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Pages in category "Infection"
The following 163 pages are in this category, out of 163 total.
- A diseased person may go to a physician for relief, but after he leaves the hospital he may again be infected due to his unclean habits. Thus material existence continues
- A healthy man, if he is in the society of contamination, is it not his life is very risky? He may be contaminated and infected by disease any moment
- A man is suffering from some disease, infected. That does not mean when the physician comes to treat him he is also infected. He knows how to protect himself, disinfectant
- A person in Krsna consciousness, who eats only food offered to Krsna, can counteract all reactions of past material infections, which are impediments to the progress of self-realization. BG 1972 purports
- A pure devotee is cleared from all kinds of sins. The Personality of Godhead is the purest entity, and unless one is equally pure from the infection of material qualities, one cannot become a pure devotee of the Lord
- Arjuna said, "My lord, I promise that I shall give protection to your children, and if I am unable to do so, then I shall enter into blazing fire so that the sinful contamination which has infected me will be counteracted"
- As soon as one has gold, he is no more interested with God. That is the infection
- At the present moment our existence is not purified, impure. Therefore we are suffering. Just like when one's physiological condition becomes infected, he suffers from fever and other symptoms of disease
- Bathing in the Ganges can certainly cure one of many infectious diseases, but it cannot cleanse one's materially attached mind, which creates all kinds of contaminations in material existence
- Because we have got the circumstances, because we have got unclean body, therefore there is birth and death. Just like as soon as you are infected, there is fever, similarly, the birth and death is a kind of disease. It is also listed with disease
- Biological evolution is taking place on account of the soul's desire. It takes place because of infection
- Brahmanda Purana, Visnu Purana, Srimad-Bhagavata Purana, they are sattvika-puranas. The whole scheme is that everyone, every living entity within this material world, they are infected
- By atonement we may be free from the infection, but again we do it. Karmana. Then again. . . That is called karma-kanda, fruitive activities. Because the bija, the seed of my sinful desires, that is not cured
- By killing the body or by protecting the body, that is not the solution. The solution is that the living entity has infected itself with the material disease. It has to be cured. That is the whole purpose of Vedic civilization
- By regular treatment with doses of sugar candy, one can gradually get relief from the infection of jaundice, and when the patient is perfectly cured, the same sugar candy that tasted bitter to him regains its natural sweetness
- Death is a symptom of the material infection of the eternal living being; only due to material infection is the eternal living entity subjected to the law of birth, death, old age and disease
- Doctor's duty is to warn you not to go to that area, "It is now infected with smallpox." But in spite of doctor's instruction, if you go there and if you infect that disease and suffer, then it is your fault
- Food prepared by an unclean, sinful man or woman, especially a prostitute, is extremely infectious. Ajamila ate such food, and therefore he was subject to be punished by Yamaraja
- Foolish mundaners actually envy Sri Krsna and deride Him as one who is like other mundaners. The truth about Sri Krsna does not easily enter into the perverted brain of such mundaners infected with the empiric approach to philosophy
- Generally a man is healthy, but by infecting some disease he becomes diseased. So this material way of life is a kind of infection. So we have to cure that. And this is our process. And it has become successful
- Generally a materialistic person is infected by the material modes of passion and ignorance. The results of passion and ignorance are lust and greed
- Generally people are addicted, infected with the qualities of ignorance and passion. How he can understand Krsna? It is not possible. So one has to engage himself this devotional service
- Glorification of the transcendental name, fame, attributes, pastimes, and entourage of the PG tastes bitter to those who are suffering from the infection of material consciousness, but it is very sweet to those who have recovered from this infection
- God is good, so we are also good. But we have become bad under circumstances. Just like under infection, one becomes diseased. So if we cure that infection, again he becomes good. So it is the curing process
- I am infected by the germs of material activity and am suffering from the boils of envy. Therefore, falling in an ocean of humility, I take shelter of the great physician Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- I am infected with so many diseases that I can neither properly walk nor properly sit. Indeed, I am always exhausted by five kinds of diseases. I may die at any time of the day or night
- I have got some infection, so I am diseased. You may know it or not know it, that doesn't matter. If you infect, knowingly or unknowingly, you will be diseased
- If a devotee approaches the Supreme Personality of Godhead for an immoral or improper purpose, he nonetheless becomes purified; the Lord does not become infected
- If doctor is infected, then treatment will stop. Doctor is never infected. They have good precautions. Similarly, when you are engaged in sankirtana, maya cannot touch
- If he is in constant contact with the Supreme Lord by devotional service, the conditioned living entity also becomes freed from the infection of maya. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita: sa gunan samatityaitan (BG 14.26)
- If one by chance sees his (one who considers the body of Krsna to be material) face, he should at once take bath in the Ganges to rid himself of infection. BG 1972 purports
- If one is infected by rajo-guna and tamo-guna, he may remain in this world or go down to the animal kingdom. But all of these situations are hindrances on the path of spiritual salvation
- If one is infected with the desire for material enjoyment or material liberation, he cannot rise to the platform of pure loving service unto the Lord, even though he may render devotional service according to the routine regulative principles
- If one is infested with the ten offenses in the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, despite his endeavor to chant the holy name for many births, he will not get the love of Godhead that is the ultimate goal of this chanting
- If the disciple follows the principles instructed by the spiritual master, he remains purified and is not contaminated by the material infection
- If there is an epidemic, infection, so in that condition, first of all what is the necessity? First thing is to disinfect the epidemic. In the infected area you cannot derive any benefit by discussing morality or immorality
- If we infect some choleric diarrhea, we'll suffer. Nature's law is. Therefore human being should be cautious not to infect. Just like educated man or civilized man, he is cautious not to infect some kind of contaminated disease
- If we infect some disease knowingly or unknowingly - generally we infect unknowingly - later on that disease becomes developed. This is law of nature
- If you agree (to material nature) that "I shall be dictated by you," then you become dictated. Just like a disease. If you infect the disease, then you must suffer
- If you are strong enough, then the lower qualities will not affect you. And if you are not strong, if you are weak yourself, then where you are going to convert, they will induce their infectious quality, and you will be victimized
- If you don't infect a certain disease, then you don't grow it. And if you infect... Therefore you must know or you must know the rules and regulation, how you can save yourself from infection
- If you eat krsna-prasadam, then you infect Krsna consciousness. This is our process. We don't take anything directly. We offer to Krsna. Then we take krsna-prasadam. That helps us
- If you have no appetite, if you eat, then you suffer. If you infect some disease, you'll suffer. That is practical. So we are associating in, being infected by lust, greediness, illusion, fearfulness, so many things
- If you infect some disease, it must develop and you must have to suffer. There is no excuse. Similarly, if you are associating with the modes of ignorance and you are committing some sins, the effect you must have to suffer
- In our country also there are many Birlas and such, accumulating money, money, money. They are greedy because infected with the quality, modes of nature, ignorance and passion
- In the spiritual world there is no influence of these three gunas. That is in this material world. So when Krsna comes, He does not become affected or, rather, infected with these gunas. Nirguna . . . That is nirguna
- In the Visnu Purana Lord Visnu is worshiped in the following words: Let the Supreme Personality of Godhead be merciful toward us. His existence is never infected by material qualities
- In this age people are not even interested in reading Vedanta-sutra. People are so badly infected by the influence of maya that they do not even care to understand that there is life after death or that there are 8,400,000 life forms
- Infected things are sterilized by the rays of the sun
- Infection of the qualities of the pure devotee means to imbibe the taste of pure devotion always in the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead. This transcendental taste at once makes all material things distasteful
- Jamadagni was killed by the sons of Kartaviryarjuna, as described herein (SB 9.16.9). Lord Parasurama was also infected by sin because of killing Kartaviryarjuna, although this was not very offensive
- Just become Krsna conscious and maya will not touch you. Just like you take injection, vaccine, and the infection will not touch you. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- Just like doctors, they go, treat patients suffering from infectious disease, but they keep themselves always unaffected. They know the remedial measures, antiseptic, prophylactic processes. So this prophylactic antiseptic process is Krsna-kirtanam
- Just like if you irresponsibly live and there is epidemic and you contact some disease, infection, then you must suffer from it. There is no excuse. So we are acting in this life, in this material world
- Just like in infectious condition, those who are vaccinated, given injection, he is supposed to be purified. He cannot be attacked or infected by the disease. Similarly, in spiritual life also one has to remain purified
- Liberation from this material infection does not mean destruction of the original eternal position of the living entity. Patanjali also accepts this by his words kaivalyam svarupa-pratistha va citi-saktir iti. BG 1972 purports
- Liberation means not to be under the influence of the modes of material nature, not to be infected by the modes of material nature, especially passion and ignorance. That is mukti
- Little deviation. Nature's law, they are so systematically set up that automatically . . . just like the same example I've given: you infect some disease, automatically you'll have to suffer from the disease
- Many kinds of patients come to a hospital, which may be infected by many types of diseases. Actually the hospital is always infected, but the expert physician keeps the hospital sterilized by his expert presence and management
- Material education is infected by the three modes of nature, but spiritual education, for which there is a great need in human society, is transcendental
- Maya, or illusion, is the condition of spiritual life contaminated by material infection. Liberation from this material infection does not mean destruction of the original eternal position of the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- Moreover, blood is running from infected itching sores on my (Sanatana Gosvami's) body, smearing Your (Caitanya's) body with moisture, but still You touch me by force
- My dear King, if a diseased person eats the pure, uncontaminated food prescribed by a physician, he is gradually cured, and the infection of disease can no longer touch him
- My Lord (Caitanya), please do not touch me (Sanatana Gosvami). I fall at Your lotus feet. I am the lowest of men, having been born of a low caste. Besides that, I have infections on my body
- Natural life means there are three modes of material nature. So somebody is affected or infected by some modes of material nature
- Nature has nothing to do. It will automatically follow. Just like you infect some disease, nature's law is that you must suffer from that disease. Nobody has got to do anything
- Nature's law is so particular, as soon as you infect by association a particular type of quality, you have to suffer for that
- Nature's law is so perfect that it hasn't got to create. It is automatically. Just like if you infect some disease, germs, you will automatically suffer from that disease
- Nature's way. Karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1). "You have infected doggish mentality. Now you become a dog." This is nature's way
- Not that somebody will come to ask you that "You have infected this disease. Now you have to suffer from this." No. The machine is so perfect that as you have infected this disease . . . this is practically we know
- On the other hand, although bathing in the Ganges diminishes bodily contaminations and infections, this process and the process of visiting holy places can cleanse the heart only after a long time
- One should not sleep more than six hours daily. Nor can one infected by insomnia, who cannot sleep at night, successfully execute yoga, for the body must be kept fit. Thus Krsna outlines so many requirements for disciplining the body
- One who is infected with the material qualities of ignorance and passion, he is lusty and greedy. That's all
- One who is not materially infected and who does not forget Krsna as his master is called nitya-mukta. In other words, one who is eternally liberated from material contamination is called nitya-mukta
- Persons who are infected with the disease of material attachment and who suffer from the pangs of repeated birth and death cannot relish such recitation of the Lord's glories, just as a person suffering from jaundice cannot relish the taste of sugar candy
- Places of pilgrimage are always infected by the sins left by the sinners who go there, but when a personality like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu visits such a place, all contaminations vanish
- Pollution means impure. So if you purify, then there is no more pollution. Just like infection. You have got some disease, infection. If you give some vaccine to purify the body, the infection is gone
- Pure devotion is as much infectious, in a good sense, as infectious diseases
- Senses require engagements, and when the senses are engaged totally in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, they have no chance to become contaminated by material infections
- Simply by eating. Because you are so dull, you cannot understand the philosophy. You know the belly like the animals. So therefore we are giving facility, "All right, fill up your belly, fill up your belly. And you'll be infected"
- Since leprosy is an infectious disease, Gopala Capala left the village to sit down on the bank of the Ganges underneath a tree. One day, however, he saw Caitanya Mahaprabhu passing by and spoke to Him as follows
- Some of those who deride Krsna, who are infected with the Mayavadi philosophy, quote the following verse from the Srimad-Bhagavatam to prove that Krsna is just an ordinary man: aham sarvesu bhutesu bhutatmavasthitah sada. (SB 3.29.21). BG 1972 purports
- Some slokas or prayers should also be chanted. By chanting, one immediately becomes auspicious and transcendental to the infection of material qualities. Actually one has to chant and remember Lord Krsna twenty-four hours daily
- Sometimes these third-class persons in KC have some tendency toward karma & jnana-yoga, and sometimes they are disturbed, but as soon as the infection of karma or jnana-yoga is vanquished, they become second-class or first-class persons in KC. BG 1972 p
- Sridhara Svami comments in this connection that by association with material nature alone one does not become conditioned. Conditional life begins only after one is infected by the modes of material nature
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami has explained that in the beginning all the ladies of the palace, who were all mothers and stepmothers of Pradyumna, mistook him to be Krsna and were all bashful, infected by the desire for conjugal love
- Stated in the Bhagavad-gita, that our different types of body, desires, activities, are due to our being infected by the particular quality of material nature. Perfected quality. There are three qualities: sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna
- Sukadeva Gosvami proves that because the body of the conditioned soul is infected by the three qualities of nature, dualities arise such as enmity and friendship, attachment and detachment
- That is the benefit of Krsna consciousness. Sun is never infected. Rather, the infected area becomes sterilized by the sunshine. This is the process. That is explained. Tejiyasam na dosaya. One who is very powerful, he has no fault
- The all-powerful Lord can purify the devotee of all sinful reactions, just as the sun can sterilize all sorts of infections by its powerful rays
- The bhakti-vedantas were pure devotees, and the boy became infected with their qualities of purity by their association and by eating once the remnants of the foodstuff taken by them
- The contamination of material world is called sin. That is sin. Just like you infect some disease, germ, you become diseased. I have got some infection, so I am diseased. You may know it or not know it, that doesn't matter
- The devotee is therefore above the three modes of material nature and is even transcendental to the brahmana platform. A brahmana may be infected by the two baser modes - namely rajo-guna and tamo-guna
- The first degradation is undesirable association, the first degradation; then no more respect for scriptural injunction, second degradation; and then the third step, that aghayur asucih, you become infected with the low-grade quality
- The holy place becomes infected with the sins of many visitors. When an advanced devotee goes to a holy place, he counteracts all the sins of the pilgrims. Therefore Maharaja Yudhisthira addressed Vidura in this way
- The illusory energy acts very powerfully on them because in spite of their elevated mundane education, such persons are faithless and are infected by the mentality of atheism
- The individual atma becomes polluted by sin, but the Lord is never contaminated by sins. The Lord is compared to the powerful sun. The sun is never contaminated by anything infectious because it is so powerful
- The infection they (Lord Siva's followers and devotees) had created was to be first purified by the method of offering purodasa oblations
- The King certainly possesses all good qualities, but simply by taking up the name 'king,' he has infected everything
- The length and breadth of the universe is 400 million miles by 400 million miles, and it is infested with many unfathomable regions known as patalas, or downward planetary systems
- The living entity is born in different families or species of life because of being infected by the modes of material nature
- The Lord does not want His sons, the living beings, to suffer the threefold miseries of life. He desires that all of them come to Him and live with Him, but going back to Godhead means that one must purify himself from material infections
- The Lord says, na mam karmani limpanti: (BG 4.14) He is not affected by anything He does, because He is never contaminated by the material modes of nature. That we have a material body proves that we are infected by the three material modes of nature
- The material body itself indicates that the living entity is already influenced by the three modes of material nature & that he is driven to enjoy material resources. When the body is influenced by the mode of ignorance, its infection becomes very acute
- The material field is so unsteady that even personalities like Nandisvara, Daksa and many of the brahmanas present were infected by the atmosphere of anger
- The nature's law is so perfect that if you infect something, some disease, some contamination, then you must suffer. This is nature's law automatically going on
- The Personality of Godhead is the purest entity, and unless one is equally pure from the infection of material qualities, one cannot become a pure devotee of the Lord
- The plan was that for his so-called misdeed the King (Maharaja Pariksit) could be cursed by an inexperienced brahmana boy infected by the influence of Kali, and thus the King would leave his hearth and home for good
- The qualities in Vaikuntha are a manifestation of God’s internal potency, and therefore they are purely spiritual and transcendental, with no trace of material infection
- The remnants of food are considered to be in the mode of darkness, and they increase infection or disease. Such foodstuffs, although very palatable to persons in the mode of darkness, are neither liked nor even touched by those in goodness. BG 1972 pur
- The sastra has made the path so clear in a way, that in either of these infection, either sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna, you can make progress spiritual life. Because we must be in either of these
- The sun evaporates water from filthy places and yet is not infected with the quality of the filth. Similarly, Brahma remains unimpeachable in all conditions
- The Supreme Lord is full in everything, and the small particles (living entities) of the Lord are also originally qualified like Him, but because of their minute existence, they are infected by material attraction and thus entangled
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead can accept the reactions of anyone's sinful deeds and neutralize them because He is pavitra, pure, like the sun, which is never contaminated by any worldly infection
- The transcendental name, fame, attributes, pastimes, and entourage of the Personality of Godhead tastes bitter to those who are suffering from the infection of material consciousness, but it is very sweet to those who have recovered from this infection
- The whole world is infected with the maya's influence, and this Krsna consciousness movement, Hare Krsna mantra, is disinfectant. It is sure
- The world is miserable for the materially infected person, but for a devotee the entire world is as good as Vaikuntha, or the spiritual sky. BG 1972 purports
- There are different kinds of sinful activities, and there are different kinds of suffering also. A little infection of bronchitis, the suffering is not so acute, but infection of smallpox is fatal. We should always remember that
- There is every chance of falling from the platform of karma to hellish conditions, but on the platform of jnana one is saved from hellish life, although one is still not completely free from infection
- There is no use tracing out the history when you become infected. You should not be infected. That should be your business. And as you are now infected, you try to avoid the causes of infection and take the medicine; you become cured
- These (in SB 10.5.4) are sastric injunctions concerning how one can purify everything according to Vedic civilization. Unless purified, anything we use will infect us with contamination
- This birth, death, old age, disease, this is due to this unclean, infected, material body. That we are not concerned, that how to stop this infected material body, how to revive our original spiritual body
- This is the material life, that knowingly or unknowingly we are infecting a particular type of modes of material nature, and our next body is being created. Karanam guna-sango 'sya sad-asad-janma-yonisu
- This material body is the source of all miseries. Actually the spirit soul has no misery. Just like normal condition of a living entity is healthy life. Disease takes place by certain contamination infection. Disease is not our life
- This samsara-visanale, it is not ordinary fire. Visana: fire from poison. It is more infectious: poisonous fire. Just like the atomic energy: there is heat, but what is that heat? It is called radiation. So many things
- Those devotees who take blessings from the demigods are also infected with the material qualities, especially passion and ignorance
- To be immuned to the infection of the gunas, we have to engage in bhakti-yoga. Once we attain the perfectional stage, we attain ecstatic love of Godhead. In that state we cannot remain without Krsna for a moment. That is called bhava
- To mitigate His (God's) devotees' material pangs, He descends as He is, yet He is not infected by material qualities
- To remain free from the infection of these gunas, then we have to engage ourselves in the bhakti-yoga
- Transcendental loving service to the Supreme Lord is free from the infections of desires for sense gratification, fruitive work, and the culture of knowledge with the aim of merging into the Absolute to become one with the Supreme Lord
- Wait for accumulation of your sinful activities, and there will be war, and the America will drop the atom bomb, and Russia will be finished. Both will be finished. Go on now enjoying. It takes time. Just like even if you infect some disease
- We are all infected by Your illusory energy; therefore we are very attached to the body, which is full of stool and urine, and to anything related with the body. Except for devotional service, there is no way to give up this attachment
- We are not interested in the matter of general principles of morality, social culture, ethics. They are required, but because this material world means it is a infected world, so here in this material world, so-called morality is infected
- We are under the control of maya, material nature, and it is not possible to avoid it (punishment from Yamaraja). We have become infected by the disease of material nature, and no artificial means will save us
- We have got experience that if we infect some disease, contaminous disease, then we must suffer from that disease. So it is not God's creation that somebody is suffering from some painful condition and somebody is enjoying. No
- We have got now this human form of body, and according to our, I mean to say, affection or infection to different qualities of the nature, we are creating another body. So in this way we are entangled
- We have got this practical understanding. If your body infects some disease, then you have to suffer. And if your body remains uninfected, unaffected by any poisonous. . . then you remain healthy
- We have to cure our disease. This disease means... The Krsna consciousness movement means purification of our diseased condition, infectious condition. It is not anything artificial
- We should always remember the distinction between spiritual and material. That which is material is infected by material qualities, but these qualities cannot touch that which is spiritual, or transcendental
- When it is influenced by the mode of passion, the infection is at the symptomatic stage. However, when the body is influenced by the mode of goodness, the materialistic infection becomes purified
- When one is infected by contaminated activities, his power, material or spiritual, reduces
- When you become infected with some disease, you go to a physician, and he gives injection or medicine so that you may be cured of the extra fever or pain due to your disease. Similarly, those who are advanced in knowledge their sattva existence is cured
- Why there are different varieties of life? What is the reason? That reason means karanam. So the reason is as we are infecting
- Why there are varieties of life? Because we have infected different varieties of infection. There are three kinds of infection originally: sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna, just like originally there are three colors: red, yellow and blue
- You are under the control of maya, material nature. You try to avoid it some way or other, but it is not possible. Just like if you have infected some disease, artificial means will not save you
- You embraced the leper Vasudeva, whose body was fully infected by worms. You are so kind that in spite of his condition You embraced him
- You have to purify yourself after the infection, and you come to your normal health, similarly, by knowledge and purificatory method, if you come to your spiritual knowledge and spiritual platform, then your life is successful
- You infect some disease knowingly or unknowingly, it doesn't matter, but the disease will be manifest. Suppose you have infected smallpox infection, contamination. Then it will be manifest. So this education is lacking now
- You may not know, but if you have infected typhoid disease, it will fructify at one moment. So similarly, even if we do not know, if we associate with the material modes of nature, it will be effective