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Pages in category "Improve"
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- A brahmana is not supposed to improve his economic condition. He's not interested. He's simply satisfied: "By the grace of God, whatever I have got, that is sufficient." God is supplying everyone, even birds and beasts and cats and dogs
- A karmi, a business man, is improving his business. Just like in your country there are..., there were many great business brain-Mr. Henry Ford, Rockefeller. So they concentrated their attention how to earn money. They are also called yogi in that way
- A materialistic father and mother want to engage their sons in begetting children, striving for improved economic conditions and rotting in materialistic life. They are not unhappy when their children become spoiled, useless citizens
- A perfect human being knows that "My necessities of life is supplied by God, so I have no business to improve the economic condition." That cannot be done also. Nobody is going to be very rich, all of them
- A person in need of money approaches the Lord to ask for some improvement in his monetary condition
- According to the statement of the BG, persons trying for the Pitrlokas can go there; similarly, persons trying to improve the conditions on this earth can also do that, & persons who are engaged in going back home, back to Godhead, can achieve that result
- After death, such persons are thrown into the hell called Puyoda, where they are put into an ocean filled with pus, stool, urine, mucus, saliva and similar things. Sudras who could not improve themselves fall into that ocean and are forced to eat those
- Again election, as if election will change their quality. Let them remain as rascal, and simply by election, in place of one rascal, another rascal will improve it. Let them remain rascal, but get vote
- Although one is acting according to false ambitions, he thinks he can improve his material conditions by his activities. The Vedas enjoin that one should not try to increase happiness or decrease distress, for this is futile
- Although Sri Advaita Prabhu Himself was powerful enough to do the work, as a submissive servitor He thought that without the personal appearance of the Lord, no one could improve the fallen condition of society
- As a materialist is always thoughtful about improving his material condition, a devotee's thoughts should always be engaged in improving his condition in Krsna consciousness; therefore he should be a muni
- As long as one is engaged in activities aimed at improving the standard of bodily comfort, one is sure to transmigrate to different types of bodies, thereby continuing material bondage perpetually. BG 1972 purports
- As some of the old prisoners in government jails are entrusted with some responsible work of prison management, so the demigods are improved conditioned souls acting as representatives of the Lord in the material creation
- As soon as I have got a particular type of body, my pains and pleasures are already settled up. You cannot make any improvement or degradation
- Asavam is an Ayur-vedic medical preparation; it is not a liquor. It is especially made from drugs and is meant to improve metabolism for the healthy condition of the body
- At the present moment, the temple of Kesavaji is very much improved. At one time, Kesavaji-mandira was attacked by the emperor Aurangzeb, who constructed such a big mosque there that the temple of Kesavaji was insignificant in comparison
- Because everyone is not employed, they have discovered machine, and the machine is working hundred men's work. So actually, a hundred men are unemployed. So the machine has not improved the situation
- Because of disobeying the Supreme Lord, one is put into material conditions, and he then tries to improve his situation in a concocted way, not desiring to follow the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Because of so-called scientific improvements in material opulence, people have entirely given up the path of self-realization
- By devotional service one should not expect, "My miserable material condition may be improved" or "I may be liberated from this material entanglement." That is also a kind of sense gratification
- By the grace of Lord Nrsimhadeva my health is improving
- By this agitation our position will be improved. Prahlada Maharaja was suppressed in so many means. What was loss on his part? He improved more and more, more and more
- Can't you see the U.N.? They have headquarters in New York. They are simply talking nonsense, that's all. That is their business. So unless there is full Krsna consciousness, there cannot be any improvement of the world condition
- Chanting of Hare Krsna mantra, should not be taken like that, that "I am chanting Hare Krsna mantra so that my material condition will improve." Not like that
- Civilized human being must have religion. But religion does not mean to develop or improve economic condition. Generally people go to church, to temple, to express some awful condition
- Despite all sorts of education, scientific improvement, brainwash and so many things, people are unhappy. Diseased, unhappy, dissatisfaction, confusion, this is going on. Because everything is not properly done. The government is not strict
- Dhrtarastra was all along engaged in improving family affairs by raising the standard of living of his sons or by usurping the property of the Pandavas for the sake of his own sons
- Don't waste your time for improving sense enjoyment. That means wasting time. You cannot get more than what is destined to you. A dog or a cat cannot get more sense enjoyment than its body will allow
- Even if a man is poor, he should not endeavor to improve his economic condition just to maintain his body and soul together or to become a famous religionist
- Even if one is by qualification a sudra, he must try to improve his position and become a brahmana. No one should try to check a person, no matter what his present position is, from coming to the platform of a brahmana or a Vaisnava
- Every state and every society is busy trying to improve the quality of eating, sleeping, mating and defending. This human form of life is meant for more than these four animal principles
- Everyone is acting in a bodily concept of life involving society, friendship and love for the improvement of economic and political conditions, and thus all activities are enacted in ignorance
- Everyone is open to become a harijana, but not by rubber stamp but by training. That training is required. People are avoiding the training and simply speculating in the mind, foolishness. How the world can improve? There must be training
- Everyone is trying to improve his material condition; therefore the motorcar is going here and there, here and there. Why they are trying? Let them remain satisfied in any condition. The modern economic law is that create new necessities of life
- Everything is determined; therefore we should not try for improving our economic condition because already it is decided. This sort of... Otherwise why you see so many varieties of standard of life?
- Everything remains imperfect. The scientists, they give some theory, but that is imperfect. Another scientist comes, he improves upon it, everything. That means this knowledge has no end, it is going on, going on
- Finishing the monarchical system, people have accepted the democratic system, but it is not very much improvement. Because the state expenditure has very much increased and people are very much overburdened with taxes
- First of all he (Arjuna) was nonviolent; he was not willing to fight. Now he has degraded after hearing Bhagavad-gita? Is it the conclusion? No. He has improved
- For the time being I am keeping my health fairly well. Certainly I was sick when I left Calcutta for London, but I improved my health there. So after all, this is an old body. I am 78 years, and still by the grace of Krsna it is going on
- From aquatics to the birds, beasts, insect, animals, then we come to the human form of life, especially in a civilized human form of life. So if you prepare yourself in this life, then next life you can improve more
- From here (human form of life) we can make further improvement. What is that further improvement? We can go to the better planets. There are many better planets
- Generally religious system is taken for improving social and economic condition. Artha. Artha means economy. Artha is required for sense gratification. We require economic development for our sense gratification
- Generally, at the present moment, everyone is grha-vrata. That's all. They simply want "How to improve my economic condition." That's all. Individually, socially, family wise, internationally or nationally, that is their aim
- God gives the living entity the intelligence with which to improve his position so that he may return home, back to Godhead, or if he does not want to go back to Godhead, the Lord gives him the intelligence with which to improve his material position
- He (Brahma) is always thinking of how to improve the situation of the conditioned souls who have come to the material world to enjoy material activities. For this reason, he disseminates the Vedic knowledge throughout the universe for everyone's guidance
- He (the demoniac man) is enamoured by the possessions he has already, such as land, family, house and bank balance, and he is always planning to improve them. BG 1972 purports
- Here (in SB 3.23.11) there's reference to Devahuti's bodily features. Because she had become skinny, she feared that her body might have no attraction for Kardama. She wanted to be instructed how to improve her bodily condition in order to attract him
- I am not neglecting my health. I am improving gradually. The swelling is almost 80% down and there is an improvement in my appetite, and once again I am translating at night
- I am so much obliged to you for your nice sentiments. Krishna will bless you. Both husband and wife and Karandhara husband and wife, improve temple management more and more
- I am very happy to hear that the programs there are becoming more and more improved, and that you are enthusiastic to understand the Krishna philosophy and to preach very boldly
- I hope the methodical way you are conducting our Tokyo Temple will improve more and more and there may not be any more poisonous effects as it happened in the past
- I know that your new house is very nice with a good view and that you and your family will take very good care of me. Let us see our program here then I shall let you know. My health is very slowly improving. I am simply trusting in Krishna
- I think the Vedic concept of socialism or communism will much improve the idea of communism
- I wanted to talk with you of improvement of the Uddharana Dutta Thakura Path. I know you are managing the establishment so nicely till now but still further improvement can be done if you cooperate with us
- I'll be glad to hear from you about the progress of the Boston center. So far as my health is concerned, definitely I've improved because I am now cooking and typing. I think I will be returning by the end of October
- If a previous acarya has already written about something, there is no need to repeat it for personal sense gratification or to outdo the previous acarya. Unless there is some definite improvement, one should not repeat
- If he (the living entity) does not want to go back to Godhead, the Lord gives him the intelligence with which to improve his material position
- If one is born a sudra, he must continually return to the ocean of Puyoda to eat horrible things. Thus even a born sudra is expected to become a brahmana; that is the meaning of human life. Everyone should improve himself
- If the educational system dealt with the proper utilization of what God is supplying, it would improve. All the fruits and grains we eat are given by God, who supplies food to all living entities
- If these leaders simply become a little convinced about the real purpose of human life, there is tremendous potency for improving the world
- If we leave this material body in Krsna consciousness, we will no longer have to return to the material world. The point is to avoid this material existence altogether. It is not a question of improving our condition in the material world
- If we want to associate with a sadhu, we cannot expect him to give us instructions on how to improve our material condition, but he will give us instructions on how to cut the knot of the contamination of material attraction
- If you can earn money, you can make a good bank balance, that does not mean that you will get bodily comfort. That is not. That is already fixed up, according to your karma. So don't waste your time for improving bodily comforts
- If you improve in spiritual life, then if you have got any desire for material improvement, that will be automatically served. You don't require to try for it separately
- If you think seriously to improve the condition of India, you can begin even in a small-scale the propagation of Krishna Consciousness, and if you do it seriously and sincerely, surely you will be successful
- If you want to improve your condition, if you want to come back to original constitutional position, then tapasya. Then you require to undergo austerity
- Improve this mode of life. Live in open place, produce your food grain, produce your milk, save time, chant Hare Krsna. Plain living, high thinking - ideal life
- Improvement of one's economic condition is the aim and object of a materialist, but there is no end to this material advancement, for if one cannot control his lusty desires, he will never be pleased, even if he gets all the material wealth of the world
- In 1306 (A.D. 1899), through the cooperation of the famous Balarama Mullik of Hugli, who was a subjudge, and many rich suvarna-vanik community members, the management of the temple (where Uddharana Datta Thakura worshiped) improved greatly
- In prison a man may want to improve his condition to become a first class prisoner, and the government may give him A-status, but no sane man will become satisfied by becoming an A-class prisoner. He should desire to get out of the prison altogether
- In spiritual advancement, one's material position improves at the same time that the path of liberation becomes clear and one is freed from material bondage
- In the Vedas there are also certain ceremonies especially meant for sexual improvement and promotion to higher planetary systems, where the demigods are enjoying sex
- In this age of Kali, when all people are very contaminated, the chanting of the holy name of the Lord is recommended as the only means of improvement
- In this age we see much material improvement, but still people are struggling to get more and more material opulence. Manah sasthanindriyani prakrti-sthani karsati - BG 15.7
- In this statement there are two kinds of mellows: chivalry and dread. Both of them, however, improve the position of parental love, and therefore there is no incompatibility
- Industry does not mean really economic improvement. Real economic improvement means what you produce from the land. That requires God help. Without raw materials, even your industry cannot go on
- Instead of improving your karma, karma-kandiya-vicara, fruitive activities, if you take to devotional service and simply try to understand what is Krsna, then you are no longer within the influence of this good work or bad work. You are transcendental
- It is a foolish person who engages in improving the condition of a city without caring for the citizens or inhabitants
- It is essential that one practice self-control by celibacy without the least desire for sex indulgence. For a man desiring to improve the condition of his existence, sex indulgence is considered suicidal, or even worse
- It is not modern, but in modern civilization it has become very prominent, that to improve the economic condition. Economic condition means we improve the standard of sense gratification
- It is not that by improving economic condition of life one has become very peaceful. Otherwise why there is war? Why there is struggle? This is... These things cannot be stopped
- Karmis waste their valuable human life by sleeping and sex indulgence at night, and by laboring hard in the daytime to accumulate wealth, and after doing so, they try to improve the standard of materialistic life
- Karmis work day and night to improve their economic condition, jnanis undergo severe austerities in order to get liberation, and yogis also undergo severe austerities by practicing the yoga system for attainment of wonderful mystic powers
- Karmis work very hard simply to enjoy sex. Modern human society has improved the materialistic way of life simply by inducing unrestricted sex life in many different ways. This is most prominently visible in the Western world
- King Kulasekhara is a pure devotee, and as such he is not eager to improve himself by the standards of the empiric philosophers, distressed men, or fruitive workers of this world
- Krishna is such a nice boss that he gives more facilities and improvement to the sincere servant
- Krsna is the proprietor of all the lokas. Krsna is the real friend of everyone. We are seeking friendship from so many persons to improve our material condition, but you do not know the real friend is within everyone
- Krsna is the real friend of everyone. We are seeking friendship from so many persons to improve our material condition, but you do not know the real friend is within you, everyone
- Ma means not, ya means this. "What you are thinking, it is not that." That is called maya. So they are in maya means, they are thinking, these rascals, they are thinking, improving, becoming happy, advancing this maya word will finish everything
- Man may, by scientific advancement, improve the temporary living conditions, but that he cannot avoid the pangs of birth, old age, disease and death
- Many people are becoming very great in the estimation of material life. From very poor man, they are becoming millionaires. How? They have got intelligence, certainly. Without intelligence they cannot improve. But that intelligence is also given by Krsna
- Many thanks for your encouraging letter. I am improving and hope to see you all again in due course of time. My habit is not to remain stationary
- Material profit, as it is stated here in the Srimad-Bhagavatam by Suta Gosvami, that to go to the church or to the temple or to become a religious person, does not mean that it is meant for improving your material condition
- Materialistic persons generally worship the transient material body and forget the welfare of the spirit soul within the body. Some take shelter of materialistic science to improve bodily comforts
- Materialistic persons take to so-called religion to get some blessings so that they can improve their economic position and enjoy the material world through sense gratification
- Materialistic persons think that the path of religion is meant for improving their material conditions. The materialist goes to a temple to worship many varieties of demigods just to receive some benediction to improve his material life
- Men are wasting their valuable time in the improvement of the material conditions of life by sleeping, indulging in sex life, developing economic conditions and maintaining a band of relatives who are to be vanquished
- Modern civilization is in the opinion that if they can improve their material condition of eating, sleeping, mating and defending, that is advancement of civilization. But that is not advancement of civilization
- Modern civilization promotes a life of forgetfulness (of the relationship with God), with an improved economic condition for eating and so on
- Modern human society has improved the materialistic way of life simply by inducing unrestricted sex life in many different ways. This is most prominently visible in the Western world
- Modern scientific improvements also enable us to enter into stone, because they provide for excavating so many subways, penetrating the hills, etc. So , the mystic perfection of trying to enter into stone, has also been achieved by material science
- My health is improving a very little. The house that we have been given is the best in Risikesh. It is very nice and the climate is much better than Bombay's. Many persons are coming in the afternoons for darsana
- My health is improving by the grace of Krishna, and I am leaving for Bombay by the 22nd instant. Thank you very much for your concern
- My health is not yet recovered, but it is improving very slowly. So, I have been advised to stay here for at least four months, June, July, August and September. After that time it may be possible for me to go to Hyderabad
- Nature can give you anything. After all, it is the nature that supplies your necessities, not the industry. Industry simply transformed in a different way, and a certain class make profit out of it. Industry does not mean really economic improvement
- Nature's law is very, very strict. This life it is given, a chance. Nature gives a chance. Now you get this human form of life, advanced consciousness. Now you make further improvement. That is wanted
- Needy pious men pray to God to improve their economic condition because all they know is sense gratification, while those in difficulty ask Him to free them from a hellish life of tribulations. Such ignorant people do not know the value of human life
- No karmī can expect to improve his business so swiftly, and besides that, Whatever a karmi acquires is temporary and sometimes frustrating. In Krsna consciousness, however, everything is encouraging and improving
- No one can excel Him (God) in any opulence, and therefore the desire for improvement is absolutely useless for Him. One should always discriminate between the activities of the Lord and those of ordinary living beings
- No one is satisfied with how he has improved the family economic condition; everyone thinks that he could not provide sufficiently. Because of his deep family affection, he forgets his main duty of controlling the senses
- No one should take advantage of this verse (BG 9.30) and commit nonsense and think that he is still a devotee. If he does not improve in his character by devotional service, then it is to be understood that he is not a high devotee. BG 1972 purports
- No society can improve in transcendental knowledge without the guidance of such first-class men, and no brain can assimilate the subtle form of knowledge without fine brain tissues
- Nobody understands this philosophy, but this is real philosophy: not to waste your valuable time for improving your economic condition. That is not possible. You have to utilize every moment to see how we are improving Krsna consciousness
- Now I am in Dallas and the climate here is very suitable with plenty of good sunshine. I shall remain here for a few days and if my health improves there will be no need for my going back to India
- O King, if a yogi maintains a desire for improved material enjoyments, like transference to the topmost planet, Brahmaloka, or the achievement of the eightfold perfections, then he has to take away with him the materially molded mind and senses
- O King, if a yogi maintains a desire for improved material enjoyments, travel in outer space with the Vaihayasas, or a situation in one of the millions of planets, then he has to take away with him the materially molded mind and senses
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as jiva-himsa (envy of other living entities)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as kama (desire for material gain)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as kuti-nati (faultfinding)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as nisiddhacara (accepting things forbidden in the sastra)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as pratisthasa (the desire for name and fame and for high position)
- One often thinks of conducting business to improve devotional activity. But the contamination is so strong that it may later develop into misunderstanding, described as puja (hankering for popularity)
- One should not practice religion with the aim of improving one's economic welfare, nor should one use one's wealth for sense gratification
- One should not practice religion with the aim of improving one's economic welfare, nor should the frustration of one's plans for sense gratification lead one to aspire for salvation, or liberation from material conditions
- One should simply try to develop his Krsna consciousness and not waste his time trying to improve his material condition. Actually the material condition cannot be improved. The process of improvement means accepting another miserable condition
- One should work for self-realization, not for economic development, which is impossible to improve. Without endeavor, one can get the amount of happiness and distress for which he is destined, and one cannot change this
- One who engages in pure devotional service has no desire to improve himself - except in the service of the Lord. In such devotional service there cannot be any worship of the impersonal or localized features of the Supreme Lord
- One who hears the transcendental sound vibration of the holy name of the Lord, Hare Krsna, also improves in health
- One who is on the path of (material) progress, trying to improve himself with respectable parentage, great opulence, high education and bodily beauty, cannot approach You with sincere feeling
- One who seeks an improvement in health or aspires after material perfection is no yogi according to Bhagavad-gita. Nor does cessation of material existence entail one's entering into "the void," which is only a myth. BG 1972 purports
- Ordinary living beings work for the improvement of their conditional lives. But the Lord is already full of all opulence, all strength, all fame, all beauty, all knowledge and all renunciation. Why should He desire improvement?
- Our life should be utilized for understanding the Absolute Truth, not for economic development. Economic development, what is already destined, you cannot improve less or more. It is already settled up
- People are embarrassed for improving their economic condition in other countries. Of course, if one is cultured, he is not embarrassed in any condition of life
- People are going from this country to that to improve economic condition. But it is a common saying that "Wherever you rascal go, your fate will go with you." Either you go to England or India or here and there
- People are thinking that advancement of civilization means improving eating, sleeping, mating and defending, but actually these activities have nothing to do with civilization. They simply tighten our bondage to material life
- Philanthropists and altruists do not realize that it is impossible to improve people's material conditions. Material conditions are already established by the superior administration according to one's karma. They cannot be changed
- Please try to cooperate with the temple managers, because in my absence they might feel some difficulty. You are one of the old founders of N.Y. temple, and I hope you shall take some active part in improving the original center
- Practically we see that as we sincerely try to improve our chanting for the pleasure of Krishna, Krishna reciprocates and we feel our greatest pleasure which is devotional service to the Lord
- Prahlada Maharaja says, "Don't waste your time in the matter of animal civilization." Na tat prayaso kartavyo. It is very important verse. Everyone is trying to improve the condition of animal life, that's all. Eating, sleeping, sex and defense
- Prajapati Daksa sent his second group of sons for cultural improvement, despite the risk that because of the instructions of Narada they might become as intelligent as their older brothers
- Prakrta-bhakta means he's situated on the material platform, but under the direction of spiritual master, under the direction of the sastras, he's trying to improve his condition of material existence
- Prakrteh kriyamana-ni gunaih karmani sarvasah (BG 3.27). Everyone is acting under the influence of material nature, and only fools think they can improve upon what God has created
- Presently all human society is engaged in improving economic conditions and bodily comforts, people are not interested in knowing what is going to happen after death, nor do they believe in the transmigration of the soul
- Presently I am claiming, "This is my hand." But what is this? The hand could be paralyzed immediately. This is conditioned life, and how can we improve it
- Presently the governments are levying taxes without improving the citizens in any cultural, religious, social or political way. According to the Vedas, this is not recommended
- Real improvement means how to please Krishna more and more. That is real advancement, real progress
- Regarding Radha Damodara temple, because it is one of the most important temples in Vrindaban, I took shelter in this temple, just to improve the dilapidated condition
- Regarding the artist you have written about, if he can paint improved paintings, we shall publish. Yes, you can bring him to Bombay when you come
- Regarding the improvements of gold stamping and gold guilding on the Bhagavatams, I have already advised Radhavallabha Prabhu. Simply to make fashionable and increase the price may hamper the sales. Rather decrease the price
- Regular rules and practices are strictly followed by all the inmates and keep improving the quality of your Deity worship--this will keep you firmly fixed in the Absolute Truth
- Religion does not mean to improve your material condition. That is not religion
- Simply by theoretical knowledge you cannot make any improvement. These are practical example. Because there is no love for God at the present moment, all this nonsense universal love, fraternity, are going to hell
- Since I have come here to Letchmore Heath, I am improved in my health more than in India. The place is very calm and quiet. It is sufficiently spacious also. I walk within the village daily in the morning along with devotees and it is very pleasant
- Since pure devotees give up their homes, wives, children, relatives, riches and even their lives simply to serve Me, without any desire for material improvement in this life or in the next, how can I (Krsna) give up such devotees at any time
- So the machine has not improved the situation. It has improved the pocket of the capitalist. But it has not improved the condition of the mass of people
- So this Krsna consciousness movement is so important, and there is practical result, that you introduce this chanting of Hare Krsna maha-mantra offenselessly, not with offense, then the world situation will improve very much. That's a fact
- So we are trying to make the situation improved because, after all, as soon as you get this material body, it is suffering. There is no question of happiness
- Society needs first-class sadhus in order to improve. If everyone is a sudra and debauchee, how can society be peaceful
- Someone may ask, "Then shall we do nothing?" Yes do nothing simply to improve your material position. Whatever material happiness is allotted for you by destiny, you'll get it wherever you are
- Sometimes the monkey is captured by a hunter, who sells its body to doctors so that its glands can be removed for the benefit of another monkey. All this is going on in the name of economic development and improved sex life
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami has described how the foolish materially attached men are wasting their valuable time in the improvement of the material conditions of life 1) by sleeping, indulging in sex life
- Such foolish prisoners cannot see that however they improve their position by artificial means, the calamities of repeated birth, death, disease and old age are always beyond the jurisdiction of their control
- Sudras who could not improve themselves fall into that ocean (filled with pus, stool, urine, mucus, saliva and similar things) and are forced to eat those disgusting things
- Sukadeva Gosvami replied, "My dear king (Pariksit), the sinful activities must be atoned." There are three processes: karma, jnana, bhakti. So yoga is within the jnana. To improve our condition there are different processes. One is called karma
- Superficially, such persons (who are too attached to family life) are not very greedy for material possessions, but they are too attached to wife, children and family improvement
- The best examples (of being conditioned by mode of goodness) are the scientist and philosopher: each is very proud of his knowledge, and because they generally improve their living conditions, they feel a sort of material happiness. BG 1972 purports
- The bodily parts would be working against the interest of the body as a whole. By such foolish activities, the hands, legs, and so on could never improve their respective positions
- The body is made according to our past karma, and that is called destiny. Your happiness and distress according to the body is already settled up. It is not possible by natural way to improve or disimprove it
- The change of body is taking place at every moment, but that does not mean that we are improving from the fetal condition of life to a more comfortable condition. The best thing is, therefore, to develop Krsna consciousness
- The chemical evolution, it is also maya. They are thinking by further improvement . . . just like you were speaking, almost come to the point. That, "almost coming to the point," that will continue. You will never come to the point
- The chicken is also dying; you are also dying. What is your improvement? That they cannot say. Real problem they cannot solve. Simply a little high standard of living, and they think this is advancement
- The chili should be added to the hot ghee just after the cumin seed begins to darken in color, and both of them should become brown, but not black or burnt. I think this adjustment with a little trial will improve the dahl for offering to the Deities
- The demons have now neglected such injunctions (that a woman should not be given freedom), and they think that women should be given as much freedom as men. However, this has not improved the social condition of the world. BG 1972 purports
- The expansions of Vedic wisdom also give the nitya-baddhas, the conditioned living entities, a chance to improve
- The foolish people, they do not know. They are trying to improve their economic condition, position, and wasting their time. It has no value. Modern people will take it as very revolting that there is no need of this endeavor for economic development
- The great-minded Maharaja Nanda gave clothing, ornaments and cows in charity to the cowherd men in order to please Lord Visnu, and thus he improved the condition of his own son (Krsna) in all respects - SB 10.5.15-16
- The improvement in knowledge and detachment can be perceived by devotees as an actual experience
- The King reestablished the lost legs of the personality of religion (the bull), and by encouraging activities he sufficiently improved the condition of the earth
- The law of karma enacted by the Supreme Lord for the living entities cannot be applicable to Him, nor has the Lord any desire to improve Himself by activities like those of ordinary living beings
- The leaders of the society, they should take very serious attention how you can improve the social condition of this world. Not only here; everywhere
- The living entities are completely dependent on the mercy of the Lord, and all their so-called enjoyments by scientific improvement are crushed into dust when the Lord desires
- The Lord is ever increasingly merciful upon the fallen souls of this material world. The whole cosmic manifestation is a chance for all to improve themselves in devotional service to the Lord, and everyone is meant for that purpose
- The material creation is meant for fulfilling the desire of the Lord, and His desire is that the conditioned souls who are unfit to enter into the kingdom of God have a chance to improve their conditions for entering
- The material scientists are fond of always improving this or that, but factually we see there is no real improvement
- The other day I was reading in the, that paper, Moscow News, there was a congress, Communist congress, and the president declared that "We are ready to get others' experience to improve"
- The principles of Maharaja Pariksit can be still continued, and human society can still be improved, if there is determination by the authorities
- The pure devotee is not at all attached to improving his social status or improving the status of education of his children. He is not neglectful - he is dutiful - but he does not spend too much time on the upliftment of temporary household or social life
- The result of advancement in spiritual knowledge is not material improvement, but Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised Gopinatha Pattanayaka how to use material opulence without incurring reactions to sinful life
- The so-called acaryas of the Age of Kali are more concerned with exploiting the resources of their followers than mitigating their miseries; but Sri Advaita Prabhu, as an ideal acarya, was concerned with improving the condition of the world situation
- The soul has a particular type of body, he must eat a particular type of food. Can anyone, any scientist, improve the standard of living of a pig? Is it possible
- The ten processes for liberation or improvement on the path of liberation are not meant for the devotees. Kevalaya bhaktya: if one simply engages in devotional service to the Lord, all ten methods of liberation are automatically observed
- The vaisya community is specifically responsible for the economic improvement of the society by producing grain, by giving protection to the cows, by transporting food when needed, and by banking and finance
- The Vedic principles (mahajano yena gatah sa panthah (CC Madhya 17.186)) urge us to follow in the footsteps of great liberated souls. In this way we can receive benefit in both this life and the next, and we can also improve our material life
- The whole world is engaged in sacrificing energy for advancement of learning, social upliftment, economic development and plans for total improvement of the human condition
- The word gramya-karmana indicates activities meant only for the improvement of bodily comforts
- There are three processes: karma, jnana, bhakti. So yoga is within the jnana. To improve our condition there are different processes
- There is a gradual order of improvement in transcendental mellows from the initial ones to the later ones
- There is no necessity to improve our material comforts. We cannot improve it. For example, just like a hog, he has got a particular type of body, he can eat stool. You cannot improve his eating process by giving him halava, that is not possible
- There is no question of improvement (upon Krsna's words). But sometimes, according to time, circumstances, country, candidate, there is some trick or some ways . . . real business is one must take to Krsna consciousness
- These (improving family affairs) are common affairs for a man grossly materialistic and without knowledge of the spiritual force. He (Dhrtarastra) does not see how this can drag one from heaven to hell
- These modern philosophers or scientists may go on thinking that they can improve the world situation in their own way, but that is not possible. We are unhappy on account of being separated from Krsna
- They (those who are addicted to sex life) cannot improve any material condition, not to speak of becoming famous
- They are trying to improve their economic condition, position, and wasting their time. It has no value. Of course, modern people will take it as very revolting that there is no need of this endeavor for economic development
- They think that one can improve. That is not possible. Unless he changes the quality, he cannot improve. That is not possible. They do not know it
- They worship the forefathers and are busy day and night improving the economic condition of their family, social or national life
- This godless civilization, there is no peace, although we are improving. We have discovered this airplane, but we have given chance another kind of danger
- This is a spiritual movement, and at the present moment people are more interested with material improvement, but our real interest is... Not only our, every human being's interest should be for spiritual upliftment
- This is the duty of the mercantile class of men: to improve agriculture, to give protection to the cows, krsi-go-raksya. And vanijyam. And if you have got excess food, you can trade, vanijyam. This is the business
- This is this national flag, this is that national flag, and fighting is going on between America and Vietnam, and this and that, so many going on. What improvement have they (United Nation) made? There cannot be any improvement without KC
- This position, forgetfulness, can be changed, and human life is meant for that purpose. So far improvement of economic condition or other condition, that is already fixed up. One cannot change it
- This saying is very nice that, "Birds of the same feather flock together." So this propensity of combination of society, community, amongst the human being, is not very important improvement
- This span of life in a particular type of body is but a flash in the eternal journey. Not knowing this fact, the mass of people take the small flash of life to be everything, and they waste time in improving economic conditions
- Those who are in household life should not think that religion is meant to improve the process of the householder's sense gratification
- Those who are very passionate can improve in material acquisition very quickly. It is recommended in the Vedic scriptures that if one wants to encourage a person in acquiring material possessions, one should also encourage him in sex life
- Those who aspire for liberation (mukti or moksa) and introduce themselves as vaidantika are also equal to those groups aspiring to improve religion (dharma), economic development (artha) and sense gratification - kama
- To get yourself promoted in higher standard of life, from C-class prisoner to become A-class prisoner, that is not required. Bhagavad-gita does not teach us that you improve your life in the respect that you are now C-class prisoner; you become A-class
- To improve our condition there are different processes. One is called karma
- Vedic civilization does not recommend that you waste your valuable life simply for so-called happiness or economic..., improvement of economic condition. Because it is not possible that everyone trying for improving economic condition
- Vivekananda, he prescribed daridra-narayana-seva. The same thing - hospital. We kill all animals, and the hospital patient is given the meat for improvement of the health. But he does not know that this is not curing; he is become implicated in his karma
- Vrndavana forest improved from the rains and was replete with ripened dates, mangoes, blackberries and other fruits. Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, along with His boyfriends & Balarama, entered the forest to enjoy the new seasonal atmosphere
- We are not improving actually. We are not improving. We are decreasing in every respect, and we are proud of advancement of civilization
- We are very proud that we are happy and are improving our civilization. The result, however, is that although we try to enjoy material life, the duration of our life is shortened
- We cannot expect him (the sadhu) to give us instructions on how to improve our material condition, but he will give us instructions on how to cut the knot of the contamination of material attraction and how to elevate ourselves in devotional service
- We have actually seen that many brahmacaris and grhasthas connected with the International Society for Krishna Consciousness have improved in health, and a luster has come to their faces
- Whatever improvement is made here in the matter of my health it is all due to warm climate. As such I shall be pleased to know about Los Angeles with special reference to its climatic conditions
- When he suffers reverses in his occupation, he tries again and again to improve himself, but when he is baffled in all attempts and is ruined, he accepts money from others because of excessive greed
- When Krishna gives us opportunity, we should never misuse it. I am confident that you and Himavati are very considerate. So you arrange things in such a nice way that the center improves more and more daily
- When Krsna consciousness is aroused, it relieves one from fruitive activity, activity for economic improvement and material enjoyment. This relief is technically called naiskarmya
- When one person, or one community, makes such improvement in material advancement the next stage is the spiritual inquiry
- When one's economic condition becomes very nice, he wants to make economic condition very nice, he wants some monetary, financial adjustment. This financial improvement people generally want for sense gratification
- When the living entity engaged in devotional service relishes the fruit of love of Godhead, he forgets all religious ritual and improvements in his economic condition
- When the mind is polluted by fruitive activity, the living entity wants to be elevated from one material position to another. Generally everyone is involved in working hard day and night to improve his economic condition
- When the Rudra principle is exhibited by persons who are not engaged in the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the angry person falls down from the peak of his improved position
- Who are less-intelligent class of men? The woman class or the laborer class, and those who are born in high family but their qualities are not so improved
- Why God should make arrangement for the animals and the birds and not for the human being? A human being also has got arrangement, but because we don’t believe in God, therefore we think that - I have to make this improvement, or otherwise I will die
- With the help of many rich Marwaris, the temple (of Kesavaji in Mathura) has been improved, and a very large temple is now being constructed so that the mosque is now appearing diminished in comparison
- You are falsely thinking that "I am everything. I can, by technological understanding, I improve the condition." But the real problem is, we are put under the laws of material nature, by which we have to accept birth, death, old age and disease
- You are simply trying to go to the nearest planet. That is also failure. So what is your scientific improvement?
- You can remain in any apartment as husband and wife, and invite persons there to hear your chanting and topics, that is our center, and let it be gradually improved. I think this program will be very much suitable for you at the present moment
- You cannot change (instruction from spiritual master). You cannot improve. That is rascaldom. A spiritual master also does not change the words of Krsna and makes any improvement upon it
- You cannot change your destiny. Now, take for example, there are so many agricultural improvement. Does it mean that there is no person who is needy? There are so many needy person. But has the agricultural education improved their lot? No
- You first of all be convinced. And then try to convince others. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instruction is that you can improve the welfare of others when your own life is a success. First make your life perfect. Then try to teach others
- You have forgotten that your body is lying there on the bed, and you are flying in the air, dreaming. Therefore, to improve the sleeping method is not advancement of civilization
- You have got this valuable life. Every moment is so valuable. That means you are wasting your valuable life by such endeavor to improve your economic condition. It is not possible
- You may think that you have to make improvement of your economic conditions, but actually the economic condition, what you have to enjoy, that is already there. You haven't got to endeavor
- You should more and more improve this magazine (Back to Godhead) until it becomes superior to all other magazines in the French language
- You should try to keep yourself always informed how the financial matters are improving and keep your watchful eye on every feature of our Krishna Consciousness activity. That is also part of preaching work
- You will be pleased to know that I have improved my health to the normal and my missionary work is nicely progressing
- Your appearance in this fearsome form is Your pastime for Your own pleasure. Such an incarnation is always meant for the protection and improvement of the universe
- Your prayers to Lord Krishna are heard by the Lord, and by His Grace I'm getting improved in health day by day
- Your thinking about my health; yes by the Grace of Lord Nrsimha, I am not in bad health. Rather I have improved since I have come from India back