All the above-mentioned thirty-one symptoms of ecstatic love are called vyabhicārī, or disturbing. All these symptoms refer to apparently disturbed conditions, but even in such disturbed conditions there is acute ecstatic love for Kṛṣṇa. These symptoms, however, can be divided into three groups: first class, second class and third. There are many other disturbing symptoms in ecstatic love, such as envy, anxiety, pride, jealousy, conclusion, cowardliness, forgiveness, impatience, hankering, regret, doubtfulness and impudence. These are included in all the thirty-one conditions of ecstatic love. Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī has very nicely analyzed the different kinds of disturbing symptoms, and although it is very difficult to find the exact English equivalents for many Sanskrit words used here, his analysis will now be presented.
When one becomes malicious upon seeing another's advancement of life, his state of mind is generally called envy. When one becomes frightened at seeing a lightning bolt in the sky, that fearfulness brings on anxiety. Therefore, fearfulness and anxiety can be taken as one. When someone wants to hide his real mentality, it is called avahittha, or concealment. When a person wants to exhibit superiority, it is called pride. Both of these can be classified under pretension. In a pretentious attitude both avahittha and pride are to be found. When one cannot tolerate an offense committed by another, it is called amarṣa, and when one cannot tolerate the opulence of another it is called jealousy. Jealousy and amarṣa are both caused by intolerance. When one is able to establish the correct import of a word, it can be called conclusiveness. And before such a conclusive determination of import, there must be thoughtful consideration. Therefore, the act of consideration is present during the establishment of a conclusion. When one presents himself as ignorant, it is called humility, and when there is absence of enthusiasm it is called cowardice. Therefore, in humility, there is cowardice also. When the mind is steadfast it is called enduring, and when one can tolerate others' offenses, that is called endurance. Therefore, forgiveness and endurance can be synonymous. When one becomes anxious for time to pass, that is called impatience, and when one sees something wonderful one is said to be struck with wonder. Impatience may be caused by being struck with wonder, and so impatience and being struck with wonder can be synonymous. When anxiety is in its dormant stage it is called hankering. Therefore, anxiety and hankering can also be synonymous. When one becomes regretful for some offense, his feeling is called bashfulness. In this way, bashfulness and regret can be synonymous. Doubtfulness is one of the aspects of argument. After exhibiting impudence one becomes restless. Therefore restlessness and impudence can be synonymous.