Category:Krsna's Body
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Pages in category "Krsna's Body"
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- A great devotee prayed, "I am a little surprised, however, that although Krsna is the husband of the goddess of fortune, His body is often marked with the nail pricks of ordinary society girls"
- A living entity who desires sayujya-mukti remains in Krsna's Brahman effulgence, which is dependent on Krsna's body (brahmano hi pratisthaham). Such an impersonalist who takes shelter of the Brahman effulgence must surely fall down
- A Mayavadi is one who considers the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna to be made of maya and who also considers the abode of the Lord and the process of approaching Him, devotional service, to be maya
- A nitya-siddha is one who is eternally Krsna's associate, an expansion of Krsna's personal body, whereas a sadhana-siddha is an ordinary human being who, by executing pious activities and following regulative principles of DS, also comes to that stage
- A perfect devotee of Krsna is overwhelmed by seeing the beauty of Krsna's bodily luster, His face and smile
- A person is called mild when he cannot even bear the touch of the most soft thing. It is described that every part of Krsna's body was so soft that even at the touch of newly grown leaves, the color of the touched part of His skin would change
- A pure devotee of Krsna who loves Him exclusively will flatly refuse to accept any sort of liberation, beginning from merging with the body of the Lord and extending to the other varieties of liberation
- A Vaisnava knows perfectly well that for Krsna, Lord Jagannatha or Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu - unlike for ordinary human beings - there is no distinction between the body and the soul
- A verse appears again in krsna-karnamrta (92): "The body of Krsna is so nice, and His face is so beautiful. Everything about Him is sweet and fragrant"
- Absorbed in the ecstasy of the gopis, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu wished to see Lord Jagannatha in His original form as Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja, standing in Vrndavana and appearing very beautiful, His body curved in three places
- According to Dr. Radhakrishnan, since there is a difference between Krsna's body and His soul, we must surrender to Krsna's soul and not His body
- Affinity by bodily relation with the Lord (Krsna) is another feature of reciprocating loving service with the Lord
- After all inauspicious things were driven away by the chanting of the mantra, the Deity's bathing ceremony started. First the Deity was massaged with a large quantity of oil, so that His body became very glossy
- After hearing Srimati Radharani's statements, Lord Krsna's love for the inhabitants of Vrndavana was evoked, and His body and mind became very much perturbed
- After the body of the Deity was cleansed, He was dressed very nicely with new garments. Then sandalwood pulp, tulasi garlands and other fragrant flower garlands were placed upon the body of the Deity
- After the death of Dantavakra, just as at the time of Sisupala's death, in the presence of all the persons standing there a small particle of spiritual effulgence came out of the demon’s body and very wonderfully merged into the body of Lord Krsna
- After the maha-snana was finished, the Deity was again massaged with scented oil and His body made glossy. Then the last bathing ceremony was performed with scented water kept within a conchshell
- After they had cleansed the body of the Deity, some of them said, "The Deity is very heavy. No single person can move Him"
- After writing this and thus accepting the real purport of the Gita, how can Dr. Radhakrishnan later state that Lord Krsna's body and soul are different? Such an idea must be a result of his materialistic education
- Akalpa refers to the texture of Krsna's hair, His nicely dressed body anointed with sandalwood pulp and decorated with flower garlands, His tilaka and His chewing pan
- Akrura continued, "All the plants, herbs are the hairs on Your body, the clouds are the hair on Your head, the mountains are Your bones and nails, the days & nights are the blinking of Your eyelids, Prajapati is Your genitals, the rains are Your semen"
- Akrura thought, "By His (Krsna's) merciful embrace, surely my body, heart and soul will be completely cleansed of the actions and reactions of my past life. When our bodies touch, I will immediately stand up with folded hands, with all humility"
- All glories to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose bodily luster is like that of a new cloud, and whose body is as soft as a lotus flower
- All important personalities from different parts of the universe upon beholding Krsna, considered that the Creator had ended all of His craftsmanship in the creation of this particular body of Krsna
- All other incarnations are situated in potential form in the original body of the primeval Lord. Thus according to one's opinion, one may address Him as any one of the incarnations
- All the different forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or visnu-tattva, emanate from the body of Lord Krsna
- All the incarnations and expansions exist simultaneously in the body of Krsna, who is described (in Krsna-sandarbha) as two-handed
- All the revealed scriptures are prepared by the Lord through His incarnation in the body of Srila Vyasadeva just to remind the fallen souls, conditioned by material nature, of Sri Krsna, the Personality of Godhead
- All these transcendental bodies emanated from the body of Krsna, and within a second They all entered again into His body
- All those princesses were lodged in different apartments, and the Lord simultaneously assumed different bodily expansions exactly matching each and every princess. He accepted their hands in perfect rituals by His internal potency
- Although He (Krsna) appears in the same transcendental body and is Lord of the universe, it still appears that He takes His birth like an ordinary living entity. BG 1972 purports
- Although His body does not deteriorate like a material body, it still appears that Lord Krsna grows from childhood to boyhood and from boyhood to youth. But astonishingly enough He never ages beyond youth
- Although Krsna is always as soft as a lotus, within the throat of Bakasura He created a burning sensation of being hotter than fire. Although Krsna's whole body is sweeter than sugar candy, Bakasura tasted bitterness and immediately vomited Krsna up
- Although this (hiding Krsna and divide His personality from His mind or from His body) is sheer ignorance of the science of Krsna, some men make profit out of misleading the people. BG 1972 purports
- Ananda-cin-maya-rasa means that His (Krsna's) body is a transcendental form of eternal bliss and knowledge. Krsna is always surrounded by different potencies, and therefore He is perfect and beautiful
- And Krsna, one, He married, and He was expanded in sixteen thousand forms and features. Now, the feature, the body, is the same, but in different house with different devotees, the exchange of feelings is different. That is called vaibhava-prakasa
- Another devotee once exclaimed, "Although I can achieve liberation simply by serving the devotees, my mind is still very much anxious to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose bodily complexion is just like a dark cloud"
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, not only living animals but even inanimate objects like the rivers and lakes of Vrndavana also become stunned when Krsna passes with peacock feathers on His head and His body smeared with the minerals of Vrndavana"
- Another gopi said, "With leaves and flowers decorating His (Krsnas) body, He looks like some hero. When He plays on His flute and calls the cows with Balarama, the river Yamuna stops flowing and waits for the air to carry dust from His lotus feet"
- Any comparison of the different parts of the Lord's body to different material objects cannot factually be a complete comparison
- Any of the parts of His (Krsna's) ananda-cinmaya body can act for any other part. Such are the inconceivable potencies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Supreme Lord does not need to acquire these potencies; He already has them
- Any person making a distinction between Krsna and Krsna's body is fool number one
- Apparently the serpent named Aghasura, because of having received association with Krsna, attained mukti by entering Krsna's body
- Appearing in bodies like those of an ordinary fish, tortoise and hog, You (Krsna) exhibit activities impossible for such creatures to perform - extraordinary, incomparable, transcendental activities of unlimited power and strength - SB 10.10.35
- Arjuna had some bodily relation with Krsna because the Lord happened to be his maternal cousin. But Bhisma had no such bodily relation. Therefore the cause of attraction was due to the intimate relation of the soul
- Arjuna said: My dear Lord Krsna, I see assembled together in Your body all the demigods and various other living entities. I see Brahma sitting on the lotus flower as well as Lord Siva and many sages and divine serpents. BG 11.15 - 1972
- Artistic painting with sandalwood pulp and colored sandalwood were also to be found on the body of Krsna
- As a fragment of gold is qualitatively the same as a gold reservoir, so the minute particles of Krsna's body are therefore qualitatively as good as Krsna
- As all the demigods looked on, this effulgence (from the body of the gigantic python) entered into Krsna's body - SB 10.12.33
- As far as Krsna's enjoyment is concerned, it is stated that the ornaments which decorated the bodies of Krsna and His queens were beyond the dreams of Kuvera, the treasurer of the heavenly kingdom
- As far as Krsna's ornaments are concerned, when they decorate His body it appears that they do not beautify Him, but the ornaments themselves become beautiful simply by being on His body
- As far as Krsna's transcendental qualities are concerned, they can be divided into three groups: qualities pertaining to His transcendental body, qualities pertaining to His transcendental speech, and qualities pertaining to His transcendental mind
- As for sodasopacara, the sixteen ingredients, one should (8) bathe the Lord, (9) offer garments, (10) decorate the Lord’s body with ornaments, (11) offer sweet scents, (12) offer flowers with good fragrance, like the rose or campaka
- As for the ointment on His (Krsna's) body, the pulp of sandalwood generally appeared to be white, and when it was mixed with saffron dye it appeared to be yellow
- As in your body so much subtle energies are working, just imagine this universal body of Krsna, virat-rupa, how much subtle energies are working and there. So that we do not know. That is our ignorance
- As soon as Krsna came out of the mouth of the demon (Aghasura) with His calves and friends, that glittering effulgent light immediately merged into the body of Krsna within the vision of all the demigods
- As the sun disc and the sunshine cannot be separated, Krsna and His bodily rays, the brahmajyoti, cannot be separated. Thus Krsna claims that the brahmajyoti is He Himself. This is clearly stated in the Hari-vamsa, when Krsna says aham sah
- At no time is there a distinction between the body and the soul of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His personal identity and His body are made of blissful spiritual energy. There is no distinction between them
- At that time the tip of His (Krsna's) nose defeated the beauty of sesame flowers, the luster of His cheeks defeated the glow of pearls, and the two sides of His body were exquisitely beautiful
- At that time the tip of His (Krsna) nose defeated the beauty of the sesame flowers, the luster of His cheeks defeated the glow of pearls, and the two sides of His body were exquisitely beautiful
- At that time, therefore, Lord Visnu is present in the body of Lord Krsna, and Lord Krsna kills the demons through Him
- At the time of devastation, the entire cosmos enters Krsna's body. But now this transcendental form has taken birth from my (Devaki) womb. People will not be able to believe this, and I shall become an object of ridicule - SB 10.3.31
- At this age, Krsna once dressed Himself up exactly like Radharani, just to create fun among His friends. He put on golden earrings; and because He was blackish, He smeared the pulp of kunkum all over His body in order to become as fair as She
- At this point we may ask how it is that Krsna can remember and we cannot, and the answer is that Krsna does not change His body - BG 4.6
- Austerity in the form of meditation is My (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) heart, Vedic knowledge in the form of hymns and mantras constitutes My body, and spiritual activities and ecstatic emotions are My actual form
- Balarama is a svamsa expansion of the Lord, and therefore there is no difference in potency between Krsna and Balarama. The only difference is in Their bodily structure
- Banasura appeared before Lord Krsna, who was seated on His chariot, with different kinds of weapons in his one thousand hands. Very much agitated, Banasura splashed his different weapons upon the body of Lord Krsna like torrents of rain
- Because Krsna had increased the size of His body, the demon (Aghasura) extended his own body to a very large size. Nonetheless, his breathing stopped, he suffocated, and his eyes rolled here and there and popped out - SB 10.12.31
- Because Krsna hasn't got this temporary body, therefore He is not suffering from these things (disease, old age and etc.). Therefore Krsna, you will see always, young man. You will never see Krsna's picture as old man, because He is eternal body
- Because Krsna is not changing body, therefore He has no past, present, future. Those who are changing body, they have got past, present, future
- Because Lord Siva is nothing but Krsna's functional body, we should therefore offer respects to Lord Siva. Similarly, we should offer respects to Brahma, Agni and Surya
- Because the body of the Supreme Lord is full of knowledge, it needs no covering. The idea that Krsna's body is like ours - in other words, that His body and soul are different - is a misunderstanding
- Because the commentators do not know this science of Krsna, they hide Krsna and divide His personality from His mind or from His body. Although this is sheer ignorance of the science of Krsna, some men make profit out of misleading people
- Because the Personality of Godhead and His expanded bodies are always full of knowledge, bliss and eternity, they are always free from the eighteen kinds of material contaminations
- Being captivated by the beautiful features of Krsna & Balarama, Their talking, Their smiling, Their glancing & Their other activities, the hunchbacked woman began to smear all the pulp of sandalwood over Their bodies with great satisfaction and devotion
- Being in touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he (a devotee) is situated on the transcendental platform. Thus having attained knowledge and the spiritual platform, he always engages in the service of the spiritual body of Krsna
- Being the greatest authority, the Supreme Lord can easily allow many millions of living entities to merge into His body
- Bhisma was piercing His body; the blood was coming out. Still how it is pleasing? So that has been explained by Visvanatha Cakravarti that when a lover is kissing and biting, that is also pleasure
- Bhismadeva played the part of a valiant warrior, and he purposely pierced the body of the Lord so that to the common eyes it appeared that the Lord was wounded, but factually all this was to bewilder the nondevotees
- Bhismadeva's piercing of the body of Lord Krsna is a sort of bewildering problem for the nondevotee atheist, but those who are devotees, or liberated souls, are not bewildered
- Both He Himself and His body are complete spiritual identity. Spirit is never pierced, burnt, dried, moistened, etc. This is vividly explained in the Bhagavad-gita. So also it is stated in the Skanda Purana
- Both the gopis and Krsna forgot their real identities, playing in the water, enjoying each other's company and relieving the fatigue of rasa dancing. The gopis began to splash water on the body of Krsna, all the while smiling, and Krsna enjoyed this
- Brahma said, "In the Bhagavad-gita also it is stated that You are the source of the Brahman effulgence. No one should conclude that Your body is like an ordinary material body. Your body is aksara, indestructible"
- Brahma said, "It is to be understood that when I, Lord Brahma, the supreme personality of this universe, cannot estimate the childlike body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then what to speak of others?"
- Brahma said, "Krsna, the cosmic manifestation that we are visualizing at present is all within Your body. Yet I am seeing You outside, and You are also seeing me outside. How can such things happen without being influenced by Your inconceivable energy?"
- Brahma said, "Nondevotees are cheated because they consider You to be a material creation. Actually, You have assumed this body, exactly resembling an ordinary cowherd boy, simply to increase the devotion and transcendental bliss of Your devotees"
- Brahma said, "That is Your transcendental quality: You are very affectionate toward Your devotees. But in spite of Your great affection for me, I cannot estimate the potency of Your bodily activities"
- Brahma said, "The material body is always full of threefold miseries, but Your body is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha: (BS 5.1) full of bliss, knowledge and eternality"
- Brahma said, "There is so much difference between Your body and mine that I cannot estimate the potency of Your body. As I have already stated in the Brahma-samhita, Your body is not material"
- Brahma said, "This temporary existence of the material world appears to be pleasing and dear on account of its having evolved from Your body, which is eternal and full of bliss and knowledge"
- Brahma, the firstborn living being, is born out of the abdominal lotus flower of the Maha-Visnu plenary expansion of Lord Krsna. The abdominal lotus flower is part of the Lord's bodily limbs, and Brahma is born out of the lotus flower
- Brahman is revealed to be the glaring effulgence of the body of Lord Krsna
- By crawling He (child Krsna) used to go to the cowshed and catch one calf's tail, and the calf will drag Him and smear His body in cow dung. He enjoyed it
- By the glaring effulgence of the rays of the body of Krsna, yasya prabha prabhavato, there are innumerable universes. We cannot study even one universal position, but we get information from this Brahma-samhita that there are innumerable universes
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said, "Any rascal" - of course, "rascal" he did not say; I say - that. "Anyone who considers the body of Krsna is prakrta" - prakrta means material - that is the greatest offense
- Caitanya says "Stricken by these three beauties (Krsna's body, face and smile), My mind goes into convulsions"
- Caitanya says, "Madhavendra Puri smeared the sandalwood pulp over the body of Gopinatha, and in this way he was overpowered with love of Godhead"
- Damodara Gosvami said, "Krsna is the master of all transcendental mellows and the taster of all transcendental mellows, and His body is composed of transcendental bliss"
- Despite the transcendental qualities of Lord Krsna's body, its full bliss and knowledge, there are many so-called scholars and commentators of Bhagavad-gita who deride Krsna as an ordinary man
- Despite the transcendental qualities of Lord Krsna's body, its full bliss and knowledge, there are many so-called scholars and commentators of Bhagavad-gita who deride Krsna as an ordinary man. BG 1972 purports
- Devotees (who always think favorably of Krsna as their master or friend) must attain a situation better than Brahmaloka, the impersonal bodily effulgence of Krsna
- Different names of the Lord were applied with cow dung on twelve different parts of His (Krsna's) body, beginning with the forehead, as done in applying tilaka. In this way, the child was given protection - SB 10.6.20
- Dressed in yellow, His (Krsna's) body blackish like a dense cloud, His scattered hair fully grown, and His helmet and earrings sparkling uncommonly with the valuable gem Vaidurya - SB 10.3.9-10
- Entering the body of Krsna is called sayujya-mukti, but Aghasura, like Dantavakra and others, received sarupya-mukti. This has been broadly described by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura with references from the Vaisnava-tosani of Srila Jiva Gosvami
- Even a person who thinks of Krsna as an enemy and is killed by Him may be liberated by becoming one with the body of Krsna. What then must be the destination of devotees who always think favorably of Krsna as their master or friend?
- Even in the material world His Lordship retains His spiritual identity; therefore Lord Krsna exhibited all opulences even in His childhood body. There is no distinction between the body and the soul of Krsna
- Every other living entity is forced to accept a certain type of body by his previous actions. But when Krsna appears, He always appears in a body that is not forced upon Him by the action of His past deeds
- Every part of Their (Krsna's cowherd boy and calf expansions') bodies, from Their feet to the top of Their heads, was fully decorated with fresh, tender garlands of tulasi leaves offered by devotees - SB 10.13.49
- Factually, when the Supreme Personality of Godhead comes He exhibits a nonmaterial body, and thus there is no difference between His childish body when He is lying on the lap of His mother Yasoda and His so-called grown-up body fighting with the demons
- Finally the Lord showed Nityananda Prabhu His two-armed form of Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda, simply playing on His flute, His bluish body dressed in yellow garments
- For instance, Krsna's nice dress, the all-auspicious symptoms on His body, His strongly-built body, His knowledge of different languages, His learned teachings in the Bhagavad-gita
- For Krsna, there is no past & present & future. That means His body is different from Arjuna's. Because He knows. Why I forget? Because I have got this material body. And Krsna does not forget, therefore He has no material body. It is natural conclusion
- Friend of Nanda Maharaja pointed out the auspicious signs on the body of Krsna to the boy's foster father
- From the Bhagavad-gita we understand that because Krsna has a sac-cid-ananda body, He did not forget instructing the sun-god about the Bhagavad-gita millions of years ago
- Gaurasundara here (in CC Madhya 8.288) informed Sri Ramananda Raya - when I come in touch with Srimati Radharani I become fair-complexioned externally. Srimati Radharani does not touch the body of anyone but Krsna
- Generally, there are four kinds of garments on the body of Krsna: His shirt, turban, belt and wearing garments
- Govinda can impregnate simply by glancing. In other words, His eyes can work as His genitals. He does not need genitals to beget a child. Indeed, Krsna can beget any one of the living entities with any part of His body
- Grandfather Bhisma was very severely piercing Krsna's body with arrows, and Krsna was enjoying. That is the relationship between Krsna and His devotees. Krsna can be worshiped, Krsna can be loved, by any capacity
- He (Brahma) saw that all of them were emanating from the body of Krsna and, after a second, also entering into His body. Lord Brahma became struck with wonder
- He (Krsna) does not possess bodily form like that of an ordinary living entity. There is no difference between His body and His soul. He is absolute. All His senses are transcendental (Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.7-8). BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) is advaita, which means there is no distinction between His body and Himself. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) is known as Govinda, and His eyes are very enchanting. He is playing upon His flute, and on His head there is a peacock feather. And His whole body is illuminated by the moonlight in the sky
- He (Krsna) is not visible to the foolish persons who deride Him. Krsna's body, as confirmed by Brahma-samhita and confirmed by Himself in Bhagavad-gita, is completely spiritual and full of bliss and eternality. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) would wear flower garlands, smear His body with the pulp of sandalwood and decorate Himself with similar cosmetics and ornaments. It is said that the ornaments themselves became beautiful upon being placed on the transcendental body of the Lord
- He (Lord Krsna) is completely spiritual, and therefore there is no difference between His body and His soul. Similarly, He is not different from His millions of incarnations and plenary expansions
- He began to expand His body, and when the serpent (Kaliya) tried to hold Him, he felt a great strain. On account of the strain, his coils slackened, and he had no alternative but to let loose the Personality of Godhead, Krsna, from his grasp
- He can assume so small body. Just like Pariksit Maharaja, when he was within the womb of his mother, attacked by the atomic energy, so Krsna entered the womb of his mother and saved him. Just imagine how small He became
- He immediately came before Krsna. Kaliya saw that Krsna was indeed worth seeing because His body was so beautiful and delicate; its color resembled that of a cloud, and His feet resembled lotus flowers
- Her (Radharani's) reputation as the best of all Krsna's girlfriends is the stringed instrument She plays. When Krsna stands in His youthful posture, She puts Her hand on His shoulder
- His (Krsna's) bodily beauty possesses mind-attracting splendor greater than the jewels known as marakata-mani (emeralds)
- His (Krsna's) body is a vehicle for His transcendental pleasure pastimes, which are enacted by His internal potency. He has no obligation to the laws of karma
- His (Krsna's) body is anointed with aromatic substances like musk, camphor, sandalwood and aguru
- His (Krsna's) body is called here (in BG 9.11) manusim because He is acting just like a man, a friend of Arjuna's, a politician involved in the Battle of Kuruksetra. BG 1972 purports
- His (Krsna's) body is distinct from our body. Our this body is not eternal within the history. When this body is created by the father and mother, there is a date, beginning. And when this body is finished, annihilated, there is another date
- His (Krsna's) body is never like a material body. But for some who make a study of Krsna by reading Bhagavad-gita or similar Vedic scriptures, Krsna is a problem. BG 1972 purports
- His (Krsna's) body is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (Bs. 5.1), completely spiritual. There is no material contamination in His body, and one should not consider His body a lump of flesh and bones
- His (Krsna's) body is the source of everything that be, the reservoir of all beauties beyond our experience
- His (Krsna's) body manifested in the material world is transcendental par excellence in the sense that His pastimes in the mortal world excel His mercy displayed in the Vaikunthalokas
- His (Krsna's) chest is just like a doorway, His hips are dens, and the middle of His body is a terrace
- His (Krsna's) transcendental form is the most attractive in all the worlds-His eyes are like the lotus petals and the color of His body like clouds. He is so attractive that His beauty excels that of thousands of cupids. BG 1972 purports
- His (Krsna) beauty is victorious over the gopis of Vrndavana, and it subdues their patience. His pastimes astound the goddess of fortune, and His bodily strength turns Govardhana Hill into a small toy like a ball
- His (Lord Krsna) blackish bodily hue appears just like the indranila jewel. There are reddish signs on His eyes, and small soft hairs are coming out on His body. The appearance of these symptoms has made Him extraordinarily beautiful
- His (Sukadeva) collarbone was fleshy, his chest broad and thick, his navel deep and his abdomen beautifully striped. His arms were long, and curly hair was strewn over his beautiful face. He was naked, and the hue of his body reflected that of Lord Krsna
- His body is cooler than the moon, sandalwood, the lotus flower and camphor. In this way, Madana-mohana, the attractor of Cupid, is increasing the desire of My breasts
- How is it possible that He (Krsna) would leave His body and then disappear from the vision of the world
- How was it possible for Sisupala and Dantavakra in the presence of many exalted persons, to enter very easily into the body of Krsna, whose nature is difficult to attain
- I shall relate the supreme meditation upon Lord Sri Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja. The tips of the toes of His lotus feet reflect the beauty of the bodies of unlimited millions of Cupids, and His bodily luster has never been seen or heard of anywhere
- If a person's eyes even once capture that beautiful body of Krsna, it remains always prominent within his heart
- If I (Brahma) cannot estimate the spiritual potency of Your childlike body, then what can I understand about Your transcendental pastimes?
- If I close my eyes, I cannot see with my ears. But about the Supreme Personality of Godhead it is said that He can see with His ears, He can see with His hand, and He can hear with His hand. He can do anything from any part of His body. That is spiritual
- If it is accepted that when He comes to the material world He (Krsna) accepts a material body, it should be concluded also that because the material energy is not different from Him, this body does not act materially
- If one by chance sees his (one who considers the body of Krsna to be material) face, he should at once take bath in the Ganges to rid himself of infection. BG 1972 purports
- If one in pure transcendental love for Krsna wants personal association and the touch of His transcendental body, he can also gain that benediction from His hand
- If one thinks, "This mountain is the bone of Krsna," or if one thinks of the vast Pacific Ocean as Krsna's navel, one is in Krsna consciousness. Similarly, one may think of the trees and plants as the hairs on Krsna's body
- If we (the elder gopis) keep our stock of yogurt, butter and milk in a solitary dark place, your Krsna and Balarama find it in the darkness by the glaring effulgence of the ornaments and jewels on Their bodies
- If we become Krsna conscious, we will not get another material body after leaving this body. We will go home, back to Godhead, and attain our original, spiritual body, which is the same kind of beautiful body that Krsna, Narayana, has
- If we misunderstand Krsna and take Him to be a human being like us, we become mudhas, fools. Krsna's body is not composed of material elements like ours, and if we think this way, we are mistaken
- If we simply think of only this one verse, which describes Krsna's body with reference to the lotus, we can meditate our whole life on how beautiful Krsna is, how wise Krsna is, and how Krsna manifests His creation. This is meditation - thinking of Krsna
- If you are thinking of your pet dog, then you get the dog's body. And if you are thinking of Krsna, God, then you'll get the body like Krsna. That will be decided at the time of your death
- If you become anxious to have a body like Krsna, that is also ready. Now it is your choice. If you like, you take the body of a fish, or if you like, you take the body of sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (Bs. 5.1), eternal, blissful knowledge
- If you change your body, then you forget. But Krsna remembers. That means Krsna does not change His body. That is another argument
- If you study, if you take information from Vedic literature, if you attentively think over it, you'll very easily understand that everything is produced out of Krsna's bodily effulgence or energy
- In another version, the last line of this verse (of CC Antya 19.95) reads kamadevera mana kaila curi. This means - the scent of all these substances mixes with the previous scent of Krsna’s body and steals away the mind of Cupid
- In BG it is confirmed that one who worships the demigods is in fact only worshiping Krsna because the demigods are but different parts of the body of Visnu, or Krsna. That such worship of demigods is irregular is also stated in BG 7.20-23, BG 9.23
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord condemned the material conception of Krsna's body which arises because He is apparently present like a man
- In Bhagavad-gita, it is clearly stated that only fools and rascals, mudhas, consider the body of Krsna to be the body of a common human being
- In Dvapara-yuga the people's occupational duty was to worship the lotus feet of Krsna. Therefore Lord Krsna, appearing in a blackish body, personally induced people to worship Him
- In great stupidity, Rukmi stood before Krsna, telling Him repeatedly, "Stop for a minute and fight with me!" After saying this he drew his bow and directly shot three forceful arrows against Krsna's body. Then he condemned Krsna
- In His (Krsna's) childhood body He also fought with demons, such as Putana, Trnavarta and Aghasura, with strength equal to that with which He fought in His youth against demons like Dantavakra and Sisupala
- In his dream, Madhavendra Puri saw Gopala, who said, "My bodily temperature still has not decreased. Please bring sandalwood from the Malaya province and smear the pulp over My body to cool Me"
- In krsna-karnamrta, His (Krsna's) face, smile and bodily luster have been described as sweet, sweeter and sweetest
- In other Dvapara-yugas, previous to Lord Krsna’s appearance, the Supreme Lord appeared in a greenish body by His own personal expansion. This is mentioned in the Visnu Purana, Hari-vamsa and Mahabharata
- In so many ways He (Krsna) is acting just like an ordinary man, but actually His body is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha-eternal bliss and knowledge absolute. This is confirmed in the Vedic language also (sac-cid-ananda-rupaya krsnaya). BG 1972 purports
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam, Third Canto, Fourth Chapter, verses 28 and 29, there is a description of Krsna's leaving His body
- In that gigantic pot my body is of insignificant measurement, and even though one of the many universes is created by me, innumerable universes are coming and going from the pores of Your body, just as atomic particles are seen flickering in the sunlight
- In that portion of the Vedic literature, Krsna informs Arjuna, "My dear Arjuna, the glaring effulgence, the transcendental light you are seeing, is My bodily rays. O chief of the descendants of Bharata, this brahmajyoti is I Myself"
- In the beginning of His (Krsna's) kaisora age - there are reddish borders around His eyes, and a growth of soft hairs on His body
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord clearly says that whenever He appears He does so by His internal potency; He is not forced to accept a body by the laws of karma, like an ordinary living entity
- In the Brahma-samhita also, the color of Krsna's body is compared to that of a bluish cloud. The color of the Lord is not poetical imagination
- In the Brahma-samhita it is stated that the body of the Lord is all-spiritual; there is no difference between the Lord’s body and His self. Each limb of His body can perform the actions of all the others
- In the Brahma-samhita, the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is described as ananda-cinmaya-rasa. The Supreme Personality of Godhead possesses a spiritual body, not a material body
- In the Brhad-vaisnava mantra it is clearly stated that one who considers the body of Krsna to be material should be driven out from all rituals and activities of the sruti. BG 1972 purports
- In the material world, there is no conception of absolute; however, when we come to Krsna consciousness we find that there is no material difference between Krsna’s body and His names, activities and entourage
- In the middle kaumara age, the upper portion of Krsna's hair falls around His eyes. Sometimes He is covered with cloth around the lower part of His body, and sometimes He is completely naked
- In the sastra we understand, yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda-koti (BS 5.40). Yasya prabha. The rays of Krsna's body, when it is expanded, brahma-jyoti, within that brahma-jyoti there are innumerable universes
- In the solar, the sun planet, you cannot go there. But Krsna can go there. That is Krsna; that is God. Because Krsna is not like us, neither His body is like us
- In this connection (Krsna thought of making His own body disappear), Sukadeva Gosvami described how the Lord gave up His body. But this was not the destruction of Krsna's body; rather, it was the disappearance of the Supreme Lord by His personal energy
- In this verse (SB 3.4.29) the word tyaksyan is very significant in relation to Lord Sri Krsna's leaving His body. Since He is the eternal form of existence, knowledge and bliss, His body and His Self are identical
- In this verse He (Lord Krsna) is described as the original source of everything, even our body, senses, mind, activities, prowess, bodily strength, mental strength and determination for securing the necessities of life
- In this way Lord Krsna confirmed the statement of the Brahma-samhita that every limb of His body is capable of doing everything He likes
- In this way the sandalwood pulp was smeared over the body of Gopinatha until the whole stock was finished. Madhavendra Puri stayed there until that time
- In Vrndavana, He used to put on reddish garments, with a golden shirt on His body & an orange colored turban on His head. The different kinds of belts, combined with His enchanting smile, used to always increase the transcendental bliss of His associates
- Indirectly it is said that the whole Vedic social construction of human society is so made that everyone acts as a part and parcel of the complete body of the Lord
- Intelligent persons can see God in His personal form, but if one is very eager to see God immediately, face to face, he can see the Supreme Lord through this description, which portrays the various internal and external parts of His body
- Isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah (BS 5.1): Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has an eternal, blissful spiritual body
- It (The Absolute Truth) gives all spiritual success and liberation from this material world. That Supreme Absolute Truth is Krsna, Vasudeva. There is no difference between Krsna's inner self and outward body
- It appears that Bhismadeva is repenting the actions he committed against the person of the Lord. But factually the Lord's body was not at all pained, due to His transcendental existence. His body is not matter
- It bewilders their nostrils, loosens their belts and hair, and makes them madwomen. All the women of the world come under its influence, and therefore the scent of Krsna's body is like a plunderer
- It is ascertained that the spiritual bodies in the Vaikunthalokas, either of the Lord or of the other inhabitants, are completely distinct from the material bodies of this world
- It is confirmed by the statement of Brahma-samhita that the Brahman effulgence is the bodily ray of Krsna; the Brahman effulgence is simply an exhibition of the energy of Krsna
- It is not possible to go to Krsna unless one attains a body like Krsna's, a sac-cid-ananda-vigraha body, a body full of eternity, knowledge and bliss
- It is not that the impersonal Brahman is denied; it is also described, but that Brahman is revealed to be the glaring effulgence of the body of Lord Krsna - CC Intro
- It is said that Krsna has a sac-cid-ananda body - isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah (Bs. 5.1) - and we also have a similar body of eternity, knowledge, and bliss, but it is very small and is covered by the dress of matter
- It was seen by everyone in the assembly that a light flashed out of the body of the King of Cedi and merged into the body of Lord Krsna. This means that Cediraja achieved the salvation of attaining oneness with the Supreme
- Its limbs were so beautiful that they increased the beauty of the ornaments worn on different parts of His body
- Kalayavana saw Him, in His Visnu form, with a well-built body, four hands, and eyes like the petals of a newly blooming lotus
- King Nrga said, "Your (Krsna's) body is full of transcendental bliss & knowledge, & You are eternal. You are the master of all mystic powers; therefore You are known as Yogesvara. Kindly accept me as an insignificant particle of dust at Your lotus feet"
- Krishna has genitals certainly. It is said that He has eternal, blissful Body, full of knowledge. So when He has got a body, He must have all the parts of a body. But we should not consider that His parts of the body are the same as ours
- Krsna addressed Pradyumna, "You can look straight at Me, and you can place your hands on My body without any hesitation"
- Krsna also possesses five other qualities, which are manifest in the body of Narayana, and they are listed as follows: 56) He has inconceivable potency. 57) Uncountable universes generate from His body. 58) He is the original source of all incarnations
- Krsna appears in this material world in His original eternal form, with two hands, holding a flute. He appears exactly in His eternal body, uncontaminated by this material world. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna as a boy continued, "Please construct a temple on top of that hill, and install Me in that temple. After this, wash Me with large quantities of cold water so that My body may be cleansed"
- Krsna comes just to save the pious and the righteous and to vanquish the impious. These are stated in the Bhagavad-gita. Therefore natural conclusion is that, His potencies, His body and His activities - everything spiritual. There is nothing material
- Krsna does not desire to be worshiped indirectly through the different parts of His body; Krsna wants direct devotional worship
- Krsna has a bluish complexion, a peacock feather on His head, a gunja garland and the decorations of a cowherd boy. His body is curved in three places, and He holds a flute to His mouth
- Krsna has been embracing Srimati Radharani, and the kunkuma powder on Her breasts has mixed with the garland of kunda flowers decorating His body. The fragrance of the garland has scented the entire atmosphere
- Krsna has body, but not a body like us. That is stated in the Vedas. He has no eyes, but He sees. Then what is that seeing power? That means He has got a different type of eyes
- Krsna has no false ego, for He does not identify Himself with the false and temporary body. His body is always eternal; He descends to this world in His own original, spiritual body. This is explained in Bhagavad-gita as param bhavam
- Krsna has no past, present, or future, because He does not change His body. That is the difference between ourselves and Krsna
- Krsna has no such bodily conception, nor is His body different from His self. Therefore, since Krsna has no material conception of life, how can He be affected by material prayers and accusations
- Krsna immediately got up, but the elephant, thinking that He was still lying down, tried to push an ivory tusk through the body of Krsna by forcibly stabbing it into the ground
- Krsna is not an ordinary human being; He is Absolute Truth. His body, mind and He Himself are one and absolute. It is stated in the Kurma Purana. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is present in everyone's heart, localized. This is impersonal expansion. Just like sunshine is impersonal expansion of the sun rays, so similarly, Brahman effulgence is the impersonal expansion of Krsna's bodily rays
- Krsna is purna, the complete whole. There is no distinction between His body and soul as there is between ours
- Krsna is sometimes called vanamali. Vana means forest and mali means gardener, so vanamali refers to one who extensively uses flowers and garlands on different parts of His body
- Krsna is the only purusa. But Krsna is not a purusa like us. We are within the prakrti. He is beyond the prakrti. Therefore His body is not material
- Krsna is the original source of everything and the sum total of everything. He appears as the supreme youth, and His whole body is composed of spiritual bliss. He is the shelter of everything and master of everyone
- Krsna is the source of the impersonal Brahman is confirmed in Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38). The impersonal Brahman is nothing but the effulgence or bodily rays of Krsna, and in those bodily rays there are innumerable universes floating
- Krsna is the supreme controller (isvarah paramah krsnah). and His body is sac-cid-ananda, nonmaterial
- Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and we have several times explained that His body is not material, but is eternal, blissful knowledge. This kind of talk about Krsna will help one become a devotee. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna may meditate on Himself because He is the complete whole, but we cannot imitate Him and meditate on ourselves. Our body is a designation superimposed upon our self, the soul. Krsna's body is not a designation: Krsna's body is also Krsna
- Krsna once dressed Himself up exactly like Radharani, just to create fun among His friends. He put on golden earrings, and because He was blackish, He smeared the pulp of kunkuma all over His body in order to become as fair as She
- Krsna says that, "This philosophy of Bhagavad-gita I spoke to the sun-god, some forty millions of years ago." How He remembers? Because He does not change His body. This is simple fact
- Krsna wanted to experience the role of Srimati Radharani; that is the original cause of His assuming the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore pure Vaisnavas never disturb Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s conception of being Srimati Radharani
- Krsna was also garlanded with flowers and painted with different colored minerals collected from the caves of Govardhana Hill. Govardhana Hill is always famous for supplying natural red oxides, and Krsna and His friends painted their bodies with them
- Krsna was beautiful because every part of His body was perfectly arranged without any defect. Such perfect bodily features of Krsna are described as follows
- Krsna's age, His transcendental bodily features, His beauty, and His mildness are qualities pertaining to His body
- Krsna's and Balarama's bodies were smeared with the pulp of sandalwood. Akrura greatly appreciated the aroma of the flowers and sandalwood and Their bodily presence
- Krsna's bodily luster shines like the indranila gem and surpasses the luster of the tamala tree
- Krsna's body and my body is the same. If He has become God, so why shall not I become God? But that is not possible. His body is transcendental; your body is not transcendental
- Krsna's body is a city of attractive features, and it is sweeter than sweet. His face, which is like the moon, is sweeter still. And the supremely sweet gentle smile on that moonlike face is like rays of moonshine
- Krsna's body is a symbol of complete knowledge and bliss
- Krsna's body is described herewith (in SB 7.1.25) as kaivalya, nondifferent from Himself. Since everyone has a material bodily conception of life, if Krsna had such a conception what would be the difference between Krsna and the conditioned soul
- Krsna's body is eternal: He existed before the material manifestation, He is existing while the material manifestation is continuing, and when it will be dissolved, He will continue to exist. Therefore only Krsna can be accepted as the Absolute Truth
- Krsna's body is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), or ananda-cinmaya-rasa-vigraha. That is, any of the parts of His ananda-cinmaya body can act for any other part. Such are the inconceivable potencies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Krsna's body is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (Bs. 5.1). It has nothing to do with anything material. He descends as a favor to His devotees, who are always anxious to see Him
- Krsna's body resembles the sap of the mango tree, for when it enters the minds of women, it will not come out, despite great endeavor. Thus Krsna's extraordinary body is like a thorn of the seya berry tree
- Krsna's different expansions - namely Narayana, the quadruple expansion of Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha, as well as partial plenary expansions like Matsya, the incarnation of a fish - combine together and appear with the body of Krsna
- Krsna's eyes, navel and face, hands and feet are like eight lotus flowers on His body. From those eight lotuses emanates a fragrance like a mixture of camphor and lotus. That is the scent associated with His body
- Krsna's kaisora age can be divided into three parts. In the beginning of His kaisora age - that is, at the beginning of His eleventh year, the luster of His body becomes so bright that it becomes an impetus for ecstatic love
- Krsna's perfect bodily features are described as follows: "My dear enemy of Kamsa, Your broad eyes, Your rising chest, Your two pillar-like arms and the thin middle portion of Your body are always enchanting to every lotus-eyed beautiful girl"
- Krsna, as Garbhodakasayi Visnu, is within the gigantic universe, and He is lying in the Causal Ocean as Maha-Visnu, in a body so gigantic that when He exhales, millions and trillions of universes emanate from His body
- Krsna, is identified with lotus flower in so many places. His navel is like lotus flower, His eyes are like lotus flower, His feet, lotus feet. So lotus is the comparison of the beauty of different limbs or parts of the body, transcendental body of Krsna
- Krsna, is not subjected to such changes of body, and one who thinks otherwise is considered a fool
- Krsna, who is known as Govinda, is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal, blissful, spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin, and He is the prime cause of all causes
- Krsna’s face is considered the king of moons, and His body is considered the throne. All the other candras (moons) are considered to be subordinate moons
- Krsna’s transcendental sweetness attracted His (Caitanya's) tongue, and Krsna’s bodily touch attracted the Lord’s sensation of touch
- Kundalata said, "My dear friend, I have just seen an extraordinary beauty appearing in the person of Krsna. His blackish bodily hue appears just like the indranila jewel"
- Kundalata said, "There are reddish signs on His (Krsna's) eyes, and small soft hairs are coming out on His body. The appearance of these symptoms has made Him extraordinarily beautiful"
- Kuntidevi describes all the parts of Krsna's body with reference to lotus flowers, so that as soon as one sees a lotus flower one will immediately think of Krsna
- Lalita said: "Standing with His right foot placed below the knee of His left leg, the middle of His body curved in three places, and His neck gracefully tilted to the side, Krsna takes His flute to His pursed lips and moves His fingers upon it"
- Last and ultimate feature is Krsna's personal body, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah. Vigrahah means form. That form is not like ours. That is sat, cit, ananda
- Learned scholar say, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose bodily complexion is just like a bluish, new-grown lotus flower, whose body is very delicate and whose lotus eyes are surrounded by scattered hair as black as bees"
- Lord Caitanya said, “This disease of Mine is caused by the personal features of Lord Krsna. The three elements are the beauty of Krsna’s body, the beauty of His face, and the beauty of His smile"
- Lord Krsna is Narayana, the father of Brahma, because Lord Krsna's plenary expansion Garbhodakasayi Visnu, after placing Himself on the Garbha Ocean, created Brahma from His own body
- Lord Krsna, the son of Nanda Maharaja, is advaya-jnana; in other words, there is no distinction between His body and His soul, for His existence is completely spiritual
- Lord Krsna, who awards the impersonalist the pleasure of Brahman realization by His bodily effulgence, also gives pleasure to the devotees as the S. P. of Godhead. Those under the spell of the external energy, maya, take Him only as a beautiful child
- Lord Siva continued: "My dear Lord (Krsna), since You are manifested universally, the different parts of the universe are the different parts of Your body, and by Your inconceivable potency You can simultaneously be both localized and universal"
- Lord Siva said, "The impersonal feature of Your (Krsna's) supreme body is conceived of in this way, but You are ultimately the Supreme Person"
- Lord Siva said, "The impersonal feature of Your (Krsna's) supreme body is only a small expansion of Your energy. You are likened to the original fire, and Your expansions are its light and heat"
- Lord Siva said, "The ocean is Your (Krsna's) abdomen, and the King of heaven, Indra, is Your arm. Trees and plants are the hairs on Your body, the clouds are the hair on Your head, and Lord Brahma is Your intelligence"
- Madhavendra Puri said, "Smear the body of Gopinatha with this camphor and sandalwood I have brought for Gopala in Vrndavana. Do this regularly every day"
- Mayavadi philosophers who aspire to merge with the body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as well as demoniac persons who are killed by Krsna, such as Kamsa and Sisupala, enter that Brahman effulgence
- Mayavadi philosophy means they accept Krsna as God, but He has assumed a body which is given by this material nature, as it is given to us. That is their policy. They count Krsna an ordinary man, on the same level. But that is not a fact
- Mayavadis believe that Krsna has a body made of material elements and that the activities of loving service to Krsna are sentimentality
- Mother Yasoda chanted different names of Visnu to protect child Krsna’s different bodily parts. Mother Yasoda was firmly convinced that she should protect her child from different kinds of evil spirits and ghosts
- Mother Yasoda then addressed Nanda Maharaj, "See my dear son, whose eyes are white, who has a turban on His head, a wrapper on His body and leg bells which tinkle very sweetly on His feet"
- Mother Yasoda told Krsna, "My dear Krsna, do You think that You are a street boy? You have no home? Please come back to Your home! I see that Your body has become very dirty from playing since early morning. Now come home and take Your bath"
- Mother Yasoda told Krsna: My dear son, because of playing all day, Your body has become covered with dust and sand. Therefore, come back, take Your bath and cleanse Yourself - SB 10.11.18
- My dear friend, the luster of Krsna's body is more brilliant than that of a newly formed cloud, and His yellow dress is more attractive than newly arrived lightning
- My dear friend, the scent of Krsna's body enchants the entire world. It especially enters the nostrils of women and remains seated there. Thus it captures them and forcibly brings them to Krsna
- My dear Lord, I must admit that due to Your bodily effulgence, unbearable to my eyes, I cannot see You properly. I can fully realize that the influence of Your effulgence has diminished my power
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: In the material existence there is a difference between the body and the owner of the body, but because You (Krsna) appear in Your original spiritual body, there is no such difference for You
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: They (Krsna's bodies) are always full of the transcendental potencies of unlimited opulence, strength, beauty, fame, wisdom and renunciation
- Nanda & mother Yasoda are the eternal father & mother of Krsna. This means that whenever Krsna descends, Nanda & Yasoda, as well as Vasudeva & Devaki, also descend as the Lord's father & mother. Their personalities are expansions of Krsna's personal body
- Narayana, the four primary expansions (Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna & Aniruddha), Matsya & the other lila incarnations, the yuga-avataras, the manv-antara incarnations and as many other incarnations as there are - all descend in the body of Lord Krsna
- Nivrtta-dvaita-drstaye: in our conditioned life our bodies have different parts, but although Krsna apparently has different bodily parts, no part of His body is different from any other part. Krsna can see with His eyes, & Krsna can see without His eyes
- No one can estimate the inconceivable potency of Krsna. All the Brahmas who were there were resting in the one body of Krsna
- No one can even count how many waves there are, and similarly no one can count how many incarnations are coming from the Lord's (Krsna's) body
- Nondevotee impersonalists think that Krsna has a body made of this material nature and that all His activities, His form and everything, are maya. These impersonalists are known as Mayavadi. They do not know the ultimate truth. BG 1972 purports
- None of them (Krsna's ornaments) are made of material ingredients; otherwise there would be no chance of their decorating the body of the Lord. As such, in the paravyoma, spiritual varieties are also distinguished from the material variegatedness
- Nor is there any difference between the action of one part of His body & that of another. His hands can act as His legs, His eyes can act as His ears, or His nose can act as another part of His body. Krsna's smelling & eating & hearing are all the same
- Not only Krsna's body, anyone who lives in the spiritual world, his body is spiritual body, and spiritual body means sac, cit, ananda. Sat means eternal. Spiritual body never annihilates. The material body annihilates
- O Arjuna, whatever you wish to see, behold at once in this body of Mine! This universal form can show you whatever you now desire to see and whatever you may want to see in the future
- O King, at the Rajasuya sacrifice, Maharaja Yudhisthira, the son of Maharaja Pandu, personally saw Sisupala merge into the body of the Supreme Lord, Krsna
- O Lord of the universe, O universal form, I (Arjuna) see in Your body many, many arms, bellies, mouths and eyes, expanded everywhere, without limit. I see in You no end, no middle and no beginning
- Oh, where is Krsna, whose bodily luster is like the luster of the blue indranila jewel? Where is Krsna, who is so expert in rasa dancing? Oh, where is He, who can save My life
- On the battlefield Lord Sri Krsna charged me (Bhisma), as if angry because of the wounds dealt by my sharp arrows. His shield was scattered, and His body was smeared with blood due to the wounds
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "Although My body lends fragrance to the entire creation, the scent of Radharani's limbs captivates My mind and heart"
- Once Lord Krsna considered within His heart, "When a favorable breeze carries to Her (Radharani) the fragrance of My body, She is blinded by love and tries to fly into that breeze"
- One devotee exclaimed, "His (Krsna's) body is just like the tamala tree, very blackish. His head is protected with a canopy of hair. There are the marks of srivatsa on His chest, and He is holding His conchshell"
- One may ask what harm there is in worshiping Krsna and the different parts of His body, the demigods, and the answer is also given in this verse. The point is that by supplying food to the stomach, the indriyas, the senses, are automatically satisfied
- One should not mistake the body of Krsna or Caitanya Mahaprabhu to be a material body like ours, for Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared as needed for the benefit of the entire human society
- One who does not understand the transcendental nature of the body of Krsna becomes His enemy and decries Him or fights with Him. The destination of such enemies is to merge into the Lord's Brahman effulgence
- One who understands this fact (Krsna's birth and body are not like that of ordinary living beings), either from the Lord or from authorized sources, is not reborn after leaving the present material body
- Ornaments caress that body, but the transcendental body of Krsna is so beautiful that it beautifies the ornaments He wears. Therefore Krsna's body is said to be the ornament of ornaments
- Others on the battlefield could not see this form (Krsna's universal form) because Krsna gave the vision only to Arjuna. Arjuna could see in the body of Krsna many thousands of universes. BG 1972 purports
- Outside of Vaikuntha, the abode of Krsna, which is called paravyoma, is the glaring effulgence of Krsna's bodily rays. This is called the brahma-jyotir
- Outside the Vaikuntha planets is the atmosphere of the glowing effulgence, which consists of the supremely bright rays of the body of Lord Krsna
- Partially explaining the position of Lord Krsna and partially covering the facts, Garga Muni indicated, Your (Nanda Maharaja's) son is a great personality, and He can change the color of His body in different ages
- Pasyati. He (Krsna) can see everywhere. Therefore we have to discuss sastra. In the Brahma-samhita it is said, the anga, the different parts of the body of Krsna, has got all the qualities of other anga
- Radha and Krsna are one and the same, but They have assumed two bodies. Thus They enjoy each other, tasting the mellows of love
- Radharani continued, "In My loving affairs there is a person named Madana. His qualities are thus: Personally He possesses no gross body, yet He is very expert in giving pains to others"
- Radharani continued, "One's nostrils are no better than the bellows of a blacksmith if one has not smelled the fragrance of Krsna's body, which is like the aroma of musk combined with that of the bluish lotus flower"
- Radharani said, "Dear Mr. Air, please do not arouse Me with the fragrance of flowers. I am now bereft of Krsna's loving attitude, so under the circumstances, what is the use of My sustaining this useless body"
- Regarding the attractiveness of Krsna's bodily beauty and the sound vibration of His flute, in the Tenth Canto, 29th Chapter, 37th verse, of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the gopis address Krsna as follows
- Sahadeva said, "Krsna can do anything He likes with any part of His body. We can execute a particular action with the help of a particular part of our body, but He can do anything and everything with any part of His body"
- Sat means eternal; there is no change. Just like Krsna. His body is sac-cid-ananda; therefore He never grows old. You'll never find a picture of Krsna that He has grown old. No
- SB 10.16.13, there is the following description. When Krsna was chastising the Kaliyanaga in the Yamuna, the big snake wrapped his coils all over Krsna's body, and upon seeing Krsna in this situation, all His dear cowherd friends became greatly disturbed
- Seeing Krsna gave them so much pleasure that it appeared as if they were not only drinking the nectar of seeing His face but were also smelling the aroma and licking up the taste of His body and were embracing Him and Balarama with their arms
- She (one gopi) praised His (Krsna's) blackish complexion, the reddish color of chewing pan enhancing His beauty hundreds of times, the curling hair on His head, the kunkuma red spots on His body and the tilaka on His forehead
- Similarly, Maharaj Nanda addressed his wife, "My dear Yasoda, just look at your offspring, Krsna! See His blackish bodily luster, His eyes tinged with red color, His broad chest and His nice golden necklace
- Sisupala achieved oneness with the Lord (Krsna) by merging in the impersonal glare of His body, called the brahmajyoti
- Sisupala and Dantavakra were formerly Jaya and Vijaya, the doorkeepers of Vaikuntha. Merging into the body of Krsna was not their final destination. For some time they remained merged, and later they received the liberations of sarupya and salokya
- So far Jadurani is concerned, inform her that this body is Krsna's body. Therefore, she should take care of her health
- Some friends would say, "Vrsabha, don't talk unnecessarily! Immediately massage Krsna's body. His arms have become tired from fighting and wrestling with that demon. Oh, just see how our friend Krsna has become tired!"
- Sometimes the vibration of Lord Krsna's flute, His bugling, His smiling, His footmarks on the ground, the transcendental fragrance of His body and the appearance of a new cloud in the sky also become impetuses for ecstatic love of Him
- Sometimes they (Krsna and His friends) would offer betel nuts to one another, decorate one another's faces with tilaka or smear pulp of candana on one another's bodies
- Sometimes, as if unable to raise these things (wooden shoes, etc.), He (Krsna) would touch them and stand there. Just to invite the pleasure of His relatives, He would strike His body with His arms to show that He had sufficient strength - SB 10.11.8
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed that the govardhana-sila, the stone taken from Govardhana, is nondifferent from the body of Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu offered His respects to Nanda Maharaja and mother Yasoda, and with great ecstatic love He touched the body of Lord Krsna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw Lord Krsna standing with His beautiful body curved in three places, holding His flute to His lips. Wearing yellow garments and garlands of forest flowers, He was enchanting even to Cupid
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, His mind thus stolen by the scent of Krsna's body, ran here and there like a bumblebee. He ran to the trees and plants, hoping that Lord Krsna would appear, but instead He found only that scent
- Sri Krsna is the intimate friend of Arjuna. He has appeared on this earth in His transcendental body, which resembles the bluish color of the tamala tree. His body attracts everyone in the three planetary systems (upper, middle and lower)
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura comments on the prakrta-sahajiya-sampradaya, which considers Krsna and Lord Caitanya to possess different bodies. They misinterpret the words gaura anga nahe mora in text 287
- Srimati Radharani does not touch the body of anyone but Krsna. I taste My own transcendental features by accepting the complexion of Srimati Radharani
- Srimati Radharani once spoke a verse to Her gopi friends describing how She hankers for the transcendental scent of Krsna's body. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu recited that same verse and made its meaning clear
- Statements about Krsna’s body, His characteristics and His flute would appear like a madman’s statements to a mundane person
- Subala said, "My dear Kesava, Your round turban, the lotus flower in Your hand, the vertical marks of tilaka on Your forehead, Your kunkum-flavored musk and all of Your beautiful bodily features are defeating me today"
- Such persons (Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demoniac and atheistic views) do not know that Krsna's body is not material
- Sukadeva Gosvami also said that Krsna is Hrsikesa, the Supersoul. Whereas an ordinary man is a conditioned soul covered by the material body, Krsna and Krsna's body are the same because He is Hrsikesa
- Sukadeva Gosvami answered (the inquiry of Maharaja Pariksit about the end of Krsna and the Yadu dynasty) that Krsna, by His own energy, destroyed the entire family and then thought of making His own body disappear
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: When mother Yasoda's baby was slanting His (Krsna's) body to attempt to rise and turn around, this attempt was observed by a Vedic ceremony - SB 10.7.4
- Supreme Person is neither very fat nor very thin; He is always transcendental to material qualities, and yet His bodily luster is blackish. His eyes are reddish, He is all-powerful, and He is equipped with all different kinds of opulences
- That (Krsna takes the body to fulfill His mission) is the way. That is a real understanding of Krsna
- That chapter also describes Krsna's wandering in a garden on a spring night, and it fully describes the meaning of a verse about the scent of Krsna's body
- That Lord Krsna is Narayana, the father of Brahma, because Lord Krsna’s plenary expansion Garbhodakasayi Visnu, after placing Himself on the Garbha Ocean, created Brahma from His own body
- That the Lord left His body means that He left again His plenary portions in the respective dhamas (transcendental abodes), as He left His virat-rupa in the material world
- The associates of the Lord said, "The Lord, Hari, whose bodily hue is like the indranila jewel, whose smiling is as beautiful as the kunda flower"
- The babies who sucked the breasts of Devakiji, which had touched the body of Lord Krsna, immediately became self-realized persons
- The Balarama feature is as good as Krsna Himself, the only difference being that Krsna's bodily hue is blackish and Balarama's is whitish
- The beauty of Krsna's body is so attractive that it attracts not only the demigods & other living entities within this material world but the personalities of the spiritual sky as well, including the Narayanas, who are expansions of Krsna's personality
- The bhakti-yogi constantly sees Syamasundara - beautiful Lord Krsna with His blackish bodily hue
- The blackish body of Krsna triumphs over the new blackish rain cloud
- The body is subjected to birth, death. The body is forgetful. The body is suffering old age. So this is not blissful body. But Krsna's body - just opposite. His body is blissful, full of knowledge, and eternal. So how can you compare with Krsna?
- The body of Krsna, the ocean of the eternal beauty of youth, can be seen to move in waves of beauty
- The brahma-jyotir, or Brahman effulgence, is due to His bodily luster. Therefore it is said here, svayam-jyotih: He Himself is light. His light is distributed in different ways, as the brahma-jyotir, as sunlight and as moonlight
- The Brahma-samhita (5.32) says, angani yasya sakalendriya-vrttimanti: every part of Krsna's body has all the capabilities of the other parts
- The Brahma-samhita confirms that the spiritual body of the Supreme Lord is so powerful that any part of that body can perform the functions of any other part
- The Brahman effulgence is not visible to material eyes, but to prove that every living being is individual, Krsna had this individual effulgence stay outside the demon's (Aghasura) body for some time, for everyone to see
- The Brahman effulgence is the personal bodily rays of Krsna. As such, impersonal Brahman cannot be the original cause of the cosmic manifestation. The original cause is the all-perfect, sentient Personality of Godhead, Govinda
- The caterpillar that thinks of becoming a butterfly & so is transformed into a butterfly in the same life. Similarly, if we constantly think of Krsna, it is certain that at the end of our lives we'll have the same bodily constitution as Krsna. BG 1972 p
- The characteristics (of Krsna's qualifications) are: (1) His body is well constructed; (2) His body has all auspicious symptoms; (3) His body is beautiful; (4) His body is very glorious; (5) His body is very strong; (6) He always looks like a boy of 16
- The child was completely washed with the urine of a cow, and the dust created by the hooves of the cows was thrown all over His body. This was all just to save little Krsna from future inauspicious accidents
- The complete social construction is the body of the Lord, and all the parts of the body, namely the brahmanas, the ksatriyas, the vaisyas and the sudras, are meant to serve the Lord's whole body conjointly
- The conclusion is that both the material world and spiritual world are considered to be the body of the Supreme Lord - Krsna
- The conclusion is that the Personality of Godhead appears in His (Krsna's) original body, without any change, and this is made possible by His inconceivable potency. We should always remember that nothing is impossible for the omnipotent Lord
- The cows began licking the calves' (Krsna's calf expansions) bodies in anxiety, as if wanting to swallow them - SB 10.13.31
- The different parts of our bodies serve different purposes, but any limb of Krsna's body can serve any purpose
- The different planetary systems are described in the Second Canto as different parts of the universal body of the Lord. For this reason, the Second Canto may be called The Cosmic Manifestation
- The discourse concerning Lord Nrsimhadeva and Prahlada Maharaja began when Maharaja Yudhisthira asked Narada how Sisupala had merged into the body of Krsna
- The effulgence pervading the universe is considered to be the rays of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The supreme abode of Krsna is always throwing off the effulgence known as brahma-jyotir, and that effulgence is emanating from His body
- The eight lotuslike parts of His (Krsna's) body distribute the fragrance of lotuses mixed with that of camphor
- The eight lotuslike parts of His (Krsna's) body distribute the fragrance of lotuses mixed with that of camphor. His body is anointed with aromatic substances like musk, camphor, sandalwood and aguru
- The elder gopis said, "If They (Krsna and Balarama) cannot reach (the butter and yogurt), They make a hole in the pot. We think therefore that you’d better take all the jeweled ornaments from the bodies of your children"
- The entire body of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, is decorated. He wears a valuable jeweled helmet, necklaces and bracelets, His neck is adorned with the Kaustubha jewel, and He is dressed in yellow silk garments
- The face of Krsna is the king of all moons, and the body of Krsna is the throne. Thus the king governs a society of moons
- The following verse appears in Gita-govinda (1.11): My dear friend, just see how Krsna is enjoying His transcendental pastimes in the spring by expanding the beauty of His personal body
- The fortunate Sisupala's spirit soul immediately merged into the body of Lord Krsna in the presence of all, exactly as a burning meteor falls to the surface of the globe
- The fragrance of Krsna's body is like the aroma of musk combined with that of the bluish lotus flower
- The fragrance of Krsna's body is more maddening than the aroma of musk, and it surpasses the fragrance of the bluish lotus flower. It enters the nostrils of all the women of the world and, making a nest there, thus attracts them
- The gopis began to splash water on the body of Krsna, all the while smiling, and Krsna enjoyed this. As Krsna was taking pleasure in the joking words and splashing water, the demigods in the heavenly planets showered flowers
- The gopis of Vrajabhumi always taste the nectar of Krsna's attributes, His beauty, His sweetness, His aroma, the sound of His flute and the touch of His body
- The gopis said, "When You (Krsna) leave the body, it immediately dies, and according to the injunction of the sastras, a dead body must immediately be thrown into a river or burned. Therefore, ultimately You are the dearmost personality in this world"
- The gopis then came upon a group of she-deer. Smelling the aroma of Krsna's body and seeing the faces of the deer, the gopis inquired from them to ascertain if Krsna was nearby
- The gopis' minds are always engaged in relishing the sweetness of Krsna's body. He is the ocean of beauty, and His beautiful face and smile and the luster of His body are all-attractive to the minds of the gopis
- The gopis, headed by mother Yasoda and Rohini, chanted the names of Visnu to give Krsna's body full protection from all evil influences. They washed their hands and feet and sipped water three times, as is the custom before chanting mantra
- The holy name of Krsna, His body and His pastimes cannot be understood by the blunt material senses. They are manifested independently
- The holy name of Krsna, His body and His pastimes cannot be understood by the blunt material senses. They are manifested independently - CC Madhya 17.134
- The ideal yogi concentrates his attention on Krsna, who is called Syamasundara, who is as beautifully colored as a cloud, whose lotus-like face is as effulgent as the sun, whose dress is brilliant with jewels and whose body is flower garlanded. BG 1972 p
- The impersonal brahma-jyotir is only the glaring effulgence of the body of the Lord, and there is no difference in quality between the body of the Lord and the impersonal ray of the Lord, called brahma-jyotir
- The impersonal feature of the Absolute, the Brahman effulgence, is but the rays of the personal body of Krsna. These rays of the personal body of Krsna are cast all over the creation of the Lord
- The inhabitants of Vrndavana rise and pursue that sound, drinking the showering nectar of Krsna's bodily luster like thirsty cataka birds
- The lily-flower garlands around the necks of the gopis were strewn to pieces due to the gopis' embracing the body of Krsna, and the flowers were reddish from being smeared with the kunkuma on their breasts
- The Lord appears in a particular family or place by His inconceivable potency. He does not take His birth as a conditioned soul quits his body and accepts another body
- The Lord is described as amrta, or deathless, because He has no material body. Under the circumstances, the Lord's dying or quitting His body is like the jugglery of a magician
- The Lord is further described as having the mark of Srivatsa, or the sitting place of the goddess of fortune, and His bodily hue is deep bluish
- The Lord is identical with His transcendental body, there is no question of His changing or quitting His body
- The Lord is kaivalya, and for Him there is no difference between matter and spirit because everything is created from Him. Therefore His quitting one sort of body or accepting another body does not mean that He is like the ordinary living being
- The Lord is the Paramatma - the atma or Superself of all individual souls. Therefore it must naturally be concluded that He has no defective bodily conceptions
- The Lord's beautiful bodily color is blackish, and His broad chest is the resting place of the goddess of fortune, who glorifies the entire spiritual world, the summit of all heavenly planets
- The Lord's body is not like that. He descends as He is and is never under the laws of the material modes
- The Lord's necklace of pearls and the bangles and bracelets nicely situated on His body all shone with a transcendental beauty
- The lower planetary systems, up to the limit of the earthly stratum, are said to be situated in His legs. The middle planetary systems, beginning from Bhuvarloka, are situated in His navel
- The luster of His body drives the entire world mad because Providence has made it transparent by refining the essence of the mellow of conjugal love and mixing it with moonshine
- The luster of Krsna's body is as beautiful as the glow of a spotless full moon that has just risen, and the vibration of His flute sounds exactly like the sweet thundering of a newly formed cloud
- The luster of Krsna's body is more brilliant than that of a newly formed cloud, and His yellow dress is more attractive than newly arrived lightning
- The Maha-Visnu feature is an expansion of Krsna's body. The Brahma-samhita confirms that Maha-Visnu is a portion of a plenary expansion of Krsna
- The manifestation of the impersonal Brahman effulgence, which is without variety, is the rays of Krsna's bodily effulgence. It is exactly like the sun. When the sun is seen by our ordinary eyes, it appears to consist simply of effulgence
- The material elements are accepted as the inferior energy of Krsna. By their interaction the cosmic manifestation takes place, rests on Krsna, and after dissolution again enters into the body of Krsna as His subtle energy
- The Mayavadi philosophers conceive of Krsna’s body as material, and this is an abominable, grossly materialistic conception
- The Mayavadis distinguish between Krsna and Krsna's body, and therefore they do not recognize the worship of Krsna by the Vaisnava philosophers
- The minds of the Narayanas are attracted by the beauty of Krsna's body. In addition, the goddesses of fortune, who are the wives of the Narayanas & are the women described in the Vedas as most chaste, are also attracted by the wonderful Krsna's beauty
- The moonlike face of Krsna is the reservoir of nectarean songs and the abode of His flute. It is also the root of all bodily beauty
- The mothers took care of the boys (Krsna's cowherd boy expansions) by chanting protective mantras, decorating their bodies with tilaka and giving them food. In this way, the mothers served Krsna personally - SB 10.13.23
- The mothers took care of the boys (Krsna's cowherd boy expansions) by massaging them with oil, bathing them, smearing their bodies with sandalwood pulp, decorating them with ornaments - SB 10.13.23
- The name Madana refers to Cupid, but Krsna is the spiritual Madana. His body is not material like the body of Cupid in this material universe. Krsna's body is all-spiritual - sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (Bs. 5.1). Therefore He is called Aprakrta-madana
- The ornaments on the body of Krsna were not actually enhancing His beauty, but just the reverse - the ornaments were beautified by Krsna
- The Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna is the shelter and abode of everything. All the universes rest in His body
- The point may be raised that if the demigods are different parts of the body of the Supreme Lord, then the same end should be achieved by worshiping them. BG 1972 purports
- The real purpose of doing this is to know perfectly the Absolute Transcendence, Sri Krsna, for the entire creation, both material and spiritual, rests on the body of Sri Krsna
- The relation of the body is very pleasing and natural, the Lord (Krsna) is more pleased when He is addressed as the son of Maharaja Nanda, the son of Yasoda, the lover of Radharani
- The scent of Krsna's body incessantly entered His nostrils, and the Lord became mad to relish it
- The scent of Krsna's body surpasses the fragrances of musk and the bluish lotus flower. Spreading throughout the fourteen worlds, it attracts everyone and makes the eyes of all women blind
- The second Visnu incarnation, the Garbhodakasayi Visnu, enters each and every universe, spreads water from His body, and lies down on that water
- The serpent first entered the body of Krsna personally and mixed with the Brahman effulgence. This merging is called sayujya-mukti. But from later verses (of SB 10.12) we find that Aghasura attained sarupya-mukti
- The servants of Gopinatha became very pleased to hear that in the summer all the sandalwood pulp would be used to anoint the body of Gopinatha
- The servants of Krsna were sometimes engaged in collecting flowers, decorating His body with valuable ornaments and trinkets, dancing before Him, singing, helping Him herd the cows
- The servants of Krsna were sometimes engaged massaging His (Krsna) body, preparing flower garlands and sometimes fanning His body. These were some of the primary duties of the servants of Krsna
- The Siva-jvara continued: "Therefore, my Lord, Your (Krsna's) body is completely peaceful, completely blissful and devoid of material contamination. In the material body there are actions and reactions of the three modes of material nature"
- The soul is spirit, and the body is matter. But when you attain a body like Krsna's, that means that is spiritual body. There is no difference between the soul and the body
- The special beauty of Krsna's body was His mild smiling, His restless eyes and His world enchanting songs
- The special beauty of Krsna's body was His mild smiling, His restless eyes and His world enchanting songs. These are the special features of this age (thirteen years)
- The stone from Govardhana was always moist with tears from His eyes. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would say, "This stone is directly the body of Lord Krsna"
- The sun-god and other demigods mentioned in the Vedic scriptures are described as different limbs of the body of Lord Krsna, and it is the duty of the householder to offer respects to the demigods and great sages, as well as the forefathers
- The Supreme Lord Krsna has senses and a body like the ordinary man, but for Him there is no difference between His senses, body, mind and Himself.
- The Supreme Lord, who can award liberation to anyone, showed more mercy toward the gopis than to Lord Brahma, Lord Siva or even the goddess of fortune, who is His own wife and is associated with His body
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is full of spiritual potencies. Therefore His body, name, fame and entourage are all spiritual. The Mayavadi philosopher, due to ignorance, says that these are all merely transformations of the material mode of goodness
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is described as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), the body of eternity, transcendental bliss and full knowledge. Now in this verse He is more fully described
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is the fountainhead of all incarnations. Lord Balarama is His second body
- The total material energy is generated from the body of Krsna, and at such a time the entire cosmic manifestation is visible. When Krsna winds up His energy, everything vanishes
- The touch of His body is cooler than millions and millions of moons together, and the nectar of His bodily fragrance overfloods the entire world
- The transcendental bodies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His expansions are all existing eternally. Such bodies are never material and are completely spiritual and full of knowledge. They are reservoirs of all transcendental qualities
- The transcendental symptoms that were visible on the body of the Lord during His travel within the forest of Vrndavana were all unique and inexplicable
- The upper portions of Their (Krsna and Balarama's) bodies were already very attractive, and when the hunchbacked woman smeared Their bodies with sandalwood pulp, They looked even more beautiful
- The Vedic literatures are made by and are meant for the Supreme Lord, the demigods are also meant for serving the Lord as parts of His body, the different planets are also meant for the sake of the Lord, and different sacrifices
- The whole atmosphere would change into a greatly festive celebration. In a festive mood, the wives of the Lord would sometimes sprinkle water on the His body with a syringelike instrument, and the Lord would similarly wet the bodies of the queens
- The whole creation thus merges within the body of transcendental Narayana at the time of annihilation, and the creation emanates from His body again with the same unchanging categories of fate and individual nature
- The whole creation ultimately rests in the Supreme Lord. He is the cause of creation, maintenance and dissolution. And when the whole manifestation is dissolved, in its subtle form as the Supreme Lord’s energy it rests within His body
- The word atma-mayaya means that Krsna descends as He is. He does not change His body, but we, as conditioned souls, change ours, and because of this we forget
- The yuga-avataras (incarnations for the millennium) and the manvantara-avataras (incarnations associated with the reigns of the Manus) - all combine together and appear with the body of Krsna
- Their (Krsna and Balarama's) whole bodies became wet from Their ecstatic dancing. This is an instance of fatigue caused by dancing
- Their bodily effulgence the brothers were dissipating all the darkness of the world, as if They were mountains of sapphire & silver. Without hesitating, Akrura immediately got down from his chariot and fell flat, just like a rod, before Krsna & Balarama
- Their legs were decorated with bells, Their waists with golden belts, & Their fingers with jeweled rings. Brahma also saw that upon the whole body of each Visnu, from the lotus feet up to the top of the head, fresh tulasi leaves and buds had been thrown
- There (in Goloka) the Lord plays His flute, His eyes are like lotus petals, and the color of His body is like that of a beautiful cloud. On His head is a peacock feather. He is so attractive that He excels thousands of Cupids
- There are many controllers undoubtedly both in the material and spiritual world, but Krsna is the supreme controller (isvarah paramah krsnah), and His body is sac-cid-ananda, non-material. BG 1972 purports
- There are many Mayavadi philosophers who consider that Krsna's body is the effect of a concentration of the material mode of goodness, and they distinguish Krsna's soul from Krsna's body
- There are millions and trillions of suns, each one sometimes bigger than this sun. This is the smallest sun. There are bigger, bigger suns. So we can understand what is the bodily rays. There is no difficulty. That bodily rays of Krsna is called Brahman
- There are no such differences for Krsna, because His body is full of knowledge. Here we receive material bodies because of a lack of knowledge, but because Krsna, Vasudeva, is full of knowledge, there is no difference between His body and His soul
- There is highness in five parts of His (Krsna) body: His nose, arms, ears, forehead and thighs. In five parts of His body there is fineness: His skin, the hairs on His head and on the other parts of His body, His teeth and His fingertips
- There is no difference between Krsna and His body, and therefore the transcendental features pertaining to His body are the same as Krsna Himself
- There is no difference between Krsna's body and Himself or between His name and Himself. But as far as the conditioned soul is concerned, one's name is different from one’s body, from one's original form and so on
- There is no difference between Krsna's body and Krsna Himself. He is entirely self, entirely spirit. We, on the other hand, have a body that is different from ourselves
- There is no difference between Krsna's body and Narayana's body. Therefore although they (Jaya and Vijaya) visibly entered the body of Krsna, they actually reentered Vaikunthaloka as the doorkeepers of Lord Visnu
- There is no difference between Krsna's inner self and outward body. Krsna is purna, the complete whole. There is no distinction between His body and soul as there is between ours
- There is no difference between My body and Gopinatha's body. They are one and the same. Therefore if you smear the sandalwood pulp on the body of Gopinatha, you will naturally also smear it on My body. Thus the temperature of My body will be reduced
- There is no difference between the body and soul of the Supreme Lord Visnu, although in the material world there is always a difference between the body and the soul
- There is no difference in Krishna, the Supreme Lord, between Himself and His body
- There is no difference in Krsna, the Supreme Lord, between Himself and His body. But, because they do not know this science of Krsna, the commentators hide Krsna and divide His personality from His mind or from His body. BG 1972 purports
- There is no distinction between Krsna's body and His soul, but because less intelligent men see Krsna as a human being, they deride Him. They cannot imagine how a person like Krsna could be the origin of everything
- There is no distinction between the body and the soul of Lord Jagannatha, for Lord Jagannatha is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), just as the body of Krsna is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha
- There is no distinction between the body and the soul of the Supreme Personality of Godhead at any time
- There is the moon of His (Krsna's) mouth, the moon of His cheeks, the moonspots of sandalwood pulp on His body, the moons of the fingertips of His hands and the moons of the tips of His toes
- There were signs on their (Krsna's, Arjuna's and Bhima's) bodies by which Jarasandha could understand that they were ksatriyas
- Thereafter, influenced by the interactions of eternal time, the supreme sum total of matter called the mahat-tattva became manifested, and in this mahat-tattva the unalloyed goodness, the SL, sowed the seeds of universal manifestation out of His own body
- These (there is no difference between Krsna and His body) qualities stimulate the devotee's ecstatic love, they have been analyzed as separate causes of that love
- These are (1) the Lord possesses inconceivable supreme power, (2) He generates innumerable universes from His body, (3) He is the original source of all incarnations
- These are some of the descriptions of the incarnations emanating from Krsna, and from the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is understood that innumerable incarnations are always coming out from the body of Krsna, just like waves in the ocean
- These bodies of Yours (Krsna as a fish, tortoise and hog), therefore, are not made of material elements, but are incarnations of Your Supreme Personality - SB 10.10.34-35
- These rays of the personal body of Krsna are cast all over the creation of the Lord, and the portion of the effulgence which is covered by the material cloud is called the created cosmos of the three material qualities - sattva, rajas and tamas
- These transcendental qualities are as follows: 51) changeless; 52) all-cognizant; 53) ever-fresh; 54) sac-cid-ananda (possessing an eternal blissful body); 55) possessing all mystic perfection
- They (foolish persons) do not know that Krsna's body is a symbol of complete knowledge and bliss, that He is the proprietor of everything that be and that He can award liberation to anyone. BG 1972 purports
- They (Kings and Princes) looked upon Him to their hearts' content, as if drinking nectar through their eyes, licking His body with their tongues, smelling the aroma of His body with their noses, and embracing Him with their arms
- They (Krsna and Balarama) were actually smeared with saffron and sandalwood pulp by Their mothers, but due to crawling over muddy clay, They would simultaneously smear Their bodies with clay
- They appear in different bodies, and under the different bodily concepts of life they act. But Krsna does not change His body. He appears in His own body and is therefore not affected by the modes of material nature
- They are known as Mayavadis because according to their opinion Krsna has a body made of maya and the loving service of the Lord executed by devotees is also maya
- They were of the same complexion, and both had gigantic bodies. Both wore saffron cloth, and both were very grave
- This Brahman effulgence is nothing but Krsna's bodily effulgence, just like this effulgence of sun
- This dress of Krsna is described as gorgeous. As a baby elephant is sometimes dressed in colorful clothing, so Krsna's gorgeousness was manifested by decoration with such colorful clothing on the different parts of His body
- This external body of Krsna is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. There the hills and mountains are described as the bones of the Lord
- This human form of body is especially meant for creating a favorable situation so that when we pass through this body or we leave this body and we accept another body, we'll get exact a body like Krsna
- This incident (of washing Krsna with the urine of a cow, and throwing the dust created by the hooves of the cows all over His body) gives us a clear indication of how important the cow is to the family, society and to living beings in general
- This material world, this is also Krsna's body. But this is interesting to the Mayavadis, the so-called scientist, so-called philosopher. But it is not interesting to the devotees. They are thinking, "This is all." Is not that
- Those who are not in pure knowledge think that Krsna is a product of matter and that His body is material like ours (avajananti mam mudhah (BG 9.11)). In fact, however, Krsna is always aloof from this material world
- Three parts of His (Krsna's) body are very broad: His waist, forehead and chest. Three parts of His body are short: His neck, thighs and genitals. Three parts of His body are very deep: His voice, intelligence and navel
- Through Lord Krsna's body, they (Jaya and Vijaya) returned to Vaikuntha, although they seemed to have attained sayujya-mukti in Krsna's body
- Transcendental rays emanate from the body of Krsna, and within those rays, which are the Brahman effulgence, everything is existing. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (9.4). Mat-sthani sarva-bhutani
- Uddhava tells Vidura, "His (Krsna's) personal beauty was so great that there was no necessity for His wearing ornaments on His body. In fact, instead of the ornaments beautifying Krsna, Krsna's beauty enhanced the ornaments"
- Uddhava wrote a letter to Krsna and said, "My dear Supreme King of Vraja, You are the vision of nectar for the eyes, and without seeing Your lotus feet and the effulgence of Your body, my mind is always morose"
- Uddipana is induced by Krsna's transcendental qualities, His activities, His beautiful smiling face and the aroma of His body, the sound of His flute, the sound of His conchshell, the marks on the bottoms of His feet
- Ultimately everyone will come to Krsna. Not Krsna consciousness, but Krsna. At the end of this world, devastation, they enter into the body of Krsna. They remain there
- Vaikuntha life means sac-cid-ananda. Krsna's body is sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah (Bs. 5.1). Not only Krsna's body; anyone who lives in the spiritual world, his body is spiritual body, and spiritual body means sat, cit, ananda
- Very much agitated, Banasura splashed his different weapons upon the body of Lord Krsna like torrents of rain
- Water is coming from your body, so why not from the gigantic body of Krsna the oceans, millions of oceans, come out? This should be the understanding
- We are interested in the words of Krsna. If Krsna is like us, He has got the same material body, then why we should be interested to read Bhagavad-gita, He is also a man like us?
- We are trying to change the consciousness of the people so that this preparation will help him to get exactly a body like Krsna in next life, and he may dance with Krsna in rasa dance. That is our propaganda
- We cannot compare that Krsna's body and my body, this body, material, is the same. That is condemned in the Bhagavad-gita, avajananti mam mudha (BG 9.11): "Those who are fools, rascals, they deride at Me, thinking Me as ordinary human being."
- We have got a particular position in the body of the Supreme Lord. Just consider the visva-murti, the gigantic universal form of the Lord. And we are situated in different parts of the body of the Supreme Lord
- We never see a picture of Krsna in old age because He never grows old like us, although He is the oldest person in the whole creation - past, present, and future. Neither His body nor His intelligence ever deteriorates or changes. BG 1972 purports
- We should always know that when Krsna and Lord Caitanya appeared, They appeared in suddha-sattva bodies
- What great penance and austerities the damsels of Vrndavana must have undergone, for they are able to drink the nectar of Krsna, who is all beauty, all strength, all riches, all fame and whose bodily luster is the center of all beauty
- What is Your glory? Unlimited universes pass through the pores of Your body just like particles of dust passing through the opening of a window
- Whatever you wish to see can be seen all at once in this body. This universal form can show you all that you now desire, as well as whatever you may desire in the future. Everything is here completely. BG 11.7 - 1972
- When Akrura came to take Krsna and Balarama to Mathura, just by seeing Their faces he became so cheerful that all over his body there were symptoms of ecstatic love. This state is called happiness
- When Arjuna saw Krsna in His gigantic universal form, there was a standing of the hairs on his body
- When he (Hiranyakasipu) became Sisupala, quarreled with Krsna and was killed, he attained salvation and merged into the body of Lord Krsna
- When He (Krsna) would lie down with a boy or a root as His pillow, some of the boys would come and massage His legs, and some would fan His body with a fan made from leaves
- When He is fully decorated and stands with His body curved in three ways - His eyebrows always moving and His eyes so attractive - the gopis become enchanted
- When it is said that Sisupala merged into the body of Krsna, it should be noted that in this case he was not Jaya or Vijaya: he was actually a demon
- When Krsna had only three or four teeth coming out of His gums, His thighs were fatty, His body was very, very short, and He began to enhance the parental love of Nanda Maharaj and Mother Yasoda with the activities of His childish body
- When Krsna walked on the bank of the Yamuna, He was seen nicely decorated with tilaka on His face. He was garlanded with different kinds of forest flowers, and His body was smeared with the pulp of sandalwood and tulasi leaves
- When Krsna was present in the sacrificial arena of His enemy King Kamsa, the wrestlers present, although appreciating the softness of the body of Sri Krsna, were afraid and perturbed when they thought of engaging with Him in battle
- When Krsna was residing at the place of His spiritual master, He did not mind taking all troubles in rendering service to His guru, although His body was very soft and delicate
- When Maharaj Yudhisthira went with Krsna in the arena of the raja-suya sacrifice, in his imagination he began to anoint the body of Krsna with pulp of sandalwood, he decorated Him with a garland hanging down to His knees
- When Narada came to see the activities of the Lord at Dvaraka and he saw that Krsna was present within every palace in the same body and was engaged in different activities, he was struck with wonder
- When one can understand the body of Krsna as well as the Lord's lusty desires, one is immediately liberated. A conditioned soul encaged within the material body cannot understand Krsna
- When one conceives of a distinction between His (Krsna's) body and His soul, one is immediately conditioned by material nature. Because a person in the material world makes such distinctions, he is called baddha-jiva, a conditioned soul
- When sandalwood pulp is mixed with aguru, kunkuma, musk and camphor and spread on Krsna's body the scent of all these substances mixes with the previous scent of Krsna's body and steals away the mind of Cupid
- When sandalwood pulp is mixed with aguru, kunkuma, musk and camphor and spread on Krsna's body, it combines with Krsna's own original bodily perfume and seems to cover it
- When Sisupala was killed by the Sudarsana cakra of Krsna as an enemy, his constant remembrance of Krsna dissolved the reactions of his vices, and he attained salvation by becoming one with the body of the Lord
- When that body is a little differently manifested and its features are a little different in transcendental emotion and form, it is called tad-ekatma
- When the brahmanas' wives returned, the sacrifice was duly and nicely executed. One of the brahmanas' wives, however, who had been forcibly checked from going to see Krsna, began to remember Him as she heard of His bodily features
- When the butter and milk were kept in a dark room, Krsna and Balarama would go there and make the place bright with the valuable jewels on Their bodies. On the whole, Krsna and Balarama engaged in stealing butter and milk
- When the calves (Krsna's calf expansions) arrived, the mothers began licking the calves' bodies again and again and profusely feeding them with the milk flowing from their milk bags - SB 10.13.24
- When the damsels of Vrndavana worship Sri Krsna, it is as though they have been bitten by a snake, for Krsna's body is compared with the body of a snake
- When the gopis saw Krsna fearlessly playing on Putana's lap, they very quickly came and picked Him up. Mother Yasoda, Rohini and other elder gopis immediately performed the auspicious rituals by taking the tail of a cow and circumambulating His body
- When the ladies of the city of Dvaraka got up on the roofs of their palaces, they never thought that they had previously many times seen the beautiful body of the infallible Lord. This indicates that they had no satiation in desiring to see the Lord
- When the queens sprinkled water on the body of Krsna or He sprinkled water on the bodies of the queens, the whole situation appeared just like that of an elephant enjoying in a lake with many she-elephants
- When there is some illumination, that is also Krsna. The original effulgence in the spiritual sky, the brahma-jyotir, emanates from the body of Krsna. This material sky is covered
- When these mystic yogis saw Lord Krsna and Balarama, they exclaimed that now that they had seen the excellent bodily effulgence of the Lord, they had almost forgotten the pleasure derived from impersonal Brahman realization
- When they (the gopis) placed their hands on Krsna's shoulder they became overwhelmed by the fragrance of His body, which emanated from the lotus, other aromatic flowers and the pulp of sandalwood
- When Yasoda had tied Krsna up one time, she began to think, "Krsna's body is so soft and delicate, how could I have tied Him with rope?" Thinking this, her brain became puzzled, and she felt dizziness
- When you are liberated, we get spiritual body. Similar . . . at that time, as Krsna has no difference between His body and soul, similarly, we also have no difference between body and soul
- Whenever he (Ambarisa Maharaja) will think, he will think of Krsna - His lotus feet, His body, His hands, His flute. This is meditation
- Where is that necklace of pearls that resemble flocks of ducks flying in the sky? The blackish body of Krsna triumphs over the new blackish rain cloud
- Whether He (Lord Krsna) is in His childhood body or His youthful body, He is always identical with His body
- While the elderly gopis go about their household affairs, Krsna and Balarama sometimes go into a dark room, brightening the place with the valuable jewels and ornaments on Their bodies and taking advantage of this light by stealing - SB 10.8.30
- While they (the cowherd women) were blessing child Krsna in this way, they offered a mixture of turmeric powder, oil, yogurt, milk and water. They sprinkled this mixture not only on the body of child Krsna but on all other persons who were present there
- White, red and yellow - these are the three bodily lusters that the Lord, the husband of the goddess of fortune, assumes in the ages of Satya, Treta and Kali respectively
- Whoever hears or recites these descriptions of the expansions of Krsna's body is certainly a very fortunate man. Although this is very difficult to understand, one can nonetheless acquire some knowledge about the different features of Krsna's body
- Whoever sees Lord Krsna sees a festival. His face and body are fully satisfying for everyone to see, but the devotees are angry at the creator for the disturbance caused by the momentary blinking of their eyes
- Without considering his personal comforts, Madhavendra Puri carried one maund (about eighty-two pounds) of sandalwood and twenty tolas (about eight ounces) of camphor to smear over the body of Gopala. This transcendental pleasure was sufficient for him
- Yogis, jnanis, karmis and Vedantists cannot even approach Krsna; they must remain very, very far away from Him and try to enter His bodily effulgence, although this also they are unable to do
- You can say, "All right, I'll offer these fruits and flowers to God, but it is the same. It is remaining. How He is eating?" But His eating is not like my eating, because He hasn't got a body like this. This body is material
- You cannot estimate when Krsna's body began. Anadi. Adi, again adi. He is the beginning of everyone. Anadi. He Himself is anadi; nobody can find out what is the date of His appearance. He is beyond history
- You know: due to the heat in the sunshine the planets are rotating, resting on the sunshine. Similarly, there is a shining effulgence from the body of God, Krsna. That is called brahmajyoti, impersonal Brahman
- Your prayer, nirakara, or gagana-sadrsa, that is one feature of Krsna. Krsna is person. The nirakara, Brahman feature, is His effulgence of the body. That is expressed in the Bhagavad-gita, brahmanah aham pratistha