Category:Grown Up
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Pages in category "Grown Up"
The following 146 pages are in this category, out of 146 total.
- A baby gives pleasure by speaking sweet words in broken language, and when the sons and daughters are grown up one becomes involved in their education and marriage
- A child is a rare gift given by Krishna, but at the same time a great responsibility; every parent has the responsibility to see that his child grows up K.C.
- A father always remains in anxiety until he can hand over his grownup daughter to a suitable boy
- A father's duty is that as soon as the girl is grown up, she must be married. She must be given in charge of a suitable boy. That is Vedic system
- A father's duty is to bring up the son until he is grown, and when the son is grown up, it is his duty to render service unto the father
- A son's duty is not only to make the father the source of supply for all his needs, but also, when he is grown up, to render service unto him. That is the law of creation beginning from the time of Brahma
- A student educates himself with an ambition that "When I am grown up I shall have this standard of life. I shall become a high-court judge, I shall become a military man, I shall become a very good businessman"
- A woman has no independence... She is always under the protection, either under the protection of the father or under the protection of the husband or under the protection of the grown-up sons. That is position. And woman becomes happy in that way
- Above all, because she was engaged in the service of Lord Krsna - although at that time she (Rukmini) was old enough to have grown-up sons - her beautiful body was beyond compare in the three worlds
- According to Manu-samhita, a woman is never independent. She must remain the property of the father while she is not married, and she must remain the property of the husband until she is elderly and has grown-up children of her own
- According to Manu-samhita, every woman should be protected, either by her husband, by her father or by her grown sons. Without such protection, a woman will be exploited
- After birth the child may forget about the difficulties of his past lives, but when we are grown-up we can at least understand the grievous tortures undergone at birth and death by reading the authorized scriptures like Srimad-Bhagavatam
- After getting his sons and daughters married, a householder can retire from household life, leaving his wife in the charge of the grown-up sons. That is the social convention of the Vedic system
- All the children of the brahmana had duly grown up. After returning to Dvaraka, Lord Krsna and Arjuna delivered to the brahmana all of his sons
- Although the planet was later on grown up, it was covered with water - pralaya payodhi jale, merged into the water after devastation. Then gradually it emerges from water
- Altogether Lord Krsna had 16,108 queens at Dvaraka, and in each of them He begot ten children. All these children grew up, and each had as many children as the father. The aggregate of the family numbered 10,000,000
- As far as my daughter-in-law Kunti is concerned, upon the great General Pandu's death, she became a widow with many children, and therefore she suffered greatly. And when you were grown up she suffered a great deal also because of your actions
- As soon as he (Dhruva Maharaja) saw that his son was grown up and could take charge of the royal throne, he immediately handed over the charge and retired from all material engagements
- As soon as he is born and grows up, he begins to acquire a good bank balance, a wife and children and then begins to think that his problems are solved and that he will live very happily. Actually his problems are not solved
- As soon as his son, Kapiladeva, was grown up, Kardama at once left all family connection. Devahuti was the daughter of a great king, Svayambhuva Manu, and was qualified and beautiful, but she was completely dependent on the protection of her husband
- As soon as Krsna and Balarama were a little grown up, They were meant for taking care of the calves. Although born of a very well-to-do family, They still had to take care of the calves. This was the system of education
- As soon as one is grown up, reaching youthful time, the sex desire is very strong, very strong
- As soon as the children are a little grown up, they are sent to our Gurukula school, where they are trained to become fully Krsna conscious devotees
- At dasya-rati stage, there is an awakening of natural affection, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreciate his father's benedictions. At this stage the living entity wants to serve the Supreme Lord instead of serving maya, illusion
- At that time there is an awakening of natural affection, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreciate his father's benedictions. At this stage the living entity wants to serve the Supreme Lord instead of serving maya, illusion
- At the present moment the population is not being produced very nicely; therefore there is disturbance of peace all over the world. But if there are Krsna conscious children, they will grow up and they will possess all good qualities
- Because of an increase of affection, the cows had constant attachment even to those calves (Krsna's calf expansions) that were grown up and had stopped sucking milk from their mothers - SB 10.13.35
- Because you have grown up or you have changed your body, your mother will not cry, "Where is my child?" She knows that, "my child is there, but she has changed body." So why these people do not understand this plain truth
- Before the child's birth, the girl had been accepted as a daughter-in-law, and therefore Vidarbha actually married her when he grew up
- Bhismadeva was grown-up boy, twenty, twenty-two years. But nature, his father wanted to marry again. Bhismadeva is the son of mother Ganges. Bhismadeva's father married the predominating deity mother Ganges, of the Ganges water
- By nagna-matrka logic one would think that because his mother in her childhood was naked, she should remain naked even when she is grown up
- By nagna-matrka logic one would think that because his mother in her childhood was naked, she should remain naked even when she is grown up. The stepmother of Dhruva Maharaja might have been thinking in a similar way
- By the desire of Krsna, the great sage Narada appeared, he disclosed all the incidents - how Pradyumna had been stolen from the maternity home & how he had grown up & had come there with his wife, Mayavati, who had formerly been Rati, the wife of Cupid
- Canakya Pandita has described four kinds of enemies at home. If the father is in debt he is considered to be an enemy; if the mother has selected another husband in the presence of her grown-up children, she is considered to be an enemy
- Child is the father of man, so the basic principle of any type of life is to instruct to the children from the very beginning. Krishna Consciousness. Children grow to be the topmost leaders of the human society
- Either you are a child or grown-up man, when you touch the fire it will act. There is no excuse. Similarly, knowingly or unknowingly, if we do something wrong, we have to be punished. This is the law of nature
- Everyone captures the post for personal gratification, and thus instead of one king, a number of irresponsible kings grow up to tax the citizens
- For this reason, my dear boy, you should not endeavor for this; it will not be successful. It is better that you go home. When you are grown up, by the mercy of the Lord you will get a chance for these mystic performances
- From Krsna's babyhood to His childhood and from His childhood to His youth, mother Yasoda was always in association with Krsna. Even when Krsna was grown up, He would go to Vrndavana and sit on the lap of mother Yasoda
- Girls are never thrown into the public street to search out their husband, for when girls are grown up and are searching after a boy, they forget to consider whether the boy they select is actually suitable for them
- Gurukula is only for the small children. Preliminary, primary. And when the children are grown up, they should be sent to the varnasrama school or college for further developed training
- He (Krsna) is exactly like a well wishing father who does not give much wealth into the hand of his immature son, but who, when the son is grown up and knows how to spend money, gives him the whole treasury house
- He has a grown-up daughter whose eyes are black. She is ready for marriage, and she has good character and all good qualities. She is also searching for a good husband
- Head, hands, legs and indeed the entire body have grown on the basis of the soul. If the soul is within, the body, head, hands and legs grow, but otherwise they do not. A dead child does not grow up, for the soul is not present
- How are your Tulasi plants in Hawaii? How are they feeling? I am always thinking of them and you. Please let me know how they are growing and how you are taking care of them
- How does he (who is trained in KC from childhood) start giving it (materialistic way of life) up? The husband and wife leave home & travel together on pilgrimage. If from 25 to 50 one remains in family life, one should have some grown-up children
- How does knowledge of the soul begin? It is just like a child is playing. You can understand this child's body is now so small, but one day this child will be grown up, like you or me. But the same soul will continue
- I am very glad to hear that you are settling into some steady service. Krishna is sending us so many children and they must be nicely guided and educated so that they can grow up to become first-class Vaisnavas
- I am very happy to see that you are learning our philosophy so nicely. You will grow up to be a great devotee of Krishna. You are very fortunate to have the opportunity of attending Gurukula, so don't waste this opportunity
- I have heard my mother-in-law was married - she was seven years old and my father-in-law was eleven years old. So this marriage was performed, but it is not that the husband and wife live together unless they are mature, grown-up
- I was married... My wife was eleven years. So in this age there is no question of love. It is not that the husband and wife lives together, no. Unless the girl is grown up, she is not going to the husband. She remains with the father and mother
- If however, your wife leaves the child with you, then you can take care of him; that will be nice. But I think it is very difficult, because he is not sufficiently grown up
- If I do not know what is the cause of my material bondage, then how we can take remedy? This is the cause, pumsah striya mithuni-bhavam etam. Desire is there. As soon as one is grown up, reaching youthful time, the sex desire is very strong, very strong
- If she (a woman) has no grown-up sons she must go back to her father and live as a widow under his protection. It appears that Kamsa had no grown-up sons. Therefore, after his wives became widows they returned to the shelter of their father
- If the mother has selected another husband in the presence of her grown-up children, she is considered to be an enemy; if a wife does not live well with her husband but deals very roughly, then she is an enemy; and if a son is a fool, he is also an enemy
- In any case, by the time he is somewhat grown up and has assimilated our instructions or served our spiritual master, he will change in his intelligence. Thus there need be no cause for anxiety
- In His (Srila Nityananda Prabhu's) childhood He played like Balarama. When He was growing up, a sannyasi came to the house of Hadai Pandita and begged to have the pandita's son as his brahmacari assistant
- In old age the progress of woman depends on the grown-up son. The ideal son, Kapila Muni, is assuring His father of the deliverance of His mother so that His father may go peacefully without anxiety for his good wife
- In San Francisco one of our friends told me that long ago he left his young children and went to another country. Recently a letter came from his grown-up son, and at once the father remembered his affection for him and sent some money
- In the assembly of the princely order, when Dhrstadyumna, the brother of Draupadi, introduced all the princes to his grown-up sister, Karna was also present in the game
- In the beginning his (Karna's) name was Vasusena, but when he grew up he presented his natural bangles and earrings to Indradeva, and thenceforward he became known as Vaikartana
- In the beginning when I am child, boy, I think of my body only, and when I grow up, I get my wife. Then I think of two bodies. Then from the two bodies, when there are many other bodies, children, we think of. This is our sphere of activities
- In the Christian Bible there is, "Father, give us our daily bread." That is good - they are accepting the Supreme Father. But grown-up children should not ask from the father; rather, they should be prepared to serve the father. That is bhakti - devotion
- In the primary stage a child loves his parents, then his brothers and sisters, and as he daily grows up he begins to love his family, society, community, country, nation, or even the whole human society
- In their grown-up age, by accepting different departmental knowledge, one becomes a medical practitioner, one becomes engineer, one becomes lawyer or one becomes vagabond
- In this child body, she is naked, but people enjoy it. But when she is grown up and she is ladylike, she is young girl, if she becomes naked, oh, that is ridiculous
- In this way (By the grace of the spiritual master and Krsna) the seed of the bhakti-lata sprouts and grows up and up through the whole universe until it penetrates the covering of the material universe and reaches the spiritual world
- In Western countries there is killing even grown-up child within the womb. They are killing, abortion. They think there is no life. Unless it comes out of the womb, there is no life. It's all nonsense theory
- It is a fact that you have taken birth from the womb of an unfortunate woman, and by being fed from her breast you have grown up
- It is very good news that the girl Haridasi is dreaming about Krishna, and Krishna is playing with her; it is very much encouraging. It means she will come out a great and successful devotee of Krishna when she is grown up and young
- It is when people are a little grown-up, when they have got little independence and their own ways of doing things, then if they marry there is often difficulty to adjust, just as it is more difficult to bend the bamboo when it is yellow
- Just as children are taken care of by the parents, women as a class should be taken care of by the father, husband or grown-up son
- Just like this small child, Sarasvati. According to the body, she is acting. She's acting sometimes nonsense, but we take it delight, because she is child. But the same nonsense if I do in another body, grown up body, that will be ridiculous
- Kapiladeva was one son, and when He was grown up He also said, - My dear mother, My father has left home. I will also leave home. If you want to take some instruction from Me, you can take. Then I shall go away
- Kilimbika was Narayani, who was a niece of Srivasa Thakura's. Later on, when she grew up and married, Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura was born from her womb
- Krsna said, "If, after growing up, a son does not try to satisfy his parents by his actions or by an endowment of riches, he is surely punished after death by the superintendent of death and made to eat his own flesh"
- Krsna was proposing that Rukmini divorce Him at a time when Rukmini already had many grown-up children
- Seven months, at that time the body is grown up, and in this way in tenth month the body is fully grown, then by nature’s way the body comes out and another life begins. This is called transmigration of the soul
- She (a woman) should be given protection by the father in her younger days, by the husband in her youth, and by the grownup sons in her old age. This is proper social behavior according to the Manu-samhita. BG 1972 purports
- She (Rukmini-devi) began to think more confidently that the boy must be her own grown-up son (Pradyumna) because she felt so much affection for him, and, as an auspicious sign, her left arm was trembling
- So children have parents, elderly persons must have grown up children to protect them, and woman must have husband
- So far your adopting me as father or child is the same thing, because child is the father of man. And the father is the old child of his grown-up sons and daughters
- Some hundreds & thousands years ago Lord Krsna appeared as Devahuti-putra Kapiladeva. His father's name was Kardama Muni. After Kapiladeva grew up, His father, according to the Vedic system, retired, took sannyasa & left home to cultivate spiritual life
- Sometimes a father punishes his child, and when the child is grown up and comes to his senses, he understands that the father's punishment was not actually punishment but mercy
- Sometimes mother thinks: "The child will be grown up. He will be big man. He will earn money, and I shall get it." There is still some feelings of exchange. But while loving Krsna, there is no such feeling of exchange. That is called unalloyed love
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says that Caitanya was given lessons by a teacher named Visnu and another teacher named Sudarsana. Later on, when He was a little grown up, He was under the care of Gangadasa Pandita, who taught Him grammar of a higher standard
- Subhadra had only one grandchild, Pariksit Maharaja. As soon as he grew up, the entire estate of the Pandavas was entrusted to him, and all the Pandavas left home and went to the Himalayas. This history is described in the Mahabharata
- That boy was born partially in the dynasty of irreligion. His grandfather was death personified, and the boy grew up as his follower; he became a greatly irreligious person
- The animals, as soon as they are fatty and grown up, they are sent to the slaughterhouse. This business is going on. So why there should not be crisis in food grain and crisis in human...?
- The baby in the lap of his mother is naturally attached to the mother, and the mother is attached to the child. But when the child grows up and becomes overwhelmed by circumstances, he gradually becomes detached from the mother
- The bodily strength is also reducing. Now you American generation, you are not as strong as your father or grandfather. You can understand that. You are not so luxuriantly grown up, bodily growth
- The father never exploits the daughter. He gives all protection. That is the duty of the husband also. When she is grown up, she cannot remain under the protection of father. She is given, therefore, to a suitable boy to take charge
- The grown-up daughter of Svāyambhuva Manu, Devahūti, had good character and was well qualified; therefore she was searching for a suitable husband just befitting her age, qualities and character
- The intelligent grown-up sons of the Lord know well that all the acts of material nature are controlled by the Lord, just as a maidservant is under the control of the master, the father of the undeveloped children
- The intelligent man can see without mistake that any material creation (whether one's own body or a fruit or flower) cannot beautifully grow up without the spiritual touch
- The Lord enjoyed the striking on His transcendental body, just like a fully grown-up father fighting with his child. Sometimes a father takes pleasure in having a mock fight with his small child
- The menstrual period prolongs at least for 5 days, so after this 5 days, one can have sex life provided he desires to get a child. And as soon as the wife is pregnant, no more sex life, until the child is born and is grown up at least for 6 months
- The mistake of modern civilization is that we are, I mean to say, bringing up spoiled children. So when they are grown up, if they become hippies or communists, it is not their fault. It is the fault of the guardians
- The mother always expects some sort of service from the grown-up child and is equally affectionate toward her child, even though the child is forgetful
- The vanaprastha, when the gentleman is completely educated for renouncing this world, then he sends back the wife to grown-up boys and he takes sannyasa. This is sannyasa dress
- The woman must remain at home. She has only three stages of life: dependency on the father in childhood, dependency on the husband in youth and, in old age, dependency on the grown-up son, such as Kapila
- There are many instances in which the parents of a female child have given someone a verbal promise that their daughter will be married to his son. Both parties agree to wait until the boy and girl are grown up, and then the marriage takes place
- There is no question of independence. The woman must be given protection in childhood by the father unless she is married, and in youthhood by the husband, and in old age by grown-up sons. This is Vedic civilization
- Thereafter, seeing that Visvarupa was a grown-up youth, Jagannatha Misra wanted to find a girl and arrange a marriage ceremony for Him
- These calves were grown up, but still the mothers wanted to feed them. Therefore Balarama was a little surprised, and He wanted to inquire from Krsna about the reason for their behavior
- They (Krsna's sons) all grew up, and each of them had as many sons as their father, and the whole aggregate was something near 1,610,800 family members of the Lord
- This child (of Pramloca and Kandu) was cared for by the trees, and when she grew up, by the order of Lord Brahma, she was delivered to the Pracetas as their wife. The name of the girl was Marisa, as the next verse (SB 4.30.47) will explain
- This material world is so polluted that a mother sometimes thinks, "My child will grow up and become a man, and when he earns money, I shall get it." Thus there is still some desire to get something in exchange
- This Vedic truth that woman has no independence, she is always under the protection, either under the protection of the father or under the protection of the husband or under the protection of the grown-up sons. That is position
- To live in Vrindaban is the highest perfection and to grow up in Vrindaban the greatest fortune. Who can compare Vrindaban to the nasty western culture? Even to live in Mathura-mandala for a fortnight guarantees one liberation
- We can't impose anything from so early age, because when he is grown up he may not like the idea. So all this contemplation is premature. For the present your duty is to make him healthy and strong, physically and spiritually
- We get information from authoritative sastra. So the whole material world is also grown up upon the spiritual existence
- We sometimes praise the quality of child, the ignorance. But that child, when grown up, becomes a vicious man. So this ignorance or innocence, they are not very good qualities
- When Baladeva saw this attachment (the cows' constant attachment to those calves (Krsna's expansions) that were grown up and had stopped sucking milk), He was unable to understand the reason for it, and thus He began to consider - SB 10.13.35
- When both the husband and wife lose their attachment for family and home, the wife returns home to live under the care of her grown-up children and to remain aloof from family affairs. The husband then takes sannyasa
- When disciples are grown up and are able to preach, the spiritual master should retire and sit down in a solitary place to write and execute nirjana-bhajana
- When everyone was informed of the mysterious disappearance of Pradyumna and how he had grown up, they were all struck with wonder because they had gotten back their dead son after they were almost hopeless of his return
- When he (a small child) grows up, he may distribute that eatable to his other brother and sisters. So this does not mean you have changed the quality of sense gratification
- When He (Lord Krsna) was a child on the lap of His mother, He killed the demon Putana. Then He killed the demons Trnavarta, Vatsasura and Baka. When He was a little more grown up, He killed the demons Aghasura and Rsabhasura
- When he is grown up, the brahmacari can marry and become grhastha, and as a grhastha he can have sex, but in the brahmacarya life strict celibacy is the rule
- When He was grown-up, His real father took Him charge, Vasudeva. He belonged to the ksatriya family. All other education was given: how to fight, how to rule, everything
- When her (Kuntidevi's) children were grown up, she continued to suffer because of her sons' actions. So her sufferings continued. This means that she was destined to suffer by providence, and this one has to tolerate without being disturbed
- When Krsna is more grown-up, in the middle age of pauganda, His nails become finely sharp, and His chubby cheeks become lustrous and round. On the two sides of His waist above His belt there are three distinct lines of folded skin, called tribali
- When Krsna was a little grown up and was taking care of the small calves, He would often go near the forest
- When Lord Balarama returned to Vrndavana, all the cowherd boys and the gopis had grown up; but still, on His arrival, they all embraced Him, and Balarama embraced them in reciprocation
- When one grows up entangled in the sense gratification process, it is very difficult to get out of it
- When one reaches the age of fifty, he should give up family life. At that time one's child should be grown up so that the father can leave the family responsibilities to him. The husband and wife may then go abroad to live a retired life and travel
- When Raghunatha grew to be a young man, he visited Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Jagannatha Puri and stayed there for eight months. Sometimes he offered prasadam to the Lord
- When the child is little grown up, at seven months, it feels too much pain. Therefore the mother can feel that the child is moving. It wants to come out, and prays
- When the children are grown up, the man should leave home and search for Krsna consciousness. In this way one can make one's life perfect by going home to the kingdom of God
- When the disciple or the son is grown up, if he is chastised, then he breaks. So before being chastised, we should be conscious that "This is our rules and regulation. We must observe"
- When the Pandavas were grown up, they were cheated by cunning Duryodhana and company, and Bhismadeva, although he knew that the Pandavas were innocent and were unnecessarily put into trouble, could not take the side of the Pandavas for political reasons
- When we die our consciousness becomes almost stopped, and we then lie down within the womb of the mother according to species of body, a status - take it for granted our human form of body - seven months. At that time body is grown up
- Who asked him to come here, this son of a kept mistress? He is so crooked that he spies in the interest of the enemy against those on whose support he has grown up. Toss him out of the palace immediately and leave him with only his breath
- Woman also should be taken care of. They should not be given freedom. That is not good for them. They should be protected by the father in childhood, by the husband in youthhood, and by the grown-up children in old age
- You have asked me something for which it is difficult to answer from such a distant place. You are grown up girl you should rather decide what to do. Fix up your mind always in Krishna and He will give you good counsel
- Your child is very nice, and Krishna has given him a great opportunity to perfect himself in spiritual life because He has placed him under the care of a mother who is a sincere devotee. Try to help him grow up peacefully in Krishna Consciousness