backgrounds | background
Pages in category "Background"
The following 94 pages are in this category, out of 94 total.
- A real philosopher must be convinced that light is not possible at all without a background of sunlight
- A woman is supposed to be the energy of the man. Historically, in the background of every great man there is either a mother or a wife. One's household life is very successful if he has both a good wife and mother
- Accepting these (There is no background of this material creation. This material creation is false) are the basic principle of this material creation, etam drstim avastabhya, nasta atmanah - lost their (demons') spiritual consciousness
- All of you are coming from backgrounds of bad habits, so to make progress in Krishna Consciousness we must overlook the faults of others. You must be patient with your husband
- All our men have volunteered good service, so the background is good will. So everything should be done on the basis of good will
- All thoughts of obtaining happiness by using the material senses have a false background and therefore have no meaning
- Although maya (illusion) is false or temporary, the background of maya is the supreme magician, the Personality of Godhead, who is Mahesvara, the supreme controller. BG 1972 purports
- Although when Ajamila uttered this vibration (Narayana) he intended to call his son Narayana, Lord Narayana took it seriously and immediately gave him promotion to Vaikunthaloka, despite his background, which was full of sinful activities
- Anyone who, because of his background of pious activities in previous lives, is anxious to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam immediately realizes the presence of the Supreme Lord within his heart and fulfills the mission of his life
- Arjuna took compassion that, "I don't want victory. Better not to fight." So that is the cause of describing the science of Bhagavad-gita before Arjuna, just to induce him to act as a dutiful soldier. This is the background of Bhagavad-gita
- As soon as speak of laws of nature, we must accept that there is a law maker. Laws of nature cannot develop automatically. There must be some authority on the background
- Background is Krsna conscious. Sukrtina. Sukrtina. They're not so sinful. In India they're not so sinful as the Western. Sukrtina. Catur-vidha bhajante mam janah sukrtinah arjuna. And in the Western countries they are simply acting sinfully
- Because modern economic development is going on with no religious background, people have become lusty, greedy and mad after money
- Because they have a pious background, all four types of people are to be considered greatly fortunate. Such people gradually give up material desires and become pure devotees
- Behind each and every energetic exhibition (of Krsna) there is the background of eternity, pleasure, potency and full cognizance
- Behind everything visible to our material eyes is some cause, and one who can see the original cause of all causes, Lord Krsna, can actually see. Krsna, the sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), is the background of everything
- Bhagavad-gita is spoken in the warfield. Bhagavad-gita is spoken when Arjuna was in problem, whether to fight or not to fight. That is the, I mean the, background of Bhagavad-gita
- Brahmana means punya. Without having background of pious activities, nobody can take birth in rich family, in brahmana family
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement is not sentimental. People think that this is a sentimental movement. No. We have got very good background
- Constant change and destruction (bhutva bhutva praliyate (BG 8.19)) is perpetually going on in nature, yet the material scientists want to study natural laws without knowing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the background of nature
- Creating the background very nicely, sattva-guna, they'll beget a child. That child will come, some great man, now great devotee. So everything has got the material relationship, how to do it. That is sastra. You do it, but follow the sastric injunction
- Due to his poor fund of knowledge, the materialist cannot see beyond the purview of his imperfect senses; he thinks that matter automatically takes its own shape independent of a conscious background. This is refuted by Vyasadeva in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Due to his poor fund of knowledge, the materialist cannot see beyond the purview of his imperfect senses; thus he thinks that matter automatically takes its own shape independent of a conscious background
- First a child is shown the branches of a tree, and then he is shown the moon through the branches. This is called sakha-candra-nyaya. The idea is that first one must be given a simpler example. Then the more difficult background is explained
- For misguided living entities, sex life is the background of material existence
- Fourth class men. Their background is wrong. No scientist, no politician, no philosophers, at the present moment, believe in this, that there is soul, and the soul is transmigrating from one body... Nobody believes it
- He (son of the elderly brahmana) was saying (to his father) - If you make the background like that (not lying directly but like a diplomat), I shall know how to fill in the argument and defeat him (the young brahmana) by word jugglery
- He (Svarupa Damodara) has completely understood that so-called scientific knowledge is bogus, it has no solid background. Now he's writing books on this
- Human life is meant for understanding the Absolute Truth, God, the background of everything. Immediately answer is there: "The Brahman means janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1), the origin of everything
- If you want to understand this philosophy by your learning, by your academic career, we have got sufficient stock to supply you. Sufficient stock. Don't think that we are all sentimentalists, simply dancing. No. There is a background
- Impersonal bigness, they think it is very important. Actually, it has no value. Background is person. Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that brahmano 'ham pratistha: "The impersonal Brahman, I am the cause. I am the source of impersonal Brahman"
- In the Bhagavad-gita everything explained: four kinds of men begins God consciousness. And what kind of man he is? Sukrtina, one who has background of pious life, not the rogues and rascals. Little pious activities one who has done. Ajnata-sukrti
- In this regard (BG 9.10), Srila Madhvacarya gives this note: durghatatvad arthatvena paramesvarenaiva kalpitam. The background of everything is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva
- It is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita that the background of the material manifestation is Lord Krsna. And, as confirmed in the Brahma-samhita, Krsna is the cause of all causes
- No religious background
- Now I am feeling inclination for philosophy, and I want to retire into the background for translating my Srimad-Bhagavatam more and more
- Now the factual administration will depend on the Governing Body Commission and the sannyasis are entrusted for making propaganda work. I wish to remain on the background to give you some directions
- On the basis of this vision, that "There is no God. There is no background of this material creation. This material creation is false." There are so many other conclusions of the demonic people. Demon and atheist, the same thing
- One may try in different ways to think that everything is void in the ultimate issue, that there is no God and that even if the background of everything is spirit, it is impersonal
- One must act in such a way that he will always remember Krsna, and one must refrain from doing things that make him forget Krsna. These two principles form the basic background of Krsna consciousness
- Sex life is the background of material existence
- She offered her obeisances unto the Lord, the author of the basic principles of the Sankhya system of philosophy, which is the background of liberation, and she satisfied Him with the following verses of prayer
- So in my background, we have got so many authorities, but when you say, you have no background. That is difference between you and me
- So many boys, young boys, you have understood. So do it and give me relief. I remain in the background. Let me finish my Bhagavata Purana and those who are assisting in the writing, I'll be there
- Some of the great devotees of the Lord - like Ramananda Raya, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami - were government officers and had a background of very opulent householder life. Consequently they knew how to deal with people
- Srutadeva said, "You (Krsna) are the supreme controller and superintendent of the material nature’s activities. The atheistic class of men simply observe the activities of material nature but cannot find You as the original background"
- The authorized process is chanting of the Holy Name as it is recommended in all the Vedic literatures, and it is being effective amongst the people whose background is neither Hinduism nor Indianism
- The background for the devotee is the all-good Himself (Krsna). Why should the devotee aspire for something good for himself? His only business is to please the Supreme by rendering as much service as possible
- The background of all natural occurrences is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.10) - mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram
- The background of all these (sensory) activities is the living being, and the director of the living beings is the Supersoul. The living being is not the all in all. He is directed by the Supersoul
- The boys and girls from bad backgrounds may be helped certainly by our program, but we cannot make a new program for them
- The creator may remain unseen in the background, but that does not mean that there is no creator. One should not be illusioned simply by the gigantic form of the material universe
- The death of an ordinary man occurs against the background of his past good and evil deeds, which determine his next birth. But for a devotee the case is different
- The devotee must serve the Lord sincerely, and Krsna is always in the background to protect him and, if need be, to equip him fully to fight with his enemy
- The durga-sakti (material energy) acts under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and the universal creation, maintenance and destruction are being carried out by the durga-sakti. Krsna’s direction is in the background
- The external energy is a background, but the Supreme Lord by the expansion of His plenary portion as Paramatma is situated everywhere. He is the Supersoul of all demigods, all human beings, all animals, everywhere. BG 1972 purports
- The individual soul is transmigrating from one body to another, and his present body and present activities are the background of his next body. BG 1972 purports
- The living being is practically the dominating factor over the material elements as the enjoyer, though the background is the Supreme Lord
- The living entity is in distress regarding his self-identity. He has no factual background, like a man who dreams that he sees his head cut off
- The prosperity of the world depends not on our own efforts but on the background arrangement of the Supreme Lord, directly carried out by the demigods. BG 1972 purports
- The subtle body, which is called linga, the body of desire, is the background for the development of a particular type of gross body, which is either like that of one's mother or like that of one's father
- The Supreme Lord is the supreme will and the background of this material manifestation, but the management is being conducted by material nature. BG 1972 purports
- The system of philosophy enunciated by Lord Kapila before His mother is the background for situation on the spiritual platform. The specific significance of this system of philosophy is stated as siddhi-bhumim - it is the background of salvation
- The visible effect of this chanting (of Hare Krsna maha-mantra) is that the members of the Hare Krsna movement, regardless of their backgrounds, all give up the four principles of sinful life and come to an elevated standard of devotion
- The whole government was specifically designed to fulfill this particular purpose. As such, the king had to select properly the cabinet ministers, but not on the strength of voting background
- There are thousands of my disciples, European and American; their background is not Hindu culture, and still they are accepting this Krishna Consciousness philosophy
- They (demigods) execute the order of the Supreme Lord exactly according to His plan. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is in the background, and because His orders are carried out by others, it appears that He is impersonal
- They do not accept that, they are foolish rascals. And they are trying to advance in knowledge, active foolish, fourth class men. Their background is wrong
- They know that without God's help we cannot mitigate any of our distressed condition or needy condition. Therefore the arta and artharthi whose background is pious life, they approach God
- This kind of devotional service, in which knowledge of God's name is lacking, is also described in Bhagavad-gita where the Lord says that four kinds of men with backgrounds of pious activities come to Him asking for what they need
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not a concoction of mind. It is scientific. It is based on the Vedic knowledge. It is primarily on the background of the teachings of Bhagavad-gita
- Those who have got background of pious life. So even one goes to the church, "God, give us our daily bread," he's not ordinary person. He's pious man. He has gone to God to ask. He has not gone to anyone
- Those whose intelligence has become fixed by perfect execution of mystic yoga can see that all these elements result from the actions of Your external energy. They can also see Your transcendental form as Supersoul in the background of everything
- Those with a background of pious life are eligible to receive life's supreme benefit, and to bestow this benefit, the Supreme Personality of Godhead sends His representative to impart His mercy
- Unfortunately, persons with impious backgrounds do not believe in the Personality of Godhead, and everyone wants to become God himself without any qualification
- Unfortunately, there is no department for distributing knowledge in the science of the soul. But that is the important, most important thing, because the soul is the mainstay, is the background of all our movements
- We are pushing our movement on the background of a peaceful atmosphere in the world, and if we show a little disturbance in our own camp that will not be a very good example
- When there was a desire to perceive the physical characteristics of matter, softness, hardness, warmth, cold, lightness & heaviness, the background of sensation, the skin, the skin pores, the hairs on the body & their controlling deities were generated
- When we understand Krsna in perfection, we will automatically know the laws of nature and how they are acting. Vaisnavas are concerned with the background of the laws of material nature
- Without pious activities on the background, nobody is interested in the science of God
- You might have discovered - you are great scientist - that under this law, the law of gravitation or this law, that law, so many laws there are. But the background you have to inquire, "Who is the law-maker?"
- You might have discovered - you are great scientist - that under this law, the law of gravitation or this law, that law, so many laws there are. But the background you have to inquire, Who is the law maker? Unless there is law maker, how there can be law
- You should ask the president in charge how to answer these questions. I am feeling the inclination for retiring into the background and simply translating my Srimad-Bhagavatam, therefore I have delegated this GBC to manage everything and give me relief