Category:Denying God
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "Denying God"
The following 80 pages are in this category, out of 80 total.
- According to Sadananda Yogindra, because isvara, the Supreme Lord, is the reservoir of all ignorance, He may be called sarva-jna, or omniscient, but one who denies the existence of the omnipotent Supreme Personality of Godhead is more than isvara
- Actually, at the present moment all systems of religion deny the worship of the form of the Lord due to ignorance of His transcendental form
- All members of society remain always under the Supreme Lord's control. Still, some people foolishly deny the existence of God. Self-realization means to understand one's subordinate position in relation to the Lord
- Although they (the atheists) preach that everything is God, when they go to the temple and see the form of the Lord, they deny that He is God
- Anyone denying this surrendering process as recommended both in the Bhagavad-gita and in the Srimad-Bhagavatam - and, for that matter, in all authorized scriptures - will be forced to surrender unto the laws of material nature
- Anyone who denies the existence of God, he is mudha, ass. He is not human being. If you are intelligent enough, by seeing this flower you must admit there is God
- Anyone who is denying the existence of God, he is a rascal number one and beat him with shoes. Bas. He is being beaten with shoes by nature
- As long as a philosopher, salvationist or voidist has some desire to be supreme, to be everything, or to deny the existence of God, the cause remains, and there is no question of his liberation
- Atheists do not want God because they're always sinful, and if they think of God, that there is God, then there is a great risk of punishment. They shudder. Therefore they deny God
- Because that minute spirit soul is there, you are moving, you are acting, your brain is working, you are denying the existence of God, you are doing all these things
- Because they (materialistic people) deny the existence of God, illusion impels them: Yes, there is no God. Work hard and commit sins so that you may go to hell
- Being an impersonalist, Prakasananda Sarasvati used to explain the Absolute Truth as being without hands, legs, mouths or eyes. In this way he used to cheat the people by denying the personal form of the Lord
- Bhagavata means pertaining to God. So whatever your idea of God may be, that must be impressed from the childhood that, "There is God." Actually there is God. To deny God or "God is dead" is simply rascaldom
- Bhagavata means pertaining to God. So whatever your idea of God may be, that must be impressed from the childhood, that "There is God." Actually there is God. To deny God or "God is dead" is simply rascaldom
- Child will think the motorcar is running automatically. But a sane man will understand that there is a driver. So persons who deny the existence of God are like that
- Conditioned souls deny the existence of the Lord and the transcendental form of the Lord because they have no eyes of transcendental vision and because they cannot see the Personality of Godhead
- Every religion believes - not believes; it is fact - that there is God. Or any religion will deny the existence of God, is there any religion? I don't think. Is there any religion?
- Everyone is suffering for misuse of their intelligence, denying the authority of God. And everyone can take advantage. We are giving that knowledge. Without any exception, everyone can take
- Everyone is suffering for misuse of their intelligence, denying the authority of God. And everyone can take advantage. We are giving that knowledge. Without any exception, everyone can take. This is our line
- Everything see, the flowers & leaves, so artistically, beautifully manufactured that simply by seeing them you'll feel pleased. How the man can manufacture it? And still they are denying the existence of God & taking all the credit. How foolish they are
- Generally, the so-called learned philosophers, scientist, or so-called educated, they deny the existence of God. They depend more or less on their experimental knowledge of science
- God will come and drive you away from your present pride, prestigious position, "Get out." So unless one is madman, he cannot say, "There is no God." Anyone who denies the existence of God, he is a madman
- Hiranyakasipu was an atheist who denied the existence of God, but God came as Lord Nrsimha-deva, a half-man, half-lion incarnation, and killed him. Therefore praise is given to the Lord as supreme controller of the universe and all living entities
- Hiranyakasipu, the father of Prahlada, always denied the existence of the Lord, and he tried to kill his five-year-old boy due to the boy's unflinching faith in God
- How much intelligence has got God, we can imagine. If we, our teeny brain, we are so intelligent . But unfortunately the rogues, having got a brain from God, they are denying God
- Human society is becoming so degraded that they are trying to forget God. That is their advancement of civilization. The more you deny existence of God and become a so-called rascal scientist, then you are advanced. This is the position
- If God, or Krsna, is satisfied, then whole world is satisfied. The modern civilization is lacking this knowledge. Asuric civilization, demonic civilization, what to speak of satisfying God, they are denying the existence of God
- If there is God, then I become responsible for my sinful life. So therefore let me deny God: "There is no God," or "God is dead. Finish, finished
- If they (the atheists) thought that there were a God, they would shudder at the thought of punishment; therefore they deny His existence
- If you simply go to the people, "Oh, you are denying God. Don’t do this. God is very great. God has created this world. God is feeding everyone," simply these things we should speak to the people, by writing or speaking - you are rendering great service
- In explaining Vedanta I (Siva as Sankaracarya) describe the same Mayavada philosophy in order to mislead the entire population toward atheism by denying the personal form of the Lord
- In other words, the foolish leaders want to completely deny the existence of the Lord. In the name of secular state, such leaders are enacting various plans every year
- In that hard struggle for existence, they deny the existence of the supreme authority, Purusottama, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the Mayavadi commentary, the spiritual, transcendental form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead has been denied, and the Supreme Brahman has been dragged down to the level of the individual Brahman, the living entity
- In the Upanisads the description is more or less negation of the material conception of things, but this is not denial of the transcendental senses of the Supreme Lord
- In their philosophical discussions the Mayavadis deny the existence of the Supreme Lord's multifarious energies. Such sub-standard debates are indeed on the kindergarten level
- King Vena, the father of Prthu Maharaja, was condemned by the brahmanas and saintly persons because of his denying the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and rejecting the method of satisfying Him by performance of Vedic sacrifice
- Krsna is explaining Himself; God is explaining Himself. We shall not take that statement, but either we shall deny or we shall accept God without any head and leg and so on, so many things. This is our disease
- Krsna says, that those who are miscreants, always disobeying the laws of nature or always denying the prime factor behind the wonderful activities of nature, are mudha, rascals
- Miscreants always want to deny the Supreme Personality of Godhead and put stumbling blocks in the path of devotional service. The Lord sends His bona fide representatives and appears Himself to curb this nonsense
- My Guru Maharaja used to say this material world is a society of cheaters and cheated. That's all. I want to be cheated because I don't accept God. If there is God, then I become responsible for my sinful life. So therefore let me deny God
- Natural conclusion is when there are so many varieties of life in our presence, and they are, although in the same place, they haven't got the same facility, so there must be somebody who decides on this point. So how you can deny God
- No one can imagine the form of God, for God is so great. One may imagine some form, but that is a concoction; it is not the real form. There are those who imagine the form of God, and there are those who deny the form of God. Neither is a jnani
- Not only are the asuras envious of the Lord in even denying the existence of the Lord, but they are also envious of all other living beings
- Pariksit Maharaja said: "It is not that if I say there is no God that there will be no God or that I will not be responsible for what I do." The atheists deny God due to their sinful activities
- Partial realization of the Absolute Truth as impersonal Brahman denies the complete opulences of the Lord. This is a hazardous understanding of the Absolute Truth
- Persons with a poor fund of knowledge become illusioned & therefore the so-called scientists, physiologists, empiric philosophers, etc., become dazzled by the glaring reflection of the sun, moon, electricity, etc., & deny the existence of the Supreme Lord
- Saying that there is no God is direct denial of God, and saying that God exists but has no head, legs or hands and cannot speak, hear or eat is a negative way of denying His existence
- Some so-called scientists are also trying to manufacture living entities within the laboratory. Thus in one way or another everyone is busy denying the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and rejecting the supreme authority of the Lord
- Supreme Personality of Godhead, Supersoul, is the master of all living entities; He is the ultimate center of all living entities. So there is no denying the fact that the Supreme Supersoul and the individual soul are always different. BG 1972 purports
- The atheist directly denies the existence of the SPG, and the impersonalists support the atheists by stressing the impersonal aspect of the Supreme Lord. Thus far we have not come across any mantra in Sri Isopanisad in which the SPG is denied
- The atheist theoretically can deny the presence of God, but the presence of God in form of Death is present before him despite his flouting
- The current propaganda that "God is dead" is spread because people want to continue being rascals without restriction. This is the basic principle underlying the denial of God's existence. But however much we deny His existence, He will not die
- The greatest offense is to deny the existence of the Lord as separate from the individual souls or to accept the Lord and the individual soul as one and the same
- The Lord says in the BG that demoniac persons who deny the existence of the Lord are thrown more & more into the darkness of ignorance, and thus such demoniac persons transmigrate life after life without any knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Mayavadi cannot think beyond this material experience, and thus he denies the Lord's ability to sleep within the water
- The Mayavadi sannyasis deny the form of the Lord, which delivers all fallen souls. Indeed, the Mayavadi demons try to cut this form to pieces
- The person who denies the existence of the Lord and declares himself the Lord is called asura, and as such he is given protection by the strength of limited power subject to the sanction of the Lord
- The pleasing appearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead's bodily features, His limbs and His dress are described. The sankhya-sastra denies the existence of the Lord's transcendental form
- The second offense to the holy name is to deny that Lord Visnu is the Absolute Truth. There is no difference between His name, quality, form, pastimes and activities, and one who sees a difference is considered an offender
- The Supreme Living Entity or God, has got unlimited potency to create. I do not think that any reasonable intelligent man or scientist can deny
- There are many philosophers who propound a concept of the Absolute Truth in which God cannot do this or that. They deny the incarnation of God, or the Supreme Absolute Truth in human form
- There are some yogic schools. In America you'll find. They do not believe in God. But it is not actually... The yoga principle does not deny the existence of God. God is there
- There is no profit in denying the supremacy of the Lord, who is the controller of all energies, but one should be constitutionally situated in one's own glory, namely to be situated in the pure consciousness of being the eternal servitor of the Lord
- These materialistic persons, denying the next birth, denying sinful activities, denying God, they're closing their eyes, that "There is no danger. Let us go on doing all this nonsense." But that will not save
- These philosophers theorizing so many "I believe." So these things will not do. These things will not do. That is useless, simply waste of time. You must know there is God. How we can deny it? There is supreme power. I am being controlled every moment
- They (materialistic philosophers) deny the existence of God, who is the Supreme Person, different from all other persons. Under such a vague assumption, we remain in the same darkness as before
- They (mayavadis) deny that there is such a being as God. They say, "Everything is void." and sometimes they deny Him in a different way: "There may be a God, but He has no form." These conceptions arise from the rebellious condition of the living entity
- They (misguided men) artificially try to stop the activities of the senses (yoga system), or they deny the transcendental senses of the Lord - jnana system
- They have got university degrees. But why they do not do it? They are supposed to be very culturally advanced. So the answer is given there in the Bhagavad-gita, mayayapahrta-jnana asuram bhavam asritah (BG 7.15). Because their intention is to deny God
- This denial, that "I don't believe in God," is a existence like that, one who has forgotten his father and mother. That is maya, and that is material consciousness. Denying God in different way, "There is no God," that is also denial
- This same goal (merge into the Supreme Brahman) is attained by atheists who deny the existence of God. If such atheists are killed by an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they also merge into the Brahman existence of the Supreme Lord
- We can see God in every moment. But if we deny to see God, then God will be present before us as the cruel death
- When rabbits are attacked by larger animals, they close their eyes and think, "I am not going to be killed," but they are killed anyway. Similarly, we may deny the existence of God and His laws, but still God and His laws are there
- When various kings or landholders are subordinate to an emperor, they sometimes rebel and refuse to pay taxes. Similarly, there are rebellious persons who deny the supremacy of God and declare themselves God, and Krsna's business is to kill them
- Who wants to die? And who is forcing me to die? How we can deny the superior power? I do not want to become old man, and superior power forces me, "You must become old man." So, so long there is force behind you, you have to act according to that