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Pages in category "Contamination"
The following 388 pages are in this category, out of 388 total.
- A child may have some attachment, but by the system of replacing attachment, his attachment is overturned. Similarly, our consciousness has somehow or other become contaminated. Now it has to be purified. Then KC will automatically arise and awaken
- A contaminated brahmana considers the guru to be an ordinary human being, and he objects when a Vaisnava is created by the Krsna consciousness movement
- A contaminated brahmana may superficially imagine a form of the Lord, but actually he considers the Deity in the temple to be made of stone or wood
- A great saintly acarya has sung: When will my mind be cleared of all contamination so I will be able to see Vrndavana as it is
- A healthy man, if he is in the society of contamination, is it not his life is very risky? He may be contaminated and infected by disease any moment
- A ksatriya, vaisya or sudra cannot be accepted as a servant. If a spiritual master accepts such a person, he is contaminated. Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya therefore asked why Isvara Puri accepted a servant or disciple born of a sudra family
- A pure devotee has none of the tinges of the above contaminations (becoming a religious man, a rich man, a first-class enjoyer or becoming God himself), which are the influence of material desires, impersonal speculations and attainment of mystic powers
- According to the association of the modes of nature, your activities are being contaminated (BG 13.22): karanam guna-sango 'sya sad-asad-yoni-janmasu
- According to the injunction of Yajnavalkya, an authority on religious principles, one is considered contaminated by the reactions of great sinful activities when one has not been purified according to the methods of the dasa-vidha-samskara
- According to Vedic scripture, if someone dies in the family the whole family becomes contaminated for some time, according to its status
- Activities performed only for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord are pure and are not contaminated by the modes of material nature. All other activities are contaminated by the modes of ignorance and passion, as well as goodness
- After Krsna's disappearance, less intelligent people misunderstood Him. They became contaminated with the Mayavadi philosophy, which produced so many mental speculators that people forgot the actual position of the Absolute Truth and the living entity
- After touching the ceiling above the door, you have touched the coconuts. Now they are no longer fit to be offered to Krsna because they are contaminated
- All material activities meant for satisfying the senses are contaminated, & Maharaja Nabhi did not perform anything contaminated. He simply executed his transcendental activities even when performing yajna. Consequently he obtained the S. Lord as his son
- All of human society is terribly contaminated. The people of this age are therefore described as mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah - SB 1.1.10
- Although it is not only in western India that people were contaminated by association with Muslims, it is a fact that the farther west one goes in India the more he will find the people to be fallen from the Vedic culture
- Although ksatriyas are allowed to kill animals in hunting, they are not freed from the resultant contamination of sinful reactions
- Although Sisupala was always envious of Krsna, he frequently uttered the name of Krsna and always thought of the beautiful features of Krsna. Thus by constantly thinking and chanting of Krsna he was cleansed of the contamination of his sinful activities
- Although the contaminated Ajamila was calling for his son, by concentrating his mind on the holy name of Narayana he remembered the Narayana he had very faithfully worshiped in his youth
- Although the living entity desires freedom from the contamination of matter, he is not given release
- And one who touches the body of the Deity, following such regulative principles, is immediately delivered from the contamination of material sins, and all of his desires become fulfilled without delay
- Anyone who becomes even slightly interested in krsna-katha is liberated. Kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet (SB 12.3.51). Simply by chanting or repeating krsna-katha, one is liberated from the contamination of Kali-yuga
- Anything done under the direction of Krsna is transcendental. It cannot be contaminated by the material reactions, which may be auspicious or inauspicious. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna accepted Krsna as the supermost pure. How you can approach the supermost pure without becoming yourself pure? So this is the steppingstone to become pure, because we are contaminated
- Arjuna said, "My lord, I promise that I shall give protection to your children, and if I am unable to do so, then I shall enter into blazing fire so that the sinful contamination which has infected me will be counteracted"
- As a fire can consume anything and everything without being contaminated, so, by the grace of the Lord, the fire of Brahma's greatness consumed his desire for the sinful act of sex with his daughter
- As confirmed in Aitareya Upanisad (1.1), sa aiksata: "The Lord glanced at material nature." The cosmic manifestation did not exist before His glance; therefore His glance is not materially contaminated
- As described by Srila Rupa Gosvami, anyabhilasita-sunyam jnana-karmady-anavrtam: (CC Madhya 19.167) pure devotional service should not be contaminated by the touch of karma and jnana
- As far as fruitive activity is concerned, the contamination is the desire for elevation to a higher standard of life, and for speculative knowledge the contamination is the desire to merge into the existence of the Absolute Truth
- As gold and silver can be freed from all dirty contamination by being put into a fire but not merely by being washed, the living entity can be awakened to his own identity by performing devotional service (yat-sevaya), but not by karma, jnana or yoga
- As in the medical field, the doctor injects a vaccination to prevent the growing of contamination, the practical injection to stop all the fructifications of the seeds of our sinful activities is simply engagement in Krsna consciousness
- As long as one is in the contamination of material existence, one changes bodies from the aquatics up to the position of Brahma, but the human form of life is the highest perfectional life in the material world
- As long as the mind of the living entity is contaminated by the three modes of material nature (goodness, passion and ignorance), his mind is exactly like an independent, uncontrolled elephant
- As soon as the desire is transferred to lording it over material nature, it becomes contaminated by matter. Desire has to be purified
- As soon as the Supreme Personality of Godhead is introduced, they (the Mayavadis) consider that His personality arises from maya, or the external material energy. Such persons consider all incarnations of the Supreme Lord to be contaminated
- As soon as we regain our spiritual body and get out of the contamination of birth and death, we should be qualitatively as good as Krsna
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, the Lord descends on the earth by His own internal potency, and therefore there is no question of His becoming materially contaminated, changed or otherwise affected by the modes of material nature
- As the contamination of the germs of a particular disease can influence a weaker person, similarly the influence of material nature, or illusory energy, can act on the weaker, or conditioned, soul but not on the liberated soul
- Association with Krsna is like association with sunshine. Where there is sunshine, there is no contamination. As long as one is out in the ultraviolet rays of the sun, he will not be diseased
- At the present moment, our senses are contaminated. I am thinking, - I am American, so my senses should be used for the service of my country, my society, my nation
- Attachment to women is so contaminating that one becomes attached to the condition of material life not only by the association of women but by the contaminated association of persons who are too attached to them
- Bali Maharaja said: Persons like us, who are still attached to material enjoyment, who are contaminated by the modes of material nature & who lack the mercy of the SPG, cannot follow the supreme path of Prahlada Maharaja, the exalted devotee of the Lord
- Because he is disturbed by the germs in his foul bed, which is contaminated by his urine and stool, the poor child continues to cry. He is unable to take any remedial measure for his relief
- Because human life is a combination of matter and spirit soul, the whole process of Vedic knowledge is directed at liberating the spirit soul from the contamination of matter. The knowledge concerning this is called atma-tattva
- Because Prahlada had become a devotee, they considered him to be contaminated by bad intelligence and to be the worst descendant in the family of demons. As it is said, where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise
- Because such betrayals (betraying the confidence of a living entity who takes shelter of him in good faith) now go unpunished by the government, all of human society is terribly contaminated
- Because the mind is now contaminated, and under the creation of senses and sense activities, we are making millions and trillions of ideas and become entangled in that idea
- Because we are materially contaminated, our stealing is abominable, whereas on the spiritual, absolute platform the same stealing is so nice that it is enjoyable
- Being completely cleansed of all material desires, the devotees are freed from all mental contamination. Thus they can always think of the Lord constantly and address Him very feelingly
- Being contaminated by Kali-yuga, however, we are unfortunate and therefore we have no attraction to the holy names of Krsna
- Being influenced by contaminated intelligence, the living entity envisions something and simply imitates the actions and reactions of his intelligence
- Bhakti is nirguna, free from all tinges of material qualities. Although the discharge of devotional service appears to be like material activities, it is never saguna, or contaminated by material qualities
- Bhakti should not be contaminated by karma and jnana. Bhakti should remain pure. Then the result will be very quick and nice
- Brahma said, "Since all Your (Krsna's) pastimes are spiritual, there is no possibility of their being contaminated by the material modes of nature"
- Brahma said, "You (Krsna) are realizable by persons who have cleansed their hearts of all contamination. This cleansing of the heart is made possible by chanting and hearing the glories of Your Lordship"
- Buddhi means intelligence. Avisuddha means unclean, contaminated. They think that they have become liberated, but sastra says no, it is not yet liberated. Avisuddha-buddhaya. Still there is contamination
- But when the yogi engages himself with sincere endeavor in making further progress, being washed of all contaminations, then ultimately, after many, many births of practice, he attains the supreme goal. BG 6.45 - 1972
- By chanting (Hare Krsna maha-mantra) this movement, by the vibration, gradually one's heart, which is so contaminated that he is denying the existence of God, will be gradually simplified or clarified
- By chanting Hare Krishna one becomes purified immediately and by constant practice, there is no chance of being contaminated again
- By chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, one can become free from all contamination, especially contamination brought about by the killing of animals
- By continuous, regular hearing, the effects of the contamination of lust and greed to enjoy or lord it over material nature diminish, and when lust and greed diminish, one then becomes situated in the mode of goodness
- By electing Vena to the throne, the saintly sages certainly associated with him. Ultimately King Vena became so mischievous that the saintly sages actually became afraid of becoming contaminated by his activities
- By giving up sinful activity - illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling - and strictly following the injunctions given by the spiritual master, they (young men and women) have become purified of all contamination
- By hearing the narration of Prthu Maharaja, one can become great, increase his duration of life, gain promotion to the heavenly planets and counteract the contaminations of this age of Kali
- By his (Vidura's) pious activities in the devotional service of the Lord he was able to always remember the lotus feet of the Lord, and thus he became washed of all contamination of a sudra-born life
- By nature I am (Sanatana Gosvami) lowborn. I am a contaminated reservoir of sinful activities. If You (Caitanya) touch me, Sir, that will be a great offense on my part
- By nature I am active. By nature, because I am spirit, and by nature I am active. And my activities are exhibited even I am contaminated with this matter. And when you become purified from matter, do you think you shall be silent?
- By nature, the living entity is perfect, but due to the contamination of lust, he becomes vicious. That which is part and parcel of gold is also gold, and whatever is part and parcel of the Complete perfect is also perfect
- By practicing the process of pranayama, one can eradicate the contamination of his physiological condition, and by concentrating the mind one can become free from all sinful activities
- By the process of karma, jnana and yoga, no one will succeed in driving away contamination from the heart, but once a person takes to the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord by devotional service, automatically all dirty things in the heart are removed
- By these processes, or any other true process, one must control the contaminated, unbridled mind, which is always attracted by material enjoyment, and thus fix himself in thought of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Cleanliness, always clean, taking thrice bath. Cloth clean, mind clean, body clean, activities clean, desire clean, thinking clean - everything clean. No contamination. This is the test
- Conditional life is due to this contamination only, and as soon as it is cleared off, then naturally the dormant function of the living entity - rendering service to the Lord - awakens
- Consciousness is not like mist, but when it is materially contaminated, it looks like that
- Contaminated brahmana
- Contamination by the material qualities is the cause of repeated birth and death, and liberation from material qualities is transcendence
- Contamination from sinful activity requires proportionate atonement. That is the prescription of the scriptures
- Deity worship should be practiced by everyone. That cleanses the contaminated body. It is the custom that before entering one must be cleansed & bathe himself regularly. The whole idea is that we must very much sincere in our activities to serve Krishna
- Despite being contaminated by all the bad qualities of this Kali-yuga, if one surrenders unto the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Lord will surely and certainly deliver him. The best example is Jagai and Madhai
- Despite his becoming bhagavan, he is envious of the incarnation of God, Prthu Maharaja. The defects of material life are so strong that due to contamination King Indra becomes envious of an incarnation of God
- Despite the Supreme Lord's uncommon activities, these speculators, due to contamination in the material energy, still think that the impersonal Brahman is the Supreme. BG 1972 purports
- Due to his contaminated association with women, a living entity like King Puranjana eternally suffers all the pangs of material existence and remains in the dark region of material life, bereft of all remembrance for many, many years
- Due to the contamination of material association, through many, many millions of births, one's heart is always covered with the dust of materialism. BG 1972 purports
- Due to the contamination of matter, the perfect living entity falls down, but this process of Krsna consciousness will again make him perfect
- Especially in Calcutta, it has become a hellish life. The population, the younger generation, is so polluted, so contaminated, that you cannot safely walk in the street. Anywhere, the young boys they can encircle you and rob you
- Even after following such methods (pious atonement, speculative knowledge & meditation in mystic yoga) one takes to fruitive activities again, unable to control his mind, which is contaminated by the base qualities of nature, namely passion and ignorance
- Even one's material body, being a gift of the Lord for carrying out a particular type of action, can be engaged in KC. It is beyond contamination by sinful reactions, exactly as the lotus leaf, though remaining in the water, is not wet. BG 1972 purports
- Even ordinary devotees cannot have such pure attachment for Krsna. Therefore, how is it possible for success to be achieved by persons whose hearts are contaminated by the actions and reactions of fruitive activities
- Everyone is now contaminated by various designations in relation to the body. Everyone is thinking, I belong to such-and-such country; I belong to a certain society; I belong to a certain family
- Foolish people contaminated by material nature do not give much importance to Your (Krsna's) transcendental form, and consequently they glide down to hell
- For a person who constantly and very eagerly hears narrations of the Lord's powerful activities, the Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead in the form of sound vibrations, enters within his heart and cleanses it of all contamination
- For example, if the family is brahmana their contamination period is 12 days, for the ksatriyas and vaisyas it is 15 days, and for sudras 30 days
- For them (monist philosophers), nirguna Brahman means "the impersonal Absolute Truth without any material qualities" and saguna Brahman means "the Absolute Truth that accepts the contamination of material qualities"
- From the above verse it appears that the mayavadis or impersonalists are more or less contaminated. They are not pure
- Generally, people are interested in material comforts and they make God as the supplying agent. This kind of devotion is not purified. It is contaminated by material desires
- Goodness is also a kind of contamination. In goodness one becomes aware of his position and transcendental subjects, etc, but his defect is in thinking, "Now I have understood everything. Now I am all right." He wants to stay here
- Gradually the brahmana families have become degraded because of the contamination of Kali-yuga. Thus they misguide people by exploiting their sentiments
- Hari-nama-sankirtana is not a material sound. Therefore it is effective. But if you contaminate it, it will not be effective
- He (a devotee who is engaged in the nine kinds of devotional activities) puts the SP of Godhead within his heart, and all sinful contaminations are naturally washed away. Continuous thinking of the Supreme Lord makes him pure by nature. BG 1972 purports
- He (a Krsna conscious person) does not become contaminated by material sins. He is free from all reactions to his actions. BG 1972 purports
- He (Sadananda Yogindra) maintains that when all-pervading knowledge is contaminated by the visuddha-sattva, which consists of a transformation of the quality of goodness, there arises the conception of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (the Supreme Lord) is the most sincere friend. Whatever you want from Him, you can get. But the intelligent man does not want anything that is materially contaminated
- He is in the spiritual concept of life, either he is contaminated or he is liberated - in any condition, one who remembers Krsna or Visnu, bahyabhyantaram, he immediately becomes purified internally and externally. This is the substance of this mantra
- He whose heart is purified can see that the whole cosmic manifestation is but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but he whose heart is contaminated sees things differently. By sat-sanga, or association with devotees, one becomes perfectly pure in heart
- Here (in SB 3.28.11) it is recommended that by practicing the breathing process of pranayama one can be released from contamination created by the principal physiological elements
- Here everything is contaminated by the modes of material nature - goodness, passion and ignorance
- History reports that the Americans & Europeans proved their capability when they were anxious to expand colonization, but at the present time, being contaminated by the advancement of material science, their sons & grandsons are turning into reprobates
- However, due to the association of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, all your contamination is now vanquished. When a person's heart is cleansed of all contamination, he is able to chant the maha-mantra, Hare Krsna
- Hrdy antah sthah means the contaminations which we have accumulated within our heart, that will be washed off. That will be washed off so that your heart will be cleansed of all rubbish things
- I am spirit soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. As soon as the mind is contaminated, I rebel, because I have got little independence. "Why shall I serve Krsna or God? I am God." It is simply a dictation from the mind
- I am very much ashamed of our bodily relationship, and I condemn myself because my body is contaminated by a relationship with a person who is an offender at the lotus feet of the greatest personality
- I have invested the GBC for maintaining the standard of our Krsna Consciousness Society, so keep the GBC very vigilant. I have already given you full directions in my books. Please counteract this contamination which has been spread throughout our Society
- I understand you have left and it is a thunderbolt for me. How is that?What are your demands? Or have you also been contaminated? Please tell me frankly. Where is your wife and child?
- If completely sinless people are punished, the entire assembly of Yamaraja is contaminated. This principle applies not only in the assembly of Yamaraja, but throughout human society also
- If he (one) doesn't, if he degrades himself further, he is then called a mleccha or yavana. Kalayavana belonged to the class of mlecchas and yavanas. Contaminated by sinful activities, he could not approach Krsna
- If I (Krsna) do not set examples in this way, then the whole population of the world will be contaminated, and there will be unwanted population and the whole world will appear just like hell. It will not be inhabitable for good men
- If I do not change for the better, then my life is very risky. Suppose a healthy man, if he is in the society of contamination, is it not his life is very risky?
- If one is not a soul surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is understood to be contaminated. Thus a chaste woman is advised not to agree to serve such a husband
- If one mistakenly considers his position to be equal to that of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he becomes contaminated by the doctrine of nonduality, and his efforts in transcendental life are rendered ineffective
- If one places himself in the position of a servant of God, it is to be understood that all contamination of his material attachment has been burned by blazing fires of transcendental ecstasy. It is not necessary to manifest a blazing fire externally
- If one simply follows the instructions of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, under the guidance of His representative, & chants the Hare Krsna mantra, teaching everyone as far as possible, the contamination of the materialistic way of life will not even touch him
- If one simply remains attached to a woman, that single contamination will be sufficient to prolong one's miserable material existence. Consequently, in Vedic civilization one is trained from the beginning to give up attachment for women
- If one's heart is in the mode of passion, his faith is also in the mode of passion. And if his heart is in the mode of darkness, illusion, his faith is also thus contaminated. BG 1972 purports
- If the king of the state is an impious man, sinful man, that kingdom will never be happy. Bhrasta. Everything is spoiled. As much as in a family, if the housewife is not good - contaminated - then there is no good life in the family
- If they always meditate upon Sankarsana, the Lord enters the cores of their hearts, vanquishes all the dirty contamination of the material modes of nature, & cuts to pieces the hard knot within the heart, which has been tied tightly since time immemorial
- If we infect some choleric diarrhea, we'll suffer. Nature's law is. Therefore human being should be cautious not to infect. Just like educated man or civilized man, he is cautious not to infect some kind of contaminated disease
- If we want to be aloof from the contamination of this material world, then everything, whatever we use, whatever we need, it must be in relation with Krsna. Then we can keep ourself aloof from the contamination. That is the liberated condition
- If you contaminate some disease, then you must develop that disease. Similarly, if your mind is contaminated with some material designation, then you have to accept similar body, by nature's way
- If you follow the rules and regulation, very simple thing, and chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra - that is our only request - then, in spite of this contaminated age of Kali, you'll be saved
- If you want to advance in spiritual life, you must follow the regulative principles to rectify your mistakes in the past life and this present life. Without being freed from all contamination nobody can understand God
- In Chapter Fourteen (of Bhagavad-gita) the contamination of all kinds of processes by material nature is described. Only devotional service is described as purely transcendental. BG 1972 purports
- In different ages, in different time, different types of medicines and vaccines are recommended, but in this age, Kali, it is so dangerously contaminous that no other process of medicine will act. What is, then, the rescue? The only medicine is harer nama
- In India five thousand years ago, even in the villages such as that of Nanda Maharaja, people knew know to purify things, and thus they enjoyed even material life without contamination
- In material life, the senses are covered by designations such as " American," "Indian," and " African," but when our senses are no longer contaminated by all these designations (sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam (CC Madhya 19.170)), bhakti begins
- In order to get quick relief from all these contaminations (from previous life), it is required that one engage in the worship of the Lord in the temple
- In order to resume the activities of sacrifice, the brahmanas first arranged to purify the sacrificial arena of the contamination caused by the touch of Virabhadra and the other ghostly followers of Lord Siva
- In the beginning, from clear consciousness, or the pure state of Krsna consciousness, the first contamination sprang up. This is called false ego, or identification of the body as self
- In the Kalisantarana Upanisad it is stated: The sixteen words - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare - are especially meant for counteracting the contaminations of Kali
- In the material world one cannot have unadulterated happiness. Any kind of happiness one has is contaminated by distress also
- In the material world there is no pure goodness. In the Bhagavatam the stage of pure goodness is called sattvam visuddham. Visuddham means "pure." In pure goodness there is no contamination by the two inferior qualities, namely passion and ignorance
- In the material world, affection is contaminated by rajo-guna and tamo-guna, but in the suddha-sattva the affection that maintains the devotees is transcendental
- In the material world, even goodness is sometimes contaminated with tinges of passion and ignorance. Therefore in the material world nothing can be in pure goodness
- In the material world, the three modes are goodness, passion and ignorance, and all of these are simply different gradations of contamination. Unless a brahmana transcends such contamination he cannot be accepted as a Vaisnava
- In the material world, we manufacture so many plans to be happy, material desires. Somebody's thinking, "I shall be happy in this way." Somebody's thinking . . . "There is no question of happiness here". The place is contaminated
- In the Vaikuntha, or in the spiritual world, no contaminated soul can stay there. He will fall down
- In this Age of Kali everyone is perplexed by so many inconveniences - social, political and religious - and naturally no one is happy. Due to the contamination of this age, everyone has a very short life
- In this Age of Kali many so-called brahmanas are envious of Vaisnavas. The Kali-contaminated brahmanas consider Deity worship to be imaginative
- In this age of Kali, when all people are very contaminated, the chanting of the holy name of the Lord is recommended as the only means of improvement
- In this age people are also very slow and unfortunate, and they are contaminated with bad association. Caitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the chanting of Hare Krsna (mantra) as a great means of propaganda for spreading love of God
- In this Kali-yuga, the present age, the dangerous modes of rajo-guna and tamo-guna, passion and ignorance, are especially prominent. Practically everyone in this age is contaminated by lusty desire, greed and ignorance
- In this material world of conditional life, the fragmental portion of the Supreme Lord, the individual soul, is struggling due to his contaminated mind and consciousness
- In this material world the goodness may be contaminated with the other qualities, but in the spiritual world it is so good, it is called suddha-sattva. There is no contamination. There is no tinge of rajo-guna and tamo-guna. That is spiritual quality
- In this material world, even the mode of goodness (sattva-guna) is contaminated by tinges of rajo-guna and tamo-guna. When sattva-guna is never contaminated by rajo-guna and tamo-guna, it is called suddha-sattva
- In this verse (SB 3,31.13) it is said, visuddham avikaram akhanda-bodham: the Supersoul is always sitting apart from all contamination
- In this verse (SB 4.4.27) it is stated that by such meditation she (Sati) became free from all contamination. What was that contamination? The contamination was her concept of the body derived from Daksa, but she forgot that bodily relationship in trance
- In this world also, if a person acquires some money by murdering someone, the family is not hanged, although its members are sinfully contaminated. But the man who commits the murder and maintains his family is himself hanged as a murderer
- Inasmuch as we associate with God and as we go on hearing the words of Krsna and His names, the contamination of material nature is reduced
- It is not a material name under any condition, and it is no less powerful than Krsna Himself. Since Krsna's name is not contaminated by the material qualities, there is no question of its being involved with maya
- It is not enough simply to abolish the caste system, which is contaminated by the false conception of qualification by birthright. Certainly, this wrong caste system should be abolished
- It is said, kevalaya bhaktya: "without any contamination, simply ready to execute the order of Krsna, or Vasudeva." Therefore it is called vasudeva-parayana
- It is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam that hearing about the Supreme Personality of Godhead cleanses the heart of all contamination caused by the influence of the three modes of material nature
- It is the instruction of Prahlada Maharaja also that if one is seeking peace of mind he should free himself from all contamination of family life and take shelter of the Supreme Godhead by going to the forest
- It is the opinion of Sadananda Yogindra that , when all-pervading knowledge is contaminated by the visuddha-sattva, which consists of a transformation of the quality of goodness, there arises the conception of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Kali-yuga is full of contamination. This is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 12.3.51
- Kama means "lusty desire," and lobha means "greed." people cannot have enough sex or money, and because of this, their hearts are filled with contaminations, which have to be cleansed by hearing, repeating and chanting
- Knowledge perfect is there in every living entity, but it is contaminated by the contact of maya. So one who can understand the position of Krsna and himself, he's called mukta. Mukta means liberated
- Krsna consciousness is not artificially imposed upon the heart, it is already there. When one chants the holy name of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the heart is cleansed of all mundane contamination
- Krsna consciousness means to understand these things (that if we contaminate sinful activities it may not be manifest immediately). It is not a bogus propaganda that, "You meditate fifteen minutes & you become God," nonsense. This is not such a movement
- Krsna is both; He can deliver all sinful conditioned souls, and at the same time, He never does anything by which He can be contaminated
- Krsna is within the heart, and the contaminations are also there, but Krsna will help us cleanse them
- Lord Caitanya has affirmed that this hearing is very important. It cleanses the heart of the contaminated soul so that he becomes quickly qualified to enter into devotional service and to understand Krsna consciousness
- Lord Caitanya said to Amogha - "Why have you allowed the candala of jealousy to sit here also? In this way you have contaminated a most purified place, your heart."
- Lord Jesus Christ, he practically worked. So there is practical work. No question of going into the secluded place. We should remain in the congested city and preach this KC movement without being affected by this contamination of city life
- Lord Parasurama is visnu-tattva. As stated in the Isopanisad, visnu-tattva cannot be contaminated by any sinful activity
- Lord Siva desires not to be misled by the material senses but to engage always in the service of the Lord without being subject to contamination by materialistic influences
- Madhye tisthanti rajasah. Madhye, in the middle planetary system, those who are contaminated with the passion quality, they remain
- Maharaja Anga was very pure because of the purification of semen in the family of Maharaja Dhruva. However, his semen became contaminated in association with his wife, Sunitha, who happened to be the daughter of death personified
- Maharaja Anga's semen became contaminated in association with his wife, Sunitha, who happened to be the daughter of death personified. Because of this polluted semen, King Vena was produced. This was a catastrophe in the family of Dhruva Maharaja
- Mahatma Gandhi was a great advocate of Bhagavad-gita, and when he was alive I requested him to preach but I did not receive any favorable reply from him, because he was too much politically contaminated
- Malam means: contamination
- Material goodness is apt to be contaminated by the other two material qualities - ignorance and passion - but when one is situated in the suddha-sattva position, there is no chance for such contamination. It is a spiritual platform of pure goodness
- Mental existence transforms into tangible form as soon as there is an opportunity due to contamination or development of the gross elements from subtle form
- Mirror, when it is dusty, you cannot see your face nicely, similarly, when our heart is contaminated with the material infection, we cannot understand our real position. But if we chant this Hare Krsna mantra, then it will be possible to understand
- Mukti means liberation from the contaminated consciousness of this material world and situation in pure consciousness. All the instructions of Bhagavad-gita are intended to awaken this pure consciousness. BG 1972 Introduction
- Mukti means now we are differently contaminated situation, roga-mukti. There is a word, roga-mukti. One is suffering from fever, and when there is no more fever it is called mukti
- Mundane goodness can enlighten one that the body and the self are different, and one in goodness is concerned with the self and not the body. Due to being contaminated, those in mundane goodness cannot understand the real nature of the self as a person
- My dear Vidura, I (Maitreya) have summarily explained the causes of devastation. One who hears this description three times attains piety and washes the sinful contamination from his soul
- Nalakuvara & Manigriva said: You are the supreme director of all activities of all living entities. Although You are in the midst of everything which is under the spell of the material modes of nature, You are not affected by such contaminated qualities
- Never eat leftover food, never eat prasada offered to the goddess Kali (Durga), and do not eat anything contaminated by flesh or fish
- Not only will the king or government head rid himself of the contamination of the material modes of nature, but the general public will also, and they will all become gradually elevated to the kingdom of God and go back home, back to Godhead
- Now our senses are engaged in sense gratification. I am thinking that because I am this body, I must satisfy my senses. In fact, however, this is a contaminated stage of life
- O hero (Vidura), Diti, being thus afflicted by the contamination of lust, and therefore poor and talkative, was pacified by the son of Marici in suitable words
- O King, when such a mystic passes over the Milky Way by the illuminating Susumna to reach the highest planet, Brahmaloka, he goes first to Vaisvanara, the planet of the deity of fire, wherein he becomes completely cleansed of all contaminations
- O supreme one, the transcendental form I am now seeing is full of transcendental bliss. It is not contaminated by the external energy. It is full of effulgence. My Lord, there is no better understanding of You than this
- On the other hand, although bathing in the Ganges diminishes bodily contaminations and infections, this process and the process of visiting holy places can cleanse the heart only after a long time
- On the other hand, those who are not devotees but are engaged in uncertain processes of self-realization, such as jnana, yoga and karma, are understood to be still contaminated
- One after another, Deity worship should be practiced by everyone. That cleanses the contaminated body very nicely
- One cannot engage in the devotional service of the Lord without being purified of all contamination
- One has to act in such a way that in spite of being in the material nature he is not affected by contamination. Although the lotus flower is in association with water, it does not mix with the water. That is how one has to live
- One may be initiated and yet contaminated by the Mayavada philosophy, but a person who chants the holy name of the Lord offenselessly will not be so contaminated
- One must not desire material profit when rendering devotional service. Even if one follows all the sixty-four regulative principles, he cannot attain pure devotional service with a contaminated heart
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as jiva-himsa (envy of other living entities)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as kama (desire for material gain)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as kuti-nati (faultfinding)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as nisiddhacara (accepting things forbidden in the sastra)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as pratisthasa (the desire for name and fame and for high position)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as puja (hankering for popularity)
- One should hear about Krsna as He is by hearing from the Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam, and in this way one's mind will gradually be cleansed of all contaminated things
- One should not avoid bowing down before the Deity. 4) One should not enter the temple to worship the Lord without having washed his hands and feet after eating. 5) One should not enter the temple in a contaminated state
- One who engages in Your (Krsna's) devotional service by hearing, chanting & remembering certainly becomes purified from the contamination of the modes of material nature & what to speak of those who have the opportunity to see You & touch You directly
- One who has controlled the sitting postures and the breathing process can turn the senses toward the Absolute P of G and thus become immune to the contaminations of the modes of material nature, namely mundane goodness, passion and ignorance
- One who wants to be free of material entanglement should take to the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and give up the contamination of ignorance, involving pious and impious activities
- Only a fully surrendered soul to Krsna is able to get out of the contamination of maya. Therefore such surrendered soul can understand what is Krsna, not others. Not others
- Ordinary ritualistic activities constitute contaminated religion, by which one benefits by developing material wealth and prosperity, but uncontaminated, pure religion consists of understanding one's relationship with God and acting accordingly
- Our consciousness, at the present moment, is materially contaminated. The Bhagavad-gita teaches that we have to purify this materially contaminated consciousness. BG 1972 Introduction
- Our Krsna consciousness movement means that we are preaching this cult: harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam/ kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha. Without this, there is no other way of saving you from the contamination of Kali
- Our loving propensity or our love for God is already there in every living being, but it is now covered due to our ignorance, or due to our contamination with this material nature. So simply we have to awaken that love
- Persons affected with the contaminations of the above four principles (dharma, artha, kama and moksa) cannot at once accept the lotus feet of the Lord in the spiritual sky. The Vaikuntha world is situated far beyond the material sky
- Persons with a small fund of intelligence, finding themselves equal in quality with God, foolishly think that they are equal in quantity also. Their intelligence is called avisuddha-buddhayah-unpolished or contaminated intelligence
- Pious activities may purify one of the contamination caused by ignorance and passion
- Places of pilgrimage are always infected by the sins left by the sinners who go there, but when a personality like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu visits such a place, all contaminations vanish
- Prasadam is transcendental, and there are no transformations or contaminations, just as there are no contaminations or transformations in the body of Lord Visnu Himself
- Realizing "I am Brahman" means engagement in spiritual activity because we are spirit, and our activities are exhibited even though we are contaminated by matter
- Regarding persons attached to the impersonal Brahman, Srimad-Bhagavatam says, "My dear Lord, those who think of themselves as liberated by mental speculation are not yet purified of the contamination of material nature"
- Religious principles which are simply pretentious are actually nothing but cheating. Bhagavad-dharminah is described by Viraraghava Acarya as nivrtta-dharmena, which indicates that it cannot be contaminated by material aspiration
- Rukmini continued, "Their (Krsna's devotees) aim of life remains a mystery to the common human being; the lowest of mankind can know neither You nor Your servants. A contaminated human being cannot even imagine the pastimes of You and Your devotees"
- Sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), association with a sadhu, is very essential in Krsna consciousness. People are suffering due to contamination by tamo-guna and rajo-guna
- Sages said, "By the process of enjoying the senses of the material body, the spirit soul is covered, and his consciousness becomes materially contaminated. It is due to material consciousness that one cannot understand the SP of Godhead, Krsna"
- Sattva means my existence. At the present moment my existence is not suddha, purified. Just like if your health is contaminated, then you get some disease
- Saunaka Rsi, told Suta Gosvami, "Although as human beings we are contaminated with so many taints of material existence, simply by our conversing with you about the Supreme Personality of Godhead we are now gradually decrying our desire for liberation"
- Senses require engagements, and when the senses are engaged totally in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, they have no chance to become contaminated by material infections
- Simply because of hearing this narration, they gain a reputation as devotees, they are unaffected by the contamination of Kali-yuga, and they never see bad dreams
- Simply by bhakti, devotional service, one can become liberated from all contamination. That's a fact, especially in this age. Otherwise why the Europeans and Americans, they will join this movement and chant if there is no effective measure? Why?
- Simply thinking that "I am now spiritually realized; I am the Supreme," this is not pure. So Lord Caitanya says, vastutah buddhi 'suddha' nahe: "That sort of conception is not purified intelligence. That is still contaminated intelligence"
- Since people are contaminated by the lower qualities, they will lead their next lives either as animals or in other degraded forms of life
- Since Sati was the daughter of Daksa, however cruel and contaminated he might be, naturally it was expected that he would receive her very nicely. But here (in SB 4.3.18) it is indicated by the word anavasthita that such a person cannot be trusted
- Since they find duality in the existence of Vaikuntha life, they are contaminated and should be removed from this place to the material world, where the living entities have three kinds of enemies
- So in this way Kali-yuga is polluted. Everything is contaminated, polluted. So it is called the ocean of faults. Because the life is meant for liberation. If one is not interested in liberation, simply for sense gratification, that is conditional life
- So long we are materially contaminated, we require this material body for enjoying senses. And the spiritual world, we get our spiritual body developed. So there is no question of becoming ghost
- So this consciousness, though lying dormant in those who are materially contaminated, is found in every living entity. And, when purified, this is called Krsna consciousness
- So-called Vaisnavas who take everything very casually, are both visayis, or materialists. Eating food offered by them causes contamination, and as a result of such contamination, even a serious devotee becomes like a materialistic man
- Sometimes yogis do attain certain siddhis or powers, but these are not the purpose of yoga, and real yogis do not exhibit them. The real yogi thinks, - I am now contaminated by this material atmosphere, so now I must purify myself
- Spiritual life means curing the contamination of material disease. That is spiritual life. And when you are purified, you relish the spiritual taste
- Spiritual life means pure life, and material life means contaminated life. Just like we have got this body, material body. This is impure body. Therefore we suffer from disease, we suffer from old age, we suffer from birth, we suffer from death
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then said, "There may be much milk in a big pot, but if it is contaminated by a drop of liquor, it is untouchable"
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura has sung in a celebrated song, visaya chadiya kabe suddha habe mana: "When my mind will be purified after leaving the contamination of material sense enjoyment, I shall be able to visit Vrndavana"
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti states that the word sukla means "consisting of suddha-sattva." Lord Visnu descends in His suddha-sattva form. Suddha-sattva refers to the sattva-guna which is never contaminated
- Such a manifestation of divine love is mere imitation and has no value. When one is actually spontaneously attracted to the loving principles of the gopis, there will be found no trace of any mundane contamination in his character
- Such contaminated persons, although apparently advanced in self-realization, cannot even liberate themselves, what to speak of those who follow them
- Sukadeva Gosvami concludes that the great sages and devotees, who are washed clean of all conditioned life, can move freely even within the contamination of material nature by keeping Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, within their hearts
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "My dear king, those who are sinful can become purified from contamination by tapa-adibhih, practicing austerity." Sukadeva also said, however, that no one can become completely purified by executing this process of austerity
- Suppose we have contaminated so many things in our material life. There are, in a material calculation, there are so many things which are the list. One list is for morality and another list is for immorality
- Surfer. I call "sufferer, Sea-sufferer." Sea-surfer, it is practical, because we are creating a situation by which we shall become a fish. Yes. Contamination. Just like if you purposely contaminate some disease, you must suffer from that disease
- That is pure life, when we think like that, that "We are no more servant." Nayam kinkaram, that is, what is called, indemnifying this contaminated existence of material life
- That is why in our Vedic civilization to follow the principles of varnasrama-dharma is the preliminary duty of human form of life. And one who does not understand varnasrama-dharma and does not strive for it, he remains contaminated
- That sort of bhakti is not the perfectional stage. The perfectional stage of bhakti, or devotional service, is completely free from material contamination. The most dangerous aspect of contamination is lust, or sex life
- The aim of life is to become free from all the contaminations, even sattva-guna contamination. This has been explained in the Bhagavad-gita very nicely in the Fourteenth Chapter, how to become not contaminated, disinfected
- The best policy is to disassociate oneself from the three modes of material nature and be always transcendental to their contamination. This is possible only when one fully engages in the devotional service of the Lord
- The cloud and air are different substances. Similarly consciousness is pure spiritual, but when the consciousness desires to enjoy matter, it becomes cloudy and dusty, or contaminated
- The conclusion is, rather, that the senses, mind and intelligence in the gross stage of contamination cannot appreciate the nature of the Absolute Truth, but when purified, the senses, mind and intelligence can understand what the Absolute Truth is
- The contamination of the material world is going on, sattva-guna, rajo-guna, tamo-guna. If you contaminate with the tamo-guna, then you must suffer. If you contaminate rajo-guna, you must get disease
- The diseased condition in which he cannot understand his eternal relationship with Krsna is the contaminated stage, or maya. Since the gopis are on the platform of pure transcendental knowledge, their minds are always filled with Krsna consciousness
- The entire process of devotional service is to purify oneself of this contamination of material nature and put oneself on the spiritual platform, where he is qualitatively one with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The essential point is that the mind, which is contaminated by material attraction, has to be bridled and concentrated on the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It cannot be fixed on something void or impersonal
- The first of Krsna's eight transcendental qualities is that He is always untouched by the contamination of material existence. This is mentioned in the Isopanisad: apapa-viddham
- The following questions may be posed. As long as the liberated soul is in contact with the body, why don't the bodily activities affect him? Doesn't he actually become contaminated by the action and reaction of material activities
- The Fourteenth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita nicely explains how one can free oneself of contamination by the material modes. Now Kapiladeva advises, - Mother, if you want to get rid of the contamination of material nature, you should associate with a sadhu
- The Ganges water is celebrated as being able to eradicate all kinds of sinful reactions. In other words, when a person takes his bath in the Ganges, he becomes freed from all life's contaminations
- The history of Priyavrata and Svayambhuva Manu describes how exemplary, responsible monarchs performed the duties of government with disinterest, keeping themselves always aloof from the contamination of material attachment
- The impersonal and localized conceptions of the Supreme Lord are more or less materially contaminated. The real spiritual process is bhakti-yoga. As the Lord says, bhaktya mam abhijanati: (BG 18.55) "Only by devotional service can I be understood
- The krsna-bhakti, our love for Krsna, is there eternally. But on account of our contamination with this material world, we have forgotten our relationship
- The living entity is contaminated and suffering because he has a material body, but that does not mean that because the Lord is also with him, He also has a material body
- The living entity is put into ignorance and thus into different conditions of bondage because of being contaminated by the material energy
- The Lord has given the infallible knowledge of the Vedas, which are not contaminated by the four defects of human life - namely the tendency to commit mistakes, to be illusioned, to cheat and to have imperfect senses
- The Lord is always ready to give instructions to the paramahamsas, or the topmost devotees of the Lord, who are completely liberated from all contaminations of the material world
- The Lord says that anyone who executes devotional service systematically without deviation can attain the perfection of Brahman by surpassing the contamination of the three modes of material nature
- The material color of the mind is changed when one washes it from contaminations of life-breathing and thereby frees it from the contamination of repeated births and deaths and situates it in pure spiritual life
- The material world is generally controlled by tamo-guna, the quality of ignorance, but the spiritual world, because of the presence of the Lord and His effulgence, is free from all contamination by darkness, passion or contaminated goodness
- The Mayavadi philosophers, they say that so long we are contaminated in the maya, we can adopt any means of self-realization, and after self-realization, when we become liberated, we become one with the Supreme and there is no more any work
- The Mayavadis, or monists, think that they themselves are Krsna, and if one thinks that he himself has become Nanda Maharaja, then his parental love will become contaminated with the Mayavada philosophy
- The most dangerous aspect of contamination is lust, or sex life
- The nature's law is so perfect that if you infect something, some disease, some contamination, then you must suffer. This is nature's law automatically going on
- The only remedy is to continue Krsna consciousness rigidly, in order to get out of the contamination of the material modes
- The path of bhakti is not at all difficult if we follow in the footsteps of previous acaryas and authorities, but those who are too materially contaminated by the modes of material nature cannot follow them
- The people in general are all contaminated by the modes of passion and ignorance. Consequently they cannot select the right person to head the government
- The permanent senses, being contaminated by matter, are not acting properly. Devotional service, therefore, involves freeing the senses from this contamination
- The personal associates of Lord Visnu in Vaikunthaloka are always liberated souls. Even if sometimes cursed or blessed, they are always liberated and never contaminated by the material modes of nature
- The personified Vedas continued, "Despite all endeavors to attain perfection, such yogis, contaminated by desires for sense gratification, will continue to suffer in this life and the next"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Mystic yogis who still have contaminated desires for sense gratification are never successful in their attempt, nor can they realize the Supersoul within the individual self"
- The purpose of human life is to purify oneself of this contamination so that one can regain his spiritual form and not undergo this cycle of birth and death. The recommended process of decontamination is devotional service to the Lord
- The sages said, "After killing Balvala, You (Balarama) may continue touring all the sacred places of pilgrimage for twelve months, and in that way You will be completely freed from all contamination. That is our prescription"
- The sages said, "The demon (Balvala) occasionally comes here and profusely throws upon us contaminated, impure things like pus, blood, stool, urine and wine; he pollutes this sacred place by showering such filth upon us"
- The senses and the mind are naturally inclined to work, but when they are materially contaminated they work for some material benefit or for the service of the demigods, although actually they are meant to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The servants were so careful that a male could not even see what was going on there, & so they were surprised that she (Usa) had become contaminated. Since they could not trace out the reason for it, they submitted the whole situation before their master
- The so-called Sannyasis are the via media of spreading contamination in our Society. It is a very sorry plight
- The special feature of this Age of Kali is that one can easily execute the process of cleansing the mind of contamination by chanting the holy names of God - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- The spirit of enjoyment is present in its pure form in the spiritual world, in relation to Krsna, but we have come here to partake of contaminated enjoyment, just as a man on the Bowery thinks he can enjoy by drinking some liquor
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.2.32) states, Persons who are falsely puffed up, thinking they have become liberated simply by understanding their constitutional position as Brahman, or spirit soul, are factually still contaminated
- The sun can absorb water from a urinal or from stool, and the sun is not polluted; rather, due to the influence of the sunshine, the polluted, contaminated place becomes disinfected and sterilized
- The three modes of material nature may not be manifest in the subtle body, but the contamination of the three modes remains conserved, and in due course of time, it becomes manifest
- The transcendental stage is called suddha-sattva. Sattva-guna is goodness, and the platform where the other qualities cannot contaminate even the quality of goodness, that is the stage of devotion
- The whole aim is liberation. We are conditioned by this material nature. We have got this material body. Therefore our aim should be how to become liberated from this contamination, accepting birth after birth, material body
- The whole process (of unalloyed devotional service) is to cleanse oneself from the contamination of sinful or material life
- The whole purpose is how to make the spirit soul from the bondage of contamination of repetition of birth and death. That is the purpose of human life
- The word karma-dosaih means "by faulty actions." This refers to any activity, good or bad, performed in this material world - they are all contaminated, faulty actions because of material association
- The words srotranjalir upasprsya (in SB 9.24.62) indicate that simply by hearing the transcendental activities of the Lord the devotees become so pure that they are immediately immune to the contamination of materialistic fruitive activities
- The words suddhena karmana are significant in this verse (SB 5.4.6). If work is not carried out in devotional service, it is contaminated by the modes of material nature
- The words virajas tirtha-sevaya refer to Vidura, who was completely cleansed of all contamination by traveling to places of pilgrimage
- The worship of the Deity in the temple is essential to reduce one’s restlessness due to the contaminations of conditioned life
- The worshipers of different demigods are certainly purified of the contamination of the lower qualities of nature and are thereby elevated to the higher planetary system or heavenly planets known as Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, etc. BG 1972 purports
- The worshipers of different demigods are certainly purified of the contamination of the lower qualities of nature and are thereby elevated to the higher planetary systems or heavenly planets known as Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, etc
- Their (sahajiya's) association changes the transcendental devotional service of Lord Krsna into sense gratification, and when sense gratification enters the mind of a devotee, he is contaminated
- Their (the sages's) minds are never disturbed or diverted from contemplation on the Absolute Truth, nor are they ever contaminated by desire for material enjoyment
- There are many contaminations within the heart, and the people in this age are engaged in many sinful activities - illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling
- There are so many contaminations, so many faults of this age, but simply by chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra, one becomes kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah, he becomes free from the contaminated association
- There are three qualities: the good quality, the quality of passion and the quality of ignorance. So we are being contaminated by certain type of quality, and the nature is supplying me a type of body
- There is hereditary preference, certainly. If a man is born in a brahmin family, that is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita but by the contamination of Kali-yuga, all higher-class families, they have been contaminated
- Therefore let us consider how these two contaminated persons should be punished. The punishment should be apt, for thus benefit can eventually be bestowed upon them
- Therefore, my dear Lord, simply seeing You has now wiped away all the contamination of sinful activities and their results of material attachment and lusty desires, which always filled my mind and the core of my heart
- These (in SB 10.5.4) are sastric injunctions concerning how one can purify everything according to Vedic civilization. Unless purified, anything we use will infect us with contamination
- These personalities (Krsna and Jesus Christ), either God or the son of God, who come from the transcendental world, keep their transcendental identities without being contaminated by the material world. That is their omnipotence
- These semiliberated souls falsely claim to be liberated, but unless one engages in devotional service to the Lord, he is still materially contaminated
- They (contaminated persons) cannot understand that the Vedas deal with activities of the material modes of nature - goodness, passion and ignorance
- They (Indra, Candra and so many demigods) are looking after the management of this universe. Bhrgv-adayah. But they are also attacked, contaminated, by these qualities of ignorance and passion and goodness
- This chanting of Hare Krsna is a process by which all contaminations due to material association are removed from the mirror of the mind. There is no need for external help in reviving our Krsna consciousness, for KC is dormant within the self
- This doubtfulness (of the personality of religion) was due to the contamination of both Kali and the material energy. The whole atmosphere of the age of Kali is magnified by the deluding energy, and the proportion of measurement is inexplicable
- This initiation is the beginning of cleaning the contamination. Therefore this mantra suggests, apavitrah pavitrah va: either you be contaminated or not contaminated. When one is not contaminated, he's relishing this Hare Krsna mantra
- This is authority, that nasta-sadacaro dasyah samsarga-dusitah. As soon as there will be contamination of illicit sex life, he will be bereft of all good character, this basic principle. And the whole world is now encouraged in that way
- This love of God is now in a dormant state in everyone's heart. And, there, love of God is manifested in different ways, but it is contaminated by the material association. BG 1972 purports
- This material body is the source of all miseries. Actually the spirit soul has no misery. Just like normal condition of a living entity is healthy life. Disease takes place by certain contamination infection. Disease is not our life
- This transcendental knowledge alone can save one from the contamination of material illusion
- This world is just like blazing forest fire; so everyone is suffering, contaminated. This is the sign, symptoms of contamination, that suffering, threefold miseries-adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika
- Those who are associating with the base qualities of material nature, they get lower life. That is natural. Just like you contaminate a kind of disease, it will become manifest in due course of time
- Those who are sadhavah, or devotees engaged in Krsna consciousness in the transcendental service of the Lord, do not feel the contamination of material miseries
- Thus I have narrated Lord Caitanya's mercy upon Sanatana Gosvami. When one hears these topics, one's heart will be cleansed of all contamination
- To become fixed in devotional service one has to become completely cleansed from the contamination of the material modes of nature. For work in devotional service the first item is adau gurv-asrayam
- To save a surrendered soul from repeated birth and death, the Lord purifies him of contamination by offering him a little distress. This cannot be understood by a nondevotee, but a devotee can see this because he is vipascit, or learned
- To save oneself from the contamination of Kali, there is no alternative but the chanting of these sixteen words - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- To understand the Supreme Lord, we must first come to the platform of sattva, goodness, but goodness here in the material world is sometimes contaminated by the lower qualities ignorance and passion
- Transcendental literatures, missionaries and representatives of the Lord are spotlessly white because the contamination of the material qualities cannot even touch them
- Unless one comes to Krsna consciousness, his conscience has no value. It is contaminated conscience
- Unless one is fully absorbed in the service of the Lord, one is subject to the contamination of the three modes of material nature and must therefore suffer from distress or mixed happiness and distress
- Unless one receives transcendental knowledge in disciplic succession, there is no question of his becoming purified of this contamination which is created in the heart by the three modes of material nature
- Vidura advised Dhrtarastra to therefore think always of Krsna so that the volumes of contaminations due to sinful activities would be washed off immediately
- Visuddha-sattva means goodness where no other quality can contaminate. Here even one man is very good man, sometimes he is tinged with passion or ignorance. Just like I told you that Gandhi, he was a recognized good man, but he committed so many mistakes
- We are also eternal. But why this birth and death? This birth and death due to my, this material body. So as soon as we get our original spiritual body and get out of the contamination of this material body, then we shall be as good as Krsna
- We are contaminating ourself with different laws of material nature, and according to that law, we have to accept the body. The material laws are not under your control; you are under the control of material laws
- We are not impersonalists or voidists. Our program is to enter into the association of Krishna. But we cannot enter within this association without being completely disinfected from the contamination of material sinful life
- We are very, very fallen souls. We cannot do anything. It is very, very difficult. Although at any time, as it is said before, kevalaya bhaktya. Simply by bhakti, devotional service, one can become liberated from all contamination. That's a fact
- We cannot expect him (the sadhu) to give us instructions on how to improve our material condition, but he will give us instructions on how to cut the knot of the contamination of material attraction and how to elevate ourselves in devotional service
- We have got experience that if we infect some disease, contaminous disease, then we must suffer from that disease. So it is not God's creation that somebody is suffering from some painful condition and somebody is enjoying. No
- Well, business-minded is not bad, but contamination is bad. If I chant Hare Krsna and do business, what is the harm? Where is wrong?
- What, then, is the ultimate truth? The answer is that nondual knowledge is the ultimate truth. It is devoid of the contamination of material qualities. It gives us liberation. It is the one without a second, all-pervading and beyond imagination
- When a man or woman is afflicted by the lust of sex desire, it is to be understood as sinful contamination
- When a person gradually progresses from materialistic perception to spiritual perception, he can clearly understand how trivial are his mundane desires, feelings, dislikes, and so on which were so long contaminated by ignorance
- When a person has passed completely from all contamination of material existence, he relishes a transcendental bliss of being established in trance. But as soon as I saw You, the original Personality of Godhead, I experienced the same bliss
- When a person is not contaminated by the above-mentioned faults yet at the ultimate issue is not interested in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or if he is a nondevotee, he also cannot understand the philosophy of Krsna consciousness
- When Aghasura, by that sporting association, as maintained in the spiritual world, was purified of all contamination, he attained sarupya-mukti and vimukti by the grace of Krsna. For Krsna this was not at all wonderful
- When he (Lord Siva) is in touch with tamo-guna he appears contaminated by the material modes of nature. This is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Brahma-samhita
- When Krsna consciousness is covered by any other consciousness, we experience our contaminated conditional life
- When one accepts an invitation from a person contaminated by the material mode of passion, the person who offers the food and the person who accepts it are both mentally contaminated.
- When one eats food offered by a materialistic man, one's mind becomes contaminated, and when the mind is contaminated, one is unable to think of Krsna properly
- When one is finally freed from all contaminations, he attains the supreme perfection of the yoga system - Krsna consciousness
- When one is forgetful of his constitutional position, he appears in the position of the lord of material nature. Even at that time he remains a servant of the Supreme Lord, but in an unqualified or contaminated state
- When one who is not inspired by material desires and is not contaminated by the processes of fruitive activity and empiric speculation fully engages in the favorable service of the Lord, his service is called bhagavad-dharma, or pure devotional service
- When one's consciousness is completely purified of the contamination of material existence, without being agitated as in the working and dreaming states, and when the mind is not dissolved as in susupti, deep sleep, one comes to the platform of trance
- When our energy is utilized in that way (in Krsna's service), our energy is purified from the contamination of material inebrieties, and thus we become fit for our original natural life of service to the Lord
- When the contaminated food was offered to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, a very large bird appeared on the spot, picked up the plate in its beak and flew away
- When the contamination is completely removed and the senses act in the purity of unalloyed Krsna consciousness, we have reached sad-indriya, or eternal sensory activities
- When the soul is purified from the contamination of the five kinds of material air, its spiritual influence is exhibited (Mund. 3.1.9). BG 1972 purports
- When the yogi engages himself with sincere endeavor in making further progress, being washed of all contaminations, then ultimately, achieving perfection after many, many births of practice, he attains the supreme goal
- When we come into this material world, we become contaminated, we become affected by this, by the influence of this material nature. But Visnu, although He is looking after the management of creation of this brahmanda, He is not affected
- When we search into our hearts with the Krsna katha, then the contamination we have accumulated will be washed off. Our hearts will be cleansed of all rubbish. And, as soon as all the rubbish is cleared off, then we are situated in pure consciousness
- Whether first class, second class or third class, they (penance, sacrifice, charity and foods) are all conditioned, contaminated by the material modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- Why have you allowed the candala of jealousy to sit here also? In this way you have contaminated a most purified place, your heart
- With one’s materially contaminated senses one cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His name, form, qualities or paraphernalia, but if one renders service unto Him, the Lord reveals Himself - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.234
- Within the river Yamuna there was a great lake, and in that lake the black serpent Kaliya used to live. Because of his poison, the whole area was so contaminated that it emanated a poisonous vapor twenty-four hours a day
- You (Visnudutas) are sinless, but those within this material world are all karmis, whether acting piously or impiously. Both kinds of action are possible for them because they are contaminated by the three modes of nature and must act accordingly
- You do not be disappointed by the activities of some envious person. Nirmatsara. Anyone who is contaminated by envy, he cannot become Vaisnava
- You have composed this introductory verse to your great satisfaction, but the meaning you have expressed is contaminated by offenses to both Lord Jagannatha and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- You infect some disease knowingly or unknowingly, it doesn't matter, but the disease will be manifest. Suppose you have infected smallpox infection, contamination. Then it will be manifest. So this education is lacking now
- You may be pure or impure. Material condition means impure, contaminated, conditioned. So to get out of this contaminated condition, the sastra says, yah smaret pundarikaksam