Category:Very Easily
"very easily"
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Pages in category "Very Easily"
The following 365 pages are in this category, out of 365 total.
- Very easily (BG)
- Very easily (CC)
- Very easily (Conversations 1968 - 1975)
- Very easily (Conversations 1976 - 1977)
- Very easily (Lectures, BG)
- Very easily (Lectures, Other)
- Very easily (Lectures, SB cantos 1 - 2)
- Very easily (Lectures, SB cantos 3 - 12)
- Very easily (Letters)
- Very easily (Other Books)
- Very easily (SB cantos 1 - 4)
- Very easily (SB cantos 5 - 12)
- A boy is given to a carpenter. He learns very easily. A weaver, he learns very easily. A shopkeeper, grocer, he learns very easily. That is education. Why he should waste time for academic education and create unemployment
- A foolish person may desire to be promoted to the heavenly planets as a result of his pious activities, but even the demigods from the heavenly planets want to come to Bharata-varsa and achieve bodies that may be very easily used to cultivate KC
- A good man or woman accepts anything very easily, but a man of average intelligence does not do so. But, anyway, we should not give up our reason and discriminatory power just to be gentle
- A human being is fit to inquire as to whether he is this body or something else. This can be understood very easily. I am not this body, because at the time of death the body remains - although everyone cries, - Oh, the poor man is gone
- A ksatriya government should engage people in performing yajna, studying the Vedas and giving charity. Thus the people will receive their necessities for life very easily, and there will be no disturbances in society
- A millionaire may very easily possess hundreds and thousands of dollars, but a person with hundreds and thousands of dollars is not necessarily a millionaire
- A person in Krsna consciousness, engaged in devotional service, simply by the guidance of the bona fide spiritual master, realizes the Supreme Personality of Godhead very easily. BG 1972 purports
- A person who always concentrates on the transcendental form of Krsna within his heart can very easily strike the whole world with wonder at his activities. This is the perfection of yoga performance, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- A person who is addicted to the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra very easily gets the opportunity to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There is no need for such a person to understand the grammatical jugglery in which Mayavadi sannyasis indulge
- A person, simply by offering regulative obeisances unto the Deity, simply by hearing the glories of the Lord, and simply by eating the remnants of foodstuffs offered to the Lord, realizes the Supreme Personality of Godhead very easily. BG 1972 purports
- A pure devotee, however, is never attached to material power, although he gets it very easily without personal endeavor
- According to Vedic civilization the woman must be protected because they are very simple. They can be led to goodness also very easily, and they can be polluted also very easily
- According to Vedic life and according to all Vedic scriptures, a man should live on fruits and vegetables, for his teeth are made in such a way that these can be very easily eaten and digested
- Actually the truth of religious principles is extremely confidential. Nonetheless, it can be understood very easily if one actually adopts the principles of religion
- Actually, people cannot generally understand such different qualities of mentality, but when one's heart is very soft or gentle, these symptoms become very easily visible, and one can understand very clearly
- After planning how to get the she-goat out of the well, the lusty he-goat dug up the earth on the well's edge with the point of his horns in such a way that she was able to come out very easily
- All living entities, especially the human being, especially the civilized human being, those who have got sense, they can revive Krsna consciousness very easily by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra
- All of them (karmis, jnanis and yogis) are trying to be materially perfect, but a devotee very easily comes to the platform of nirguna in devotional service, and consequently for the devotee the results of karma, jnana and yoga become very insignificant
- All the women in the three worlds where death is inevitable - the heavenly, middle & lower planets - are very easily available to Krsna because His curved eyebrows are so attractive. Moreover, He is always served very faithfully by the goddess of fortune
- All these mahajanas - svayambhur naradah sambhuh - they also follow the same principle (sarva-dharman parityajya). Therefore we cannot understand very easily what is the truth of religious system, but if we follow these mahajana, then we can understand
- Although conditioned souls become very easily illusioned by these conditions in the material world, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as the Supersoul, Vasudeva, is never agitated by these transformations
- Although for others the world of birth and death is like a great ocean, for a devotee it is like such a puddle (bhavambudhir vatsa-padam), and he can jump over it very easily. In this way the devotee attains param padam, the supreme abode
- Although He (Krsna) is the original person, He is still ever young with permanent youthful energy. He is very difficult to know simply by learning the transcendental science of the Vedas, but He is very easily realized by His pure devotees
- Although rendering devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and worshiping Him are very difficult, if one vibrates or simply reads this stotra (prayer) composed and sung by me, he will very easily be able to invoke the mercy of the SPG
- An aristocratic birth, an advanced education, beautiful bodily features, wealth and similar results of pious activities are all unnecessary for advancement in spiritual life, for one can very easily advance simply by chanting the holy name
- An unchaste woman is very easily carried away by paramours, and it sometimes happens that her husband is violently killed by her paramours. If the yogi gives his mind a chance and does not restrain it...
- Ananya-cetah, without any deviation from this path of Krsna consciousness and devotional service in submission, if anyone thinks always of Krsna . . . Krsna says, tasyaham sulabhah. Sulabha means - I am very easily available for him
- And this can be accomplished very easily by chanting the maha-mantra, or Hare Krsna mantra, as recommended by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Any common man can very easily understand that a person can reach his destination only when he has purchased a ticket for that destination. A person who has purchased a ticket for Calcutta can reach Calcutta, but not Bombay
- Anyone who follows in the footsteps of recognized devotees, such as Brahma, Siva, the Kumaras, Manu, Kapila, King Prahlada, King Janaka, Sukadeva Gosvami, Yamaraja & their followers in disciplic succession, very easily finds the door of liberation open
- Arjuna accepted Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, param brahma param dhama (BG 10.12). So if we follow Arjuna then we can understand Bhagavad-gita very easily. So we should not waste
- As a fort commander very easily conquers invading plunderers, by taking shelter of a wife one can conquer the senses, which are unconquerable in the other social orders
- As a learned professor you will understand it very easily why a man is addicted to sinful activities
- As confirmed in the Visnu Purana (3.8.9): by accepting the institution of varna and asrama, one can very easily elevate himself to the platform of worshiping Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As Hiranyakasipu moved his limbs here, there & all around, very much afflicted at being captured, Nrsimhadeva placed the demon on His lap, supporting him with His thighs, & in the doorway of the assembly hall the Lord very easily tore the demon to pieces
- As one fans paddy to separate the real paddy from useless straw, by accepting the criterion recommended by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami one can very easily understand who is a genuine world-preacher and who is useless
- As soon as He (Caitanya) became a faithful servant of His spiritual master and followed his instructions, He very easily saw the path of liberation
- As soon as soft-hearted people such as women hear those transcendental pastimes of Lord Krsna, they immediately become attracted to Him. Soft-hearted women and girls are therefore very easily drawn to the Krsna consciousness movement
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, anyone who understands Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, will very easily get salvation, or freedom from the repetition of birth and death, and go back home, back to Godhead
- As the spider very easily creates the network of its cobweb and manifests its power of creation without being defeated by others, so also you (Brahma) yourself, by employment of your self-sufficient energy, create without any other's help
- As we have learned from the previous verses, he (Jada Bharata) was very strong and could have very easily avoided being bound with ropes, but he did not do anything. He simply depended on the Supreme Personality of Godhead for his protection
- Asakti is also not attained very easily, but there is a process. If we follow the process, as recommended by the authorities, then there is way. And one who is serious to understand God, or Krsna, they must follow the methods prescribed by the mahajanas
- Balarama is Nityananda. Vrajendra-nandana yei, saci-suta haila sei, balarama ha-ila nitai. This bala - Balarama - comes with Caitanya Mahaprabhu, & both of Them are so merciful that in this age of Kali one may very easily take shelter of Their lotus feet
- Because of inability to control the senses, one must go through great endeavor to go to hell, but if one is sensible he can very easily obtain the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead because the Lord is always with him
- BG confirms the purpose of Vedic knowledge is to find Krsna. Brahma-samhita says it is very difficult to find Krsna, the S.P. of Godhead, by systematic reading of the Vedic literature. But He is very easily available through the mercy of a pure devotee
- Bhaja vasudevam indicates that one who is engaged in the loving service of Krsna, the son of Vasudeva, can very easily stop the waves of desires. As long as one continues to try to artificially stop the waves of desires, he will certainly be defeated
- Bhaktas enter even the planet of Krsna very easily, but the less intelligent yogis and jnanis, by their meditation, remain running after Krsna. Even if they enter Krsna's effulgence, they fall down
- Bodily necessities - eating, sleeping, mating and defending - are all very easily available in any form of life
- Brahma asserted that none of the conditioned souls, including himself and all the demigods, could know how to satisfy Lord Siva. But he said: It is known that he is very easily satisfied, so let us try to satisfy him by falling at his lotus feet
- Brahma said, "If a person always keeps in touch with You (Krsna) by hearing and chanting Your glories and offers the results of his work for Your satisfaction only, he very easily and happily attains entrance into Your supreme abode"
- Brahma was entrusted with the work of creating the planetary systems. The Lord instructed him that when he meditated he would very easily know where and how the planetary systems must be arranged
- By associating in different ways with the Supreme Personality of godhead or His devotee, one can very easily become opulent in every respect
- By detaching the mind from activities not devoted to the Lord, one can very easily learn vairagya. Vairagya means detachment from matter and engagement of the mind in spirit. BG 1972 purports
- By devotional service or by the most confidential knowledge, one can understand very easily how the different energies of the Lord are working
- By executing religious principles under the laws of varnasrama-dharma, one is placed in a comfortable position. One may very easily use his assets for the further advancement of Krsna consciousness
- By following the principles laid down by great sages and saints of the past, we can very easily understand the aim of all life. The word avarah, meaning "inexperienced," is very significant in this verse - SB 4.18.4
- By hearing and chanting of the glories of God or the Lord's devotee one can become firmly fixed in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord. This position can also be achieved very easily by narrating the history of the life of Prthu regularly every day
- By regulating one's sex life there is a chance that one may eventually be able to renounce sex or renounce the association of women. If this can be done, advancement in spiritual life comes very easily
- By the grace of the Lord, a devotee can very easily understand how the Lord can appear in any form He likes. Therefore the devotee is never afraid of such a form
- Children very easily adopt it. So this is the perfect yoga system. No artificial education. Spontaneous response: dancing, Hare Krsna. That's all. This is the easiest method. So the greatest contribution to the human society. Do it
- Christ was so magnanimous that he took all their sins and suffered, but that does not induce them to stop all these sins. They have not come to that sense. They have taken it very easily. - Let Lord Jesus Christ suffer, and we'll do all nonsense
- Demigods could very easily drink the nectar and get its result because they are always under the shelter of the dust of the Lord's lotus feet
- Devotees always engaged in the service of the toes of the Lord's lotus feet can very easily become free from hard-knotted desires for fruitive activities
- Devotional service is called kirtana-yajna, and by practicing the sankirtana-yajna, one is very easily elevated to the planet where the Supreme Lord resides
- Dhruva Maharaja could understand very easily the difference between his condition before and after attaining spiritual realization and seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face
- Don't make any addition and alteration of your so-called learned scholarship That will not help you. You must present Bhagavad-gita as it is. There is everything, very easily done, provided we follow parampara system
- Drona and Dhara said "May our dealings with Him be so powerful that simply by hearing of these childhood activities of His, anyone will very easily cross over the nescience of birth and death"
- Due to misunderstanding Srimad-Bhagavatam, people are misled regarding the science of Krsna. However, by reading Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura's book (Caitanya-bhagavata) one can very easily understand this science
- Early in the morning, even in chilly cold, they will take bath, taking water from the well. Nature's arrangement is, if you take well water, early in the morning, not very hot, but is warm. You can take very easily your bath. This is called naimitti
- Even one is the most sinful man, but if he gets the Krsna science, he is free. He is free, and he can go. He can cross over the material ocean of ignorance very easily
- Even though we are neither a rich man nor a very learned scholar, and even though we do not belong to any aristocracy, this (Krsna consciousness) movement is still being welcomed and is very easily spreading all over the world
- Even unserious persons who execute devotional service according to the regulative principles during the month of Karttika, and within the jurisdiction of Mathura in India, are very easily awarded the Lord's personal service
- Everything is scientific reason, philosophy. But the simple method is so easy to perform that anyone can understand very easily. What is that? Sarva-dharman parityajya... (BG 18.66). What Krsna says, you accept
- For a devotee these (to be religious, to be economically well situated, to satisfy their senses to the fullest extent and to attain liberation) are all very easily available
- For him (a pure devotee) stone and gold are of equal value. This is the brahma-bhuta stage, and this stage is attained very easily by the pure devotee. BG 1972 purports
- From all points of view, Bharata-varsa is the special land where one can very easily understand the process of devotional service and adopt it to make his life successful
- Generally those who are free from sinful reaction are righteous. Such persons very easily take to Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Girls and women are generally very soft hearted and they take things very easily, but then there is also chance of being misled. So you chant the Holy Name of Krishna and Krishna will keep you from being misled
- God has given you the tongue, and you can chant "Krsna." Actually they (my disciples) are chanting everywhere, in all parts of the world, very easily, even a child
- He (Caitanya) also advised Prakasananda Sarasvati to always chant Hare Krsna, And, by doing so, you will very easily be liberated. After liberation you will be eligible to achieve the highest goal of life, love of Godhead
- He (Dhruva Maharaja) clearly says that this ocean (ocean of material existence) can be crossed very easily if one simply becomes mad to hear the glories of the Lord
- He (God) is complete and independent to do anything and everything by His various potencies, very easily and perfectly
- He (Lord Krsna) possesses supermost inconceivable energies of all different varieties. If a man's brain can produce a space satellite, one can very easily imagine how brains higher than man can produce similarly wonderful things which are far superior
- Hindus, they also pray, go to some demigod, or Krsna. Mostly they go to demigod, especially to Lord Siva, because Lord Siva's name is Asutosa. If you please Lord Siva, it is very easy. He's very easily satisfied
- His grandfather Arjuna had to fight with such great heroes as Bhisma, Drona, Karna & many others who were not ordinary fighters. Such warriors have been compared to the timingila fish in the ocean. The timingila fish can very easily swallow up big whales
- HK movement, to understand the science of Krsna very easily. We cannot understand on account of our ignorance. I am not this body, everyone sees practically. Still, he's identifying with this body. This is called ignorance or, in common words, rascaldom
- How was it possible for Sisupala and Dantavakra in the presence of many exalted persons, to enter very easily into the body of Krsna, whose nature is difficult to attain
- I am so much encouraged to learn that you have come to Kathmandu, Nepal. Please try and organize a center there nicely. It will be a great credit for you. Nepalese are mostly Hindus and they will take to this Krishna Consciousness movement very easily
- I am training some, I mean to say, advanced students so that they may be very easily take up the charge. I have made them GBC. They are under my direct training, and I think they will be able to conduct this movement
- I have advised Pradyumna to go there and teach students primary Sanskrit lessons at least to learn the alphabet, so that in the future when they go to India they may learn Sanskrit very easily
- I may give initiation very easily, but what can I do? I am prepared to go to hell for service of Lord Caitanya
- I say, "Please obey God. Please try to love God." That is my mission. And I give the way how to love God very easily. How to love, provided you agree
- I think the Japanese people, too, can all become Krishna-ized very easily, as they have become now very opulent like Americans and they are very intelligent, clean, quiet, and respectful on the whole
- If a devotee wants simple liberation, he gets it very easily from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as confirmed by Bilvamangala Thakura
- If a person is the most sinful, the supermost sinful man, but if he gets this knowledge, this knowledge of Krsna science, then he can cross over this ocean of ignorance very easily
- If I (Srila Bilvamangala Thakura) am engaged in devotional service unto You, my dear Lord, then very easily can I perceive Your presence everywhere
- If one adheres to the regulative principles under the order of the spiritual master, he very easily achieves the ultimate goal of his life
- If one can understand the nature of the mind (manorathena) and its thinking, feeling and willing, one can very easily understand how from the mind different types of bodies develop
- If one continues in this way (of devotional service), Krsna will always be pleased with him and will give him all instructions so that he may very easily return home, back to Godhead
- If one is a perfect brahmacari, he can very easily control the mind and senses, give charity, speak truthfully and so forth. To begin, however, one must control the tongue and the process of eating
- If one is pressured by the law or obligations to give up sinful activity, one cannot do so. However, if one takes to Krsna consciousness, he can very easily give up all sinful activity. This is confirmed herein - CC Madhya 22.142
- If one seeks the favor of a devotee instead of directly asking favors from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one is very easily successful
- If one studies the Vedanta-sutra as it is, without whimsical and capricious adulteration, one can understand the Vedanta-sutra very easily
- If one takes shelter of Vrndavana under Vrndavanesvari, Srimati Radharani, certainly all the problems of his life are solved very easily
- If people become Krsna conscious, by the transcendental will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead there will be enough foodstuffs produced so that people will have no economic problems at all. One can very easily understand this fact
- If somebody comes, "All right, you go on with your sense gratification. You simply meditate for fifteen minutes, and within six months you become God," these things are . . . these bluffs like this will be accepted very easily
- If the atmosphere is all right, the boat can ply very easily, undoubtedly, but if there is some storm, fog, wind or cloud, there is every possibility of being drowned in the ocean
- If the mind is engaged in bhakti-yoga, however, by the grace of Krsna one can very easily control it
- If there is possibility to preach amongst the communists, you must do it immediately. The intelligent communist people will very easily understand our philosophy
- If we accept the process of devotional service, we can understand Krsna very easily. Through it we can understand the science of Krsna perfectly and become eligible for entering into the spiritual kingdom
- If we have the boat of perfect knowledge, there is no fear, for we can cross the ocean very easily. Even if a person is most sinful, if he receives the boat of the science of Krsna, he can cross the ocean very easily
- If we try to understand Krsna by the speculative process, we will have to spend many lifetimes of speculation; but if we take to devotional service and just try to please Radharani, then Krsna can be very easily realized
- If we want really happiness, then we must accept tapasya. Tapasya is required. Without tapasya, if you think that very easily... Or "Without tapasya, I can get it simply by imagination," then you become sahajiya
- If you find Krsna's association is so nice, then you can very easily give up your opulent position, svajana, bandhavah, family, business and everything. That requires sadhu-sanga, sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), to associate with sadhu, devotees
- If you read Bhagavad-gita, you understand the transcendental science very easily
- If you study, if you take information from Vedic literature, if you attentively think over it, you'll very easily understand that everything is produced out of Krsna's bodily effulgence or energy
- If you take to the process of this krsna-yoga, or bhakti-yoga, then you can become aware of Krsna very easily
- If you want to control the senses, you have to control the tongue first of all. Then you will be able to control other senses very easily
- If Your Lordship is satisfied, one can very easily obtain a lifetime as long as that of Lord Brahma, a body either in the upper, lower or middle planetary systems, unlimited material opulence, religion, economic development and satisfaction of the senses
- If your mind becomes absorbed at least one or two hours daily in the transcendental subject matter of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, and other books then very easily you will make your advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- In a waterpot, which is a transformation of dirt, I can bring water very easily. But if I poured water on a lump of dirt, the lump would soak up the water, and my labor would be useless
- In all scriptures it is stated that man should live on fruits and vegetables. Their teeth are made in that way. They can eat very easily and digest. Although jivo jivasya jivanam (SB 1.13.47): one has to live by eating another living entity
- In Bharata-varsa one is naturally Krsna conscious, and if one further cultivates his Krsna consciousness, by the grace of Krsna he certainly expands his good fortune by becoming perfect in Krsna consciousness and very easily going back home, back to God
- In order to make an escape from this material condition, one is advised to visit a temple of Visnu with devotional consciousness. Then one can very easily get out of the miserable condition of material birth
- In Satya-yuga the people were generally advanced in spiritual knowledge and could meditate upon Krsna very easily
- In the Brahma-samhita also, it is said, vedesu durlabham, or simply by study of Vedanta one can hardly find out the existence of the Personality of Godhead, but the Lord is adurlabham atma-bhaktau, very easily available to His devotee
- In the Brahma-samhita it is said that the Lord is never to be found by becoming a great scholar of the Vedic literatures, but He is very easily approachable through His pure devotee
- In the human body or in the cosmic manifestation - almost the same mechanism. So you can understand very easily that in this body - any body, your body - the stomach is the enjoyer
- In the land of Bharata-varsa one can very easily perform the sankirtana-yajna, which consists of sravanam kirtanam visnoh (SB 7.5.23), or one can perform other methods of devotional service, such as smaranam vandanam arcanam dasyam sakhyam
- In the planet Atala, the yawning of a demon has produced three kinds of women, called svairini (independent), kamini (lusty) and pumscali (very easily subdued by men)
- In the presence of all the cowherd boys Krsna very easily bifurcated him (Bakasura), as a child splits a blade of virana grass. By thus killing the demon, Krsna very much pleased the denizens of heaven - SB 10.11.51
- In the present age this determination can be very easily acquired simply by chanting the holy names - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- In the Vedic scriptures we find that if one has taken to the devotional service of the Lord in Krsna consciousness, he can very easily uproot the deep-rooted desire for fruitive activities
- In this Age of Kali, one cannot attain liberation without taking to the devotional service of the Lord. In this age, even if one chants the holy name of Krsna imperfectly, he still attains liberation very easily
- In this way (by hearing, chanting, remembering, worshiping, offering everything to the Lord) one can very easily engage himself in the service of the Lord. When the Lord is pleased with one's service, one's mission in life is fulfilled
- Indeed, in all parts of the world, in every country where we preach the sankirtana movement, we find that people very easily accept the Hare Krsna maha-mantra without hesitation
- Instead of trying to be master of all yogic mystic powers, it is better if one simply keeps the supreme Yogesvara, Krsna, within his heart. Thus one's life can become perfect, and one can very easily be transferred to the kingdom of God
- It is also said in Srimad-Bhagavatam that by the acquisition of knowledge, one becomes liberated immediately. That knowledge can be very easily acquired, for it is simple: God is great, and I am very small
- It is practical that by simply accepting the authorized statements of bonafide scripture without mental speculation or fashionable interpretation one fulfills the mission of human life very easily and goes back to home, back to Godhead
- It is very difficult subject matter, but it is made easy because . . . Devahuti says, sukham buddhyeya: "Very easily I can understand, because I am woman." Krsna is open to everyone: striyo vaisyas tatha sudrah - BG 9.32
- It is very difficult to understand Krsna, but if one tries to understand Srimad-Bhagavatam through Caitanya Mahaprabhu's bhakti cult, one will undoubtedly understand Krsna very easily
- It is very easily understood, because Krsna, or God, is also situated within your heart. If you sincerely want association of God, He is already there with you as a friend
- It is very regrettable that the leaders of the world do not know of the effects of these sinful activities. They are instead taking things very easily and are succeeding in making the ocean of nescience wider and wider
- Just as one can cross with no exertion over the little bit of water contained in the hoofprint of a calf, so Arjuna, by the grace of Krsna, was able to very easily jump over the ocean of the Battle of Kuruksetra
- Just by treating the root cause of an ailment, one can conquer all bodily pains and sufferings. Similarly, if one is devoted and faithful to the spiritual master, he can conquer the influence of sattva-guna, rajo-guna and tamo-guna very easily
- Just like if we get dry wood, then the fire ignites very easily. If we get moist wood, then it takes some time. So voluntarily we should give up these sinful activities. Then spiritual advancement of life will be very quick
- Just like stone or steel does not melt very easily, similarly, anyone's heart which does not change after chanting Hare Krsna mantra regularly, then it is to be understood that it is steel-framed, made of stone or iron
- Kasyapa Muni advised his wife to seek shelter at the lotus feet of Vasudeva, Krsna, so that all her problems would be very easily solved. Thus Kasyapa Muni was an ideal spiritual master
- King Anga thought: A bad son is better than a good son because a good son creates an attachment for home, whereas a bad son does not. A bad son creates a hellish home from which an intelligent man naturally becomes very easily detached
- King Nanda said, "Even though we (King Nanda and his family) would be put into various kinds of difficulties, by the grace of this boy (Krsna) we would be very easily freed from them"
- Knowledge of the Absolute Truth is not very easily understood by ordinary, less intelligent men
- Krsna can easily offer a person material happiness or even liberation, but He does not agree very easily to award a person engagement in His devotional service
- Krsna consciousness movement is now well spread all over the world. The framework is there. So anyone can go and preach this Krsna consciousness movement very easily and people will take it
- Krsna continued, "I have left Vrndavana for good and am now engaged with the queens in Dvaraka, but I am not well behaved with any of you. So you can very easily understand that I have no steadiness of character"
- Krsna continued, "If I can very easily be approached by them, they might think, 'Krsna is so easily available.' So sometimes I do not respond"
- Krsna is everywhere; why not in the temple? What is that argument? He is here also. But according to my capacity I can see temple, Krsna, very easily. So Krsna says, man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah. You come daily to the temple and see Him and think of Him
- Krsna is so kind that He has appeared as a devotee of Krsna, Lord Caitanya, and He is giving you the mercy, causeless mercy, so that you can understand Krsna very easily. That is the special gift of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Krsna replied, "One should engage his mind only in thinking of Me, become My devotee, simply Worship Me, & offer his respectful obeisances unto Me alone. In this way, one can cross over this ocean of nescience very easily and at the end come back to Me"
- Krsna says that this special prerogative of the human being is nut awakened very easily, except by some good association. Just as we have this Krsna conscious association
- Krsna says, "If ever a devotee should desire some material profit - to be promoted to the heavenly planets - or some spiritual profit - to go to the Vaikunthas - by My causeless mercy their desires are very easily fulfilled"
- Krsna se tomara, krsna dite para. Krsna is the property of His pure devotee, and if we take shelter of a pure devotee, he can deliver Krsna very easily
- Krsna will appear on planet earth & spread devotional service, the ultimate goal of life, so that those born in this material world may very easily be delivered from the miserable condition of materialistic life - SB 10.8.49
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the son of mother Yasoda, is very easily available to devotees, but not to tapasvis, yogis, jnanis and others who have a bodily concept of life
- Laksmana said, "When at last Lord Krsna took up the bow, He was able to tie the bowstring very easily, just as a child plays with a toy"
- Lord Boar very easily took the earth on His tusks and got it out of the water. Thus He appeared very splendid. Then, His anger glowing like the Sudarsana wheel, He immediately killed the demon (Hiranyaksa), although he tried to fight with the Lord
- Lord Caitanya has recommended the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, which will revive brahminical culture very easily
- Lord Krsna recommends that "By this knowledge, you can very easily cross over the ocean of nescience, ocean of ignorance." The whole thing is: we are suffering due to... Just like ignorance is no excuse in the law court
- Lord Krsna said, "He can very easily cross over ocean of nescience, and he is not subject to the influence he illusory energy. Dear friend, everyone should consider his father to be his first teacher because by the mercy of one's father one gets body"
- Lord Nrsimha-deva placed the demon (Hiranyakasipu) on His lap, supporting him with His thighs, and in the doorway of the assembly hall the Lord very easily tore the demon to pieces with the nails of His hand
- Lord Siva is a celebrated demigod who awards gifts to beggars. His name is therefore Asutosa, or one who is pleased very easily
- Lord Siva is also called Asutosa, which refers to one who is satisfied very easily and who offers to any person the highest level of benediction
- Lord Siva is also called Asutosa. Asu means "very soon," and tosa means "to become satisfied." The demigods were advised to go to Lord Siva and beg his pardon, and because he is very easily pleased, it was certain that their purpose would be served
- Lord Siva is known as Asutosa. Asutosa means very quickly, very easily he becomes pleased. That is Lord Siva's great qualification
- Lord Siva is well known as Asutosa ("very easily pleased"), and he is also very affectionate to his devotees. He is a great protector for persons who take shelter of him and is the master of all living entities in this material world
- Lord Siva's name is Asutosa, which indicates that he is very easily satisfied when one worships him, regardless of the purpose, and he gives his devotee whatever benediction the devotee wants. Therefore, people are generally very fond of worshiping Siva
- Macbeth may be recited by two men, without anything else, and simply by their acting ability and the meaningful words alone, they can very easily capture the entire audience and give them real substance
- Madras is a good field because these people understand English very easily. So you will have very good chance for preaching in English
- Maharaja Pariksit was involved in politics, but because at the end of his life he heard Srimad-Bhagavatam from Sukadeva Gosvami, he attained perfection very easily
- Married man cannot be dishonest because he has got responsibility. If he is arrested he will be insulted in his family. His family members will be in difficulty. Therefore he does not commit dishonesty very easily
- Married man cannot be dishonest, because he has got responsibility. If he is arrested, he will be insulted in his family. His family members will be in difficulty. Therefore he does not commit dishonesty very easily
- Material nature will not give us freedom very easily. If we become strong enough to try to capture the lotus feet of Krsna, maya will try to keep us under her clutches
- Maya is so strong that the Lord says that it is very difficult to surmount her influence. But one can do so very easily if he surrenders unto Me - the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- My Lord, You are certainly able to do whatever You like, and You are indeed merciful. If You so desire, You can very easily do whatever You want
- My problem is eating, sleeping, mating, so I can arrange for these things very easily. Anywhere, I till the ground and get some food. I keep some cows and I have got land, then my whole economic question is solved
- Nobody can give up smoking. And what to speak of meat-eating and gambling and illicit sex. But Krsna consciousness is so nice that even children, boys, young boys and girls, they give up very easily, simply coming to Krsna consciousness
- Nondevotees try to understand the Supreme Brahman by discussions of neti neti. A devotee, however, simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord, avoids such laborious speculations and realizes the existence of the Lord very easily
- Of trio, Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are very easily satisfied but also very easily angered
- On the other hand, anyone who takes to the process of devotional service and has faith that the lotus feet of the Lord are safe boats to cross that ocean is certain to cross very easily and comfortably
- One can offer prayers to the SPG directly, but if one repeats the prayers offered by great devotees like Lord Siva and Lord Brahma, or if one follows in the footsteps of great personalities, one can please the Supreme Personality of Godhead very easily
- One can ply over the ocean of material existence by the grace of the Lord very easily, without any fear of storm or fog
- One can search out the Supreme Lord very easily within one's heart, for He is situated in every living entity's heart
- One can understand what the Lord's position is, what our position is and what our relationship is. All this can be understood very easily by the simple method of bhakti-yoga
- One can very easily understand how difficult and insurmountable the path of sense gratification is
- One can very easily understand that the material body is temporary, for it is generated at a certain date and ends at a certain date, after undergoing the six kinds of change, namely birth, death, growth, maintenance, transformation and dwindling
- One can very easily understand that the mind is constantly flickering, changing in the quality of its thinking, feeling and willing
- One cannot attain the goal of life without the mercy of Balarama. Sri Narottama dasa Thakura therefore says, when one receives the mercy of Balarama, Nityananda, one can attain the lotus feet of Radha and Krsna very easily
- One cannot giving up smoking or drinking, but actually, if he takes to devotional service, he can very easily give up. There are so many examples. It is not story. So if there is bhajana-kriya sincerely, then the anartha-nivrtti automatically becomes
- One may very easily practice chanting and hearing the holy name of the Lord and thus become ecstatic in spiritual life
- One need not undergo severe penances for many thousands of years; one need only learn how to love Krsna and be always engaged in His service (sevonmukhe hi jihvadau svayam eva sphuraty adah). Then one can very easily go back home, back to Godhead
- One should enter the renounced order with full knowledge (jnana-vairagya), for the perfection of life is possible for one who renounces this material world in that way. This elevated stage can be reached very easily, as supported by the statements of SB
- One should try to keep himself satisfied in any condition of life - whether distress or happiness - which is offered by the supreme will. A person who endures in this way is able to cross over the darkness of nescience very easily
- One who can control the senses by his mind and intelligence can very easily approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or Visnu, who is the ultimate goal of life
- One who concentrates his mind constantly in meditation upon the Personality of Godhead in one of His many varieties of forms is the first-class yogi, and he can very easily attain trance simply by meditating upon the form of the Lord
- One who constantly hears and chants the holy name of the Lord and hears and chants about His activities can very easily attain the platform of pure devotional service, which can cleanse the dirt from one's heart
- One who follows in the footsteps of such great personalities surely walks very easily on the path of liberation and ultimately goes back home, back to Godhead. That is the way of perfecting this human form of life
- One who follows the path of the Gita as it is can very easily understand two important divisions of spiritual knowledge. For him there is no difficulty in obtaining perfect knowledge of the self as part and parcel of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- One who follows the principles and instructions enjoined by the great sages of the past can utilize these instructions for practical purposes. Such a person can very easily enjoy life and pleasures
- One who has thoroughly studied the intricacies of creation can know very easily that Paramatma is the plenary portion of the Supreme Being, Sri Krsna
- One who is engaged in devotional service can very easily be liberated from the dream of materialistic life
- One who is firmly situated in the devotional service of the Lord can very easily execute the function of conditional life
- One who thinks himself lower than grass, who is more tolerant than a tree, and who does not expect personal honor but is always prepared to give respect to others can very easily always chant the holy name of the Lord - CC Adi 17.31
- One who thinks himself lower than grass, who is more tolerant than a tree, and who does not expect personal honor but is always prepared to give respect to others can very easily always chant the holy name of the Lord - CC Antya 6.239
- One whose heart is not clean cannot think of the transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Lord, but if one can once again place the Supreme Personality of Godhead in his heart, he very easily becomes qualified to renounce material attachment
- Other men, even they are not fighting spirit, we can kill very easily. But own men, although they are fighting spirit, still he (Arjuna) hesitates, because own men
- Our duty is that we shall arrange the external affairs all so nicely that one day they will come to the spiritual platform very easily, paving the way. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu, personality like that
- Our duty is that we shall arrange the external affairs all so nicely that one day they will come to the spiritual platform very easily, paving the way. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu, personality like that, they have nothing to do with this material world
- Our, these Krsna society young boys and girls, they have prepared so many nice things from milk. It is nutritious, very palatable, every..., everything. And we take food grains, fruits, milk preparation, that's all. That is very easily available
- Paramesvara dasa, said to be the fifth gopala of Krsna-lila, completely surrendered to the lotus feet of Nityananda. Anyone who remembers his name, Paramesvara dasa, will get love of Krsna very easily
- People must know that our Krishna philosophy will save the world from all kinds of dangerous conditions. We prove that when we compare our philosophy with any kind of ordinary so-called philosophy--we can defeat them all very easily
- Persons who are peaceful, equipoised, cleansed and purified, and who know the art of pleasing all other living entities, keep friendship only with devotees of the Lord; they alone can very easily achieve the perfection of going back home, back to Godhead
- Prahlada Maharaja says that to attain this Krsna consciousness is not very difficult task. Actually it is so, it is not very difficult task. Simply we have to make association, and that association is very easily made, simply by chanting
- Prayasah means things which are done with great endeavor. No. We shall accept things which are very easily done. Not to waste our energy unnecessarily
- Pure devotional service is so sublime that one can very easily forget the happiness derived from material enjoyment, material liberation and mystic or yogic perfection. Thus the devotee is bound by Krsna's mercy and His uncommon power and qualities
- Radharani said to the bumblebee: "All the women in the three worlds where death is inevitable - the heavenly, middle and lower planets - are very easily available to Krsna because His curved eyebrows are so attractive"
- Ramacandra is so kind and merciful to His devotees that He is very easily satisfied by a little service rendered by anyone, human or not. This is the special advantage of worshiping Ramacandra, and there is the same advantage in worshiping Mahaprabhu
- Sanat-Kumara said, "My dear King, the false ego of a human being is so strong that it keeps him in material existence as if tied up by a strong rope. Only the devotees can cut off the knot of this strong rope very easily, by engaging themselves in KC"
- She (Devahuti) thinks herself, because woman, yosa, durbodham. So she is accepting her son as guru and very submissively, and she wants to understand the very difficult subject matter very easily by the grace of Kapiladeva
- Simply by accepting the associates of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu as nitya-siddha, one can very easily go back home, back to Godhead
- Simply by your service attitude, to serve Krsna, beginning with the tongue. It is very wonderful. But utilizing your tongue, you can achieve Krsna very easily, by the tongue
- Sisupala, instead of entering hellish life, immediately and very easily received sayujya-mukti
- Siva speaks to Sati, "My dear wife, a person who has surrendered himself at the lotus feet of Govinda and who has thus developed pure Krsna consciousness can be very easily awarded all the perfections desired by the impersonalists"
- So Krsna showed that He is all powerful. So there is no difficulty to understand. So our method is easy. Instead of intellectual gymnastic, we take it very easily. And that acts
- So the beginning of the process of yajna in this age can be very easily done by everyone, either he is family man or single man or anyone. Everyone has to cook for himself. Now, that cooking may be done for the Supreme Lord
- So this attainment of transcendental loving devotional service to the Lord is the goal of life, and it can be achieved very easily for one who lives in Mathura-mandala even for a few seconds
- Spiritual culture is not dogmatic faith but it is based on philosophy, reason and culture. This can be introduced very easily through convenient methods of music, dance and refreshment which are acceptable by all grades of human being
- Sri Bilvamangala Thakur has said, "If I am engaged in devotional service unto You, my dear Lord, then very easily can I perceive Your presence everywhere"
- Sri Caitanya is the most magnanimous incarnation and His mercy is very easily achieved. Therefore one must first take shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by chanting sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityananda sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "Always discuss Srimad-Bhagavatam and constantly chant the holy name of Lord Krsna. In this way you will be able to attain liberation very easily, and you will be elevated to the enjoyment of love of Godhead"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "O Svarupa Damodara Gosvami and Ramananda Raya, hear from Me the symptoms of how one should chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra to awaken very easily one's dormant love for Krsna"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu distributed this Krsna love immediately, anyone. That is Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu's, I mean to say, contribution to the human society. If you simply become under His lotus feet, then love of Krsna is very easily achieved
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends that one chant the holy name of Krsna param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam. If one is fortunate enough to hear from the mouth of realized devotees, he is very easily successful on the path of devotional service
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Today I have conquered the three worlds very easily. Today I have ascended to the spiritual world"
- Sri Krsna is always kaisora-murti. By devotional service, one can see the kaisora-murti of Krsna very easily
- Srimad-Bhagavata says that the devotees, they can very easily uproot the causes of our material miserable condition of life
- Srimati Radharani is the symbol of internal energy. Therefore we take shelter of Srimati Radharani in Vrndavana, and that is our perfection of life. Then it will be easier to associate with Krsna very easily. That should be our motto
- Srutadeva said, "You (Krsna) remain far, far away from them. But for one who engages in Your devotional service and purifies his heart by constant chanting of Your holy name, You are very easily understood as his eternal, constant companion"
- Such an ocean (of opulent desires) is not possible for an ordinary man to cross; nevertheless, by the grace of Lord Krsna, King Yudhisthira was able to cross it very easily, and thus he became freed from all anxieties
- Such remembrance destroys all difficulties and very easily enables one to fulfill his own desires
- Sukadeva Gosvami said to Pariksit, "He (king Bharata) very easily gave up his lordship over the earthly planet and his affection for his children, society, friends, royal opulence and beautiful wife"
- Taking the boat of Krsna's lotus feet, my (Pariksit's) grandfather Arjuna and others crossed the ocean of the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, in which such commanders as Bhismadeva resembled great fish that could very easily have swallowed them - SB 10.1.5-7
- The answer is that the offensive act was performed by a child (Srngi) only so that he could be excused very easily, and thus the prayer of the father (Samika Rsi) was accepted
- The argument of Caitanya described in this verse (of CC Adi 7.127) can be very easily understood even by a common man if he simply thinks of the activities of the sun, which has been giving off unlimited amounts of heat and light since time immemorial
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta has made the following request: My dear readers, simply try to hear this description with faith and love. That will help you understand transcendental ecstasy, and at last you will achieve love of Godhead very easily
- The bhakti-yogi always thinks of Krsna, and therefore at the time of death he can very easily transfer himself to Krsnaloka, without even perceiving the pains of death
- The body can be maintained very easily by eating krsna-prasada
- The bona fide representative of God is as good as God Himself. Or, i.e., the loving representative of God is more kind and easy to approach. A sinful soul cannot approach God directly, but such a sinful man can very easily approach a pure devotee of God
- The brahminical culture is now lost and is extremely difficult to reestablish in a proper way. Therefore Lord Caitanya has recommended the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, which will revive brahminical culture very easily
- The chariot is driven by five horses, which represent the five sense organs - namely the eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue. These sense organs are very easily attracted by the sense objects. Consequently, the horses are described as moving swiftly
- The chemicals in eggs can be found very easily. There is a white substance and a yellow substance, covered by a shell, and modern scientists should very easily be able to duplicate all this
- The determination is difficult, Krsna Consciousness is not difficult; Krsna Consciousness is natural. One knows how to love another, so instead of loving so many others, one can very easily take to the business of loving Krsna
- The devotees of the Lord can see everything clearly that is in the revealed scriptures. The devotees of Lord Sri Krsna can very easily understand the science of Krsna, as well as the situation of the material and spiritual creations, without difficulty
- The difference between demons and demigods is that a beautiful woman very easily attracts the minds of demons, but she cannot attract the mind of a godly person. A godly person is full of knowledge, and a demoniac person is full of ignorance
- The difference between the body and soul can be realized by a person who is thoughtful (manisi or muni), and after this realization of the individual spirit soul one can very easily understand the supreme spirit soul
- The example of the gopis is very instructive to persons who are trying to be absorbed in Krsna consciousness. One can very easily associate with Krsna simply by remembering His transcendental pastimes. Everyone has a tendency to love someone
- The faithful human being who is desirous of being liberated from the clutches of material existence can very easily take advantage of the Bhagavad-gita, and with this in view, the Lord instructed Arjuna as if Arjuna were in need of it
- The form of the Lord is beyond the jurisdiction of material form and is therefore inconceivable. A devotee prays, however, "My dear Lord, be pleased with me so that I may very easily see Your transcendental form and potency"
- The gate of Mathura was made of first-class marble, very well constructed, and the doors were made of pure gold. There were gorgeous orchards and gardens all around, and the whole city was encircled by canals so that no enemy could enter very easily
- The golden heart becomes melted at high temperature, as in ecstatic love. And the shellac heart is very easily melted in slight temperature
- The gopis prayed, "The conditioned soul fallen in the dark well of this material existence can very easily take shelter of Your (Krsna's) lotus feet. Thus his deliverance is guaranteed"
- The great fighters on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra could swallow many, many Arjunas very easily, but simply due to Krsna's mercy, Arjuna was able to kill all of them
- The greed for material enjoyment is always existing in the living entity, but Your Lordship is always alert, and in due course of time You strike him, just as a snake seizes a mouse and very easily swallows him
- The holy name of Krsna is so powerful that by chanting even one name, one very easily achieves these transcendental riches
- The housekeeper and the guards of the palace could guess very easily that she was having relations with a male friend, and without waiting for further developments, all of them informed their master, Banasura
- The influence of material nature is very difficult to surpass, but as stated by Krsna in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.14), mam eva ye prapadyante, mayam etam taranti te: if one voluntarily submits to the lotus feet of Krsna, he can be saved very easily
- The inhabitants of the earth cannot move even to the nearest planet except by mechanical vehicles like spacecraft, but the highly talented inhabitants of such higher planets can do everything very easily
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana, being always engaged in Krsna consciousness, could therefore very easily understand the transcendental nature of the Vaikunthalokas
- The Krsna consciousness movement can very easily point out such foolish persons (persons who take shelter of the demigods), for they have been indicated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.15)
- The Krsna consciousness movement is establishing various farms, especially in America, to show how to be happy and content with minimum necessities of life & to save time for self-realization, which one can very easily achieve by chanting the maha-mantra
- The Krsna consciousness movement is so beneficial that it can very easily counteract the contamination of material nature, which results from one's possessing a material body
- The Krsna consciousness movement is so potent that by adopting these principles of life and developing love of God one can very easily go back home, back to Godhead. Here the practical example is the case of Dhruva Maharaja
- The Lord can give liberation (mukti) very easily, but He does not very easily give one bhakti-yoga, because by that process He is bound to the devotee
- The Lord confirms (in the BG) "Although the stringent laws of material nature are very difficult to overcome, one who surrenders unto the Lord can very easily cross over nescience." There is no influence of material nature in the spiritual world
- The Lord very easily lifted the mountain with one hand and placed it on the back of Garuda. Then, He too got on the back of Garuda and went to the ocean of milk, surrounded by the demigods and demons
- The only solution to all problems of life social economic, or political is to surrender to Krishna. Krishna says - the material nature is very difficult to overcome, but one who has surrendered unto me can very easily cross beyond it
- The opportunity for this purification is the special feature of human life; in other lives, this is not possible. Such purification can be achieved very easily by radha-krsna-bhajana, devotional service rendered to Radha and Krsna
- The people are missing the point--love of Krishna, and if somehow or other they can revive their lost consciousness and be fixed up in Krishna Consciousness, all questions and problems of the world will be solved very easily
- The personified Vedas continued, "Such pure devotees, thoroughly engaged in Krsna consciousness, very easily overcome the cycle of birth and death, and they as much as jump over the head of death"
- The philosophy of Lord Caitanya, upholding that the Lord is simultaneously one with and different from His creation (acintya-bhedabheda-tattva), is very easily understandable
- The process for receiving the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is described here (in SB 10.12.39). Yat-pada-pankaja-palasa-vilasa-bhaktya (SB 4.22.39). Simply by thinking of Krsna, one can attain Him very easily
- The process of chanting the holy name of the Lord is so powerful that by this chanting even householders (grhasthas) can very easily gain the ultimate result achieved by persons in the renounced order
- The real aim of life is to mitigate distress, and one can do this very easily by following the principles of sastra
- The warriors were like many ferocious aquatic animals. But by the grace of Krsna, my grandfather Arjuna crossed over this ocean very easily
- The word durga-pala is significant. The word durga means "that which does not go very easily." Generally durga refers to a fort, which one cannot very easily enter. Another meaning of durga is "difficulty"
- The worshiper of the power, Durga, or the external energy of Krsna, may achieve all kinds of material success very easily, but anyone who wants to be elevated transcendentally must engage in worshiping the Powerful in Krsna consciousness
- There are no stringent rules and regulations that we have to sit so straight for so long or do so many gymnastics, or control our breath. No, the process is very easily and happily done
- There are two stages of God realization. One is called sujneyam, or very easily understood (generally by mental speculation), and the other is called durjneyam, understood only with difficulty
- There is a warning in Srimad-Bhagavatam that Krsna is not very easily worshiped, for He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the chief among the visnu-tattvas. To worship Krsna or have association with Him is not very easy
- There is no educational system that, "You become . . . take LSD like this." No. That is a natural tendency. To become intoxicated, to take liquor, LSD, ganja, pan, oh, very easily you can learn
- There will be no scarcity of acarya, and people will understand Krsna consciousness very easily. So make that organization. Don't be falsely puffed up. Follow the acarya's instruction and try to make yourself perfect, mature
- These methods (mauna (silence), vrata (vows)) are not so powerful. If one takes to devotional service, all of them are very easily performed
- They (students of ISKCON institution) will very easily answer those human questions. So, this (chanting) is the easiest method of transcendental meditation
- They do not know what is life. They take it very easily, this life, just like animals. "If I can eat nicely, if I can sleep nicely, if I can have sex life nicely, and if I can defend my country or my home nicely, then my business is finished"
- Things should be developed in such a way, based on devotional service, that there may not be any racial feelings. This is Kali-yuga. Very easily racial feelings are awakened on the material platform, but on the spiritual platform there is no such thing
- This Hare Krsna is so easy to utter, that any man can utter. That we have experienced. Any part of the world, we chant Hare Krsna, and they can very easily imitate and chant
- This highest perfectional stage (attaining Goloka Vrndavana) can be attained by the devotees very easily. That is the meaning of vedesu durlabham adurlabham atma-bhaktau. The same point is confirmed by Lord Siva in this verse - SB 4.24.54
- This idea of laws in nature necessarily implies the existence of the lawmaker, and this can be demonstrated very easily in many, many ways. We'll take the law of gravity again
- This is confirmed in the Vedas, and it will be further explained by Rupa Gosvami that, for a person who has unflinching faith in God and the spiritual master, everything becomes revealed very easily
- This is Krsna consciousness, to save others who are in the darkness. It is not a profession, - Now, Krsna consciousness is my profession. I'm getting very easily food and shelter
- This is very significant (by Krsna's grace Arjuna crossed over the ocean very easily). We may have many enemies who may be very powerful fighters, but if we remain under the protection of Krsna, no one can do us any harm
- This Krsna consciousness is very urgent necessity for the human society. They should learn how to love Krsna. Then everything will be adjusted, very easily. It is not utopian theory; it is practical
- This realization of Vasudeva is not possible for impersonalists very easily
- This sublime situation (spiritual understanding or the spiritual situation) is very easily attained by the easiest process, bhakti-yoga
- Those engaged in getting the Lord's favor attain liberation from the Lord very easily, but He does not very easily give the opportunity to render direct service unto Him
- Those who have accepted the task of spreading the Hare Krsna maha-mantra in full Krsna consciousness should take this opportunity to deliver people very easily from the clutches of material existence
- Through love only, we can very easily go back home, back to Godhead. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore declared, prema pum-artho mahan: love of Godhead is the highest achievement for anyone
- Through the material qualities, You very easily create the universe, maintain it and again annihilate it, yet You remain the same, without deterioration. I therefore offer my respectful obeisances unto You
- To become Krsna conscious very easily, one must take shelter of a realized soul - a mahat, or mahatma - whose only interest is to engage in the service of the Supreme Lord
- To keep intact all of Lord Brahma's benedictions, Lord Nrsimhadeva paradoxically but very easily killed the great demon Hiranyakasipu
- To understand Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, one must undergo severe penances and austerities, but since the path of devotional service is perfect, by following this process one can very easily come to the spiritual platform and understand the Lord
- Uddhava addresses Lord Krsna and says, "Although happiness from these different sources can be very easily had by them. In spite of such facilities, my dear Lord, I do not aspire to achieve any such results"
- Urvasi said: Women are very easily seduced by men. Therefore, polluted women give up the friendship of a man who is their well-wisher and establish false friendship among fools. Indeed, they seek newer and newer friends, one after another
- We accept a disciple to engage in the bhajana-kriya - first of all he must give up these anarthas. So these anarthas, one cannot giving up smoking or drinking, but actually, if he takes to devotional service, he can very easily give up
- We are preaching the original practice. Practice means which is practically done. And sometimes things are impractical when they are unnatural, and natural things can be practiced very easily
- We are publishing all our books in a scholarly way so that professors, teachers, philosophers, they . . . they can read it. And it is very easily done. Word-to-word, Sanskrit word, English, and diacritic marks. So we are working very hard
- We cannot very easily understand the actual truth of religious systems, but if we follow these mahajanas, we can understand
- We have to become sinless. That requires jnana-vairagya. Jnana-vairagya. So jnana-vairagya can be attained very easily if one becomes a devotee of Krsna. Vasudeve bhagavati bhakti-yoga-prayo
- We have to follow the footsteps of Rupa Gosvami, rupanuga. Then we can understand Lord Caitanya. And if we get favor of Lord Caitanya, we can very easily understand Krsna. This is the process
- We shall expand to hundred thousand. That is required. Then hundred thousand to million, and million to ten million, So there will be no scarcity of acarya, and people will understand K.C. very easily. So make that organization. Don't be falsely puffed up
- We should be very strongly inclined to Krsna consciousness like Haridasa Thakura. Then we shall be able very easily to overcome the allurement of maya
- We should take advantage of the benediction given by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, & when by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra we are cleansed of all dirty things (CC Antya 20.12), we shall be able to understand very easily that Krsna is the only object of love
- We take shelter of Srimati Radharani in Vrndavana, and that is our perfection of life. Then it will be easier to associate with Krsna very easily. That should be our motto
- What is the use in becoming a scientist or a philosopher if we cannot say what our next life will be? A realized student of KC can very easily say what his next life is, what God is, what the living entity is and what his relationship with God is
- When a particular gentleman goes in his car, which can be seen very easily, we identify the car with the man within the car
- When a pure devotee is seen to possess exalted material opulence, it is not due to his karma. Rather, it is due to his bhakti. In other words, he is in that position because the Supreme Lord wants him to execute service to Him very easily and opulently
- When one understands that "I am not this body. I'm extra . . ." That can be understood very easily if we analyze ourselves. I have several times said, beginning from your breathing, you analyze
- When the heroes of the Yaksas saw that all their heads were being thus threatened by Dhruva Maharaja, they could very easily understand their awkward position, and they concluded that they would certainly be defeated
- When there is no rainfall and the citizens are in great danger due to the scarcity of water, this royal PG will be able to supply rains exactly like the heavenly King Indra. Thus he will very easily be able to protect the citizens from drought
- When they (the princes) attacked Krsna's party, shot arrows like incessant torrents of rain, Arjuna, Krsna's best friend, took charge of the challenge, he alone very easily drove them off to please his great friend Krsna on the occasion of His marriage
- While the child (Krsna) was sitting on the ground, a demon named Trnavarta, who was a servant of Kamsa's, came there as a whirlwind, at Kamsa's instigation, and very easily carried the child away into the air - SB 10.7.20
- Within a very short time both Rama and Krsna began to walk very easily in Gokula on Their legs, by Their own strength, without the need to crawl - SB 10.8.26
- Without performing the purascarya activities, one cannot become perfect even by chanting this mantra (the Hare Krsna mantra) for hundreds of years. But one who has undergone the purascarya-vidhi process can attain success very easily
- Woman's nature is mild, and man's nature strong. That is the difference. Therefore according to Vedic civilization, the woman must be protected because they are very simple. They can be led to goodness very easily, and they can be polluted very easily
- Women in general, being very simple at heart, can very easily take to KC, and when they develop love of Krsna they can easily get liberation from the clutches of maya, which are very difficult for even so-called intelligent and learned men to surpass
- You are correct in thinking that simply by this full-time preaching activity all other problems will be solved very easily in the matter of financial and other problems. What is that financial security?
- You can control the mind very easily if you keep the lotus feet of Krsna within you, that's all. Simply think of Krsna and you are conqueror. You are victorious. You become topmost yogi
- You can get your necessities of life very easily. By tilling the field, you get grains. And if there is cow, you get milk. That's all. That is sufficient
- You cannot satisfy in this material world by becoming servant of your family or community, society, nation. No. It is not possible. You can satisfy very easily Krsna by little service
- You may not understand the philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita. That is also not very difficult; but still, if you think that you cannot understand, you can still chant very easily: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna
- You must have such common sense where to go and ask for God. That common sense must be there. And that is also very easily understood. Those who have devoted their life for God and they have no other business than God, to serve God, he is the right man
- You must understand, happiness means sense gratification. You can understand it very easily. If I get some nice foodstuff, because I satisfy my taste, palate, I feel happiness, - Oh, very nice food I am eating
- Youngsters who have had no taste of sex life can easily follow the vow of celibacy, and once fixed in the principle of such a life, one can very easily continue to the highest perfectional stage, attaining the kingdom of the three-fourths energy of God