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- A brahmacari hears only words concerning Krsna consciousness; hearing is the basic principle for understanding, and therefore the pure brahmacari engages fully in harer namanukirtanam-chanting and hearing the glories of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- A devotee once stated, "I have already conquered the modes of ignorance, and I am now on the platform of transcendental knowledge. Therefore I shall be engaged only in searching after the SPG." This is an instance of alertness in ecstatic love
- A devotee's attempt to engage his energies in such activities as constructing a Visnu temple, however, is never wasted
- A dog may eat out of a garbage can, and a human being may eat on a golden plate, but this does not mean that they are engaged in different activities. In either case, both the dog and the man are taking food into their bodies
- A faithful servant of the Lord engaged in the service of administration is the ideal executive head and can well protect the interest of the people in general
- A healthy man is engaged in healthy activities, and the diseased man is engaged in diseased activities. The diseased man is also lying down, and the healthy man is also lying down. There is vast of difference
- A hog's life is degraded in its standard of happiness, which entails living in a filthy place, engaging in sex enjoyment at every opportune moment, and laboring hard in a struggle for existence, but this is unknown to the hog
- A king may engage a joker, and in the process of joking, the king is sometimes insulted. The king, however, enjoys these activities
- A Krsna conscious being is always engaged in planning how to take all of suffering humanity back home, back to Godhead
- A Krsna conscious person has no desire for any kind of self-enjoyment. He is always engaged for the enjoyment of the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- A ksatriya government should engage people in performing yajna, studying the Vedas and giving charity. Thus the people will receive their necessities for life very easily, and there will be no disturbances in society
- A little elevated from status of sense gratification, one is engaged in mental speculation for the purpose of getting out of the material clutches
- A living entity may engage in any occupational duty, but if he wants to have perfection in his duties, he must satisfy the Supreme Lord
- A living entity who wants to enjoy on his personal account and not cooperate with the Supreme Lord is engaged in materialistic life. As soon as he dovetails his enjoyment with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is engaged in spiritual life
- A man who is engaged in the activities of the self is called jivan-mukta, or a liberated person even in the conditional existence
- A man who is engaged in the medical or engineering fields has a particular duty and designation. All these human activities have been divided by the Supreme Lord into four varnas, namely brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra
- A part of the body cannot in itself be independently happy. It can only derive its happiness and pleasure out of serving the entire body. The Supreme Lord is the whole, and we are the parts, but we are all busily engaged in activities of self-interest
- A peaceful and prosperous government, devoid of anxiety, was established by Prthu Maharaja. Thus the inhabitants of both saintly and demoniac planets were all engaged in glorifying the activities of Maharaja Prthu
- A person acting in KC (or, in other words, in the service of Krsna) with his body, mind, intelligence and words is a liberated person even within the material world, although he may be engaged in many so-called material activities. BG 1972 purports
- A person in the divine consciousness, although engaged in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving about, sleeping, and breathing, always knows within himself that he actually does nothing at all. BG 5.8-9 - 1972
- A person in the mode of goodness is satisfied by his work or intellectual pursuit, just as a philosopher, scientist, or educator may be engaged in a particular field of knowledge and may be satisfied in that way. BG 1972 purports
- A person influenced like this (misunderstanding this material body to be his self) engages in enmity only due to the material body. Being engaged in such activities, we forget our eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A person may be relieved from sins once, but it is a practice among Christians to confess sins and yet commit them again. By getting freed from sins and again engaging in them, one cannot attain freedom from the pangs of material existence
- A person who accepts the theory of monism - being always engaged in empiric philosophical discussions about spiritual life - becomes joyful and is relieved from all material lamentation and hankering. At that stage, one is equipoised
- A person who always chants the holy name of the Lord is already beyond the ocean of nescience, and thus even a person born in a low family who engages in chanting the holy name of the Lord is considered to be beyond the study of Vedanta philosophy
- A person who beats an empty husk of wheat cannot get grain, and one who engages simply in speculative knowledge cannot achieve the desired result of self realization. The only gain is trouble
- A person who is constantly engaged in reading literature enunciating the cultivation of Vaisnava devotional service is always glorious in human society, and certainly Lord Krsna becomes pleased with him
- A person who is engaged in the worship of the Deities can minimize his stock of sinful reactions coming from many, many previous births
- A pure devotee of the Lord follows in the footsteps of the great devotees like Narada and Prahlada and engages his whole time in glorifying the Lord by the process of kirtana. Such a preaching process is transcendental to all material qualities
- A sannyasi cannot act like a householder, nor can a householder act like a sannyasi, but above these two kinds of persons, one who engages in material activities and one who renounced material activities, there is the person who is transcendental to both
- A sannyasi who is always engaged in music for spiritual elevation is called Sarasvati
- A sannyasi, one who has understood the self, should be engaged in elevating the self and associating with the Superself. Our Krsna consciousness movement is meant for elevating the living being for promotion back home, back to Godhead
- A spiritual master knows very well how to engage each disciple in a particular duty, but if a disciple, thinking himself more advanced than his spiritual master, gives up his orders and acts independently, he checks his own spiritual progress
- A transcendentalist should always engage his body, mind and self in relationship with the Supreme; he should live alone in a secluded place and should always carefully control his mind. He should be free from desires and feelings of possessiveness
- A Vaisnava acarya like Narada Muni knows very well that persons engaged in such animal-killing in the name of religion are certainly becoming involved in the cycle of birth and death, forgetting the real aim of life: to go home, back to Godhead
- A Vaisnava is described as being para-duhkha-duhkhi, very much aggrieved by the sufferings of others. As such, a Vaisnava engages in activities for the real welfare of human society
- A vaisya can satisfy the Supreme Godhead by properly executing his occupational duties - engaging himself in producing foodstuffs, giving protection to cows, and trading if necessary when there is an excess of agricultural production
- Accepting her husband as the representative of the Supreme Person, a wife should worship him with unalloyed devotion by offering him prasada. The husband, being very pleased with his wife, should engage himself in the affairs of his family
- According to scriptural codes, a teacher who engages in an abominable action and has lost his sense of discrimination is fit to be abandoned. BG 1972 purports
- According to the principles of the Mayavadi sannyasis, singing, dancing and playing musical instruments are strictly prohibited, for they are considered to be sinful activities. The Mayavadi sannyasi is simply supposed to engage in the study of Vedanta
- According to the statement of the BG, persons trying for the Pitrlokas can go there; similarly, persons trying to improve the conditions on this earth can also do that, & persons who are engaged in going back home, back to Godhead, can achieve that result
- According to the Vedic principles, one should rise early in the morning, take bath, chant Hare Krsna, offer mangala-arati to the Deities, study Vedic literature, take prasada and engage in dressing and decorating the Deities
- Actually Arjuna was engaged in very unpleasant activity on the battlefield, but because he was in Krsna consciousness, he suffered no reaction
- Actually we are engaged in human society for economic development, for advancement of so many things - actually, for eating, sleeping, mating and defending. Whatever we do, these four things are there
- Actually we see that different people are engaged in different ways; therefore there must be divisions according to work
- Actually, in this world there is no happiness. People are simply engaged trying to counteract unhappiness. Foolish people accept unhappiness as happiness
- Advancement in spiritual life does not depend on any kind of previous education or qualification. The method itself is so pure that by simply engaging in it one becomes pure. BG 1972 purports
- After a while, she (Mother Yasoda) became engaged in household affairs. At that time, a servant of Kamsa's known as Trnavarta, as instructed by Kamsa, appeared there in the shape of a whirlwind
- After being saved from the anger of Lord Siva, Bhrgu Muni went directly to the planet Svetadvipa, where Lord Visnu was lying on a bed of flowers in the company of His wife, the goddess of fortune, who was engaged in massaging His lotus feet
- After binding her son, mother Yasoda engaged herself in household affairs. At that time, bound up to the wooden mortar, Krsna could see a pair of trees before Him which were known as arjuna trees
- After Brahman realization, one can engage in activities of Brahman. As long as one is not self-realized, he engages in activities based on false identification with body. When one is situated in his real self, then activities of Brahman realization begin
- After eating, one should not worship the Deity until one has digested his food, nor should one touch the Deity or engage in any Deity worship after eating safflower oil or hing. These are also offenses
- After fulfilling his responsibility to produce a nice child, one should take sannyasa and engage in the perfectional paramahamsa stage. Paramahamsa refers to the most highly elevated perfectional stage of life
- After mother Yasoda bound Krsna and became engaged in other household affairs, Krsna observed two yamala-arjuna trees, which were actually Nalakuvara and Manigriva, two sons of Kuvera who had been condemned by Narada Muni
- After personally talking with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, King Citraketu enjoyed life in his airplane with the women of the Vidyadhara planet. Engaging in the congregational chanting of the glories of the Lord, he began flying his plane
- After retiring from family life, Maharaja Prthu strictly followed the regulations of retired life and underwent severe austerities in the forest. He engaged in these activities as seriously as he had formerly engaged in leading the government
- After returning home, Raghunatha dasa gave up all craziness and external pseudo renunciation and engaged in his household duties without attachment
- After the first rainfall, when there is a thundering sound in the clouds, all the frogs begin to croak, like students suddenly engaged in reading their studies
- After working hard during the daytime, a tired man either sleeps or engages in sex habits at night. That is the program of materialistic civilized life for the less intelligent
- After you give birth to many hundreds and thousands of children, they will also be captivated by My illusory energy and will engage, like You, in sexual intercourse
- Ajamila was engaged in maintaining the family. Everyone is engaged like that. Cats and dogs also do that. It is not very extraordinary thing. Sometimes they say, "It is my duty." Yes, it is duty, but the prime duty is to solve the real problems
- All forms of the Lord are always decorated with garlands of lotus flowers, and there should be a soothing atmosphere in the temple of worship to attract the burning attention of the nondevotees always engaged in material wranglings
- All of these are instructed herewith (BG 6.10) to be constantly engaged in their (transcendentalists) particular pursuits so that they may come to the highest perfection sooner or later. BG 1972 purports
- All students of Lord Krsna are mentioned here (in BG 4.15) as past liberated persons, engaged in the discharge of duties allotted by Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- All the boys would be differently engaged. Some boys blew their flutes, and others blew bugles made of horn. Some imitated the buzzing of the bumblebees, and others imitated the voice of the cuckoo - SB 10.12.7-11
- All the demigods engaged in the administration of each universe (brahmanda) offer their respectful obeisances unto Him. Indeed, the helmets on their heads are beautiful because they are decorated with the imprints of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord
- All the devotees engaged in the cleansing ceremony of the Gundica temple and danced in front of the Ratha-yatra chariot, just as they had done in the past
- All the mystic powers of Brahma, Siva, all the demigods and the twenty-four elements of cosmic manifestation were fully represented in the person of Visnu. By the influence of Lord Visnu, all subordinate mystic powers were engaged in His worship
- All these Christians, they are violating the First Commandment. That is their business. Simply engaged in killing, big, big slaughterhouse. And they give the example that, - Others are eating vegetable. That is also killing
- Although an attached family man is always engaged in getting money by hook or by crook for the maintenance of his family, he cannot enjoy more than what he could consume even without such criminal activities
- Although Arunadeva sits in front of the sun-god and is engaged in driving the chariot and controlling the horses, he looks backward toward the sun-god
- Although both are engaged in the association of material activities, the devotee is liberated, and the materialist is conditioned
- Although each and every queen had thousands of maidservants engaged for her service, the queens were all personally attentive in serving Krsna. Each one of them used to receive Krsna personally when He entered the palace
- Although formerly the government was a monarchy, all the kings were very affectionate toward the citizens, and they strictly kept them engaged in their respective duties. Therefore society was very smoothly conducted
- Although his (Svayambhuva Manu) duration of life gradually came to an end, his long life, consisting of a Manvantara era, was not spent in vain, since he ever engaged in hearing, contemplating, writing down and chanting the pastimes of the Lord
- Although Krsna's mother was engaged in receiving guests, Lord Krsna wanted to draw her attention by killing the Sakatasura, and therefore he kicked that cart-shaped demon. Such are the pastimes of Krsna
- Although Maharaja Priyavrata received instructions from the great sage Narada, he still engaged in ruling the earth. After fully enjoying material possessions, he divided his property among his sons
- Although Maharaja Priyavrata was already a liberated person and had no attraction for material things, he engaged himself fully in governmental affairs just to show respect to Lord Brahma. Arjuna had also acted in the same way
- Although Maharaja Yayati was the king of the entire world and he engaged his mind and five senses in enjoying material possessions for one thousand years, he was unable to be satisfied
- Although outwardly the King was a mundane man interested in money and women, internally he was purified by devotional activities. He showed this by engaging as a street sweeper to please Lord Jagannatha
- Although the atheist class of men may think that they are engaged in idol worship, it is not idol. Those who are atheist, they may see idol, stone. But those who are devotees, they see saksad brajendranandana hari
- Although the impersonalists are always engaged in the worship of Lord Siva, they are unable to understand the prayers offered by Lord Siva to the bodily features of Lord Visnu
- Although the nitya-siddha expansions of Krsna always remain with Krsna, if those engaged in sadhana-siddhi follow in the footsteps of Krsna's nitya-siddha associates, such sadhana-siddhas also can easily attain Krsna without difficulty
- Although the purpose of life is to become spiritually rich, unfortunate men, misguided as they are, are always engaged in trying to become materially rich. Such material engagements, however, do not help one in the actual fulfillment of the human mission
- Although the vaisyas can take to any of these occupations (agriculture, trade, protection of cows and banking), the men of Vrndavana were engaged primarily in the protection of cows
- Although there is an immense treasure-house of knowledge, people are engaged in reading useless literature that will give them no information on how to get out of the clutches of maya
- Although they (the demoniac) are always full of anxieties on account of accepting nonpermanent things, they still continue to engage in such activities out of illusion. BG 1972 purports
- Although they (the inhabitants of the five islands) engage in the worship of these five demigods (the sun-god, the moon-god, the fire-god, the air-god and Lord Brahma), however, they actually worship Lord Visnu, the Supersoul of all living entities
- Although Visvamitra Muni was engaged in practicing mystic yoga with closed eyes, his transcendental meditation was broken when he heard the tinkling of bangles on the hands of Menaka
- Although You appear engaged in material activity, You are transcendental to all material qualities. Consequently these transcendental activities of Yours are extremely difficult to understand
- Although you have not yet experienced these achievements which are free from fear & lamentation, I offer them all to you because you are engaged in my service. Now just look at them. I am giving you the transcendental vision to see how nice they are
- Always engaged in taking care of the child and calling his name, Narayana, Ajamila could not understand that his own time was now exhausted and that death was upon him
- Among the sons of Sagara Maharaja was one named Asamanjasa, who was born from the King's second wife, Kesini. The son of Asamanjasa was known as Amsuman, and he was always engaged in working for the good of Sagara Maharaja, his grandfather
- Among these sons, Prsadhra, following the order of his spiritual master, was engaged as a protector of cows. He would stand all night with a sword to give the cows protection
- An inordinate desire for economic development is considered to be like straws and grains of sand within the heart. If one is overly engaged in material activity, the heart will always remain disturbed
- An ordinary man may possess an ordinary cow, give protection to this animal, take sufficient milk from it, and engage the milk to produce butter and clarified ghee, especially for performing the agnihotra-yajna. This is possible for everyone
- An unalloyed devotee who has developed ecstatic love for Krsna is always engaging his words in reciting prayers to the Lord
- Ananyas cintayantah means always, twenty-four hours, without any deviation, always thinking of Krsna. Naturally, if you are engaged in the business of Krsna, then you will always think of Krsna
- Animal is engaged like that, eating, sleeping, sex, and defense. So we are being educated only like animals. We do not know the value of life, how nature is working, how we are changing our body. No education all over the world
- Another duel took place between Srivasa Thakura and Gadadhara Pandita, and yet another between Raghava Pandita and Vakresvara Pandita. Thus they all engaged in throwing water
- Another gopi said, "For the Vaisnavas, Your (Krsna's) words give transcendental pleasure, and saintly persons who are engaged in distributing Your transcendental message all over the world are first-class charitable persons"
- Another gopi said, "He is the only friend of the suffering living entities. When He plays His flute, all the cows and other animals of Vrndavana, although engaged in eating, simply take a morsel of food in their mouths and stop chewing"
- Another guru advises that sex is the ultimate goal of life and that one should therefore engage in sex to the best of his ability. These are the instructions of foolish gurus
- Any person who is always desirous of fruitive results in religious or economic activities, whose only desire is sense gratification, and whose mind, life and senses are thus engaged, is in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- Anyone engaged in Deity worship should chant this mantra, as quoted above (in SB 6.19.7), beginning with om namo bhagavate maha-purusaya
- Anyone who becomes engaged in this loka-hitam, beneficial to the human society, he will be happy. But he has to control over these things: ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam ca. These animal propensities should be controlled
- Anyone who engages in the worship of the Deity, or the form of the Lord in the temple, is understood to be studying all the Vedas twenty-four hours a day
- Anyone who has got his senses under control, he, he is spiritually perfect. So how senses under control? Just engage the senses under the control or under the direction of the Supreme. Then you become perfectly spiritual
- Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness is understood to be fully purified. He is at least engaged in the process of purification, and if he sticks to the principle of Krsna consciousness he will very soon be fully purified
- Anyone who voluntarily engages himself under the direction of the Supreme Lord becomes glorious. BG 1972 purports
- Anything that is done which does not lead to Krsna consciousness is a sinful activity, and any education that does not lead one to understand Krsna is false education. If Krsna consciousness is missing, one is simply engaged in false activities
- Arjuna engaged in the art of killing, and although killing is, of course, violence, he killed the enemy simply on Krsna's order. In the same way, if we commit violence as it is necessary, by the order of the Lord, that is called natihimsa
- Arjuna had no desire to fight with his relatives, but he fought for the mission of the Lord. He was always engaged in the execution of His mission only
- Arjuna said: O descendant of Vrsni, by what is one impelled to sinful acts, even unwillingly, as if engaged by force? BG 3.36 - 1972
- Artificially, they (materialists) may sit down for so-called meditation, but immediately after their yogic performance they will engage themselves again in such activities as illicit sex life, gambling, meat-eating and many other nonsensical things
- As a ksatriya, he requires a kingdom for his subsistence, because the ksatriyas cannot engage themselves in any other occupation. But Arjuna has had no kingdom. BG 1972 purports
- As a materialist engages in constructing a big skyscraper, a devotee engages in constructing a big temple for Visnu
- As a pure devotee of the Lord, Sri Naradadeva is always fulfilling his obligation to the Lord for His gift of the instrument, and thus he is always engaged in singing His transcendental glories and is therefore infallible in his exalted position
- As described in the previous verse, people who have no taste for the devotional service of the Lord are occupied in material engagements. Most of them engage during the daytime in hard physical labor
- As I am planning to go out of Bombay in ten days time, I have sent a copy of your letter to my old friend and associate, Dr. G. Ghosh. Kindly see him. I have requested him to engage some lawyer for this purpose
- As long as one is affected by the modes of material nature, especially by rajas and tamas, he will be very greedy and lusty and will therefore engage in hard tasks, laboring all day and night
- As long as one is engaged in activities aimed at improving the standard of bodily comfort, one is sure to transmigrate to different types of bodies, thereby continuing material bondage perpetually. BG 1972 purports
- As long as one is engaged in researching the solution of the problems of life, his knowledge is called jnana, or purified knowledge, but on realizing the actual solution of life, one becomes situated in the devotional service of the Lord
- As long as one is engaged in the execution of the order of the Lord, there is no factual separation from Him
- As long as we have to remain within this material world due to our material contamination and wander from one type of body to another and from one planet to another, we pray that we may associate with those who are engaged in discussing Your pastimes
- As Madhvacarya passed through that area (Maharashtra) with his disciples, he was also obliged to help in the excavation (of lake). After some time, when Madhvacarya visited the king, he engaged the king in that work and departed with his disciples
- As opposed to this, the go-dasas engage in the service of the senses or in the service of the material world. They have no other engagement
- As soon as one engages himself in the one single obligatory duty -- the duty of spiritual perfection -- then he automatically liquidates all other obligations without having to make separate efforts
- As soon as one gets a material body, he has to work very hard to maintain it. He may engage in different fields of activity, but whatever the case, everyone has to work very hard to maintain the material body
- As soon as one is freed from the clutches of false ego, his intelligence also becomes purified, and then his mind is always engaged upon the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As such, any person who is very seriously engaged in his occupational duties in the varnas and asramas, and who does not develop love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, is to be understood as simply spoiling his human form of life
- As the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.65) confirms, one should engage in transcendental worship in order to be fit for being attracted by Krsna, the all-attractive
- As the presence of the sun dissipates darkness, constant engagement in the association of the Lord Sri Krsna frees one from the contamination of the material qualities
- As you are a popular gentleman of the world you can just engage the rest of your most valuable life in this organized spiritual movement to make a real adjustment of the western material science combined with Indian way of spiritual realization
- As you are working in apprenticeship for jewelry work, you should continue that occupation, and even if your father comes and sees that you are engaged in your occupation as well as looking after management of the temple, he will not be displeased
- Asad-dharma means referring to the body, karma-kandiya. Karmis, they are engaged in asad-dharma, not sad-dharma. Because the body is asat
- Association with those engaged in a similar line of business is very conducive to advancement in that business. Consequently materialistic persons form various associations and clubs to enhance their endeavors
- Asuras, they are engaged for fruitive result. They are working, but they are expecting that "I shall enjoy the result" So that freedom is given to everyone, that "You can work at your responsibility and enjoy or suffer"
- At least everyone is engaged in earning a livelihood in some profession or occupation. In these dealings, one has to meet many undesirable people, and their behavior is compared to the biting of mosquitoes. This creates very undesirable conditions
- At night, hellishly engaged persons take advantage of wine and women to satisfy their tired senses, but they are not even able to have sound sleep because their various mental speculative plans constantly interrupt their sleep
- At present we are all engaged in studying temporary, small things. Brahman means the greatest, but instead of concerning ourselves with the greatest, we have become enmeshed in trying to solve the animal problems of eating, sleeping, defending and mating
- At present, politicians are very eager to take charge of the government, and they engage their men in canvassing from door to door to get votes to win the post of president or a similar exalted office
- At the present moment civilized nations have given up God consciousness for economic development. They are actually no longer interested in advancing in God consciousness. Formerly their forefathers were engaged in executing religious principles
- At the present moment human society is overly influenced by the mode of passion, and consequently people are engaged in working in big factories. They forget how distressful it is to live in such places
- At the present moment there is a great necessity for brahmanas, because almost everyone is a sudra, for almost everyone is wholly engaged in maintaining the body, eating, sleeping, mating and defending - all symptoms of animals and sudras
- At the present moment, all of human society is engaged in the business of chewing the chewed. People are prepared to undergo mrtyu-samsara-vartmani (BG 9.3), taking birth in one form, dying, accepting another form and dying again
- At the present moment, however, everyone is engaged in technological advancement, which is described in Bhagavad-gita as ugra-karma - extremely severe endeavor. This ugra-karma is the cause of agitation within the human mind
- At this stage of spiritual realization (of fully developed love of God) it is not necessary to engage the mind artificially - in meditation
- Atheists may think that the devotees are engaged in idol worship, but the fact is different
- Attraction means you have to engage your mind. Mayy asakta-manah. Attraction does not come in the air. The mind, mind fully engaged in something, is called attraction
- Auspicious Krsna consciousness is never forgotten, and one so engaged will continue to be so even if he is lowborn in the next life. BG 1972 purports
- Banasura was very angry. When Banasura saw him, Aniruddha was engaged in playing with Usa. Aniruddha was nicely dressed, and Usa had garlanded him with various beautiful flowers
- Because Asamanjasa engaged in such abominable activities, his father gave up affection for him and had him exiled. Then Asamanjasa exhibited his mystic power by reviving the boys and showing them to the King and their parents
- Because everything is done for Krsna, he (personalist) enjoys only transcendental happiness in the discharge of this service. Those who are engaged in this process are known to be without desire for personal sense gratification. BG 1972 purports
- Because most people are fallen and because there is no time to elevate them by a gradual process, the best course, according to Caitanya, is to let them remain in whatever condition they are in but to engage them in hearing of the activities of the God
- Because of our ignorance we engage in so much work which is connected with the bodily or material conception of life
- Because of their (the demigods') enmity, our (Kamsa's ministers) opinion is that the demigods should not be neglected. Therefore, to uproot them completely, engage us in fighting with them, for we are ready to follow you (Kamsa) - SB 10.4.37
- Because sudras do not have ample intelligence, they should simply engage as workers to serve the higher statuses of social life
- Because the gopis are worshipable personalities, Ramananda Raya, who considered the two girls gopis and himself their maidservant, engaged in their service by massaging their bodies with oil to cleanse them completely
- Because the householders are engaged in family affairs and have forgotten their purpose in life-awakening their Krsna consciousness - it is the business of the sannyasis to go as beggars to the householders and encourage them to be KC. BG 1972 purports
- Because the word "love" can be engaged only in relationship with Krsna. Otherwise, there is no question of love. So when the love, love of Krsna is transcendental, there is no material impediment
- Becomes a renounced order, sannyasi, and highest order, and then, after some time, he becomes engaged in opening hospitals and philanthropic work and in politics. We have seen it. Oh, why?
- Becoming fat is not a very good qualification in spiritual life because a person who is engaged in spiritual life must reduce the comforts of the body - namely eating, sleeping and mating - to a minimum
- Before begetting a child, one has to sanctify his perplexed mind. When the parents engage their minds in the lotus feet of the Lord and in such a state the child is born, naturally good devotee children come
- Before engaging in sexual intercourse, both the husband and the wife must consider their mental condition, the particular time, the husband's direction, and obedience to the demigods
- Before leaving, Madhavendra Puri made all arrangements for regular Deity worship, and he engaged different people in various duties. Then, taking up the order of Gopala, he started for Bengal
- Before the sunrise even takes place, the light of dawn destroys the fear of the dangers of the night, such as disturbances by thieves, ghosts and Raksasas, and when the sunshine actually appears, one engages in his duties
- Beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, everyone is full of material desires for sense enjoyment, and everyone is busy in sense gratification, but when thus engaged one cannot fully understand the value of krsna-katha
- Being advanced by thinking of Krsna constantly, they (the wives of the brahmanas) were performing the greatest form of mystic meditation. All the wives then became very busily engaged in filling up different pots with nice food
- Being engaged in jealousy and violence to other bodies, materialists cannot understand the ultimate goal of life, and without knowing this goal of life, they generally glide down to a hellish condition in their next life
- Being engaged in receiving all the friends, relatives and residents of Vrndavana on that holy occasion, she forgot to feed the child (Krsna) milk. He was crying, being hungry, but mother Yasoda could not hear Him cry because of the various noises
- Being engaged in their celestial pastimes, the queens forgot themselves, and their loosened hair appeared like beautiful waves of a river
- Being illusioned by the external energy, they thus become engaged in various types of economic and religious development, forgetting that they are meant for going back home, back to Godhead
- Being modest and truthful, controlling her senses, and speaking in sweet words, a chaste woman should engage in the service of her husband with love, according to time and circumstances
- Being so pleased by Krsna's return, Maharaja Nanda gave many cows and much gold in charity to the brahmanas. While Nanda Maharaja was thus engaged, mother Yasoda simply embraced Krsna and made Him sit on her lap while she shed tears continuously
- Being the life air of every living entity, the Lord is the maintainer of the three worlds. Consequently He can induce every living entity to engage in his real life's duty with full bodily and mental strength
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.9) clearly says, yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko 'yam karma-bandhanah: everyone may be engaged in his occupational duties, but the result of these duties should be offered for sacrifice to satisfy the Supreme Lord
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.14) recommends that one always engage at least in chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra: satatam kirtayanto mam yatantas ca drdha-vratah namasyantas ca mam bhaktya nitya-yukta upasate
- Bhagavata means in relationship with Bhagavan, Krsna. So these boys are engaged in reading Bhagavatam, in reading Bhagavad-gita and other literatures which gives them knowledge about the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And bhagavata means the devotee
- Bhakti is not a sentiment but a practical science. One may engage in many activities, but in all cases, one's mind must be fully absorbed in Krsna
- Bhakti is not theoretical. It is practical. Yato bhaktir adhoksaje. If you want to take to the bhakti process, it is not speculation. You must actually engage yourself in the process
- Bhaktya. Just like a paid servant, he is also engaged in satisfying the master very nicely, very faithfully, but there is no bhakti. Why? Because he is after the money the master pays. He does not serve the master, but he serves the money
- Bhavananda Raya appreciated Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s statement, which showed that the Lord did not consider the social position of Bhavananda Raya, who belonged to the sudra caste engaged in mundane activities
- Bhimasena and King Jarasandha engaged themselves in fighting, and with their respective clubs, which were as strong as thunderbolts, they began to strike each other very severely, both of them being eager to fight
- Bhismadeva was a statesman, the head of the Kuru dynasty, a great general and a leader of ksatriyas, his mind was strewn over so many subjects, and his thinking, feeling and willing were engaged in different matters
- Bhugarbha Gosani, a disciple of Pandita Gosani, was always engaged in topics regarding Lord Caitanya, knowing nothing else
- Bilvamangala Thakur stated: "If I have unflinching devotion to the lotus feet of Krsna, then Mother Liberation is always engaged in my service. The complete perfection of material enjoyment, religion and economic development is at my command."
- Bilvamangala Thakur, in his book Krsna-karnamrta, says, "Let the impersonalists be engaged in the process of transcendental realization by worshiping the impersonal Brahman"
- Both the materialistic way of life, without any information of God or the demigods, and the life engaged in the worship of demigods, in pursuit of temporary material enjoyments, are different phases of phantasmagoria
- Brahma accepted another body, in which sex life was not forbidden, and thus he engaged himself in the matter of further creation
- Brahma engaged himself in the matter of creation. His former body transformed into fog
- Brahma knows how to satisfy the Lord, similarly persons engaged in line of Brahma's plan of activities also know how to satisfy the Lord. The Lord is satisfied by the process of devotional service, consisting of the ninefold process of hearing, chanting
- Brahma said, "O Lord, a devotee who abandons the path of empiric philosophical speculation aimed at merging in the existence of the Supreme and engages himself in hearing Your glories, can conquer Your sympathy and mercy even though You are unconquerable"
- Brahma said, "You have drunk their (the innocent village women and cows) milk to satisfaction, yet You are never satisfied as much by those engaged in performing sacrifices"
- Brahma saw that each of the cowherd boys had become a four-handed Narayana like the predominating Deity of each brahmanda, and he also saw that innumerable Brahmas were engaged in offering obeisances to the Lord
- Brahmacaris should have no connection with women; they should live a life of celibacy and engage the mind in the study of Vedic literature for cultivation of spiritual knowledge. This is called svadhyayah. BG 1972 purports
- Brahmaji's duty is just to wake the living entities from their slumber and to engage them in their proper duty
- Brahmana means the intellectual class of men who knows hygienic rules, keeps himself always purified and engaged in studying Vedic literatures for understanding this world, God, himself, the interrelation
- But nobody can sit idly. That is the point. If one is engaged in making for flower garland, all right, you may not take him. It is not compulsory for you
- But when the yogi engages himself with sincere endeavor in making further progress, being washed of all contaminations, then ultimately, after many, many births of practice, he attains the supreme goal. BG 6.45 - 1972
- By being engaged in various religious practices, women will not be misled into adultery. According to Canakya Pandit, women are generally not very intelligent and therefore not trustworthy. BG 1972 purports
- By committing suicide, the son sacrifices the happiness he could have enjoyed by engaging in a filial loving relationship with his father and enjoying his father's estate
- By contacting nondevotees and engaging in nondevotional activities, a so-called mature devotee will fall victim to the mad elephant offense. Whatever growth has taken place is quickly uprooted by such an offense
- By engaging in sravanam kirtanam visnoh under a spiritual master one's life becomes perfect, and his attachment for Krsna becomes positively manifested. In that stage, he is situated in ecstasy, experiencing bhava and anubhava
- By impartially judging, one can find that the internal potencies of the Supreme Lord who are engaged in conjugal love with the Lord are the best of all devotees
- By performing Vedic ritualistic activities, by giving money in charity and by undergoing austerity, one can temporarily become free from the reactions of sinful activities, but at the next moment he must again become engaged
- By serving You (Lord Krsna) constantly, one is freed from all material desires and is completely pacified. When shall I engage as Your permanent eternal servant and always feel joyful to have such a perfect master
- By the grace of Krsna only, everyone is engaged in the practice of religion, the development of economic conditions, the satisfaction of the senses and, ultimately, the achievement of liberation from material bondage
- By this practice of chanting and hearing the sound vibration of the Supreme Lord, one's ear, tongue and mind are engaged. This mystic meditation is very easy to practice, and it helps one attain the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "I would like to withdraw My consciousness from You and engage it in material activities, but even though I try, I cannot do so. I am naturally inclined to You only"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu had to lead a civil disobedience movement against the propaganda of the so-called followers of Vedic principles. These people are described as karma jada-smartas, which indicates that they are priests engaged in ritualistic ceremonies
- Chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is so powerful that it does not depend on official initiation, but if one is initiated and engages in pancaratra-vidhi (Deity worship), his Krsna consciousness will awaken very soon
- Considering the chaotic condition of human society, if one actually wants peace and tranquillity, one must take to the Krsna consciousness movement and engage always in bhagavata-dharma
- Constantly engaged devotee
- Cripple-minded persons, always engaged in satisfying their senses, sometimes expand their activities in order to do good for others through some "ism" like nationalism, humanitarianism or altruism
- Crows always engage in picking at rejected garbage, whereas the white ducks do not mix with the crows. Rather, they take pleasure in transparent lakes with lotus flowers, surrounded by beautiful orchards
- Cure of disease is all right, but after curing, if you are not engaged in your healthy activities, then means, that means that your disease is again, will be relapsed
- Customarily everyone is eligible to inherit his father's property, and Ajamila also inherited the money of his father. But what did he do with the money? Instead of engaging the money in the service of Krsna, he engaged it in the service of a prostitute
- Daksa became almost as powerful as Lord Brahma. Consequently, Lord Brahma engaged him in generating population
- Daksa was very influential and opulent. In his own turn, Daksa engaged other Prajapatis, headed by Marici. In this way the population of the universe increased
- Danam isvara-bhavah. On one hand, ksatriyas have the propensity to rule, but on the other they are very liberal with charity. When Maharaja Yudhisthira gave charity, he engaged Karna to take charge of distributing it. Karna was very famous as Data Karna
- Dear cloud, O friend of Krsna’s, are you thinking of the Srivatsa symbol on Krsna’s chest like us queens engaged in loving affairs with Him? You are absorbed in meditation, remembering the association of Krsna, and thus you shed tears of misery
- Dear Krsna, as women, we are certainly satisfied when our hearts are engaged in the activities of family affairs, but our hearts have already been stolen by You. We can no longer engage them in family affairs
- Deity of Krsna should be seen. That is the benefit of the eyes. The ears should be engaged hearing about Krsna. The tongue should be engaged for eating Krsna's remnants of foodstuff, prasadam
- Demons may falsely accuse the preachers of the Krsna consciousness movement, but Krsna will arrange a fight between the demons in which all their military power will be engaged and both parties of demons will be annihilated
- Described in the Bhagavad-gita: while others, such as yogis, try to control their senses by force, devotees, even though possessing full sensory powers, do not use them because they engage in higher, transcendental activities
- Desires for fruitive activities are strongly rooted, but the trees of desire can be uprooted completely by devotional service because devotional service employs superior desire. One can give up inferior desires when engaged in superior desires
- Destruction in the course of performing one's own duty is better than engaging in another's duties, for to follow another's path is dangerous. BG 3.35 - 1972
- Devoid of Krsna consciousness, those who engage in material activities simply become more entangled in material bondage. They have to suffer and enjoy the actions and reactions of all activity
- Devotees engaged in servitude are attached to Krsna in the affection of reverence. Some of the inhabitants of Gokula (Vrndavana as exhibited on earth) are attached to Krsna on this platform of affection in reverence
- Devotees of God feel compassion for the mass of people, who have completely forgotten the Supreme Lord and who engage in the false pursuit of happiness that ends in the sense pleasures enjoyed by the hogs and dogs
- Devotional service and attachment (of prakrta-sahajiya) are false, and those so engaged are actually gliding down a hellish path. This is not the standard of ragatmika, or devotion. The prakrta-sahajiya community is actually cheated and very unfortunate
- Dharma-yuddha means right, righteous fighting, and adharma-yuddha means political. That is... One politician, he wants to keep his position, he engages the people in fighting, declares war. That is another thing
- Dhrtarastra was all along engaged in improving family affairs by raising the standard of living of his sons or by usurping the property of the Pandavas for the sake of his own sons
- Dhruva Maharaja, having arrived at Madhuvana, took his bath in the River Yamuna and observed fasting in the night with great care and attention. After that, as advised by the great sage Narada, he engaged himself in worshiping the Supreme Person
- Different classes of people in the social system are engaged in various professions, and when one inquires as to the well-being of a particular person, he should do so on the basis of that person's occupation
- Do not be disappointed but be always engaged in pushing on Samkirtan, distribution of our literatures, Prasadam, and preaching and classes and sincere souls will come
- Due to bad association, the living entity desires material happiness, liberation or merging into the impersonal aspect of the Lord, or he engages in mystic yoga for material power
- Education, austerity, penance or, in the modern world, business, industry, education and so on-all should be engaged in glorifying the Lord. Then everyone in the world will be happy
- Engage this tongue for these two business: chant Hare Krsna and take prasadam. He will forget dog-eating. There is no exception. Everyone can become Krsna conscious if he follows, beginning, these two rules: chant Hare Krsna and take prasadam. That's all
- Engaged in external activities, they (offenders) kill the internal vision
- Engaging in the service of low-grade persons, however, is called sva-vrtti, the profession of the dogs. Specifically, brahmanas and ksatriyas should not engage in the low and abominable service of sudras
- Engaging people in sankirtan, either in a musical way or by spiritual discussion, people will come to their senses and stop harmful activities; gradually they will become Vaishnavas
- Especially in the human form of body, one's duty is to act in such a way that he can release himself from his encagement, but without the instructions of Narada or his representative in the disciplic succession, people blindly engage in bodily activities
- Especially in this age, Kali-yuga, great leaders, politicians, philosophers and scientists are all engaged in foolish activities, thinking, "This is mine, and this is yours
- Even a neophyte devotee who simply engages in the worship of the Deity is understood to be in direct touch with the purport of Vedic knowledge
- Even fifty years ago, I saw that in the villages of Bengal and the suburbs of Calcutta, people engaged in hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam daily when all their activities ended, or at least in the evening before going to bed. Everyone would hear the Bhagavatam
- Even if one has no assets of favorable austerity, if he nevertheless takes shelter of the mahatmas, who are engaged in chanting and hearing the glories of the Lord, he is sure to make progress on the path back home, back to Godhead
- Even in householder life, one should be satisfied to maintain body and soul together with whatever is available with minimum endeavor, according to place and time, by the grace of the Lord. One should not engage oneself in ugra-karma
- Even maidservants who're constantly engaged in rendering service to the husband are honored by the husband & thus they have nothing for which to lament. Our position is that we're maidservants of the maidservant. Therefore we're most unfortunate
- Even those who are constantly engaged in sinful acts are all corrigible to the standard of perfect human beings if they take shelter of the devotees of the Lord
- Even though a person engaged in the practice of the yoga system may not finish perfectly and may fall down for some reason or other, his next life as a human being is guaranteed
- Even though born in a brahmana family, one cannot engage in Vedic rituals without being initiated and having a sacred thread
- Even though engaged in worldly affairs, he (the great devotee) does not take pleasure in them, but remains always absorbed in the Lord's service. While serving the Lord, he deals externally with worldly affairs without being affected
- Even though one engages in pious activity and speculation, he is nonetheless defeated. His only aim should be emancipation from the clutches of maya and all material activities
- Even though one's body or one's superficial religion may change, every living entity is always engaged in the service of someone. Therefore, the mentality of service is called the eternal occupational duty
- Even while engaged in various activities, devotees whose minds are completely absorbed at Your lotus feet are always on the transcendental platform, and thus they can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead - SB 10.2.37
- Every day a demon would come and interrupt their (the cowherd boys) sporting pastimes. The demon would be killed, and then the boys would engage again in their transcendental pastimes
- Every day, Vallabha Bhatta would come to the place of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to engage in unnecessary arguments with Advaita Acarya and other great personalities, such as Svarupa Damodara
- Every human being is engaged in his particular occupational duty, and such activities are visible as men go hither and thither. This is very prominently visible in big cities of the world
- Every living being is constantly engaged in rendering service to another living being. A living being serves other living beings in two capacities. By doing so, the living entity enjoys life. BG 1972 Introduction
- Every living creature is engaging in the service of something else. A living being's constitutional position is to render service, but in maya, or illusion, or the conditional state of existence, the conditioned soul seeks the service of illusion
- Every living entity is engaged in some sort of service, either for the self, or for the family, or for the society, country, etc., but, unfortunately, all such services are rendered due to material attachment
- Every man is engaged in sacrificing his interests for others, either in the form of family, society, community, country or the entire human society. But perfection of sacrifices is attained when they are performed for the sake of the Supreme Person
- Every one of them, all these rascals, are . . . they're engaged in four kinds of sinful activities. They'll search after illicit sex, they will eat meat, and they will drink and they will play gambling. Just one after a . . . you just study
- Every one of us is kuyogi because we have engaged in the service of this material world, forgetting our eternal relationship with the Lord as His eternal loving servants. It is our duty to rise from the kuyoga platform to become suyogis, perfect mystics
- Every one of us within this world is perpetually engaged in some sort of service, and the impetus for such service is the pleasure we derive from it. Driven by affection for his wife and children, a family man works day and night
- Every service has some attractive feature which drives the servitor progressively on and on. Every one of us within this world is perpetually engaged in some sort of service, and the impetus for such service is the pleasure we derive from it
- Everybody has got something. That is called artha. Prana, artha, and everyone has got intelligence, and everyone has got the power to speak. So we have to engage all these four things. Either four or three or two, at least one, we must engage
- Everyone engaged in Deity worship, whether at home or in the temple, should always seek the mercy of Narada Muni in order to avoid the thirty-two offenses while worshiping the Deity. These offenses in Deity worship are mentioned in The Nectar of Devotion
- Everyone engages in some sort of service. If one does not know one's constitutional position, one engages in the service of his personal gross body or his family, society or country
- Everyone engages in work with his hands, legs and other senses just to achieve a certain goal according to his concocted ideas
- Everyone has knowledge of huge empires throughout the history of the world but all the societies engaged in such economic development (sarve 'rtha-kamah) have been frustrated by the laws of nature through periodic wars, pestilence, famine and so on
- Everyone in human society is engaged for the ultimate benefit of life, but persons who are in the bodily conception cannot achieve the ultimate goal, nor can they understand what it is
- Everyone in the material world is engaged in a struggle for existence. Everyone tries to save himself from danger, but when one is unable to save himself, if he is pious, he then takes shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Everyone in the material world is engaged in all kinds of political, philanthropic and humanitarian activities to make material life happy and prosperous, but this is not possible
- Everyone in this material world engages in achieving the fruits of his labor
- Everyone is conscious of the last stage of life, when he will meet the cruel hands of death, but some consider their age and circumstances, concern themselves with the influence of time and thus engage in pious activities
- Everyone is dying, but those who are engaged in krsna-katha, in Krsna consciousness, those who are busy in Krsna's business, they are not dying. They are living
- Everyone is engaged in childish activities, but nobody is interested in the real problem of life
- Everyone is engaged in decorating the world with highways, motorcars, electricity, skyscrapers, industries, businesses, etc. All this appears very nice for those who are simply engaged in sense gratification and who are ignorant of spiritual identity
- Everyone is engaged in earning money, and the money is kept in the bank, which then offers money to the public. In this cycle of activities, everyone is engaged in getting more and more money
- Everyone is engaged in getting more and more money, and therefore the ideal goal of human life is being lost. Concisely, it may be said that everyone is a thief and is liable to be punished
- Everyone is engaged in his duty. They are not interested to hear about Krsna-katha - that is the real business of life - because they are engaged in duty, duty. So why they do that?
- Everyone is engaged in his own business, but if he's advised, "You give up this business. You take to this Krsna business," that is also gambling because he does not know what will happen
- Everyone is engaged in humanitarian activities on the basis of the body, but from the BG 2.18 we understand, anta-vanta ime deha nityasyoktah saririnah: “The material body is ultimately subject to destruction, whereas the spiritual soul is eternal.”
- Everyone is engaged in maintaining the body, home and family. Consequently everyone becomes confused at the end of life, not knowing what spiritual life and the goal of human life are
- Everyone is engaged in performing very difficult tasks simply for the gratification of the senses. All of these are considered to be engaged in sense gratificatory activities (or visaya) because they all demand some facility for material existence
- Everyone is engaged in so-called duties but forget the real duty. This is called maya
- Everyone is searching after self-realization in different ways - by karma-yoga, by jnana-yoga, by dhyana-yoga, by raja-yoga, by bhakti-yoga, etc. To engage in self-realization is the responsibility of every living entity developed in consciousness
- Everyone is serving his senses. This is the position. This is dharmasya glanir bhavati. As soon as we are engaged in serving our senses, that is dharmasya glanih. And as soon as we agree to serve the senses of Krsna, that is dharma
- Everyone must be engaged in his particular duty, but the perfection of such work should be tested by how far the Lord is satisfied with such activities
- Everyone should be engaged. If one is not competent to dress the Deity - everyone is competent - he can simply wash the temple and cleanse it. That will also help
- Everyone should be engaged. That is management. So all GBC members must see that in every temple, everyone is engaged
- Everyone should engage in the performance of yajna, and the sacrificial fire should be ignited everywhere, the entire purpose being to make people happy, prosperous and progressive in spiritual life
- Everyone should take lessons from Prahlada Maharaja about how we are engaged in so-called temporary happiness through bodily exercises for sense enjoyment
- Everyone should think that he is engaged in a particular type of occupation by Hrsikesa, the master of the senses. &, by the result of the work in which one is engaged, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, should be worshiped. BG 1972 purports
- Everyone, whether man or woman, thinks that he is the enjoyer of the illusory energy. In this way, everyone is captivated and engaged in material activities
- Everything belongs to Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but due to our perverted mind and senses, we plunder the property of the Lord and engage in satisfying our senses
- Everything is complete by the arrangement of Krsna. Simply we mismanage. That's all. I do not know why people are engaged with politics, fighting, and so on, so on. By Krsna's grace everything is complete. You eat sufficiently, you be strong and chant HK
- Except for the grhasthas, or the householders, everyone is supposed to engage in the spiritual advancement of life, and therefore the brahmacari, the vanaprastha and the sannyasi have very little time to earn a livelihood.
- Expecting that Krsna must return to them, they (the gopis) simply engaged in chanting the glories of Sri Krsna - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- Externally we can see that both parties are engaged in fighting, but we should understand that Arjuna is not bound by reactions because he is fighting under the order of Krsna
- Factory is another name for hell. At night, hellishly engaged persons take advantage of wine and women to satisfy their senses, but they are not even able to have sound sleep because their various mental speculative plans constantly interrupt their sleep
- Family life, according to Vedic system, or anywhere, is responsible life to maintain the wife, children. Everyone is engaged. They think this is the only duty
- Fixing one's mind on Krsna by smelling the flowers and tulasi leaves offered to Him, engaging in activities for the Lord’s interest, becoming angry at those who are malicious toward devotees - CC Preface
- Following such conclusions, the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world. BG 16.9 - 1972
- Following the logic that self-preservation is the first law of nature, he wanted to break Diti's promise. Thus he engaged himself in the service of Diti, his aunt, who was residing in an asrama
- Foolish people engage in material activities as if they will live forever and enjoy material advancement, but actually there is no material advancement
- Foolish persons are engaged in committing all sorts of sins due to the misconception of identifying the material body with the self. But one should be intelligent enough to understand to whom the body belongs
- For a ksatriya who are engaged in fighting, in religious fight must be religious fight. The cause must be right. Then the fighting is all right. So ksatriya, killing in the religious fight, he's not responsible; he's not sinful
- For advancement of sense gratification, the living entities are engaged in the work of this world, and they aspire to heavenly happiness after death. BG 1972 purports
- For anyone who persistently engages in hearing the topics of the Lord from Srimad Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam and Caitanya-caritamrta and who is actually addicted to this process, it is very easy to cross the nescience of material existence
- For as long as the body lasts, one should engage minimally in social and political activities and in such matters as eating
- For comfortable life the scientist is engaged, artist is engaged, engineer is engaged, the technician is engaged, all in different branches of human activity. But they do not know how to make the activities purposeful to fulfill the mission of human life
- For example, your Christian religion. Lord Jesus Christ says: "Thou shall not kill." But I think cent percent of the Christian people, they are very much engaged in killing. So they are, disobeying the laws of God. Don't you think
- For future guidance He (Krsna) gave a natural commentation on the Vedanta-sutra, called Srimad-Bhagavatam. We must always engage our minds in reading these Vedic literatures. BG 1972 Introduction
- For one who engages in worshiping Lord Visnu, nothing is very wonderful. This is a fact
- For one who hears about Krsna, Lord Krsna, who is dwelling in everyone's heart, acts as a best-wishing friend and purifies the devotee who constantly engages in hearing of Him. BG 1972 purports
- For one who is anxious to engage constantly in hearing such topics, krsna-katha gradually increases his indifference towards all other things
- For ordinary persons engaged in material activities there are many, many subject matters to understand because such persons do not understand self-realization
- For sense gratification practically everyone is engaged in materialistic activities, which prolong the process of janma-mrtyu jara-vyadhi (BG 13.9) - birth, death, old age and disease
- For the sudras the only duty is to accept a master from a higher social order and engage in his service
- For them (nondevotees who are engaged in Vedanta and speculation on Vedic literature without any tinge of true Krsna consciousness) it is not possible to understand God's personal nature. BG1972 purports
- For those grossly engaged in identifying the body as the self, pious activity, or karma-yoga, is recommended. For those who identify the mind with the self, philosophical speculation, or jnana-yoga, is recommended
- Formerly the kings (rajas) were great saintly persons. They were not ordinary people engaged in drinking and dancing. They were all rsis (sages), up to the time of Maharaja Pariksit
- Formerly, one servant was engaged, ten rupees or twelve rupees per month. Now you cannot get a servant unless you pay one hundred rupees. So in that comparison, everyone is getting more money, but still the condition is the same
- From birth, Purusottama dasa was merged in the service of the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda Prabhu, and he always engaged in childish play with Lord Krsna
- From gentleman's point of view, from nonviolence point of view, Arjuna was very nice. He was not willing to fight. But Krsna said: "You must fight," and therefore everything was engaged
- From Karandhama came a son named Aviksit, and from Aviksit a son named Marutta, who was the emperor. The great mystic Samvarta, the son of Angira, engaged Marutta in performing a sacrifice (yajna)
- From the navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu has sprung the stem of the lotus flower, the birthplace of Brahma, who is the father of all living beings and the master of all the demigod engineers engaged in the perfect design and working of the universal order
- From the spiritual point of view, a sannyasi is strictly forbidden to see materialistic people, especially a king who is always engaged in counting pounds, shillings and pence
- Fruitive work which has perpetually engaged the living being is compared to the banyan tree in the Bhagavad-gita, for it is certainly very deeply rooted
- Fruitive work, in which almost all people in general are engaged, is always painful either in the beginning or at the end. It can be fruitful only when made subservient to the devotional service of the Lord
- Gaura Pahu, 1969 - Why I have invited the spiritual death? Because I am engaged in something which is useless and I have rejected the real purpose of my life
- Generally a devotee is addicted to many abominable material habits due to material contamination from his previous life. In order to get quick relief from all these contaminations, it is required that one engage in the worship of the Lord in the temple
- Generally householders think that engaging in family affairs is their prime duty and that self-realization or enlightenment in spiritual knowledge is secondary. Out of compassion only, saintly persons and brahmanas go to householders' homes
- Generally mankind is simply engaged in the animal propensities, namely eating, sleeping, defending and mating, and hardly anyone is interested in transcendental knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Generally people do not know this, or they forget it. Consequently they sacrifice their original interest, the attainment of Visnu's favor, and engage in philanthropic activities for bodily comfort
- Generally people engaged in service are always seeking some post under the government or the supreme enjoyer of the state
- Generally people in their conditioned life engage in the pleasure of society, friendship and love. This so-called love is lust, not love. But people are satisfied with such a false understanding of love
- Generally the transcendentalists, even though engaged by others in the dualities of the material world, are not distressed. Nor do they take pleasure (in worldly things), for they are transcendentally engaged
- Generally those engaged in spiritual advancement take food only once, either in the afternoon or in the evening. If one takes food only once, naturally he does not become fat
- Generally, ordinary persons are engaged simply in working hard in the material world, and they have no information that there is another kingdom or another sky, which is known as the spiritual sky, where life is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge
- Generally, people are attached to sense enjoyment and so aspire for life on the heavenly planets. Therefore, they engage themselves in charitable or other pious activities
- Generally, people are engaged in different activities to get some material profit, while most philosophers are engaged in proposing transcendental realization through volumes of word jugglery and speculation
- Generally, people think that childhood is meant for enjoying life by engaging oneself in sports and play, youth is meant for enjoying the company of young girls, and when one becomes old, at the time of death, then he may try to execute devotional service
- Go back home, back to Godhead. That is the mission of human life. And that point we are missing. We are engaged in so-called philanthropic work. Real purpose of life we are missing. And this can be done only in this human form of life
- God has innumerable names because He has innumerable activities. We are only parts of God, and we cannot even remember how many activities we engage in from our childhood to the present
- Goddess Kali (Durga) engages in decapitating many demons, dacoits and other unwanted elements in society
- Goddess of fortune, Laksmi, who engages in massaging the legs, ankles and thighs of the Lord, is called the mother of Brahma, but actually Brahma is born from the abdomen of the Lord, not from the abdomen of his mother
- Great sages conquer the mind and senses by practicing the mystic yoga system and controlling the breath. Thus engaging in mystic yoga, they see the Supersoul within their hearts and ultimately enter into impersonal Brahman
- Hanuman become engaged in fighting with Ravana, but he became the greatest devotee of Lord Ramacandra. Arjuna also became engaged with, in fighting with the Kauravas, and he is the greatest
- Hanuman, the great servitor of Lord Rama, engaged his wrath upon his enemies for the satisfaction of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Having engaged Priyavrata in accepting his father's request, Lord Brahma returned to his abode, Satyaloka, which is indescribable by the endeavor of mundane mind or words
- He (a living entity) cannot be destroyed. By nature he is full of bliss. He does not engage himself in any material activities; therefore the activities performed due to his contact with material bodies do not entangle him. BG 1972 purports
- He (a person acting in Krsna consciousness) is intelligent in human society, even though he is engaged in all sorts of activities for Krsna. Akarma means without reaction to work. BG 1972 purports
- He (King Rahugana) was engaging men in carrying his palanquin without payment, and therefore he was causing them trouble without reason. Nonetheless, the King was thinking that he was the protector of the citizens
- He (Krsna) advised Arjuna to throw the head of Jayadratha directly onto the lap of his father, who was engaged in penances at the Samanta-pancaka pilgrimage. This was actually done by Arjuna
- He (Krsna) convinced them (the cowherd boys) that one who is engaged in collecting or begging should not think that he will be successful everywhere. He may be unsuccessful in some places, but that should not be cause for disappointment
- He (Krsna) is engaging everyone in certain activities. Acts done under His direction from within yield no reaction, either in this life or in the life after death. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) humbly compares himself to materialistic persons who always engage in dry talk from which they derive no satisfaction
- He (Narada) has compiled the Narada-pancaratra, a directory of devotional service, so that devotees can always take information about how to execute devotional service engage 24 hours a day in performing sacrifices for the pleasure of Godhead
- He (one who engaged in the process of self-realization, or connecting with the Supreme Absolute Truth) is guaranteed to appear in human society in his next life
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) did not ask any benediction that he might have asked, but he prayed that his atheistic father might be liberated. He never cursed any of the persons who engaged in torturing him at the instigation of his father
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) prays to the Lord that all of us fallen souls in this material world may, by the grace of the Lord, engage in the service of His servant and thus be delivered
- He (Prahlada) refused direct service but he wanted blessing that he may be engaged in the service of his spiritual master. This is Vaisnava conclusion
- He (Prthu Maharaja) wanted to stress that one who does not actually possess these qualities should not try to engage his followers and devotees in offering him glory for them, even though these qualities might be manifest in the future
- He (pure devotee) is not interested in the praise or condemnation of people engaged in material activities
- He (Ramananda Raya) engaged two young girls who were professional dancers and singers to demonstrate the ideology of the drama. Such girls, who are called deva-dasis, are still employed in the temple of Jagannatha, where they are called maharis
- He (Srila Jiva Gosvami) comments that instead of engaging in such external, pompous exhibitions (of performing sacrificial demonstrations), all people, regardless of caste, color or creed, can assemble together & chant Hare Krsna to worship Lord Caitanya
- He (the pure brahmacari) restrains himself from the vibrations of material sounds, and his hearing is engaged in the transcendental sound vibration of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- He (the transcendentalist) remains always separate from the mundaners, even though his material senses such as the hands, legs, eyes, and so on are engaged in temporary material activities
- He (Uddhava) always kept them (the gopis) engaged in thinking of the transcendental message of Krsna and His pastimes, and the gopis felt as if they were experiencing direct association with Krsna
- He always accepted the good qualities of Vaisnavas and never found fault in them. He engaged his heart and soul only to satisfy the Vaisnavas
- He can simply engage himself in that lusty desire for material existence. Durapurena kamena. In this connection there is a very instructive story - it is fact - that the Emperor Akbar, he enquired from his minister
- He engaged his eyes in seeing the Deity of Krsna, Krsna's temples and Krsna's places like Mathura and Vrndavana, he engaged his sense of touch in touching the bodies of the Lord's devotees
- He engaged his legs in walking to the holy places and temples of the Lord, his head in bowing down before the Lord, and all his desires in serving the Lord, twenty-four hours a day
- He engaged his sense of smell in smelling the fragrance of tulasi offered to the Lord, and he engaged his tongue in tasting the Lord's prasada
- He is misled and always attracted by temporary, illusory happiness. But Your transcendental activities are so powerful that if one engages in the hearing and chanting of such topics, he can be delivered from illusion
- He is my old friend and Godbrother, and so you should offer him all due respects whenever he comes, but do not try to engage him in some work in his old age
- He passed his time, which lasted seventy-one cycles of the four ages (71 x 4,320,000 years), always thinking of Vasudeva and always engaged in matters regarding Vasudeva. Thus he transcended the three destinations
- He prefers to remain without shelter, and his great wife also agrees to live with him humbly. People in general worship goddess Durga, the wife of Lord Siva, for material prosperity, but Lord Siva engages her in his service without material desire
- He who has no devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead has no good qualifications because he is engaged by mental concoction in material existence, which is the external feature of the Lord
- He who has no devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead has no good qualifications because he is engaged by mental concoction in material existence, which is the external feature of the Lord - CC Madhya 22.76
- He who is engaged in pious activities has material enjoyment as a result. In either case - material suffering or material enjoyment - the sufferer or enjoyer is conditioned by material nature
- He, the P of Godhead, manifests Himself in a transcendental form, being the subject of His transcendental name, quality, pastimes, entourage & transcendental variegatedness. Although He is unaffected by all such activities, He appears to be so engaged
- Henceforward, may all our (Nalakuvara's and Manigriva's) words describe Your (Krsna's) pastimes, may our ears engage in aural reception of Your glories - SB 10.10.38
- Her husband (Kardama Muni) was living in a cottage, and since she (Devahuti) was always engaged in serving him, her royal beauty disappeared, and she became just like an ordinary maidservant
- Here (in SB 3.32.6) the word nivrtti-dharma-niratah means "constantly engaging in executing religious activities for detachment."
- Here are many instances where a dog got salvation by association with a sadhu, because a sadhu engages in the highest philanthropic activities for the benediction of all living entities
- Here is the chance. You come to the temple, engage in the temple service. Naturally your mind will be absorbed in Krsna. This temple is open not for making a force; just to make this process, nivesita-atma, always absorbed in Krsna thought
- Here the government begins cheating. He is engaging you to hard work day and night and paying you a piece of paper, where it is written "one hundred dollars." That's all. This is your society, cheating and cheater
- Here, in the material world, as we are engaged, unalloyed happiness is not possible. But if you actually want unalloyed happiness, then you have to be advanced in spiritual consciousness, unalloyed
- Hiranyakasipu was so powerful in the heavenly planets that all the demigods except Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Lord Visnu were forced to engage in his service. Indeed, they were afraid of being severely punished if they disobeyed him
- His (the person's) one interest is that he loves the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and he spontaneously engages in satisfying Him
- His (the surrendered soul's) eyes are engaged in seeing the beautiful couple Sri Radha and Krsna sitting on a decorated throne beneath a desire tree in the transcendental land of Vrndavana
- His nose (of the surrendered soul) is engaged in smelling the spiritual aroma of the lotus feet of the Lord (Krsna). Similarly, his ears are engaged in hearing messages from Vaikuntha, and his hands embrace the lotus feet of the Lord and His associates
- However much the impersonalist may be engaged in studying the Vedanta. The fact is that impersonalists are covered by the above-mentioned three modes of material nature; therefore, they are unable to approach the transcendental Personality of the Lord
- Human energy is spoiled, because human energy is primarily meant for purifying the senses in order to engage them in satisfying the senses of the Supreme Lord
- Human form of life was given to him to become purified, but they are engaged in sinful activities so that next life they'll be cats and dogs and hogs and trees. Why trees? Trees stands naked
- Human form of life, nobody is interested to know about the philosophy of the life, value of life. They have become so frivolous. In this evening, everyone is engaged in childish activities, but nobody is interested in the real problem of life
- Human society is exactly like a beehive, for everyone is engaged in collecting honey from various flowers, or collecting money from various sources, and creating large empires for common enjoyment
- Husbands as a class cannot repay their debt to women either in this life or in the next. Even if they engage themselves in repaying the women throughout their whole lives, it is still not possible
- I am always engaged in offering obeisances to Lord Vasudeva in pure Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness is always pure consciousness, in which the Supreme Personality of Godhead, known as Vasudeva, is revealed without any covering
- I am enclosing the latest letter I have received from Wolf Rottkay and I am glad you have been able to engage him; cultivate this man, he is an important elderly professor in a U.S. university and wants to be engaged in Krsna Consciousness
- I am happy to hear that Kartikeya Maharaj has returned to our camp. Now you give him all good counsel and friendship, and if he somehow develops some enthusiasm by becoming artfully engaged, he is very good boy and will be a great preacher
- I am in the fourth class of the social order, and I engage in mundane affairs. Although I am very fallen, You have still touched me. This is proof that You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- I am now engaged in manifesting His diverse energies in the form of the cosmic manifestation. I therefore pray that in the course of my material activities I may not be deviated from the vibration of the Vedic hymns
- I am present in every living entity as the Supersoul. If someone neglects or disregards that Supersoul everywhere and engages himself in the worship of the Deity in the temple, that is simply imitation
- I am spirit soul. I have been engaged in mixing these five things and big, big lumps, gathering them just like children play in the sea beach, gathering so much sand and making like this, big house, and then it is fallen down
- I do not pay these boys. Rather, they pay me, and they engage the service. They pay and serve. In the material world, as soon as you stop payment there is no service. Why? Because they, by serving Krsna, they get transcendental pleasure
- I said, 'Your Majesty, I am now not willing to engage in political activities. I desire only to stay at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Kindly give me permission'
- I should now give up my attachment for things created by the external energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I should engage in thought of the Lord and should thus surrender unto Him
- I understand that the mrdanga instruction to our devotees is a failure. So retain the teachers and have them engage our students, but if the students are so dull what can be done?
- I was being carried away by the waves of material nature's laws because of insatiable material desires, and thus I was engaging in different activities, struggling for existence in various forms of life
- I was born in an inferior family, and my body is most abominable. I always engage in low work. Therefore, I am the lowest, most condemned of men
- I, Yamaraja; Indra, the King of heaven; Nirrti; Varuna; Candra, the moon-god; Agni; Lord Siva; Pavana; Lord Brahma; Surya, the sun-god; Visvasu; the eight Vasus; the Sadhyas; the Maruts; are engaged in maintaining the departmental affairs of the universe
- If a brahmacari does not live under the care of the guru, if a vanaprastha engages in ordinary activities, or if a sannyasi is greedy and eats meat, eggs and all kinds of nonsense for the satisfaction of his tongue, he is a cheater
- If a king wants to practice mock fighting, he will engage some very qualified wrestler. Similarly, Krsna does not fight with anyone ordinary, but rather with some of His great devotees
- If a ksatriya engaged in his own occupation kills an enemy, there is no sin incurred. In the Third Chapter (of BG) these matters have been clearly and elaborately explained; every man should work for the purpose of yajna, or for Visnu, the SPG. BG 1972 p
- If a living being refuses to engage in (God's) transcendental blissful pastimes, he is at liberty to merge into the Absolute. This is something like a son's committing suicide instead of living with his father according to the rules the father sets down
- If a man engages in material sex enjoyment, he cannot enjoy it for long. But when the sex enjoyment is given up, then one can enter spiritual life, which is unending
- If a man who does not factually possess the attributes of a great personality engages his followers in praising him with the expectation that such attributes will develop in the future, that sort of praise is actually an insult
- If a person engaged in the mystic yoga process is not very advanced in spiritual life, he can be affected by the modes of nature and thus will be agitated by the sex impulse
- If a person has completely engaged his mind, body and activities in the service of the Supreme Godhead, and externally he is found to be engaged in some abominable activities
- If a person is engaged in any kind of karma, his mind is called karmatmaka, colored with fruitive activity. As long as the mind is impure, consciousness is unclear, and as long as one is absorbed in fruitive activity, he has to accept a material body
- If a sannyasi takes the side of a visayi, a person engaged in material activities, his character will be criticized
- If any part of my body is engaged in giving service to the physician, that is not very palatable. But in healthy condition, when the parts and parcels of the body give service to the healthy body, that is very nice. That is pleasing
- If by Krsna’s mercy he gets in touch with a bona fide spiritual master, abides by his order and serves him, engaging other conditioned souls in the Lord’s service, he then attains liberation and Lord Sri Krsna’s shelter
- If God is anxious, what kind of God is He? Even Lord Brahma and other demigods are anxious. Lord Brahma is engaged in meditation, Lord Siva dances to annihilate the universe, the goddess Kali is engaged in killing with her sword, and so forth
- If he engages himself in self-realization, then he is engaged in something permanent (sat)
- If her husband abandons KC & she gives up her connection with him, she follows in the footsteps of the dvija-patnis, the wives of the brahmanas who were engaged in performing sacrifices. The wife is not to be condemned for cutting off such a relationship
- If I am not fit for a certain thing and if I am engaged in that business, that will be failure. That will be failure. For a particular type of business, occupation, one must have particular type of brain. So therefore this is division
- If I say, outsider that, "You come early in the morning and you take your bath and engage yourself mangala-arati and do this," he will not be able. Unless one has developed a sense of service to Krsna, one cannot do it. It is not so easy
- If I simply remain engaged in religious principles and nobody is engaged where to get food... Because food also is required. So therefore not only religious principle, there must be economic development attempt also. But not one-man show
- If Krsna, attracted by the beauty of some other woman, wants to enjoy with her but is unhappy because He cannot get her, I fall down at her feet, catch her hand and bring her to Krsna to engage her for His happiness
- If living entities are engaged in hearing about the unlimited potencies of the Supreme Lord, they are factually connected directly to the unlimited. Such understanding of the unlimited becomes unlimited by hearing and chanting
- If one can give up his ambition to engage in hackneyed material life and take to Krsna consciousness instead, he will be liberated from the stringent laws of material nature
- If one desires to make a compromise with the Mayavadis, he is also engaged in material activity. A devotee should never make compromises with nondevotees
- If one directly engages in the service of the President, when one is in some difficulty he is especially protected
- If one does not conduct research to find the supreme cause, but instead falsely engages in frivolous, temporary activities, what is the use of demanding recognition as an important scientist or philosopher?
- If one engages himself in his original, spiritual business, acting as the servant of Krsna, then all processes of purification and reformation are fulfilled
- If one engages in spontaneous loving service to the Lord, his affection for the lotus feet of Krsna gradually increases
- If one engages in the service of a pure devotee, the reactions of one's sinful life are vanquished automatically
- If one engages in the service of the spiritual master, he not only sees the Supreme Personality of Godhead but attains liberation
- If one engages only in caring for the necessities of the body, not caring for the eternal necessities of life, then he is part of a civilization whose advancement puts the living entities in the darkest region of ignorance
- If one has not understood that the purpose of the Vedas is to reach Krsna and simply engages in the rituals, etc., then he is uselessly wasting time in such engagements. BG 1972 purports
- If one is engaged in hearing the glories of the Lord, gradually he realizes his real position
- If one is engaged in his cultivation of spiritual life, then he should tolerate all these bodily pains and pleasure, because they come and go
- If one is engaged in his own occupational duty as ordered by the SL, his sinful activities are certainly diminished. Therefore if one is engaged in his occupational duty by force, he benefits because he can vanquish all his sinful activities in that way
- If one is engaged in these family affairs only, sexual affairs, he's not a gosvami
- If one is engaged in worshiping the Deity, cleansing the temple, decorating the Deity, cooking for the Deity, and so on, one's senses are already engaged in the service of the Absolute Truth, so where is the chance of their being diverted
- If one is misled by unwanted creepers and is victimized, he cannot make progress back to Godhead. Rather, he remains within the material world and engages in activities having nothing to do with pure devotional service
- If one is not able to construct a temple for Krsna, one can engage himself in cleansing the temple of Krsna; that is also Krsna-karma. BG 1972 purports
- If one is seated on the bench of a high-court and is giving judgment on cases, it means that he has already passed all legal exams and is better than those who are engaged in the study of law or those expecting to study law in the future
- If one is thus constantly engaged during his lifetime, after giving up the body he will return back to Godhead to serve Sri Radha in the same way as he contemplated during his life on the banks of Radha-kunda
- If one only engages in Deity worship in the temple and does not consider other living entities, then he is in the lowest grade of devotional service
- If one thinks always in this way (that he is engaged in a particular type of occupation by Hrsikesa), in full Krsna consciousness, then, by the grace of the Lord, he becomes fully aware of everything. That is the perfection of life. BG 1972 purports
- If one's endeavors are directed toward Krsna consciousness, one can surely attain the spiritual platform of self-realization. There is no such benefit from engaging oneself in economic development
- If our ears are always engaged in hearing the glorification of the Lord, there will be no scope for hearing the Mayavada philosophy, which is doom to spiritual progress
- If out of frustration we (living entities) try to become inactive, we shall fail in our attempt. We must engage in activities
- If she remains engaged in the service of her exalted husband, she will automatically attain the spiritual perfections of her husband
- If somebody is engaged in meditation for two hours and other is engaged for twenty-four hours, then whose meditation value will be greater?
- If someone gives up that path (of devotional service) and engages in the cultivation of knowledge or in speculation, he will simply undergo a troublesome process and will not achieve his desired results
- If something is taken before being offered to the Deity, the entire preparation is polluted and can no longer be offered. Those engaged in Deity worship must know this very well so that they may be saved from committing offenses in Deity worship
- If the activities of pure consciousness are stopped, certainly the conscious living force will be otherwise engaged because unless engaged the consciousness has no standing
- If the government drafts us into the army, and we engage in battle and kill someone, we do not suffer the reactions, and this is called akarma
- If the intelligence and the mind are always engaged in the thought of the Supreme Lord, naturally the senses are also engaged in His service. at least, the activities of the senses remain the same, but the consciousness is changed. BG 1972 Introduction
- If the mind is directly engaged in the service of the Lord constantly, then there is no chance of the senses becoming engaged in other ways. This mental attitude has already been explained. BG 1972 purports
- If the mind is engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord, there is no chance of its being engaged in the lower propensities. BG 1972 purports
- If the soul is directly engaged with the Supreme, naturally all other subordinates, namely, the intelligence, mind and the senses, will be automatically engaged. BG 1972 purports
- If the spiritual master's orders allow a grhastha to engage in sex life at a particular time, then the grhastha may do so; otherwise, if the spiritual master orders against it, the grhastha should abstain
- If we are engaged in real business, then how the economic question will be solved? We have to work. That's all right, you work. But work simple
- If we are engaged like child without knowing the future of life, simply playing with the senses, that is called material life
- If we are intelligent enough, we shall engage in the loving service of the Lord. Then our lives will be successful, and we shall not have to suffer like the hunter life after life
- If we are not fully engaged then the mind is free to do its fickle business of rejection and acceptance for sense gratification. Maya will immediately enter - we do not even have to call her - the moment we are not absorbed in Krsna's devotional service
- If we do impious work, we may have to take birth in a low class or animal family, or become illiterate or foolish, or very ugly. Although we engage in very pious work & take a good birth, we will still be subject to the stringent laws of action & reaction
- If we do not act to satisfy the Supreme Lord, we engage in maya's activities
- If we lead a pious life, we can understand God. This Krsna consciousness movement is engaged in training people to this end so that their lives will be successful
- If we neglect this facility and remain like a dog, simply engaged in eating, sleeping, sex and defense, then we remain dog. Then again we become dog. The opportunity was given to us to understand the problems of life, how to solve
- If we see that people are engaged only in these four business - eating, sleeping, mating and defending - he is cat and dog
- If we simply become inactive out of frustration, then it will be failure. We must engage with activities. That activity is devotional service. This is Brahman activity. The Mayavadis, they do not know
- If we simply try to engage in the congregational chanting of the glories of Lord Anantadeva, the dirty things in our hearts, accumulated during many births, will immediately be washed away
- If we simply utilize this intelligence for the same purpose as the cats and dogs are engaged, then it is not proper utilization. The proper utilization is Vedanta. Athato brahma jijnasa
- If we stick to that activities (engage our energy to satisfy Krsna) on the spiritual platform, then, as assured by Lord Krsna, after leaving this body, we go back to Krsna, Vrndavana, go back to Godhead, back to home. That is our eternal, peaceful life
- If we take Vivekananda's version, and be engaged in the service of the daridra-narayana, then I am misled. Preaching this daridra-narayana-seva for hundreds of years, at least one hundred years, but still, there are daridras
- If you (Arjuna) do not act according to My (Krsna) direction and do not fight, then you will be falsely directed. By your nature, you will have to be engaged in warfare
- If you always engage your mind in transcendental topics, naturally all other nonsense topics will be stopped
- If you are actually engaged in religious principles, the test is how much you are detached from material attraction and how much you are attached to God
- If you are confined in a room alone, you may go on, you may engage yourself in reading some particular book or in some particular thought, but still, you cannot remain alone for all the years and all the time
- If you are not engaged in good work, then you must act badly. That is natural. You have to work. Therefore idle brain is devil's workshop. If you are sitting idly, then brain also will work, mind also will work
- If you are simply engaged in these four principles of life-eating, sleeping, sex life, and defending or fearing-then what is the difference between a man and a dog? There is no difference
- If you cannot take to this practice, then engage yourself in the cultivation of knowledge. BG 12.12 - 1972
- If you desire at all to sit on the same throne as your stepbrother, Uttama, then give up your envious attitude and immediately try to execute the instructions of your stepmother. You must engage yourself in worshiping the lotus feet of the SPG
- If you do not act according to My direction and do not fight, then you will be falsely directed. By your nature, you will have to be engaged in warfare. BG 18.59 - 1972
- If you engage some lawyer to speak for you in the court, "Immediately bring me two thousand dollar." He'll charge. But a sannyasi, he'll speak twenty-four hours for Krsna, no expectation of profit
- If you engage your senses in the service of the Lord, then He'll reveal to your senses
- If you engage yourself always in good activities, as the karmis they do, and earn money and use it for your own sense gratification, that is papa activity
- If you simply understand this science, then you become liberated. It is open order. Simply by understanding, even not engaging yourself in transcendental service of the Lord, simply by understanding the process of appearance and disappearance of Krsna
- If you want really peaceful life, then you have to make your material necessities simplified and engage your time for spiritual cultivation
- If you want to transfer the Trust to the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the Society will do everything for the improvement of the Temple and also engage you as paid whole time manager on behalf of the Society
- If, therefore, the living entity again associates with the path of unrighteousness, influenced by sensually minded people engaged in the pursuit of sexual enjoyment and the gratification of the palate, he again goes to hell as before
- Ignorant people who engage in pious and impious activities should be engaged in devotional service by all means. They should always avoid fruitive activity
- Impersonal Brahman is the constitutional position of ultimate happiness because without coming to the brahma-bhutah platform and remaining engaged in the activities of brahman nobody can be joyful
- Impersonalist Mayavadis, who have no relationship with Krsna, who cannot take to devotional service, and who simply engage in material arguments to understand Brahman, regard devotional service to Krsna as karma-kanda, or fruitive activities
- In a spiritual body the devotee becomes a direct associate of the Lord, but even though a devotee may superficially appear to be in a material body, he is always liberated and is engaged in the same duties of service to the Lord as a devotee in Vaikuntha
- In all of these activities (opening slaughterhouses, breweries, etc.) householders are involved, and therefore it is advised with the use of the word api, that even though one is a householder, one should not engage himself in severe hardships
- In all of these groups there are some who by nature are fixed in Krsna's service and are always engaged in giving counsel; some of them are very fond of joking and naturally cause Krsna to smile by their words
- In Badarikasrama he (Mucukunda) engaged himself in the worship of Lord Krsna, tolerating all kinds of pains and pleasures and the other dualities of this material world
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.14), it is said that the Lord has nothing to do with the activities in which He is supposedly engaged
- In Bhagavad-gita it is stated that even though a person engaged in the practice of the yoga system may not finish perfectly and may fall down for some reason or other, his next life as a human being is guaranteed
- In Bhagavad-gita Sri Krsna also says: "O son of Prtha, there is no work prescribed for Me within all the three planetary systems. Nor am I in want of anything, nor have I need to obtain anything - and yet I am engaged in work" - BG.3.22
- In Bhagavad-gita, for example, we see that Arjuna is listening to Krsna on the battlefield. He is not engaged in the study of Vedanta philosophy. We can hear from the Supreme Authority in any place, even in the battlefield
- In both of these categories one has to follow the particular gopi who is engaged in such service in Goloka Vrndavana
- In both the Bible and the Koran it is always recommended to be engaged always in kirtana or glorifying the Supreme Lord. Kirtana means to glorify the Lord by your vibration
- In contact with material energy, the spirit soul acquires material modes, and to purify the soul from such affinities it is necessary to engage in the prescribed duties enjoined in the sastras. BG 1972 purports
- In each and every life one is engaged in the struggle to become happy. Actually no one in this material world is happy, but the struggle gives a false sense of happiness
- In every country nowadays, all over the world, there is so much unemployment. Why one should be unemployed? He must be trained up in such a way that he's employed, he's engaged. This is the duty
- In every universe there is one Brahma engaged on behalf of Lord Krsna, as confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam - tene brahma hrdaya adi-kavaye
- In fact, we are engaged in real activities for obtaining the ultimate happiness in life. If one is not trained to satisfy the spiritual senses and continues in material sense gratification, he will never obtain happiness that is eternal and blissful
- In his (Narada Muni) previous life he was born of a maidservant. Although he was not born into a prestigious position, his mother was fortunately engaged in rendering service to some Vaisnavas
- In Kali-yuga, there is no brahmana, no ksatriya. There are some vaisyas. And all sudras. Because they cannot live without being engaged by somebody else
- In London you will see everyone engaged in hard work. In the morning, all the buses and trucks travel with great speed, and people go to the office or factory from morning until late at night. They work hard, and it is called advancement of civilization
- In material activities a person engages in the modes of material nature. The aspirations of such people are (1) to be religious, (2) to be economically enriched, (3) to be able to gratify the senses and, at last, (4) to become one with the Supreme
- In material world this is always. The plan is . . . There is planning commission by the government. Why? To engage them to work very hard. That is going on
- In materialistic life, people must certainly engage in activities of animosity. Materialistic life is therefore compared to samsara-davanala, a blazing forest fire that automatically takes place
- In order to establish His authority, however, He is now engaged in seeing the gopis, whereby the gopis are becoming maddened
- In order to get quick relief from all these contaminations (from previous life), it is required that one engage in the worship of the Lord in the temple
- In other temples he (the European gentleman) saw the deity engaged in similar activities (as he saw in the previous temple of Goddess Kali), but when he came to the Radha-Krsna temple, he said - I find that in this temple there is God
- In other words, he (the living beign) has to realize that qualitatively he is nondifferent from the Supersoul, and he transcends the material sky by his pure identical intelligence and thus becomes engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- In our conditional state, our senses are engaged in serving these bodily demands. When the same senses are engaged in executing the order of Krsna, our activities are called bhakti
- In perfect human society, people are situated in the orders of varna and asrama and are engaged in worshiping Lord Visnu by their respective activities
- In religious and civilized societies, marriage is intended as an indication that a couple is to engage in sex for begetting good children. Therefore married sex life is considered religious, and unmarried sex life is considered irreligious
- In samadhi there is no longer any danger of becoming engaged in the material conception of life
- In secluded places, engaging her mind, words, body and various paraphernalia, Devayani, the dear wife of Maharaja Yayati, always brought her husband the greatest possible transcendental bliss
- In spite of very bad experience with materialistic life, still one engages his son in the same way. This happens again and again, so it is like chewing chewed things
- In the Battle of Kuruksetra he (Bhurisrava) was especially engaged in a fight with Satyaki, and he killed ten sons of Satyaki. Arjuna cut off his hands, and he was ultimately killed by Satyaki. After his death he merged into the existence of Visvadeva
- In the beginning the senses are engaged in a mechanical way (when the senses are engaged by the direction of the spiritual master and sastra), but after realization they are engaged in spiritual understanding
- In the beginning, the senses are engaged by the direction of the spiritual master and sastra, and after realization, when the same senses are purified, the engagement continues
- In the Bhagavad-gita also the same is affirmed. All "knowledge" not engaged in the service of the Lord is but nescience
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said, yesam tu anta-gatam papam (BG 7.28): "One who is free from all contamination of sinful activities, simply engaged in pious activities only, without any doubt and duality, with fixed-up mind, he can become Krsna conscious
- In the Bhagavad-gita, it is said that the vaisyas are meant to deal in agriculture, cow protection and trade. In the age of Kali, the degraded vaisyas, the mercantile men, are engaged in supplying cows to slaughterhouses
- In the conditioned state the mind is always engaged in activity impelled by the three modes of the material world, but in the transcendental stage, the material modes cannot disturb the mind of the devotee
- In the field of nescience, activities are directed toward lording it over the creation. In the material world everyone is engaged in acquiring material opulence to lord it over the material world
- In the human form of life one should not be engaged simply in the animal propensities. That is simply waste of time. He must inquire of the Absolute Truth
- In the material potency, the living entity engages himself in fruitive activities, thinking that he can be happy through expansion in terms of material energy. This fact is prominently manifest in this Age of Kali
- In the material world everyone is engaged in the illusory activities of inferior energy, but when one is given the opportunity to relish the activities of the superior energy performed by Krsna, then he forgets all his lesser pleasures
- In the material world, as soon as you stop payment there is no service. Why? Because they, by serving Krsna, they get transcendental pleasure. So the more you engage yourself in the service of the Lord, the more you become enthusiastic
- In the mechanical system of mystic yoga, the airs within the body are controlled, and the senses are subdued and checked from being engaged in anything other than meditation upon Lord Visnu
- In the mode of passion, when one is falsely proud of wealth, one engages his wealth only for three things, namely wine, women and gambling
- In the morning, the gopis prepared for morning arati by lighting their lamps and sprinkling butter mixed with yogurt. After finishing their mangala-arati, they engaged themselves in churning butter from yogurt
- In the name of secular government, the king or governmental head remains neutral and allows people to engage in all sorts of irreligious activities. In such a state, people cannot be happy, despite all economic development
- In the neophyte stage one should always engage in hearing krsna-katha. This is called sravana-dasa, the stage of hearing
- In the Padma Purana there is a statement about remembering the activities of the Lord, "A person who is always engaged in meditation on the sweet pastimes and wonderful activities of the Lord surely becomes freed from all material contamination"
- In the rainy season, when the rivers swell and rush to the oceans and seas, they appear to agitate the ocean. Similarly, if a person engaged in the mystic yoga process is not very much advanced in spiritual life, he can become agitated by the sex impulse
- In the scriptural injunctions we find what sort of work should be performed and what sort of work should not be performed. Those who do not care for those injunctions engage in work not to be done, and such persons are generally materialistic. BG 1972 p
- In the Skanda Purana there is this description: upayanam daduh sarve vina devan hiranyakah. Hiranyakasipu was so powerful that everyone but the three principal demigods - namely Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Lord Visnu - engaged in his service
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 5.5.3) Lord Rsabhadeva states that one who is determined to become a pure devotee avoids associating with the general mass of people, who are simply engaged in the animal propensities of eating, sleeping, defending, & mating
- In the tender age of childhood, when everyone is bewildered, one passes ten years. Similarly, in boyhood, engaged in sporting and playing, one passes another ten years. In this way, twenty years are wasted
- In the ultimate issue, there is actually no material world, but when one forgets the service of the Lord and engages himself in the service of his senses, he is said to be living in the material world
- In the upper planetary system there is shipping and that traders there engage in navigation as their occupational duty. Sometimes, as on this planet, these traders are shipwrecked in the middle of the ocean
- In the varnasrama-dharma, the sudra is the fourth division in the social status. Paricaryatmakam karma sudrasyapi svabhava-jam (BG 18.44). Sudras are meant to engage in the service of the three higher classes - brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas
- In the Vedas two different types of injunctions are there for the pravrttas, or those who are engaged in material enjoyment, and for the nivrttas, or those who are liberated from material bondage
- In the Visnu-rahasya also, it is stated, "Any person within this world who is engaged in the worship of Visnu can very easily achieve the ever-blissful kingdom of God, known as Vaikuntha"
- In the yoga system this process is called pratyahara, which means "just the opposite." Although during life the eyes are engaged in seeing worldly beauty, at death one has to retract the senses from their objects and see the beauty within
- In these three verses (SB 4.26.1-3), King Puranjana's going to the forest to kill animals is symbolic of the living entity's being driven by the mode of ignorance and thus engaging in different activities for sense gratification
- In this age the human being is actually engaged in the work of an ass, carrying heavy burdens and driving thela and rickshaws
- In this life such a person (a man who follows the Vedic principles) gets all kinds of material opulences, such as sons and grandsons, because he is always engaged in various religious functions
- In this material existence, I may be engaged in some service to some master, but I don't really lovingly serve my master. And the master also is not in love; he takes service from me and pays me. So there is no question of love. BG 1972 purports
- In this material existence, I may be engaged in some service to some master, but I don't really lovingly serve my master. I simply serve to get some money. BG 1972 purports
- In this material world everyone is engaged in some particular occupational duty which is prescribed in the varnasrama-dharma
- In this material world everyone is engaged in various professional and occupational duties, but the purpose of such activities should be to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In this verse (SB 4.29.49) the great sage Narada Muni directly insults the King (Pracinabarhisat) because he was engaged in performing sacrifices that entail the killing of a great number of animals
- In this way (by constantly engaging in hearing about Krsna), a devotee naturally develops his dormant transcendental knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- In this way (sometimes going here and sometimes there and sometimes doing this or that) the living entity wanders throughout the entire universe, imprisoned in various species and thus engaging in various activities for which he must suffer the reactions
- In this way people engage in various laborious activities, and their attachment for body, home, family, nation and community becomes more and more deep-rooted
- Indeed, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya engaged in water sports with Sri Ramananda Raya, and they both lost their gravity and became like children
- Individually one's self may differ from others in certain qualities and may engage in different activities, such as those of a brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya
- Indra said, "There are many such foolish personalities in this world, like me, but in due course of time, when they come to their senses, they surrender unto You (Krsna) and again engage themselves properly by rendering service unto You"
- Indulging in sex in any way, looking at and whispering with girls, and determining or endeavoring to engage in sex life are all against the principles of brahmacarya. One executes real brahmacarya when all these activities come to a halt
- Initiation means the beginning. The very word initiation means if you are engaged in some work, just in the beginning, that is called initiation. Initiation is not the end. Initiation means you agree to enter into the world of enlightenment
- Innumerable living entities are engaged in different types of worship of the Supreme, according to their abilities and karma, but everyone is engaged (jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa' (CC Madhya 20.108)); there is no one who is not serving
- Instead of going to the cinema and standing there for three hours for a ticket, if you engage your legs to come to this temple, it is yoga system, so simple thing
- Instead of wasting your energy in that way for so-called happiness, you just try to understand what is Krsna consciousness, what is Bhagavata-dharma. Just engage your energy. It is very nice instruction
- Instructions from family members and society should be accepted superficially, but in essence the grhastha should be engaged in occupational duties advised by the spiritual master and sastra
- Intelligent class, or brahmana; and the administrator class of ksatriya; and the mercantile class, money-producing class. Everyone is engaged, and he's doing his own business. But this division must be there. Without division the society will be in chaos
- Intelligent living entities generally take note of these reminders and engage themselves in the culture of vidya, or transcendental knowledge
- Intelligent person should engage them (karmis) in doing what they are expert in and using the fruits in Lord Krsna's service. Such a course of action will automatically uncover the fruitive workers' eternal relationship with Lord Krsna
- It (Krsna's material energy) is as important as spiritual energy, but it is engaged to punish the conditioned soul, just as the police department is engaged in punishing criminals
- It appears that Devahuti's hair had remained uncombed for many years and had become complicated in tangles. In other words, she neglected her bodily dress and comforts to engage in the service of her husband
- It does not matter whether one is engaged in pious or impious activities, for both are causes for further entanglement in material bodies
- It is a child’s nature to engage all day and night in playing, not caring even for his health and other important concerns. This is an example of preyas. But there are also sreyas, or activities which are ultimately auspicious
- It is a fact, however, that these innocent people carrying your palanquin without payment are certainly suffering due to this injustice. Their condition is very lamentable because you have forcibly engaged them in carrying your palanquin
- It is a foolish person who engages in improving the condition of a city without caring for the citizens or inhabitants
- It is a man's duty to keep a woman under his control by satisfying her, giving her ornaments, nice food and clothes, and engaging her in religious activities
- It is abominable for a vanaprastha to live in the village and engage in so-called social activities, or for a sannyasi to be addicted to sense gratification. One who acts in this way is to be considered the lowest renegade
- It is better to engage in one's own occupation, even though one may perform it imperfectly, than to accept another's occupation and perform it perfectly. Duties prescribed according to one's nature are never affected by sinful reactions
- It is better to engage in one's own occupation, even though one may perform it imperfectly, than to accept another's occupation and perform it perfectly. Prescribed duties, according to one's nature, are never affected by sinful reactions. BG 18.47 - 1972
- It is certainly remarkable that the perfection of yoga was taught in the middle of a battlefield. It was taught to Arjuna, the warrior, just before Arjuna was to engage in a fratricidal battle
- It is clearly stated that not only the worshipers of the demigods are less intelligent, but those nondevotees who are engaged in Vedanta & speculation on Vedic literature without any tinge of true Krsna consciousness are also less intelligent. BG 1972 p
- It is essential that a brahmacari engaged in spiritual advancement look very healthy and lustrous. The comparison of the sage (Kardama) to an unpolished gem is very appropriate
- It is generally found that those who engage in the worship of Siva, whether in human, demoniac or demigod society, become materially very opulent, although Lord Siva himself lives just like a poverty-stricken person
- It is incumbent upon us to preach the method of Bhagavad-gita and make people Krsna conscious. People are actually suffering for want of Krsna consciousness. We should all engage in spreading the science of Krsna for the benefit of the whole world
- It is interpreted that "rich family" refers to a big mercantile family because generally people who engage in trades and mercantile business are very rich
- It is not that we should meditate for fifteen minutes and then engage in all kinds of nonsense. The more we serve, the more dedicated to Krsna we become; therefore a person should utilize whatever talents he has for Krsna
- It is not to make it null and void. No. The hand is there, but if you engage your hand in cleansing the temple, then you are transcendental
- It is not wonderful for persons who have accepted the transient material body as the self to engage always in deriding great souls. Such envy on the part of materialistic persons is very good because that is the way they fall down
- It is really foolishness to engage oneself all the days of one's life in material enjoyment and fruitive activities
- It is said that the Bengali kayasthas were originally engaged as servants of brahmanas who came from North India to Bengal. Later, the clerical class became the kayasthas in Bengal. Now there are many mixed classes known as kayastha
- It is significant that all the Pracetas were engaged in practicing yoga to concentrate their minds on the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is stated here (SB 5.14.32) that the vanara (monkey) is very much attracted to sex. Each monkey keeps at least two dozen wives, and he jumps from one tree to another to capture the female monkeys. Thus he immediately engages in sexual intercourse
- It is stated in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu that one who has engaged everything - his vital energy, his wealth, his intelligence and his words - in the service of the Lord
- It is stated in the Tenth Canto, 33rd Chapter, 12th verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam: "Upon seeing that Krsna's arm was placed on her shoulder, one of the gopis engaged in the rasa dance became so ecstatically happy that she kissed Krsna on His cheek"
- It is stated that because people generally cannot control their senses, they engage in the materialistic way of life in which repeated birth and death in different species takes place
- It is suggested herewith (Light of the Bhagavata chapter 21) that the men of the intelligent class should not themselves try to become ksatriyas or vaisyas, nor should they engage themselves in the occupations of the various other classes
- It is the duty of the brahmana, it is the duty of the father, it is the duty of the public leader, it is the duty of the government to see that everyone is engaged, everyone is employed
- It is the duty of the father and mother to engage the child, boy, from the beginning of his life in the matter of devotional service
- It is the duty of the government to see that everyone is engaged. Otherwise, idle brain will manufacture devil's brain. They will manufacture so many things, and there will be chaos
- It is the duty of the guide not to engage him in lower class of occupation. Therefore there must be a class of men first-class who can teach the society how to advance in human civilization
- It is the king's duty to see that everyone engages in his occupational duty according to Vedic principles
- It is very dangerous civilization. They are spoiling their human form of life. This human form of life is meant for different purpose: tapasya. But they have been engaged in the lives of hogs and dogs
- It is very difficult to keep the high standard of living in this age, so one must work very hard and engage one's son in the same way
- It is very much regrettable that unfortunate people do not discuss the description of the Vaikuntha planets but engage in topics which are unworthy to hear and which bewilder one's intelligence
- It really doesn't matter what activity a man engages in. If he can simply satisfy the Supreme Lord, his life is successful
- It so appeared that Arjuna and the Lord were engaged in the Battle of Kuruksetra as the other party was also engaged, but factually the Lord was executing His mission of incarnation and association with His eternal friend Arjuna
- Jada Bharata used to work only for food. His stepbrothers took advantage of this and engaged him in agricultural field work in exchange for some food, but actually he did not know how to work very well in the field
- Jnanamaya-yajna means to engage oneself into the studies of the Vedas very critically, nicely
- Jnani, who understands the futility of engaged, simply being engaged for the bodily comfort . . . he understands, "After all, the body will not stay. So why, why I am wasting by this way, if there is another business?" That is jnani
- Jnanis are engaged in philosophical speculation in order to gain release from the clutches of material nature. In these ways everyone is engaged in performing very difficult tasks simply for the gratification of the senses
- Jnanis are not as sinful as karmis, but they do not try to reclaim others back to Godhead. They perform austerities for their own liberation. Yogis are also engaged in self-aggrandizement by trying to attain mystic powers
- Just as a king is seated on a chariot, the living entity is seated in the body. The sitting place is the heart, and the living entity sits there and engages in the struggle for existence, which goes on without progress perpetually
- Just as a person haunted by a ghost exhibits madness, the best of the he-goats, attracted by the many she-goats, engaged in erotic activities and naturally forgot his real business of self-realization
- Just as a prisoner, who has undergone troublesome prison life, is set free again, the person who has always engaged in impious and mischievous activities is put into hellish conditions
- Just as a student in a law class is to be understood to have already graduated from general education, anyone who is engaged in the chanting of the holy name of the Lord (Hare Krsna mantra) must have already passed all lower stages
- Just as in the vanaprastha stage the wife follows the husband, similarly when the spiritual master retires for nirjana-bhajana, some of his advanced devotees follow him and engage in his personal service
- Just as uncontrolled senses are the enemies of all yogis engaged in advancing in spiritual life, this Prahlada, who appears to be a friend, is an enemy because I cannot control him
- Just like children: they want to play without caring for future life. But it is the duty of the guardians to engage them in education so that in future they may be happy
- Kamalakanta, a very confidential servant of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu born in a brahmana family, engaged in the service of Sri Advaita Acarya as His secretary
- Kamsa wanted to kill Krsna just after His birth. He failed to do so, but later on he got information that Krsna was living in Vrndavana at the house of Nanda. He therefore engaged many wizards who could perform wonderful acts & assume any form they liked
- Kamsa's ministers told Kamsa that all the exalted demigods had fled in fear of him. One had gone to the forest - Lord Siva, one to the core of the heart - Lord Visnu, and one to engage in tapasya - Lord Brahma
- Kandarpa is the sex desire for presenting good sons; therefore Kandarpa is the representative of Krsna. Sometimes sex is engaged in only for sense gratification; such sex does not represent Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Karmis are engaged in performing very costly sacrifices in order to be promoted to the higher planetary systems. Similarly, yogis are engaged in achieving a similar goal by accepting the tedious practices of mystic yoga
- Karmis, fruitive workers, try to enjoy this world and reap the fruits of it. Consequently, they are constantly traveling on expressways all day and night to engage in material enjoyment
- Kilbisam means resultant action of sinful life. Kilbisam. So if we don't desire more than our necessary, then we are not implicated, involved in sinful activity, kurvan api, even though he is engaged in working
- King Ambarisa engaged his legs in traveling to the holy place where His (Krsna's) temple is situated, his head in offering obeisances unto the Lord, and his desires in fulfilling the desires of the Lord
- King Daksa was always engaged in the pious activities of performing sacrifices, yet simply because of creating a little misunderstanding with Lord Siva, he was severely taken to task
- King is supposed to be dealing in politics, economics. Therefore, according to social position, he is lesser than the brahmin, because they are simply engaged in the matter of transcendental advancement of life
- King Mucukunda had not slept for many, many years. He was engaged in the duty of fighting, and therefore he was very tired. So when the demigod offered a benediction, Mucukunda simply thought of sleeping
- King Nrga said, "I am very much surprised that I am able to see You (Krsna) personally. I know that I was engaged in so many activities, especially as a king
- King Pracinabarhisat, the father of the Pracetas, left home before the arrival of his sons, who were engaged in austerity within the water
- King Puranjana collected taxes in the city known as Pancala and thus was able to engage in sexual indulgence. Being completely under the control of women, he could not understand that his life was passing away and that he was reaching the point of death
- King Puranjana repented that he had neglected his intelligence and had engaged himself in the forest in killing animals. In other words, when one's good intelligence is separated or neglected, he fully engages in sinful activities
- King Rahugana tried to engage Jada Bharata in carrying the palanquin, which is a form of sense gratification for the King. However, if one is engaged as a palanquin carrier in the Lord's service, that is certainly beneficial
- King Rahugana was proud of being king, and he felt he had the right to control the citizens as he liked, but actually he was engaging men in carrying his palanquin without payment, and therefore he was causing them trouble without reason
- King Yudhisthira engaged all the members of the Kuru dynasty in taking charge of different departments for the management of the Rajasuya sacrifice
- Krishna advised him especially to be engaged in his occupational duty, and at the same time always be thinking of Krishna. This is the secret of not being a victim of Maya
- Krsna consciousness helps one to get out of the material entanglement, even though one may be engaged in his prescribed duties. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna continued, "One who engages himself in severe penances and austerities just to attain this material happiness is certainly under the illusion of My external energy"
- Krsna had left His friends on the bank of the Yamuna while they were engaged in lunch, and although He returned exactly one year later, the cowherd boys thought that He had returned within a second. That is the way Krsna's different energies act
- Krsna said, "I understand that you (the gopis) are all very chaste women, so now that you have seen the beautiful atmosphere of the Vrndavana forest, please return home and engage in the faithful service of your respective husbands"
- Krsna said, "Let us have our lunch in this spot because it is already late and we are feeling hungry. Let the calves remain near us, and drink water from the Yamuna. While we engage in our lunch-taking, the calves may engage in eating the soft grasses"
- Krsna said, "My dear Uddhava, all persons are engaged in activities, whether those indicated in the revealed scriptures or ordinary worldly activities"
- Krsna says that "You must be engaged in some work. You cannot sit idle. That is not good." Idle brain is a devil's workshop
- Krsna says, Persons engaged in the worship of demigods are not very intelligent, although such worship is indirectly offered to Me
- Krsna sometimes kisses the gopis; therefore the transcendental nectar of His lips is available only to them. They asked, "How is it possible that the flute, which is nothing but a bamboo rod, is always engaged in enjoying the nectar from Krsna's lips?"
- Krsna was sitting with mother Yasoda and His other mothers, Devaki and Rohini, but when the mothers engaged in talking, He took the opportunity and went to a secluded place to meet the gopis
- Ksatriya means one who gives protection (to) a man being hurt by others. That is the real root meaning, ksatriya. And Vaisya means they should krsi-goraksya-vanijyam, they should engage themselves in producing foodstuff, food grains, krsi, protect cows
- Ksatriya means those who live their life under the instruction of the brahmin but they are engaged in administration of the state. Then vaisyas, still less intelligent class
- Ksatriyas should be taught that he is manager. He must see that everyone is engaged. And if there is any fight, they must come forward to fight. This is ksatriya's business
- Laksmi is always engaged in massaging the legs and thighs of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Narayana, who is lying on the ocean of Garbha within the universe
- Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, was successful by engaging herself in massaging the lotus feet of the Lord. King Prthu became successful by worshiping in the temple. Akrura became successful by offering prayers
- Lamentation, jubilation, fearfulness, envy, greed, illusion and madness are different features of our material concept of life. A person influenced like this engages in enmity only due to the material body
- Less intelligent persons in the material world are engaged by the four principles of benediction called dharma, artha, kama & moksa. They prefer to take to religious life to achieve some material benediction, the purpose of which is to satisfy the senses
- Let everyone be engaged in whatever occupation he now has. Simply let him worship Lord Krsna by the result of his activities in Krsna consciousness
- Let everyone be engaged to his specific duty. It doesn't matter what it is. But if you want to see that whether your function is perfected, then you have to test it, whether by your activities Krsna is satisfied
- Let me now invest my thinking, feeling and willing, which were so long engaged in different subjects and occupational duties, in the all-powerful Lord Sri Krsna
- Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Simply by the causeless mercy of the devotees engaged in licking honey from His lotus feet, even a fallen soul becomes eternally liberated
- Let not the wise disrupt the minds of the ignorant who are attached to fruitive action. They should not be encouraged to refrain from work, but to engage in work in the spirit of devotion. BG 3.26 - 1972
- Let people be engaged. Machine means one man or two man working... That will mean unemployment
- Let them engage in kirtana. There will be more water for gardening, and it will be moist, and then produce fodder for the animals and food for you. And animal gives you milk. That is Vrndavana life
- Let them perpetually engage in such imaginations. However, when one analytically studies all these Vedic literatures collectively, he comes to the conclusion that Lord Visnu is the one and only Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Life is athato brahma jijsasa: "This human form of life is meant for inquiring Brahman." And if you engage yourself in this Brahman business, or Krsna consciousness business, rest assured, Krsna will take care of you
- Living entities in this material world are very busy trying to gratify their senses. In the street we see many dogs assembled for sex. This may seem very crude, but human beings are engaged in the same business, perhaps in a more elaborate way
- Living entities who are eager to return home to the transcendental kingdom of God, Goloka Vrndavana should take shelter of the confidential serving maids of Sri Radha and under their direction engage constantly in Her service
- Lord Balarama heard that although most of the ksatriyas had been killed, the Kurus were still engaged in fighting. Therefore He returned to the battlefield just on the day Bhimasena and Duryodhana were engaged in a personal duel
- Lord Brahma controlled his two grades of senses by means of sense perception and sense organs because he had to engage such senses in the execution of the order of the Lord
- Lord Brahma heard the occult sound tapa, but he did not see the person who vibrated the sound. And still he accepted the instruction as beneficial for him, and therefore he engaged himself in meditation for one thousand celestial years
- Lord Brahma therefore engaged Daksa in the work of generating living entities and maintaining them. In due course of time, Daksa also engaged other Prajapatis (progenitors) in the process of generation and maintenance
- Lord Brahma's party is called the Brahma-sampradaya, and any member of this party to date is naturally engaged in reclaiming the fallen souls back to Godhead, back home
- Lord Buddha appeared when people were too much engaged in animal sacrifice without any purpose. Actually it was for eating only. In the name of Vedic sacrifice they were killing animals and eating - a propagation for animal eating
- Lord Krsna confirms in the BG 7.28: Persons who have acted piously in previous lives and in this life and whose sinful actions are completely eradicated are freed from the dualities of delusion, and they engage themselves in My service with determination
- Lord Krsna then asked all the boys to go again, but this time to the wives of those brahmanas engaged in sacrifices. He also informed them that these wives were great devotees
- Lord Krsna told the gopis, "The means of attaining My favor is loving service unto Me, and fortunately you are all thus engaged. Those living beings who render service unto Me are eligible to be transferred to the spiritual world"
- Lord Nrsimhadeva pierced Hiranyakasipu's abdomen with His nails, pulled out the demon's intestines and wore them as a garland, which enhanced His beauty. Thus the Lord became very fearsome, like a lion engaged in fighting an elephant
- Lord Siva does not engage in useless mental speculation, but as stated in the previous verse (SB 4.6.38), he is always thoughtful regarding how to deliver the demons from their fallen condition of life
- Lord Siva was engaged in fighting directly with Lord Krsna, Pradyumna was engaged with Karttikeya, and Lord Balarama was engaged with Banasura's commander in chief, Kumbhanda, who was assisted by Kupakarna
- Lord Siva, as the progenitor, engages in sex with Bhavani, the progenitress, to produce living entities, and from the mixture of their vital fluid the river named Hataki is generated
- Lord Siva, the most powerful demigod, second only to Lord Visnu, is self-sufficient. Although he has nothing to aspire for in the material world, for the benefit of those in the material world he is always busily engaged everywhere
- Lord Visnu, or Krsna, is the supreme enjoyer of all the results of sacrifices, austerities and penances; in whatever one may engage, the ultimate goal is Visnu. If a person does not know that, he is misled
- Love of Krsna is without cause. It is spontaneous. Therefore there is no impediment. Because the word love can be engaged only in relationship with Krsna. Otherwise, there is no question of love
- Maha-munin refers to those who have not only thoroughly studied the goal of life but who are actually engaged in satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva. These persons are known as devotees
- Maharaja Ambarisa always engaged his mind at the lotus feet of Krsna, his words in describing the spiritual world and the S P of Godhead, his hands in cleansing and washing the Lord's temple, his ears in hearing topics about the Supreme Lord
- Maharaja Ambarisa always engaged his mind in meditating upon the lotus feet of Krsna, his words in describing the glories of the Lord, his hands in cleansing the Lord's temple, and his ears in hearing the words spoken by Krsna or about Krsna
- Maharaja Ambarisa engaged his eyes in seeing the Deity in the temple nicely decorated with flowers. He engaged his sense of smell by smelling the flowers, and he engaged his legs by walking to the temple
- Maharaja Ambarisa's queen was equally as qualified as the King. Therefore it was possible for Maharaja Ambarisa to engage his life in household affairs
- Maharaja Ambarisa's tongue was engaged in two ways: in speaking about Krsna and in tasting prasada offered to the Deity
- Maharaja Bharata engaged the son of Mamata, Bhrgu Muni, to take charge of performing this yajna (asvamedha-yajna and gomedha-yajna). Now, however, such brahmanas are impossible to find
- Maharaja Bharata was a very learned and experienced king on this earth. He perfectly ruled the citizens, being himself engaged in his own respective duties
- Maharaja Bharata was as affectionate to the citizens as his father and grandfather had been. Keeping them engaged in their occupational duties, he ruled the earth
- Maharaja Nabhi and his wife, Merudevi, went to Badarikasrama in the Himalaya Mountains, where the King engaged Himself very expertly in austerities and penances with great jubilation
- Maharaja Pariksit also warned that persons who are simply engaged in killing animals and in killing themselves may not be very much attracted to krsna-katha
- Maharaja Pariksit inquired: O most opulent Sukadeva Gosvami, please explain to me how Manu and the others in each manvantara are engaged in their respective duties, and by whose order they are so engaged
- Maharaja Pariksit lamented the accidental incident, and he desired that all his kingdom, strength and accumulation of wealth would be burned up for not being engaged in brahminical culture, etc
- Maharaja Pariksit, who was engaged in hearing the transcendental pastimes of Lord Krsna (who saved the life of Maharaja Pariksit while he was in the womb of his mother), became more and more interested to hear about Him
- Maharaja Prthu did not ask the Kumaras about their good fortune, for the Kumaras are always auspicious by dint of their life in celibacy. Since they are always engaged on the path of liberation, there was no question of ill fortune
- Maharaja Santanu, while engaged in chase in the jungle, picked up the children and brought them up to the brahminical status by the proper purificatory process
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was on the same level of devotion as Vidura, although engaged in the state affairs of the kingdom of the world
- Maharaja Yudhisthira, although no one's enemy, engaged four divisions of defense (horse, elephant, chariot and army) to accompany Lord Krsna, the enemy of the asuras. The Maharaja did this because of the enemy, and also out of affection for the Lord
- Maharaurava, or hell, is described in Srimad-Bhagavatam as a place meant for persons who are engaged in killing animals, for it is stated there that butchers or animal eaters go to that hell
- Material life means chewing the chewed. A father educates his son to earn a livelihood, get married and settle down, but he himself already knows that by doing this he has not become satisfied. Why, then, is he engaging his son in this same business
- Materialistic persons are engaged in striving for temporary benefits, whereas persons advanced in spiritual knowledge, such as Prahlada Maharaja, are not interested in the materialistic way of life
- Materialistic persons are very enthusiastic to maintain their family members, wife and children, and that there are also many mystic speculators who are engaged in speculating about liberation from the miseries of material life
- Materialistic persons who engage in elevating their position in the material world are not interested in such activities of the Lord. They may be interested in the activities of a great politician or a great rich man of this world
- Materialistic persons, who are too much engaged in material enjoyment and who do not know anything beyond their material experiences, are carried by the whims of material nature
- Mauna necessitates refraining from nonsensical talking, and engaging the talking facility in the pastimes of the Lord. In that way one can chant and hear about the Lord in order to perfect his life
- May Lord Kesava protect me with His club in the first portion of the day, and may Govinda, who is always engaged in playing His flute, protect me in the second portion of the day
- Mayavadi philosophers, they do not know that there is relationship that the Parabrahman and Brahman can be engaged in loving transaction
- Mayavadi sannyasis neither chant nor dance. Their technical objection is that this method of chanting and dancing is called tauryatrika, which indicates that a sannyasi should completely avoid such activities and engage his time in the study of Vedanta
- Mayavadis greatly fear the Krsna consciousness movement and accuse it of spoiling the Hindu religion because it accepts people from all parts of the world and all religious sects and scientifically engages them in the daiva-varnasrama-dharma
- Men are busy killing cows that are the source of yogurt, milk and ghee, they are cutting down all the trees that supply honey, and they are opening factories to manufacture nuts, bolts, automobiles and wine instead of engaging in agriculture
- Men in the mode of goodness have an introspective mind, and after a regulative struggle for existence they retire at a ripe old age and engage their time in cultivating the human spirit
- Mind is the master of the senses, when the mind is engaged, all the senses become engaged. That is bhakti-yoga
- Mind or desire cannot be stopped, but to develop a desire to function for spiritual realization, the quality of engagement by the mind has to be changed
- Misguided by the blind leaders of society, people consider the body to be everything, and they are engaged in trying to keep the body materially comfortable
- Mostly men are conducted by the modes of passion and ignorance, and thus they are engaged always in lust, desire, hankerings, ignorance and sleep
- Mucukunda continued, "Illusioned by Your external energy, everyone, whether man or woman, is attached to this material existence, and all are engaged in cheating one another in a great society of the cheaters and the cheated"
- Mucukunda prays, "Being engaged in illusory activities, they are reluctant to worship Your lotus feet, because they are unaware of the benefits of surrendering unto You, they are subjected to various miserable conditions of material existence"
- Mudha, it is very appropriate. No knowledge. Not only here, throughout the whole universe, even in the upper planetary system, they are also engaged in the same foolishness. Greater fool and a smaller fool
- Mukti means when we give up our false engagements and we are engaged properly in our original constitutional position. That is called mukti
- My (Manu) dear Dhruva, at the age of only five years you were very grievously afflicted by the words of your mother's co-wife, and you very boldly gave up the protection of your mother and went to the forest to engage in the yogic process
- My dear friend the flute, you are actually full of many holes or faults. You are light, hard, juiceless and full of knots. But what kind of pious activities have engaged you in the service of being kissed by the Lord and embraced by His hands
- My dear King, please search out that deer who is engaged in eating grass in a very nice flower garden along with his wife. That deer is very much attached to his business, and he is enjoying the sweet singing of the bumblebees in his garden
- My dear Thakura Haridasa, in this Age of Kali most people are bereft of Vedic culture, and therefore they are called yavanas. They are concerned only with killing cows and brahminical culture. In this way they all engage in sinful acts
- My dear Vidura, after giving the King this advice, the priests who had been engaged in performing the sacrifice called for Indra, the King of heaven, in a mood of great anger
- My Guru Maharaja used to say, you must be engaged continually for this missionary activity
- My mother was always engaged in making some food preparation. Some pickle, some chutney, and this puffed rice, or something else, something else, something else
- My proposal is that you engage yourself in editorial work. Or if you like, you can learn elementary Sanskrit, and when I come there we shall see how it can be put to use
- Narada describes his previous life to his disciple Vyasadeva. He says that while engaged as a boy servant for those purified devotees during the four months of their stay, he was intimately associating with them
- Narada Muni tells his disciple, Vyasadeva, "My dear Vyasa, you should know that persons who are engaged in executing austerities and penances, studying the Vedas, performing big sacrifices, chanting the hymns of the Vedas"
- Narada Muni therefore advised Dhruva Maharaja to take shelter of Vasudeva, Lord Krsna, and engage himself in the way that his mother had advised, for that would help him fulfill his desire
- Narada Muni thought of Brahmaji as the Supreme Person, but when he saw Brahmaji engaged in the process of transcendental realization, doubts arose in him. So he wanted to be clearly informed
- Narada personally says - Once only, by their (great devotee's) permission, I took the remnants of their food, and by so doing all my sins were at once eradicated. Thus being engaged, I became purified in heart. BG 1972 purports
- Narada said, "Persons engaged in speculating on transcendental knowledge and performing charitable functions have for all their auspicious activities simply to gain a place in the association of devotees and to chant the glories of the Lord"
- Narada tells his disciple Vyasadeva that in a previous life he was engaged as a boy servant of purified devotees during four months of their stay and that he was intimately associating with them. BG 1972 purports
- Near that mountain was a very holy place named Aghamarsana. There Prajapati Daksa executed ritualistic ceremonies and satisfied the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, by engaging in great austerities to please Him
- No one can learn Srimad-Bhagavatam who is associated with persons engaged in sex life. That is the secret of learning Bhagavatam. Nor can one learn Bhagavatam from one who interprets the text by his mundane scholarship
- No one can stop a child from playing by leaving him inactive. A child can be stopped from engaging in nonsense by being engaged in superior activities
- No one can stop a child from playing by leaving him inactive; rather, the child can be stopped from engaging in nonsense by being engaged in superior activities - CC Preface
- Nobody is going to work without any remuneration. Everyone is working for getting some profit. That is called karma. But that ordinary karma and karma-yoga is different. You can engage yourself in ordinary work, but, at the same time, become a yogi
- Nobody is without any occupation. Everyone is engaged some sort of duty. The storekeeper is engaged in his business, the factory man is engaged in his business, the lawyer is engaged in his business. Everyone
- Nondevotees engage their senses in very troublesome and extensive work, and they suffer insomnia at night because their intelligence constantly breaks their sleep with various mental speculations
- Nondevotees who are engaged in Vedanta and speculation on Vedic literature without any tinge of true Krsna consciousness are also less intelligent, and for them it is not possible to understand God's personal nature
- Not a single living entity can remain unengaged even for a moment. One must act by his natural tendency according to the three modes of material nature because this natural tendency forcibly makes him work in a particular way
- Not knowing the real science of life, a foolish person engages in the temporary activities of this life and thus becomes further entangled in the cycle of birth and death
- Nothing is possible without tapasya. Lord Brahma, however, was empowered to create this entire universe because of his austerities. The more we engage in austerities, the more we become powerful by the grace of the Lord
- Now Bhagavata-saptahas are held for seven days only, and after finishing the show, both the audience and the speaker become engaged in material activities as usual
- Now King Bharata considers his meditation false. While engaged in meditation, he was actually thinking of his deer, and he would feel great pleasure when the animal pricked him with the points of its horns
- Now there is no more jati-dharma. Everyone is engaged somehow or other to fill up the belly. Formerly, formerly there was stricture. The brahmana, the ksatriyas, and the vaisyas, these three higher castes, there were certain restrictions
- Nunam pramattah kurute vikarmah (SB 5.5.4): people have become mad with sense gratification, and therefore they engage in all sorts of forbidden things
- O best of the brahmanas, Sukracarya, please describe the fault or discrepancy in your disciple Bali Maharaja, who engaged in performing sacrifices. This fault will be nullified when judged in the presence of qualified brahmanas
- O Janardana, although these men, overtaken by greed, see no fault in killing one's family or quarreling with friends, why should we, with knowledge of the sin, engage in these acts? BG 1.37-38 - 1972
- O Kamsa, we (the ministers), who are your adherents in all respects, shall therefore kill the brahmanas (because Visnu lives wherever there are religious principles & sacrifices), the persons engaged in offering sacrifices and austerities - SB 10.4.40
- O King Pariksit, Narada Muni approached these sons of Prajapati Daksa, who were engaged in tapasya to beget children, and spoke enigmatic words to them just as he had spoken to their elder brothers
- O King, as in the ocean the bigger & stronger aquatics swallow up the smaller & weaker ones, so also the Supreme P of G, to lighten the burden of the earth, has engaged the stronger Yadu to kill the weaker, & the bigger Yadu to kill the smaller
- O King, O hero, you were a very grateful husband and the most sincere friend of all of us. How shall we exist without you? O hero, wherever you are going, please direct us there so that we may follow in your footsteps and engage again in your service
- O King, thereafter, while the sons of Kasyapa, both demons and demigods, were engaged in churning the ocean of milk, a very wonderful male person appeared
- O lord, please note that we are not at all negligent in discharging our duties. We have been faithfully carrying this palanquin according to your desire, but this man who has been recently engaged to work with us cannot walk very swiftly
- O lord, we have heard from reliable sources that in order to obtain your post, Hiranyakasipu is now engaged in severe austerity. You are the master of the three worlds. Please, without delay, take whatever steps you deem appropriate
- O my Lord, the unborn, You have shaken hands with me just as a friend does with a friend (as if equal in position). I shall be engaged in the creation of different types of living entities, and I shall be occupied in Your service
- O sinless Vidura, all of a sudden, while Brahma was engaged in thinking, a small form of a boar came out of his nostril. The measurement of the creature was not more than the upper portion of a thumb
- O twice-born brahmanas, still his (Vayasadeva) mind was not satisfied, although he engaged himself in working for the total welfare of all people
- Of all people, why did Sri Krsna select Arjuna as a recipient of this knowledge? Arjuna was not a great scholar at all, nor was he a yogi, meditator or a holy man. He was a warrior about to engage in battle
- Of course we have to maintain the body; it is not that we should neglect it. But we should not unnecessarily engage in the maintenance of the body
- Of the saintly persons who are constantly engaged in striving toward salvation, one who is in Krsna consciousness is the best of all. BG 1972 purports
- On hearing Suta Gosvami speak thus, Saunaka Muni, who was the elderly, learned leader of all the rsis engaged in that prolonged sacrificial ceremony, congratulated Suta Gosvami by addressing him as follows
- On the banks at Saptasrota, Dhrtarastra is now engaged in beginning astanga-yoga by bathing three times daily, in the morning, noon and evening, by performing the Agni-hotra sacrifice with fire and by drinking only water
- On the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, Arjuna engaged in fighting, and those on the side of Duryodhana also engaged in fighting. We must understand how it is that Arjuna is free from reaction whereas Duryodhana is not
- On the battlefield of Kuruksetra, Arjuna was very much afraid of being entangled in his activities by engaging in warfare. Krsna therefore assured him that if he fought for His sake there would be no possibility of entanglement
- On the day for extracting the soma juice, King Yudhisthira very respectfully received the special priest who had been engaged to detect any mistake in the formalities of the sacrificial procedure
- On the other hand, he who controls the senses by the mind and engages his active organs in works of devotion, without attachment, is by far superior. BG 3.7 - 1972
- On the other hand, there are others, predominantly the discontented youth, who don't want any part of this. Thus the world contains those engaged in bhoga and those engaged in tyaga
- On the other hand, those who are engaged in impious activities are degraded and take birth as animals, trees and plants
- On the other hand, those who are not devotees but are engaged in uncertain processes of self-realization, such as jnana, yoga and karma, are understood to be still contaminated
- On the whole, the kayastha community is a mixture of all castes, and it especially includes those engaged in clerical or secretarial work. Materially such people are always busy occupying responsible government posts
- Once both the atheists and the theists were engaged in producing nectar from the sea so that all of them could become deathless by drinking it
- Once can give up the inferior quality of enjoyment as soon as one receives the superior quality of spiritual enjoyment. So family planning is successful when one is engaged in the culture of the human spirit
- Once engaged for the Supreme, one no longer asks for anything, as do the distressed man and he who desires material possessions
- Once only, by their permission, I (Narada) took the remnants of their food, & by so doing all my sins were at once eradicated. Thus being engaged, I became purified in heart, & at that time the very nature of the transcendentalist became attractive to me
- Once upon a time Maharaja Pariksit, while engaged in hunting in the forest with bow and arrows, became extremely fatigued, hungry and thirsty while following the stags
- Once upon a time, seeing that her maidservant was engaged in different household duties, mother Yasoda personally took charge of churning butter. And while she churned butter, she sang the childhood pastimes of Krsna and enjoyed thinking of her son
- Once we understand our relationship with Krsna and our duty to Him, we naturally become reluctant to engage in material activities. This is called vairagya, detachment from material activities
- One (a sannyasi) who prefers living in the mountains engaging in the study of the Bhagavad-gita and whose intelligence is fixed is called Giri
- One accuses the creator of being dry and tasteless due to engaging in severe austerities. ‘The creator is only a dry manufacturer. He does not know how to create and set things in their proper places
- One big man came. So I talked about first-class men, and he admitted. So he said at the last moment, "Now let me go and engage myself in fourth-class activities." So everyone is engaged in fourth-class activities, and we are trying to make first-class men
- One can become rich only by trying his luck in business. It is not possible by serving other. One should have independent source of income that is possible only if one is engaged in business or in land lordship
- One can experience that one man engages in the service of a dog, another serves plants and creepers, another the demigods, and another humanity, or his boss in the office - but no one is engaged in the service of Krsna
- One cannot foolishly manufacture an interpretation of Bhagavad-gita and still bring about transcendental benefit. Anyone who tries to squeeze some artificial meaning for an ulterior motive is not one engaged anxiously in bona fide hearing of krsna-katha
- One class of philosophers, known as Mimamsakas, represented by sages such as Jaimini, have concluded that everyone should engage in pious activities or prescribed duties and that such activities will lead one to the highest perfection
- One devotee, he becomes father of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and any devotee who is attached to the lotus feet of the Lord, all kinds of success are engaged in his service
- One engaged in the mode of passion is not only mentally unhappy, but his profession and occupation are also very troublesome. He has to devise so many plans and schemes to acquire enough money to maintain his status quo. This is all miserable. BG 1972 p
- One is advised that an intelligent person, instead of being entangled in so-called good & bad fruitive activities, should engage his life in advancing in KC so that instead of accepting another material body he will return home, back to Godhead
- One is bereft of all intelligence when he is too attracted by sense gratification, and he forgets that he has to suffer the consequences also. Here the chance for recounting his activities of sense gratification is given by the dogs engaged by Yamaraja
- One is subjected to desires for sense gratification because of identifying oneself with the body, and thus one engages in many different types of pious and impious action. This is what constitutes material bondage
- One may be engaged in business, but to transform that activity into Krsna consciousness, one has to do business for Krsna. If Krsna is the proprietor of the business, then Krsna should enjoy the profit of the business. BG 1972 purports
- One may be engaged in various activities, but one should not be attached to the result of his work, but the result should be done for Him (Krsna). BG 1972 purports
- One may remain alone in a room for some time and may enjoy himself by reading a book or engaging in some thought, but it is not possible to remain in that room for years and years at a time, and certainly not for all eternity
- One must accept a spiritual master who comes in the disciplic succession and is a servant of the servant of the Lord. Under his direction, one must then engage one's three properties, namely his body, mind and words
- One must attempt to engage one's bodily, mental and verbal activities in the transcendental glorification of the Lord, otherwise such activities will remain unchaste and impure
- One must give up one's material occupational duties, just as one must give up his material body. Whatever one's occupational duty, even according to the varnasrama system, one must give it up and engage in one's spiritual function
- One must have activities, and if one engages in pious activities one's sinful activities will naturally vanish. On one side, one should voluntarily try to break the pillars of sinful life, and on another side one must engage himself in pious life
- One must learn this (the duty of a human being is to understand his relationship with God), otherwise he is simply wasting his time by engaging in animalistic propensities. We must all try to love Krsna or God
- One of the symptoms of the disease is that all of the people are engaged in artificial work, and the whole world is interdependent
- One Rudra is afraid of another Rudra because each and every one of them is engaged in the destruction of this cosmic manifestation. But for the devotee, everyone is afraid of Rudra, even Rudra himself
- One should accept this visnu-vrata, which is a vow in devotional service, and should not deviate from its execution to engage in anything else
- One should be free from all material designations and cleansed of all material contamination. He should be restored to his pure identity, in which he engages his senses in the service of the proprietor of the senses
- One should constantly engage in topics about that servitor and his loving relationship with Krsna, and one should live in Vrndavana. If one is physically unable to go to Vrndavana, he should mentally live there
- One should engage oneself in the practice of yoga with determination and faith and not be deviated from the path. One should abandon, without exception, all material desires born of mental speculation and thus control all the senses on all sides
- One should engage oneself in the practice of yoga with undeviating determination and faith. One should abandon, without exception, all material desires born of false ego and thus control all the senses on all sides by the mind. BG 6.24 - 1972
- One should lower his head before the Deity and engage his mind, his body, his activities-everything. That will make one fully absorbed in Krsna without deviation. This will help one transfer into the Krsnaloka. BG 1972 purports
- One should not be a brahmana in name only and engage in all kinds of sinful activities, especially drinking liquor
- One should not criticize or blaspheme a devotee who is thus engaged in distributing the holy name of the Lord
- One should not engage paid brahmanas to worship the Deity. If one does not personally worship the Deity but engages paid servants instead, he is considered lazy, and his worship of the Deity is called artificial
- One should not pass urine or evacuate while engaged in worshiping
- One should not remain always engaged in the responsibilities of family life because family life without Krsna consciousness is just like a blind well
- One should not think of women, speak about sex life, dally with women, look lustfully at women, talk intimately with women or decide to engage in sexual intercourse, nor should one endeavor for sex life or engage in sex life
- One should offer humble obeisances to the devotee who has undergone spiritual initiation (diksa) and is engaged in worshiping the Deity
- One should therefore not indulge in hearing and speaking of the rubbish activities of worldly politicians and so-called big men in society but should mold his life in such a way that he can engage in godly activities without wasting a second
- One should work only for Krsna. It does not matter in what kind of work one engages, but that work should be done only for Krsna. That is the standard of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- One student's mother was astonished at her boy when he visited home. Before, he would not even go to the store, and now he is engaged twenty-four hours a day
- One verse is sufficient for understanding the essence of Bhagavad-gita. One must be engaged in "My work." And what is this work? It is indicated in the last instruction in Bhagavad-gita in which Krsna tells Arjuna to surrender unto Him - BG 18.66
- One who avoids such association (with persons already in the highest stage of love of God) and simply engages in mental speculation or so-called meditation cannot be raised to the perfectional platform
- One who becomes virasana takes the vow to stand all night with a sword to give protection to the cows. Because Prsadhra was engaged in this way, it is to be understood that he had no dynasty
- One who completely knows the Brahman effulgence and is always engaged in the practice of yoga is called Prakasa-brahmacari
- One who constantly engages in chanting and hearing of the holy activities, name, fame and form of the Lord is liberated
- One who does not care for transcendental necessities of life and simply engages like an animal in eating, sleeping, fearing and mating has spoiled his life
- One who engages in mundane activity - be he a so-called jnani, yogi, karmi, philanthropist, nationalist, or whatever - cannot attain the higher stage of mahatma. He remains a duratma, or cripple-minded person
- One who engages in tapasya undertakes voluntarily very rigid regulations, such as brahmacari students (celibates) or sannyasis (renounced order) undertake
- One who has completely surpassed the resultant activities of the impious path of life (this is possible only when one engages exclusively in pious activities) can understand his eternal relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One who has learned the classical art of music, who engages in its culture, and who has become expert and completely aloof from material attachment is called Sarasvati
- One who has no devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead has no good qualifications because he is engaged by mental concoction in material existence, which is the external feature of the Lord - CC Adi 8.58
- One who has no information of the Supreme must therefore be engaged in self-satisfaction because no one can stand on the platform of inactivity. All these purposes are perfectly served by the practice of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- One who is beyond duality and doubt, whose mind is engaged within, who is always busy working for the welfare of all sentient beings, and who is free from all sins, achieves liberation in the Supreme. BG 5.25 - 1972
- One who is not a devotee of the Lord has no good qualifications whatsoever. The question remains, then, how can a person engaged in abominable activities-either by accident or intention-be a pure devotee? This question may justly be raised. BG 1972 pur
- One who is not a devotee of the Lord must be hovering in the darkness of mental speculation and thus must be engaged in material impermanence
- One who is not executing his own religious principle, he is no better than the animals. So who will see that everyone engaged in discharging his occupational duty? Sva-dharmam means occupational duty. It is the duty of the king, government
- One who is, who are sages, their duty is they always forgive any enemy. Just like you have got very nice example, Lord Jesus Christ. He was being crucified, but he forgave all the persons who were engaged in crucifying him
- One who sees inaction in action, and action in inaction, is intelligent among men, and he is in the tranecendental position, although engaged in all sorts of activities. BG 4.18 - 1972
- One who thus engages his senses becomes purified, and with purified senses the devotee can actually render transcendental loving service to the Lord and conquer Him
- One who, at the time of death, fixes his life air between the eyebrows and, by the strength of yoga, with an undeviating mind, engages himself in remembering the Supreme Lord in full devotion, will certainly attain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Only an exalted person like Haridasa Thakura or Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is personally exhibiting the proper behavior for an acarya, can engage in such a practice - sitting in a solitary place and chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Only one who is outside devotional service would not engage in searching for the lotus feet of the Lord. Foolish people sometimes maintain that God may be attained in any way - either by karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, dhyana-yoga, etc
- Only persons who constantly engage in welfare activities for other living entities can reach the Vaikuntha planets
- Only those who are pure devotees, those who follow regulative principles of religious life as prescribed in the scriptures, are able to engage themselves in karma-yoga & then jnana-yoga & thereafter, by pure meditation, can understand pure consciousness
- Ordinary persons engaged in pious and impious activities cannot understand the form, name and activities of the Lord. The devotee, however, can know the Personality of Godhead in many respects
- Other rules are that one should not offer foodstuff which is cooked by a non-Vaisnava. One should not worship the Deity before a nondevotee. One should not engage himself in the worship of the Lord while seeing a nondevotee
- Others, who are engaged in the cultivation of knowledge, worship the Supreme Lord as the one without a second, diverse in many, and in the universal form. BG 9.15 - 1972
- Others, who engage in envious activities, are known as karmis. Karmis are envious of one another. Simply for sense gratification, they can kill thousands of innocent animals
- Our actual experience is that every man, animal, bird and beast - indeed, every living entity - is engaged in rendering service
- Our institution is mainly for the devotees and as it is the custom in India, devotees are maintained by the general public, who are engaged in materialistic activities for sense gratification
- Our Krsna consciousness society recommends that we arrange our living so that we can remember Krsna. In our ISKCON society the devotees, while engaged in making Spiritual Sky incense, are also hearing about the glories of Krsna or His devotees
- Our men are idle, and they're bringing paid men to cut vegetables and paying two hundred rupees. This is management. First of all, whatever business is already there, engage them. Then bring further engagement
- Our minds and bodies are always engaged in material activities. When they are activated on the spiritual platform, they slacken on the material platform.
- Our tongues always engage in vibrating useless sounds that do not help us realize transcendental peace. The tongue is compared to a desert (in CC Adi 2.2) because a desert needs a constant supply of refreshing water to make it fertile and fruitful
- Our yoga system is not like that, that we whole day, twenty-three hours and forty-five minutes, I engage myself in all nonsensical activities, and fifteen minutes I concentrate my mind, the meditation. That kind of yoga system is not here
- Out of fear of attack from others and out of affection also, he engaged all varieties of defensive forces as bodyguards of Lord Krsna
- Out of many millions of persons engaged in ritualistic ceremony, one becomes advanced in knowledge. They are called jnani, or speculative philosopher. Not karmis, but jnani
- Out of many millions of such worshipers (of demigods), some may actually engage in the process of understanding the Supreme, the Absolute Truth. They are called jnanis
- Out of many such persons who engage in righteous activities for sense gratification, only a few come to know about the Absolute Truth. These are called jnanis, empiric philosophers
- Pada-sevanam: Laksmi, goddess of fortune, simply engaged herself in massaging the lotus feet of Visnu. Pada-sevanam. Arcanam: Prthu Maharaja, he engaged himself in the arcana. Vandanam. Dasyam: Hanuman. Akrura, Akrura, he simply offered prayers to Krsna
- Parvati was engaged to worship the genital of Lord Siva. He was in meditation, and he could not be awakened. Kalidasa Kavi is giving remark that "Here is dhira. Here is dhira. A young girl touching the genital of Lord Siva, and he is not agitated."
- People are engaged formally. Their temple, church, is sometimes simply formality. Their real business is how to satisfy their senses
- People are engaged in that way. Simply trying to get happiness and avoid distress, and forgetting that he has got a mission of life, to realize his self and go back to home, back to Godhead. This is the defect of the modern civilization
- People are engaged to earn money, working very hard day and night. So if there is such thing that simply by pleasing Krsna you can get as much money as you want, then why shall I earn money?
- People are engaged, "Work hard, earn money and be engaged in sense gratification." That's all. This is the whole program, at the present moment is going on. That cannot bring any peace and prosperity to the society. We have to perform yajnas