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Spiritual education means just to inject in their ears about our philosophy, externally they chant beads, wear telok, without any discrimination of Hindu or Muslim or anything

Expressions researched:
"Spiritual education means just to inject in their ears about our philosophy, externally they chant beads, wear telok, without any discrimination of Hindu or Muslim or anything"


1972 Correspondence

Spiritual education and food, that is proper. Simply supplying food is nonsense. Spiritual education means just to inject in their ears about our philosophy, externally they chant beads, wear telok, without any discrimination of Hindu or Muslim or anything.

In the Hindi BTG there are so many mistakes, spelling, grammar, and some places the philosophy is faulty with some other ideas mixed in; the printing is shabby, the second page is almost invisible. So this has to be improved somehow or other. Dr. Kapoor has remarked exactly. So you may inform Ksirodaksayee, and you try to help him for improving Hindi BTG.You must construct something wonderful. Otherwise, it will be a discredit to you American boys. That will exalt the position of America in India. And in every temple food distribution must go on profusely with American food supplies. Have the Americans given us the food supplies, is there any tangible donation? Or is it simply promises? If we can supply some proof they have given us such and such amount of foodstuffs, some document, that will help us in all parts of the world as propaganda and for approaching your country's government in other places for supplying us. So if you have got such document, kindly send me one copy.If we open a branch in Madras, actually there are so many poor children there. Spiritual education and food, that is proper. Simply supplying food is nonsense. Spiritual education means just to inject in their ears about our philosophy, externally they chant beads, wear telok, without any discrimination of Hindu or Muslim or anything.So I am very much encouraged by your letters, and I am confident I have entrusted this Vrindaban project, which is one of the most important of our this ISKCON, to the right persons, namely, yourself, your good wife, Jamuna devi, and Ksirodaksayee Prabhu. So kindly offer the others my blessings.

Page Title:Spiritual education means just to inject in their ears about our philosophy, externally they chant beads, wear telok, without any discrimination of Hindu or Muslim or anything
Created:2023-02-13, 12:16:16
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1