Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter dated September 5, 1972, duly delivered to me by hand of Shyamasundar, and I have noted the contents carefully. Regarding your questions, Seva Pūja1 means only for daily worship of deities. The building fund will construct, the book fund will maintain, and this fund is for daily expenditure of Seva Pūja or worship of the deities only. So far your administrative duties as secretary of Mayapur-Vṛndāvana Trust Fund are concerned, that will be informed you. For the time being, rents should be collected by Karandhar and sent to India. How it will be done I shall think over and let you know. As for the responsibility for proper spending, the man in charge or the president will be responsible in Mayapur and Vṛndāvana.
Regarding my personal servant, I have taken one boy, Sruta Kirti, as my personal servant and Nanda Kumar has remained in New Vṛndāvana with Kirtanananda Maharaja.
Now we have got a very big task before us to purchase the skyscraper building on 40th Street. So I am entrusting that you and Bali Mardan and the other big leaders there in New York will be able to do it. Cooperate amongst yourselves and try to raise the funds very scrupulously and if you remain serious and sincere in your efforts to get this wonderful building for Kṛṣṇa, He will give you all help and guidance how to do it, without any doubt.
Hoping this meets you in good health.