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Pages in category "Brain"
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- A common brain in the conditioned state cannot conceive of how He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is the master of both manifest and potential powers, and how contradictory potencies can abide in Him
- A common brain in the conditioned state cannot conceive of how these inconceivable energies abide in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, how He exists in His innumerable forms as the master of both spiritual and material energies
- A devotee is therefore not astonished to see the wonderful boar because he knows that the Lord is able to act far more wonderfully by His potencies, which are inconceivable to the brain of even the most erudite scientist
- A humble offering (of nice preparations of simple vegetable dishes before the picture or Deity of Lord Krsna), enable one to advance steadily in life, to purify the body, and to create fine brain tissues which will lead to clear thinking. BG 1972 purports
- A karmi, a business man, is improving his business. Just like in your country there are..., there were many great business brain-Mr. Henry Ford, Rockefeller. So they concentrated their attention how to earn money. They are also called yogi in that way
- A living entity is called anu, an atomic particle of the supreme soul, and his brain is also atomic. It cannot accommodate unlimited knowledge. This does not mean that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, has a limited brain
- A man may be very healthy body, but the, if the brain is cracked, this body will not help. Everything is spoiled. So at the present moment there is no brain, there is no brahmana, neither there is ksatriya, simply sudras and vaisyas, mostly sudras
- A man may have very good brain power, organization, but if he has no money - useless. So four things required: land, labor, capital, organization
- A nondevotee or a demon cannot understand this (the infallible) transcendental nature (of God). Consequently these descriptions (BG 4.5) in the Gita cannot be understood by demonic brains. BG 1972 purports
- A scientist can work with the help of such an awarded brain, but it is not possible for the scientist to create his own or a similar brain. No one is independent in the matter of any creation, nor is such creation automatic
- A section of the population, especially male, did not marry at all. Instead of allowing their semen to be driven downwards, they used to lift the semen up to the brain. They are called urdhva-retasah, those who lift up
- According to atheistics leaders, God and philosophical approaches to Him are merely leisure pursuits or parlor games to exercise the brain. By such discussions, however, the world does not gain anything of substance
- According to our own brain, teeny brain, we are making plans. Just the, in the state also, they're making plans. Personally, individually, and commercially, everyone is making plan. The plan-making means becoming entangled
- Actually the tiny human brain is unable to conceive of the activities of the Lord, which are therefore called inconceivable. Yet the frog-philosophers still try to give some imaginary explanation
- Ahankara-vimudhatma. Bewildered, they do not understand that the real strength is spiritual strength. We see daily, that a very strong man, very powerful man, very good brain, very good scientist . . . So where is the strength? The strength is atma
- All this was possible by the unlimited power of the Lord, and therefore the Lord is described here as aprameya, for not even the best human brain can estimate His powers and potencies by mathematical calculation
- Although the Bhagavad-gita is the scripture of Hindus and the Indians, still, they are not so easy to accept Krsna consciousness. Because their brain is puzzled
- Although the duskrtis have brain power and merit, their merit and brain power are used for abominable activities
- Although the duskrtis have brain power and merit, their merit and brain power are used for abominable activities. Sometimes, for example, materialistic scientists invent a lethal weapon
- Any animal can be killed with ordinary knife, but they're manufacturing latest machinery. Their brain, rascal brain is being used for that purpose
- Arjuna understood like this, that Krsna is the Supreme Brahman, SPG, then you understand everything. This is called parampara. You don't require to, I mean, to tax your brain, what is Krsna. Because now we have got poor intelligence. We cannot do that
- As an Indian and a man of good sense with practical business-brain you should not at least indulge in such organisation under the influence of unauthorised person
- As soon as one is highly qualified medical man, he comes to Australia. So who will take care of them? So therefore they imported some brain from India. Anyway, our time should be saved for self-realization
- As soon as there is question of creative power, there must be a brain behind the creation, and brain means a person
- As the mechanical arrangement of the watch is made by some brain, similarly, your brain or Professor Einstein's brain, that is also made by another scientist. And who is that scientist
- As there are differences in the living conditions of different planets of the universe, and as one planet is superior to others, the brains of the living entities in those respective planets are also of different categorical values
- At the present moment there is scarcity of brahmana. Brahmana means who has got very nice intellectual brain, who can understand the Absolute Truth
- At the present moment, there is no intelligent class of men. All laborer, worker class of men, fourth class. No first class, second class. Therefore society is in chaotic condition. There is no brain
- Bad brain means to become implicated more and more. They do not know . . . because they have got bad brain, they do not know how spirit soul is transmigrating from one body to another, how he is becoming entangled
- Because he (a big scholar) has committed so many offenses, now he is living, but lost his memory. So all his intelligence is finished. So you can malinterpret, but nature is so strong that one day he will make you forget everything, brain paralysis
- Because he has taken to the principle of atheism, all these educational qualification, his brain is utilized for doing something harmful to the human society
- Because of their (the so-called scientist's and philosopher's) devilish brains, they will next be forced to accept an abominable life and practically never be able to liberate themselves from the conditional life of material existence
- Because that minute spirit soul is there, you are moving, you are acting, your brain is working, you are denying the existence of God, you are doing all these things
- Because the atheist's brain is improperly utilized in opposing the plan of the Supreme Lord, the atheistic planmaker is called duskrtina, which indicates that his intelligence and efforts are misdirected. BG 1972 purports
- Because we, with our teeny brain, we cannot find out what is the actual niscitam, fixed-up sreya. That we do not know. That you have to ask from Krsna. Or his representative
- Because you have got very good brain you'll understand Krsna - no. Nayam atma pravacanena labhyo na medhaya na bahuna srutena. If you think that you are a very good scholar, university degree-holder, then you'll understand - no. This is not possible
- Best thing is that one should know he is in conditioned life and try to cure it. When a man is in diseased condition he should try to get out of diseased condition without harassing his brain when the disease has begun
- Beyond the power of the common brain
- Big, big brain, scientist, they are dealing (atomic energy). Similarly, this big energy - creation, maintenance and destruction of nature - that nature is called Durga. Durga. Duh. Duh means difficult, and ga means going, or to understand
- Brahma, Narada & Siva know about God to a considerable extent, and one should follow the instructions of these great personalities instead of being satisfied with a tiny brain and its playful discoveries such as spacecraft and similar products of science
- Brahmaji admits Lord Krsna to be the supreme cause of all causes. But persons with tiny brains within this petty planet earth think of the Lord as one of them
- Brain should be utilized for some benevolent work for the good of the living entities
- Buddha had to deny the existence of the soul because their brain will not tolerate such things. Therefore he did not say anything about the soul or God. He said that "You stop animal killing." If I pinch you, you feel pain. So why give pain to others?
- Complete means complete brain. Janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1). Because He has complete brain. Anvayad itaratas carthesv abhijnah: He's complete aware of everything. Therefore there is complete arrangement
- Cow protection is very, very essential in human society because it gives the milk, the miracle food. You can prepare hundreds and thousands of preparation, all not only delicious, but brain-maintaining. You can get good brain
- Discoveries of progressive scientific achievements are not independent. The scientist has to attain the knowledge of a thing already existing by means of the wonderful brain made by someone else
- Don't think that there is no brain. There is brain, but the brain is so perfect and instant that you are seeing that it is becoming automatically grown
- Don't you think there is need of artistic brain and scientific brain? If you simply say: "It is nature," that is not good explanation. But the Vedas gives us information, "No." - The Absolute Truth is He from whom everything is being generated
- Duskrtina means always engaged in sinful activities. They have got brain, but their brain is being utilized only for sinful activities. Krti means good brain, and duskrti means brain is being utilized for sinful act. Therefore they are mudha
- Duskrtina means very intelligent, but the intelligence is being misused in mischief-mongering. Krti means very nice brain, but duskrti - the brain is used for creating misgivings
- Each verse (from SB) is full of so grave meaning that if you study, it will take months and months together. So they (big, big saintly person) developed such nice brain simply by drinking milk, and fruits
- Early in the morning people come here, and not seeing You present, they simply tax my brain
- Envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the atheist will present a number of illicit incarnations manufactured in the factory of his brain. BG 1972 purports
- Even a physician - when he is sick he does not devise his own treatment. He calls for another physician, because his brain is not in order. How can he prescribe the right medicine for himself
- Everyone is intelligent. That I have already explained. Everyone has got brain and intelligence, but he has to use it properly. That is wanted. That is education
- Everything Krsna consciousness is scientific. Simply one requires the brain to understand. Then, when he understands, he will see Krsna in everything
- Everything you'll understand, provided you have got the brain. If you have got a dull brain, filled up with cow dung, that is another thing
- Father says: "My dear child, when you were two years old you fell down and there was a fracture in your brain." He cannot remember. The father can say: "Yes, it happened. You have forgotten. I remember." Similarly, Krsna can remember everything
- First of all you become brahmana; then you can think properly. Where is your education as brahmana? Where is that brain? Eating all nasty things, and you become a brahmana? Therefore Krsna is go-brahmana-hitaya ca
- First of all, there must be a class of men, ideal men, brain; people will follow them. My request is therefore that you should become ideal men. If we fight . . . now there is fighting amongst ourself. That is very disappointment to me
- First-class brain means to realize self, to understand God, and do accordingly. This is required. This is called varnasrama-dharma
- Foodstuffs should be given, nice foodstuff given, should be given to the particular person for developing nice brain. Milk is a foodstuff which can develop your finer tissues of the brain so that you can understand higher philosophy
- Foolish mundaners actually envy Sri Krsna and deride Him as one who is like other mundaners. The truth about Sri Krsna does not easily enter into the perverted brain of such mundaners infected with the empiric approach to philosophy
- Foolish people have manufactured, out of their tiny brains, many remedial measures for removing the threefold miseries pertaining to the body and mind, pertaining to the natural disturbances and in relation with other living beings
- Foolish people try to concoct knowledge by manufacturing something in their brains. That is not the real way of knowledge. Knowledge is sabda-pramana, evidence from the Vedic literature
- For a particular type of business, occupation, one must have particular type of brain. So therefore this is division. Not that everyone is of the same type
- For important brain tissues (as first-class men) we require a sufficient quantity of milk and milk preparations
- For the more than fifty-five, sixty years, they are all good brains of the nation, what they have done? That means they have no brain. The problems are increasing. Instead of decreasing the problems, they are increasing
- For whole human society, there must be a very ideal intellectual man, so that people will follow. Brain, brain of the society. That is the teachings of Bhagavad-gita. You cannot say that "We can do without brain"
- Froglike brains
- Generally the yogi first of all becomes mature in controlling the air passing within the body, thus bringing the soul to the top of the brain. Then when the body bursts into flames, the yogi can go anywhere he likes
- Good brain means how to get relief from all the troubles of material existence. That is good brain
- He (Lord Krsna) possesses supermost inconceivable energies of all different varieties. If a man's brain can produce a space satellite, one can very easily imagine how brains higher than man can produce similarly wonderful things which are far superior
- Her (Putana's) abdomen seemed like a dried-up lake. All the cowherd men and women became struck with awe and wonder upon seeing this. And the tumultuous sound of her falling shocked their brains and ears and made their hearts beat strongly
- Here is a machine working, and pushing some button it is recording, and pushing some button it is stopped. A child may think that it is being done automatically. No. There is a big brain behind this machine
- Hiranyakasipu or the manufacturer of the atomic bomb, they are also undergone severe austerities. It is not manufactured all of a sudden. But it required brain and perseverance. They have manufactured, but what is the value?
- How is everything being done? The word "inconceivable" has been used. It is not within the power of one's small brain to comprehend; unless one accepts the inconceivable power and energy of the Lord, one cannot make any progress
- How much brain he has that he has created this universe, Brahma. He has created the demigods, he has created the planets
- How much intelligence has got God, we can imagine. If we, our teeny brain, we are so intelligent . But unfortunately the rogues, having got a brain from God, they are denying God
- Human civilization devoid of Krsna consciousness is simply a civilization of lower animals. Sometimes such a civilization may study the dead body and consider the brain or the heart important
- Human life is meant for living very comfortably, brain clear to understand what is Absolute Truth, what is our life, what is the goal of life
- I have approached the Supreme, the supreme brain, Krsna. He is the perfect person in knowledge
- I have received a very favorable testimony of our Movement from the President of Indian Brain Research Association, Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta, Professor J.J. Ghosh
- If a man's brain can produce a space satellite one can easily imagine how brains higher than man can produce similarly wonderful things which are far superior. The reasonable person will easily accept this argument but stubborn atheists would never agree
- If brains like those of Einstein or Newton could have been manufactured by a human being, then mankind would produce many such brains instead of eulogizing their passing
- If I am not fit for a certain thing and if I am engaged in that business, that will be failure. That will be failure. For a particular type of business, occupation, one must have particular type of brain. So therefore this is division
- If one studies Vedanta, he has to tax his brain so much, he has to learn Sanskrit, he has to learn the intricacies of logic and philosophy and so many things
- If such scientists cannot even manufacture such brains, what to speak of foolish atheists who defy the authority of the Lord?
- If the brain should he taxed, it should be taxed for Krsna or God. This is the proper utilization of time. There is no scarcity of bread in the Kingdom of God
- If the man has attained that powerful brain out of his own accord, then great powerful brain like Professor Einstein, Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, they could create another brain like them
- If the people are in chaos, how they'll be able to accept the great philosophy? It requires cool brain
- If we really want to cultivate the human spirit in society we must have first-class intelligent men to guide the society, and to develop the finer tissues of our brains we must assimilate vitamin values from milk
- If we study Bhagavad-gita very carefully, you understand everything. A little brain required
- If you are cool brain, then you will see that now, in comparison to the Sputnik, there are millions and trillions of planets and stars, big, big planets like sun planet, which is fourteen hundred thousand times bigger than this earth
- If you are not engaged in good work, then you must act badly. That is natural. You have to work. Therefore idle brain is devil's workshop. If you are sitting idly, then brain also will work, mind also will work
- If you are scientist, you create a similar brain like you. That you cannot do. But somebody has created your brain. And who is that person? Professor Einstein, big scientist, but he could not create another Professor Einstein
- If you become miscreants by utilizing your better brain, then what is the use? You are going to hell. This brain has no meaning. Misuser brain. Brain means to understand Krsna. That is brain
- If you drink more milk and milk products, then your brain will be very sharp. You will understand things very nicely, correctly. Therefore milk is very important
- If you get milk products, milk, then you can prepare so many preparation full of vitamins, which will nourish your brain. Dull brain cannot understand what is spiritual knowledge
- If you have become so dull on account of sinful activities . . . therefore to understand properly, to have clear brain, one has to become pure: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling. And then you will be, you can learn
- If you simply exact your senses, your nice brain, "Krsna is like this, Krsna is like that," but if you are not a devotee, Krsna will not reveal Himself
- If you stick to this principle of chanting Hare Krsna mantra, yajnaih, if you have got good brain, su-medhasah, then you will take this means, and by the help of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu you'll conquer all over the world
- If you study Srimad-Bhagavatam, you'll be able to understand the whole material position and how you are situated in that material position, how to get out of it. Everything you'll understand, provided you have got the brain
- If you want to make research, then search out what is the original brain, not the process. Process is already going on. What is the use of your research, nonsense
- If you, as a rascal, say "All of a sudden the material parts - many parts - they became assembled; just like one lusty man becomes accidentally lusty desire & the woman also becomes, they unite," it is not like that. It is not accident. There is brain
- In an honest search for truth, we must admit that His (Lord's) powers are inconceivable to our tiny brains
- In order to make the dull brain suitable for understanding Krsna, these four principles of austerities is the first need: no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling, no intoxication. Then the finer tissues of the brain will develop to understand Krsna
- In order to understand things as they are, you require good brain, and for good brain, you require milk preparation
- In spite of all scientific protection, in spite of all good brains behind the manufacture of this Titanic ship, it was drowned
- In spite of good brain, they are rascal, because brain is being utilized for sinful activities, how to set up up-to-date machinery for killing animals
- In student life, brahmacari system is very nice. If he keeps brahmacari, without any sex life, then his brain becomes very potent. He can remember. Memory becomes very sharp, bodily strength becomes very solid
- In the Kali-yuga, the real yajna is hari-kirtana. Yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah. Sumedhasah, those who have got good brain, they perform this yajna, hari-kirtana
- In the spiritual world there is no need of making mechanical arrangement, because everything is spirit. There is no need of mechanical arrangement. That we cannot accommodate with our poor brain at the present moment
- In the Upanisads it is clearly said that the SPG can never be known simply by working very hard and taxing the good brain, nor can He be known simply by mental speculation and jugglery of words. The Lord is knowable only by one who is a surrendered soul
- In the Upanisads it is clearly said that the Supreme Personality of Godhead can never be known simply by working very hard and taxing the good brain, nor can He be known simply by mental speculation and jugglery of words
- In the upper planets the inhabitants are far superior to the inhabitants of this planet in all matters of art, culture and science, since they possess brains superior to those of human beings
- In this age everyone is fallen. But he can be, I mean to say, elevated to the position of nice brain. How? By param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam. Simply by chanting
- In this age, people take pleasure in committing all kinds of sins. They have no brains to see that this body is temporary and full of suffering. They are completely in the mode of darkness, just like the animals they slaughter
- In your country there is president - everywhere - that he is also working hard day and night. Otherwise he cannot keep his presidency. It is not possible. The whole brain is congested with political affairs. So many problems
- Incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead appear in all the species of life, although this is inconceivable to the human brain
- It appears from the exchange of Daksa's head that the modern scientific theory that the brain substance is the cause of all intelligent work is not valid
- It appears like miracle because your brain cannot accommodate how quickly all these things come. You have got poor brain; you cannot accommodate. You are thinking, - I have to paint this, simply painting I have to take so much time
- It is a different commodity, material - spiritual identity, which is different from this combination of matter, this body. So it requires little training to understand. Although it is very simple fact, but their brain is very dull, material
- It is understood that by his brain or his energetic expansion, the business is running without interruption. It is the brain and energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead that carry on the complete manifestation of the material and spiritual worlds
- It requires some expert brain, how to play gamble. So that expertness, that part of expert endeavor, is Krsna
- Jijnasa means enquiry, that "Who is that brain?" Because things are already going on. It is not depending on your so-called research. It is already going on nicely. So your business should be: "Who is that brain behind it?" That should be your research
- Just as, in delirium, a man is diseased and his brain becomes puzzled, and gradually he forgets himself and becomes a madman. He is gradually forgetting
- Just like a man and woman becomes lusty and their combination brings forth a child, a third matter. They think like that. They are thinking everything is matter. No. There is good brain within the combination
- Just like a thief, he has got good brain. A rogue, he has got good brain, but he's applying for mischievous activities, for making people unhappy. That is not the right use
- Just like in our India, especially in Bengal, sometimes they say a dull-brained man, "Oh, you have got cow dung within your brain. You have no brain substance." Actually a man becomes intelligent by the greater amount of brain substance
- Just like one lusty man becomes accidentally lusty desire and the woman also becomes, they unite - it is not like that. It is not accident. There is brain. So every creation has got a brain behind it
- Just like the same way as in a machine the wirings are very nicely arranged. So if for that machine there is a brain, don't you think that in this machine, behind this, there is no brain? There must be brain
- Just like the theosophists, the philosophers, the theologists, the scientists, so many brain worker, they are working to discover better way of life, how to . . . How the human society should be more and more happy. So this is the work of the brahmanas
- Just like when you see a wonderful bridge or wonderful engineering work, you must think that there is a brain behind it. This nice construction, there is a brain behind it
- Krsna consciousness means you have to study everything, how things are going on. And this is stated. You have to simply think, "Yes." You have to confirm by your brain. If you have got dull brain, then how you can study
- Krsna consciousness movement means we are creating some brain. We are not creating the technological expert, but we are creating brain to know the purpose of human life and work on it under a systematic way
- Krsna is so intelligent - varieties of fruit, varieties of flowers, varieties of grain, varieties of brain. That is enjoyment. So, take instruction from Krsna
- Krsna is unknowable by great learning or by the greatest brain. He is knowable only by one who has His mercy. Others may go on thinking about Him for years together, yet He is unknowable. This fact is corroborated by Queen Kunti
- Krti. Krti means meritorious. But duskrti: badly meritorious. They are using their brain for something atrocious, simply planning how to do harm to others. That is called duskrtina
- Leg can walk, but leg cannot do the work of brain. So at the present moment we have got all walking men, no brain. Therefore the society is in chaotic condition
- Less disease (in the country). Less brain-taxing. Everything is less. So balance time, utilize for Krsna consciousness. And if you have got temple, it is very happy life. Just for your food work little, and balance time engage yourself in K.C.
- Less intelligent men do not try to understand who created the brain of the scientist; they are satisfied simply to see the wonderful creation or invention of the scientist
- Less intelligent persons, they become asuras because they cannot calculate. They cannot think of. Their brain does not provide provision to think of all these things. A dull brain
- Man can give some vague explanation of the laws by which such phenomena are made possible, but actually the tiny human brain is unable to conceive of the activities of the Lord, which are therefore called inconceivable
- Many educated. They are coming, trying to understand. But it requires little brain. So-called educated with dull brain cannot understand
- Many organizations. So they are called duskrtina. They are educated. They have got good brain, they can act very nicely, but their intelligence is being used for sinful activities. They are called duskrtina
- Many philosophers and great rsis, or mystics, try to distinguish the Absolute from the relative by their tiny brain power. This can only help them reach the negative conception of the Absolute
- Matter does not work automatically. It requires higher brain, higher manipulation, therefore higher order. Just like in this material world we have got the highest order, the sun, movement of the sun, the heat energy, light energy of the sun
- Mayavadi philosophers do not understand this simple fact. Their tiny brains and poor fund of knowledge cannot afford them sufficient enlightenment to realize that when a man's energy is transformed, the man himself is not transformed but remains the same
- Meat-eating should be stopped. In order to revive the finer tissues of the brain to understand subtle things, one must give up meat-eating
- Milk is a foodstuff which can develop your finer tissues of the brain so that you can understand higher philosophy
- Modern scientists have stopped their brainwork by discovering the theory of uncertainty, but factually for a living being there cannot be any brain activity which is not checked by time and space limitations
- Mother Yasoda considered whether the vision might be due to bewilderment: "I am fit in health; I am not diseased. Why should there be any bewilderment? It is not possible that my brain is deranged, since I am ordinarily quite fit to think
- Naked saints and sannyasis who undergo severe physical penances, who can raise the semen to the brain, and who are completely equipoised in Brahman can live in the realm known as Brahmaloka
- Nature is only a power, and behind the power is a powerhouse and a brain, just as behind electrical power there is an electrical powerhouse, where everything is conducted by the brain of the resident engineer
- Neither the people know that there is reincarnation, or transmigration of the soul after death. They do not know. So basically they are brainless. So they cannot give guidance, and therefore the whole society is in chaotic condition
- No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling. If one refrains from these four prohibited things, then he can develop his brain to understand. And if one indulges in these four things, his brain will never be able to understand
- No part of the body is important unless the spirit soul is present. In a modern civilization of cows and asses, scientists try to search out some value in the brain or heart of a dead man
- No society can improve in transcendental knowledge without the guidance of such first-class men, and no brain can assimilate the subtle form of knowledge without fine brain tissues
- Now hear from me (Maitreya) about the creations by Brahma, who is an incarnation of the mode of passion and who, in the matter of creation, has a brain like that of the Personality of Godhead
- Of course, we cannot divide the tip of a hair into such fine particles, but spiritually such small particles can exist. Spiritual strength is so powerful that a mere atomic portion of spirit can be the biggest brain in the material world
- One can compare the long duration of life of the inhabitants of Brahma's planet, which is inconceivable to the inhabitants of this planet earth, to the categorical value of the brain of Brahmaji, also inconceivable to any great scientist of this planet
- One day death comes and kicks on his back and he will be finished off. Now if you are so brain, just try to save yourself. Where is your brain? Or make another brain like you, so that at the time of your death the brain will act
- One has to apply his brain - that is intelligence - how it (Krsna's impersonal feature) has become person. That is not false; that is fact. You cannot understand; your brain is teeny
- One should take ample milk, and thus one can prolong one's life, develop his brain, execute devotional service, and ultimately attain the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One who can completely control sex life is able to work wonderfully with his brain, especially in remembering. Thus students who simply hear Vedic instructions once from their teacher could remember them verbatim without needing to read books
- One who has got no brain substance but cow dung, they will understand something else. So we are selecting, or even if he is filled up with cow dung, by this Krsna consciousness education, we can make him su-medha, fine brain
- One whose mind is acting fully in Krsna consciousness is called atma-medhah. This may be contrasted to the word grha-medhi, which refers to one whose brain is always engrossed with thoughts of material activities
- Only this cow's milk will help you, it is so nice. And it gives very nice brain, not pig's brain. (laughter) So it is so important thing
- Our American property, it is not forty lakhs-forty crores. So it is not joke. If you want to earn money and if you have got little brain, you can earn money in America like anything
- Our modern civilization is sustained by scientific arrangements devised by many great scientific brains
- Payah-panam bhujanganam: if one feeds a serpent milk, the snake will simply increase his venom. However, if one supplies milk to a talented sage or saint, the sage will develop finer brain tissues by which he can contemplate higher, spiritual life
- People must have sane brain to understand, to take this king of education (Krsna Consciousness). Then they will be benefited
- People should not be in chaos and confusion. Otherwise, how the brain will work?
- Philosophical speculation is the same as mental speculation if it is merely the random or haphazard activity of the brain to understand everything and making theories
- Preaching is our life. Introduce our books, then everyone can understand, if he has good brain
- Recess means nothing to do. That is brain, I mean to say, rest. All continually you cannot do that. That is not good. Utmost, forty minutes or forty-five minutes. Then give them ten minutes' freedom
- Revealed knowledge may in the beginning be unbelievable because of our paradoxical desire to verify everything with our tiny brains, but the speculative means of attaining knowledge is always imperfect
- Scientists cannot manufacture such a brain, and what to speak of foolish atheists who defy the authority of the Lord? Even Mayavadi impersonalists who flatter themselves that they can become one with the Lord are neither abhijnah or svarat
- Semen is so important that if, by the yogic process, one can lift the semen up to the brain, he can perform wonderful work
- Simply by God's willing, immediately, everything is there. Parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate (CC Madhya 13.65, purport). That is the appreciation of the energy of God. If you are not appreciating, that is your fault - but there is brain, there is work
- Since the brain is a lump of matter, it does not have independent power with which to act. It can act only when favored by the influence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is Brahman or Parabrahman
- Smrti means "memory," and svapa means "sleep." Sleep is also necessary to keep the intelligence in working order. If there is no sleep, the brain cannot work nicely
- So our philosophy is not dry, like mental speculation. The proper function of the brain or psychological activity is to understand everything through Krishna's perspective or point-of-view
- So there is need of nice eating, nice talking, nice thinking, nice behavior. The our brain is sharp. It requires training. It is not that you can do whatever you like and all nonsense, and your brain will be sharp
- Spiritual knowledge is above sattva-guna. Above sattva-guna. Sattva-guna is the best quality, when one brain is clear and he can see things as they are, no hazy understanding but clear understanding. The sattva-guna is the qualification of brahmana
- Student life, if one remains brahmacari, he becomes determined. His brain becomes very receptive. Therefore in the brahmacari system, complete celibacy, no connection with woman
- Su-medhasah, those who have got good brain, they will take it (sankirtana movement). So very simple thing, and Caitanya Mahaprabhu is approved by the acaryas, by big, big scholars. So you have no fear of falling down
- Sudra means one who has no education, no culture. That is called Sudra. So that is the remnants. First of all, Brahmin, Ksatriya, Vaisyas; and others, those who have no sufficient brain, they are counted as Sudra
- Sunshine is making the whole thing very hot, and the moonshine making them pleasing. So God's arrangement is so nice that everything is going on nicely. There is brain behind it. Why there is sunshine, why there is moonshine, everything described
- That (Krsna's power) is so subtle and working so nicely that overnight we see that a beautiful flower has come out. But there is working, there is brain. But they are working so swiftly and subtly, we cannot see how it is being worked
- That was the Ramacandra's business, to kill Ravana. Ravana was a very powerful atheist, and he was working with the ten heads. Just like materialistic karmis, they work very hard, and they have got good brain also for working hard. So Ravana had ten heads
- The activities of the Lord (Krsna) are always inconceivable to the tiny brain of the living entities. Nothing is impossible for the Supreme Lord, but all His actions are wonderful for us, and thus He is always beyond the range of our conceivable limits
- The arms are required to protect the body from all harm, but the arms must act according to the directions of the head and brain
- The body can be maintained by any kind of foodstuff, but cow's milk is particularly essential for developing the finer tissues of the human brain so that one can understand the intricacies of transcendental knowledge
- The body is also a creation, and the universe is also a creation, and the brain which has created these things, He is complete. Therefore He has created these complete units. That is the idea. Purnam idam
- The body looks very beautiful working with full energy and exhibiting great traits of talent and wonderful brain work. But as soon as the soul is away from the body, all this glimmering situation of the body becomes useless
- The brahmacari system made their brain so powerful that whatever they will hear from the spiritual master, they will keep in the brain and never forget. They will repeat verbatim. Smrti. It is called retaining power
- The brain can act while we are awake or even while we are dreaming, but when we are fast asleep or unconscious the brain is inactive
- The brain is most important part of the body, this head. If you cut the head of a man, then, in spite of possessing the arms, belly and legs, he is dead man. But if you cut the hand or the leg, he can live, and the brain can work
- The brain is nothing but matter, but when electrified by the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the brain can act, just as iron can burn when made red-hot by the influence of fire
- The brain is working, but it is so advanced that in your room, as soon as you push on a button you see everything. But don't think it is becoming automatically done
- The brain must be sharp and finer tissues. Then spiritual understanding will be there. With dull brain, physical brain, we cannot understand. That is not possible. Therefore to spiritualize the brain, the senses, requires a process
- The brain of scientist created by somebody, that is not in your hand. You cannot create another similar brain. That is not possible
- The brain will be sharp. Instead of discharging semina, there are brahmacaris who takes the semina to the brain. They are called urdhvaretah, means the brain becomes very, very fertile
- The brain will give direction, the hand will give protection. Everything is required. Therefore we have named this "Krsna conscious society." "Society" means all classes of men required
- The camara with which she (Rukmini) was serving Krsna immediately fell from her hand. Her brain and memory became puzzled, and she lost consciousness
- The computer machine is not brain; the man who is pushing the buttons, he has got the brain. So we have to learn like that. Therefore we have to take knowledge from Krsna, and Krsna is giving knowledge directly in the Bhagavad-gita
- The Darwin's theory: "Now the brain has evolved." No. Actually, they are degrading. They are degrading. Formerly the brain was very sharp
- The generation are becoming degraded, because they are not aiming at the sreyas. They are simply aiming at the preyas - immediate pleasing thing. They do not know that immature sex life spoils the brain, spoils strength. Everything is spoiled
- The head may be very important part of the body, but you cannot neglect the legs. If you want to keep the body in fitness, then the brain must work nicely, the hand must work nicely, the belly must work nicely, and the legs also must
- The highly intelligent brains of these gentlemen (like Jagadisha Chandra Bose, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, etc.) were certainly not products of any human being. The brain is created by another agent
- The human being has got higher brain capacity. That should be utilized not only for bodily comforts. Bodily comforts, the animals, they are also trying
- The human life, human brain should be sober to understand what is the problem of life, why I'm subjected to so many tribulations, how to remedy, how to find out the remedy, and that requires tapasya
- The incarnation (of God) performs a task which is not even imaginable by the tiny brain of mankind
- The intestines, the throat, the brain and the other parts of the body are affected by all kinds of diseases that are so powerful that they become sources of extreme suffering for the living entity
- The inventor used his brain to make this complicated machine, and his brain, as well as the ingredients, were supplied by Krsna
- The layer of air (of the outer covering of the universe) is ten times greater than that of fire. These dimensions are all inconceivable to the tiny brain of a human being
- The Lord’s energies, though factual, are simply beyond the power of the common brain to understand
- The material scientists also want to challenge the inconceivable potency of the Lord by measuring Him with their froglike brains and their scientific achievements, but at the end they simply die unsuccessfully, like the frog
- The minute sac-cid-ananda living entity cannot be really happy through any amount of planning conceived by his illusioned brain in this material universe. He must therefore be given a different type of happiness which is spiritual in essence
- The other three fourths of His (Lord Krsna) energy are displayed in the spiritual world, and so what can the tiny scientist with a tiny brain know of the Absolute Personality of Godhead, Lord Krsna?
- The person who has discovered this nuclear weapon, atomic bomb, he's certainly genius. He has got nice brain, that simply egg-like bomb, if you throw, immediately the whole island of Hawaii will be finished
- The persons who are really possessing brain, that is Krsna consciousness men. So at the present moment there is need of such men
- The prakrti, nature, is instrument. Nature is not brain. Just like nowadays you have got very complicated machine, computer. The computer machine is not brain; the man who is pushing the buttons, he has got the brain
- The proper function of the brain or psychological activity is to understand everything through Krishna's perspective or point-of-view, and so there is no limit to that understanding because Krishna is unlimited
- The protection of cows maintains the most miraculous form of food, i.e., milk for maintaining the finer tissues of the brain for understanding higher aims of life
- The psychologist makes a serious study of the physiological conditions of the brain, as if the construction of the cerebral lump were the machine of the functioning mind, but in the dead body the psychologist cannot bring back the function of the mind
- The real aim is: how to become Krsna conscious. Brahmana is guiding, ksatriya is ruling, vaisya is producing food, and sudra, they have no brain; they are helping. In this way the society is very peaceful, and everyone is advanced in Krsna consciousness
- The sane person ceases to speculate on subjects beyond the jurisdiction of his tiny brain, and as a matter of course he tries to learn to surrender unto the Supreme Lord, who alone can lead one to the platform of real knowledge
- The scientific research for such an invention certainly requires a very good brain, but instead of inventing something beneficial to human society they invent something to accelerate death, which is already assured to every man
- The scientists have got good brain, but who manufactured the brain? You cannot do it. You have not manufactured your brain. If you say: "By nature," then nature is more powerful than you
- The small spiritual spark, the living entity, very small, we cannot even imagine with our material brain. It is one ten-thousandth part of a point. We, in the material world, we cannot measure the length and breadth of point
- The so-called scientists, philosophers, all dull-headed. It is very abominable condition of society. There is no man who is real brain
- The symmetry of creation and its regulative actions and reactions suggests the plan of an intelligent brain behind them, and by genuine inquiry one may find out the ultimate cause with the help of one who knows them factually
- The tiny human brain cannot conceive how these potencies of the Lord can act. Man can give some vague explanation of the laws by which such phenomena are made possible
- The warning: "I have come." (makes sound like flying mosquito) "Hnn-nn-nn." Where is that brain? The mosquito has so nice brain that he gives you warning that, - I have come to bite you. If you like, you can save yourself
- The Western countries, their brain is not so sharp to clearly understand the difference between visistadvaita, suddhadvaita advaita-dvaita, dvaitadvaita or advaita. (laughs) Their brain does not allow to think very deeply
- The Westerners have good brains, but they do not have any good leader. Now the Krsna consciousness movement will provide them with good leader if they take it seriously
- The whole movement of Krsna consciousness is to purify the consciousness. It doesn't matter what kind of brain one has because if he simply transfers his consciousness from matter to Krsna, his life becomes successful
- The whole world is engaged in unnecessary hard labor with their factories. It is a brain killing civilization. Let them come to free life. Spend time chanting Hare Krsna, reading books and making their lives successful
- The word durvibhavya means "inconceivable by our tiny brain," and vibhakta-viryah means "divided in varieties of potencies." This is the right explanation of the display of creative energies in the material world
- The word sahasra-sirsnah is very significant. One who has diverse energies and activities and a wonderful brain is known as the sahasra-sirsnah. This qualification is applicable only to the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, and no one else
- The word sukapolam ("nice forehead") indicates a clear brain capable of understanding things as they are. By intelligence one can set things in order. The earrings set upon the two ears are placed there by the work of the intelligence
- The word urdhva-retasah is very significant. Urdhva-retah refers to one who can control sex life and who instead of wasting semen by discharging it, can use this most important substance accumulated in the body to enrich the brain
- The yoga process, by breathing exercise, by that dhokhi process, by sitting posture, so many things - the whole thing is that keep the body very fit, brain clear, so that one can think of higher subject matter very nicely
- Their (Mayavadi's) brains cannot accommodate the fact that the huge cosmic manifestation can be created by a person. They doubt this because as soon as they think of a person, they think of a person within the material world with limited potency
- There are many organization of smugglers, black market, thieves. They have got brain to organize. Without brain they cannot organize
- There are six circles of vital air circulation within the body. The fourth is on the palate, the fifth is between the eyebrows, and the highest, the sixth circle, is above the brain
- There are so many processes going on within the body. Kapha-pitta-vayuh. There is very good mechanical arrangement. So the brain means to keep this mechanical arrangement very busy and going on nicely. That is brain
- There is a good brain who has discovered this machine (television). You do not know. You are simply pushing on this button, you are seeing. But don't think it has come automatically by nature. That is not possible
- There is no brain in this artistic work. And how wonderfully, because it is automatically coming, artist. Anything you take, flower. So, without brain how this thing can happen? But these rascals, they do not understand
- There is no material. When you forget Krsna, that is material. Just like madness. Madness is not our natural position, but when your brain is deranged, then it is madness
- There is some strength in the body, and as soon as he gets a little taste of sex life, "Oh, spend it, spend it," whole energy spent. Then brain becomes vacant. This is recklessness
- There must be division of work. So you take from . . . when there is necessity of brain work, you take help from him. And when there is need of the walking, take leg, help from the leg. It is a cooperation
- There must be systematic division of the work. Everyone should work. The brain will work, the hand will work, the belly will work, the leg will work, but the direction should be from the brain
- There must be university where brain is properly utilized
- There must be university where brain is properly utilized. Here is a child or here is a boy. He has good intelligence. Train him as brahmana. Less than that, train him as ksatriya, train him as vaisya
- Therefore it is called inconceivable, acintya. With our teeny brain, we cannot accommodate how it is one and different
- These rascals, they are praising the machine. They have no information that who is the person, what is the brain behind this machine. That is ignorance. That is the difference between the so-called scientists and devotee
- These things cannot be understood by ordinary brain. It requires a different brain. That brain is created by devotional service, these finer tissues
- They (demoniac persons) advise that one can satisfy the senses and at the same time, by reciting some mantra and by some practice, can aspire for perfection. Such persons are described here as hata-medhasah, which means those whose brains are spoiled
- They (government) are neglectful about this brain, brahmana. That is the defect of modern civilization. Therefore the human society is in more or less chaotic condition
- They (the sages) never discharge their semen, either knowingly or unknowingly. By such celibacy they are able to raise the semen to the brain. Thus they become most intelligent and develop very sharp memories
- They become fanatic. Otherwise, why one should be fanatic? If one has got brain, one has got logic, how he should be fanatic? Fanatics means dull-headed rascal, that's all
- They cannot accommodate, accommodate in the teeny, poor brain that the original Absolute Truth is a person. That is their problem
- They cannot understand what is the meaning of this Krsna consciousness. They are such dull headed men. They have no brain to understand. They are coming down again
- They say that there is a tissue in the brain, they disturb with this religious idea. They say like that. And if that tissue is operated, then there will be no more religion
- They take it (Krsna consciousness) as a religious movement and reject it. No. Don't reject it. It is a science. You try to understand if you have got brain
- They'll never agree God is person. They'll never agree. Their teeny brain cannot accommodate that God, the Supreme, can be a person
- This boy is a new boy, and he might have so many ideas within his brain and if you can train him for your purpose he will be a great service
- This brahminical culture, the brahminical brain, is the standard of Vedic civilization. Just like Manu-smrti. You cannot trace out the history, when Manu-smrti was written. But Manu-smrti is considered so perfect that it is the Hindu law
- This invention of atomic bomb, certainly it requires good brain. But Bhagavad-gita says that this genius, or this brain, intelligence, has been wrongly used
- This is fact psychologically, that brain substance in man is greater than the brain substance in woman. In the Bhagavad-gita also, striyo vaisyas tatha sudrah (BG 9.32). But in spiritual understanding there is no such discrimination
- This Krsna consciousness movement is to give the greatest benefit to the human society to clear their brain, the rascal brain
- This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to create some good brains so that he can understand, one can understand what is the Absolute Truth. This is the movement
- This statement is very instructive to the ordinary man, who is amazed by the activities of a person with an exceptional brain
- Those who are animal-killers and animal-eaters, they cannot understand finer philosophical matter. Their brain is gross. Therefore they are much inclined to mechanical way of life
- Those who are dull materialists, their brain is congested with so much rubbish thing, they cannot understand that it is through the bodily effulgence of the Lord the potential manifestation is this cosmic manifestation. They will think that like Dr. Frog
- Those who are duskrtina. . . Duskrtina means very intelligent, but the intelligence is being misused in mischief-mongering. They are called duskrtina. Krti. Krti means very nice brain, but duskrti - the brain is used for creating misgivings
- Those who are little above the bodily concept of life, they find pleasure in the mind. And farther, they find pleasure in intellectualism. And in this way the thing is very complicated. It requires very cool brain to understand all these things
- Those who have got brain, they will worship Visnu. Yajna means to satisfy Visnu. Yajnaih sankirtana-prayaih. Visnur aradhyate pumsam nanyat tat-tosa . . . the whole aim is to satisfy Visnu
- Those whose brains are filled up with cow dung, they want to exploit this material world. It is impossible. It is not possible. Under certain pleas only that, "This political party will give you better chance for exploiting." But you cannot do that
- To accept the real fact, so many big, big brains, politician, but they have no sense to understand that the whole earthly planet belongs to God. It is created by God. It is the property of God
- To become very big businessman is not ordinary thing; it requires tapasya, very great labor, brain, yat tapasyasi
- To keep the body fit, everyone should act very nicely. Brain should work nicely, arm must be strong, belly must be fit to digest foodstuff, and leg must work
- Unfortunately you have no brain; therefore you misunderstand. On this point the Bhagavad-gita will explain. What do you think? "Brainwash or brain-giving?" This should be the heading
- United Nations has no department which actually can be called the brain organization
- Unless one has got clear brain, unless has actually the senses, purified, one cannot take the lessons of the Krsna consciousness movement
- Veda says, abhijnah: the creation was taken place not from the chunk, but abhijnah, the person who knows everything. By His brain. So the scientists are now, some of them, are realizing that there is a big brain behind this all creation
- Vedanta-sutra means, gives you the whole purpose of Vedas, knowledge, in small code words. So to understand these code words, one must have very big brain, or very highly standard educational qualification
- Vedic civilization is, from the very beginning, to train the boys to become brahmacari, celibacy. Not that modern days, the schools, boys and girls, ten years, twelve years, they're enjoying. The brain is spoiled
- Vikarsato antar hrdayad, from the core of the heart. Now, from the sastra you can understand where the soul is. Soul is not in the brain or not in the here, there. Therefore when the soul is taken away, or goes away from the heart, we say, heart failure
- Vimarsanam means to become sober and think that "Why I cannot check my desire to do sinful activities?" Then he suggested to come to that understanding he requires good brain
- We are glorifying the brain of the scientist, but we are not glorifying the scientist who has made the brain of the scientist
- We are not brainwashing; we are clearing the brain. The rascal brain is full with cow dung. We are clearing. You see? That is our movement. But these rascals are understanding that we are enforcing some idea
- We are simply executing what Vasudeva has spoken. That's all. So our task is very easy, because we haven't got to manufacture, tax our brains, to create something nonsense. No
- We can have the facility of drinking milk, which will help us in keeping our health in order and developing very nice brain tissues to understand spiritual subject matter. Fish-eaters, they're all dull. They cannot understand finer philosophy of life
- We cannot have the knowledge of the Absolute Truth simply by argument or simply by philosophy or simply by big brain or speaking power. No, no. All these things will not do. Simply we have to follow the great authority
- We have got good brain. Instead of utilizing the brain to know what is the active principles of this whole universe, if we utilize that brain for manufacturing a watch, that is not very good proposal
- We have to learn the art how to utilize everything for God. Then it is spiritual. That requires little brain
- We see so many varieties of people, men, in the society, and what is the difference of variety? One has got good brain, another has got dull brain
- We try to explain how God is working. So one should have brain to study things. One must have clear idea how God is person, how He is working, how this cosmic manifestation is manifested by God's energy
- Western civilization is not brahminical culture. There is no brahminical culture. And brahminical culture is needed. That is the head. That is the brain
- Western scientists, philosophers, they are all Dr. Frogs. They simply calculating three feet water, that's all. As soon as you speak to them about Atlantic Ocean, they say: "Oh, it is impossible." Froggish brain
- What we are presenting, that is nothing manufactured by concoction of the brain. No. It is all authorized, all authorized
- When bright young boys and girls receive proper guidance from parents and teachers who can lucidly answer their queries, they easily understand each point and gradually develop fine brains
- When somebody comes to attack you, first of all your brain gives you dictation, "Now this man is coming to attack you. You spread your hand." So immediately my hand spreads and I want to protect myself. So these are called ksatriya class
- When Yasoda had tied Krsna up one time, she began to think, "Krsna's body is so soft and delicate, how could I have tied Him with rope?" Thinking this, her brain became puzzled, and she felt dizziness
- When you concentrate in that study with bhava, then you can understand Krsna, how He is working, how He is the original source of everything. That requires little brain
- When you have to do something, you have to tax your brain. That is the business of the brain. When you have to protect yourself, your hands will be required. If somebody comes to attack you, you immediately expand your hand or take some weapon to protect
- Where did this chunk come from? The fact is that there must be a brain, a leader, behind anything organized. We have information of this leader from the Vedas: nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam - Katha Upanisad 2.2.13
- Where is the difficulty in understanding God? There is no difficulty. If one is actually sane, if one has a brain that is not made of stool, one can understand God at every step
- Where there is a headless man, there is a dead body. And if there is no brain, there is no head; if the brain is not working properly then he is a madman; if he has no head at all, then he is a dead man
- Without intelligence . . . just like your brain, if he, if brain is crazy, your body may be very strong, but that is useless, because there is no brain. So at the present moment, especially in this Kali-yuga, there is lack of intelligent class of men
- Without milk you cannot develop the finer tissues of your brain, and without developing the finer tissues of brain it is not possible to understand what is God
- Woman's beauty is how she is chaste and devoted to the husband. That is beauty, not personal beauty. Vidya-rupam ku-rupanam. And education is the beauty for the brain
- You are painting one very nice flower. You have to take your brush, the color and the plate, so many things, and you are taxing your brain how to make it beautiful. But you see one rose flower in the garden they are coming out very artistically painted
- You are the greatest of all religious principles, the supreme mind, and You have a brain which is never checked by any condition. Therefore I repeatedly offer my obeisances unto You
- You can prepare hundreds and thousands of preparation, all not only delicious, but brain-maintaining. You can get good brain. Therefore go-raksya, cow protection is especially recommended
- You cannot expect that your audience should be all highly brain. No. Preaching is required because they have no brain. Therefore your duty is to tolerate all difficulties and bring them to the sense of brain
- You drink the blood of the cow by natural process, which turns into white milk. You'll get better brain, better strength. Therefore cow protection is very essential in Vedic civilization
- You have created this material civilization, very advancement. That is all right. But whether you have made any security arrangement that you'll be able to enjoy them? Is there any arrangement? This requires little brain
- You have got brain, you can utilize it for smuggling and you can utilize it also how to understand Krsna. The same brain
- You have such a poor brain that you could not follow even ordinary moral instruction of Jesus Christ
- You have to be trained up how to become first-class brain. That is brahmana. You have to become truthful, you have to become controller of the senses, you have to become fully aware of things, of God, everything, full knowledge, then you become brain
- You may be very big speaker, nice speaker, but that is not the process - simply by speaking very nicely you can understand the Absolute Truth. Neither you can understand the Absolute Truth because you have got a very nice brain, a great scientist
- You may not remember. You have no such brain. You are teeny. But why should you defy Krsna? Why should you deny the facility for Krsna? That means you are thinking, - Krsna, He is like me
- You should understand and see from the activities of Krsna whether He is or is not Bhagavan. It requires a good brain to understand
- You will find many healthy persons in India subsisting only on these vegetarian foodstuffs, and they have good brain also
- Your brain, your arms must work very nicely, although also the digestive system, intestines, stomach, that must also work very nicely, as well as the legs. Then you are perfectly fit. Similarly, in the social system there must be the head department
- Your business should be: "Who is that brain behind it?" That should be your research, not that how chemical combination can be... It is already being produced without your so-called scientific knowledge. It is already going on