Category:As Much As
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- Any process you accept, rejecting devotional service, the result will be that there is no profit. You simply labor for nothing, as much as to beat the husk, you'll never get the rice, you will simply be tiresome, that's all
- This material world is imitation beauty of the spiritual world, as much as the doll-girl is imitation of the real girl
- A day may come when the people of this earth will be able to travel in outer space and see the variegatedness of these millions of planets with their own eyes. In every planet there is as much material variegatedness as we find in our own planet
- A devotee does not wish to accumulate a large bank balance: he simply earns as much as he requires. This is called yavad-artha or yuktahara
- A man in the modes of passion and goodness may be engaged in fruitive activity; he owns as much as he can and spends for good causes. BG 1972 purports
- A sannyasi eats as much as necessary to maintain his body, but he does not enjoy satisfying his senses materially. Thus a sannyasi becomes perfect in his spiritual advancement in knowledge
- Advaita Acarya took prasadam with Mukunda and Haridasa, and they all wholeheartedly ate as much as they desired
- After engaging for ten thousand years in performing different types of devotional service, Kardama Muni attained perfection of meditation, but that is not possible in this age of Kali, wherein it is very difficult to live for as much as one hundred years
- After leveling the surface of the globe, he earmarked different places for residential quarters, in as much as they were desirable
- All the senses we have are controlled by the superior demigods, who are also as much living entities as we are, but one is empowered while the other is controlled
- All the wealth belongs to Krsna. When He was present on this earth, He showed it. Aisvaryasya samagra . . . as much as we can comprehend, He showed. Sixteen thousand wives, sixteen thousand palaces. Who can show it?
- Another word here is mita-bhuk. This means that one should eat only as much as necessary to maintain the body and soul together. One should not be gluttonous to satisfy the tongue
- As far as maintenance of the prison house is concerned, it is done by Visnu, as much as the state prison house is maintained by the state
- As much as the Lord is very much anxious for our benefit, similarly, the devotees of the Lord, they are equally anxious for the benefit of the public
- As much as they advance, they will always find "Not this, not that." But what the ultimate cause is, they will never find. That is not possible
- At the last stage, the limbs of the body are not as much affected as the life air
- Balarama was astonished to see all the residents of Vrndavana so affectionate toward their own children, exactly as they had been for Krsna. Similarly, the cows had grown affectionate toward their calves - as much as toward Krsna
- Bali Maharaja was very pleased to see the features of Vamanadeva and was ready to give Him as much land as He could ask, but because Lord Vamanadeva asked only three paces of land, Bali Maharaja considered Him not very intelligent
- Being in the disciplic succession of Prahlada Maharaja certainly we are not interested for our personal liberation as much as we want to work for the liberation of the conditioned souls because Krishna desires it
- Being unable to rise to the standard of self-realization, he envies such persons as much as demons envy the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Bhadrasena therefore left the party of Balarama & joined Krsna, and he agitated his friends as much as the Mandara Hill had agitated the whole ocean. By his roaring sounds he deafened all his friends, and he enthused Krsna with his chivalrous activities
- Brahma said, "You have drunk their (the innocent village women and cows) milk to satisfaction, yet You are never satisfied as much by those engaged in performing sacrifices"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says: My dear Lord, You have sent in this age Your name, which is full of potency, as much potencies You have got. Still, I am so unfortunate that I cannot chant even Your holy name
- Consequently, the person performing (animal) sacrifice will be responsible for the death of the animal, just as much as a murderer is responsible for killing another man
- Either don't produce children or produce children as much as you can manage. This is Krsna philosophy. Our philosophy is not simply negation. It is positive
- Even above Brahma there are many other living beings with individual capacities. The Personality of Godhead Himself is also a living being and is as much an individual as the other living beings
- Even the so-called vegetarians who do not take Krishna prasadam are as much sinful as the non-vegetarians. Our propaganda is different, to make people Krishna Conscious, which automatically makes them sympathetic against any kind of animal slaughter
- Every woman can qualify herself as much as Devahuti and then can also have God as her son. If the Supreme Personality of Godhead can appear as the son of Devahuti, He can also appear as the son of any other woman, provided that woman is qualified
- Everything is manufactured by God. So everyone has right - not only human being; even the animals - everyone has got the right to live and use things as much as he requires
- First of all produce your own food grain, milk and vegetables, eat as much as absolutely necessary, don't eat more, and in this way keep your health
- For conquering the agitation of the mind one is recommended to take leave of his family and live alone, maintaining body and soul together by begging alms and eating only as much as needed to keep himself alive
- From spiritual, you may draw as much as you can, but it always full. That is the spiritual idea. So God is so full. He's paripurna, purna. So even God comes out of God, still, God is there. That is incarnation
- From the surabhi cows one can take as much milk as one needs, and one may milk these cows as many times as he desires. In other words, the surabhi cow can yield milk unlimitedly
- Fruits, flowers, vegetables, land, ocean, mine, jewels. So we can use it as much as we require. We cannot collect it and keep it in stock for my future son, grandson, this son, that son. No. This is Krsna consciousness
- He (A pure devotee) fully engages in the service of the Lord, and for other affairs he simply spares as much time as absolutely necessary
- He (Balarama) was astonished to see all the residents of Vrndavana so affectionate to their own children, exactly as they had been to Krsna. Similarly, the cows had grown affectionate to the calves - as much as to Krsna
- He (Bhismadeva) was a military man so he was pleased to see Krishna in military spirit, as much as the Gopis wanted to see Krishna as the most beautiful lover
- He (Krsna) Himself has declared as much in many places of the authentic literatures. And yet there is a class of men with demoniac mentality who are always reluctant to accept the Lord as the Supreme Absolute Truth
- He (Krsna) is undoubtedly known as partial to His pure devotees, but in fact He is never partial, as much as the sun is never partial to anyone
- He (the poor brahmana) now could get as much gold as he desired simply by touching the touchstone to iron. But after he left Sanatana, he thought, "If a touchstone is the best benediction, why has Sanatana Gosvami kept it with the garbage
- He also worshiped many other living entities who presented themselves in the sacrificial arena. With folded hands he worshiped all these, as well as the SPG and the personal associates of the Lord, by offering sweet words and as much wealth as possible
- Hearing this, Ramacandra Puri got up and left. He also heard from various sources that all the devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu were eating half as much as usual
- I do not fear being deprived of all my possessions, living in hellish life, being arrested for poverty by the ropes of Varuna or being punished by You as much as I fear defamation
- I do not fear hell, poverty, an ocean of distress, falldown from my position or even death itself as much as I fear cheating a brahmana
- I think Subal and his wife should take care of the Sante Fe Temple, as much as Dayananda and Nandarani should take care of the Temple at Los Angeles
- I want to construct a Jagannatha temple exactly like that in Puri. If you like you can do the full charge to do this job. I shall spend as much money as it is required to do it nicely
- If he wants to know all these, there is bonafide source for understanding these problems, providing he agrees to give a submissive aural reception to the respective authorities as much as he believes in the authoritative statements of Sir Isaac Newton
- If one has staunch faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead and as much faith in the guru, yatha deve tatha gurau, then the revealed scriptures become manifest. It is not the education. It is not the scholarship. It is faith in Krsna and guru
- If one has to imitate the behavior of Rupa Gosvami and all the Gosvamis, it is very difficult. Therefore yukta-vairagya. We must eat krsna-prasadam as much as it is needed for maintaining my body
- If the king of the state is an impious man, sinful man, that kingdom will never be happy. Bhrasta. Everything is spoiled. As much as in a family, if the housewife is not good - contaminated - then there is no good life in the family
- If the man has paid the fee, he should get the benefits as much as the others are getting
- If you can produce Krsna conscious children, produce 100 children. There is no objection. But if you cannot do that, then either don't produce children or produce children as much as you can manage. This is Krsna philosophy, it is not simply a negation
- If you eat extraordinarily, then you will sleep also extraordinarily. If you eat frugally, as much minimum required, then you can conquer over sleep. Eating, sleeping. Sleeping depends on eating
- In Bengal the kayastha community is honored almost as much as the brahmana community, but in the up-country of India the kayasthas are considered sudras because they generally eat meat and drink wine
- In each and every incarnation, He (Krsna) speaks as much about religion as can be understood by the particular people under their particular circumstances. BG 1972 purports
- In Goloka Vrndavana there are desire trees from which anyone can take all kinds of fruits, as much as he may desire. The land is made of touchstone, which when touched to iron will transform it into gold
- In his verses praising the spiritual master, Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura writes: "The spiritual master is honored as much as the Supreme Lord because he is the most confidential servitor of the Lord
- In Krsnaloka in the spiritual sky there are cows which can be milked at any time, and they give as much milk as one likes. Of course such cows do not exist in this material world. BG 1972 purports
- In one day enough food was brought for ten or twenty people, but the hunter and his wife would accept only as much as they could eat
- In the absolute world, the name Krsna is the transcendental sound representation of the Lord. There is no potential difference between His quality, name, form, etc. If we chant the name of the Lord, Hare Krsna, that has as much potency as the Lord Himself
- In the modern age, however, there are so many rascals who recommend that while one has genitals he should enjoy women as much as he likes, and at the same time he can become a yogi
- In the spiritual world the trees are desire tree - means whatever we want, we can get - whereas in this material world, trees are not like that; they are limited potency. The cows there, unlimited potency
- Inasmuch as we associate with God and as we go on hearing the words of Krsna and His names, the contamination of material nature is reduced
- It is said that the demon Putana was elevated to the same position as that of Krsna’s mother. When Krsna kills a demon, the demon is supremely benefited, as much as a pure devotee is benefited by always being protected by the Lord
- It is the nature of Ramacandra Puri that first he lets one eat as much as desired, and if one does not eat more than necessary, with great attention he makes him eat more
- Jivo jivasya jivanam: one living entity is the life for another living entity. But for a human being, that violence should be committed only as much as necessary
- Just like the birds or beast, they are getting their bread without going to the church. They do not go to the church for asking God, "Give us our daily bread." The bread is there in the tree. They go and take as much bread as they like
- King Yayati became the ruler of the entire world, consisting of seven islands, and ruled the citizens exactly like a father. Because he had taken the youth of his son, his senses were unimpaired, and he enjoyed as much material happiness as he desired
- King Yudhisthira, who is morality personified, and the Yadus are undoubtedly great allies, but without the guidance of Lord Krsna all of them are nonentities, as much as the senses of the body are useless without the guidance of consciousness
- Krsna again worshiped him (Narada) with as much paraphernalia for reception as He had used in the palace of Rukmini. After worshiping him properly, Lord Krsna acted as if He did not know what had happened in the palace of Rukmin
- Krsna always tries to please His devotees as much as the devotees try to please Krsna. As the devotees always think of Krsna within their hearts, Krsna also thinks of His devotees within Himself
- Krsna can take your charity as much as you can give. Just like Bali, Bali Maharaja
- Krsna consciousness movement means that, that you earn as much as you like, but the enjoyer should be Krsna, not you
- Living entities, beginning from Brahma, the highest demigod, down to the lowest ant, have right to use natural resources. Narada Muni points out that we can use these resources as much as we require, but if we take more than required, we become thieves
- Lord Krsna said, "They are always absorbed in thinking of Us. Go there and ask for some food in My name and the name of Balarama, and I am sure that they will deliver you as much food as you desire"
- Lord Nityananda Prabhu replied, "Whatever I may be, You have invited Me. Therefore You must supply as much as I want to eat"
- Lord Sri Krsna, also appeases 2) all the other parts and parcels, as much as watering the root of a tree distributes energy to all of the tree's other parts
- Materially, everyone wants to satisfy his senses, & he wants God to be the order supplier for such satisfaction. The Lord will satisfy the senses of the living entities as much as they deserve, but not to the extent that they may covet. BG 1972 purports
- Mukunda’s business with us is simply to smear our marks of kunkuma. O ocean, you suffer as much as we
- Narada instructed the hunter: As far as your livelihood is concerned, I shall send you grains, but you will only accept as much grain as you require for yourself and your wife
- Narada Muni continued, ‘Every day I shall send sufficient food to you both (the brahmana and his wife). You can take as much food as you want'
- Narada said to Yudhisthira: "One may claim proprietorship to as much wealth as required to maintain body & soul together, but one who desires proprietorship over more than that is considered a thief, and he deserves to be punished by the laws of nature"
- Neither through astanga-yoga, nor impersonal monism or an analytical study of the Absolute Truth, nor study of the Vedas, nor austerities, charity or acceptance of sannyasa can one satisfy Me as much as by developing unalloyed devotional service unto Me
- No, no, sri-krsna-caitanya is for, in the beginning it is done. Now you go on chanting as much as you can. And if you chant sri-krsna-caitanya that is also very good. There is no prohibition
- Not only are the devotees dear to Lord Siva, but he respects them as much as he respects God. Similarly, devotees of the Supreme Lord also worship Lord Siva as the most dear devotee of Krsna. They do not worship him as a separate Personality of Godhead
- O King, controller of the entire universe, although you are very munificent and are able to give Me as much land as I want, I do not want anything from you that is unnecessary
- O small boy, one who approaches me to beg something should not have to ask anything more, anywhere. Therefore, if You wish, You may ask from me as much land as will suffice to maintain You according to Your needs
- Of course, Krsna has immense potencies by which He can supply as much as everyone wants. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman
- One can milk a surabhi cow as often as one likes, and the cow will deliver as much milk as one requires. Milk is necessary for the production of so many milk products, especially clarified butter, which is required for performance of great sacrifices
- One has to become a gosvami and control his senses. One should not simply use his senses for sense gratification; rather, the senses should be employed just as much as required for maintaining body and soul together
- One is recommended to take leave of his family and live alone, maintaining body and soul together by begging alms and eating only as much as needed to keep himself alive. Without such a process, one cannot conquer lusty desires
- One may claim proprietorship to as much wealth as required to maintain body and soul together, but one who desires proprietorship over more than that must be considered a thief, and he deserves to be punished by the laws of nature
- One should eat and enjoy his senses as much as necessary, one should properly endeavor to execute his duties, and one should regulate his sleep and wakefulness. Thus one can become freed from material pains by executing mystic yoga
- One should execute his prescribed duties to the best of his ability and avoid duties not allotted to him. One should be satisfied with as much gain as he achieves by the grace of the Lord, and one should worship the lotus feet of a spiritual master
- One should have only as much as he requires. If there is greater production, that should be distributed to persons who need them. Because food grains, especially, they are meant for all living entities, they should not be spoiled
- One should know the Lord as much as can be known by our limited knowledge. It is impossible for the Lord to be known perfectly as He is
- One should not be satisfied simply by knowing the qualitative equality of the Lord and the living being. One should know the Lord as much as can be known by our limited knowledge
- One should own as much as he immediately needs. There is no need to keep a big balance at hand, along with the fear that it may be plundered by the government or by thieves
- One should practice nonviolence and truthfulness, should avoid thieving and be satisfied with possessing as much as he needs for his maintenance
- One should surrender to the Lord as much as an animal purchased from the market surrenders to its master. Such an animal never thinks of his maintenance because he knows that his master will look after him
- One who desires to conquer the mind must leave the company of his family and live in a solitary place, free from contaminated association. To maintain the body and soul together, he should beg as much as he needs for the bare necessities of life
- One yojana is calculated to be eight miles, and he has to pass along a road (to reach Yamaraja) which is as much as 792,000 miles. Such a long distance is passed over within a few moments only
- People are engaged to earn money, working very hard day and night. So if there is such thing that simply by pleasing Krsna you can get as much money as you want, then why shall I earn money?
- Please increase your enthusiasm for pushing on this Krsna Consciousness movement and Krsna will inspire you with all intelligence for serving Him as much as you engage yourself with sincerity and devotion
- Pleasing Narayana does not require as much endeavor as pleasing one's family, community and nation. We have seen important political leaders killed for a slight discrepancy in their behavior
- Pouring water on the root is the right process to water the tree, as much as feeding the stomach supplies energy to all parts of the body
- Pravrtti-marga means if you want to enjoy the senses whimsically, as much as you like, that is called pravrtti-marga. And the other marga, way is the crossing, the nivrtti-marga: no more sense gratification. That is called nivrtti-marga
- Produce children as much as you can train them to become eternally family members of Krsna. That is spiritual contraceptive. Don't produce children like cats and dogs
- Pure devotion is as much infectious, in a good sense, as infectious diseases
- Ramacandra Puri criticized Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's eating; therefore the Lord reduced His eating to a minimum. However, when all the Vaisnavas became very sorry, the Lord increased His portion to half as much as usual
- Regarding Paramatma Das, I think he should simply push on with his school work as much as it may be necessary and the remainder of the time he may spend with the devotees in our Krsna Conscious activities
- Since Krsna is absolute, His so-called unkind activities are as relishable as His kind activities
- So long life is there, eating must be there, sleeping must be there. But not that sleeping twenty, twenty-five hours, and sex as much as they like, and eating voraciously. In this way if we keep our civilization, it will never be happy
- Sometimes it is seen that spiritually advanced persons become materially impoverished. This is no discouragement. On the other hand, such impoverishment is a good sign as much as the falling of temperature is a good sign
- Sri Narada Muni could enter all these planets in both the material and spiritual spheres without restriction, as much as the almighty Lord is free to move personally in any part of His creation
- Srila Rupa Gosvami recommends: anasaktasya visayan yatharham upayunjatah. One should not be attached to sense objects, but should accept sense enjoyment as much as required, no more
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami admitted that to give full details of this expansive material universe would be impossible, but nevertheless he wanted to give the King (Pariksit) as much knowledge as he had received through the parampara system
- Srimad-Bhagavatam means consciousness of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Sri Krsna, and Srimad-Bhagavatam is the sound representation of the Lord as much as the Bhagavad-gita is
- Such grossly materialistic persons forget that although we may eat as much as we like, if the food is not digested it produces the troubles of indigestion and acidity
- Surabhi means you can milk as many times as you like, and as much milk as you want, you can take it
- Take books as much as you like and with the local man's help immediately open a center and try to stay there as long as possible. In your absence the local man may manage. Train him in that way
- Tapasya means denying all these things, denying. Eating as much as I require to maintain my body - this is tapasya, not that voraciously eating. Tapasya means practically not eating. That is tapasya: not eating
- That is tapasya: eating, sleeping, mating, and defense as much as it is required. The aim should be to make it nil
- The body needs food, but a devotee should not accept foodstuff to satisfy the tongue in sense gratification. It is recommended in Bhagavad-gita that one should accept as much food as necessary to keep the body fit, but one should not eat for luxury
- The body of this ghost is very long, five to seven cubits. Each of its arms and legs is as much as three cubits long
- The brahmana accepts all kinds of contributions (pratigraha) from his followers - namely, the ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras. But he does not keep all the money. He keeps only as much as required and gives the balance to others in charity - dana
- The citizens of Dvaraka were in a state of melancholy due to the Lord's absence from the transcendental city, as much as we are put in a state of melancholy at night because of the absence of the sun
- The Communist friends, of course, have brought a whole truckload of bread, and they say, "Take as much as you like. Now, who is better - the Communists or your God?" Because the people are not very intelligent, they reply, - Oh, you are better
- The cow does not give as much milk as it used to give formerly. The production of vegetables and fruits is less than before. As such, all living beings, both men and animals, do not have sumptuous, nourishing food
- The demons have now neglected such injunctions (that a woman should not be given freedom), and they think that women should be given as much freedom as men. However, this has not improved the social condition of the world. BG 1972 purports
- The duty of the part and parcel is to render service to the whole; as much as different limbs of the body are engaged to render service to the whole body. These things are very simple to understand
- The effects of war or pitched upheavals touch the body only and not the soul, much as the effects of a sumptuous feast touch the hunger of the stomach only and not that of the mind. None of these material effects ever touches the eternal living entity
- The grocer heard the whole story, and his mind became changed - Oh, such a chaste woman. Such a faithful . . . she . . . you are my mother. You take more ingredients, grains. As much as you like
- The little boy was very satisfied with this, and the next day he went to his teacher and said, "I will supply you as much yogurt as you need." The teacher felt that this was very nice, and he was pleased with the boy
- The living beings are given as much freedom as they deserve, and misuse of that freedom is the cause of suffering
- The manvantara incarnation chastises all the miscreant rulers of different planets with as much power as that of the Lord, who punishes the miscreants with His wheel weapon. The manvantara incarnations disseminate the transcendental glories of the Lord
- The material covering of the pure spirit soul is an external feature, as much as fever is an external feature of the unhealthy body. The general process is to decrease the degree of the fever and not to aggravate it by maltreatment
- The Parabrahman is as much a person as the individual entities. Neither the Lord nor the living entities are impersonal
- The Personality of Godhead Himself is also a living being, as much an individual as other living beings. But the Supreme Lord is the supreme living being, with the greatest mind and the supermost inconceivable energies in great variety
- The personified Vedas continued, "Such pure devotees, thoroughly engaged in Krsna consciousness, very easily overcome the cycle of birth and death, and they as much as jump over the head of death"
- The purport is that if one wants to return home, back to Godhead, one should voluntarily refrain from sex life. Sex should be accepted only as much as needed, not unlimitedly
- The revealed scriptures prohibit one's pretending to be God, but a bona fide spiritual master is a most faithful and confidential servant of the Lord and therefore deserves as much respect as Krsna
- The senses are the practical signs of life. Human civilization is meant for purifying the senses, and objects of sense satisfaction should be supplied as much as absolutely required, but not for aggravating artificial sensory needs
- The sixty-four regulative principles (of devotional service) are as follows: (8) To minimize one's means of living as much as one can, while living comfortably to execute devotional service
- The spirit soul is person as much as God is also person. Imperson means the covering. Try to understand. The covering is impersonal, not the living being. He is covered. He is not imperson. He is person
- The spiritual master is to be honored as much as the Supreme Lord because of his being the most confidential servitor of the Lord. This is acknowledged by all revealed scriptures and is followed by all authorities
- The sun extends for 10,000 yojanas, and the moon extends for twice that, or 20,000 yojanas. The word dvadasa should be understood to mean twice as much as ten, or twenty
- The Supersoul never will fall under the clutches of this illusory maya and the jiva soul has this tendency. So there is distinction, yet, the two, Supersoul and jiva soul are also the same as much as the sunlight and the Sun are qualitatively the same
- The Supreme Lord is as much an individual as other living beings, but He is different in that He is the Supreme and all other living beings are subordinate to Him
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Ananta, eats through the fire sacrifices offered in the names of the different demigods, He does not take as much pleasure in eating through fire as He does in accepting offerings through the mouths of learned sages
- The word atma-gatim is significant in the sense of perfect knowledge of God. One should not be satisfied simply by knowing the qualitative equality of God and the living being. One should know the Lord as much as can be known by our limited knowledge
- The word used in this connection is yatha, which means "as much as deserved." The outcastes should not be given money with which to indulge in more than they need, for otherwise they will misuse it
- There are certain prescribed methods for employing our senses and mind in such a way that our dormant consciousness for loving Krsna will be invoked, as much as the child, with a little practice, can begin to walk
- There is mention of them (cows which can be milked at any time & they give as much milk as one likes) in Krsnaloka. The Lord keeps many such cows, which are called surabhi. It is stated that the Lord is engaged in herding surabhi cows. BG 1972 purports
- Therein he (Sanatana Gosvami) has clearly stated that any person who is properly initiated into the Vaisnava cult certainly becomes a brahmana, as much as the metal known as kamsa (bell metal) is turned into gold by the mixture of mercury
- These persons (who are not interested in books of knowledge) are condemned by the supreme order as much as a hog is condemned
- They completely control the six bad qualities - lust, anger, greed & so forth. They eat only as much as required, & they are not inebriated. They are respectful, grave, compassionate & without false prestige. They are friendly, poetic, expert & silent
- This is knowledge, that everything belongs to Krsna, or God. We can use them as much as we like
- This is the very easiest method. Chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Sit down as much time as you can devote. The Lord is at your home. It is a great fortune. So do this, both, all family together
- This material energy is one of the Lord's potencies, as much as heat and light are potencies of fire. The material energy is not different from the Supreme Godhead, but at the same time He has nothing to do with the material energy
- Those who are elevated beyond the planetary system to the brahman effulgence, they are also prone to fall down as much as a living entity from the higher planetary system
- Those who are Krsna conscious, who are always thinking of Krsna within their minds and within their hearts, are not suffering as much because they know that whatever they might suffer is due to Krsna's desire. Therefore they welcome suffering
- Those who are sinful persons, they cannot become so much purified by observing austerity, penances, celibacy, as one can become completely freed from sinful reaction by becoming devotee
- To offer the highest respects to the Supreme Person and as much respect to the Spiritual Master, makes one bona fide to receive spiritual knowledge by revelation
- To the extent we are thinking of Krishna, to that extent Maya has no influence. But as much as we are desiring to forget Krishna and trying to enjoy for ourself, so to that extent we must suffer the pains of Maya
- We are not meant for moving anyone's sentiment against animal slaughter, we are neither Buddhists or Jains, whose propaganda is against animal slaughter. The so-called vegetarians who do not take Krishna prasadam are as much sinful as the non-vegetarians
- We are trying to change the consciousness. Krsna consciousness movement means that, that you earn as much as you like, but the enjoyer should be Krsna, not you. That is Krsna consciousness
- We do not judge the man by his dress, so we are not concerned with the color of our cloth as much as we are concerned to keep our conduct on the plane of pure spiritual life
- We don't say that you should not be lusty. If you have got capacity to earn money, earn money, as much as you can, but utilize it for Krsna. If I am very angry, yes, you remain angry, but utilize it for Krsna
- We have great respect for Lord Jesus Christ. We accept him as powerful incarnation of Krishna, as much as we accept Lord Buddha
- We have practical experience in America that in our various ISKCON farms we are giving proper protection to the cows and receiving more than enough milk. In other farms the cows do not deliver as much milk as in our farms
- We have to commit violence; that is a natural law. We should not, however, commit violence extravagantly, but only as much as ordered by the Lord
- We have to learn this purificatory process (gratifying Krsna's senses) from a sadhu. Inasmuch as we try to gratify our senses, we become attached to the material world
- We require material necessities as much as it is required, no artificial life. That is spiritual life. Simply increasing artificial life, even for shaving, a big machine is required. What is this? Simply wasting time
- We shall always take as much as we require. That is called yoga-yukta. Yuktahara-viharasya yogo bhavati siddhih: one who is situated just exactly what he needs
- We shall avoid these two things - laziness and sleeping. Of course, as much you require, sleeping allowed, not more than. And keep everyone active, man or woman - all. Then it will be ideal society
- We should save time (in New Mayapura), as much for this purpose, for chanting, discussing grantha. Not for any personal so-called comforts
- Whatever you are doing, that is by Krsna's grace. And when you are still favorable, then Krsna will give you more facilities. Krsna will give you facility, will favor you, as much as you desire, not more than that
- When the devotees smell the good flavor of the incense which is offered to the Deity, they thus become cured of the poisonous effects of material contamination, as much as one becomes cured of a snakebite by smelling the prescribed medicinal herbs
- When there is allowance for sex life or meat-eating or drinking in the sastras, they are not meant for instigating that "You go on with this business as much as you can." No. Actually they are meant for restriction
- When they all requested very fervently that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu take a full meal, He still would not do so. Instead, He responded to their request by accepting half as much as usual
- While working to earn his livelihood as much as necessary to maintain body and soul together, one who is actually learned should live in human society unattached to family affairs, although externally appearing very much attached
- Who can describe the unlimited glories of Advaita Acarya? I write here as much as I have known from great authorities
- With the appearance of Sri Krsna within our heart, we become cleansed of the impurities of material contact, much as the morning appears new and fresh with the appearance of the sun
- Without the guidance of Lord Krsna all of them (Pandavas) are nonentities, as much as the senses of the body are useless without the guidance of consciousness
- You are in the midst of unfavorable circumstances as much as you were when you were in Pakistan. So Krishna is desiring that you deliver these persons who are in very awkward circumstances within this material world
- You cannot sleep more than six hours, seven hours, that's all. So two hours chanting and seven hours sleeping. Sleeping is a very important thing in your country, but reduce it. As much as you reduce sleeping and eating, you will become advanced
- You may get books, as many as possible, from Karandhar, at cost price and sell them profusely for as much price as you like and all profits above cost price you may use to buy the church
- You may learn from him what your duty is and how to discharge it. I do not know as much as he
- You mentioned in your letter that you had read many other Bhagavad-gitas before you read mine and that none of them revealed as much to you as Bhagavad-gita As It Is. The reason is because we do not change the actual meaning of the gita at all