Category:Accepting Krsna
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Pages in category "Accepting Krsna"
The following 433 pages are in this category, out of 433 total.
- A devotee, because a nondevotee has become a devotee, he is practicing how to simply accept Krsna's orders. But by his previous habit he's still engaged in "do it" and "don't do it." That is his previous habit
- A guru is necessary. In the Bhagavad-gita, when Krsna and Arjuna were talking as friends, there was no conclusion. So Arjuna decided to accept Krsna as his guru
- A learned man who has thoroughly studied the scriptures cannot hesitate to accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If such a man argues about this matter, certainly he must be doing so to agitate the minds of his opponents
- Accept Krishna as your husband & He will never cheat you. He is competent to maintain any number of wife with full comforts because He is Omnipotent. So remain busy in the service of your Husband and you will be happy in this life as well as in the next
- Accept Krsna as He says. That's all. Finished. That is the main business. Our philosophy is simple because we take it, Krsna's word, as it is, that's all. And we believe it firmly
- Accept Krsna as your friend. You'll be happy. - This is the message of Krsna consciousness
- Accepting Krsna in this way (He is the only possesion), one attains transcendental position of the Absolute. Atmaramaya - At that time, one becomes happy with You. Krsna, You are happy with Yourself, & one who surrenders to You becomes happy, as You are
- Accepting Lord Krsna's proposal, the cowherd boys allowed the calves to drink water from the river and then tied them to trees where there was green, tender grass - SB 10.13.7
- Accepting that Krishna is everything, what is aimed by the Ram Krishna Mission or by the Maharishi group is also Krishna; but Krishna says that although everything is expansion of Himself, He is not in everything
- According to the evidences afforded by various Vedic scriptures, the Supreme Lord Krsna is accepted as the ultimate goal of Brahman realization
- According to Vedic way, Krsna is the Absolute Truth. Krsna is Absolute Truth, accepted by the acaryas. Indian civilization is carried on the advice of the acarya-sampradaya. So all the acaryas they all accept Krsna as the Absolute Truth
- After Brahman realization, when a liberated soul comes in contact with a pure devotee of Lord Krsna and submissively accepts the teachings of Lord Krsna without misinterpretation, he becomes situated in this neutral stage of devotional service
- All Indians are interested in spreading this movement. Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Lord by all Indians. His birthday ceremony, Janmastami, is observed by all Indians
- All the acaryas - Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Nimbarka and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu - also accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord
- All the acaryas, big, big acarya, accepted Him, Krsna is the origin of everything. Arjuna, who heard Bhagavad-gita, he accepted Him, Krsna is origin. Why we should try to understand Krsna otherwise? What is this foolishness
- All the cowherd boys used to play with Krsna, who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead for devotees who have accepted eternal servitorship, and who for ordinary persons is but another ordinary child - SB 10.12.7-11
- All these two groups (of Sankaracarya and Vaisnavas), following the Vedic principles, they accept Krsna as the SPG. So far India's authoritative persons are concerned, there is no two opinions, that Krsna is not God. Both of them accept Krsna the SP
- Although Arjuna personally accepts the statements of Sri Krsna, in order to clarify the situation for people, he asks (BG 4.4): The sun-god Vivasvan is senior by birth to You. How am I to understand that in the beginning You instructed this science to him
- Although here in this material world we try to make our relationship with the Supreme by accepting Him as father, Krsna wants to become the son. He takes pleasure in becoming the son of a devotee
- Although Krsna was acting so wonderfully, Maharaja Nanda and mother Yasoda could not think of Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Instead, they always accepted Him as their beloved child
- Although the original flame, or Sri Krsna, is accepted as Govinda, the Supreme Person, all other expansions, such as Rama, Nrsimha and Varaha, are as potent as the original Lord. All such expanded forms are transcendental
- Although the sahajiyas do not think much of Vedic knowledge, they nonetheless have accepted Lord Krsna as the Supreme Lord. Unfortunately, they mislead others from authentic devotional service
- Arjuna accepted Krsna as the supermost pure. How you can approach the supermost pure without becoming yourself pure? So this is the steppingstone to become pure, because we are contaminated
- Arjuna accepted Krsna as the Supreme Lord, and therefore he knew that it was quite possible for Krsna to have spoken to someone millions of years before
- Arjuna accepts Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and any commentary on the Gita following in the footsteps of Arjuna is real devotional service to the cause of this great science. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna has accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the supreme abode of all living entities, not only because of his personal experience but also because of the evidences of great authorities like Narada, Asita, Devala & Vyasa. BG 1972 p
- Arjuna has already accepted Krsna as his spiritual master by surrendering himself unto Him: sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam tvam prapannam. Consequently, Krsna will now tell him about the working process in buddhi-yoga, or karma-yoga. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna has given reference that all the great sages... At that time, Vyasadeva... Vyasadeva is still present. So "Vyasadeva accepts You (Krsna), Narada accepts You, and Asita, Devala, big, big, great sages accepts You"
- Arjuna heard from Krsna about Himself, and he agreed. So He is accepted by the direct disciple, Arjuna; He is accepted by Vyasadeva; He is accepted by Narada Muni
- Arjuna is exampling himself that he's accepting Krsna as the spiritual master, teacher. And then Krsna began to teach the Bhagavad-gita, and he changed his decision, and he was freed from all anxieties. This is spiritual life
- Arjuna is not a fool. He said: "Whatever You have said, I accept them as truth." That is real understanding
- Arjuna is very enlightened and is glad that he has a great friend like Krsna, but now he is thinking that although he may accept Krsna as the source of everything, others may not. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna knew that Krsna was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore he surrendered himself unto Him, accepting Him as his spiritual master. Unless one is a devotee of Lord Krsna's, he cannot possibly understand Bhagavad-gita
- Arjuna said: O Krsna, I totally accept as truth all that You have told me. Neither the gods nor demons, O Lord, know Thy personality. BG 1972 Introduction
- Arjuna says that Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead not only by himself but by authorities like the sage Narada, Asita, Devala, Vyasadeva & so on. These are great personalities who distribute the Vedic knowledge. BG 1972 Introduction
- Arjuna tells Krsna that he accepts whatever He says to be completely perfect. Sarvam etad rtam manye: I accept everything You say to be true. BG 1972 Introduction
- Arjuna's acceptance of Krsna as the supreme pure complies with the injunctions of Vedic literature. This is also confirmed by great personalities, of whom Narada is the chief. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna, by his direct experience talking with Krsna, he understood Him that, "Krsna, You are Param Brahman." So you take the words of Arjuna and accept Him as Param Brahman
- Arjuna, when he understood BG, he declared that "to understand Your personality. It is very, very difficult." And he has accepted Him as person, purusam sasvatam, "You are eternally person." These things are there. The real understanding is there
- As Arjuna, we should accept Krsna as the SP of Godhead and do as He says (BG 9.27): O son of Kunti, all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me
- As far as Krsna is concerned, every Vedic authority has accepted Him as God. When He was present on earth, His activities displayed were superhuman. If one does not believe this, it is to be concluded that he will not believe whatever evidence is given
- As scholars of the Vedas, they (the Yadus) verified the Vedic hymns: eko devah... sarva-bhutadhivasah... antaryami... and vrsninam para-devata... The Yadus, therefore, accepted Lord Krsna as the Supersoul incarnated in their family, and not more than that
- As soon as the jiva soul agrees to accept the other bird as the supreme spiritual master - as Arjuna agreed to do by voluntary surrender unto Krsna for instruction - the subordinate bird immediately becomes free from all lamentations. BG 1972 purports
- As soon as we accept Krsna and His associates as our preceptors, no ill effects can destroy our knowledge
- Associate with sadhus means those who are actually on the platform. So if he associates with the sadhu - the sadhus accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead - he will get the understanding that Krsna is the Supreme Lord
- At the request of the mother, He (Krsna) became like a human child and at once left her for another devotee at Gokula, where He was accepted as the son of Nanda Maharaja and Yasoda Mata
- Baladeva is a direct expansion of Krsna, but He still accepts Krsna as worshipable
- Because he (Arjuna) accepted Krsna as spiritual master, so spiritual master has the right to chide his disciple. So He immediately chided him
- Because He possesses the spiritual potencies, which fulfill all His desires, Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the Vedic version
- Because Krsna was the well-wisher of the Pandavas, He also acted as guru by becoming the spiritual master of Arjuna. Arjuna accepted Krsna as his spiritual master (sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam tvam prapannam (BG 2.7)), and Krsna sometimes chastised him
- Because Lord Krsna appeared as the son of Devaki, the Mayavadi philosophers accept Krsna to be an ordinary living entity who takes birth within this material world
- Behind this material, big material nature, cosmic manifestation, there is God. That is Krsna, and accepted by all authorities. We have to accept things which is accepted by authorities
- Best intelligence is to accept Supreme Lord, Krsna, as the predominator and be predominated by Him. That is our natural life. One who does not know, he falls down
- Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary study of the Bhagavatam. And Srimad-Bhagavatam is the summum bonum of life, Lord Sri Krsna personified. We must therefore accept Srimad-Bhagavatam as the direct representation of Lord Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita was spoken directly by the Supreme Lord, and Arjuna accepted Krsna as guru, or spiritual master. Similarly, we should accept only Krsna as the supreme spiritual master
- Brahma and Indra, they are not fools. When they saw that "A boy is in Vrndavana, and He is accepted as the Supreme Lord, and He is doing something like God. Let us test"
- Brahma is accepting the Supreme Personality of Govinda, Krsna in Vrndavana. Venum kvanantam: He is engaged in playing flute
- Brahman means it is very, very great; and not only great, it is becoming greater and greater. Brhannatvat. So the greatness understanding, of Krsna or the Absolute Truth is accepted everywhere in civilized human society
- But because they (the gopis) had that natural tendency to accept Krsna as their supreme husband, the relationship between the gopis and Krsna is called parakiya-rasa
- By accepting Krsna in this spirit (as said in BG 9.27), we can attain complete knowledge. If, however, we do not accept Krsna and interpret Bhagavad-gita in our own way, then everything will be spoiled
- By the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu one can have real understanding of the essence of knowledge by avoiding these sectarian views and accepting the lotus feet of Krsna as the ultimate goal of life
- By the yogis He is accepted as the supersoul and by the devotees as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Devotees accept that the ultimate cause is Krsna because this conclusion is supported by all Vedic literature and also by Krsna Himself, who says, aham sarvasya prabhavah: (BG 10.8) "I am the source of everything
- Devotees who follow these imperishable religious principles of Krsna consciousness with great faith and devotion, fully accepting Me as the supreme goal, are very, very dear to Me
- Dharma-samsthapanarthaya. He has come. He came to establish real religious principle. Real religious principle means to accept the codes of Krsna. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam - SB 6.3.19
- Don't be lost of your knowledge. Stick to Krsna and accept His words as it is. Then you will be one day fearless, abhayam sattva-samsuddhih (BG 16.1). Your existence will be purified, spiritual existence
- Don't make any plan. Accept Krsna's plan. That will be simply giving trouble to Krsna. Therefore, a devotee does not pray even for his maintenance. That is pure devotee. He doesn't give trouble to Krsna even for his bare maintenance
- Due to His mystic covering, He was always accepted as an ordinary human child by His so-called father and mother and other relatives
- Either you become communist or capitalist or this or that, you have to accept one leader. So take the best, first-class, perfect leader: Krsna. Then you'll be happy
- Even if we attempt to render some devotional service to Him and fall down, we lose nothing and gain everything. A human life is guaranteed in our next birth. It is therefore to our benefit to accept Krsna
- Even if you do not understand, your dull brain, but we have to accept the words of Krsna. That is the critical point. If we take Krsna's instruction, everything will be solved. There will be no problem
- Even Sankaracarya, who is a impersonalist, he has accepted Lord Krsna as the supreme Narayana. In his comment on Bhagavad-gita he says, narayanah parah avyaktat: "Narayana is beyond this material creation."
- Even without becoming master He (Krsna) is providing everything. Even though those who do not accept Him, He is also giving them. What to speak of those who have accepted Him? This is very simple philosophy. It is His position to accept service
- Everyone accepts Him (Krsna), all the acaryas, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Sankaracarya, Lord Caitanya. So why don't you accept Krsna? Why you're searching after learned man? Here is the best learned man. Simple truth
- Everyone can accept Krsna in so many ways. We can love Krsna as Arjuna did, or as Mother Yasoda did. Similarly, Pariksit Maharaja simply heard about Krsna and developed love
- Everyone is accepting Krsna. But this is the most unfortunate thing, that our men go there to deprecate Krsna. Therefore we should very carefully try to understand Bhagavad-gita as it is presented by Krsna
- Everyone's point is happiness. And what is that standard of happiness, that you have to take from some authority. That authority we accept Krsna
- Except the devotee of Krsna, everyone is simply giving Krsna trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble. Therefore, they are called duskrtina. Duskrtina, most miscreant, the miscreants. Don't make any plan. Accept Krsna's plan
- Factually the only real husband of all women is Krsna, the supreme husband. Because the gopis were liberated souls, they understood this fact. Therefore they rejected their material husbands and accepted Krsna as their real husband
- First of all let them prove that they are sane men. They are all insane rascals. Why shall I take their words? We are taking words from Krsna, who is accepted the Supreme by all the acaryas, all the great sages
- Following in the footsteps of Prahlada Maharaja, we should reject all the rascals who pretend to be God. We must accept Krsna and His incarnations, and no one else
- Following in the footsteps of Sri Arjuna, who is a personal devotee of the Lord, one should accept the supremacy of Lord Krsna, as supported by Nimbarka and Visnu Svami and still later by the greatest acarya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Following in the footsteps of Sri Arjuna, who is a personal devotee of the Lord, one should accept the supremacy of Lord Krsna, as supported by Vyasa, Devala, Asita, Narada and later by the acaryas Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya
- Following the footsteps of Arjuna, if we accept Krsna's words, not blindly but with good logic, good scientific research, if we actually try to understand what Krsna speaks, then all our problems are solved
- For logicians who want to accept only that which is proven through logic and argument, it is a fact that without logic and reason there can be no question of accepting the Absolute Truth
- For them (the demons who do not like the idea that Krsna should be accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead) only Arjuna inquires on this point (BG 4.4), as if he were himself not aware of the Personality of Godhead, or Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Formerly there were kings like Jarasandha who strictly followed the Vedic rituals, acted as charitable, competent ksatriyas, possessed all ksatriya qualities and were even obedient to the brahminical culture but who did not accept Krsna as the SPOG
- From the very moment of His appearance to the moment of His disappearance, every one of His activities is unparalleled in the history of the world, and therefore anyone who knows what we mean by Godhead will accept Krsna as the SP of Godhead
- From Vedic knowledge, you get all knowledge. So if you don't accept Krsna as God, that is also your mistake. You do not know God, but here Krsna presents Himself as God, and He is accepted by authorities
- Generally, Narayana is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but from authentic scripture we understand that Narayana is expansion of Krsna
- Generally, persons who had faith in the revealed scriptures accepted the Lord (Krsna) as He is, and all of them merged into great bereavement when the Lord disappeared from the world
- Glorification is this process of bhakti-yoga, the chanting of Hare Krsna. The great souls, understanding the nature of God, His descent and His mission, glorify Him in so many ways, but there are others who do not accept Him
- God (Krsna) is asamordhva, which means that no one is equal to or superior to Him. If we find someone who has no superior, we can accept him as God. God can be defined as one who has no superior and who has no equal. This is the Vedic version
- God is accepted, not now, even when Krsna was present, five thousand years ago, all great sages, saintly persons, great rsis, they also accepted. Narada, Devala, Vyasa
- God realization is very easy, but at the same time it is very difficult. It is easy for those who accept Krsna's word as truth
- Guru does not accept, although he is worshiped like Krsna, he never accepts that "I am Krsna." That is our parampara system. Sisya has to accept guru as Krsna, but guru will never accept that he is Krsna. This is our relationship
- Guru is very important, because he has accepted Krsna . . . Tattva-darsibhih, he has seen the truth
- He (Krsna) is called the well-wisher for the devotees only. He appears to be partial to His devotees, but factually the matter rests on the living being to accept or reject equal treatment by the Lord
- He (Krsna) is for everyone. Otherwise, how you Americans, Europeans and others outside India, how you are accepting? Because originally Krsna is your father, everyone's father. Mamaivamso jiva - BG 15.7
- He (Krsna) is the original spiritual master because He was accepted by Arjuna. So what is the difficulty? Sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam tvam prapannam (BG 2.7). Arjuna told the Lord, - I am Your disciple, & a soul surrendered unto You. Please instruct me
- He (Krsna) showed by practical example. He is accepted by great, great sages like Narada, Vyasadeva, Devala, Asita. That is also stated when Arjuna accept Him
- He (Lord Krsna) is the husband of everyone, but to one who accepts Him as such, He reciprocates. This unalloyed affection for the Lord is never to be compared to mundane lust. It is purely transcendental
- He (the young brahmana) believed that the Supreme Personality of Godhead was the topmost authority, he accepted the words of Lord Krsna without hesitation, and he had firm faith in the Lord’s consistency
- He (Vidura) accepted Krsna as his worshipable Lord and followed His instructions wholeheartedly
- How can one be accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is addicted to more than sixteen thousand wives? This question may be relevantly raised by inquisitive persons really anxious to know about the transcendental nature of the Supreme Lord
- How Krsna can be immoral? By accepting, by chanting Krsna's name, the immoral persons are becoming moral, and Krsna is immoral. Just see the foolishness
- Human life is meant for understanding our situation, and we should take instructions from Bhagavad-gita. Arjuna is personally teaching us by accepting Krsna as his guru
- I accept Caitanya Mahaprabhu because my Guru Maharaja accepted. He accepted Caitanya as Krsna; his Guru Maharaja accepted. When guru says that Caitanya is Krsna, he quotes sastra
- I do not know what wonderful. I do not know any magic. I simply say that you accept Krsna or Bhagavad-gita as it is. That's all. That is my magic
- I have told them that Krsna is the Supreme Lord, and they have accepted. This is my magic, and this is their magic. That's all
- I mean to say, even there are other sects, as you say, Maharshi, they accept also indirectly Krsna as the supreme authority. Because if we say Maharshi belongs to Sankara sampradaya, you said just like
- I shall accept thousands of teachers except Krsna. This is my determination - Then how you can be happy? The happiness can be achieved only by accepting Krsna.
- If a devotee accepts Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the universal guru and Lord Jagannatha as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, he is benefited by the combined mercy of Krsna and guru
- If Dr. Radhakrishnan really accepts Lord Krsna as the absolute God, then what inspired him to see another being within Krsna and to write, "It is not the personal Krsna to whom we have to give ourselves up
- If he (sudra) accepts Krsna, then he also attains the perfection, goes back to home, back to Godhead. So there is no cause of disappointment because everyone has become sudra
- If it is accepted by the great acaryas that He's God then there is no doubt. If Krsna is accepted God, by all the acaryas, bona fide acaryas, authorities
- If Krsna has been accepted as the supreme authority by so many big, big men, why should we not keep our faith in Krsna? Or Jesus Christ? That's all right
- If Krsna is accepted as a son, He will never die
- If one accepts Bhagavad-gita as a great book of knowledge, he is also accepting Krsna. There is no doubt that the Supreme Absolute Truth is Krsna and that we have our eternal relationship with Him
- If one accepts Krsna as the supreme friend, the attraction of material friendship will be finished for him, and he will not be dismayed by so-called friendship with mundane wranglers
- If the fortunate people of this time accept the instructions of Lord Krsna, they will certainly be happy in Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission
- If we accept Krsna as friend, master, son or lover, we will never be frustrated. Every living entity has a specific relationship with Krsna, but at present this relationship is covered. As we advance in Krsna consciousness, it will be revealed
- If we accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and worship Him, all the parts and expansions of the Lord are automatically worshiped
- If we accept that, that Krsna is the supreme authority, then you'll learn Bhagavad-gita
- If we accept the judgment of Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita, however, the Mayavadis are to be considered mayayapahrta-jnana, or bereft of all knowledge
- If we accept the leadership of Krsna, then in this very life we can make a solution of all the miseries of material existence
- If we accept the words of Arjuna and Krsna, it may be possible for us to understand Bhagavad-gita, but if we want to interpret it in our own way, the results will be nonsensical
- If we approach a perfect person and submissively hear from him, then the knowledge is perfect. So Krsna is accepted as the supreme authority, as Arjuna quoted Ahus tvam rsayah sarve - All the rsis, great saintly persons, they have accepted You
- If we are to have knowledge, it must come from a superior source which is not conditioned by these four imperfections. That source is Krsna. He is the supreme authority of BG, and He is accepted as the perfect authority by so many saints and sages
- If we have the same relationship with Krsna, we will never be cheated or disappointed. Our enthusiasm will increase more and more. Therefore Krsna encourages us to accept Him as our son, as our friend and as our master. Then we will be happy
- If we take instruction from Krsna and abide by that instruction, then our life is successful. Conveying that fact is our mission. This Krsna consciousness movement teaches, - Accept Krsna as your guru. Don't divert your attention
- If we take, if we read Bhagavad-gita in the spirit of understanding like Arjuna, the perfect disciple, and if we accept the advice and the instruction of Krsna, the perfect teacher, then we should know that we have understood Bhagavad-gita
- If we want to love Krsna as a son, Krsna is prepared to be our son. Arjuna accepted Krsna as his friend, and Krsna was his best friend
- If we want to solve the problems of life, we should accept Krsna as the supreme teacher. This is the instruction of Bhagavad-gita and Arjuna
- If you accept Krsna as friend, you will never be cheated. If you accept Krsna as lover, you will never be confused
- If you accept Krsna as the center... Just like in a family if you accept the head of the family, your father, as the guiding principle, the family's happy
- If you are doubtful, prove that Krsna is not proprietor. But that you cannot do. Or bring another person who can claim like that, "I am the proprietor." Therefore you have to accept Krsna as the proprietor. And it is accepted by all great personalities
- If you are real follower of Sankaracarya, you accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If you do not know how to test my statement, then you may refuse to accept it (Krsna as God). That is another thing
- If you have no clear conception of God, if you do not know who God is, there is no question of accepting His order
- If you take it, that it is spoken by bhagavan svayam, then it is blind faith. It may be blind faith, but it is right. If you don't want, then Krsna says, iti te jnanam prakhyatam... Then you check it by your knowledge. Both ways you can accept
- If you think that this Krsna name is not very suitable, you can accept any name. That doesn't matter. Our proposition is you chant God's name. That is our proposal
- If you understand these three things (Krsna is the enjoyer, proprietor, and friend) only, then your knowledge is complete. But you will not accept
- If you want to get out of this illusion, maya, then you have to accept the Krsna's formula. Mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te. Everything is there in the Bhagavad-gita for guidance if we accept the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita as it is
- If you want to understand Krsna through philosophy, science and everything that we have got, that is also the same thing, and if anyone blindly accepts Krsna, the same thing. It doesn't matter. Because Krsna is Krsna
- Ignorance is removed perfectly by the discharge of devotional service. This is already explained in the previous verse by the Lord. Now by His grace, Arjuna is accepting Him as the Supreme Truth, in concordance with the Vedic injunction. BG 1972 purports
- Impersonalists accept Krsna as Bhagavan, or accept His authority. Yet many liberated persons cannot understand Krsna as Purusottama, the Supreme Person, the father of all living entities. Therefore Arjuna addresses Him as Purusottama. BG 1972 purports
- Impersonalists do not accept the personal feature of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Personality of Godhead is stressed in this verse in order to impress upon them the necessity of accepting Him
- In all religions, temple worship and acceptance of authority are present. We may accept Krsna, or Lord Jesus Christ, or Jehovah, or Lord Buddha, or Sankaracarya, or Guru Nanak, but in any case acceptance of authority is required
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.12) Krsna is accepted by Arjuna as the Supreme Brahman
- In Bhagavad-gita Arjuna accepted Lord Krsna as his spiritual master, although there was no necessity of such a formal declaration
- In Bhagavad-gita Lord Sri Krsna is accepted as the supreme authority. Sometimes Krsna descends personally, and sometimes He descends by His incarnations
- In Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krsna is also accepted as purana-purusa, the oldest person. Although He is the oldest of all personalities, He is also the youngest of all, or nava-yauvana. Another significant word is dharmaya
- In Bhagavad-gita, the Absolute Truth is accepted as the Supreme Person. Indeed, that Supreme Person Himself, Lord Krsna, instructs in Bhagavad-gita, brahmano hi pratisthaham (BG 14.27), mattah parataram nanyat - BG 7.7
- In His eternal, blissful form, Lord Krsna is accepted by Arjuna as param brahma. A living entity in the conditioned stage accepts something illusory as substantial. This is called maya or avidya - ignorance
- In India all scriptures and great spiritual teachers, including Sankaracarya, an impersonalist, accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says, "Give up everything and just surrender unto Me." This process of realizing the S P of Godhead is open for everyone, but still it is the choice of the particular living entity whether to accept or reject this proposal
- In the human form of life, the living entity must accept this instruction from the Supreme Person, Krsna: "Do not plan to achieve happiness and drive away distress. You will never be successful. Simply surrender unto Me" - BG 18.66
- In the Second Chapter, Arjuna surrenders: "So far we have been talking as friends, but now I accept You as my spiritual master." Anyone following the principle in this line accepts the guru as Krsna, and the student must represent Arjuna
- In the Vedas the Supreme Lord is accepted as the purest of the pure. One who understands that Krsna is the purest of the pure can become purified from all sinful activities. BG 1972 purports
- Indian civilization is carried on the advice of the acarya-sampradaya. So all the acaryas like Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, they all accept Krsna as the Absolute Truth. So when we hear from Krsna, then we get absolute knowledge
- Instead of accepting Lord Rama as an incarnation of Visnu, Ravana thought Him an ordinary living being
- Isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah/ anadir adir govindah (BS 5.1). In Bhagavad-gita Krsna is also accepted as the adi-purusa, the original. Krsna says, "No one is greater than I
- It (Krsna instructed Bhagavad-gita to Vivasvan) is a question of believe or not believe. That is a different thing. We believe. We take it. Because it is said by Krsna, we take it, accept it
- It also requires a great deal of penance and sacrifice, either in this life or in the previous ones, before one is able to accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- It is education, how one should be satisfied by accepting krsna-prasadam, for working Krsna. Then you will be feeling satisfaction. You do business for Krsna, you do your occupational duty for Krsna, take prasadam of Krsna - you will feel very happy
- It is indicated also in this sloka that Krsna, while actually present before human society, especially in connection with the Battle of Kuruksetra, was accepted as the greatest personality of the time, although He might not have been recognized as the SPG
- It is known to everyone that one man's food is another man's poison. Human beings are expected to accept the remnants of food offered to Lord Sri Krsna, and the Lord accepts foodstuff from the categories of leaves, flowers, fruits, etc
- It is not by my whims I accept Krsna as the perfect person. No. There are many authorities, Vedic authorities
- It is said that we have to accept knowledge through saintly person. Through sastra and guru we have to understand. So Krsna is accepted by all the sadhus and acaryas
- It is simply illusion for one to think that Krsna begged food from the brahmanas. It was actually a trick to show them mercy by teaching them that they should accept Him in pure devotional service instead of engaging in ritualistic ceremonies
- It is stated by Sukadeva Gosvami that Mother Yasoda accepted Lord Krsna as her son, although He is accepted in the Vedas as the King of heaven
- It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita that anyone who accepts Lord Visnu or Krsna as the supreme friend attains the highest perfection of peaceful life
- It is this active medicine, this Hare Krsna maha-mantra, that is doing it. It is the perfect yoga system. This process is not manufactured, and we have not concocted anything. Our business is simply to accept the words of Krsna as they are
- It is very good, accepting the Supreme Lord, the supreme father. Everyone must accept. That is human life. That is human knowledge. That is common sense knowledge
- It may be argued that although we have accepted Him (Krsna) as a perfect person, there are many others who do not. Rut one should not think that this acceptance is whimsical; He is accepted as the perfect person on the evidence of many authorities
- It was an emergency (Mayavada philosophy was necessary to defeat the Buddhist philosophy of the nonexistence of the spirit soul). Thus Lord Krsna was accepted by Sankaracarya as the Supreme Personality of Godhead in his commentation on Bhagavad-gita
- Kamsa once rebuked Akrura by saying, "You are such a fool that you are accepting the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be a cowherd boy, simply because He has defeated some harmless water snake!"
- Krsna consciousness movement means accept Krsna as guru
- Krsna continued, "I think Myself completely unfit to be your husband because you (Rukmini) are so beautiful, sober, grave and exalted. May I inquire from you the reason that induced you to accept Me"
- Krsna continued, "In comparison to Sisupala, with his personal qualities, I am nothing. And you (Rukmini) may personally realize it. I am surprised that you rejected the marriage with Sisupala and accepted Me, who am inferior in comparison to Sisupala"
- Krsna has already been accepted by Arjuna as the Supreme. He was accepted in the Tenth Chapter (of BG) as param brahma param dhama. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is accepted as the friend of the cloud because both the cloud and Krsna satisfy the people when they are disturbed. When the people are burning due to excessive heat, the cloud satisfies them with rain
- Krsna is accepted as the master, beginning from all sources, Vyasadeva
- Krsna is accepted as the SPG by such authoritative personalities as Vyasa, Devala, Asita, Narada, Madhva, Sankara, Ramanuja, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Jiva Gosvami, Visvanatha Cakravarti, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati and all other authorities of the line
- Krsna is accepted as the Supreme by all stalwart past acaryas. Just like Sankaracarya, a great stalwart scholar. He also accepts Krsna
- Krsna is accepted as the supreme teacher by everyone, by all the great sages formerly, like Vyasadeva, Narada, Devala, Asita. All other great sages
- Krsna is accepted by all the sadhus as Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Even Sankaracarya, who's an impersonalist, he says, sa bhagavan svayam krsnah devaki-nandanah. He accepts. And what to speak of other Vaisnava acaryas
- Krsna is accepted by the greatest learned scholar, Vyasadeva, and greatest saintly person, Narada
- Krsna is accepted higher authority not only by us, by big acaryas like Sankaracarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, those who are guiding our Vedic life in India, Caitanya. So Krsna is accepted the highest authority
- Krsna is accepted in the Bhagavad-gita by the statement of Arjuna: param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan (BG 10.12). Krsna is param pavitra, pure, the purest, apapa-viddha
- Krsna is explaining Himself; God is explaining Himself. We shall not take that statement, but either we shall deny or we shall accept God without any head and leg and so on, so many things. This is our disease
- Krsna is perfect. If we take lessons from Krsna, instruction from Krsna, then we get perfect knowledge. That is the process of studying Bhagavad-gita. If you accept Krsna as ordinary human being, then we are befooled
- Krsna is prepared. He says, sarva-dharman parityaja mam ekam (BG 18.66). Just accept Me as your master. The master is ready. If we accept this master, then our life is successful
- Krsna is present through His words and through His representative. Therefore we advise everyone to accept Krsna's instructions in Bhagavad-gita and to surrender to His bona fide representative
- Krsna is showing example, where we should offer our surrender and accept guru. Here is Krsna. So you have to accept Krsna or His representative as guru. Then your problems will be solved. Otherwise it is not possible
- Krsna is speaking as the spiritual master of Arjuna, and Arjuna says, "Whatever You are saying I accept." Read it like that - not: "I like this, so I accept it; this I don't like, and so I reject it." Such reading is useless nonsense
- Krsna is the supreme authority is accepted by the whole world, not only at present, but from time immemorial, and the demons alone reject Him. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna pleaded that the best should be offered to the King. But Satrajit, being a worshiper of the demigods, had become too materialistic, instead of accepting Krsna's request, thought it wiser to worship the jewel to get the 170 pounds of gold every day
- Krsna said, "There is no more superior truth beyond Me." We are accepting, that's all. Where is the difficulty? But if you do not accept, who can make you to accept? It is not possible
- Krsna says that, "You give up your nonsense manufactured religion. Here is religion. Surrender unto Me." Who will deny? Any religious person will accept it. Who will deny? This is dharma
- Krsna taught Arjuna in the Bhagavad-gita, and Arjuna also accepted Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but for our understanding Arjuna requested the Lord to manifest His universal form, thus testing whether He was actually the Supreme Lord
- Krsna's body is eternal: He existed before the material manifestation, He is existing while the material manifestation is continuing, and when it will be dissolved, He will continue to exist. Therefore only Krsna can be accepted as the Absolute Truth
- Krsna's dhiroddhata qualities have been accepted as great because Krsna uses them only to protect His devotees. In other words, even undesirable traits may also be used in the exchange of devotional service
- Krsna, the Supreme Lord, should be accepted as one's best friend. He will never cheat. He will always give His friendly advice and friendly protection to the devotee
- Ladies and Gentlemen, the President, I am very much thankful to you that you are eager to hear about what Krsna wants to speak. Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Laksmana said, "My dear Draupadi, when I accepted Lord Krsna as my worshipable husband and He accepted me as His maidservant, there was a tumultuous roaring among the disappointed princes"
- Like Arjuna - in the beginning, he was declining to fight, on account of his individuality. But when he accepted Krsna as his spiritual master, he became sisya (a disciple). Whatever Krsna ordered, he said yes. That doesn't mean he lost his individuality
- Like Arjuna, we should also accept Krsna as the guru who can instruct us in how to get relief from our perplexed position. So Krsna is the guru not only for Arjuna, but for everyone
- Lord Brahma stressed herein that without accepting the inconceivable energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one cannot explain things as they are
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted the mood of the gopis, who accept Vrajendranandana, Sri Krsna, as their lover
- Lord Indra said, "This Krsna is an ordinary human being, is talkative, childish, impudent & ignorant, although He thinks Himself very learned. The cowherd men in Vrndavana have offended me by accepting Him. This has not been greatly appreciated by me"
- Lord Krsna cannot be accepted as one of the human beings, even though He played the role of an obedient son. His actions were so extraordinary that by the simple raising of His eyebrows He could deliver death-blows to those who were burdening the earth
- Lord Krsna directly instructed Arjuna. Arjuna is therefore tattva-darsi or guru. Arjuna accepted the Supreme Personality of Godhead (param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan) - BG 10.12
- Lord Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but King Paundraka directly challenged Krsna through the messenger, who stated that Paundraka, not Krsna, was Vasudeva
- Lord Krsna is the ultimate fountainhead, the source of numerous plenary expansions, including Narayana, who is generally accepted by Mayavadi philosophers to be the Absolute Truth
- Lord Siva said, "We have all taken shelter of You (Krsna) because we have accepted You as the Supreme Lord and the dearmost life and soul of all of us"
- Lord Sri Krsna is the primeval Lord, and if any transcendental nomenclature for the absolute Personality of Godhead is to be accepted, it should be the name Krsna, meaning "all-attractive"
- Lord Sri Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to all the evidences of the Vedas. He is accepted by all acaryas, including Sripada Sankaracarya
- Lord Visnu is so powerful that He can deliver anyone at once if He is pleased to do so. And Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, can be pleased immediately if we accept His order by surrendering unto Him, as Maharaja Yayati did
- Love is something tangible. It is not merely fantasy or imagination. So we Krsna conscious people accept Krsna as God, and we are worshiping Krsna, and we are making progress
- Maharaja Pariksit said, "The gopis did not know that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They accepted Him as a beautiful boy and considered Him to be their paramour"
- Maya is also very strong, and as soon as we try to accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord, maya will whisper in our ear, - No, no. There are many gods. Why are you accepting Krsna
- Mayavadi philosophy means they accept Krsna as God, but He has assumed a body which is given by this material nature, as it is given to us. That is their policy. They count Krsna an ordinary man, on the same level. But that is not a fact
- My feeling, I am very satisfied that Krsna is accepted by presenting as He is. I must be very satisfied, because before me, who did not present Krsna as He is, there was not a single Krsna conscious person in the Western world. Now I have got thousands
- Narada said, "My dear sages, it is not very difficult to understand that because of his great goodness and simplicity, Vasudeva, who has become the father of the PG by accepting Krsna as his son, is inclined to ask us about his welfare"
- Narada said, "The conditioned souls, who have now been put into the blind well of material existence, can get out of this eternal captivity only by accepting Your (Krsna's) lotus feet. Thus, You are the only shelter of all conditioned souls"
- Narada's spiritual master, Brahma, accepts Krsna not only as the Supreme person but the supreme controller as well - isvarah paramah krsnah: (Bs. 5.1) - The supreme controller is Krsna
- No more friendly talking because Arjuna has accepted Krsna as the teacher. So He's the teacher. It is the duty of the teacher to punish or to chastise the disciple when he is wrongly going on
- Not only the Pandavas but everyone who sincerely accepts the instructions of Krsna can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He is
- O friends, just think of His wives, whose hands He has accepted. How they must have undergone vows, baths, fire sacrifices and perfect worship of the Lord of the universe to constantly relish now the nectar from His lips (by kissing)
- O Krsna, I (Arjuna) totally accept as truth all that You have told me. Neither the demigods nor the demons, O Lord, can understand Your personality - BG 10.14
- O Krsna, I totally accept as truth all that You have told me. Neither the gods nor demons, O Lord, know Thy personality. BG 10.14 - 1972
- O people! Why are you being captivated by the waves of the ocean of nescience? If you would immediately accept Lord Krsna as your eternal master, there would be no chance of being carried away by the waves of illusion. Then all your sufferings would stop
- O sober one, others, such as Hrdika, Carudesna, Gada and the son of Satyabhama, who accept Lord Sri Krsna as the soul of the self and thus follow His path without deviation - are they well?
- Of course when we accept Krishna's instructions perfectly we become automatically perfectly religious person. Therefore Krishna consciousness movement is not a sentimental fanaticism of so-called religion
- On account of this dirty position of material contamination, we cannot accept Krsna as the real friend. Therefore we cannot get santi
- One becomes liberated by accepting Krsna, or the Supreme Lord, as master and by changing the mode of consciousness from material consciousness to Krsna consciousness
- One has to associate with such a mahatma, who has accepted Krsna as the supreme source of the entire creation. Without being a mahatma, one cannot understand Krsna's absolute position
- One may say that because Arjuna was a friend of Krsna's, he accepted Him in this way (as Supreme Person), but this is not the case. Arjuna gave evidence that Vyasadeva also accepted Krsna
- One who has taken shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord (Krsna), which are accepted as the most suitable boat for crossing the ocean of nescience, can achieve liberation as easily as one leaps over the holes made by the hoofs of a calf
- One who is actually learned in the Vedic literature surrenders unto the Supreme Lord with great devotion and accepts Him as the supreme goal
- One who is fully surrendered is qualified with the six following characteristics: (4) The devotee should accept Krsna as his supreme maintainer and master
- Only the devotee, who accepts Krsna as He describes Himself, without interpretation, can understand that the Supreme Absolute Truth can eat food and enjoy it. BG 1972 purports
- Our general experience is that impersonalists, given as they are to speculation and sophistry, hesitate to accept Lord Krsna as the Supreme Godhead
- Our philosophy is "Come. Come here, play with Krsna as cowherd boy. Come here, dance with Krsna as gopi. Come here, accept Krsna as your son, Krsna will accept you as His mother"
- Our principle is that Krsna should be accepted as the leader, because Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti dhananjaya (BG 7.7). Krsna is the supreme leader
- Parasurama is so old that he met both Rama and Krsna at different times. He fought with Rama, but he accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He also praised Arjuna when he saw him with Krsna
- Pasandis say that we are spoiling the Hindu religion because people all over the world are accepting Lord Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead according to the version of Bhagavad-gita As It Is
- People should accept one God, Krsna; one scripture, the Bhagavad-gita; and one activity, devotional service to the Lord. Thus people may live happily upon this earth and combine to produce sufficient food
- People should learn BG and accept the Supreme PG, Krsna, as the Lord of everything; they should practice satisfying the senses of the Supreme Lord instead of trying to satisfy their own senses. Training in KC will help one be promoted to Vaikuntha
- Persons who have accepted the lotus feet of Krsna as the ultimate shelter of their lives, and who are pleased to perform all details of devotional service, have in their pure hearts the transcendental ecstasy of attachment
- Rama was accepted as incarnation. Krsna was accepted as incarnation. In every home, there is Rama and Krsna worship. Not this Ramakrishna. Neither any acarya accepts him
- Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, they have all accepted Krsna: the ultimate knowledge of Vedic understanding. Many acaryas, they have written notes on Vedanta, targeting Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Rukmini continued, "I have therefore accepted Your (Krsna's) lotus feet not without consideration but after mature and deliberate decision. My dear Lord, You are the master of the three worlds"
- Rukmini continued, "These so-called beggars execute their spiritual advancement in life, tolerating all tribulations in the material world. My dear husband (Krsna), do not think that I accepted You as my husband out of my inexperience"
- Rukmini continued, "When they voluntarily accepted such a position, accepting Your (Krsna's) lotus feet as all in all, does it mean that they were in lamentation and bereavement"
- Rukmini had heard about Krsna’s qualities from different people, and after she heard about them, she decided to accept Krsna as her husband
- Rupa Gosvami said, "He (Krsna) has taught millions of Brahmas self realization, and thus He is worshipable not only by the heads of all universes, but by everyone else also. Therefore let me always accept Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
- Saksad-dharitvena, as Krsna is accepted in every sastra, saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastrair uktah, it is said, uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih, and this statement is accepted by advanced devotees. It is not only statement, but it is accepted
- Sankaracarya, he's also impersonalist, but he accepts Krsna the supreme authority
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya has explained bhakti-yoga as vairagya-vidya-nija-bhakti-yoga (CC Madhya 6.254). Bhakti-yoga begins when we accept Krsna's instructions - Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me
- Says in the Bhagavad-gita: If you want to stop this chaotic condition, then accept Me (Krsna) that I am the enjoyer and proprietor of this whole world, and I am your real friend. Let the business be done on My account
- Scientists admit that nature is working in a wonderful way, but, after all, nature is not under their control. The scientists may accept or defy Krsna, but they cannot defy the activities of nature
- Sentimental bhakti is also there, because the acceptance of Krsna is there. Therefore there is some value. But real bhakti, Sri Jiva Gosvami has commented that bhakti based on understanding of Vedanta-sutra is perfect
- Simple thing. Big, big acaryas, they accepted Krsna as He is. And why shall I not accept? This is parampara system. If others have accepted Krsna as He tells, and they have become big, big acaryas, so what objection can be there from my part? What I am?
- Simply by accepting the Lord as the supreme proprietor of everything, since He is actually so, one can achieve the highest perfection of life
- Since God is supremely pure, one cannot rise to the highest perfectional stage of love of God without being purified. In the BG (10.12), when Arjuna accepted Krsna as the Supreme Lord, he said, pavitraḿ paramaḿ bhavan: You are the purest of the pure
- Since Krsna is the authority accepted by all, Arjuna put this question (of BG 4.4) before Him in order that Krsna would describe Himself without being depicted by the demons. BG 1972 purports
- Sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam prapannam (BG 2.7). He (Arjuna) accepted Him (Krsna) as the master, and he became disciple to understand Bhagavad-gita. This is the way
- So accept Krsna as the supreme guru and follow His instruction and try to convince others. "Others" means even your family members. That is success of life
- So accepting always Krsna as the Supreme advisor and always begging for his mercy, go on with your progressive march
- So far our position is, we accept God Krsna, on the authority, as well as by the action. Both
- So here Krsna is the most authorized personality. Now, anyone who is actually Krsna conscious, Krsna conscious, then you can accept him as the same as Krsna. Because a person who is fully in Krsna consciousness, he is the bona fide representative of Krsna
- So if we accept these words of Krsna, then we become actually Vedanti. Without understanding these things as spoken in the... Bhagavad-gita is the summarized Vedanta or Vedic philosophy
- So Krsna is accepted the highest authority. Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita says, mattah parataram nasti: "There is no more higher authority than Me."
- So Krsna is the best and foremost acarya, and He is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- So Vyasadeva accepts Krsna as the Supreme Person. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam he has given the description of the different incarnations; there are twenty-five of Them
- So we are trying our bit to understand Krsna and to make others to understand Krsna. And therefore we have published about eighty-two books, big books and small books. So we request that you either accept Krsna without any hesitation
- So we invite everyone to join this movement, accepting Krishna as the tangible God for all practical purposes, and the worship of God is made easy by chanting the Mantra Hare Krishna, which is accepted even in far Western countries
- So you do accept Krsna as the highest authority, and not only you accept, but all other authorities, they accept
- Some accept Him, whereas others do not, yet everyone is His servant. One who does not accept Him, however, will be ruined by his sinful activities - CC Adi 6.85
- Sometimes the Mayavadi philosophers will accept Lord Krsna or Lord Rama as Bhagavan, but they think of the Lord as a person having a material body. The Mayavadis do not understand that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, has a spiritual body
- Speculation comes when you do not accept what Krsna says. If you accept Krsna, what Krsna says, then there is no scope of speculation
- Sri Krsna has His eternal, blissful form that is full of knowledge, and all Vaisnava acaryas accept this. That is the proper understanding of the Absolute Truth
- Srimad-Bhagavatam accepts Sri Krsna as the shelter of all manifestations because Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the ultimate source of everything, the supreme goal of all
- Tattvatah means in truth, not superficially. If you understand Krsna in truth, as He is speaking Himself about Himself. If you simply accept Krsna, what He says, if you follow, then you become perfect and you become fit for going back to Godhead
- Tattvatah, Krsna as He is, cannot be understood by the other methods, namely by mental speculation or mystic yogic exercises. Krsna cannot be understood in that way. If we want to understand Krsna, then we have to accept the Krsna method, bhakti method
- That (how the world is false) is explained by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, that reality, real father . . . if you accept Krsna as your father, oh, He'll give you all protection. If you accept Krsna as your husband, oh, there is no question of divorce
- That is Vedic civilization. We are accepting Krsna. We are not accepting the vox populi. One person, the Supreme, that's all. This is our process. We don't accept vox populi
- That Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, as accepted by the citizens of Dvaraka, was later confirmed by the great Mayavadi philosophical leader Sankaracarya
- The answer (men ask whether one has to approach a guru to be instructed in devotional service for spiritual advancement) is given here (in SB 8.16.23) - indeed, not only here, but also in Bhagavad-gita, where Arjuna accepted Krsna as his guru - BG 2.7
- The bhakti-yogi accepts the Deity of Krsna as worshipable because there is some bodily conception fixed in the mind, which can thus be applied. BG 1972 purports
- The body is changing, but I am not changing. I am eternal. Therefore I am not this body. I am not changing. This simple truth. After Arjuna has accepted His (Krsna's) discipleship, the first instruction is this
- The bona fide guru is he who advises his disciples exactly in accordance with the principles spoken by Krsna. The bona fide guru is he who has accepted Krsna as guru. This is the guru-parampara system
- The central point of Krsna consciousness is that the jiva, the living entity, can never be accepted as Krsna or Visnu. This viewpoint is elaborated in the following verses - from CC Madhya 18.112
- The child is accepting service from the parents. Her business is only to accept. Torture and accept service. So devotees accept Krsna as son so that Krsna may simply torture them and accept service. That is the policy
- The definite knowledge you can get from Krsna, the perfect. Therefore all the acaryas accept Krsna. We have to follow the acaryas, acaryopasanam
- The demigods prayed - Impersonalists think that Your (Krsna's) many names or forms are according to a particular type of work and quality because they accept You from the position of a material observer
- The devotee's desirable qualities are described to be twenty-six in number. They are stated as follows: He is very kind; he does not quarrel with anyone; he accepts Krsna consciousness as the highest goal of life and he is equal to everyone
- The difference between the impersonalist and the personalist is that the impersonalist does not accept the separate existence of the Lord, but the personalist accepts the Lord
- The difference is you don't believe. I believe. That's all. I take it immediately: "Yes, Krsna is operating." Therefore I have no problem. Somebody's operating, that you have to accept
- The Gita is above such literature (of the common man). No mundane book compares with the Bhagavad-gita. When one accepts Krsna as an ordinary man, the Gita loses all importance. BG 1972 purports
- The gopis said, "If we accept You (Krsna) as our ultimate husband, then there is no question of being separated, divorced or widowed"
- The gopis, having lovingly accepted the Lord, are automatically accustomed to this (absorbed in the lotus feet of Krsna) and do not depend on any yogic practice
- The honest and simple cowherd men, headed by Nanda Maharaja, accepted Krsna's proposal and executed in detail everything He advised. They performed Govardhana worship and circumambulation of the hill
- The honest and simple cowherd men, headed by Nanda Maharaja, accepted Krsna’s proposal and executed in detail everything He advised. They performed Govardhana worship and circumambulation of the hill - SB 10.24.31-33
- The idea is that one will be able to enjoy himself more, have a longer life span, more opulence, more beautiful women, nice gardens and so on. Actually this is the case, but a devotee is not at all interested in these things because he accepts Krsna
- The inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, or Goloka Vrndavana, know Krsna as the son of Maharaja Nanda. They do not accept Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as people in general do
- The Lord Himself also establishes Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the Bhagavad-gita, & He is accepted as such in the Brahma-samhita & all the Puranas, especially the Srimad-Bhagavatam, known as the Bhagavata Purana. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Mayavada philosophy presents such a jugglery of words that even a highly elevated devotee who has accepted Krsna as his life and soul changes his decision when he reads the Mayavada commentary on the Vedanta-sutra
- The original person is being accepted by great authorities - formerly Vyasadeva, Narada, Asita, Devala; later on Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, & all big, big stalwart acaryas, Caitanya Mahaprabhu - why don't you accept Krsna the supreme original authority
- The perfect process is to accept Krsna as the Supreme in everything, and the best perfection in culturing knowledge is to surrender unto Him because He is the source of everything. Only in that conception can one get rid of the misconception of I and mine
- The point is that anyone who accepts the principle of bhakti-yoga and accepts the Supreme Lord as the summum bonum of life, as the highest target, the ultimate goal, can approach the Lord in the spiritual sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- The politician says that his Krsna is different from the Krsna depicted in Bhagavad-gita. Even though he accepts Krsna and Rama as the Supreme he thinks of Rama and Krsna as impersonal because he has no idea of service to Krsna
- The process of parampara or disciplic succession is this very process of hearing from Krsna or from authorities who have accepted Krsna and repeating exactly what they have said
- The question may be: "Why Krsna is accepted as the spiritual master?" That is the selection of the disciple
- The six divisions of surrender are the acceptance of those things favorable to devotional service, the rejection of unfavorable things, the conviction that Krsna will give protection, the acceptance of the Lord as one's guardian or master
- The six divisions of surrender are: accepting those things favorable to devotional service, rejecting unfavorable things, the conviction that Krsna will give protection, accepting the Lord as one's guardian or master, full self-surrender, and humility
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, Krsna, is extremely difficult to understand for unintelligent men who accept Him as impersonal or void, which He is not. The Lord is therefore understood and sung about by pure devotees
- The treasure house of knowledge is contained in the Vedas, and their author, Vyasadeva, accepts Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Vyasadeva's spiritual master, Narada, also accepts Krsna as such
- The ultimate goal of studying all Vedic literature is the acceptance of Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Vaisnava schools therefore never try to merge into the Brahman effulgence in their pursuit of spiritual perfection. They accept Krsna as the ultimate goal of self realization
- The whole process is to accept Krsna and His instructions and therefore to render devotional service unto Him. It is Srimati Radharani who is the very embodiment of perfect devotional service
- The words purusaya puranaya are also worthy of special attention. In Brahma-samhita, Krsna is accepted as the adi-purusa, the original person, or the original enjoyer
- Theoretically or practically, you should accept Krsna as the Supreme Person. Theoretically, there is the revealed scripture. You will understand from the Vedic literature, from the great devotees in the past and in the present
- There (in Goloka Vrndavana) someone may accept Him (Krsna) as a son and sometimes bind Him to a grinding mortar. Someone else may accept Him as an intimate friend and, attaining victory over Him, playfully mount His shoulders
- There are eight commentaries on the very authoritative, very large commentaries on the Srimad-Bhagavatam of these Vaisnavas, and all of them accept Krsna
- There are many so-called religions devoted to the worship of various demigods, but here (in SB 5.5.10-13) good association means association with one who simply accepts Krsna as his worshipable Deity
- There are no cheaters and cheated in such a relationship. If we accept Krsna as our son, friend or lover, we will never be cheated
- There are similar descriptions (as Bs. 5.38) everywhere in Vedic literature, but rascals and demons are so obstinate that even though Krsna is confirmed to be the Supreme God by the twelve standard acaryas they still refuse to accept Him
- There are similar descriptions (as Bs. 5.38) everywhere in Vedic literature, but rascals and demons are so obstinate that even though Krsna is confirmed to be the Supreme God by Vyasa, Devala and many other devotees, they still refuse to accept Him
- There are six basic guidelines for surrender. Fourthly, a devotee should always accept Krsna as his maintainer
- There are so many facilities for perfection of life. Simply by accepting Krsna, mam ekam saranam vraja. If you do not do that, then you are a mudha, rascal
- There are three classes of men and all are recommended to worship the Supreme Person Krishna with great energy of devotional service. So we invite everyone to join this movement, accepting Krishna as the tangible God for all practical purposes
- There is a very nice verse by Yamunacarya that there are authentic literatures, there are authentic personalities, and they accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There is no harm even if you accept His (Krsna's) word blindly. There is no harm. Otherwise, if you don't like to follow blindly, then consider what is instructed
- There is no need of strenuous effort to free oneself from sinful reactions. One should unhesitatingly accept Krsna as the supreme savior of all living entities. With faith and love, one should surrender unto Him. BG 1972 purports
- These (described in BG 10.7) are some of the opulences of the Supreme Lord. When one is firmly convinced of them, he accepts Krsna with great faith and without any doubt, and he engages in devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- These are some of the signs of parental love for Krsna by His mother, father and elderly persons. Symptoms of ecstatic love in parental affection are expressed when Krsna is accepted as the son
- These are the instructions we get from Bhagavad-gita, and whoever reads Bhagavad-gita has to accept Krsna as the guru. We have to render service to a guru and surrender ourselves
- These are the verdict of the sastra. When our heart is cleansed, then we can accept this religion, sarva-dharman parityajya. This is the religion. To accept Krsna, to surrender to the lotus feet of Krsna, this is religion
- These so-called, the so-called big, big leaders, big, big philosophers, and big, big scholars, they have accepted Krsna as ordinary human being
- They (devotees) have no business for themself - they are completely perfect as soon as they have accepted Krsna - but they are working on behalf of Krsna to turn these two-legged animals to become Krsna conscious
- They (fools and rascals) refuse to accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead because they cannot understand Him
- This (accepting Krsna as an ordinary human being) is condemned in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.11): Fools deride Me when I descend in the human form. They do not know My transcendental nature as the Supreme Lord of all that be
- This is a teaching of Lord Caitanya, that to accept Krsna as ordinary man is also offense, and similarly to accept an ordinary man as Krsna, or God, that is also offense
- This practice we should give up: mano-dharma, mental concoction. We should immediately accept Krsna's instruction and be situated in atma-dharma. That is atmarama
- This process of KC is offered to every one, but only one out of many thousands of people will accept it. Therefore you should be very serious about perfecting your life in KC & thereby becoming qualified to enter into the Kingdom of God, Goloka Vrindaban
- This temple worship or accepting some authority, either you accept Krsna or you accept Lord Jesus Christ or Jehovah or Lord Buddha or Guru Nanak, that is a different, I mean to say, kinds of faith, but this acceptance of authority is there in everywhere
- Those who accept Krsna, or the Supreme Lord, as their son will never be bereft of their son
- Though having taken a low birth in human society, one who accepts Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead is quite competent to go back home, back to Godhead
- Thus the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna is the original, primeval Lord, the source of all other expansions. All the revealed scriptures accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Lord
- To accept the Supreme in full is to accept spiritual variegatedness, which is transcendental to the material modes of nature
- To show His special favor to a devotee, Krsna usually takes away all the objects of his material affection, thus forcing the devotee to be materially helpless, with no alternative but to accept the lotus feet of Krsna
- Undoubtedly Sri Krsna is the greatest personality in those days and still now also. Still, in all, not only in India, in all parts of the world, Sri Krsna is accepted as the greatest leader of philosophical presentation of this Bhagavad-gita
- Unless we accept this principle that Krsna, or God, has got inconceivable power, acintya-sakti, we cannot understand. If we put Krsna within the jurisdiction of my limited understanding, that is not understanding of Krsna
- Unless we deny to accept Krsna's instruction, there is no secret. Everything is open
- Vaisnavas certainly accept Lord Sri Krsna as the ultimate "one," and that which is without Krsna is called maya, or that which has no existence
- Vandanam dasyam: to become servant of God, to cleanse the temple, to work for God, for Krsna, dasyam. Sakhyam, to accept Krsna as friend. Atma-nivedanam, and offering everything to Krsna
- Vasudeva's thought of protecting Krsna from Kamsa's wrath is part of a transcendental relationship. He enjoys more when someone takes Him as his subordinate son who needs the protection of a father than He does when someone accepts Him as the Supreme God
- Very simple thing. You accept Krsna the Supreme, you follow instruction, you become a great mahatma
- Vidura was born from the body of Veda-vyasa and was not less than he. Thus he accepted the lotus feet of Krsna wholeheartedly and was attached to His devotees
- Vivekananda was not even an intelligent man because he accepted Gadhadhara Chatterjee (Ramakrishna) as incarnation of God without any credentials. We accept Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead on the evidence of Vedic literature
- Vyasadeva accepted Krsna as param brahma, and Vyasadeva began his commentary on Vedanta-sutra with the words om namo bhagavate vasudevaya
- Vyasadeva could have written krsna uvaca. No. He says... If one may misunderstand Krsna, therefore he writes in every stanza, every verse, sri bhagavan uvaca. So Bhagavan is there. Bhagavan is speaking. Bhagavan is accepted by all the acaryas
- We accept knowledge from authority. Authority. Just like this statement is given by Krsna. Krsna is accepted as the authority by all the acaryas, in the Bhagavad-gita
- We accept Krsna as God. Even by His activities He is not ordinary. He had to meet so many dangers before He was accepted God. From childhood, when He was baby, just three months old, He had to struggle. He had to struggle with His position as God
- We accept Krsna, the Supreme Person, Who knows everything, past, present, and future. We take His leadership or we take the leadership of His representative. That is our process
- We accept Lord Ramacandra as the Supreme Personality of Godhead because He constructed this bridge, and we accept Lord Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead because He lifted Govardhana Hill when He was only seven years old
- We are accepting Krsna as God not blindly, but by testing. By testing. His character is mentioned in the books. Therefore, we accept God, not by blind faith, but by testing. Although we cannot test, but sastra gives us the chance of testing
- We are pledged to Krsna consciousness, and therefore we cannot reject Krsna's word. We accept Krsna when He says that we have to travel from one body to another
- We do not accept Krsna as perfect simply on the basis of our whims or sentiments. No - Krsna is accepted as God by many Vedic authorities like Vyasadeva, the author of all Vedic literatures
- We get this chance, & if we are not educated by our teachers, by our fathers, by our leaders, by our government men, by our gurus, by our relatives, how to accept the lotus feet of Krsna, who is canvassing, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja
- We have opened hundreds of centers all over the world just to give people in general a chance to hear about Krsna and accept Krsna’s prasadam. These two processes can be accepted by anyone, even a child
- We have to accept Krsna as the guru, or Krsna's representative as guru. Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya (BG 4.34). And we have to give service to such guru and we have to surrender ourself
- We have to accept Krsna through the disciplic succession. There are four sampradayas, disciplic successions. One comes from Lord Brahma (the Brahma-sampradaya), and another comes from Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, - the Sri-sampradaya
- We have to accept this fact and thus understand the historical significance of Bhagavad-gita, without misinterpretation, on the authority of Krsna
- We have to renounce all material engagements and accept the lotus feet of Krsna. We are making one plan after another to be happy in this material world, but this place is certified by the SPG as duhkhalayam asasvatam (BG 8.15), a place of misery
- We have to take this knowledge from authority. Here is Krsna speaking. He's authority. We accept Krsna: the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His knowledge is perfect
- We may be imperfect, but Krsna is perfect. Therefore, whatever Krsna says, if we accept it and if we . . . Not accept blindly, but you can employ your logic and argument and try to understand, then your knowledge is perfect
- We must accept the principles of Bhagavad-gita, which constitute the ABC'S of dharma. Actually, we only have to accept the principle of surrender unto Krsna, but this acceptance comes after many, many births
- We must become advanced in knowledge and accept Vasudeva, Krsna, as the supreme
- We present Bhagavad-gita as it is. In the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is the Supreme Lord. In the, all the Vedic literature, Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Lord, person, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- We shall stick to Krsna consciousness. We shall accept what Krsna says and reject everything. Then we'll be saved
- We should at least theoretically accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and with that submissive spirit we can understand the Bhagavad-gita
- We should at least theoretically accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and with that submissive spirit we can understand the Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Introduction
- We should know then on the basis of authority that behind this gigantic material nature, the cosmic manifestation, there is God - Krsna - and that He is accepted by all Vedic authorities
- We think that we shall be loser by accepting Krsna. Nobody is loser. I say from my practical experience
- What is the value of a throne to Lord Krsna? The masters of the various planetary systems accept the dust of His lotus feet on their crowned heads
- Whatever Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam . . . accept it, then sraddha begins. Otherwise there is no sraddha
- When Arjuna at last comes to complete awareness, he accepts, "Krsna, You are param brahma, the Supreme Personality of Godhead." Then Arjuna surrendered, as Krsna advised - sarva-dharman parityajya - BG 18.66
- When Arjuna was perplexed by so many problems involving whether to fight or not, he accepted Lord Krsna as his spiritual master. It was also a case of the supreme spiritual master instructing Arjuna about the constitutional position of the living entity
- When guru speaks, you cannot argue. That is not the process. You should accept a guru who is infallible. Otherwise it is useless. He accepted guru Krsna because Krsna is infallible
- When He (Krsna) was present in the world, different classes of men accepted Him differently, and therefore their calculations of the Lord were also different
- When his (Arjuna's) problems could not be solved, he surrendered to Krsna and accepted Him as spiritual master
- When Krsna is accepted as an enemy, He becomes the most intolerable object for the nondevotee, who cannot tolerate Krsna within or without. Here (in SB 10.11.50) this is shown by the example of Bakasura
- When Krsna is in His pauganda age, some of His servants also accept Him as being in the kaisora age
- When Krsna says, "I am the Supreme Lord," we have to accept Him with faith, not foolishly, but with full knowledge, and practically apply this acceptance in our daily life
- When Krsna, the Absolute Truth, comes before you and says, "I am the origin of everything - everything comes from Me," why don't you accept Krsna as the Absolute Truth? Why do you take the impersonalist view only, that the Absolute Truth has no form
- When the Supreme Personality of Godhead appears, He accepts His eternal father and mother, and they accept Krsna as their son. This pastime takes place eternally and is therefore called nitya-lila. Thus there was no cause for surprise or ridicule
- When we come to the right conclusion, we accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, as the ultimate truth
- When we simply remember to accept the control of Krishna and not to act independently then all fortune is automatically present
- Whenever Krsna incarnates personally or as a devotee, Mayavadi philosophers accept Him as an ordinary human being. This is condemned in the Bhagavad-gita
- While Krsna was present on this earth, He displayed all six opulences. Therefore great sages like Parasara Muni have all accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- While mother Yasoda was thinking in this high philosophical way, Lord Krsna again expanded His internal energy just to bewilder her with maternal affection. Immediately mother Yasoda forgot all philosophical speculation & accepted Krsna as her own child
- Why should we accept a competitor? We should not simply engage in mental speculation but should accept Krsna in full consciousness and be happy. This is made possible by the help of the guru; therefore Devahuti is further questioning her son, Kapiladeva
- Why you are being carried away by the waves of maya and becoming drowned and sometimes up, sometimes down? Why you are wasting your life in that way? Jiva krsna das e biswas korle to. If you simply accept Krsna as your guidance, there is no more maya
- Within their minds, they (the young princesses) decided to accept Lord Krsna as their husband without hesitation. Each one of them prayed to Providence that Krsna might become her husband
- You (Lord Krsna) delivered the Vedic knowledge to Lord Brahma. For this reason, all the great saints accept Your forms as transcendental, untinged by material qualities
- You can never be happy in this material world, but you are trying to become happy in so many politician, social workers, this and that, simply wasting their time. They cannot be. You have to accept the leadership of Krsna
- You can never be happy in this material world, but you are trying to become happy in so many politician, social workers, this and that, simply wasting their time. They cannot be. You have to accept the leadership of Krsna. Then you will be happy.
- You have to accept Krsna as the proprietor. And it is accepted by all great personalities: Vyasadeva, Narada, Asita, Devala, all the acaryas. So unless we are grand fool, we can't deny this. We have to take knowledge by the disciplic succession
- You have to go to guru. Guru means who knows more than you. That is guru. So who can know more than Krsna? Therefore we have to accept Krsna as guru and learn from Him. Then you'll get perfect knowledge
- You must find out somebody whom you can accept as guru. That guru must be bona fide. Otherwise what is the use of accepting a bogus guru? So what is that bona fide guru? That bona fide guru means one who has accepted Krsna as guru
- You must follow the principles done by Arjuna. He surrendered to Krsna, - Krsna, I know You are my friend, but unless I surrender unto You, I accept You my spiritual master, it is not possible to know
- You say Maharshi belongs to the Sankara sampradaya. Sankaracarya accepts Krsna. Not as authority . . . he says: "Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead." He says this very word in his commentary
- You should note it that this Ninth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita is specially meant for the devotees, especially meant for the devotees, those who have accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- You, the Supreme Person, You are also speaking to me. And so far I am concerned, I have realized now that You are the Supreme Lord, Parabrahma. - So if we follow Arjuna, then there is no difficulty. Accept Krsna as Parabrahma
- Yudhisthira said, "The verdict of the Vedic wisdom is that You are the SPG. I want to establish this fact, and I also want to show the world the difference between accepting You as the SPG and accepting You as an ordinary powerful historical person"