Prabhupāda: You are intelligent. You have understood. Now try to transfer knowledge to the innocent person. There must be father. That you are convinced?
Hari-śauri: Oh, yes.
Prabhupāda: So you cannot deny, "There is no God." That is not possible. The earth is the mother. They say "Mother country," "Mother earth." And everything is coming out from the earth. Beginning from the aquatic animals, grass, they are coming from material elements, either from water or from earth. That we can see. And they are coming from fire also, but we cannot see. But they are. It is common sense. If life can come from water, fire . . . fire is also one of the elements, five elements. So from fire also . . . therefore it is said, nainaṁ dahati pāvakaḥ (BG 2.23). Because it is coming from fire, therefore fire cannot harm the living entity. So mother is there, children are there. Where is the father? This is the logic. And the father is coming personally, "Yes, I am father." Ahaṁ bīja-pradaḥ pitā (BG 14.4). Then where is the chance for denying the existence of father? No. There is no chance, there is no logic. And the father is so rich, so powerful, so kind. And you are not taking shelter of your father. Your actual father, so great, so rich, so intelligent, so opulent. He promises, "My dear son, you surrender. I will give you all protection." He is giving protection. Still, He is assuring, and still you will not take shelter? That is intelligent? That is enviousness. Everyone can take. Everyone is suffering for misuse of their intelligence, denying the authority of God. And everyone can take advantage. We are giving that knowledge. Without any exception, everyone can take. This is our line. Accept the father, the bona fide father. Take protection from Him. He is able to give you everything. Why you are suffering? What is the logic?
Hari-śauri: They are just stubborn.
Prabhupāda: Stupidity. The father is there. Not only ordinary father, but the ablest, most powerful father. And we shall not take care? We shall not take care of the property of the father? It is my right to inherit the property of the father. That is natural. And I shall deny, and loiter in the street? And the greatest benefit to the human society—because the mad son is loitering in the street without any information of his father—to bring him back before the father. That is the best. He will be happy. This is our position.