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Pages in category "Discrimination"
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- Discrimination is the better part of valor
- If you are slaughtering animals and you are comparing that killing of the vegetables and the killing of the animals is the same, then killing your son and killing an animal is also the same. Why do you discriminate?
- One life is meant to be eaten by another. That is nature's law. But we should use discrimination in what kind of foodstuff we shall eat
- A devotee sees all living entities with spiritual vision and does not discriminate on the platform of the bodily concept of life. Such qualities develop only in the association of devotees
- A dvija is not an ordinary man but one who has studied Vedic literature from a spiritual master and can discriminate between good and bad. It is supposed that he understands logic and philosophy. Sati put before him (Daksa) sound arguments
- A good man or woman accepts anything very easily, but a man of average intelligence does not do so. But, anyway, we should not give up our reason and discriminatory power just to be gentle
- A government must not discriminate in such principles - the protection of the lives of both the human beings and the animals
- A highly advanced maha-bhagavata devotee sees in this spirit: he sees the same Supersoul, Paramatma, existing within everyone's heart, regardless of discrimination based on the different material forms of the living entities
- A human being should be considerate. Everyone has got religion. Either he is Hindu or Muslim or Christian, it doesn't matter, there must be discrimination between sinful activities and pious activities
- A man is a living entity, and a cow is also a living entity. Why this discrimination, that if a man is murdered or killed, that murderer must be punished?
- A perfect devotee does not make any discrimination. But if I am not a perfect devotee and I have discrimination, why shall I imitate the perfect devotee? It may not be possible for me to digest everything because I am not a perfect devotee
- A person (who has actually realized that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated in everyone's heart and that every living being is part of the Lord) sees all living beings equally and treats them equally, without discrimination
- A reasonable man, a religious man, he should have discrimination that - If I get my foodstuff from here, why shall I kill a big animal
- A saintly person does not discriminate between that which is supposedly good and supposedly bad; rather, he desires for everyone to be happy in Krsna consciousness, which is the ultimate goal of life
- A vaisya also earns money honestly through agriculture, cow protection and some trade. If a sudra gets money, however, he will spend it lavishly, without discrimination, or simply accumulate it for no purpose
- According to scriptural codes, a teacher who engages in an abominable action and has lost his sense of discrimination is fit to be abandoned. BG 1972 purports
- Actually, one should offer respect to the Panca-tattva without such foolish discrimination, not considering Nityananda Prabhu to be greater, Caitanya Mahaprabhu to be greater or Advaita Prabhu to be greater
- After hearing this statement, Akrura could clearly understand that Dhrtarastra was not going to change his policy of discriminating against the Pandavas in favor of his sons
- An outsider may consider the criminal department inauspicious, but from the government's point of view it is as important as the education department, and therefore the government finances both departments equally, without discrimination
- Any sane man with properly discriminating senses can understand that life in the material world is full of miseries and that no one is free from the actions and reactions of such miseries
- As soon as we have got this human form of life, we have got different desires or we accept something as very nice. We reject something as not very good. This discriminating power is there. Even in animals there is this discriminating power
- As the blazing fire of death, I cause great fear to whoever makes the least discrimination between himself and other living entities because of a differential outlook
- Because there is no Krsna consciousness, there is this discrimination between man to man, animal to man, and so many discrimination
- Because we have to eat some other living entity, it does not mean that I shall eat my sons and daughters. "Discrimination is the best part of valor." So far we are concerned, we are eating certainly vegetable, but not directly. We eat krsna-prasadam
- Because you are not Krsna consciousness, you are discriminating in this way, that the human society should be given protection, the animal society should be slaughtered. Is that very good?
- By associating with you just for a moment, I am now freed from all argument, false prestige and lack of discrimination, which are the roots of entanglement in the material world. Now I am free from all these problems
- By eating, as soon as he (man) gets little strength, then sex without any discrimination
- By rendering such (constant) devotional service (to Krsna with love) only, and not by merely acquiring a bulk of discriminative knowledge, can we know the Supreme Lord as He is
- By right discrimination, one should agree to act according to the order of the Supersoul. That will help one become situated constantly in Krsna consciousness, the highest perfectional stage of human life. BG 1972 purports
- By such careful discrimination, one can clearly understand that the Supreme Soul is transcendental to both the superior and inferior energies, although He has a direct connection with both
- Caitanya said, You (Vasudeva Datta) desire the liberation of all kinds of living entities without discrimination. You are very anxious for their good fortune, and I say that simply by your prayer all living entities within the universe can be liberated
- Comfortable or uncomfortable, it doesn't matter. If Krsna wants it, I must do it. - That is wanted. As soon as I discriminate, "This is comfortable, this is uncomfortable," that is material
- Concerning the new bhakta program, unless one is educated, we should not admit anyone and everyone without discrimination. One who has got culture and education, he can be accepted
- Demons and Raksasas are accustomed to eat meat, fish and similar nonvegetarian foods. Demons like Ravana, Kamsa and Hiranyakasipu, although born of brahmana and ksatriya fathers, used to take meat and flesh without discrimination
- Devaki and Rohini said, "The most noble personalities do not discriminate between their own sons and the sons of others, and there cannot be any personalities more noble than Nanda Maharaja and you (Yasodadevi)"
- Devotees of the Personality of Godhead know that Sri Krsna, the son of the King of Vraja, is the Absolute Truth. They do not discriminate between Sri Krsna's name, form, qualities and pastimes
- Discretion is the better part of valor, and one must learn how to discriminate between actions which may be pleasing to the Lord and those which may not be pleasing to the Lord. An action is thus judged by the Lord's pleasure or displeasure
- Discrimination between right and wrong
- For God there is no discrimination. Women, men have equal rights to become godly and back to home, back to Godhead
- For Krsna's service, we should submit to the immediate officer or commander. Just like soldiers. Soldiers, there is no question of discrimination. Whatever is ordered by the commander, immediately done
- For the last 50 years Gaudiya Math people are there but their relationship with local inhabitants is not so cordial. If we continue this philanthropic work to give them enlightenment & food without any discrimination, it will be appreciated by all people
- He is eating stool and becoming fatty, and as soon as there is sex desire, without any discrimination he enjoys many she-hogs, never mind sister or mother. Because the life is so made that he will enjoy in this way
- Hog means he can eat any nonsense thing, whole day working, if he gets sex. Never mind whether mother, sister or daughter or any. You see the hog's family. They are very much sexually inclined, without any discrimination, and eating stool
- Hogs very readily eat stool, and they do so without discrimination. They have no idea of tapasya, penance
- Human beings discriminate. We write, "In God we trust," but one who trusts in God must be equally kind and merciful toward all living entities. That is God consciousness
- Human intelligence can decide for the future. The animal cannot decide. We have discriminatory power. If I do this, I will be benefited; if I do that, I will not be benefited. This is there in human life. So you have to use it properly
- I fully depend on your discrimination
- If one foolishly discriminates between them (the Supreme Lord, the initiating spiritual master and the instructing spiritual master), he commits an offense in the discharge of devotional service
- If somebody wants to eat without any discrimination anything . . . there are many persons, even in the so-called civilized world, they eat anything and everything. But that is misuse of life
- If you have got discrimination - "Certain percentage for my wife, certain percentage for my children, certain percentage for my country, certain percent . . ." so on, so on, so on, so on, ultimately, "Zero for God" - then God is also zero
- If you like to remain as inferior, you can remain. God has given you independence. And if you like to become superior, you can become superior. It is not God's discrimination; it is your discrimination
- If you say that everything is food, then why don't you eat stool? One man's food, another man's poison. That is . . . what is to be eaten, what is not to be eaten, that is discrimination
- Impersonalists do not take to devotional service, but take to other practices, such as the analytical study of the material elements, the discrimination between matter and spirit, and the mystic yoga system
- In order to intelligently apply the sixfold loving reciprocations mentioned in the previous verse, one must select proper persons with careful discrimination
- In relation to Krsna there is no distinction between the energies, but for our understanding we discriminate and say that sometimes the energy is working in a material way and sometimes in a spiritual way
- In this college we shall train up pure brahmanas, (qualified brahmanas), Ksatriyas and Vaisyas. That is the injunction of Bhagavad-gita. And this institution will be open for all without any discrimination
- In this Krsna consciousness movement a chance is given to everyone without discrimination of caste, creed or color
- In this way the karmis are directed gradually to develop K C. Similarly, Krsna directs the philosophers to approach Him gradually by discriminating between Brahman and maya, for at last, when one is mature in knowledge, he surrenders unto Krsna
- In this way, Srila Nityananda Prabhu introduced the cult of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to everyone without discrimination. Even though the people were fallen souls and blasphemers, they were delivered by this process
- Intelligence is the discriminating power to understand an object, and it helps the senses make choices. Therefore intelligence is supposed to be the master of the senses
- It (Krsna consciousness movement) is not a sectarian religious sentimental movement. It is a movement for giving real education, knowledge, to the people all over the world without any discrimination
- It (Lord Caitanya’s sankirtana movement) should be preached without discrimination
- It is like a charitable person who opens his treasury for distribution and who does not discriminate whether the charity is needed or not. He gives in charity openhandedly
- It is my confidential advice to you that if he feels any difficulties for money, you may discriminatingly help him, and he should continue as the managing editor
- Jnanis and hatha-yogis can only gradually ascend to the spiritual platform by nullifying their material discrimination on the platform of psychology and nullifying the false ego, by which one thinks, "I am this body, a product of matter"
- Jnanis can discriminate between matter and spirit, but the yogis, the best of whom are the bhakti-yogis, want to return home, back to Godhead
- Just how discrimination should be maintained is given in the following six verses (from SB 3.29.28) concerning the different grades of living conditions
- Just like Vivekananda: "daridra-narayana-seva," the human society, the poor men. And chaga-narayana, the goat narayana, they must be killed for this daridra-narayana-seva. This kind of discrimination is not for the sadhu. He's not a sadhu
- Krsna consciousness is not a sectarian religious movement. Rather, it is meant for all-embracing welfare activities for the world. One can enter this movement without discrimination in terms of caste, creed, religion or nationality
- Krsna consciousness movement is simply giving chance to people without any discrimination, "Please come. Become narayana-parayana, devotee, and automatically you'll become susila and sadhu." As soon as - that is the test - you become a devotee
- Like children, the unintelligent animals are also sons of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore a Krsna conscious person, even though a householder, should not discriminate between children and poor animals
- Living entities, being superior energy to matter, have choice and discrimination either to surrender unto the Lord or to surrender unto material nature. By surrendering unto the Lord, one is happy and liberated
- Lord Krsna simply gave the Bhagavad-gita, by which one can understand Lord Krsna as He is, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is also Krsna Himself, gave people love of Krsna without discrimination
- Lord Siva lives as a poor man although his devotees appear very opulent, whereas Lord Krsna, or Lord Visnu, is always opulent and yet His devotees appear poverty-stricken, is a situation which appears contradictory and puzzling to a discriminating person
- Madhavendra Puri was almost mad in his ecstasy of love of Godhead, and he did not know whether it was day or night. Sometimes he stood up, and sometimes he fell to the ground. He could not discriminate whether he was in a proper place or not
- My dear, just see how all of a sudden in the sky of Krsna there is a powerful sun & how this rising sun is minimizing the rays of our chastity moon. Our attraction for Krsna is so intense that it is drying up the lotus flower of our discrimination
- Neophyte devotees simply try to understand the pastimes of the Lord and are not very interested in hearing about the activities of His devotees, but such discrimination should not be indulged in by any real devotee
- No one can excel Him (God) in any opulence, and therefore the desire for improvement is absolutely useless for Him. One should always discriminate between the activities of the Lord and those of ordinary living beings
- Not only Indian, we shall gradually collect devotees from all over the world without any discrimination. Our Krishna Consciousness movement must be all-pervading, as Krishna is all-pervading
- Now we have come to establish some branches in India. We invite everyone. There is no discrimination that "You are such, you are such." Anyone can join us
- One can love Krishna without any inquiry; that is the highest perfection. To know Krishna as God is not so exalted a position as to love Krishna without knowing. That is the highest perfection. Knowledge means discrimination
- One living entity is the food for another living entity. So when a person eats another living entity, it is not unnatural. This is nature's law. But when you come to the human form of living entity, you must use your discrimination
- One may question that if Krsna is equal to everyone and no one is His special friend, then why does He take a special interest in the devotees who are always engaged in His transcendental service? But this is not discrimination; it is natural. BG 1972 p
- One must have good discriminatory power to judge a thing on its merit. We should not follow the mild nature of a woman and thereby accept that which is not genuine
- One should be qualified enough to discern transcendental potency, and either by discriminating or by fortunate chance if one is able to receive the transcendental sound from the bona fide spiritual master, his path of liberation is guaranteed
- One should distribute Krsna consciousness without discrimination throughout the world
- One should further understand that the spirit soul, although very difficult for the materialist to perceive, is above all these conditions, and by the strength of one's discrimination, one should give up the desire for fruitive results
- One should not discriminate between the dhamas on the earth and those in the spiritual sky, thinking those on earth to be material and the original abodes to be spiritual. All of them are spiritual
- One should not think, "Oh, here is an American gosvami," and discriminate against him. Nor should one think, "Here is a nityananda-vamsa-gosvami
- One should try to discriminate between sexual love and pure love, for they belong to different categories, with a gulf of difference between them. They are as different from one another as iron is from gold
- One who does not know the scriptural directions becomes entangled in the actions and reactions of work. Understanding which discriminates by intelligence is situated in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- Our impression was that you are the master of all living entities, the supreme authority who discriminates between the pious and impious activities of all human beings
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is that you take only krsna-prasadam, that's all. You save yourself. Even if I cannot discriminate, Krsna's prasadam I take, it is transcendental. I don't require any discrimination
- Our only business is to spread Krishna Consciousness to the best of our possibility, and Krishna has given us discrimination and judgment. So, Krishna is within you, you chant and ask Him, Krishna and He will give you proper instruction
- People in general are not very advanced in knowledge by which to discriminate between religion and irreligion
- People still go there (Navadvipa). We have a temple center there. It is also a sacred place of pilgrimage. Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared there, and He started this mass sankirtana movement, which is conducted without discrimination
- Persons who have no discrimination in the matter of foodstuff and who eat all sorts of rubbish are compared to hogs. Hogs are very much attached to eating stools. So stool is a kind of foodstuff for a particular type of animal
- Saint Vidura's inquiry is very relevant (in SB 4.9.28). The word artha-vit, which refers to one who knows how to discriminate between reality and unreality, is very significant in this connection. An artha-vit is also called paramahamsa
- Sex desire is very strong at a certain stage, the guru may allow the brahmacari to marry; this license is given to a brahmacari who is unable to continue the way of naisthika-brahmacarya, and such discriminations are possible for the guru
- Simply working hard for sense gratification without any discrimination whether it is mother or sister or any . . . that is hog civilization. That the hog has no discrimination you'll find
- Siva lives as a poor man although his devotees appear very opulent, whereas Lord Krsna, or Lord Visnu, is always opulent and yet His devotees appear poverty-stricken, is a situation which appears contradictory and puzzling to a discriminating person
- So far your question regarding women, I have always accepted the service of women without any discrimination, so I have no objection if Yamuna devi contributes her ideas on this construction project. Nothing should be done without group consultation
- So long as you have discrimination, you are not a perfect devotee. So why should you artificially imitate a perfect devotee and eat everything
- Something is being done about this discriminatory action. You can keep me informed of further progress
- Spiritual education means just to inject in their ears about our philosophy, externally they chant beads, wear telok, without any discrimination of Hindu or Muslim or anything
- That process (taking Krsna) we are giving to everyone, without any discrimination. We have got students from all communities: Hindus, Muslim, Christian, Parsis and Africans. The process is so perfect. If you take the process, you will also understand
- The advanced devotee can also see all other living entities as part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, without discrimination
- The Bhagavad-gita begins with the problems of life by discriminating the soul from the elements of matter and proves by all reason and argument that the soul is indestructible in all circumstances
- The conscience is created by association. By good association, conscience is the good conscience and by bad association, a bad conscience is created. So there is no such standard as conscience. Conscience means discriminating power
- The devotees, they have got such eyes to see that they can immediately discriminate who is a fool, who is learned
- The first six chapters of the Gita are meant for those who are interested in transcendental knowledge, in understanding the self, the Superself & the process of realization by jnana-yoga, dhyana-yoga, & discrimination of the self from matter. BG 1972 pur
- The hog is whole day working to find out stool. And as soon as he gets some stool, little strength, immediately sex life, without any discrimination. This kind of life is described in the sastras as hog civilization
- The hogs are stool-eater, and they are working very hard day and night, and the business is kastan kaman, to satisfy the senses, these two business: where to find out source of income, and eat anything without any discrimination
- The Lord was so liberal that He would give to every man prasadam quite sufficient for being eaten by two or three men. So we are trying to follow by distributing prasadam very liberally, and we invite everyone without any discrimination
- The Mayavadi philosophers think that without discriminating one cannot have pure knowledge
- The mental concoction of discrimination between good and bad should be accepted as one unit and then invested in the mind, which should then be invested in the false ego. The false ego should be invested in the total material energy
- The modern philosophers think that without discriminating one cannot have pure knowledge. For them this answer is given by the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The perfection is that whatever is offered to Krsna you should accept. That is perfection. You cannot say. "I like this, I don't like this." So long as you make such discrimination, that means you have not appreciated what prasada is
- The point is, a perfect devotee does not make any discrimination. Whatever is offered to Krsna is nectar. That's all
- The senses are so strong and impetuous, O Arjuna, that they forcibly carry away the mind even of a man of discrimination who is endeavoring to control them. BG 2.60 - 1972
- The Sudarsana cakra does not discriminate between brahmana demons and sudra demons. Anyone against the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees is called a demon
- The sufferings of humanity are caused by the misuse of the discriminative power or the little independence which is given to individual souls
- The swan (hamsa) is one who discriminates between matter and spirit, who accepts the essence of everything, and who explains the means of bondage and the means of liberation
- The uttama-adhikari, the most advanced devotee, does not discriminate between devotees and nondevotees. He sees everyone but himself as a devotee
- The wise man is he who can discriminate between matter and spirit, between God's superior and inferior natures. Such knowledge is Krsna Himself. BG 1972 purports
- There are professional Bhagavata reciters who abruptly go to the rasa-lila chapters of SB, as if other portions of SB were useless. This kind of discrimination & abrupt adoption of the rasa-lila pastimes of the Lord is not approved by the acaryas
- There is no predominance of the influence of time, so what to speak of the illusory, external energy; it cannot enter that region. Without discrimination, both the demigods and the demons worship the Lord as devotees
- Therefore I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have described these (in the Caitanya-caritamrta) with logic and discrimination
- These are the general principles to be followed by all human beings: truthfulness, mercy, austerity (observing fasts on certain days of the month), bathing twice a day, tolerance, discrimination between right and wrong, control of the mind
- These brahmanas take to education, austerity and vows only for the purpose of maintaining the body. They shall be devoid of discrimination between what to eat and what not to eat
- They will discriminate: my engagement is not good, other's engagement is good, like that. They do not know the secret of surrendering to Krishna
- Thinking Him (Caitanya) to be one of the ordinary living entities, they discriminate between Gaurasundara and Sri Krsna. Such understanding is also demoniac and is against the conclusion of the acaryas. Such a conclusion is a product of Kali-yuga
- This (bhagavata-dharma) is the best of all religious systems. Whereas so-called religions are meant for a particular type of person who believes in a particular way, such discrimination has no place in Krsna consciousness, or bhagavata-dharma
- This inequality, discrimination between man and animal is due to lack of Krsna consciousness. When one becomes actually Krsna conscious, he does not make such distinction that a man should be given protection and the animal should be killed
- This is dog life: no sex discrimination, no food discrimination, no shelter discrimination, no defense discrimination. But all these things - "Discrimination, the best part of valor" - that is in human civilization
- This is fact psychologically, that brain substance in man is greater than the brain substance in woman. In the Bhagavad-gita also, striyo vaisyas tatha sudrah (BG 9.32). But in spiritual understanding there is no such discrimination
- This is genuine movement. Why the American government should be discriminating against a genuine religious sect, Krsna
- This Krsna consciousness movement is the greatest welfare activities in the human society. We are giving information to every man, without any discrimination of cast, creed and color
- This Krsna consciousness movement is very important movement - important in this sense, that we are educating people without any discrimination about Krsna, what is Krsna
- This practice (Demons eating meat and flesh without discrimination) is still prevalent in India, and those who eat meat and fish are generally called demons and Raksasas
- This Society is attempting to create a society of devotees all over the world, without any discrimination of caste, creed, color. One must be a devotee of Krsna
- This statement, which lists the ingredients of a material body, is not a perverted mellow in transcendental realization because it shows correct discrimination between matter and spirit
- Those who are impersonalists and who have no knowledge of spiritual senses can only discriminate within the scope of the material senses and thus cannot understand spiritual exchanges or spiritual-sensual activities
- Those who are not perfect devotees may discriminate. But a perfect devotee does not discriminate. Why should you imitate a perfect devotee
- Those who can understand analytically what kind of performances are in what modes of material nature are actually wise; those who consider all kinds of sacrifice or foods or charity to be the same cannot discriminate, and they are foolish. BG 1972 pur
- Those who draw distinctions between the two are concocting their own laws. Even in the Ten Commandments it is prescribed, "Thou shall not kill." This is a perfect law, but by discriminating and speculating men distort it
- To attain the platform of pure devotional service, one has to become spiritually pure and attain the brahma-bhuta platform, which is beyond material anxiety and material discrimination
- Wanted qualified Brahmins to preach Bhagavad-gita all over the world. Educated candidates accepted without any discrimination of Caste and Creed. Apply ISKCON
- We are preaching this Krishna consciousness movement so that we may not have material discrimination
- We discriminate eating. We don't eat so many things. We simply eat things which may keep my body just fit for understanding and executing this mission of life. That's all
- We invite everyone, without discrimination; we request everyone to sit down and chant the Hare Krsna mantra and take as much prasada as we can supply, and thus everyone is pleased with us
- We invite everyone. We have no such discrimination that black, white, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, no. Anyone. It is universal. Because we consider every living entity is part and parcel of God. That is a fact
- We must treat the lower living entities compassionately, but this does not mean that we have to treat them in the same way we treat other human beings. The feeling of equality must be there, but the treatment should be discriminating
- We should discriminate between lust and love. Love cannot be accepted unless it is reposed in Krsna. That is love. And all other, everything, that is lust
- We should recruit any sort of men out of the four classes; brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. For our members we do not make any discrimination
- We write: "We trust in God," but we make discrimination. If you trust in God, then you must be equally kind and merciful to all living entities. That is God consciousness
- When I started this movement, I was cooking myself and distributing prasadam. But we do not discriminate that "He is needy." Everyone is needy
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to this earth with His associates, He simply distributed transcendental love of God without discrimination
- When the atomic bombs are discharged they do not discriminate between the target and others. Mainly the atomic bombs do harm to the innocent because there is no control. The brahmastra is not like that
- When the hog enjoys senses without any discrimination, you become attracted: "Very nice. Why not get this facility?" That is your fault - you become attracted
- When you come to the form of human being, you should have discrimination. If you have no discrimination, simply you live like animal, then where is the difference?
- Wherever there is opportunity to instruct about this spiritual subject matter, we must go there. We should not have such discrimination that city should be neglected. No
- Why there are dissimilarities? One man is born millionaires; another man is born, he cannot even have full meals twice a day, although he's struggling very hard. Why this discrimination
- Women as a class are no better than boys, and therefore they have no discriminatory power like that of a man
- You descend to propagate the transcendental science of devotional service unto the hearts of advanced transcendentalists & mental speculators, who are purified by being able to discriminate between matter & spirit. How can we women know You perfectly?
- You discriminate actually. You do not kill human beings, but you kill animals. Similarly, you discriminate: instead of killing animal, kill vegetable. Importance
- You have to make them very nice behaviour by training them and simply giving discipline. So let everyone come to our school. That is our policy, not to discriminate
- You must follow his (Jesus Christ's) instruction, "Thou shall not kill." You must have discrimination. You are human beings; you are not cats and dogs. You must have discrimination, what to eat, what to not eat