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Here a Hindu coming from very respectable brahmana family and another man is coming from the dog-eater's family. It doesn't matter. As soon as one becomes Vaisnava he is classless society

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"Here a Hindu coming from very respectable brahmana family and another man is coming from the dog-eater's family. It doesn't matter. As soon as one becomes Vaisnava he is classless society"


Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures

There is no distinction. Here a Hindu coming from very respectable brāhmaṇa family and another man is coming from the dog-eater's family. It doesn't matter. As soon as one becomes Vaiṣṇava he is classless society.
Lecture on BG 2.2-6 -- Ahmedabad, December 11, 1972:

There are four, twelve authorities. One of them is Bhīṣma. Prahlādo janako bhīṣmo balir vaiyāsakir vayam. So Bhīṣma is not ordinary person. Therefore he said, katham, gurūn ahatvā hi mahānubhāvān śreyo bhoktuṁ bhaikṣyam apīha loke (BG 2.5). "I do not like to kill my guru, who is so great, and my grandfather. Better I shall become a beggar." A kṣatriya's business is not to beg. A brāhmaṇa can beg. A brāhmaṇa can accept charity, but kṣatriya cannot accept any charity from anyone else. Neither he can come down to do business like the vaiśyas. That is not. Everyone should stick to his own principle. If this is followed, then it is really secular government. A government must see whether—you are claiming as a brāhmaṇa—whether you are actually discharging your duties as a brāhmaṇa. That is secular government. You are claiming as a kṣatriya; whether you are discharging your duties as a kṣatriya? You are a vaiśya; whether you are discharging your duties as vaiśya? This is government's duty. That is cātur-varṇyaṁ mayā sṛṣṭam (BG 4.13). Now they are eager to wash off this social system. They want classless society. But in the material world there cannot be any classless society. It is not possible. Classless society can be established in the spiritual world. Just like we are propagating this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. This is classless society. Here you will find Europeans, Americans, Indians, Africans, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, but they have forgotten that they are Hindus, Muslims or Christians or Americans or Indians. They are all identifying, "We are all servant of Kṛṣṇa." This is classless society. This is classless society. There is no distinction. Here a Hindu coming from very respectable brāhmaṇa family and another man is coming from the dog-eater's family. It doesn't matter. As soon as one becomes Vaiṣṇava he is classless society. Therefore it is forbidden, vaiṣṇave jāti-buddhiḥ. Arcye viṣṇau śilā-dhīr guruṣu nara-matir vaiṣṇave jāti-buddhiḥ, nārakī. Just like we should not consider this Deity before us as made of some metal or wood. No. Arcye śilā-dhīḥ. No. Here is the Supreme Personality of Godhead standing. We should take it like that. Otherwise, does it mean that we are offering our obeisances to a metal doll? We have become so fool? No. We take it, "Here is Kṛṣṇa personally standing." That is the, that, if one cannot feel like that... The śāstra says you should feel like that. Arcye śilā-dhīr guruṣu nara-matiḥ. Guru, a spiritual master, should not be considered as ordinary human being. Guruṣu nara-matiḥ. The Ganges water, one should not think that it is ordinary water. Or caraṇāmṛta. These are forbidden. Similarly, vaiṣṇave jāti-buddhiḥ. One should not think, "He is American Vaiṣṇava, he is brāhmaṇa Vaiṣṇava, he is African Vaiṣṇava, he is black Vaiṣṇava, he is white Vaiṣṇava." No. Vaiṣṇava is Vaiṣṇava, servant of God. Just like in the Ganges water. There are so many... In Calcutta I have seen so many mill water coming, sewer ditches' water is coming. But when it falls down on the Ganges water, it is no more any other water. Everything is Ganges water. Practically we accept it. In Calcutta there are many rigid Hindus, brāhmaṇas. They are taking bath in the Ganges, but even stool is floating there, they set it aside and take bath. Ganges water. Actually, you see chemically, although so many unclean water is coming there, it is still pure. Similarly, Vaiṣṇava, he may come from any family, it doesn't matter. He becomes immediately transcendental. Kṛṣṇa says in the Bhagavad-gītā:

māṁ ca yo 'vyabhicāreṇa
bhakti-yogena sevate
sa guṇān samatītyaitān
brahma-bhūyāya kalpate

Immediately he becomes. We are trying to become, to understand ahaṁ brahmāsmi. So this realization immediately become effective if one is a pure devotee. Māṁ ca yo 'vyabhicāreṇa bhakti-yogena sevate, sa guṇān samatītyaitān (BG 14.26). He is above all these three qualities.

So if actually you want to make classless society, then you have to accept this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement. There is no other way. If you make artificially classless society, it will never be effective. The Communists are trying to make classless society. That classless society can be formed on spiritual platform, not on the material platform. This will be artificial. Paṇḍitāḥ sama-darśinaḥ (BG 5.18). When one is actually advanced in knowledge... Advanced with knowledge means one should understand that "I am eternal servant of Kṛṣṇa, or God." That is advancement of knowledge. Ahaṁ brahmāsmi: "I am not this body, I am spirit soul. And Kṛṣṇa is the supreme soul. I am part and parcel of Kṛṣṇa." Brahma-bhūtaḥ prasannātmā na śocati na kāṅkṣati (BG 18.54). Simply by understanding that "I am spirit soul, I am Brahman," will not help us. You must act like Brahman. Then it will be... Janma, guṇa-karma-vibhāgaśaḥ (BG 4.13). There must be realization; that is guṇa. At the same time, there must be practical work. That is Vedic civilization. You should not claim falsely. If you are actually brāhmaṇa, you must act as a brāhmaṇa. If you are a kṣatriya, you must act as a kṣatriya. Guṇa-karma-vibhāgaśaḥ. Not that "I am a brāhmaṇa; now I have become something else." Just like in Calcutta we have seen there are small slaughterhouses, and they have posted one deity, Goddess Kālī, and have got sacred thread, and the signboard is: "This meat is slaughtered by a brāhmaṇa. Therefore it is pure. Therefore it is pure." And that is going on. Oh, the meat-eaters, they take all this meat, and they think, "It is the prasāda of Goddess Kālī, and it is slaughtered by a brāhmaṇa. There is no sin; it is all right." This is going on. No. Brāhmaṇa is not meant for becoming a slaughterer, a killer. No. Brāhmaṇa should be truthful, brāhmaṇa should be cleansed, no sinful life. Brāhmaṇa should be controlling the senses, controlling the mind. Brāhmaṇa must be well-educated, jñāna, and he must apply the knowledge in practical life and believe in the Vedic injunctions. These are the qualifications of brāhmaṇa. Similarly, there are qualification of kṣatriyas, vaiśyas. We should follow that. And it is the duty of the government to see that "This man is claiming as a brāhmaṇa, whether he is actually executing the duties of brāhmaṇa?" That is government's duty. Not that they should simply fight that "I am brāhmaṇa," "I am kṣatriya," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim." No. The government's duty is to see that actually whether he is as he claims to be.

Page Title:Here a Hindu coming from very respectable brahmana family and another man is coming from the dog-eater's family. It doesn't matter. As soon as one becomes Vaisnava he is classless society
Created:13 of Sep, 2012
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1