Category:We Will
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- Actually if it is possible to sell 100 sets of books per month, then you can do that. We will discuss the point further upon my arrival in Bombay
- Actually this process of Krsna consciousness or self-realization is not very difficult. Krsna taught it to Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita, and if we understand Bhagavad-gita just as Arjuna did, we will have no problem in coming to the perfectional state
- Actually Vedic understanding is to follow the footsteps of the predecessor acaryas, who understand things. Then our life will be successful. We'll understand
- An offering would make Krsna very glad. If He eats what we offer, our life will be successful, for we will actually make friends with Krsna
- Any moment we can die. But we are not thinking, because they have made this theory, "There is no life after death. So enjoy. Enjoy life as far as possible." But that is not the fact. After death we will have to accept another body
- As long as we are in ignorance of how the laws of nature are working under the supreme direction of Krsna, we will continue to be defeated in our activities
- As soon as one is fixed up with KC & begins to love Krsna, then he doesn't want to love anything more. "Now I am fully satisfied." So otherwise, we'll have many questions, many answers, so long we are not self-realized, and our time will be spoiled
- As soon as we come to understand "I am not this body; I am spirit soul, and my symptom is consciousness," we will be able to establish ourselves in real happiness
- Aside from liberation, even if we consider only the preliminary necessities of life - dharma, artha and kama (religion, economic development and sense gratification) - we will see that they are not the same for everyone
- At the present moment in Kali-yuga, it is said (in SB), svikaram eva hy udvahe. Boys and girls will loiter in the street and two of them, as they agree, "Yes, we will live together." That's all
- At the present moment let us simply understand that this human body is a great opportunity to develop our spiritual consciousness, our Krsna consciousness. Therefore we should at once engage ourselves in Krsna's service. Then we will make progress
- Because I am in ignorance, therefore I am thinking, "I am this body." So it requires a little jnana, knowledge. Then we will understand that - I am not this body; I am different from this body
- Bodily pleasure is flickering and intoxicating, and we cannot actually enjoy it, because of its momentary nature. Actual pleasure is of the soul, not the body. We have to mold our lives in such a way that we will not be diverted by bodily pleasure
- By becoming detached from material activities, we will be freed from fear and anger
- By following the regulative principles, we will be avoiding the four pillars of sinful life, and by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, we will be associating with God constantly; thus there will be peace among all classes of men
- By hearing the words of Lord Krsna and following them carefully, we will attain not only peace in the world, but the supreme peace - param santim
- By seeing Krsna, we will not understand Him, but by listening carefully to His teachings, we can come to the platform of understanding
- Caitanya said to Ramananda Raya, Please come to Jagannatha Puri, My headquarters, and we will remain together for the rest of our lives. Thus I can pass My remaining days in understanding Krsna and Radha by your association
- Cheerful attitude. If . . . cows know. They have got intelligence that "We will be killed." Therefore they are not supplying sufficient milk. They cannot
- Dear Lord, the demigods said, it is Your great mercy that You have called us to see You. Is there any particular order? If so, we will carry it out at once
- Different limbs of the body may act in different ways, but the ultimate objective is to maintain the entire body. Similarly, if we work for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we will find that we satisfy everything
- Don't beget children if you have no responsibility. But they think that "We'll have sex life, but we shall avoid this responsibility. So then let us use contraceptive."
- Either we leave the money or the money leaves us, but we will be separated. The best use of money as long as it is within our possession is to spend it to acquire Krsna consciousness
- Even if we go to Brahmaloka, the highest planet, through some sort of mechanical contrivance by maybe traveling for forty thousand years, we will still find the material inconveniences of birth, death, disease and old age. BG 1972 Introduction
- Even now, in this distorted condition of the world, if we accept Bhagavad-gita as it is, then still, we will be benefited. There is no doubt about it
- Every one of us, because we have got different types of body according to my desire, we are acting differently. So if we come back again to the spiritual platform, then we will not work differently. We shall work concomitantly
- Every paisa should be spent for Krsna; otherwise we shall be liable to pay. If we use one farthing for our sense gratification, then we will have to pay for it. This is the law of karma
- Everyone has got God-gifted instrument, this ear. And if we give aural reception, we'll learn. There is no need of education, A-B-C-D. No
- Everyone has to die sometime, but the problem is that most men your age are thinking, "I will live another fifty years'', but now you have been informed that in your case, you will not live so long
- Everyone is Krishna's part and parcel and wherever we find it convenient we will pick up a person to be trained in Krishna Consciousness who is interested in going back to Home, back to Godhead
- Generally people are of the opinion that we are all here accidentally and that as soon as these bodies are finished all our dramatic activities will be finished and we will become zero. Such scientists and philosophers are impersonalists and voidists
- God's position is not like this - as once we think that we are supreme, we'll immediately find someone superior. This is our position
- I wish that all those calamities would happen again and again so that we could see You again and again, for seeing You means that we will no longer see repeated births and deaths
- I'll live for fifty years and sixty years, and the Darwin's theory, they are calculating gap of millions of years. There is a gap of millions of years, and we will live for fifty years
- If and only if we can establish our relationships with one another upon the central attraction of Sri Krsna, the prime cause of all causes, will we really turn the concepts of fraternity and equality into workable means of lasting peace
- If our body at present is engaged in the activities of Krsna consciousness, then it is guaranteed that we will have at least a human body in our next life
- If our endeavor (prayasa) is not to inquire about the Absolute Truth, we will simply increase our endeavor to satisfy our artificial needs. A spiritual aspirant should avoid mundane endeavor
- If some atonement for our sinful activities is not performed, nature will not excuse us. We will have to suffer the effects of our sins in the next life. Such bondage to one's material activities is called karma-bandhanah
- If somehow we are transported to a country where we are informed that we will no longer have to undergo birth, old age, disease, and death, will we not be happy? If we heard of such a place, surely we would try as hard as possible to go there
- If the next birth is a fact, the next bodily form is also a fact. As soon as we accept a material body, we must accept the fact that that body will be annihilated and that we will have to accept another body
- If the raw material is taken from God's stock, then how the paper becomes yours? This is God consciousness. This is . . . everything we'll find that nothing is our
- If the sun rises at 5:30 in the morning, at 5:30 in the evening twelve hours have been taken away from the duration of our lives. We will never get this time back
- If we accept Krsna as friend, master, son or lover, we will never be frustrated. Every living entity has a specific relationship with Krsna, but at present this relationship is covered. As we advance in Krsna consciousness, it will be revealed
- If we accept Srimad-Bhagavatam as the real commentary on Vedanta-sutra, then we'll find that in the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said, kaler dosa-nidhe rajann asti hy eko mahan gunah - SB 12.3.51
- If we actually want to implement the idea of universal brotherhood, then we will have to come to the platform of Krsna consciousness, not material consciousness
- If we analyze our life, we will find that it is full of suffering. Why then are we coming here? The conditioned souls are not very bright. We should inquire, "Why am I suffering?" If there is a remedy, we must take advantage of it
- If we approach the Supreme Lord or His devotee, or if we are blessed by a devotee, naturally we will automatically achieve the benedictions of the Supreme Lord
- If we are inspired by our remembrance of the Lord and by His will, then we will never be misdirected. We will not be intimidated by the horrible hallucinations of this illusory material energy
- If we are sincere, we will get a sincere spiritual master by the grace of Krsna. If, however, we want to be cheated, Krsna will send us a cheater, and we will be cheated throughout our lives. That is actually going on
- If we at all want to go to that spiritual sky and cultivate eternal, blissful life, full of knowledge, we will have to begin now to cultivate a sac-cid-ananda body
- If we consult different scriptures, then we'll find that one scripture is speaking something, another scripture is speaking something else. - Just like cow-killing. Take it for example
- If we depend on the choice of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we will receive benedictions in greater opulence than we desire
- If we do impious work, we may have to take birth in a low class or animal family, or become illiterate or foolish, or very ugly. Although we engage in very pious work & take a good birth, we will still be subject to the stringent laws of action & reaction
- If we do not act in Krsna consciousness we shall be entangled, like silkworms in cocoons. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, appears in order to teach us how to work so that we will not be entangled in this material world
- If we do not atone for sinful activities committed while in this body, we will have to suffer in the next body because we will get another body according to karma (yam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante kalevaram (BG 8.6)). That is nature's law
- If we do not follow regulations in life for social tranquillity, we cannot expect peace. Rather, we will have to undergo the stringent reactions of natural laws
- If we do not know where to go, then we will simply say, "Oh, we do not know what is superior and inferior. All we know is this, so let us stay here and rot." Bhagavad-gita however, gives us information of the superior energy, the superior nature
- If we don't get out of this struggle (Where is food? Where is sex? Where is shelter? How to defend?) for existence, we'll have to do them again in many, many future lives. So these things should be stopped
- If we examine all persons, we will find that everyone has a beginning, but when we approach a person who has no beginning, He is the Supreme Person
- If we follow the instruction of the spiritual master and execute devotional service to the Lord, we will remain always free from the contamination of bodily and material activities, and our life will be successful
- If we meditate upon this body and study whether or not we are actually the body, we will come to the conclusion that we are ksetrajna, the knower of the body but not the body
- If we practice devotional service by always thinking of the Lord, always glorifying Him and always chanting about Him, as described in text 37 (of SB 10.2), we will be reinstated in our original, constitutional position and thus be saved
- If we practice Krsna consciousness in this present body while in a healthy condition and in good mind, simply by chanting the holy maha-mantra, Hare Krsna, we will have every possibility of fixing the mind upon Krsna at the time of death
- If we purify our existence and attain spiritual existence, we will experience unlimited peace and happiness
- If we purify our existence simply by following the basic regulations of KC, which involve abstaining from illicit sexual connection, meat-eating, intoxication & gambling, we will gradually rise to attain our spiritual existence, which is completely pure
- If we remain satisfied with our birth by our father and mother, we will remain in our condition as sudra. We have to rise to the brahminical platform by following the purificatory processes
- If we remain with maya, we should live in such a way that we will not be subject to illusion, as did the many householders among Lord Caitanya's closest devotees - CC Intro
- If we scrutinize the religious systems meant for worship of demigods or anyone else but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we will find that they are full of envy and therefore impure
- If we serve Krsna with purified senses, we will begin to relish the pleasure of that supreme reservoir
- If we study our finger and consider whether or not we are the finger, we will come to the conclusion that we are not the finger or any other part of the body, but that the finger, the arms, the legs, the head, etc. are our fingers, arms, legs, etc
- If we take it (loving affairs between Radha and Krsna) as ordinary boy and girls reciprocating their loving feelings, then we will misunderstand. Then there will be the production of prakrta-sahajiya, victims of Vrndavana
- If we take Srimad-Bhagavatam as the real commentary on Vedanta-sutra, then we'll find that in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, kaler dosa-nidhe rajann asti hy eko mahan guna
- If we take Srimad-Bhagavatam as the real explanation of Vedanta-sutra, then we will understand Vedanta, the end of knowledge. And if we take shelter of the Mayavadi Vedantists, the bluffers, then we cannot understand Vedanta
- If we trace our father's father back, we will find that he was also a person, and that his father was a person, and so on all the way back to Lord Brahma, who was the first created person in this universe
- If we train the subtle body in this life by always thinking about Krsna, we will transfer to Krsnaloka after leaving the gross body
- If we transfer ourselves from this body into the spiritual world - either to Krsnaloka (Krsna's planet) or any other spiritual planet - we will receive a similar sac-cid-ananda body
- If we try to understand Krsna by the speculative process, we will have to spend many lifetimes of speculation; but if we take to devotional service and just try to please Radharani, then Krsna can be very easily realized
- If we want to transcend above this material plane, then we'll have to completely reject the bodily conception of life. We have to stand on the spiritual consciousness of life. That is being taught
- If we wish to become fully Krsna conscious, we have to give up the shackles of maya, or, if we remain with maya, we should live in such a way that we will not be subject to illusion
- If You (Krsna) insist on putting this proposal to us (the gopis), which is impossible to perform, then certainly we will have to go to Nanda Maharaja and lodge a complaint against You
- If You can also take him with You, we will be very happy. If two people go with You through the jungle, there will certainly be no difficulty or inconvenience
- If, for instance, we chant Hare Krsna on the street, we will see that Krsna is going with us, just as when we look up and see the moon overhead, we perceive that it is also going with us
- If, like Maharaja Ambarisa, we think of Krsna constantly in this life (sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayoh (SB 9.4.18)), we will certainly be transferred to the kingdom of God at the time of death
- In all circumstances we should have our staunch faith in Krishna and the Spiritual Master. Then we will never be shaken off
- In any case, we will not be allowed to stay here, and although we are attached to all this, everything will be taken away at death. Whatever post we are occupying - be it president or Lord Brahma - we are occupying temporarily
- In Bhagavad-gita it is recommended that you should worship the acarya, not these rascals who talks all nonsense. Then we'll make progress. Acaryopasanam
- In future, everyone can expect future. But the hearsay is that: "Trust no future, however pleasant." Why future? In past we could not do. At present we cannot not do. What is the guarantee that in future we'll be able to do
- In samsara there cannot be any sukha, but he's attracted. Majilo samsara sukhe. Vidya-kule ki koribe tar. What we'll do with university education or born in big family or . . .? This will not help. This is not possible
- In the higher sense, everything belongs to Krsna, but if we offer everything to Krsna, we will be elevated. This is a sublime and proven way for advancement in pure life
- In the material sky, even if we approach the highest planet (Brahmaloka), we will find the same conditions of life, namely birth, death, disease and old age. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the universe there are many isvaras, or controllers, but Krsna is the supreme among all of them. Krsna consciousness gives us this knowledge. Without it, we will remain ignorant of our real self-interest
- In Vrndavana we find that devotees chant Radharani's name more often than Krsna's. Wherever we go in India we will find devotees calling - Jaya Radhe
- Instead of wasting our time for economic development, which cannot give us any happiness, if we simply try to revive our eternal relationship with Krsna, we will properly utilize our lives
- It is not that one becomes free from material entanglements simply by accepting the order of sannyasa. Yet if we actually understand the explanations given by Lord Caitanya, we will be helped
- It is very essential that we should be prepared for the next body. Because after we will give up this body, and our pains and pleasure is according to the body
- Krsna consciousness means you understands what is Krsna. Otherwise, if we superficially try to understand Krsna, we will understand Krsna is an ordinary human being
- Krsna is fully independent, and because we are part and parcel of Him we also have this quality of independence. Therefore we have a choice as to which energy we will function under
- Krsna is there, and Krsna is explaining Himself, "I am like this." But unfortunately we'll not understand Krsna, but we'll try to speculate what is God. This is our disease
- Krsna points out that even if we enter into those planets where great demigods reside, we will still be subjected to death. Again, Krsna repeats that upon reaching His planet, one need not take birth again
- Material world means so long we'll have this material body, we'll have to face so many disturbances. War is one of them
- Mind that always, that we are not going to be idle. We shall go on with our work, as we are doing. But at the same time, we must perform yajnas, or sacrifice for the Supreme. Then we'll have sufficient for our necessities
- Oh, we are making this advancement. We will do in the future. We'll do.These are the business of the fools and rascals, not intelligent, which will never be successful. Durasaya. But they'll stick to that false hope
- Once Caitanya said, "You must at least have enough sense to test to find out who is a spiritual master and who is not." For instance, if we want to purchase something, we must at least have some idea of what that thing is, otherwise we will be cheated
- Once we accept the inconceivable energies of the Supreme Lord, we will find that there is no duality at all. The expansion of the energy of the Supreme Lord is as true as the Supreme Lord
- Once we think that we are the most inferior, we'll immediately find that someone is inferior to us; and once we think that we are supreme, we'll immediately find someone superior. This is our position
- One person is more intelligent or opulent than another. If we analyze things in this way, we will come to the demigods, and among them we will find that the most important demigod is Lord Brahma
- One should not render devotional service just to increase his income. We want money to become happy, but if we take to Krsna consciousness, automatically we will become so happy that we will neglect money
- Our bodies, either in this planet or in another planet, will be destroyed, and again we will have to remain for millions of years in an unconscious state within the body of Maha-Visnu
- Our brain is so dull, we will inquire, "Whether the Deity is made of stone or brass or wood," because we are not innocent. We are thinking that this Deity is something made of brass. Even it is brass, a brass is not God? Brass is also God
- So in this material world, so long we'll be in the material service, either socially or family-wise or community, whatever you do, you'll never be able to satisfy them
- So long we are influenced by the two material modes of nature, rajo-guna and tamo-guna, then we will be pushed for fulfilling our lusty desires and greediness. And that will help us to become implicated in sinful activities
- So long we'll continue this propensity of sense enjoyment, you'll have to accept body. That is birth and death. So long. Therefore, the process should be how to make zero all these propensities. That is perfection. Not to enhance it
- So long we'll make program how to become happy materially, your mind being absorbed in material things, not in the spiritual matter, you'll have to accept another body. This is your problem
- So long we'll think of, that is called subtle sex, thinking. They read the sex literature. That is subtle sex
- So some way or other, we should come in contact with Krsna. Some way or other. Then we'll be purified
- So we should not try to see God. Then we'll be baffled. Sometimes if, trying, trying, if I baffled - I cannot see - then I'll conclude, "There is no God. If there was God, I prayed so much and He did not appear before me"
- Some people argue that if we do not eat meat we will be undernourished, but we can see that the students of this Krsna consciousness movement have given up meat and are very healthy
- Sometimes we'll find in our society, all intelligent class, and they fight each other
- Sukadeva Gosvami recommends that we should atone immediately, so long this body's there. Otherwise, we'll have to carry the effect and suffer next life
- The bushes are very dense, and we will not be able to enter the jungle. Therefore take choppers and spades to clear the way
- The child also suffers when he is forced to go to school when he does not want to. The child does not want to study, but the teacher gives him tasks anyway. If we carefully analyze our lives, we will find that they are full of suffering
- The Christian religion has a history of 2,000 years, and the Mohammedan religion has a history of 1,300 years, but if we try to trace out the origins of Vedic religion, we will not be able to find a beginning
- The ears are equally imperfect. We cannot hear a sound vibrated a long distance away unless we put a telephone to our ear. Similarly, if we analyze all our senses in this way, we will find them all to be imperfect
- The jivas, or the living entities, have been accepted by the Lord, as we will note in the later chapters (of the Bhagavad-gita), as His parts and parcels. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Lord is very kind to His devotees, and He is very grateful, able and magnanimous. It is our duty to believe His words, and if we are intelligent and educated enough, we will follow His instructions without hesitation
- The real friend is Krsna, and if we want to benefit our family, nation or planet, we will work for Him. If we have our family's welfare in mind, we will try to make all members Krsna conscious
- The reason for this (after increasing the standard of life to the highest capacity, yet we will be unhappy) is that the quality of happiness which is suitable for our constitution is different from the happiness which is derived from material activities
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is actually the enjoyer, and therefore if we begin our activities for His satisfaction, we will gradually lose our taste for material activities
- The tongue must be utilized to chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare and take Krsna prasadam. Thus the tongue has a dual function, and by utilizing it in this way, we will realize Krsna
- The world is created in such a way, that no one can become supreme. Regardless of what position we place ourselves in, we will find that someone is inferior to us and that someone is superior
- Then we will surely be protected from the harassment of asuric rulers - if we welcome this incarnation of Krsna in the form of holy name
- There is no difficulty in understanding Krsna and to accept Krsna consciousness. But we'll not do that; that is our disease. Otherwise, it is not difficult at all. And as soon as we become devotee of Krsna, we understand the whole situation
- There is no guarantee that we will live one hundred years. There is no guarantee. Anyone, at any moment, can pass away. Therefore, before the next death comes, one must be fully Krsna conscious. That is the highest achievement of life
- These rascal think, that, "If I commit suicide, and just have a knife on my throat, then all my pains & pleasures finished." No, he will be put into more pains and pleasure. Sometimes we'll have to accept - why "accept"; it is certain - the ghostly body
- They do not like to come to us to chant. That is the difficulty. "Oh, we'll have to go there and chant Hare Krsna." So they are afraid. So what can I do?
- This education, technical education, how you can very nicely hammer, this will not solve the problem. So if we want real solution of the problems, then our duty is first of all to take the shelter of nitai-pada-kamala. Then we'll be happy
- This human form of body is especially meant for creating a favorable situation so that when we pass through this body or we leave this body and we accept another body, we'll get exact a body like Krsna
- This human form of life, is meant for understanding the real problem of life and to solve it. This is the opportunity. And Krsna personally coming to instruct you, "You solve in this way." But we are so doggish, we will not take. What can be done
- This idea of laws in nature necessarily implies the existence of the lawmaker, and this can be demonstrated very easily in many, many ways. We'll take the law of gravity again
- This is the transcendental nature of Krsna (that everything is Krsna, but Krsna is aloof from everything), and if we understand it, we will be liberated from birth and death
- This life is a preparation for the next life. If we can prepare, therefore, in this life to get promotion to the kingdom of God, then surely, after quitting this material body, we will attain a spiritual body just like the Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- To us everything material, without connection to Krsna, is to be rejected as stool, otherwise we will waste valuable time needed to solve the real problems of life, namely, birth, death, disease, and old-age
- We are accumulating so many things, big, big buildings, big, big estate, big, big bank balance, big, big family. That's all right, but what is the guarantee that we will be able to enjoy this?
- We are following strictly the principles of Vedas, the principles laid down by great authorities, and if we accept them, then we'll get the required perfection of life. And they are not very difficult
- We are not in the platform of offenseless chanting, still, we must go on chanting. It will gradually make our heart cleansed and we'll be offenseless. Ceto-darpana-marjanam bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam
- We are spiritual beings, and we want enjoyment, but as soon as our future is void, we will become inclined to enjoy this material life
- We can increase the duration of life and standard to the highest capacity, and yet by the law of material nature we will be unhappy
- We can see God everywhere and at all times. We will see God and nothing but God. We will see God not only within our hearts. If we go to the ocean, we will see God
- We can touch Krsna immediately by sound vibration; therefore we should give more stress to the sound vibration of Krsna and of the spiritual master - then we'll feel happy and won't feel separation
- We cannot imagine, we cannot concoct, about God. We have to hear from authoritative scripture, authoritative version. Then we will understand
- We cannot see God by our own endeavor, but if we qualify ourselves, God will reveal Himself, and then we will see
- We cannot stop serving. We want to give service to the family, to the society, to the country, to the humanity. And we will find out where it is are liquefied
- We do not fulfill the mission of life, then again there will be annihilation of the whole creation and we will have to stay within the body of Visnu for millions and trillions of years. Again we will have to come
- We have been elevated to an exalted position by the mercy of Krsna and the spiritual master, and if we remember that this is a great opportunity and pray to Krsna that we will not fall again, our lives will be successful
- We have simply been entrapped by the material glitter, by skyscrapers, big factories, and political play, although we know that however big we build skyscrapers, we will not be able to live here indefinitely
- We have to accept the Vedic injunction, sastric injunction, not nonsensical theories. If we are guided by nonsensical theories, then we'll never be able to understand how things are going on
- We have to engage different classes of men in different activities. If we do not know the art then we will fail, because unless there is a division of work there will be havoc
- We have to give ourselves a chance to progress in spiritual life, step by step. Otherwise, if we remain attached to material consciousness throughout all our days, we will not perfect our KC, and we shall miss the opportunity of this human form of life
- We have to give up this body, willingly or unwillingly. The day will come when we will have to submit to the laws of nature and give up this body. Even President Kennedy in his procession had to submit to nature's law and change his body for another body
- We have to keep ourselves always separate as masters of the body, not as servants. If we know how to drive a car well, it will give us good service; but if we do not know how, we will be in danger
- We have to look at the result. how will we decide what is real religion? Sa vai pumsam paro dharmah yato bhaktir adhoksaje: (SB 1.2.6) by seeing whether the followers have learned how to love God
- We have to offer to Krsna what He likes, and then we'll take prasada. Krsna likes Radharani. Therefore all the gopis, they are trying to push Radharani to Krsna. "Krsna likes this gopi. All right, push Her." That is Krsna consciousness
- We have to study sanatana-dharma, or varnasrama-dharma. Then we'll understand what the Vedic religion is
- We have to understand that if we want to continue in this artificial enjoyment, we will not be able to attain our position of eternal enjoyment
- We may be diseased and suffering from so many elements, but if our doctor comes and says, "Let me finish your ailments by killing you," we will immediately say, - No, no! Better let me suffer from the disease
- We may have many dangerous moments in our lives, but if we are training ourselves in Krsna consciousness and preparing ourselves to go home, back to Godhead, we will not care for them. Our attitude will then be: Dangers come and go - so let them happen
- We may purchase a ticket to go to India, and on the basis of the ticket we have faith that we will be transported there. Why should we pay money for a ticket? We do not just give the money to anyone
- We must follow the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and then, like Krsna, who is never entangled by His material activities of creation, maintenance and annihilation, we will have nothing for which to lament - navasidanti ye 'nu tam
- We must plan our lives in such a way that it will not be possible for us to forget Krsna for a moment. In this way, by engaging in the service of Krsna, we will therefore always live in Vaikuntha or Vrndavana, the abode of Krsna
- We must print hundreds and thousands of books and distribute them at the same speed and thus we will have a great effect on the mass population of Europe and America
- We shall stick to Krsna consciousness. We shall accept what Krsna says and reject everything. Then we'll be saved
- We should accept a life devoted to the cultivation of Krsna consciousness, and then we will get unlimited happiness and unlimited pleasure. This is the sum and substance of the Krsna consciousness movement
- We should act in such a way in this life that after giving up this body, we will become liberated from the bondage of repeated birth and death. This is called jivan-mukti
- We should act only for the satisfaction and service of the Lord. Otherwise we will be entangled by the resultant actions
- We should hold sankirtana as much as possible and distribute prasadam. Gradually when their heart is softened, then we will talk of philosophy, not in the beginning
- We should properly utilize this human form of life and take advantage of this knowledge to prepare ourselves in Krsna consciousness, so that twenty-four hours of the day we will be absorbed in Krsna and at death at once transfer to that spiritual sky
- We want money to become happy, but if we take to Krsna consciousness, automatically we will become so happy that we will neglect money. Money will automatically come. Happiness will come. There is no need to endeavor for these things separately
- We will also feel transcendentally pleased and satisfied if we utilize the brahma-muhurta period to meditate on Radha and Krsna
- We will also find that Lord Brahma's father, Visnu, is also a person. Everyone is a person, and Krsna is the supreme person
- We will feel transcendentally pleased if we think of how Sri Rukminidevi and Krsna acted as ideal householders to teach the whole human society to rise early in the morning and immediately engage in Krsna consciousness
- We will not need anyone to ask us whether we are making progress. We will know it automatically, just as a hungry man knows that he has been satisfied by a full meal
- We won't do anything. We talk much of this, that, this, that. Do anything, but do it perfectly. "Jack of all trade, master of none." That is not good. Be master of something
- We'll have to completely reject the bodily conception of life. We have to stand on the spiritual consciousness of life. That is being taught
- We'll take the law of gravity again. If some object in nature which has no consciousness behaves in a regulated manner, then it's obvious that it's under the control of a law.
- We're hankering after the beautiful, the powerful, the learned, the wealthy. Krsna is the reservoir of all of this, so we need only turn our attention toward Him, and we will get everything. Everything - whatever we want
- What we are? Nothing. But if we establish our loving relationship, which is already there, then we will become the greatest
- When 1 marries, he automatically establishes a relationship with the spouse's family. Similarly, if we reestablish our original relationship with Krsna, we'll establish our true relationship with everyone else. That is the ground for real universal love
- When one remembers that this world is duhkhalayam asasvatam (BG 8.15), is a place of misery, then we can go. As long as we shall think, "Oh, it is very nice place," we'll have to remain here
- When our love for Krsna is actually developed, whatever we see, we will see Krsna
- When there is loss, we should know that this is not our responsibility. It is God's work - His. Then we will be happy
- When we can become free from these designations (that, "I am the master of all I survey"), that is to say when the dust has been cleared from the mirror of the mind, we will be able to see ourselves in our actual position as eternal servants of Krsna
- When we come to realize that we are dependent, we will have attained knowledge. Today so many people are striving for peace in the world, but they do not know how to implement that peace formula
- When we feel separation from Krsna or the spiritual master, we should just try to remember their words of instructions, and we will no longer feel that separation
- When we think of coming to Krsna, we should not think that we will be standing before a void or an impersonal bright light. Krsna, God, is a person, just as we are persons
- When we understand Krsna in perfection, we will automatically know the laws of nature and how they are acting. Vaisnavas are concerned with the background of the laws of material nature
- When we will be able to relish the transcendental pleasure, in chanting Hare Krishna, that will be the sign of our recovery from material diseases
- When we'll be spiritually advanced, then there will be no impediment. Now we cannot fly in the air, but when you are free from this body, your spirit soul, within a second you can go to the Vaikunthaloka. It is so light. Within a second
- Whenever we'll find disturbance, you must know there is atheistic population. And peaceful country or a godly persons, they are never disturbing
- Yes (we know what type of body we will get after death), provided you are qualified. Otherwise nature will arrange for it. Those who know - they know what is there. But for those who do not know, nature will arrange things
- You get the freedom of flying away from this mrtyu-samsara-vartmani, but that we'll not do. We'll enter again. We'll enter. So we are not interested how to get out of the cage of mrtyu-samsara-vartmani. We are again and again coming back to the cage
- You shall try to become devotee, not to think like demons. That will not help us. Then asa-pasa-satair baddhah: we'll remain bound up in material bondage
- You worship Me (Krsna). You haven't got to worship anyone else. - Mam ekam. The order is open. But we'll not do it. That is another thing. We'll not accept. But still, Krsna comes. When this dharma is disobeyed, Krsna comes