vegetable | vegetables
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Pages in category "Vegetables"
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- A civilized man is expected to live on foodstuffs comprising fruits, vegetables, grains, sugar and milk
- A devotee eats only prasada, or foodstuffs offered to the Supreme Lord, and Krsna says that when a devotee offers Him foodstuffs from the vegetable kingdom, with devotion, He eats that
- A devotee who has full control over his self should be very sober and peaceful and must be satisfied simply with eating whatever fruits and vegetables are available in the forest
- A human being must be conscious of the fact that all foodstuffs, namely grains, vegetables, milk, water, etc. - the prime necessities of life - are supplied for mankind by the Lord
- A little dal, a little rice, some vegetable and a few chapatties is a substantial diet, along with a little fruit and milk. Two cups of milk a day is sufficient
- A saintly person thinks like this, "When shall I be able to live alone in the caves of the mountains? When shall I be dressed simply with undergarments? When shall I be satisfied by eating simply a little fruit and vegetables?'
- A self-sufficient community producing foodstuffs, grains and vegetables, milk products, and cloth
- According to medical science also, they (vegetables, cow milk) are very rich in vitamins, food value. So why should we kill? Especially if we are human being, the cow is supplying us milk, the most important foodstuff
- According to modern scientists, the material world rests on the sun's effulgence. Due to the sunshine, all planets are rotating and vegetables are growing. We also have information that the moonshine helps vegetables and herbs grow
- According to the law of necessity, first of all human society must try to produce food grains and vegetables, but if they fail in this, they can indulge in flesh-eating. Otherwise not
- According to the results of my fruitive activities, I transmigrate from one body to another, sometimes going to the species of the demigods, sometimes to the species of lower animals, sometimes among the vegetables, and sometimes to the human species
- According to the Vedic system, intoxication is also discouraged; nor is meat-eating advocated, for human beings should be nonviolent. We have been given sufficient grains, fruits, milk, and vegetables, and there is no necessity to kill poor animals
- According to the Vedic system, there are two classes of food. One is called raw food, and the other is called cooked food. "Raw food" does not indicate raw vegetables and raw grains but food boiled in water, whereas cooked food is made in ghee
- According to Vedic life and according to all Vedic scriptures, a man should live on fruits and vegetables, for his teeth are made in such a way that these can be very easily eaten and digested
- Actually, human opulence means not these tin cars. Once it is dashed with another car, it is finished, no value. Human opulence means the society must have enough gold, enough jewelry, enough silk, enough grains, enough milk, enough vegetables, like that
- Advaita Prabhu continued, "At My home I have just cooked one palmful of rice. The vegetables are always very simple. There is no luxurious cooking - simply a little liquid vegetable and spinach"
- After doing so (eating some particle of vegetable sticking to the pot), the Lord asked Draupadi to call for her guests, the company of Durvasa
- After eating all the offerings, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu started for Panihati. There, He was greatly satisfied to see the different varieties of vegetables prepared in the house of Raghava
- After filling a pot with vegetables, Advaita Acarya requested Them to eat more, and Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "How much more can I go on eating"
- After Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said this and left, Jagadananda Pandita got up from his bed, bathed and began to cook varieties of vegetables
- Again and again when the Lord wished to get up, Jagadananda Pandita would feed Him more vegetables
- All around the three eating places were a hundred pots filled with various kinds of vegetables
- All drugs, creepers and vegetables are the hairs on your body, the Vedic mantras like Gayatri are the seven layers of your body, and the Vedic religious system is the core of your heart
- All the vegetables were served in pots made of banana leaves taken from trees producing at least thirty-two bunches of bananas. These pots were very strong and big and did not tilt or totter
- All these Christians, they are violating the First Commandment. That is their business. Simply engaged in killing, big, big slaughterhouse. And they give the example that, - Others are eating vegetable. That is also killing
- Also please describe the living beings under different classifications: subhumans, humans, those born of the embryo, those born of perspiration, those who are twice-born (birds), and the plants and vegetables
- Although it is nature's law that one has to live by eating other living entities (jivo jivasya jivanam), one must use discretion. Fruits, flowers, vegetables, rice, grain and milk are made for human beings
- Although the vegetables living on the slopes of Mount Kraunca were attacked and devastated by the weapons of Karttikeya, the mountain has become fearless because it is always bathed on all sides by the ocean of milk and protected by Varunadeva
- Among the cooked vegetables were patolas, squash, manakacu and a salad made with pieces of ginger and various types of spinach
- Amongst the various vegetables (cooked by Advaita Acarya's wife, Sita) were newly grown leaves of nimba trees fried with eggplant. The fruit known as patola was fried with phulabadi, a kind of dhal preparation first mashed and then dried in the sun
- Amongst the various vegetables were newly grown leaves of nimba trees fried with eggplant
- Animal means the four-legged animals. Vegetables are not called animals, even in dictionary
- Around the stack of cooked rice were stacks of capatis, and all the vegetables and liquid vegetable preparations were placed in different pots and put around them
- As soon as half of the vegetable in the pot was finished, Advaita Acarya filled it up again. In this way, as the Lord finished half of a preparation, Advaita Acarya again and again filled it up
- As soon as the process of yajna is stopped, the earth will withhold all productions -- vegetables, trees, plants, fruits, flowers, other agricultural products and minerals
- As the water dries up, then they (fish) come out as grass, as vegetables. Then grow, different types of trees, plants, creepers. Then gradually develops to become insects, flies. Then develops to serpents. In this way, this is evolution
- At Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya's house, there was always a full stock of food. Whatever spinach, vegetables, fruit and so on were required, he collected and brought back home
- Balabhadra Bhattacarya used to cook all kinds of vegetables gathered from the forest, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very pleased to accept these preparations
- Balabhadra Bhattacarya used to keep a stock of food grain that would last from two to four days. Where there were no people, he would cook the grain and prepare vegetables, spinach, roots and fruits collected from the forest
- Beginning early in the morning, Nrsimhananda Brahmacari cooked many varieties of food, including vegetables, cakes, sweet rice and other preparations
- Bhagavan Acarya cooked varieties of vegetables and other preparations dear to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He also obtained remnants of food from Lord Jagannatha and digestive aids such as ground ginger and also lime with salt
- Bhagavan Acarya prepared varieties of rice and vegetables at home and brought the Lord there alone to eat
- By digging for water, even in the desert, we can produce food grains; when we produce food grains and vegetables, we can give protection to the cows; while giving protection to the cows, we can draw from them abundant quantities of milk
- By getting enough milk and combining it with food grains and vegetables, we can prepare hundreds of nectarean foods. We can happily eat this food and thus avoid industrial enterprises and joblessness
- By God's arrangement one can have enough food grains, enough milk, enough fruits and vegetables, and nice clear river water
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu was offered special rice and first-class vegetables on golden plates. He thus took lunch in the company of His devotees
- Capatis, dal, rice and ordinary vegetables are called raw foods, as are fruits and salads. But puris, kachoris, samosas, sweet balls and so on are called cooked foods
- Capatis, dhal, rice and ordinary vegetables are called raw foods, as are fruits and salads. But puris, kachoris, samosas, sweet balls and so on are called cooked foods
- Drabya means vegetables, etc. And this Drabyamulyena Suddhati is only in special cases like this. It is not to done ordinarily, or unless in special circumstance. We should prepare our own foodstuff and offer as much as possible, of course
- Drug is meant for medicinal purpose, not for drinking or taking regularly. Every herb, every vegetable, is a herb, is a drug meant for curing particular disease. This is nature's gift
- Due to the moon's influence, the vegetables become delicious. Without the moonshine, the vegetables can neither grow nor taste succulent
- During the last Magha-sankranti festival, you cooked varieties of vegetables, condensed milk, cakes and sweet rice for Me
- During the rainy season, the rain, by rejuvenating the production of vegetables on earth, enables man and animals to obtain living energy
- Eagles are fond of eating goats, and of course many birds eat only fruits and berries. Therefore the words caram, referring to moving animals, and acaram, referring to grasses, fruits and vegetables, are mentioned in this verse - SB 4.18.23-24
- Eating is required, but not eating too much - not eating to the taste of the tongue, unnecessarily eating meat, fish, eggs. Why? You are human being. For you, Krsna has given so much varieties of foodstuff: fruits, vegetables, nice rice, dal, milk, ghee
- Eating vegetables is violence, and vegetarians are also committing violence against other living entities because vegetables also have life
- Either you eat animal or vegetable, you eat some living entity. That is inevitable. You cannot avoid. Now it is the question of selection
- Either you eat meat or vegetables, if it is eaten for my satisfaction of the tongue, you become implicated in sinful activities, and you have to suffer the reaction
- Ekadasi occurs on the eleventh day after the full moon and the eleventh day after the new moon. On such days no grains, cereals or beans are eaten; simply vegetables and milk are moderately taken, & chanting Hare Krsna & reading scriptures are increased
- Ekadasi occurs on the eleventh day after the full moon and the eleventh day after the new moon. On such days no grains, cereals or beans are eaten; simply vegetables and milk are moderately taken, and chanting and reading scriptures are increased
- Even meat-eaters have to eat grains, fruits, and vegetables along with their slice of meat. Still, for that daily slice of meat they kill so many poor animals. How sinful this is
- Even stones are eatables for a particular type of animal or bird. But the human being is not meant for eating everything and anything; he is meant to eat grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, sugar, etc. Animal food is not meant for the human being
- Everything depends on the strength of the recipient. For example, due to the scorching sunshine many vegetables and flowers dry up, and many grow luxuriantly. Thus it is the recipient that causes growth and dwindling
- Five to seven men prepared a huge quantity of capatis, which were sufficiently covered with ghee (clarified butter), as were all the vegetables, rice and dhal
- Food grains or vegetables are factually eatables. The human being eats different kinds of food grains, vegetables, fruits, etc., and the animals eat the refuse of the food grains and vegetables, grass, plants, etc. BG 1972 purports
- Food grains, ghee, yogurt and milk, these are the basis of all food. Vegetables and fruits are subsidiary
- For chewing solid food, the human being has a particular type of teeth meant for cutting fruits and vegetables. The human being is endowed with two canine teeth as a concession for persons who will eat animal food at any cost
- For example, all the eatables of human society. These eatables include grains, fruits, vegetables, milk and sugar for persons in the mode of goodness, and also eatables for the nonvegetarians, such as meats, none of which can be manufactured by men
- Fresh produce from the earth like grains and vegetables, as well as fresh water and heat, is good for the upkeep of the gross body
- From Bengal the devotees had brought varieties of Bengali food that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu liked. They also cooked various grains and vegetables in their homes and offered them to the Lord
- From higher planets, they fall down with water, and then again, like bubbles, begins from water, life. As the water dries up, then vegetables
- From higher planets, they fall down with water, and then again, like bubbles, begins from water, life. As the water dries up, then vegetables, and then... Jalaja nava-laksani sthavara laksa... (Padma Purana). Then moving animals and ants, reptiles
- From time to time, Advaita Acarya and others would invite Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for home-cooked rice and varieties of vegetables
- From today on it will be a rule that I shall accept only one-fourth of a pot of Lord Jagannatha's prasadam and five gandas' worth of vegetables
- Frozen means nasty. I never take frozen. In the beginning I thought, "Oh, it is very nice. You can get fresh vegetable." But they are not at all fresh
- Fruits, flowers, vegetables, land, ocean, mine, jewels. So we can use it as much as we require. We cannot collect it and keep it in stock for my future son, grandson, this son, that son. No. This is Krsna consciousness
- God is giving them sufficient grains, sufficient fruits, sufficient vegetables, sufficient milk. No, they want to make solution of their problems by killing other poor animals
- Grains and vegetables can sumptuously feed a man and animals, and a fatty cow delivers enough milk to supply a man sumptuously with vigor and vitality
- Grains, food grains, and milk and vegetables & fruits. So we prepare hundreds of items with these things. You can do that. And they are all delicious & full of vitamins. So why one should kill unnecessarily the poor animals and become vicious and sinful
- He (Jagadananda Pandita) had cooked fine rice, mixed it with ghee and piled it high on a banana leaf. There were also varieties of vegetables, placed all around in pots made of banana tree bark
- He (the brahmana) said that since he was very happy in his householder life, taking rice given by his disciples and cooking vegetables of tamarind leaves, there was no question of taking help from the Zamindar - Raja Krsnacandra
- He (The devotee) should not be anxious to have very palatable dishes. Of course, wherever it is possible, one should offer the Deities the best foodstuffs, prepared within the category of fruits and vegetables, cooked or uncooked
- He would periodically cook rice with various vegetables and invite Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to his home
- Human beings are provided with food grains, vegetables, fruits and milk by the grace of the Lord, but it is the duty of human beings to acknowledge the mercy of the Lord
- Human society should be sober and continent. I require to eat something, if I have got sufficient grains, fruits, milk, flour, vegetables, why should I kill unnecessarily a poor animal? So this is sinful
- Human teeth are so made that they can chew and cut fruit and vegetables, although there are two canine teeth so that primitive humans can eat flesh if they so desire
- Hundreds of delicacies can be prepared simply by the combination of grains, vegetables and milk. All such preparations are in the mode of goodness and therefore may be offered to the Personality of Godhead
- I come to your home again and again to eat all the sweetmeats and vegetables you offer
- I have already tested how the people here like the Vegetable Prasadam prepared by me. They will forget meat eating and they will pay for the expenses
- I thank you for your concern for my disciples' health. Actually, they are getting ghee and other milk products daily along with capatis, dhal, and rice. They are also taking fruits and vegetables daily
- If I am satisfied by some grains and vegetables and fruits and milk, if my health is properly kept, why should I eat more than that simply for satisfying the palate, my tongue?
- If Krsna likes, He can produce a huge quantity of grains, fruits, and vegetables, but if Krsna desires to restrict the supply, what good will meat do? You may eat me, or I may eat you, but that will not solve the problem
- If rivers are not polluted and are allowed to flow in their own way, or sometimes allowed to flood the land, the land will become very fertile and able to produce all kinds of vegetables, trees and plants
- If there is time and if your population has got sufficient food grains, then you can try to grow other fruits and vegetables for exporting. The first necessity is that you should be self-sufficient. That is God's arrangement
- If we have sufficient grains, fruits, vegetables and herbs, then what is the necessity of running a slaughterhouse and killing poor animals? A man need not kill an animal if he has sufficient grains and vegetables to eat
- If you eat continually vegetables and fruits, you'll not be attacked with pyorrhea. But if you eat meat - your teeth is not meant for eating meat - you'll very soon be attacked with pyorrhea because breaking the laws of nature. This is one example
- If you have got enough grains, you can trade, make money. If you have got enough vegetables, you can trade. That is the business of vaisya. So vaisya does not require any university degree or any . . . nobody requires university degree
- If you say that, "We are seeing daily that you are offering prasadam, the vegetable, rice. They are all material," no, they are not material. This is real understanding. How it is not material? That is acintya, inconceivable
- In all scriptures it is stated that man should live on fruits and vegetables. Their teeth are made in that way. They can eat very easily and digest. Although jivo jivasya jivanam (SB 1.13.47): one has to live by eating another living entity
- In America, you have got so much land. Produce vegetable, grains, milk, eat sumptuously, no economic question. Prepare very nice product. And make some money by sending ghee in the city
- In desert you cannot make it fertile because that particular tract of land is forbidden by God: "No, nothing should be produced." You cannot do it. If you have got producing power, then why don't you produce sufficient grains and vegetables in the desert?
- In great affection, Bhagavan Acarya cooked varieties of vegetables and other preparations dear to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In great happiness, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then accepted the lunch. When He had tasted the vegetables, He again began to speak
- In Krsna's abode not only is life eternal, blissful and full of knowledge, but there are ample vegetables, milk, jewels, and beautiful homes and gardens tended by lovely damsels who are all goddesses of fortune
- In our Indian family, if they want for puris and a little vegetable, it will be prepared in five minutes. Five minutes, immediately. My brother's wife, very nice wife, I saw, whenever I wanted some tiffin like that - within five minutes, immediately
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna frankly says that He accepts vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc. One should not offer Lord Vasudeva anything other than what is prescribed herein by the great authority Narada Muni
- In the past, great authorities selected those foods that best aid health and increase life's duration, such as milk products, sugar, rice, wheat, fruits and vegetables. These foods are very dear to those in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- In the previous verse (SB 1.10.5) it has been described that nature was favorable. The river, the hills, the mountains, forest, vegetable, creepers, these are our natural surroundings
- In this temple (of Ekacakra-grama) there is an arrangement to offer food to the Deity on the basis of seventeen seers (about thirty-four pounds) of rice and necessary vegetables
- In this way, Nityananda Prabhu and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu ate and talked with Advaita Acarya jokingly. After eating half of each vegetable preparation given to Him, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu abandoned it and went on to the next
- In Vallabhapura there was a permanent arrangement to cook nine kilos of rice, vegetables and other foodstuffs daily, and near the village there is sufficient land, which belonged to the Deity, on which this rice was grown
- India you will find in the bazaars. There is crowd, and the cows enter there, and they eat the vegetables to their heart's content. But he is not punishable. Still the cow is not punishable
- Innocent foods like grains, vegetables, fruits, flowers and milk preparations are offered to the Lord, and there is no scope for offering foods which are in the modes of passion and ignorance
- It appears that when different kinds of drugs, creepers, grass and vegetables are put into this milk and the milk is churned, as milk is churned for butter, the active principles of the vegetables and drugs mix with the milk, and the result is nectar
- It is a fact - an animal is eating another animal. It may be vegetable or animals, but they are disturbing. Therefore it is said, "As it is allotted." You should eat such and such. Not that indiscriminately you can eat everything
- It is due to the Supreme Personality of Godhead that the moon nourishes all vegetables. Due to the moon's influence, the vegetables become delicious. Without the moonshine, the vegetables can neither grow nor taste succulent. BG 1972 purports
- Jagadananda Pandita continued to offer the Lord varieties of vegetables. Out of fear, the Lord said nothing but continued eating happily
- Just as a worm on a vegetable transfers itself to one leaf and then gives up the previous one, the conditioned soul takes shelter of another body and then gives up the one he had before - SB 10.1.40
- Kasi Misra and Tulasi, the superintendent of the temple, brought as much prasadam as five hundred men could eat. Seeing the large quantity of prasadam, which consisted of rice, cakes, sweet rice and a variety of vegetables, Caitanya was very satisfied
- King Malayadhvaja underwent severe austerities by leaving his home, going to Kulacala, taking his bath in the sacred rivers and eating only vegetables like stems, roots, seeds, flowers and leaves, avoiding any cooked food or grains
- King Prthu is herein (SB 4.16.7) compared to the earthly planet as far as his tolerance is concerned. Although the earth is always trampled upon by men and animals, it still gives food to them by producing grains, fruits and vegetables
- Ksetra means field. Just like a tiller, agriculturist, he is given a certain tract of land, and he tills and produces grains or some vegetables or something eatable
- Laphra-vyanjana is a combination of several green vegetables all mixed together. It is often mixed with rice and delivered to poor men. Amrta-gutika is a preparation of thick puri mixed with condensed milk
- Laphra-vyanjana is a preparation in which many vegetables are boiled together, and then a chenka is added, consisting of spices like cumin, black pepper and mustard seed
- Living beings live on the produce of grains and vegetables, and by eating such foodstuff they get vital power of the body in the shape of blood and semen, and from blood and semen one living being is able to create other living beings
- Lord Visnu said: O demigods, cast into the ocean of milk all kinds of vegetables, grass, creepers and drugs. Then, with My help, making Mandara Mountain the churning rod and Vasuki the rope for churning, churn the ocean of milk with undiverted attention
- Maharaja Yudhisthira is advised by Narada not to worry about his uncles' suffering for want of food, for they could live on vegetables available in the jungles as prasada of the Supreme Lord and thus realize the path of salvation
- Markata-vairagya means that a monkey is renounced. He does not dress, naked. And he lives in the forest. And he eats also fruit, vegetarian. But the nature is that he must have at least three dozen wives
- Markata-vairagya. Markata means monkey. Superficially vairagya, naga-baba. They eat vegetables, fruits, live in the jungle, no house, or, all - everything like vairagya. But sex
- Matter also has the potency to manifest living entities in the form of vegetables. In this sense, life comes out of matter, but matter also comes out of life
- Means of livelihood. It is recommended for everyone: trees, vegetables - that is his real means of livelihood, not this industry. Trees, vegetables, they are the real means of life, equally, in all seasons
- Mixed smell is sometimes perceived in foodstuffs prepared from various ingredients, such as vegetables mixed with different kinds of spices and asafoetida
- My father used to do that. He'd go to a vegetable vendor. He has got a big basket, and he'll say, "What do you want for all, the whole basket" So he is ready, because he'll sit down so long, so at very cheap rate he'll give it
- No one can manufacture anything. Take, for example, all the eatables of human society. These eatables include grains, fruits, vegetables, milk, sugar, etc., for the persons in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- Nutritional information means that we require for balance food: starch, carbohydrate, protein, fat. What else? Starch, carbohydrate, protein, fat. These are necessary nutrition, but these things are there in vegetable diet
- On the rice and vegetables were tulasi flowers, and in front of the Lord were cakes, sweet rice and other prasadam of Jagannatha
- One cannot offer to the Deity according to one's whims; since these fruits and vegetables are available anywhere in the universe, we should observe this small point very attentively
- One day Bhagavan Acarya invited Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to dine at his home. Thus he was preparing rice and various types of vegetables
- One who is eating simply krsna-prasadam and simple foodstuff, vegetable, grains, milk - they are not allowed to eat anything and everything; they are not allowed to take anything in the hotel - so practically, they are fasting
- Only demoniac people are attracted to other types of food (except grains, vegetables, ghee, milk and yogurt), which we will not even mention in this connection - of CC Madhya 4.93
- Others are attracted by eating vegetables, creepers, spinach or milk products, but all for the satisfaction of the tongue's demands
- Our Krsna consciousness movement, we accept what is eaten by Krsna. So Krsna wants these things: fruits, flower, vegetable, grains, milk. So we offer them and eat
- Our men are idle, and they're bringing paid men to cut vegetables and paying two hundred rupees. This is management. First of all, whatever business is already there, engage them. Then bring further engagement
- Our proposition is not that vegetarian/nonvegetarian. Vegetarian or nonvegetarian, it is not very important thing. Everyone is eating some living entity. Vegetable has got also life
- Pots of yogurt, milk, buttermilk and sikharini, sweet rice, cream and solid cream were placed alongside the vegetables
- Preparing nice, simple vegetable dishes
- Preparing nice, simple vegetable dishes, offering them before the picture or Deity of Lord Krsna and bowing down and praying for Him to accept such a humble offering, enable one to advance steadily in life. BG 1972 purports
- Ramai Pandita and Raghunatha Bhatta did the cooking, and I want to give them some rice and vegetables
- Regarding frozen vegetables, they are not bad, but if they are twice boiled, then they should not be used
- Regarding Jadurani's diet, let her take fruits, vegetables, milk, capatis, and also when she is hungry she may take a little rice and some thin mung dahl
- Sacimata said, "I wish Nimai would eat all the nice vegetables I cook. That is my desire"
- Sattvika-ahara, foodstuffs in the mode of goodness, are described in the sastras as wheat, rice, vegetables, fruits, milk, sugar, and milk products
- She (mother Saci) offered rice cooked from sali paddies, various kinds of vegetables, spinach, curry made of banana flowers, fried patola with nimba leaves, pieces of ginger with lemon, and also yogurt, milk, sugar candy and many other foods
- Simple food like rice, dhal, capatis, vegetables, milk and sugar constitute a balanced diet, but sometimes it is found that an initiated person, in the name of prasada, eats very luxurious foodstuffs
- Simply becoming vegetarian is no great qualification. Somebody is taking meat and somebody is taking vegetable, it does not make any difference
- So far as eating only two chopaties and a little vegetables daily, I never said that. I do not know why such news has spread without my written authority
- So it is good that you are seeing that they are happy and healthy. They should be given milk at least 8 ounces a day if possible 16 ounces a day. Dahl, capati, rice, vegetable this will keep them fit. If possible a little bit of fruit also
- So many straws and vegetables, they gather together. And sometimes the same vegetables and straws are thrown asunder. One is there, one is here. So here also, we assemble here as society, friendship and love exactly like that
- So these items: rice, wheat, vegetables, dahl and milk is sufficient for nutrition. Above that, you take little fruit, it is very good
- So, the real explanation is that you take which is offered to Krsna. That is nice philosophy. Killing you have to do, either you kill vegetable or animal, killing you have to do. Therefore our proposition is that you take the prasadam of Krsna
- Sometimes the question is put before us: "You ask us not to eat meat but you are eating vegetables. Do you think that is not violence?"
- Sometimes the question is raised that since vegetables also have life and devotees take vegetable foodstuffs, isn't that violence? Firstly, however, taking some leaves, twigs or fruit from a tree or plant does not kill the plant
- Sometimes they put forward this argument that "You are also eating vegetables. They have got life. Why you object that nonvegetarians who are eating four legged animals...?"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ate only half of the rice and vegetables, and whatever remained was taken by Govinda
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "You can give Me the ordinary vegetable known as laphra-vyanjana, and you may deliver to all the devotees better preparations like cakes, sweet rice and amrta-gutika"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu thought that all three servings were meant for distribution; therefore He asked for another two banana leaves, saying, "Let Us have a very little quantity of vegetable and rice"
- Take in the morning sugar candy juice. Just soak some sugar candy overnight in water and take early in the morning and that will help you. Don't take any fatty vegetables. Take green vegetables in salad with lime juice. Green papaya boiled is also nice.
- Take some land and work little, produce your grains, and the cows are there, you take milk. So milk, vegetables, grains, your economic question is solved
- Ten brahmanas cooked the food grains, and five brahmanas cooked both dry and liquid vegetables
- That (Ayurveda) is a very big book, and all kinds of vegetables, all kinds of flesh, all kinds of fish and everything is detailed there, and there is description what is the effect of eating such-and-such things
- That day, a brahmana extended an invitation to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. When Govinda accepted only five gandas' worth of vegetables and a fourth of a pot of rice, the brahmana, in great despair, struck his head with his hand and cried, "Alas! Alas"
- That is the plan of God, Krsna (to live in the village and keep cows and grow food grains, fruits, vegetables). Krsna personally exhibited. Vrndavana is village; it is not city. We are trying to go to the village of Krsna - Vrndavana
- The abode known as Kailasa is full of different herbs and vegetables, and it is sanctified by Vedic hymns and mystic yoga practice. Thus the residents of that abode are demigods by birth and have all mystic powers
- The aquatics, the vegetables, the reptiles, the birds, the beasts, the uncivilized man, and then again the human form, which is the chance for getting out of the cycle of fruitive action
- The ayurvedic system is to take ½ of what you can eat only, the fill ¼ with water and leave ¼ for air. That will make for proper digestion. Little rice, dahl, some vegetables, some chopaties, like that, but eat right to the point to keep health steady
- The BG and the great acaryas, or spiritual masters, have prescribed certain foods for human beings, and one who eats these foods eats in the mode of goodness. These foods include grains, fruits, vegetables, milk products, and sugar - and nothing more
- The body of a tiger is made for killing and eating raw meat. Similarly, the hogs are made in such a way that they can eat stool. And as human beings our teeth are made for eating vegetables and fruits
- The cooked rice was a stack of very fine grains nicely cooked, and in the middle was yellow clarified butter from the milk of cows. Surrounding the stack of rice were pots made of the skins of banana trees, & in these pots were varieties of vegetables
- The cow does not give as much milk as it used to give formerly. The production of vegetables and fruits is less than before. As such, all living beings, both men and animals, do not have sumptuous, nourishing food
- The day and night, the seasonal changes, the equator, the temperature, then the moonlight, the other planets, we living beings, the vegetables - everything is complete by God, and because the sun is there
- The devotee should not be anxious about cooking food; whatever is available in the forest or in the city among the fruit and vegetable groups should be offered to the Deity, and the devotee should be satisfied eating that
- The duty of a person in the renounced order is to chant the Hare Krsna mantra always. He should satisfy his belly with whatever vegetables, leaves, fruits and roots are available
- The first month Dhruva Maharaja was in the forest, he simply ate some fruits and vegetables once every three days and drank a little water every six days. He finally restricted his inhalation of air and stood for six months on one leg only
- The growth of vegetables and even the rotation of the planets take place due to the heat and light of the sun
- The human necessities of life are fully supplied by the Lord in the shape of food grains, milk, fruit, wood, stone, sugar, silk, jewels, cotton, salt, water, vegetables, etc., in sufficient quantity to feed and care for the human race of the world
- The human society is meant for living on the natural production, namely, grains, fruits, vegetables, and milk. They should not indulge extravagantly for other things
- The hunter, he was following the instruction of his Guru Maharaja, Narada Muni, chanting Hare Krsna and sitting very peacefully. So people would come, and they were surprised. So, so many people came - heaps of ata, heaps of rice, heaps of vegetables
- The learned sages inform us that one takes his birth in India, the holy land of Bharata-varsa, after the gradual process of evolution through 8,400,000 species of life, 2,000,000 nonmoving species such as vegetables and hills
- The Lord accepts from His devotee all kinds of food preparations made of vegetables, fruits, leaves and grains
- The Lord asked Draupadi to bring up the cooking pots to see if there was any particle of foodstuff left, and on Draupadi's doing so, the Lord found some particle of vegetable sticking to the pot.The Lord at once picked it up and ate it
- The Lord said, "Last year in the month of Pausa, when Nrsimhananda gave Me varieties of sweetmeats and vegetables to eat, they were so good that I felt I had never before eaten such preparations"
- The Lord said, "Spread another leaf with a helping of rice and vegetables so that today you and I may take lunch together"
- The Lord was always very happy to eat these forest vegetables, and He was even happier when He had an opportunity to stay in a solitary place
- The modern theory that life evolves from matter is to some extent supported in this verse (SB 5.5.21-22) because it is stated, bhutesu virudbhyah. The living entities evolve from vegetables, grass, plants and trees, which are superior to dull matter
- The nature brings you from the aquatics, I was just stating, from the fish life, to plant life, to vegetable life, to . . . in this way 2,000,000's forms, gradually. This is called evolution - one after another
- The other paraphernalia, such as flower garlands, fruits and vegetables, should be collected according to the country and according to their availability
- The perfection of human civilization depends on Krsna consciousness, which recommends Deity worship. Preparations made from vegetables, grains, milk, ghee and yogurt are offered to the Deity and then distributed
- The performers of sacrifice descend again to earth to become herbs, creepers, vegetables and food grains. These are eaten by different living entities and turned to semen, which is injected into female bodies. Thus one takes birth again and again
- The processes of eating in different modes are explained in the Bhagavad-gita, wherein it is stated that those who eat rice, wheat, vegetables, milk products, fruit and sugar are situated in the elevated quality of goodness
- The productive energy of the laborer is misused when he is occupied by industrial enterprises. Industry of various types cannot produce the essential needs of man, namely rice, wheat, grains, milk, fruits and vegetables
- The river will flow profusely to fertilize the land; the oceans will supply sufficient quantities of minerals, pearls and jewels; the forest will supply sufficient wood, drugs and vegetables
- The species of life evolved from aquatics to plants, vegetables, trees; thereafter insects, reptiles, flies, birds, then beasts, and then human kind. This is the gradual process of evolution of species of life
- The SPG, Sri Hari, is the master of all living entities, including all the prajapatis, such as Lord Brahma. Because He is the all-pervading and indestructible master, He has created all these trees and vegetables as eatables for other living entities
- The temperature in the moon planet is 200 degrees below zero. It is very cold. So therefore they use a certain kind of vegetable juice, which is called soma-rasa. Beverage. Just like you drink in your country beers and liquors
- The two energies manifest (spirit and dull matter), beings possessing living force (vegetables, grass, trees and plants) are superior to dull matter (stone, earth, etc.). Superior to nonmoving plants and vegetables are worms and snakes, which can move
- The vegetable preparations were made from various kinds of spinach, roots and fruits collected from the forest, and someone made bada and badi by mashing dhal. In this way the brahmanas prepared all kinds of food
- The word upakarana indicates a variety of foods, such as dhal, vegetables and other varieties of possible dishes that one can eat very nicely with rice. It is not proper, however, for a sannyasi to eat such palatable dishes
- There are ample food grains, milk, fruit and vegetables so that the human beings as well as the animals can eat sumptuously and to their heart's content
- There is ample opportunity for living peacefully here. You grow little grains, you get some milk, some vegetable, and all your economic questions solved
- There is no expenditure. The cow will go out and eat some vegetables and grass, so you haven't got to spend anything for the cow. And when she returns, she gives you milk, nice milk
- There is no need for men to eat animals because there is an ample supply of grains, vegetables, fruits and milk. Such simple foodstuff is considered to be in the mode of goodness according to the Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 purports
- There is not a single factory in the whole world which can manufacture wheats, rice, grains, or vegetables, or something like that. So we should consider it that these foodstuff which we eat daily, they are produced by God's mercy
- There is so much potency of producing food grains, milk and other things. Profusely. In America, they throw away so many grains and vegetables daily. It is simply mismanagement. Otherwise, there is no question of scarcity or poverty
- There is, however, an intimate relation between the hairs on the body and the vegetation on the body of the earth. The vegetables are nourishment for the skin both as food and medicine
- There was sukhta, bitter melon mixed with all kinds of vegetables, defying the taste of nectar. There were five types of bitter and pungent sukhtas
- There were a number of pots made of the bark of banana trees and the leaves of the keya plant. These pots were filled with various cooked vegetables and placed on all sides of the leaf
- There were preparations of dugdha-tumbi, dugdha-kusmanda, vesara, laphra, moca-ghanta, moca-bhaja and other vegetables
- There were small cakes in sweet and sour sauce and five or six kinds of sour preparations. All the vegetables were so made that everyone present could take prasadam
- There were varieties of cakes, sweet rice and fine cooked rice that surpassed the taste of nectar. There were also varieties of vegetables
- These are the names of some of the pickles and condiments in the bags of Raghava Pandita: amra-kasandi, ada-kasandi, jhala-kasandi, nembu-ada, tailamra and ama-satta. With great attention, Damayanti also made dried bitter vegetables into a powder
- These things are the foodstuffs in goodness: rice, dal, wheat, that means grains. Then sugar, fruits, vegetables, milk products. These foods are in the goodness
- These vegetable, drugs, are meant for when you are sick or disturbed, you can utilize. Not for intoxication. Just like opium. If you have severe type of dysentery, diarrhea, a little opium it will immediately cure
- They (the mlecchas) must know that even for the animals they must produce grass and vegetables, otherwise the animals cannot live. And to produce grass for the animals, they require sufficient rains
- They also offered phula-badi, liquid mung dhal and many vegetables, all cooked according to the Lord's taste
- They are already killing animals for flesh, so when there will no longer be grains, vegetables and fruits, they will kill their own sons and fathers and eat their flesh for sustenance
- They are also life - the fruits, the vegetables, the food grains, the milk, the sugar. They have got enough food value, and the human being should be satisfied within this group
- They began to inquire about the Lord, who is situated in all living entities, internally and externally. Indeed, they even asked all the plants and vegetables about Him, the Supreme Person
- They have simplified their life. And gradually develop, make little cottages, and grow little vegetable, little barley or wheat and milk. That is sufficient. We don't require much. We don't want luxury. We want just to subsist
- This (Padma) Purana informs us that there are 8,400,000 forms of living entities, 900,000 of which live within the water. There are 2,000,000 species amongst plants and vegetables alone
- This is most uncommon! How was this arrangement of rice and vegetables finished within six hours
- Those who are vegetarian, they are thinking that "We are better than the nonvegetarian." But it is not the fact. Either you eat vegetables or nonvegetable, you are liable to be punished because you are accepting something without offering to the supplier
- Thus a Vaisnava should not ask anything from anyone else. If someone gives him something without being asked, he should accept it, but if nothing comes, a Vaisnava should be satisfied to eat whatever vegetables and fruits are easily available
- Thus there are restrictions for the advanced Aryans, "If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it." Although the Lord Himself can eat anything and everything, He restricts Himself to vegetables, fruits
- Thus with great care and attention Raghava Pandita prepares spinach, other vegetables, radishes, fruits, chipped rice, powdered rice and sweetmeats
- To remain satisfied with the food grains, vegetables and natural gifts, that is primitive idea. They (Godless civilization) say - It (money) is primitive
- Trees and vegetables are essential, and they give happiness all year round, in all seasons. That is the arrangement in Vrndavana. It is not that in one season the trees are pleasing and in another season not pleasing
- Trees and vegetables provide the real means of livelihood recommended for everyone. Sarva-kama-dugha mahi (SB 1.10.4). Trees and vegetables, not industry, provide the real means of life
- Trees and vegetables, not industry, provide the real means of life
- We cannot offer the Lord that which He has not ordered. The Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, cannot be offered anything beyond the range of good foodstuffs like rice, dal, wheat, vegetables, milk and milk preparations, and sugar
- We have already predicted in the Bhagavata there will be no rice, no wheat, no vegetables, no fruit, no milk
- We have no quarrel with nonvegetarian or vegetarian. No. Because vegetable has also got life. And in the Bhagavad-gita it is also stated that yajna-sistasinah santo mucyante sarva-kilbisaih (BG 3.13). You have to eat after offering sacrifice
- We have no quarrel with the nonvegetarians, because vegetable also has got life. The plants, the grass, the trees, the fruits, the flowers, they have also life. They are not dead. So simply becoming vegetarian is no great qualification
- We live by food grains, vegetables and milk products as it is stated in the Bhagavad gita All living bodies subsist on food grains which are due to rains come by proper proformance of sacrifice Human life is meant for sacrifice to please Visnu
- We may prepare nice milk products, vegetables, grains, fruits and other vegetarian dishes for Krsna and then offer them to Him praying, - This material body is a lump of ignorance and the senses are a network of paths leading to death
- We take nice vegetables, nice food grains, rice, wheat, sugar, milk, all vitaminous, full of vitamins. So there is no deficiency of food. Even from food value it is very nice. We do not unnecessarily kill animals
- What is the use of this industry, slaughterhouse? You get these, all these things. Have enough food grains, enough milk, enough fruits, enough vegetables, clear, nice river water. There is, there is no need of constructing water works. Why?
- When Laksmana brings all the vegetables, fruits and roots from the forest, Sita will do the necessary cooking
- When she saw that all the pots were still filled with rice and vegetables, there was some doubt in her mind, and she was astonished
- When the world was full of water, the living entity took an aquatic form. Then he passed to vegetable life, from vegetable life to worm life, from worm life to bird life, from bird life to animal life, and from animal life to the human form
- When there is no rain, food is scarce, and man and animal simply die. All vegetables, as well as moving living entities, are originally products of the earth. They come from the earth, and again they merge into the earth
- When there is sufficient rainfall, the earth becomes fit to produce everything (sarva-kama-dugha mahi). If one can utilize the land properly, one can get all the necessities of life from the land, including food grains, fruits, flowers and vegetables
- When they are maintaining their body, they have to commit sins. They have to eat other animals or vegetables, never mind. So how they are not committing sins? These are very intelligent questions
- While creating all the planets in the universe, Lord Brahma also created the seeds of various grains, herbs, plants and trees. When sufficient water falls from the clouds, the seeds fructify and produce fruits, grains, vegetables, etc
- While Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya personally distributed the prasadam, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested him, "Please give Me only boiled vegetables"
- Why not be satisfied with simple foodstuff? If you eat grains and vegetables and light foodstuff, you'll never get fatty. You see? You'll never get fatty. Reduce eating as much as possible. Don't eat at night. Practice yoga like this
- With great care and attention Raghava Pandita prepares spinach, other vegetables, radishes, fruits, chipped rice, powdered rice and sweetmeats
- With one paisa in those days, one could purchase sufficient vegetables to provide for a whole family. Even thirty years ago, vegetables were occasionally so inexpensive that one paisa’s worth could provide for a whole family for a day
- Within the sunshine all the planets have grown, and in each and every planet, due to the sunshine the vegetables are growing. There are leaves. When there is no sunshine the leaf falls down
- You can cook in your own taste, but it must be from this group - vegetables, fruits, grains and milk - not meat
- You have to eat the grains and the fruits and the vegetables along with a slice of meat, you take. Still, for that slice of meat, you are killing so many poor animals. How much sinful it is
- You have to eat. These things are eatable: food grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, sugar. That's all. Why should we eat nonsense things? This will keep your health very nice. Sattvikahara
- You require simple food - rice, wheat, little milk, vegetable and little sugar. That's all
- Your body can be maintained very nicely if you take simple food made of rice, wheat, vegetable, little ghee and little milk. That's all. And you can get all these things anywhere, any part of the world, and you can offer to Krsna