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- A Krsna conscious person has no leisure. He's twenty-four hours engaged. Other people, they might have some leisure hours, but here, we are engaged in such a way that they want, instead of twenty-four hours, another three-four hours more
- A man travels to earn his livelihood, leaving home early in the morning, catching a local train and being packed in a compartment. He has to stand for an hour or two in order to reach his place of business. Then again he takes a bus to get to the office
- A man-made satellite may orbit the earth in an hour and twenty-five minutes and thus complete one full day, although a day ordinarily takes twenty-four hours for those living on earth
- According to the calculations of the demigods, one day (twelve hours) is equal to six months on earth. A hundred years of the demigods would equal thirty-six thousand earth years
- According to Vedic astronomical calculations, day and night are each divided into thirty ghatikas (twenty-four minutes), instead of twelve hours
- After all qualification, if one has to do the same thing just to fill up the belly, working twelve hours, fourteen hours, then what is this civilization?
- After the rasa dance was over, the night (the night of Brahma, a very, very long period, as mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita) turned into the brahma-muhurta. The brahma-muhurta takes place about one and a half hours before sunrise
- After this incident, the Lord remained in an ecstatic position for twenty-one hours, and all the devotees saw His specific pastimes
- All the school friends were sons of demons, means atheist class of men. So they did not know anything about God, and Prahlada Maharaja was taking advantage of the school tiffin hour and preaching
- All these big, big men, let them have one set of books and study. It is not any expenditure for them, but if at their leisure hour they read some of the line - they are all intelligent men - they'll get ideas, what is this Krsna consciousness
- All these sun's time, twenty-four hours, they are present even in this hour. You have to know by telegram or telephone. So if it is possible for the material thing, sun, so how much it is possible for God? This is called raja-vidya, king of knowledge
- Although Lord Brahma has a long life-span (4,320,000,000 years constitute twelve hours in a day of Brahma), Brahma is afraid of death and consequently engages in the devotional service of the Lord
- Another twelve-hour (4,300,000 years multiplied by one thousand) period covers the night. Thirty such days equal a month, twelve months a year, and Brahma lives for one hundred such years
- Anyone who sleeps more than six or seven hours, he is a Kumbhakarna
- As far as time is concerned, we beg to subjoin a table of timings in terms of the modern clock. One laghu - 2 minutes; One danda - 30 minutes; One prahara - 3 hours; One day - 12 hours; One night - 12 hours; One paksa - 15 days
- At every moment, every second, every day, every hour, the body is changing, so the last change is when one cannot act with the body, and so he has to take another one
- At the critical hour of death one must recite the name of Govinda. This is the recommendation of all great transcendentalists
- Bhagavad-gita can be consulted in all critical times, not only for solace from all kinds of mental agonies, but also for the way out of great entanglements which may embarrass one in some critical hour
- Birds, beast, you will find the pigeons, the dogs, they are enjoying sex at least four times in a hour. So there are men also like that. So here in this material world the sex life is this top pleasure. But it is very abominable
- Brahma continued: My dear Lord, You are infallible. Please kill this sinful demon before the demoniac hour arrives and he presents another formidable approach favorable to him. You can kill him by Your internal potency without doubt
- Business offices close at a fixed hour no matter what balance of work remains. Similarly, after the age of fifty one must retire from the active, external life and devote oneself to the introspective cultivation of the human spirit
- By nature's arrangement the crowing of the cocks warns of the brahma-muhurta hour. There is no need of alarm clocks: as soon as the cocks crow early in the morning, it is to be understood that it is time to rise from bed
- Day and night he rendered service within his mind to Radha-Krsna, and for three hours a day he discoursed about the character of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- During the hours of eclipse it was the custom of the Hindu public to take bath in the Ganges or any other sacred river and chant the Vedic mantras for purification
- Earth is moving. When the aeroplane moves also, there are so many jerking, those sound. They're all imperfect. But here you see that such perfect arrangement, it is moving one thousand miles per hour, and there is no jerking
- Empirical, atheistic philosophers like Kapila spent innumerable tedious hours researching the material phenomena of this cosmic creation. Yet it remained beyond the grasp of their limited intelligence
- Even attempting to reach the highest planet will take millions of years at a speed of millions of miles per hour. This is a different science, and Bhismadeva knew well how to utilize it
- Even during our sleeping hours we can understand by virtue of our breathing process that the snake lives by eating the air that passes within this body
- Even if you go to the Brahmaloka, where one twelve hours means thousands of four yugas, but still there is death. So we cannot avoid this
- Even in this feeble health also, I am working four hours at least, at night. And they are also helping me. So this is our individual attempt
- Every human being has a maximum duration of life of one hundred years, but for one who cannot control his senses, half of those years are completely lost because at night he sleeps twelve hours, being covered by ignorance
- Follow the regulative principles, chant at least 16 rounds of beads daily, read our literatures, go for street Sankirtana, etc. In this way keep yourselves engaged in Krishna's business 24 hours and you all will be really happy in this life
- Food prepared more than three hours before being eaten, food that is tasteless, decomposed and putrid, and food consisting of remnants and untouchable things is dear to those in the mode of darkness
- For those working in Krsna consciousness, there are simply not enough hours in the day to serve Krsna. There are always activities, engagements both day and night, which the student of Krsna consciousness performs joyfully
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) could not get any opportunity in the palace (of his father Hiranyakasipu), so when he was coming to school, at the tiffin hour he would call his small friends, five years old, and he would preach this Bhagavata-dharma
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) was very afraid of his father at home. But in the school, as soon as the teachers were away, tiffin hour, he would take the opportunity and preach something about God
- He engaged himself in devotional service for more than twenty-two and a half hours a day, and for less than two hours he slept, although on some days that also was not possible
- How many hours you are sleeping?
- I cannot sleep more than 3 hours at night, and 1 hour in day. So if it continues like that, and if I keep fit, I think I shall have ample time to work writing books
- I sleep three to four hours total
- If I can go to America within fifteen hours for preaching facility, why shall not I use the aeroplane?
- If one wants to engage in yoga at home, then he has to make certain that his other engagements are moderate. He cannot spend long hours of the day working hard to simply earn a livelihood
- If the sun rises at 5:30 in the morning, at 5:30 in the evening twelve hours have been taken away from the duration of our lives. We will never get this time back
- If we ask any scientist, "I will give you twelve million dollars - please give me back these twelve hours," he will reply, "No, it is not possible." The scientist cannot do it
- If you believe that by chanting Hare Krsna you'll be liberated, then why fifteen minutes? Why not fifteen hours? What is the loss there
- If you take advantage of the elevator, you reach immediately hundredth floor within a minute, but if you go step by step, step by step, it will take hours
- If you think of Krsna twenty-four hours, Krsna will think of you twenty-six hours. (laughter) Krsna is so kind. If you do some service for Krsna, Krsna will reward you hundred times
- If your mind becomes absorbed at least one or two hours daily in the transcendental subject matter of Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, and other books then very easily you will make your advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- In every chapter of Srimad-Bhagavatam you'll find brahma-sutra-bhasya: "This is real commentary on the Brahma-sutra." So one should read daily at least one, two hours. That is human life
- In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (71) it is stated that Vakresvara Pandita was an incarnation of Aniruddha, one of the quadruple expansions of Visnu (Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Aniruddha and Pradyumna). He could dance wonderfully for seventy-two continuous hours
- In the lives of the great devotees Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami, we see that they did not sleep more than one and a half hours a day, and they were reluctant even to accept that. So sleeping is also restricted
- In the momentous hour of leaving his material body, Bhismadeva set the glorious example concerning the important function of the human form of life
- In the tiffin hour, when the teachers are gone, he (Prahlada Maharaja) would immediately stand up and preach to his friends - My dear friend, begin Krsna consciousness from this point. Although you are very small boys, still we have to begin here
- In this way they danced continuously for twelve hours, and in the evening they all took a bath in the Ganges and then returned to their homes
- In tiffin hours, the hours when the teachers were absent from the classroom, the students called Prahlada Maharaja, wanting to play with him
- In Vrndavana you'll find just early in the morning exactly one and a half hours before sunrise, all temples will ding-dang, ding-dang, like this. And people will automatically rise up and go to see the first ceremony. It is very nice
- In your leisure hour you will try to repeat and get by heart some of the slokas. That will be very nice
- Indeed, pure devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu even want to see the places He simply visited for only hours or minutes
- Instead of going to the cinema and standing there for three hours for a ticket, if you engage your legs to come to this temple, it is yoga system, so simple thing
- It is my practical experience. Syamasundara had to waste at least two to three hours to secure rice, fruits. Only milk and butter could we get
- It was a momentous hour for the Thakura (Bilvamangala), and he took a turn towards spiritual realization by the words of a prostitute (Cintamani)
- Just like the sun rises early in the morning, say, after twelve years er, twelve hours. Similarly, Krsna's coming here, there is calculation in the sastra. He comes once in a day of Brahma. Means some crores of years after He comes
- Just one and a half hours before sunrise. If the sunrise varies, then the waking time also should vary
- Kirtana may go on for hours, and one may not feel tired, but it is difficult to sit in lotus position perfectly still for more than a few minutes
- Kirtaniyah sada harih: (CC Adi 17.31) "The holy name of the Lord should be chanted twenty-four hours daily." In this Krsna consciousness movement we request the devotees to chant at least sixteen rounds on their beads daily
- Manda means very slow. Sleeping, out of twenty-four hours, sleeping twelve hours, and out of twelve hours, they're busy in earning money ten hours. Then two hours left. What he can do for spiritual understanding. There's no time
- My dear gentleman, all these men and women with me are known as my friends, and the snake, who always remains awake, protects this city even during my sleeping hours. So much I know. I do not know anything beyond this
- My father used to carry salagrama-sila. Wherever he would stay, ganga-jala, tulasi, decoration. Say, half an hour business. My father was a great devotee
- Newspapers are read for less than an hour and then thrown in the dustbins as rubbish. The case is similar with all other mundane literatures
- Nobody will be unemployed. Everyone should be trained up to sleep six to eight hours and attend meeting, chant, and arati. And balance - he must work hard. Not that sleeping unlimitedly. There is no limit
- O inaugurator of the material energy (Krsna), this wonderful creation works under the control of powerful time, which is divided into seconds, minutes, hours and years - SB 10.3.26
- On zero some great swami spoke four hours. And he was very proud that on zero one can speak throughout his whole life. But if you can speak on some subject matter for four hours, how it is zero? Just see the contradiction
- One cannot remain there for a very long time. Life on the moon is said to last ten thousand years according to calculation of the demigods. The demigods' time is calculated in such a way that one day (twelve hours) is equal to six months on this planet
- One has to learn it (Krsna Consciousness). We say how one becomes passed M.A. examination? That is not a thing to be learned in half an hour or fifteen minutes
- One hundred years of Brahma are not the same as the one hundred years of a human being. From Bhagavad-gita we understand that Brahma's daytime of twelve hours equals 4,300,000 times 1,000 years
- One should immediately offer obeisances to the Lord, falling down like a stick. (4) There must be regular mangala-arati in the temple during the early morning, an hour and a half before the sun rises
- One should not sleep more than five to six hours. Minimize as far as possible. The Gosvamis used to sleep not more than one and a half hour, or two hours. Sleeping is not very important thing. Even big politicians, they used to sleep for two hours
- One should work eight hours at the most to earn his livelihood
- One who is not in Krsna consciousness usually cannot sit silently even for half an hour
- Our process will remain the same eternally, namely, to begin with Sankirtana and prolong it at least for 1/2 hour, then speak something from Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Brahma Samhita, etc. and invite questions and answer them
- Our yoga system is not like that, that we whole day, twenty-three hours and forty-five minutes, I engage myself in all nonsensical activities, and fifteen minutes I concentrate my mind, the meditation. That kind of yoga system is not here
- Outlines of thought are already there. You read one line, you can speak half an hour. They are so full of meaning. Provided you can express the meanings
- Persons who are not for spiritual realization, they may be engaged in work for eight hours only, but those who are engaged for spiritual realization, oh, they are engaged twenty-four hours
- Prahlada Maharaja, what he did do, as soon as there is tiffin hour, all the teachers gone, he would immediately call all the class friend and stand up on the bench and speak on bhagavad-bhakti
- Prahlada, although he was a boy, he used to take opportunity for preaching KC among his friends. So in the tiffin hours, when the boys were left free to play, so Prahlada Maharaja used to call them - My dear friends, sit down. Let us talk about KC
- Prajalpah, unnecessary gossiping. Just like people are wasting time taking one newspaper and talking for hours. These things should be avoided. And to associate with nondevotees. And greediness. These things should be avoided
- Raghunatha dasa spent more than twenty-two hours out of every twenty-four chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and remembering the lotus feet of the Lord. He ate and slept for less than an hour and a half, and on some days that also was impossible
- Regarding dancing, our dancing is ecstatic. We need not waste time 5 hours daily instead of chanting, for practicing. We are not professional dancers, neither we require it
- Regarding your working hours, if you can work more, of course that is very good
- Simply eating for living, and not living for eating, and sleeping only six to seven hours a day are principles to be followed by devotees
- Since it is a Vedic custom to give in charity as much as possible during the hours of the eclipse, the members of the Yadu dynasty distributed many hundreds of cows in charity to the brahmanas
- Sleeping is not good. The Gosvamis used to sleep only two hours. I also write at night book, and I also sleep, not more than three hours. But I take sometimes little, sleep more
- Sometimes on the "Isavasya Hour" people should chant Isopanisad; that will purify the whole atmosphere
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu encouraged the public chanting of the holy name on a huge scale for as many hours as possible
- Sukadeva Gosvami was authorized to speak, and he was asked, - What is my duty? I (Pariksit) am very fortunate that you have come in this momentous hour. Kindly tell me what is my duty
- Sukadeva Gosvami was not accustomed to stay at any householder's residence for more than half an hour (at the time of milking the cow), & he would just take alms from the fortunate householder. That was to sanctify the residence by his auspicious presence
- That is the way of the spiritual and godly life, after attaining which a man is not bewildered. Being so situated, even at the hour of death, one can enter into the kingdom of God. BG 2.72 - 1972
- That is the way of the spiritual and godly life, after attaining which a man is not bewildered. If one is thus situated even at the hour of death, one can enter into the kingdom of God
- The best policy is to chant Hare Krishna all together husband, wife, and son at least a half hour daily. If your wife joins with you in chanting, then the whole problem will be solved
- The Bhagavad-gita can be consulted in all critical times, not only for solace from all kinds of mental agonies, but also for the way out of great entanglements which may embarrass one in some critical hour
- The car is moving seventy miles per hours. It appears very with good speed running. But the earth is running at one thousand miles per hour, but we cannot understand. The arrangement is so nice. The perfection that it is... We cannot understand it
- The distance from Delhi to Vrndavana is not very much. By car it is two and a half hours and by bus it is four hours. So if you come timely in Delhi that is all right, otherwise you have to come via Delhi to Vrndavana. So do the needful
- The duration of life (one million celestial years) prescribed for the Pracetas by the SP of Godhead is calculated by the time measurements of higher planetary systems. Our six earth months are said to equal twelve hours in the higher planetary systems
- The duration of life varies according to species. Brahma, the chief living being within this material universe, lives for millions & millions of years, while a minute germ lives for some hours only. But no one in the material world can survive eternally
- The school (where Prahlada Maharaja was studying) was also full of students who were born of atheistic father. So as soon as he would get some opportunity, in the tiffin hour, he would speak something about God consciousness
- The sri-vigraha-seva - all rising early in the morning, arrange for mangala aratrik, then dressing, then offering food, then aratrik, so many hours. The whole day can be used in that way. Then reading books, class, taking care of the temple
- The sun is taking away our duration of life every minute, every hour, every day. But if we engage ourself in the topics of Uttama-sloka, that time he cannot take away
- The time early in the morning, one and a half hours before sunrise, is called brahma-muhurta. During this brahma-muhurta, spiritual activities are recommended
- The time factor is divided into many fractions of moments, hours, months, years, periods, seasons, etc. All the divisions in this verse (SB 3.21.18) are determined according to the astronomical calculations of Vedic literature
- The Valmiki Muni, he got perfection by meditation after meditating for sixty thousands of years. So there is no guarantee whether we are going to live for sixty years or sixty hours
- The voluntary suffering means what is our enjoyment? First of all let us see. The enjoyment is if we can eat voraciously, eating, and if we can sleep thirty hours, and if we have got sex life without any discrimination, and don't care for defense
- The whole world is working so hard. They are going to the office; they are going to the . . . working hours to earn livelihood. But what is the pleasure? The pleasure is sex. That's all. Their ultimate goal is sex
- There have been many actual examples of yogis' being buried in trance and exhumed alive and in good condition several hours later. A yogi can keep himself alive in a transcendental state even if buried not only for many days but for many years
- There was all darkness in New York on the 10th instant and it was not a happy incident. I learn that may people remained in the elevators and in the subway trains for more than seven to eight hours in darkness
- These (a man in the mode of ignorance sleeps at least ten or twelve hours a day. Such a man appears to be always dejected and is addicted to intoxicants and sleeping) are the symptoms of a person conditioned by the mode of ignorance
- They (Dvaraka and Vidarbha) are separated by a distance of not less than one thousand miles, but the horses were so fast that they reached their destination, a town called Kundina, within one night or, at most, twelve hours
- They (the materialistic persons) procrastinate; anything which can be done in an hour they drag on for years. Such workers are situated in the mode of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- They (the modern scientists) have so far traveled at a speed of 18,000 miles per hour, but here (in SB 3.30.24) we see that a criminal passes 792,000 miles within a few seconds only, although the process is not spiritual but material
- They engage almost twenty-four hours daily in rendering service to the Lord. They usually sleep only an hour and a half, and some days, when they continuously chant the Lord's holy name, they do not sleep at all
- This acquisition of knowledge (which we gather by our education in the schools and colleges) cannot satisfy our eternal need for which we hanker life after life, day after day, hour after hour
- Those engaged in brahmacarya cannot sleep until seven or nine o'clock in the morning. They must rise early in the morning, at least one and a half hours before the sun rises, and offer oblations, or in this age, they must chant the holy name of the Lord
- Those who are tapasvis, they should reduce sleeping also. Just like the Gosvamis did: only one and a half hour or utmost two hours. That also sometimes not. Actually, we should reduce this. Nidrahara-viharakadi-vijitau
- We boarded the plane for the second time the next morning at nine a.m. and took off for Moscow shortly thereafter, and arrived at that bastion of propaganda about three hours later
- We can even go from New York to Boston in less than an hour by plane, but it takes even longer than that just to get to the airport. This situation is called maya-sukhaya. Maya means false, illusory
- We have concluded that it will take seven months to reach the moon planet at the speed of eighteen thousand miles per hour. But they're going in four days. Just see how bluffing
- We have information of Lord Brahma's duration of life from the BG: 1,000 times the duration of the four ages, or 1,000 x 4,320,000 years, constitute Brahma's 12 hours. Similarly, one moment of Brahma's time is equal to one year of our solar calculation
- We may chant, "Mr. John, Mr. John, Mr. John," but after an hour we will be fed up. However, the more we become spiritually advanced, the more bliss we will derive from chanting Hare Krsna
- We request all the ladies and gentlemen who are very kindly attending our lectures or reading our literature to chant Hare Krsna during your leisure hours at home, and to read our books. That is our request
- We should always consider that. The modern civilization, rascal civilization, they do not know how to utilize life. So many days, so many hours, they are simply wasting
- What is the difficulty, sixteen rounds? At most it will take two hours. You have got twenty-four hours. You want to sleep; all right, sleep, ten hours sleep. That is not recommended. Don't sleep more than six hours
- When friends would request, "My dear Prahlada, just play. This is tiffin hour," so he said - No, no, no, no. My dear friends, kaumara acaret prajno dharman bhagavatan iha. Immediately. We are now young boys. This is the time to learn
- When hundreds of persons are sitting in an airplane, although they remain individual units, they each share in the total force of the airplane, which runs at thousands of miles per hour
- When Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu played in dramatic performances in the house of Srivasa Pandita, Vakresvara Pandita was one of the chief dancers, and he danced continuously for that length of time - seventy-two continuous hours
- When the brahmana, Kesava Kasmiri, heard this, he became still more puffed up, and within one hour he composed one hundred verses describing mother Ganges
- When the teachers went home to attend to their household affairs, the students of the same age as Prahlada Maharaja would call him to take the opportunity of leisure hours for play
- When they (Our Gosvamis) were ministers they were sleeping thirteen hours, but when they went to Vrndavana, they had no time to sleep even for two hours. That is Vrndavana life. That is Vrndavana life
- While chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sometimes fainted and remained unconscious for many hours
- You have created one aeroplane, 747, with five hundred passengers and many tons of loads of things, it is flying. So that is your creation. And God's creation is this planet. This is also running one thousand miles per hour
- You have to read our books very nicely and gather thoughts, then you can speak for hours without any difficulty. It requires practice
- You read one line, you can speak half an hour. They are so full of meaning