Category:Yadu Dynasty
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- "Krsna appeared in the Yadu dynasty"
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Pages in category "Yadu Dynasty"
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- Above Prahlada, the Pandavas are supposedly more advanced. Above the Pandavas are the members of the Yadu dynasty, who are even more advanced
- According to Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, that confidential message must have concerned the mystery of His (God's) departure and the annihilation of His dynasty (the Yadus) after the end of His appearance in the mundane world for one hundred years
- According to the atheistic point of view, Lord Krsna's family, the Yadu dynasty, was vanquished due to being cursed by the brahmanas for the sins committed by Krsna in killing the sons of Dhrtarastra, etc
- After the brahmanas are fed, it is the custom for the host, with their permission, to accept prasadam. Thus, with the permission of the brahmanas, all the members of the Yadu dynasty took lunch
- After the departure of the great saint Narada, Kamsa thought that all the members of the Yadu dynasty were demigods and that any of the children born from the womb of Devaki might be Visnu - SB 10.1.65-66
- After the eclipse, all the members of the Yadu dynasty again took their baths in the lakes created by Lord Parasurama. Then they sumptuously fed the brahmanas with first-class cooked food, all prepared in butter
- Again, he (Rupa Gosvami) analyzes the affection of the Yadus: If it is on the platform of friendship, then it is spontaneous love, but if it is on the platform of regulative principles, then it is not
- All of the residents of Vrndavana and Dvaraka - namely the cowherd men and the members of the Yadu family - are eternally perfect devotees of the Lord
- All of them (of the Yadu Dynasty) were expansions of the Lord Himself by His transcendental plenary expansions, they were a source of great pleasure for the earth
- All the activities of the Yadus and Bhojas were executed by the internal potency of the Lord because He wanted them to be dispatched to their respective abodes after He had finished His mission of descent
- All the brahmanas invited on that occasion by the members of the Yadu dynasty were fed sumptuously with cooked food
- All the members of the Yadu dynasty were naturally very beautiful, yet on this occasion, when they appeared duly decorated with gold necklaces and flower garlands, dressed in valuable clothing and properly armed with their respective weapons
- All the soldiers fighting on behalf of Salva soon became distressed by the incessant release of arrows upon them by the heroes of the Yadu dynasty, and Salva himself became unconscious from the attack of these arrows
- All the Yadus and the residents of Vrndavana felt such great pleasure in meeting and talking together that it was a unique scene
- All the Yadus and Vrndavana residents had been very eager to meet, and when they actually came forward and met, they embraced one another to their heart's satisfaction and remained in embrace for a considerable time
- All the young princes of the Yadu dynasty married the daughters of other kings in this way, by chivalrous force, and thus they were conquerors of all the kings of the world
- All these (the destruction of the Yadu dynasty and the passing away of God) hurled him (Vidura) into bereavement for the time being, but because he was highly advanced in transcendental knowledge, he was quite competent to pacify himself by enlightenment
- All these qualifications as the different types of pati mentioned in this verse (SB 2.4.20) are meant for Lord Sri Krsna, and Sukadeva Gosvami has especially mentioned the pati and gati of the Yadu dynasty
- Although He took birth in the Yadu dynasty, Lord Krsna was more affectionate to the Pandavas. By His actions, Lord Krsna proved that He was more inclined to the Kuru dynasty than the Yadu dynasty
- Although Lord Balarama knew very well that by slight provocation people are prepared to fight with one another in the Age of Kali, He did not like the idea that the two great dynasties, the Kuru dynasty and the Yadu dynasty, would fight amongst themselves
- Aniruddha's son was Vajra. When the whole Yadu dynasty was destroyed by the curse of some brahmanas, only Vajra survived
- Another lesson is that if we fight amongst ourselves, even we belong to the family of Krsna, we are ruined. This is the instance of Yadu-kula
- Arriving in Kuruksetra, the members of the Yadu dynasty took baths ceremoniously, with self-control, as enjoined in the sastras, & they observed fasting for the whole period of the eclipse in order to nullify the reactions of their sinful activities
- As far as the Yadu and Kuru dynasties are concerned, they existed simultaneously, but of the two, the Yadu dynasty was more glorious due to the appearance of Lord Krsna
- As for their (the Yadu dynasty's) military strength, it is said that King Ugrasena alone had ten quadrillion soldiers as personal bodyguards
- As soon as they (members of the yadu dynasty) saw the residents of Vrndavana, they stood up to welcome them and appeared to have regained their life
- At Dvaraka, You keep sixteen thousand queens in sixteen thousand palaces. Also, there are eighteen mothers and numerous friends and relatives of the Yadu dynasty
- At the end of this time, all the members of the Yadu dynasty tried to please the inhabitants of Vrndavana to their hearts’ content
- Balarama said, "Consider the exalted position of the Yadu dynasty. They have forcibly used both the assembly house and the parijata tree of the heavenly planets, and still you think that they cannot order you (Kurus)"
- Balarama said, "How regrettable it is that these fools (Kurus) consider us, the members of the Yadu dynasty, to be like shoes and themselves like helmets"
- Balarama said, "I do not think we should disturb our good relationship; we should continue our friendship without any unnecessary fighting. Please, therefore, immediately release Samba and bring him, along with his wife, Laksmana, before Me"
- Balarama said, "It is clear that they do not want a peaceful settlement, for they are factually warmongers. With great pride they have repeatedly insulted Me by calling the Yadu dynasty ill names"
- Balarama said, "O you members of the Yadu dynasty, why are you laughing at Me? Please give me back My liquors made of honey from the kadamba flower!"
- Balarama said, "They (the Yadus) were preparing to attack the whole kingdom of the Kuru dynasty, but I pacified them and took the trouble to come here to settle the affair without any fighting. Yet these rascals behave like this"
- Balarama said, "We have all heard this news (Bhismadeva, Dhrtarastra, Dronacarya, Duryodhana and Bahlika faught with Samba improperly), but we are not very much agitated because we are most intimately related to one another"
- Balarama said, "You (Kurus) have thought it wise that the royal insignias like the whisk, fan, white umbrella, royal throne and other princely paraphernalia not be used by the Yadu dynasty"
- Banasura heard that the soldiers of the Yadu dynasty were attacking the whole city, tearing down various walls, gates and nearby gardens. Becoming very angry, he immediately ordered his soldiers, who were of equal caliber, to go and face them
- Because almost all the members of the Yadu dynasty went to Kuruksetra, some important personalities, like Aniruddha, the son of Pradyumna, and Krtavarma, the commander in chief of the Yadu dynasty
- Because almost all the members of the Yadu dynasty went to Kuruksetra, some important personalities, Sucandra, Suka and Sarana, remained in Dvaraka to protect the city
- Because Lord Krsna took birth in the Yadu dynasty, the Yadu dynasty and the Yadavas have remained famous for all time. Because of King Viraja's appearance, the family of Maharaja Priyavrata has remained famous for all time
- Because the devotees would be pleased to see these activities (pastimes of the Lord) personally, they were all invited to take birth as friends and relatives of these families - Yadu and Vrsni dynasties and the inhabitants of Vrndavana
- Being harassed by Kamsa, the kings of the Yadu, Bhoja and Andhaka dynasties began to take shelter in different states, such as the state of the Kurus, the state of the Pancalas and the states known as Kekaya, Salva, Vidarbha, Nisadha, Videha and Kosala
- Benefits one gets when hearing the description of the Yadu dynasty
- Bhismadeva, Dhrtarastra, Dronacarya, Duryodhana and Bahlika said, "They (the Yadus) had practically no position before we gave them a portion of our kingdom to rule, and now they are trying to command us"
- Despite the mysterious maneuvering of the airplane, the commanders and soldiers of the Yadu dynasty would immediately rush toward Salva wherever he was present with his airplane and soldiers
- Devotees like Kunti have this intelligence (consciousness means Krsna consciousness) and understanding. Therefore Kunti says, - The Pandavas and Yadus are so important, but what is actually our value?
- Drops of tears fell from their (all the Yadus and the residents) eyes, the hair on their bodies stood on end, and because of their extreme ecstasy, they were temporarily speechless
- Due to such heart-to-heart embracing, torrents of tears glided down their (all the Yadus and the residents) cheeks. The juniors were offering obeisances to the elders, and the elders were offering their blessings to the juniors
- During the fratricidal war amongst the descendants of Yadu, he (Pradyumna) died at the hand of Bhoja, another king of the Vrsnis. After his death, he was installed in his original position
- During the same incident (when the family ladies of the Kuru and Yadu dynasties meet at Samanta-pancaka), this verse (of CC Adi-lila 6.75), quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.83.39), was spoken to Draupadi by a queen of Krsna’s named Laksmana
- During the short absence of Pradyumna from the battlefield, Dyuman, Salva's commander in chief, had been taking over the positions of the soldiers of the Yadu dynasty
- Each time he had to return home disappointed. Each time, the princely order of the Yadu dynasty arrested Jarasandha in the same way and again released him in an insulting manner, and each time Jarasandha shamelessly returned home
- Even the King of heaven, Indra, abides by the order of the Yadu dynasty; and you (the members of the Kuru dynasty) consider King Ugrasena, the head of the Bhojas, Vrsnis, Andhakas and Yadavas, to be the leader of a small phalanx!
- Everyone is obliged to repay the debt of gratitude. The Yadus who went to the Prabhasa pilgrimage site performed their duties by distributing land, gold, and well-nourished cows in royal charity, as described in the following verse - SB 3.3.26
- Everyone must have been very anxious to know about the annihilation of the Yadu dynasty, and that message must have been explained by God to Uddhava and dispatched to Badarikasrama for the information of Nara-Narayana and other pure devotees of the Lord
- Foolish persons might have thought Him (Krsna) an extraordinary historic figure because they had no intimate touch with the Lord, but more unfortunate were the family members of the Lord, the members of the Yadu dynasty
- For a compassionate soul like Vidura, especially in his dealings with the beloved Pandavas, it was almost impossible to disclose an unpalatable piece of news like the annihilation of the Yadu dynasty. Therefore he purposely refrained from it
- For as long as the Lord moves on earth to diminish its burden by His own potency in the form of time, all of you demigods should appear through plenary portions as sons and grandsons in the family of the Yadus - SB 10.1.22
- For the pure devotees He (God) is the constant companion, as in the case of His becoming one of the family members of the Yadu dynasty, or His becoming the friend of Arjuna
- Formerly, Surasena, the chief of the Yadu dynasty, had gone to live in the city of Mathura. There he enjoyed the places known as Mathura and Surasena - SB 10.1.27
- Garga Muni said, "Because your family and the family of the Yadus are so intimately connected & attracted, His name will also be Sankarsana." This means that Garga Muni awarded three names to the son of Rohini - namely Balarama, Sankarsana and Baladeva
- Garga Muni said: My dear Nanda Maharaja, I am the priestly guide of the Yadu dynasty. This is known everywhere. Therefore, if I perform the purificatory process for your sons, Kamsa will consider Them the sons of Devaki - SB 10.8.7
- Garga Muni was a great saintly sage who had undergone many austerities and penances and been appointed priest of the Yadu dynasty
- Garga Muni was the priest of the Yadu dynasty, Nanda Maharaja also belonged to that dynasty. Nanda Maharaja, however, was not acting as a ksatriya. Therefore Garga Muni said, If I act as your priest, this will confirm that Krsna is the son of Devaki
- Having acquired such a wonderful airplane, Salva flew it to the city of Dvaraka, because his main purpose in obtaining the airplane was to attack the city of the Yadus, toward whom he maintained a constant feeling of animosity
- He (Akrura) at once took leave of his friends in Hastinapura and returned to his home in the kingdom of the Yadus
- He (Balarama) asked Uddhava to meet with the leaders of the Kuru dynasty and inquire from them whether they wanted to fight with the Yadu dynasty or to make a settlement
- He (Balarama) was confident that the members of the Kuru dynasty would agree to this marriage and avoid fighting with the Yadus
- He (Krsna) displayed special attachment for His family members, the Yadus, as well as for His sixteen thousand wives, who had the opportunity to meet Him in the leisure hours of night
- He (Salva) desired that the airplane be able to fly anywhere and everywhere he would like to pilot it, and be specifically very dangerous and fearful to the dynasty of the Yadus. Lord Siva immediately agreed to give him the benediction
- He is the guide of the Yadu dynasty, and with His mighty arms He kills everything inauspicious, as well as every man who is impious. By His presence He destroys all things inauspicious for all living entities, moving and inert
- How supremely glorified is the dynasty of King Yadu, and how virtuous is the land of Mathura, where the supreme leader (Krsna) of all living beings, the husband of the goddess of fortune, has taken His birth and wandered in His childhood
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. He is the descendant of the Yadu family. Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Gopala, Govinda, Rama and Sri Madhusudana
- Illusory stories opposed to the conclusions of Krsna consciousness concern the destruction of the Yadu dynasty, Krsna's disappearance, the story that Krsna and Balarama arise from a black hair and a white hair of Ksirodakasayi Visnu
- In every incarnation, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has a particular mission to execute, and this was true in His appearance as the son of Devaki in the family of the Yadus
- In his previous birth, Kamsa had been a great demon named Kalanemi and been killed by Visnu. Upon learning this information from Narada, Kamsa became envious of everyone connected with the Yadu dynasty - SB 10.1.68
- In other words, as an elephant breaks the whole construction of a lotus flower while bathing in a reservoir of water, the military strength of the Yadus broke up Rukmi's forces
- In the clear sky of autumn, the beautiful moon among the beautiful stars becomes the cynosure of all eyes, just as Lord Sri Krsna is the central attraction in the Vrsni dynasty or in the family of Yadu
- In the fight between the soldiers of the Yadu dynasty & kings of the opposite side, Salva was defeated. But despite his defeat, he made a promise before all the kings that he would in the future rid the whole world of all the members of the Yadu dynasty
- In the Yadu dynasty, Uddhava is the furthest advanced, and above Uddhava are the damsels of Vraja-dhama, the gopis themselves
- It appears that in those days in the western part of India there were many small kingdoms, ruled by the Yadu dynasty, Andhaka dynasty, Vrsni dynasty and Bhoja dynasty
- It is not possible that the princes of the Yadu dynasty could offend any saintly man or sage, nor could the sages, who were all pure devotees of the Lord, be influenced to anger
- It is not possible that they could offend any saintly man or sage, nor could the sages, who were all pure devotees of the Lord, be influenced to anger by any of the sporting activities of the princes born in the holy dynasties of Yadu or Bhoja
- It is said that the King of the Yavanas, known as Kalayavana, was induced to attack by Narada. This story is narrated in the Visnu Purana. Once, Garga Muni, the priest of the Yadu dynasty, was taunted by his brother-in-law
- It is stated by Sukadeva Gosvami that all the members of the Yadu dynasty had many children. Just as Krsna had many sons, grandsons and great-grandsons, each one of the kings named herewith also had similar family extensions
- It is stated that Lord Visnu snatched two hairs - one white and one black - from His head. These two hairs entered the wombs of Rohini and Devaki, members of the Yadu dynasty. Balarama was born from Rohini, and Krsna was born of Devaki
- It is stated there (in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Visnu Purana, and the Mahabharata) that the Lord snatched a gray hair and a black hair from His head and that these 2 hairs entered into the wombs of 2 queens of the Yadu dynasty, namely Rohini and Devaki
- It was then arranged for them to be sent back to their abodes so that others could see that the powerful Yadu dynasty was no longer in the world
- Jarasandha prepared thirteen such military phalanxes to retaliate the death of Kamsa. Taking with him all his military strength, he attacked the capital of the Yadu kings, Mathura, surrounding it from all directions
- Jarasandha was very powerful, and having been defeated seventeen times, he might vengefully kill the members of the Yadu family or arrest them and take them to his kingdom
- Jarasandha, who was Kamsa's father-in-law, was extremely powerful, and therefore Kamsa took advantage of his protection and the help of the demons in persecuting the kings of the Yadu dynasty
- Just as Arjuna was made to be illusioned by family affection & thus the Bhagavad-gita was spoken, so the Yadu dynasty was made to be intoxicated by the will of the Lord, nothing more. The devotees & associates of the Lord are completely surrendered souls
- Just as there is no possibility of a fire's occurring deep in the forest due to human effort, so also there was no power in the universe which could vanquish the descendants of Yadu, who were protected by the Lord
- Kamsa broke the solidarity of the Yadu kingdom, as well as the Bhoja and Andhaka. He made his position the most solid within the vast tract of land known at that time as Bharata-varsa
- Kamsa had been forcibly ruling the kingdom of Yadu, in spite of the presence of his father, whom he had arrested. But after the death of Kamsa, his father was released and announced to be the monarch of the Yadu kingdom
- Kamsa said, "My dear Akrura, actually I have no better friend than you in the Bhoja and Yadu dynasties. You are the most munificent person, so as a friend I am begging charity from you"
- Kamsa, protected by his father-in-law, Jarasandha, and with the help of his demoniac friends - Pralamba, Baka, Canura, Trnavarta, Aghasura, Mustika, Bana and Bhaumasura, Arista, Dvivida, Putana, Kesi, Dhenuka, Salva, began oppressing the Yadu dynasty
- Kamsa, the most powerful son of Ugrasena, even imprisoned his own father, the King of the Yadu, Bhoja and Andhaka dynasties, and personally ruled the states known as Surasena - SB 10.1.69
- Kamsa, upon hearing that the purificatory process has been performed by me (Garga Muni), the priest of the Yadu dynasty, may certainly consider this point and suspect that Krsna is the son of Devaki and Vasudeva - SB 10.8.8-9
- King Kamsa not only occupied the kingdoms of the Yadu, Bhoja and Andhaka dynasties and the kingdom of Surasena, but he also made alliances with all the other demoniac kings, as follows: demon Aghasura, demon Mustika, demon Arista, demon Dvivida
- King Kamsa not only occupied the kingdoms of the Yadu, Bhoja and Andhaka dynasties and the kingdom of Surasena, but he also made alliances with all the other demoniac kings, as follows: demon Putana, demon Kesi and demon Dhenuka
- King Kamsa not only occupied the kingdoms of the Yadu, Bhoja and Andhaka dynasties and the kingdom of Surasena, but he also made alliances with all the other demoniac kings, as follows: the demon Pralamba, demon Baka, demon Canura, demon Trnavarta
- Krsna took birth in the family of the Yadus, and consequently the Yadu dynasty is famous all over the world
- Kurus also thought, "If they (Yadus) came here to fight with us, what could they do? The members of the Yadu dynasty cannot equal the members of the Kuru dynasty"
- Kurus said, "The Yadus are now trying to go against those who have fed them nicely. Their flourishing condition is due to our gifts & merciful behavior & still they are so shameless that they are trying to order us. How regrettable are these activities"
- Kurus said, "They (the Yadus) should not have used such royal paraphernalia in our presence, but we did not check them due to our family relationships. Now they have the audacity to order us to do things. Well, enough of their impudence"
- Let me now describe the dynasty of Yadu, the eldest son of Maharaja Yayati. This description is supremely pious & it vanquishes the reactions of sinful activities in human society. Simply by hearing this description, one is freed from all sinful reactions
- Lord Balarama, the most prominent member of the Yadu dynasty, acted as guardian of the bridegroom, Samba, and very pleasingly accepted the dowry
- Lord Krsna is the SP of Godhead, He is worshipable by all brahmanas & demigods, who are the controllers of the universal affairs. Besides that, Krsna & His family members, the royal order of the Yadu dynasty, were the conquerors of all kings of the world
- Lord Krsna was provided with all kinds of comforts and facilities available within the universe by the members of the Yadu dynasty, and in return such servitors of the Lord were protected and fearless
- Maharaja Yudhisthira has compared the Yadu dynasty to the ocean of milk and Sri Balarama to the Ananta where Lord Krsna resides. He has compared the citizens of Dvaraka to the liberated inhabitants of the Vaikunthalokas
- Maharaja Yudhisthira said: My dear brother (Arjuna), please tell me whether our friends and relatives, such as Madhu, Bhoja, Dasarha, Arha, Satvata, Andhaka and the members of the Yadu family are all passing their days in happiness
- Many other members of the Yadu dynasty who had come there with a view to atone for sinful activities accrued in the course of discharging their respective duties
- Meeting after long separation, they (all the Yadus and the residents) were all jubilant; their hearts throbbed, and their faces appeared like freshly bloomed lotus flowers
- Members of the Yadu Dynasty were always in company with the Lord (Krsna) but were unable to recognize Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- My uncle, you must have visited Dvaraka. In that holy place are our friends & well-wishers, the descendants of Yadu, who are always rapt in the service of Krsna. You might have seen them or heard about them. Are they all living happily in their abodes?
- Nanda continued, "We are also very happy that Kamsa, the most sinful demon, has been killed. He was always envious of the family of the Yadus, his relatives. Now, because of his sinful activities, he is dead and gone, along with all his brothers"
- Narada had informed Kamsa that in his previous birth Kamsa was Kalanemi, a demon killed by Visnu. Consequently, Kamsa became a great enemy to all the descendants of the yadu-vamsa, the Yadu dynasty
- Narada informed him that the Yadus were the most powerful. Thus informed, Kalayavana attacked the city of Mathura at the same time that Jarasandha tried to attack it for the eighteenth time
- None of them were weak or short-lived, and above all, all the members of the Yadu dynasty were staunch devotees of the brahminical culture
- Not only did all of them (the members of the Yadu dynasty) have many children, but all were extraordinarily rich and opulent
- Not only Rohini but many others in the Yadu dynasty were scattered all over the country due to their fear of the atrocities of Kamsa. Some of them were even living in the caves of the mountains
- Now this verse (of SB 10.1.62-63) informs us that all the family and friends of the Yadu dynasty, the Vrsni dynasty, Nanda Maharaja and the gopas descended from the heavenly planets to see the pastimes of the Lord
- O Brahmana Saunaka, while Maharaja Yudhisthira, observing the inauspicious signs on the earth at that time, was thus thinking to himself, Arjuna came back from the city of the Yadus (Dvaraka)
- O King, as in the ocean the bigger & stronger aquatics swallow up the smaller & weaker ones, so also the Supreme P of G, to lighten the burden of the earth, has engaged the stronger Yadu to kill the weaker, & the bigger Yadu to kill the smaller
- O Maharaja Pariksit, because Yadu, Madhu and Vrsni each inaugurated a dynasty, their dynasties are known as Yadava, Madhava and Vrsni. The son of Yadu named Krosta had a son named Vrjinavan
- O my Lord, O head of the Yadu dynasty, recently, however, my intelligence has been awakened, and now I am giving them up
- Ocean of the Yadu dynasty
- Once upon a time, great sages were made angry by the sporting activities of the princely descendants of the Yadu and Bhoja dynasties, and thus, as desired by the Lord, the sages cursed them
- One may argue that His (the Personality of Godhead) relation with the goddesses of fortune may be transcendental, but what about His relation with the Yadu dynasty, being born in that family, or His killing the nonbelievers like Jarasandha
- One who cooks foodstuffs for maintenance of his body takes in all kinds of sins, which lead only to suffering. foodstuffs prepared by the Yadus at the Prabhasa pilgrimage site to offer to the bona fide brahmanas there were all offered to the PG, Visnu
- Out of their great feelings of friendship, the inhabitants of Vrndavana remained there for a considerable time with the members of the Yadu dynasty
- Pariksit Maharaja gave more respect to the dynasty of the moon-god, the soma-vamsa, because in the Yadava dynasty, descending from the moon, Krsna had appeared
- Practically all the leaders of the family, including Pradyumna, Satyaki, Gada, Samba, Sarana, Nanda, Upananda and Bhadra, combined together and gathered twelve aksauhini military divisions into phalanxes
- Samba, the glorious son of the Yadu dynasty, endowed with inconceivable potencies as the son of Lord Krsna, became very angry at the warriors of the Kuru dynasty. A lion is never afraid of being chased by many wolves and jackals
- Samba, the son of Krsna, fought the son of Banasura, and Banasura fought Satyaki, commander in chief of the Yadu dynasty. In this way the fighting was waged
- Samba: One of the great heroes of the Yadu dynasty and the son of Lord Sri Krsna by His wife Jambavati. He learned the military art of throwing arrows from Arjuna, and he became a member of parliament during the time of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Similarly you were also in a distressed condition, weakened in your standing strength, and thus He also incarnated by His internal energy in the family of the Yadus to relieve you
- Simply to teach the children of the Yadu dynasty there were as many as 38,800,000 tutors, or acaryas. If so many teachers were needed to educate their children, one can simply imagine how vast was the number of family members
- Since it is a Vedic custom to give in charity as much as possible during the hours of the eclipse, the members of the Yadu dynasty distributed many hundreds of cows in charity to the brahmanas
- Since that time (of Surasena Maharaja), the city of Mathura had been the capital of all the kings of the Yadu dynasty. The city and district of Mathura are very intimately connected with Krsna, for Lord Krsna lives there eternally - SB 10.1.28
- So too were the descendants of the Vrsni dynasty (they were none but the denizens of the heavenly planets), headed by Vasudeva, and Devaki and the other women of the dynasty of Yadu - SB 10.1.62-63
- Some important personalities, like Aniruddha, the son of Pradyumna, and Krtavarma, the commander in chief of the Yadu dynasty, along with Sucandra, Suka and Sarana, remained in Dvaraka to protect the city
- Some Yadus rode on sturdy, stalwart elephants that moved like the clouds in the sky. Their wives were carried on beautiful palanquins by beautiful men whose features resembled those of the Vidyadharas
- Sometimes the plane was visible and sometimes not visible, and the warriors of the Yadu dynasty were puzzled about the whereabouts of the peculiar airplane
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami informed Maharaja Pariksit that he had heard from reliable sources that simply to teach the children of the Yadu dynasty there were as many as 38,800,000 tutors, or acaryas
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura suggests that the rsis like Saunaka and others who were hearing Srimad-Bhagavatam from Suta Gosvami at Naimisaranya were not happy to hear about the Yadu's dying in the madness of intoxication
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: My dear King, the Supreme Person, Mukunda, is actually the maintainer of all the members of the Pandava and Yadu dynasties. He is your spiritual master, worshipable Deity, friend, and the director of your activities
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: O Maharaja Pariksit, the priest of the Yadu dynasty, namely Garga Muni, who was highly elevated in austerity and penance, was then inspired by Vasudeva to go see Nanda Maharaja at his home - SB 10.8.1
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Under the protection of Magadharaja, Jarasandha, the powerful Kamsa began persecuting the kings of the Yadu dynasty - SB 10.2.1-2
- Sukadeva Gosvami then glorifies the Lord as one who is honored by the yadu-vara-parisat, the assembly house of the Yadu dynasty, and as the killer of different kinds of demons
- That Nara-Narayana Rsi, who is a partial expansion of Krsna, has now appeared in the dynasties of Yadu and Kuru, in the forms of Krsna and Arjuna respectively, to mitigate the burden of the world
- The annihilation of the Yadu dynasty was a material show created by the Supreme Lord; otherwise the Lord and the members of the Yadu dynasty are all eternal associates
- The associates of the Lord who were playing the part of princely descendants of the Yadu and Bhoja dynasties were not ordinary living entities
- The bedrooms were all bedecked with jewels, and the floors were mosaic pavements of marakata jewels. The Visnu Deity, worshiped by the descendants of Yadu, was installed in each house in the city
- The behavior exhibited by the descendants of Yadu in the pilgrimage site of Prabhasa was highly cultured and exactly to the point of human perfection
- The brahmanas said, "Because He has appeared as a child in the dynasty of the Yadus, we were so foolish that we could not understand that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- The ceremonial functions performed by the members of the Yadu dynasty externally resembled the ritualistic ceremonies performed by the karmis
- The city of Dvaraka thus fully displayed all opulences. The heroes in the dynasty of Yadu used to think themselves the most fortunate residents of the city, and actually they enjoyed all transcendental facilities
- The disappearance of the Krsna sun may be explained as follows, according to the commentary of Visvanatha Cakravarti. Vidura was struck with sorrow when he got the hint of the annihilation of the Yadu dynasty as well as his own family, the Kuru dynasty
- The dynasties known as Yadava, Madhava and Vrsni had their origin from Yadu, Madhu and Vrsni
- The end of the Yadu dynasty also does not mean that it is annihilated. It disappears, along with the Lord, out of our sight
- The female members of the Kuru dynasty and the Yadu dynasty took the opportunity to meet with one another and engage in talk of Lord Krsna’s transcendental past
- The fortunes of the Yadu dynasty and that of the inhabitants of the land of Mathura cannot be materially estimated
- The great heroes of the Yadu dynasty, being protected by the arms of Sri Krsna, always remain fearless in every respect. & therefore their feet trample over the Sudharma assembly house, which the best demigods deserved but which was taken away from them
- The great sage Narada immediately carried the news to the Yadu dynasty that Samba had been arrested and told them the whole story. The members of the Yadu dynasty became very angry at Samba's being arrested, and improperly so by six warriors
- The heroes of the Yadu dynasty were determined either to die on the battlefield or to gain victory. They were confident that if they died in the fighting they would attain a heavenly planet and if they came out victorious they would enjoy the world
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana were well-wishers and intimate friends of the Yadu dynasty. This meeting of the two parties after long separation was a very touching incident
- The kings of the Yadu dynasty were all devotees, but there were many powerful demons, such as Salva, who began to persecute them
- The Kurus thought, "If they (Yadus) come to challenge us because their son was arrested, we shall accept the fight & teach them a lesson, automatically they will be subdued under pressure, as the senses are subdued by the mystic yoga process of pranayam"
- The Kurus thought, "The kings of the Kuru dynasty are the emperors whereas the kings of the Yadu dynasty are able to enjoy their land only because we have granted it to them"
- The Lord (Visnu) ordered all the denizens of the heavenly planets to take birth in different families of the Yadu and Vrsni dynasties and in Vrndavana
- The Lord and His eternal associates appeared on earth to help the administrative demigods in eradicating the burden of the world. He called for some of the confidential demigods to appear in the Yadu family and serve Him in His great mission
- The Lord assures that He positively eats such foodstuffs offered by the devotees. So, judging from all sides, the Yadus were perfectly trained civilized persons, and their being cursed by the brahmana sages was only by the desire of the Lord
- The Lord Himself appeared as a descendant (of the Yadu dynasty). The cursing of the princes by the sages was another transcendental pastime of the Lord to make a show of anger
- The Lord wanted them (the descendants of Yadu) to be so destroyed, and thus they obeyed His order, as indicated by the word tad-anujnata
- The members of the Yadu dynasty came to Kuruksetra in their gorgeously decorated chariots, which resembled the airplanes of the demigods and which were pulled by big horses that moved like the waves of the ocean
- The members of the Yadu dynasty tried to satisfy Nanda Maharaja and his associates by offering them clothing, ornaments and many other valuable articles, and they all became fully satisfied
- The members of the Yadu dynasty were fully awake in their service to the Lord, and therefore there was no tiger for them to be afraid of at any time. Even if there were a real tiger, the Lord was there to protect them
- The members of the Yadu dynasty were so numerous that it would be very difficult to describe them all, even if one had a duration of life of many thousands of years
- The members of the Yadu family who were engaged in supplementing the pastimes of the Lord are no other than His eternal associates, and so also Maharaja Yudhisthira and his brothers and mother, etc
- The only means for the Yadu's disappearance was the make-show of a fight amongst themselves, as if brawling in intoxication due to drinking. That so-called fighting would also take place by Krsna's will, otherwise there would be no cause for fighting
- The original Personality of Godhead, the enjoyer, and Balarama, the primeval Lord Ananta, are staying in the ocean of the Yadu dynasty for the welfare, protection and general progress of the entire universe
- The Pandavas are undoubtedly well established in name and fame and are guided by the great King Yudhisthira, who is morality personified, and the Yadus are undoubtedly great allies
- The Pandavas were better than all of them (descendants of the Yadu dynasty and Vasistha, Marici, Kasyapa, Lord Brahma and Lord Siva) because Krsna Himself lived with them constantly
- The part of the princely order of the Yadu dynasty who went to Prabhasa performed all duties to be done in a place of pilgrimage and offered their pious actions to their forefathers and others
- The princely friends of Jarasandha instructed him that ordinarily it would not have been possible for him to be defeated by the strength of the Yadu kings; the defeat he had experienced was simply due to his ill luck
- The rsis replied that he (Samba) would deliver a lump of iron, which would be the cause of fratricidal war in the family of Yadu
- The soldiers fighting on behalf of Salva were also very strong, and the release of their arrows also harassed the heroes of the Yadu dynasty. But still the Yadus were so strong and determined that they did not move from their strategic positions
- The supreme unborn, Lord Sri Krsna, caused the members of the Yadu dynasty to relinquish their bodies, and thus He relieved the burden of the world. This action was like picking out a thorn with a thorn, though both are the same to the controller
- The visitors said, "Your Majesty Ugrasena, King of the Bhojas, factually the Yadus are the only persons within this world who are perfect in all respects. All glories unto you! All glories unto you"
- The Vrsnis and Yadus and the father and mother of Krsna in Vrndavana all have familial relationships with Krsna; Krsna's foster father and mother in Vrndavana, however, are more exalted than Vasudeva and Devaki
- The whole incident (of the Yadu's getting cursed) was a warning to all concerned that no one should behave lightly with brahmanas and Vaisnavas
- The word nr-loke, meaning "within the material world," indicates that before the Pandavas there had been many, many devotees, such as the descendants of the Yadu dynasty and Vasistha, Marici, Kasyapa, Brahma and Siva, who were all extremely fortunate
- The Yadu dynasty belonged to the family descending from Soma, the moon-god. Although the planetary systems are so arranged that the sun comes first, before the moon
- The Yadu dynasty was annihilated by the will of the Lord because its members had to return home with the Lord
- The Yadus offered sincere obeisances by touching their heads to the ground. The Yadus or any enlightened family in Vedic culture are trained for attainment of human perfection by total cooperation of service between different divisions of social orders
- The Yadus were all experienced devotees, learned and expert in psychic study. Over and above this, they were always with the Lord in all kinds of relaxations, and still they were only able to know Him as the one Supreme who dwells everywhere
- There are many dynasties in human society wherein the Supreme Lord descends as an incarnation. Lord Krsna appeared in the Yadu dynasty
- They (Krsna's 160,000 children) had ten children again. This is Yadu family. This is Krsna's family. So many, one person. And that is called Bhagavan
- They (members of the yadu dynasty) selected resting places underneath big shady trees, and when they had taken sufficient rest, they prepared to receive visitors, among whom were relatives and friends, as well as many subordinate kings and rulers
- They (the members of the Yadu family) were able to use such force because they were certain of the indulgence and protection of the Supreme Lord Krsna. The Lord is provided with the best things in the universe by His pure devotees
- They did not even observe common formalities of civilized society, and in the presence of Lord Balarama they uttered insulting words about the Yadu dynasty. Having spoken in this unmannerly way, they returned to their city of Hastinapura
- This verse (of CC Adi-lila 6.73) appears in SB 10.83.11 in connection with the meeting of the family ladies of the Kuru and Yadu dynasties at Samanta-pancaka. At the time of that meeting, the queen of Krsna named Kalindi spoke to Draupadi in this way
- Those who are born into this family of Yadu are all My eternal associates. Dear wife, you should not consider that My associates are ever separated from Me; they are My personal expansions, as such, you must know that they are almost as powerful as I am
- Thus being questioned by Maharaja Yudhisthira, Mahatma Vidura gradually described everything he had personally experienced, except news of the annihilation of the Yadu dynasty
- To give them (the sages of Naimisaranya) relief from this mental agony, Suta Gosvami assured them that the Lord caused the members of the Yadu dynasty to relinquish their bodies by which they had to take away the burden of the world
- To give them relief from this mental agony, Suta Gosvami assured them that the Lord caused the members of the Yadu dynasty to relinquish their bodies
- To protect the Yadus, His personal devotees, from Kamsa's attack, the Personality of Godhead, Visvatma, the Supreme Soul of everyone, ordered Yogamaya - SB 10.2.6
- Vasudeva, by another of his wives, whose name was Rocana, begot Hasta, Hemangada and other sons. And by his wife named Ila he begot sons headed by Uruvalka, all of whom were chief personalities in the dynasty of Yadu
- Vasudeva, who belonged to the demigod family (or to the Sura dynasty), married Devaki. After the marriage, he mounted his chariot to return home with his newly married wife
- Vidura was informed that the result of the Battle of Kuruksetra was the annihilation of his friends and relatives as well as the destruction of the Yadu dynasty and also the passing away of the Lord
- We (the Kurus) are connected with the Yadu dynasty by marriage, and because of this they have been given the chance to come live with us, dine with us and sleep with us; now they are taking advantage of these privileges
- We (the Kurus) have allowed the Yadu dynasty to use the royal insignias like the whisk, fan, conchshell, white umbrella, crown, royal throne, sitting place and bedstead, along with everything else befitting the royal order
- We Kurus, can't allow them (the Yadus) to do any more of these things, nor shall we allow them to use these royal insignias. Best to take all these things away; it is improper to feed a snake with milk, since merciful activities simply increase his venom
- Whatever activities they (all the Yadus and the residents) performed - social, political, religious or conventional - were transcendental
- When a karmi performs some ritualistic ceremony, his ambition is sense gratification - good position, good wife, good house, good children or good wealth - but the ambition of the members of the Yadu dynasty was different
- When He (Krsna) referred to the unbearable heaviness on the earth in connection with the Yadu dynasty, He was referring to the burden of their separation. Srila Jiva Gosvami confirms this inference
- When Lord Krsna referred to the burden of the Yadu dynasty on the earth, He referred to something different than the burden of the beast
- When Lord Krsna was to appear, the denizens of the heavenly planets were invited to see the pastimes of the Lord, and thus it is stated here (in SB 10.1.62-63) that the members of the Yadu and Vrsni dynasties & the inhabitants of Vrndavana were demigods
- When the cowherd men of Vrndavana arrived in Kuruksetra, all the members of the Yadu dynasty were most pleased
- When the kings of the Yadu dynasty heard the taunt they laughed at him, and Garga Muni became angry at the Yadu kings. He decided that he would produce someone who would be very fearful to the Yadu dynasty
- When the Lord referred to them (Yadu dynasty) in connection with the burden on the earth, He had in mind their imminent disappearance from the earth
- When the Yadu dynasty was to be vanquished, Ugrasena was entrusted with the iron lump produced from the womb of Samba. He cut the iron lump into pieces and then pasted it and mixed it up with the sea water on the coast of Dvaraka
- When there is need of fire in the forest, by the will of the Supreme it takes place due to friction among the bamboos. Similarly, the descendants of Yadu were all destroyed by the will of the Lord by the process of self-destruction
- When they (all the Yadus and the residents) were embracing one another in their arms, the saffron and kunkuma spread on their breasts was exchanged from one person to another, and they all felt heavenly ecstasy
- When they (members of Yadu family and the women) understood that it was Pradyumna who was present, they received him with great delight
- When Vasudeva was thus persuaded to start to perform the yajnas, all the members of the Yadu dynasty took their baths, dressed themselves very nicely, decorated themselves beautifully and garlanded themselves with lotus flowers
- While at Dvaraka, Uddhava was warned to avoid the distresses which were to follow the disappearance of the Lord and the destruction of the Yadu dynasty
- While Jarasandha was attempting his eighteenth attack, a Yavana king somewhere to the south of Mathura became attracted by the opulence of the Yadu dynasty and also attacked the city
- While making the plan to arrest Samba, the Kurus counseled amongst themselves that upon his arrest the members of the Yadu dynasty would be very angry with them. There was every possibility of the Yadus' accepting the challenge and fighting with them
- With the permission of the head of the Yadu dynasty, King Ugrasena, they (the members of the Yadu dynasty) prepared to attack the capital city of the Kuru dynasty