Category:Sense Perception
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Pages in category "Sense Perception"
The following 111 pages are in this category, out of 111 total.
- Adhoksaja means beyond our sense perception. Therefore we have to know Krsna from Krsna, not by our speculation. Krsna may . . . that is frog philosophy. Frog philosophy. He's simply calculating with reference to his teeny well, three feet
- All forms of happiness or distress, such as winter cold or summer heat, are due to material sense perception only. They come and go according to the laws of nature, and they are therefore to be tolerated without our being disturbed
- Among the living entities who have developed sense perception, those who have developed the sense of taste are better than those who have developed only the sense of touch
- Animals with developed consciousness are better than them (living entities who display life symptoms), and better still are those who have developed sense perception
- Because the sky is transformed, the air is generated with the quality of touch, and by previous succession the air is also full of sound and the basic principles of duration of life: sense perception, mental power and bodily strength
- BG 2.14 - They (happiness & distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed
- Bhakti is a process. Bhakti is not knowledge. That knowledge you acquire by your sense perception, and bhakti is the pure activities of the senses
- Bhumi, earth, includes all the objects of sense perception - rupa (form), rasa (taste), gandha (smell), sabda (sound) and sparsa (touch). Within the earth are the fragrance of roses, the taste of sweet fruit, and whatever else we want
- Both the jnanis and karmis depend on direct sense perception for their imperfect knowledge. The karmis never agree to accept anything not directly perceived, and the jnanis put forth only hypotheses
- By our imperfect sense perception we cannot understand the form of the Lord. We have to acquire knowledge about Him
- By spiritual realization, disintegration of our material affinity naturally begins, & the more we become spiritually developed, the less we are affected by the happiness or distress that arise out of sense perception in contact with material association
- By spiritual realization, disintegration of our material affinity naturally begins, and the more we become spiritually developed, the less we are affected by the happiness or distress that arise out of sense perception in contact with material association
- By your sense perception you cannot estimate even what is there in the moon planet or sun planet, this planet, within this universe. How you can understand the spiritual world by speculation? This is foolishness
- Every living entity, beginning from Brahma, the first-born living being within the material world, down to the insignificant ant, desires to relish some sort of taste derived from sense perceptions. These sensual pleasures are technically called rasas
- Everyone commits mistake, everyone becomes illusioned, everyone's sense perception are all imperfect, and everyone is a cheater
- Everything that exists in the world is neither an object of happiness nor an object of distress; everything is simply subjective - that is, subject to our sense perceptions as they relate to our processes of thinking, feeling, and willing
- First of all our direct perception is on the sensual platform by sense perception. Just like seeing directly and seeing directly this special. And then I am seeing by hearing from others
- For sense perception there are two principal items, touch and itching, and both of them are controlled by the skin and hairs on the body
- Form is the combination of different types of sense perception. Predestined activities are the plans of the mental situation and the interaction of air
- Gaudiya Vaisnava, the devotees following the footprints of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's, they are not sahajiyas; they are devotee of the Adhoksaja. Beyond the sense perception
- Gross understanding - the senses, the body, directly sense perception - this is gross. I see you, you see me. I touch you, you touch me. I taste something... This is gross
- I cannot understand the sun, although I see every day sun, without understanding the sun as it is from authoritative books. Simply by seeing, by, simply by sense perception, we cannot understand
- If Godhead were subject to being revealed by our relative sense perception, then our sense perception, and not Godhead, would be absolute
- If Godhead were subject to being revealed by our relative sense perception, then our sense perception, and not Godhead, would be absolute. The process is therefore fallacious in all its manifold stages
- If you want to get the knowledge by your own sense perception, you will never be able to come to the right conclusion; neither it is possible to get knowledge in that process
- In Bhagavad-gita the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, says - O son of Kunti! All forms of happiness or distress, such as winter cold or summer heat, are due to material sense perception only
- In the Moksa-dharma section of the Mahabharata it is stated that trees have developed sense perception; they can see and smell. We know by experience that trees can see
- It (transcendental literature) must have none of the defects of conditioned souls, namely mistakes, illusions, cheating and imperfect sense perceptions
- It is from these three types (good, passionate and ignorant) of material ego that the mind, the senses of perception, the organs of action, and the gross elements evolve
- It is inconceivable for Mayavadis because they think in terms of mundane sense perception and therefore think that nondualism necessitates losing one’s separate identity
- It is said, sukham aindriyakam: "Happiness derived from the sources which is not related with Krsna. . ." That is sukham aindriyakam. Actually you do that. When we enjoy sense pleasure, that is not for Krsna. That is material sense perception
- Lord Brahma controlled his two grades of senses by means of sense perception and sense organs because he had to engage such senses in the execution of the order of the Lord
- Lord Krsna advised Arjuna: They (happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed - BG 2.14
- Lord Krsna thus informed Arjuna: "They (happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed." All the distresses brought about by the body come and go
- Maitreya Muni, who was experienced in the science of Transcendence, could understand that Vidura's mind was fully absorbed in Transcendence. Adhoksaja means that which transcends the limits of sense perception or sensuous experience
- Material pleasure means direct sense perception, and spiritual pleasure means by, through Krsna
- Material senses cannot have any estimation of the Supreme Lord, but by His inconceivable power the Lord can incarnate Himself to the sense perception of the conditioned souls in a suitable manner through the agency of matter
- Material senses cannot have any estimation of the Supreme Lord, but by His inconceivable power, the Lord can incarnate Himself to the sense perception of the conditioned souls in a suitable manner through the agency of matter
- My mind is just like a single horse being ridden by the five senses of perception, headed by sight. Each of My senses wants to ride that horse, and thus they pull My mind in five directions simultaneously. In what direction will it go
- My mind's five disciples, the senses of perception, gather the remnants of that nectar from the gopis and bring them to the yogi of My mind. The senses maintain their lives by eating those remnants
- O King, owner of the state of Surasena, one's wife, his house, the opulence of his kingdom, and his various other opulences and objects of sense perception are all the same in that they are temporary
- O Supreme Lord, You are actually the air, the earth, fire, sky and water. You are the objects of sense perception, the life airs, the five senses, the mind, consciousness and false ego. Indeed, You are everything, subtle and gross
- On account of the senses, sense perception, we suffer
- Our energy is limited, and our sense perception is limited; therefore we must rely on the Vedic conclusions regarding that subject matter which is inconceivable
- Our material senses of perception and action are moving because we are identifying the self with the material body, and that the superior principle of Superself is guiding and supplying us according to our desire
- Our senses of perception and of action, that is to say, our five perceptive senses of (1) hearing, (2) touch, (3) sight, (4) taste and (5) smell, as well as our five senses of action
- Persons who are bewildered by empiric knowledge or direct sensual perception, & who consider that this limited material world can be gauged by their material estimations, conclude that anything that one can discern by direct sense perception is but maya
- Pratyaksa, direct sense perception, and sabda-pramana, evidence from the Vedic statement, and anumana, hypothesis. So out of all evidences, the evidence which is called, derived from Vedic statement, that is accepted as most authoritative
- Sarga: the first creation by Visnu, the bringing forth of the five gross material elements, the five objects of sense perception, the ten senses, the mind, the intelligence, the false ego and the total material energy, or universal form
- Sense perception is the cause of feeling all sorts of happiness and distress. Form, taste, odor, sound, and touch are different sense perceptions, which render happiness or distress in cooperation with the mind
- Sense perception of material objects by the mundane senses, such as the eye, ear, nose and hand, always produces definitely perverted knowledge
- Sense perceptions, such as aural perception of the sound of a drum, visual perception of a beautiful woman, or perception of the delicious taste of a milk preparation by tongue, all come through different senses and are therefore differently understood
- She (Yasoda) saw (within Krsna's mouth) the planetary systems, water, light, air, sky, and creation by transformation of ahankara. She also saw the senses, the mind, sense perception, & the three qualities goodness, passion and ignorance - SB 10.8.37-39
- Since the Supreme Personality of Godhead is absolute, He reserves the right of not being exposed to the mundaners. He can be known by one absolute process, and the relative process of sense perception cannot reach Him ever
- Sometimes in its growth a large tree changes its course of development to avoid some hindrances. This means that a tree can see, and according to Mahabharata, a tree can also smell. This indicates the development of sense perception
- Sri Krsna, says - All forms of happiness or distress, such as winter cold or summer heat, are due to material sense perception only. They come and go according to the laws of nature, and they are therefore to be tolerated without our being disturbed
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura remarks - The impersonalists imagine some forms of the Absolute Truth through the direct perception of their senses
- Sruti, which is beyond the sense perception, you have to hear it from authorities. That is knowledge
- The appearance of the Kumaras is both (vaikrta, e.g., mahat-tattva, false ego, sense perceptions, knowledge, working capacity, controlling deities, ignorant darkness and prakrta creations e.g., immovable entities, lower species of life, human beings)
- The controlling deity of touch is the air passing within the body, and the controlling deity of the hairs on the body is Osadhya. For the skin the object of perception is touch, and for the hairs on the body the object of perception is itching
- The desires for all kinds of sense perception and sense organs exist in the Supreme, and thus they take place in the individual persons. This desire is the nature of the supreme living being, the Absolute Truth
- The earth (mahi) contains all our requirements. Thus the objects of sense perception are all present in bhumi, or the earth. The gross material elements and subtle elements (mind, intelligence and ahankara, false ego) constitute the total material energy
- The ego produces the five objects of sense perception, which produce the ten senses (five for acquiring knowledge and five for working), the mind and the five gross elements
- The energies of fire are heat and illumination, and by these two energies fire can display itself in many varieties, or in diversified sense perception. Mayavadi philosophers declare this diversity to be false
- The eyes, instead of seeing very beautiful woman, see Krsna, Radharani. That sense perception is there, but it is spiritualized
- The living entity in another type of body sees only by instinct; he knows only the agreeable and disagreeable sense perceptions of that particular body
- The Lord is called anupalaksya-margah or, in still more technical Vedic terms, avan-manasa gocarah: one who is never to be seen or realized by the limited sense perception of the people in general
- The more we become spiritually developed, the less we are affected by the happiness or distress that arise out of sense perception in contact with material association
- The next manifestation of the living condition is development of consciousness, and the next manifestation is the development of sense perception
- The nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons. They arise from sense perception, and one must learn to tolerate them
- The physical characteristics of matter, such as softness, are subjects of sense perception, and thus physical knowledge is the subject matter of the touch sensation
- The process by which all living beings in the womb of the mother develop their sense organs and sense perceptions appears to follow the same principles in the case of the virat-purusa, the sum total of all living entities
- The qualities of sense perception are fully represented in the earth, and they are manifested in other elements to a lesser extent. In the sky there is sound only, whereas in the air there are sound and touch
- The quality of sense perception is also evolutionary, namely generated from sound, then touch, and from touch to form. Taste and odor are also generated along with the gradual development of sky, air, fire, water and earth
- The Queen (Arci) was completely aware that her husband (King Prthu) was not dead, although the symptoms of life - action, intelligence and sense perception - had ceased
- The Sankhya philosophy regards the total energy (mahat-tattva), the false ego and the five objects of sense perception as the seven diverse manifestations of material nature, which has two features, known as the material cause and efficient cause
- The sense perception is also a source of knowledge, and therefore it is suggested here that physical or physiological knowledge is subordinate to the knowledge of the Self, as above mentioned
- The sense perception is created from the five elements: earth, water, air, fire, and ether. And above that, there is still finer materials: mind, intelligence, ego. And then, behind that, the soul is there
- The sense perceptions are created in the third creation, and from these the elements are generated. The fourth creation is the creation of knowledge and of working capacity
- The skin, the skin pores and the hairs on the body are all interdependent with the touch sensation. The air blowing within and outside the skin is also an object of sense perception
- The Supreme must be without sense perception; because the human being has a form, the Supreme must be formless; and because the human being sleeps, the Supreme must not sleep
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth, is not like a material object that can be known by experimental knowledge or sense perception
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth, is not like a material object that can be known by experimental knowledge or sense perception. In the Narada Pancaratra this fact has been explained by Narayana Himself to Lord Siva
- The Vaisnavas, the unalloyed devotees of the Lord, do not follow the process of acquiring knowledge by direct sense perception or mental speculation
- The whole Vedic scripture describes that happiness derived of sense perception out of the body, that is not real happiness. If we are to enjoy real happiness, then we have to transcend these bodily pleasures
- The woman is the object of sexual pleasure, and both the sense perception of sexual pleasure and the woman are controlled by the Prajapati, who is under the control of the Lord's genitals
- There are three kinds of evidences. Pratyaksa, direct sense perception; and sabda-pramana, evidence from the Vedic statement; and anumana, aitihya, historical or hypothesis
- Thereafter the extremely powerful air, interacting with the sky, generated the form of sense perception, and the perception of form transformed into electricity, the light to see the world
- These rascals depend on the senses-sense perception. Therefore they are rascals. Imperfect sense perception they believe too much. Therefore they are rascals
- They (happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, & one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed
- They (happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed. BG 2.14 - 1972
- They (heat and cold, happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed - BG 2.14
- They (non-permanent appearance of happiness and distress) arise from sense perception, O scion of Bharata, and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed
- They have dismissed God's existence in so many ways, primarily by declaring Him to be impersonal, that is, without sense perception
- Things which are beyond your imagination, beyond your reach, beyond your thoughts, beyond your words, beyond your sense perception, how you can understand them by your experimental so-called scientific research
- This naked sense perception has no value. Don't try to gather knowledge through these naked senses
- Those who are averse to the Transcendence realize the Supreme Absolute Truth differently through speculative sense perception, and therefore, because of mistaken speculation, everything appears to them to be relative
- To destroy the demons, the Lord becomes angry, and therefore He assumes the form of Lord Siva. In summary, the SP of Godhead is always beyond the material qualities, and we should not be misled into thinking otherwise simply because of sense perception
- We are very much proud of our sense perception, but there are many other animals who are very, very strong in their sense perception. That is not our credit. When you come to Krsna consciousness, take to it, that is your best credit
- When we speak of seeing, there must be form. By our sense perception, the beginning experience is the sky. Sky is the beginning of form. And from the sky, other forms emanate. The objects of knowledge and sense perception begin, therefore, from the sky
- Within and outside the skin is a covering of air through which sense perception became prominent