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Pages in category "Books"
The following 737 pages are in this category, out of 737 total.
- Authoritative books
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati on printing and publishing books
- Bookworm
- If you have got your own opinion, then you write your own book
- Kavi-karnapura wrote many books that are important in Vaisnava literature, such as the Ananda-vrndavana-campu, Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika and the great epic Caitanya-candrodaya-nataka
- Krsna's book
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that for one who is not engaged in devotional service, reading all the books is simply like licking the outside of the honey jar
- Sell the marble and publish some books
- Srila Locana dasa Thakura later wrote another book named Sri Caitanya-mangala
- The book Hare Krishna and the Counterculture, written by Professor Judah
- The book, Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ
- Touching books
- Valuable books
- Vyasadeva, the whole Vedic understanding, knowledge, he recorded into books. Otherwise before that there was no need of books
- A Bengali translation of this book (Surya-siddhanta) was compiled by the great professor of astronomy and mathematics Bimal Prasad Datta, later known as Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami, who was our merciful spiritual master
- A book or poetry in which the Holy Name of Krishna is depicted, such language is revolutionary in the matter of purifying the material atmosphere. Even though such literature is presented in broken language or grammatical inconsistency
- A brahmana can serve the Lord by using his intelligence, and the ksatriya can serve the Supreme Lord by using his military arts, just as Arjuna served Krsna. Arjuna was a warrior; he had no time to study Vedanta or other highly intellectual books
- A code word requires explanation. Just like in business circle there is Bentley's code. So for business facility, for saving expenditure, the telegraphic codes are there. So one who does not know what is this code, but he can refer to the book
- A devotee Bhagavata is as good as the book Bhagavata because the devotee Bhagavata leads his life in terms of the book Bhagavata and the book Bhagavata is full of information about the Personality of Godhead and His pure devotees, who are also Bhagavatas
- A great dramatist, government officer. He wrote one book, Shah Jahan. That is very famous book for theatrical play. So in that Shah Jahan, means the king emperor Shah Jahan. Practically, the name which is given on the book, the hero title, he's the hero
- A human being is inclined to hear good narrations and stories, and therefore there are so many books, magazines and newspapers on the market to satisfy the interests of the developed soul
- About holding Sanskrit classes, the special stress should be given to chanting the mantras in our books
- According to expert opinion, Caitanya dasa was the author of the book Caitanya-carita (also known as CC), which was written in Sanskrit. The author was not Kavi-karnapura, as is generally supposed. This is the opinion of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati
- According to the Caitanya-bhagavata, he (Raghunatha Vaidya) was formerly Revati, the wife of Balarama. Anyone he glanced upon would immediately attain KC. He lived on the seashore at Jagannatha Puri and compiled a book of the name Sthana-nirupana
- According to the Siddhartha-samhita there are twenty-four forms of Lord Visnu. First I shall describe, according to the opinion of that book, the location of the weapons, beginning with the disc
- According to Vedic system, amongst learned scholars, if one presents Vedic evidences, then his position is strong. Like one lawyer who quotes from the law book various bona fide quotations, the judgment is given in his favor because that is authorized
- Actually going to Vrndavana involves taking shelter of the Six Gosvamis by reading the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Vidagdha-madhava, Lalita-madhava and the other books that they have given
- Actually if it is possible to sell 100 sets of books per month, then you can do that. We will discuss the point further upon my arrival in Bombay
- Actually these college students have all been misguided. Without Krishna Consciousness, all their book learning amounts to zero
- Actually we are understanding about the sun not by our direct eyes but through the authoritative knowledge, through the sastra, through the books. Sruti-pramanam. That is evidence
- After all, we are beggars; we have no money, no business, no income. Whatever you pay us in exchange of books or subscription, we utilize it
- After collecting these books, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu returned to Jagannatha Puri. At that time, the bathing ceremony of Jagannatha was taking place, and He saw it
- After seven years, it (the book Sri Krsna-vijaya) was completed (in 1402 Sakabda). This book was written in plain language, and even half-educated Bengalis and women could read it very clearly
- After taking sannyasa I was more engaged in writing my books without any attempt to construct temples or to make disciples like my Godbrothers. I was not very much interested in these matters because my Guru Maharaja liked very much publication of books
- All such natural leaders (the king, the father and the school teacher) have a great responsibility to their dependants; therefore they must be conversant with standard books of moral and spiritual codes. BG 1972 purports
- All such talks or literatures are practical exhibitions of the urge to speak. Many people are talking nonsensically and writing volumes of useless books, and all this is the result of the urge to speak
- All the acaryas wrote books, and still I am writing books. Similarly, also my disciples will write. So any self-realized soul can write unlimited books without deviating from the original ideas
- All the books, laws, everything - education, culture, philosophy, science - it is all meant for the human being, not for the cats and dogs
- All the laws, all the books, all the scriptures, all knowledge, everything is meant for the human being, not for the animal. That is the difference between animal and man. Man follows restriction; animal cannot
- All the money can go towards building, there will be no division of Book Fund/Building Fund for the time being
- All the stanzas of Bhagavad-gita, they're strictly according to the nyaya-prasthana and sruti-prasthana. So any book which is strictly written according to the Vedas and Vedantas, that is also accepted as Vedic literature
- All these Gosvamis, they used to sleep not more than two hours. That was also not possible in some day; they were so busy in writing books
- All together there are fourteen divisions of books of education
- All you can collect will go for building for Vrindaban, and Mayapur only, no question of 50/50 division. The books are being sent to you free, so you raise money
- Also inquire from them if they are interested in being the sole selling agency in India. In this case, they must purchase at least 500 books. If not, they can help us by sending a list of leading book sellers in India who can help in selling our books
- An example of a dhira is given by Kalidasa Pandita, a great Sanskrit poet who wrote a book called Kumara-sambhava, wherein he has given an example concerning Lord Siva
- Another book, Narottama-vilasa, compiled by Sri Narahari dasa, mentions Acyutananda’s presence during the festival at Khetari
- Any book which deals with the subject matter indicated by all the Vedas is called Vedanta. For example, Bhagavad-gita is Vedanta because in Bhagavad-gita the Lord says that the ultimate goal of all Vedic research is Krsna
- Any drama or book written by unauthorized persons should not be indulged in
- Any literature presented in Sanskrit must follow the rules and regulations mentioned in the authoritative reference books
- Anyone who hears about the loving exchanges between Jagadananda Pandita and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, or who reads Jagadananda's book Prema-vivarta, can understand what love is. Moreover, he achieves ecstatic love of Krsna
- Anyone who will give aural reception to this message - first of all Bhagavad-gita, entrance, then Bhagavatam, then Caitanya-caritamrta, like books - then gradually he'll be self-realized, fully cognizant what is God
- As soon as a man takes his birth, he is immediately indebted to so many sources. He is indebted to the great sages because he profits by reading their authoritative scriptures and books. For example, we take advantage of the books written by Vyasadeva
- As soon as one has his mastership on the grammar, he can study all other books
- As soon as one is favored by the mercy of the spiritual master and the Lord, one is immediately given all the power necessary to write books and propagate the Krsna consciousness movement without being hampered by material considerations
- As stated in the beginning of this book (Srimad-Bhagavatam), it is the essence of the Vedic desire tree and the natural commentation on the Brahma-sutras, the topmost philosophical thesis on the subject matter of Brahman
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.10), dadami buddhi-yogam tam yena mam upayanti te. Since a devotee writes in service to the Lord, the Lord from within gives him so much intelligence that he sits down near the Lord and goes on writing books
- Ask them if they will donate, but if they will not donate then purchase outright minimum fifty copies of the first grammar or primary book for learning Sanskrit at earliest age
- At least this is the proof that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead because there is no other parallel book like this Bhagavad-gita
- At present the followers of all the acaryas have written many books following the principles of Srimad-Bhagavatam as the commentary on the Vedanta
- Authoritative books indicating the ultimate goal and written by liberated souls like Vyasadeva (for example, Bhagavad-gita, Mahabharata and the Puranas, especially Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Maha-Purana) are called smrti-prasthana
- BBT means fifty percent is for printing books and fifty percent for construction of temples. So your buses are all moving temples. Don't worry. There will be no scarcity of money. Go on with your program and increase and increase more and more
- Because Lokanatha dasa Gosvami did not want his name mentioned in the Caitanya-caritamrta, we do not often see it in this celebrated book
- Before reaching the Lord, Mukunda Datta, who had also undertaken the delivery of the verses, had copied the verses (written by Bhattacarya) in his book
- Being afraid of his book's becoming too voluminous, he left some places without vivid descriptions. I shall try to fill those places as far as possible
- Best thing is if you continue your employment at the book store, try to sell my books there if possible. Visit the New York temple regularly with your family and try to help them as far as possible
- Bhagavad-gita although accepted as Hindu gospel is not limited with the Hindu community. All over the world this book is studied
- Bhagavad-gita and Krsna, there is no difference. Bhagavad-gita is also Krsna. Otherwise why this book is worshiped since so, for so long time, since five thousand years, unless the Bhagavad-gita is Krsna?
- Bhagavad-gita has been so important book throughout the whole world that there is a sect in Germany who are called Indo-German religious sect
- Bhagavad-gita is not an ordinary book written by a poet or fiction writer; it is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Bhagavad-gita is so nice book and it is accepted. Not that because we are preaching Krsna consciousness, we are advocating for Bhagavad... No. It is accepted by scholarly section, religious section, not only in India, but all over the world
- Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, all these books should be studied from the direct meaning. Don't try to interpret
- Bhagavata book and person are identical
- Bhagavata means pertaining to God and His devotees. That is called bhagavata. Just like this book is called Bhagavata because it deals only with the subject matter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, nothing more
- Bilvamangala Thakura actually entered into the transcendental pastimes of Lord Krsna. He has recorded his transcendental experiences and appreciation in the book known as Krsna-karnamrta
- Book distribution is brihat kirtana. It is literally kirtana in the sense that the books are spoken and therefore anyone who reads a book is hearing
- Books are lying in the port, but we have some custom clearance permission difficulty
- Books will always remain. That was the view of my Guru Maharaja, and I also have taken it. Therefore I started my movement with my books
- Brahma-samhita. It is written by Lord Brahma. And when Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was present on this planet, He collected the copy of this book from South India, Adi-Kesava Mandira, and presented it to His devotees that, This is authorized book
- Brahmaji was initiated by Lord Krsna, and this fact is corroborated by Brahmaji himself in his book the Brahma-samhita
- Brahmana means as it is, they will describe. That is brahmana. And if one has got some motive, that "Bhagavad-gita is popular book. Let me utilize it and make my rascal philosophy popular . . ." That is wrong. That is sudra
- Brahmananda Swami has read me your letter regarding the students there reading other books. I request you to stop this practice
- Bring all the books which are published in your country and find out a single man who is a Krsna's devotee. Nobody of them. Then what authority he has got to write on Bhagavad-gita? He has no right. It is simply poking your nose in other's business
- By the ascending process one is elevated by knowledge acquired by himself. In this way one thinks - I don't care for any authorities or books. I will attain knowledge myself by meditation, philosophy, etc. In this way I will understand God
- Chanting must be pure. Your guru is writing books. If you think, "There is no necessity of reading books," that is guror avajna
- Concerning the idea of exchanging our books for Russian books, unless we find sellers in India for Russian books (in English language), what will be the value of getting their books
- Dai Nippon has agreed to take money in exchange of books. Whatever money you pay, you print books and send to India. You can also send to Australia or to USA if they want. You begin with Srimad-Bhagavatam and the small edition of Bhagavad-gita
- Dancing they have got - Krsna dancing, always. Painting they have got, singing they have got, arts, literature. We have got eighty books like this, four hundred pages. Pure life - no meat-eating, no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling. Finished
- Demons who print books and write lyrics on the raga-marga principles are surely on the way to hell. Unfortunately, they lead others down with them
- Devotional service does not produce any result. And the ordinary man... Suppose they are also selling books. An ordinary man also selling books, it appears to be the same. But they are not creating any result
- Devotional service in conjugal love is described briefly in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, but it is very elaborately discussed in the Ujjvala-nilamani. This book describes different types of lovers, their assistants, and those who are very dear to Krsna
- Devotional service, however, is the real method, for by devotional service one can satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead with just a few words. Without devotional service, volumes of books cannot satisfy the Lord
- Dictionary is not the standard. The standard is the book itself. That is our preaching
- Do you think you shall require all these books? Of course I have no objection if you keep these as reference books, but we should always remember that we have to give more stress on our spiritual side than the scholastic side
- Don't neglect Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavata as ordinary books. You must be very careful. As you take care of the Deities, you should take care of the books also
- Don't try to interpret in a different way. The whole mischief is that everyone has got his own theosophy. And Bhagavad-gita is a popular book, and he wants to prove his own philosophy through Bhagavad-gita
- Dr. Radhakrishnan's writing lacked spiritual insight: in many places he had mishandled and misinterpreted the text, and thus he had made his book unacceptable to spiritualists in the line of pure devotion
- Dr. Stillson Judah, he has written one book, perhaps you know, Hare Krsna and Counterculture, a very nice book about our movement, and he is giving importance
- Dr. Svarupa Damodara Brahmacari, he has written a small booklet. He has criticized Darwin very strongly, that he is a speculator. A speculator cannot give you truth. That is not possible
- Due to misunderstanding Srimad-Bhagavatam, people are misled regarding the science of Krsna. However, by reading Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura's book (Caitanya-bhagavata) one can very easily understand this science
- Either a flower or anything, nature's product, it is perfectly done. In this way you have to develop your God consciousness or Krsna consciousness. There are books. There are explanations. There are teachers
- Even Darwin's theory. He's proposing, "Perhaps; it may be," and he's writing a big book, anthropology. And people are taking knowledge from that book. So if his knowledge based on "Perhaps; maybe," what is the value
- Even if you read some books, you cannot understand unless you understand it from me. This is called parampara system. You cannot jump over to the superior guru, I mean to say, neglecting the next acarya, immediate next acarya
- Even ordinary men with little knowledge of the alphabet could read this book (Sri Krsna-vijaya) and understand it. Its language is not very ornamental, and sometimes the poetry is not very sweet to hear
- Even the Narada-bhakti-sutra is a summary of the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Therefore the beginning of devotional service is to hear these two important transcendental books of knowledge
- Every civilized country has some scripture - it may be Christian, Hindu, Moslem or Buddhist. That doesn't matter. The point is that the book of authority, the scripture, is there. One who does not follow its injunctions is considered an outlaw
- Every civilized nation, every civilized man has got his scripture. May he be a Christian, may be a Hindu, may be a Muhammadan or may be a Buddhist. It doesn't matter. But everyone has got his authority, book of authority, scripture
- Everyone rises early in the morning to offer worship to the Deities. The devotees prepare nice food for Krsna, they decorate the temple, make garlands, go out chanting, and sell books
- Factually, all Vaisnavas should avoid such a book (like Yoga-vasistha), but Advaita Acarya Prabhu, wanting punishment from the Lord (Caitanya Mahaprabhu), began to support the impersonal statements of the Yoga-vasistha
- False devotees think that studying books of the previous acaryas is unadvisable, like studying dry empiric philosophies
- Feelings of separation as Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu enjoyed from the books of Vidyapati, Candidasa and Jayadeva are especially reserved for persons like Sri Ramananda Raya and Svarupa Damodara
- First class-man is lazy intelligent. He knows the value of life, and soberly he is thinking. Just like all our great saintly persons. They were living in the forest, meditation, tapasya, and writing books
- Five items-time, worship, offering of respect, offering of oblation into the fire and offering of food to a brahmana-comprise purascarya. This and other rituals are mentioned in the hari-bhakti-vilasa, the authoritative book of directions
- Five thousand years ago, what was predicted (in SB), that is now happening. Therefore we give so much stress on the sastra that it is perfect. There is no mistake. If you write one book, I write one book, because we are imperfect, it is all imperfect
- For example, with our naked eye we perceive the sun globe simply as some glaring substance, but when we see through authorized books of science & other literature, we can understand how much greater the sun globe is than this earth and how powerful it is
- For members nowadays we are not giving books free. First when becoming the member they receive five large books, but after that they must pay for future books
- For one who simply makes an academic study of Bhagavad-gita, the science of Krsna remains a mystery. Bhagavad-gita is not a book that one can just purchase from the bookstore and understand by scholarship alone
- For the further understanding of this religious process I would recommend you to read our three books namely Sri Isopanisad, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and Easy Journey to Other Planets
- For the satisfaction of Sri Madana-gopala and Govindadeva, we pray that this book, Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, may be offered to Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Formerly there were no printing presses or printed books (during Catanya's time). All books were handwritten. Precious books were kept in manuscript form in temples or other important places, and anyone who was interested in a book had to copy it by hand
- Formerly this (ISKCON women's record of 108 big books) would have been considered impossible, but now by Krsna's grace everything is becoming possible. Encourage them all to increase more and more
- Formerly, no book will be accepted unless it is written by liberated soul. That was the system. No other man will dare to write any book, neither his book will be accepted in society
- Formerly, there was no need of books. Nowadays, at the present moment, our memory is not so sharp due to Kali-yuga. Therefore Vyasadeva wrote in books, in words, because he foresaw that The people in this age, they will be dull-headed rascals
- Fortunately a copy of the manuscript of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta had been kept by a person named Mukunda, and therefore later it was possible to publish the book
- From a book named Sakha-nirnayamrta it is understood that Acyutananda was a disciple of Gadadhara Pandita and that he took shelter of Lord Caitanya in Jagannatha Puri and engaged in devotional service
- Gargamuni's remark that your book "SWAMIJI" may be interesting only to the admirers and disciples is right
- Get the books widely reviewed in different papers and that is the only standard method of promoting this publication. By such reviews as soon as there is some demand all the book sellers will purchase from the publisher at least three copies each
- Go on writing more books; we need many such books for distributing to the public schools as well as for our own schools and send me the draft copies as you make them up. I will be very glad to see to them
- Great so-called svamis have written books saying that one may chant any name - Durga, Kali, Siva, Krsna, Rama, & so on - because any name is all right for invoking an auspicious atmosphere in society. Thus they are called pasandis - unbelievers or demons
- Grow food for eating, and then they read all these books. They become spiritually advanced. That's all. Deity worship
- He (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura) specifically told his disciples to write books. He actually preferred to publish books rather than establish temples
- He (Dr. Stillson Judah) has written about us, the big book. Bring that book. After 5 years scrutinizingly studying, statistics, graphics, and he has put my picture in it
- He (Kavi-karnapura) was born in the year 1448 Sakabda (A.D. 1526). He continually wrote books for ten years, from 1488 until 1498
- He (Lord Narayana) was threading an elephant through the eye of a needle, - Narada answered. "I don't believe such nonsense," the brahmana replied. Narada could immediately understand that the man had no faith and that he was simply a reader of books
- He (mundane worker) is busy all day simply so that in the evening he can look at his account books and say, "Oh, the balance had been one thousand dollars - now it has become two thousand." That is his satisfaction
- He (Silhana Misra) wrote a book named Santi-sataka, and later, by the mercy of Lord Krsna and the Vaisnavas, he became a great devotee. Thus he became famous as Bilvamangala Thakura Gosvami
- He (Svarupa Damodara) has completely understood that so-called scientific knowledge is bogus, it has no solid background. Now he's writing books on this
- He (Vyasadeva) has explained all these books for use of the human society undoubtedly: how to become religious, how to develop economic position, how to understand what is liberation, how to satisfy restrictedly sense gratification
- He (Vyasadeva) left all the Vedic knowledge in book form, such as the Puranas, Vedanta, Mahabharata and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- He also passed His time reading the books and singing the songs of Candidasa and Vidyapati, and listening to quotations from the Jagannatha-vallabha-nataka, Krsna-karnamrta and Gita-govinda
- He has given the name of the book, Hare Krishna and Counterculture. He is selling at the cost of twelve dollars; still, all high class, educated class, are purchasing
- He has given us the book, and we have printed 30,000 copies. We shall not publish on the basis of royalty
- He knows how to deal according to time, person and country, and He sees through the scriptures and authoritative books. He is very clean and self-controlled
- He thought something rascaldom, and he is expressing that. Therefore he is more rascal. These things are going on. As soon as he reads some books, he becomes an acarya, whatever rascal he may be
- He would have squandered his hard-earned money in so many nasty, sinful ways, but if he purchases even one book, regardless of the price, his money is properly utilized. This is the beginning of his Krsna consciousness
- He wrote all books in English
- His (Maharaja Pariksit's) connections with Srila Sukadeva Gosvami would enable the presentation of the great Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is considered to be the book incarnation of the Lord
- His (Vallabha Bhattacarya's) book known as Sodasa-grantha and his commentaries on the Vedanta-sutra (Anubhasya) and Srimad-Bhagavatam (Subodhini) are very famous. He wrote many other books besides
- His book "Krishna Caitanya" is approved and authoritative
- His later pastimes (the madhya-lila and antya-lila) were recorded in the form of notes by His secretary, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami, and thus kept within a book
- How can you get knowledge without authoritative studies of books and science and philosophy?
- How can you say that the worship of a stone is sinful while a man who is more than a stone shall be considered as the object of love? These are some of the questions that arise out of a critical study of your book
- How we are testing the purity of sodium chloride? From the books. Similarly, here is the characteristic of pure devotee. The characteristic. You test whether he's truthful, "He's not truthful, sir," then he's not pure devotee
- How your love for God can be still more intensified. That is Caitanya-caritamrta. So Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary book: to understand God and surrender
- Human being is so responsible. If he remains fool, then he loses the chance of life. Why these books are here? This SB, BG, Vedanta-Sutra, and so many nice books there are. Why? Just to make us advanced in knowledge
- Human reason fails to understand how by serving the devotee Bhagavata or the book one gets gradual promotion on the path of devotion. But actually these are facts explained by Srila Naradadeva, who happened to be a maidservant's son in his previous life
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have given but a single hint of these pastimes, for Vrndavana dasa Thakura, in his book Caitanya-mangala (now Caitanya-bhagavata), has described them all vividly
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have now summarized the entire subject matter of the Madhya-lila. These pastimes cannot be described elaborately even in millions of books
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have written this book to describe the simple substance as I have heard it from superiors. If I become involved in someone's likes and dislikes, I cannot possibly write the simple truth
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) purposely avoid extensive description for fear of increasing the bulk of this book. I shall describe the essence as concisely as possible
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) shall describe only in synopsis that portion which Vrndavana dasa Thakura has described very elaborately in his book Caitanya-mangala. Whatever incidents are outstanding, however, I shall later elaborate
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) shall describe the contents of the bags of Raghava Pandita later in this book. Hearing this narration, devotees generally cry, and tears glide down from their eyes
- I (Prabhupada) have heard that you have mentioned to Brahmananda that your temple will contribute $3,000 dollars for my book fund. This is very good news for me, and try to send it as soon as possible
- I (Prabhupada) met one Bengali professor of philosophy who is teaching in the Kurukshetra University. He is also very much interested. He is already reading my books and he is very much satisfied
- I (Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) purposely avoid extensive description for fear of increasing the bulk of this book (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta). I shall describe the essence as concisely as possible
- I am glad to note the work of Chakravarty and Prithu at the Belgrade Book Fair. This is real progress. So from all the literatures you are distributing you spend this money for spreading Krsna consciousness
- I am in receipt of your letter, undated. Regarding the booklet, "A Guide to the Care of Srimate Tulasi devi," yes, the book is very nice. It is approved. But one thing is that no sprays can be used, not at all
- I am pleased to hear that the song books and tapes of Lalita Prasad Thakura are in New York for being edited and distributed
- I am so pleased to hear of the activities of Jadurany and her artist assistants. We require this service, as we require so many pictures. Pictures, books, etc., all we shall sell on world tour with our Samkirtan party
- I am very glad to see you in this temple. Please try to understand our philosophy of Krsna consciousness. We have got books, and at the same time we have got the simple method, chanting of Hare Krsna, in which even a small child can take part
- I am writing this book by the mercy of the lotus feet of Govindadeva, Caitanya, Nityananda, Advaita Acarya, other devotees and the readers of this book, as well as Svarupa Damodara, Rupa, Sanatana, Raghunatha dasa, who is my spiritual master, and Jiva
- I cannot understand the sun, although I see every day sun, without understanding the sun as it is from authoritative books. Simply by seeing, by, simply by sense perception, we cannot understand
- I have already placed order with them (Dai Nippon Printing Co.) for different books and magazines to the extent of $52,000. Most of these books will be carried to India for making propaganda there on or before the World Sankirtana Party reaches there
- I have also seen the copy of the book you gave to Bali Mardan das. This edition can be easily had in Calcutta, so it is not necessary for us to keep it
- I have asked that Jayapataka send at least 25 complete sets of books there immediately so you should be receiving them soon
- I have just returned from Dallas Gurukula school, and the young students there require to learn Sanskrit language. So I think you may purchase minimum fifty copies of the primary Sanskrit book for learning Sanskrit language
- I have only very briefly described the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu not described by Vrndavana dasa Thakura. Nevertheless, because those transcendental pastimes are so numerous, the size of this book has increased
- I have read in some book - that Aquatic Gospel? - that formerly, during Lord Jesus Christ's time, some meeting were held occasionally among all religious people, all religious people. And in one meeting some Hindu's name was there; he is very prominent
- I have read one book, Lord Jesus Christ, when he was a young boy he was very much shocked when he saw that animal-killing is going on in the synagogue. Therefore he differentiated from the Jews and he started his own religion, Christian religion
- I have received your note along with the folio of drawings for the proposed “Bhagavad-gita Coloring Book”. I can see from this work that you are a talented artist. However, I do not think we can publish this book
- I have thus repeated the principal pastimes and their meaning, for by such repetition one can remember the descriptions in the book
- I hope you will appreciate this process of preaching to please the facts as they are confirmed by all Vaisnava acaryas. We are publishing our books thoroughly on the basis of this philosophy
- I offer millions of obeisances unto the lotus feet of Vrndavana dasa Thakura. No one else could write such a wonderful book for the deliverance of all fallen souls
- I regret to inform you that this transaction has taken place without my sanction. We are not interested in book exchange
- I showed opinion on your book? If I have got opinion, I publish another book. Why should I interpret? Why shall I poke my nose in your business
- I think there is a book, Miracles of Milk, written by one American gentleman. He has greatly valued the milk and milk products. Similarly, we Indians, we give very, very importance to milk and milk products
- I think we are just now typing up the tapes of those conversations we held in Mayapur, and we shall be publishing them as a book. It will be called Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers. I shall send you a copy as soon as they are ready to distribute
- I think you may have already heard that in January of 1970 we will be holding an examination among all of our students on this book, and those who will pass shall be awarded with the title of Bhakti-sastri
- I very much appreciate your attempt for a photo book of the Sankirtana movement. I have cent percent support for your noble attempt
- I want that you distribute our books very widely, as many as possible, then people will get the right information. We show people by the results: so many centers, happy devotees, big books, strong conviction. Let people judge who is better by the results
- I was greatly pleased to have the garland signifying the order of the Lord, and then and there I commenced to write this book
- I will not narrate these incidents because they have already been described by Vrndavana dasa Thakura. There is no need to repeat the same information, for such repetition would unlimitedly increase the size of this book
- I wish to present him also one copy of the book titled, "Lord Caitanya in Five Features"
- I would like to know whether or not you have collected the money for that German book you took here from me. You can please send one set of Srimad-Bhagavatams to this address, to Sri Vamana dasa: Walther Eidlitz - Bavergrand 18A-III - Uppsala - Sweden
- If a man is showing himself that he is very great devotee and a man in knowledge, without any reference of the authoritative sastra, books - oh, that is simply disturbance
- If he's approved sadhu, you can read his book
- If men in this age of Kali want to see the real light of life, they must take to these two books (Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam) only, and their aim of life will be fulfilled
- If one diverts his attention to studying many books, he cannot fix his mind in devotional service, nor can he understand many scriptures, for they are full of grave statements and meanings
- If one is perfect in his inquiry from the authorized spiritual master, he can write things. Otherwise, what is the use of writing nonsense? Those books will be thrown away. After reading..., just like the newspaper thrown away
- If one studies a particular book, he must do so thoroughly. That is the principle. By thoroughly studying a limited number of books, one can understand the philosophy
- If one takes one book, at least one day he'll read it: "Let me see what is this book I have purchased the other day." And if he reads one line his life will be successful
- If someone says, "I'm not educated at all, & I cannot read books," he is still not disqualified. He can still perfect his life by simply chanting the maha-mantra: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- If someone wrote a book or composed verses and songs and wanted to recite them before Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Svarupa Damodara would first examine them and then correctly present them. Only then would Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu agree to listen
- If the medical practitioners accept, then that is authoritative medical book. Similarly, if saintly persons are accepting Bhagavad-gita as scripture, you cannot deny it
- If there is less sales propaganda then the outlet of the books will be bottle-necked, and smooth printing work will stop
- If we can advertise that simply by reading this book (Bhagavad-gita) and meditating for fifteen minutes anyone can immediately get power, become successful in business and pass his examination, many people would be attracted to the book
- If we can stay at Bury Place that is Krsna's arrangement. Let Mr. Patel purchase the new property. In that case there is no need of sending the pass book. The transfer order may be torn up
- If we have got a press in our control with full equipment it will be a great boon. If such manipulation is not possible, then I wish to start a nice press in our Indian branch and get all our books and printing work done there
- If we simply speak nicely to a person and try sincerely to get him to take the book he'll take it. Why should we adopt unfair means? We should not do anything which will create a bad impression or make us unpopular
- If you accept Bhagavad-gita as the book of authority, you cannot change the meaning. That is not allowed. What right? If you have got some opinion, if you have got some philosophy, you can write in your own book
- If you are confined in a room alone, you may go on, you may engage yourself in reading some particular book or in some particular thought, but still, you cannot remain alone for all the years and all the time
- If you are preparing some book (SWAMIJI) like that, make it so nicely that it may be accepted by general public. And for this purpose, it is better to add with the pictures my speeches, which are of public interest
- If you can write this book nicely all together, it will be a great service to Krsna. And Krsna will bless you and help you
- If you don't believe in the simple method, if you want to understand this philosophy through science and philosophy, we have got books, about one dozen books, four hundred pages each, to explain this science of chanting Hare Krsna mantra
- If you have got some opinion, if you have got some philosophy, you can write in your own book. Why you are, I mean to say, killing others and yourself by interpreting Bhagavad-gita?
- If you publish some book in Oriyan language, that book will give you good support. So now you have an opportunity, you are there and Krishna will help. Gradually we will help. Krishna is so kind, He is always ready to help
- If you receive the knowledge from the authority, then you are in perfect knowledge, simply by..., not by reading the books. Therefore our method is to accept the perfect guru to understand the subject matter
- If you say that "I have studied all the medical books," the government will not recognize you as a medical practitioner
- If you simply try to understand what's God by reading scriptures, you cannot achieve. You must approach a guru. Just like a medical book, it can be available in the market. If you purchase 1 medical book and study & you become doctor, that isn't possible
- If you study electricity, you have to study all sorts of books. And, from this finer fire, you will come to air
- If you think that you want to understand through science and philosophy, we have got three dozen books. Anyway, you come. That is our appeal
- If you think you shall be able to sell them you can keep the books on sales account and in that case you will please immediately hand over two sets of Book (Srimad-Bhagavatam) to Srimati Sumati Morarji as abovementioned and oblige
- If you try you will get also an order for 18 copies of all our books. This open order was published in my picture advertisement for the Bhagavatam. So please try in this way to get our books circulating among the educated classes
- If you want to be a medical practitioner, if you purchase books from the bookstore, medical books, and you study, that will not help you. You have to admit yourself in a medical college and study there. Then you will understand
- If you want to be initiated, you are welcome. If not, you come. Try to understand our philosophy. Read our books. There are so many books, magazines. And question, answer. Try to understand the philosophy
- If you want to be trained up spiritually, then you must accept a spiritual master. So spiritual master trains with these books and explanation, practical demonstration. In this way the student makes progress spiritually
- If you want to donate the profits of your store to the Book Trust, you can do by sending to the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
- If you want to know through science and philosophy, we have got our books. You can read. And even if you read the complete set, it will take your whole life to finish it
- If you want to speak something from your side, you write your own book. Why should you take advantage of the popular book of Bhagavad-gita and misrepresent it? That is the fun
- If you want to understand Krsna through philosophy and science, we have got three dozen books. So we can convince you both ways. If you are illiterate, if you have no knowledge, chant Hare Krsna and you will get your life back
- If You would please manifest Yourself within my heart and personally direct me in writing this book, then, although I am lowborn, I may hope to be able to write it
- Immediately send the translation work to me in Bombay or you can read it yourself, compare with the original book and if possible re-write or copy and send it to me at the Bombay address
- In a book named Navadvipa-dhama-parikrama, written by Ghanasyama dasa, it is stated: kuliya-pahadapura grama purve koladvipa-parvatakhyananda nama. The town of Kuliya-pahadapura was previously named Koladvipa-parvatakhyananda
- In a book one may sometimes find a small running insect smaller than a period. This is Krsna's craftsmanship. Anor aniyan mahato mahiyan (Katha Upanisad 1.2.20): He can create something greater than the greatest and smaller than the smallest
- In a bookshop if you ask, "Supply me one copy of BG," he will have to find out. But if you ask a bookseller, "Give me some novels," he will present so many things. Because our inclination is like that. We are always anxious to learn these mundane affairs
- In America all the universities, professors, learned scholar, they are giving us standing order, "As soon as published (books), please send this."
- In Bhagavad-gita, therefore, it is clearly stated, in the Sixteenth Chapter, verse 17, that rascals of self-made authority, being puffed up by illegally collected money, perform yoga without following the authoritative books
- In different Puranas, the symptoms of Kali-yuga is described. Sastra. Sastra means tri-kala-jna. Sastra is not ordinary book. Therefore our Vedic literatures are known as apauruseya, not written by ordinary human being
- In his book Caitanya-bhagavata, Antya-khanda, Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura has very nicely described the Lord’s journey en route to Kataka (Cuttak). On that journey, the Lord visited a place known as Balihasta, or Balakaticati
- In his book Caitanya-candramrta, Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati says, One who receives a little favor from the Lord becomes so exalted that he does not care even for liberation, which is sought after by many great scholars and philosophers
- In his book Caitanya-candrodaya, Kavi-karnapura, the son of Sivananda Sena, has elaborately described the meeting between Sri Rupa Gosvami and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In his book Caitanya-mangala (which later became Caitanya-bhagavata), Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura has very elaborately described the Lord's pastimes of study
- In his book Gauranga-stava-kalpavrksa, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami has very vividly described Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastime of running toward the Cataka-parvata sand dune
- In his book known as Caitanya-mangala (Caitanya-bhagavata), Vrndavana dasa Thakura has elaborately described the Lord's passage to Jagannatha Puri
- In his book known as Gauranga-stava-kalpavrksa, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami has described this incident very nicely
- In his book Laghu-bhagavatamrta, Srila Rupa Gosvami has enumerated the following twenty-five lila-avataras: Catuh-sana, Narada, Varaha, Matsya, Yajna, Nara-Narayana, Kapila, Dattatreya, Hayasirsa (Hayagriva), Hamsa, Prsnigarbha, Rsabha
- In his book Laghu-bhagavatamrta, Srila Rupa Gosvami has enumerated the following twenty-five lila-avataras: Prthu, Nrsimha, Kurma, Dhanvantari, Mohini, Vamana, Parasurama, Raghavendra, Vyasa, Balarama, Krsna, Buddha and Kalki
- In his book named Caitanya-mangala (Caitanya-bhagavata), he has described these pastimes in many places. I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) request my readers to hear that book, for that is the best evidence
- In his book Stavavali, Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami has prayed for the mercy of Radharani, who was so captivated by the flute vibrations of Krsna that She immediately asked information of His whereabouts from residents in the Vrndavana forest
- In his leisure time in later life, His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura would simply read Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. It was his favorite book
- In his own book, known as Narada Pancaratra, Bhagavan Narada has very vividly described how to work to achieve the ultimate goal of life - devotion - through knowledge and through execution of the mystic yoga system
- In Hitopadesa, a Vedic book of ancient fables, there is a lucid analogy entitled Uddesa Indriyanam which explains the relationship of the parts of the body to the whole
- In India we make life members simply from the high quality and appearance of our books with illustrations. Our society is unrivalled in this respect and this is your credit who are working so selflessly to illustrate my books
- In India, when we speak on the BG or SB, we regularly perform worship with flowers, or with other paraphernalia, as is required for worshiping. In the Sikh religion also, although they have no form of the Deity, they worship the book Granthasahib
- In law court two lawyers are fighting, but the lawyer who is giving evidences from the law book, he is accepted by the judge. And therefore, generally you will find, whenever we speak something, we give evidence from the sastra
- In Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s final pastimes, Ramananda Raya and Svarupa Damodara always engaged in reciting suitable verses from Srimad-Bhagavatam and other books to pacify the Lord’s ecstatic feelings of separation from Krsna
- In no other philosophy will you find such a clear conception of God. So I request you to kindly study with seriousness our books, and you may compare Krishna consciousness with other philosophies
- In other places (books) the same order is there, that one give up all other engagements & fully surrender unto the Lord without hesitation. The Lord will give such a devotee all protection. These are the secrets of attaining the highest perfectional stage
- In text 43 of the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika, a book written by Kavi-karnapura that describes all the associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and who they previously were
- In that book, Bilvamangala Thakura writes: - If we have devotion fixed on You, My Lord Bhagavan, then we can easily see Your divine form as kaisora-murti, a young boy
- In the Bhagavad-gita you'll find that if you want to go to the higher planets, there is ways and means. So we have discussed this point in our small book Easy Journey to Other Planets
- In the book known as Adhyatma-ramayana, there are statements in Chapters Twelve to Fifteen about worshiping the Deities of Sri Ramacandra and Sita
- In the book Nama-kaumudi it is recommended that if one is an offender of a Vaisnava, he should submit to that Vaisnava and be excused; if one is an offender in chanting the holy name, he should submit to the holy name and thus be freed from his offenses
- In the book named Brhaj-jataka and other books there are directions for interpreting the movements of the stars and planets. One who knows the process of calculating the asta-varga (eight divisions) can predict auspicious and inauspicious events
- In the Brahma-samhita also, Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is a very old book, supposed to have been written by Brahma, the first living being in the universe
- In the colleges they can introduce our books. We are getting very good written appreciations from learned circles in USA of our books and many libraries and universities are ordering an open order all of the books as they are published
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (33) the appearance of Sri Narada Muni and a description of the year in which the book was completed
- In the First Wave of the book known as the Bhakti-ratnakara, it is said that Sanatana Gosvami understood Srimad-Bhagavatam by thorough study and explained it in his commentary known as Vaisnava-tosan
- In the library other books may be kept for comparative study by the scholars. I have no objection, but our main purpose will be to accelerate the grandeur of Chaitanya philosophy. On this basis I have full cooperation
- In the present age, mankind is so absorbed with mundane activities that it is not possible to read all of the Vedic literatures. But this is not necessary. This one book, Bhagavad-gita, will suffice. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that no one can conquer Him or approach Him, but He becomes conquered. How? Let people remain in their own positions, but let them give up nonsense speculation through volumes of books
- In the Vedic civilization there are twenty big, big books, dharma-sastra, for regulating life. Very difficult subject matter, dharma-sastra. So Suta Gosvami was offered the seat of vyasasana because he was aware of these things
- In the West also Bhagavad-gita is accepted as a great book of philosophy, and many great scholars and philosophers in the West have read it and commented upon it
- In the Western world, where the glories of Lord Caitanya are relatively unknown, one may inquire, "Who is Krsna Caitanya?" The author of the Caitanya-caritamrta, Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja, answers that question in the third verse of his book - CC Intro
- In this (Hari-bhakti-vilasa) book the rules and regulation of the Vaisnavas are described - how grhastha should live, how brahmacari should live, how vanaprastha should live, how sannyasi should live
- In this age penance is not at all possible. Nobody can undergo any penance. But without penance, without sacrifice, from history, from books, from scripture, we understand nobody has attained spiritual perfection
- In this age we are decreasing our memory. Formerly, when this Bhagavad-gita was written by Vyasadeva, before that, people were so sharp in their memory that there was no need of publication of books
- In this connection, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaj recommended that a spiritual master print books
- In this Kali-yuga, without any knowledge, without any inquiry, without any guru, without any book, everyone is God. That's all. This is going on, fool's paradise. So this will not help
- In this material world also, one who is unable to pay to go to a far distant place by motorized conveyances can only understand about that place from authentic books. Similarly, the Vaikuntha planets in the spiritual sky are beyond this material sky
- In this way (by taking shelter of the six Gosvamis by reading the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Vidagdha-madhava, Lalita-madhava and the other books) one can understand the transcendental loving affairs between Radha and Krsna
- In wealth He (Krsna) was superexcellent. In strength He was superexcellent. And in knowledge . . . now, here is a book, BG. Now, apart from other books, other knowledge which He imparted to other . . . now, here is a book which was imparted to Arjuna
- In your song book, poet Jayadeva's high madhurya rasa songs may be avoided because they are meant for highly advanced devotees
- Indeed, each and every Vaisnava copied the two books. By and by, the two books (the Brahma-samhita and Sri Krsna-karnamrta) were broadcast all over India
- Indeed, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu eagerly tore this page from the Kurma Purana, although the book was very old, and He later showed it to Ramadasa Vipra, whose unhappiness was mitigated
- Instead of wasting one’s time falsely deriving such indirect meanings from the Vedanta-sutra and other Vedic literatures, one should accept the words of these books as they are
- Isvarah paramah krsnah, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah, anadir adir govindah, sarva-karana-karanam. This is the definition of Krsna given by Lord Brahma in his book known as Brahma-samhita, very authorized book
- It (BRS) was finished in the year 1463 Sakabda (A.D. 1541). This book is divided into four parts: purva-vibhaga - eastern division, daksina-vibhaga - southern division, pascima-vibhaga - western division and uttara-vibhaga - northern division
- It has proven to be very troublesome to send money from America to India, but you can get books as many as you like, sell them there to the public at large
- It is by the mercy of all these Vaisnavas and gurus that I attempt to write about the pastimes and qualities of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Whether I know it or know not, it is for self-purification that I write this book
- It is guaranteed human life? - somebody asking. Even if it guaranteed, why should you take the chance of another life? Finish this business in this life. Take help from Krsna, take help from books, take from your spiritual master
- It is not possible for a common man to write books on bhakti, for his writings will not be effective
- It is not possible to learn any major subject simply by purchasing books and reading them at home. Someone is needed to show us how to apply that knowledge which is found in the books
- It is said that all of Madhvacarya's books were taken away, but later they were found with the help of King Jayasimha, ruler of Kumla. In discussion (of sastra), Pundarika Puri was defeated by Madhvacarya
- It is stated in the Bhagavad Gita that Maya is very strong, unsurmountable, but one who surrenders to Krsna--Maya does not touch him. So, all our books are as good as Krsna because we deal in the books about Krsna only
- It is the book to understand Krsna, but these people, unscrupulous people, even great scholars, they tried to explain something, taking advantage of the popularity of Bhagavad-gita
- It is the purpose of this book, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, to transmit the essence of that (transcendental) vibration in an easily readable summary study
- It is understood that these verses (Brahma-samhita) were written by Brahma, and when Lord Caitanya was traveling in South India He picked up this book from a temple, hand-written, and He delivered to His devotees. So it is very authorized book
- It is very good that you are progressing with the book proving scientifically that Lord Sri Krishna is the origin of life. Yes, do it slowly but surely. It is important work for our preaching mission
- It is very nice that the U. P. State Ministry has booked eleven double rooms in our guesthouse. Kindly give them a good reception and food and deal very nicely with them in all respects
- It was customary to offer the child both coins and books in order to get some indication of the future tendencies of the child
- Jiva Gosvami was informed that all the manuscripts that had been collected from Vrndavana and sent to Bengal for preaching purposes were plundered near Visnupura, in Bengal, but later he received the information that the books had been recovered
- Just as one going to America can get some idea what the country is like by reading books, one can also have knowledge of the spiritual planets by reading Vedic literatures
- Just like sometimes the politicians, scholars, they also try to understand Bhagavad-gita. Because Bhagavad-gita is very authoritative book, they want to exploit. They do not understand what is Bhagavad-gita
- Just like we are hearing the sastra, so he (the thief) has heard it from the law books that if one commits theft he'll be punished. And he has seen also that a person who has committed theft, he is arrested by the police, taken to the prison house
- Just now I was reading Krsna Book. It is very interesting and entertaining and written so even a child can follow. In our childhood days we were reading one book, "Folk Tales of Bengal". It was very widely read, especially by children
- Just see. This is the position. How low taste: hogs' and pigs' business, and write philosophy. His (Freud's) books are selling like anything
- Just try to increase more and more our output of such books and magazines in many languages--otherwise how will preaching go on in these places?
- Just you are talking on the source of knowledge from the modern scientific books; similarly, we are talking also on the source of knowledge received from Vedas. It is not a religious belief or faith, blind faith
- Karnapura wrote many books that are important in Vaisnava literature, such as the Ananda-vrndavana-campu, Alankara-kaustubha, Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika and the great epic Caitanya-candrodaya-nataka
- King Kulasekhara has written in his book Mukunda-mala-stotra (5) : My only desire is to be fixed in devotional service to the lotus feet of the Lord, even though I may continue to take birth here life after life
- King Kulasekhara has written in his book Mukunda-mala-stotra (5) :I have no attraction for performing religious rituals or holding any earthly kingdom. I do not care for sense enjoyments; let them appear and disappear in accordance with my previous deeds
- King Kulasekhara, in his very famous book Mukunda-mala-stotra, prays: My Lord, I wish only that I may always be in full ecstasy with the pleasure of serving Your Lordship - MM 4
- Knowledge how to eat, how to sleep, how to defend, how to enjoy sex life, and volumes of books on this subject matter, these are not knowledge. They are known even by the cats and dogs
- Krishna Consciousness process is not to be presented in this way as mechanical achievement, at least we find no evidence from previous scriptures to support such technique. So I do not approve of this book
- Krsna and Balarama then learned the art of foretelling events by seeing signs. In a book called Khanara-vacana, the various types of signs and omens are described
- Krsna consciousness means . . . the simple thing is that you chant Hare Krsna. But if you think yourself as very learned, thoughtful man, and you want to understand through science and philosophy, all right, come on. We have got books. Learn it
- Krsna Himself comes to call us, and He gives us literatures as guidebooks and sends His bona fide representatives. We should take advantage of this facility given to human life
- Krsna is so kind, He leaves book, He leaves representative, and He comes Himself. In so many ways He is trying to give us the benefit. Asura: we do not take the advantage, and continually suffer, birth after birth we suffer
- Krsna is speaking Bhagavad-gita. People are accepting, because that is real knowledge. And nobody reads other books so carefully. And this Bhagavad-gita is read all over the world
- Krsna will accept a devotee who strictly follows the regulative principles and the method prescribed in the various books and literatures published by the authorities
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami has composed this Sanskrit verse (CC Adi 1.1 & 1.34) for the beginning of his book (Sri Caitanya-caritamrta), and now he will explain it in detail. He offers his respectful obeisances to the six principles of the Absolute Truth
- Krsnadasa Kaviraja was requested to write the CC by the devotees of Vrndavana. Although he began this work at a very old age, by the grace of Caitanya he finished it. Today it remains the most authoritative book on Caitanya's philosophy & life - CC Intro
- Later in life, Caitanya dasa became a very learned Sanskrit scholar and wrote many books. Among these books, his commentary on Krsna-karnamrta is very famous
- Laws of inheritance and other legalities are derived from this book (Manu-samhita) . BG 1972 purports
- Let us talk about Bhagavad-gita, let us talk about Srimad-Bhagavatam or any book which is describing the transcendental name, fame, glory, quality, pastime of Lord Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness
- Lord Ananta writes millions of books elaborately describing the transformations of ecstatic love experienced by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Vrndavana
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu selected these two books (Bhagavad-gita & Srimad-Bhagavatam) and requested that people in all corners of the world spread this science of Krsna in every town and village
- Lord Caitanya's instruction to Tapana Misra is especially significant for persons who loiter here and there collecting books and reading none of them, thus becoming bewildered regarding the aim of life
- Lord Caitanya's instructions to Sanatana Gosvami have been described in the first part of this book. After receiving these teachings, Sanatana Gosvami was authorized to propagate the principles of devotional service and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Mahattamanam abhidhana also means dictionary of great devotees, or a book full of the words of great devotees. A dictionary of the words of great devotees and those of the Lord are in the Vedas and allied literatures, specifically the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Many devotees of Lord Caitanya have prepared voluminous books and literatures on the life and precepts of the Lord
- Many words used in those days could be understood only by local inhabitants, yet this book (Sri Krsna-vijaya) is still so popular that no bookstore is complete without it. It is valuable for those who are interested in advancing in Krsna consciousness
- May you be blessed by Lord Krishna so that you may become His pure devotee. I do not know Marathi but I appreciated the books very much
- Maya as it is, it is not that she is out of touch of Krsna. Vaisnavi. In the Candi, in the book of Maya, it is state that "Vaisnavi." The Maya is described as Vaisnavi. Just like pure devotee is called Vaisnava, she is also described there as Vaisnavi
- Medical books of anatomy or physiology are available in the market, but no one can become a qualified practitioner simply by reading such books at home. One has to be admitted to the medical college and study the books under the guidance of professors
- Most important thing is to follow all of the rules carefully, chant 16 rounds, and read our books carefully. This will make you spiritually strong
- Mostly we get our income by selling these books. We are selling books daily about $200,000 daily. That is our main source of income
- My Guru Maharaja emphasized book publication above all other preaching activities because it is the big mrdanga which can be heard all over the world
- My Guru Maharaja liked the publicaton of books very nice. He liked publication of books more than construction of Temples
- My Guru Maharaja used to be very much pleased whenever there was book distribution. So you just continue it solidly, that is my request
- Nilambara Cakravarti lived at Navadvipa, in the neighborhood of Belapukuriya. This fact is mentioned in the book Prema-vilasa. Because he lived near the house of the Kazi, Kazi was also considered one of the maternal uncles of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- No Mayavadi school can present as many books as we have; nevertheless, they accuse us of not being fond of study. Such accusations are completely false
- Nobody can be self-made anything. A medical practitioner, he cannot become self-made, that "I have studied all the medical books in my home." No
- Nor can anyone become a doctor by simply purchasing a book from the market and reading it at home. One has to be admitted to a medical college and undergo training under licensed doctors
- Now as I am going to send the Gitopanisad to India for printing, please see the 1st and 2nd chapters finally if there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes. Also mark the verses with diacritic signs as they are in Dr. Radhakrishnan's book
- Now our this Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is the topmost selling book in London. All the booksellers, BG. So Macmillan Company is our publisher, and within one year they have published three editions, fifty thousand each. So real thing will have real value
- Now that the inventory has been sent to all centers, there should be no complaint that there are no books being made available
- Now we have got books. These rascals, they have no books to read about this realization. They have got only Freud's philosophy and this . . . what is that? And Darwin's theory. All rascaldom, simply rascaldom. Let them read these books
- O fools, just read Sri Caitanya-mangala! By reading this book you can understand all the glories of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Oh, don't try to understand in a minute. You read all these books. But attentively, if the child has form, the father must have form. There is no doubt of it. And what is that form? That you have to understand
- On that elevated platform (Vaisnava) he (Bilvamangala Thakura Gosvami) wrote a book named Krsna-karnamrta, which is very famous amongst Vaisnavas. Since he exhibited so many ecstatic symptoms, people used to call him Lilasuka
- One commentary (on Bilvamangala’s book Krsna-karnamrta) was written by Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami and the other by Caitanya dasa Gosvami
- One has to become perfect before he writes some books. Just like nowadays especially in the western countries they write any rascal ideas under the name of philosophy or science
- One has to learn to use a typewriter by following the R.P. of the typing book. One has to place his fingers on the keys in such a way & practice, but when one becomes adept, he can type swiftly and correctly without even looking at the keys
- One has to learn to use a typewriter by following the regulative principles of the typing book. One has to place his fingers on the keys in such a way & practice, but when one become adept, he can type swiftly & correctly without even looking at the keys
- One may remain alone in a room for some time and may enjoy himself by reading a book or engaging in some thought, but it is not possible to remain in that room for years and years at a time, and certainly not for all eternity
- One must see the Deity with great devotion. 23) One must offer aratrika at different times. 24) One must hear about the Lord and His pastimes from Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Bhagavad-gita, and similar books
- One need only chant Hare Krsna, accept the remnants of foodstuffs offered to Krsna, have some discussion on books like Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, and engage oneself in Deity worship. These four will make one happy. BG 1972 purports
- One of his (Jayadeva's) famous books is Gita-govinda, which is full of transcendental mellow feelings of separation from Krsna
- One professor in Oxford University, he is a student or professor of Bhagavad-gita, has written book. Now his conclusion is that Krsna is immoral. That means he could not understand Bhagavad-gita
- One professor, Stillson Judah, he has written one book. After studying our movement five years he has written one, "Hare Krsna and Counter-culture"
- One should always read Srimad-Bhagavatam and carry out the order of one's spiritual master. The word bhagavata may refer either to the spiritual master or to the book Srimad-Bhagavatam
- One should not consider Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam to be ordinary books, and one should take care of them just as carefully as one takes care of the Deity
- One should not partially study a book just to pose oneself as a great scholar by being able to refer to scriptures
- One should not write books or essays on transcendental subject matter for material name, fame or profit. Transcendental literature must be written under the direction of a superior authority because it is not meant for material purposes
- One should read thoroughly this Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu to understand the science of devotion. Sadhu-sastra. And the sastra means it is enunciated by sadhu, Rupa Gosvami. You cannot read anyone's book
- One who can completely control sex life is able to work wonderfully with his brain, especially in remembering. Thus students who simply hear Vedic instructions once from their teacher could remember them verbatim without needing to read books
- One who does not know what is this (Bentley's) code, but he can refer to the book. The explanation is there: "This code means this wording." Similarly, Brahma-sutra means the whole Vedic knowledge is given in codes
- One who meditates on Krishna is the topmost yogi of all. We have explained this fact in our book "Topmost Yoga." I request you to read this book and meditate on Krishna, then you and your followers will be first class yogis performing the best meditation
- Other false devotees think that studying books of the previous acaryas is unadvisable, like studying dry empiric philosophies
- Our books are extensively distributed in the Western countries, especially in America & Europe. Even the ecclesiastical orders in these countries are appreciating the value of the KC movement & are ready to unite for the highest benefit of human society
- Our London center has managed to have one local newspaper devote a two-page spread to a comic book feature of the story of Prahlada Maharaja as depicted by Gaurasundara and Govinda Dasi. This is very nice propaganda
- Our main source of income is the selling of these books. We are selling books daily all over the world, five to six lakhs' rupees
- Our only appeal is that all book sellers, all publishers, may come forward and cooperate with us and distribute the transcendental literature in the unique form. They will find something sublime, and we'll be benefited
- Our process is to accept both the lines of bhagwat marga and pancharatriki marga. Perhaps you might have seen the picture of the Gaudiya mission. On one side there is the bhagwat book and on the other side a picture of Laxmi Narayana for Deity worship
- People are still very much interested in writing and reading books about Hitler and Bonaparte and how they killed so many people in war
- People are very much interested in hearing social and historical presentations, Srila Vyasadeva has compiled many books such as the Puranas and Mahabharata
- People should be sober, that we are giving books. They should understand. And it is accepted by the educated class, big, big professors, big, big philosophers. It is not blind faith
- Please come here, sit down at least once in a week, study all these books, try to understand the philosophy of life, and spread all over the world. That is the mission of Bharatavarsa
- Please continue to study our books carefully, finish all of your chanting of rounds, and help out in your temple as much as possible. These items will give you all preparation to render very valuable service to Lord Caitanya's mission
- Please first of all print it (Spiritual Dialectism) in Back to Godhead magazine and if the response is good it maybe made into a book along the lines of Svarupa Damodaras book, The Scientific Basis of Krishna Consciousness
- Please let me know exactly what is the procedure for exporting books from India, because I have to do it periodically
- Please see that the unpacked Deities are packed and boxed very securely, as are the others. Please give Jayapataka Maharaja the shipping documents for the Boston and L.A. shipments and tell him to momentarily not try to clear the books on his own
- Please try to read all our books very carefully, and whenever there is any doubt, you ask me, and be expert preacher. That will make you a great doctor for protecting the human society from being fallen a victim to maya
- Prabodhananda Sarasvati wrote a number of books, among which are the Caitanya-candramrta, Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi, Sangita-madhava, Vrndavana-sataka and Navadvipa-sataka
- Practically, if one very carefully reads the BG, SB, Teachings of Lord Caitanya and this Nectar of Devotion, that will give him sufficient knowledge to understand the science of Krsna consciousness. One need not take the trouble of reading other books
- Prema-vivarta is the name of a book written by Jagadananda Pandita
- Press means publication of various types of books and literatures and the mrdanga means Sankirtana Party
- Print books many, as good as possible, and distribute. Let us do our duty
- Priti-sandarbha, Bhagavata-sandarbha, six sandarbha, very highly philosophical books. Bhakti is not official transaction. Bhakti means priti, real love
- Professor Judah written one book very authorized, Hare Krishna and Counterculture. So we are being accepted by learned circle
- Pure devotion has no connection with jnana and karma. The Lord has spoken about bhakti-yoga in the middle. Just like there is a book, it has covers on both sides and in the middle there is substance
- Ramadasa Visvasa was very learned in all the revealed scriptures. He was a teacher of the famous book Kavya-prakasa and was known as an advanced devotee and worshiper of Raghunatha (Lord Ramacandra)
- Ramananda Raya was very happy to receive these books. He tasted their contents along with the Lord and made a copy of each
- Recently there is a book, Chemical Evolution. He wants to prove it, that by combination of chemicals the life has come in. That is not the fact. The fact is, life has come from life
- Recently we have published our "Isopanisad" a Vedic literature and in this small booklet we have thoroughly discussed this point
- Recently, when I was in Los Angeles, one German scientist came there. He has written one book, Chemical Evolution, and he has got Nobel Prize. Now he's touring for lecturing on his theory
- Regarding Aquarian Gospel of Lord Jesus The Christ, I have taken some stray extracts just to support our views, but we don't give any importance to that book. The best thing is that we accept Lord Jesus Christ as a great devotee of the Lord
- Regarding details of the universe, be satisfied by reading only SB. What is the use of reading other books - you are not going there. When you stand in any place you see flat, so for us to some extent it appears flat, but it is round
- Regarding our books, the scholarly way should be followed. That means as Dr. Radha Krishnan and Bon Maharaj do it, and as Dr. Singh recommends
- Regarding the correct form for Srila Prabhupada's name for appearing in publishing books, it should be as follows: BHAKTIVEDANTA, SWAMI A.C
- Regarding the discounts from BBT, that may be stopped. You should receive books at the regular temple price
- Regarding your proposal of a Rathayatra festival as Bhaktivinode Thakura suggested, you may kindly send me a note telling in which book the above statement is there. I shall be very glad to see the article you have written in this connection
- Regarding your request for some books, the best thing will be if you ask some able person to buy them for you. Or you may ask for the fare to come to Madras and live with the devotees of our Movement
- Regarding your suggestion for a book especially for use in college courses, if possible you can pick it up from my other books, articles and speeches. You have the idea, so you can do it, just suitable for them
- Regarding your writing, this is very much wanted, but I think that it is better if you write articles, not books. Write articles that can be printed in our Back to Godhead magazine
- Religion without philosophical basis, without scientific basis, is sentiment. But religion based on philosophy and science, that is right. So Bhagavad-gita is that book. Any question, any inquiry, any doubt - all the answers are there, and very nicely
- Sadananda Yogindra, one of the greatest Mayavadiacaryas, has written in his book Vedanta-sara: "The Absolute Truth of eternity, knowledge and bliss is Brahman. Ignorance and all products of ignorance are non-Brahman
- Sadananda-yogi, one of the greatest Mayavadi acaryas, has written in his book, Vedanta-sara: The Absolute Truth of eternity, knowledge and bliss is Brahman. Ignorance and all products of ignorance are non-Brahman
- Sanatana Gosvami told the Muslim jailkeeper, "Dear sir, you are a saintly person and are very fortunate. You have full knowledge of the revealed scriptures such as the Koran and similar books"
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya wrote a book of 100 verses named Caitanya-sataka or Susloka-sataka. Two other verses he wrote, beginning with the words vairagya-vidya-nija-bhakti-yoga & kalan nastam bhakti-yogam nijam yah, are very famous among Gaudiya Vaisnavas
- Simply by aural reception of these two books (Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad-Bhagavatam) from the bona fide spiritual master, one becomes enlightened about devotional service, which is dormant within the heart
- Simply by studying, becoming bookworm, you cannot advance. The real secret is... That is stated in the Vedas. Unflinching faith in God and spiritual master. Then things will be revealed from within. How much strength we have got to study all these books?
- Simply they'll think that "If I keep long hairs, I'll be very beautiful" This psychological study is there. And five thousand years before, prediction. How much authoritative the book is, just imagine. Is it not fact?
- Since Govinda Kaviraja, the author of two books, Sangita-madhava and Gitamrta, was a great Vaisnava kavi, or poet, Srila Jiva Gosvami gave him the title Kaviraja. He is described in the Bhakti-ratnakara - Ninth Wave
- Since I have already described this incident very elaborately in the Seventh Chapter of the Adi-lila, I do not wish to increase the size of this book by giving another description
- Since I have come to Honolulu from Melbourne, I got the opportunity to read your nice book "Hare Krishna and the Counterculture" with profound interest
- Since this book, Caitanya-caritamrta, is now complete, having been written for the satisfaction of the most opulent Deities Madana-mohanaji and Govindaji, let it be offered at the lotus feet of Sri Krsna Caitanyadeva
- Sixty years, they could not do any of these books. And still they are envious. Within sixty years they could not attract any foreign student or any book published. And still, they are proud. They have got all the blessings of Bhaktisiddhanta
- So as not to increase the size of this book, I have not written about all the Lord's pastimes, for He performed them every moment of every day for twelve years
- So far as publication is concerned, our Society has got branches all over the world. It is written in the book "published by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, branches throughout the world, Headquarters USA"
- So for maintaining the Gurukula at least the cost price for the books must be paid. Gurukula can take the profit for its maintenance. BBT cannot pay for maintenance of the temples. BBT can only pay for printing and temple properties and construction
- So it is very good news that people are reading our books. They have already got about more than one dozen such books, four hundred pages each
- So unfortunately, in the name of God consciousness or this self-realization, so many not standardized methods are being presented by the so-called bluffers without any reference to the authoritative books and knowledge, Vedic knowledge
- So we are trying our bit to understand Krsna and to make others to understand Krsna. And therefore we have published about eighty-two books, big books and small books. So we request that you either accept Krsna without any hesitation
- So we have taken so much labor to put in diacritic mark, all the words, word meaning, utilize it. Don't think that these books are only for sale
- So-called devotional practices that have no reference to the rules and regulations set down in such books of Vedic literature as the sruti, the smrti, the Puranas, and the Pancaratras are not bona fide
- Some devotees consider dedication of the body to the Lord to be atma-nivedanam, and as stated in the book known as Bhakti-viveka, sometimes dedication of the soul to the Lord is called atma-nivedanam
- Some Mayavadi scholars argue that Srimad-Bhagavatam was not compiled by Sri Vyasadeva. And some of them suggest that this book is a modern creation written by someone named Vopadeva
- Some Mayavadi scholars argue that Srimad-Bhagavatam was not compiled by Srila Vyasadeva, and some suggest that the book is a modern creation written by someone named Vopadeva
- Some of the incidents he (Vrndavana dasa Thakura) did not describe elaborately but only summarized, and these I (Krsandasa Kaviraja Gosvami) shall try to describe in this book
- Sometimes so-called artists and poets try to understand the love affairs of Radha and Krsna, and they publish cheap books of poetry and pictures on the subject
- Sometimes the critics of SB find it difficult to find Radharani's holy name in that book, but the secret is disclosed here in the word aradhita, from which the name Radha has come. Of course, the name of Radharani is directly mentioned in other Puranas
- Sometimes the critics of Srimad-Bhagavatam find it difficult to find Radharani’s holy name in that book, but the secret is disclosed here in (CC Madhya 8.100) the word aradhita, from which the name Radha has come
- Sometimes the Krsna consciousness movement sends its representative sannyasis to foreign countries where the danda and kamandalu are not very much appreciated. We send our preachers in ordinary dress to introduce our books and philosophy
- Sometimes we find a small full-stop-like creature moving on the page of the, on a leaf of the book. You cannot see it, but it is moving. That small creature also has got heart
- Sometimes we find that our Western students fail to chant even these sixteen rounds, and instead they bring many austere books and a worshiping method that diverts their attention in so many ways
- Sometimes when you open your book you find. They are called bookworm, they're very small, but it is moving. And because it is moving, from biological study we must conclude that it has got a heart
- Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura (our spiritual master) and many other great and renowned scholars and devotees of the Lord have prepared voluminous books and literatures on the life and precepts of the Lord
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also found two other books namely, the Brahma-samhita and Krsna-karnamrta. Knowing these books to be excellent, He took them to present to His devotees
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave Ramananda Raya a vivid description of His travels to the holy places and told him how He had acquired the two books named Krsna-karnamrta and Brahma-samhita. The Lord delivered the books to Ramananda Raya
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then said, "Gunaraja Khan of Kulina-grama compiled a book named Sri Krsna-vijaya, in which there is a sentence revealing the author's ecstatic love of Krsna"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was never pleased to hear books or verses opposed to the conclusive statements of devotional service. The Lord did not like hearing rasabhasa, the overlapping of transcendental mellows
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very pleased to hear the book Krsna-karnamrta, and with great eagerness He had it copied and took it with Him
- Sri Govinda dasa, an Oriya devotee of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, has described the life of Vakresvara Pandita in his book Gaura-krsnodaya
- Sri Krsna-vijaya is a book of poems considered to be the first poetry book written in Bengal. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura states that this book was begun in the year 1395 Sakabda (A.D. 1473)
- Sri Murari Gupta wrote a book called Sri Caitanya-carita. He belonged to a vaidya physician family of Srihatta, the paternal home of Lord Caitanya, and later became a resident of Navadvipa
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that sometimes these smarta caste gosvamis write books on Vaisnava philosophy or commentaries on the original scriptures, but a pure devotee should cautiously avoid reading them
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura wanted to print as many books as possible and distribute them all over the world. We have tried our best in this connection, and we are getting results beyond our expectations
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (203) it is said, Bhagavata Acarya compiled a book entitled Krsna-prema-tarangini, and he was the most beloved devotee of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Srila Bilvamangala Thakur prays in his book as follows: "Let Srimati Radharani purify the whole world, because She has surrendered Herself completely unto Krsna"
- Srila Jiva Gosvami has written in the beginning of his Tattva-sandarbha, - A devotee from southern India who was born of a brahmana family & was a very intimate friend of Rupa & Sanatana Gosvami has written a book that he has not compiled chronologically
- Srila Madhvacarya has also defined revealed scriptures as referring to books such as the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas, Upanisads, Vedanta - and any other literature which is written in pursuance of such revealed scriptures
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura sings, When shall I become very eager to study the books left by the six Gosvamis? Then I shall be able to understand the conjugal pastimes of Radha and Krsna
- Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami has described these pastimes elaborately in his book Gauranga-stava-kalpavrksa
- Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami has fully described this pastime in his book Gauranga-stava-kalpavrksa
- Srila Rupa Gosvami quoted one verse which was later found in the book Govinda-lilamrta (1.2): Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivers those souls who are merged in ignorance & offers them the highest gift, love of Krsna, & thus makes them mad for KC
- Srila Sanatana Gosvami collected some books about archaeological excavations in Mathura, and wandering in the forest, he sought to renovate all those holy places
- Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura has vividly described the pastimes of Haridasa Thakura in his Caitanya-bhagavata. Whatever has remained undescribed I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) shall try to explain later in this book
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the authoritative reference book from which to understand devotional service, but because it is very elaborate, few men can understand its purport
- Study the history of Maharaja Pariksit. That is required. Not that simply chronological record, all nonsense, and big, big books, and making research. Why should you waste your time in that way?
- Such a book cannot be scripture
- Sukadeva Gosvami is beginning to talk about Krsna, and this book is The First Step in God Realization. How, for ordinary common men, how one can realize God, these things will be described. We shall describe
- Suppose I have written a book. If you cannot understand something in it, then you should come directly to me for an explanation. That is sensible. Why go to a rascal who has nothing to do with my book
- Suppose I have written one book. So I have got some intention. So why should you interpret my intention with your intention? What right you have got? You have no right
- Suppose if you have to become a medical practitioner or a lawyer. So you have to study the law books by the previous lawyers, by the judgments of the courts
- Suppose if you want to be a medical man, the books are available in the market. You can purchase and read and become a doctor. Is it possible? Is it possible that simply by reading books, purchasing from the market, I become a medical man? No
- Suppose you write one book, or anything; if it is just according to the Vedic conclusion, then it is also called smrti. By remembering the Vedic conclusion . . . you cannot go beyond the Vedic conclusion. Then it is useless writing
- Sushruta Samhita is a big book of medical science, it is not able to be understood by ordinary laymen
- Sutra means codes. Just like they have got code book. One word, it is meaning so many other things. Businessmen, they have got codes. When they send cable to their customer or to their principle, they use some codes
- Svarupa Damodara has solid knowledge. He has learned from us. Therefore he's writing all these books. He has rejected his so-called scientific knowledge
- Svarupa Damodara replied for Srila Rupa Gosvami, "He wanted to compose a drama about the pastimes of Lord Krsna. He planned to describe in one book both the pastimes of Vrndavana and those of Dvaraka and Mathura"
- Svayambhuva Manu is the leader of mankind, and he has given a book called Manu-samhita to guide human society. Herein (SB 8.1.16) he directs us to follow the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His different incarnations
- Take advantage and enchant those who are coming by your chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra. You will be victorious. And try to introduce our books there and it will be a great missionary success
- Take books as much as you like and with the local man's help immediately open a center and try to stay there as long as possible. In your absence the local man may manage. Train him in that way
- Take instruction from Bhagavad-gita in this way. Your handwriting is so nice, so by printing such booklets and learning Bhagavad-gita you can then instruct others and Krishna will bless you
- Thank you very much for sending the book reviews. Send more if you can. These are very very encouraging
- Thank you very much for your nice translation of Markine Bhagavata-dharma. It is well appreciated. I think it can be included in the front of the new printing of the song book, and it can be sung in kirtana like the other songs of Bhaktivinode Thakura
- That (Ayurveda) is a very big book, and all kinds of vegetables, all kinds of flesh, all kinds of fish and everything is detailed there, and there is description what is the effect of eating such-and-such things
- The atmaramas with special intelligence are of two kinds. One is the learned sage, and the other is the fool without book knowledge. Both of these can have an opportunity to associate with the pure devotee
- The author of CC, Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, uses the words prema-vivarta to refer to one who reads the book or hears about Jagadananda Pandita’s loving dealings with Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In either case, such a person very soon achieves love of Krsna
- The best explanation of a book is written by the author himself
- The best source of our income should be by accepting contributions from the sympathetic public, and selling our own books and literature. That is also a sort of business, but it doesn't matter
- The Bhagavad-gita is a book directed to the conditioned souls, who are engaged in the material world with the purpose of lording it over nature and who do not know of the real, spiritual life. BG 1972 purports
- The book "A Vedic Reader: Sources of Indian Civilization" The synopsis is very nice, and if properly written the book will be very nice
- The book (Ujjvala-nilamani) also relates how love of Krsna is awakened and describes the ecstatic situation, the devotional situation, permanent ecstasy, disturbed ecstasy, steady ecstasy, different positions of different dresses
- The book Sri Krsna-vijaya was highly praised by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and it is very valuable for all Vaisnavas
- The book Ujjvala-nilamani also relates how love of Krsna is awakened and describes feelings of separation, prior attraction, anger in attraction, varieties of loving affairs, separation from the beloved
- The book, Srimad-Bhagavatam; the ideal worship, the damsels of Vrndavana; Krsna is the worshipable object; and the necessary of life, necessity of life, is to attain love of Godhead. This is the whole mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, sum and substance
- The books are being kept with Svarupa Damodara, and you can get them copied. Hearing this, Vasudeva became very glad
- The books should be written in simple language. First of all try to explain what is God, then what is the relationship of God with the world and the living entities. Then explain what is our duty in that relationship with God
- The Brahma-samhita and Krsna-karnamrta were two books that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu considered to be most valuable jewels. Therefore He took them with Him on His return trip
- The brahmacari read the book and came to us a little dissatisfied, though the book itself was deeply esoteric. The reason for his dissatisfaction was that Dr. Radhakrishnan's writing lacked spiritual insight
- The brahmana community there was composed of pure devotees. They regularly studied a book entitled Krsna-karnamrta, which was composed by Bilvamangala Thakura
- The brahmana replied, - Yes, I am crying because when I take up this book, I see a picture of Krsna driving Arjuna's chariot. Sri Krsna is so kind that He has accepted the position of a servant to His devotee. Therefore when I see this picture, I weep
- The daily collections from the temple should be counted before 3 persons together. The accountant has nothing to do with these things. He simply notes down the figure in the books
- The devotee Bhagavata is a direct representative of Bhagavan, the Personality of Godhead. So by pleasing the devotee Bhagavata one can receive the benefit of the book Bhagavata
- The difficulty is that we do not follow the direction of the sastras, therefore we are misguided. As I was speaking the other day, because we have forgotten Krsna for time immemorial, therefore these books are there
- The fifth Sandarbha is called Bhakti-sandarbha, and in this book there is a discussion of how devotional service can be directly executed, and how such service can be adjusted, either directly or indirectly
- The first teaching is brahmacari should rise early in the morning. That is the general education. It doesn't require that you have to learn some book immediately. No
- The first-class prisoners, they are given some facilities. Just like political prisoners, they are given separate bungalow and servants, newspaper, book. But they cannot go out of the prison. That is called first class
- The followers of these acaryas, down to the present day, have written many books following the principles of Srimad-Bhagavatam and accepting it as the natural commentary on the Vedanta
- The fourth Sandarbha is called Krsna-sandarbha, and in this book Krsna is proved to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There are discussions of Krsna’s pastimes and qualities, His superintendence of the purusa-avataras, and so forth
- The Free University program is a good proposal, and if we can introduce study of our books, BG As It Is, and Teachings of Lord Chaitanya, that will be a great success for our missionary propaganda, as well as financial help to our New Vrindaban scheme
- The Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (202) mentions Jitamitra as the gopi named Syama-manjari. Jitamitra wrote a book entitled Krsna-mayurya
- The GBC members should divide some zones and see very nicely, that they are chanting sixteen rounds, and temple management is doing according to the routine work, and the books are being thoroughly discussed, being read, understood practically
- The Gita is above such literature (of the common man). No mundane book compares with the Bhagavad-gita. When one accepts Krsna as an ordinary man, the Gita loses all importance. BG 1972 purports
- The Gosvamis not only engaged in writing books but also constructed temples because both are needed for preaching work
- The great devotee Uddhava once wrote a letter to Krsna, "My dear Krsna, I have just finished the study of all kinds of philosophical books and Vedic verses about the goal of life, and so now I have a little reputation for my studies"
- The great Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is considered to be the book incarnation of the Lord gives much fascinating information of the transcendental pastimes of the Lord, like His rasa-lila with the spiritual cowherd damsels of Vrajabhumi
- The greater demons, like Hiranyakasipu, are always prepared to chastise the Vaisnavas, and they try to make arrangements so that Vaisnavas will not come to sell their books and preach Krsna consciousness
- The history of Bilvamangala Thakura is given in a book called Sri-vallabha-digvijaya. He appeared in the eighth century of the Saka Era in the province of Dravida and was the chief disciple of Visnu Svami
- The idea of beginning children's books for our school at new Vrindaban is very nice. When I shall come there in mid-May then I shall give you instructions how to do it nicely
- The instructions of BG and the descriptions of SB are so pleasing that almost anyone suffering from the threefold miseries of material existence will desire to hear the glories of the Lord from these books and thus benefit on the path of liberation
- The ksatriya can serve the Supreme Lord by using his military arts, just as Arjuna served Krsna. Arjuna was a warrior; he had no time to study Vedanta or other highly intellectual books
- The ladies must be clearly informed that we are not at all interested to be dictated by them. We cannot construct a meditation hall with Sarasvati and Ganesa or create a library with hodgepodge books
- The laws are given by Bhagavan and are written in books like Manu-samhita and other Vedic literatures. According to the law, we have to obey the government, and according to dharma, we have to obey Krsna, God
- The Lord (Caitanya) explained in summary all the details one need know in writing a book on Vaisnava regulative principles
- The Lord (Caitanya) used to read the books of Vidyapati, Jayadeva and Candidasa, relishing their songs with His confidential associates like Sri Ramananda Raya and Svarupa Damodara Gosvami
- The Lord inquired, "What kind of book are you writing?" He held up a palm leaf that was a page of the manuscript, and when He saw the fine handwriting, His mind was very pleased
- The Lord said, "For your sake only, I have brought two books from South India"
- The Lord used to read the books of Vidyapati, Jayadeva and Candidasa
- The Lord went to Jagannatha Puri and visited Lord Jagannatha's temple. He also met with Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. All these pastimes have been very elaborately explained by Vrndavana dasa Thakura in his book Caitanya-bhagavata
- The Manu-samhita is the standard lawbook for humanity, and every human being is advised to follow this great book of social knowledge
- The messages of the book Bhagavata, therefore, have to be received from the devotee Bhagavata, and the combination of these two Bhagavatas will help the neophyte devotee to make progress on and on
- The most famous and formidable transcendental literature is the book named Gopala-campu. In this book the eternal pastimes of the Lord are established, and the transcendental mellows enjoyed in Vrndavana are completely described
- The most prominent Mayavadi scholar, Sadananda Yogindra, has written a book called Vedanta-sara, in which he expounds the philosophy of Sankaracarya, and all the followers of Sankara’s philosophy attribute great importance to his statements
- The name Damodara was given by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and added to the name given by his sannyasa-guru. He was therefore known as Svarupa Damodara, or Damodara Svarupa. He compiled a book of music named Sangita-damodara
- The name of the book of one hundred beautiful verses composed by Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya is Susloka-sataka
- The only qualification one needs to study this great book of transcendental knowledge (Srimad-Bhagavatam) is to proceed step by step cautiously and not jump forward haphazardly like with an ordinary book
- The only truly worthwhile books are those like Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita
- The pastimes of Lord Caitanya are unlimited and unfathomable. Therefore, in describing all those pastimes, the book (Caitanya-mangala) became voluminous
- The philosophy, it is said, nasau munir yasya (CC Madhya 17.186). One philosopher is differing from another philosopher. Just now today Syamasundara has purchased one book about different philosophers. So that, you also cannot ascertain what is truth
- The Pictures are already there in our books and they are to be demonstrated by doll exhibition
- The president, treasurer and secretary, they will deal directly, and GBC should inspect book, account, that it is done very nicely. That's all
- The purpose of presenting this book is primarily to induce people to understand Krsna or krsna-katha, because thereby they can become freed from material bondage
- The question that "Why Bhagavata is so important than other books?" The reply is there: maha-muni krte kim va paraih. "What is the use of other books?" It is written by Maha-muni Vyasadeva, the Vedanta-acarya
- The real purpose of such literatures (Srila Vyasadeva's books) is not so much to present topics of historical references, but to revive the people's sense of God consciousness
- The real Ramayana is Valmiki's Ramayana. Tulsidas was a devotee of Lord Rama and he has given his thoughts in his book Ramayana. But the real original thoughts and ideas are in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The reign of fourteen Manus equals the length of one day (twelve hours) in the life of Brahma, and the night of Brahma is of the same duration. These calculations are given in the authentic astronomy book known as the Surya-siddhanta
- The Sanskrit book Advaita-carita states that Balarama, Svarupa and Jagadisa were the fourth, fifth and sixth sons of Advaita Acarya. Therefore Sri Advaita Acarya had six sons
- The Sanskrit book Advaita-carita states, Advaita Acarya Prabhu had three sons who were devotees of Lord Caitanya. Their names were Acyuta, Krsna Misra and Gopala dasa, and they were all born of the womb of His wife, Sitadevi
- The schools, colleges, universities, institutions, they are meant for human being, not for the cats and dogs. So we must take advantage of these books, institution, knowledge, teachers. That is real human life
- The sixth verse of Sakha-nirnayamrta, a book written by Yadunandana dasa, states that Bhagavata Acarya compiled a famous book of the name Prema-tarangini
- The so-called scholars may take it as ordinary book, but one who is serious about Bhagavad-gita, he does not take Bhagavad-gita, the words of Bhagavad-gita or the teachings of BG, as ordinary teachings. This is confirmed. Therefore it is so important
- The solemn declaration given in the beginning of the Vedanta-sutra is athato brahma jijnasa, which indicates that this book was written with the solemn declaration to inquire about the Absolute Truth
- The son of Venkata Bhatta was later known in the Gaudiya-sampradaya as Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, and he established the Radharamana temple in Vrndavana. More information about him may be found in a book known as the Bhakti-ratnakara, by Narahari Cakravarti
- The sri-vigraha-seva - all rising early in the morning, arrange for mangala aratrik, then dressing, then offering food, then aratrik, so many hours. The whole day can be used in that way. Then reading books, class, taking care of the temple
- The student is called sisya. Sisya, the Sanskrit word sisya, this word comes from the root sas. Sas means ruling. From sas, the sastra. Sastra means authoritative books. They have been derived. And sastra. Sastra means weapons, armaments
- The subject matter of this book is so sublime that it appears that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has personally spoken through the writings of Sri Vrndavana dasa Thakura
- The teacher cannot manufacture rules against the principles of revealed scriptures. The revealed scriptures, like Manu-samhita and similar others, are considered the standard books to be followed by human society. BG 1972 purports
- The teachings presented in this book are nondifferent from the Lord - CC Preface
- The tendency of a particular man toward work is determined by the modes of material nature which he has acquired. Such symptoms of life, according to different modes of material nature, are described in the Eighteenth Chapter of this book. BG 1972 pur
- The third Sandarbha is called Paramatma-sandarbha, and in this book there is a description of Paramatma (the Supersoul) and an explanation of how the Supersoul exists in millions and millions of living entities
- The truth is that only those who have been blessed by the Lord can fathom the spiritual science dealing with God. Dr. Radhakrishnan's book irrefutably proves this
- The twelve qualities of a first-class brahmana are stated in the book called Sanat-sujata
- The Vedanta- or Brahma-sutra, written by Srila Vyasadeva, is a book studied by all advanced spiritual students, especially by the sannyasis of all religious communities - sampradayas
- The very beginning of Bhagavad-gita, the First Chapter, is more or less an introduction to the rest of the book; and in the Second and Third Chapters, the spiritual knowledge described is called confidential. BG 1972 purports
- The word sastra refers to the scriptures, particularly the Vedic books of knowledge. The Vedas-Sama, Yajur, Rg and Atharva - and any other books deriving knowledge from these Vedas are considered Vedic literatures
- The words “Bhaktivedanta Book Trust” have been omitted. Formally they were there on all the books. It is understood from Ramesvara that you removed these words. Why did you do this?
- The yoga system described in the books of Patanjali is authoritative, and the modern so-called yogis who have manufactured their own ways, not consulting the authorities, are simply ludicrous. The Patanjali yoga system is called astanga-yoga
- There are also demons who enjoy depicting Krsna and His pastimes with the gopis, taking advantage of Krsna by their licentious character. These demons who print books and write lyrics on the raga-marga principles are surely on the way to hell
- There are different scriptures, scripture means Vedic, the Vedas. There are four Vedas and many other also, corollaries. So by studying at home these books, that is also not possible to understand
- There are many authoritative books of spiritual knowledge, but all of them are more or less supplements to the Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There are many books available in the market, full of good instruction, knowledge, but why we are giving so much stress on the Bhagavad-gita? Because it is spoken by a personality who is above all imperfections
- There are many books of stories and histories in the world, but except for the histories or narrations on the topics of the Personality of Godhead, none are capable of diminishing the burden of material pangs
- There are many less intelligent persons who take Bhagavad-gita to be a discussion of topics between two friends in a battlefield. But such a book cannot be scripture. BG 1972 purports
- There are many offenses one can commit while serving the Lord, and these are described in the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Hari-bhakti-vilasa and other books
- There are many practical experiences, and so many scholars, books we have studied, and their commentary is all nonsense because they are not bhakta. They try to understand Bhagavad-gita simply by their academic qualification. That is not possible
- There are many so-called gentlemen, they write books on Krsna lila, paint picture." This is very nice. Krsna is advocating illicit intermingling." They take it as support of their sinful activities
- There are so many literatures, books, are published nowadays. After one year, two years, three years - finished. Nobody cares for it. Nobody cares for it
- There are so many nonsensical literatures, stories and books of speculative philosophy. Materialistic persons are very interested in reading such literature
- There are three types of experience. One kind of experience is direct experience. That is third class. And another experience is by history, by books. And another experience is by hearing from the Supreme
- There are two narrative books which especially concern the words and activities of Krsna. Bhagavad-gita is the instruction given by Krsna, and Srimad-Bhagavatam is the book containing topics exclusively about Krsna and His devotees
- There are two types of Bhagavatas, namely the book Bhagavata and the devotee Bhagavata. Both the Bhagavatas are competent remedies, and both of them or either of them can be good enough to eliminate the obstacles
- There is a book called Aquarian Gospel in which it is stated that Lord Jesus Christ lived in the temple of Jagannath. Without being His devotee, how could he live there and how the authorities could allow a non-devotee to live there
- There is a book called Riyaja Us-salatina, whose author, Golam Husen, says that Nawab Hussain Shah belonged to the family of Mukka Seriph. To keep his family’s glory, he took the name Seriph Mukka. Generally, however, he is known as Nawab Hussain Shah
- There is a book in the Oriya language called Caitanya-carita-mahakavya, in which there are many narrations about Sikhi Mahiti. One narration concerns his seeing an ecstatic dream
- There is a book of the name Yoga-vasistha that Mayavadis greatly favor because it is full of impersonal misunderstandings regarding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, with no touch of Vaisnavism
- There is a notebook of Govinda dasa's containing a chronological order and references to geographical positions. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura requests the readers to refer to that book
- There is also a book called Ujjvala-nilamani, a transcendental account of loving affairs that includes metaphor, analogy and higher bhakti sentiments
- There is another book called Caitanya-caritamrta, which is a work of Sanskrit poetry. It is said that this was also composed by Caitanya dasa
- There is even a book, called Bhrgu-samhita, which reveals information about one's past, present and future lives according to astrological calculations
- There is no comparison to the Krsna-karnamrta within the three worlds. By studying this book, one is elevated to the knowledge of pure devotional service to Krsna
- There is no limit to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's activities and His words of madness. Therefore describing them all would greatly increase the size of this book
- There is no more better form of worship than it was conceived by the damsels of Vraja. Srimad-bhagavatam amalam puranam. And the books, authoritative literature, to understand Krsna and His service is Srimad-Bhagavatam
- There is no need to print Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, His Life and Precepts, it is already there in other books
- There is no use in again describing here the activities of the Lord. It would simply be repetitious and would increase the size of this book
- There is nothing inauspicity, because whatever you have done sincerely, that is recorded in the book, in the Krsna's book. Krsna has got accountant. He keeps nice account of the activities of His devotees. That's a fact
- There was no need to refer to books, and therefore there were no written books in those days - before the beginning of Kali-yuga
- There was one Mr. Badhuri in Benares. He was a great astrologer. So he told me that from Benares the Germans have taken three books: one is Akasa-patola, one is Kapota-vahi and his Khapoda-vahi. Khapoda-vahi, this aeroplane
- There will be many discrepancies in the trial balance if books are not kept properly
- These are the qualifications, symptoms of guru. Sabde pare ca nisnatam. He has got full knowledge in the transcendental science, and without book, how he has got knowledge? Or without hearing from another authority
- These books (Srila Vyasadeva's) are reading matter for the mass of people, and they were compiled with a view to reviving their God consciousness, now forgotten in the conditional life of material existence
- These books are so valuable for public reading, but some way or other they are not being introduced in proper channel namely the school and college for reading
- These books, these literatures, I mean to say, Vedic literatures, are meant for restricting our life and elevating ourself
- These Gosvamis, they engaged themself in studying all the different Vedic literatures. They were very expert scrutinizingly studying, and it was put in, in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, so many other books also. Why? Sad-dharma-samsthapakau
- These incidents are all recorded in the book known as the Mahabharata. The word maha means "great" or "greater," and bharata refers to India. Thus the Mahabharata is the history of greater India
- These material elements, they are inferior quality, and beyond this, there is another, superior quality. That is soul. - Jiva-bhutam maha-baho yayedam dharyate jagat (BG 7.5). So you have to know from the books
- These people are, all over the world, they are in darkness. It is not partiality, because I am Indian, but actually it is a fact. A Chinese Communist, he wrote a book, I saw it. He has written that, If you want to know about religion, then go to India
- These rascals, they have no books to read about this realization. They have got only Freud's philosophy and this... What is that? And Darwin's theory. All rascaldom, simply rascaldom
- These things have to be studied very scientifically and from books like Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and when he is perfectly learned, then his symptom is that he becomes a pure devotee of Krsna
- These two books (Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam) are the special nectar of the words of Krsna. For those who engage in the preaching of these two Vedic literatures it is very easy to get out of the illusory conditional life imposed upon us by maya
- They (Gosvamis) had no collection. And they had no preaching mission. They were simply writing books. Nana-sastra-vicaranaika-nipunau, very expert to study different scriptures, just to get the essence of scripture and give to the people
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned how to make and solve riddles. They learned the art of how even a dull student can very quickly learn the alphabet and read books. Then They learned how to rehearse and act out a drama
- They (Krsna and Balarama) learned how to wash hair, dye it different colors and curl it in different ways. They learned the art of telling what is written in someone's book without actually seeing it
- They (so-called svamis and yogis) even publicly announce that there should be no more sastras, no more books. "Just come to me," they say, "and I shall touch you, and you will become immediately spiritually advanced."
- They do not know what is the truth, and still, they write books, they write commentaries unauthorizedly and mislead public. This is going on
- They take it, advantage, - Oh, we shall get all books, we shall live forever. There is no charge, pay
- This Bhagavad-gita is also called yoga. Karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, bhakti-yoga. You'll find in Bhagavad-gita different yogas. So the whole book is called yoga
- This Bhagavad-gita, there is no comparison. There is no second book in the whole world which contains so full of knowledge
- This book (Krsna-karnamrta) was composed by Bilvamangala Thakura in 112 verses. There are two or three other books bearing the same name, and there are also two commentaries on Bilvamangala's book
- This book (Nectar of Devotion), which we have translated, has been very well received in European and American universities
- This book incarnation of the Lord (the Srimad-Bhagavatam) gives much fascinating information of the transcendental pastimes of the Lord, like His rasa-lila with the spiritual cowherd damsels of Vrajabhumi
- This book was collected by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu from southern India, and He presented it to His devotees when He came back from southern India tour. Therefore we accept this book, Brahma-samhita, as very authoritative
- This devotional service begins simply by hearing and chanting. We have got all these books. Anyone can take advantage of these books. Now it is translated into English. Of course, we are getting very, very good, encouraging reports from Western countries
- This is a synopsis of the childhood pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, placed herewith in chronological order. Vrndavana dasa Thakura has already elaborately explained these pastimes in his book Caitanya-bhagavata
- This is the blessing of my Guru Maharaja. He wanted it. And because we are trying to do this, he is giving us all blessings. He told me personally, "I wanted to sell this marble and publish some books"
- This Krsna consciousness movement means to become trained up sufficiently how to enter Krsna's great family. In Krsna's family there is no sannyasi. Have you seen, anyone, a sannyasi in Vrndavana? At least in the books?
- This Madhava Puri (mentioned in CC Madhya 1.96) is Madhavendra Puri. Another Madhava Puri is Madhavacarya, who was the spiritual master of a devotee in the line of Gadadhara Pandita and who wrote a book known as Sri Mangala-bhasya
- This one book, Bhagavad-gita, will suffice because it is the essence of all Vedic literatures and because it is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 Introduction
- This one book, Bhagavad-gita, will suffice, because it is the essence of all Vedic literatures and especially because it is spoken by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- This pastime of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's has been described very nicely by Raghunatha dasa Gosvami in his book known as Gauranga-stava-kalpavrksa
- This process (Krsna Consciousness) is open to everyone. Everyone has heard of the Bhagavad-gita. We can attain perfection simply by following the instructions given in this book. It is not necessary to abandon our responsibilities
- This quotation is very important: "One professor went on to explain that the other books were mostly dealing with speculations in contrast to our books which presented religion as a way of life based on authentic writings"
- This scientific book should be done very carefully, so that people in general may not be mislead by the over intelligent scientists
- This scientific book should be done very carefully, so that people in general may not be misled by the over-intelligent scientists
- This was the subject matter of my Guru Maharaja's satisfaction. He liked to distribute books more than constructing temples. He personally advised me to print books if I have got some money
- This we don't want, that you give one friend, he'll never read one line, and collect book and carry like an ass lots of books. We don't want this. Read it. Whatever book you have got, read it thoroughly
- Those narrations tell how Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu met the brothers Rupa and Sanatana and how Nrsimhananda decorated the road. I (Krsnadasa) have already described these in an earlier synopsis of this book; therefore I will not repeat the narrations here
- Those who are being trained up as brahmana and ksatriya, they should be given book education. Otherwise practical. You see how the things are being done. Bas
- Those who are interested in attaining spiritual existence can be easily relieved from the clutches of maya by the grace of Lord Caitanya. These teachings presented in this book (Teachings of Lord Caitanya) are nondifferent from the Lord
- Those who are interested in the science and philosophy of Krsna consciousness, they can read all these books. Otherwise, one can chant Hare Krsna. That will also help
- Those who have no knowledge how material things are acting, covering the soul, they utmost they can think of the mind, the activities of the mind - thinking, feeling, willing, psychology, or writing some books, some mental speculation philosophy
- Thousands of books are printed and read, and after six months thrown away. This way and that - how can you know the Supreme by speculation on the information supplied by your blunt senses? Give up research - throw it away - just become submissive
- To complement the ecstasy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Ramananda Raya would quote verses from the books of Vidyapati and Candidasa, and especially from the Gita-govinda, by Jayadeva Gosvami
- To read nonsense ordinary literature and books or newspaper is compared just like the pleasure place of the crows. The crows, they are very much attached to the rejected refuse, garbage
- To save this fire, I wish to get out all the marbles from this house and sell it and publish some books. That will remain. - He (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati) said to me. Then I understood that he is giving more stress on books
- Tukarama's book is known as Abhanga. His sankirtana party exactly resembles the Gaudiya-Vaisnava sankirtana parties, for they chant the holy name of the Lord with mrdanga and karatalas
- Under the direction of the spiritual master the devotees may sell books in Krsna consciousness. But if the devotees think that the energy invested in selling books should be diverted into selling jewelry, that is not a very good idea
- Understanding of the Supreme Personality of Godhead without reference to these scientific books, Vedic literature, it is simply a disturbance, simply rascaldom
- University without books
- Uttama means transcendental subject matter. You cannot learn it. Just like if you purchase one pharmacology book from the bookseller's shop, and if you read, at home, do you mean that you become a medical practitioner, pharmacist
- Vallabha Bhatta wrote many books, including a commentary on Srimad-Bhagavatam called Subodhini-tika and notes on the Vedanta-sutra in the form of an Anubhasya. He also wrote a combination of sixteen short works called Sodasa-grantha
- Valmiki Muni meditated for fifty thousands of years, and then he wrote Ramayana. The Ramayana is not an ordinary book. You see? Therefore Ramayana is so much popular in India. Before the appearance of Rama, he wrote Ramayana
- Veda does not mean it is written by some ordinary man, as we write some books. No. It is not like that. Apauruseya. Coming directly
- Veda is known as sabda-brahman. In the material world all these books are material sound vibration, but Vedic knowledge is transcendental sound vibration
- Veda-vada-ratas search out meanings in every word of the Vedas to suit their own purposes. They do not know that the Vedic literature is a collection of extraordinary books that can be understood only through the chain of disciplic succession
- Viththalesvara completed many of his father’s unfinished books, including his commentary on the Vedanta-sutra, the Subodhini commentary on Srimad-Bhagavatam, Vidvan-mandana, Srngara-rasa-mandana and Nyasadesa-vivarana
- Vyasadeva and Lord Krsna are both on the transcendental plane, and therefore they collaborated in doing good to the fallen souls of this age. The BG is the essence of all Vedic knowledge. It is the first book of spiritual values, as the Upanisads are
- Vyasadeva is a liberated soul, and he compiled this book (Srimad-Bhagavatam) of authority after attaining spiritual perfection
- Vyasadeva was sitting by the banks of the River Sarasvati, and he was in a state of depression when Narada Muni arrived. Upon seeing Vyasa so dejected, Narada explained why the various books he compiled were deficient
- Vyasadeva wrote those Vedic traditions into books. Vyasadeva is the first man who wrote this Vedic knowledge into writing. Before that, there was no writing. Only by hearing, by memory, the students will grasp the whole thing and coming down, tradition
- Vyasadeva's father, Parasara, was also a great sage, and he writes in his books of religiosity: "aham tvam ca athanye..." "We-you, I and various other living entities-are all transcendental, although in material bodies. BG 1972 purports
- We accept this book, Brahma-samhita, as very authoritative. This is our process of knowledge. We receive knowledge from the authority
- We always advise, "Don't read newspaper. Don't read any other book," because it is full of gramya-katha. These externally very attractive news, we should avoid it completely. We shall simply talk of Krsna
- We are accepting Krsna as God not blindly, but by testing. By testing. His character is mentioned in the books. Therefore, we accept God, not by blind faith, but by testing. Although we cannot test, but sastra gives us the chance of testing
- We are approved, our books are approved by the greatest learned scholars of all universities. Because they are seeing a new light. No hodgepodge philosophy. India also, wherever we are going
- We are eternally related with Him (God), despite the state of forgetfulness already described above - in this purport of 3rd chapter of the book Light of the Bhagavata
- We are exporting our Hindi books especially to Africa, Malaysia, Hong Kong and other places where there are Hindu communities in the world
- We are planning to print an enlarged edition of this book, with purports to each & every verse. The book was abridged due to the request of the Macmillan Company, but I am not satisfied with this, so we'll print the complete work in an unabridged edition
- We are presenting these invaluable books (Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and Caitanya-caritamrta) to the whole world so that people may study them and be happy, being delivered from miserable conditional life
- We are stressing on pushing on these books because a modern man, if he purchases one book, then at least he will see one line, "What these nonsense have written?" So if he reads one line, if he is intelligent man, he will understand the value
- We are writing and printing books, and our students study them and distribute them all over the world
- We challenge the scientists, and I have produced this scientist to challenge them. But I was never a scientist. That book is actually revolutionary amongst the scientists. Scientific Basis, you have read that?
- We have got about sixty books. If you want to learn this movement through science and philosophy, we have got our books. You have not seen our books
- We have got immense literature. We have already published more than twenty books. If you want to understand the Absolute Truth by philosophy, by science, there are books. Otherwise, the easy method is chant Hare Krsna
- We have got many important books. Let them understand our philosophy with, I mean to say, scientific knowledge, with philosophical vision
- We have to accept our leader according to the standard symptoms - or qualifications. The standard text book for civilized administration is Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- We have to consult from the Vedas and from the right person. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum eva abhigacchet: from the guru. Not that you purchase one book, Vedas, from the market, and you become a Vedantist. No. That is not possible
- We have to give more stress on our spiritual side than the scholastic side. But at the same time, if our books are presented in a scholarly way, that will be very nice. So you use the best part of discretion and do the needful
- We have to learn the lessons of Gita from the authorized disciplic succession as it is advised there in the book. Unfortunately every one not in that line tries to explain Gita in his own way and this process is misguided the people
- We meet such Mayavadis who criticize our method of chanting & accuse us of not being interested in study. They do not know that we have translated volumes & volumes of books into English & that the students in our temples regularly study them
- We must print hundreds and thousands of books and distribute them at the same speed and thus we will have a great effect on the mass population of Europe and America
- We must select only those books written by tattva-darsis (jnaninas tattva-darsinah (BG 4.34)), not the books of so-called scholars who claim knowledge only on the basis of a doctorate. This is a warning by Sukadeva Gosvami
- We request our editors of cook books to add all these nice preparations described (in CC Madhya 3.47) by the experienced author Srila Kaviraja Gosvami
- We request our editors of cook books to add all these nice preparations described by the experienced author Srila Kaviraja Gosvami
- We require a guidebook for Deity worship, arcana-paddhati, based on Hari-bhakti-Vilasa. All brahmanas will be responsible to learn this book
- We sell our Bhagavad-gita As It Is everywhere and in large number. Because it is full knowledge, not partial. Everything is complete. Can you show any book in the world which has so much sale and which is so much perfect?
- We shall go to the Krsna's temple, or we shall go for selling Krsna's books or meeting some Krsna devotee. That is nice. But you cannot stop working. That is not possible. Then your idle brain will be devil's workshop. Yes. Then you will fall down
- We shall make a children's book with ten pictures of Krsna's different appearances (Dasavatara.) and a short story or explanation for each. Now we have just received part of the manuscript of an abridged version of KRSNA especially meant for children
- We should not distribute anyone else's book except our own
- We should not take Vedas as ordinary, mental speculation book. No. It is perfect knowledge. It is perfect knowledge. And one has to take as it is, without any adulteration, interpretation
- We should use this great opportunity, human life, to understand all these points which are mentioned in the authoritative books of Vedic knowledge like Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita
- Whatever little I have heard from Raghunatha dasa Gosvami I have described in this book, which is presented to all devotees
- Whatever prestige we have got is due to our magazines and books. So in this connection, no attention is being drawn and, as Tamal is in charge of Indian affairs, I wish to draw his serious attention in this matter
- Whatever we have to do to induce people to take a book, that is nice. We shall judge the thing by its result, not by its means. At the same time, we must avoid irritating or disappointing anyone by cheating them or telling big lies which become detected
- When discussions take place between pure devotees, then the potency of spiritual knowledge, as they are depicted in the scriptures and sacred books, they become revealed
- When he understands this basic principle of knowledge, then further knowledge can be advanced. That is explained very nicely step by step in this book, Bhagavad-gita
- When I take this Bhagavad-gita book, I see one picture, that Krsna is so kind that He has taken the chariot driver, sarathi, of Arjuna. He is His devotee. So Sri Krsna is so kind that He can accept the position of a servant because Arjuna was ordering
- When Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami took permission from all the Vaisnavas before writing Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Gopala Bhatta Gosvami also gave him his blessings, but he requested him not to mention his name in the book
- When one goes with a sankirtana party or sells books, he naturally remembers that he is going to sell Krsna’s books. In this way, he is remembering Krsna. When one goes to enlist a life member, he talks about Krsna and thereby remembers Him
- When Srila Locana dasa Thakura later wrote another book named Sri Caitanya-mangala, Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura changed the name of his own book, which is now therefore known as Sri Caitanya-bhagavata
- When the brahmanas complained to His father that He (Nimai Pandita) was splashing them with water instead of attending school, the Lord suddenly appeared before His father as though just coming from school with all His school clothes and books
- When the Englishmen were ruling over this country and Gandhi had to do so much labor, his life sacrificed, some way or other they were gone. Now the same Englishman is working here as book distributor, (laughs) who was our ruler
- When the Lord was offered solid food at the age of six months in the anna-prasana ceremony, the Lord indicated His future activities. At this time it was customary to offer the child both coins and books in order to get some indication of the future
- When they (materialistic persons) are presented with genuine books of knowledge like Srimad-Bhagavatam, Bhagavad-gita, Visnu Purana or other scriptures of the world, such as the Bible and Koran, they are not interested
- When this book (BG) was first published, the original manuscript was, unfortunately, cut short to less than 400 pages, without illustrations and without explanations for most of the original verses of the Srimad Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Preface
- When Vyasadeva was not satisfied even after compiling heaps of books of Vedic knowledge, Narada Muni, his spiritual master, explained that there is no path to self-realization that can be successful without being mixed with devotional service
- Where have you got this idea to retire and simply translate books? That is not in our line. My Spiritual Master has given me the instruction to spread this movement all over the world and you are my good disciples, are helping me do this
- While in Vrndavana, Bilvamangala Thakura wrote a book named Krsna-karnamrta, which has been recommended by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Who can count the rest of the books (headed by the Laghu-bhagavatamrta) written by Srila Rupa Gosvami? He has described the pastimes of Vrndavana in all of them
- Why distinguish between chanting and book distribution? These books I have recorded and chanted, and they are transcribed. It is spoken kirtanas. So book distribution is also chanting. These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting
- Why you are wasting time writing volumes of books on zero?
- Why you are writing book? Everything is within. All right, but why you are writing book to teach them? And why you are teaching them there is no need of guru? That means you want to be guru. All other gurus useless
- Within ten years I have already written eighty-four books
- Without reading books it becomes hackneyed and such obnoxious ideas trouble us. Our thoughts are always changing, that is the nature of the mind, so you cannot expect that even the great saintly persons are free from thoughts coming and going
- Writing book is not a whimsical, whatever I like. No. You must be empowered by superior authority; then you can deliver the right things. So Vyasadeva was empowered by his guru, Narada
- Year after year many books are published for public reading regarding Hitler's killing thousands of Jews in confinement. But no one is researching who killed Hitler and who created such a gigantic killer of human beings
- Yes, everyone of you should write something, so if you have completed any small booklets, you may send them to me and I shall see them and send to Hayagriva for possibly printing
- Yes, I have already received a copy of your book "Krsna, the Cowherd Boy" and also given suggestions for the same. So you can present it to Satsvarupa and the editors and if they approve, then I approve and the book may be printed by our Press
- Yes, I very much approve of Mr. Kallman's idea for the book on "Transcendental Meditation." Rayarama has begun work on it already, and probably he will bring it back to N.Y. with him
- Yes, you can make nice children's books, and in this connection, you can correspond with Satyabhama who is already working on a condensed version of KRSNA book
- You are also wise, and He (Krsna) is also wise, unlimitedly. Just like He has given us this book, Bhagavad-gita, five thousand years ago - the book of wisdom. It is the A-B-C-D of spiritual knowledge
- You are my brother in relation to our common and Eternal Father the Almighty Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna the revealing Author of the great book of Philosophy "Bhagavad-gita."
- You can add to the Songbook the poem I wrote before arriving at the Boston Port when I first came to America
- You can keep a note of my activities and can wait for writing book at suitable time
- You can show them the full set of books that we are going to print in the German language, and use all of the professors quotes to show how authoritative our books are amongst the scholarly circle throughout the world
- You cannot find out God by simply reading and philosophizing all the scriptures and books. No. If you want to know God, then you must be in confidence. You must be a devotee, a lover of God. Then you can understand God. Otherwise it is not possible
- You cannot imagine what my spiritual master said. Or even if you read some books, you cannot understand unless you understand it from me. This is called parampara system. You cannot jump over to the superior guru, neglecting the next acarya
- You cannot purchase the books and read at home and become expert engineer, expert. No. That is not the process. Therefore the Vedic knowledge is called sruti. So we have to hear by parampara system
- You go on posting leaflets regularly at least daily 100 to the addresses of respectable gentlemen taking from an authorized mailing list or else from the telephone book. After a week from the posting date you can ask the gentlemen by phone as follows
- You have read that Siddhartha's book?
- You may construct a library and a meditation hall to please the donors, but as far as possible the library should carry our books and books of other Vaisnava acaryas
- You must hear the experienced professor and learn it and practically experiment it. Then you can learn. Not that by purchasing a book you become a medical practitioner or lawyer. That is not possible
- You must hear the medical book from a medical man in the college, medical college. Then you will be qualified. And if you say: "Sir, I have read all the medical books. Recognize me as a medical practitioner," no, that will be not
- You protest, write in book. You are scientist. Write in book. Prove scientifically. That will be your laurel of taking the doctorate degree
- You should see through the sastra, authoritative sastra, books. What we are speaking about the moon planet, sun planet, or God, His abode is Vaikunthaloka, so many things we are talking. How we are talking? We are talking through the Vedic literature
- You will find in Srimad-Bhagavatam, each word is transcendental. Each word is full of meaning and transcendental knowledge, because the writer, the composer of this transcendental book, is Vyasadeva. He is perfect, Vedavyasa, perfect in Vedic knowledge
- You write to say that there is some difficulty in distributing books because religious teachings are unlawful in public schools. How is that? In every university there is a department of religion
- Your book should describe the characteristics of the bona fide guru and the bona fide disciple
- Your idea of writing a book named Swamiji was formerly informed to me... At that time I shall give you solid information for both the Krishna book and the Swamiji book