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Pages in category "Away"
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- A chaste, devoted wife whose husband is away from home is never satisfied until she has the association of her beloved husband
- A cloud in the sky sometimes deviates from a small cloud and joins a big one. But if it cannot join a big one, then it is blown away by the wind and becomes a nonentity in the vast sky. BG 1972 purports
- A devotee is always nonviolent; he is qualified with all good characteristics. But, in the common world, when there is mischief made by others, he should not forget to become angry, at least for the time being, in order to drive away the miscreants
- A devotee should be so advanced that in spite of being troubled by the asuras, he should tolerate, titiksavah, and still he should be kind upon him, not that "This man is talking against me, against God. Therefore I shall be angry and drive him away." No
- A favorable condition will be created, the principles of religion will be reestablished, and thus the executive heads, who are so anxious to drive away corruption from the world, will be successful if they arrange to distribute transcendental sound
- A man and woman unites, and the woman becomes pregnant, and the husband goes away. Then the poor woman is embarrassed with the child
- A person who is in a jubilant spirit, who feels profound devotional ecstasy while dancing before Me, who manifests different features of bodily expression, can burn away all the accumulated sinful reactions he has stocked up for many thousands of years
- A tiny baby bird, dependent fully on its father and mother even to eat, suddenly flies away from the nest when its wings have grown
- A woman whose husband is away from home or has taken the renounced order of life should not be very sorry, because she still has the presence of her husband's representative, her son
- A yogi should similarly meditate on the most benevolent smile of Lord Sri Hari, a smile which, for all those who bow to Him, dries away the ocean of tears caused by intense grief
- About one and a half miles away from Kumarahatta, or Kamarhatta, which is a few miles from Calcutta, is a village known as Kancadapada, which was the home of Sri Sivananda Sena. There he constructed a temple of Sri Gauragopala
- According to the modern scientists' calculation it is 93,000,0000. Taking it, accepted, as 93,000,000's from this earthly planet, then again add 1,600,000, that means 94,600,000 miles away from the earth there is the moon planet. It is not possible
- According to the Padma Purana, our present trouble is due to the fructifying of seedling sins, but even those seedling sins also gradually fade away by execution of pure devotional service
- According to the Vedic system, a woman whose husband is not at home does not dress herself very nicely. But although Rohini's husband was away, she still dressed herself very nicely on this occasion
- According to Yajnavalkya's religious injunctions, a woman whose husband is away from home should not take part in any social functions, should not decorate her body, should not laugh and should not go to any relative's house in any circumstance
- Actually the man is there, he is talking (in telephone) and I am hearing, but by scientific arrangement it is so that he is thousand miles away but he has come before me just like speaking with him
- After all inauspicious things were driven away by the chanting of the mantra, the Deity's bathing ceremony started. First the Deity was massaged with a large quantity of oil, so that His body became very glossy
- After Buddha, His Holiness Sankaracarya appeared to drive away Buddhism, and he established again Vedic religion. But that Vedic religion, being impersonal, that is also not Vedic religion
- After finishing a so-called education, the so-called educated persons move like dogs from door to door with applications for some service, and mostly they are driven away, informed of no vacancy
- After getting on Subhadra’s chariot, he prepared himself for a fight. Taking up his bow and holding off with his arrows the soldiers ordered to check him, Arjuna took Subhadra away
- After I go to the cave and see that the boys and calves are still there, does Krsna go take them away and put them here so that I come here and see them, and does Krsna then take them from here and put them there
- Again Nityananda Prabhu jokingly said, "My belly is not yet filled up. Please take away Your food. I have not taken the least of it"
- All bad men, unfortunate and disturbed. This is the position. They will work so hard, catch daily passenger trains, Calcutta, Bombay, I have seen. They are actually hanging, some of them are falling down, lost life, and coming from hundred miles away
- All these (subtle desires for impersonalism, monism, success and the four principles of religious activity; dharma, artha, kama and moksa) are like spots on clean cloth. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also wanted to cleanse all these away
- Although Ajamila was not punishable, the Yamadutas were insisting on taking him away to Yamaraja for punishment. This was adharma, contrary to religious principles
- Although Dhrtarastra was equally careful for the minor children of Maharaja Pandu, he was one of the intriguing parties who wanted to wash away the descendants of Pandu and replace them by raising his own sons to become the rulers of the kingdom
- Although the body is still there, a dead man's relatives lament that the person has gone away, for a common man sees the body but cannot see the soul
- Although the effulgence of the moon is brilliant initially at night, in the daytime it fades away. Similarly, although the lotus is beautiful during the daytime, at night it closes
- Although the serpent of eternal time, which is fearful in force, endlessly chases everyone, ready to swallow him, if one who fears this serpent seeks shelter of the Lord, the Lord gives him protection, for even death runs away in fear of the Lord
- An illustration of this principle is that many great empires which developed in the past are no longer existing because their wealth was squandered away by later descendants
- Animals, of course, have no sense of responsibility, but even humans, who have developed a sense of responsibility, while away their valuable time without engaging in devotional service to the Lord; they live merrily, unafraid of impending death
- Another gopi said, "My dear Krsna, You are the life and soul even of the lotus flower that grows on the water of lakes made transparent by the clear rains of autumn. Although the lotus flowers are so beautiful, without Your glance they fade away"
- Anyone can understand. Vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya. As our garments, coats & shirts, when they are old, rotten, no more usable, so we throw it away and get a new garment, shirt, coat. Similarly, the soul is changing garment from childhood, from babyhood
- Arjuna immediately took up his bow, Gandiva, and chased away all the princes; exactly as a lion drives away all small animals simply by chasing them, Arjuna drove away all the princes, without killing even one of them
- Arjuna, you are being carried away by your material affection, and you are hesitating to execute your duty. This is not good. - Anarya-justam - This is befitting for the anarya, non-Aryan
- As a boat on the water is swept away by a strong wind, even one of the senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man's intelligence - BG 2.67
- As a boat on the water is swept away by a strong wind, even one of the senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man's intelligence. BG 2.67 - 1972
- As a morose wife whose husband is away from home always longs for him to return and satisfy her in all respects, I always yearn for the opportunity to render direct service unto You
- As a strong wind sweeps away a boat on the water, even one of the roaming senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man's intelligence
- As explained by Bhaktivinoda Thakura, mayara vase, yaccha bhese, khaccha habudubu bhai: My dear brothers, why are you being washed away by the waves of maya
- As He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) floated in the sea, He was washed away to the Konarka temple, where a fisherman, thinking that the Lord's body was a big fish, caught Him in his net and brought Him ashore
- As if catching us by our hair, they forcibly take us away and deliver us unto You to become Your maidservants. Hearing of these incidents, people laugh at us. We have thus become completely subordinate to the flute
- As if they (the asuras) would allow Her (Mohini-murti) to do with the nectar whatever She liked, whether She distributed it, threw it away or drank it Herself without giving it to them
- As long as there is a demand for sense satisfaction, there is no chance for pacification; on the contrary, by unnecessary dry speculative arguments, the whole matter becomes distorted, and thus the Lord moves still further away from our understanding
- As she was being led away, crying in fear like a kurari captured by a vulture, the great sage Narada, who at that time had no engagement, appeared on the scene and saw her in that condition
- As soon as one grows, keeps away from the mother, from the father, the so-called independence. Actually we are dependent on Krsna. He is supplier. He is giving us food, everything. So we must have confidence. That's all
- As soon as the rainy season is over and as soon as the cloud goes away, all the crops which were nourished by rain dry up. Similarly, this material manifestation takes place at a certain interval, stays for a while & then disappears. BG 1972 Introduction
- As soon as the soul is away from the body, all this glimmering situation of the body becomes useless
- As soon as the soul is away from this body, it is a lump of matter. So when the soul is off from the body, if somebody decorates that dead body, what is use? It is simply concoction. That's all
- As soon as the whole material contamination is washed away by this process of chanting, all desires and reactions to material activities become immediately vanquished, and real life, peaceful existence, begins
- As the reflection of the sun appears to be on the water but is many millions of miles away from the water, so one engaged in the bhakti-yoga process is nirguna, or unaffected by the qualities of material nature
- As the sun and moon drive away darkness by their appearance and reveal the nature of everything, these two brothers dissipate the darkness of ignorance covering the living beings and enlighten them with knowledge of the Absolute Truth
- As the sun rises and sets, it snatches away the balance of our life-span. Thus as each day passes, each one of us loses some of life's duration
- At Narayana-saras, the second group of sons performed penances in the same way as the first. They bathed in the holy water, and by its touch all the dirty material desires in their hearts were cleansed away
- Bad money drives away good money. Instead of paper currency, actual gold coins should be used for exchange, and this will stop prostitution of gold
- Because the mode of goodness means knowledge. So if you know, "This table does not belong to me; it belongs to Swamiji," you will not try to take it away. Therefore, one must know - be thoroughly well conversant - then he can be honest
- Because the whole aim was to get away the existence of God, therefore all the Vedic literature was . . . were interpreted by Sankaracarya in his own way. Still it is going on
- Because we are covered by the fog in so many ways, and it is very difficult to drive away. But you keep yourself in Krsna consciousness, it will be driven away. It will be driven away. There is no doubt about it
- Because we are under the grip of the three modes of material nature (prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih karmani sarvasah (BG 3.27)), we are being washed away
- Because you are imperfect; your senses are imperfect. Although you have got your eyes, you cannot see which is situated a very long distance away. Just like you see the sun like the disc. Huh? So the sun is not like a disc if you get closer. It is big
- Before these motorcars, the people were living very happily. They were transporting. But there was no such civilization that for your earning livelihood you have to go hundred miles away from your home to work there. Therefore you require vehicle
- Behind this very tomb (of Srila Rupa Gosvami) I (Prabhupada) have my place of bhajana, but since 1965 I have been away. The place, however, is being taken care of by my disciples
- BG 9.27: "O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me." Grhasthas should spend extra money only for the KC movement
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says: mayara vase yaccho bhese. "You are being washed away, carried away, by the currents." The currents also described. The first current is hunger. The second current is thirst. Similarly another current, janma mrtyu
- Bhattacarya began to praise the Lord and said, "Your influence and temperature were so great that You could melt away a piece of iron like me"
- Both Sri Dhama and Nandakisora are good administrators of Prasadam which is our peak medicine for driving away Maya; so I have all blessings for them. Let them chant Hare Krsna and distribute Prasadam, and things will come very quickly
- Bound by such hallucinations, materialistic men prepare various plans for a still more comfortable life, but suddenly cruel death comes without mercy and takes away the great planmaker against his desire
- Brahma said, "Your (Krsna's) appearance as a cowherd child is for the benefit of the devotees, & although I have committed an offense at Your lotus feet by stealing away Your boys & calves, I can understand that You have bestowed Your mercy upon me"
- By brahma-tejas, brahminical strength, Bhrgu Muni had created the Rbhu demigods, who had driven away the soldiers of Lord Siva stationed in the arena
- By cultural standing, the human beings were not at all subjected to the deluding energy (in the age of Satya). Such strong men of character were competent enough to get away from the clutches of maya
- By the ascending process, if anyone makes progress with the speed of mind and speed of air . . . you, you know the speed of mind, how it is powerful. You are sitting here, and you can think of thousands and thousands of miles away immediately
- By the process of karma, jnana and yoga, no one will succeed in driving away contamination from the heart, but once a person takes to the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord by devotional service, automatically all dirty things in the heart are removed
- By the traveling of the sun, people are relieved from the fear of the darkness of night - a fear brought about by thieves and rogues. Similarly, your traveling is like the sun's, for you drive away all kinds of fear
- By Your grace, which is of pure goodness and is the bestower of all blessings, kindly drive away the elements of rajas and tamas for the sake of the demigods and twice-born
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu also says, ceto-darpana-marjanam: (CC Antya 20.12) the process of hearing and chanting the glories of the Supreme Lord washes away the dirty things accumulated in the core of the heart
- Caitanya preached this method of yajna, & it is understood that the sacrificial method of sankirtana-yajna may be performed anywhere & everywhere in order to drive away the personality of Kali & save society from falling prey to the influence of the age
- Characteristically, one in devotional service is attracted away from the impersonal Brahman platform. He is offered a transcendental body to engage in Lord Krsna's service
- Charity means voluntarily giving away one's material possessions. In the present age there is no sacrifice, but from historical literatures like the Mahabharata we get information that kings performed sacrifices by distributing rubies, gold and silver
- Concerning my house in Mayapur, I have requested Saurabha in Bombay to postpone any idea for beginning the house until we have the master plan of the city. I may decide to move the location away from the front gate to a more secluded place
- Decide amongst yourselves what is to be done and do the needful. This is management. You have asked about the management of our society, and the position is that management should be done in such a way that people may not break away
- Deha means body. Either it is dead or alive, it has no life. Apranasya hi dehasya. Deha is not alive. It is dead. Simply we understand, because we are foolish rascals, we understand that this body is dead when the soul is away. The body is always dead
- Despite his knowing that Indra was taking away his father's horse, Vijitasva did not attack him. This indicates that Maharaja Vijitasva respected the right persons
- Devotional service is necessary not to drive away an insignificant stock of sins, but to awaken our dormant love for Krsna
- Dhari' macha na chonya pani, that we should fish, but don't touch the water. If on the plea of fishing, you become fall down in the water and you are gone, washed away, then what is this?
- Do not try to waste your time for so-called happiness or to drive away so-called distress. Just push yourself under the protection of Krsna. He will manage everything and you'll be happy
- Duryodhana was as strong as the King of heaven, still the sons of Prtha, the Pandavas, were able to snatch away their kingdom from him. Both Garuda & the Parthas are pet devotees of the Lord, and thus it was possible for them to face such strong enemies
- Especially in this scientific age, when television, radio messages are broadcast thousands and thousands of miles away, and you can hear, now why can you...? Why Krsna cannot hear your prayer, sincere prayer? How can you say it? Nobody can deny it
- Even a second passed away imperceptibly cannot be replaced, even in exchange for thousands of golden coins amassed by hard labor
- Even if transcendentalists slip away from the path of progress in some way or other, they are again given chances for making progress
- Even in the material world we can release a sound from one place, and it can be heard thousands of miles away. A spiritual sound can be released from many trillions of miles away, and it can be heard, provided that one has the machine to capture it
- Even though all dirty things may be cleansed away, sometimes subtle desires remain in the mind for impersonalism, monism, success & the 4 principles of religious activity. All these are like spots on clean cloth
- Even when everything was done away with, there was the brahmastra released by the son of Dronacarya to kill the child within the womb of Uttara, and so the Lord (Krsna) saved the only surviving descendant of the Kurus, Maharaja Pariksit
- Every day I am defeated in this assembly. If by chance I am one day victorious, that will be a great source of happiness for me, and all my shame will go away. But what means shall I adopt to establish my statements
- Everyone feels the absence of his relative who is away from home. The particular symptom of the age of Kali is that no family is now blessed to live together
- Everyone is being washed away by the big waves of the ocean of nescience, but if he simply accepts, "No, I am Krsna dasa. I am not master. I am not God. I am simply a servant..." And the more you become servant of the servant, more you are perfect
- Everyone knows that the mind is so swift that in even one ten-thousandth of a second it can take us millions of miles. If we have seen something millions of miles away, the mind can go there immediately
- False identification and attraction for matter gradually dry up and fade away by success in the cultivation of the human spirit. That is the effect of such higher cultivation
- Fire is a woman, and man is just like butter pot, it is said. Therefore they should not keep together. Just like there are some labels in medicine - Keep away from fire
- First he slowly pacified his mind by intelligence, and wiping away his tears and thinking of the feet of his master, Dhrtarastra, he began to reply to Maharaja Yudhisthira
- First of all to go there (to the moon), two million miles away? Nine million. So the gasoline taken from here nine million to come back. That is the problem
- For your sincere efforts in spreading this movement in so far away country as London, I am certain that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is most pleased and will surely bless you for your nice work
- Formerly people were going in bullock cart or horse carriage from one village to another. "That was primitive. Now we can go hundred miles away from home for earning money and taking risk to die at any moment. That is progress"
- Formerly, a man used to work on his field, a few steps from his house. Now we have created facility of transport; therefore we have to go to work three hundred miles away from home
- From sastra we understand that the moon planet is situated 1,600,000 miles away from the sun, and the sun is situated in the middle of the universe. And the total diameter from one circumference to the other of the universe, it is four billions of miles
- From the body of any person who claps and dances before the Deity, showing manifestations of ecstasy, all the birds of sinful activities fly away upwards
- Gargamuni Swami is postponing his scheme to take life members on a tour of many of our centers, thinking the centers are not ready to receive guests. Please investigate this report of the turning away of a life member at the Manor and let me know
- Garuda, the carrier of the Lord, snatched away a nectar pot from the hands of the demigods in heaven in order to liberate his mother, Vinata, from the clutches of his stepmother, Kadru, the mother of the serpents
- God will come and drive you away from your present pride, prestigious position, "Get out." So unless one is madman, he cannot say, "There is no God." Anyone who denies the existence of God, he is a madman
- Gopis said, "We have seen the footprints of Krsna & Radha, & they are giving us great pain, because Krsna is everything to us. But that girl is so cunning that She has taken Him away alone and is enjoying His kissing without sharing Him with us"
- Gresham's theory: "Bad money drives away good money." As soon as there is bad money, this paper currency, the coin, gold coins and silver coins, they are finished, they are no more
- Hare Krishna Mantra will clear away all of the difficulties that you have mentioned. Actually, as pure spirit soul, there is no difficulty; the cause of all problems is that we are forgetful of the fact that we are part and parcel of Krishna
- Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare is the transcendental process for reviving this original pure consciousness. By chanting this transcendental vibration, we can cleanse away all misgivings within our hearts
- Having enjoyed sense gratification for many, many years, O King Pariksit, Yayati was accustomed to it, but he gave it up entirely in a moment, just as a bird flies away from the nest as soon as its wings have grown
- He (a devotee who is engaged in the nine kinds of devotional activities) puts the SP of Godhead within his heart, and all sinful contaminations are naturally washed away. Continuous thinking of the Supreme Lord makes him pure by nature. BG 1972 purports
- He (a mystic yogi) may be sitting thousands of miles away from a certain place, and if he likes he can take fruit from a garden there. This is prapti-siddhi
- He (Brahma) was really anxious, so he did not stay away very long; he came back after a moment (of his calculation). He saw that all the boys and calves were playing with Krsna in the same way as when he had come upon them
- He (Dhrtarastra) was advised to leave home before Kali-yuga approached because the atmosphere which was created by Vidura, his valuable instructions on the facts of life, would fade away due to the influence of the age which was fast approaching
- He (King Nrga) said that he had been very charitably disposed and had given away so many cows that the total was equal to the number of particles of dust on the earth, stars in the sky or drops of water in a rainfall
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) was very afraid of his father at home. But in the school, as soon as the teachers were away, tiffin hour, he would take the opportunity and preach something about God
- He (Sankhacuda) appeared before Krsna, Balarama and the damsels of Vraja and began to lead the girls away to the north. He commanded them as if he were their proprietor and husband, despite the presence of Krsna and Balarama
- He (Siva) also understood that Bhrgu Muni had created the Rbhudeva demigods by uttering the mantras of the Yajur Veda and that these demigods had driven away all of his soldiers who were present in the arena of sacrifice
- He (Sudama) realized how kind Lord Krsna was to him, and he was always in trance, constantly thinking of Krsna. By such constant association with Lord Krsna, whatever darkness of material contamination remained within his heart was completely cleared away
- He also met Sivananda Sena, who informed him, Your father sent ten men to take you away
- He collects coconuts with great endeavor from a place twenty miles away, and he pays four panas each for them
- He slapped the fisherman three times and said, "Now the ghost has gone away. Do not be afraid." By saying this, he pacified the fisherman
- He was situated in transcendental bliss & he continued always in that blissful existence, which expanded more & more. This was possible for him by continual practice of bhakti-yoga, which is compared to fire because it burns away all material things
- Her (Rukmini's) eldest brother wanted her to be given away to King Sisupala, who happened to be a cousin of Krsna
- Here (in SB 4.5.4) is the beginning of competition between brahma-tejas and siva-tejas. By brahma-tejas, brahminical strength, Bhrgu Muni had created the Rbhu demigods, who had driven away the soldiers of Lord Siva stationed in the arena
- His brother was so faithful that so long His eldest brother was away, Ramacandra requested him that, - Your mother wants that you should be king, and I also wish that in My absence you should be king
- His service can be once again very much valuable there in Australia, I know he is very good boy. Do not drive him away, that will be the discredit to all of you leaders
- How to drive away maya, there are so many processes, how to become cleansed. Drive away maya means something phantasmagoria is covering my eyes; I have to cleanse. That is called ceto-darpana
- However, although King Barhisman understood everything, he was still not prepared to give up his engagements. As the following verses will show, the King was contemplating sending for his sons, who were away from home executing austerities and penances
- However, their weapons fell from their hands and struck their own bodies. When some of the Bhattatharis were thus cut to pieces, the others ran away in the four directions
- Hundreds of devotees brought water in the pots, and hundreds took the empty pots away to fill them up again
- I am (Prabhupada) very much pleased to understand that although you are now living away from Vrindavana, your mind is here. That is a very good sign. This is the symptom of loving affection for Krishna
- I am an old man - seventy-two years old. I have been away from my family during the last fourteen years. Yet sometimes I also think of my wife and children. This is quite natural. But that does not mean I have to go back. This is knowledge
- I am an old man and I may shift away from the scene at any moment; but I am very much hopeful of my disciples who are so sincerely helping me
- I am combination of spirit and matter. As soon as I am spirit, I am away from this matter, this body becomes matter. "Dust thou art; dust thou beist." Yes. So those who are mahatma, they have to take shelter of the spiritual energy
- I am now entrapped or encaged in this material body, and all my sufferings are due to this body. Therefore the whole aim of human life is to get away from this material body and to be situated in the spiritual life
- I am so glad that your Kirtana is driving away the Mayavadi philosophers from that part of the country, and Haridvar and Hrsikesa are full of impersonalists. If you can drive them away by your vibration of Hari-Kirtana, Krishna will be so much pleased
- I am very upset to learn the news of that incident in Trinidad. Yes, you are right to stay away from such a place, and there is no harm if husband and wife live separately for some time
- I can find no means to drive away this grief which is drying up my senses. I will not be able to destroy it even if I win an unrivalled kingdom on the earth with sovereignty like that of the demigods in heaven. BG 2.8 - 1972
- I did not ask my students to marry to become a lost child. I wanted to give them some facility, because you cannot do without wife. But now I am seeing that some of them are slipping away
- I had empowered you to chant the beads on my behalf, so henceforth, as long as I am away from America and Canada
- I have been away on a tour of Europe and America and upon returning to Bombay I have just gotten your letter. Therefore I have not replied sooner. I shall be coming to Vrndavana within a short time and we can talk there
- If a boy is whiling away his time by playing, you can understand, "This boy is being spoiled." Similarly, by the direction of the scripture, you can understand what is the destination of a certain person
- If a foolish devotee of the Lord tries to recoup his position, then the merciful Lord again snatches away all that he may have possessed. By such repeated failures in material prosperity he becomes very unpopular with his family members and friends
- If a mother leaves her child in his cradle and goes away to attend to some family duties, the child immediately understands that his mother has gone away, and therefore he cries. But as soon as the mother returns and cares for the child, the child laughs
- If He actually has no hand, how can He extend His hand millions of miles to accept an offering? Goloka Vrndavana is many trillions and trillions of miles away, but Krsna can accept whatever we offer
- If I do not know you, you do not know me, when we live ten thousand miles away, there is no question of love. Love means when there is intimacy. So to understand God is very difficult
- If in our vicinity some such industry (coal or oil industry) is started, the whole idea of Vrindaban will fade away. Vrindaban conception is a transcendental village, without any botheration of the modern industrial atmosphere
- If one has money, it should not be squandered away on nothing. It should be used to push forward the Krsna consciousness movement so that all of human society will become happy, prosperous and hopeful of being promoted back home, back to Godhead
- If somebody says that "You come here at my place. I shall give you very good food, nice shelter, all comforts, and after few days I shall drive you away and I shall beat you with my shoes," will anybody agree? No
- If they are very much inquisitive to make research work, let them research away how the Vedic knowledge says that there 8,400,000's of species of life. Let the botanists, let the anthropologists, or so many - let them research out
- If we are devotees, lovers of God, the ointment of love will clear our eyes. In order to see God, we have to cleanse our eyes by wiping away the cataracts of material contamination
- If we simply try to engage in the congregational chanting of the glories of Lord Anantadeva, the dirty things in our hearts, accumulated during many births, will immediately be washed away
- If you do not satisfy his senses, everyone is free to run away. That you cannot check. You cannot say, accuse somebody. Because here everyone is giving voluntary service. Nobody is servant. So if he doesn't like something, at any moment he can go away
- If you put bad money, just like nowadays the currency is some papers, paper currency, so drives away good money. Good money means gold coins. They are not to be seen. That is economic law: as soon as you put bad money, the good money will vanish
- If you simply give away in the animal propensities of life - eating, sleeping, mating and defending - and don't accept the process of tapasya, then your human life is failure
- If you want to save somebody who's drowning, you must know that, I may not be washed away. I have to remain strong; then I can save him
- If you want to speak to a friend a thousand miles away, you have to go there and find him, or he has to come. The process is there. By electricity (telephone), immediately he comes. Is it not be possible?
- If your lover is away from you, say thousand miles away, or a few miles away, if you simply chant the name of your friend, you cannot relish the actual meeting association. That is not possible; that is materially not possible
- In another version, the last line of this verse (of CC Antya 19.95) reads kamadevera mana kaila curi. This means - the scent of all these substances mixes with the previous scent of Krsna’s body and steals away the mind of Cupid
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord clearly says, mrtyuh sarva-haras caham: (BG 10.34) "I am all-devouring death." Thus mrtyu, or death, is the representative who takes everything away from the living entity who has accepted a material body
- In ecstasy the Lord asked Srivasa Thakura to deliver His flute, but Srivasa Thakura replied, "Your flute has been stolen away by the gopis"
- In former times there were many fools like you who did not conquer the six enemies that steal away the wealth of the body. These fools were very proud, thinking, "I have conquered all enemies in all the ten directions"
- In Gita-govinda there is a verse which states that the enemy of Kamsa, Krsna, also wanted to be entangled in love affairs with women and thus simply took Radharani away and left the company of the other damsels of Vraja
- In one sense, Krsna, the original Personality of Godhead (isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah (BS 5.1)), does not even take one step away from Vrndavana. However, in order to take care of various duties, Krsna had to leave Vrndavana
- In Satyaloka, which is situated many millions and billions of years away, there is no lamentation, nor is there old age, death, anxiety or the influence of enemies
- In such an atmosphere of love and service, Aniruddha practically forgot himself and could not recall how many days he had been away from his real home
- In the Gita, Krsna says to Arjuna, - As a fighter, you have to fight. You cannot step away from the fighting. It is your duty
- In the human form of life, the living entity must accept this instruction from the Supreme Person, Krsna: "Do not plan to achieve happiness and drive away distress. You will never be successful. Simply surrender unto Me" - BG 18.66
- In the presence of the glaring effulgence of the bodily luster of Narayana, everyone else's (Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, the Gandharvas and all present there) luster faded away, and everyone stopped speaking
- In the Skanda Purana a devotee tells Lord Krsna, "My dear Lord, as the sun evaporates all the water on the ground by its scorching heat, so my mental state has dried away the luster of my face and body, due to separation from You"
- In the temple (in Canpahati) as it now exists, the Deity of Sri Gaura-Gadadhara is worshiped strictly according to the principles of the revealed scriptures. Canpahati is 2 miles away from both Samudragarh and the Navadvipa station of the Eastern Railway
- In this state of mind one tries to hide his mind by looking away in different directions, by unnecessarily trying for something which is impossible, or by using words which cover one's real thoughts
- India now has become eager to do away with the real God and replace Him with many fake Gods. This is the greatest misfortune for India
- Indignant and angry, his reddish eyes like molten copper, Hiranyakasipu said to his servants: O demons, take this boy away from me! He deserves to be killed. Kill him as soon as possible
- Indra, along with other demigods, offered opposition to Krsna and Satyabhama for taking away the (Parijata) tree, but in order to please His favorite wife Satyabhama, Krsna became determined and adamant, so there was a fight
- It is better that he is living little away from your Matha. And when time will rise, he'll do everything. He hasn't got to be advised
- It is by the mercy of the Lord that one gets all material opulence, but if such material opulence causes one to become puffed up and forget the process of self-realization, the Lord certainly takes all the opulence away
- It is customary, after being initiated in the Gayatri mantra, for one to live away from home for some time under the care of the acarya, to be trained in spiritual life
- It is said, "Bad money drives away good money.'' If you put bad money, just like nowadays the currency is some paper, paper currency, so drives away good money. Good money means gold coins. They are not to be seen. That's economic law
- It is said, we learn from Bhagavata that also fish within the water, they have got so sensitive power that miles away if some enemy is coming, they can understand and they take shelter
- It was so observed by Vidura that Uddhava had all the transcendental bodily changes due to total ecstasy, and he was trying to wipe away tears of separation from his eyes
- Jatila, the mother of Abhimanyu, immediately believed that Krsna was her own son and thus became very angry at her real son who was coming home. She began to drive away her real son, who was crying, "Mother! Mother! What are you doing?"
- Just a little distance away from Krsna was mother Yasoda, and Krsna was surrounded by all of His friends. In front of His eyes was Candravali, and, at the same time, on a chunk of stone in front of the entrance to Vraja stood the demon known as Vrsasura
- Just as by clapping the hands one can cause many birds to fly away, similarly the birds of all sinful activities which are sitting on the body can be made to fly away simply by dancing and clapping before the Deity of Krsna
- Just as Krsna does not take a step away from Vrndavana, Krsna’s devotee also does not like to leave Vrndavana. However, when he has to tend to Krsna’s business, he leaves Vrndavana
- Just by dint of their (the kings and princes) being in front of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all reactions to their sinful activities were washed away. Therefore, without reservation, they surrendered themselves at the lotus feet of the Lord
- Just like there is very, mean, forcible currents in the river, and if some animal is thrown in that, he'll be washed away. So we are being washed away by the currents one after another, of this material nature
- Just like they had some people who came to Russia to start some Buddhist thing, and then they were sent away to some camp, concentration camp
- Just like we sweep very nicely, cleansely, our room, similarly all types of cheating religion is wiped out, swept away. Dharmah projjhita-kaitavo atra - SB 1.1.2
- Just see how these trees are maintaining every living entity! Their birth is successful. Their behavior is just like that of great personalities, for anyone who asks anything from a tree never goes away disappointed
- Karandhara and Sudama goswami are prepared to help you in every way. Your husband has gone away so what can be done. But you should return to our Temple and again take up devotional service as I have designed and directed at our Centers
- King Puranjana continued thinking how, when he was in a state of bewilderment, his wife would give him good counsel and how she would become aggrieved when he was away from home
- Krishna appreciates such strong preachers as His dearmost servants, so let us work very enthusiastically to drive away rascal philosophy and establish the real religion of Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- Krishna Consciousness is the only truth that exists. Without Krishna Consciousness everything is illusion. You must not waste this life away thinking that everything belongs to you. Everything belongs to Krishna and it must be used in His service
- Krsna challenged all His friends, "My dear friends, just see - I am jumping with great chivalrous prowess. Please do not flee away." Upon hearing these challenging words, another friend named Varuthapa counter-challenged the Lord & struggled against Him
- Krsna continued, "Such a beautiful girl as you (hunchbacked woman) are the only means of solace for persons like Us, who are away from home and not married. Certainly, a suitable girlfriend like you can give Us relief from all kinds of mental agitation"
- Krsna continues, "When the Muslims attacked, the priest who was serving Me hid Me in this bush in the jungle. Then he ran away out of fear of the attack"
- Krsna immediately caught his (Aristasura's) horns and tossed him away, just as a gigantic elephant repels a small inimical elephant. Although the demon was perspiring and appeared very tired, he took courage and got up
- Krsna never goes even a step away from Vrndavana; therefore Kuruksetra is less important for the gopis than Vrndavana
- Krsna says (BG 9.27): "All that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me." If Krsna takes, that is the perfection of charity
- Krsna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.27): O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me
- Krsna teaches in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.27): O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me
- Krsna was away from Vrndavana, and He was not at all happy, as He plainly disclosed to Srimati Radharani. She is the dearmost life and soul of Sri Krsna, and He expressed His mind to Her
- Krsna was his (Brahma's) master, and he had played mischief for fun by taking away Krsna's calves and boys. He was really anxious, so he did not stay away very long; he came back after a moment of his calculation
- Krsna was present as their (Pandavas') friend, and still they were bereft of their kingdom. They lost their property, their wife was insulted, and they were driven away to the forest
- Krsna was somewhat angry, and thus He began to whirl the horse (Kesi demon) around. After a few rounds, He contemptuously threw him a hundred yards away, just as Garuda throws a big snake
- Krsna's son Pradyumna was fighting fiercely with Karttikeya, the commander in chief of the demigods. Karttik was wounded & his body was bleeding profusely. In this condition, he left without fighting anymore, rode away on the back of his peacock carrier
- Ksatriya. They should be trained up in politics, in fighting, not to flee away from fighting. These are the training of the ksatriyas
- Ksira-curi Gopinatha is situated in Remuna, about four miles away from the Balesvara (Balasore) station on the Northeastern Railway, formerly known as the Bengal Mayapura Railway
- Lord Brahma, who is worshiped by the brahmanas, has very mercifully given you to me, and that is why I have met you. I do not want to give up your company, for my mind and eyes are fixed upon you and cannot be drawn away
- Lord Brahma,sprinkled transcendental, infallible, spiritual water from his kamandalu upon Hiranyakasipu's body, which had been eaten away by ants and moths. Thus he enlivened Hiranyakasipu
- Lord Krsna begged pardon from His parents for Their (Krsna's and Balarama's) inability to serve their feet, due to being away from home because of great fear of Kamsa
- Lord Krsna's sweetness is so attractive that it steals away His own mind. Thus even He wants to embrace Himself
- Lord Krsna, being profoundly attached to the gopis, never goes away from Vrndavana, and the gopis and other residents of Vrndavana remain fully satisfied in Krsna consciousness
- Lord Visnu in the dress of a brahmana appeared as a beggar before Bali and snatched away all of his opulence and his kingdom. He did this for the benefit of Indra, who, having been defeated by Bali Maharaja, was bereft of his kingdom
- Maharaja Marutta did not again collect heaps of gold given away in charity
- Maitreya said: When Lord Siva heard from Narada that Sati, his wife, was now dead because of Prajapati Daksa's insult to her and that his soldiers had been driven away by the Rbhu demigods, he became greatly angry
- Materialistic education expands the influence of maya. Such an education induces the conditioned soul to be increasingly attracted to materialistic life and to stray further and further away from liberation from unwanted miseries
- Mother Yasoda, of course, did not want to chastise her beloved child very much, and therefore she immediately threw her stick away and simply rebuked Krsna
- Mut son, he says, because he's less than mut. Because mut, I pass urine. The obnoxious thing, that is gone away. But it is present. (laughter) The bad smell is constantly giving me trouble. Mut-karma's there. So these are very instructive
- My dear Lord, You are the master and the life and soul of Vrndavana. Kindly arrange for the deliverance of Vrndavana. We have no leisure hours away from our many activities
- Narada relieved the half-dead animals, and, getting freed from their dreadful condition, they fled away. Upon seeing Narada execute this miracle, the dark hunter was struck with wonder. After taking Narada to his home, he bowed down again at his feet
- Narada then revived the half-dead animals, and, getting freed from their dreadful condition, they fled away. Upon seeing Narada execute this miracle, the black hunter was struck with wonder
- Narayana is being worshiped by many thousands of goddess of fortune, sambhrama, with great fear. Just like Rukmini-devi. She is Laksmi-devi, and she was always afraid of Krsna that, - He may not leave me away
- Narayana, the SPG, who is full of all opulences, is predominant within the core of your heart because of your being a pure devotee. He always drives away all the darkness of ignorance, as the sun drives away the darkness of the universe
- Narottama Das Thakura continued, "I pray that You please be merciful upon me. Please do not kick me away, for I have no other shelter than You"
- Nobody wants to die. Suppose we are sitting here, and if there is some death signal, oh, we shall at once flee away from this place, if there is fire, because we do not want to die. That is a fact
- None of the living beings is away from the Lord's gigantic body. Each and every one has a particular duty in relation to the supreme body
- Not knowing that eternal time is passing away imperceptibly and that their measured duration of life is diminishing every second, without any solution to the big problem, namely repetition of birth and death, disease and old age. This is called illusion
- Not only did they (the inhabitants of Vrndavana) possess all these things, but they could give them (milk products, various kinds of jewelry, ornaments and costly garments) away in charity lavishly, as did Nanda Maharaja
- Now I have gained the Lord of My life, in the absence of whom I was being burned by Cupid and was withering away
- Now we have created facility of transport; therefore we have to go to work three hundred miles away from home. This is the position. But they have no brain. They're thinking they're advancing
- O King Pariksit, the demigods, taking advantage of a favorable opportunity presented by time, attacked the army of the demons from the rear and began driving away the demoniac soldiers, scattering them here and there as if their army had no leader
- O lotus-eyed one, great personalities like Lord Siva desire to bathe in the dust of Your lotus feet to drive away ignorance. If I do not get the mercy of Your Lordship, I shall observe vows to reduce the duration of my life
- O my Lord, O son of Nanda Maharaja, now You are standing before me (Narottama dasa) with Your consort, the daughter of Vrsabhanu, Srimati Radharani. Kindly accept me as the dust of Your lotus feet. please do not kick me away, for I have no other shelter
- O ocean of mercy, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu! Let there be an awakening of Your auspicious mercy, which easily drives away all kinds of material lamentation by making everything pure and blissful
- O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me. BG 9.27 - 1972
- On the railway line between Calcutta and Burdwan is a station named Trisabagha (now known as Adi-saptagrama), and about one and a half miles away is the village of Sri-krsnapura, where the parental home of Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was situated
- Once, at the end of the previous kalpa, a demon named Hayagriva wanted to take the Vedic knowledge away from Lord Brahma at the time of annihilation. Therefore the Supreme Personality of Godhead took the incarnation of a fish
- One cleanses himself daily by taking a bath in water, but one who takes his bath only once in the sacred Ganges water of the Bhagavad-gita cleanses away all the dirt of material life. BG 1972 Introduction
- One gopi informed Krsna that when Srimati Radharani was singing about His glories, She enchanted all of Her friends in such a way that they became stonelike and dull. At the same time, the nearby stones began to melt away in ecstatic love
- One must protect his body by all means; then he may protect his religious principles and thereafter his possessions. This is the natural desire of all living entities. No one wants to give up his body unless it is forcibly given away
- One of the gopis said, "May Krsna's sweet flute be washed away by the waves of the Yamuna, and let it fall into the ocean! The sweet sound of that flute is so impudent that it makes us lose all composure before our superiors"
- One old devotee said, "My dear Lord, when we are away from You we become so anxious to see You again, and there is great misery in our lives. But then, when we do see You, there immediately comes the fear of separation"
- One should begin the worship of the demigod Ganapati, who drives away all impediments in the execution of devotional service
- One who goes to the Ganges does not mind the foam and dirty things floating in the water. With his hand, he pushes away such nasty things, bathes in the Ganges and gains the beneficial results
- Ordinarily a king's son (Dhruva) only five years old and away from home in the forest would certainly be supposed dead, but by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, not only was he saved, but he was blessed with the highest perfection
- Other princes supporting the King of Kalinga and Rukmi were also captured, and Balarama beat them with His club, breaking their legs and hands. They did not try to retaliate but thought it wise to run away from the bloody scene
- Our devotees are not in any way unworthy persons, that in fact they have left their lives of criminals to try to turn others away from being criminals, and that if simply we get a little facility we can render immense service to the cause of law and order
- Paurnamasi tells Nandimukhi, "What a regrettable thing it is that this girl is trying to drive away from her heart the same Krsna who is sought after by great sages through severe austerities and perseverance!"
- Please (Lord Nrsimhadeva) appear in our hearts and drive away our ignorance so that by Your mercy we may become fearless in the struggle for existence in this material world
- Please also describe the fruitive results of charity and penance and of digging reservoirs of water. Please describe the situation of persons who are away from home and also the duty of a man in an awkward position
- Prahlada Maharaja became a devotee, not a so-called devotee, that "If my senses are gratified, then I shall continue to remain a devotee. Otherwise I shall slip away, go away. That's all." So he was not such kind of devotee
- Premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti. Just like thousands and thousands of miles away you can transfer the television picture or your radio sound, similarly, if you can prepare yourself, then you can see always Govinda
- Pride, ambition, weeping, smiling, envy, fear and anger are the seven ecstatic loving symptoms manifested by a jubilant shrinking away, and these symptoms are called kila-kincita-bhava
- Radharani said, "'If by chance the transcendental form of Krsna comes before My path of vision, My heart, injured from being beaten, will be stolen away by Cupid, happiness personified"'
- Ramananda Raya quoted a verse from Bhagavad-gita: "O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me" - BG 9.27
- Ravana took away Laksmi, Sitaji, to his kingdom, and instead of being happy by the grace of Laksmi, his family and his kingdom were vanquished. Thus Laksmi in the house of Ravana is Cancala, or unsteady
- Real honesty is that you should not encroach upon another's property. This is honesty. For instance, this is my table. If you want to take it away while going, is that honesty
- Retired old gentlemen should take lessons from him (Yudhisthira) and leave home for spiritual realization before forcefully dragged away to meet death
- Roaring like thunder, he said: Are You not ashamed of running away before a challenging adversary? There is nothing reproachable for shameless creatures
- Rohinidevi, the mother of Balarama, was the most fortunate wife of Vasudeva. She was away from her husband, yet just to congratulate Maharaja Nanda on the occasion of the birth ceremony of his son, Krsna, she dressed herself very nicely
- Rukmini continued, "At the time of my marriage ceremony, simply by giving a jerk to the string of Your bow, You (Krsna) very easily drove the others away and kindly gave me shelter at Your lotus feet"
- Rukmini continued, "I still remember vividly how You (Krsna) kidnapped me in the same way that a lion forcibly takes its share of hunted booty, driving away all small animals within the twinkling of an eye"
- Rukmini, the principal queen of Lord Krsna, was the daughter of the King of Vidarbha, who wished that his qualified and beautiful daughter be given away to Lord Krsna
- Sanatana Gosvami backed away, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu caught him by force and embraced him
- Sastra means that you cannot throw it away. Nobody has thrown Bhagavad-gita at any time, anywhere, because it is perfect. Nobody has thrown Bible - because they are perfect in knowledge
- Sastra says that simply by understanding that "This is false, and I'll have to become away from these false engagements," so without knowledge of Krsna, such elevators, they become impersonalists and voidists, to make negative this material enjoyment
- Satisfaction of the mind can be obtained only by taking the mind away from thoughts of sense enjoyment. The more we think of sense enjoyment, the more the mind becomes dissatisfied. BG 1972 purports
- Satrajit had no desire to give the jewel away with his daughter, and Krsna, knowing his mentality, accepted his daughter but returned the jewel. After getting back the jewel from Krsna, he was satisfied and kept it with him always
- Second class means he must be courageous to fight. So I have no means how to train them, you see? And without training, the second class, if you send him to the war, the experience is they will flee away. The many enemies coming, and they are going away
- Seeing him, Narada Muni entered deeper into the forest to approach him. As Narada Muni passed through the forest, all the animals who were caught in the hunter's traps fled away. The hunter became very angry at this
- Seeing the ants, the hunter whisked them away with a piece of cloth. After thus clearing the ants from the ground, he fell down flat to offer his obeisances
- Seeing the ecstatic love of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu did not approach but remained a little distance away
- Servant of desire means just like the street dog. He is also desiring: 'If these gentleman will accept me as his dog?' But he is going there, and he is driven away: 'Hut Hut.' He is going to some house, moving his tail, 'My dear sir, will you give me'
- She (Rukmini-devi) is Laksmi-devi, and she was always afraid of Krsna that, "He may not leave me away." Always afraid
- She (Srimati Radharani) addressed the bumblebee, "Your master Krsna is exactly of your quality. You sit down on a flower, and after tasting a little honey you immediately fly away and sit on another flower and taste"
- Since You (Krsna) are the most beloved son of Your father, Vasudeva, Your mother, Devaki, has sent me to inform You of the unfortunate news that Salva has arrested Your father and taken him away by force, just as a butcher mercilessly takes away an animal
- Sometimes within the water there are many stools and other dirty things which are washed away from neighboring mills and factories, but still thousands of men take baths in the Ganges water, and they are very healthy as well as spiritually inclined
- Sri Caitanya has also given us a nice weapon for this age - in this age, the weapon to drive away maya, is the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra in pursuance of the associates of Lord Caitanya, such as Advaita Prabhu, Nityananda, Gadadhara and Srivasa
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu further advised Subuddhi Raya, "Begin chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, and when your chanting is almost pure, all your sinful reactions will go away. After you chant perfectly, you will get shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu laughed, cried, danced and made many ecstatic vibrations and sounds. Although the temple was only six miles away, to Him the distance seemed thousands of miles
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu purified me by taking away my deerskin. This is proof that He is all-pervasive and all-powerful and that I am subordinate to Him
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was running very rapidly, and the girl was only a short distance away. Just then Govinda caught the Lord in his arms and cried, "It is a woman singing"
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - Subuddhi Misra, who was formerly Gunacuda in Vrndavana, installed Gaura-Nityananda Deities in a temple in the village known as Belagan, which is about three miles away from Srikhanda
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - There is a railway station named Purvasthali near the Navadvipa railway station, and about one mile away, in a village known as Mamagachi, which is the birthplace of Vrndavana dasa Thakura
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura advised: "My friend, you are being washed away in material nature's waves of time. Please try to understand that you are the eternal servant of the Lord. Then everything will stop, and you will be eternally happy"
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura prays: "My dear Lord, You are now present with the daughter of King Vrsabhanu, Srimati Radharani. Now both of You please be merciful upon me. Don't kick me away, because I have no shelter other than You."
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami replied: My dear King, you have spoken correctly. However, after capturing animals, a cunning hunter does not put faith in them, for they might run away
- Srimati Rukmini, however, was not interested in any of them (the princes); in her heart she was simply expecting Krsna to come and carry her away
- Stay away from this ". . . striyah suna" and unnecessary animal slaughtering; eating meat, fish, eggs etc. This human being becomes a heavy weight to mother earth
- Such apparently material activities of Arjuna did not drive him away from his transcendental position, but on the contrary revived his consciousness of the songs of the Lord, as He sang them personally
- Such attachment (to material entanglement) is conditioned because it drives away the benedictions of life and prosperity
- Suddenly cruel death comes without mercy and takes away the great planmaker against his desire, forcing him to give up the present body for another body
- Sukadeva narrated: "My dear King, you must have heard the name of King Bali. He was a great devotee who gave away in charity all that he had - namely, the whole world - to Lord Vamana, the incarnation of Visnu as a dwarf brahmana"
- Tell him, I looked for him a long time, but I could not find any trace of him. He jumped in with his shackles, and therefore he was drowned and washed away by the waves
- That (chanting God's holy names) is the technique of driving away the personality of Kali from the world. In modernized human society there are great advancements of material science, and they have invented the radio to distribute sound in the air
- That the sun appears on top of everyone's head when at the meridian does not imply that the sun becomes divided. One man thinks that the sun is on his head only, whereas five thousand miles away another man is thinking that the sun is only on his head
- That very personality who stole away my heart during my youth is now again my master. These are the same moonlit nights of the month of Caitra. The same fragrance of malati flowers is there, & the same sweet breezes are blowing from the kadamba forest
- The beauty of the Gopala Deity stole away their minds, and feeling great happiness, they remained there for two or four days
- The beloved Lord was away from His own prosperous metropolis of Dvaraka for a considerably long period because of the Battle of Kuruksetra, and thus all the inhabitants were overcome with melancholia due to the separation
- The body looks very beautiful working with full energy and exhibiting great traits of talent and wonderful brain work. But as soon as the soul is away from the body, all this glimmering situation of the body becomes useless
- The brahmana replied that the son of the Yadu dynasty, Sri Krsna, had arrived; he further encouraged her (Rukmini) by saying that Krsna had promised to carry her away without fail
- The brahmana Vasudeva continued, "O my merciful Lord, such mercy is not possible for ordinary living entities. Such mercy can be found only in You. Upon seeing me, even a sinful person goes away due to my bad bodily odor"
- The characteristics of water are exhibited by its moistening other substances, coagulating various mixtures, causing satisfaction, maintaining life, softening things, driving away heat
- The cloud of Krsna's pastimes is drenching the fourteen worlds with a shower of nectar. Unfortunately, when that cloud appeared, a whirlwind arose and blew it away. Being unable to see the cloud, the cataka bird of My eyes is almost dead from thirst
- The companions of the Lord (Caitanya), who reached the temple a little after Him, heard of the Lord's transcendental feats and of His being carried away by the Bhattacarya. The pilgrims at the temple were still gossiping about the incident
- The cows also, who had been away in the pasturing ground, returned in the evening and called their respective calves. The calves immediately came to their mothers, and the mothers began to lick the bodies of the calves
- The demigods boast uselessly while away from the battlefield. Only where there is no fighting can they show their prowess. Therefore, from such demigods we (Kamsa and his ministers) have nothing to fear - SB 10.4.36
- The demigods were jubilant not only because the appearance of the Supreme Lord would do away with the burdensome demons, but also because they would be able to see upon the ground the transcendental marks from the soles of the Lord's lotus feet
- The demon (Vrkasura), however, being very sinful, immediately decided that he would use the benediction to kill Lord Siva and take away Gauri (Parvati) for his personal enjoyment
- The demon Pralambasura had to carry Balarama, and when Balarama mounted his shoulders, the demon ran far away. Finally the demon began to expand his body to a gigantic size, and Balarama understood that he intended to kill Him
- The devotees pacified the Lord and brought Him home, and the student ran away to an assembly of other students
- The ears are equally imperfect. We cannot hear a sound vibrated a long distance away unless we put a telephone to our ear. Similarly, if we analyze all our senses in this way, we will find them all to be imperfect
- The electricity is being generated. So behind this energy there is the living entity, engineer. Otherwise it is useless; no more energy. If you drive away that resident engineer, the electricity will fail. No more energy
- The four prominent features of autumn are that there is no water in the sky, the weeds that grew here and there in the rainy season all wither away, the muddy roads and fields dry up, and the ponds of water become crystal clear
- The gopis at Vrndavana could not forget the Lord when the Lord was away in the forest cow herding
- The gopis said, "In the beginning we appreciated your workmanship in giving us these eyes to see the beautiful face of Krsna, but now, just like a foolish creature, you are taking away our eyes by not letting us see Krsna here anymore"
- The holy name of Krsna can drive away all the darkness of ignorance that arises in the heart due to greatly sinful activities performed in previous lives
- The human form of life is meant for cleansing away these misconceptions (upadhis). If this is not done, one has to repeat the cycle of birth and death and thus suffer all material conditions
- The human form of life is meant for liberation, but unfortunately, due to the influence of Kali-yuga, every day the grhasthas are working hard like asses. Early in the morning they rise and travel even a hundred miles away to earn bread
- The incessant shower of arrows from the enemy gave Dhruva Maharaja new vigor to defeat them. In other words, whatever incompetency he might have had was washed away
- The inexperienced brahmana boy certainly knew that the King (Maharaja Pariksit) asked for water from his father and the father did not respond. He tried to explain away his father's inhospitality in an impertinent manner befitting an uncultured boy
- The jackals roar four times at night without any influence but the one roar of a lion drives away many elephants
- The Jiyada-nrsimha temple is situated on the top of a hill about five miles away from Visakhapatnam
- The Lord chastised the snake-king within the water and drove him away, and after coming out of the river, He caused the cows to drink the water and proved that the water was again in its natural state
- The Lord is like the sun; the sun's appearance means immediate dissipation of darkness, or ignorance, and the Lord's appearance within the mind of the devotee can at once drive away the miserable material effects
- The Lord said, "Visvarupa took Me away from here, and He requested Me to accept the sannyasa order
- The material energy, maya, never even touches the Causal Ocean, for the Lord’s glance focuses upon her from a great distance away
- The mind is so forceful that you are sitting here, and within a second, you can go to your home or homeland, which may be ten thousand miles away, immediately
- The mind is so speedy that in one second you can reach Mayapura, 15,000 miles away - within a second
- The modern astronauts can travel only a few thousand miles away from the earth, and therefore their attempt to travel in the sky is something like child's play on the shore of an expansive ocean
- The more we shall advance this material way of life, the more we shall be away from spiritual life. The human life, is meant for spiritual realization. Nothing more
- The movement for Krishna Consciousness can in no way be stopped and be faded away. Rather those who are trying to do any harm by uncalled for agitation after spreading false facts, they are sure to be disheartened
- The original Krsna does not go anywhere; He never takes a step away from Vrndavana. The other activities performed by Krsna are performed in the Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Aniruddha or Pradyumna forms
- The original name of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was Vasudeva Bhattacarya. His place of birth, which is known as Vidyanagara, is about two and a half miles away from the Navadvipa railway station, or Canpahati railway station
- The pressure Maya is elephant-like, big, but the roaring of Nrsimhadeva can drive away many elephants
- The price of commodities becomes artificially inflated because of bad money, or artificial currency notes. Bad money drives away good money
- The purpose of the yoga system is to control the mind and to draw it away from attachment to sense objects. It is stressed herein (BG 6.5) that the mind must be so trained that it can deliver the conditioned soul from the mire of nescience. BG 1972 pur
- The same hand, legs, heads, coat, pant, everything is lying there. Why do you say that your father has gone away? That means the real father he has never seen. He has seen the illusion of his father
- The situation (Aristasura entering Vrndavana) became very terrible, all the inhabitants of Vrndavana began to cry, "Krsna! Krsna, please save us!" Krsna saw that the cows were running away, He immediately replied, "Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid"
- The sky remains, and the varieties of sky or luminaries also remain forever. Similarly, the Absolute Truth, which is compared to the sky, remains eternally, and the temporary cloudlike illusion comes and goes away
- The so-called path of bhakti practiced by unauthorized persons without knowledge of bhakti may be easy, but when it is practiced factually according to the rules & regulations, the speculative scholars & philosophers fall away from the path. BG 1972 pur
- The so-called religionists were falsely using the Vedas to justify such violent acts as meat-eating, and Lord Buddha came to lead the fallen people away from such a false interpretation of the Vedas
- The spiritual master can drive away all nescience, as the sun drives away darkness. BG 1972 purports
- The spiritual sound, it is released from many, many millions and millions and trillions of miles away, still it can be heard, provided you have got the machine to capture it. That is bhagavata-prema
- The student ran away in fear, and the Lord followed him. But somehow or other the devotees checked the Lord
- The sun is millions of miles away, although the sun does not actually touch the earth, it manages to distribute clouds all over the planet by exacting water from the oceans, in due course of time the clouds pour water on the earth during the rainy season
- The sun-god became angry, and with his virulent rays he melted the plane. This enraged Lord Siva. Lord Siva then attacked the sun-god, who fled away and at last fell down at Kasi (Varanasi), and the place became famous as Lolarka
- The Supreme Lord advises in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.27): O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me. This is bhakti
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, simply drove all these ghosts away from the battlefield with the arrows from His celebrated bow, Sarnga-dhanur
- The time factor cannot touch the lifespan of the devotees. In another verse it is stated that when the sun rises and sets it takes away the life of all living entities, but it cannot take away the life of those who are engaged in devotional service
- The Vaikuntha planets begin 26,200,000 yojanas (209,600,000 miles) above Satyaloka. Thus the Visnu Purana describes that the covering of the universe is 260,000,000 yojanas (2,080,000,000 miles) away from the sun
- The vulture, they have got a very good eyesight, very good eyesight. You... Seven miles away from the surface, they can see where there is a dead corpse. So they have got good eyesight, but they are searching after dead corpse only
- The warriors of the Kuru dynasty (Karna, Sala, Bhuri, Yajnaketu, Duryodhana and Bhismadeva) accepted their great victory and took their daughter, Laksmana, away from him (Samba). Thereafter, they entered the city of Hastinapura in great triumph
- The whole Bhagavad-gita was spoken to Arjuna simply to convince him that he should work for the satisfaction of Krsna. Therefore Krsna plainly says, "Whatever you do as work, whatever you eat, or give away in charity, do it for Me."
- Then there appeared before them a transcendental sound vibration, emanating from a personality not visible to material eyes. The voice was as grave as the sound of a cloud, and it was very encouraging, driving away all fear
- There are three classes of transcendentalists, namely, (1) the dhira, or the one who is not disturbed by being away from family association, (2) one in the renounced order of life, a sannyasi by frustrated sentiment
- There are two different tomblike structures in the Radha-Damodara temple; one structure is called his place of bhajana, and in the other his body is entombed. Behind this very tomb I have my place of bhajana, but since 1965 I have been away
- There is a station, railway station, called Kurukshetra near Delhi, about hundred miles away from Delhi. So these are facts. Why there should be interpretation?
- There is fighting, due to ajnana. So first of all we have to drive away this ajnana. Therefore Krsna is teaching Arjuna that "You are not this body. You are spirit soul." This is the first spiritual instruction by the authority to anyone
- There is no question of going a few thousand miles away from this planet and then returning. This sort of journey is not very heroic
- There were different transformations of the body of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu: being stunned, trembling, perspiring, fading away of color, weeping, and choking of the voice. In this way His whole body was pervaded by transcendental joy
- Therefore, my dear Lord, simply seeing You has now wiped away all the contamination of sinful activities and their results of material attachment and lusty desires, which always filled my mind and the core of my heart
- Therefore, today please give away your daughters to the foremost of the sages, with due regard for the girls' temperaments and likings, and thereby spread your fame all over the universe
- These devotees, they are not interested at all. The cinema is here, a few steps away, but you will never see a student or a disciple of Krsna consciousness will go to that nonsense place
- They (brahmanas, sannyasis and ksatriyas) are meant for full cooperation for common welfare. Maharaja Pariksit was experienced enough to drive away Kali from his field of activities and thereby make the state receptive to spiritual enlightenment
- They (the cowherd men and women) began to talk about how wonderful it was that the demon (Trnavarta) had taken away the child (Krsna) to devour Him but could not do so; instead he fell down dead
- They (the gopis) were actually experiencing the supernatural method of Krsna worship and were much relieved by understanding that Krsna was not away from them but always with them
- They (two thieves) took Him (Lord Caitanya) on their shoulders, pleasing Him by offering Him some sweetmeats. The thieves thought they would carry the child to the forest and then kill Him and take away the ornaments
- This (Balesvara) station is situated a few miles away from the famous Kargapura junction station
- This (New Mayapura) is a first-class place. You can develop it into a Vaikuntha. It is already Vaikuntha, Krsna is there. But develop it very nicely, peacefully live. Hundreds of miles away from the hellish cities
- This became almost a daily affair. Raghunatha would run away from home, and his father would again bring him back. Then Raghunatha dasa's mother spoke to his father as follows
- This false identification (of spirit soul with the body) and attraction for matter gradually dry up and fade away by success in the cultivation of the human spirit. That is the effect of such higher cultivation
- This is a very powerful transcendental method (hearing about Krsna) for purging the mind of all misgivings. The more one hears about Krsna, the more one becomes enlightened & detached from everything that draws the mind away from Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- This is the age of Kali which plunders away spiritual sense of the human being and it is only the Divine Grace of Lord Caitanya Who can protect us from all these dangerous pitfalls
- This nearby come, the... Come near. Yes. This is specially meant for driving away the flies. Yes. This camara is meant for that. Even it is touching body, there is no harm
- This Srimad-Bhagavatam is not ordinary type of religious system, because from this Bhagavatam, kaitava, cheating type of religion, is completely swept away, kicked out, thrown away
- This traveling in buses is the best means to drive away maya and establish Krishna consciousness all over the world
- This vibration of transcendental sound (the Hare Krsna mantra) will cleanse away this dust (due to our manipulation of material activities) and enable us to see clearly our real constitutional position
- This woman (Mohini-murti), who had large, high hips, was a woman of yogamaya presented by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She released Herself somehow or other from the fond embrace of Lord Siva's arms and ran away
- Those who do not have the means to carry so much away will not be able to take more than a bag or two. Thus the distribution will be uneven
- Those who perform severe austerities and penances, those who give away all their possessions out of charity, those who are very famous for their auspicious activity are not able to obtain any auspicious results
- To stop the bumblebees from landing on the face of His beloved, He whisked them away with the lotus flower in His hand, and thus His mind was slightly diverted
- To wash away all dirty things accumulated within the heart, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised everyone to chant the Hare Krsna mantra. The first result will be that the heart is cleansed (ceto-darpana-marjanam)
- Unless one is very conscientious, the influence of maya can drag one away, even though he be the personal assistant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And what to speak of others
- Unless the dirt within the core of one's heart is cleansed away, one cannot become a pure devotee. Therefore the word su-durlabhah ("very rarely found") is used in this verse
- Upon seeing Dhanvantari carrying the jug of nectar, the demons, desiring the jug and its contents, immediately snatched it away by force
- Upon seeing Murari come to meet Him, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went up to him, but Murari began to run away and speak as follows
- Vidura's reference to the Mahabharata indicates that he had heard of the Mahabharata from Vyasadeva, his real father, while he was away from home and was touring the places of pilgrimage
- Visnu-kanci is situated about five miles away from Kancipuram. It is here that Lord Varadaraja, another form of Lord Visnu, resides. There is also a big lake known as Ananta-sarovara
- Was this a dream I saw, or was it reality? I saw fearsome men with ropes in their hands coming to arrest me and drag me away. Where have they gone?
- We can actually see in our daily lives how we are forced to make plans to drive away miserable conditions
- We can attain the platform of sattva-guna by following the instructions given in Bhagavad-gita. Hearing krsna-katha, topics about Krsna, clears all the dirty things from the mind. Also, if we chant and dance, these dirty things will be wiped away
- We cannot give books away free to anyone. They must be paid for
- We had a very big struggle in Bombay for our land. So they wanted to break our temple to drive away. It was a great commotion. All Bombay people know it
- We have some limited experience of the velocity of the mind because in a moment we can transfer our minds to places hundreds of thousands of miles away
- We have to become designationless. Not that, "Here are some foreigners. Pick up some quarrel with them and try to drive them away. Why they have come?" So many nonsense things are going on for want of actual spiritual education. This is not good
- We have walked on the sea beach. So just at ten, one, three feet, away the big ocean, Pacific Ocean is . . . but we are certain that this Pacific Ocean cannot come beyond this limit. How we are certain? Because there is the order of Krsna
- We would like to quote the substance of a speech delivered by Sri Radhakrishnan at a recent meeting of UNESCO in Paris. He said that when a nation proudly turns away from God and concentrates on worldly success and prosperity, it meets its doom
- What Gandhi has done? These things are cheating, spoiled. Then they have now a slogan to drive away poverty. Vivekananda imitated, daridra-narayana-seva. That Vivekananda started his mission in India hundred years ago
- What is the value of your independence? Can you avoid death? Suppose you are independent. What is the meaning of this independence? When death will come, will catch you by your neck and throw you away, your independence
- What Vyasadeva said, your guru will also say the same thing. Not that "So many hundreds of thousands of years have passed away. Therefore I will give you a new formula." No. There is no new formula
- When Akrura went to Vrndavana to take Krsna and Balarama away to the festival arranged by Kamsa, upon seeing the marks of the Lord's lotus feet on the ground of Vrndavana, he fell down and began to groan
- When challenged by another ksatriya to stand and fight, a ksatriya cannot run away; he must fight
- When Devananda was expounding the Mayavadi interpretation, Srivasa Thakura was once present in his meeting, and when he began to cry, Devananda's students drove him away
- When Dhruva Maharaja was away from his home, his father thought that he was dead
- When he (the hunter) reached the sages, he tried to bow down before them, but he saw that there were so many ants that he could not bow down without crushing them. Thus he slowly cleared away the ants with his cloth
- When he saw them he was extremely bewildered, and because of attachment to his child, who was playing a short distance away, Ajamila began to call him loudly by his name. Thus with tears in his eyes he somehow or other chanted the holy name of Narayana
- When I (Bharata) chastised the deer by pushing it away, it would immediately become fearful and sit down motionless, exactly like the son of a saintly person. Thus it would stop its play
- When Krsna killed Aristasura, some of the gopis said, "My dear friends, just see how Krsna has killed Aristasura! Although he was stronger than a mountain, Krsna plucked him up just like a piece of cotton and threw him away without any difficulty"
- When Krsna was present on this planet, just as the powerful sun drives all darkness to take shelter in caves, He drove away all of His enemies, who fled like owls to take shelter beyond His sight
- When Lord Siva heard that his soldiers had been driven away, he created the tall black demon Virabhadra to retaliate
- When maya covers your eyes, you cannot see God, you cannot know God. But as the cloud comes and goes - it is not a permanent feature in the sky - similarly, maya may come and go also. The process to be known: how to drive away maya
- When one is always engaged in Krsna consciousness, in the service of Krsna, then how is it possible for the mind to wander away from Krsna? In the service of Krsna, the mind is automatically controlled
- When Prahlada Maharaja was a five-year-old boy, he was sent to school. As soon as there was a recreation period, when the teacher was away, he would say to his friends - My dear friends, come on. We shall speak about Krsna consciousness
- When Radharani met Krsna at Kuruksetra, She remembered His intimate association in Vrndavana, and She thought, Now I have gained the Lord of My life. In His absence I was being burned by the arrow of Cupid & thus I was withering away. Now I have My life
- When sandalwood pulp is mixed with aguru, kunkuma, musk and camphor and spread on Krsna's body the scent of all these substances mixes with the previous scent of Krsna's body and steals away the mind of Cupid
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was taking another morsel of food, Svarupa Damodara caught Him by the hand and said, "It is not fit for You." Thus he forcibly took the food away
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to see Lord Jagannatha in the temple, Haridasa would stay a long distance away and see Him
- When the ball leaped from Her hand and fell at a distance, the woman began to follow it, but as Lord Siva observed these activities, a breeze suddenly blew away the fine dress and belt that covered her
- When the contaminated food was offered to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, a very large bird appeared on the spot, picked up the plate in its beak and flew away
- When the cowherd men of Vrndavana, under instruction of Krsna, stopped offering sacrifice to the heavenly King, Indra, the whole tract of land known as Vraja was threatened with being washed away by constant heavy rains for seven days
- When the root of a tree is cut and tree falls down, its branches and twigs automatically dry up. Similarly, when I have killed this diplomatic Visnu, the demigods, for whom Lord Visnu is life and soul, will lose the source of their life and wither away
- When the strong knot in the heart of a person implicated in material life due to the results of past action is slackened, one turns away from his attachment to home, wife and children
- When the Vietnam is attacked, American soldiers, they began to fly, flee away, became afraid. Naturally. They were not soldiers. They have no fighting spirit. By force they have been made soldiers
- When the Yavanas were taking King Puranjana away to their place, binding him like an animal, the King's followers became greatly aggrieved. While they lamented, they were forced to go along with him
- When there are very forceful currents in the river and some animal is thrown in, it will be washed away. Similarly, we are being washed away by the currents of material nature, which come one after another like big waves in the Pacific Ocean
- When there is emotion caused by seeing fire, one tries to fly away. There may also be trembling of the body, closing of the eyes and tears in the eyes
- When these impurities (material lusts and avarice) are wiped away, the candidate remains steady in his position of pure goodness, becomes enlivened by devotional service and understands the science of God perfectly. BG 1972 purports
- When this nirmala, when dirty things are washed away, you remain in pure spiritual life or spiritual body, then the indriyas, the senses... You have got senses
- When Vallabha Bhattacarya walked toward them, they ran away to a more distant place. Rupa Gosvami said, "I am untouchable and most sinful. Please do not touch me"
- While she was thus thinking and crying, I immediately went there with great haste and ate everything. Seeing the dish empty, she wiped her tears away
- While the child (Krsna) was sitting on the ground, a demon named Trnavarta, who was a servant of Kamsa's, came there as a whirlwind, at Kamsa's instigation, and very easily carried the child away into the air - SB 10.7.20
- Why should God be a person of this material world? Therefore in the beginning Kuntidevi cleared away this misunderstanding by saying that the Lord is prakrteh param, beyond this material creation
- Why should I give me away to the animal life? Visayah khalu sarvatah syat. Visaya means the four necessities of material life. That is called visaya
- Why there is so much fighting? Everyone is thinking, "I am this body." This bodily concept of life is maya, illusion, or ignorance. So the whole process is to drive away the ignorance. Drive away. That is called jnana. We are in the ajnana
- Within three days that brahmana was attacked by leprosy, and as a result his highly raised nose melted away and fell off
- Yadunandana Acarya said, "He has already asked my permission and returned home." Thus there arose a tumultuous sound, as everyone cried, Now Raghunatha has gone away
- Yamaraja immediately cleared away the doubts of his assistants, the Yamadutas, by confirming that there is a supreme controller above all others
- Yamaraja is deputed by the Lord to a particular planet, some hundreds of thousands of miles away from the planet of earth, to take away the corrupt souls after death and convict them in accordance with their respective sinful activities
- You are just like a thief, for instead of coming near, you stay away at a distant place. Now that I have captured you, I shall punish you
- You cannot approach even sun. The scientists say even from so many millions of miles away, if a planet or somebody goes near the sun, immediately he will be burned into ashes
- You get some thousand miles away in the radio: this sound and the person who is transmitting the sound is identical, although materially we cannot derive the same benefit. That is the difference between material sound and spiritual sound
- You get the freedom of flying away from this mrtyu-samsara-vartmani, but that we'll not do. We'll enter again. We'll enter. So we are not interested how to get out of the cage of mrtyu-samsara-vartmani. We are again and again coming back to the cage
- You haven't got to drive away darkness by some separate endeavor. You simply get the Krsna sun rise up, then your darkness will go out. This maya will go
- You know what is the speed of mind. You are sitting here, and within a second your mind can go some ten thousand miles away, within a second. So even with that speed and running on, koti-sata-vatsara, you cannot go to the spiritual planet
- You may go home without anxiety. Following your order, I shall persuade the brahmana. On this plea, after asking permission, Raghunatha dasa decided to go away
- You should all tend to your respective engagements. Give up this useless talk. If you speak this way again, I shall go away, and you will no longer see Me here
- You should not back away when things get difficult
- Your husband has gone away so what can be done
- Your money you can squander away. That is your business. But we request the authorities and the sane men that you take up this sankirtana movement, especially in America, and expand this to other parts of the world, Europe, Asia