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Pages in category "Teacher"
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- A king's son does not mix with anyone else; he simply takes lessons from the appointed teachers. How is it then that this boy, who was only five years old, was so Krsna conscious
- A mother sometimes cares for her son by combing his hair, massaging his body with oil, or bathing him. Similarly, the wife of the teacher is also a mother (guru-patni), and therefore she may also care for the disciple in a motherly way
- A small ant, it can move, but a big tree cannot move. That is punishment. Just like in our childhood we were being punished by the teachers, "Stand up on the bench." So it is like that
- A student, after finishing his education, gives up his relationship with the teacher and the school. A priest, after taking his reward from the worshiper, gives him up. When the fruit season is over, birds are no longer interested in the tree
- A teacher in school once threatened his pupil that he would cut off the pupil's head and hang it on the wall so that the child could see how his head had been cut off. The child became frightened and stopped his mischief
- A teacher instructs the student if the student is capable of taking more and more instructions. Otherwise, in spite of being instructed by the teacher, the student cannot make strides in his understanding. This has nothing to do with partiality
- Acceptance of authority is not new for us; everyone accepts authority in some form or another. For education we go to a teacher or to a school or simply learn from our father and mother. They are all authorities, and our nature is to learn from them
- According to our sastra there are seven mothers. Adau mata, real mother, from whose body I have taken my birth. Adau mata, she is mother. Guru-patni, the wife of teacher, she is also mother. The wife of a brahmana, she is also mother
- According to revealed scriptures, a teacher or spiritual master is liable to be rejected if he proves himself unworthy of the position of a guru or spiritual master
- According to scriptural codes, a teacher who engages in an abominable action and has lost his sense of discrimination is fit to be abandoned. BG 1972 purports
- According to Vedic civilization, there are seven mothers. Adau-mata, real mother, and guru-patni, the wife of guru or teacher, she is also mother, because teacher is father. Brahmani, the wife of a brahmana, she is mother
- According to Vedic literatures, one who does not accept the spiritual form of the Supreme Lord is an atheist. Because Lord Buddha did not accept these Vedic principles, the Vedic teachers consider him to be an atheist
- Actually the so-called teachers or leaders of material society do not really know the goal of life
- After his birth he (Rudra) began to cry: O destiny maker (Lord Brahma), teacher of the universe, kindly designate my name and place
- All such natural leaders (the king, the father and the school teacher) have a great responsibility to their dependants; therefore they must be conversant with standard books of moral and spiritual codes. BG 1972 purports
- Although according to the Vedic system of education one must be given instruction by intellectual persons like brahmanas, if someone lower on the social scale has learned the truth, one should accept him as a teacher and learn from him
- Although Rsabhadeva had nothing to learn from gurukula, He went there just to teach the people in general how to take an education from the right source, from Vedic teachers
- Although the teachers Sanda and Amarka were instructing all the boys in the materialistic life of religion, economic development and sense gratification, the boys were not much polluted
- Any activities sanctioned in the revealed scriptures and aiming at the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are accepted by saintly teachers as the regulative principles of devotional service
- Anyone who does not accept the spiritual form of the Supreme Lord is counted among the atheists. Because Lord Buddha did not accept these Vedic principles, the Vedic teachers consider him an atheist
- Anyone who has no teacher, no protector, simply trying himself, if he commits any mistake there is nobody protecting him. Therefore jnana-marga, the path of knowledge, is risky
- As soon as Asvatthama was brought before Draupadi, she thought it intolerable that a brahmana should be arrested like a culprit and brought before her in that condition, especially when the brahmana happened to be a teacher's son
- As Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was playing the part of a world teacher, He did not agree to see the King, because a king is a mundane person interested in money and women
- As the Bhagavatam says, one should not attempt to become a father, or mother, or teacher unless he is able to save his children from death, from the grip of material nature
- At the age of four or five years, on an auspicious day called vidyarambha marking the beginning of primary education, there is a ceremony worshiping Lord Visnu, and after that the teacher gives the child a long chalk pencil
- Because Brahma is the first living creature within this universe, he had no teacher; his teacher was the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, who is seated in the heart of every living creature
- Because people do not refer to the instructions of sastras, which are free from defects and imperfections, they are therefore misguided by so-called educated teachers and leaders who are full of the deficiencies of conditioned life
- Because you are a teacher of Vedanta philosophy, you are the master of all the people in the world and their well-wisher as well. You are also the benefactor of all kinds of sannyasis
- Better not to teach - because you do not know what to teach
- Brahmacari means celibacy, live under the direction of the teacher and accept all kinds of hardship under the teacher's or spiritual master direction. Children, they can easily take it
- Brahmacari should go to the house of the teacher or spiritual master at the age of five years old, and he should remain there for twenty years to understand the value of life
- Brahmana, they are teachers, natural teachers, and there is no fees. No fees. Just like we started this Krsna consciousness movement, teaching, but there was no fees. This is the teaching, real teaching
- Business of the teacher
- Can you answer what is liberation? You are a professor, teacher, but if I ask you, can you explain what is liberation
- Children should not be beaten at all, that I have told. They should simply be shown the stick strongly. So if one cannot manage in that way then he is not fit as teacher. If a child is trained properly in Krishna Consciousness, he will never go away
- Dhruva Maharaja never went to any school or academic teacher to learn the Vedic conclusion, but because of his devotional service to the Lord, as soon as the Lord appeared and touched his forehead with His conchshell
- Dhruva Maharaja never went to any school or academic teacher to learn the Vedic conclusion, but because of his DS to the Lord, as soon as the Lord appeared and touched his forehead with His conchshell, the entire Vedic conclusion was revealed to him
- Don't be proud of this rascal civilization. There is no meaning of this civilization. And big professor, he says, "Swamiji, there is no life after death." Just see. And he is a professor. He's teacher. This is the position
- Dronacarya was guru, spiritual master, teacher in military science. Druhah. So he was thinking like that. But the real point he was missing, that whatever he has done, it has been done under the instruction of Krsna
- Due to a bad system of education, men have no desire for self-realization. Even if they come to know about it, they unfortunately become victims of misguided teachers
- Either a flower or anything, nature's product, it is perfectly done. In this way you have to develop your God consciousness or Krsna consciousness. There are books. There are explanations. There are teachers
- Every father has to take care. The state has to take care, the teacher has to take care - how to make the children, the poor children, the innocent children, to..., a perfect brahmana
- Everyone must go to learn the Vedas from an authorized teacher and must satisfy the teacher by service and reward
- Everyone should consider his father to be his first teacher because by the mercy of one's father one gets this body. The father is therefore the natural spiritual master. Our next spiritual master is he who initiates us into transcendental knowledge
- First of all you answer me, that if you are a student, how you can know who is perfect teacher? (laughter) So you do not know what is your position. If you are a student, then you should go to the teacher submissively, not that strong attitude
- For learning Vedic knowledge, one must approach a person who is cent percent engaged in devotional service. He must not do things which are forbidden in the sastras. A person cannot be a teacher if he drinks or smokes
- For sense gratification there is no need of guru. Even these birds and beasts, they know how to gratify senses. There is no need of university or teacher
- Formerly teachers would not earn a salary but would receive whatever the students would bring from their parents' homes or by begging
- From the material nature everything is coming. Therefore according to Vedic knowledge, this earth is also mother. We have got seven mothers according to Vedic civilization: Atma-mata means original mother, real mother. And guroh patni, the wife of teacher
- Generally householders have children, and then the wives of the householders should be engaged in caring for the children, just as women acting as teachers care for the children in a nursery school
- Guiding the hand of the student, he (the teacher) instructs him how to write the letters of the alphabet (a, a, i, etc.) by writing big letters on the floor
- Guru means the teacher. So if the teacher does not give you real knowledge, then he is not teacher, he is cheater
- Guru-susrusaya means that you have to first of all select a spiritual master. Without a teacher, without guidance, nobody can make any process
- Gurus, teachers, who are simply interested in this material world are described in this verse as andha, blind
- Hari-tosanam - whether by your duty, by your action, the Supreme Lord is satisfied. Just like we want to satisfy... In the schools, colleges, we want to satisfy our professor, teachers, principal. Or as good citizen we want to satisfy our government
- Haridasa Thakura, the teacher of the holy name, is the most exalted of all pure devotees. Every day he chants 300,000 holy names of the Lord
- He (Advaita) is also called acarya, teacher, because He disseminated Krsna consciousness. In this way He is just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- He (my father) gave me education how to play mrdanga. My mother was against. There was two teachers - one for teaching me A-B-C-D, and one for teaching me mrdanga
- He (the intelligent person) occasionally comes before the materialistic men to teach them the necessity of going back to Godhead
- He (Uddhava) was a great friend of Krsna's, and being the direct student of Brhaspati, the teacher and priest of the heavenly planets, he was very intelligent and sharp in decision
- He (who thinks wife, friends, etc. will protect him) is seeing actually that "So many friends - my father, my uncle, my mother, my teachers - they are all died, & they will also die." So these people, everyone will die. How they will give me protection?
- He does not think of his position, that at any moment he will be kicked out of this platform of so-called leadership, educated teacher, and he is commenting on the words of Krsna. This is going on. He does not understand his position, that - What I am
- He wanted to preach the glories of name, but there are teachers with title. Acarya title was given to Haridasa because he was chanting daily, regularly
- He was so educated that he kidnapped his teacher's daughter and went away
- Hiranyakasipu was extremely angry and wanted to rebuke his son for deriding his teacher or spiritual master, who had been born in the brahmana family of the great acarya Sukracarya
- How we can guide the people? How we can become teacher? How we can become leader?
- However great one may be, he must accept a teacher or spiritual master
- I (Prabhupada) understand. But I am understanding from my teacher, just like I told you, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Lord Caitanya. There are so many stalwart teachers, practically whole Hindu community
- I am not speaking my own views. I have got my acaryas, my teachers, Ramanujacarya, Sankaracarya, Madhvacarya. So it is all right. It is all right. I have got so many authorities. What authority you have got?
- I am teacher, my business is to give them direction. So if they follow the direction, their business is successful
- I do not see some of your teachers here. I request them to make the students from the very beginning God consciousness. Then their future life is very peaceful, prosperous and hopeful
- I have seen many gentlemen, as teachers and educationists - as soon as he sees SB, "Oh, it is about God. Oh, we cannot purchase. We cannot purchase. Because it is God, therefore we have no connection with it. We cannot purchase." Such is the mentality
- I shall accept thousands of teachers except Krsna. This is my determination - Then how you can be happy? The happiness can be achieved only by accepting Krsna.
- I understand that the mrdanga instruction to our devotees is a failure. So retain the teachers and have them engage our students, but if the students are so dull what can be done?
- If by chance during this training he meets a teacher who is a saintly person and a pure devotee of the Lord, then by such a contact he becomes pure
- If by satisfying the poor teachers one becomes pious, how much pious he is who is trying to satisfy the supreme teacher, Krsna
- If one takes shelter of Narada instead of material teachers, this (confidential) knowledge is possible to understand. Understanding does not depend upon high parentage
- If the wife of the teacher is a young woman, a young brahmacari should not allow such a mother to touch him. This is strictly prohibited
- If you (David Lawrence) take that process and allow this Krsna consciousness among the students, oh, it will be great service to the humanity. As a teacher, you will give the greatest service
- If you cannot believe in the words of somebody whom you are going to appoint as your teacher, if you have no faith in his words, then what is the use of going to such teacher? There is no use. Don't waste your time and don't waste his time
- If you do not know, then why do you take the post of teacher? This is our proposition
- If you do not know, then your knowledge is imperfect. Why then have you become a teacher? That is cheating. Our contention is that to become perfect one must take lessons from the perfect
- If you don't accept spiritual master, how you'll get transcen... You'll be taught here and there, here and there, and waste time. Waste time for the teacher and waste your valuable time. Therefore you have to be guided by an expert spiritual master
- If you go back to Dallas school and demonstrate to the other teachers there just the proper way to instruct and discipline the students nicely, that will be a great service
- If you go to some school and the professors are rascals, then what you will learn? It is both, reciprocal. You shall act as professor, teachers. Your life should be ideal, and they will come and see, and they will learn
- If you have got the qualification of a shopkeeper, you cannot act as engineer. That is not possible. If you have got the qualification of a teacher, educationist, then you can become a teacher. So the whole world is going like that, guna-karma-vibhagasah
- If your next life you become a tree, you stand up for ten thousand years in one place. Would you like? In childhood the teacher says: "Stand up on the bench," that was so much troublesome
- In India still, not in the city but in the village, the brahmana is accepted as teacher, natural teacher
- In London we have instituted a program where important men come to meet with me in the evening for discussion of Krsna Consciousness. I have talked with a very famous sculptor, a teacher of a boys college and today George Harrison is supposed to visit
- In reply to questions asked by certain sages, he (Svayambhuva Manu), out of compassion for all living entities, taught the diverse sacred duties of men in general and the different varnas and asramas
- In the divisions of human society, no one division is important to the exclusion of the others. Of these divisions, the brahmanas are considered to be the intellectual class, the class of teachers
- In the modern system of education the teacher's academic qualification is taken into consideration without evaluation of his moral life. Therefore, the result of education is misuse of high intelligence in so many ways
- In the sastra it is also said that there are seven mothers. Real mother and guru-patni, the wife of spiritual master or teacher, brahmani, the wife of a brahmana. And raja-patnika, the queen, she is also mother, Dhenu, cow
- In the Vedic literature the father, the teacher, the king, they are advised to look upon them as God. This is for the common person
- In the Vedic process the research work is already done; it is complete, and it is simply handed down by disciplic succession from teacher to student
- In this material world everyone individually has to take care of himself. How he can be saved from the clutches of maya. That is Krsna consciousness movement. A teacher can give you hints. The acarya can give you hints
- In those days (of Lord Caitanya) also, the caste brahmanas were very proud. They were not prepared to accept chastisement even from a teacher or spiritual master
- In today's educational institutions, who is teaching this tapasya? Where is the school or college? The students are even smoking in front of their teacher, and it is tolerated. No offense. What can you expect from such students
- In your school or college you want to satisfy your teacher or principal. Similarly, the supreme teacher, the supreme boss, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So samsiddhir hari-tosanam (SB 1.2.13). This is the sum and substance of bhagavata-dharma
- Indeed, the untouchable food fell upon the Buddhists, and the large bird dropped the plate on the head of the chief Buddhist teacher. When it fell on his head, it made a big sound
- It is necessary that the priests & pujaris must be enlightened both in Theism & Sanskrit language. They shall be primary teachers of the Bhagwat Gita in different temples. Both these temples and their management have to be reformed in the present context
- Just like a little student, they are learning something, but there is protection of the teacher. As soon as he commits a mistake, immediately the teacher rectifies
- Just like at the present moment, the government has got inspectors to see, inspect the schools, whether the teachers are duly discharging their educational curriculum, similarly, formerly the king, he was raja-danda-vit
- Just like Dronacarya. He was brahmana, but he was teaching military art to the Pandavas. General teacher class will be the brahmanas. It doesn't matter what he's teaching. But teaching, perfectly teaching, how to become a military man
- Like we send our children to school, college, to teachers for reforming. That is reformation. The animals, they are unable to accept this reformatory process
- Literature that is a useless waste of time - in other words, literature without spiritual benefit - should be rejected. One should not become a professional teacher as a means of earning one's livelihood, nor should one indulge in arguments
- Lord Caitanya is like a teacher who, seeing a student doing poorly, takes up a pencil and writes, saying, "Do it like this: A, B, C." By this, one must not foolishly think that the teacher is learning his ABC's
- Lord Krsna said, "He can very easily cross over ocean of nescience, and he is not subject to the influence he illusory energy. Dear friend, everyone should consider his father to be his first teacher because by the mercy of one's father one gets body"
- Lord Krsna said, "I believe that after you finished your education at the house of our teacher and after you sufficiently remunerated him, you must have gone back to your home and accepted a suitable wife"
- Lord Krsna said, "If a man is sufficiently educated in student life under the guidance of a proper teacher, his life becomes successful in the future"
- Lord Krsna said, "My dear friend, everyone should consider his father to be his first teacher because by the mercy of one's father one gets this body. The father is therefore the natural spiritual master"
- Material teachers
- Material world means in every step there is danger. That is material world. So therefore we should take guide from guru, from the teacher, from the spiritual master how to make progress
- Mayavadi sannyasis in India are very much accustomed to declaring themselves jagad-gurus, teachers of the world, although they have no information of the outside world
- Modern rascal theory is classless society: "There is no need of teacher, or there is no need of higher class, or there is no need of... One class." Therefore they fall down. Even in socialistic country like Russia
- Modern-day scientists & philosophers, they propagate so many branches of knowledge, but when, on the crucial point, they are caught, they say: "I, I do not know perfectly" But if you are not in perfect knowledge, why should you take the post of a teacher
- Narottama dasa Thakura was one of our predecessor acarya, teacher, and his songs are accepted in our Vaisnava society as Vedic truth. He has written in simple language, but it contains the Vedic truth
- Nityananda Prabhu immediately refuted Srila Advaita Acarya, saying, "You are a teacher of impersonal monism, and the monistic conclusion is a great hindrance to progressive, pure devotional service"
- Not I am manufacturing. I am just following the footprints of Rsabhadeva. Although I am not emperor of the world, but I am a teacher. It is my duty not only to you, to everyone
- O my teacher, behold the great army of the sons of Pandu, so expertly arranged by your intelligent disciple, the son of Drupada. BG 1.3 - 1972
- Offering by the student to the teacher or spiritual master is called guru-daksina. It is essential that a student satisfy the teacher in return for any learning received, either material or spiritual
- On the day of the ceremony, the boy again went to the forest and called for Krsna. Krsna appeared and gave him a quart of yogurt. The little boy took this yogurt to his teacher and said, - This is my contribution, sir
- One cannot force a person to become a scholar, but sometimes force is used in the beginning. A child is forced to go to school and read and write according to the instructions of his teachers. Such is the difference between vaidhi and spontaneous bhakti
- One must be confident about the qualifications of his teacher; one should not approach a layman for replies to specific spiritual inquiries. Such inquiries, when replied to with imaginative answers by the teacher, are a program for wasting time
- One must be eager to hear. Lesson, everything is hearing. You go to school, college. What purpose you pay the school fee, college fee? For hearing. You hear from the learned professor, teacher, you sit down and you get knowledge
- One must first act himself and then teach. This is the function of a real teacher. Unless one is able to understand the philosophy that he speaks, it will not be effective
- One should not think that just because one is lowly born he should not be accepted as a teacher
- One teacher can manage hundreds of students of different categories. This is organization. Not that "Everything I have to do. I cannot teach anybody to do it," that is not intelligence. Intelligence is that employ other to help you
- One who can completely control sex life is able to work wonderfully with his brain, especially in remembering. Thus students who simply hear Vedic instructions once from their teacher could remember them verbatim without needing to read books
- One who has no knowledge, he is taking the part of a teacher. So a hodgepodge, must be. He is speaking something hodgepodge. Just like this, one does not know what is Vedanta, and he is reading Vedanta. It is very simple truth
- Our general principle is to perform sankirtana, not to talk philosophy. When one is interested, then he can talk philosophy. Otherwise this talk should be amongst inner circles, with the students and the teacher, those who are submissive
- Our playing of mrdanga, whatever I play, I sing, I never studied under some expert teacher
- Para-upakara. Our India is not meant for exploiting others. Doing good to others, that is India's mission. Our teachers, our acaryas, do not teach us, "Go and exploit others and bring money" - British Empire. This is not India
- Persons who are determined to totally rot in false, material happiness cannot become Krsna-minded either by instructions from teachers, by self-realization or by parliamentary discussions
- Ramadasa Visvasa was very learned in all the revealed scriptures. He was a teacher of the famous book Kavya-prakasa and was known as an advanced devotee and worshiper of Raghunatha (Lord Ramacandra)
- Ramananda Raya, he was also a sudra, and he was a householder and a politician, governor, but Caitanya Mahaprabhu took instruction from him. Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave him the preference of being a teacher. Ramananda Raya was hesitating
- Regarding your use of manpower in the Texas Gurukula, that is very good what you are doing now. There should not be more than twelve students for one teacher. This is tutorial system
- Respectable superiors like Bhisma the grandfather and Dronacarya the teacher are always worshipable. Even if they attack, they should not be counterattacked. BG 1972 purports
- Saintly teachers
- Samkirtan book distribution is very important and that is why we are opening Centers. Also, you should keep on your work with trying to approach the educated class in this, teachers of religion in the schools and colleges
- Sanjaya said: O King, after looking over the army gathered by the sons of Pandu, King Duryodhana went to his teacher and began to speak the following words: BG 1.2 - 1972
- Seeing things through the authorized books or authorized teachers is the correct way to see
- Seeing things through the naked eye is not actually seeing. Seeing things through the authorized books or authorized teachers is the correct way to see
- Simply by hearing from the teacher, they'll remember. That is called tradition by hearing. Therefore education means sruti. Srutibhir pratipannam. Anything, if you want to prove, then you have to give evidence from the sruti
- Simply to teach the children of the Yadu dynasty there were as many as 38,800,000 tutors, or acaryas. If so many teachers were needed to educate their children, one can simply imagine how vast was the number of family members
- So many scriptures are there, so many teachers are there, so many rules and regulations are there. They are not meant for the animals, because they cannot be purified. They must have to come to this position by evolution of human being
- So teacher or the spiritual master is not inventing something. The same old thing
- So we have to somehow or other push on and Krishna will give us a chance. For yourself also you can try and take a visa as a teacher and some of your students may demand your presence. We have to play some tricks for Krishna's sake. What can be done?
- Sri Advaita Prabhu, who is an incarnation of Maha-Visnu, is an acarya, or teacher. All His activities and all the other activities of Visnu are auspicious
- Srila Suta Gosvami was the proper teacher, and therefore the sages at Naimisaranya elevated him to the vyasasana. Srila Vyasadeva is designated herein (SB 1.1.7) as the Personality of Godhead because he is the authorized empowered incarnation
- Such a punishment (to have to travel all over the world) is a boon for a preacher. A preacher is known as parivrajakacarya - an acarya, or teacher, who always travels for the benefit of human society
- Such blind teachers, being interested in the external, material world, are always bound by the strong ropes of material nature
- Sudra cannot give you any education. That is not possible. Education has to be taken from brahmana. That is Vedic system. Brahmana is the teacher because they are trained up
- Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: "In order to understand that Vedic knowledge, one has to go to the proper master, teacher." Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya. These are the things
- Teacher and the taught
- Teacher cannot manufacture
- The accredited teacher may lead a "Gurukula" but first of all let him understand our philosophy perfectly and become himself strong
- The administrative class must be well versed in the sastras, but must not take to the profession of teachers
- The arca-vigraha of the Lord descends at the request of the acaryas, the holy teachers, and works exactly in the original way of the Lord by virtue of the Lord's omnipotence
- The child also suffers when he is forced to go to school when he does not want to. The child does not want to study, but the teacher gives him tasks anyway. If we carefully analyze our lives, we will find that they are full of suffering
- The human form of life is an opportunity to get this boon (of reaching Krsna's supreme abode), and it is the duty of the state, parents, teachers, and guardians to elevate those who have acquired this human form of life to attain this perfection of life
- The instruction of Krsna is perfect, and the teacher or guru who speaks the same thing as Krsna says, that is perfect. And if he manufactures his own ideas and becomes more than Krsna, then he's a rascal number one. There is no benefit
- The king or the executive head of a state, the father and the school teacher are all considered to be natural leaders of the innocent people in general. BG 1972 purports
- The King replied: My dear brahmana, whatever you have said I have heard with great attention and, considering all of it, have come to the conclusion that the acaryas (teachers) who engaged me in fruitive activity did not know this confidential knowledge
- The light of knowledge is kindled by our preceptors, and we can see things as they are only by our preceptors' mercy. From our very birth we have become accustomed to gathering knowledge by the mercy of our preceptors, whether father, mother, or teacher
- The little boy was very satisfied with this, and the next day he went to his teacher and said, "I will supply you as much yogurt as you need." The teacher felt that this was very nice, and he was pleased with the boy
- The living entities are always subordinate to the Supreme Lord, as in the case of the master and the servant, or the teacher and the taught. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord (Krsna) is constitutionally well versed in all the Vedas, and yet to teach by example that everyone must go to learn the Vedas from an authorized teacher and must satisfy the teacher by service and reward, He Himself adopted this system
- The mother replied, - My dear son, we are so poor that we cannot give anything. However, Krsna is the friend of the poor. If He gives you something, you can promise it to your teacher
- The one teacher was waiting and the other teacher was teaching me how to play on mrdanga. So my mother would be angry that "What is this nonsense? You (my father) are teaching mrdanga? What he will do with this mrdanga?"
- The only thing one has to do is to hear from a self-realized soul with a routine program. The teacher may also deliver lectures from the Vedic literatures, following in the footsteps of the bygone acaryas who realized the Absolute Truth
- The plate was made of metal, and when its edge hit the head of the teacher, it cut him, and the teacher immediately fell to the ground unconscious
- The process is you have to go to the teacher. But if the teacher is a cheater, then the whole thing is spoiled. A teacher must be teacher, perfect teacher. But if he happens to be a cheater then the whole thing is spoiled
- The sadhu or teacher shows no mercy in using sharp words to sever the student's mind from material attractions. By speaking the truth uncompromisingly, he is able to sever the bondage
- The sannyasi has no such thing as teaching credentials or "academic vitae." So they can simply decide on the basis of my books and teachings. But I am not an ordinary teacher
- The schools, colleges, universities, institutions, they are meant for human being, not for the cats and dogs. So we must take advantage of these books, institution, knowledge, teachers. That is real human life
- The spiritual master or father or teacher has got right to chastise his son or disciple. A son is never dissatisfied when father chastises. That is the etiquette everywhere
- The teacher cannot manufacture rules against the principles of revealed scriptures. The revealed scriptures, like Manu-samhita and similar others, are considered the standard books to be followed by human society. BG 1972 purports
- The teacher looked at the quart and said, "What is this? Hundreds of people will be coming, and you have only given this much yogurt?" The teacher became so angry that he spilled the yogurt out of the container
- The teacher must be a representative of Krsna, a devotee, and the student must be like Arjuna. Then this Krsna consciousness study is perfect. Otherwise it is a waste of time
- The teacher of the Bhagavad-gita
- The teacher of the Buddhist cult set forth the nine principles, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu broke them to pieces with His strong logic
- The varnasrama system has four social and four spiritual divisions. the social divisions are the brahmanas - teachers and priests, ksatriyas - administrators and military men, vaisyas - farmers and merchants, and sudras - laborers and craftsmen
- The Vedas said, "As such, Your devotees who have left their domestic comforts to associate with the liberated acaryas (teachers) are now fully merged in the devotional service of Your Lordship, and thus they do not care for any so-called liberation"
- The Vedic scriptures and the acaryas, or saintly teachers, are compared to expert boatmen, and the facilities of the human body are compared to favorable breezes that help the boat ply smoothly to its desired destination
- The whole world is lacking this knowledge, and therefore thousands of teachers of the science of Krsna are needed. There is a great necessity for this knowledge now
- The word sauhrdam ("friendliness") is very significant in this verse (SB 7.6.24). People are generally ignorant of Krsna consciousness, and therefore to become their best well-wisher one should teach them about Krsna consciousness without discrimination
- The word sukra means "semen," and acarya refers to a teacher or guru
- There are 7 kinds of mother. Real mother, then a spiritual master or teacher's wife, guroh patni. Brahmani, the wife of a brahmana. Atma-mata guroh patni brahmani raja-patnika. And the queen, the wife of the king. Dhenu, cow; dhenur dhatri, maidservant
- There are also many examples of (cheating) of teachers who actually know nothing but put forth theories in words like "perhaps" or "it may be," while in actuality they are simply cheating their students
- There are many different methods for people who want this, but cultivation of Krsna consciousness is different. The particular word used by Srila Rupa Gosvami in this connection is anusilana, or cultivation by following the predecessor teachers (acaryas)
- There are seven kinds of mother: adau-mata guroh patni. Real mother, from whose womb we have taken birth, she is called adau-mata, first mother. Then second mother, the guroh patni. Guru means teacher or spiritual master. His wife
- There are seven kinds of mothers, according to Vedic injunction: the real mother, the wife of a teacher or spiritual master, the wife of a king, the wife of a brahmana, the cow, the nurse and mother earth
- There are seven kinds of mothers. These mothers are the original mother, the wife of the teacher or spiritual master, the wife of a brahmana, the king's wife, the cow, the nurse and the earth
- There are seven mothers according to Vedic civilization: Real mother, from whose womb we have come to this world, real mother, adau-mata. Then guru patni, wife of the teacher or spiritual master, guru patni. Brahmani, the wife of a brahmana
- There are two kinds of ruler or controller. One is the government, and the other is the teacher. Or guru means spiritual master. Spiritual master can control. The disciples obey the order of the spiritual master out of love
- There is a very nice story. In our college days in logic class of Professor Purnachandra Sen, he cited a very nice example, that a student approached his teacher and the contract was that he wanted to become a law student, lawyer
- There is an interesting story of a poor boy who was a student in school. During an annual Father's Day ceremony, the teacher requested the students to give some kind of a contribution
- They (so-called teachers of material society) appear to be very learned scholars, but actually the influence of the illusory energy has taken away their knowledge. Real knowledge means searching out Krsna. Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah - BG 15.15
- They (theologicians and philosophers) do not know anything; still, they are teachers. That is the defect of the modern civilization, that one is not qualified man, and he is teacher, he has become a teacher
- This is an animal civilization (where the students are even smoking in front of their teacher, and it is tolerated). This is not human civilization. No tapasya, no brahmacari life. Real civilization means tapo divyam (SB 5.5.1), godly austerity
- This is the sum and substance of our Krsna consciousness movement. We are simply requesting human society to follow in the footsteps of the teacher of Bhagavad-gita
- This one student was so poor that he could think of nothing to bring; therefore he told his teacher that he would speak to his mother first. After school, the student told his mother, - My dear mother, all my class contribute
- To draw the attention of common men, sometimes saintly persons, acaryas and teachers exhibit extraordinary opulences
- To respectable persons he acted exactly like a menial servant, to the poor he was like a father, to his equals he was attached like a sympathetic brother, and he considered his teachers, spiritual masters and older Godbrothers to be as good as the SPG
- We are publishing all our books in a scholarly way so that professors, teachers, philosophers, they . . . they can read it. And it is very easily done. Word-to-word, Sanskrit word, English, and diacritic marks. So we are working very hard
- We are working very hard. So if it (Krsna consciousness) is introduced among the scholarly sections, professors, teachers, it will be very beneficial to the human society
- We become impure. Therefore we are suffering. That is the. So this impurity can be rectified in this life, this human form of life. Therefore human form of life is meant for purification. Therefore so many scriptures are there, so many teachers are there
- We get this chance, & if we are not educated by our teachers, by our fathers, by our leaders, by our government men, by our gurus, by our relatives, how to accept the lotus feet of Krsna, who is canvassing, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja
- We have to learn something from the dog. The dog also is a teacher: how to become faithful to the master. That teaching we can have even from the dog
- We have to somehow or other push on and Krishna will give us a chance. For yourself also you can try and take a visa as a teacher and some of your students may demand your presence. We have to play some tricks for Krishna's sake
- We want our men to come to India to learn the Sanskrit language so that we can study the Vedic literature. So you must arrange for a teacher to coach these boys in Sanskrit
- Weakness is hypocrisy. If you are weak, you cannot become priest. Because you are teacher, religious teacher. You should not take that post. That is hypocrisy
- Western people are now becoming more and more interested in yoga practice, but unfortunately because they have no authorized source of information, they are being mislead by unauthorized teachers and concocted methods
- When a saintly person comes to one's home, it is the Vedic custom first to wash his feet with water and then sprinkle this water over the heads of oneself and one's family. Prthu Maharaja did this, for he was an exemplary teacher of the people in general
- When a teacher speaks, he can speak the truth for the instruction of his students, but such a teacher should not speak to others who are not his students if he will agitate their minds. This is penance as far as talking is concerned. BG 1972 purports
- When all the disciples chanted the holy names Krsna, Rama and Hari, the Buddhist teacher regained consciousness and immediately began to chant the holy name of Lord Hari
- When all the Pandavas lived incognito, he (Arjuna) presented himself in the court of King Virata as a eunuch and was employed as the musical teacher of Uttara, his future daughter-in-law, and was known in the Virata court as the Brhannala
- When bright young boys and girls receive proper guidance from parents and teachers who can lucidly answer their queries, they easily understand each point and gradually develop fine brains
- When students come to America for a higher education, they do not consider the fact that the teachers may be American, German or of other nationalities. If one wants a higher education, he simply comes and takes it
- When teachers, fathers, sons, grandfathers, maternal uncles, fathers-in-law, grandsons and all relatives are ready to give up their lives & properties and are standing before me, then why should I wish to kill them, though I may survive? BG 1.32-35 - 1972
- When the teacher fell unconscious, his Buddhist disciples cried aloud and ran to the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for shelter
- Whenever the Supreme Personality of Godhead descends in His human form, He sends ahead all His devotees, who act as His father, teacher and associates in many roles. Such personalities appear before the descent of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Whether you will be able to teach our boys Sanskrit in the standard way? That is the first question. Have you ever worked as a Sanskrit teacher anywhere? To teach these young boys requires special technique
- Why one goes to college, school? Just to follow the instruction of the teacher, and then he becomes educated. This is the general method. Anything you want to learn, you have to approach a person who knows the thing
- Why should you lament for your grandfather and teacher? They are so highly elevated. Death will take place so long this body is there. Now they have come to fight as a matter of duty. So there is no lamentation." This is the instruction Krsna is giving
- Why you are taking the post of a teacher? "In future we shall understand." And what is this future? Would you accept a post-dated check? "In future I shall discover, and therefore I am scientist." What is this scientist
- Without inquiry, we cannot make advancement. In school a student who makes inquiries from the teacher is usually an intelligent student. It is generally a sign of intelligence when a small child inquires from his father, - Oh, what is this? What is that
- You are the friend of the poor, - the little boy said. "I am very poor, and what can I promise my teacher?" Krsna then told him, - You can tell him that you will supply him some yogurt, some dahi
- You can keep good friendship with different yoga teachers, but practically our mode of Krishna Consciousness is different from theirs. Perhaps these people may not like our Sankirtana movement, so you have to be very careful in their association
- You cannot interpret the word water. Everyone knows what is water means. Where is the question of interpreting? Therefore sometimes reference to the teacher is necessary. Otherwise, every word is clear. There is no question of interpretation
- You have to develop your God consciousness, or Krsna consciousness. There are books. There are explanation. There are teachers
- You have to take knowledge from the perfect source. Then you can understand. This is Vedic injunction. If you want to know perfectly everything, then you must go to the proper teacher. Then you will learn
- You will find herewith two certificates of my bona fides in the matter of my becoming the teacher of Caitanya Cult. I have got my books also. So if I am appointed as teacher I think the whole problem is solved