Category:Becoming Attached
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Pages in category "Becoming Attached"
The following 189 pages are in this category, out of 189 total.
- A chaste woman becomes a very obedient wife. This causes a husband to become attached to his wife, and consequently he thinks of his wife very much at the time of death. This is a very dangerous situation, as is evident from the life of King Puranjana
- A man becomes attached to a woman because of her service, her beauty and many other assets, and similarly a woman becomes attached to a man for his giving her a nice place to live, ornaments, dress and children
- A person properly initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, becomes attached to the Lord's transcendental loving service in one of the five transcendental relationships. Such transcendental service is not a subject matter for gross and subtle bodies
- A person who has taken to Krsna consciousness even by sentiment and has fallen, he has great benefit, because once he has taken to Krsna consciousness, Krsna becomes attached to him. That is ajnata-sukrti
- A pure devotee becomes attached to Krsna by hearing the Lord’s glories
- A pure devotee becomes attached to one of the eternal forms of the Lord, and the Lord is pleased to appear before him in the form desired
- A sincere student should not neglect the discussion of such conclusions, considering them controversial, for such discussions strengthen the mind. Thus one's mind becomes attached to Sri Krsna
- A wise man who becomes attached to Krsna does not want any return from Him, either in the form of relieving distress or in gaining money
- Absolute Truth is one - light - but there are degrees. If you become attached to impersonal Brahman, you simply enjoy the eternity feature of the Absolute Truth
- Actually, the conditioned souls, in ignorance in this material world, are simply guided by sex life, and as soon as they get the opportunity for sex life, they become attached to so-called home, motherland, children, wealth and opulence
- Akrura continued, "I can thus understand that when a person becomes eligible to be delivered from the path of repeated birth, death, it is only by Your causeless mercy that he comes nearer to Your lotus feet & becomes attached to Your devotional service"
- Although many men take sannyasa to become liberated, because of their imperfections they again become attached to women, material activities, social welfare work and so on
- Amba thought that Bhismadeva would marry her and became attached to him, but Bhismadeva refused to marry her, for he had taken the vow of brahmacarya
- Another part of sadhana-bhakti is called raganuga. Raganuga refers to the point at which, by following the regulative principles, one becomes a little more attached to Krsna and executes devotional service out of natural love
- Arjuna addresses Him: "Sthane Hrsikesa" (B.G. 11:36) - "the world becomes joyful hearing Your Name; and thus do all become attached to You." The process of chanting is herein authorized as the direct means of contacting the Supreme Absolute Truth the PG
- As a woman, as an ordinary wife, Devahuti became attached to Kardama Muni in order to satisfy her sense enjoyment and other material necessities, but actually she associated with a great personality
- As lust and desires disappear from the heart of a devotee, he becomes more attached to the service of the Lord, and by such attachment he becomes free from material contamination. In that state of life he can understand the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- As one advances in Krsna consciousness, one must gradually become disgusted with material attachment and thus become more and more attached to the service of the Lord
- As soon as man and woman are united, they become attached to home, hearth, land, friendship and money. In this way they are both entrapped in material existence
- As soon as one attentively and submissively hears the message of Bhagavatam, he becomes attached to the Supreme Lord - Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.1.2
- As the monkey is ultimately captured by the hunter and is unable to get out of captivity, the conditioned soul, being captivated by momentary sex pleasure, becomes attached to different types of bodies and is encaged in family life
- At such a time (when one becomes attached to the God and surrenders to Him) he can understand that Lord Sri Krsna's mercy is everything, that He is the cause of all causes and that this material manifestation is not independant from Him. BG 1972 purports
- At that time, no longer attempting spiritual cultivation, he becomes overly attached to his wife or girl friend and tries to provide her with a suitable apartment
- At the present moment, to become attached to a prostitute is no fault. The society accepts, "Oh, that's not fault . . . young man goes to that." Does not mind
- Attachment to women is so contaminating that one becomes attached to the condition of material life not only by the association of women but by the contaminated association of persons who are too attached to them
- Attachment, detachment--these things are natural. If you become attached to something you become detached from other. So we can estimate our advancement in this way. This is the test
- Because of his great affection for Krsna, King Iksvaku became greatly attached to the black cloud, the black deer, the deer's black eyes and the lotus flower, which is always compared to the eyes of the Lord
- Because people are not educated in terms of the goal of life, they are working like madmen and becoming more and more attached to the material atmosphere
- Because they (Modern politicians) get some political power for some days, they become so much attached to their positions that they never retire unless they are removed from their posts by cruel death or killed by some opposing political party
- Being influenced by the modes of material nature, he identifies himself with the body and, for the interest of the body, becomes attached to various activities
- Bewildered by the modes of material nature, the ignorant fully engage themselves in material activities and become attached. But the wise should not unsettle them, although these duties are inferior due to the performers' lack of knowledge (BG 3.29)
- Bewildered by the modes of material nature, the ignorant fully engage themselves in material activities and become attached. But the wise should not unsettle them, although these duties are inferior due to the performers' lack of knowledge. BG 3.29 - 1972
- Bhagavan says, mayy asakta, mayi asakta. Therefore if you become attached... We have got attachment for so many things. But if we transfer that attachment to Krsna, then, Krsna says, mayy asakta-manah partha yogam yunjan mad-asrayah
- Bhakti involves becoming free from the attachments of this material world and becoming attached instead to Krsna
- Bhakti means to be free from the attachment of this material world and to become attached to Krsna. Because you have to attach to something. You cannot become unattached
- Both taking sannyasa and dealing in pounds, shillings and pence are external affairs. In any condition, one should always consider how to please and satisfy Krsna. Thus even if one is involved in great material affairs, he will not become attached
- Brahmananda Bharati said - Since the beginning of my life I was attached to impersonal Brahman realization, but as soon as I saw You (Caitanya), I became very much attached to the Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- By acting on the platform of fruitive activity, one wanders throughout the universe in different species and forms. Unless he comes in contact with a devotee of the Lord, a guru, he does not become attached to the service of Lord Vasudeva
- By executing ds in that way (according to regulative principles given by the spiritual master), he gradually becomes attached to Krsna, and when his original dormant love for the Lord becomes manifest, he spontaneously serves the Lord without any motive
- By regularly rendering devotional service, one gradually becomes attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When that attachment is intensified, it becomes love of Godhead
- By relating the incident of Vidyadhara's deliverance, they became more attached to Krsna. They had come to worship Lord Siva and Ambika, but the result was that they became more and more attached to Krsna
- By the order of spiritual master, by the order of the sastras you have to execute this function of bhakti-yoga, and as soon as you become attached to it, you become practiced to it, immediately you become self-realized
- By the order of the Lord, a perfect devotee sometimes comes to this material world like an ordinary human being. Because of his previous practice, such a perfect devotee naturally becomes attached to devotional service, apparently without cause
- By this attraction (the attraction between male and female), one becomes overly attached to the material world in terms of grha-ksetra-suta-apta-vitta - that is, home, land, children, friends, money and so forth
- By this bona fide hearing process, the neophyte devotee becomes cleansed of all material rubbish, and thus he becomes attached to one of the many transcendental forms of the Lord, as described in the Vedas
- Deity worship, even in the absence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, awakens the transcendental nature of the devotee, who thus becomes increasingly attached to the Lord's lotus feet
- Despite a very rigid life in devotional service, Bharata Maharaja did not consult a spiritual master when he became overly attached to a deer. Consequently he became strongly attached to the deer, and, forgetting his spiritual routine, he fell down
- Directly or indirectly anyone who thinks of Krsna, talks of Krsna or worships Krsna becomes attached to Him
- Due to bad association, one gradually falls into lower species. Association with women is greatly stressed in this regard. When one becomes attached to women or to those who are attached to women, one falls down into the lower species
- Due to his foolishness, Bharata became attached to an insignificant deer and thus fell down and had to accept the body of a deer
- Due to long association with a particular type of material body and also due to the grace of Kalakanya and her maya, one becomes overly attached to a material body, although it is the abode of pain
- Elevated mahatmas who have taken shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are fully satiated by the shade of those lotus feet. Their consciousness cannot possibly become attached to family members
- Especially in the madhurya-rasa, one becomes attached to the Personality of Godhead (sri-vigraha-nistha-rupadi). Then loving transactions between the Lord and the devotee begin
- Even after achieving so-called perfection, many karmis, jnanis and yogis become attached to material activities again
- Even if one artificially leaves home and goes to the forest, he again becomes attached to materialistic life
- For a bhakta to become attached to family affairs is impossible, since a bhakta and his associates are liberated. Everyone is searching after ananda, or bliss, but in the material world there can never be any bliss
- For further advancement, you (Rsabhadeva's sons) should also give up the means. That is, you should not become attached to the process of liberation itself
- Four kinds of fortunate people who become attached to Krsna, and four kinds of unfortunate people who never take to Krsna are described in this chapter (BG 7). BG 1972 purports
- From the spiritual point of view the King (Bharata) was actually falling from his exalted spiritual position and unnecessarily becoming attached to an animal. Thus degrading himself, he would have to accept an animal body
- Generally a person cannot make much advancement in spiritual consciousness if he is married. He becomes attached to his family and is prone to sense gratification. Thus his spiritual advancement is very slow or almost nil
- Generally people are attached to these Buddhist and Mayavadi philosophies; therefore they feel hopelessness. On account of future hopelessness, they become more attached to this false family
- Generally, people become too much attached to family life
- God remains completely in His internal potency and yet has full knowledge of the external & internal energy, just as His devotee remains always in a transcendental position, keeping himself in God's service without becoming attached to the material body
- He (a devotee of God) becomes increasingly attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead because of his being purified by his suffering. Suffering is also a process of purification
- He (one who becomes attached to the Krsna and surrenders to Him) realizes the material world to be a perverted reflection of spiritual variegatedness and realizes that in everything there is a relationship with the Supreme Lord Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- He (one who becomes attached to the Krsna and surrenders to Him) thinks of everything in relation to Vasudeva, or Sri Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- He (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) appeared in order to teach the fallen souls in this material world, for in this Age of Kali almost everyone has become attached to fruitive and ritualistic activities and mental speculation
- Hearing from Narada's mouth the glories of the Lord, which vanquish all the ill fortune of the world, the Pracetas also became attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Meditating on His lotus feet, they advanced to the ultimate destination
- How one can be firmly fixed up unless he has got a taste for it? He relishes, "Yes, this chanting and dancing is very nice." That is called relish. Tato nistha tato rucih tathasaktih: then he becomes attached. He cannot give it up
- How to give up this material attachment and become attached to Krsna, developing Krsna attachment? The process is sadhu-sanga
- How we can increase our attachment for Krsna unless we know Krsna, at least something about Him? Just like a girl becomes attached to a young boy when she knows about something about that boy. The more she knows, she becomes attracted
- Hrsikesa, the world becomes joyful upon hearing Your name & thus everyone becomes attached to You. Although the perfected beings offer You their respectful homage, the demons are afraid, & they flee here & there. All this is rightly done. BG 11.36 - 1972
- I (Bharata) was successful in my attempt, so much so that my mind was always absorbed in devotional service. However, due to my personal foolishness, my mind again became attached - this time to a deer
- If a conditioned soul, thinking of the Lord as an enemy or a friend, somehow or other becomes attached to the Lord, he receives great benefit
- If Krsna is attached to something, then he becomes attached. If Krsna is detached to something, he becomes detached. That is bhakta's principle. Personally he is neutral
- If one becomes attached to Krsna even through lust, anger or fear, then one's salvation and freedom from material contamination are assured
- If one becomes too much attached to women or to persons who are also attached to women - that is, attached to women directly or indirectly - he opens the tamo-dvaram, the door to the darkest region of hellish life
- If one chants Hare Krsna throughout his life, he will not grow tired of the names, but if one chants a material name over and over, he will soon become disgusted. The more one chants the names of Krsna, the more he becomes attached
- If one daily sees the Deity in the temple, makes offerings by worshiping the Deity, chants the holy name of the PG, & preaches about the glorious activities of God as much as possible, he thus becomes attached to Krsna. This attachment is called asakti
- If one develops his love of Godhead and becomes attached to the lotus feet of Krsna, gradually he loses his attachment to everything else
- If one has developed a little bit of Krsna consciousness by hearing from Vaisnavas about the activities of Krsna, one becomes attached to Vaisnavas who are interested only in Krsna consciousness
- If one hears and chants without trying to give up offenses one may also desire freedom from material bondage like the Mayavadis, or one may become attached to the yoga-siddhis and desire wonderful yogic powers
- If one hears and chants without trying to give up offenses, one may become attached to the four sinful activities - illicit sex, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating - or one may consider a Vaisnava to belong to a mundane caste or creed
- If one somehow or other becomes attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he becomes engaged in bhakti-yoga
- If one wishes to enjoy the senses more than required, he becomes attached to family life, which means bondage. All the Pracetas admitted their fault in remaining in household life
- If one worships demigods like Lord Siva and Lord Brahma to become more attached to Krsna, that is approved. But if one goes to the demigods for some personal benefit, that is condemned
- If someone becomes attached to the principles of salvation or to merging into the existence of the brahmajyoti, his ecstasies gradually diminish into shadow and para attachment or else transform into the principles of ahangrahopasana
- If someone comes to Krsna asking for material benefits, Krsna does not award him the material things he desires. Instead, the Lord gives him intelligence so that he will forget his material desires and become attached to the Lord's lotus feet
- If someone very great by material calculations fails to take shelter of the Supreme Soul but instead becomes attached to material household life, his greatness is like that of a young, low-class couple
- If we become attached to pious activities, we may get these various worldly facilities in the next life and may take birth in the heavenly planets. But all this will eventually be finished
- If you want real solution, permanent solution, permanent life, then you become attached to Krsna
- In the association of pure devotees, by constantly hearing such topics respectfully, even a person who wants to merge into the existence of the Absolute Truth abandons this idea and gradually becomes attached to the service of Vasudeva
- In the association of pure devotees, one becomes attached to hearing and chanting the glories of the Lord
- In the beginning a boy thinks, "Oh, that girl is nice," and the girl says, "That boy is nice." When they meet, that material contamination becomes more prominent. And when they actually enjoy sex, they become more attached, completely attached
- In the stage of perfection, one's heart becomes slackened and one becomes more and more attached to attaining the lotus feet of the Lord
- In this relationship (Krsna can be treated as one's lover) the Lord becomes so much attached to His devotee that He expresses His inability to reciprocate - CC Intro
- Indeed, his (the living entity's) whole conception of the material universe arises from this false identification with the body, for he becomes attached to the body and its by-products
- Kasyapa Muni thought: Alas, I have now become too attached to material enjoyment. Taking advantage of this, my mind has been attracted by the illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the form of a woman (my wife)
- King Nanda said, "He (Garga Muni) also said that any fortunate man who becomes attached to this boy, Krsna, is never vanquished or defeated by his enemy"
- King Priyavrata enjoyed royal opulence and majesty and then returned to full knowledge. King Priyavrata was detached from worldly opulence, and then he became attached to his kingdom, but finally he again became detached from material enjoyment
- King Yayati became very much attached to Sarmistha, and Sukracarya's daughter (Devayani) complained to her father. Consequently, Sukracarya cursed King Yayati to become prematurely old
- Krishna appreciates very much when His devotee becomes attached to Him in this way. Yes, the cooperative spirit of working together without any argument is especially prominent in Mayapur, more than other places in India
- Krsna is also mentioned as isvara, the supreme controller who is situated in everyone's heart. Therefore, if some way or other we become attached to Krsna, He will make us free from all danger
- Krsna recommends, mayy asakta-manah . . . if we become attached, then our original relationship will be revealed. That is called svarupa-siddhi
- Krsna-prema is described in the Brs (1.41) - When the heart is completely softened & devoid of all material desires & when one’s emotional feelings become very strong, one becomes very much attached to Krsna. Such purified emotion is known as pure love
- Kuntidevi prays to Krsna that He may grant her His mercy by which she can become attached to Him
- Main principle is that as you go on hearing about this transcendental message, then you gradually become attached to these transcendental things. And the more you become attached to these transcendental things, the more you forget these material things
- Many householders, although well-educated in the knowledge of the Vedas, become attached to family life. They are compared herein (SB 5.18.13) to crocodiles out of water, for they are devoid of all spiritual strength
- Material existence is experienced when one becomes attached to a woman and forgets his real identity as the eternal servant of Krsna. In this way, in one body after another, the living entity perpetually suffers the miseries of material existence
- Materialistic persons become attached to Lord Siva because Lord Siva bestows benedictions upon anyone and everyone very quickly, not caring to know how his devotees prosper or suffer
- Mind cannot be detached. We have got so many desires. So mind's business - to become attached. Therefore, I accept something, I reject something. This is mind's business. So you cannot become zero, you cannot become desireless. That is not possible
- Narada said, "Anyone who becomes attached to Your (Krsna's) lotus feet is elevated to the supreme position of neutrality and is uncontaminated by the material modes of nature"
- Narottama dasa described devotional service as follows: Only if I become attached to the instructions given by the six Gosvamis, headed by Rupa Gosvami & Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, will it be possible for me to understand the conjugal love of Radha & Krsna
- Nobody can make any solution of these sufferings (birth, death, old age and disease). But if you want real solution, permanent solution, permanent life, then you become attached to Krsna. Simple method
- Offering service and surrendering to the spiritual master, one is elevated to devotional service, and by performing devotional service one gradually becomes attached to the SP of Godhead. Because of this attachment to the Lord, one can understand God
- On the forest path of material life, first a person is bereft of his father and mother, and after their death he becomes attached to his newly born children. In this way he wanders on the path of material progress and is eventually embarrassed
- One becomes attached to the grhastha-asrama for two reasons only - the wife cooks palatable dishes for the satisfaction of her husband's tongue, and she gives him sexual pleasure at night
- One can become attached to Krsna and His service, and when this attachment is intensified, it results in ecstatic love for Krsna
- One can become firmly fixed in devotion, increase his taste for it, become attached and feel ecstasy. This ecstasy occurs in the preliminary stage of love of Godhead
- One cannot become detached from the attraction of the material world simply by dressing himself in saffron cloth. He must become attached to the devotional service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- One cannot become unattached, for one must be attached to something, but in order to become attached to Krsna or enter into the devotional service of the Lord, one has to become detached from material affection
- One then (after being freed from all unwanted things) becomes fixed in devotional service and increases his desire to act in devotional service. Thus one becomes attached to the Lord and His devotional service
- One who does not understand the constitutional position of the body and the soul (atma) becomes too attached to the bodily concept of life - SB 10.4.20
- One who is serious in advancing his spiritual life should be very cautious not to become attached to anything but Krsna
- One whose mind and senses are uncontrolled becomes increasingly attached to family life because of insatiable lusty desires and very strong illusion. In such a madman's life, the remaining years are also wasted
- Our different centers are meant for organizing a group of pure devotees so that neophyte visitors may take examples from them and thus become attached to Krsna consciousness
- Seeing Laksmidevi, the Lord became attached to her, and Laksmi, upon seeing the Lord, felt great satisfaction within her mind
- She (Kunti) said, - Krsna, I have become attached to two families, my father's family and my husband's family. Kindly help me become detached from these families
- Since these two persons (Nalakuvara and Manigriva) have been blinded by the pride of celestial opulence and have become attached to women, I (Narada Muni) shall relieve them of their false prestige
- Since this was the case with Bharata Maharaja, what can we say of those who are not advanced in spiritual life but who become attached to cats and dogs
- Sometimes He (Krsna) puts His pure devotees in dangers because in that condition of helplessness the devotee becomes more attached to the Lord. The more the attachment is there for the Lord, the more success is there for the devotee
- Sometimes I think that I left my home leaving aside all children and grandchildren, and Krsna is giving another batch to whom I am becoming attached. But this attachment is nice because the center is Krsna
- Sometimes the conditioned soul is separated from his father by death or other circumstances. Leaving him aside he gradually becomes attached to others, such as his children
- Sometimes, even after renunciation, one becomes attached to a temple or to the few things that constitute the property of a sannyasi, but such attachment is not as strong as family attachment. The attachment to the family is the strongest illusion
- Speculators may fall down and become implicated in fruitive activities. If one becomes attached to devotional service, however, his desires for material enjoyment are automatically vanquished without separate endeavor
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the essence of all Vedanta philosophy. Any person who has become attached in some way or other to the reading of Srimad-Bhagavatam cannot have any taste for reading any other literature
- Sukadeva Gosvami said already that kecit kevalaya bhaktya (SB 6.1.15), "Simply by devotional service," vasudeva-parayanah, "one has to become attached to Vasudeva." This stage is very difficult, but very easy also
- Svarupa Damodara Gosvami strictly prohibits the behavior of the materialistic so-called hearers of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Instead of awakening real love for Krsna, such hearers of the Bhagavatam become more and more attached to household affairs and sex life
- The 2nd weakness of the heart is that as one increases the propensity of lording it over material nature, he becomes attached to matter & possession of matter. The problems of material existence are due to these weaknesses of the heart. BG 1972 purports
- The conclusion is that if one somehow or other becomes attached to Krsna or attracted to Him, either because of His qualities of beauty, opulence, fame, strength, renunciation or knowledge, through affection or friendship
- The false ego associates with different modes of material nature, and thus the senses become attached to the modes of material nature
- The influence of DS is such that when a person engages in it, he gives up all material desires and becomes fully attached to Krsna, being inspired by the transcendental qualities of the Lord. Such is the beauty of the Lord in the eyes of His devotee
- The King (Puranjana) was overly engrossed with the thoughts of woman. Generally a chaste woman becomes a very obedient wife. This causes a husband to become attached to his wife
- The Lord comes as a human being, and if one becomes attached to the Lord on the platform of loving service, one's promotion to the transcendental world is assured
- The Lord expands Himself in innumerable svamsa forms. When a devotee, hearing about these innumerable forms, becomes attached to one and always thinks of Him, the Lord appears to him in that form
- The materialists do not know that the family, society and friendship here in this material world are only shadows, and thus they become attached
- The monkeylike conditioned soul first becomes attached to sex, and when intercourse actually takes place he becomes more attached. He then requires some material comforts - apartment, house, food, friends, wealth and so on
- The more one chants the names of Krsna, the more he becomes attached. Thus service by sravanam and kirtanam, hearing and chanting about Krsna, is the beginning. The next process is smaranam - always remembering Krsna
- The more the taste grows, the more one desires to render service to the Lord. In this way one becomes attached to a particular mellow in the Lord’s service - santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya or madhura. As a result of such attachment, bhava develops
- The more we study the pastimes of the Lord, the more we become attached to Him
- The most essential education is that which enables one to become free from the bodily concept of life, but unfortunately scientists, philosophers, politicians, and other so-called leaders are misleading people so that they become more attached to the body
- The priests addressed the Lord, saying: O Lord, transcendental to material contamination, by the curse offered by Lord Siva's men we have become attached to fruitive activities, and thus we are now fallen and therefore do not know anything about You
- The purport of this verse is that if someone becomes attached to the Sri Murti, or Deity of Krsna, by worshiping at home, then he will forget his relationship of so-called friendship, love and society
- The purpose is when one becomes too much attached to family life and too much devoted to maintain it, he doesn't care. He has to earn money, some how or other, even risking life. Even risking life
- The question is how to give up material attachment and become attached to Krsna. The process is sadhu-sanga (CC Madhya 22.83), association with a sadhu
- The real purpose of life is how to become detached from this material life. That is perfection. But people are being educated how to become attached. That is the difference between Krsna consciousness and so-called human civilization
- The whole spiritual process leads to perfect knowledge of everything material and spiritual, and the results of such perfect knowledge are that one becomes detached from material affection and becomes attached to spiritual activities
- The word anartha refers to unwanted things. Anarthas are vanquished when one becomes attached to the Krsna consciousness movement
- These fruits are auspicious, inauspicious and mixed. He thus becomes attached to religion, economic development, sense gratification and the monistic theory of liberation (merging with the Supreme)
- This is Rupa Gosvami's instruction. Somehow or other, you become attached to Krsna. Then your life is successful
- This Krsna consciousness movement means to educate people how to become attached to Krsna. But if one does not know what is Krsna, there is no question of increasing his asakti for Krsna. So to understand Krsna, Krsna personally appears
- This particular attachment is invoked by practice of regulative devotional service to the Lord, and thus the devotee becomes attached to the eternal form of the Lord, exactly like one who is already eternally attached
- Those too attached to family life, who forget that death comes in the future to take them away, become attached and unable to finish their duty as human beings
- Thus perplexed by various anxieties and bound by a network of illusions, one becomes too strongly attached to sense enjoyment and falls down into hell. BG 16.16 - 1972
- We become attached to rendering service to Krsna, and we become practiced in this science. When we attain this stage, we immediately become self-realized
- We have to learn this purificatory process (gratifying Krsna's senses) from a sadhu. Inasmuch as we try to gratify our senses, we become attached to the material world
- When a common man becomes opulent, he forgets God; but the more opulent a devotee becomes by the grace of the Lord, the more he becomes attached to the service of the Lord
- When a person becomes attached to transcendental things, he is on the path of liberation
- When a person engages in devotional service, he gives up all material desires and becomes fully attached to Krsna, being inspired by the transcendental qualities of the Lord. Such is the beauty of the Lord in the eyes of His devotee
- When a person is relieved from unwanted things, he becomes fixed in executing his Krsna activities. Indeed, he becomes attached to such activities and experiences ecstasy in executing devotional service
- When King Pariksit heard about this, he was struck with wonder, but he was somewhat bewildered as to how a devotee with no attachment for material enjoyment could later become attached to it
- When Maharaja Yayati accepted Devayani, he became too attached and had sex life not only with her but with others, like Sarmistha. Yet still he was dissatisfied. Therefore one should retire by force from such family life as Yayati's
- When one attains this stage (varana-dasa), he becomes attached to the hearing of krsna-katha. When one is able to chant in ecstasy, he attains the stage of smaranavastha, the stage of remembering
- When one becomes attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to one's natural inclination to love Him and is fully absorbed in thoughts of the Lord, that state is called transcendental attachment
- When one fully understands spiritual life, his attraction for the opposite sex is completely vanquished. By such attraction, one becomes overly attached to this material world. It is a hard knot within the heart
- When one has become purified by this process of offering everything back to the Supreme he becomes simply attached to pleasing the Supreme Lord. This is the perfection of life
- When one is freed from all material contamination, his firm faith in devotional service awakens. When firm faith develops, a taste arises, and by that taste one becomes attached to devotional service
- When one is further advanced he can understand that there are activities in the spiritual life and that these activities constitute devotional service. Realizing this, he becomes attached to the SP of Godhead and surrenders to Him. BG 1972 purports
- When the conditioned soul is embraced by his beloved wife, he forgets everything about Krsna consciousness. The more he becomes attached to his wife, the more he becomes implicated in family life
- When the living entity engages himself in the devotional service of the Lord, then he becomes attached to this service. This situation is called yuktam
- When we are actually free from material affinities, then your real spiritual life begins. Athasakti. You become attached
- Whether in lusty desire, anger, fear or envy of the Lord, somehow or other, as recommended by Srila Rupa Gosvami, one should become attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- With the development of the bhakti cult, with the application of positive service to the positive form, one naturally becomes detached from inferior things, and he becomes attached to superior things
- You can become attached with Krsna if you are dovetailed in the service of Krsna, not casually, but constantly
- You have expressed a fear of becoming attached to your musical activities, but attachment for Krishna's service is not bad. If you can engage your talent for Krishna's service, then this attachment will increase your Krishna Consciousness status
- You should not make yourself a showbottle devotee and become a false renunciant. For the time being, enjoy the material world in a befitting way and do not become attached to it
- Your unlimitedly potent activities are experienced by the most enlightened devotees, but those who are bewildered by the spell of Your (Krsna's) external energy identify themselves with this material world & become attached to society, friendship & love