Category:Krsna Temples
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Pages in category "Krsna Temples"
The following 109 pages are in this category, out of 109 total.
- After arati was performed for the Deities in the temple, Lord Krsna was made to lie down to rest. Advaita Acarya then came out to submit something to Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- All over the world we are getting more respectable and we are getting big big houses for our Radha Krishna Temples, but if yours is the biggest, then I must certainly come there and see it
- Are we wasting our time by decorating a doll, a statue, and we are struggling so hard to establish a temple of Krsna? No
- Auspicious indeed are the places where there is a temple of the SPG, Krsna, in which He is duly worshiped, and also the places where there flow the celebrated sacred rivers mentioned in the Puranas, the supplementary Vedic literatures
- Bathing ceremony is technically called abhiseka, and even today this is observed in all the temples of Vrndavana on Janmastami Day, or the birthday anniversary of Lord Krsna
- Because we (the members of the Hare Krsna movement) live in the temples of Radha-Krsna and continuously hold hari-nama-sankirtana - the chanting of Hare Krsna - we consequently live in Vrndavana and nowhere else
- Because we do not see Krsna everywhere, we should come to the temple to see Krsna, who kindly appears there, by His mercy, in a manner in which we can see Him
- Bhagavan Sri Krsna is present in the temple Deity, and even if a child comes to offer his respects, he is counted as a devotee
- Brahma said, "Because their (Inhabitants of Vrndavana) attachment has been directed unto You & their homes have been converted into temples by Your constant presence there, & because they have forgotten everything for Your sake, there is no impediment"
- By associating with the members of such a center (Krsna temples) people will automatically become uninterested in material affairs. Although this is an ambitious proposal, this association is proving effective by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Do not worry about past mistakes and falldowns. Krsna has given you a new chance in taking care of one of His ISKCON temples, so the future is very bright
- Due to fear of the Muslims, the Gopala Deity was moved from one place to another again and again. Thus giving up His temple, Lord Gopala would sometimes live in a bush and sometimes in one village after another
- Especially during the days of the Jhulana and Janmastami ceremonies, the ladies of India still throng up in the greatest number at the temple of the Lord, where His transcendental eternal form is worshiped
- Even the temple is not open, it is still Krsna's temple. It is not different from Krsna. Sri-vigraharadhana-nitya-nana-srngara . . .. You should always remember that. And the temple management very nicely means to render service to Krsna
- Everyone rises early in the morning to offer worship to the Deities. The devotees prepare nice food for Krsna, they decorate the temple, make garlands, go out chanting, and sell books
- Everyone was astounded that such a large statue had come from such a distance, and they built a temple on the spot in honor of the Deity, and today people are still worshiping Saksi-Gopala, the Lord as a witness
- Everywhere is Vrndavana. Wherever there is Krsna's temple, Krsna's sankirtana, that is Vrndavana
- Festivities in the temple of the Lord, as held generally, are like festivals performed during the manifestive days of the Lord of Dvaraka, about five thousand years ago
- For less intelligent men there must be such things as temples, mosques or churches so that they may begin to recognize the authority of the Lord (Krsna) and hear about Him from authorities in such holy places
- For less intelligent persons, bowing down before the authority of the Lord (Krsna), as generally done in the temples, mosques or churches, is as beneficial as it is for the advanced devotees to meditate upon Him by active service
- Form of the Lord (installed in a temple) is called arca-vigraha, or arca incarnation, and is expanded by the Lord by His internal potency just to facilitate the devotional service of His innumerable devotees who are in the material world
- From my childhood I was very much fond of Radha-Krsna, and now my good disciples are helping me to open so many Radha-Krsna temples all over the world. It gives me so much pleasure
- He engaged his eyes in seeing the Deity of Krsna, Krsna's temples and Krsna's places like Mathura and Vrndavana, he engaged his sense of touch in touching the bodies of the Lord's devotees
- He engaged his legs in walking to the holy places and temples of the Lord, his head in bowing down before the Lord, and all his desires in serving the Lord, twenty-four hours a day
- His eyes in seeing the Deity of Lord Krsna in the temple, his body in embracing Vaisnavas or touching their lotus feet, his nostrils in smelling the aroma of the tulasi leaves offered to Krsna's lotus feet, his tongue in tasting food offered to Krsna
- His legs in going to places of pilgrimage like Vrndavana and Mathura or to the Lord's temple, his head in touching the lotus feet of the Lord and offering Him obeisances, and his desires in serving the Lord faithfully
- I want to establish many Radha Krishna Temples in all important towns and countries of the Western World. I am not only establishing Temples, but I am creating the devotees of the Temples
- I want to see my disciples all over the world introduce two items, opening Radha-Krsna temples and Ratha-yatra festivals. Do this under the protection of Guru-Gauranga
- I wish to train up the American youths in the line of devotional service and entrust them with Temples of Sri Sri Radha Krishna in various parts of this part of the world
- If Krsna desires, this temple you have designed may actually become ISKCON Manipur
- If one daily sees the Deity in the temple, makes offerings by worshiping the Deity, chants the holy name of the PG, & preaches about the glorious activities of God as much as possible, he thus becomes attached to Krsna. This attachment is called asakti
- If one is not able to construct a temple for Krsna, one can engage himself in cleansing the temple of Krsna; that is also Krsna-karma. BG 1972 purports
- If the devotee knows perfectly that the arca-vigraha, or Deity form of Lord Krsna in the temple, is exactly the same sac-cid-ananda-vigraha as Krsna Himself, then his service to the temple Deity becomes direct service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If you want to offer me something, you inquire that "What shall I offer you? What do you like?" Similarly, if you invite Krsna to live in your house or temple, then you should ask Krsna, "Sir, what can I offer You?" Krsna said, patram puspam phalam toyam
- In India, especially in Gujarat, there are many temples of Krsna known as temples of Ranacoraji. Ordinarily, if a king leaves the battlefield without fighting he is called a coward
- In the Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya, there is a statement about the benefit of visiting the temples of Lord Krsna
- In the London streets, introduction of Rathayatra procession, as well as Lord Caitanya's Birthday ceremony procession, and in the most important part of the city, a Radha Krsna Temple - all these things are great achievement of your London Yatra party
- In the Varaha Purana, also, there is a statement praising the touching of the Deity of Sri Krsna in the temple
- In the vision of higher devotees, Krsna actually lives everywhere, but because we are in a lower condition, we should know that for us Krsna lives in the temple
- In Vrndavana there are five thousand temples, Krsna. Five thousand, ten thousand people are going. You know in India there are so many pilgrimages. So do you think all these temples established by our predecessor, they are all fools?
- Indeed, for Krsna's sake they are prepared to accept any living condition as long as they can live in the temple and associate with the Vaisnavas
- It is better to accept food offered to Krsna in the temple than to try to imitate (of doing madhukari of) Sanatana Gosvami and Rupa Gosvami
- King Ambarisa engaged his legs in traveling to the holy place where His (Krsna's) temple is situated, his head in offering obeisances unto the Lord, and his desires in fulfilling the desires of the Lord
- Krsna is Bhavagrahi Janardana. Krsna has many Temples big and small, besides that He has his own abode in the Spiritual Sky, Goloka Vrndavana, so all our plans are under the jurisdiction of Bhavagrahi
- Krsna is everywhere, but because we have got now our limited knowledge - we are not advanced - therefore we take a spot, the temple, and always think of Krsna, that - This is Krsna's place. This is Krsna's temple. We must take care of it
- Krsna should not be considered as ordinary being. We are worshiping Krsna in this temple, not an ordinary human being. But Krsna is so kind. He is the SPG. He is greater than the greatest, and still, He can become smaller than the smallest
- Krsna, when He was present on this earth, so many people saw Him. And since then, there are so many temples of Krsna's Deity, Krsna's form
- Kuntidevi prays to the Lord, "This prosperity is due to Your glance." When we sit in the temple of Krsna, Krsna glances over us, and everything is nice
- Maharaja Ambarisa always engaged his mind at the lotus feet of Krsna, his words in describing the spiritual world and the S P of Godhead, his hands in cleansing and washing the Lord's temple, his ears in hearing topics about the Supreme Lord
- Maharaja Ambarisa always engaged his mind in meditating upon the lotus feet of Krsna, his words in describing the glories of the Lord, his hands in cleansing the Lord's temple, and his ears in hearing the words spoken by Krsna or about Krsna
- Moving temple means through bus, going from one place to another. That is better. From one temple, they go from village to village, town to town. That will be nice. Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally did not establish any temple. He was moving. Is it not?
- Mr. Harrison is purchasing 172 acres of land near London, and it is expected that he will construct a temple of Radha-Krishna there. This is also very encouraging news
- Neither we should be careless to take care of Krsna's property, Krsna's living being, Krsna's house, Krsna's temple, Krsna's business, everything Krsna's. If we think like that, then that is perfect Krsna consciousness
- New devotees should be told that the Christian preaching is already there; so if they are attracted by Christianity, the Christian Temples are there. When one comes to the Krishna Temple, he should try to understand Krishna Consciousness
- Now you can begin a new life. It does not matter that you do not live within our temple, since you say your health does not permit. But you can make your home a temple for Krsna
- Now, Krsna is there. We have got Krsna's picture, Krsna's photo, Krsna's temple, so many Krsna's. They are not fictitious. They are not imagination, as the Mayavadi philosopher thinks, that "You can imagine in your mind." No
- One can simply sweep over the floor of Krsna's temple. That will make him remembering Krsna, that "I am cleansing the floor of Krsna's temple." He's as good as the editor of Back to Godhead
- One gentleman has come to me here in Indore and he has offered us one small Krsna Temple in Vrndavana with room for about 20-25 men
- One should be very much inclined to live within the circle of a temple environment in which the form of Krsna is worshiped
- One should come to the temple, listen to talks about Krsna, & then, after some time, officially take initiation into the service of the Lord. That is called bhajana-kriya. At that time one has to abandon illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating & gambling
- One should learn to bow down immediately upon seeing the Deity or the spiritual master. 6) As soon as one visits a temple of Lord Krsna, one must stand up
- So bhakti-marga is not very difficult. Very easy. Any child can do it. Any child, if he sees the form of Lord Krsna in the temple, he remembers, and he continues to think of Krsna
- So far Hindu religion is concerned, there are millions of Krishna Temples in India and there is not a single Hindu who does not worship Krishna. Therefore, Krishna Consciousness movement is not a concocted idea. The chanting process is also authorized
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw the Gopala Deity for three days. On the fourth day, the Deity returned to His own temple
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - Inscribed on a tablet are the names of Srinatha Pandita and his father and grandfather and the date of construction of the temple - of Krsna Raya
- Srila Rupa Gosvami and Sanatana Gosvami collected many revealed scriptures, and from the evidence in those scriptures they excavated all the lost sites of pilgrimage. Thus they established temples for the worship of Lord Krsna
- The authorized acaryas, who know the science perfectly, install such temples of the Lord under regulative principles just to offer facilities to the common man
- The Bhagavad-gita's process of purifying consciousness is the process of fixing one's mind on Krsna by talking of His transcendental activities, cleansing His temple, going to His temple
- The Bhagavad-gita's process of purifying consciousness is the process of fixing one's mind on Krsna by talking of His transcendental activities, cleansing His temple, going to His temple - CC Preface
- The conversation was taking place in the temple before the Deity of Gopala Krsna, and the young man was anxious not to offend the Deity. However, despite the youth's pleas, the old man insisted on the marriage
- The Gopala Deity then returned to His own temple, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu remained at the bottom of the hill. Thus all the desires of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu were satisfied by the Gopala Deity
- The home of Sivananda Sena was situated on the bank of the Ganges near an almost ruined temple. It is said that Nimai Mullik of Calcutta saw this broken-down temple of Krsna Raya while he was going to Benares and thereafter constructed the present temple
- The King was very much anxious to establish a temple of Krsna, Balarama and Subhadra, but there was a contract between the sculptor and the King that the sculptor would go on working in closed door and the King should not disturb him
- The ladies or men who observe festivals in the temples of the Lord just to have a look at the transcendental form are a thousand times more glorious than those who are nonbelievers in the transcendental form of the Lord
- The Lord is the Lord of everyone, including the great kings and emperors, and men who are rich in the estimation of mundane people must therefore make it a point to visit the temple of Lord Sri Krsna and regularly bow down before the Deity
- The next process of devotional service is arcanam, worship of the Deity, the form of Krsna in the temple. It is not that one should worship Krsna once a week or once a month. Rather, one should worship Krsna twenty-four hours a day - nitya
- The nine kinds of devotional service are hearing about Krsna, chanting about Him, remembering Him, offering service to His lotus feet, offering Him worship in the temple, offering prayers to Him
- The nine kinds of devotional service are hearing, chanting, remembering Krsna, offering service to Krsna’s lotus feet, offering worship in the temple, offering prayers, working as a servant, making friendship with Krsna and surrendering to Krsna
- The same thing (temples of Krsna's Deity, Krsna's form) as it is stated in the Vedic literature, they saw also personally, and they made statues, and they are being worshiped regularly. There are thousands of thousands of temples of Krsna
- The Six Gosvamis and their followers started many temples, including the temples of Govinda, Gopinatha, Madana-mohana, Radha-Damodara, Syamasundara, Radha-ramana and Gokulananda
- The sixty-four regulative principles (of devotional service) are as follows: (7) To live in a place where Krsna is present - a city like Vrndavana or Mathura, or a Krsna temple
- The temple itself, the temple paraphernalia and the food offered to the Deity are also not separate from Krsna
- The temple of Ksira-cora-gopinatha still exists in this village, and within the temple the samadhi tomb of Rasikananda Prabhu, the chief disciple of Syamananda Gosvami, can still be found
- The Tiloks on the forehead and other parts of the body are symbolic representation of Radha Krishna Temples. In other words by marking Tiloks on all parts of our body we become protected by the Lord from all sides
- The transcendental form of the Lord installed in a temple is not different from the Lord personally
- The worship of the Deity of Krsna in the temple is also direct contact with Govinda. Sri-vigraharadhana-nitya-nana-srngara-tan-mandira-marjanadau
- The young men and women at the ISKCON temple are giving everything they have for giving others a chance to come and worship at an authorized Radha-Krishna temple
- There are millions of Krishna Temples in India and there is not a single Hindu who does not worship Krishna. Therefore, this Krishna Consciousness movement is not a concocted idea
- This goodness, passion and ignorance, the division. And how to nirguna? When you live in a temple of Krsna, that is nirguna. That is transcendental. So if you live in a society like this, Krsna consciousness, then you are nirguna
- This is life of Krsna, worshiping Krsna in the temple, to sell Krsna's books, SB, BG, to think of Krsna - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna - to eat krsna-prasadam, to take all risk for Krsna, to do work for Krsna, as Arjuna, to fight for Krsna
- This Krsna consciousness movement wants to see that every house has become a temple of Krsna
- We are giving chance all over the world, opening this Radha-Krsna temple, giving them chance to chant the glories of the Lord. That means it is going to their credit
- We are opening temples of Krsna and requesting everyone, "Please become devotee of Krsna." And then after opening temple, go away and manufacture some, another philosophy - we are not such nonsense
- We give immediately alternative. You dance. You don't dance in the naked club; dance in the Krsna's temple
- We have, of course, established so many temples, but still we require to establish temples, Radha-Krsna temples, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's temple, in every village, every town of the world
- We must avoid the risk of a separatist movement, unity is our purpose; just like in London where the Indians are starting their own Hindu Radha-Krsna Temple
- We must work for Krsna's sake. We shall go to the Krsna's temple, or we shall go for selling Krsna's books, or meeting some Krsna devotee
- We shall go to the Krsna's temple, or we shall go for selling Krsna's books or meeting some Krsna devotee. That is nice. But you cannot stop working. That is not possible. Then your idle brain will be devil's workshop. Yes. Then you will fall down
- When one comes to the Krishna Temple, he should try to understand krishna Consciousness. Actually, one who is advanced will not find any contradiction. The Christians teach love of Godhead, and we practically do it
- When the Deities were laid down to rest, the priest came out of the temple and offered all twelve pots of sweet rice to Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- When we see the Deity in the temple, we think, "Oh, this is an idol. It is not Krsna." If we think in this way, we have not seen Krsna. Krsna is also present in His words, in Bhagavad-gita. That is krsna-vani, the message of Krsna
- When we worship this metal form of Krsna (the Deity form in the temple), that is Krsna. That's a fact, because metal is an energy of Krsna. Therefore, it is nondifferent from Krsna, and Krsna is so powerful that He can present Himself fully in His energy
- Why are we worshiping Krsna in the temple by offering Krsna so many comforts, dressing Him, decorating Him, and giving Him nice food
- Why not join together in this Krishna Consciousness movement and construct an unique and imposing KRSNA temple in London, the most important city of the world