Category:This is Krsna Consciousness
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- Krsna's service. This is Krsna consciousness
- Remember Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- That is Krsna consciousness. To satisfy the senses of Krsna. Not satisfy my senses
- This is actually Krsna consciousness
- This is also Krsna consciousness
- This is our Krsna consciousness
- This is perfect Krsna consciousness
- This is real Krsna consciousness
- Understand God. That is Krsna consciousness
- Understand Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness
- Understand your relationship with Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- We are part and parcel of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness
- Work for Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- A living being, to become desireless, how you can? I am living. I am not a dead body. Desire should be to satisfy Krsna. Attachment should be for Him. That's all. You have to change. That is Krsna consciousness
- A living entity must have independence, although it is very little, minute. That Krsna does not touch. He'll never touch. You'll have to agree, "Yes, Krsna, I shall surrender unto You. Yes. That is for my benefit." This is Krsna consciousness
- According to different types of body, we are developing different types of consciousness. Is it very difficult to understand? But when we transcend this bodily concept of life, then we come to the one standard consciousness. That is Krsna consciousness
- According to Krsna consciousness movement, you can get out of all sufferings if you simply change your consciousness, that's all. That is Krsna consciousness
- According to Vedic civilization, "This eating is first class. This eating is second class. This eating is third class. This eating is fourth class." So many things required to correct the mistaken way of civilization. That is Krsna consciousness
- According to Vedic communism, in your house if there is a lizard, if there is an insect, if there is a rat, if there is snake, you have to see that everyone has got his food. That is Krsna consciousness
- Actually classless society means when these brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, they work for Krsna. That is classless. That is Krsna consciousness
- Aham mameti (SB 5.5.8). Aham means I, and mama means mine. This is nonsense. Nothing belongs to you. Everything belongs to God. Everyone has got right to live on God's property. This is Krsna consciousness
- All these big, big men, let them have one set of books and study. It is not any expenditure for them, but if at their leisure hour they read some of the line - they are all intelligent men - they'll get ideas, what is this Krsna consciousness
- Although Arjuna was a warrior, a fighter, a householder having more than dozen wives, but he was sannyasa. Because he sacrificed everything for Krsna. That is wanted. That is Krsna conscious
- Although I claim, "It is my hand, and I shall use it," when it is paralyzed I cannot do anything. Therefore, I should understand that although I possess this hand by the grace of Krsna, I am not its controller. This is Krsna consciousness
- Always think of Krsna, become Krsna's devotee, worship Krsna and offer your respect, obeisances to Krsna. That's all. This is Krsna consciousness
- And what do you recommend a person to think of? - Lord Caitanya asked. Ramananda replied that one should always think of the pastimes of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness
- Anyone who is trying to study religion and God, they should try to understand our philosophy, this Krsna consciousness
- Aryan means advanced. So if you claim to belong to the Aryan family, then it is your duty to study Vedic literature and understand your position and make your life successful. That is Krsna consciousness
- As a father and mother care for their child, Govinda cared for Prahlada Maharaja, who remained always absorbed in thoughts of Govinda. This is Krsna consciousness. Prahlada Maharaja is the vivid example of perfection in Krsna consciousness
- As soon as you understand, "All this material condition of life we are simply dreaming; I am actually servant of Krsna," then you are liberated. That is Krsna conscious
- At night I will work with the dictaphone, and I am sorry if I cannot work. This is Krsna consciousness. One must be very anxious to work
- Even in taking prasadam, you are thinking of Krsna, "Oh, it is very nice. Krsna has tasted. It is very nice." That is Krsna consciousness
- Even one is situated in a very great dangerous point, still, he is not disturbed. This is such a thing, Krsna consciousness. He does not become disturbed
- Everything is given by God. You have not manufactured the fruit or flower or your body, nothing. This is Krsna consciousness, when you understand that "Everything belongs to God. Why it should be utilized for other purpose?" It should be utilized for God
- Everything is resting on Krsna. Isavasyam idam sarvam. This is Krsna conscious. Without Krsna . . . so that is the fact. But when you come to this understanding, then you become perfectly Krsna conscious. Without Krsna, nothing can exist
- Everything Krsna's. This is Krsna consciousness
- Everything we are now doing in the matter of sense gratification, we have to prepare ourself, we have to train ourself for the sense gratification of Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- First of all get Krsna; then there is question of loss. But once you get, there is no more loss. That is Krsna consciousness. Once you get Krsna, there is no more loss; you get it forever, and you enjoy with Krsna
- Forcing will not make me agree. But if there is love, oh, I shall gladly do it. That is bhakti, that is Krishna Consciousness
- Fruits, flowers, vegetables, land, ocean, mine, jewels. So we can use it as much as we require. We cannot collect it and keep it in stock for my future son, grandson, this son, that son. No. This is Krsna consciousness
- Go-raksya. There must be protection to the cow. This is Krsna consciousness. Even the cows pass urine and stool, that is beneficial. And if it gives milk, then there is no question
- God is not so cheap thing, that "I have become God; you have become God." It is a great science. So those who want to understand God scientifically, philosophically, let them read these books. That is our presentation, Krsna consciousness
- I am glad to hear from you that because there was some misinformation that we had got the wrong impression, and actually that everything is progressing in a spirit of mutual cooperation in all respects. This is Krishna Consciousness
- I am no more going to satisfy my senses, I will satisfy Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- I am very glad to read in your letter a nice line, "My main concern is seeing Him constantly in my daily life, that is, to constantly remember Him and not to forget Him." This is actually Krishna Consciousness
- I am working as American, I am working as family man, I am working as this, that. These are all designations. When I shall work as eternal servant of Krsna, that is real mukti. That is Krsna consciousness
- I went to your country America alone. None of my godbrothers helped me. But, I was able to convince you to become Krishna Conscious. Now you can convince others. This is Krishna Consciousness
- If everything ultimately belongs to Krsna, why not use everything for Krsna?" This is intelligence, and this is Krsna consciousness
- If Krsna is satisfied, then you act. That is Krsna consciousness
- If Krsna wants that you should kill your guru, then you have to do it. That is Krsna consciousness. Of course, Krsna will not ask you to kill guru
- If one simply deposits all of his or her loving propensity onto the Deity of Krishna, immediately they are relieved of anxiety due to material sense agitation. This is Krishna Consciousness
- If we come here and take the impression and simply think of Him, our life is perfect. This is Krsna consciousness. What is the difficulty and what is your loss? If you gain such big profit simply by thinking of Krsna, why should you lose this opportunity
- If we decide that "Whatever Krsna has said, we have to do it at any risk," that is Krsna consciousness. "Krsna has said. My Guru Maharaja said. We have to do it"
- If we give so much credit to the artist who has manufactured this Sputnik, how much credit we shall give to the person who has manufactured this arrangement. This is Krsna consciousness, to appreciate the greatest artist
- If we increase our quality of humanity, then our life is perfect. But if we remain in animality, then our life is imperfect. So we have to increase our human consciousness. That is Krsna consciousness
- If you associate with the supreme joyful, Krsna, automatically you become joyful. This is Krsna consciousness. Automatically. There is no necessity separately how to become joyful. Simply by association
- If you have knowledge, theoretical knowledge even, that everything is Krsna's energy and if you have love for Krsna, with reference to the context, whatever you see, you see Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- If you increase your attraction for Krsna, then naturally you lose attraction for sex. That is Krsna consciousness
- If you keep always with Krsna, you are gudakesa - you will never get darkness. Or maya will not touch you. This is Krsna consciousness
- If you not dull, if you are intelligent and if you take the sutra, this code, janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1), that is knowledge, that is philosophy, that is science - to find out the original source. That is Krsna consciousness
- If you stick tightly to the basic principles of devotional life as chalked out for us by our great predecessors, then always you will be feeling transcendental ecstasy of enthusiasm--that is Krishna Consciousness. It is very simple
- If you take the real process, this is Krsna consciousness process. Otherwise, simply by learning Sanskrit, what will be able
- If you want to work, well, work day and night, but you work for Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness. If you don't work, if you are simply eating, if your father has got money and you are eating, oh, eat for Krsna
- In all species of life, in all forms of life, they are all our svajana, kinsmen. How it cannot be? Because Krsna is the original father. This is Krsna consciousness. Therefore a devotee of Krsna does not want to commit a little harm to any living entity
- In comparison to Western countries, we are poverty-stricken. That's all right. But still we have gift. We have to give something which is so brilliant. This is Krsna consciousness
- In one birth, one should rectify everything and come to permanent life. This is Krsna consciousness
- In the beginning, Arjuna, he's thinking in terms of his blunt senses. But the same thing he will do. Atyantikam, atindriya, purified senses. Just try to understand. This is Krsna consciousness
- In the Krsna consciousness nothing has to be eradicated. Everything has to be purified. This is the Krsna consciousness process
- Instead of trying to make this material world as beloved, you have to make Krsna as beloved. That is Krsna consciousness. The everything is there. You get everything in return, as here, you are trying to enjoy, but without any inebriety
- It is for all living entities, not that I shall simply give protection to my brother, my sister or my father, but even to the lowest animal we shall give protection. This is Krsna consciousness
- Krsna consciousness means, as Krsna instructs, you must be very, very busy, twenty-four hours. That is Krsna consciousness. Not to become a lazy fellow, eat and sleep. No
- Krsna consciousness movement is not a manufactured movement. It is simply based on this Bhagavad-gita - Krsna. Bhagavad-gita means Krsna. Krsna, everything Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness. We are simply placing Bhagavad-gita as it is
- Krsna consciousness movement is, that don't hear the cheaters and don't try to cheat others. Be honest and hear from the authorities. That is Krsna consciousness
- Krsna consciousness movement means to approach the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. Directly
- Krsna is asking all us, all rascals, that, “You are manufacturing so many things for becoming happy. You’ll never be happy, rest assured. But surrender to Me, and I will make you happy.” This is Krsna consciousness, that’s all
- Krsna is everywhere - this is Krsna consciousness. But one must know how he can derive Krsna from the features of Krsna's form in wood or iron or metal
- Let him be practiced to chant Hare Krsna, then everything will go on. This is Krsna consciousness. Where is the difficulty? Unless we make it difficult. Otherwise there is no difficulty
- Let this life be dedicated for satisfying Krsna's senses. That is Krsna consciousness. One life. We have, several lives, we have tried to satisfy our personal senses. Let this life, at least one life, let me try, what happens
- Let us talk about Bhagavad-gita, let us talk about Srimad-Bhagavatam or any book which is describing the transcendental name, fame, glory, quality, pastime of Lord Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness
- Lord Caitanya demonstrated this Krsna consciousness yoga system in a practical manner simply by chanting the holy name of Krsna, as prescribed in the Vedanta, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, and many important Puranas
- Make research work throughout the whole life, where is the original source of everything. That is Krsna consciousness
- Members of this Society are trained to see in everything the display of Krsna's artistic sense. That is Krsna consciousness. In everything the devotee sees the artistic hand of Krsna
- Most important thing is people should come to his consciousness, real consciousness. That is Krsna consciousness
- Mukti means svarupena vyavasthitih (SB 2.10.6), to be situated in one's original, constitutional position. That is Krsna consciousness
- My ultimate goal is to satisfy Krsna. This is the Bhagavad-gita's purport. That is Krsna consciousness
- Not personal satisfaction, Krsna's satisfaction. That is Krsna consciousness. Whatever you do, it doesn't matter. You have to test it, whether you are doing it for Krsna. That is your perfection
- Nothing belongs to you. The fruit is God's. The flower is God's. You are God's. Simply you have to change your consciousness. This is Krsna consciousness
- Nothing has given me satisfaction. Therefore now I have good sense; I put myself under Your control. Instead of being controlled by dog, let me be controlled by God." This is Krsna consciousness
- Now when we are selling book, that is Krsna consciousness. We are selling book. But if we think that the selling book may be diverted into selling jewelry, that is not very good idea. Then we become again jeweler. Punar musika bhava. Again become mouse
- One should always think of the pastimes of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness
- One should always think oneself dependent on Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. One should always think, - Without Krsna my life is useless, and I am in danger
- Our concern is to transfer this love - which has to be placed somewhere - to Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. If you transfer your love to Krsna, that is perfection
- Our first business is how to get out of this conditional life in the material world. That is human consciousness. That is Krsna consciousness. So our business is to take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna
- Our this Krsna consciousness movement is to teach people how to engage the tongue in the service of the Lord. This is Krsna consciousness
- Our whole material existence is due to different kinds of work. So if we make the work also eternal, that is Krsna consciousness activities. Then we come to the eternal. But in the material existence our work is not eternal
- Simply to have brahma-jnana is not sufficient. When you act like Brahman, that is called Vaisnava. That is Vaisnava. That is Krsna consciousness
- Simply we have to change the consciousness. Everything we are now doing in the matter of sense gratification, we have to prepare ourself, we have to train ourself for the sense gratification of Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- So Krsna consciousness is that. If you are actually serious to go to the spiritual world, take the bhakti-yoga process. Therefore Krsna is preaching personally bhakti-yoga
- So the Krsna consciousness movement means to cure the heart disease full with lusty desires. This is Krsna consciousness
- So we have to purify our feelings. That is Krsna consciousness: "How I can serve?" And if we purify... Purify means purification will be done by Him. We cannot purify. Purification will be done by Him. Simply we have to become purified feelings
- Solve all the problems of life. This is Krsna consciousness
- Sometimes this Krsna consciousness is misunderstood to be inertia, and one with such a misunderstanding often withdraws to a secluded place to become fully Krsna conscious by chanting the holy name of Lord Krsna
- Soul is the object of your love, not this body. And why you take care of the soul? Because it is part and parcel of Krsna. Therefore Krsna is the ultimate object of love. That is Krsna consciousness
- Spiritual education you are receiving in this class, oh, either the sun or sun's father, his father, nobody can take away. It becomes a solid asset. Therefore we should utilize our consciousness, how to make it a solid asset. That is Krsna consciousness
- That is favorable Krsna consciousness
- That is full Krsna consciousness
- That is Kamsa's Krsna consciousness
- That is Krsna consciousness. His will is supreme. Whatever He says, that's all. As soon as you manufacture, everything is spoiled
- That is Krsna consciousness. When every step you'll simply see Krsna, that is Krsna . . . That is possible, provided you follow the footstep of Prahlada Maharaja. That will be possible
- That is meditation, "What is my eternal function? What is my eternal duty? Where is my eternal home?" That is Krsna consciousness
- That is right Krsna consciousness
- That is the Krsna consciousness, to save the living entity from anxiety and bring him to the platform of no anxiety. That is the difference, from anxiety to no anxiety. That is the greatest gift to the human society
- That is the position of Krsna consciousness. They are not heartless. They are very submissive.
- That is the test. If one is actually advanced in Krsna consciousness, you'll not find any fault in him. That is Krsna consciousness
- The ant has got also the same punishment - birth, death, old age and disease - as you have got. You are also criminal; he is also criminal. But he is also son of God; you are also son of God. This is Krsna consciousness
- The evolution should be of the consciousness. And this is Krsna consciousness. When you come to Krsna consciousness, then your life is perfect. And fully Krsna conscious, then you, after giving up this body - no more material body
- The first interest is to become Krsnized, how to satisfy Krsna, not that "For political purpose I love Krsna." No. You love Krsna, and your all problems, political, social and other things, will be solved. This is Krsna consciousness
- The gopis were so anxious to see Krsna back home in the evening that they would stand on the path, looking to see Krsna returning with His calves and cows. This is Krsna consciousness
- The instruction is very simple: that you give up the service of this sense gratification. You just engage yourself to the service of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. You simply change the consciousness
- The intelligent man says, "I am no more going to satisfy my senses, I will satisfy Krsna." That is Krsna consciousness. Then he gets full satisfaction. This is voluntary. This is called surrender
- The Krsna consciousness movement is awarding, "Here is the father of the son of God - Krsna. Here is the master of the servant." This is Krsna consciousness. So there is no quarrel with other religious system
- The Krsna consciousness movement wants to stop koti-janma, repeated birth and death. In one birth, one should rectify everything and come to permanent life. This is Krsna consciousness
- The phrase man-mana bhava mad-bhakto (in BG 18.65) means "just be always conscious of Me." This then is Krsna consciousness. In Bhagavad-gita Krsna is repeatedly saying that we should worship Him, offer obeisances unto Him and then come to Him
- The real solution is to come to the original consciousness. That is Krsna consciousness. What is the real fact of our existence? Real fact of our existence is this consciousness
- There is no question of happiness in this material world. If you actually want to be happy, anandamayo 'bhyasat (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12), if you want to be placed in real happiness, that is Krsna consciousness
- There is no suffering. Still there is life. That is Krsna consciousness. There is life, but no suffering
- These are the conception, bhagavata community, equal right to everyone, even to the animals. That is Krsna consciousness
- These boys, they are playing mrdangas, they are playing cymbals, dancing, every item is taken into account. Every item. Not that it is going futile. No. That is Krsna consciousness, that is bhakti-marga
- These children, they are dancing, they are offering obeisances, they are offering a flower. They do not know what they are doing, but it will not go in vain. This is Krsna consciousness. These things are becoming assets, one after another
- These four principles. Always think of Krsna, become Krsna's devotee, worship Krsna and offer your respect, obeisances to Krsna. That's all. This is Krsna consciousness. They are doing that. Nothing more, nothing less. These four principles
- These rascal may understand this fact, that this Krsna consciousness movement is not a sentiment, so-called religious movement. It is a scientific movement to solve all the problems of life. This is Krsna consciousness
- They are fixed up in Krsna. That is a fact. That is a fact. You cannot bribe them to take from this Krsna consciousness. That is not possible
- They cannot understand what is the meaning of this Krsna consciousness. They are such dull headed men. They have no brain to understand. They are coming down again
- Thinking of Caitanya, thinking of Krsna - this is Krsna conscious. That is . . . nobody can deny. When he's working in this way he cannot think of other way. That will elevate him, simply by thinking. Man-mana. He'll derive greatest benefit
- This is actually Krishna Consciousness. We can remember Krishna in every moment. We can remember Krishna while taking a glass of water because the taste of water is Krishna
- This is gopis' desire. They want to see Krsna always, without being disturbed by the eyelids. This is Krsna consciousness
- This is Krishna Consciousness. No matter what the conditions, still a devotee will always try his best to please his spiritual master and Krishna
- This is Krsna consciousness movement, that we are giving chance to the unfortunate. Everyone is unfortunate. Everyone is a rascal. We are giving chance how to become intelligent and fortunate. This is Krsna consciousness
- This is Krsna consciousness science
- This is Krsna consciousness, that you remain in your position, but see whether by your discharge of duties you have pleased God. Then everything will be all right
- This is Krsna consciousness, to save others who are in the darkness. It is not a profession, - Now, Krsna consciousness is my profession. I'm getting very easily food and shelter
- This is Krsna consciousness. One has to learn this, that everything belongs to Krsna
- This is Krsna consciousness. Why should I kill unnecessarily an animal? We have got so many nice foodstuff. Krsna has given me grains, fruits, milk. The cows, they are supplying tons of milk, but they are not claiming
- This is Krsna consciousness. You must voluntarily agree - not hackneyed, mechanical: "Spiritual master says like this. All right, let me do it." No. You have to understand very nicely. Tesam satata-yuktanam bhajatam priti-purvakam. Priti, with love
- This is Krsna consciousness: how to train the mind to die thinking of Krsna. Then your life is successful. Therefore we have to chant Hare Krsna, always think of Krsna
- This is pure Krsna consciousness
- This is the mental culture of Krsna consciousness
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not a sentiment, so-called religious movement. It is a scientific movement to solve all the problems of life. This is Krsna consciousness
- To bring these fools and rascals from the pravrtti-marga to nivrtti-marga, this is Krsna consciousness. Therefore we have got . . . (indistinct) . . . sense gratification. Then we cannot imitate. That is the whole Vedic process
- To know what is Krsna, what is His energies, how they are working, how these wonderful acts are going on within this universe. This is Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness is not a bogus movement. It is a very scientific movement
- Train up your mind, that is Krsna consciousness
- Try to understand Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness
- We are chanting, we are hearing, we are dancing, we're enjoying. Why? Just to detach our life from all nonsense things and attach to Krsna. This is the process. This is Krsna consciousness
- We are not working like these laborers. Krsna is sending money. So this is Krsna consciousness
- We are teaching to the whole world, "Why you are suffering with this body? Get out of the body." This is our Krsna consciousness. It is the best welfare activity to the human society, but because they are so dull, they cannot understand
- We are trying to change the consciousness. Krsna consciousness movement means that, that you earn as much as you like, but the enjoyer should be Krsna, not you. That is Krsna consciousness
- We don't deprecate the material advancement. But we simply warn that "Don't forget Krsna simply for the matter of material advancement." This is Krsna consciousness
- We had got the wrong impression, and actually that everything is progressing in a spirit of mutual cooperation in all respects. This is Krishna Consciousness. Working together to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We have got so many books. Whoever comes here must read the books, devotee, the inmates of the temple, outsider, then you will understand what is Krsna consciousness
- We require to take to Krsna consciousness to become happy every way-economically, philosophically, religiously, culturally, everything. That is Krsna consciousness
- We should always try to mold the activities of our lives in such a way that we will constantly remember Visnu, or Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- We should not take the risk of next birth. In this life, in this birth, we should make a permanent solution of all miseries. That is Krsna consciousness
- What one has to attain after many, many births, we are simply saying is surrender to Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. That's all. This is the greatest boon or, what is called, greatest reward or contribution to the human society
- Whatever Krsna says, we accept. This is Krsna consciousness
- Whatever you do, it must have some relationship with the satisfaction of Krsna. If Krsna is satisfied, then you act. That is Krsna consciousness
- When you agree to abide by the orders of Krsna, then your life is perfect. That is Krsna consciousness, that you have to agree. Krsna does not force; He says, "Do this like this," and if we agree, then we are Krsna conscious
- When you change this consciousness - "No, I belong to Krsna. I am part and parcel of Krsna; therefore whole energy should be for Krsna," this is Krsna consciousness
- Yes. That is Krsna consciousness. There should be one nation under God, and one world government under God as well
- You are lying for some time in the hospital bed and still you are not wasting a moment of your time. This attitude is very good. This is Krsna Consciousness - not to waste even a single moment without serving the Lord in some way or other
- You can accept sannyasa even from Mayavadi. It doesn't matter. But you have to transcend the limits of Vedic rules. That is Krsna consciousness
- You can save yourself if you follow conscientiously. That is Krsna consciousness. If you keep yourself in Krsna consciousness and act accordingly, then you will be saved. Otherwise there is no saving
- You have to change the consciousness. What you are doing? For whom you are doing? For yourself or for Krsna? This is Krsna consciousness. And that is the perfection of life
- You serve Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness
- Your loving propensity is there, but it is being misplaced. It is placed on dog instead of God; therefore you are unhappy. When your loving propensity will be placed in the proper place, you will be happy. This is Krsna consciousness