Prabhupāda: Japan and Los Angeles and India, that is not the whole thing.
Bhakti-prema: Yeah, that is not the whole thing, but it is basic point.
Prabhupāda: Huh . . . insignificant.
Bhakti-prema: According to Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, if we start from Los Angeles . . .
Prabhupāda: That argument also I have refuted. Just like animal, he is bound up. He is rotating around the log, and within that there may be Japan, there may be Calcutta, there may be Los Angeles. You can think this is there. But that is not all. Within that rounding circle, whatever is there, you may think this is all. But that is not all. He's limited condition. So within his limitation Gajar toiri hoyeche? (Is the carrot dish ready?)
Bhakti-caru: Hocche Srila Prabhupad. (It is being prepared Srila Prabhupāda.)
Prabhupāda: Within that limitation he's speaking. But Himalaya and other things—far beyond their limitation. That I have already explained. He's speaking within his limitation. Our position should be, correctly represent what is described in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. But if there is some question, we should ask. Just like I am answering to the reasonable point, that if you are conditioned, within your condition you can see, you can experience, but beyond that you have no right to see. What is Los Angeles, Calcutta, Japan, this is very insignificant space. And they're talking of that. We are talking that Himalaya mountain, "We have crossed over that Himalaya, we conquered the outer space." How they can think of it?