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Pages in category "Document"
The following 21 pages are in this category, out of 21 total.
- At every step, Lord Caitanya said, Sanatana Gosvami should give documentary evidence from the puranas. Thus the Lord gave a summary of all the topics Sanatana should include in his book on Vaisnava regulative principles
- At one marriage ceremony in N.Y. Rupanuga had the boy and girl both sign documents saying that they promised never to separate under any circumstances. So you can correspond with him and do likewise
- Authoritatively documented by the Caitanya-caritamrta
- Caitanya instructed Sanatana Gosvami to give documentary evidence from the puranas in every step. He also mentioned how to establish temples of the Lord, and He described the general behavior, symptoms, and duties and occupation of a Vaisnava
- Concerning the Saraf land, I want to sign the documents before going to Bombay within a few days from now, and if there is possibility to lay down the corner-stone there
- I did not know that he took it very seriously. Then after two, three months, some documents came. I was receiving my letters in a postbox
- I have already informed you that I received only one document, which I have received from Gargamuni Swami. I received no sale deed. You may take one certified copy and use that
- I have been asked by Srila Prabhupad to enquire who has had this document prepared without Srila Prabhupad's authority being given? It is understood from Bali Maradan that it has taken over one year to prepare this document
- I think Krishna is helping you in the proper channel, and as you were the first signatory in the document which was registered in New York, and you shall be the first signatory in the document which is to be registered in England
- I think you should send United Shipping Corporation the price in advance of the sitar, and for the balance they can make their invoice. The balance may be deposited in the Hawaii bank, and ask the United Shipping Corporation to send the documents
- It appears there is good chance we may get permission for our men to enter Jagannatha Puri temple if we can present the right documents. My idea is that you present the enclosed statement proving our men are bona fide Hindus
- It is document, I have to choose each word very soberly and if I have to think of management then I cannot do this. I cannot be like these rascals who present something mental concoction to cheat the public