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Pages in category "Beg"
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- A brahmacari has to live in the home of the spiritual master just like a servant, and he must beg alms from door to door and bring them to the spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- A brahmana who takes to this uncha-vrtti profession is called first class because he depends completely on the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and does not beg from anyone
- A child may take a hundred dollar bill from his father and try to keep it although he may not know how to use it. The father may beg the child - Dear boy, kindly give it to me
- A Ksatriya will never beg, "Give me, sir, without . . ." No. If they can own by fighting, then they will claim. This is Ksatriya spirit
- A ksatriya's business is not to beg. A brahmin can beg. A brahmin can accept charity, but ksatriya cannot accept any charity from anyone else, neither he can come down to do business like the vaisyas. That is not
- A madhukari is a saintly person or a mendicant who does not accept a full meal at one house but begs from door to door, taking a little food from each householder’s place. In this way he does not overeat or give householders unnecessary trouble
- A person in the renounced order may beg but not cook. His begging should not be a burden for the householders
- A person in the renounced order should always chant the holy name of the Lord. He should beg some alms to eat, and he should sustain his life in this way
- A poor man, begging from door to door, he cannot become God, as it is misconceived, daridra-narayana. Why Narayana can be daridra? What is this nonsense? He is the richest
- A sannyasi can beg from door to door just to collect food, but a paramahamsa who has taken ayacita-vrtti, or ajagara-vrtti, does not ask anyone for food. If someone offers him food voluntarily, he eats
- A sannyasi is allowed to beg from door to door, but a grhastha cannot do so. Grhasthas may earn their living according to the four divisions of spiritual life
- A sannyasi is recommended to beg from the house of a brahmana. Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to do that, because a brahmana is always suci; they are not unclean
- A sannyasi is supposed to beg from door to door for his livelihood, but this does not mean that he is a beggar. BG 1972 purports
- A student is sent to gurukula for practicing brahmacarya. This is tapasya, not comfortable life. Lying down on the floor, going door-to-door for begging alms for guru. But they are not tired
- Actually, people beg to be initiated by householder brahmanas just to become successful in the varnasrama institution or to become free from material desires. It is therefore necessary for a spiritual master in the grhastha-asrama to be a strict Vaisnava
- Advaita Acarya begged to be initiated by Madhavendra Puri. After initiating Him, Madhavendra Puri started for South India
- After begging the rice from her, Junior Haridasa brought it to Bhagavan Acarya, who was very pleased to see its quality
- After continued austerities by Salva for one year, Lord Siva became pleased with him and asked him to beg for the fulfillment of his desire
- After hearing from the great sage Maitreya about the Lord's incarnation as Varaha, Vidura, who had taken a vow, begged him with folded hands to please narrate further transcendental activities of the Lord, since he (Vidura) did not yet feel satisfied
- After hearing their statements, the Supreme Personality of Godhead smiled. He told them that they should not be sorry for being refused by the brahmanas, because that is the way of begging
- After living in Vrndavana for some time, Uddhava desired to go back to Krsna, and he begged permission to leave from Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda
- After offering obeisances to Lord Siva, Nabhaga said: O worshipable lord, everything in this arena of sacrifice is yours. This is the assertion of my father. Now, with great respect, I bow my head before you, begging your mercy
- After some days, Raghunatha dasa gave up standing near the Simha-dvara gate and instead began eating by begging alms from a booth for free distribution of food
- After ten dandas (four hours) of the night have passed and Raghunatha dasa has seen the performance of puspanjali, he stands at the Simha-dvara gate to beg some alms to eat
- After warning Dadhici in this way, Indra returned to heaven. The Asvini-kumaras, who understood Indra's desires, returned and begged Dadhici for brahma-vidya
- Akrura continued, "My dear Dhrtarastra, I beg to advise you not to be blind to the facts of material existence. Material, conditioned life, either in distress or in happiness, is to be accepted as a dream"
- Akrura said, "My dear son of Vicitravirya, you have unlawfully usurped the throne of the Pandavas. Anyway, somehow or other you are now on the throne. Therefore I (Akrura) beg to advise you to please rule the kingdom on moral and ethical principles"
- All glories to the devotees of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, headed by Srivasa Thakura! I beg their power so that I can properly describe Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- All over the world we maintain our centers by such begging, or selling our books. But this is not allowed independent of our established ISKCON centers, so please do not do it; that is my request
- Although when he (the brahmacari) goes out to beg alms it is necessary to talk with women and with men very much attached to women, this association should be very short, and he should talk with them only about begging alms, and not more
- As all our Godbrothers are doing. They have got a little temple, and a few devotees go and beg rice and cook it, and eat and sleep, that's all. No fighting spirit
- As bumblebees collect honey from many flowers, a little from each, so a sannyasi should beg from door to door but not accept very much food from any particular house; he should collect a little bit from every house. This is called the bahudaka stage
- As far as time is concerned, we beg to subjoin a table of timings in terms of the modern clock. One laghu - 2 minutes; One danda - 30 minutes; One prahara - 3 hours; One day - 12 hours; One night - 12 hours; One paksa - 15 days
- As far as time is concerned, we beg to subjoin a table of timings in terms of the modern clock. One truti - 8/13,500 second; One vedha - 8/135 second; One lava - 8/45 second; One nimesa - 8/15 second; One ksana - 8/5 second; One kastha - 8 seconds
- As soon as a disciple takes initiation, he immediately is supposed to beg alms and make a presentation to the Spiritual Master. In that light, all devotees who are taking initiation must make a presentation to the Spiritual Master. That is the system
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.11), sex life not contrary to the principles of religion is sanctioned by Krsna. Because Sarmistha, the daughter of a king, had begged Yayati for a son, their combination was not lust but an act of religion
- Asvini-kumaras once approached him and begged him to instruct them in spiritual science (brahma-vidya). Dadhici Muni replied, "I am now engaged in arranging sacrifices for fruitive activities. Come back some time later"
- Ayacita-vrtti means being accustomed to refrain from begging, and ajagara-vrtti indicates one who is compared to a python, the big snake that makes no effort to acquire food but rather allows food to come automatically within its mouth
- Bali Maharaja lamented that although Indra was very learned, he did not know how to use his intelligence properly, for instead of asking Vamanadeva to allow him to engage in His service, Indra used Him to beg Bali Maharaja for material wealth
- Because Damodara Maharaja is offended, so Acyutananda Maharaja should go to Damodara and beg his forgiveness, and bow and touch his feet
- Beginning from the sixth day, Raghunatha dasa would stand at the gate known as Simha-dvara to beg alms after the puspa-anjali ceremony, in which flowers were offered to the Lord
- Being so ordered by the Lord (Krsna), all the cowherd boys went to the brahmanas and asked them for food, but they were denied. After this, the cowherd boys begged food from the wives of the brahmanas
- Bharata Maharaja always carried affection for Krsna within his heart. Although Bharata Maharaja was the crown jewel of kings, he was still wandering about and begging alms in the city of his enemies. He was even offering respects to candalas
- Brahma said, "If I am not so fortunate to take birth within the forest of Vrndavana, I beg to be allowed to take birth outside the immediate area of Vrndavana so that when the devotees go out they will walk over me. That would be a great fortune for me"
- Caitanya continues, "After receiving the transcendental orders of Gopala, this great personality traveled thousands of miles just to collect sandalwood by begging"
- Caitanya continues, "Although Madhavendra Puri was hungry, he would not beg food to eat. This renounced person carried a load of sandalwood for the sake of Sri Gopala"
- Dadhici's body is now very strong because of this Narayana-kavaca. You should therefore beg him for his body
- Dear Lord, here is the great King Nabhi, whose ultimate goal in life is to have a son like You. Your Lordship, his position is like that of a person approaching a very rich man and begging for a little grain
- Devaki said "You have been advised by demoniac friends to kill my children. But now I beg you to excuse this girl at least. Let her live as my daughter"
- Dhrtarastra must have been very glad to understand that Arjuna was not going to fight and was instead leaving the battlefield for the begging profession. But Sanjaya disappointed him again in relating that Arjuna was competent to kill his enemies
- Diti, daughter of Daksa, being afflicted with sex desire, begged her husband, Kasyapa, the son of Marici, to have intercourse with her in the evening in order to beget a child
- During that sacrifice, Sraddha, Manu's wife, who was observing the vow of subsisting only by drinking milk, approached the priest offering the sacrifice, offered obeisances to him and begged for a daughter
- For his bodily maintenance he (Haridasa Thakura) would go to a brahmana's house and beg some food. He was spiritually so influential that all the neighboring people worshiped him
- Formerly brahmacaris and sannyasis used to beg from door to door. At the present moment, especially in the Western countries, a person may be handed over to the police if he begs from door to door
- Formerly teachers would not earn a salary but would receive whatever the students would bring from their parents' homes or by begging
- Formerly, brahmacaris would have to go from door to door to beg alms for the asrama, and they were trained from the very beginning to address every woman as mother
- Hariscandra begged Varuna, "My lord, if a son is born to me, with that son I shall perform a sacrifice for your satisfaction." When Hariscandra said this, Varuna replied, "Let it be so"
- Have you not heard me on this point? Why these questions are repeated again and again? This individual begging must be stopped. So many questions, it's not good at all
- He (a Krsna conscious person) neither begs nor borrows, but he labors honestly as far as is in his power, and is satisfied with whatever is obtained by his own honest labor. He is therefore independant in his livelihood. BG 1972 purports
- He (a landlord from Calcutta) was also begging from door to door, even at the homes of his political enemies. Begging involves being ready to be insulted by persons at whose home one has come. That is natural
- He (Saubhari Rsi) perceived the pleasure of sex life, and induced by this desire he went to King Mandhata and begged for one of the King's daughters
- Hearing this news, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, He has done very well by no longer standing at the Simha-dvara gate. Such begging of alms resembles the behavior of a prostitute
- However, because he has received the mercy of Your lotus feet, he does not even accept his father's money. Instead he eats by begging alms from centers for the distribution of food
- Humility is also one of the qualifications of a transcendentally situated person, and out of sheer humility the sannyasi goes from door to door, not exactly for the purpose of begging, but to see the householders and awaken them to KC. BG 1972 purports
- I (Narada Muni) beg one thing from you only," Narada implored. "Please accept it
- I (Pariksit) beg to know from you (Sukadeva) how the Personality of Godhead, by His personal energies, creates these phenomenal universes as they are, which are inconceivable even to the great demigods
- I (Srlia Prabhupada) beg to offer my sincere thanks to all my friends and disciples who are helping me to push forward the Krsna consciousness movement in the Western countries
- I am now happy; I have everything in order; my bank balance is quite enough; I can now give my children enough estate; I am now successful; the poor beggar sannyasis depend on God, but they come to beg from me; therefore I am more than the Supreme God
- I am trying to execute the orders of my Guru Maharaja, predecessor. I am not a so-called sadhu, taking a saffron robe, begging for fulfilling the belly
- I beg to offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are the Supersoul, the superintendent of everything, and the witness of all that occurs. You are the Supreme Person, the origin of material nature and of the total material energy
- I beg you that from this day on you will kill animals completely and not leave them half-dead
- I have come to this country not to beg, but to give. That is my mission. And they are feeling, "Yes, we are getting something substantial"
- I have even seen a dying man begging a medical attendant to increase his life by four years so that he could complete his material plans. Of course, the medical man was unsuccessful in expanding the man's life, who therefore died in great bereavement
- I thank you very much for your guru daksine gift and your nice letter expressing your appreciation for your spiritual master. This is the proper way to receive the blessings of Krsna, by begging the mercy of the spiritual master
- I'm begging the Englishmen, the Canadians, the Australians, "Please come and stay." Because huge establishment, who will manage? I am managing with them, but there is economic question. For each person I have to spend ten thousand rupees at least
- If a rich man's son forgets his father, leaves home and becomes mad, he may lie on the street to go to sleep, or he may beg money for food, but all of this is due to his forgetfulness
- If Gaurahari, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, will not show mercy to me, I shall give up my kingdom, become a mendicant and beg from door to door
- If I cannot rely on you to assist me in the GBC position, who can I rely on? So I beg you to reassure me that you will continue to help me in this way, and do not become withdrawn from your active role. Kindly relieve me of this great anxiety
- If one has a process, he should practice it (Krsna consciousness), or he can come and learn this process. One should not begrudge the selection of one process over another
- If one purposely continues this professional begging, he is supposed to be dead while breathing, or, according to another interpretation, such a man of falsity should be killed while still breathing
- If the disciples go to the village, beg some food grain, then sometimes they cook some food grains. Otherwise the brahmanas used to live in the forest, drink milk and take fruit. That is sufficient. There was no need of jumping here and there
- If you enter anyone's house without permission, he can kill you. This is the law. And every door, there is signboard: "Beware of the dogs." So it is not possible to go and beg, "Sir, give us something
- In British time there was no begging at least. Now their independence means they are begging. So these are all false notions. Nobody is independent. He is dependent in some way or other under the laws of nature
- In India the Brahmacaris are meant for begging from door to door for the Spiritual Master. But in your country this activity is not allowed
- In response to this request (Saubhari Rsi went to King Mandhata and begged for one of the King's daughters), the King said, "O brahmaṇa, any of my daughters may accept any husband according to her personal selection"
- In the days of Haridasa Thakura, all the brahmanas worshiped Narayana in the form of the salagrama-sila. Therefore begging from a brahmana’s house meant taking krsna-prasadam, which is transcendental - nirguna
- In the first part of the Gopala-campu the following subject matters are discussed: (21) the performance of the rituals in Katyayani-vrata and the worship of the goddess Durga; (22) the begging of food from the wives of the brahmanas performing sacrifices
- In the Padma Purana another instance of pure devotion is found. There it is recorded that the king, although the most elevated of human beings, was begging from door to door and was even praying to the candalas, the lowest members of human society
- In the Padma Purana it is stated that King Bhagiratha was the emperor above all other kings, yet he developed such ecstatic love for Krsna that he became a mendicant and went out begging even to the homes of his political enemies and untouchables
- In this country it is not possible that the Brahmacharies or Sannyasins shall beg from door to door, as it is the custom in India. But at the same time we require some money for conducting our business of our society
- In this village a person can beg food from others and thus eat. Some people drink only milk, but if a person does not ask anyone for food, I supply him all his eatables
- In Western countries, begging is considered criminal. Members of the Krsna consciousness movement have no business begging
- It is a custom for some Vaisnavas to beg from the charity booths and eat whatever they obtain, whereas others stand at night at the Simha-dvara gate, begging alms from the servants
- It is not easy-going, sleeping business. We have to fight with so many demons. Otherwise, kava dava adakanam, my Guru Maharaja used to say. Beg some rice, and bring it and cook it, and eat and sleep
- It is said by Canakya Pandita that a rascal appears very intelligent as long as he does not speak. But speaking is the test. The so-called silence of a silent impersonalist svami indicates that he has nothing to say; he simply wants to beg
- It is said in Srimad-Bhagavatam that a brahmacari should beg and collect things and then deliver them to his Spiritual Master, and when the Spiritual Master will ask him to come and take prasadam he will do so
- It would be better to live in this world by begging than to live at the cost of the lives of great souls who are my (Arjuna) teachers. Even though desiring worldly gain, they are superiors. If they are killed, everything we enjoy will be tainted
- Kamsa begged, "My dear sister and brother-in-law (Devaki and Vasudeva), please be merciful to such a poor-hearted person as me, since both of you are saintly persons. Please excuse my atrocities" - SB 10.4.23
- Kamsa said, "My dear Akrura, actually I have no better friend than you in the Bhoja and Yadu dynasties. You are the most munificent person, so as a friend I am begging charity from you"
- King Puranjana begged his Queen to return to her original beauty. He tried to revive her just as a living entity tries to revive his original consciousness, Krsna consciousness, which is very beautiful
- King Yayati had five youthful sons, and he begged all his sons to exchange their youth for his old age. No one agreed except the youngest son, whose name was Puru
- Krishna descends to teach us Bhagavad-gita begging our cooperation and anyone who cooperates with Him becomes blessed
- Krsna is the father. Father always wants to see that "My son is happy." That is natural. There is no begging, "Father, be kind upon me." No. Father is already kind. But if you revolt against the father, then you suffer
- Madhavendra Puri avoided begging. He was completely unattached and indifferent to material things. If, without his begging, someone offered him some food, he would eat; otherwise he would fast
- Maharaja Pariksit inquired: The SPG is the proprietor of everything. Why did He beg three paces of land from Bali Maharaja like a poor man, and when He got the gift for which He had begged, why did He nonetheless arrest Bali Maharaja?
- Members of the Krsna consciousness movement have no business begging. Instead, they work very hard to introduce some literatures about Krsna consciousness so that people can read them and be benefited
- Minimizing their bodily wants as far as possible, they (the six Gosvamis) each accepted only a loincloth and a begging bowl
- O King Pariksit, following the Lord's instructions, the demigods approached Dadhici, the son of Atharva. He was very liberal, and when they begged him to give them his body, he at once partially agreed
- O King Pariksit, thus having taken all the land of Bali Maharaja by begging, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Vamanadeva, delivered to His brother Indra all the land taken away by Indra's enemy
- O Madhavendra Puri, please drink the milk I have brought. Why don't you beg some food to eat? What kind of meditation are you undergoing
- O respectable personalities present here, I beg the blessings of all of you that I may perpetually carry on my crown the dust of the lotus feet of such brahmanas and Vaisnavas until the end of my life
- O small boy, one who approaches me to beg something should not have to ask anything more, anywhere. Therefore, if You wish, You may ask from me as much land as will suffice to maintain You according to Your needs
- On the pretense of asking for a measurement of three footsteps of land, He (Lord Vamana) took away all the lands of Bali Maharaja. He asked simply because without begging, no authority can take one's rightful possession
- Once an old mendicant approached the door of Mother Yasoda's house, and Krsna told Yasoda, "My dear Mother, I don't wish to go near this skinny villain. If I go there, he might put Me within his begging bag and take Me away from You!"
- One person begged for a waterpot by chanting the holy names "Krsna, Krsna," and another delivered a pot while chanting "Krsna, Krsna"
- One should not accept the sannyasa order of the Mayavada school, which has practically no meaning. We find many Mayavadi sannyasis simply loitering in the street thinking themselves Brahman or Narayana and spending all day and night begging
- One should not begrudge the selection of one process over another. Visad apy amrtam grahyam amedhyad api kancanam, nicad apy uttamam vidyam stri-ratnam duskulad api - Niti-darpana 1.16
- One village after another was pleased to beg Madhavendra Puri to allot them one day to perform the Annakuta ceremony. Thus, day after day, the Annakuta ceremony was performed for some time
- One who desires to conquer the mind must leave the company of his family and live in a solitary place, free from contaminated association. To maintain the body and soul together, he should beg as much as he needs for the bare necessities of life
- One who rejects an offering that comes of its own accord but later begs a boon from a miser thus loses his widespread reputation, and his pride is humbled by the neglectful behavior of others
- Only the grhasthas are allowed to make money, to earn money. But the brahmacari and the vanaprastha and sannyasi is to live at the cost the grhasthas. Brahmacaris shall go from door to door and beg alms and bring it for the spiritual master
- People are falsely proud, therefore we approach them in a humble way... That also, we do not beg. We give something and take something, exchange, and give something which is appreciated by the greatest learned circle
- Prajapati Daksa condemned Narada Muni because Narada, a brahmacari who could beg from door to door, had made sannyasis of Daksa's sons, who were being trained to be grhasthas
- Raji conquered the kingdom of heaven, and therefore when Indra, the heavenly king, begged Raji's sons to return it, they refused. Because they had not taken the heavenly kingdom from Indra but had inherited it from their father
- Real facility is how to serve Krsna. That is real facility. So we should always ask, beg. That is the Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instruction
- Sanatana Gosvami attended to all of Jagadananda Pandita's needs. He begged in the area of Mahavana and brought Jagadananda all kinds of things to eat and drink
- Sanatana Gosvami would beg alms from door to door in the vicinity of Mahavana. Sometimes he would go to a temple and sometimes to a brahmana's house
- So begging in Vedic culture is neither illegal nor shameful - by the proper person. Begging is allowed to the brahmacaris, to the sannyasis
- Sometimes the conditioned soul jumps into a shallow river, or being short of food grains, he goes to beg food from people who are not at all charitable
- Srila Bilvamangala Thakura says, muktih svayam mukulitanjali sevate ’sman: Liberation stands before me with folded hands, begging to serve me
- Srila Rupa and Sanatana Gosvami beg a little food from the houses of brahmanas. Giving up all kinds of material enjoyment, they take only some dry bread and fried chickpeas
- Sukracarya was certainly very sorry that because of his daughter's complaint he had to go to his disciple to beg some mercy, which he was obliged to do because he had accepted the profession of priesthood
- Svarupa Damodara replied, "Raghunatha dasa felt unhappy standing at the Simha-dvara. Therefore he is now going at midday to beg alms from the charity booth"
- Take to this chanting of Hare Krsna mantra. There is no loss. There is no expenditure. We don't charge anything. We have arranged this Ratha-yatra festival by begging from door to door
- That is the parampara system. The newly initiated disciple is immediately supposed to beg alms and make a presentation to the spiritual master. If such presentation is not made, if they do not follow the system, how the effect will be there?
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta begs the mercy of all these devotees (bhajana-vijna, bhajana-sila and krsna-name diksita krsna-nama-kari) and asks them to be pleased with him
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta says - I beg their pardon (who imitate some smarta-brahmana) with great humility, but I am submitting that I personally have no desire to add or subtract anything
- The brahmacari in particular is supposed to beg alms from others and offer them to the spiritual master
- The brahmacari should go out of the asrama for begging alms - Mother, we are coming from such and such temple or asrama. Give us some alms
- The Brahmacarinis cannot go, of course, for begging, but if some of them agree to go out and sell our books, that will be helpful. Some source of income by honest endeavor must be there, otherwise, how a nice Brahmacarini asrama can be maintained
- The brahmanas continued, "Even though we were reminded of Krsna and Balarama by the cowherd boys, we disregarded Them. We now think that the Supreme Personality of Godhead simply played a trick of mercy on us by sending His friends to beg food from us"
- The demoniac person always challenges others and tries to occupy others' property by force. Here these symptoms are fully displayed by Hiranyaksa, who begged war from a person who had no desire to fight
- The disciple living at the residence of the spiritual master has to go begging from door to door and bring everything back to the spiritual master
- The hunter then received the two great sages in the courtyard of his house. He spread out a straw mat for them to sit upon, and with great devotion he begged them to sit down
- The Lord said, "You have committed an offense at the lotus feet of Srivasa Thakura, first you must go there and beg for his mercy, and then if he gives you his blessings and you do not commit such sins again, you will be freed from these reactions"
- The mendicant does not go to the house of a householder to beg but to enlighten him spiritually
- The personality of Kali asked for something more, and because of his begging, the King gave him permission to live where there is gold because wherever there is gold there is also falsity, intoxication, lust, envy and enmity
- The profession of unchasila, collecting grains from the field, is called rta. Collecting without begging is called amrta, begging grains is called mrta, tilling the ground is called pramrta, and trade is called satyanrta
- The remnants of food left by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu were later distributed among devotees who begged for them, and finally Govinda personally took the last remnants
- The same judge who gave the verdict cannot check it. But if the man begs for the mercy of the king, the king can check the execution. He can go totally above the law
- The sannyasi, completely satisfied in the self, should live on alms begged from door to door. Not being dependent on any person or any place, he should always be a friendly well-wisher to all living beings and be a peaceful, unalloyed devotee of Narayana
- The sannyasis beg from door to door, not for money but for missionary purposes. The system is that they go from door to door to awaken the householders from the slumber of ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- The so-called silence of a silent impersonalist svami indicates that he has nothing to say; he simply wants to beg. But the silence adopted by Kardama Muni was not like that. He became silent for relief from nonsensical talk
- The students themselves go from door to door for begging alms, and because everyone's son is in the asrama, nobody declines to give alms. So there is no financial difficulty at all; but I do not know what to do in your country
- The Supreme Lord in His form of Hayagriva retrieved the Vedas and returned them to Lord Brahma when he begged for them
- The Supreme Lord, however, in His form of Hayagriva retrieved the Vedas and returned them to Lord Brahma when he begged for them. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord, whose determination never fails
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead then said: O Brahma, O depth of Vedic wisdom, be neither depressed nor anxious about the execution of creation. What you are begging from Me has already been granted before
- The Vedic culture is that a sannyasi, when he comes to beg in a householder's house, he receives him very respectfully, and whatever he wants, they want to supply. But they do not want anything
- The water that fell from the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was drunk by someone who hid himself. Someone else begged for that water, and another person was giving that water in charity
- The words bhiksor marga, "the path of the renounced order," are very significant in this regard. A sannyasi is called tridandi-bhiksu because his duty is to beg alms from the homes of grhasthas and to give the grhasthas spiritual instructions
- They (a class of professional mendicants) know some magical art and mystical processes, and their business is to beg from door to door, sometimes pleading and sometimes threatening. Such mendicants are sometimes called yogis and sometimes kanaphata yogis
- They (Raji's sons) considered it (kingdom of heaven) their paternal property (because Raji conquered the kingdom of heaven). Why then should they return it to the demigods? - when Indra, the heavenly king, begged Raji's sons to return it
- They were so liberal. He (Duryodhana) said, "Yes, come in. If you want the kingdom without fighting, I am prepared." But a Ksatriya will never beg, "Give me, sir, without . . ." No. If they can own by fighting then they will claim. This is Ksatriya spirit
- They would have to go to beg door to door, brahmacari: "Mother, give us some alms for our asrama." So they were trained from the very beginning to address any woman as - Mother
- This begging business is not for a householder or a military man
- This question-begging is going on, even some of the important men are doing like that, that I know. So how I can say your question from here?
- This verse (SB 6.10.6) describes two people - one who gives charity and one who begs for it
- This was brahmana's profession. They would not charge anything, but his disciples, students, would beg from door to door and bring. That is gurukula
- Those who are too self-interested beg something from others, not knowing of others' pain. But if the beggar knew the difficulty of the giver, he would not ask for anything
- Those who were acquainted with government officers met with them and begged for camphor and sandalwood, which they collected
- Vidura said: The line of Svayambhuva Manu was most esteemed. O worshipful sage (Maitreya), I beg you - give me an account of this race, whose progeny multiplied through sexual intercourse
- Virahena, always feeling separation of Krsna, this is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s teaching. Not that "I have got now Krsna." No. Caitanya Mahaprabhu never said. His direct disciples, the Gosvamis, they simply begged separation: Where is Krsna?
- Visvamitra Muni could kill that raksasi, but because he was brahmana, it was not his business to kill. He begged help from Maharaja Dasaratha to lend Lord Ramacandra and Laksmana, to take Him there. This is the systematic way
- Vrndavana is not meant for making a solution of the economic condition. One who has no, nothing to eat outside, they should come and beg capati and roti from door to door
- Vyasadeva has given the symptoms of Kali-yuga. One thing, there will be no rain, scarcity of rain. And naturally there will be scarcity . . . Durbhiksa. Durbhiksa means you will not be able to get anything by begging also. Bhiksa
- We are begging you, "Don't spoil your life. Please take this mantra. Chant wherever you like." It has no hard and fast rules you have to follow
- We have previously discussed that the transcendentalist is required to be self-sufficient and should not beg from the rich blind persons to fulfill the bare necessities of life
- What is filling those two beautiful horns? You seem to have spread fragrant red powder upon them, powder that is like the rising morning sun. O most fortunate one, I beg to inquire where you have gotten this fragrant powder that is perfuming my asrama
- What is the wonder if the maidservant of Krsna, His external energy, begs for love of Godhead? Without the mercy of a devotee and without the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, love of Godhead cannot be possible
- Whatever food he could acquire by begging or by wages, and whatever came of its own accord - be it a small quantity, palatable, stale or tasteless - he would accept and eat
- When a person is elevated to this state of endurance, he thinks as follows: "I do not wish to be a highly posted government servant. I shall be satisfied even if I have to eat food collected by begging"
- When he came back in due course and begged the return of his rightful share of the kingdom, he was refused by Dhrtarastra, who was overwhelmed by illusion
- When he was in the office, oh, he was a big man. He was responsible man. Now he is kicked out, he is begging, and America is going on. Where is the need of this responsibility?
- When one takes sannyasa... These are the processes. He is not practiced to beg from door to door. Therefore in the beginning he makes a cottage outside the village, and the foodstuff comes from his home. But he has no connection
- When Princess Sarmistha begged King Yayati for a son, the King was certainly aware of the principles of religion, and therefore he agreed to fulfill her desire
- When Rukmini went to the temple it was not with the intention of an ordinary person, who goes to beg for material benefits; her only goal was Krsna
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked who had begged the rice and brought it back, Bhagavan Acarya mentioned the name of Junior Haridasa
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu heard this news from Govinda, He inquired from Svarupa Damodara, "Why does Raghunatha dasa no longer stand at the Simha-dvara gate to beg alms"
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was dancing in ecstasy, he (Suklambara Brahmacari) approached the Lord with a begging bag containing rice. The Lord was so pleased with His devotee that He immediately snatched the bag and began to eat the raw rice
- When the ass begs for sexual intercourse, he is kicked by the fair sex, yet he still follows the female for such sexual pleasure. A henpecked man is compared, therefore, to the ass
- When the Asvini-kumaras beg for Dadhyanca's body on your behalf, he will surely give it because of affection. Do not doubt this, for Dadhyanca is very experienced in religious understanding
- When the demoniac followers of Maharaja Bali saw that their master, who had been determined in performing sacrifice, had lost all his possessions to Vamanadeva, who had taken them away on the plea of begging three paces of land, they were very angry
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead could see no other means of taking everything away from Bali Maharaja, He adopted the trick of begging from him and took away all the three worlds
- When Vamanadeva had thus been given the sacred thread, Kuvera, King of the Yaksas, gave Him a pot for begging alms, and mother Bhagavati, the wife of Lord Siva and most chaste mother of the entire universe, gave Him His first alms
- Why should I engage myself in this killing business? Better retire from it. If I don't get my kingdom, I shall rather beg. - This begging business is for us
- With pitiable prayers, Renuka, the mother of Parasurama and wife of Jamadagni, begged for the life of her husband
- Yayati begged his father-in-law (Sukracarya) to withdraw his curse, but the sage asked Yayati to ask youthfulness from his sons and let them become old as the condition of his becoming potent
- You are mostly Christian, you know. Lord Jesus Christ, when he was being crucified, he was begging, "My Lord, these fools do not know what they are doing. Please excuse." Just see how much qualified. Because he is devotee of God
- You can do it (to surrender to Krsna) immediately, but unfortunately you'll not do it. What can be done? There is a story, I may narrate it. One poor man was begging on the street, and Lord Siva and Parvati was passing as ordinary man
- You have begged for my blessings and I give them to you because you are my spiritual son and I have taken responsibility for engaging you in the service of Krsna
- You have come here to beg technology. You remain beggar. I have come to give something