Category:Human Society and Animal Society
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Pages in category "Human Society and Animal Society"
The following 53 pages are in this category, out of 53 total.
- A system of human civilization that does not promote varna and asrama is nothing but a polished animal society. Indulgence in sex life by a man or woman living single is never acceptable in human society
- Activities intended to promote all living entities to Krsna consciousness are going on not only in human society but even in animal society also
- Actually human civilization begins when there is varnasrama-vibhagasah, four varnas and four asramas. Unless human society is scientifically divided in this varnasrama system, it is animal society. It is not man's society
- Actually this Krsna consciousness movement is a process of making this animal society into human civilization. At the present moment especially, all animals. I take them as animals. Therefore I say so boldly. I care for them
- Animal society has no church, mosque or religious system. In all parts of the world, however downtrodden human society may be, there is some system of religion. Even tribal aborigines in the jungles also have a system of religion
- Any type of knowledge you want, there is in the Vedic literature. So it is meant, Veda, jnane, knowledge is meant for the human society. It is not meant for the animals. Animals cannot study Veda
- Because they have no brain to understand what is God. So in the human society, if there is no brahmana who can teach about God, who can elevate persons to God consciousness, then it is also animal society
- Because you are not Krsna consciousness, you are discriminating in this way, that the human society should be given protection, the animal society should be slaughtered. Is that very good?
- Brahma creates the whole of human society, animal society - everything. Ksirodakasayi Visnu lies on the milk ocean within the universe, of which He is the controller and maintainer
- Brahma creates the whole of human society, animal society - everything. Ksirodakasayi Visnu lies on the milk ocean within the universe, of which He is the controller and maintainer. Thus Brahma is the creator - CC Intro
- Dharma is meant for the human society. The animal society, they have no, nothing to do about religion, neither they know what is religion, what is this body, what is soul. It is not their business. Dharma is the business of the human society
- Dharma, religious system, is in the human society, not in the animal society. The animals does not... They have no knowledge; neither they have capacity to distinguish what is dharma, what is adharma
- Eating, sleeping, defending and mating are the four principles of material bodily demands which are common to both the animals and human society
- Every living entity has a dormant propensity of love for somebody else. That is exhibited not only in human society, but also in the animal society. That love is exhibited primarily in five kinds of relationship
- He (a sadhu) is merciful because he is the well-wisher of all living entities. He is not only a well-wisher of human society, but a well-wisher of animal society as well
- Human society is similar to any other animal society, but to elevate men from the animal status, the abovementioned divisions (Varnasrama) are created by the Lord for the systematic development of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Human society, there must be some religious process; otherwise, it is animal society
- If all the unqualified sudras become so-called brahmanas and ksatriyas, social order will be impossible to maintain. Thus there will be discrepancies, human society will turn into a society of animals, and the situation all over the world will be hellish
- If it does not observe the institutional functions of the four social orders (varnasrama-dharma), human society is no better than animal society in which there is never tranquillity, peace and prosperity but only chaos and confusion
- In human society there are attempts to educate the human being, but for animal society there is no such system, nor are animals able to be educated
- In human society there are various religious conceptions characterized as Hindu, Christian, Hebrew, Mohammedan, Buddhist and so on, for without religion, human society is no better than animal society
- In the human society there is school, college, education, culture, not in the animal society, because they can be made into perfect, not the animals
- It may be Christian religion, it may be Hindu religion, it may be Buddhist religion, or it may be Muhammadan religion, Jewish religion - it doesn't matter. Any civilized form of human society must have a sort of religion. Otherwise it is animal society
- Just see how Krsna is universal. He is claiming not only human society, but animal society, bird society, beast society - everyone
- Just study all status of society, animal society or human society. The law is that the stronger is dominating the weaker. That is the law. You cannot avoid it. So wherefrom this idea came unless it is in God?
- That is also restricted - he cannot have sex life without being married. Therefore in human society there is marriage, not in animal society
- The bodily features of a particular person are exhibited in accordance with his past deeds, for according to one's past deeds, his next bodily features - whether in human society, animal society or demigod society - are determined
- The demigods in higher planets, pray to the Lord for relief, and the Lord either descends personally from His abode or deputes some of His devotees to remodel the fallen condition of human society, or even animal society
- The devotee doesn't care where he is, nor does he care whether he is born in the animal society, human society, demigod society, or whatever - he only prays to God that he not forget Him and that he always be able to engage in His transcendental service
- The difference between animal society & human society is that a human being, whoever he may be, he can, if he is taught, trained and educated, he can understand his real position, that he is not this body, but he is pure consciousness; he is spirit soul
- The dog-eater human being is considered the lowest of the human society, similarly, in the animal society, the animal which eats stool is considered the lowest. So the gradation of human being is also calculated according to the eating process
- The pivot of material attraction is sex, not only for human society but for animal society also
- The religious life you cannot find in animal society. In the human society, either he may be Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddha, Jews, anything, there is a kind of religious principles. So that is the beginning of human life - religion, dharma
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, lilavatara, incarnates in many forms, not only in the human society, but in the demigod society, or lower than human society, the animal society also, tree society
- The university education, school, college, institution, they are meant for human society. There is no such thing in the animal society. And religion. Religion also meant for human society
- The world, we are bound up within this material law of nature - why? Because we have got strong desire for sex. Not only also human society, in animal society also. The central point is sex
- This catur-varnya or this karma-kanda, everything is meant for the whole human society, if not for the animal society
- This is real human society (where people are divided as brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras) and without this system we are left with animal society
- Those who are in the mode of goodness are promoted to the regions of the demigods, those who are in the mode of passion are placed in human society, and those who are situated in the mode of ignorance are placed in the society of animals or ghosts
- Try to convince in the meeting that the difference between animal society and human society is that the human society has in some form the ideals of Krishna Consciousness or God Consciousness. That is religion
- When a child is born, the parents immediately see to its maintenance. This tendency for maintenance of offspring is present not only in human society, but in animal society as well
- Without spiritual culture a human society is another polished edition of the animals. There is no value of education in the animal society as the trained up lion in a circus is never to be trusted