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Pages in category "Vision"
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- A conditioned soul sees a very beautiful rose, and he thinks that the nice aromatic flower should be used for his own sense gratification. This is one kind of vision
- A devotee has no vision in his life other than Krsna
- A devotee should see the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be situated in everyone's heart and should also see every living entity as an eternal servant of the Lord. This vision is called ekatvam, oneness
- A hill is not a smoky cloud, but it appears to be one from a distance because of our imperfect vision. In imperfect or smoky realization of the Absolute Truth, spiritual variegatedness is conspicuous by its absence
- A particularly extraordinary vision is the moon above that ocean - Sri Krsna's face - and an even more extraordinary vision is His smile, which is sweeter than sweet and is like shining beams of moonlight
- A pure devotee like Prahlada Maharaja can understand the minds of others because of his pure vision in devotional service. A devotee like Prahlada Maharaja can study another man's character without difficulty
- Absolute vision
- According to Brahma-samhita, the Lord has many forms. It is stated therein (SB 3.4.29) that the Lord has innumerable forms, and when He appears within the vision of the living entities, as Lord Krsna actually appeared, all such forms amalgamate with Him
- According to devotional vision, a man is poor if he is not in Krsna consciousness. A man may be very rich materially, but if he is not Krsna conscious, he is considered poor
- According to external vision, Haridasa Thakura belonged to a Muslim family. Nevertheless, because he engaged himself in performing the yajna of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, he became a regularly initiated brahmana
- According to ordinary vision, such imperfections may seem prominent in the body of a pure devotee, but despite such seeming defects, the body of a pure devotee cannot be polluted
- According to our Vedic information, this is only one universe, which is within our vision, this sky, the dome. That is one universe. The other universes are outside this universe. That is the Vedic information
- According to the Bhagavad-gita, only one who is already on the liberated platform can become an uttama-adhikari devotee and see every living being as his own brother. This vision cannot be had by politicians, who are always after some material gain
- Actually a Vaisnava does not hanker after fame or a great reputation. Madhavendra Puri, the king of Vaisnavas, bore his reputation, but he wanted to keep himself outside of the vision of the general populace
- After instructing all the foolish relatives of Suyajna, Yamaraja, in the form of a boy, disappeared from their vision. Then the relatives of King Suyajna performed the ritualistic funeral ceremonies
- After practicing the yogasana for mystic yoga, the Pracetas managed to control their life air, mind, words and external vision. Thus by the pranayama process they were completely relieved of material attachment
- After the departure of the Lord from the vision of earthly people, when Arjuna was face to face with being vanquished in his acquired power and prominence, he wanted again to remember the great teachings of the Bhagavad-gita
- All food is offered within the temple room just below the altar of Jagannatha. This bhoga, however, was offered on the stone slab within the vision of the public; therefore it is called upala-bhoga
- All the inquisitiveness of Maharaja Yudhisthira about the world situation was already conjectured by Maharaja Yudhisthira on the basis of Lord Krsna's disappearance from the vision of the world
- Although a saintly person may not expose himself to the vision of human society, by his behavior his purpose is disclosed. To human society he should present himself like a restless child
- Although He (Krsna) is the seer of everything, He is not afflicted with faulty vision. Therefore, although He is the witness and seer, He is aloof from all affection for the activities He sees. He is always unattached and separate; He is only a witness
- Although such instruments (telescopes) are needed because the vision of the so-called scientists is imperfect, the instruments themselves are also imperfect. The upper planets cannot be appraised by imperfect men using imperfect man-made instruments
- Antardhana means that these living creatures can be perceived to be present, but they cannot be seen by vision
- Arjuna envisioned only unhappiness in the battlefield (of Kuruksetra) - he would not be happy even by gaining victory over the foe. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna saw in that universal form unlimited mouths, unlimited eyes, unlimited wonderful visions. The form was decorated with many celestial ornaments and bore many divine upraised weapons
- As soon as Krsna came out of the mouth of the demon (Aghasura) with His calves and friends, that glittering effulgent light immediately merged into the body of Krsna within the vision of all the demigods
- At the present moment we are not finding out our proper identity. We are seeing to the body. I see you, your body, and you see me, my body. We have no vision of the real person, which is, who is occupying this body
- At the present moment when we say, "This is my friend," we refer to the body, but that is simply the vision of an animal. Animals think, "This is my dog friend, and this is my mother dog." They cannot see beyond the gross body
- At the time of death he understands that, "My real father, the soul, which was within this body, he has now gone." Therefore our vision is always imperfect
- At this brahma-bhuta stage of liberation from the material entanglement, the symptoms, as explained in the Bhagavad-gita, are that one becomes joyous beyond any hankering or lamentation and gains a universal vision
- Because of imperfect vision, influenced by material qualities, one imposes material qualities upon Krsna, and when one does so he becomes a mudha, a fool
- Becoming fully absorbed in that vision, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had assumed the mood of the gopis, so much so that everywhere He looked He saw Krsna standing with His flute to His lips
- Beginning from the sky, the first material manifestation to the gross vision, down to the earth, everything is called Brahman. Sarvam khalv idam brahma: "There is nothing but the Lord, and He is one without a second
- Being situated in a meditational trance, Kasyapa Muni, whose vision is never mistaken, could see that a plenary portion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead had entered within him
- Besides five primary rasas, or relationships, there are seven secondary rasas which consist of laughing, having wonderful visions, entering into a chivalrous relationship, experiencing pity, feeling anger and experiencing ghastliness and devastation
- Bhagavad-gita (5.17) further elucidates that when a learned man attains to absolute vision, he can observe every living being - whether a learned and gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog, or a dog-eater - with equanimity
- Both Prthu Maharaja's airplane and the airplane carrying Queen Arci were passing out of the vision of the ladies of the higher planetary systems. These ladies were simply astonished to see how Prthu Maharaja and his wife achieved such an exalted position
- By a little use of intelligence we can also readily agree that the living being who sees the things beyond himself by ordinary vision has no power to see or to move independently
- By the mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, even a foolish child can fully describe the real nature of Lord Krsna, the enjoyer of the pastimes of Vraja, according to the vision of the revealed scriptures
- By vision, by meditation and by touch only do the fish, the tortoise and the birds maintain their offspring. Similarly do I also, O Padmaja! BG 1972 purports
- Caitanya said, You (Prakasananda Sarasvati) are like the Supreme Brahman, & if I allow you to fall down at My feet, I will commit a great offense. Although you have no vision of duality, for the sake of teaching the general people you should not do this
- Certainly the purport of the revealed information in the Vedas becomes clear to our vision, and there is no difficulty in realizing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva
- Covering the whole land of Gokula with particles of dust, that demon (Trnavartasura), acting as a strong whirlwind, covered everyone's vision and began vibrating everywhere with a greatly fearful sound - SB 10.7.21
- Devotees do not suffer from skin disease, black or white or brown or red or whatever. In the material world black and white are opposites, but spiritually black and white are varieties. That is the proper vision
- Devotees like Brahma and Arjuna do not do anything on their own account, but as fully surrendered souls they always await indications from the Lord; therefore they attempt to do something which appears very wonderful to ordinary vision
- Dhruva Maharaja was advised by Lord Manu to see with that vision (seeing all living entities as spirit souls). He was specifically advised to do so because he was a great devotee and should not have looked upon other living entities with ordinary vision
- Diametrically opposite the place where the sunrise takes places and the sun is seen by human eyes, the sun will be setting and passing away from human vision
- Each and every soul is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he (the devotee) does not see any difference. That is the vision of a learned devotee
- Endowed with right vision and strengthened by devotional service and a pessimistic attitude towards material identity, one should relegate his body to this illusory world through his reason. Thus one can be unconcerned with this material world
- Engaged in external activities, they (offenders) kill the internal vision
- Everyone means those who are actually seeking after God realization, they are following the same path, but on account of their distance of vision, they are realizing the Absolute Truth in different way
- Everything and anything of the manifested world rests on Him (God), as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.4), but that does not imply that everything and anything in the vision of a materialist is the Supreme Personality
- Gopis, who enjoyed transcendental bliss, so much so that they were never fully satisfied to see Krsna's face, but instead condemned the creator of the body for making eyelids that obstructed their vision
- Great personalities and sages who are able to see everything clearly through the eyes of the revealed scriptures and possess vision of the three phases of the time element, namely past, present and future
- He (a vaisnava) may be appearing in different dress, but he is servant of Krsna. This vision should be enlightened. Then he will remain fixed up in devotional service, and certainly he shall remain successful of life in this very life
- He (Caitanya) instructs His own pure devotional service to His own devotees. Will He again be the object of my (Rupa Gosvami's )vision?
- He (God) is not perceivable by the conditioned souls, who are accustomed to material vision and cannot understand that the Supreme Personality of Godhead exists in His abode, which is beyond that vision
- He (Kamsa) began to have many inauspicious visions, and he could understand that Krsna and Balarama, who had approached the precincts of the city, were his messengers of death
- He (Krsna) always keeps Himself out of the vision of the nondevotees, who are devoid of love and devotion, and thus He puts them still further away from the Lord
- He (Krsna) became visible to His devotee Maharaja Pariksit even in that awkward position (in the womb of his mother) in a shape just suitable for his vision
- He (Sanjaya) studied the situation in his own way because he did not know that the inner vision of Dhrtarastra has been awakened by Vidura and that he had left home in enthusiastic cheerfulness for a better life after departure from the dark well of home
- He does not see any material dualities, for his vision is completely on the spiritual platform, & he sees, every living entity is part & parcel of Krsna. Thus seeing all entities in their true identity, he tries to take them back to Krsna consciousness
- He is untouched by the contamination of material nature because of His spiritual potency, and because He is not subjected to material vision, He is known as transcendental. He has no material activities, nor has He a material form or name
- He was perspiring, liquor dripped from his mouth & his vision was overwhelmed by intoxication. He was being served by bumblebees who drank honey & from a distance he could smell the dust of the lotus flowers, which was carried from the lake by the breeze
- His (God's) transcendental form is one hundred percent spiritual, and one can see Him only by spiritualized vision after proper discharge of tapasya or penance, in pure bhakti-yoga
- How is it possible that He (Krsna) would leave His body and then disappear from the vision of the world
- I am sitting here, and the bug is also sitting here. That does not mean we are very confidential. No. Bug is different visions, and my business different. And bug's business is biting. That kind of association will not help
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto Madhavendra Puri, who was given a pot of sweet rice stolen by Gopinatha, celebrated thereafter as Ksira-cora. Being pleased by Madhavendra Puri's love, Gopala, the Deity at Govardhana, appeared to the public vision
- I shall earn money, eat nicely, drink nicely, enjoy nicely. That is the aim of life. - They do not know. Etam drstim avastabhya. Their vision is so polluted
- I was under the influence of the illusory energy; being ignorant of the actual facts, I was sleeping on her lap. Under a vision of duality, I saw my brother as my enemy, and falsely I lamented within my heart, thinking, "They are my enemies."
- If my eye is giving me some kind of trouble on account of a cataract, that doesn't mean my eye should be plucked out. The cataract should be removed. So that is the idea of the KC movement - to remove the cataract from people's religious vision
- If one simply chants Hare Krsna, it is to be understood that he is performing all kinds of yajna because there is nothing within our vision except Hare (the energy of Krsna) and Krsna
- If we look as far as we can see - up to the sky - our vision is still confined within only one universe, and there are unlimited universes clustered together within what is called the material world
- If you chant Hare Krsna mantra, then your first vision of your self, your constitutional position, will be visible just like a line of the moon. But if you go on continuing, you will find one day it is full moon and brilliant, very soothing, and nectarine
- If you want to spiritualize your vision, if you want to spiritualize your action, if you want to spiritualize the whole constitution of your existence, then you have to associate with the supreme spirit
- Imperfect vision of existence, of the existence of the soul, does not mean that there is no soul. The soul is there. Soul is there, and we can feel the presence of the soul by the symptom of consciousness
- In God's eyes there is no such discrimination. What to speak of God, even a learned man's vision, there is no such discrimination, "This is poor, this is rich, this is black, this is white. . ." No. Everyone is living entity, part and parcel of God
- In God's eyes, or even in the vision of a learned man, there is no discrimination between poor & rich, black & white. No. Every living entity is part & parcel of God. And because a Vaisnava sees this, he is the only true benefactor of all living entities
- In other places, the following offenses (to Deity worship) are listed: (n) to worship the Deity and offer bhoga to the Deity within the vision of an uninitiated person or non-Vaisnava
- In our present state of imperfect material existence, we cannot see the Supreme Lord due to imperfect vision
- In the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, when Krsna was speaking the Bhagavad-gita, the speech which He delivered, although He is not present now in our vision, you cannot find in the whole world such attractive speech of wisdom. Nobody can say
- In the demoniac way of civilization, people are interested in getting a body constructed in such a way that when they walk on the street the earth will tremble and when they stand it will appear that they cover the sun & the vision of the four directions
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (19) bathing Krsna with milk; (20) the return of Nanda Maharaja from the custody of Varuna and the vision of Goloka Vrndavana by the gopas
- In the material conception of life, we find someone a demigod, someone a human being, a dog, a cat, etc. This is material vision, not actual vision. This material differentiation is due to a material conception of life. BG 1972 purports
- In the Padma Purana it is said, atah sri-krsna-namadi na bhaved grahyam indriyaih. The name and form of the Lord cannot be perceived by the material senses, but when He appears within the vision of the mundane people He assumes the form of the virat-rupa
- In this verse (SB 3.28.12) it is clearly stated that one must meditate by fixing the vision on the tip of the nose and concentrating one's mind on the kala, or the plenary expansion, of Visnu
- Indian civilization, based on Vedic knowledge, is estimated so high, perfect. Perfect scheme system for human society, based on Vedic civilization. Everything is correctly visioned, and the ideas are given by persons who are above material contamination
- Instead of focusing on the various external tabernacles of these living entities (their embodiments under various modes of nature), with his absolute vision the karma-yogi penetrates to the spirit which is embodied therein
- It appears that not only Arjuna saw this universal form of the Lord, but others in other planetary systems also saw it. The vision was not a dream. All who were spiritually awake with the divine vision saw it. BG 1972 purports
- It is not necessary for us to practice such severe austerities (like Dhruva Maharaja), but simply by following in the footsteps of Vedic authorities we also can see God eye to eye. This vision of God is the perfection of life
- It is not possible to decry Krsna and at the same time have the divine vision. One cannot have the divine vision without becoming divine. In other words, those who have divine vision can also see like Arjuna. BG 1972 purports
- It is not that the sun is actually covered by the cloud; only the vision of the ordinary being is covered. Similarly, although maya cannot cover the Supreme Lord, who is beyond maya, the material energy covers the ordinary living entities
- It is so minute that it cannot be perceived even by the most powerful microscope. Thus the dimension of the spiritual spark is so minute that it is invisible to mundane vision
- It is to be understood that one is to be considered educated in accordance with his vision of life and his activity in accordance with that vision, not by his academic degrees. This is the understanding of the word pandita from Bhagavad-gita
- Just as the one sun is the object of vision of many different persons, so the one partial representation of Lord Krsna who lives in the heart of every living entity as the Paramatma is a variously perceived object
- Just like we apply some ointment to the eyes to make it clear - our vision becomes clearer - similarly, there is ointment which is called love of Godhead
- Krsna is complete spiritual, divine, and we are, at the present moment, although we have got our spiritual form within this body, but because we have no vision of the spiritual form, we are taking this body as our form. This is called illusion
- Krsna is the cause of all causes (sarva-karana-karanam (BS 5.1)), but one who has no connection with Krsna is disturbed by immediate causes and cannot restrain his vision of separation or differences
- Lord Caitanya is the shelter of the demigods, the goal of the Upanisads, the be-all and end-all of the great sages, the beautiful shelter of His devotees, and the essence of the love of the lotus-eyed gopis. Will He again be the object of my vision?
- Lord Krsna, by the request of Arjuna, exhibited His virat-rupa for the asuras. A pure devotee of the Lord, being unaccustomed to looking into such a mundane gigantic form of the Lord, requires special vision for the purpose
- Lord Manu wanted to change the vision of Dhruva Maharaja, who was looking upon the Yaksas as different from him or as his enemies
- Lord Sri Krsna, being the absolute Personality of Godhead, cannot be exposed to the mundane instruments of vision. He reserves the right not to be exposed by the intellectual feats of nondevotees
- Lord Sri Krsna, who manifested His eternal form before the vision of all on the earth, performed His disappearance by removing His form from the sight of those who were unable to see Him (as He is) due to not executing required penance
- Lower animals have knowledge only of their hunger and thirst. They have no acquired knowledge, no vision. Their behavior exhibits no dependence on formalities
- Madhavendra Puri, the king of Vaisnavas, bore his reputation, but he wanted to keep himself outside of the vision of the general populace
- Merciful as He (Krsna) is, He becomes just suitable to the vision of the limited living being. He is unlimited. He is not limited by any measurement of our calculation
- Mother Yasoda considered whether the vision might be due to bewilderment: "I am fit in health; I am not diseased. Why should there be any bewilderment? It is not possible that my brain is deranged, since I am ordinarily quite fit to think
- Mother Yasoda considered, this vision must be due to some mystic power of my son, as predicted by Garga Muni. Thus she finally concluded that the vision was due to her son's activities, and nothing else
- Mother Yasoda regarded the vision of the universal form within Krsna's mouth as an arrangement of yogamaya, like a dream. As one forgets everything after a dream, mother Yasoda immediately forgot the entire incident
- Mother Yasoda, being a simple woman, could not find out the real cause of the vision (seeing universal form within Krsna's mouth); therefore, out of maternal affection, she simply offered obeisances unto the Supreme Lord to protect her child
- My dear sage (Maitreya), I (Vidura) have put all these questions before you with a view to knowing the pastimes of Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. You are the friend of all, so kindly describe them for all those who have lost their vision
- Narayana appeared and disappeared to Narada's vision like lightning
- Neophytes in devotional service must always alertly understand Krsna through the vision of the revealed scriptures, the bona fide devotees and the spiritual master
- Nothing can be compared with our philosophy either in the matter of antiquity, philosophy, ethics, science, morality, etc., all in correct vision and approved by great stalwart acharyas
- Now I shall leave the vision of this mundane world, and I see that Uddhava, the foremost of My devotees, is the only one who can be directly entrusted with knowledge about Me
- O best of the brahmanas, my body is filled with dirty things, and my vision has been bitten by the serpent of pride. Due to my material conceptions, I am diseased
- O master of the material world, destroyer of all weapons, original vision of the Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto you. Kindly give shelter and be auspicious to this brahmana
- O my Lord, You always dwell in the vision and hearing of Your pure devotees. You also live in their lotuslike hearts, which are purified by devotional service
- O Supreme Lord, offensive persons whose internal vision has been too affected by external materialistic activities cannot see Your lotus feet, but they are seen by Your pure devotees, whose one and only aim is to transcendentally enjoy Your activities
- O Vyasadeva, your vision is completely perfect. Your good fame is spotless. You are firm in vow and situated in truthfulness & thus you can think of the pastimes of the Lord in trance for the liberation of the people in general from all material bondage
- On the basis of this vision, that "There is no God. There is no background of this material creation. This material creation is false." There are so many other conclusions of the demonic people. Demon and atheist, the same thing
- Once the divine vision is revealed, the relationship between Krsna and Arjuna changes immediately. BG 1972 purports
- One becomes atma-drk, or self-realized. When the false ego of identifying the body with the self is removed, actual vision of life is perceivable. The senses also become purified
- One can see the reflection of the Supreme Lord in one's own senses, mind and body - in everything. With that correct vision, one can engage everything in the service of the Lord
- One has to drive out the sense objects such as sound, touch, form, taste and smell by the pratyahara process in yoga, & then keep the vision of the eyes between the 2 eyebrows & concentrate on the tip of the nose with half closed lids. BG 1972 purports
- One should be freed from all other vision, and in that way he is freed from the false egoistic identification and sees himself as the eternal servitor of the Lord
- One who actually envisions Narayana everywhere makes no distinction between the poor and the rich
- One who has clear vision and who is devoid of envy can see that the Supreme Lord is separate from all living entities, although He is situated in every living entity
- One who in this world or this life is very proud of his wealth always thinks, "I am so rich. Who can equal me?" His vision is twisted, and he is always afraid that someone will take his wealth. Indeed, he even suspects his superiors
- Only they (pure devotees of God) can definitely have a clear vision of the Vaikuntha planets
- Oppressed by the weight of your full-grown breasts, your waist becomes fatigued, and your clear vision grows dull, as it were. Pray braid your comely hair
- Our vision is of the same mountain, but due to our different positions we see haze, greenery or variegatedness. In the final stage, there are varieties - trees, animals, men, houses, and so on
- Overwhelmed by the transcendental bliss of dancing and surrounded by Vaisnavas who sang the holy names, He manifested waves of ecstatic love of Godhead. When will Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu again be visible to my vision
- Panditah, those who are learned, the equipoised, advanced devotees who have full knowledge of everything, do not see any living entity as an enemy or friend. Instead, with broader vision, they see that everyone is part of Krsna, as confirmed by Caitanya
- Perfect knowledge means one who has perfect vision of the perfect - not theoretical, but actual vision of the spiritual subject matter
- Perfect knowledge means one who has perfect vision of the perfect - not theoretical, but actual vision of the spiritual subject matter. He is called jnani. Jnaninas tattva-darsinah. Tattva, tattva means the Absolute Truth
- Persons who have lost their vision due to the dense darkness of ignorance in the age of Kali shall get light from this Purana
- Persons with the vision of differentiation are imbued with the material qualities lamentation, jubilation, fear, envy, greed, illusion and madness - SB 10.4.27
- Phalena pariciyate. Education is understood, how far a man is educated, by his behavior. By his vision of life it will be estimated, not by the degrees. Atmavat sarva-bhutesu yah pasyati sa panditah
- Precisely for this reason, we can envision ourselves "changing religions." One who is a "Hindu" today may become a "Muhammadan" the next day, or one who is a "Muhammadan" today may become a "Christian" the next day, and so on
- Purvacitti could attract the minds and vision of both humans and demigods by her playful movements, her shyness and humility, her glances, the very pleasing sounds that poured from her mouth as she spoke, and the motion of her limbs
- Radharani said, There was no cause or mediator in Our love save Our meeting itself and the visionary exchange of feelings
- Ravana could not carry off Sitadevi in her original form. As soon as she was touched by Ravana's hands, she gave him a material form, but she maintained her original form beyond his vision
- Regarding your vision of Lord Vishnu and your flying in the sky - do not be too much dreaming. It may or may not have happened. If you want to advance in a practical, tangible way, practice the rules and regulations
- Sanjaya was a student of Vyasa, & therefore, by the mercy of Vyasa, Sanjaya was able to envision the Battlefield of Kuruksetra even while he was in the room of Dhrtarastra. And so, he asked Sanjaya about the situation on the battlefield. BG 1972 purports
- Self-realization means seeing one's proper identity as the infinitesimal jiva. At the present moment, we are seeing the body, but this is not our proper identity. We have no vision of the real person occupying the body
- Shaking and very much afflicted, she looked at her uncommon husband, Lord Siva, as if she were going to blast him with her vision
- Shutting out all external sense objects, keeping the eyes and vision concentrated between the two eyebrows, suspending the inward and outward breaths within the nostrils - BG 5.27-28 - 1972
- Similarly, the dictaphone or any other machine must be used. Our vision is that Krsna is everything. Krsna is the cause and effect, and nothing belongs to us. Krsna's things must be used in the service of Krsna. That is our vision
- Simultaneously, everything is different and the same. It is said that everything is Brahman: sarvam khalv idam brahma. In the highest vision, nothing is beyond Brahman, and therefore Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are certainly nondifferent from Him
- Since everything is Krsna's property, He sees everything and is present everywhere, but because His body is transcendental, He is above vision, the objects of vision and the process of vision
- So as soon as one is fully in Krsna consciousness, he does not see anyone bad. Everyone he sees, he is sadhu. Sadhu means saintly. So that, his vision, completely changes. He does not see any enemy
- Sometimes foolish rascals, not knowing the purpose of the Lord (Krsna) or the purpose of the gopis, unnecessarily criticize from their own angle of vision, but the real purpose of vastra-harana is expressed by the Lord in this verse of CC Adi 14.69
- Sometimes materialistic people who have no spiritual understanding go to Vrndavana as tourists. One who goes to Vrndavana with such materialistic vision cannot derive any spiritual benefit
- Sometimes we suffer because we see a tiger in a dream or a snake in a vision, but actually there is neither a tiger nor a snake. Thus we create some situation in a subtle form and suffer the consequences
- Sometimes you apply, your vision becomes very cleansed, and you can see things very nicely. So we have to cleanse our eyes to see Krsna, by the ointment of love of Krsna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu could understand that the holy places known as Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda were at that time lost to everyone’s vision. He therefore discovered Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda, which were two reservoirs of water in two paddy fields
- Sri Narada advised Srila Vyasadeva to become absorbed in transcendental meditation on the Personality of Godhead and His activities. Srila Vyasadeva did not take notice of the effulgence of Brahman because that is not absolute vision
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear King Pariksit, by his mystic power the great sage Narada brought the dead son into the vision of all the lamenting relatives and then spoke as follows
- Such a person (with a materialistic vision) is not convinced that Krsna and Vrndavana are identical. Since they are identical, Vrndavana is as worshipable as Lord Krsna
- Such descriptions of the Lord's body are not imaginary; rather, they are the statements of those who have seen the Lord with their supernatural vision
- Such powers (by which one can disappear from vision and reappear in a different form) are also mystic powers. The possession of such mystic power is called isita. The demons generally learn such mystic powers by the practice of yoga
- Take a drop of water, as clear as possible. But if you see with microscope, you will see, "Oh, it is full of germs." So imperfect vision of existence, of the existence of the soul, does not mean that there is no soul. The soul is there
- The absolute vision is the Personality of Godhead, as it is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.19): vasudevah sarvam iti
- The activities of the Lord are pleasing to experimental vision also, but impersonalists will not believe in His identity because they study the personality of the Lord by comparing their personality to His
- The body of intelligence enjoys the objects of sense gratification that cover it, such as smell, vision and hearing. The word sunasam ("beautiful nose") indicates the organ for acquiring knowledge by smell
- The Brahma-samhita also explains the five gross elements, love of Godhead, impersonal Brahman, the initiation of Lord Brahma, and the vision of transcendental love enabling one to see the Lord
- The clouds may cover all these in the sky temporarily, but this covering is only apparent to our limited vision. The sun, moon and stars are not actually covered. Similarly, maya cannot cover the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The conditioned soul's vision is covered by material contamination; therefore he cannot see the cause of his actions, and he cannot see his past lives
- The descriptions of the Bhagavatam are so precise and accurate that whatever has been predicted in this great literature about five thousand years ago is now exactly happening. Therefore, the vision of the author comprehends past, present and future
- The devotee thus surpasses the subtle objects of different senses like aroma by smelling, the palate by tasting, vision by seeing forms, touch by contacting, the vibrations of the ear by ethereal identification, and the sense organs by material activities
- The devotees of the Lord who are transcendental to the above-mentioned three modes of material nature can see the all-blissful transcendental form of the Lord with their vision of love in the attitude of pure devotional service
- The devotional atmosphere created by pantheistic vision develops into devotional service in later days, and that is the only benefit for the impersonalist
- The difference between grhasthas and grhamedhis is like this. A grhastha is living a regulative life on principles to understand self-realization, and a grhamedhi, who has no vision, no idea of the aim of life
- The dimension of the spiritual spark is so minute that it is invisible to mundane vision. All of this information is given in the scriptures, but because we do not have the proper vision, we cannot see
- The divine vision in this connection should be clearly understood. Who can have divine vision? Divine means godly. Unless one attains the status of divinity as a demigod, he cannot have divine vision. BG 1972 purports
- The eye can see only under certain conditions, and therefore it is understood that our vision is limited. Similarly, all our other senses are also limited. It is not possible to understand the unlimited by these imperfect, limited senses
- The fourth imperfection is that the senses of the living entity are not perfect. Our vision is so limited that we cannot see very far away nor very near
- The gopis and inhabitants of Vrndavana used to see the luster of lotus flowers everywhere, and they could hardly withdraw their eyes from such a vision
- The gopis cursed the creator for creating eyelids that interfered with their vision
- The gopis were so attached to Krsna that they could not even tolerate not seeing Him momentarily when their eyelids blinked and impeded their vision
- The impersonalist philosophy, vivarta-vada, generally cites the acceptance of a rope to be a snake as an example of this fact. According to this example, the varieties within our vision are false, just as a rope seen to be a snake is false
- The impersonalists try to prove that the varieties in the vision of the empiric philosopher are false
- The inhabitants of planets known as Kimpurusa-loka, made the demon Maya into a calf, and they milked out mystic powers by which one can disappear immediately from another's vision and appear again in a different form
- The living entities have three kinds of vision, according to their positions in self-realization. According to the bodily concept of life, one sees differentiation in terms of varieties of bodies
- The Lord favored Arjuna with special vision for looking into His virat-rupa, which is described in the Eleventh Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita
- The Lord is situated in everyone's heart. It is natural that one should be able to see the Lord at least within himself. But that is not possible for those whose internal vision has been covered by external activities
- The Lord left this earthly planet in His own transcendental body, and as soon as He left, the symptoms of the Kali-yuga, as were envisioned by Maharaja Yudhisthira prior to Arjuna's arrival from Dvaraka, began to manifest
- The Lord was sitting in a lonely place just about to disappear from the vision of the inhabitants of this universe, and Uddhava was fortunate to see Him even at that time and thus receive the Lord's permission to enter Vaikuntha
- The materialistic person, they have only one experience: this cosmic manifestation. Beyond this, they have no other vision. Their senses are imperfect
- The meditation you can do, just like we are also doing meditation, chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra. But meditation as it is, to absorb the mind fully in God's vision, that is very difficult nowadays, at the present moment
- The mystic yogis, after a strenuous effort to control the senses, may be situated in a trance of yoga just to have a vision of the Supersoul within everyone
- The nitya-mukta living entity knows that he is an expansion of the supreme nitya, or the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead. Being in such a position, he sees the material world with a different vision
- The pradhana, the chief cause of all causes in the impersonal vision, is none other than the Supreme Lord, whom one can see face to face in the internal potency. He takes the material all-pervasive form by His inconceivable power
- The process of vision also involves remembrance and also exists in a subtle form
- The purified, absolute vision of Bhagavad-gita is compared to the River Ganges. Ganges water is so pure that it can purify even the asses and cows
- The same Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is easily available to the vision of the residents of Vrndavana. This means there is no comparison to these devotees' great fortune
- The Saranatha impersonalists do not even believe that the Absolute Truth, or Brahman, can be understood as the opposite of maya, or illusion. According to their vision, materialism is the only manifestation of the Absolute Truth
- The Second Chapter tells how the Lord instructively punished Junior Haridasa. Also in that chapter is a description of the wonderful vision of Sivananda Sena
- The sky, due to its subtle nature, does not mix with anything, although it is all-pervading. Similarly, the soul, situated in Brahman vision, does not mix with the body, though situated in that body. BG 13.33 - 1972
- The sun is always in its right orbit in the sky, but it is sometimes visible and sometimes invisible to our limited vision. Similarly, the pastimes of the Lord are always current in one universe or another
- The Supreme Lord Sri Krsna cannot be seen by our present conditional vision. In order to see Him, one has to change his present vision by developing a different condition of life full of spontaneous love of Godhead
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is actually realized in the vision of a material philosopher and scientist through the manifestations of His material energy
- The supreme planet is described in Vedic literature as beyond our material vision, and it is considered the highest goal. BG 1972 purports
- The two eyes of the gigantic form of the Lord were separately manifested. The sun, the director of light, entered them with the partial representation of eyesight, and thus the living entities can have vision of forms
- The vision (of Devahuti) was so distinct that Gandharva Visvavasu was bewildered by her beauty and by hearing the sound of her ankle bangles, and being captivated by sound and beauty, he fell down. Kardama Muni mentioned the incident as he had heard it
- The vision of all the demigods was blocked by the Lord's effulgence. Thus they could see neither the sky, the directions, the land, nor even themselves, what to speak of seeing the Lord, who was present before them
- The word carantam means "moving." The Lord moves everywhere - within and without - and we simply have to make our vision clear so that we may see Him
- The word sudarsana means "auspicious vision." From Vedic instructions we understand that this material world is created by the glance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - sa aiksata, sa asrjata
- The would-be grandson of Diti, who was predicted to be a great devotee, would be liked by everyone, even by the enemies of his father, because he would have no other vision besides the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The yogis are satisfied simply by partial vision of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Paramatma, and ultimately by oneness with Him
- Their (The devotees) vision is smeared with love of God
- Then Lord Brahma, by his ability to be hidden from vision, created the Siddhas and Vidyadharas and gave them that wonderful form of his known as the Antardhana
- Then one's material vision and the memories of the mind, which manifests names and forms, are vanquished. Only in such a trance is the SPG. Thus let us offer our respectful obeisances unto the SPG, who is seen in that uncontaminated, transcendental state
- There are different kinds of transcendentalists-some of them are attached to the impersonal Brahman vision, some of them are attracted by the Supersoul feature, etc. BG 1972 purports
- There are some philosophers, they do not agree to accept that God comes as incarnation. They do not believe in this theory. They say that, "Why God shall come to this rotten world?" That is their vision
- There are three angles from which one may envision the Absolute Truth - as Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- There is no mechanical process to see the form of the Lord. It completely depends on the causeless mercy of the Lord. We cannot demand the Lord to be present before our vision, just as we cannot demand the sun to rise whenever we like
- There is the sunshine, the sun disc and the sun god. One who is in the sunshine cannot claim that he is on the sun itself, and one who is situated in the sun is, from the point of view of vision, better situated
- Thereafter the Lord delivered love of Krsna to His mother, Sacidevi, nullifying her offense at the feet of Advaita Acarya. Thus there was a meeting with Advaita Acarya, who later had a vision of the Lord's universal form
- Therefore you should consider every body a residence or temple of the Lord. By such vision you will satisfy the Lord. You should not angrily kill these living entities in the forms of trees
- These are two kinds of vision. The conditioned soul sees the flower for his own enjoyment, and the devotee sees the flower as an object to be used in the service of the Lord
- They (persons with the vision of differentiation) are influenced by the immediate cause, which they are busy counteracting, because they have no knowledge of the remote, supreme cause, the Personality of Godhead - SB 10.4.27
- They are thinking, those who have no vision for self-realization, they are thinking, deha apatya-kalatra adi. Deha means "this body," and apatya means "children."Kalatra means "wife."Adi, because we begin our lives with these things
- They hold Their flutes to Their mouths and glance lovingly upon the residents of Vrndavana. For those who have eyes, we think there is no greater object of vision
- This checking curtain (Krsna reserves the right of not being exposed to persons who are not surrendered souls) is called the maya energy of the Supreme Lord, and it controls the limited vision of the rebellious soul. It is explained as follows
- This direct vision is possible only for one who is highly elevated in Krsna consciousness, for the Lord is not possible to see with material eyes
- This incident has special significance for devotees. In the beginning, Jambavan could not understand Krsna because his vision was obscured by material attachment
- This is Gaudiya-Vaisnava philosophy. It requires time. So the activities of Krsna, the rascals, if they simply see that "Krsna is enticing Arjuna to fight; therefore Krsna is immoral," that is, means wrong vision
- This obstinacy is due to the action of yogamaya, a personal energy of the Lord that acts like an aide-de-camp by covering the vision of the obstinate impersonalist
- This vision is the real mystery of spiritual knowledge
- Those devotees who want to see Him by means of material vision are favored by the Lord, who appears in a so-called material form to accept His devotees' service
- Those who are apasyatam atma-tattvam, who cannot see, who cannot understand, who cannot vision what is atma-tattvam, what is their business? How they are wasting time? Sukadeva Goswami says nidraya, by sleeping. By sleeping
- Those who are atheistic, i.e., who do not believe in Visnu, or who only recognize the impersonal part of Krsna as the Supreme, cannot have the divine vision. BG 1972 purports
- Those who have claimed to have gone to the moon have not gone there, or else with their imperfect vision they cannot actually perceive the particular type of living entities there
- Those who think that the Supreme Lord appears in different forms by accepting a body made of material elements are wrong; their vision is imperfect because they do not understand how the Lord's internal potency works
- Those with the vision of eternity can see that the imperishable soul is transcendental, eternal, and beyond the modes of nature
- Those with the vision of eternity can see that the imperishable soul is transcendental, eternal, and beyond the modes of nature. Despite contact with the material body, O Arjuna, the soul neither does anything nor is entangled
- Those with the vision of eternity can see that the soul is transcendental, eternal, and beyond the modes of nature. Despite contact with the material body, O Arjuna, the soul neither does anything nor is entangled. BG 13.32 - 1972
- To a good lady like Draupadi, the matter (of Asvatthama) was considered not from the angle of sastric vision, but as a matter of custom
- Transcendental bliss in the realization of impersonal Brahman becomes comparable to the scanty water contained in the pit made by a cow's hoof. It is nothing compared with the ocean of bliss of the vision of the Personality of Godhead
- Uddhava was considered to be the best amongst all devotees of that time, and he was directly instructed by the Lord's grace, so that people might take advantage of Uddhava's knowledge after the disappearance of the Lord from the vision of the world
- Uddhava was in a transcendental position, and he was selected to be the factual representative of God in His bodily absence from the vision of the world. Such a devotee of God is never affected by material strength, intelligence or even renunciation
- We can perceive that "My real friend or my real father, the soul, who is different from this body . . ." And now, at the present moment, "He is my father, he is my friend who is this body" - that is animal vision
- We do not accept this Sankara's philosophy, that the world is mithya. No. It is fact. It is fact. Because unless it . . . but the vision is different. Vision is different. That is called maya. What is the fact? The fact: this world is created by Krsna
- We have got many important books. Let them understand our philosophy with, I mean to say, scientific knowledge, with philosophical vision
- We have many powerful microscopes to see what we cannot see with our limited vision, but there is no microscope that can show us the soul within the body. Nevertheless, the soul is there
- We have to study from the sastric vision. Sastra-caksusat. How you'll see? You'll see through the authority, scriptures. So these are the statements of authoritative scriptures
- We want to see that everyone is happy. That is the Vedic vision. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. This is human life. Human life means paropakāra. That is Caitanya Mahāprabhu's mission, to do others something auspicious. That is human life
- What right you have got to kill another animal? Because you have no vision of equality, for want of Krsna consciousness. Therefore so-called education, culture, fraternity, in this material world, all these are bogus, humbug
- When a foolish man sees a machine he may think that it is working automatically, but actually it is not - there is a driver, someone in control, although we sometimes cannot see the controller behind the machine due to our defective vision
- When a learned man attains to absolute vision, he can observe every living being - whether a learned and gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog, or a dog-eater - with equanimity
- When a man dies, he is called dead, but when he again appears in a subtle form not visible to our present vision and yet acts, such a dead body is called a ghost
- When a Vaisnava visits the temple of a demigod, his vision of that demigod is different from the vision of the impersonalists and Mayavadis. The Brahma-samhita supports this
- When he (Bali Maharaja) assembled with his own soldiers and the demon chiefs, who were equal to him in strength, opulence and beauty, they appeared as if they would swallow the sky and burn all directions with their vision
- When she (Sati) marked the insult, she became greatly angry, and she looked at her father so angrily that Daksa appeared to burn in her vision
- When the eyes of less intelligent men are covered by such influences, they think the sun to be invisible. Similarly, persons who are influenced by senses addicted to material enjoyment cannot have a clear vision of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When we see partiality in Krsna, this vision is due to His external energy
- When we see partiality in Krsna, this vision is due to His external energy. Otherwise how could His enemies attain salvation after being killed by Him
- Whirlpools and sea waves, agitated by fierce blasts of wind, appeared everywhere, before everyone's vision, in a furious flood
- Why in this case was he (Siva) so unkind to his wife (Sati) that he did not allow her to go to her father's house? This distressed her more than she could tolerate, and she looked at her husband as if she were ready to blast him with her vision
- Why you are fallen into this material world as very, very small, insignificant? God is not insignificant. That is demonic idea. Therefore their vision is not very correct
- Why you should think of others who have come from America as American? That is less intelligent. Krsna-bhakta... Vaisnave jati-buddhih. If one thinks of Vaisnava as belonging to this class, this nation, he has no vision. Naraki
- With the world spiritually manifest, its modes of nature, such as goodness, passion, and ignorance, cannot present any obstacle to one's spiritual advancement. When such obstacles are surpassed, one attains to the absolute vision
- With the world thus spiritually manifest, its modes of nature, such as goodness, passion, and ignorance, cannot present any obstacle to one's spiritual advancement. When such obstacles are surpassed, one attains to the absolute vision
- Without illumination, nothing can be seen, especially in this material world. The illumination in this world emanates from the effulgence of Sudarsana, the original vision of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Yasoda thought, "It may be cosmic mystic power attained by my child, and therefore I am perplexed by such visions within His mouth"
- You are the original vision of the Lord, and therefore you are known as Sudarsana. Everything has been created by your activities, and therefore you are all-pervading
- You do not require to shut your eyes. There are so many beautiful girls sitting. I do not require to shut my eyes. If my mind is concentrated on the beauty of Krsna I can see these beautiful girls as Krsna's gopis. That is another vision
- You have seen within your vision the big, I mean to say, horizon, and there within this there are millions and millions of stars, sun, suns and planets we cannot account for, although you are seeing daily. But we have no such knowledge
- You have to collect the ointment of love for Krsna. And if you apply that ointment on your eyes, then . . . Just like we use surma for clear vision, similarly, when the love of Krsna surma is applied on the eyes, these eyes, you'll see Krsna
- Your proposal for establishing a Krishna Consciousness community on the land which you have is very good. Whenever we get some land available we should take the opportunity to develop it into an ideal community as envisioned for New Vrindaban
- Your supreme, eternal form cannot be seen by unfortunate, less intelligent persons, but we are so much satisfied in our mind and vision to see it