the atoms of this universe. This is the verdict of the Vedic literature
- Although Krsna is the purest of the pure, mundane people, thinking of Krsna's pastimes that appear immoral, themselves become polluted. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore never publicly discussed Krsna's dealings with the gopis
- Although Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and thus has no desire that needs to be fulfilled (because He is always full with six opulences), He still wanted to enjoy the company of the gopis in the rasa dance
- Although Krsna was in the midst of hundreds of thousands of gopis during the rasa dance, He still kept Himself in one of His transcendental forms by the side of Srimati Radharani
- Although Krsna's unparalleled beauty is the topmost sweetness of love of Godhead, His sweetness increases unlimitedly when He is in the company of the gopis. Consequently Krsna's exchange of love with the gopis is the topmost perfection of love of God
- Although some of the gopis are talkative, some mild and some equipoised, all of them are transcendental and faultless. They please Krsna by their unique characteristics
- Although Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, embodies all superexcellence and beauty, when He is amongst the damsels of Vraja, He is known as Gopijanavallabha
- Although the attraction of the gopis for Krsna appears to be lusty, it is not in the least bit material
- Although the dealings of the gopis with Krsna are on the platform of pure love of Godhead, such dealings are sometimes considered to be lusty
- Although the flute is unfit, he is drinking the nectar of Krsna's lips. Seeing this, we qualified gopis are dying of unhappiness. Therefore, we must consider the austerities the flute underwent in his past life
- Although the gopis and all the other inhabitants of Vrndavana had the affection and attachment for husband and home, their central affection was for Krsna in some transcendental relationship
- Although the gopis, Srimati Radharani's friends, do not desire to enjoy themselves directly with Krsna, Srimati Radharani makes a great endeavor to induce Krsna to enjoy Himself with the gopis
- Although the nectar of Krsna's lips is the absolute property of the gopis, the flute, which is just an insignificant stick, is forcibly drinking that nectar and loudly inviting the gopis to come drink it also
- Although the rasa dance and Lord Krsna's association with the gopis appear like the ordinary mixing of young boys and girls, the quality is completely different
- Although the son of Devaki, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the reservoir of all kinds of beauty, when He is among the gopis He nonetheless becomes more beautiful, for He resembles a marakata jewel surrounded by gold and other jewels
- Although there is certainly transcendental intimacy between the damsels of Vraja and Krsna, out of all the relationships, the relationship between Radharani and Krsna in conjugal love is the most perfect
- Although they (gopis & cowherd boys) were not Vedantists, yogis or karmis, they were happy because they were simple village girls & boys who wanted to see Krsna. This is a very highly elevated position called sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam
- Although they (the gopis) were depressed by the words of Krsna, they did not like to use harsh words against Him. Yet they wanted to rebuke Krsna for His unkind words, and therefore they began to speak in faltering voices
- Although this (the gopis danced with Krsna at midnight) is immoral from the mundane viewpoint, the activities of the gopis are accepted as the highest form of worship because it was Lord Krsna whom they approached with lusty desires in the dead of night
- Although this (Uddhava always talked with gopis about Krsna) greatly pleased the gopis and other residents of Vrajabhumi, Vrndavana
- Although when the Supreme Personality of Godhead stole the butter, curd and milk of the neighboring gopas and gopis this teasing superficially seemed troublesome, in fact it was an exchange of affection in the ecstasy of devotional service
- Among all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is supermost and very dear to Lord Krsna
- Among all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is the most exalted. She is the most beautiful, the most qualified and, above all, the greatest lover of Krsna
- Among all the inhabitants of Vrndavana, the gopis are My (Krsna's) very life and soul. And among the gopis, You, Srimati Radharani, are the chief. Therefore You are the very life of My life
- Among the gopis of Vrndavana, Srimati Radharani and another gopi are considered chief. But when we compare the gopis, it appears that Srimati Radharani is most important because Her real feature expresses the highest ecstasy of love
- Among the gopis, there is not a pinch of desire for sense gratification. Their only desire is to give pleasure to Krsna, and this is why they mingle with Him and enjoy with Him
- An example of perspiring because of jubilation is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam. One gopi addressed Radharani thusly
- An old woman in Vrndavana, present at the time of Krsna's pastimes, once stated in surprise: "How wonderful it is that Krsna, who owns the hearts of all the young girls of Brajabhumi, can nicely speak the language of Brajabhumi with the gopis"
- And by accepting those betel nuts (from krsna), the gopis spiritually advanced
- Another gopi began to praise the unique position of Govardhana Hill in this way: "How fortunate is this Govardhana Hill, for it is enjoying the association of Lord Krsna and Balarama, who are accustomed to walking on it"
- Another gopi began to speak. "My dear friend," she said, "He (Krsna) has perfected the art of smiling very attractively, and by seeing His smile women become mad after Him and give themselves to Him without hesitation"
- Another gopi began to speak. "My dear friend," she said, "Krsna is very clever in using words. No one can compete with Him in that art. He can manufacture such colorful words and talk so sweetly that the heart of any woman would be misled"
- Another gopi expressed her opinion that Krsna and Balarama, while tending the cows, appeared just like actors going to play on a dramatic stage
- Another gopi inquired, "Does He (Krsna) remember that night in the midst of kumuda flowers and moonlight, when Vrndavana became exceedingly beautiful? Krsna was dancing with us, and the atmosphere was surcharged with the sound of foot bells"
- Another gopi said to her friends, "My dear friends, the cows are also charmed as soon as they hear the transcendental sound of the flute of Krsna"
- Another gopi said, "At that time ( when Krsna is walking in a stride which is so attractive), our movements cease. We become just like trees and stand perfectly still, unaware that our hair and clothes are loosening"
- Another gopi said, "Certainly the killing of women is a great sin, and if You (Krsna) do not come to see us and we die, You will suffer the reactions of sin. So please come see us"
- Another gopi said, "Dear Krsna, actually we have become very lusty, having been touched by Your lotus feet. Your lotus feet certainly kill all kinds of sinful activities of devotees who have taken shelter there"
- Another gopi said, "Dear Krsna, dear friend, we know very well that You are not actually the son of mother Yasoda or the cowherd man Nanda Maharaja. You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the Supersoul of all living entities"
- Another gopi said, "Dear Krsna, You are the killer of all the fears of the inhabitants of Vrndavana"
- Another gopi said, "Dear Lord, words spoken by You (Krsna) or words describing Your activities are full of nectar, and simply by speaking or hearing Your words one can be saved from the blazing fire of material existence"
- Another gopi said, "Do not think that one can be killed only by certain weapons. We are being killed by Your (Krsna's) absence. You should consider how You are responsible for killing women"
- Another gopi said, "Everything appears wonderful when Krsna and Balarama travel in the forest of Vrndavana playing Their flutes and making intimate friendship with all kinds of moving and nonmoving living creatures"
- Another gopi said, "For the Vaisnavas, Your (Krsna's) words give transcendental pleasure, and saintly persons who are engaged in distributing Your transcendental message all over the world are first-class charitable persons"
- Another gopi said, "Great demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are always engaged in chanting the glories of Your (Krsna's) words. They do so to eradicate the sinful activities of all living entities in the material world"
- Another gopi said, "He (Krsna) walks in a stride which is so attractive, and He carries His flute. Just by looking at Him we become lusty to enjoy His company"
- Another gopi said, "If cruel Krsna can pass His time without us, why can't we pass our time without Krsna? Of course, Krsna is passing His days without us very happily, but we cannot pass our days happily without Him"
- Another gopi said, "If one simply tries to hear Your (Krsna's) transcendental words, he can very quickly be elevated to the platform of pious activities"
- Another gopi said, "It is an unreasonable hope for us to expect Krsna to come back to Vrndavana. We should try instead to be happy in disappointment. Even Pingala, the great prostitute, said that disappointment is the greatest pleasure"
- Another gopi said, "Krsna has killed His enemy, & He has victoriously achieved the kingdom of Kamsa. Maybe He is married with a king's daughter by this time & living happily among His kinsmen & friends. Why should He come to this village of Vrndavana"
- Another gopi said, "Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the husband of the goddess of fortune, and He is self-sufficient"
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, just see the deer! Although they are dumb animals, they have approached the son of Maharaja Nanda, Krsna"
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, Krsna is so beautiful that the goddess of fortune always remains on His chest, and He is always adorned with a golden necklace. Beautiful Krsna plays His flute in order to enliven the hearts of many devotees"
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, Krsna is so nicely dressed that He appears to be the impetus to various kinds of ceremonies held by the womenfolk"
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, not only living animals but even inanimate objects like the rivers and lakes of Vrndavana also become stunned when Krsna passes with peacock feathers on His head and His body smeared with the minerals of Vrndavana"
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, we cannot even think of His bamboo flute - what sort of pious activities did it execute so that it is now enjoying the nectar of the lips of Krsna, which is actually the property of us gopis?"
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, what is the use of talking about Krsna? If you are at all interested in passing time by talking, let us talk on some subject other than Him"
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, when Krsna returns home with His cows, the footprints of the soles of His feet - with flag, thunderbolt, trident and lotus flower - relieve the pain the earth feels when the cows traverse it"
- Another gopi said, "My dear Krsna, You are the life and soul even of the lotus flower that grows on the water of lakes made transparent by the clear rains of autumn. Although the lotus flowers are so beautiful, without Your glance they fade away"
- Another gopi said, "Now we are requesting You (Krsna) to kindly place Your lotus feet on our breasts and pacify our lusty desires to touch You"
- Another gopi said, "O best in the dynasty of Yadu, if anyone afraid of this materialistic way of life takes shelter at Your lotus feet, You never deny him protection"
- Another gopi said, "O Lord, Your (Krsna's) attractive eyes, like the lotus, are so nice and pleasing. Your sweet words are so fascinating that they please even the greatest scholars, who also become attracted to You"
- Another gopi said, "That is Your (Krsna's) extraordinary feature (sweet movements and being independent). Please, therefore, come before us and bless us with the lotus flower in Your hand"
- Another gopi said, "The river Yamuna is unfortunate like us; it does not get Krsnas mercy. The river simply remains stunned, stopping its waves, just as we also stop crying for Krsna in expectation"
- Another gopi said, "Their ears raise up and they become stunned. They do not appear alive but like painted animals. Krsna's flute-playing is so attractive that even the animals become enchanted, and what to speak of ourselves"
- Another gopi said, "We are also attracted by Your (Krsna's) speaking and by the beauty of Your face and eyes. Please, therefore, satisfy us by Your nectarean kisses"
- Another gopi said, "We are always grateful to Krsna because You have protected us many times: from the poisonous water of the Yamuna, the serpent Kaliya, Bakasura, the anger of Indra & his torrents of rain, from the forest fire & so many other incidents"
- Another gopi said, "We are simply Your (Krsna's) maidservants and slaves; please, therefore, accept us by showing us Your beautiful lotuslike face"
- Another gopi said, "With leaves and flowers decorating His (Krsnas) body, He looks like some hero. When He plays on His flute and calls the cows with Balarama, the river Yamuna stops flowing and waits for the air to carry dust from His lotus feet"
- Another gopi said, "Without You (Krsna), we are also dying. Actually, we are not Your wives but are Your slaves"
- Another gopi said, "You (Krsna) are so kind that even the ordinary animals take shelter under Your lotus feet. Your lotus feet are also the residence of the goddess of fortune, yet You danced on the heads of the Kaliya serpent with them"
- Another gopi said, "You (Krsna) are the greatest and most powerful of all. It is wonderful for You to protect us from so many dangers, but we are surprised that You are neglecting us at this moment"
- Another gopi said, "You (Krsna) are the supremely powerful hero, and we know that You can kill the unnecessary pride of Your devotee, as well as the pride of women like us, simply by Your beautiful smile"
- Another gopi said, "You (Krsna) have, out of Your own causeless mercy, appeared in this world, requested by Lord Brahma for the protection of the world. It is by Your kindness only that You have appeared in the dynasty of Yadu"
- Another gopi said, "You (Krsna) never spent any money for us, yet we are simply attracted by Your glance. Now, if we die without receiving Your glance, You’ll be responsible for our deaths"
- Another gopi said, "Your movements are sweet, and You (Krsna) are independent, touching the goddess of fortune with one hand and in the other bearing a lotus flower"
- Another gopi spoke thus to her friends about Krsna: "Dear friend, our Vrndavana is proclaiming the glories of this entire earth because this planet is glorified by the lotus footprints of the son of Devaki"
- Another important pastime of the friends of Krsna was that they served as messengers to and from the gopis; they introduced the gopis to Krsna and canvassed for Krsna
- Another important point is that none of the gopis who danced with Krsna were in their material bodies. They danced with Krsna in their spiritual bodies. All their husbands thought that their wives were sleeping by their side
- Another name of Krsna is Gopi-jana-vallabha because He invented such activities to please the gopis
- Another secret of success is that when one is very much sexually disturbed he should think of Lord Krishna's pastimes with the Gopis, and he will forget his sex urge. To think of Krishna's pastimes with Gopis, but not to try to imitate
- Another young gopi told her mother, "My dear mother, the birds, who are all looking at Krsna playing on His flute, are sitting very attentively on the branches and twigs of different trees"
- Any rich man, any powerful man, any king, any lord, oh, he has got so many associates. So how Krsna can be alone? Krsna is never alone. Therefore you will find always Krsna with the gopis, Krsna with the cowherds boy, Krsna with Arjuna
- Apparently, they (the gopis) left their father, husband and came to Krsna. So that is, from Vedic principle, it is wrong. One young girl cannot go to other young man, giving up the protection of father, brother, and... So they did it
- Appearing on the scene, Krsna immediately collected all the garments of the gopis, climbed up into a nearby tree, and with a smiling face began to speak to them
- As a warning, Lord Krsna has herein hinted that what was possible for the gopis is not possible for ordinary women
- As an independent leader among elephants enters the water with its female elephants, Krsna, who is transcendental to the Vedic principles of morality, entered the water of the Yamuna with the gopis
- As far as possible, very cautiously and very rarely we shall present. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's life we see that in public He never discussed about Krsna's lila with the gopis. That was very confidential discussion amongst His own circle
- As far as the gopis of Vrndavana were concerned, from the very beginning of their lives they did not know anything beyond Krsna. Krsna and Balarama were their life and soul
- As His (Krsna's) potency they (the gopis) are nondifferent from Him
- As Krsna wandered in the forest with Baladeva and the two of Them wonderfully played Their flutes, all the gopis became very much attracted. Thus they praised the Lord’s activities, describing how He was enthusing all the plants, birds, hills and water
- As mentined above, it appears that Krsna enjoyed the rasa dance with the gopis when He was eight years old. At that time, many of the gopis were married, because in India, especially in those days, girls were married at a very early age
- As pure devotees, the more the gopis enjoyed Krsna’s company, the more they became enlightened with His glories, and thus they reciprocated with Him. They wanted to satisfy Krsna by glorifying His transcendental pastimes
- As Rupa Gosvami states in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.285), Although the dealings of the gopis with Krsna are wrongly celebrated by many as lust, great sages and saintly persons like Uddhava hanker for such loving affairs with Krsna
- As soon as He (Krsna) approached the gopis, the Lord smiled, and after embracing them and inquiring about their welfare, He began to encourage them, saying
- As soon as Krsna asked them (gopis) to go home, they immediately left & returned home. Sukadeva Gosvami concludes this episode of the rasa-lila by pointing out that if a person hears from the right source about the pastimes of Krsna, who is Visnu Himself
- As soon as Krsna saw all the gopis, He was struck with emotion. Thus He could not hide Himself, and out of fear He became motionless
- As soon as they (the gopis) knew that Krsna had also left Radharani and that She was alone lamenting for Him, they became more sympathetic to Her
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita, all these gopis are expansions of Krsna's pleasure potency. Touching their bodies with His hands & looking at their pleasing eyes, He enjoyed the gopis as a child enjoys playing with the reflection of his body in a mirror
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita, ananda-cin-maya-rasa-pratibhavitabhih: in the spiritual world the associates of Krsna, especially the gopis, are manifestations of the pleasure potency of Lord Krsna. They are expansions of Srimati Radharani
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita, laksmi-sahasra-sata-sambhrama-sevyamanam: (BS 5.29) He (Krsna) would be served by many gopis, who would all be as good as the goddess of fortune
- As the autumn season began in Vrndavana, Lord Krsna was tending the cows and blowing on His flute. The gopis then began to praise Krsna and discuss the fortunate position of His flute
- As the fight began, they (Krsna and the Gopis) splashed water on one another. Then they fought hand to hand, then face to face, then chest to chest, teeth to teeth and finally nail to nail
- As the gopis & Krsna danced together, a very blissful musical sound was produced from the tinkling of their bells, ornaments & bangles. It appeared that Krsna was a greenish sapphire locket in the midst of a golden necklace decorated with valuable stones
- As the gopis were thinking of Krsna in separation twenty-four hours a day, so Krsna was also always thinking of the gopis, mother Yasoda, Nanda Maharaja and the other residents of Vrndavana
- As there is difference between gold and iron, similarly there is difference between the loving affairs of gopis with Krsna and these mundane, so-called lusty affairs between man and women or boys and girls. It is never equal
- As they (Krsna and the cowherd boys) approached the village, all the gopis became very joyous. Throughout the day the gopis used to think of Krsna while He was in the forest, and in His absence they were considering one moment to be like twelve years
- As Vaisnavas count 108 beads, which represent the 108 individual gopis, so Krsna would also count on 108 beads to count the different groups of cows
- At the rasa dance, each & every gopi requested that Krsna individually become her partner, and Krsna immediately expanded Himself into so many Krsnas in order to be coupled with each and every gopi. The result was that each gopi found Krsna by her side
- At the same time, they continued to hope that Krsna would be their husband. Their attitude toward Krsna was that of paramour love. Therefore, the loving affairs of Krsna with the gopis are called parakiya-rasa
- At the time of the rasa dance those gopis who could not join Him gave up their bodies simply by thinking of Him. Absorption in Krsna consciousness by feeling separation is thus the quickest method for attainment of the lotus feet of Krsna
- At this age (at the end of Krsna's pauganda age) Krsna took pleasure in whispering into the ears of His friends, and the subject of His talks was the beauty of the gopis, who were just tarrying before them
- At this age Krsna took pleasure in whispering into the ears of His friends, and the subject of His talks was the beauty of the gopis, who were just tarrying before them. Subala once addressed Krsna thus
- At those times, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would visit Lord Jagannatha. Then His feelings exactly corresponded to those of the gopis when they saw Krsna at Kuruksetra after long separation. Krsna had come to Kuruksetra with His brother and sister to visit
- Because it (the relationship of the gopis with Krsna) appears to be just like ordinary dealings of young boys and girls, it is sometimes misinterpreted to be like the ordinary sex of this material world
- Because of separation from You (Krsna), all the gopis, especially Radharani, appear like dried-up water holes under the scorching heat of the sun
- Because of the features of Krsna's face, the mothers were so attracted that they could not chastise Him. Instead of chastising Him, they smiled and enjoyed hearing of Krsna's activities. Thus the gopis remained satisfied, & Krsna enjoyed their happiness
- Because of their (gopis) separation from Krsna, He might have asked them to return with Him to His capital city, Dvaraka. But the inhabitants of Vrndavana, the gopis, were not interested in the idea of going with Krsna to Dvaraka
- Because people cannot understand Krsna, when they hear about Krsna's dancing with the gopis, they take this as some kind of concession, and say, "Now let us dance with young girls." In this way they go to hell
- Because She (Radharani) is a left-wing gopi, Her womanly anger is always awakening, but Krsna derives transcendental bliss from Her activities
- Because the gopis were fully absorbed in thoughts of Krsna, they were imitating His different postures and pastimes
- Because they (prakrta-sahajiyas) do not follow the regulative principles but instead violate even ordinary morals, their contemplation of rasa-lila is a futile attempt, which sometimes results in their imitating the dealings of the gopis and Lord Krsna
- Because they (the dealings of the gopis with Krsna) are completely spiritual, Uddhava and all the other dearmost devotees of the Lord desire to participate in them
- Because they had been separated from Krsna for so many years, the gopis, having come along with Nanda Maharaja and mother Yasoda, felt intense ecstasy upon seeing Krsna
- Because you brought Me back here, I could no longer hear the nectarean voices of Krsna and the gopis, nor could I hear the sounds of their ornaments or the flute
- Becoming fully absorbed in that vision, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had assumed the mood of the gopis, so much so that everywhere He looked He saw Krsna standing with His flute to His lips
- Before leaving the land of cows, Vrndavana, the Lord (Krsna) pleased His young girl friends, the transcendental gopis, in His rasa-lila pastimes. Here Uddhava stopped his description of the Lord's activities
- Being greatly disturbed by the absence of Krsna, they (the gopis) simply thought all day and night about His pastimes and thus derived some consolation
- Being pleased with them, He (Krsna) took their (the gopis) garments on His shoulder and began to speak as follows
- Being unable to go to Krsna, they (the locked up gopis) began to meditate upon His transcendental form by closing their eyes. They already had the form of Krsna within their minds
- Being village girls, they (the gopis) were not very much attracted to the field of Kuruksetra, where Krsna was present with elephants, horses and royal dress. Indeed, they did not very much appreciate Krsna in that atmosphere
- Bhismadeva, in Rajasuya-yajna, admitted that "Nobody is better brahmacari than Krsna. He was within the gopis, all young girls, but He remained a brahmacari"
- Both Krsna and the gopis increase their transcendental beauty at every moment, and there is always transcendental competition between them
- Both the gopis and Krsna are complete. The gopis' ecstatic love is like a mirror that becomes newer and newer at every moment and reflects Krsna's bodily luster and sweetness. Thus competition increases
- Both the gopis and Krsna forgot their real identities, playing in the water, enjoying each other's company and relieving the fatigue of rasa dancing. The gopis began to splash water on the body of Krsna, all the while smiling, and Krsna enjoyed this
- Brahma said, "I am simply surprised with the fortunate position of Maharaja Nanda, mother Yasoda and the cowherd men & gopis, because You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth, are existing here as their most intimate lovable object"
- Brahma said, "I wish to be one of them instead of such an exalted person as I am now, for I am full of ignorance. The gopis and cows of Vrndavana are so fortunate that they have been able to supply their breast milk to You"
- Brahma said, "You (Krsna) are also niranjana because Your pastimes, as the little son of mother Yasoda or the lover of the gopis, are never contaminated by the material qualities"
- Brahmaji desires to worship Krsna, who resides in the topmost Vaikuntha planet, known as Goloka Vrndavana, where He is in the habit of keeping surabhi cows as a cowboy and where He is served by hundreds and thousands of goddesses of fortune (the gopis)
- But because they (the gopis) had that natural tendency to accept Krsna as their supreme husband, the relationship between the gopis and Krsna is called parakiya-rasa
- By leaving home in that way (the gopis came out to meet Krsna in the dead of night when they heard the sound of His flute), the gopis transgressed the Vedic regulations of household life
- By looking at the beautiful gopis Krsna becomes enlivened, and this enlivens the gopis, whose youthful faces and bodies blossom
- By practicing meditation, the yogi can study the psychic movement of other men, and certainly Krsna could understand the desire of the gopis
- By the arrangement of yogamaya, all the gopis and gopas thought that the accident (of the cart) had taken place because of some bad planet or some ghost, but in fact everything was done by Krsna and enjoyed by Him
- By the force of their (the gopis) ecstatic feelings, it appeared to them that Krsna was personally present and dancing before them. Because of their sweet remembrance of Krsna, they could not check their tears, and they cried without consideration
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu never said that "I am directly servant of Krsna." No. Gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasa-dasa-dasanudasah: "Servant of the servant of the servant of the..."
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He recommends, There is no better type of worshiping Krsna than it was planned by the gopis
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who was so strict that no woman could even come near Him to offer respects, actually said: ramya kacid upasana vraja-vadhu-vargena ya kalpita. - What could be more wonderful than that worship conceived by the gopis
- Cakravakas move about whereas lotuses stand still, but herein Krsna’s hands, which are compared to blue lotuses, attack the breasts of the gopis, which are compared to cakravakas. This is called a reverse analogy
- Conjugal love for Krsna, either as gopi or as queen, is not limited only to women. Even men can develop such sentiments, as was evidenced by the sages of Dandakaranya
- Constant remembrance of the holy sound of Krsna’s flute keeps them (gopis) enlightened and enlivened, and they do not allow any other sound to enter their ears
- Cupid has five arrows, representing form, taste, smell, sound and touch. Krsna is the owner of these five arrows, and with His Cupid-like beauty He conquers the minds of the gopis, though they are very proud of their superexcellent beauty
- Dear Krsna, we are always busy in our family affairs. We therefore request that You remain within our hearts as the rising sun. That will be Your greatest benediction
- Dear Krsna, we carefully hold Your delicate lotus feet upon our hard breasts. When You walk in the forest, Your soft lotus feet are pricked by small bits of stone
- Dear Krsna, we gopis have neglected the order of our husbands, sons, family, brothers, friends, have left their company to come to You. You know everything about our desires. We have come only because we are attracted by the supreme music of Your flute
- Dear Krsna, we have simply surrendered ourselves as Your maidservants, for we have seen Your beautiful face decorated with tresses of hair, Your earrings falling upon Your cheeks, the nectar of Your lips, and the beauty of Your smile
- Dear Syamasundara, they (the gopis) said, we are all Your eternal servitors. Whatever You order us to do, we are obliged to perform without hesitation because we consider it our religious duty
- Dear Yasoda, why don't you restrict your naughty Krsna? He comes to our houses along with Balarama every morning and evening, and before the milking of the cows They let loose the calves, and the calves drink all the milk of the cows
- Devotees at Vrndavana try to serve the gopis, namely Radharani and Her associates. If one gains the favor of the gopis, he easily gains the favor of Krsna because on the recommendation of the gopis Krsna at once accepts the service of a devotee
- Devotees gradually develop a spontaneous love for the Deity, and by hearing of the Lord's exchange of loving affairs with the gopis, they gradually become attracted to these pastimes
- Dressed with garlands of lotus flowers, They were sometimes singing very sweetly among Their friends. One gopi told her friends, "How is it Krsna and Balarama are looking so beautiful?"
- Due to Krsna's absence, they (the gopis) all became crazy; each one of them told the others that she was Krsna Himself
- Due to remaining in the water for a long time, they (the gopis) felt cold and were shivering, yet upon hearing the pleasing joking words of Govinda, their minds were perturbed with great joy
- Due to separation from Lord Jagannatha, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu felt the same great anxiety the gopis feel in separation from Krsna. In this condition He gave up all association and went to Alalanatha
- Due to the aroma, the bees were also flying in the breeze, thinking that the aroma was honey. The gopis made a seat for Krsna by leveling the soft sand and placing cloths over it
- Due to their heart and soul being completely given to Krsna, they (the gopis) began to chant His glories, completely forgetting their family interests
- During Krsna's advent, the Vedic scholars took birth in the shape of the gopis in Vrndavana; as young gopis, they got the association of Krsna in fulfillment of their previous birth's desire
- During the absence of Krsna, the entire day would appear to the gopis to be as unbearable as a hot day in autumn. The Lord so much appreciated this natural feeling of the gopis that He declared His inability to repay their intense love
- During the rasa dance He (Krsna) expanded Himself in identical prakasa forms to dance beside each and every gopi simultaneously
- During the rasa dance Sri Krsna did not exchange loving affairs with Radharani due to the presence of the other gopis. Because of the dependence of the others, the intensity of love between Radha and Krsna was not manifest. Therefore He stole Her away
- During the rasa dance, Krsna asked all the gopis to return home, but they neglected His order and stayed there for His association
- During the rasa dance, one form of Krsna was between every two gopis. But by the side of Srimati Radharani there was only one Krsna. Although this was the case, Srimati Radharani still manifested disagreement with Krsna
- During this rasa dance Krsna disappeared all of a sudden with Radharani, and the gopis began to search Him out. At that time they addressed the earth and began to say
- Early in the morning, the gopis used to go to the bank of the Yamuna to take a bath. They would assemble together and, holding one another's hands, loudly sing of the wonderful pastimes of Krsna
- Enhancing the wonderful beauty of Krsna is His three-curved style of standing. Above all these beautiful features, Krsna's eyes dance and move obliquely, acting like arrows to pierce the minds of Srimati Radharani and the gopis
- Even a learned scholar, therefore, cannot understand the gopis' ecstatic feelings, which are firmly fixed upon the original form of Lord Krsna as the son of Nanda Maharaja
- Even if He (Krsna) were lusty, He doesn’t need to take help from others to satisfy His lusty desires. The next point is that, although not lusty Himself, He might have been seduced by the lusty desires of the gopis
- Even if one is highly elevated in material education and is even the disciple of Brhaspati, he still has to learn from the gopis and the other residents of Vrndavana how to love Krsna to the highest degree
- Even in the Spiritual World there is some fault and envy. Sometimes the Gopis will quarrel over Krishna's favor
- Even in Vrndavana there is anxiety. Radharani is in anxiety that "Krsna is not here. How Krsna will come?" The gopis are also in anxiety
- Even the beloved girlfriends of Lord Krsna in Vrndavana, the gopis, the dust of whose feet was desired by Sri Uddhava and who are more dear to Krsna than anyone else, regard themselves as Krsna's maidservants
- Even though the gopis who were friends of Rohini and mother Yasoda and who allowed their breasts to be sucked by Krsna were not directly His mothers, they all had the same chance as Rohini & Yasoda to go BTG & act as His mother-in-law, servants and so on
- Even though they (gopis) were embracing Krsna only mentally, they became so ecstatic and overwhelmed with joy that for the time being they completely forgot themselves
- Every picture is with the gopis. People are generally inclined to man and women connection, and by selling these pictures will affirm their sinful activities in the name of Krishna. These are not meant for the common man but for advanced devotees
- Expecting that Krsna must return to them, they (the gopis) simply engaged in chanting the glories of Sri Krsna - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- Expecting that Krsna must return to them, they (the gopis) simply engaged in chanting the glories of Sri Krsna - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- Expert devotees have decided that Krsna was neither a cheater nor a breaker of promises. Krsna, in His original identity, returned with Nanda Maharaja and stayed with the gopis and mother Yasoda in His bhava expansion
- Extreme desire to serve the Lord is manifest in the transcendental land of Vraja. And it is specifically manifested among the gopis. The gopis' love for Krsna is so elevated that for our understanding it is sometimes explained as being "lusty desire"
- Factually the only real husband of all women is Krsna, the supreme husband. Because the gopis were liberated souls, they understood this fact. Therefore they rejected their material husbands and accepted Krsna as their real husband
- Favoring the gopis, Krsna rides on the chariots of their minds, and just to receive loving service from them, He attracts their minds like Cupid. Therefore He is also called Madana-mohana, the attractor of Cupid
- Finding Herself treated equally with all the other gopis, Srimati Radharani displayed Her tricky behavior and left the circle of the rasa dance
- Following the principle of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who never discussed the dealings between Krsna and the gopis publicly, devotees in the Krsna consciousness movement are enjoined not to discuss the pastimes of Lord Krsna in Vrndavana in public
- For days together, Krsna heard from Uddhava all the details of his visit to Vrndavana, especially the condition of His father and mother and of the gopis and the cowherd boys
- For getting facilities to approach gopis they worship Katyayani for getting Krsna as a husband. So we should follow
- For the gopis, to see anything but Krsna is uninteresting and, indeed, detestable
- For this contradiction (the gopis have no inclination for their own enjoyment, and yet their joy increases) I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) see only one solution: the joy of the gopis lies in the joy of their beloved Krsna
- Formerly, all the gopis of Vrndavana were very pleased when they met with Krsna in the holy place Kuruksetra
- From the instructions of Uddhava, the gopis could understand that Krsna was not separate from them. As they were constantly thinking of Krsna, Krsna was also thinking of them constantly at Mathura
- From the movement of the different kinds of ornaments on their bodies (the gopis), they were looking still more beautiful. In this way, they all reached the house of Nanda-Yasoda and blessed the child: "Dear child, You live long just to protect us"
- From the mundane point of view, these activities (the gopis dance with Krsna at midnight in the forest) may appear immoral because a married or unmarried young girl cannot leave home to mix with a young boy and dance with him
- From the outside, the gopis could visualize all the pastimes of Krsna by hearing the descriptions of Uddhava, and from within they could remember those pastimes
- Gauranga-nagari. They accept Caitanya Mahaprabhu as Krsna. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna, but they pose Him, "Krsna is enjoying with gopis." No
- Generally, people worship goddess Durga for some material benediction. Here, the gopis prayed to the goddess to become wives of Lord Krsna
- God is known as Paramatma, the Supersoul, Brahman the Supreme Absolute, Srstikarta the creator, Narayana the transcendental Lord, Rukminiramana the husband of Rukmini, Gopinatha the enjoyer of the gopis, and Krsna
- Gopi said, "Did you know, my dear friend, that all these most intimate friends of Krsna are always engaged in His service in this way?"
- Gopi said, "His (Krsna) free behavior with the gopis, which appears exactly like a young boy's attraction to a young girl, is a subject matter of transcendental conjugal love
- Gopis address Krsna as follows: "Although our attitude towards You (Krsna) resembles loving affairs with a paramour, we cannot but wonder at how no woman can maintain her chastity upon hearing the vibration from Your flute"
- Gopis addressed Krsna as follows: "In fact, we have seen that in Vrndavana even the cows, the deer, the birds, the trees - everyone - has been enchanted by the sweet vibration of Your flute and the fascinating beauty of Your person"
- Gopis addressed Krsna as follows: "Not only women, but even stronghearted men are subject to falling down from their position at the sound of Your flute"
- Gopis addressed the earth and began to say, "My dear earthly planet, how many austerities and penances you must have undergone to have the lotus feet of Krsna always touching your surface"
- Gopis are not ordinary women, they are all expansions of Krishna's pleasure potency. So when we understand Krishna, then we shall understand Gopis. We can simply follow foot prints of Gopi how they loved Krsna
- Gopis began to speak as follows: "My dear Krsna, there is extreme distress in being out of Your presence, and there is extreme happiness simply in seeing You"
- Gopis began to talk among themselves: "Just see how Radharani has become intoxicated simply by seeing Krsna before Her!" This is an instance of ecstatic love in intoxication
- Gopis in Vrndavana. They did not study what is Krsna. They did not care even to study. But they wanted to love Krsna. That is their only qualification. They were ordinary village girls
- Gopis inquired from Balarama, "Does He (Krsna) sometimes remember His father Nanda and His mother Yasoda and the other friends with whom He so intimately behaved while in Vrndavana"
- Gopis inquired from Balarama, "Does Krsna have any plans to come here to see His mother, Yasoda, and does He remember us gopis, who are now pitiably bereft of His company"
- Gopis lament, "When You (Krsna) come back at the end of the day, by seeing Your beautiful face we are so much attracted that we are unable to stop looking upon You constantly"
- Gopis lament: "My dear Krsna, during the daytime when You go out into the forest of Vrndavana with Your cows, we consider one moment to be twelve years, and it is very difficult for us to pass the time"
- Gopis said, "After all, we are women, so how could we disbelieve Him (Krsna)? Now we can understand that His sweet words were simply for cheating us"
- Gopis said, "By the movement of His (Krsna's) eyes He is pleasing the gopis, & He is fighting with demons like Aristasura and others. In this way, He is sitting with different living entities in different ways, & He is thoroughly enjoying the situation"
- Gopis said, "Even in great distress one cannot give up the connection of family members, but although it might be impossible for others, we gave up our fathers, mothers, sisters and relatives (for Krsna's friendship)"
- Gopis said, "He (Krsna) was so clever and cunning that He manufactured very nice words. He said, 'My dear gopis, please do not worry. The service you have rendered Me is impossible for Me to repay"
- Gopis said, "If only He would come here and accept these garlands we have made. Dear Lord Balarama, descendant of Dasarha, You know that we would give up everything for Krsna's friendship"
- Gopis said, "It appears that Krsna is not very intelligent. Yet He may be very intelligent - but He is not very merciful. Not only Krsna but all the cowherd men are so callous that they are already yoking the bulls and calves for the journey to Mathura"
- Gopis said, "Krsna may have forgotten us in the midst of the cultured women of Dvaraka, but as far as we are concerned, we still remember Him by collecting flowers & sewing them into garlands. When He does not come, we simply pass our time by crying"
- Gopis said, "Krsna, without caring a pinch for our renunciation, all of a sudden renounced us and went away. He broke off our intimate relationship without serious consideration and left for a foreign country"
- Gopis said, "My dear friends, just see the clever activities of Sri Krsna! He has composed nice songs about the cowherd boys and is pleasing the cows"
- Gopis said, "My dear Krsna, due to separation from You, all of the denizens of Vrndavana have changed their color. And because of this change of color even the great sage Narada was thinking of Vrndavana as a white island in the ocean of milk
- Gopis said, "Now we request You, dear Krsna, to extinguish that fire with Your beautiful smile and the transcendental vibration emanating from Your lips. If You do not agree to do us this favor, we shall certainly be burned in the fire of separation"
- Gopis said, "We have all left our husbands, relatives, brothers and friends and have simply come to You, being captivated by the sound of Your (Krsna's) transcendental flute"
- Gopis said, "We have seen the footprints of Krsna & Radha, & they are giving us great pain, because Krsna is everything to us. But that girl is so cunning that She has taken Him away alone and is enjoying His kissing without sharing Him with us"
- Gopis said, "We know that You (Krsna) are the most beloved of all Vrndavana. & You are very much loved by us also! But why are You giving us this trouble? Kindly return our garments. Just see how we're trembling from the severe cold"
- Gopis said, "We village women might be misled by Krsna, but the women in the city of Dvaraka are very clever and intelligent. Therefore I would be surprised if such city women could be misled by Krsna and could believe His words"
- Gopis said, "You (Krsna) are enthusing them by the vibration of Your enchanting flute; and, as their teacher, You are teaching them all the intricacies of loving affairs"
- Gopis said, "You (Krsna) are teaching them to offer solemn prayers, as well as training them to cheat their husbands and to join You in the gardens at night, without caring for the instructions of their superiors"
- Gopis tell Mother Yasoda, "When your son (Krsna) plays on His flute, Lord Siva, Lord Brahma and Indra - although they are supposed to be the greatest learned scholars and personalities - all become bewildered"
- Gopis tell Yasoda, "Although they (Siva, Brahma & Indra) are all very great personalities, by hearing the sound of Krsna's flute they humbly bow down and become grave from studying the sound vibrated"
- Gopis were approached: "Oh, Krsna is sick. They want, oh, dust of...?" Immediately: "Please take. Please take." She did not care that "We are going to hell by offering our dust of feet on the head of Krsna. Never mind. We shall go. Krsna will be happy"
- Gopis were thinking at home that "Krsna's feet is so soft that we hesitate to take His feet on our breast, but He is walking in the forest & there were so many stones & pricks, they are giving pain to Krsna's lotus feet." Thinking like this, they fainted
- Gopis' love for Krsna was so great and ecstatic that they were disturbed by even His momentary absence. And when they saw Krsna, they were also disturbed. This is a paradox
- Gopsi said, "O infallible one (Krsna), You had better know what is the reason for our coming here. In plain words, we are here simply because we have been captivated by the sweet sound of Your flute"
- Gradually one will come to understand the loving affairs between Krsna and the gopis and other associates of Vrndavana. Everyone is advised to continue to hear over and over again in order to greatly benefit
- Great devotees up to the standard of Uddhava are very dear friends of the Lord, and they desire to follow in the footsteps of the gopis. So the gopis' love for Krsna is certainly not material lusty desire
- Great yogis like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma or even Lord Sesa and others always try to fix their attention upon Krsna in their hearts, but here the gopis actually saw Krsna seated before them on their cloths
- Have you seen Krsna coming this way? Kindly tell us which way He has gone and save our lives
- Having taken birth in that family (dynasty of the Yadus), how could Krsna have been seduced, even by the gopis? It is concluded, therefore, that it was not possible for Krsna to do anything abominable
- He (Balarama) was expert in presenting an appeal, and thus, treating the gopis very respectfully, He began to narrate the stories of Krsna so tactfully that the gopis became satisfied
- He (Caitanya) used to discuss these dealings (of Krsna with the gopis) only with three confidential friends. He never discussed rasa-lila publicly, as the professional reciters do, although they do not understand Krsna or the nature of the audience
- He (Krsna) can speak on the highest elevated subjects of philosophy, politics, economics - everything. And He also spoke before the gopis, who were so dear to Him. He wanted to enchant them by word jugglery, and thus He began to speak as follows
- He (Krsna) entrusted the gopis to the care of Balarama and followed Sankhacuda wherever he fled. Krsna wanted to take the valuable jewel resembling a conchshell from the head of the demon
- He (Krsna) first attracted them (the gopis) to come dance with Him, and yet when they actually came, neglecting the orders of their friends and relatives, He tried to avoid them by giving them so-called good instructions
- He (Krsna) is always intermingled with everything as cause and effect. Not only the gopis but all living entities are always inseparably connected with Krsna in all circumstances
- He (Krsna) is in Vrndavana having His ananda, spiritual bliss, enjoyment, with His associates, eternal associates, the gopis, the cowherds boys, His mother, His father, Mother Yasoda, Nanda, Nanda Maharaja. So He is enjoying in His abode, Goloka
- He (Krsna) lifted Govardhana Hill without ever practicing weight-lifting. He danced with the gopis without social restriction and without reproach
- He (Krsna) was coming back very soon after finishing His business. But they could not be persuaded to disperse. The chariot, however, began to head west, and as it proceeded, the minds of the gopis followed it as far as possible
- He (Krsna) was the greatest rascal also. Because He was always teasing the gopis
- He (Krsna) was treating them (the gopis) like ordinary society women. Therefore they began to smile among themselves, and though they very eagerly listened to Krsna talk in that way, they were surprised
- He (Lord Caitanya) taught the principles of the bhakti cult to students like Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami, and He discussed with Sri Ramananda Raya the topmost devotional dealings between Krsna and the gopis
- He (Lord Krsna) danced with the gopis without social restriction and without reproach. Although the gopis approached Him with a paramour's feelings of love, the relationship between the gopis and Lord Krsna was worshiped even by Lord Caitanya
- He (Uddhava) always kept them (the gopis) engaged in thinking of the transcendental message of Krsna and His pastimes, and the gopis felt as if they were experiencing direct association with Krsna
- He (Uddhava) continued, "My dear gopis, the mentality you have developed in relationship with Krsna is very, very difficult to attain, even for great sages and saintly persons. You have attained the highest perfectional stage of life"
- He (Uddhava) had brought a message in writing from Krsna, and now he wanted to present it before the gopis, just to pacify them. He said, "My dear gopis, your mission of human life is now successful"
- He is the supreme attractive form, and by His universal and transcendental attractive features He has captivated all the gopis, headed by Taraka, Palika, Syama, Lalita, and ultimately, Srimati Radharani
- He should also chant such spiritual mantras as om namo bhagavate vasudevaya and the cin-mayi Gayatri - klim krsnaya govindaya gopijana-vallabhaya svaha and klim kama-devaya vidmahe puspa-banaya dhimahi tan no 'nangah pracodayat
- He who faithfully hears about the dealings between Lord Krsna and the gopis in the rasa dance and he who describes these activities attain to the perfectional stage of devotional service and simultaneously lose material, lusty desires
- He who loosens the hair of the gopis, who is the supreme source of transcendental bliss and My life and soul? Has He come before My eyes again
- He's so much indebted to the gopis that He said that "I cannot repay your debts. It is not possible." Krsna, the all-powerful, all opulences, but He had no means to repay the debts of the gopis. This is the position of the gopis
- Her (Kubja's) loving affection for Krsna is called kama-praya, or almost like the gopis' love for Krsna
- Here (in SB 10.8.32) is another of Krsna's transcendental activities invented to please the gopis
- Here in Los Angeles, we have found that there is a group of about 40 devotees who privately meet to discuss the intimate pastimes artificially thinking that they can enter into the understanding of the gopis prematurely
- Here is no inebrieties, in the spiritual world. Here it is full of inebrieties. You'll see that Krsna is enjoying with the gopis but there is no inebriety. There is no pregnancy, there is no abortion. That is the beauty
- Here we have got that taste of rasa in a perverted manner. But cinmaya-rasa means it continues. This Radha-Krsna with the gopis, they are enjoying, dancing, chanting. That is eternally; that is never stopped
- His (Krsna's) gopis, His consorts, His father, His mother, His friends, His trees, His flowers, His calves and cows - everything is spiritual, expansion from Him
- His (Krsna's) spiritual abode is at the top of the spiritual sky, and He resides there with His associates, the cowherd boys, the gopis, and all the goddesses of fortune. It is there that He is known as Madana-mohana
- His (Krsna) beauty is victorious over the gopis of Vrndavana, and it subdues their patience. His pastimes astound the goddess of fortune, and His bodily strength turns Govardhana Hill into a small toy like a ball
- His acts of evening prayer as stated herein must be followed by the living being, but it is not possible to follow His mountain-lifting or dancing with the gopis
- His blissful smiling face always increases the lusty desires of the gopis of Vrndavana. May He be all-glorious and happy
- His chest had brushed against their breasts, crushing His flower garland and coloring it with red kunkuma powder. Attracted by the fragrance of that garland, humming bumblebees followed Krsna like celestial beings of Gandharvaloka
- His ears are fixed on the string of that bow, and when His eyes spread to His ears, He pierces the hearts of the gopis
- His lotus feet are held by the gopis on their breasts, which are smeared with kunkuma powder, but when Krsna travels in the Vrndavana forest with Balarama and His boyfriends, the reddish powder falls on the ground of the Vrndavana forest
- How a devotee can be in a state of insanity because of ecstatic love is described in the Tenth Canto, 30th Chapter, 4th verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam, where the gopis were searching for Krsna in the forests of Vrndavana
- How can there be any doubt about the salvation of the gopis, who were so fond of Krsna?
- How could Arjuna act impiously? He could not, because Krsna's service is transcendental to pious and impious activity. At midnight, when the gopis heard the sound of Krsna's flute, they ran to the forest to join Him
- How has Krsna offended the gopis so that they want to reject Him from their minds? The answer is given as follows
- Hrd-rogam kamam, this is a heart disease, to be lusty. But if anyone hears about the pastimes of Krsna and the gopis, through right source, then this hrd-rogam, this lusty desire in the heart, is suppressed and he will develop devotional service
- I (Krsna) am anxious not only for the gopis but for anyone who sacrifices society, friendship, love and personal comforts for Me. It is My duty to protect such exalted devotees
- I (Krsna) have no desire to play any joke with you (the Gopis), for you are tired from observing the regulative principles for one month by worshiping Goddess Katyayani
- I have heard of this kind of pride in Satyabhama, Krsna's proudest queen, and I have also heard of it in the gopis of Vrndavana, who are the reservoirs of all transcendental mellows
- I saw Krsna and the gopis enjoying all kinds of pastimes while laughing and joking together. Hearing their vocal expressions enhanced the joy of My ears
- I saw this pastime as I stood on the bank of the Yamuna in the company of the gopis. One gopi was showing some other gopis the pastimes of Radha and Krsna in the water
- I worship Lord Kesava. Coming back from the forest of Vraja, He is worshiped by the gopis, who mount the roofs of their palaces and meet Him on the path with a hundred manners of dancing glances and gentle smiles
- If a bona fide listener hears of Krsna's pastimes with the gopis, which seem to be lusty affairs, the lusty desires in his heart, which constitute the heart disease of the conditioned soul, will be vanquished, and he will become a most exalted devotee
- If a gopi envious of Me satisfies Krsna and Krsna desires her, I shall not hesitate to go to her house and become her maidservant, for then My happiness will be awakened
- If an envious person can get salvation simply by concentrating his mind on Krsna, then what to speak of the gopis, who are so dear to Krsna and always think of Him in love? There must be some difference between the enemies and the friends
- If any ordinary person tries to imitate Lord Siva by drinking poison or smoking ganja, he is sure to be vanquished and will die within a very short time. Lord Sri Krsna's dealings with the gopis occurred under special circumstances
- If Krsna's enemies could get freed from material contamination and become one with the Supreme, then certainly His dear friends like the gopis can achieve such freedom and much more
- If Krsna's enemies could get freed from material contamination and become one with the Supreme, then certainly His dear friends like the gopis can achieve such freedom and much more. Besides that, in the Bhagavad-gita Krsna is called Hrsikesa
- If Lord Krsna gives up this original form and assumes another Visnu form, nearness to Him cannot invoke the ecstatic mood of the gopis
- If Lord Krsna rejected the company of the other gopis for Srimati Radharani, we can understand that Lord Sri Krsna has intense affection for Her
- If Nanda Maharaja does not take action, then we (the gopis) shall tell King Kamsa about Your (Krsna) misbehavior
- If one gives up everything for Krsna's sake, maya can have no effect. The most excellent example of this is the gopis. They gave up everything - family, prestige and honor - just to follow Krsna
- If one hears the pastimes of Krsna with the gopis, from authorities with submission, then he will be promoted to the platform of transcendental loving service to the Lord & the material disease of lust within his heart will be completely vanquished
- If one is a sincere and pure devotee, the material lust in his heart is completely vanquished as he discusses the lusty feelings between the gopis and Krsna, and he makes quick progress in spiritual life
- If one who hears of the gopis' lusty behavior with Krsna becomes free from lusty desires, certainly the gopis who approached Krsna became free from all such desires
- If Putana could attain an exalted position in spiritual life by neglectfully, enviously making an offering to Krsna, what is to be said of mother Yasoda and the other gopis, who served Him with great love offering everything for Krsna's satisfaction
- If You (Krsna) insist on putting this proposal to us (the gopis), which is impossible to perform, then certainly we will have to go to Nanda Maharaja and lodge a complaint against You
- If you (the gopis) do not come here and if you lodge complaints with My (Krsna's) father (Nanda Maharaja), I shall not care anyway, for I know My father is old and cannot take any action against Me
- If you want to enter into the rasa-lila, if you desire like that, so you love Krsna in that way, as the gopis. Then you'll have the same perfection. There is no difficulty. It is not at all difficult. Simply you practice
- If, by great fortune, one gets an opportunity to come to Radha-kunda and bathe even once, he can develop his transcendental love for Krsna, exactly as the gopis did
- Immediately upon hearing the vibration of the flute, they (the gopis) all left their respective engagements and proceeded to the spot where Krsna was standing. While they ran very swiftly, their earrings swung back and forth
- In a spiritual body one can dance with Krsna in the rasa dance like the gopis and the cowherd boys. This is not an ordinary dance, but the dance of eternity, in the association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In all the above-mentioned dealings (dealings with gopis and the Pandavas) of the Lord (Krsna), He is the hero in all circumstances, and hearing about Him or about His devotees or combatants is conducive to spiritual life
- In ecstatic loving service to Krsna in anger, Krsna is always the object. In Vidagdha-madhava, Second Canto, 53rd verse, Lalitagopi expressed her anger, which was caused by Krsna, when she addressed Srimati Radharani thus
- In Goloka Vrndavana, the living entities are serving Krsna as friends, cowherd boys, gopis, lovers, fathers, mothers and so on. Even the trees, water, flowers, land, calves and cows serve Krsna in Goloka Vrndavana. This is also our business
- In his Anubhasya, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura comments - The gopis are purely engaged in the service of the Lord without motive. They are not captivated by the opulence of Krsna, nor by the understanding that He is the SP of Godhead
- In his own planet, Lord Brahma, with the inhabitants of that planet, worships the form of Lord Govinda, Krsna, by the mantra of eighteen syllables, klim krsnaya govindaya gopi-jana-vallabhaya svaha
- In Krsna's absence, the gopis had been coming dutifully to visit mother Yasoda's house early in the morning. They knew that Nanda Maharaja and mother Yasoda were always grief-stricken
- In one night, therefore, they (the gopis) enjoyed the company of Krsna as their beloved husband, but that night was not an ordinary night
- In order to be freed from the wrath of Varunadeva, as well as to fulfill the desired end of their (the gopis') vows and ultimately to please their worshipable Lord, Krsna, they immediately abided by His order
- In order to clear up further misconceptions about the rasa dance and the affairs of Krsna and the gopis, Maharaja Pariksit, the hearer of Srimad-Bhagavatam, told Sukadeva Gosvami
- In order to establish this fact (the rasa dance is spiritual), Krsna, the supreme mystic, expanded Himself into many forms and stood beside each gopi. Placing His hands on the shoulders of the gopis on both sides of Him, He began to dance in their midst
- In order to neutralize the poisonous effect, she drank the milk produced by the buffalo horn in the hand of Krsna. Instead of decreasing the poisonous effect it increased it thousand times. The gopi was thus put into the most miserable poisoned condition
- In order to reciprocate the kind hospitality of Krsna, the gopis began to look at Him lovingly. They were overjoyed by the auspicious touch of the hand of Krsna
- In order to show them (the gopis) His causeless mercy and to curb their false pride, He (Krsna) immediately disappeared from the scene, exhibiting His opulence of renunciation
- In other words, the gopis become very much agitated by lusty desire; they are burning due to the poisonous bite inflicted by the black snakes of Krsna’s beautiful arms
- In other words, the gopis were disturbed by the blinking of their eyes because for the moment that their eyes were closed they could not see Krsna
- In some places they (the gopis) found the imprints of the marks on the soles of His (Krsna's) feet - namely the flag, the lotus flower, the trident, the thunderbolt, etc
- In spite of Krsna's asking the gopis not to obstruct Their way, they all surrounded the chariot and stood up to see Krsna with pitiable eyes
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.32.22) Krsna told the gopis: Since I am unable to repay your love, you have to be pleased with your own activities
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.32.22) Krsna told the gopis: You have been able to give up all attachment for material enjoyment, and you have searched after Me
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.32.22) Krsna told the gopis: Your relationship with Me is completely transcendental, and it is not possible for Me to offer anything in exchange for your love, even after many births
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.33.7) it is confirmed that although Krsna, the son of Devaki, is the last word in superexcellence and beauty, when He is amongst the gopis it appears that He is a sublime jewel set amongst divine golden craftsmanship
- In the absence of Krsna the gopis were constantly shedding tears, but sometimes, when they expected that Krsna was coming, they would stop crying. But when they saw that Krsna was not coming, then again they would become frustrated and begin to cry
- In the absence of the other gopis, Lord Krsna behaved with Srimati Radharani as freely as He desired
- In the attitude of Radharani, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu addressed the gopis, "My dear friends, where is that Krsna, Cupid personified, who has the effulgence of a kadamba flower, who is sweetness itself, the nectar of My eyes and mind"
- In the Brahma-samhita Radharani is described as Krsna's expansion of His spiritual potency. In this way, She is nondifferent from Krsna. The gopis, who tend Radha and Krsna, are not ordinary women or girls; they are expansions of Krsna's pleasure potency
- In the Brhad-Vamana Purana, the Lord (Krsna) says, "Although I have many fascinating pastimes, whenever I think of the rasa-lila, which I perform with the gopis, I become eager to have it again"
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (14) the killing of Gardabhasura (the ass demon), and the praise of Krsna; (15) the previous attraction of the gopis
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (16) the killing of Pralambasura and the eating of the forest fire; (17) the gopis’ attempt to approach Krsna; (18) the lifting of Govardhana Hill
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (23) the meeting of Krsna and the gopis
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (24) Krsna’s enjoying the company of the gopis, the disappearance of Radha and Krsna from the scene, and the search for Them by the gopis; (25) the reappearance of Krsna
- In the Gita-govinda by Jayadeva Gosvami one gopi tells her friend, "Krsna is the reservoir of all pleasure within this universe"
- In the Hamsaduta, the following incident is described: The gopis requested Hamsaduta to search after the marks of Krsna's lotus feet and to accept them as Lord Brahma had accepted them on his helmet after he had stolen all Krsna's cowherd boys
- In the material world it is not possible to find this kind of love, for it exists only between Krsna and His intimate devotees, such as the gopis
- In the material world, a young man wants to dance with many young girls, but Krsna's dancing with the gopis is different
- In the material world, parakiya-rasa is abominable, whereas in the spiritual world it is present in the superexcellent relationship of Krsna and the gopis
- In the Padyavali of Rupa Gosvami it is stated that when the gopis hear the sound of Krsna's flute, they immediately forget all rebukes offered by the elderly members of their families
- In the pastimes of Vrndavana, the only assistants are the gopis. But for the gopis, no one can attract the mind of Krsna
- In the presence of all the damsels of Vraja, He presented the valuable jewel (resembling a conchshell) to His elder brother, Balarama
- In the presence of Lord Balarama, all the gopis and other inhabitants of Vrndavana became as cheerful as they had been before in the presence of both brothers, Lord Krsna and Lord Balarama
- In the rasa dance Krsna expanded Himself and placed Himself between every two gopis, but He was especially present with Radharani. However, Radharani was not pleased with Krsna's behavior
- In the rasa dance, the Lord showed His favor to the most fortunate gopis by placing His arms on their shoulders and dancing with each of them individually. No one can compare with the gopis, who received the causeless mercy of the Lord
- In the society of the gopis, Krsna looked very beautiful. They were the most beautiful damsels within the three worlds, and they assembled together around Krsna
- In the spiritual energy, Krsna is perceived at every step, in all circumstances. This perfectional stage of understanding is represented by the gopis
- In the spiritual loving sentiment induced by the yogamaya potency, both Lord Sri Krsna and the damsels of Vraja forget themselves in spiritual rapture
- In the spiritual world the love between the gopis and Krsna is constantly increasing. That is the difference between transcendental love and material lust
- In the spiritual world there it appears that gopis are dressed very nicely not for the purpose of her own satisfaction. They want to satisfy Krsna, that "If I dress nicely, Krsna will be pleased"
- In the spiritual world, Vrndavana everyone - Mother Yasoda, Nanda Maharaja, Srimati Radharani, the gopis, the cowherd boys, Sridama, Sudama, the land, the water, the trees, the birds - all are trying to satisfy Krsna. That is the real meaning of Vrndavana
- In the Tenth Canto the sublime dealings with His conjugal associates, the gopis, as well as with His married wives at Dvaraka are mentioned
- In the Tenth Canto, 29th Chapter, 27th verse, another example of faltering of the voice was exhibited by the gopis when they came to Krsna, desiring to dance with Him
- In the Tenth Canto, 30th Chapter, 26th verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam there is the following statement: "When the gopis were searching after Krsna and Radha after the rasa dance, they thus began to speak amongst themselves"
- In the Tenth Canto, 7th Chapter, 22nd verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam there is a description of Krsna's being taken away by the whirlwind demon Trnavarta. As Krsna was being thus carried up into the sky, all the gopis began to cry aloud
- In this manner we should meditate on Krsna's form, and thus we can associate with Krsna by meditating on His smiling face, His flute, His hands, His dress, His consort Srimati Radharani and the other gopis surrounding Him
- In this material world, if you create some relationship with other's wife, that is very condemnable. But in the spiritual world, the loving affairs between the gopis and Krsna is the same, is like that. Krsna is making loving affairs with other's wife
- In this way (the beauty of Lord Krsna increases at the sight of the beauty of the gopis. And the more the gopis see Lord Krsna's beauty, the more their beauty increases) a competition takes place between them in which no one acknowledges defeat
- In this way all the gopis were madly feeling the absence of Krsna. They inquired about Him from the trees and plants
- In this way He (Krsna) was answering all of the questions of Radharani so cunningly that He gladdened this dearest of the gopis
- In this way Krsna, as dhira-lalita, was enjoying His youthful proclivities in the company of the gopis
- In this way the Lord (Krsna) and the gopis reached the cool, sandy bank of the Yamuna, where there were lilies and lotus flowers. In such a transcendental atmosphere, the gopis and Krsna began to enjoy one another
- In this way, all the gopis pointed out the faults of the particular gopi who had been taken alone by Krsna. They said that this chief gopi, Radharani, must be very proud of Her position, thinking Herself the greatest of the gopis
- In Vrndavana although Krsna is covered by the hazy darkness of the dust, the gopis can nevertheless understand that within the dust storm is Krsna
- In Vrndavana Krsna herds the surabhi cows, and He is worshiped by hundreds and thousands of gopis, cowherd girls, who are all goddesses of fortune
- In Vrndavana, Krsna is the Supreme Person and is the husband of all the gopis and the goddess of fortune
- In Vrndavana, the cowherd boys and the gopis did not know whether Krsna was God or not, but they simply loved Him
- In Vrndavana, the Lord not only took part in loving affairs with His father and mother, the gopis and the cowherd boys, but also gave liberation to many demons by killing them
- In Vrndavana, the trees and creepers are wonderful because throughout the entire year they produce all kinds of fruits and flowers. The gopis & maidservants in the bowers of Vrndavana picked these fruits and flowers & brought them before Radha & Krsna
- Indeed, a devotee of Krsna who is attached to the sublime attractive features of the Lord does not consider Narayana very important. When the gopis sometimes saw Krsna in the form of Narayana, they were not very much attracted to Him
- Indeed, because we have also been embraced by Your arms, which give us courage, and seen Your chest, which is beautiful and broad, we have surrendered ourselves
- Indeed, the gopis cannot hear anything else, nor are they able to concentrate on anything else, not even to give a suitable reply. Such are the effects of the vibration of Lord Krsna's flute
- Indirectly, Lord Brahma offers his respectful obeisances unto Lord Sri Krsna, who is factually ever engaged in rasa enjoyment with the gopis, as confirmed in the Gopala-tapani Upanisad
- Instead of relishing activities of the cinema artists, one can turn his attention to the activities of the Lord with His eternal associates like the gopis and Laksmis
- Instead of sitting in their hearts to be appreciated in yogic meditation, He seated Himself by their sides. By seating Himself outside, He showed special favor to the gopis, who were the selected beauties of all creation
- Intoxication in the person of Sri Radharani after She saw Krsna: sometimes She was talking without any meaning, and sometimes She was praying to Her associate gopis. Seeing these symptoms in Radharani, the gopis began to talk among themselves
- Isvara refers to the Supreme Lord as the Supersoul seated in everyone’s heart. Krsna also manifested this potency of expansion as Paramatma in this gathering with the gopis. Krsna was sitting by the side of each gopi, unseen by the others
- It (the lusty desire of the gopis for Krsna) appears like mundane lust, but in actuality it is the highest form of attraction to Krsna
- It is clear that the sages of Dandakaranya desired conjugal love in the manner of the gopis, although they were well aware of the Supreme Lord as both Krsna and Lord Ramacandra
- It is correct that Nanda, Krsna, the gopas, gopis, etc. left Gokula to move to Vrindaban. There is no discrepancy because the whole area of Mathura is known as Vrindaban
- It is described there how Akrura, who was considered by the gopis to be terror personified, would talk with Krsna about the activities of the Kuru dynasty
- It is firmly concluded that the ecstatic mood of the gopis is possible only before Krsna, and no one else
- It is in Vrndavana that Krsna plays with His cowherd boy friends and dances with the gopis. It is also in Vrndavana that Krsna steals Mother Yasoda's butter. All His activities there are filled with transcendental bliss
- It is mentioned in Srimad-Bhagavatam that when Uddhava came from Lord Krsna with a message for the gopis, all the gopis, especially Srimati Radharani, denounced Krsna in various ways
- It is said that after enjoying love affairs with Krsna by dancing, embracing and kissing, the gopis would sometimes become very tired, and Krsna, out of His causeless mercy and compassion, would smear their faces with His lotus hands
- It is stated in the Tenth Canto, 33rd Chapter, 12th verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam: "Upon seeing that Krsna's arm was placed on her shoulder, one of the gopis engaged in the rasa dance became so ecstatically happy that she kissed Krsna on His cheek"
- Jaya Radha Madhava, 1971 Jul 20 - As the Gopi-jana-vallabha, His only business is how to protect gopi-jana. So our Krsna consciousness movement is how to become one of the gopi-jana. Then Krsna will save us from any danger
- Just as Krsna attracted the gopis by the sweet sound of His flute, the author of Caitanya-caritamrta prays that He will also attract the reader's mind by His transcendental vibration
- Just as Krsna is completely spiritual, the gopis are also spiritual, and this is confirmed in the Brahma-samhita - BS 5.38
- Just as Krsna used to call His cows by their different names, so the gopis imitated Him, calling the cows by their respective names
- Just as Srimati Radharani is dear to the Supreme Lord Krsna (Visnu), so Her bathing place (Radha-kunda) is equally dear to Krsna. Among all the gopis, She alone stands supreme as the Lord's most beloved
- Just as Srimati Radharani is most dear to Sri Krsna, Her bathing place (Radha-kunda) is also dear to Him. Among all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is supermost and very dear to Lord Krsna
- Just as the gopis at Vrndavana used to think of Krsna while He was away from the village for cowherding engagements, the citizens of Dvaraka were all immersed in thought of the Lord while He was away from Dvaraka to attend the Battle of Kuruksetra
- Just as the women of Mathura ecstatically described the fortune of the gopis of Vrndavana and the transcendental qualities of Krsna, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu described the different mellows of Krsna and became overwhelmed with ecstatic love
- Just like Radharani's love to Krsna. She does not require any return. You see? Krsna left Vrndavana, Radharani, and their whole life remained simply crying for Krsna. Krsna never returned. But still, they loved Krsna. That is love
- Just like the gopis. Actually they approached Krsna in a lusty attitude, but because He was Krsna, He . . . they become purified
- Just see how Sri Krsna is enjoying the season of spring! With the gopis embracing each of His limbs, He is like amorous love personified. With His transcendental pastimes, He enlivens all the gopis and the entire creation
- Klim krsnaya govindaya gopijana-vallabhaya svaha and klim kama-devaya vidmahe puspa-banaya dhimahi tan no 'nangah pracodayat. These are the Kama-gayatri or kama-bija mantras
- Krishna in a boat with the gopis, that picture is all right. He is enjoying. This is spiritual rest and enjoyment. That is the real feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Krsna admitted to the gopis that "I cannot return your loving dealings. I am unable. So please be satisfied with your activities. I cannot return." Now, just see. God, who is so powerful, He fails to return the loving objective of the devotee
- Krsna also indicated that He was young and that they were young girls. "It does not look very well for young girls and boys to remain together in the dead of night"
- Krsna and the gopis entered the water of the Yamuna just as an elephant enters a water tank with his many female companions
- Krsna and the gopis sang and danced these combined to appear like clouds, thunder, snow and lightning
- Krsna appears like a newly risen cloud, and the gopis appear like newly grown grains in the field. Constant rains of nectarean pastimes fall upon these newly grown grains, and it seems that the gopis are receiving beams of life from Krsna
- Krsna asked them to go back to their husbands and homes. The gopis apparently became very angry and began to talk to Krsna with faltering voices
- Krsna assumed His four-armed Narayana form and sat there. When all the gopis came, they looked at Him and spoke as follows
- Krsna attracts not only the minds of the gopis and the goddesses of fortune but the minds of all the young girls in the three worlds as well
- Krsna became very ingratiated and satisfied by the simple dealings of the gopis, and He immediately delivered their respective garments, one after another
- Krsna called these girls (gopis) from their homes and invited them to dance with Him. That dance is called the rasa-lila dance
- Krsna called these girls (gopis) from their homes and invited them to dance with Him. That dance is called the rasa-lila dance, and it is the most elevated of all the Vrndavana pastimes - CC Intro
- Krsna continued, "I cannot repay your (the gopis) continuous love for Me, even throughout the lifetimes of the demigods in the heavenly planet"
- Krsna continued, "I have heard from Akrura and Uddhava that since I left Vrndavana all My cowherd boyfriends, the gopis and Radharani, and My foster father, Nanda Maharaja, are simply crying constantly for Me"
- Krsna continued, "I was simply seeing how much you were anxious for Me in My absence. So please do not try to find fault with Me. Because you consider Me so dear to you, kindly excuse Me if I have done anything wrong"
- Krsna continued, "In Vrndavana, many gopis were attracted to Me, and now I have left them, and they are living but are simply crying for Me in separation"
- Krsna continued, "My dear friends, do not think for a moment that I have been dealing with you (the gopis) as I do with ordinary devotees. I know what you are"
- Krsna continued, "My dear friends, you (the gopis) might be aggrieved by My words and acts, but you must know that sometimes I do not reciprocate My devotees' dealings with Me"
- Krsna continued, "My dear gopis, your desire to have Me as your husband will be fulfilled because it is with this desire that you worshiped goddess Katyayani"
- Krsna continued, "Please be satisfied with your highly exemplary character, for it is not possible for Me to repay My debt to you"
- Krsna continued, "The gopis are the most dear. They always think of Me (Krsna) in such a way that they remain overwhelmed & almost dead in anxiety due to separation from Me. They are keeping alive simply by thinking that I am returning to them very soon"
- Krsna continued, "Without caring for social convention and religious obligations, you (the gopis) have come to Me and loved Me, and I am so much obliged to you that I cannot treat you as ordinary devotees
- Krsna continued, "You (the gopis) have displayed exemplary attraction for Me, overcoming the greatest difficulties arising from family connections"
- Krsna continued, "You have forsaken all kinds of social and religious obligations; you have given up all connection with your parents"
- Krsna could understand that the gopis were rapt in ecstasy by embracing Him in their minds, and therefore, since He is present in everyone's heart, He reciprocated the embracing from within
- Krsna derives pleasure from the beauty and good qualities of the gopis. And when the gopis see His pleasure, the joy of the gopis increases
- Krsna expanded Himself in multiple forms during the rasa dance in order to dance with each and every gopi who took part in that dance. Similarly, He expanded himself into 16,108 forms in Dvaraka when he married 16,108 wives
- Krsna expanded Himself into as many forms as there were gopis and then took away all the garments that covered them. The water of the river Yamuna was crystal clear, and Krsna saw the glittering bodies of the gopis in great happiness
- Krsna has four extraordinary transcendental qualities absent in Lord Narayana. These four qualities are (1) His wonderful pastimes, which are compared to an ocean, (2) His association in the circle of the supreme devotees in conjugal love (the gopis)
- Krsna has no work to perform. As the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He simply engages in enjoying Himself with the gopis (cowherd girls) and His consort Radharani. Krsna, as Krsna, does not really engage in killing demons
- Krsna Himself is like the newly arrived clouds. The gopis are like footbells on His feet, and when the cloud pours rain on the grains in the field, it appears that Krsna is nourishing the hearts of the gopis by calling down His pastime rain of mercy
- Krsna indirectly answered the questions of the gopis, even those questions which implied that Krsna did not properly reciprocate their dealings. In answer, Krsna said that He, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is self-satisfied
- Krsna is addressed (in CC Madhya 19.210) by the gopis as kitava, a great cheater
- Krsna is always worshiped by the gopis wherever He goes. Therefore Krsna is so vividly described in Srimad-Bhagavatam. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has also described Krsna in this way: ramya kacid upasana vrajavadhu-vargena ya kalpita
- Krsna is always yasoda-nandana. He is always ready to be chastised by Mother Yasoda, by the gopis, and sometimes by His friends. That is Vrndavana Krsna. That is real Krsna; that is real God
- Krsna is called Gopinatha because He is the beloved master of the gopis - CC Intro
- Krsna is called nitya-lila. He is taking His birth, He is fighting in the battle of Kuruksetra, He's dancing with the gopis. That is going on eternally in either of the so many, innumerable universes
- Krsna is fighting with the Kaliya serpent. He is dancing. He is not afraid of the serpent. He is dancing. As He is dancing with the gopis in rasa-lila, similarly, He is dancing with the snake
- Krsna is full of ecstatic love and always subordinate to the love of His devotees. The gopis are very much experienced in pure love and in the dealings of transcendental mellows
- Krsna is generally known to be blackish, but when He is absorbed in the thought of the gopis, who are all of fair complexion, Krsna Himself also becomes fair
- Krsna is not alone, but is always with His friends, either the gopis or the cowherd boys, or with His mother and father. We never find Krsna alone. He may be with Radharani or with His devotees
- Krsna is not impersonal. In His Vrndavana lila especially, He is surrounded by the gopis, the cowherd boys, His father, His mother and all the inhabitants of Vrndavana
- Krsna is not restricted to Hindus. Krsna's picture, that Bal Gopal. He's embracing the calves. Krsna does not embrace only the gopis, He's embracing the calves also. That is Krsna. He's equal to everyone
- Krsna is now engaged in flattering all His young girlfriends in Mathura. Therefore, now that He can be called a friend of the residents of Mathura, He does not need the help of the residents of Vrndavana. He has no reason to satisfy us gopis
- Krsna is now living like a gentleman at the gurukula in Mathura, forgetting all the gopis of Vrndavana. But does He not remember the sweet house of His father, Nanda Maharaja
- Krsna is Para-brahman, but He is also seeking happiness with Radharani and the gopis and the cowherds boy and the cows and the calves
- Krsna is ready to accept from you a little bit of water, flower, leaf, or fruit. Practically it has no value, but when you begin to give to Krsna, then gradually a time will come when you'll be prepared to give everything to Krsna like the gopis
- Krsna is so bhakta-vatsala that He is the supreme controller. But a devotee like Mother Yasoda, a devotee like Radharani, devotees like gopis, devotees like the cowherds boy, they can control Krsna. That is Vrndavana life
- Krsna is the real friend. So if the gopis dance with the real friend, what is the wrong there? What is the wrong there? But those who are rascals, who do not know Krsna, they think it is immoral. It is not immoral
- Krsna is the real husband not only of the gopis, but of every living entity. Everyone should perfectly understand that Krsna is the real husband of all living entities, who are described in the Bhagavad-gita as prakrti (female), not purusa (male)
- Krsna is the supreme person, the whole spirit, and He danced with the spiritual bodies of the gopis. There is therefore no reason to accuse Krsna in any way
- Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all masters, & the gopis wanted to worship Him for His unusual exhibition of mercy upon them. The gopis & Krsna entered the water of the Yamuna just to relieve their fatigue from the rasa dance
- Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He became bankrupt, that "My dear gopis, it is not possible for Me to repay your debts which you have created by loving Me." So that is the highest perfection of love. Ramya kacid upasana vraja-vadhu
- Krsna praises the gopis' pure love in the Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.32.22): na paraye 'ham niravadya-samyujam, sva-sadhu-krtyam vibudhayusapi vah, ya mabhajan durjaya-geha-srnkhalah, samvrscya tad vah pratiyatu sadhuna
- Krsna quarreled with Radharani, & all the gopis hid themselves in a cluster of white lotus flowers. They submerged their bodies up to their necks in the water. Only their faces floated above the surface, & the faces were indistinguishable from the lotuses
- Krsna reminded the gopis that at the time of the rasa dance those gopis who could not join Him for the rasa-lila gave up their bodies simply by thinking of Him
- Krsna said to the gopis that "You have to be satisfied with your own business. I cannot return you anything for your love." Krsna, the Supreme, the all-powerful, He was unable to repay the debts for the gopis
- Krsna said to the gopis that - I have no power to repay your debt. You be satisfied with your own activity. I cannot give you anything
- Krsna said to the gopis, "It is impossible to repay you or show enough gratitude for your love; therefore please be satisfied by your own pious activities"
- Krsna said, " My dear gopis, I request that instead of being afflicted, you try to accept everything with a philosophical attitude"
- Krsna said, "Above all, the damsels of Vraja, the gopis, are the most glorious because You (Balarama) embrace them with Your strong arms, being attracted by their beauty"
- Krsna said, "After all, you (gopis) should know that it was not My intention to leave you; our separation was ordained by Providence, who after all is the supreme controller and does as He desires"
- Krsna said, "At this time all the ferocious jungle animals - the tigers, bears, jackals and wolves - are prowling in the forest. Therefore it is very dangerous for you (the gopis). You cannot select a secure place now"
- Krsna said, "Everywhere you (the gopis) go you will find that all these animals are loitering to find their prey. I think, therefore, that you are taking a great risk in coming here in the dead of night. Please turn back immediately, without delay"
- Krsna said, "Fortunately, you (gopis) have developed loving affection for Me, which is the only way to achieve the transcendental position of association with Me"
- Krsna said, "I can also understand that you (the gopis) have very great affection for Me, and out of that transcendental affection you have come here, hearing My playing on the flute"
- Krsna said, "I can understand that I have been ungrateful to you, but still I know that you (gopis) are faithful to Me. May I inquire if you have been thinking of Us, although We had to leave you behind"
- Krsna said, "I understand that you (the gopis) are all very chaste women, so now that you have seen the beautiful atmosphere of the Vrndavana forest, please return home and engage in the faithful service of your respective husbands"
- Krsna said, "My dear brother, You are the supreme worshipable Godhead. Just see how the peacocks are dancing before You in great ecstasy. The deer, whose behavior is just like that of the gopis, are welcoming You with the same affection"
- Krsna said, "My dear friends, you know that Lord Balarama and I left Vrndavana just to please Our relatives and family members. Thus We were long engaged in fighting with Our enemies and were obliged to forget you, who were so much attached to Me"
- Krsna said, "My dear gopi friends, you may know from Me that it is My energies only which are acting everywhere. Take, for example, an earthen pot. It is nothing but a combination of earth, water, air, fire and sky"
- Krsna said, "My dear gopis, do you now dislike remembering Me, considering Me to have been ungrateful to you? Do you take My misbehavior with you very seriously"
- Krsna said, "O ladies of Vrndavana, you are very fortunate, and you are very dear to Me. I am very much pleased that you have come here, and I hope everything is well in Vrndavana"
- Krsna said, "Some of you (the gopis) must have babies by this time, although you are very young. You must have left your small babies at home, and they must be crying. Please immediately go back home and just feed them with your breast milk"
- Krsna said, "You (gopis) will understand that you are always with Me and that there is no cause of lamentation in our being separated from one another"
- Krsna said, "Your (the gopis) feelings of love and affection for Me are very appropriate because I am the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All living creatures are My parts and parcels, and naturally they are affectionate to Me"
- Krsna said: "O Arjuna, there are no greater receptacles of deep love for Me than the gopis, who cleanse and decorate their bodies because they consider them Mine"
- Krsna said: "O gopis, I am not able to repay My debt for your spotless service, even within a lifetime of Brahma. Your connection with Me is beyond reproach"
- Krsna said: "O My beloved gopis, you have renounced social customs, scriptural injunctions and your relatives for My sake. I disappeared behind you only to increase your concentration upon Me"
- Krsna said: "O Partha, in all the three planetary systems, this earth is especially fortunate, for on earth is the town of Vrndavana. And there the gopis are especially glorious because among them is My Srimati Radharani"
- Krsna said: "O Partha, the gopis know My greatness, My loving service, respect for Me, and My mentality. Others cannot really know these"
- Krsna said: "Since I disappeared for your (the gopis') benefit, you should not be displeased with Me"
- Krsna said: "You (the gopis) have worshiped Me, cutting off all domestic ties, which are difficult to break. Therefore please let your own glorious deeds be your compensation"
- Krsna says that "First of all you become devotee of My devotee." Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasa-dasanudasah: "I am the servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna." This is called parampara system
- Krsna seated Himself beside each of the many gopis, and it may be asked herein how He did this. There is a significant word in this verse (BG 18.61): isvara
- Krsna sometimes kisses the gopis; therefore the transcendental nectar of His lips is available only to them. They asked, "How is it possible that the flute, which is nothing but a bamboo rod, is always engaged in enjoying the nectar from Krsna's lips?"
- Krsna submits to being chastised and bound by the gopis because of pure love and affection
- Krsna submits to being chastised and bound by the gopis because of pure love and affection worthy of being praised by a devotee in so many ways
- Krsna told one of His gopi friends: "My dear beautiful friend, I can take oath that I have not stolen even a drop of curd from your pot! But still, your friend, Radharani, is very shamelessly smelling the flavor of My mouth"
- Krsna wanted to impress on them that they were not old enough to take care of themselves. Actually, they required protection. It was not very wise for them to come in the dead of night to Krsna
- Krsna wanted to teach through the behavior of the gopis that one who is constantly in trance like the gopis surely attains His lotus feet
- Krsna was a beautiful boy, and they were attracted by the beauty of Krsna. They wanted Him as their husband, lover, to dance with them. That is the gopis
- Krsna was expert in dealing with people according to circumstances, country, time & paraphernalia. How He could take advantage of a particular time, circumstance & person is expressed by Him while talking to Uddhava about His rasa dance with the gopis
- Krsna was never ungrateful to the gopis
- Krsna was never ungrateful to the gopis, for as He declares to Arjuna in this verse from the Bhagavad-gita (4.11), He reciprocates with His devotees in proportion to the transcendental loving service they render unto Him
- Krsna was not attracted by the opulence or personal beauty of the gopis but by their pure devotional service. Similarly, the gopis were attracted to Krsna as a cowherd boy, not in sophisticated guise
- Krsna was sitting in a solitary bush, waiting for Srimati Radharani to pass by. But while He was searching, the gopis arrived there, like a phalanx of soldiers
- Krsna was sitting with mother Yasoda and His other mothers, Devaki and Rohini, but when the mothers engaged in talking, He took the opportunity and went to a secluded place to meet the gopis
- Krsna was smiling because He was thinking to Himself - I have delivered two young demigods from the bondage of standing for a long time as trees, but as for Me, I am bound by the ropes of the gopis and am subject to their chastisements
- Krsna was so kind to the gopis that instead of sitting in their hearts to be appreciated in yogic meditation, He seated Himself by their sides
- Krsna was so obliged to the gopis, the cowherd girls of Vrndavana, that He felt unable to return their love. "I cannot repay your love," He told them. "I have no more assets to return"
- Krsna was very beautiful. So gopis became attracted with Krsna. As it is natural, a young boy is attracted with young woman or young girl is attracted
- Krsna was very expert in playing the flute, and the gopis were captivated by the sound vibration, which was attractive not only to them but to all living creatures who heard it
- Krsna was very much affected upon seeing the plight of the gopis, but His duty was to start for Mathura, for this was foretold by Narada
- Krsna was very much affected upon seeing the plight of the gopis, but His duty was to start for Mathura, for this was foretold by Narada. Krsna therefore consoled the gopis. He told them that they should not be aggrieved
- Krsna's accepting the part of the gopis is certainly contradictory according to any mundane calculations, but the Lord, by His inconceivable character, may act like the gopis and feel separation from Krsna, although He is Krsna Himself
- Krsna's attractive features are also described by Vrnda, the gopi after whom Vrndavana was named
- Krsna's chest had brushed against the breasts of the gopis, crushing His flower garland and coloring it with red kunkuma powder
- Krsna's eyes dance and move obliquely, acting like arrows to pierce the minds of Srimati Radharani and the gopis. When the arrow succeeds in hitting its target, their minds become agitated
- Krsna's friends, the cowherd boys, did not consider Him the Supreme Lord either. The gopis even used to chastise Krsna. If a devotee can have such a relationship with Krsna, why should he want to become one with God
- Krsna's great power is so great. Generally, people take Krsna very slightly: "Oh, Krsna danced with the gopis." They do not know what is Krsna. Therefore they go to hell by hearing from unauthorized sources this Krsna's rasa-lila
- Krsna's hand is as fragrant as a lotus flower growing in Manasa-sarovara Lake, over the pearllike drops of perspiration on the faces of the gopis, and immediately the gopis became refreshed
- Krsna's letter to the gopis delivered by Uddhava
- Krsna's loving affairs with the gopis without marriage, that is called parakiya-rasa. Parakiya-rasa is the highest, topmost relishable spiritual bliss
- Krsna's name is Ajita. Nobody can conquer Krsna. But if you simply hear about Krsna, time will come, you will conquer Krsna, like the gopis
- Krsna's rasa-lila should not be discussed in public meeting. It is most confidential. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu never discussed. He discussed Krsna's pastimes, lila with gopis, with His confidential, very confidential circle
- Krsna's youth is described as follows: "He was always nicely dressed, in beauty surpassing even Cupid, and He was always attracting the minds of the gopis, who were thereby always feeling pleasure"
- Krsna, although He is always in Goloka Vrndavana, He has nothing to do. He is simply enjoying in the company of His associates, the gopis and the cowherds boy, His mother, His father. Free, completely free
- Krsna, by controlling His mind, has easily forgotten us (gopis). Therefore, don’t speak of Him any more. Let us forget our relationship
- Krsna, the son of Devaki, is the last word in superexcellence and beauty, when He is among the gopis He appears even more beautiful - like a sublime jewel set among divine golden craftsmanship
- Krsna, when He was present personally, He played on His flute. The gopis saw and the cowherds boys saw five thousand years ago. And the acaryas took information. Even if you don't believe in the history, then come to sastra
- Krsna, while playing the flute, enjoyed the beautiful smiling faces of the gopis
- Krsna, who is the Supreme Brahman and Supersoul, is not at all interested in anything material. His activities with the gopis are all spiritual and take place within the spiritual world. They have nothing to do with the material world
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami petitions the blessings of Lord Gopinatha: "May that Gopinatha, the master of the gopis, Krsna, bless you. May you become blessed by Gopinatha" - CC Intro
- Krsna’s hand, as well as the breasts of the gopis, are eternally auspicious; therefore when they combined, both of them became spiritually enhanced
- Kubja was a hunchbacked woman who also wanted Krsna with a great ecstatic love. But her desire for Krsna was almost mundane, and so her love cannot be compared to the love of the gopis
- Lalitagopi addressed Srimati Radharani, "My dear friend, my inner desires have been polluted. Therefore I shall go to the place of Yamaraja. But I am sorry to see that Krsna has still not given up His smiling over cheating You"
- Later on these sages appeared in Goloka Vrndavana when Krsna advented Himself there, and they were born as gopis or girl friends of Krsna. In this way they attained the perfection of spiritual life
- Learned scholars therefore describe the features of His body at this time as nava-yauvana, newly-invented youthfulness. At this stage of Krsna's bodily features, the conjugal love affairs with the gopis and similar pastimes become very prominent
- Let Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, be glorified! By virtue of His expanding attractive features, He subjugated the gopis named Taraka and Pali and absorbed the minds of Syama and Lalita
- Let me be fortunate enough to become one of the bushes, creepers or herbs in Vrndavana, for the gopis trample them and bless them with the dust of their lotus feet
- Let my (Bhismadeva) mind be fixed upon Lord Sri Krsna, whose motions and smiles of love attracted the damsels of Vrajadhama (the gopis). The damsels imitated the characteristic movements of the Lord (after His disappearance from the rasa dance)
- Like Krsna, the gopis are glorified by Krsna's pastimes
- Lord Caitanya as a teacher, He is teaching us that - "I am a servant of the servant of the servant of the master of the gopis, the maintainer of the gopis." Krsna is never directly approached
- Lord Caitanya continued, "O trees, kindly tell us whether Balarama's younger brother, Krsna, welcomed your obeisances with loving glances as He passed this way"
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu said there is no better method of worship than the system invented by the gopis. So gopis' invention of worshiping Krsna was to remain always Krsna conscious, without any material profit. That is the superexcellence of gopis
- Lord Caitanya wanted to please the gopis instead of Krsna. But His contemporaries misunderstood Him, and for this reason Lord Caitanya renounced the order of householder life and became a sannyasi
- Lord Krsna and the gopis came out of the water and began to stroll along the bank of the Yamuna, where a nice breeze was blowing, carrying the aroma of different kinds of flowers over the water and land
- Lord Krsna belongs to the cowherd community, and the gopis are the dearmost lovers of Krsna
- Lord Krsna finally admitted His defeat before the transcendental affection of the gopis and declared that He was unable to repay them for their unalloyed affection
- Lord Krsna has left this place, and therefore the deer are feeling separation. They do not hear our words; therefore how can they reply
- Lord Krsna is also named Hari, which means "one who takes away all distress from the surrendered souls." Lord Caitanya states that there cannot at any time be a worship as exalted as that realized by the gopis
- Lord Krsna is especially glorified for giving pleasure to the gopis and the queens of Dvaraka. Sukadeva Gosvami glorifies Lord Krsna for His enchanting smile, by which He enchanted not only the gopis of Vrndavana but also the queens of Dvaraka
- Lord Krsna is the bestower of five kinds of liberation, of which sayujya-mukti, or the liberation of becoming one with the Supreme, was given to demons like Kamsa, whereas the gopis were given the chance to associate with Him personally
- Lord Krsna thought: "Devotional service rendered to Me by the living beings revives their eternal life. O My dear damsels of Vraja, your affection for Me is your good fortune, for it is the only means by which you have obtained My favor"
- Lord Krsna thought: "Neither the gopis nor I shall notice this, for our minds will always be entranced by one another's beauty and qualities"
- Lord Krsna thought: "Pure attachment will unite us (Krsna and the gopis) even at the expense of moral and religious duties (dharma). Destiny will sometimes bring us together and sometimes separate us"
- Lord Krsna thought: "The influence of yogamaya will inspire the gopis with the sentiment that I am their paramour"
- Lord Krsna told the gopis, "The means of attaining My favor is loving service unto Me, and fortunately you are all thus engaged. Those living beings who render service unto Me are eligible to be transferred to the spiritual world"
- Lord Krsna was fully satisfied that Uddhava was able to solace them (condition of His father and mother and of the gopis and the cowherd boys) by his instructions and by the message delivered to them
- Lord Krsna was in the water of the Yamuna in the company of the gopis, headed by Srimati Radharani. They were performing pastimes in a great sporting manner
- Lord Krsna was pleased with them (the gopis), and since they all desired to have Him as their husband, He told them, "My dear well-behaved girls, I know of your desire for Me and why you worshiped goddess Katyayani, & I completely approve of your action"
- Lord Krsna's lusty desires and all His dealings with the gopis are on the spiritual platform. One has to be transcendentally realized before even considering relishing the pastimes of Krsna with the gopis
- Lord Krsna, being profoundly attached to the gopis, never goes away from Vrndavana, and the gopis and other residents of Vrndavana remain fully satisfied in Krsna consciousness
- Lord Krsna, the enemy of Kamsa, left aside the other gopis during the rasa dance and took Srimati Radharani to His heart, for She is the helper of the Lord in realizing the essence of His desires
- Lord Krsna, who is known as Kesava, could immediately understand their (the gopis) pride caused by their great fortune of enjoying Him personally
- Lord Ramacandra gave them the benediction that their desires would be fulfilled when He would appear as Krsna. Therefore the desire of the gopis to enjoy the appearance of Lord Krsna was long cherished
- Lord Sri Krsna attracts the minds of all the gopis with His beautiful, transcendental bodily features
- Lord Sri Krsna is just like a bluish lotus flower for the ears; He is ointment for the eyes, a necklace of indranila gems for the chest, and universal ornaments for the gopi damsels of Vrndavana. Let that Lord Sri Hari, Krsna, be glorified
- Lord Sri Krsna is soothing for both the gopis and the mundane man in illusion, who accepts the body as the soul
- Lord Sri Krsna said: "Devotional service unto Me is the only way to attain Me. My dear gopis, whatever love and affection you have attained for Me by good fortune is the only reason for My returning to you"
- Lusty desires are experienced when one is concerned with his own personal sense gratification. The mood of the gopis is not like that. Their only desire is to satisfy the senses of Krsna
- Maharaja Pariksit heard Sukadeva Gosvami explain the situation of the gopis who assembled with Krsna in the rasa dance
- Maharaja Pariksit said, "Krsna appeared on the earth to establish the regulative principles of religion and to curb the predominance of irreligion. But the behavior of Krsna and the gopis might encourage irreligious principles in the material world"
- Maharaja Pariksit said, "The gopis did not know that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They accepted Him as a beautiful boy and considered Him to be their paramour"
- Maharaja Pariksit understood the total situation from Sukadeva Gosvami, yet to further clarify the transcendental nature of Krsna and the gopis in the rasa dance, he expressed his surprise
- Materialistic persons are always burning in a blazing fire of material miseries. The gopis were burning in a transcendental blazing fire due to separation from Krsna
- Most of the gopis in their previous lives were great sages, expert in the study of the Vedas, and when Lord Krsna appeared as Lord Ramacandra they wanted to enjoy with Him
- Motherly gopis, just like Yasoda and ladies, offer their, loving Krsna as son, and the younger girls, they're loving Krsna as husband, as lover. So in this way in Vrndavana there are different transcendental mellows of loving affairs
- My (Krsna's) dear gopis, I am not able to repay My debt for your spotless service, even within a lifetime of Brahma. Your connection with Me is beyond reproach
- My (Krsna) dear girls, if you think that you are My eternal servitors and you are always ready to execute My order, then My request is that, with your smiling faces, you please come here alone, one after another, and take away your garments
- My dear friend Krsna, You are now roaming in the forest with Your bare feet, which You sometimes keep on our breasts. When Your feet are on our breasts, we think that our breasts are too hard for Your soft feet
- My dear friend, Krsna acts just like a hunter. This hunter does not care for piety or impiety; He simply creates many devices to conquer the cores of the hearts of the doelike gopis
- My dear friend, the all-surpassing nectar from the lips of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, can be obtained only after many, many pious activities. For the beautiful gopis of Vrndavana, that nectar vanquishes the desire for all other tastes
- My dear friends, just see Lord Krsna's sporting pastimes in the water! Krsna's restless palms resemble lotus flowers. He is just like the chief of mad elephants, and the gopis who accompany Him are like she-elephants
- My dear girls (the gopis), He (Krsna) said, please come here one after another and pray for your garments and then take them away. I'm not joking with you. I'm just telling the truth
- My dear gopis, what auspicious activities must the flute have performed to enjoy the nectar of Krsna's lips independently and leave only a taste for us gopis, for whom that nectar is actually meant
- My dear King, when the gopis were missing Krsna, they were so much absorbed in meditation upon Him that all of their senses stopped functioning, and they lost all bodily sense. It was as though they had become liberated from all material conditions
- My dear Krsna, please give up all the tricks You have set up so expertly. Do not try to kill the life of the gopis with the vibration of Your flute
- My dearmost Krsna, You are worshiping Me and giving up the company of all the other gopis, who wanted to enjoy themselves with You
- My Lord (Krsna), when Jarasandha is killed, queens of all the imprisoned kings will be joyful at their husbands' being released by Your mercy that they will sing Your glories, being as pleased as the gopis were when released from the hands of Sankhacuda
- Nanda continued, "Please let us know whether Krsna now remembers His father and mother and His friends and companions in Vrndavana. Does He like to remember His cows, His gopis, His Govardhana Hill, His pasturing grounds in Vrndavana"
- Nanda Maharaja & mother Yasoda, developed their unalloyed devotion for the S.P. of Godhead, having gotten Him as their son. And all the gopis and cowherd men who were associates of Krsna naturally developed their own different feelings of love for Krsna
- Nanda Maharaja returned to Vrndavana without Krsna and Balarama. He was accompanied only by the cowherd boys and men. It was certainly a very pathetic scene for the gopis, mother Yasoda, Srimati Radharani and all the other residents of Vrndavana
- Narayana has sixty transcendental qualities. Over and above these, Krsna has four extraordinary transcendental qualities absent in Narayana. These four qualities are (2) His association in the circle of the supreme devotees in conjugal love - the gopis
- Naturally the gopis were inclined to love Krsna, for He was an attractive young boy of Vrndavana village
- No common man can understand the ecstasy of transcendental love between Radharani and Krsna, nor can he understand the transcendental flavor of the transcendental love between Krsna and the gopis
- No one can even imagine how eager the gopis were to see Krsna again. As soon as Krsna became visible to them, they took Him inside their hearts through their eyes and embraced Him to their full satisfaction
- No third-class thing for Krsna. All first-class. The gopis must be first class, the dress must be first-class, the eating foodstuff must be first-class, the sitting place must be first-class, more than first-class
- No Vaisnava will claim to be one of the eight Gopis because that will tinge one with Mayavadi philosophy. If somebody says "I am Krishna." or "I am Radha." or "I am one of the eight Gopis." that is against Krishna philosophy
- Not only the gopis but anyone who follows these instructions of Krsna is immediately freed from the jiva-kosa imprisonment
- Now this connection of Krsna and with the gopis, apparently it is abominable, but in the spiritual sense, it is the highest, highest perfectional stage of love of Godhead. So this world is perverted reflection
- O collector of honey, Krsna must be very sorry not to see us gopis. Surely He is afflicted by memories of our pastimes. Therefore He has sent you as a messenger to satisfy us. Do not speak to us
- O dear doe, Sri Krsna is always very pleased to give you pleasure. Kindly inform us whether He passed this way in the company of Srimati Radharani. We think They must certainly have come this way
- O dear Krsna, by Your smiling glances and melodious talk, You have awakened a fire of lusty desire in our hearts. Now You should extinguish that fire with a stream of nectar from Your lips by kissing us
- O great soul (Vidura)! Does He (Krsna) ever talk about us (Radharani and the gopis), His maidservants? When will He lay on our heads His aguru-scented hand?
- O Krsna, when You go to the forest during the day and we do not see Your sweet face, which is surrounded by beautiful curly hair, half a second becomes as long as an entire age for us
- O Lord Narayana, we offer our respectful obeisances unto You. Kindly be merciful to us. Give us the association of Krsna and thus vanquish our lamentation
- O my dear Krsna, You are the friend of the distressed and the source of creation. You are the master of the gopis and the lover of Radharani. I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. BG 1972 Introduction
- O Partha, I speak to you the truth. The gopis are My helpers, teachers, disciples, servants, friends and consorts. I do not know what they are not to Me
- Observing the unalloyed devotion and love of the gopis for Krsna, Uddhava desired to become a creeper, a blade of grass or an herb in Vrndavana so that sometimes the gopis would trample him and he would receive the dust of their lotus feet on his head
- Obsessed with pure love, without knowledge of opulences, the gopis sometimes chastise Krsna. That is a symptom of pure ecstatic love
- Of all these devotees, the gopis are recognized as superior because they do not know anything other than satisfying Krsna. Nor do the gopis expect any return from Krsna
- Of course, the name of Radharani is directly mentioned in other Puranas. This gopi’s worship of Krsna is topmost, and therefore Her name is Radha, or - the topmost worshiper
- On the mahamaya platform, dances take place on the basis of sense gratification. But when Krsna called the gopis by sounding His flute, they very hurriedly rushed toward the spot of the rasa dance with the transcendental desire to satisfy Krsna
- Once Krsna left the gopis and changed into His four-handed Visnu form. The gopis went out searching for Krsna, and when they saw the four-handed Visnu form, they did not offer much respect. They simply wanted to see Krsna
- Once Lord Sri Krsna playfully manifested Himself as Narayana, with four victorious hands and a very beautiful form. When the gopis saw this exalted form, however, their ecstatic feelings were crippled - CC Adi 17.281
- Once Lord Sri Krsna playfully manifested Himself as Narayana, with four victorious hands and a very beautiful form. When the gopis saw this exalted form, however, their ecstatic feelings were crippled - CC Madhya 9.150
- Once some of the gopis went to the place where the brahmanas were performing sacrifices and said, "My dear wives of the brahmanas, you must know that not even a slight smell of distress can touch Krsna"
- Once we go to Krsna, we live forever with Him in either of these (tree, plant, water, cows, land, cowherd boys, father, mother or gopis.) capacity. - Let me live at Vrndavana in any capacity. It doesn't matter. But live there
- One gopi addressed Radharani thusly, "My dear Krsangi (delicate one), just see how Subala is whispering Your message into Krsna's ear, how he is delivering the confidential letter of Syamadasi silently into Krsna's hand"
- One gopi addressed Radharani thusly: "My dear Radharani, You are rebuking the sunshine unnecessarily, but I can understand that You are perspiring only because of Your becoming too lusty at seeing Krsna"
- One gopi became the demon Trnavarta and carried the small child Krsna by force into the sky; and one of the gopis began to imitate Krsna while He was attempting to walk, ringing His ankle bells
- One gopi gave a message to Krsna that Radharani, because of Her separation from Him and because of Her enchantment with the flavor of His flower garlands, was rolling on the ground, thereby bruising Her soft body
- One gopi imitated a hand-driven cart, and another gopi lay down beneath the cart and threw up her legs, touching the wheels of the cart, as Krsna did to kill the demon Sakatasura. One gopi imitated child Krsna and lay down on the ground
- One gopi informed Krsna that when Srimati Radharani was singing about His glories, She enchanted all of Her friends in such a way that they became stonelike and dull. At the same time, the nearby stones began to melt away in ecstatic love
- One gopi said, "He (Krsna) moves His attractive eyebrows while playing His flute with His delicate fingers"
- One gopi said, "His (Krsna's) brows are just like the brows of Cupid, and they are moving just as though they were dancing"
- One gopi said, "His (Krsna's) dancing eyes have dimmed the brilliance of the most expert dancer, and so there is no longer any comparison to the beauty of Krsna"
- One gopi said, "It is only we who are very unhappy, because we are searching for You (Krsna) but cannot see You with our greatest effort. Our life is completely dependent upon You; therefore we request that You again come to us"
- One gopi said, "Krsna's bodily features have become so exquisite - it is as if they are all manifesting an artistic sense of the highest sort"
- One gopi said, "My dear friend, whose hand is this touching my body (Krsna was touching her body)? I had become very afraid after seeing the darkened forest on the bank of the Yamuna, but suddenly the touch of this hand has saved me from hysterical fits"
- One gopi said, "My dear friends, Krsna and Balarama are nicely dressed with earrings and pearl necklaces"
- One gopi said, "My dear Krsna, ever since You took Your birth in this land of Vrajabhumi, everything appears to be glorious. The land of Vrndavana has become glorious, and it is as if the goddess of fortune is personally always existing here"
- One gopi said, "The sound Krsna produces with his flute creates such a nice atmosphere that the denizens of the heavenly planets, who travel in space with their wives and beloveds, stop their airplanes, for they are stunned by the vibration of the flute"
- One gopi said, "They (Krsna and Balarama) enjoy Themselves on the top of Govardhana Hill, and everything becomes absorbed in transcendental pleasure when Krsna plays on His flute, charming the whole created manifestation"
- One gopi said, "We are losing our senses in deciding whether we shall continue as chaste women or be victimized by the beauty of Krsna. My dear friend, I think that we have lost all hope of life!"
- One gopi said, "With all these exquisite features of His body, Krsna is too extraordinarily beautiful, and therefore I am always thinking of Him to protect me because He is the killer of all demons"
- One gopi told her friend: "It appears that Lord Krsna, the enemy of the demon Agha, has released from His mouth a whirlwind which is acting on your head and is gradually proceeding to do the same to the other lotus-eyed gopis"
- One gopi told mother Yasoda, "Although they (the demigods) are very learned and expert, they cannot understand the musical arrangements of Krsna’s flute. They simply listen attentively and try to understand, but they become bewildered and nothing more"
- One gopi told mother Yasoda, "When He (Krsna) plays (the flute), either in the morning or in the evening, all the demigods, including Lord Siva, Brahma, Indra and Candra, bow their heads and listen with great attention"
- One gopi, expressing herself to Krsna, says: "When we meet You at night, we consider the duration of night to be very small. And why speak of only this night? Even if we had a night of Brahma* we would consider it a very short time!"
- One gopis said to another, "I tried to hide myself from the reaction of the vibrations. But still I could not check the trembling of my body, and therefore all of my friends in the house could detect my attachment for Krsna without any doubt"
- One gopis said, "His (Krsna's) teeth are reddish, and so it appears that He has assumed a feature of anger"
- One has to dance to please Krsna, not to imitate or attempt to become equal to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The gopis wanted to please Krsna, and therefore as Krsna sang, they responded and encouraged Him by saying “Well done! Well done!"
- One has to practice living in Vrndavana by hearing about the talks of the gopis with Krsna. However, one should not consider himself a gopi, for this is offensive
- One lady told another, "My dear friends, we must accept the activities of the gopis to be the highest form of piety; otherwise, how could they have achieved the opportunity of seeing Krsna both morning and evening"
- One may ask, "After giving up material enjoyment, how can one live?" The Gosvamis lived by dipping into the ocean of the transcendental loving affairs between Krsna and the gopis. Since that was their asset, they could live very peacefully
- One of the gopis began to play on a flute, and another praised her the way Krsna's boyfriends praised Him while He played on His flute. One of the gopis took another gopi on her shoulders, just as Krsna used to take His boyfriends
- One of the gopis informed Krsna, "My dear Krsna, when You disappeared from the arena of the rasa dance, our most dear friend, Radharani, immediately fell on the ground and lost consciousness"
- One of the gopis once said to her friend, "My dear beautiful friend, when Krsna, the son of Maharaj Nanda, was taking rest within the cave of a hill, He was keeping His head on the arms of Sridama, and He was putting His left hand on Dama's chest"
- One of the gopis said, "May Krsna's sweet flute be washed away by the waves of the Yamuna, and let it fall into the ocean! The sweet sound of that flute is so impudent that it makes us lose all composure before our superiors"
- One of the gopis told her friends, "The highest perfection of the eyes is to see Krsna and Balarama entering the forest and playing Their flutes and tending the cows with Their friends"
- One of the gopis, namely Srimati Radharani, was so much absorbed in thoughts of Krsna by dint of Her personal touch with Him that She actually began to talk with a bumblebee which was flying there and trying to touch Her lotus feet
- One of them (the gopis) had just collected milk and put it in a milk pan on the stove to boil, but she did not care whether the milk overboiled and spilled - she immediately left to go see Krsna
- One of them (the gopis) imitated the demon Putana, and one of them imitated Krsna and sucked her breast
- One old gopi informed King Nanda, "On His (Krsna's) soles there are the signs of a flag, a thunderbolt, a fish, a rod for controlling elephants, and a lotus flower. Please observe how auspicious these signs are!"
- One old gopi informed King Nanda, "Your son (Krsna) possesses various wonderful fate lines on His palms. There are the signs of lotus flowers and wheels on His palms"
- One should accept the mood of the gopis in their service. In such a transcendental mood, one should always think of the pastimes of Sri Radha and Krsna
- One should know with certainty that Krsna had no personal interest in whatever He did for the benediction of the gopis
- One should know with certainty that Krsna had no personal interest in whatever He did for the benediction of the gopis. As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, na mam karmani limpanti: (BG 4.14) Krsna never enjoys or suffers the results of His activities
- One should not consider that His (Krsna) dealings with the Pandavas are less important than His dealings with the gopis. We must always remember that the Lord is always transcendental to all mundane attachment
- One should simply understand that Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja in Vrndavana, the friend of the cowherd boys and lover of the gopis, is actually the original Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is attained by spontaneous love
- One who expands the conjugal love of Krsna and His enjoyment among the gopis is called a sakhi. Such a person is a confidential gopi in the conjugal affairs. Such assistants are like jewels in the form of Krsna's confidantes
- One who hears the pastimes of Krsna with the gopis will attain the highest platform of devotional service and be freed from material lust, which overwhelms everyone's heart in the material world
- One who is attracted by that ecstatic love of the gopis does not care about popular opinion or the regulative principles of Vedic life. Rather, he completely surrenders unto Krsna and renders service unto Him
- One who is not satisfied with that so-called pleasure (of society, friendship and love) may seek the lotus feet of Govinda, who stands on the shore of the Yamuna at Kesighata, in Vrndavana and attracts all the gopis to His transcendental loving service
- One who is on the mundane platform must first purify himself by following the regulative principles. Only then can he try to understand Krsna and the gopis
- One who wants to serve Krsna in conjugal love can attain a body under the guidance of the gopis. In this connection, the most vivid example is provided by those saintly personalities known as the srutis, who represent the Upanisads
- Only one who worships the Lord in the ecstasy of the gopis, following in their footsteps, can engage in the service of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in the bushes of Vrndavana
- Others (Gopis) immediately fainted due to separation from Krsna. Remembering His attractive smile and His talks with them, the gopis became overwhelmed with grief
- Our (the gopis) life rests only in You (Krsna). Our minds, therefore, are filled with anxiety that Your tender feet might be wounded by pebbles as You roam about on the forest path
- Our business is not in the estimation of this material world to become a good man. Our estimation is how Krsna will accept me as good man, that's all. We don't care for this world. Just like gopis, they left their husbands
- Our hearts (Lalita Devi's and Radharani's) are so polluted by miserable conditions that we are certainly going to Pluto's kingdom. Nevertheless, Krsna does not give up His beautiful loving smiling, which is full of cheating tricks
- Our natural position is to provide enjoyment for Krsna. In the spiritual world, for example, Krsna enjoys, and the gopis, the transcendental cowherd girls, supply the ingredients for Krsna's enjoyment. This is bhakti
- Our philosophy is "Come. Come here, play with Krsna as cowherd boy. Come here, dance with Krsna as gopi. Come here, accept Krsna as your son, Krsna will accept you as His mother"
- Out of fear of the other gopis, Lord Sri Krsna took Srimati Radharani to a secluded place. In this regard, the verse kamsarir api (verse 106 in this chapter (CC Madhya 8)) will be quoted from the Gita-govinda of Jayadeva Gosvami
- Out of great sadness, the gopis began to breathe very heavily. Instead of looking at Krsna face to face, they bowed their heads and looked at the ground, and they began to draw various types of curved lines on the ground with their toes
- Out of those eight gopis, Radharani and Candravali are even more prominent, and out of these two gopis, Radharani is the most prominent
- Overburdened with their heavy hips and swollen breasts, the gopis could not proceed very quickly toward the house of Nanda Maharaja, but out of ecstatic love for Krsna they proceeded as quickly as possible
- Pandita, one who is learned, he is sama-darsinah, equal vision. Krsna has equal vision. That picture, Krsna, He's embracing the calf. He is not only embracing the gopis, but He is embracing the calf also, cows also
- People in general might have taken pleasure in that nice autumn breeze, but the gopis, not being embraced by Krsna, were not very much satisfied
- People may take it that Krsna is fond of some gopis, but they do not take care of the Krsna's other business. As soon as the gopis are in danger, he can lift the Govardhana Hill, Giri-vara-dhari. That is Krsna
- People misunderstand this Krsna's behavior with Radharani and the gopis as ordinary woman-hunters
- Please do not come here all at once. Come alone; I (Krsna) want to see each of you (the gopis) in your complete beauty, for you all have thin waists. I have requested you to come alone. Now please comply
- Presenting various pleas for the gopis, Srimati Radharani sometimes sends the gopis to Krsna just to enable them to associate with Him directly. At such times, She enjoys a happiness ten million times greater than that enjoyed through direct association
- Previously, the mothers of Sridama, Sudama, Subala and Krsna's other friends did not have the same affection for one another's sons, but now the gopis treated all the boys as their own
- Prior to the rasa dance, Lord Krsna hid Himself in a grove just to have fun. When the gopis came, their eyes resembling those of deer, by His sharp intelligence He exhibited His beautiful four-armed form to hide Himself
- Protesting Krsna's absence from Vrndavana, another gopi said, "My dear Balaramaji, we are of course village girls, so Krsna could cheat us in that way, but what about the women of Dvaraka? Don't think they are as foolish as we are!"
- Radha is the beloved consort of Krsna, and She is the wealth of His life. Without Her, the gopis cannot give Him pleasure
- Radharani continued, "'If you say that Krsna is an ocean of transcendental qualities and therefore must be merciful some day, I can only say that He is like fire, which attracts moths by its dazzling brightness and kills them"'
- Radharani continued, "As far as We are concerned, We (the gopis) are more intelligent than the goddess of fortune. We are not going to be cheated anymore by Krsna or His messengers"
- Radharani is a pleasure potency, and these gopis are expansion of Radharani, pleasure potency. So they are not ordinary girls, neither Krsna is enjoying like us, that in the hotel at dance
- Radharani said to the bumblebee: "O collector of honey, Krsna must be very sorry not to see us gopis. Surely He is afflicted by memories of our pastimes. Therefore He has sent you as a messenger to satisfy us. Do not speak to us!"
- Radharani said, "His entreaties are so powerful that it is very difficult for a gopi to resist her love for Krsna, even though she may be very bashful, devoted to her family duties and most faithful to her husband"
- Radharani's friend said, "My dear Krsna, You have been very much obliging in serving the form of our Sri Radharani, and now You have left all the other gopis to search for Her. Please allow me to inquire how You want Her to treat You"
- Radharani’s eight companions (asta-sakhi) are different varieties of pleasure connected with the pastimes of Krsna. Following those pastimes of Sri Krsna are other activities, which are represented by the assistants of the gopis
- Raktaka once said within himself, "Not only is Krsna my worshipable and servable Lord, but also the girl friends of Krsna, the gopis, are equally worshipable and servable by me"
- Ramananda Raya continued to point out that when Krsna danced amongst the gopis He thought, "I am not giving any special attention to Radharani"
- Ramananda Raya continued, "Among the loving affairs of the gopis, Srimati Radharani's love for Sri Krsna is topmost. Indeed, the glories of Srimati Radharani are highly esteemed in all revealed scriptures"
- Ramananda Raya's service to the gopis for the satisfaction of Krsna is purely an affair of the spiritual world. Unless one is fully situated in the spiritual atmosphere, the activities of Ramananda Raya are most difficult to understand
- Rasa-lila dance is the most elevated of all the Vrndavana pastimes. Krsna is therefore called Gopinatha because He is the beloved master of the gopis
- Regarding Brijbasi posters, just take out pictures portraying Krishna with cows, with Gopis - just Krishna pictures, no pictures of demigods. Those pictures are alright
- Regarding the attractiveness of Krsna's bodily beauty and the sound vibration of His flute, in the Tenth Canto, 29th Chapter, 37th verse, of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the gopis address Krsna as follows
- Regarding the dealings of the gopis with Sri Krsna in Vrndavana, it is described (SB 10.30.36-40) that when Sri Krsna took Srimati Radhika alone from the rasa dance, She thought that Krsna had left all the other gopis
- Regarding these instruments, there is a metaphorical statement about a gopi named Taravali. It is said that Taravali became bitten by the most venomous snake of Krsna's flute
- Rupa Gosvami states that when the gopis hear the sound of Krsna's flute, they immediately forget all rebukes offered by the elderly members of their families. They forget their defamation and the harsh behavior of their husbands
- Saintly persons and great devotees like the gopis cannot give up Krsna in any circumstances. Lord Caitanya therefore prayed, "Krsna, You are free and independent in all respects"
- Samadhi (trance) means absorption of all the activities of the senses in a particular object, and the gopis indicate that the pastimes of Krsna are the perfection of all meditation and samadhi
- Saying this, the gopis stepped onto the beach by the Yamuna River. There they saw Lord Krsna beneath a kadamba tree
- Seeing Balarama smile, Krsna thought that Balarama had understood His mind in observing the breasts of the gopis, and He immediately became bashful
- Seeing the friends of Krsna, Nanda and Yasoda would remember Krsna Himself and be satisfied, and the gopis also would be pleased by seeing Nanda and Yasoda
- Separation from Krsna has made these servants very unhappy. Having lost consciousness, how can they answer us
- Sex desire is especially excited in the autumn season, but the wonderful thing about Krsna's association with the gopis is that there was no question of sex desire
- Shaking Uddhava's hand with His own hands, He (Krsna) said, "My dear gentle friend Uddhava, please go immediately to Vrndavana and try to pacify My father and mother, Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda-devi, and the gopis"
- She (an old woman in Vrndavana) inquired from the gopis as to how Krsna had become so expert in speaking so many different types of languages
- She (mother Yasoda) thought that this child Krsna was going to the houses of neighborhood gopas and gopis to steal butter because He did not like the milk and yogurt ordinarily prepared
- She (one gopi) praised His (Krsna's) blackish complexion, the reddish color of chewing pan enhancing His beauty hundreds of times, the curling hair on His head, the kunkuma red spots on His body and the tilaka on His forehead
- She is very submissive to the love of Her friends. (24) She is the chief gopi. (25) She always keeps Krsna under Her control. In short, She possesses unlimited transcendental qualities, just as Lord Krsna does
- Similar feelings were expressed by the gopis when they were going to the bank of the Yamuna and saw Krsna's footprints in the dust
- Similarly, the transcendental mellow of Ugrasena, Krsna's grandfather, is mixed with servitude and parental affection. The affection of all the elderly gopis in Vrndavana is a mixture of parental love, servitude and fraternity
- Simply superficially if we understand Krsna that: Krsna was born of the father & mother, Devaki and Vasudeva, He was born in Mathura & then played with the gopis and He taught something on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra - that is not sufficient knowledge
- Since Krsna had departed from Vrndavana and gone to Mathura, the inhabitants of Vrndavana, especially mother Yasoda, Nanda Maharaja, Srimati Radharani, the gopis and the cowherd boys, were simply thinking of Krsna at every step
- Since Krsna's lusty desires were not satisfied even in the midst of hundreds of thousands of gopis and He was thus searching after Srimati Radharani, we can easily imagine how transcendentally qualified She is
- Since neither give up, their pastimes become newer and newer, and both sides constantly increase
- Since the gopis are on the platform of pure transcendental knowledge, their minds are always filled with Krsna consciousness
- Since their (gopis) attention is fixed on Krsna’s flute, they cannot divert their minds to any other subject
- So their breast milk, mixed with the water of tears, became the first offering to Krsna. This is one of the examples of being satisfied after a great separation
- So they approached goddess Katyayani to have Krsna as their husband. There are many other circumstances which also testify to the supreme authority of Krsna and show that He is not bound by the rules and regulations of the material world
- Some ask that if Krsna is self-sufficient, why did He at all manifest the pastimes with the gopis, which are disturbing to the so-called moralists of the world?
- Some ask that if Krsna is self-sufficient, why did He at all manifest the pastimes with the gopis, which are disturbing to the so-called moralists of the world? The answer is that such activities show special mercy to the fallen, conditioned souls
- Some gopis said to other gopis, 'Just see the astonishing pastimes of Krsna, the son of Vrajendra! He will certainly marry all the gopis of Vrndavana'
- Some of the gopis addressed Him thusly: "My dear Krsna, because of Your adolescent age, You have just become the spiritual master of these young girls, and You are teaching them to whisper among themselves"
- Some of the gopis fanned Radha and Krsna, others massaged Their feet, and some fed Them betel leaves to chew. When Radha and Krsna fell asleep, all the gopis also lay down. When I saw this, My mind was very happy
- Some of the gopis were factually detained from going to Krsna by their husbands and were locked up by force within their rooms
- Some of the gopis who joined Krsna's pastimes within this material world were coming from the status of ordinary human beings. If they had been bound by fruitive action, they were fully freed from the reaction of karma by constant meditation on Krsna
- Some of the gopis, they left their sons also and went to Krsna. From material point of view this is immoral. So you'll find in such a way that what is from material point of view immoral, it is the most magnificent morality in relationship with Krsna
- Some of them (the gopis) inquired whether Akrura, who had taken away Krsna, had returned. They were not very much pleased with Akrura because, being engaged in the service of Kamsa, he had taken lotus-eyed Krsna away to the city of Mathura
- Some of them (the gopis) wanted to decorate their faces with cosmetic ointments and to dress themselves very nicely before going to Krsna
- Some of them (the gopis) were breast-feeding their small babies, and some were engaged in distributing food to the members of their families, but they left all such engagements and immediately rushed toward the spot where Krsna was playing His flute
- Some people mistake the loving affairs between Krsna and the gopis (cowherd girls) for activities of ordinary sense gratification, but these affairs are not lustful because there is no material contamination
- Sometimes a rascal, following the philosophy of monism, or oneness, very irresponsibly takes advantage of this rasa-lila to imitate the behavior of Krsna with the gopis, entice many innocent women and mislead them in the name of spiritual realization
- Sometimes foolish rascals, not knowing the purpose of the Lord (Krsna) or the purpose of the gopis, unnecessarily criticize from their own angle of vision, but the real purpose of vastra-harana is expressed by the Lord in this verse of CC Adi 14.69
- Sometimes Krsna gives up the company of other gopis and becomes controlled, mind and body, by Me. Thus He manifests My good fortune and gives others distress by performing His loving affairs with Me
- Sometimes Krsna's activities and attractive features are misinterpreted by gross materialists who accuse Him of being immoral because He danced with the gopis, but such an accusation results from not knowing that Krsna is beyond this material world
- Sometimes people, in an unauthorized hearing process, take more interest in hearing about His dealings with the gopis
- Sometimes the gopis would think about His (Krsna's) soft nails, His moving eyebrows and His teeth, which were catechu-colored from chewing pan
- Sometimes there is humility due to shyness. For example, when Krsna stole all of the garments from the gopis while they were bathing in the river, all of them begged Krsna not to commit this injustice upon them
- Sometimes they (the gopis) presented beautiful music for His (Krsna's) pleasure, and He responded by praising their singing
- Somewhere He (Krsna) was picking quarrels with the young girls, somewhere He was scratching them with the nails of parrots, somewhere He was busy going to visit the gopis & somewhere He was negotiating through cowherd friends to take shelter of the gopis
- Soon they (the gopis) all assembled together and chanted Krsna’s name very loudly as they moved from one part of the forest to another, searching for Him
- Sri Ananta Acarya is one of the eternal associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Previously, during the advent of Lord Sri Krsna, Ananta Acarya was Sudevi, one of the eight gopis
- Sri Caitanya advised, and He also showed by His own example, that a living entity should always desire to be a servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna, the maintainer of the gopis (gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasanudasah) - CC Madhya 13.80
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Svarupa Damodara Gosvami are here talking about the relationship between Krsna and the gopis; therefore the subject matter is neither mundane nor erotic
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu fully merged in the pastimes Lord Krsna performed with the gopis in the waters of the Yamuna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "After conquering the moon and the lotus flower, Krsna wished to capture the doelike gopis. Thus He spread the noose of His beautiful face, and within that noose He placed the bait of His sweet smile to misguide the gopis"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "In My dream I went to Vrndavana, where I saw Lord Krsna perform the rasa dance with all the gopis"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "The gopis entered the arena of the rasa dance in ecstasy, but after hearing Krsna's words of negligence and detachment, they understood that He was going to renounce them. Thus they began to chastise Him in anger"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, Though the hearts of the gopis are like high-standing hills, they are inundated by the waves of the nectarean ocean of Krsna's beauty. His sweet voice enters their ears and gives them transcendental bliss
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was ecstatic in this way because He was presenting Himself in the mood of the gopis. The gopis wanted to drink the ocean of sweetness arising from the bodily features of Krsna, but Krsna did not allow them to come near
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy is so unlimited that He is helping not only to understand Krsna, but also He is giving directly love of Krsna, and the supermost platform of love, as it was experienced by the gopis
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's state of mind, day and night, was practically identical to Radharani's state of mind when Uddhava came to Vrndavana to see the gopis
- Sri Krsna carries a flute and enchants the hearts of all women throughout the universe. He is specifically the enjoyer of the beautiful gopis, and He is the enchanter of Cupid also. Let Him be glorified!
- Sri Krsna put to test many of His pure devotees just to magnify the sense of duty. The gopis were put to such tests as well. Prahlada Maharaja also was put to such a test. All pure devotees come out successful in the respective tests
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura has pointed out that this vrndavana-vihara - the pastimes of Vrndavana - does not refer to Krsna’s mixing with the gopis or the transcendental mellow of parakiya-rasa
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s translation of the original Sanskrit reads as follows: The love of the gopis for Krsna is full of transcendental ecstasy
- Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja, the author of Caitanya-caritamrta, has said, As there is a difference between iron and gold, so there is a difference between material lust and Krsna's loving affairs with the gopis - CC Adi 4.164
- Srila Rupa Gosvami says, "The wives of the yajnic brahmanas were all young girls, and they were attracted to Krsna in the same way as the gopis of Vrndavana"
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami has remarked that Krsna is self-sufficient - He is atmarama. He doesn’t need anyone else for His satisfaction. Because the gopis wanted Krsna as their husband, He fulfilled their desire
- Srimad-Bhagavatam thus describes the beauty of the gopis while they were rasa dancing with Krsna. There were lotus flowers over both their ears, and their faces were decorated with sandalwood pulp
- Srimati Radharani continued, "Even Maha-Laksmi, the greatest of all goddesses of fortune, hankers to render Him some service. In comparison to all these women of the universe, what are we? We are very insignificant"
- Srimati Radharani continued, "Krsna advertises Himself as magnanimous, and He is praised by great saints. His qualifications would be perfectly utilized if He would only show us some mercy, for we are so much downtrodden and neglected by Him"
- Srimati Radharani continued, "Please do not talk anymore about Krsna. It is better to talk about something else. We are already doomed, like the black-spotted she-deer in the forest who are enchanted by the sweet musical vibration of the hunter"
- Srimati Radharani continued, "Please let Me know how Krsna is faring in Mathura. Tell Me if He still remembers His foster father, Nanda Maharaja, His affectionate mother, Yasoda, His cowherd friends and His poor friends like us, the gopis"
- Srimati Radharani continued, "We gopis of Vrndavana do not want to make any more friendships with this blackish boy (Krsna), but we do not know how we shall be able to give up remembering and talking about His activities"
- Srimati Radharani continued, "We have all heard this from our grandmother Paurnamasi. She has informed us that Krsna was born in a ksatriya family previous to this birth and was known as Ramacandra"
- Srimati Radharani continued, "We left our husbands, children and relatives only for Krsna, yet He did not feel any obligation in exchange. At last He left us forlorn. Do you think we can place our faith in Him again"
- Srimati Radharani continued, "You foolish bumblebee, you are trying to satisfy Me and get a reward by singing the glories of Krsna, but it is a useless attempt. We gopis are bereft of all our possessions. We are away from our homes and families"
- Srimati Radharani once spoke a verse to Her gopi friends describing how She hankers for the transcendental scent of Krsna's body. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recited that same verse and made its meaning clear
- Srimati Radharani's gopi friends are Her mental activities, which are concentrated on the pastimes of Sri Krsna. She keeps Her hand on the shoulder of a friend, who represents youth
- Srinivasacarya said that the Gosvamis were always absorbed in the ocean of transcendental feelings in the mood of the gopis. When they lived in Vrndavana they were searching for Krsna, crying, "Where are You, Krsna?"
- Subala once addressed Krsna in this way: "How these features of Your body can fail to defeat the pride of all the young girls of Vrndavana. When I am so defeated by this beauty, what chance is there for those who are naturally very simple and flexible?"
- Subala said, "I believe that Cupid has entrusted them with the responsibility of conquering You." In other words, the beauty of the gopis was capable of conquering Krsna, although Krsna is the conqueror of all universes
- Subala said, "My dear Krsna, You (Krsna) are very cunning. You can understand the thoughts of others; therefore I am whispering within Your ear that all these five gopis, who are most beautiful, have been attracted by Your dress"
- Such activities (giving up all material engagements and meditate upon Krsna) and motivations are unknown to the gopis; they are not at all expert in executing such auspicious activities
- Such affairs (Krsna and the gopis) appear like the ordinary lusty affairs of this material world, but there is a gulf of difference between the moods of Vrndavana and those of this material world
- Such an inclination (interest in hearing about Krsna's dealings with the gopis) indicates the lusty feelings of the hearer, so a bona fide speaker of the dealings of the Lord never indulges in such hearings
- Such contradictions (as Krsna may act like the gopis and feel separation from Krsna, although He is Krsna Himself) are very difficult to understand unless a devotee strictly follows the Vaisnava philosophy under the direction of the Gosvamis
- Such descriptions of Krsna’s transcendental pastimes and activities were remembered by the gopis during His absence from Vrndavana. They give us some idea of how attractive Krsna is, not only to human beings but to all animate and inanimate objects
- Such ecstatic transactions between Krsna and the gopis are possible only in Vrndavana, which is full of the opulences of transcendental love. The form of Krsna is the original source of all transcendental qualities
- Such persons who claim to be equal with Krsna and indulge in rasa-lila create a dangerous situation for the people in general. Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, was already present as the Supersoul within the bodies of the gopis & their husbands
- Suddenly, all of you created a great tumult and picked Me up and brought Me back here. Where now is the river Yamuna? Where is Vrndavana? Where are Krsna and the gopis? You have broken My happy dream
- Suddenly, due to their feelings of separation, Lord Krsna appeared among the gopis dressed in yellow garments and wearing a flower garland. His lotus face was smiling, and He was directly attracting the mind of Cupid
- Sukadeva Gosvami has recommended that anyone who hears from the right source about the dealings of the gopis with Krsna and who follows the instructions laid down by the previous acaryas will be elevated to the topmost position of devotional service
- Sukadeva Gosvami tells King Pariksit: "My dear King, I shall try to describe how the minds of the gopis became absorbed in the thought of Krsna"
- Sukadeva Gosvami tells Pariksit: "The gopis would meditate on Krsna's dressing Himself just like a dancing actor and entering the forest of Vrndavana, marking the ground with His footprints"
- Sukadeva Gosvami tells Pariksit: "They (Gopis) also meditated on Krsna's blowing His flute and on all the cowherd boys' singing of the glories of the Lord." That is the description of the meditation which the gopis used to perform
- Sukadeva Gosvami tells Priksit: "They (Gopis) meditated on Krsna's having a helmet with a peacock feather and wearing earrings on His ears and yellow-gold colored garments covered with jewels and pearls"
- Sukadeva Gosvami wanted to explain this increment of affection in terms of Krsna's bewilderment of Brahma, the gopis, the cows and everyone else
- Superb feelings were exhibited by the damsels of Vrajabhumi for the happiness of the Lord. The gopis loved the Lord without any return, and this is the perfect exhibition of the akamah spirit
- Talks about Krsna and His pastimes - especially His pastimes in Vrndavana and His dealings with the gopis - are all very confidential. They are not subject matter for public discussion
- That (the parama-prestha-sakhis in the ecstatic dealings of Krsna and Radha they side sometimes with Krsna and at other times with Radharani) makes the exchange of mellows more palatable
- That is our process. Just like sex impulse is natural for everyone in the material (world), but if we think of Krsna embracing Radharani or dancing with the gopis, then our sex impulse becomes subordinate, no more stronger
- That mahabhava is not possible in the ordinary human being, but it is possible for the gopis, for Radharani. They cannot live without Krsna. That is the highest stage of perfection or liberation
- That promise (In whatever way My devotees surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly) has been broken by the worship of the gopis, as Lord Krsna Himself admits
- That promise has been broken by the worship of the gopis, as Lord Krsna Himself admits
- The "lusty attitude" of the gopis does not refer to any sort of sex indulgence. Srila Rupa Gosvami explains that this "lusty desire" refers to the devotee's particular attitude of association with Krsna
- The activities of the gopis and Lord Krsna, if seriously understood, will certainly free one from material attachment
- The acts of yogamaya make it possible for the Lord and the gopis, in loving ecstasy, to sometimes meet and sometimes separate
- The answer is that He (Krsna) can do anything for the pleasure of His devotees. Similarly, because the gopis wanted to enjoy Krsna, they were given the opportunity to associate with Him for a long period. This was done according to His promise
- The attitude of the gopis is like a mirror upon which the reflection of Krsna's beauty develops at every moment
- The attraction of the gopis for Krsna and the affection of the members of the Yadu dynasty are both accepted as spontaneous, or raganuga
- The austerity and meditation of Laksmi are mentioned in SB 10.16.36, where the wives of the serpent Kaliya, in their prayers to Krsna, said that the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, also wanted His association as a gopi and desired the dust of His lotus feet
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta advises everyone to give up all engagements of sense gratification and, like the gopis, dovetail oneself entirely with the will of the Supreme Lord. That is the ultimate instruction of Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita
- The author of the Caitanya-caritamrta prays that just as Krsna attracted the gopis by the sweet sound of His flute, He will also attract the reader's mind by that transcendental vibration - CC Intro
- The authorities in the Vedic literature who are known as the sruti-ganas worshiped Lord Krsna in the ecstasy of the gopis and followed in their footsteps
- The basic Vedic injunctions never allow a person to enjoy sex with any woman except his own wife. Krsna's appreciation of the gopis appeared to be distinctly in violation of these rules
- The beauty of Lord Krsna increases at the sight of the beauty of the gopis. And the more the gopis see Lord Krsna's beauty, the more their beauty increases
- The best example are the gopis. They, they had no other business than to keep Krsna always within the heart. Gopis requested Krsna, "Please, if You get out from our hearts then we can concentrate to our household duties
- The best method of worship of Krsna, was exhibited by the gopis. Now what were the worshipable method of the gopis? The gopis they were not very learned scholars or Vedantists, or theosophists or mental speculators. None
- The betel chewed by Krsna is priceless, and the remnants of such chewed betel from His mouth are said to be the essence of nectar. When the gopis accept these remnants, their mouths become His spittoons
- The blazing fire exasperating the gopis is different from the fire of the material world. The gopis constantly wanted the association of Krsna, whereas materialistic persons constantly want the advantage of material comforts
- The bumblebees were humming about in order to get honey from the flowers. Krsna and the gopis entered the water of the Yamuna just as an elephant enters a water tank with his many female companions
- The competition of increasing beauty between the gopis and Krsna, which is without limitations, is so delicate that sometimes mundane moralists mistake these dealings to be purely amorous. But these affairs are not at all mundane
- The conjugal love of the gopis is the most exalted devotional service, surpassing all other methods of bhakti. Therefore Lord Krsna is obliged to say, 'My dear gopis, I cannot repay you. Indeed, I am always indebted to you'
- The corners of His (Lord Kesava's) eyes wander, like large black bees, around the gopis' breasts
- The cows; the calves; the friends; the gopis and the cowherds boy; Krsna's father, Nanda Maharaja; Krsna's mother, Yasomati; and. . . Everyone's center is Krsna: "How Krsna will be happy?" This is Vrndavana life
- The damsels of Vraja, the gopis, being attracted by the beauty of Krsna, simply wanted to embrace Him and His arms, which are like serpents. Thus the gopis ultimately tasted the nectar of the lotus feet of the Lord
- The damsels of Vrndavana, the gopis, are super goddesses of fortune. The enjoyer in Vrndavana is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. The trees there are all wish-fulfilling trees, and the land is made of transcendental touchstone
- The dealings between Radha and Krsna and the gopis are devoid of the opulences of Laksmi-Narayana
- The desire of the gopis to enjoy the appearance of Lord Krsna was long cherished. So they approached Goddess Katyayani to have Krsna as their husband
- The devotee prays, "Simply by their beautiful attractive features they are worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna"
- The devotees cannot tolerate even the pricking of the Lord's lotus feet by a thorn. This was the attitude of the gopis when they thought of Krsna wandering in the forest, with pebbles and grains of sand pricking His lotus feet
- The diseased condition in which he cannot understand his eternal relationship with Krsna is the contaminated stage, or maya. Since the gopis are on the platform of pure transcendental knowledge, their minds are always filled with Krsna consciousness
- The dust from cows and calves on the road creates a kind of darkness indicating that Krsna is returning home from the pasture. Also, the darkness of evening provokes the gopis to meet Krsna
- The earrings of the gopis, their cheeks, their hair with flowers - as they sang and danced these combined to appear like clouds, thunder, snow and lightning. Krsna's bodily features appeared just like a group of clouds
- The eighth (business of the gopis) to show expertise in expressing Their (Radharani and Krsna's) desires, the ninth to conceal the faults of the heroine, the tenth to cheat their respective husbands and relatives
- The elderly persons like Nanda Maharaja and Yasodadevi, the friends like Sridama, Sudama and the other cowherd boys, the gopis like Srimati Radharani and Her associates, and even the birds, beasts, cows and calves are attracted (by Krsna)
- The eleventh (business of the gopis) to educate, the twelfth to enable the hero (Krsna) and heroine (Radharani) to meet at the proper time, the thirteenth to fan the hero and heroine, the fourteenth to sometimes reproach the hero and heroine
- The exact words used in this connection are vardhayan kama-devam. In Vrndavana, as the boyfriend of many gopis, and in Dvaraka, as the husband of many queens, Krsna increased their lusty desires to enjoy with Him
- The example of the gopis is very instructive to persons who are trying to be absorbed in Krsna consciousness. One can very easily associate with Krsna simply by remembering His transcendental pastimes. Everyone has a tendency to love someone
- The explanation given by Ramesvara that sankirtana is Lord Caitanya's lila, which he compares to the gopies trying to engage others in Krsna's service, is the correct understanding
- The fact is fact. Just like when I am describing Krsna's lila. I am writing Krsna's life. So I cannot give up that portion of His life, when Krsna is actually kissing the gopis in rasa dance
- The fifteenth (business of gopis) to set conversations (between Radharani and Krsna) in motion, and the sixteenth to protect the heroine by various means
- The first business of the gopis is to chant the glories of both the hero (Krsna) and the heroine (Radharani). Their second business is to gradually create a situation in which the hero may be attracted to the heroine and vice versa
- The first-class example are the gopis or the inhabitants of Vrndavana. They are all trying to make Krsna happy. That is Vrndavana. If here also, if you try to make Krsna happy, this can be converted into Vrndavana, Vaikuntha
- The first-class example is the gopis. They gave up everything. Their family, their relatives, their husband, their sons, their father, their prestige, their honor - everything sacrificed, simply for Krsna. That is the highest perfection
- The following statement was made by Krsna to the gopis, "My dear enchanted, don't gaze at Me with longing eyes like this. Be satisfied and return to your homes in Vrndavana. There is no necessity of your presence here"
- The following verse appears in Gita-govinda (1.11): His (Krsna's) soft legs and hands, just like the most beautiful moon, are used on the bodies of the gopis. When He embraces different parts of their bodies, He is so beautiful
- The full-moon night of Asvina is called sarat-purnima. It appears from the statements of Srimad-Bhagavatam that Krsna had to wait another year for such a moon before enjoying the rasa dance with the gopis
- The goddess of fortune enjoys the association of Krsna through the gopis. One should not differentiate between the forms of the Lord, for such a conception is offensive
- The goddess of fortune, Laksmi, wanted to enjoy Krsna and at the same time retain her spiritual body in the form of Laksmi. However, she did not follow in the footsteps of the gopis in her worship of Krsna
- The gopi associates of Krsna who assembled in the place where Krsna was appearing were from different groups. Most of the gopis were eternal companions of Krsna
- The gopi knew that Krsna had been enjoying the rasa dance and that Mother Yasoda could not detect her son's activities nor understand how He had become covered with the gopis' makeup. Her smiling was in the avahasita feature
- The Gopi said, "How he (Subala) is delivering the betel nuts prepared by Palika into Krsna's mouth, and how he is decorating Krsna with the garland prepared by Taraka"
- The Gopies and Radharani served Krishna without any expectation of material or spiritual profit. They never expected any return from Krishna and Krishna remained ever indebted to the Gopies
- The Gopinatha Deity is Krsna as master and proprietor of the gopis. He attracted all the gopis, or cowherd girls, by the sound of His flute, and when they came, He danced with them. These activities are all described in the Tenth Canto of SB
- The gopis (cowherd girls) glorified Vrndavana in the following words: Dear friends, all these inhabitants of Vrajabhumi - including birds, beasts, and trees - are glorified when they see Krsna going to the pasturing ground with His friends and Balarama
- The gopis almost went mad due to Krsna’s suddenly leaving the rasa dance. Because the gopis were fully absorbed in thoughts of Krsna, they were imitating His different postures and pastimes
- The gopis and the men began to converse amongst themselves about how wonderful it was that child Krsna had been attacked in so many ways and so many times by so many demons, and yet the demons themselves had been killed and Krsna had remained uninjured
- The gopis and the queens of Dvaraka, simply by enhancing their lusty desires to enjoy Krsna as their boyfriend or husband, received the highest type of salvation
- The gopis and the queens, simply by being attached to Krsna in conjugal love and enjoying His company in a so-called sensuous life full of luxury and opulence, achieved the highest salvation
- The gopis approached Krsna to enjoy themselves with Him in the rasa dance. Krsna knew this very well, but He was superficially trying to avoid them
- The gopis approached Krsna with lusty desire. Krsna was a very beautiful boy, and they wanted to meet and enjoy His company. But this lusty desire is different from that of the material world
- The gopis are all transcendental spirit souls. One should never think that the gopis and Krsna have material bodies
- The gopis are also of the same spiritual quality (nija-rupataya) because they are expansions of Krsna’s pleasure potency. Neither Krsna nor the gopis have anything to do with lumps of matter or the material conception
- The gopis are always absorbed in thoughts of Me (Krsna). They have dedicated body, desire, life and soul to Me
- The gopis are always liberated souls because they are fully in Krsna consciousness. They only pretended to be entangled in household affairs in Vrndavana
- The gopis are exalted above all the advanced devotees because they are always totally dependent upon Sri Krsna, the transcendental cowherd boy. Among the gopis, Srimati Radharani is the most dear to Krsna
- The gopis are expansions of His internal energy, but because Krsna wanted to exhibit the rasa-lila, they appeared as ordinary human beings. In the material world, pleasure is ultimately manifested in the sex attraction between man and woman
- The gopis are forced to abandon their household duties and come before Lord Krsna. In this way all social etiquette, shame and fear are vanquished. The vibration of His flute causes all women to dance
- The gopis are like food grains in the field, and when the cloud pours rain on those grains, it appears that Krsna is nourishing the hearts of the gopis by calling down His pastime rain of mercy
- The gopis are never pleased to see anything but Krsna. The only solace for their eyes is the beautiful moonlike face of Krsna, the worshipful object of all senses
- The gopis are not as pleased when they directly mix with Krsna as when they serve to unite Srimati Radharani with Krsna. Their transcendental pleasure lies in uniting Them
- The gopis are not educated girls, up-to-date fashion, (indistinct) or nothing. Crude. As soon as there was blowing of the flute, immediately they began to run towards Krsna
- The gopis are not interested in dry speculation, in the arts, in music, or other conditions of material life. They are bereft of all understanding of material enjoyment and renunciation. Their only desire is to see Krsna return
- The gopis are perfectly and thoroughly in cognition of this relationship with Krsna, whereas the living entities under the spell of maya, the illusory energy, are forgetful of Krsna and think themselves separate identities having no connection with Him
- The gopis are perfectly in trance, samadhi, the highest perfectional stage of mystic power. In the Bhagavad-gita, it is confirmed that one who is constantly thinking of Krsna is a first-class yogi among all kinds of yogis
- The gopis are so fortunate that during the rasa-lila Krsna personally embraced them with His arms and kissed them face to face. Certainly it is not possible for any women in the three worlds to achieve this except the gopis
- The gopis are so fortunate that they can see and think of Krsna twenty-four hours a day, beginning from their milking the cows or husking the paddy or churning the butter in the morning
- The gopis are so much engaged in the transcendental loving service of Radha and Krishna that they are condemning the creator, Lord Brahma for not knowing how to make perfect eyes
- The gopis are the best of all, for they have the privilege of serving Sri Krsna, the primeval Lord, the son of the King of Vraja
- The gopis are the epitome of this perfectional stage of knowledge. They are not simple mental speculators. Their minds are always in Krsna
- The gopis are the expansions of Radharani, and the various forms of Krsna are manifest just to taste the mellow of transcendental bliss. Ananda-cinmaya-rasa
- The gopis are the helpers, teachers, friends, wives, dear disciples, confidantes and serving maids of Lord Krsna
- The gopis are the predominated lovers, and Sri Krsna is the predominator, the beloved. The love of the predominated nourishes the love of the predominator. The gopis had no desire for selfish enjoyment
- The gopis asked, "How could Krsna take Her away alone, leaving all of us aside, unless She is extraordinarily qualified and beautiful?"
- The gopis asked, "So out of these three classes, which do You (Krsna) prefer, or which do You call honest?"
- The gopis assembled there spoke among themselves, "What sort of austerities and penances we must have undergone in our previous lives! We must have worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead, offered different kinds of sacrifices and made charities"
- The gopis automatically achieved the highest perfection (by serving Krsna with great love). Therefore Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommended the affection of the gopis, either in maternal affection or in conjugal love, as the highest perfection in life
- The gopis became overwhelmed simply at seeing those marks (marks of Krsna's sole) on the ground
- The gopis became proud of their great fortune. To subdue their sense of superiority and show them special favor, Kesava, the subduer of even Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, disappeared from the rasa dance
- The gopis became tired after long singing & dancing. Krsna was dancing beside them, & to alleviate their fatigue they took Sri Krsna’s hand & placed it on their raised breasts
- The gopis became tired after long singing and dancing. Krsna was dancing beside them, and to alleviate their fatigue they took Sri Krsna's hand and placed it on their raised breasts
- The gopis become very much agitated by lusty desire; they are burning due to the poisonous bite inflicted by the black snakes of Krsna’s beautiful arms
- The gopis began to chant the holy name of Krsna and, being overwhelmed with madness, began to inquire about Krsna from the flowers and the creepers in the forest. Krsna is like the sky; He is situated everywhere
- The gopis began to condemn the activities of Akrura. Stating that he was taking Krsna, who was more dear than the dearest to them & who was the pleasure of their eyes. He was being taken from their sight without their being informed or solaced by Akrura
- The gopis began to imagine the great functions in the city of Mathura. Krsna would pass through the streets, and the ladies and young girls of the city would see Him from the balconies of their respective houses
- The gopis began to splash water on the body of Krsna, all the while smiling, and Krsna enjoyed this. As Krsna was taking pleasure in the joking words and splashing water, the demigods in the heavenly planets showered flowers
- The gopis came out to meet Krsna in the dead of night when they heard the sound of His flute
- The gopis came to Krsna because He was very beautiful young boy. Actually they were attracted by His beauty. That is stated, kamat. They came as a lust. But when they came to Krsna, they became purified. That is dhira
- The gopis came with lust. They became purified with Krsna's association. Gopis actually, superficially, externally, they are, means, nitya-siddha, ever-liberated expansion of Krsna's energy, internal energy
- The gopis can be divided into a left wing and a right wing. Both wings induce Krsna to taste transcendental mellows by various manifestations of ecstatic love
- The gopis contemplated, "In all respects he resembles Krsna, Syamasundara, the beautiful blackish boy. He is even dressed exactly like Krsna. Where has this boy come from. Who is the fortunate girl who has him for her husband?"
- The gopis continued, "Dear Krsna, certainly You know how much we are saddened when You go out of Vrndavana village to tend the cows in the forest"
- The gopis continued, "Dear Krsna, the fragrance of the mellows of Your pastimes is spread throughout the forests of the glorious land of Vrndavana, which is surrounded by the sweetness of the district of Mathura"
- The gopis continued, "Dear Krsna, we are seeking Your kisses, which You offer even to Your flute. The vibration of Your flute enchants the whole world and our hearts also. Kindly, therefore, return and kiss us with Your mouth of nectar"
- The gopis continued, "Dear Krsna, we have simply been captivated by seeing You with tilaka and with earrings and by seeing Your beautiful face covered with scattered hair and bearing Your extraordinary smile"
- The gopis continued, "Dear Krsna, You are known as Hari. You destroy all the miseries of all living entities, specifically of those who have left their homes and family attachment and have completely taken to You"
- The gopis continued, "He (Krsna) must have glanced at you with great pleasure"
- The gopis continued, "How we are afflicted simply to think that Your soft lotus feet are being pricked by the dry grass and the tiny stones in the forest! We are so attached to You (Krsna) that we always think simply of Your lotus feet"
- The gopis continued, "It seems that He (Krsna) has been entrapped by the women of Mathura. My dear Uddhava, will you kindly let us know if Krsna sometimes remembers us while in the midst of other women"
- The gopis continued, "Krsna has sent you (Uddhava) to His father and mother; otherwise He has no further business in Vrndavana. He is now in town. What does He have to know about Vrndavana village or the cows' pasturing grounds"
- The gopis continued, "Krsna, however, is not coming to Her. He must be watching Her from a distant place and enjoying Her sorrow"
- The gopis continued, "My dear Uddhava kindly let us know whether Krsna sometimes thinks of us while in the midst of the highly enlightened society girls in Mathura. We know that the women and girls in Mathura are not village women"
- The gopis continued, "O blackberries and bael trees and trees of the kadamba flower - you are all very pious trees to be living on the bank of the Yamuna. Krsna must have passed through this way. Will you kindly let us know which way He has gone?"
- The gopis continued, "O dear Krsna, You are the supreme lover, and You always give shelter to surrendered souls. You fulfill everyone's desire; Your lotus feet are worshiped even by Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe"
- The gopis continued, "O Krsna, when You return from the pasturing ground with the animals, we see Your face covered by Your curly hair and dusted by the hoof dust of the cows"
- The gopis continued, "Otherwise, how is it possible that the aroma of His (Krsna's) garland, which is smeared with the red kunkuma from the breasts of the goddess of fortune, can be perceived in the breeze blowing here?"
- The gopis continued, "She must have taken Krsna into the deep forest and told Him, 'My dear Krsna, I am now very tired. I cannot go any further. Please carry Me wherever You like.’'
- The gopis continued, "Surely He (Krsna) has nothing to do with persons who do not happen to be His family members. Friendships with those outside the family continue as long as there is some selfish interest in them"
- The gopis continued, "They (these other footprints) are beside the footprints of the son of Maharaja Nanda. It is certainly Krsna passing through, resting His hand on some other gopi, exactly as an elephant goes side by side with his beloved mate"
- The gopis continued, "We always pray to Him, exclaiming, 'Dear Lord, dear husband of the goddess of fortune, dear Lord of Vrndavana and deliverer of the distressed devotees"
- The gopis continued, "We are now fallen and merged in an ocean of distress. Please, therefore, come back to Vrndavana and deliver us from this pitiable condition"