Category:Guru Means
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Pages in category "Guru Means"
The following 70 pages are in this category, out of 70 total.
- Actually we are puzzled every moment. Therefore it is necessary one should approach to a proper guru. Now Arjuna is approaching Krsna, the first-class guru. First-class guru. Guru means the Supreme Lord. He is guru of everyone
- And who is guru? Samit-panih srotriyam. Srotriyam means one who is guru by hearing from his guru, srotriyam. This is parampara. Not that all of a sudden he becomes guru. No. That is not guru. Guru means srotriyam. Srotriyam brahma-nistham
- Guru means expert. Heavy. Whose knowledge is heavier than your scanty knowledge. You have to learn knowledge
- Guru means he gives light to the persons who are living in darkness
- Guru means he is mahajana or follower of mahajana
- Guru means he'll always enlighten the disciple with the light of sastra. Not that he will say, "There is no need of sastra. I am incarnation. I, whatever speak, you take it."
- Guru means heavy. So if I am light and I take knowledge from another light person, then what is the use of such knowledge?
- Guru means heavy. Therefore Vedic injunction is tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). You must. Abhigacchet, this word is used when the sense is "must." Not optional, that I may go or I may not go. No, you must. This is Vedic injunction
- Guru means one who can give you Krsna. That is guru
- Guru means one who has complete knowledge of Vedic version, and not only that, he is a staunch or fixed-up devotee of the Supreme Lord. These are the qualification
- Guru means one who has received the knowledge from the right source and distributed the same knowledge. He is not manufacturing. That is Guru
- Guru means one who has seen the Absolute Truth. That is guru. Tattva-darsinah. Tattva means the Absolute Truth, and darsinah, one who has seen
- Guru means one who has taken full shelter, complete surrender to Krsna, he is guru. Or he speaks only what is spoken by Krsna. Just like we are speaking in this Bhagavad-gita, as it is. There is no malinterpretation
- Guru means sadhu. A sadhu means the devotee of the Lord. If one is not sadhu, then he cannot become guru
- Guru means sadhu. A sadhu means the devotee of the Lord. If one is not sadhu, then he cannot become guru. And sadhu means . . . this is the description given. What is that? Mayy ananyena bhavena bhaktim kurvanti ye drdham. He's sadhu
- Guru means the faithful servant of God. That is guru
- Guru means the faithful servant of God. That is guru. So you have to first of all test that "Are you faithful servant of God?" If he says, "No, I am God," oh, kick him on his face immediately. That "You are rascal. You have come to cheat us"
- Guru means the teacher. So if the teacher does not give you real knowledge, then he is not teacher, he is cheater
- Guru means the teacher. So if the teacher does not give you real knowledge, then he is not teacher. He is cheater
- Guru means weight, heavy, heavier, that heavier in knowledge. So you have to find out a person who is heavier than you, not ordinary. Must go. Not that may go or may not go. No. Must go. Tad vijnanartham sa gurum eva abhigacchet
- Guru means whatever instruction he'll give, we have to accept without any argument. Vedic knowledge is like that. You cannot interpret. As it is, you have to accept
- Guru means who has heard from the perfect person. Therefore his knowledge is perfect, because he has heard. This is called parampara system or disciplic succession
- Guru means who is above the siddhas. Krsna-tattva-vetta. Yei krsna-tattva-vetta, sei guru haya. One cannot become guru unless he knows krsna-tattva. Not ordinary man. The yogis, the karmis, the jnanis, they cannot become guru. That is not sanctioned
- Guru means who is carrying out the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, not a self-made guru. Guru means the most confidential servant of Krsna or Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the same thing. He is guru
- Guru means who is completely devotee of Krsna, without any material motive. This is sadhu-sastra-guru
- Guru means who knows God and fully engaged in His service. That is guru
- Guru means who knows the science of Krsna. If you go to a bogus man, that is your misfortune. So this is the description of guru: yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's statement
- Guru means who knows the thing, who can teach you. That is guru - not a humbug guru, but guru means one who knows. Tattva-darsinah, one who has seen the truth, he can become guru
- Guru means, accept guru means, "Whatever you say, I will accept." That is guru. Otherwise friendly talk. Friendly talk will not do. To accept guru means "Now I accept you, guru, my instructor, without any argument," and that is acceptance
- Guru should be . . . Guru means one who has control over the six duties, six engagements
- If we accept guru, a bogus guru, then it is no benefit. Guru means Krsna's representative. Not that everyone can be guru
- If you simply repeat what Krsna says or Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, then you become equal to me. Equal to me? That is guru. Guru means who is equal
- If you want to know higher science - not this science, simply filling of the belly; not this science - higher science, which is above the fulfilling the belly, that, for that purpose, you have to go to guru. Guru means who knows more than you
- It is not like that, a pet dog, that "Everyone makes guru, and let me guru, let me have a guru." But that is not the... Guru means first of all the condition is pranipata, fully surrendered
- No addition, alteration. You have to approach guru - guru means the faithful servant of God, Krsna - and take his word how to serve Him. Then you are successful
- Now, at the present moment, there are so many gurus. How we will understand who is perfect? This guru means who has heard from the perfect person. Therefore his knowledge is perfect, because he has heard. This is called parampara system
- Nowadays it has become a fashion; everyone is becoming guru and he is giving his own opinion, "I think," "In my opinion." That is not guru. Guru means he should give evidences from sastra
- Sadhu means whatever he'll speak, immediately he'll give evidence from the sastra. Sadhu-sastra-guru. And guru means who is following sadhu and sastra
- Sadhu means whatever he'll speak, immediately he'll give evidence from the sastra. Sadhu-sastra-guru. And guru means who is following sadhu and sastra. The guru does not follow sadhu and sastra, who does not follow Rupa Gosvami
- Sadhu means who follows the sastras. He is sadhu. He also does not change. Sadhu, sastra. And guru? Guru means who follows the sastra and sadhu
- So guru means the following the same principles. Evam parampara-praptam (Bg. 4.2). The first guru is Krsna, the supreme guru
- So many magicians who are becoming guru. This is going on. The public, they do not know what is the meaning of guru, and the cheaters, they get the opportunity of becoming false gurus
- Sukracarya means jata-gosai: by semina they become acarya. The semina. That is the, in India, guru-vamsa. Guru-vamsa, guru meaning spiritual master, the spiritual master, vamsa. That is disciplic succession
- Tattvam, the truth, so one must have seen the truth, realized the truth. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). That is guru, means one who has seen the truth. How he has seen the truth? Through the parampara system
- The sadhu will speak only on the authorities of sastra. And sastra means the description given by the sadhu. They are correlative. And guru means who follows the sadhu and the sastra. So these are very instructive
- The word guru means "heavy," heavy with knowledge. And what is that knowledge? Tad-vijnana. That heaviness is brahma-nistha - attachment to Brahman and to Para-brahman, Bhagavan. That is the guru's qualification
- There are seven kinds of mother: adau-mata guroh patni. Real mother, from whose womb we have taken birth, she is called adau-mata, first mother. Then second mother, the guroh patni. Guru means teacher or spiritual master. His wife
- There are two kinds of ruler or controller. One is the government, and the other is the teacher. Or guru means spiritual master. Spiritual master can control. The disciples obey the order of the spiritual master out of love
- This guru means who has heard from the perfect person. Therefore his knowledge is perfect, because he has heard. This is called parampara system, or disciplic succession
- This is guru. Guru means he'll always enlighten the disciple with the light of sastra
- Veda says that in order to learn that spiritual science, you must approach a person, tad-vijnanartham sa gurum eva (MU 1.2.12), who is guru. Guru means spiritual master
- Vedas says, tad-vijnanartham: "In order to know that transcendental science," sa gurum evabhigacchet, "he must go to a guru. He must approach." A guru means not bogus guru. One who knows expert. But one has to do that. There is no other alternative
- We have to follow the superior order. Then we become guru, not that by cheating others we become guru. No. That is cheater. That is not teacher. Guru means who is following the superior order. The superior order is Krsna or His representative
- We should accept the instruction given by Vasudeva and the sastra, sadhu. Sadhu, sastra, guru, they'll speak the same thing. Guru means who speaks on the basis of sastra; otherwise he's not guru
- What is the symptom of guru? Samit-panih srotriyam brahma-nistham. Guru means who has learned knowledge by the parampara system. Srotriyam brahma. The result is that he is perfectly a devotee
- Whichever position one can find himself suitable, he can accept that. But the main business is krsna-tattva-vetta, and preach the cult all over the world, sei guru haya. Guru means preacher, to enlighten. One who can enlighten, he is guru
- Who is sadhu? Who is abiding by the injunction of the sastra. Or guru? Guru means he's also abiding by the injunction of the sastra. Then he's guru, he's sadhu. He's sadhu
- Who requires a guru? Guru's not a fashion. "Oh, I have got a guru. I shall make a guru." Guru means one who's serious. Tasmad gurum prapadyeta. One has to seek out a guru. Why? Jijnasu sreya uttamam. One who is inquisitive of the Supreme
- Yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya (CC Madhya 8.128). So guru means krsna-tattva-vit, one who knows about Krsna
- Yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei guru haya (CC Madhya 8.128). Tattva-vetta means one who knows about the science of Krsna. That means fully Krsna conscious. Sei guru haya. Sei means "he." Guru means - spiritual master
- You have to approach guru - guru means the faithful servant of God, Krsna - and take his word how to serve Him. Then you are successful
- You have to go to guru. Guru means who knows more than you. That is guru. So who can know more than Krsna? Therefore we have to accept Krsna as guru and learn from Him. Then you'll get perfect knowledge