Miscreants . . . who are miscreants? Miscreants, means just like outlaw. A person may be very nice, well-educated or wealth. So many qualification he might have. But if he is an outlaw, then all his qualification becomes damned. Similarly, duṣkṛtām, miscreants, outlaw, those who are not obedient to the laws of nature or laws of God.
There is no difference between laws of nature and laws of God. Laws of nature means laws of God. Dharmaṁ tu sākṣād bhagavat-praṇītam (SB 6.3.19). Therefore Bhāgavata says that religious principle cannot be manufactured by any human being. It is the law of God. Therefore one has to obey it. One cannot disobey. Law of nature you cannot disobey. It will be enforced upon you. Just like law of nature, the winter season. You cannot change it. It will be enforced upon you. Law of nature, summer season, you cannot change it, anything. Laws of nature or laws of God, the sun is rising from the eastern side and setting on the western side. You cannot change it, anything. That you have to understand, how laws of nature is going on.
That is Kṛṣṇa consciousness, to understand laws of nature. And as soon as speak of laws of nature, we must accept that there is a law maker. Laws of nature cannot develop automatically. There must be some authority on the background. Bhagavad-gītā therefore says in the Tenth Chapter that mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sa-carācaram (BG 9.10): "Under My direction, superintendence, the material laws are working."
The scientist, they are studying material laws, but they have no information of the law maker. They are surprised with the wonderful laws. Now, you can study your own body, how laws of nature is working under the direction of a living entity. You just try to understand your own body.
You are eating, it is going to the stomach, and it is transforming into different secretion. Then it is pumped up to the heart. And in the heart it becomes reddish, blood, and the blood is transfused or transported to different parts of the body through the veins. There is a big mechanical arrangement undoubtedly. Every scientist or every sane man will admit.
But it is just like a machine. It is just like a machine. Any machine you take—motorcar, typewriting, whatever you have got experience . . . there are many in your country; it is machine country. So the constructor . . . construction of the machine may be very complicated, wonderful, very nice, everything is all right, but a living entity required to pull on the button.
Without pulling on the button, however nice arrangement may be in the machine, it cannot work. That is our experience. We cannot deny it. The wonderful machine, working . . . now, business machine, there are so many wonderful machine, they are working also. Sometimes calculating brain is required; electrical brain is there. Everything is all right. But unless a man puts on the button, press the button, it cannot work. That thing is important.
Similarly, the statement of Bhagavad-gītā, that mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sa-carācaram (BG 9.10), this material world, this cosmic manifestation, is working very wonderfully, and controlling the moving and the not-moving. We have got experience. Just like we are moving, man, animal. But there are certain other things, just like trees, mountain, they do not move. So moving or unmoving. But everyone is being controlled by the laws of nature.